New Orleans Republican (New Orleans, La.) 1871-01...

4 NE v !W ORLEANS REPUBLICS N, TUESD j STOLE COPIES: TEN GENTS. AUCTION SALES. By Neville & Van Solingen. M'.’.NT ROSEWOOD AND BATIN' IV.Iil.OK SHY TION. A U C T i IL "'"" - - i ; d i o a l , By Placid- - ■ ----- -a-’W'S LMl'ROVKD REAL F>TATF. ... ., ' TKICT. -JON (■ > ■ V. :V-.K-NE. VOLUME IV—NO. 227. ------- ,7 to 7 0N SALES. MISf—--------- Girardey & Cc. A . E' ft!:/ ------- Having * ucJGE .ON ST. ANDREW S7REL, UCt*, Nf;' M iVl-AMON OF EOSAI.1K MKlLI iVl K LUN^OUS. -E OF LOUISIANA. ",vrK ™k a(*ftpteu Ly ^ reh^, St'UOLti F-lS i t tor tlit* r,, ., / vi^UARY 3 , 1871 . ......... AMUSEMENTS. V a CAPEMY OK Ml SJV. X TiH: IIOUIIAT festivals »l «OBti&utt voyk. U oejr.jc iv the LAST WEEK OF THIS ^ai#*tr CoiitMiue (•roupv o f Sp^wtitlefc i-M» >,A>IMOTIl lllRLEHiB E TIfOLPE. m Nev SpiM'ialn* mi*: Variety G«*m# Vuiiotv (’omj.juiv ;;t »;ylj »*nt^*rJHin- ’O^ <,riv0 °* L>’Jcruin(£ nivoi lt 1 r, U KEn HIDING HOOD, StNllUAD THK SAILOR SON < III SOF, THK PEM.U.K MINSTULLS, VXD 1l, ION. FQR SALE. 1 X0 K S A l . E . - l GENTLEMANS TIRKOUT. confuting »;t :%fast yonn** Trntl«*r, splendid 'I’op U’ .nruA, Fine Harm**#, Kobt'S, Blanket, Whip, etc.. to ! kt mo 1*\ on su*4;o«uit of departure. Pri««, $>tm. Address <\ nt t!:i# ettke. d**31 1 B ay st . Louis lots , on nicholson uvemie. extendin'; from the Ne\> Orleans, Mobil** a id Chattanooga Railroad to tin* bay, :m* now for sale on easy terms, and it prices varying irom two hundred to one ihou#iiiul dollar# e.aHi. m .1. .1. ALSTON, d< 11 Ira So. 32 (.'aixradelet stiw L riUVO-STORY PKAMK COTTAtiK AND .L lot of ground thirty by ninety feet, on Coil- #t.»ntinopli street, ’oetween Perrier and Prytania, for sale at the ver\ low price of HfeOuO . One-third cash, sfc1200 in on* year without interest, and the ' mi Liuire in two years, with ei^rht per rent interest. J. 4. ALSTON, dell In:. No. 32 Cnrond< let street. Hominy, .inunary 9. 1 i-rftt appearance. • >: the eriixieut A**lr« # M l** LliCILLK WESTERN. it:pnnrt<Hl|by MR. 4. A. HERN and tlm Ac.# I'Bt* d Dramatic Oompan; . |KW OP K it A ItO lsK . A LABRE SI..................................... .... .MANAC HR i* w!h), Jaunary li, 1SJ 1, Paer’s Opera, in one act, LK RAITKE HE TllAPELU:. A DIVERTISSEMENT. EE CHALET, Oi*ers hi one aet. by Adam.#. To conclude \* ith a Vuiutavillc- in one ftoi, LES FORFAITS |)E WPERMANs. boors op* n at half-pant #;x. and thy performance jOUMiieo«*es at seveu o'clock, precis**:}. Ticket# *an be beared lor the />pera al Crnre m M* hmins.* stole, No. 129 Canal street. L jmu SALE*— AN L'NDIVIHKU INTKRKS'I IN more tJiai: lO .O'iO;»« r**.s of land in the ]»arisli**H ol La fourth* St. 4j ;iu*s ami Assumption, near the 0|*el*i»isas an*! <niattanoo*;u Railroads; Those lands are heavily limbered. :tn*l are very vain able. The iiJ-heaHh *»V the ovvi or induce# him to otter tin in at ii ';> c*- l ’! s imr acre. Ap|#l> i*» i? M. ROBINSON, Real Estate .Viem, *1*29 No. 24 (,'unnm teial t*laee. A. ^ CHARLIE THEATRE. onfintied e* Timsinsin and crowded houses att* -t tin snee«.*#s of LYUIA THO.HPSON TROCTE. TMr EviMiiiiff. und Saturday .llatiuee. 1 he most popular burlesque of SIXDliAD THK SAILOR; OK. WIIaT harper says. harper, tb*- iuiimtnhle. W. B. Cahill: Sinbad tin- S.ilor, Mis# Kliza Wr «th**r#by; Kohiuoor, Mi*vs Min- in* WaltoL. Ali. tti«* l»«»ih*r Storeman. M. W. l iske; Biliz, Miss K«*ls* v; S*-liTn, Mis# Heatheote: Sultan, Mss A: non : AlaVke. Miss Wheat lei "h: C»*ry Pirate. J. W. Brutom*: Musical Director. Mr. Frederick UsDt. Splendid n»us;« , gorjreons secuerv. et<'. Pinny evening, m nebt Miss Minnie Waltoc. ja3 It 1 7 « U SA L K OR K E N T .—A PLEASANT AND . valuable property in L* wisburjx, two hourd run Irom New Orleans; cutt-a^e liouse, otit-h.ousiw.. v.liarf and bath-house and spaeious ^i*»umls. Will bo sold or rented to a ro * m 1 n aimt. very cheap. For ]*tic« and term# apply to George H. Penn, Eso., Attorney- at-Law. No. 44 Exchange Place, room No. 1H1second li*>or. N*> yellow fever or cholera was ever known to prevail i t this plan . jylh tf 1 J O R S A L K .—ONE OF THE FINEST SECTIONS . of ummprov* d Sugar Land in the State, in the parish of Il***r\ille. P is about nine miles from the Mississippi river, and that s****tion of country has 'never been oversowed. ’Hu1rhaltanouga Railroad, now iti rapid pro**eRs *»f construction in the irnme- 'hate viein t v, runs bf*tWH*n two and three miles in front of this land, while tb* ILiilro:vd pauses its n^ir some six miles distant. It is un- aoubtedly the most valuable tract of unimproved Sugar Laud in the State, and as to soil, timber and locality it is unsurpassed. For partu ulars, anply to H. M. ROBINSON, Real Estate Agent, 24 Commercial Place. an 14 tf OPERATION'S 01' B01;’0 BT RO LA R> A JEVELEY STOKE BOBBED An Iron Siin- N o ' l‘rote«*tlon S i T. i; ullcr tLo Xr'.v > «vl i.U<i 'L- li.-h- <r<Hl into rid', o..r. citizens vreiv i-tintlot! t'v newt* thin onv the riclu-st jewelry htoriv on Cnmp ^t•’ ‘i t despoileil hi :i buH*lre<l liollars worth «>1‘ iliiuiioucU. wati-ht- ,rn«' other iiiu- vrnn . i>y h. of th- ni.csjicfate 601't. Knrly in tin' morning n: j^;iu*‘iw< f inwii of i itizens rongrogiiTetl ai -;'i.• <ornev ol Camp ami t’annl >treetA. ciif^r 10 gu'lnv jnnti*’ulars of the great roo'>< •; \ . anil ninny iui|irohahle eonjri-ture* wore oCereii. Afoat sexen o’l loek in ti e morning, an iiidIovi- .n the jiliorograpll ga ierv of Mr. Mom .-. . nrn< - of (lim pam l I .lUit’ streets, sexsiml . on entering i!is< oxeieii t’uat dome one hail been there hei'U-e him. as several ileors were found lor. i d ojten. A <]et.i at :!.<■ fe-t, of the. -tans * on Canal street, xx ;i. the simple l.t>ten .ig-. must have b. t r. the starting point f.-y the bur- glars. (.tuietly passing np am ; inCx the saloon, the • uiy oji]>osition me* *ve;; xon- sisteii of three or four doors. oi?> one of xvhiel et'.iit. is- ea-.lx le . ‘ ed or .*■ * lot ss HOMICIDE ON COJIMON STUB E l A NEW V ICVU’S VUKDEK ABE SITE DEUKEEN MAN BILLED s*• >•'r o ■ o.*h >!ihci«iv • iv n m g Coder, iiitoxirated, 'Mas passing unirmii >:jv* t , Lowtcrou** siml ill- his ii ai.ner. When in front ol the no se. No. x’dd ( 't»li'.nion street. ■, 1 'r.f persons of both-exes were tongue gjixe o r; to •ks. Ilis cofniuci was At toot L'o Lllfid along < suiting : hoardiu, where ' standing, his unruly some x. rv Jmb' reun ur.ealled lVji*. as none of the people present bad spohei; ’..i or even imlioed b m. Per- sisting in thrusting himself on their eom- tianv. n xras warned off, but seemed iu- elined to intrude, iis drunken men v. ii). It the iiujUe-t, usterilay held l y t or. nej Creagb, tlie lojlowing vp > 'W i \ xm . s elieited Joseph Wi ruer, testitieii —slteoil a. ttie CONFLAGRATION AMONG STEAMBOATS The New Year’s Inauguration ! RVL STEAMBOATS BIKNE1* About i.alf-pas* live o'clock Sunday morn- ing a tire oec-urred on the steamer Magenta, advertised to fake the place of the Lee on her regular trip to-day. Tlie tire is said to have been caused by the upsettinggf a coal oil lump in thf nursery nwun, under the ia- dies* rubin. but all our efforte to ascertain positively ii-s origin have failed. The -Ma- B Y TELEG a : .Per ’L... ..... .. . 3S * * A5t S3 H3 • • !k tv* • • i ! LATEST NEWS FHOW ALL FRENCH IRON-CLAD ORDERED TO LEA u. MISCELLANEOUS^ / tAKPET AND Ol l> * I.OTII ' ------ -- Vy WAtUiiiorsii. MU K IN & CO., 1<»>..................... (null slreel ...................... \rr rt-eeiX iwg nexv six ies or mm KXM.ISFI, VELVET AND BUPSarbS I'.tRPKTf- ^ wliicli tiicy otfer at cxtrcm«*I,\ low juices. % Tlucc-PIy nnd frf»r:iiu Ciirrxtin^, Floor L f’loth#. all width#, Wiml.jw SImh I**-* Cornice#, (■*;; tain Good.-*, etc. del4 lin UINDK1ES ....................... SINDRUW POTATOES— I'm barn* s Pirikiye# Jackson Whites. Dnckc .v.i. ami ai! kinds ol Seed Potatoe#. 1 1W0 barrels Choice Russets and Peacii Slows, for 9 _____ ^ !/•••• ubb* use. !li ' . ^ ft, \ ONIONS—>oObiirn 1# Re*l nnd Silver Skuia. TEE DEATH OT DEEEBAL Jkith, ^ J LANS—2"0 barrels Choice Nj ~v VVliit«j. ^IKD APPLKS—75 barrels Choice New. ’•L’R—250 barrels Choice Family. AND GRAIN iu lots to suit. A SHARP NOTE FROM BISMARCK j AFPKEHElx'DEL* OUIBEEAE IK kPAIK edge.; Is. in • Tb-. ting ai; o gain admittance Scoob-rs jewelry r seem to bavx >-i 'ranee a! u he lower r...e. No. In-T Well FOR RENT. jj li A u i m ; s a. s. m i: L A D ! X V S i. 1E WILKINS’ Mnsmiie Ha’I. Tknrsitnx, January J, IS71. at 8 H. M. J ......................................... <Jl»e Loll l 1 1 0 8 REST-COTTON PLANTATION IN THE /’.irish of Point** Coupee, al Simm^port: 12 b acre# inclosed and ready for culti\ati*m; uoed brick dvcUin^hooSA and cabin* for laborers; cotton pin. stable# and n* e«*#**;uy oil!build)ups Joe making a crop: land first ehis.-. Terms: #1.000 per annum, one-half pay able iu advance. Apply to *1**25 S. SKYMbtiJ, No. 2HCari»ndelet street. R 003IM TO R E N T —ONE OR TWO KINK, Large, airy, comfortably Fumislie l Rooms ran | t>«* had in a private family, with *r without hoard, « when* th** French and Kn^linli lan^ua^eB nre ! #]>oken. mid tree from the Himoy.mco of ehi’drec. ! by.applying at No. J21 M. Ann street, conn r of ; Lerbiuny. The ear# piss within a 4ew door# of j the house. Terms very mode rale. ocJb F O R R E N T .—PLEASANT ANDCOMFOKTABLB furni#ht*d rooms, without V»;ird, to rent at | pric**a varying from ten to titty dollars ]>er ) month. Apply at No. 114 8t. Charles street, corner '■ of Nort h. ' au£ nn»o: feiy M yFri* >r h I. L. 18*i [SI •AS*** It* . i*iI anuav kllUMk ■ H i LAVA.** JK ioofh KAMI MVTTEttV OF THE BAZAR ’■<!< THK KVJ.IKV OF THE SUFFERERS f V THE WAR IN KKAV E. -ol.* xxi, p* .-giv**Iy at Ik.- N.. Lx.oii- I . ‘’o^oii Jluiidiix. Jnnunry 9. I ST I, Avsli o'd'.vl: t'. M, .ni<! e»cry • vtciiig ti,f r> a:tr- ititil i-xhauaii >1. ' uinujoi.tMt on* Iiundn ij Hint f Tty-t'T. * BC7.*'-. Villa*..! ;t! r l'o ” - 85, iii*'la*luig HXK *0 - YE THiU SXXD DOLLARS IN HOLD. am. a:-* ’l l ...\ i,rti*.l*‘6 or an*'or <»rnamfciir *.i!n* <! tro**1 **uo > /•-»■«i to <*iie thousand dollar# e;»eh. k»rty Diousaml *-lianees repn -e’i-'^ :.v mary kets. about three-fourths * » t > - ' . a w - air* ;.*ly en sold. * . , . , 1 ’lie T*ublb* .<**e Invited >•■**tt**nu th*-d-:.w iJtg. :«?id .11 tlier.-bv be ;»bt« j^Viscerfaiu List* ;iJr .mi! *:«»:- '< ur np* ;• m w • ^ iS ‘'<M idu<*G-*J. Sud* chance - rio ‘M * un<llspo*'* d of at th. J. 0, the to remain t: •• 1 *' :*er:y of the i ;ir ,-• ''eii as rueh pri//*—U t Va mL..*- 0 -<t i:elect*# '' * a ri?(» Ot u tjeLci. yi l ":ekei* re!* Kile nt the prin«-ipa* “U»r.yi «>:• * '.v.i.*l t tVi iu Camp and Chart tv# t** RauqiiUT. and * l - ot\ ■*• *•.» ) *>: rbe *it y. FELIX LARUE; President. A LBIN ROCKEREAR. F. TC.TAGUK. D. H. < haf>’ ra:' . L. E. MARCHAND. H. DUBOS, WANTED. 100K V»ANTEiyKlTKF.Ii WHITE OR COE ei ed. Npply at tiie •;t\m-v corner of K t . CliarTe# n' ......... * • or f *> i mS o. J. Story Building •ail 2t \V ANTED TO R E N T —AT .x m w THICK a simh’I FI KNIsHKI* H(»rsK. \x ro*mia. cI om * to tin- dtr*-* t *ai-. huiiimi^ rlr*'ol. Al !*: u! Xu. 35 Il'Miil htr*-* tf alt*' light. A-) Oft ; \v;js n ‘rkTu nal | ,i itlie .* , ih ’27 -D* ! iiiiijj thro WANTED-.* srn’\ri*'\ as kxtry clkhk. *T to iu otfi*-**. to «***j»y *** ■ lo ill* otiicr xxritiiig, Lx gt-utlfinan a*.'*'i;stoin.»! t*x aurh ha- r.* -,s. aii.l who a- xxl’iir.a to ia- g*oi. rally !ui. Aihlr.'SH Ii1 :* HaHtiaa's. <’itv Postolti*-.-. ilt-l.i rmla-r 31. lYT' al 1UESCENT CITY M I'SEl .»!• Nos. 10 juitl t ’ l SI. nuirlf** ►tin t. » ci* *>iWbitii*o. > . large and attract ve mt . s LJVlN.i WONDERS, RARE PAINT!XG8 , IT*’ES,SION O' .no (K)0 CuriosilirK, Part oi the Woi.*i. waive o’'-i"<-IKK PRICE OK ADMISSION. .ltaCH“ 5k t o ll ’, M , i*,l ".n ue of ;ui order 1 ^** oi the Secom ans, dated No •able real esta- \ LOT OF <iROj, city, in the sqti end Conti h tie. forms the coin* ets. is of an iire lerieun measure, ‘’owing broke:. rPE \( HKRS wantku .- aitlicationb JL h» i*4i\ invif«*df*.rth«- )>*>#it;on of Prineinal Ten* her .•! *a**h oi flir Public hi Greeiivifh*. Missi-ssippi. Appl *sitions to >»e mail** *>nor In-fore tike second *j ;\ of Jnnuary n»*.xt, »ii:« r in p«-rs**n or by 1*tt»r, iiiid to \*e te' comp.;:, ieii .a ,,li «;u-*-s by c*-r- titicatcs of comp* ten**v and eharaeter ‘JULitS JrNKERM ANN. Supenr.t* mb nt of Pnb*if- Education Mr Wasbiog- ton Couni^ MssissippL cl* 4 1m A IJKNTS WA.NTKR IN ALL PARTS United state#, to sell L. V. D«*fore#t L To. # Aluminum Gold Jewelry. Agents ar»* making ^20^ to #300 per week selling the Aluminura J«*weiry. 