Nevertheless when the Son of - no 7...

1 Faith no 7 Faith or insanity pt 2 June 4, 2017 Brian Kocourek, Pastor Last night we began by contrasting the words of Jesus in Luke 18:8 with those of God Himself in Deuteronomy 28:28. So let's refresh our minds this morning by reading these for our text again this morning. Luke 18:8 "I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? And Deuteronomy 28:28 The LORD shall smite thee with madness , and blindness , and astonishment of heart: We followed that with some prophesy from the prophet Jeremiah and from God's end time Prophet William Branham concerning the end time mental condition of the people. In Jeremiah 51:7 we read, Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD'S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad . Which means this relationship she has with the nations brings on this insanity. From his sermon, Invisible union of the bride 65-1125 P:51 Brother branham warned, "The complete total insanity this world will go into right away . It's almost there now. Why, you can see the footsteps of it . There it is. It's marching right out on the street, right down the church pew: total insanity , do things that a human being wouldn't think of doing and being civilized. Look what Hollywood's done to the woman. Look how it's robbed the sacred virtues of the woman. On and on we could go. See, all this she lost. How did she do it? Because there was a subtle instrument called the church , like there was in the garden of Eden. A subtle person, the devil , walked into the church just like he did in the garden of Eden and deceived her into it. She's deceived . The woman thinks... She don't mean to be wrong. Eve didn't mean to do wrong. It wasn't willfully . but she... The Bible said in I Timothy 3, she was deceived . And deceived is not when you willfully do it, it's when you are deceived into doing it." And from his sermon 18 Christ Revealed In His Own Word pp. 20 he said, "Men now and people today are in such a neurotic condition, the whole world ... , So we see this world condition began with neurosis in his day but he prophesied it would escalate to where the entire world would become insane right before the bride is taken out in the rapture. The dictionary defines insanity as the condition of being insane ; a derangement of the mind, it is also known by lunacy, madness, craziness, mania and aberration. As an end time condition we see that all men will go completely insane with the exception of them who have the mind of Christ. It's effects upon the world will be devastating.

Transcript of Nevertheless when the Son of - no 7...

Page 1: Nevertheless when the Son of - no 7 Faith or insanity pt2.pdf · Luke 18:8 "I tell you that he will avenge them speedily.


Faith no 7

Faith or insanity pt 2

June 4, 2017

Brian Kocourek, Pastor

Last night we began by contrasting the words of Jesus in Luke 18:8 with those of God

Himself in Deuteronomy 28:28. So let's refresh our minds this morning by reading these

for our text again this morning.

Luke 18:8 "I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of

man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

And Deuteronomy 28:28 The LORD shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and

astonishment of heart:

We followed that with some prophesy from the prophet Jeremiah and from God's end

time Prophet William Branham concerning the end time mental condition of the people.

In Jeremiah 51:7 we read, Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD'S hand, that

made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations

are mad. Which means this relationship she has with the nations brings on this insanity.

From his sermon, Invisible union of the bride 65-1125 P:51 Brother branham warned,

"The complete total insanity this world will go into right away. It's almost there now.

Why, you can see the footsteps of it. There it is. It's marching right out on the street,

right down the church pew: total insanity, do things that a human being wouldn't think

of doing and being civilized. Look what Hollywood's done to the woman. Look how it's

robbed the sacred virtues of the woman. On and on we could go. See, all this she lost.

How did she do it? Because there was a subtle instrument called the church, like there

was in the garden of Eden. A subtle person, the devil, walked into the church just like

he did in the garden of Eden and deceived her into it. She's deceived. The woman

thinks... She don't mean to be wrong. Eve didn't mean to do wrong. It wasn't willfully.

but she... The Bible said in I Timothy 3, she was deceived. And deceived is not when you

willfully do it, it's when you are deceived into doing it."

And from his sermon 18 Christ Revealed In His Own Word pp. 20 he said, "Men now

and people today are in such a neurotic condition, the whole world... ,

So we see this world condition began with neurosis in his day but he prophesied it would

escalate to where the entire world would become insane right before the bride is taken out

in the rapture.

The dictionary defines insanity as the condition of being insane; a derangement of the

mind, it is also known by lunacy, madness, craziness, mania and aberration.

