New Media vs. Traditional Media

Welcome to my new media world Erab Fuqaha


This is the first screencast that i have ever produced and thanks to the new media module I am talking at Westminster University. The module is part of my MA course in PR. This screencast is part of the module assignment and I m trying to explore some of the challenges new media pose to traditional media and mainly newspapers.

Transcript of New Media vs. Traditional Media

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Welcome to my new media world

Erab Fuqaha

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New media poses challenges to Traditional Media

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Four Challenges

• Decline in Readership

• Decline in Revenues

• Inability to produce real-time updates

• Rise of UGC websites

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Americans read newspapers regularly

2006 2008

52% 46%

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News not only in Newspapers

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The newspaper’s editor: “Publications are struggling with the

profound disruption brought on by the Internet and the rising costs of newsprint and transportation.”

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The Monitor’s Editor

Publications are struggling with the profound disruption brought on by the Internet

and the rising costs of newsprint and transportation.”

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Everyone is Online

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eMarketer says E-marketer says

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Businesses online Businesses Online

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Analyst Jeffrey Lindsay at Bernstein Research Center

Online classified advertising is a classic disruptive

technology; fundamentally the internet is actually even better than print for reaching large audiences at very low cost.”

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Who disseminated the news of the plane crash in New York?

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Disseminates News

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Jim Hanrahan wrote: “I just watched a plane crash into the Hudson river in Manhattan”.

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“There's a plane in the Hudson and I'm on the ferry going to pick up the people. Crazy“, said Jamis Krums

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Real Time Running Commentaries

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Who is controlling the content of the news today?

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An Open Space

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Media’s Consumers are now Media’s Producers

• Set media agenda

• Disseminate news and information

• Make comments on news

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What are they talking about?

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Is Traditional Media


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Eason Jordan

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Everything is changing!

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