NEW CHURCH SIGN: Please join us today, following … · A committee of Session has developed a...

Welcome to Wallingford Presbyterian Church Members and friends gather here each Sunday morning (and lots of times during the week!) to celebrate and serve. We rejoice that you are here with us, and hope that you’ll feel right at home. Please join us after worship for fellowship and light refreshments in our Fellowship Hall. Please ask an usher, Visitors are always welcomed and encouraged to participate in any of our programs, activities and ministry opportunities. A Nursery is available downstairs for preschool children. Large print bulletins are available on request. If you need a little help hearing, portable listening devices are available. Restrooms are located in the Narthex and throughout the church building. Infant changing station and Quiet Room for nursing mothers is located off the Narthex Activity books are available for children We are ready to assist you. Sunday, July 24 Thursday, July 28 10 th Sunday after Pentecost 6:00 pm-Vacation Bible Camp Day 4 10:00 am-Worship/Sunday School Friday, July 29 10:00 am-Nursery Care 6:00 pm-Vacation Bible Cam- Day 5 11:00 am-Fellowship Time Saturday, July 30 11:30 am-Coffee Hour 10:00 am-Phila. Presbytery/Church on the Mall 11:30 am-Sign Listening Session 12:30 am-Peacemaking & Social Justice 6:00 pm-Vacation Bible Camp – Family Night (pizza & popcorn) Monday, July 25 Sunday July 31 6:00 pm-Vacation Bible Camp begins 11th Sunday after Pentecost 7:30 pm-Website Committee 10:00 am-Worship/Sunday School Tuesday, July 26 10:00 am-Nursery Care 6:00 pm-Vacation Bible Camp Day 2 11:00 am-Fellowship Time Wednesday, July 27 Pastor Francois preaching 8:45 am- Breakfast Group-Court Diner 11:30 am-Lunch with the Pastor 6:00 pm-Vacation Bible Camp Day 3 A A A A community where all who seek God are Welcome community where all who seek God are Welcome community where all who seek God are Welcome community where all who seek God are Welcome… A STEPHEN SERIES CONGREGATION NEW CHURCH SIGN: Please join us today, following services. A committee of Session has developed a proposal for a new church sign for Brookhaven Road, which incorporates the existing sign and adds an “electronic message board”. Many in the congregation have been understandably concerned that any “electronic” sign will not fit with the character of our beautiful historical church building. The committee took that concern as a guiding principal in the design, and feel that the result will be wonderful aesthetically while providing an effective way to reach out to our local community. The committee hopes you all will agree, and will be offering some information/feedback sessions during coffee hour for the next few weeks where you can see a model of the sign, get more specifics and, of course, express your views. Please see committee members for more information: Elders Mina Varney and Frank Noyes, Trustee John Curtis, Outreach Walt Kaminski and Mary Payne, Katie Switala, Kevin Montague. ᴥᴥᴥ ᴥᴥᴥ ᴥᴥᴥ ᴥᴥᴥ ᴥᴥᴥ ᴥᴥᴥ BOOK LOOK: The next Book Look will meet on Wed., Sept. 21 at 7:30 PM. The book for discussion is "White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son” by Tim Wise. In light of the shootings that have erupted around the country, this seems to be a very timely selection. Here is a synopsis of the book from Amazon: "Using stories from his own life, Tim Wise demonstrates the ways in which racism not only burdens people of color, but also benefits, in relative terms, those who are “white like him.” He discusses how racial privilege can harm whites in the long run and make progressive social change less likely. He explores the ways in which whites can challenge their unjust privileges, and explains in clear and convincing language why it is in the best interest of whites themselves to do so. Using anecdotes instead of stale statistics, Wise weaves a narrative that is at once readable and yet scholarly, analytical and yet accessible." Anyone wishing to purchase the book can order individually, or contact Walt Kaminski who will place a bulk order to avoid shipping charges. The cost of the book will be approximately $8. Did you know that WPC has a FACEBOOK PAGE? Jenny Montague does a lot of the updating of it, but you can add your own posts. Outreach is asking everyone to "Like" WPC on Facebook to help publicize the church and our activities. Also, please invite your friends to "Like" WPC too. Spread the word. CHANCEL FLOWER AVAILABILITY: chancel flower offering dates still available: Sept. 18 and Nov. 27, 2016. Call or stop in church office to make arrangements for either of these 2 dates.

Transcript of NEW CHURCH SIGN: Please join us today, following … · A committee of Session has developed a...

Welcome to Wallingford Presbyterian Church

Members and friends gather here each Sunday morning (and lots of times during the week!) to celebrate and serve. We rejoice that you are here with us, and hope that you’ll feel right at home. Please join us after worship for fellowship and light refreshments in our Fellowship Hall.