As an end time condition we see that all men will go completely insane with the

exception of them who have the mind of Christ. It's effects upon the world will be


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But we are also told that God will take his Bride out of the earth and then what is

withholding all things down which is His Holy Spirit in the earth, when he leaves the

midst of humanity with his bride, then there will be nothing left to hold back the insanity

and keep it in check, and literally all hell will break loose at that point in time.

Leadership 65-1207 P:121 These hideous sights that's coming upon the earth. You can

see how the people's moving right into it. It's an insanity. But when that thing strikes,

the church will be gone. God, let us be there. That's my prayer to the great supernatural

Being that's in this building tonight, the great Christ that still has Eternal Life. I pray

Thee, Christ, as I'm here with my eyes open, looking at the church that You've redeemed

with Your Blood. God, don't let a one of us be lost. We want to be right with You. So

cleanse us, O Lord, from all of our iniquities. Take away our sins and things. We seen

You heal our sick, even raise our dead (come back to life through prayer), and we seen

all these things happen, Father. Now, bring us back to Life spiritually; bring us back

into realization of Eternal Life through Christ Jesus. Grant this, Father. I commit it all

to You. In Jesus Christ's Name.

Brother Branham tells us the order is that the Holy spirit Who is now in our midst will

leave the midst of humanity and when He does, He will take us with Him, and then we

will meet the Son of God, and when God incarnates His Son Once more, then we will

crown Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Now, let's find this in the Scripture. II Thessalonians 2:5 Remember ye not, that, when I

was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he

might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he

who now letteth [will let], until he be taken out of the way.

Now, this may sound a little confusing to you, so let me read it from the Wuest

translation, and you will find the same thing brother Branham is telling us in this quote.

That the Holy Ghost Who is now in our midst will at this time leave the earth.

Wuest Translation II Thessalonians 2: 5-7 Do you not remember that while I was still

with you I kept on telling you these things? And now you know with a positive assurance

that which namely, the departure of the church, the saints being assembled to the Lord, is

preventing his being disclosed as to his true identity, in his strategic, appointed time, for

the mystery of the aforementioned lawlessness is now operating. Only He, the Holy

Spirit, who is holding the lawlessness down, will do so, until He goes out from the midst of humanity. And then shall the lawless one be disclosed in his true identity..etc.

Now, this ties in perfectly with what brother Branham taught us in the Seals.

Now, here is the quote from Brother Branham, FIRST SEAL THE 63-0318

161-3 {301} Notice, and when this Holy Spirit that we have, becomes incarnate to us, the

One that's in our midst now in the form of the Holy Ghost, becomes incarnate to us in the

Person of Jesus Christ, we'll crown Him King of king...?... That's right. See?

So we see here that this Scripture speaks first of the Saints assembling to the Lord and

then it speaks of their departure from the earth. Then, as if in the same breath, Paul also

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tells us this will happen when the Holy Spirit departs from the midst of humanity. Now,

the Holy spirit could not depart from the midst of humanity if He were not here. And if

we are to be gathered together to Him first, then when he goes we go, for nowhere in

scripture does it speak contrary to this. Nowhere in Scripture does it speak of the Lord

leaving at a different time from the earth than the saints leave. So, if we are gathered

together unto Him first, then it is He that takes us up from the midst of humanity just like

Jesus took Peter James and John up into the Mountain.

Luke 21:34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged

with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you

unawares. 35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole

earth. 36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to

escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

37 And in the day time he was teaching in the temple; and at night he went out, and

abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives. 38 And all the people came early

in the morning to him in the temple, for to hear him.