'fhe best nnitutiou of <tola ever introduced, it Las the *v;w*t color, which it always r* tain#, ::n*l stajids th*‘t**#t of:.. ;::v. » ul a-cids. No one can tejj it from gold only uy v*et«nt, the Aluminum Gold b* about on** tenth light* r. L. V. Deforest i. Co. ar«* selling th**ir goo*la for one- tenth the price gold jewelry is sold tor, and on most liberjii terms to ag**nt#—one-qu:irter cash, balsuice in thirty, sixty and ninety days. W* s* nd persons wishing to acta# agent# a full and com- plete assortment of goods, **»nsi#ting of Seals, Bracelets, Locket#. Ladies and G< nt#’ Chains. Pins, Kings. Sie**ve Button#, Studs, etc., for ifh-b—if 25 to b<* paid when th** goo*Ls ar** received, the other $75 in thirty, sixty and ninety days. Parties wishing to order gooda and act a# ag**nt# will address L. V. DEFOREST k CO., coH 3m ard 42 Broadway. New' York. URSION REWARDS. $ 3 0 0 0 *BWAIU»' Sr ete*’ 0«- YORK CITY! i:S 3 IN TWO HOURS. #ii a line par;*— - - oii imot!iiT lM lrnrTork niy tikM iir sped,tor LCne# on a l.i^ str**ewof New York City, faith- jn<-Je" o;i auotlieraeS9f bustle. »ud oonfnsiion of city !if*. -trect. 2 ft 1 Sthan 10,(KM ) horse# and carriage**, ao<l and 62 fe«*t ti iiiv7^8^kijeo|*le; 7Vj mil#* of shipping ani u il* -u-’f ^v56 feet JjTrVay companies, bandi «*t music, aitr«i****•»••'— '■'iyi' _ A- m b exhibition an oxplanati' ** — **i .. he riven, riving much valuable information ol c -n-Vluii, its port, ,rrreat importance toatrangers, and th*' true- live Ufonnatlou to everybody. •»!' -V-ui- The following buildings have been place** . . ^ T»k''0- T*am the past year, at the expend of $5,000.;: cr5s<Vd Palaee on fire; Stewart’* Marble Palace; The lRr0poWVi HoFJ; The St. Nicholas Hot**l; The Merchacte' jresa Office and International Hotel; The l ive Point*H«uS? «f Industry. "Doors open an hear beferc the P&ncrax&a art Ibits. YTi-1 go exhibited at ' Lyreum IfnIV. New Orlfnii#, “ City Hall Buiuling.” every afternoon ar.*l Light t<* .Linn iry 1J. inclusiv*- (**xee]>t Sunday), at 2 and 7 o'clock ea< n idlU'rnoor and night. AilniJKMOn.—Fifty cents: Cliildr*u :.nder tv**lve vears of asr<** twenty-iiv** cents ; »--aiieiv, twemy- h v«* cents. jiLi It' Tt.WT** wwt .T iEYEJ?, Manager. Tie* above rewart! will »#i paid for the arrest and committal to jail, m this cit v. of Clayton Ac William#, the parties who *on milted th*- recent forgeries on tlie hank# Imre. CITIZENS’ BANK, CANAL BANK, BANK OF AMERICA. N**w Ore nn6. D< cember 11, 1870. «ie21 30t LOTTERIES. ! | 2 ; '; 1 5 ti 7 I 3 9 to i n ) 2:. | 10 17(1 1 15 12 18 BOARDING. J^K.VWINO ClK THE ElH ISI.INA .STATE L')TTKRY FOR DECEMBER H I, 1 S J 0 . CLASS III I . afc.iiilutis. v. ith cx-i'W i:» ii o» !»iou.;.l I!*’* iim- su;v t*> nnx-i’I over, siml t*> l»« a v a r • ol' tin- aii.ourt am! uatai* ot nb'ta*'l<’- th*-; tvouIiI lui’x't. l'.Lf*-n:n: tVomfii* ]>hot*.*!;ra!iii;waiI«Ty into a store roa-m xv!*i*• ii fronts < amp 1 stns-t. th* ir pri/o. t'r.i* iron was j areessihlc xvitiio'it fartlier labor than utrintj a she* t *'i vsi 11 paper xvlii*-!. <! vn’i. *1 ibis | stororool*! irons lln* s*-.-.»:s*t stnry oi" Ms’, i Scoolor's fitori1 . Tin’ wall *livi*l in; ti * two 1 builiiin^rsis ot' brink, br.t in' l'nnii*-i- t urns a I j xloot' tai*l existcil. Tim atsmtsu;ami xxa!!:wot s ' i pa jit roil o\*-r. tlm spaoi* win ro tlm *lo*»- wa- I iookiiiLfas if jiortevtlysoliil.silt't.oug'hnodiinj; j lori ujito*'., m*t ovi n a pasml iloor **r lot **t' lioanUita. It was nothin:; moro tliau a aolo i in tlm wall, r iiiilon bv papm. I!.*' intr- ‘ olars so.'moil to 1 ivo xxalk* ii iliroi'tly l*>*,!iis ; opening ami . nt tlm tiap* r in the form ii.Tan apron. wbi*-lt. nmlisturboi!. hung in ' its \ jilsum by .is xv»:ij;ht. Iyi--;i:/ fbronnl., l:-* y ; found tin'll.-* iv* s in tlm so; . m!-i'*m at i.l *• | koiul of spiral stairs, tlie loxxorond ol xx h h j j is olosi-to tlm eovi'toil sat* . | Nothin"; fartli r ilebarrin^ tlmm li on: : *• ! tivu operations, they mast have prium.-d- d ' ! to ]daoe tliems* Ivos in isimnutineation with j j an iutoi'i'steil person or persons standing ir ! I Cam p stt* <•? in fron t o f N*>. •'*. ’. <-i.rd | in;; from tho stri'ot up into 1 *if the joxxidry store luull brass M'lew pttilov and j l attaolmii to a stool, so iliat tlm pa! ontsido j j f id ,! j ; \*' sion.tjs for *lan^*e . r or install*'* : j ! if ihi siroi’t. <i d w slii-d to infunu the ; ; follows i * r h . . t they v * t *‘ *lis* over*"! In- ; | xvna!*l pull .’ .in* ratiio tho-’tool twice- if to j ; v,'iiru them to make !* ss noi-'i tnree raps; if j j T*> ii lie. ’bur ps. ami s.« on. : rd/hr. 'have j boon ayr* *•*: *,u previously. !t x..*u!d aii- | pear that the sentinel wa* i.*> .......... -led to J Use lyfs telegraph. j fhe burglar-*, having tlo-jr j.oe toot* and ■ ; a dark ianti ra. tea lioil tlm iron - l'", ami j j oomnioiioed aoltve operattous. ai though a person st;. i.line at the trout door <nuM not i I luiss si oiny or hearing tln tn. as a li^ht was j liunxiu". and the safe at the fur tin r *ud ot j I I'uoiii, ii. a -traioh: lino, v.ith uotliino more ! than an empty ula^s ease t*> obstru. t tli<■ ! view. • no trout «iass doors are guarded j by strain;, diamoud-shapeil wrouglit iron ; bars. The. thieves do not appear to hsive taken tin’ p:' Caution to eonstraet any kind ! o f s reon. *'<;u*'iuly the d’sagreeahle j conelusion is arrived at that thex must have hail an und* islanding x\ it Is tim ( amp street j watehmen. They wore not ti<?uhle*l by in- terruption from that direetion. We iiax* no xv traeed the lnirglar- to the safe. They probably lost no time, tin ap- plied their tools to tho iron chest containing rlie desired booty. A large *la-p eoxering the keyhol* was lirst attaekmd. A saio],- hlow from .’ large oaken iiiaHi-r vnappeil I tliat in twain xx i'ii no troubb-. a-* it is made ! of common east iron. They next inserted j a steel .jimmy betxx'oen tim doors, then driving wedges into the crevice until a large crowbar, with bent end, could be in- serted. This last instrument, over two feet long, when entered, could pry open, even a stronger safe than the on*’ in question. Tlm greatest labor, and that which con- sumed must time, was securing an open- ning for 'lie first wedge. Every inch of tlm right hand floor, at its *<1 l<‘. from top to bottom, bears marks of some very hard instrument having been forced in- The dour could not withstand the power up. plied, and finally, after about two hours, must have -xviuig back, revealing To ilie villains' eyes a mini’ of rare wealth. '1 beiv. closely packed, were hundreds of diamonds, set iu unique patterns of refined gold; watches of cunning workmanship, inlaid with pivc'ous stones and pearls: all sorts of rare .jewelry, more precious than coin, and ahum fixc minute Miur.ix. Mr. l’ietson ami Mr. t’albirt. Tlnet nu n came up. two went, ex : <b eeasi-d stopped: Im Itngan t*’- enrs. 'Ir, ('alb* it. .uni *all' ll him a dirtx - Mr. ('albert lobl liim to go horn*:. *.heii b* repealed the language, and shook his ti -1 it .Mr. ( 'albert's fa* *■. Mr. 1’ierson tulxl itiiu i half of her ib is xxa’ .s no place to curse, iu Tio p!c- "I',*'I of ladies. I told mx wife and. )!:■*« Murra.x to goi into ihe bouse. Dr "eased tii'i:*il ar.iuml To Mr. rierson and called him i: dirt'- -------- , anil shook his fist iu Mr. Vii-i son's face three times. ! turned am: xveii, inti* tiie ho ise to get my iiat. for tin-pur - pose of hm ing tin- mail a.m steil. I 1 card a pistol sl.ot • a: th* same time >1:. i*ie;-sitii entered th* nouse. I did not se- any tiling in his hand. 1 do not know who fired die, ll,ii! *. rn W crne-t. S'*). > enm.nn -<i;i tar evening of January 1, about cY lock. ! was sitting in the from 5 xei nt in the front gate: tny hr.s- Mr. Cab i-rt ami * Murray set*' gent a was burned to" the water sunk at the landing. The .Magenta was built nearly ten years j { ago. islu: bad. however, been thoroughly : ; repaired, ami was in first rate order. The . ! boat belonged to Captains Hicks. N*ai a mi j I SJnnott. One of tlie c vners had Iris pm- : ; tion insured for ten thousand dollars, j There is no information resjieeting | ! insurance on the remainder, except j I the report that titer*! was twenty thousand j dollars insurance mi her. The Magenta ; i xxas valued by some at thirty tiiou-aml ; didhtis, and by others as high as sevciity- : live thousand. J lie Magenta, had about cargo on board when the fire took place. None of it was saved. The Thompson Dean, another boar de- s'roxed. was the largest steam* r on tin- Missv-ipjii, partially loaded for ( airo. and was advertisi-d to leave yesterday. After being * r-t loose, tlie boat wa-' towed lo ’.he other side of the river, soiuo distance below Suingl.c•rlioi.'.si1I’oint. where she now CORTES RESOLUTICKS ON PRIM THK ItOKNKT AT NASfeA I littt 1 I m* ExjiloitM !Nlny il*- WASHINGTON. Hit ML'BPHV V . CO.. :'! Tox iltas street. W. HO.llAN. UPHOLSTERER. Errand M d. js Fumit'irt* 11 ,1•# and GalU rv ('urtaiii# made to or ^tsJ, Ulotli and Matting laid. Furui- ‘^Kiirfd, nphoIster**d and vamiaiiwL Gitnici*#. Pirtuiv# and Mirror# pot *to ’'»r<*d with ^au/*' Ol tissue paper. v~? thon»ug)iIy cleaned, baled and fjrpnvt nutlo* Rome, lelt Rome :.llllc stratioiw. «ntf. rk rooms, No. IVAMj Mr j Tin Thompson Dean had about one tbou- 1 san*l ions *>t up i-ounuy freight *>n board of j In rat tlm time of the fire, part of which ! <.irgo consisted of seventeen hundred bags j of *.ift'ee, two hundred and fifty hog-beads j of bar st* el, crockery and hardware. • Sim " as '.iisnred for eighty thousand dollars iu Pittsburg. Her cost is said to have been | marly l wo hundred thousand dollars, and her \idw- at. the time of her destruction at 1 l.-ast one bund nil and fifty thou-and did lurs. The value of her cargo Is csiito ; at t wo hundred thousand dollars. 1 1 1 a - lie bad better go about ui- ou-iu.—: ‘ During the burning of the Thompson j The decivi-eii ni.u:*- use of the saii.e xxoiiis I Dean b*r second clerk, who is a son o! tap- ; hack-to Mr. (.’albert, after which he shook ; t., n James H. Pepper, eommander and part ■ ids list in Mr. 1'albert’s face, and used very j owner of the boat, was arrest*:,1 while *J) j abusive language: mv hu-baml told tu* to 1 de.ivoriug to save the boat's paj>* i>. th The Denlh of (.cm nil Prim—IHspati li lo | Minister Itolierm—Another Convt Mar- tial nt West Point, W ashington. .January 2.—(ienerai Prim i died Saturday morning tit eleven o'clock. I ' The dispatch was reeeh exl here by N'nor Roberts Sunday. The Cortes, after confirming a ministry under TopeV, voiodthat Prim’s mime should i be inscribed in tlmir bail, anil that the gov- ernment should provide for Prim's family. The official dispatch says the new king met with great enthusiasm on bis route. Another court martial has been ordered m West Point for the trial of Cadet Smith, the colored boy from Mississippi, upon rlu charg* of unumbfulnes-,. NEW YORK, donation ol f» 'to-da ^ for cii.irirabP:'v*. f & -(*£?■,lse Speak^'V lii.'ipiility to .ic.-i,, kiini intended to ii— 'ii* - on tb* oec*f. i.iilty'ki BE! i* Hoi; i’ATK.s' *0. P' A xvit i; n *■ at up: iD'i’cas* against the gate de< *a null! speak 1 ■I'll : those gentii'iner. *am*' intoxicated- and !*'iiu<><i x*li the left -ixb of the ; ski'il Mr. ( '.'fiber: if in ■ui.iii: Mr. ( alb<*rt tent him Oil (.’iJULi IT, Vcs,i.:ling at No..23 ConnE.>n ft.lW 1Pif'r^ou eutite in imtncdia:'t iv wing the shet, and xvalk through ivi a ih ]>>’:ol.iin bi« ban r#ci1 is .» medical -tudent f: Tlm above drawings are jmljlislii *1in all tie* ]ini! - eipal pajH-rs, and ar*'(liaxxa jjj puahe daily at dm rooms oi tlie eouipany. Information fomi-shed and prixes cash* *1by HOWARD, MMMOSS in Co., i.'.intfactors. Ft (.'hark 9 direct, comer L'liiiin, New Orle.-ma. W,1 ness *nir hands at New Orleans, Lonisiana, tins lifrix-Crst day of Dccen:U*‘r, lStf. H. I’KKAI.TA, ADAM 01FFKN. Pommi6sioEer«. EEWARK OF ROGCH I.OTTEF.IK-. ap28 OLiSIANA #TATE IsOTTEItV B oard and furnished koo . ms - or rooms alone—on reasonaUIo terms at t hat elegant residence No. 212 C'arouilelet street, imme- diately aim e Julia street. de3 - m B O A R D IN ’CJ—ALL WHO WISH TO OBTAIN Board xx.tli a g. nl*'*'l family, spewing English Ajs1 Fiencli. are referred to th.: advertisement of m huatus, K-".."at No. IflJ Rampart stris-t, Si'ooud pR:riei a d--lightfu] location near the public *L)»'!e. Mr. (ial.