Please ask an usher, Visitors are always welcomed and encouraged to participate in any of our programs, activities and ministry opportunities. A Nursery is available downstairs for preschool children. Large print bulletins are available on request. If you need a little help hearing, portable listening devices are available. Restrooms are located in the Narthex and throughout the church building. Infant changing station and Quiet Room for nursing mothers is located off the Narthex Activity books are available for children

We are ready to assist you.

Sunday, July 24 Thursday, July 28 10th Sunday after Pentecost 6:00 pm-Vacation Bible Camp Day 4 10:00 am-Worship/Sunday School Friday, July 29 10:00 am-Nursery Care 6:00 pm-Vacation Bible Cam- Day 5 11:00 am-Fellowship Time Saturday, July 30 11:30 am-Coffee Hour 10:00 am-Phila. Presbytery/Church on the Mall 11:30 am-Sign Listening Session 12:30 am-Peacemaking & Social Justice

6:00 pm-Vacation Bible Camp – Family Night (pizza & popcorn)

Monday, July 25 Sunday July 31 6:00 pm-Vacation Bible Camp begins 11th Sunday after Pentecost 7:30 pm-Website Committee 10:00 am-Worship/Sunday School Tuesday, July 26 10:00 am-Nursery Care 6:00 pm-Vacation Bible Camp Day 2 11:00 am-Fellowship Time Wednesday, July 27 Pastor Francois preaching 8:45 am- Breakfast Group-Court Diner 11:30 am-Lunch with the Pastor 6:00 pm-Vacation Bible Camp Day 3

A A A A community where all who seek God are Welcomecommunity where all who seek God are Welcomecommunity where all who seek God are Welcomecommunity where all who seek God are Welcome…………


NEW CHURCH SIGN: Please join us today, following services. A committee of Session has developed a proposal for a new church sign for Brookhaven

Road, which incorporates the existing sign and adds an “electronic message board”. Many

in the congregation have been understandably concerned that any “electronic” sign will not

fit with the character of our beautiful historical church building. The committee took that

concern as a guiding principal in the design, and feel that the result will be wonderful

aesthetically while providing an effective way to reach out to our local community. The

committee hopes you all will agree, and will be offering some information/feedback sessions

during coffee hour for the next few weeks where you can see a model of the sign, get more

specifics and, of course, express your views.

Please see committee members for more information: Elders Mina Varney and Frank Noyes,

Trustee John Curtis, Outreach Walt Kaminski and Mary Payne, Katie Switala, Kevin


ᴥᴥᴥ ᴥᴥᴥ ᴥᴥᴥ ᴥᴥᴥ ᴥᴥᴥ ᴥᴥᴥ

BOOK LOOK: The next Book Look will meet on Wed., Sept. 21 at 7:30 PM. The book for discussion is "White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son” by Tim Wise. In light of the shootings that have erupted around the country, this seems to be a very timely selection. Here is a synopsis of the book from Amazon: "Using stories from his own life, Tim Wise demonstrates the ways in which racism not only burdens people of color, but also benefits, in relative terms, those who are “white like him.” He discusses how racial privilege can harm whites in the long run and make progressive social change less likely. He explores the ways in which whites can challenge their unjust privileges, and explains in clear and convincing language why it is in the best interest of whites themselves to do so. Using anecdotes instead of stale statistics, Wise weaves a narrative that is at once readable and yet scholarly, analytical and yet accessible." Anyone wishing to purchase the book can order individually, or contact Walt Kaminski who will place a bulk order to avoid shipping charges. The cost of the book will be approximately $8.

Did you know that WPC has a FACEBOOK PAGE? Jenny Montague does a lot of the updating of it, but you can add your own posts. Outreach is asking everyone to "Like" WPC on Facebook to help publicize the church and our activities. Also, please invite your friends to "Like" WPC too. Spread the word.

CHANCEL FLOWER AVAILABILITY: chancel flower offering dates still available: Sept. 18 and Nov. 27, 2016. Call or stop in church office to make arrangements for either of these 2 dates.

Rev. François Lacroix, Pastor Rev. Robert Ross, Associate Pastor for Christian Nurture

Kate Callahan & Holly Harrison, Youth Advisors Elizabeth Braden, Director of Music

Pat Kelly, Church Administrator Judith Kenworthy, Clerk of Session

Andy Yost, Treasurer


WEBSITE: PHONE: 610/566-1644, FAX: 610/892-0558

If you wish to give electronically from your smartphone or tablet, please scan the box at the left to go to the website where you can give to WPC via credit card

PLEASE NOTE: There is a safe lock box for your convenience (to drop your contribution envelopes or other checks in) located outside the church office door on the wall.