Now in this scripture we are told that the cares of this life or anxiety is actually et as a

trap or snare for all who live on the face of this earth. Why? Because just as a trap it

doesn't end there. If our focus is on the things of this world, then we will be caught up

into these anxieties which are a snare to us. So you see the snare is set for those who do

not have their focus on the path. ( I remember when I was a boy, I had watched Tarzan

and saw how they set traps for wild animals. So the next time we were playing guns in

the woods, I cut a vine and made a noose in it, set a small not in it and cut a notch in a

nearby tree to hold it down, then I laid the noose end on a few small sticks to hold it of

the ground so as to catch the foot of the bad guys and then I covered the noose end with

leaves. I set it on a path in the woods, and I waited for the bad guys to come along. I

knew that if they were not paying attention they would get caught in the trap.) And that is

exactly what has been set for mankind in this hour. A trap has been set for those whose

focus is not upon Christ and His Promises for this end-time. Those who are lazily

walking though life without paying attention to the conditions of the hour. Didn't Jesus

warn us "if the man of the house had know what hour the thief was coming, he would

have prepared his home and he would not have suffered the thief to break in." Our focus

should be on standing in the presence of the Son of Man as Jesus tells us here. We should

not be concerned with the cares of this life, because they are considered a snare to the real

things that God has in store for us. And remember people, every time we see people

caught in a trap in the scriptures, they were destroyed.

Notice this next quote from brother Branham concerning insanity in this age. He tells us

the first sign of insanity is to have a temper fit, and he even quotes the Mayo Clinic with

this diagnosis. I looked up on line and sure enough temper is said to be one of the first

indicators in children of the onset of insanity.

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In this next quote we will see brother Branham show us how temper is one of the first

signs, and we see this everyday on the streets, in the shopping malls and store especially

when there are big sales like black Friday.

Questions and answers COD 59-1223 P:55 Jesus said, "Take your leave. But come out

of him." Amen. Oh, my. Little bitty Guy like that speaking to that big legion of devils.

"Come out of him. You have your leave." And they got into those hogs, and they had fits,

run them hogs into fits. And down the way they went to the river and drowned in the

river, choked themselves in the river. Isn't that right? Now, when they did... Of course the

devils went out of them, 'cause it killed the hogs. It just run them into a fit. They had a fit

just like anyone. Did you ever see a person have a temper fit? Well, that's just what it is.

That's just them devils. That's what happened to them. You ever see one of them having

a temper fit, you say, "Oh, uh-huh, I know what happened in Gadara now." See? That's

just exactly. Just a few more come in there, run him completely insane; 'cause the

medical doctor will tell you that temper is the first stage of insanity. That's what Mayo

says, the first stage of insanity. Brother Pat, that might have been rude. That's the best

I know, just unexpected. All right.

Listen brother Branham was talking to Br. Pat Tyler who had been a man that killed a

man and was sent to jail because of his anger resulted in murder. So he wasn't holding

back none whatsoever to correct the errors and let these people known that you are either

being led by the Holt Spirit of the devil.

Concerned and convinced 62-0610E P:13 Now, baptism of the Holy Ghost--moving on

for God. Pat Tyler, another bosom friend of mine setting over here. Brother Pat, stand

up. You all might know Pat Tyler. Thank you, Brother Pat. God bless you. He was an

outlaw, a gunman, killer; God saved him and made a saint out of him; hitchhiking

across the country to follow the meetings and things. You know, I think of these people

that, where they've come from, I think of Hebrews the 11th chapter: "Were sawed

asunder and wandered about in goatskin and sheepskin, of whom the world was not worthy of." They all bear that testimony.

Leadership 65-1207 P:120 Do you love God? Can you feel... Do you realize what I'm

trying to tell you? If you can understand this just raise your hands, say, "I understand

what you're trying to say." Can you see the insanity of this age? Look how it's gone;

there's no even reasons among the people no more. It's gone. Where is our... Even

leaders...Look at our President. "If they want Communism, let them have it. Whatever

the people wants, let them have it." Where is our Patrick Henrys, our George

Washington's? Where is our leaders that can stand for a principle? We haven't got

them no more. Where is our churches, our ministers? Will take the people in just on

prohibition, or come in join the church and do this, or have a little sensation or

something. Where is those men of God, those prophet that stand out and dare to defy all

the things of the world? Where is those men of integrity? Where are they at? They're so

soft, and through intellectual conceptions and things, till they're not here no more. O

God, have mercy upon us.