-.iae refers to scyeral of onr beat " no i0 LOST. O n U T J k LfiTTKR CONTAINfNG A CHECK ^ P ^ ^ a w n by A. KcLwiir.:, in favor of B. VfSFt yostorda\ . The, *h‘»*:k was not ‘AU.P^Wi’ s ami corporation# iir« Iiori by ffc.Z or payin'; tin* sum** |F , rN>ara * i! T ^ jrjvt-n ^*> tL* prison.wi:o it ,x ^*ii5 tft* ttturxi to owner. / . M .-a -•hTND- * •V .exrsy'./W^-C ’'txAAAX/ YL -V.«*ber o. biM-k Nexvfoun.district AOiday, *• -■“ vrars old, which tho *nvn\'lt- 'J Ahmit ty »ud paying expeA'A“ ' dug property . l|r*.ii etreft, Third Dfatni't. # 568 Good- ial 3D STOLEN. ’ofg ON/AST sundavmoeki. no. from t U«*ro'2??^ ■' and Camp street#, a red PONT. Y'jfP*' ‘1°*'' the forehead, and one A i- ft r f wwrd Will l>e gix-en to any 9“ ne t o Hr- Foj’ terrier at j*3 PEESONAL. la 'M COMPANY. Incorporated August 17,1%3. CHARLES T. HOWARD.........................PRESIDENT. NINGLE NUMBER 1.OTTERV. SPLENpm SCTtEME—ONLY 20,000 NUMBERS. Capita. Prize .................. $50,000. C'EASS A. TO EE DRAWN AT NEW ORLEANS CN Saturday, January It I, lS?t. HOWaP.D, SUDKjNS A CO., Contractora. SCHEME : JO,000 Numberx—TicketH Only *20. 1 prize Ot tN ’.OOU is............ ....................... $50 (WO 1 prize of 30.000 us..................... 30.000 20.000 is.............................. -20 000 10,000 is....................................... 10,0*10 other : :.*h articles, sin b ; s burglars will risk their iv* s to st* al. Tin* rsid** platin,' of the iron door was rent sisnialer. tearing out tho I’la-r* r. Now the rasi-ai s l>**.*aii J** tdunder diser:miuatingty. for flu' V seiected eiily t finest pieces, opi’iiing *•isiss hurriedly. .ml proiiablv with trembiing hands. Doing : ift. j they at on tb** floor, tii] in; bags * it!. tin* precious goods, seutti-rin th e com m on (it* «•»*.# all :n cntid. in their gr*‘.it baste a lex. :.ire were overlooked. estlntat.'.l that aboutniie bund ■od thous aid lioikira* w»rt)i of valuables xx re taken away. jirize of 1 pi ize of I prize of I prize of 1 priza of 1 prize of J prize ci 1 pri$e cf I prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 ,'i'Ae of 1 prii e of 1 yffieof I prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of I prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of J prize of ■ >cze of. 1 ! pr,ze ot 1 prize oD I prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of I prize of SOprizes ot 317 prizes of prize i Appr 9.000 is.. 9.000 is .................... 7.001 is.................... 6.000 is .................... 5,1*0*) is .................... 4 .(WOis .................... 3.000 is .................... 2.000 is ........... 1.000 1,001 1.000 1 000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1,00*1 i.OeO 1.000 1 000 1JW0 l.ouot ipoo, 1,090' 1,000 1-000 l.We 1,000 . 1,000 1^(101 1.000 1.000, £00 200 are, 9,0* K l 8,000 7,(H>0 6 ,0*10 5.000 4,i*Utr rtft 2,060 ■•••••••••••••••••••a 29.000 03,400 12.000 •280,400 aamjaatSS&r’** . r.jojrrui. Rend poatodteo nwr 440 prises, amounting to, Whole Tickets, 9*20- shares tn Another snle, near ti e rear * . ’i-’icr. \'.a- nut disturbed, thereioi*! it is probable that the men w* re well posted in the rules of tins house. Nothing else was dis- turbed, i’or when they fitti-lied the sate .lay- light might have been u*'a:-. Their tools were left on the floor, and among them was a. small fi. -k of powder and a peculiar liltie can, constructed expressly for blowing pow- der into .i small orifice, by means of two attached tubes. Powder was not brought to bear, as leverage was found sufficient to complete tlie work. The villains departed by the rout, used to enter. Officers JJiair and Carroll, whoso duty it was to be on Camp and Cana: streets Sun- day night, were yesterday .suspended by Superintendent Badger. Mr. MeFarlane, private watchman, was closely question*-.!, but was unable or unwilling to throw any light on tho* subject. The police are now offered an opportunity to prove themselves efficient. . Up to one o’clock this morning wo did not learn that any particular tidings hud been obtained of the men concerned in the Camp street burglary, nor has any of the jewelry been recovered. However, onr readers need not bo surprised if some developments are nfude to-day. Mr. A. L. Brunson lias withdrawn from -bo firm of Brunson, Tiffany &. Co., and tho linu, composed of the remaining members, will continue under tho stylo of Bull Samuel. _ Alluding to the Globe Theatre trouble, the editor of tho New York Tribune re- marks: "Even if we were fitted for the place, we would shrink from the grblance of a theatrical company, as we should shrink from pestilence. VVe would rather drive a cart for the means of support—and a “night-cart” at that. We would rather accept tho position of head-waiter of a cheap eating-house. We would rather pla v the airs of Italy ttpon a hand-organ. We would rather sell h*JKH» trjjvj?'",' a.atsae#, go into tlie house, as that was i**; place for i im-: xx’i eu 1 wa- on the top *t*'p. 1 beard tin: ' report of tlie pistol: l .lid not see ;.nyl»ou> 1 do the shooting: Sir. Pierson was -vnifing | xx iti. os a t th<- gat«*. Officet Reinhart-—W as w a lk in g <:**wt. Common stt* - i: .-.*xv three incut standing al the gate of No fi'K ('omuion street; il.*y x.* :*■ trying r< get on* of the men aw..y heard the remark. “ If yon don’t, take mi-," at the same time a p:-f<d was fired. The man at Tiie gate ran into the house: the wounded t bur mail 1 after having walked .two or *tl re* j lak ste;*-. f rati aft* r the man i’ -ui-js'cred **f t!..‘ -hooting, ati'l found him up siait- on tlie be.1, fully dressed: lie seemed \ ry much ex I -aw th*- *,ttsL of the pistol: if wa-between the mat: whom ‘ urgest* *1 an*l the .leeeased. S'Tgiant l’e'er Jo-eph—Heard t’ .i* - to t : ran up to lht house No.'.’Ti Cornu- .c str**.-t went into the hou-o: arrested Pierson i’t bed. xv si*) xv.i- ■ oicti-d out to him ! y Otficer Reinhart a- tiie u .iu who sle t *i* e* ::s* d: arn sted tin inmates of tlm ho is* a - xx'it- rie-ses, and had the body brought ; i the f tat ion, and the ■ 'xtrone: not :i. *i. J. H. after h* parlor x, Mr. P Ricittcond. P«- Herd county. Te»a«, atmut tv, rdv-tlit **«• v . tss c.'d.: has th*' app» ar- att. o c: .. U s : :. Au.u: . was taken to the first precinct station, as als» was the body of his vi tint, where a'pi- mortem examination was held by Dr. Mu. kay. The ball passed close to the heart and through o’te lung, causing internal hemorrhage anil death. Deceased was a Swede, a watch- maker, employed by Mr. Fournier a short time Cede.’ b..s been in this <-.’y otfiv a few weeks. Many medical students visited Pierson iu prison ve-t*'tday. and appeared to ltave cott- siderabie regard for b in:. He was remanded, charged with murder. Coroner Creagl, Captain Cibney and tlie police deserve more than ordinary men- tion for tho promptness displayed ia seem- ing every fact pertaining to the botnicide. BURNING OH TIIE DE *-OT!V Ship nnd ( ar«o a Totai Eons. The fire fiend is making sad Lavoc on oar ocean sh am-hips as well as on our river s'cauters iThc .’eanishi]) De S*it*> sailed from this port a week ftp) last Satanluy. for New York, but when going down the ? ver eolliiied v ;tii tugboat, by win. h u-cident th*- stern of tho jie Soto was damage*; and she put back 1 -* repairs. She was re .fired and again steamed down the r.x* ' *>:. her \ 'ytige along the Vtlautie coast, n -r\ thing promising a happy termination. Wlter. :!'*. Di-Soto was about tw t’.tx i«* miles *!*>'', n tiie liver, a vohun.i of smoke was ob-jerved ■ otning fruit'. li*r t,*'*!.! and ventilators. Tins quantity- was s*i great that fears wet*, at once entertained "' fire. A man was sent, .loxx u, xvlto t'Hiiorte.l that the’ ship was on lire aft, and abreast her bailors, in the lower hold, on th*: part side. Although tho measures usual in such eases were promptly taken to arrest the flames, they were of so little use that tlicve-se! xx as hastily headed for the shore. She run aground on McColl’s fiat, where site burned to the water's edge. Both the *’ ' and cargo are a total loss. The De Soto was built in ISfib, tr: >i w as owned by Messrs. Livingston, b'.jx Co., of New York. Site is said to be in-'jred in iu New Y’ork lor $150,000. This amount is probably bi-low Iter real value. tier cargo, which is a complete was a valuable one, being rated at ' tier freight ennsisted o f'.188 ball's if cot- ton, 1 iS hogshead sugar, 1017 baTels of molasses, 9 !g sacks of cotton seed, fib bun- dles of i;uv hides, 47 bales of hides and skin-, 7U7 dfy hides, 83 bales and bags of wool, Co bales of utoss. “3 bundles-cotton samples and - eases of merchandise. The General Assembly. * Roth branches of tho General / stc-mbly met yesterday. In the .Senate no bjtsines.s was done of importance except the adop- tion of a resolution lor the appointmetet of a committee on rules for thc.gpvernmeut of that body. Captain Charles H. Merritt was re-elected Secretary of the Senate by accla - mation. In the House of Representatives, Hon. Mortimer Carr was re-elected Speaker bv the flattering vote of eighty-five ag nine few scattering. Major TVilliam Vigeri re-elected Clerk of the House b ^^on' and House A Bdl -port from proceedings, togetb- the I rpdb Governor Warn^'V RPP*aT m licak this nFflrning. ,,0 . i-tiike ;:ii.-ing from a blunder of the police. Ali. Pejijier x .or t.‘leased immediately, liow- . \**r, a- the mistake was at once discovered. Th.- Thompson D* an was owned, mii'-tliii ,i each, by Messrs. Stillwell, Dowel. *N Co., of S . Louis, Thompson Dean, ai d Captain 1'eppiT. A thousand boxes of i niu. for fuel on the Dean, took nre, and that i.lis- tened the conflagration. Tlie Grand Era. another boat destroy*'d, x: a- built iu 1S*>:*, and hits been in the Vicks- trade, sir*' i-ame to the lamling. t** m treigbt for the Ouachita, last r'r.- *lay. The Grain*. Era was burned to the deck-, and wa- still lying at the landing Sunday evening. Tin* Grand Era cost fifty ti ousan.’ . nl- lar-. and xxas insured for thirty-eight tl:.*u- s.iud. Hit macliiiiery will all tic -ax*.*:. >b* xx.. - xi. by the Keune Brothers. ITie John Howard, a new, large, stern- v.lieel -teaim-r. arrived at tlie landing Sat - urday evening from the Ohio riv**r, with a e*'n* rai cargo of praduce to the amount o:' four hundred tons and twelve hundred and eighty-four bales of cotton. She bad three hunxlre.l hales of hay in her hold, ami, though the firemen worked to extinguish the tire until nearly six o'clock in. the eve- ning, the task w as regarded ns hopeless, and she was towed down by a tug below tJa battle-ground for the purpose of scuttling and sinking her. She was valued at fifty thousand dollars. oxvned by Captain Perry anil others. The John Howard was built at Louisville, and this was t:**r fir-t trip down. The whole of the cotton on boar*. *>f th. John Howard was damaged by both tire and water, although it may be inferred that the damage is not heavy, for a poitiou of the cotton sold at auction yesterday on tlie levee for account of the underwriters. It was put up in lots of twelve bales, with trie privilege of taking twenty. What was sold brought tw. nty-eight dollars and tittv rents per bale, which was a good sale und. r the cirt'iim-tanees. Tlie only thing saved irom tiie Howard vrns her barge. It ha- been as - certained tHut the hull ol' the boat x*'fil be saved. It is stated that the cargo of the John Howard xvas insured in New Orleans offices. The Julia A. Rudolph, eighteen months old, and running in tho Re.l river trade, lia*l discharged her cargo anil was to l ax* left on her return trip next Thursday. After she took tire the Rudolph routed down th. river an.l was a total loss. She was owned by Captain H. G. McComas. ami others. <hc was valued a thirty thou- sand dollars and insured for seventeen thousand. The Mollie Abie bad a very narrow • - cape from the fate of tin: other boats, being- only saved by the parting of her stern line, w hich enabled her crexv to swing her around out <>f inn tit's way. Tho boat wa-.'light); damaged on tin- .-’arboat'd wbeelhouse. .Among other losses sustained w ee oxer- forty tarpaulins, worth at least dollars api.-oe. These tarpaulins -,x*a* :he property of >1*'. Burns, and we:-.’ piled u on 1he edge of the lev.