Wallingford Presbyterian Church 10th Sunday after Pentecost

July 24, 2016




Please join us for friendship and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall, following this service of worship.

*Those who are able, please stand.

++Please wait to enter the Sanctuary until the conclusion of the prayer

“Words and music printed for the hymns, Reprinted under #A71731.”

The chancel flowers are to the Glory of God, in loving memory of Susanna B. Kinder

for her birthday by Russ Kinder.

Thank you to Rich Logan for assisting with worship as our liturgist, those volunteering to

usher, and to those assisting with fellowship time today.

The MEDIA FARMERS MARKET (located on State Street in Media – right next to the

Media Theater) is open on Thursday evenings from 3 – 7 pm and is a source of

affordable food for those experiencing food insecurity or hunger. The farmers and

vendors sell a variety of fresh, local and healthy produce, prepared foods, dairy

products (eggs and cheese), meat and other goods. They accept all forms of payment,

including ACCESS cards.

VACATION BIBLE CAMP – starts tomorrow! 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. July 25 – 30, 2016 Any questions, call the church office at (610) 566-1644 or Pastor Rob Ross at (610) 357-6067. This year’s theme: Building. Hope to see you there!

The Worship of Our Lord



May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us. ― Teresa of Ávila WELCOME, RITUAL OF FRIENDSHIP AND ANNOUNCEMENTS

Whoever you are, whether a long time member, new to the community, visiting friends or family, we welcome you. Join us for fellowship after our worship service this morning.

Please sign the black friendship pad found at the end of your pew, and then learn the names of

your “pew neighbors” by passing the completed register back down the pew. Thank you.


The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you.


The Lord be with you. And also with you.


*CALL TO WORSHIP God, we praise you,

For summer sun and laid-back days, For family vacations, and leisurely mornings.

God, we praise you, For fathers and mothers, family and friends who help us to wholeness, and all who make up our circle of love,

For the church, which gives us a taste of heaven, a glimpse of the kingdom. God, we praise you,

With quiet prayers, acts of kindness and justice, and loud singing too. With our voices raised in song,

Let us worship God!


CALL TO CONFESSION The truth about us is this: we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Yet God promises to pour out grace upon us, giving us confidence to show ourselves as we are and be freed from shame. Trusting in God’s mercy, let us confess our sin before God and one another.

++Prayer of Confession God, grant us to be:

Silent before you that we might hear you. Open to you that you may enter.

At rest in you that you might work in us. Empty before you that you may fill us.

Prayerful with you that we might be sustained. Hungry for you that we would be nourished.

Powerless before you that we can be directed. Singing to you that we can know your beauty.

Humble toward you that your awesomeness would transform us. Loyal to you that we would be obedient.

Longing for you that we would find life's purpose. Yearning for you that we would know completeness.

Loving to you so we could know your love. Devoted to you to discover our priorities.

Honoring of you so that we, too, can be honored by you. Servant to you in order to serve others.

Thankful to you so we can be thankful in all things. (Silent Confession)


ASSURANCE OF PARDON Who is in a position to condemn?

Only Christ. And Christ died for us, Christ rose for us, Christ reigns in power for

us, Christ prays for us. Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old life has passed away. A new life has begun. Friends, believe the gospel.

In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Thanks be to God!

*SUNG RESPONSE 479 Glory Be to the Father GLORIA PATRI

“Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the

beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.”



SCRIPTURE LESSON Colossians 2: 6-19


All children are invited to come forward at this time. Parents are encouraged to accompany their

younger children and sit with them. After the message, Sunday school age children will be excused with

their teachers. Visiting parents with children are welcome to escort their children along with the

teachers to the Sunday school classes or the church nursery. On the first & third Sundays of the month,

MS/HS Students are invited to sit together near the front of the sanctuary during the service.






If you have a prayer request or celebration, please use the prayer requests & ponderings card found

in the pew racks and leave it in the offering plate. We invite you to take this opportunity to open

your hearts, minds and spirits to the living God and to the example of Jesus Christ.

OFFERTORY IN QUIET PRAISE DONALD CALLENDER (If you wish to give electronically from your smartphone please see the last page of the bulletin for

the QR code.)


*DOXOLOGY p. 592

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below;

Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Thomas Ken, 1695, 1709; Genevan Psalter, 1551; Music: Copyright 1967 by Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

*PRAYER OF DEDICATION Hymn of Preparation – 851 (red) Come, Bring Your Burden to God Woza nomthwalo wakho