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Leadership 65-1207 P:119 O God, let me go, Lord. Don't leave me behind, Jesus. Let

me go with You, Father. I don't want to stay here on this earth to watch these

tribulations coming on. I don't want to stay here in this insanity. I don't want to stand

here when hideous sights, the people losing their mind. We look at men trying to act like

beasts and look like beasts; (and that was back in 1965. What about today when they

tattoo themselves like lizards and cut their tongues to look like lizards, and pierce their

flesh like the pagan priests who cut themselves and pierced themselves in the days of

Elijah) and the women trying to look like animals, with the paints on their face. Knowing

that these things are predicted to happen, that the thing will, they'll go so insane till

locusts will rise up with hair like women to haunt the women, and teeth like lions, and

things that You've said; the mental condition of the people will be completely gone. We

see it in the making right now, Lord. Help us. Restore us to the sane mind of Christ

Jesus our Lord. O great Leader of Eternal Life, we accept Your promise tonight, Father.

I plead for this people. I plead for every one of them, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Lord. I

pray that Christ the Son of God will come into the hearts of every one of us, Lord, and

mold us and make us into new creatures in Jesus Christ. Grant it, Lord God. We love

You. And we want our dispositions, our change to come into us, that we can be Your

children, feel of Your Spirit moving in our hearts, Lord, tendering us and bringing us to

realization of this insane age that we're living in. Grant it, God. When we see young

women so caught up in the web of the Devil, young men, perverted minds, children, dope

addicts, cigarette smoking, drinking, immoral, Satan's Eden. God, it taken You six

thousand years, according to the Bible, to build an Eden. And You put Your son and his

wife in there (his bride) to rule over it. And Satan come around and perverted it; he's got

six thousand years, and he's built his own intellectual Eden through science, and

education, and so-called intelligence, and he's built it into a mess of death. O God, take

us back to Eden again, Lord, where there's no death, where there's no sorrow. Grant it,

Lord. We stand humbly, waiting for the Second Adam to come for His Bride. Make us

part of Him, Father. We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

In 2007 there were over 230 million drug addicts in the world, and more than 20 million

in the USA. So what is it today? I would think more than double that figure. It is doubling

unto her double, don't you see we are at the end time. There won't be another generation

to come.

Baptism of the holy spirit 58-0928M P:61 And then this young generation running

around smoking, drinking, and everything, how do you expect another generation to

exist? The reason we got sin, the juvenile delinquency now, the reason we got little girls

on the street, and little boys is because their mothers and daddies did what they did in

the bygone age. And the reason we still got preachers who'll stand for truth, the reason

we still got some old fashion girls is because they had old fashion parents back behind them. That's exactly right. We still got preachers that stands uncompromising with any

denomination or the Word is because that we had old fashion preachers in the back

stood right on the same grounds. Yes.

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God's provided place of worship 65-0425 P:77 Look at this teenage insane. Why, we had

a... I told you the other day, they was taking an analysis there of the schools in Arizona

where I live, and eighty percent of the children in school is mentally retarded. What will

their children be? We can't have another generation. We're at the end. Jesus said these

things would come. Look at all the televisions and things getting these fictitious things

in order. It'll come a time, I predict, that people will be completely totally insane; the

world will be. The Bible speaks of such hideous sights as they show in movies today of

some prehistoric creature's age, that's lived in the earth for so many thousands and

millions of years, hatch and come forth to some... That's just a minor thing to what's

going to happen. When hell is opened and the Devil comes out with all of his mysterious

things, of women--or locusts with hair like women, and teeth like lions. Why, the world

will be completely, totally insane. It's not but just about one degree from it now.

Notice he said, When hell is opened and the Devil comes out... and even the people all

over the world are concerned over CERN because they are trying to open a portal to

another dimension, which is that fifth dimension where all sinners go. That is hell, where

Satan and his angels live. That's the next dimension. we already live in three Time space

and matter and then the fourth is radio and television waves, that's the ether dimension,

and then the fifth is where the souls in prison reside, and the 6th is where the saints are

waiting and the seventh is where God himself resides. As you know the top scientists

working at Cern are Hindus who believe in Shiva the goddess of death. And they have a

statue of shiva on location at the CERN facility in Geneva. Last year when I was in

Geneva preaching I went to CERN to try to take a picture for myself by this statue but we

could not get in because of security.