-e, near the burning boats. Yesterday five different gang- ot h..n**s were engaged all day in hauling lie John Howard’s cotton out of the river. Had Tlie police dispatch boat, barha.*- j ie- * inot, been completed Sunday morning, a" lea-1 dim-half tin- property lost at ibo steam - boat tiro would have been Saved A- it was, the police and firemen save,*’ three hundred and twenty-live bales of *otton. and it is supposed the underwriters will pay them salvage. Tho harbor police per- forated extraordinary service fromStir-t to last, and deserve unusual for sav - ing the officers and crew of tho Thompson Dean, while that boat was floating ii the stream. Corporal Wolfe, of the harbor precinct, arrested the following persons lor stealing goods from the steamboat landing : John Parker, Henry Ilairi.s, Charles Sm gvfinarv and James Shields. The \V. J. Lew is, Arkansas anil Kilgout. lying above and below the biunim; steam- ers, were saved by the great exertions of their officers. Fortunately, the levee was eonipang’.xeiy free from freight, or we would l i ve to chronicle an increased destruction of xa'it- nhlc property. As it is, the wharf was but little injured, and no freight of consequence- was damaged. The tugs Admiral, Nellie, VuVan, Eiia Wood, Nos. 1 a n d ‘3, and Ty ler, did • >.cel- lent service in rendering valuable assist- ance. The harbor police have saved ii ;n the Magenta one trunk with cheek Fo. J87, lute box of tobacco, one box of iampburners, one keg of rice, one coil of packing rope, marked Newell <S. Son, care of J. Bfi-, jj Hard Titn*-s; one basket sun.irioe S x'T; books,-etc. Officer also pieces ^ which xvere left on'Ci.M4 **, Admiral. ****'' A man named JpV^JA.y,.a>/o6'Wov ^c ba’ of age, was ecu*-i-^ihc\.o a- baving h iN ^ ' “«*» han.rtjKA . ; any olCJK t h e j i ^ : ; ! i 0,^'ar,r; ., 'avers that. t - e I Arrivals Out mi.* In— Aeei.’entnl Nhootinv. New York. January -J.—Arrived out: Batavia and Idaho. Arrived: German j steamship Duti-hlauJ, from Bremen. | John H. Wrigiey, while playing with a : ritb- supposed t*» be unloaded, shot Wiiiiam d ] Mail.m.-s, killing him instantly. L O N D O N . I’reii.-ti t cou-( lad Ordered lo I .cave (tueenstown — Ilczii-i-.-x Occupied by Gerinans — s.iipertor Force, uf French Rcpuked —Sl.nrp Note Horn Bisninrck to I.ord Russell—More Artillery on the >Vay lo Paris—NinUinn of British Col- liers Uxpliiined—ilnrk from I’hiludel- phin Ashore—News from Kio Janeiro— Reported DeMruetinn of Palace of Unison. L ondon . January A -The French i"on- clail Gnyi-nne lu:s b* eu ordered to leave (jueenstov.-n. A Prussit.n corvette is off D lingo toon. Mczieres has been oe.-upied by the Ger- mans. The French ha.vo evacuated I'llier advanced jiosts iiorthi’.i-i of Paris'sim * tin reduction of Fort A i ron, amt the forts around Paris are silent. The Txventi.-th Prussian Division re- pulsed a superior force of French :n the c.r of Yeudonie. capturing some gen-. in an engagement near Arras I7fi Fr.Ti.-lt infantry were, taken prisoners. |St*e.".i! to the New York XVorI.1.1 1,.)VD*'V Dei-i-niber 2.—Bismarck wt -.*■-" t<* Lord Russell that Prussia is justified, under tin i.txx of nations, in sinking tV iinglish ships in the Seine, although the payment o;f*-r*-.l has been refused, beeati-*- unaccompanieil by an apology. H e rett*-v s tin* tender of payment. Additional artillery is .in the -x.iy to Paris. The number of siege guns of al; calibre nox-. in trout ol Paris is lot*!). London, January 2.—The report that n commission was to be sent to the United States to settle the dispute about fisheries is untrue. The. Prussian government explains the sinking of ihe British colliers ill the Seine, by stating that they were tired to bring them to. Navigation is obstructed by ice. The Sultan of Turkey and Khedive of Fgvpt are again on angry terms. The bark Continental, from Philadelphia, for Liverpool. : ashore near Queenstown. The x'cssel w ill be a total wreck, but a por- tion of her cargo will be, saved. H* r cri-xv lias been landed safely. Advices from Kio Jan* iro. to Decentb. r i . have been received. The Brazilian Minister of Agriculture lias resigned. The insurgents in Uruguay have taken Montevideo, by surprise The evacuiiiiun of Plateau before Man* Avron, by the F.-eic.-h, causes much depres- sion in Paris. \ meeting of the Mayors of Paris xvas held hist week to censure the gove.rntuci : for inactivity, but it proved a failure. It is reported that if" palae*- of Ma'son was set on tire by mi*' guns of Mon; \'.i . rein, and i-itnlly de rroxed. The steamship \* afi.iu arriv* d * i, ti * thirty-lirst nltitmi. C ri5A. Fvn.'aiition of C oir*ipKffiBD I 1B>aSCON, January,,.,, •„ evacr.ated th*' town u. V! n? . r*c*, combat with Francs-Tire*ltr?.r Balias. Prussian losses ours was small. rig*_ w ^ ------ --------- unjr8 F L O IiE ivd s" ^ Death of a Composer. * :k, January i. —Save*to \ V i.o hi : tlxi?.it<*. th e coinpoftiT, 1 ^ dead. VIENNA. i ---------- death of an Ai:#trittii Field V iknna. January A—Field ' M( eying, of the Austrian army, is d U J ^ .^ "* aaoioi, QUEEN STO WN.7 w ^ --------- am* Arrival of Fity of London. 'ted. tJittNMOxvx, JanHiii-y i . — ArrixvlM>- Ffcamship City of London. ,T MISCELLANEOUS. ? 'V Su.pnoiou of Bn-lness %'e-terdn.y—VIcto* Enmnael Denounced by Kichmof' Catholics. CtNi tNNxiT. January "J.—B u sin e s s v 1 almost entirely suspended here to-day, tfb- the custom ot making New Years’calls wtfs very generally observed. Richmoni*. January —At a meeting ol tb*' Roman Catholics of this city, held yes- terday. King Victor Emanuel was de- noun* ed for seizing Rome. Resolutions were adopted in favor of holding a mass meeting <>:i the subject. There was no quorum in tho Legislature. N orfolk,.January — The schooner Niag- ara. from Mobile for Providence, loaded xvith cotton, went ashore at Uliicknmuca- ici.-o. Assistance has gone to her. River Intelligence. SorT!ixvr>T P ass. January 0, C P. M.— Barometer 30:10. Weather ‘ aim. No ar- rivals. Sailed: Ship Success. Thomas Harward and Union; brigs Adele M*.-L*.'an an*, Mon- Utna. Vicksburg, January J.—Passed down: Ultaries Bodmau, In A. M.: Emperor,JflM.; Cnlos.-al, b P. M.; Frank Purgoud, 10 'P. M. Passed up: J. W. Garrett. II A. ,M.: Mitr- c< lln. lfi M.: Belle Lee. a P. M. River Using. Weather clear pleas- ant. Lonsviu January “.—Departed: Reg- ular latk. ts, and four steamers loading for CijBnnuti. The river continues to re- cede sloxvly. with two feet eight inches in the ekitte. and four feet eight inches in the canal by the marks. There is but little floating ice. It is thought that there is a gorge above. The weather moderated this morning, but it is colder this afternoon. Mercury 30. The coal fleet, which lias been locked up in the canal, passed through, but low water prevents its departure. C incinnati , January 2.—Rixer six feet eight inches in the *lmnnel and falling. Packets arrived from Louisville. Mi. Ti-tns. January 2.—Weather clear and cool. River falling rnpidlV. Departed: Bismarck. A tin: oecnn d on the steamboat Des Arc to-day. destroying her texus and pilot house: loss >!o'oo. The origin of the fire is unknown. Foreipu Markets. L' iviii'V, January 2.—No financial mar- kets* to-day. No cotton markets in Liver- pool. F rankfort. .January 2.— Five-twenties, \ 4 Mrinnrr H.ifi.el at *v Taken mi Hoard- er lbe Iloni.i 11k N kxv York, .laniiar the following : On:- • tit Havana Rends us i assail—An At annul' nt -What the Exploit- Be. 2.—The Jfi , n!(' lias l*e* j,tl eorrcsjumdi i:: e ther details of *• ,* I. V, ASlIIN'i.TiiX. J * ai. t. No markets to-tffi ’flu N ;| *n me ( oim tin < otigros *ynv ’1 San I tnmiugi *(tintely. 71.*- .idiuiTiistration i> uhilitv taiafl'V tiie lia-i ,, - p:*-c!e“*. 1 ry 2 .—New Year steam*-!' Ilol-nct a: X: -'.1 that plai-e are inu.-b in*-* ernor for sending a, Bri! xxateb her. but . .■*-. look *i i. TIi'! Cubans a; used at trio Gov sh lnun-ot-wnr to ’t did no: amouiK to niiteh, ns tb.’ Horne: being tiiui-h f.i-t "-. ! easily left her di.-agroi'nlde eoiup-ininit, li ( is reported that xx * :i*- at Nassau, the Hornei ! took on board at: armann nr. If this is tin- ' case, she may give tho Spaniards nun-li ; trouble, and vc may near of her operations ] on a settle similar to tho-e A'uUamu. ' In point of S]>eed she is vastly superior to I the Spanish fleet cm the coast of Cuba, but i she may leave the West Indian waters and i try tHe Spanish home const, wher sli- will j be able to do inueh damage, and ereat*- a ! perfect panic: inuotig those of Spain who have property afloat. If such is the i-g.-ii- j tion of her canunandcr it t-au not be before we Lave accounts *>f Sonnish iiiercipl vessels sunk, burned ami ic- t*' ■ts on Thursday, ns on Wednesday, and iite-umt xv il: betaken up tifi.lrut of its through Con- think that that * all efforts at Sumner is reported a. < IciVlUg sol'! that his Speech ill the Set:: t*- v. as n mere skin..DU us comparts* w ith xx hat is to follow. The eh *nge- in ih*- t irtfi. w hiff '►fat. ct ti-dav. in* Slide song ' / r,,1o xviiich go on the five P' f*011"' * . oituoe <*ss. Disinterest **. parties i e-id*, lit i Irani wi!i win, and all 'el* dirt will I**-, as al lrtiiia h a v e !**-*-n in* ,.'<*• *mii ffi i-fi. others, xvliii-h • duty on t*'.t is. from ixvi-uty- is ivd.iced p i- iv ■ ' 'j1' '. ' sugar itcporte.l i '••,u *;n ,!K;.bui ^ , t p.-r pound, ryf « Ids' .-hang* s in '.;d l!'l! iron- Ach y Aosta xvas cxuectc*. v; ,iJ*i "Uibiy Mo-day.) They Zr . ;} - ha ,*c b.-i n postponed. fj/A \n American v«-ss*d w r eV N5/' is in Queen-town harljffi bv a (s.-rmancovv.-tt(f % ^ . j lie iui*L *>lov 'in * . r«>i in "t*’d. *!•<•{• ’ ■//% »»•> . .r irr’s v V /' r <k■ Jf tliJrfSt feet tf WiJUii l r u . {i’iA V./H’ii L iii.’ ri , , ■ nW sj'y'wii\R\ \ dispar ‘ . / 'vt'x-iii;?- Bans. x " partner ^ 'I’ /tiiiu.,., to-d:yf l^ fl .A d /’ng uj'lands lo'sie. Flour: .. i.inci'n a shatie firmer: common 1 > “oo*l extra $t^fi* **'* * M'hiskv tuisftjlkal at ;i2ii93c. Wheat 1t/ W better; wjitter r**d and qjaber Western $» -lfi.i l ■aCLONKKI e lo s e /l< ‘Hs u e t iv ; ; n*.w 7(i j 77c. v nexxysnd old 8UI g*.. B'-efijuiov -v Cu/\ dull; k c t t ’ i) ifi t*c. .Ai’ITlh STOCK OK svfiitiy. Tallow d tl. aJ,ci.vnoN AT A8CT10X. rteady; cotton ne ste- wheat 8d. ------- Cincinnati, J ■’ Court for th* parish of Orleano— and in modera*- So.34.0P9. 11‘Ac. Hour t i ____ °u ai 2V DKHEiONDR, ACBTIONEKK— (. urn *iull 2 nd ^ I) |_’xiion s f’uut.—SATUKl^AY, Jnuu- changed. Ou twelve o’clo a ii., at the Merchants visions: full jeers’ Kxi'iitcc;*’, im Kxijtti. between \luuu t- • L'ustomhouio streets, by virtue anr -" h!; l” , * ioi an order of th** Hon. L. Duviirneaud i!M‘UtK ft no U. p s<^0 iid District t'ourt for the si.les b-iiC. jfetc-il Deeuinber 21,1870. will be s*y lie, dear/* *f the »-u*.-ceseion of jioue*, o'.'1 ^ sbxrc in the capital stock ot 8b *287 C/.union. -* i+r. /^Ttiji—Cash in rn‘ .te*l State* tr fair. . need. ‘‘-B.,-,i ten *.-<n t-! tift.-eu e< nts cuts, that is, fty l, ami tho rejj ::r C O H D E A U r* ud ( )zarV Minister Gao,bet fa's ,4d*4 ess at the V is feeture—Extr<‘nie!y**M»ld W eather. i B okdk. vi . Janupefi ‘2.—Minister G | belt::, in hi-adxlry* • vosi’Tilay at t!.‘- t*r*- i fectnre, said tba^poverument xx .;s bound to the di'f'.'iiso o(^ the country, bui it j *'ompose*l of-iuort: s. \\o must not con- ; found the republic it'-tit ne 1 n bad j been forced by ;/• These men, when >w ,Jl: pelled, woul-X, W \ Assn-sumt.on actio'-‘"to t > - J‘K,n?s Arrival in Spnin fijv.. g.-y--:,,,. '.'A..t.l—Report ol Havana it# #£:.-?Vana, January 3.—Tho assussirifjson '"Nt General I’lim eauses profound sensation here. The news of ihe I)nkv of AogtsVs arrival | in Spain was rec.-iv* .1 quietly. The market closed yesterday ns follows: Sugar: Tln-re wan an absence of business for want of stock: No. 12 quiet nt !Uj*;55i v« als. Many plantations of cane yield body. Exports for the week from Havana iqSifutunzas, 8.700 boxes and 7500 liogs- tna and Humber*** th\ , f Bor.!* A ^JuTotai loss of the s ti •*LsfejaV*T- «dl was \ itXivOtock in warehouses at. Ilav;: -iaffidtt from r -S,U1-duy \ milhon dollars. j ! , 11*.hus been dLsoovere Chihuahua, in the north* The_dtscovcry of anyth* be able t* jr-, • **’- vz .* *‘W Yoi'i Butter active, at 33tf i „veina w wi White pine deolinmg, da’ .ffii-.-. J pitoU: Ftn« ^rivals: ouot«d at- 33 </34 c {loft*19, * >. Tallow ’ ■*"*oj^tuuj lUU ’ .Ntprftui Court of Ohio relative*^*)tho M / ivis* ton , uunuary IU .—ABatav »iveov *^ t9’