On the CERN website they say, " Extra dimensions

"As far as we know, we live in four

dimensions, three of space and one

of time. But experimentalists at the

Large Hadron Collider are

looking for evidence that the

universe contains more than that.

The existence of extra dimensions could explain some puzzling properties of the


You can go online and watch these crazy cloud

formations occur as the CERN is ramped up and putting

our extreme energy into the underground circle of

electronic rails that makes up CERN.

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Invisible union of the bride 65-1125 P:50 But now, look

what Hollywood has took the virtuous things from our

women. I'm setting here looking at a dear old woman,

Sister Schrader. Many of the women here, that and Sister

Moore over here, the older women that remembers a few

years ago, if their mother or even them, would have

walked out on the street the way some of these women

walk today



they'd have locked the woman up for being insane. She forgot to put on her skirt. Well, if it

was insane then, it's insane now. Well, look,

the whole world proves it's insane. Look at the

murders and things that's going on now in the

world (See?): insanity. The whole thing is

coming to fulfill Revelations; we may get to it

this week, where those hideous things...

Them's not natural; that's spiritual things that makes people scream to the rocks and

the mountains and everything else to fall on them.

Spiritual things? The opening up of another dimension, the fifth dimension perhaps?

Knoweth it not 65-0815 P:31 Well, if it was sin and wrong then, it's the same thing; but

the people has growed into insanity.

Notice they have grown into insanity.

Knoweth it not 65-0815 P:29 And if this woman... Now,

she'd say, "Now, wait just a minute, Mr. Branham. I'll give

you to understand, I am no prostitute." My sister, maybe if

you'd be took before a Bible, put your hands upon It in the

Presence of God and swear an oath that you'd been just as

true to your husband as you could be. Your body belongs to

your husband, but your soul belongs to God. There is a evil

spirit that's anointing you. If you're not, then you're... I can

prove that you're totally insane. What would've happened to

your grandmother if she'd have walked down the street with

them shorts on? They'd have put her in the insane

institution; she come out without her dress on. There's

something wrong with her mind. If it was so then, it's so now. So it throws the whole world into insanity. The whole

thing's insane. And it's so gradually crept in till the people

don't know it.

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Knoweth it not 65-0815 P:32 Let me prophesy something to you just before it comes to

pass. The whole world is groping in insanity, and will get worse, and worse, and worse

until it'll be a bunch of maniacs, and it's almost that way now.

Serpent's seed 58-0928E P:13 So look here, if their mother was a chorus girl, and...

Their grandmother, and her mother was a flapper, what's she today? A rock-and-roll

striptease. What's her children going to be? And you say, "Does

God do that?" Yes, sir. God visits the iniquity of the children,

the generation, even to fourteen generations. And if Christ

come to magnify it, we'd say a hundred generations or five-

hundred generations. Why, He said, "Them of old... You've

heard them say, them of old times, 'Thou shalt not kill. I say you,

who's ever angry with his brother without a cause has killed

already.' You've heard them said, them of old times, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery.' But

I say that who looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery already."

He made it. What is magnify? Make it many times bigger. And if under the law it was

fourteen generations, how long will it take the same thing today?

You sisters here and those who are watching this and, I've seen all over FaceBook years

ago sister right in this message posing no different than these flappers did back in the

20's. Stay off Face Book. Don't you know its a tool of the devil to draw you away from

Christ? Don't you know it was funded seed money by the NSA and the NSA and CIA

both claim it is their best source of Humint? Human intelligence gathering?

Why would sisters post those awful suggestive pictures of themselves in various poses so

the world could see? The Bible says without holiness no man will see God and that

includes women too. And you young men, Why do you fashion after the world with goat

tees? Satan is represented as a goat and a goat tee is named after the hair on the goats

chin? Why did brother Branham preach so hard against that beatnik spirit in the 60's?

Why are we not a denomination? 58-0927 P:54 Listen, you young people today. I don't

know whether you come to this church, or where you come, you young boys and girls.

Did you realize, the things that you're doing, if there is another generation, your

children will be judged for what you do? Haven't you no respect or decency? You girls

that's out here wearing these little old shorts and things around, you know, that's

reflecting on your daughter. Did you know your grand mammy was a flapper, and your

mammy a chorus girl, and that's the reason you're a striptease today? It's certainly. What

will your children be? Yes, sir. God said He'd visit the iniquity of the parents upon the

children and their children, to three and four generations.

When their eyes were opened 64-0312 P:29 My, testing Jack Ruby the other day for

insanity; they're still doing it. The whole world's insane. Sure, the man's crazy. No man

can shoot another without being crazy. The whole world's crazy. Certainly it is. The

farmer, he's crazy to the businessman; the businessman's crazy to the farmer. Who is

crazy? The whole group is. There's only one sane thing, and that's Jesus Christ, the

Son of God. And His Gospel has the answer to everything. Our books of psychology, and

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all these things, are nonsense. If it's contrary to this Word, throw it all away. God's Word

is right, and all others are wrong. You see these things. No wonder the world's become

drenched in blood. No wonder the things are the way they are now. We don't, it's just

every time... Wonder if Oswald, that murdered our president, wonder if he'd have got an

insane test. I doubt it. But you see, how can a man run in and shoot another man, and

take his life, and go on? Well, I'm in Texas. I'll just stop on that. But let me tell you

something. Every... The Lord will take care of it all someday at His coming. Notice. You

have no right to take any man's life. No sir. God's the only One has right to take life. It's


Why 61-0413 P:12 Anybody that's real spiritual is, science says, is just one stage away

from insanity from the world. So it's the human mind trying to cope with that mind

there (You see?), you don't realize. No one will ever know on this side of eternity what it


He careth for you 60-0301 P:25 But he's still the same damnable thing that sends men's

soul to hell, and young people to the insane institution; and has got an age up here of

rock-and-roll idiots and beatniks, and juvenile delinquency, till it's become insanity.

Even till our schools can't touch them; we lost twenty thousand teachers last year. Why?

They're searching for something. They're looking for it, and the church has failed to give

it to them. The reason they do that, because they were made that way to search.

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’

( -- Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns

Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that

transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is

“biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are

collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.

So has the LGBT community opened their minds to Scientific Truth. No way, they want

to sue the university over the study.

GBT Group Threatens Johns Hopkins Over Study on Homosexuality, Transgender In a remarkable case of agenda politics eclipsing science, America’s largest LGBT

group has threatened harm to Johns Hopkins University if it doesn’t censor the

scientific findings of leading scholars on the origins of homosexuality and


In a recent major study titled “Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological,

Psychological, and Social Sciences,” researchers from Johns Hopkins found that there is

virtually no scientific evidence that people are born gay or transgender.

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He Careth for you 60-0301 P:23 And sometimes to be popular, they'll watch television

and on the streets, and smoking, the lowest thing that women has done in the twentieth

century, when women started smoking cigarettes. That's the greatest fifth columnist this

nation ever had. It breaks morals; it sends these institutions out here full of insanity

people; it sends the hospitals full of tubercular, cancer cases, and everything developing

from it, and yet they do it to get comfort. God gave us something to comfort us: the Holy

Spirit, God's Comforter. These things are only substitute that'll finally lead to a place

rioting, and cheating, and stealing, and doing things wrong.

Hear recognize act on word 60-0221 P:98 Education's at the end. Juvenile delinquency

is at the end. Children, there ain't no hopes for children; they done gone insane. You

can't have no education. You can't go down here at the school and have, get a kid with

education. He's a twofold child more of hell when he comes out than he is when he

goes in. Let the teacher say something about it; he'll get killed; they'll form a little cluck

and go out there and shoot the teacher, take him out and string him up. We lost two

thousand teachers. Oh, wait a minute, I believe, twenty thousand teachers, this last year.

I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to do it either. Now, they got signs up every time,

"Give college education to these kids." They do need it, but the Devil's got them. The

Devil's got them. And it's not only just normal to go out and be mean and take a gate off

and hang it up in a tree on Halloween night, or do some little meanness like kids used to

do, or take a farmer's buggy and set it out in the road, not like that; but they're insane.

They do things that's insanity; shoot you, kill you, and murder you, poison you,

anything. That's the next generation.