Transcript of New Orleans Republican (New Orleans, La.) 1871-01...

4N E v



AUCTION SALES.B y N eville & Van Solingen.



AUCTiIL " ' " "- — — - i ; d i o a l ,

By Placid- - ■ —------a-’W'S


-JON (■ >■ V. : V-.K-NE.

VOLUM E IV —NO. 227.

------- ,7to7 0N SALES.MISf—--------- —

Girardey & Cc.A. E' ft!:/------— -Having * ucJGE .ON ST. ANDREW S7REL,UCt*, Nf;'



- E O F L O U I S I A N A .",vrK ™ka(*ftpteu Ly

^ reh^ ,

St'UOLti F-lS i t tor tlit* r,, ., / vi UARY 3, 1871.

......... AMUSEMENTS.V a C A PEM Y OK M l SJV.

XTiH: IIOUIIAT festivals

»l «OBti&utt voyk. U oejr.jc iv theLAST WEEK OF THIS

^ai#*tr CoiitMiue (•roupv o f Sp^w titlefci-M»

>,A>IMOTIl l l lR L E H iB E TIfO L PE .m Nev SpiM'ialn* mi*: Variety G«*m#

Vuiiotv (’omj.juiv ;;t »;ylj »*nt *rJHin- ’ O <,riv0 °* L>’Jcruin(£ nivoi lt




1X0 K S A l .E . - l GENTLEMANS TIRKOUT.confuting »;t :% fast yonn** Trntl«*r, splendid

'I’op U’.nruA, Fine Harm**#, Kobt'S, Blanket, Whip, etc.. to !kt mo1*\ on su*4;o«uit of departure. Pri«« , $>tm. Address <\ nt t!:i# ettke. d**31


Ba y s t . L o u i s l o t s , o n n i c h o l s o nuvemie. extendin'; from the Ne\> Orleans,

Mobil** a id Chattanooga Railroad to tin* bay, :m* now for sale on easy terms, and it prices varying irom two hundred to one ihou#iiiul dollar# e.aHi. m .1. .1. ALSTON,

d< 11 Ira So. 32 (.'aixradelet stiwL

riU V O -STO R Y PKAMK COTTAtiK AND.L lot of ground thirty by ninety feet, on Coil- #t.»ntinopli street, ’oetween Perrier and Prytania, for sale at the ver\ low price of HfeOuO. One-third cash, sfc1200 in on* year without interest, and the 'mi Liu ire in two years, with ei rht per rent interest.

J. 4. ALSTON,dell In:. No. 32 Cnrond< let street.

H ominy, .inun ary 9 .1 i-rftt appearance. • >: the eriixieut A**lr« #

M l* * LliC ILLK W ESTER N .it:pnnrt<Hl|by MR. 4. A. HERN and tlm Ac.# I'Bt* d Dramatic Oompan; .

|K W OP K it A I tO ls K .

A LAB RE SI..................................... .... .MAN AC HR

T « i*w!h) , Jau n ary li, 1SJ 1,Paer’s Opera, in one act,

LK R A IT K E HE T llA P E L U : .


EE C H A L ET ,Oi*ers hi one aet. by Adam.#.

To conclude \* ith a Vuiutavillc- in one ftoi,L E S FO R F A IT S |)E W P E R M A N s.

boors op* n at half-pant #;x. and thy performance jOUMiieo«*es at seveu o'clock, precis**:}.Ticket# * an be beared lor the />pera al Crnre

• mM*h mins.* stole, No. 129 Canal street.

Ljm u SALE*— AN L'NDIVIHKU INTKRKS'I IN more tJiai: lO.O'iO ;»« r**.s of land in the ]»arisli**H

ol La fourth* St. 4j;iu* s ami Assumption, near the 0|*el*i»isas an*! <niattanoo*;u Railroads; Those lands are heavily limbered. :tn*l are very vain able. The iiJ-heaHh *»V the ovvi or induce# him to otter tin in at ii ';> c*-l’!s im r acre. Ap|#l> i*»

i? M. ROBINSON,Real Estate .Viem,

*1* 29 No. 24 (,'unnm teial t*laee.

A .^ C H A R L IE T H E A T R E .

onfintied e* Timsinsin and crowded houses att* -t tin snee«.*#s of

L Y U IA THO.HPSON TR O C TE.TMr EviMiiiiff. und Saturday .lla tiu ee .

1 he most popular burlesque of

S I X D l i A D T H K S A I L O R ; OK. WIIaT harper says.

harper, tb*- iuiimtnhle. W. B. Cahill: Sin bad tin- S.ilor, Mis# Kliza Wr «th**r#by; Kohiuoor, Mi*vs Min­in* WaltoL. Ali. tti«* l»«»ih*r Storeman. M. W. l iske; Biliz, Miss K«*ls* v; S*-liTn, Mis# Heatheote: Sultan, Mss A: non : AlaVke. Miss Wheat lei "h: C»*ry Pirate. J. W. Brutom*: Musical Director. Mr. Frederick UsDt .Splendid n»us;« , gorjreons secuerv. et<'.

Pinny evening, m nebt Miss Minnie Waltoc. ja3 It

17 « U SALK OR K ENT.—A PLEASANT AND . valuable property in L* wisburjx, two hourd run

Irom New Orleans; cutt-a^e liouse, otit-h.ousiw.. v.liarf and bath-house and spaeious i*»umls. Will bo sold or rented to a ro*m1 n aimt. very cheap. For ]*tic« and term# apply to George H. Penn, Eso., Attorney- at-Law. No. 44 Exchange Place, room No. 1H1 second li*>or. N*> yellow fever or cholera was ever known to prevail i t this plan . jylh tf

1JO R SA LK .—ONE OF THE FINEST SECTIONS . of ummprov* d Sugar Land in the State, in the

parish of Il***r\ille. P is about nine miles from the Mississippi river, and that s****tion of country has

'never been oversowed. ’Hu1 rhaltanouga Railroad, now iti rapid pro**eRs *»f construction in the irnme- 'hate viein t v, runs bf*tWH*n two and three miles in front of this land, while tb* ILiilro:vd pauses its n^ir some six miles distant. It is un- aoubtedly the most valuable tract of unimproved Sugar Laud in the State, and as to soil, timber and locality it is unsurpassed. For partu ulars, anply to H. M. ROBINSON,

Real Estate Agent, 24 Commercial 14 tf



A n Iron Siin- N o ' l ‘rote«*tlon

S iT.i; u llcr tLo Xr'.v > «vl i.U<i 'L- li.-h- < r<Hl into rid', o . .r . citizens vreivi-tintlot! t'v newt* th in onv the riclu-st jew elry htoriv on Cnmp ^t•’ ‘i t despoileil hi :i buH*lre<l liollarsworth «>1‘ iliiuiioucU. wati-ht- ,rn«' other iiiu- vrnn . i>y h. of th- n i . c s j i c f a t e601't.

Knrly in tin' morning n : j^;iu*‘iw< f inwii o f i itizens rongrogiiTetl ai -;'i.• < ornev ol Camp am i t ’annl >treetA. ciif^r 10 gu 'ln v jnnti*’ulars o f the great roo'>< •; \ . anil ninny iui|irohahle eonjri-ture* wore oCereii.

A fo a t sexen o’l loek in ti e morning, an ■ iiidIovi- .n the jiliorograpll ga ierv o f Mr. Mom .-. . nrn< - o f ( lim p a m l I .lUit’ streets, sexsiml . on entering i!is< oxeieii t’uatdome one hail been there hei'U-e him. as several ileors were found lor. i d ojten. A <]et.i at :!.<■ fe-t, o f the. - ta n s * on Canal street, xx ;i. the sim ple l.t>ten .ig -. must have b. t r. the starting point f.-y the bur­glars. (.tuietly passing np am ; inCx the saloon, the • uiy oji]>osition me* *ve;; xon- sisteii of three or four doors. oi?> one o f xvhiel et'.iit. is- ea-.lx le . ‘ ed or .* ■ * lot ss




s*• >•'r o ■ o .*h >!ihci«iv • ivnm g Coder, iiitoxirated , 'Mas passing unirmii >:jv*t , Lowtcrou** siml ill- his ii ai.ner. W hen in front ol the no se. No. x’dd ( 't»li'.nion street.

■ , 1'r.f persons o f b o th -ex es were tongue gjixe o r; to •ks. Ilis cofniuci was

At tootL'o Lllf id along < suiting : hoardiu, where '

standing, his unruly some x. rv J mb' reunur.ealled lVji*. as none o f the people present bad spohei; ’..i or even imlioed b m. Per­sisting in thrusting h im self on their eom- tianv. n xras warned off, but seemed iu- elined to intrude, iis drunken men v. ii). It the iiujUe-t, u s ter ila y held l y t or. nej Creagb, tlie lojlow ing v p > ' W “ i \ xm.s elieited

Joseph Wi ruer, testitieii — slteoil a. ttie


T h e New Y e a r’s In a u g u r a t io n !


About i.alf-pas* live o'clock Sunday morn­ing a tire oec-urred on the steam er Magenta, advertised to fake the p lace o f the Lee on her regular trip to-day. Tlie tire is said to have been caused by the u p settin g g f a coal oil lump in thf nursery nwun, under the ia- dies* rubin. but all our efforte to ascertain positively ii-s origin have failed. The -Ma-

B Y T E L E G a

: .Per’L ... ..... .. . 3S

* * A5t


• H3• • !k'»

tv*• • i !


F R E N C H I R O N - C L A D O R D E R E D T O LEA u .

MISCELLANEOUS^/ tAK PET AND Ol l> * I.OTII '------ --Vy WAtUiiiorsii.

M U K I N & C O .,1<»>..................... ( n u l l s lr e e l ......................

\rr rt-eeiX iwg nexv six ies or mmKXM.ISFI, VELVET AND BUPSarbS I'.tRPKTf-

wliicli tiicy otfer at cxtrcm«*I,\ low juices. % Tlucc-PIy nnd frf»r:iiu Ciirrxtin^, Floor L

f’loth#. all width#, Wiml.jw SImhI**-* Cornice#, (■*;; tain Good.-*, etc. del4 lin

U IN D K 1 E S ....................... S IN D R U W

POTATOES—I ' m barn* s Pirikiye# Jackson Whites. Dnckc .v.i. ami ai! kinds ol Seed Potatoe#. 1 1W0 barrels Choice Russets and Peacii Slows, for

9 _____ !/•••• ubb* use.!li ' . ft, \ ONIONS—>oO biirn 1# Re*l nnd Silver Skuia.

TEE DEATH OT DEEEBAL Jkith, ^ J LANS—2"0 barrels Choice Nj ~v VVliit«j.^IKD APPLKS—75 barrels Choice New.

’•L’R—250 barrels Choice Family.AND GRAIN iu lots to suit.



e d g e .;

Is. in • Tb-. ting ai; o gain adm ittance Scoob-rs jew elry r seem to bavx

>-i 'ranee a! u he lower r...e. No. In-T Well


j j l i A u i m ; s

a . s . m i: LA D! X V Si . 1 E W I L K I N S ’Mnsmiie Ha’I.

Tknrsitnx, Jan u ary J , IS 7 1 .at 8 H. M.

J .........................................<Jl»e Loll l

11 0 8 REST-COTTON PLANTATION IN THE /’.irish of Point** Coupee, al Simm^port: 12b

acre# inclosed and ready for culti\ati*m; uoed brick dvcUin^hooSA and cabin* for laborers; cotton pin. stable# and n* e«*#**;uy oil!build)ups Joe making a crop: land first ehis.-. Terms: #1.000 per annum, one-half pay able iu advance. Apply to

*1**25 S. SKYMbtiJ, No. 2H Cari»ndelet street.

R003IM TO R E N T—ONE OR TWO KINK,■ Large, airy, comfortably Fumislie l Rooms ran

| t>«* had in a private family, with * r without hoard, « when* th** French and Kn linli lan^ua^eB nre ! #]>oken. mid tree from the Himoy.mco of ehi’drec. ! by.applying at No. J21 M. Ann street, conn r of ; Lerbiuny. The ear# piss within a 4ew door# of j the house. Terms very mode rale. ocJb

FOR R E N T .—PLEASANT ANDCOMFOKTABLB furni#ht*d rooms, without V»;ird, to rent at

| pric**a varying from ten to titty dollars ]>er ) month. Apply at No. 114 8t. Charles street, corner '■ of Nort h. ' au£

nn»o: feiy M yFri* >r h I. L.18*i

[SI•AS***I t * .

i*i IanuavkllUMk

■ H i


J Kioofh



WAR IN KKAV E.-ol.* xxi, p* .-giv**Iy at Ik.- N.. Lx.oii- I . ‘’o^oii

Jlu iid iix . Jnnunry 9 . I ST I,Avsli o'd'.vl: t'. M , .ni<! e»cry • vtciiig ti,f r> a:tr-

ititil i-xhauaii >1.

' u i nuj o i . t Mt on* Iiundn ij Hint f Tty-t'T. * BC7.*'-. Villa*..! ;t! rl'o” - 85, iii*'la*luig HXK *0 - YE THiU SXXD DOLLARS IN HOLD. am. a:-* ’l l ...\ i,rti*.l*‘6 or an*'or <»rnamfciir * .i!n* <! tro**1 **uo > /•-»■ «i to <*iie thousand dollar# e;»eh.

k»rty Diousaml *-lianees repn -e’i-'^ :.v mary kets. about three-fourths * » t > - ' . a w - air* ;.*ly en sold. * . , . ,

1 ’lie T*ublb* .<**e Invited >•■**tt**nu th*-d-:.w iJtg. :«?id .11 tlier.-bv be ;»bt« j^Viscerfaiu List* ;iJr .mi! *:«»:- '< ur np* ;• m w • iS ‘'<Midu<*G-*J.Sud* chance - rio ‘M* un<llspo*'* d of at th.J . 0, the to remain t: •• 1 *' :*er:y of thei ;ir ,-• ''eii as rueh pri//*— Ut Va m L..*-0-<t i:elect*#

'' * a ri?(» Ot u tjeLci. yi l •":ekei* re!* Kile nt the prin«-ipa* “U»r.yi «>:• * '.v.i.*l

t tVi iu Camp and Chart tv# t** RauqiiUT. and *l • - ot\ ■*• *•.» ) *>: rbe * it y.



ei ed. Npply at tiie •;t\m-v corner of Kt. CliarTe#n' ......... * • or f*>i>»m S o . J. Story Building

•ail 2t

\ VANTED TO RENT—AT .x m w THICK a simh’I FI KNIsHKI* H(»rsK. \x

ro*mia. cIom* to tin- dtr*-* t * ai-. huiiimi rlr*'ol. Al !*: u! Xu. 35 Il'Miil htr*-* tf alt*'light.

A-) Oft; \v;js n ‘rkTu

nal | ,iitlie .* ,

i h ’27 -D* ! iiiiijj thro

W A N T E D - .* s r n ’ \r i* '\ as kxtry clkhk.*T to iu otfi*-**. to «***j»y ***■ lo ill* otiicr

xxritiiig, Lx gt-utlfinan a*.'*'i;stoin.»! t*x aurh ha- r.* -,s. aii.l who a- xx l’iir.a to ia- g*oi. rally !ui. Aihlr.'SH Ii1:* HaHtiaa's. <’itv Postolti*-.-. ilt-l.i

rmla-r 31. lYT' al


N os. 10 juitl t ’l SI. nuirlf** ► t i n t .

» ci* *>iWbitii*o. >. large and attract ve m t . s

L JV lN .i W O N D E R S,

RARE P A I N T ! X G 8 ,

IT*’ES,SION O' .no

(K)0 CuriosilirK,

Part oi the Woi.*i.waive o’'-i"<-IKK PRICE OK ADMISSION.

. ltaCH“ 5k t o l l ’, M, i*,l ".nue of ;ui order 1 ** oi the Secom ans, dated No •able real esta-

\ LOT OF <iROj, city, in the sqti end Conti htie.

forms the coin* ets. is of an iire

lerieun measure,‘’owing broke:.

r P E \ ( H K R S w a n t k u . - aitlicationbJL h» i*4i\ invif«*df*.rth«- )>*>#it;on of Prineinal

Ten* her .•! * a**h oi flir Public hi Greeiivifh*.Missi-ssippi. Appl *sitions to >»e mail** *>n or In-fore tike second *j ; \ of Jnnuary n»*.xt, » ii:« r in p«-rs**n or by 1* tt»r, iiiid to \*e te' comp.;:, ieii .a ,,li « ;u-*-s by c*-r- titicatcs of comp* ten**v and eharaeter

‘JULitS JrNKERM ANN.Supenr.t* mb nt of Pnb*if- Education Mr Wasbiog-

ton Couni M ssissippL cl* 4 1m


United state#, to sell L. V. D«*fore#t L To. # Aluminum G old J e w e lr y .

Agents ar»* making ^ 20^ to #300 per week selling the Aluminura J«*weiry. 'fhe best nnitutiou of <tola ever introduced, it Las the * v;w*t color, which it always r* tain#, ::n*l stajids th*‘t**#t of:.. ;::v. » u l a-cids. No one can tejj it from gold only uy v*et«nt, the Aluminum Gold b* about on** tenth light* r. L. V . Deforest i. Co. ar«* selling th**ir goo*la for one- tenth the price gold jewelry is sold tor, and on most liberjii terms to ag**nt#—one-qu:irter cash, balsuice in thirty, sixty and ninety days. W* s* nd persons wishing to acta# agent# a full and com­plete assortment of goods, **»nsi#ting of Seals, Bracelets, Locket#. Ladies and G< nt#’ Chains. Pins, Kings. Sie**ve Button#, Studs, etc., for ifh-b—if 25 to b<* paid when th** goo*Ls ar** received, the other $75 in thirty, sixty and ninety days. Parties wishing to order gooda and act a# ag**nt# will address

L. V. DEFOREST k CO.,coH 3m ard 42 Broadway. New' York.


$ 3 0 0 0 *BWAIU»'



0 « -


#ii a line par;*— — - -oii imot!iiT lM lrnrTork niy tikM iir sped,tor LCne# on a l.i str**ew of New York City, faith-

jn<-Je" o;i auotlieraeS9f bustle. »ud oonfnsiion of city !if*. -trect. 2 f t1 Sthan 10,(KM) horse# and carriage**, ao<land 62 fe«*t ti iiiv7^8^kijeo|*le; 7Vj mil#* of shipping ani

u il* -u-’f v56 feet JjTrVay companies, bandi «*t music, aitr«i****•»••'— '■'iy i'

_ A- m b exhibition an oxplanati' ** — **i .. he riven, riving much valuable information ol c -n-Vluii, its port, ,rrreat importance toatrangers, and th*' true-live Ufonnatlou to everybody. •»!' -V -u i-

The following buildings have been place** . . ^ T»k''0- T*am the past year, at the expend of $5,000.;: cr5s<Vd Palaee on fire; Stewart’* Marble Palace; The lRr0poWVi HoFJ; The St. Nicholas Hot**l; The Merchacte' jresa Office and International Hotel; The l ive Point*H«uS? «f Industry.

"Doors open an hear beferc the P&ncrax&a art I bits. YTi-1go exhibited at '

Lyreum IfnIV. N ew O rlfnii#, “ City Hall Buiuling.” every afternoon ar.*l Light t<* .Linn iry 1 J. inclusiv*- (**xee]>t Sunday), at 2 and 7 o'clock ea< n idlU'rnoor and night.

AilniJKMOn.—Fifty cents: Cliildr*u :.nder tv**lve vears of asr<** twenty-iiv** cents ; »--ai ieiv, twemy- h v«* cents.

j iL i It' T t.W T ** w’wt.TiEYEJ?, Manager.

Tie* above rewart! will »#i paid for the arrest and committal to jail, m this cit v. of Clayton Ac William#, the parties w ho * on milted th*- recent forgeries on tlie hank# Imre. CITIZENS’ BANK,


N**w Ore nn6. D< cember 11, 1870. «ie21 30t


! | 2 ; '; 1 5 ti 7 I 3 9 to i n )

2:. | 10 1 7(1 1 15 12 18




afc.iiilu tis. v. ith cx-i'W i:» ii o» !»iou.;.l I!*’*iim- su;v t*> nnx-i’I over, si ml t*> l»« a v a r • ol' tin- aii.ourt am! uatai* ot nb'ta*'l<’- th*-; tvouIiI lui’x't. l'.Lf*-n:n: tVomfii* ]>hot*.*!;ra!iii;waiI«Ty into a store roa-m xv!*i*• ii fronts < amp 1 stns-t. th* ir pri/o. t'r.i* iron w as jareessihlc xvitiio'it fartlier labor than utrintj a she* t *'i vsi 11 paper xvlii*-!. <! vn’i. *1 ibis | stororool*! irons lln* s*-.-.»:s*t stnry oi" M s’, i Scoolor's fitori1. Tin’ wall *livi*l in; ti * tw o 1 builiiin^rsis ot' brink, br.t in' l'nnii*-i- t urns a I

j xloot' tai*l existcil. Tim atsm tsu;am i xx a!!: wot s ' i pa j it roil o\*-r. tlm spaoi* win ro tlm *lo*»- wa- I

iookiiiLfas if jiortevtlysoliil.silt't.oug'hnodiinj; j lori ujito*'., m*t ovi n a pasml iloor **r lot **t' lioanUita. It was nothin:; moro tliau a aolo i in tlm wall, r iiiilon bv papm. I!.*' intr- ‘ olars so.'moil to 1 ivo xx alk* ii iliroi'tly l*>*,!iis ; opening ami . nt tlm tiap* r in the form ii.Tan apron. wbi*-lt. nmlisturboi!. hung in ' its \

jilsum by .is xv»:ij;ht. Iyi- - ;i: / fbronnl., l:-* y ; found tin'll.-* iv* s in tlm so; . m!-i'*m at i.l *• | koiul o f spiral stairs, tlie loxxorond o l xx h h j

j is olosi-to tlm eovi'toil sat* .| Nothin"; fartli r ilebarrin^ tlmm li on: : *• !

tivu operations, th ey m ast have prium.-d- d ' ! to ]daoe tliems* Ivos in isimnutineation with j j an iutoi'i'steil person or persons standing ir ! I Camp stt* <•? in front o f N*>. •'*. ’. <-i.rd |

in;; from tho stri'ot up into 1 *if the joxxidry store

luull brass M'lew pttilov and j l attaolmii to a stool, so ilia t tlm pa! ontsido j j f id , ! j ; \*' sion.tjs for *lan^*e . r or install*'* : j ! if ihi siroi’t. < i d w slii-d to infunu the ; ; follows i * r h . . t they v *t *‘ *lis* over*"! In- ;| xvna!*l pull .’.in* ratiio th o -’tool twice- if to j ; v,'iiru them to make !* ss noi-'i tnree raps; if j j T*> ii lie. ’bur ps. ami s.« on. : rd/hr. 'havej boon ayr* *•*: *,u previously. !t x..*u!d aii-| pear that the sentinel wa* i.*> • .......... -led to J

Use lyfs te le g r a p h .j fh e burglar-*, having tlo-jr j.oe toot* and ■; a dark ianti ra. tea lioil tlm iron - l'", ami j j oomnioiioed aoltve operattous. ai though a

person st;. i.line at the trout door < nuM not i I luiss si oiny or hearing tln tn. as a li^ht was j liunxiu". and the safe at the fur tin r *ud ot j I I'uoiii, ii. a -traioh: lino, v.ith uotliino more !

than an em pty ula^s ease t*> obstru. t tli<■ ! view . • no trout «iass doors are guarded j by strain;, diamoud-shapeil wrouglit iron ; bars. The. th ieves do not appear to hsive taken tin’ p:' Caution to eonstraet any kind ! of s reon. *'<;u*'iuly the d ’sagreeahle j conelusion is arrived at that thex must have hail an und* islan d in g x\ it Is tim ( amp street j w atehm en. They wore not ti<?uhle*l by in- terruption from that direetion.

W e iiax* no xv traeed the lnirglar- to the safe. They probably lost no tim e, tin ap­plied their tools to tho iron chest containing rlie desired booty. A large * la-p eoxering the keyhol* was lirst attaekmd. A saio],- hlow from .’ large oaken iiiaHi-r vnappeil

I tliat in twain xx i'ii no troubb-. a-* it is made ! o f common east iron. T hey n ex t inserted j a steel .jimmy betxx'oen tim doors, then

driving w edges into the crevice until a large crowbar, w ith bent end, could be in­serted. This last instrum ent, over tw o feet long, when entered, could pry open, even a stronger safe than the on*’ in question. Tlm greatest labor, and that which con­sumed must tim e, w as securing an open- ning for 'lie first w edge. E very inch o f tlm right hand floor, at its * <1l<‘. from top to bottom , bears m arks o f some very hard instrum ent having been forced in- The dour could not w ithstand the power up. plied, and finally, after about tw o hours, m ust have -xviuig back, revealing To ilie villains' eyes a mini’ o f rare w ealth . '1 beiv. closely packed, were hundreds o f diamonds, set iu unique patterns o f refined gold; w atches o f cunning workm anship, inlaid with pivc'ous stones and pearls: all sorts of rare .jewelry, more precious than coin, and

ahum fixc minuteM iur.ix. Mr. l ’ietson am i Mr. t ’albirt.T lnet nu n came up. tw o went, ex : <b eeasi-d stopped: Im Itngan t*’- enrs. 'Ir,('alb* it . .uni * all' ll him a dirtx - Mr. ( 'albert lobl liim to go horn*:. *.heii b* repealed the language, and shook his ti - 1 it .Mr. ( 'albert's fa* *■. Mr. 1’ierson tulxl itiiu i h a lf o f her ib is xxa’.s no place to curse, iu Tio p!c- "I',*'I o f ladies. I told mx wife and. )!:■*« Murra.x to goi into ihe bouse. Dr "eased tii'i:*il ar.iuml To Mr. rierson and called him i:d irt'- -------- , anil shook his fist iu Mr. Vii-ison's face three tim es. ! turned am: xveii, inti* tiie ho ise to get my iiat. for tin -pur­pose of hm ing tin- mail a.m steil. I 1 card a pistol sl.ot • a: th* same time >1:. i*ie;-sitii entered th* nouse. I did not se- any tiling in his hand. 1 do not know who fired die,

l l , ii! * ’. rn W crne-t. S'*). > enm.nn-<i;i tar evening o f January 1, about cY lock. ! was sitting in the from

5 xei nt in the front gate: tny hr.s- Mr. Cab i-rt ami * Murray set*'

gent a was burned to" the water sunk at the landing.

The .Magenta w as built nearly ten years j { ago. islu: bad. how ever, been thoroughly : ; repaired, ami was in first rate order. The . ! boat belonged to Captains H icks. N*ai a mi j I SJnnott. One o f tlie c vners had Iris pm- : ; tion insured for ten thousand dollars, j There is no inform ation resjieeting | ! insurance on the remainder, except j I the report that titer*! was tw enty thousand j

dollars insurance mi her. The M agenta ; i xx as valued by some at thirty tiiou-aml ; didhtis, and by others as high as sevciity- : live thousand. J lie Magenta, had about

cargo on board when the fire took place. None o f it w as saved.

The Thompson Dean, another boar de- s'roxed. w as the largest steam* r on tin- M issv-ipjii, partially loaded for ( airo. and was advertisi-d to leave yesterday.

After being * r-t loose, tlie boat wa-' towed lo ’.he other side o f the river, soiuo distance below Suingl.c•rlioi.'.si1 I’oint. where she now


T H K I t O K N K T A T N A S fe A I

littt 1 I m* E x j i lo i t M !N ln y i l* -



ML'BPHV V. CO..:'! Tox iltas street.

W . HO.llAN. UPHOLSTERER.Errand Md.js Fumit'irt*

11,1 •# and GalU rv ('urtaiii# made to or tsJ, Ulotli and Matting laid. Furui-

‘ Kiirfd, nphoIster**d and vamiaiiwL Gitnici*#. Pirtuiv# and Mirror# pot

* to’'»r<*d with ^au/*' Ol tissue paper. v~? thon»ug)iIy cleaned, baled and

fjrpnvt nutlo*

Rome,lelt Rome :.llllc stratioiw. «ntf.

rk rooms, No.



j Tin Thompson Dean had about one tbou- 1 san*l ions *>t up i-ounuy freight *>n board o f j In ra t tlm tim e o f the fire, part o f which ! < .irgo consisted o f seventeen hundred bags j o f * .ift'ee, tw o hundred and fifty hog-beads j o f bar st* el, crockery and hardware.• Sim " as '.iisnred for eighty thousand dollars

iu Pittsburg. Her cost is said to have been | marly l wo hundred thousand dollars, and

her \idw - at. the tim e o f her destruction at 1 l.-ast one bund n i l and fifty thou-and did

lurs. The value o f her cargo Is csiito ; at t wo hundred thousand dollars.

111 a - lie bad better go about ui- ou-iu .— : ‘ During the burning o f the Thompson j The decivi-eii ni.u:*- use o f the saii.e xxoiiis I Dean b*r second clerk, who is a son o! ta p - ; hack-to Mr. (.’albert, after which he shook ; t., n Jam es H. Pepper, eomm ander and part ■ ids list in Mr. 1'albert’s face, and used very j owner o f the boat, was arrest*:,1 w hile * J) j abusive language: mv hu-bam l told tu* to 1 de.ivoriug to save the boat's paj>* i>. th

The D enlh o f ( .c m n il Prim—IHspati li lo | M in ister Itolierm —A nother Convt M ar­

tia l nt W est Point,W ashington. .January 2.—(ienerai Prim

i died Saturday m orning tit e leven o'clock.

I' The dispatch was reeeh exl here by N'nor Roberts Sunday.

The Cortes, after confirming a m inistry under TopeV , voiodth at Prim’s mime should

i be inscribed in tlmir bail, anil that the gov­ernm ent should provide for Prim's family.

The official dispatch says the new king m et wi th great enthusiasm on bis route.

Another court m artial has been ordered m W est Point for the trial o f Cadet Smith, the colored boy from M ississippi, upon rlu charg* o f unum bfulnes-,.

N E W Y O R K ,

donation o l f» 'to-da ^for cii.irirabP:'v*. f & -(* £ ? ■, lse Speak^'V lii.'ipiility to .ic.-i,, kiini intended to ii—

'ii* - on tb* oec*f. i . i i l t y ' k i

BE!i* Hoi;

i’ATK.s' *0.

P' A

xvit i; n *■ at up: iD'i’cas* aga inst the gate de< * a

null! speak 1■I'll

: those gentii'iner. * am*' intoxicated- and !*'iiu<><i x*li the left -ixb o f the

; ski'il Mr. ( '.'fiber: if in ■ui.iii: Mr. ( alb<*rt tent him


(.’iJULi IT , Vcs,i.:ling at No..23 Conn E.>nft.lW 1Pif'r^ou eutite in imtncdia:'t ivw in g the she t, and xval k throughiv i a ih ]>>’:ol.iin bi« ban

r#ci1 is .» medical - tudent f:

Tlm above drawings are jmljlislii *1 in all tie* ]ini! - eipal pajH-rs, and ar*'(liaxxa jjj puahe daily at dm rooms oi tlie eouipany.