Now, I could give you loads and loads of articles showing exactly what brother Branham

said, but I think we are all aware of the mental condition of the millennial generation. It's

off the charts where sanity is concerned. and all I can say to you Millennial's that are

listening to this around the world, Don't call yourself that. Call yourself sons and

daughters of God. Stay clear of all that political identity insanity like global warming and

LGBT tolerance. You've been lied to about those things. Those are lies. There is no

evidence of Global warming.

1. The Climate-gate scandal proved that key data involving man-made climate

change was manipulated. In 2009, the public discovered emails from the University of

East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit exposing how scientists who have been enormously

influential in promoting the concept of man-made climate change actually attempted

to cook the books to obtain results that served their narrative that the planet was heating

at a dangerous trend due to higher levels of carbon dioxide.

2. NASA may have also been involved in manipulating data to serve the narrative of

man-made climate change. The Washington Times reported in 2009: "Under pressure

in 2007, NASA recalculated its data and found that 1934, not 1998, was the hottest year

in its records for the contiguous 48 states. NASA later changed that data again, and now

1998 and 2006 are tied for first, with 1934 slightly cooler."

3. NASA also declared 2014 to be the hottest year on record – despite the fact that

they were only 38 percent sure about it. The latter fact was left out of their press

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release at the time, as well as the fact that 2014 was supposedly hotter than the previous

hottest year, 2010, by 0.02C – well within the margin of error of 0.1C that scientists tend

to adhere by.

4. There is no evidence that the Earth has been warming in recent years. As The

Daily Caller highlights, a recent peer-reviewed study concluded that when accounting

for El Ninos and La Ninas – which are the "the fluctuations in temperature between the

ocean and atmosphere in the east-central Equatorial Pacific" that "occur on average

every two to seven years," according to NOAA – there has been a flat-line temperature

trend since 1997. In fact, the study found that the El Ninos and La Ninas disproved the

existence of the Tropical Hot Spot, which the Environmental Protection Agency claimed

as evidence of carbon dioxide supposedly warming the atmosphere.

5. The left likes to claim that 97 percent of scientists support the concept of man-

made climate change. It's likely closer to 43 percent. The 97 percent myth stems from

a variety of flawed studies, as the Daily Wire explained here. On the other hand, the PBL

Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency conducted a survey in 2015 that

found that only 43 percent of scientists believe in man-made climate change, which is far

from a consensus.

6. The amount of Arctic sea ice has become quite high. Data from the Danish

Meteorological Institute shows that the "average [ice] extent over the month [of

September] is one of the highest in the last decade," according to Paul Homewood. This

runs directly counter to the predictions of the climate change models.

7. Money from the federal government and leftist organizations fuel a lot of

misinformation from man-made global warming alarmists. Climate change

alarmism is an extremely lucrative industry. All in all, there have been over $32.5 billion

of federal government grants that have funded climate change research from 1989-

2009, far more than any research funded by the oil industry. National Review reports:

8. It is patently absurd to link Hurricane Matthew to climate change. Not just

because of the aforementioned reasons, but because as Marco Morano points out at

Climate Depot, "The data show for the last 10 years we have had an unusual drought of

land falling major hurricanes (Category 3 and higher) on the continental U.S." "That’s

right, no major hurricanes have made landfall for over a decade," Morano

continued. "This is the longest such drought on record."

Look, all these things which the world is looking at, LGBTism, Global warming, The

Paris climate summit, these are all scams to get tax payer money. They are all distractions

and lies by the devil and his minions to get your young minds in a mess. Stay away from

that stuff. It's all lies. There's only one thing you should have your mind on and that is

Christ. Get ready for the rapture or you will stay behind for tribulation.

What is the Holy Ghost 59-1216 P:78 What is Christ? What is the Holy Ghost? It's not

something people laugh at. It is something people laugh at, but it ain't to the believer. To

the unbeliever... I wished I had a long two or three weeks; I'd like to take tomorrow night

and tell you what It is to the unbeliever. Let me just run through just a moment of time.

It's a laughing stock; It's a snare; It's a stumbling block; It's death; It's eternal

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separation from God. I just can't think of the things that It is to the unbeliever. Remember, the same rain that the unbeliever made fun of was the same rain that saved

Noah and his family. See? The same Spirit (Holy Ghost) that people are making fun of

and says is crazy, and a bunch of nuts, "It's insanity," it's the same thing that'll rapture

the church and take it up at the last days, will bring judgment upon the unbelievers.