Information fomi-shed and prixes cash* *1 by HOWARD, MMMOSS in Co., i.'.intfactors.

Ft (.'hark 9 direct, comer L'liiiin, New Orle.-ma.

W,1 ness *nir hands at New Orleans, Lonisiana, tins lifrix-Crst day of Dccen:U*‘r, lStf.


Pommi6sioEer«.EEWARK OF ROGCH I.OTTEF.IK-. ap28


Bo a r d a n d f u r n i s h e d k o o .m s -or rooms alone—on reasonaUIo terms a t t hat

elegant residence No. 212 C'arouilelet street, imme­diately aim e Julia street. de3 -m

BOARDIN’CJ—ALL WHO WISH TO OBTAIN Board xx.tli a g. nl*'*'l family, spewing English

Ajs1 Fiencli. are referred to th.: advertisement of m huatus, K-".."at No. IflJ Rampart stris-t, Si'ooud pR:riei a d--lightfu] location near the public *L)»'!e. Mr. (ial.-.iae refers to scyeral of onr beat

" no i0


O nUTJkLfiTTKR CONTAINfNG A CHECK ^ P ^ ^ aw n by A. KcLwiir.:, in favor of B.

VfSFt yostorda\ . The, *h‘»*:k was not‘AU.P Wi’ s ami corporation# iir« Iiori by

ffc.Z or payin'; tin* sum**|F , rN>ara * i!T ^ jrjvt-n *> tL* prison.wi:o

it ,x*ii5 tft* ttturxi to owner.

/ .M .-a - • h T N D -* •V.exrsy'./W-C’'txAAAX/ YL

-V.«*ber o. b iM -k Nexvfoun.district AOiday,*• -■“ vrars old, which tho *nvn\'lt- 'J Ahmit

ty »ud paying expeA'A“ 'dug property . l|r*.ii etreft, Third Dfatni't. # 568 Good-

ial 3D

STOLEN.’ o fg ON/AST sundavm from

t U«*ro'2??^ ■ ' and Camp street#, a red PONT.Y'jfP*' ‘1°*'' the forehead, and one A i- ft r f wwrd Will l>e gix-en to any

• 9“ ne to Hr- Foj’ terrier atj*3


COMPANY.Incorporated August 17,1%3.

CHARLES T. HOWARD.........................PRESIDENT.



C ap ita . P r ize ..................$ 5 0 ,0 0 0 .


S aturday, January I t I , l S ? t .

HOWaP.D, SUDKjNS A CO., Contractora.

SCHEME :JO,0 0 0 Numberx—TicketH Only * 2 0 .

1 prize Ot tN ’.OOU is............ ....................... $50 (WO1 prize of 30.000 us..................... 30.000

” 20.000 is.............................. -20 00010,000 is....................................... 10,0*10

other : :.*h articles, sin b ; s burglars will risktheir iv* s to st* al. Tin* rsid** platin,' o f theiron door was rent sisnialer. tearing out thoI’la-r* r. Now the rasi-ai s l>**.*aii J** tdunderdiser: m iuatingty. for flu' V seiected eiily tfinest pieces, opi’iiing *• isiss hurriedly. .mlproiia blv with trem biing hands. D oing : ift.

j they at on tb** floor, tii] in ; bags * it!. tin*precious goods, seutti-rin the common (it* «•»*.#all :n cntid. in their gr*‘.it baste a lex. : .ire

were overlooked.estlntat.'.l that aboutn iie bund ■od

thous aid lioikira* w»rt)i o f valuables xx retaken away.

jirize of 1 pi ize of I prize of I prize of 1 priza of 1 prize of J prize c i 1 pri$e cf I prize of 1 prize o f 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 ,'i'Ae of 1 prii e of 1 yffieof I prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of I prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of J prize of ■ >cze o f . 1! pr,ze ot 1 prize oD I prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of I prize of

SO prizes ot 317 prizes ofprize

i Appr

9.000 is..9.000 is....................7.001 is....................6.000 is....................5,1*0*) is....................4 .(WO is....................3.000 is....................2.000 is...........1.000 1,001 1.000 1 000 1.000 1,000 1.0001.000 1,00*1 i.OeO1.000 1 000 1JW0 l.ouot ipoo,1,090'1,000 1-000 l.We 1,000 .1,000 1 (101 1.000 1.000,£00200 are,

9,0* Kl 8,000 7,(H>0 6 ,0*10 5.000 4,i*Utr



29.000 03,40012.000


aam jaa tS S & r’** .r.jojrrui.

Rend poatodteo nwr

440 prises, amounting to,Whole Tickets, 9*20- shares tn

Another snle, near ti e rear *. ’i-’icr. \'.a- nut disturbed, thereioi*! it is probable that the men w* re w ell posted in the rules o f tins house. Nothing else w as dis­turbed, i’or w hen they fitti-lied the sate .lay- light m ight have been u*'a:-. Their tools were left on the floor, and am ong them was a. small fi. -k o f powder and a peculiar liltie can, constructed expressly for blowing pow­der into .i sm all orifice, by means o f two attached tubes. Pow der was not brought to bear, as leverage w as found sufficient to com plete tlie work.

The villa ins departed by the rout, used to enter.

Officers JJiair and Carroll, whoso duty it w as to be on Camp and Cana: streets Sun­day night, were yesterday .suspended by Superintendent Badger. Mr. M eFarlane, private watchm an, was closely question*-.!, but was unable or unw illing to throw any light on tho* subject. The police are now offered an opportunity to prove them selves efficient. .

Up to one o’clock this morning wo did not learn that any particular tidings hud been obtained o f the men concerned in the Camp street burglary, nor has any o f the jew elry been recovered. However, onr readers need not bo surprised i f som e developm ents are nfude to-day.

Mr. A. L. Brunson lias withdrawn from -bo firm o f Brunson, Tiffany &. Co., and tho linu , composed o f the rem aining members, w ill continue under tho sty lo o f Bull Samuel. _

A lluding to the Globe Theatre trouble, the editor o f tho New York T ribune re­marks: "Even i f w e were fitted for the place, w e w ould shrink from the grb lance o f a theatrical company, as we should shrink from pestilence. VVe w ould rather drive a cart for the m eans o f support—and a “night-cart” a t that. W e would rather accept tho position o f head-waiter o f a cheap eating-house. W e w ould rather pla v th e airs o f Ita ly ttpon a hand-organ. W e w ould rather sell h*JKH» tr jjv j? '" ,' a .atsae#,

go into tlie house, as that was i**; place for i im-: xx’i eu 1 wa- on the top *t*'p. 1 beard tin: ' report o f tlie pistol: l .lid not see ;.nyl»ou> 1 do the shooting: Sir. Pierson w as -vn ifin g | xx iti. os at th<- gat«*.

Officet Reinhart-—W as w alking <:**wt.Common stt* - i: .-.*xv three incut standing a l the gate o f No fi'K ( 'omuion street; il.*y x.* :*■ trying r< get on* o f the men aw..y heard the remark. “ If yon don’t, take m i-," at the same time a p:-f<d was fired. The man at Tiie gate ran into the house: the wounded t bur mail 1 after having w alked .tw o or *tl re* j lak ste;*-. f rati aft* r the man i ’ -ui-js'cred **f t!..‘ -hooting, ati'l found him up s ia it- on tlie b e .1, fu lly dressed: lie seem ed \ ry much ex I -aw th*- *, ttsL o f the pistol:if w a-b etw een the mat: whom ‘ urgest* *1 an*l the .leeeased.

S'Tgiant l ’e 'er Jo-ep h —Heard t ’.i* -to t: ran up to lht house No.'.’Ti Cornu- .c str**.-t went into the hou-o: arrested Pierson i ’t bed. xv si*) xv. i- ■ oicti-d out to him ! y Otficer Reinhart a- tiie u .iu who sle t *i* e* ::s* d: arn sted tin inm ates o f tlm ho is* a - xx'it- rie-ses, and had the body brought ; i the f tat ion, and the ■ 'xtrone: not :i. *i.

J . H.

after h* parlor x,

Mr. PRicittcond. P«- H erd county. Te»a«, atmut tv, rdv-tlit **«• v .tss c .'d .: has th*' app» ar-att. o c: .. U s: : . Au.u: . w as taken tothe first precinct station, as a ls» w as the body o f his vi tint, where a 'p i- mortem exam ination was held by Dr. Mu. kay. The ball passed close to the heart and through o’te lung, causing internal hemorrhage anil death. D eceased w as a Sw ede, a w atch­m aker, em ployed by Mr. Fournier a short tim e Cede.’ b..s been in th is <-.’y otfiv a few weeks.

Many m edical stu dents visited Pierson iu prison ve-t*'tday. and appeared to ltave cott- siderabie regard for b in:. He was remanded, charged w ith murder.

Coroner C r e a g l, Captain C ibney and tlie police deserve more than ordinary m en­tion for tho prom ptness d isplayed ia seem­ing every fact pertaining to the botnicide.


Ship nnd ( ar«o a T otai Eons.The fire fiend is m aking sad Lavoc on oar

ocean sh am -hips as w ell as on our river s'cauters iThc . ’eanishi]) De S*it*> sailed from this port a week ftp) last Satanluy. for New York, but w hen going down the ? ver eolliiied v ;tii tugboat, by win. h u-cident th*- stern o f tho j ie Soto was damage*; and she put back 1-* repairs. She w as re .fired and again steam ed dow n the r.x* ' *>:. her \ 'ytige along the Vtlautie coast, n -r\ thing promising a happy term ination.

Wlter. :!'*. Di-Soto was about tw t ’.tx i«* m iles *!*>'', n tiie liv e r , a vohun.i o f sm oke was ob-jerved ■ otning fruit'. li*r t,*'*!.! and ventilators. Tins quantity- w as s*i great

that fears wet*, a t once entertained "' fire.A man w as sent, .loxx u, xvlto t'Hiiorte.l that the’ ship was on lire aft, and abreast her bailors, in the low er hold, on th*: part side. Although tho m easures usual in such eases were prom ptly taken to arrest the flames, they were o f so little use that tlicve-se ! xx as hastily headed for the shore. She ..a s run aground on McColl’s fiat, where site burned to the water's edge. Both the *’ ' andcargo are a total loss.

The D e Soto was built in ISfib, tr: >i was ow ned by Messrs. L ivingston, b'.jx Co., o f N ew York. Site is said to be in-'jred in iu N ew Y’ork lor $150,000. This am ount is probably bi-low Iter real value.

t ier cargo, which is a com plete was a valuable one, being rated at '

t ier freight ennsisted o f '.188 ball's if cot­ton, 1 iS hogshead sugar, 1017 baT els of m olasses, 9 !g sacks o f cotton seed, fib bun­dles o f i;uv hides, 47 bales o f hides and skin-, 7U7 d fy hides, 83 bales and bags o f wool, Co bales o f utoss. “3 bund les-cotton sam ples and - eases o f merchandise.

T h e G en eral A ssem bly. *Roth branches o f tho General / stc-mbly

m et yesterday. In the .Senate no bjtsines.s w as done o f im portance excep t the adop­tion o f a resolution lor the appointmetet o f a com m ittee on rules for thc.gpvernm eut o f that body. Captain Charles H . Merritt was re-elected Secretary o f the Senate by accla­m ation.

In the H ouse o f R epresentatives, Hon. M ortimer Carr w as re-elected Speaker bv the flattering vote o f eighty-five ag nine few scattering. Major TVilliam Vigeri re-elected Clerk o f the H ouse b

^ on' and HouseA Bdl - p o r t from

proceedings, to g e tb - the I rpdbGovernor W arn ^ 'V RPP*aT mlicak th is nFflrning. ,,0 .

i-tiike ;:ii.-ing from a blunder o f the police. Ali. Pejijier x.o r t .‘leased im m ediately, liow- . \**r, a - the m istake was at once discovered.

Th.- Thompson D* an was owned, mii'-tliii ,i each, by Messrs. Stillw ell, Dowel. *N Co., o f S . Louis, Thompson Dean, ai d Captain 1'eppiT. A thousand boxes o f i niu. for fuel on the Dean, took nre, and that i.lis­tened the conflagration.

Tlie Grand Era. another boat destroy*'d, x: a- built iu 1S*>:*, and hits been in th e Vicks-

trade, sir*' i-ame to the lam ling. t** m treigbt for the Ouachita, last r'r.-

*lay. The Grain*. Era w as burned to the deck-, and w a- still ly ing at the landing Sunday evening.

Tin* Grand Era cost fifty ti ousan.’ . nl- lar-. and xx as insured for thirty-eight tl:.*u- s.iud. H it macliiiiery w ill all tic -ax*.*:. >b* xx.. - xi. by the Keune Brothers.

ITie John Howard, a new, large, stern- v.lieel -teaim-r. arrived at tlie landing Sat­urday evenin g from the Ohio riv**r, w ith a e*'n* rai cargo o f praduce to the amount o:' four hundred tons and tw elve hundred and eighty-four bales o f cotton. She bad three hunxlre.l hales o f hay in her hold, am i, though the firemen worked to extinguish the tire until nearly six o'clock in. the eve ­ning, the task w as regarded ns hopeless, and she was tow ed down by a tug below tJa battle-ground for the purpose o f scuttling and sinking her. She was valued at fifty thousand dollars. oxvned by Captain Perry anil others. The John H oward was built at L ouisville, and th is was t:**r fir-t trip down.

The whole o f the cotton on boar*. *>f th. John Howard was dam aged by both tire and water, although it may be inferred that the dam age is not heavy, for a poitiou o f the cotton sold a t auction yesterday on tlie levee for account o f the underwriters. It was put up in lots o f tw elve bales, w ith trie privilege o f taking tw enty. W hat was sold brought tw. nty-eight dollars and tittv rents per bale, which w as a good sale und. r the cirt'iim-tanees. Tlie only thing saved irom tiie Howard vrns her barge. It ha- been as­certained tHut the hull ol' the boat x*'fil be saved.

It is stated that the cargo o f the John Howard xvas insured in N ew Orleans offices.

The Ju lia A. Rudolph, eighteen m onths old, and running in tho Re.l river trade, lia*l discharged her cargo anil w as to l ax* left on her return trip next Thursday. A fter she took tire the Rudolph routed down th. river an.l was a total loss. She was ow ned by Captain H. G. McComas. ami others. <hc w as valued a thirty thou­sand dollars and insured for seventeen thousand.

The Mollie Abie bad a very narrow • - cape from the fate o f tin: other boats, being- only saved by the parting o f her stern line, w hich enabled her crexv to sw ing her around ou t <>f inn tit's way. Tho boat w a-.'light);dam aged on tin- .-’arboat'd wbeelhouse.

.Among other losses sustained w e e oxer- forty tarpaulins, worth at lea st dollars api.-oe. These tarpaulins -,x*a* :he property of >1*'. Burns, and we:-.’ piled u on 1 he edge o f the lev.-e, near the burning boats.

Y esterday five different gang- ot h..n**s w ere engaged all day in hauling lie John Howard’s cotton out o f the river.

Had Tlie police dispatch boat, barha.*- j ie- * inot, been com pleted Sunday morning, a" lea-1 dim-half tin- property lost at ibo steam ­boat tiro w ould have been Saved A- it was, the police and firemen save,*’ three hundred and tw enty-live bales o f * otton. and it is supposed the underwriters will pay them salvage. Tho harbor police per­forated extraordinary service fromStir-t to last, and deserve unusual for sav ­ing the officers and crew o f tho Thompson Dean, while that boat was floating ii the stream.

Corporal W olfe, o f the harbor precinct, arrested the follow ing persons lor stealin g goods from the steam boat landing : John Parker, Henry Ilairi.s, Charles Sm gvfinarv and Jam es Shields.

The \V. J . Lew is, Arkansas anil K ilgout. ly in g above and below the biunim ; steam ­ers, were saved by the great exertions of their officers.

Fortunately, the levee was eon ip an g’.xeiy free from freight, or we would l i ve to chronicle an increased destruction o f xa'it- nhlc property. As it is, the w harf was but little injured, and no freight o f consequence- w as dam aged.

The tugs Adm iral, N ellie, VuVan, Eiia W ood, Nos. 1 a n d ‘3, and Ty ler, did • >.cel- len t service in rendering valuable assist­ance.

The harbor police have saved ii ;n the M agenta one trunk w ith cheek Fo. J87, lute box o f tobacco, one box o f iampburners, one keg o f rice, one coil o f packing rope, m arked N ew ell <S. Son, care o f J . Bfi-, jj H ard Titn*-s; one b asket sun.irioe S x ' T ; books,-etc. „

Officer alsopieces ^which xvere le ft on'Ci.M4 **,Admiral. * * * * ''

A m an named JpV^JA.y,.a>/o6'Wov ^c b a’ o f age, w as ecu*-i- ^ ih c \ .o • a-baving h i N ^ ' “«*» han.rtjK A . ; any olCJK t h e j i ^ : ; ! i 0,^'ar,r; ., 'avers that. t - e

I A rriva ls Out mi.* In— A eei.’entnl Nhootinv.N ew York . January -J.—Arrived out:

Batavia and Idaho. Arrived: German j steam ship Duti-hlauJ, from Bremen.| John H. W rigiey, while playing with a : ritb- supposed t*» be unloaded, shot W iiiiam

d ] Mail.m.-s, killing him instantly.

L O N D O N .

I ’reii.-ti t cou-( lad Ordered lo I .cave (tu een stow n — Ilczii-i-.-x Occupied by G erinans — s.iipertor Force, u f French R cp u k ed — Sl.nrp Note Horn B isninrck to I.ord R u ssell—M ore A rtillery on the >Vay lo P ar is—NinUinn o f British Col­liers Uxpliiined—iln rk from I’hiludel- phin A shore—N ew s from K io Jan e iro — R eported DeM ruetinn o f P a lace o f U n ison .

L o n d o n . January A -T h e French i"on- clail Gnyi-nne lu:s b* eu ordered to leave (jueenstov.-n. A Prussit.n corvette is off D lingo toon.

Mczieres has been oe.-upied by the Ger­mans. The French ha.vo evacuated I'llier advanced jiosts iiorthi’.i- i o f Paris'sim * tin reduction o f Fort A i ron, amt the forts around Paris are silent.

The Txventi.-th Prussian Division re­pulsed a superior force o f French :n the

c.r o f Yeudonie. capturing some an engagem ent near Arras I7fi Fr.Ti.-lt

infantry were, taken prisoners.|St*e.".i! to th e New York XVorI.1.1

1,.)VD*'V Dei-i-niber 2.—Bism arck wt -.*■-" t<* Lord Russell that Prussia is justified, under tin i.txx o f nations, in sinking t V iinglish ships in the S e in e , although the paym ent o;f*-r*-.l has been refused, beeati-*- unaccompanieil by an apology. He rett*-v s tin* tender o f paym ent.

Additional artillery is .in the -x.iy to Paris. The number o f siege guns of al; calibre nox-. in trout ol Paris is lot*!).

London, January 2.—The report th at n commission was to be sent to the United States to settle the dispute about fisheries is untrue.

The. Prussian governm ent explains the sinking o f ih e British colliers ill the Seine, by stating that they were tired to bring them to.

Navigation is obstructed by ice.The Sultan o f Turkey and K hedive o f

F gvp t are again on angry terms.The bark Continental, from Philadelphia,

for Liverpool. : ashore near Q ueenstown.The x'cssel w ill be a total wreck, but a por­tion o f her cargo will be, saved. H* r cri-xv lias been landed safely.

A dvices from Kio Jan* iro. to Decentb. r i . have been received. The Brazilian Minister o f Agriculture lias resigned.

The insurgents in Uruguay have taken M ontevideo, by surprise

The evacuiiiiun o f P lateau before Man* Avron, by the F.-eic.-h, causes much depres­sion in Paris.

\ m eeting o f the M ayors o f Paris xvas held hist week to censure the gove.rntuci : for inactivity, but it proved a failure.

It is reported that i f" palae*- o f Ma'son was set on tire by mi*' guns o f Mon; \'.i . rein, and i-itnlly de rroxed.

The steam ship \* afi.iu arriv* d * i, ti * thirty-lirst nltitmi.

C r i5A .

Fvn.'a iition ofCoir*ipKffiBD I

1B>a SCON, January,,.,, •„ evacr.ated th*' tow n u. V! n? . r*c*, com bat w ith Francs-T ire*ltr?.r B alia s. Prussian losses ours was sm all. rig*_ w

^ ------ --------- u n jr 8

F L O I i E i v d s " ^

D eath o f a Com poser. *:k, January i.—Save*to


V i.o h i:tlxi?.it<*. the coinpoftiT, 1 dead.

V IE N N A . ■ i----------

d ea th o f an Ai:#trittii F ieldV iknna. January A— F ield '

M( eying, o f the Austrian arm y, is d U J ^ . ^ "* aao io i,

Q U E E N ST O W N .7 w ^--------- am*

A rriva l o f F ity o f London. 'ted.tJittN M O xvx, JanHiii-y i . — ArrixvlM>-

Ffcamship City o f London. ,T

M ISC E L L A N E O U S . ? 'VS u .p n o io u o f B n -ln ess %'e-terdn.y—VIcto*

Enm nael Denounced by K ichm of' C ath o lics.

CtNi tNNxiT. January "J.—B usiness v 1 alm ost entirely suspended here to-day, tfb- the custom ot m aking New Years’ ca lls wtfs very generally observed.

R ichmoni*. January —A t a m eeting o l tb*' Roman Catholics of th is c ity , held yes ­terday. K ing Victor E m anuel w as de- noun* ed for seizing Rome.

Resolutions w ere adopted in favor o f holding a m ass m eeting <>:i the subject.

There was no quorum in tho Legislature.N orfolk, .January — The schooner N iag­

ara. from Mobile for Providence, loaded xvith cotton, w ent ashore at Uliicknmuca- ici.-o. A ssistance has gone to her.

R iver In telligen ce .SorT!ixvr>T P ass. January 0, C P. M.—

Barom eter 30:10. W eather ‘ aim. No ar­rivals.

Sailed: Ship Success. Thomas H arward and Union; brigs Adele M*.-L*.'an an*, Mon- Utna.

V icksburg, January J.—Passed down: Ultaries Bodmau, In A. M.: Em peror,JflM .; Cnlos.-al, b P. M.; Frank Purgoud, 10 'P. M.

Passed up: J. W. G arrett. II A. ,M.: Mitr- c< lln. lfi M.: Belle Lee. a P. M.

River Using. W eather clear p leas­ant.

L o n s v i u January “.—Departed: R eg­ular la tk . ts, and four steam ers load ing for C ijB nnuti. The river continues to re­cede sloxvly. w ith tw o feet eight inches in the ekitte. and four fee t eight inches in th e canal by the marks. There is but little floating ice. It is thought that there is a gorge above. The w eather m oderated th is m orning, but it is colder th is afternoon. M ercury 30.

The coal fleet, w hich lias been lock ed up in the canal, passed through, but low w ater prevents its departure.

C in c in n a t i , January 2.— Rixer six feet eight inches in the * lmnnel and fa llin g . Packets arrived from Louisville.

Mi. Ti-tns. January 2.—W eather clear and cool. R iver falling rnpidlV. D eparted: Bismarck.

A tin: oecnn d on the steam boat D es Arc to-day. destroying her texus and pilot house: loss >!o'oo. The origin o f the fire is unknown.

Foreipu M ark ets.L 'iviii'V, January 2.— No financial mar­

kets* to-day. No cotton m arkets in Liver­pool.

F rankfort. .January 2.— F ive-tw enties,



M rinnrr H .ifi.e l at *v T ak en mi H oard­e r lb e I lo n i . i 11k

N kxv York, .laniiar the follow ing : On:- •tit Havana Rends us i

assail—An At annul' nt -W hat the Exploit-

Be.2.—The Jfi , n!(' lias

l*e* j,tl eorrcsjumdi i:: e ther details of *•

,* I.V, ASlIIN'i.TiiX. J

* ai. t. No m arkets to-tffi ’flu N ;| *n me ( oim tin < o tig ro s * ynv

’1 San I tnmiugi * (tintely.

71.*- .idiuiTiistration i> uhilitv ta ia fl'V tiie lia-i

,, - p:*-c!e“*. 1ry 2.—N ew Year

steam*-!' Ilol-nct a: X: -'.1 that plai-e are inu.-b in*-* ernor for sending a, Bri! xxateb her. but . .■*-. look *i

i. TIi'! Cubans a; used at trio Gov sh lnun-ot-wnr to ’t did no: amouiK

to niiteh, ns tb .’ Horne: being tiiui-h f.i-t "-. ! easily left her di.-agroi'nlde eoiup-ininit, li ( is reported that xx * :i*- at Nassau, the Hornei ! took on board at: armann nr. If this is tin- ' case, she m ay give tho Spaniards nun-li ; trouble, and v c m ay near o f her operations ] on a settle sim ilar to tho-e o ft.b e A'uUamu. '

In point o f S]>eed she is vastly superior to I the Spanish fleet cm the coast o f Cuba, but i she m ay leave the W est Indian waters and i try tHe Spanish home const, wher sli- will j be able to do inueh dam age, and ereat*- a ! perfect panic: inuotig those o f Spain who have property afloat. I f such is the i-g.-ii- j tion o f her canunandcr it t-au not be before w e Lave accounts *>f Sonnish iiiercipl vessels sunk, burned am i ic- t*'

■ts on Thursday, n s on W ednesday, and iite-umt xv il: b e ta k en up

tifi.lrut o f its through Con-

think that that

* — all efforts a t Sumner

is reported a. < IciVlUg sol'! that his Speech ill the Set:: t*- v. as n mere skin..DU us comparts* w ith xx hat is to follow .

The eh *nge- in ih*- t irtfi. w h if f ' ►fa t. ct ti-d av . in* Slide s o n g ' / r,,1oxviiich go on the five P' f*011"'* . oituoe

<*ss. Disinterest * *. parties ie-id*, lit i Irani w i! i win, and all'el* dirt will I**-, as have !**-*-n in* ,.'<*• *mii



others, xvliii-h • duty on t*'.t is. from ixvi-uty-

is ivd .iced p

i- iv

■ ' 'j1' '. ' s ugar itcporte.l i'••, u *;n ,!K;.bui ^ , t p.-r pound, r y f «Ids' .-hang* s in

'.;d l!'l! iron- A c h yAosta xvas cxuectc*.

v; , i J*i "Uibiy Mo-day.) They Zr. ;} - ha ,*c b.-i n postponed. f j/A

\n American v«-ss*d w r eV N5/' is in Q ueen-town harljffi bv a (s.-rmancovv.-tt(f % ^ .

j lie iui*L *>lov ‘ 'in * . r«>i •in "t*’d. *!•<•{• ’ ■ / / % »»•>

. .r irr’s v V / ' r <k■ Jf tliJrfSt feet t fWiJUii l r u . {i’iA V . / H ’i i Liii.’r i, , ■ n W s j ' y 'w ii \R \

\ dispar ‘ • . /

'vt'x-iii;?-Bans. x " partner ^

'I’ /tiiiu.,., to-d:yf l^ f l . A d / ’ng uj'lands lo'sie. Flour:

.. i.inci'n a shatie firmer: com m on1 > “oo*l extra $t^fi* ** '* * M'hiskv tuisftjlkal at ;i2ii93c. W heat 1 t/ W better; wjitter r**d and qjaber W estern $» -lfi.i l ■aCLONKKI elo se /l< ‘Hs u e tiv ;; n*.w 7(i j 77c. v nexxysnd old 8UI g*.. B'-efijuiov -v C u /\ dull; k ctt’ i) ifi t*c. .Ai’ITlh STOCK OK svfiitiy. Tallow d tl. aJ,ci.vnoN AT A8CT10X. rteady; cotton ne ste-w heat 8d. -------

Cincinnati, J ■’ Court for th* parish of Orleano— and in modera*- So.34.0P9.11‘Ac. H ou r t i ____

°u ai 2 V • DKHEiONDR, ACBTIONEKK— (. urn *iull 2nd ^ I) |_’xiion sf’uut.—SATUKl^AY, Jnuu- changed. Ou twelve o’clo a ii., at the Merchants visions: full jeers’ Kxi'iitcc;*’, im Kxijtti. between \luuu t- • L'ustomhouio streets, by virtue anr -" h!; l” , * io i an order of th** Hon. L. Duviirneaudi!M‘UtK ft no U. p s<^0iid District t'ourt for the si.les b-iiC. jfetc-il Deeuinber 21,1870. will be s*y l ie , d e a r /* *f the »-u*.-ceseion of jioue*,

o'.'1 ^ sbxrc in the capital stock ot8b *2 87 C/.union. -*

i+r. /^Ttiji—Cash in rn‘.te*l State* tr fa ir .

. need.‘‘-B.,-,i ten *.-<n t-! • tift.-eu e< nts

cuts, that is, fty l, ami tho r e j j


C O H D E A U r *


( )zarVM inister G ao,bet fa 's ,4d*4 ess at the V is

fee tu re—Extr<‘nie!y**M»ld W eath er. iB . Janupefi ‘2.—M inister G |

belt::, in hi-adxlry* • vosi’Tilay at t!.‘- t*r*- i fectnre, said tba^poverument xx .;s bound to the di'f'.'iiso o(^ the country, bui it j *'ompose*l of-iuort: s. \ \ o m ust not con- ; found the republic it'-tit ne 1 n bad jbeen forced by ;/•These m en, w hen >w ,Jl:pelled, w o u l- X , W \ A ssn-sum t.on actio'-‘"to t > - J‘K,n?s A rrival in Spnin

fijv.. g.-y--:,,,. '.'A..t.l—R ep ort ol H avanait#

#£:.-?Vana, January 3.—Tho assussirifjson '"Nt General I’lim eauses profound sensation

here.The new s of ihe I)nkv o f AogtsVs arrival |

in Spain w as rec.-iv* .1 quietly.The m arket closed yesterday ns follows:

Sugar: Tln-re wan an absence o f business for want o f stock: No. 12 quiet nt !Uj*; 55i v« als. Many plantations o f cane y ield

body. Exports for th e w eek from Havana iqSifutunzas, 8.700 boxes and 7500 liogs-

tna and

Humber*** th\ , f Bor.!*A

^ Ju T ota i loss o f the s t i •*LsfejaV*T- «d l w as \ itXivOtock in warehouses at. Ilav;:

- ia f f id t t from r - S,U1-duy \m ilhon dollars.

j ! , 11* .hus been dLsoovere Chihuahua, in the north* The_dtscovcry of anyth*

be able t* jr-, • **’-vz .* *‘W Yoi'i

B utter active, a t 33 tf i „veina w w i W hite pine deolinmg,

d a’.ffii-.-. J pitoU: Ftn« ^rivals: ouot«d at- 33</34c {loft*19, * >. Tallow ’

■*"* oj tuu j lUU’ .Ntprftui Court of Ohio relative* *) tho



ivis*ton, uunuary IU.—A Batav » iveov * t 9 ’