That's right. That's what the Holy Ghost is. Blessed are they (May I say this in the

sincerity of my heart.)--blessed are they that do hunger and thirst for It, for they shall

be filled.

Discerning body of Lord 59-0812 P:26 Rightly discerning, rightly dividing... Whiskey,

alcohol, why, they say that it's harmful. All over your television screen, all over every

billboard, in your newspaper is a big cans of beer with lovely young women drinking it.

They show you when they start. Look at them a little later from that. It fills their mind

with poison toxin. Its increase of insanity is terrible. It causes immorality among the

young. And even the churches today are preaching and practicing, many of them, "drink

moderately." You know that's the truth. Telling their young folks at home and the parents,

"Let your children drink. They're going to drink anyhow, so just teach them to drink

moderately." The Bible condemns it. It's not right. God help a man with no more

discernment than that, or a church. Can't discern the right from the wrong.

And we got churches right in this message that preach it's ok to have a drink with your

meal. It's not ok, I have shown you many times where brother Branham calls it attributes

of unbelief. Stay away from such as that. Without Holiness no man shall see God. Oh,

they say, "some do and some don't" as though that makes it right to do. Then they say

brother so and so did it, so it must be ok. Let me tell you something , brother so and so if

he did do it, will have to answer to God for doing it because God's prophet said, Stay

away from that stuff.

God's provided way 59-0415A P:43 Now, you take, many times, people who climb some

other way will have that disgraceful name. Say, "That's a bunch of holy-rollers." Did you

know that's what the apostles was called? Do you know, John the Baptist was declared a

wild man? Did you know Jesus Christ was declared by the Sanhedrin Council an insane

Man? "Now we know you're mad." "Mad" means "insanity." You know all the apostles

was declared insane? But I like what Paul said, "In the way that's called heresy, so

worship I the God of our fathers." Oh, because he'd been robed in that same

righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what it is today, friend. So many people

are trying to get in, but they're not taking God's provided entrance. And if you go any

other way besides Jesus Christ... And when the apostles come into Jesus Christ, when the

early Church came into Jesus Christ, they received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It

made them a different people. It made them act different, live different. Their whole life

was motivated different. They had different motives. They had different objectives.

Everything was different when they come into Christ.

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Where is He King of Jews 58-1221M P:30 A good friend of mine called me a few days

ago, and was talking to a person who studies psychology and the mind. And this person

had read my book, and they said, "If he is a spiritual man, do you know that there is just

one little thread between deep spiritual people and insanity?" And the person was rather

alarmed. I said, "Don't think that strange. Our Lord was called crazy; all of His

disciples were called crazy; and all that worshipped Him was called crazy. 'In the way

that's called heresy,' said the great Paul, 'so worship I the God of my fathers.'" They

are not crazy. But the world, the preaching of the Gospel is foolishness to those that

perish; but it pleased God through this foolishness to save those who would believe.

Then Jesus came 57-0407E P:48 There you are. There you are. What is it? It's

neurotics; it's mentally. And the doctors claim that nine out of every ten Americans is

suffering with mental deficiency. Even the psychiatrists that's supposed to be mental

interpreters, they are going wild and insane. They're hooking them by the great cuffs in

the insane institution. Insanity is on the move. Rape is on the move. Whiskey is on the

move. Sin is on the move. Debauchery is on the move. There's no way to stop it.

Communism is sweeping in like a flood. There's no way to stop it because they're in the

government and everywhere else.

Of course they are. Bernie Sanders was a professed communist, and Hillary was a secret

communist. And all liberalism today is nothing but communism with a different name to

it. But it's all just political lies from Satan.

Painted face Jezebel 56-1005 P:40 Why, here the day I met a bunch of women who was

having a prayer meeting, shouting and speaking in tongues with shorts on, smoking

cigarettes: Pentecostals. God have mercy. It's backslidden sinners is exactly what it is.

I'm not judge, but, "By their fruits you shall know them."Do you realize it's insanity?

Do you realize there's only one time in the Bible that anyone ever stripped their clothes

off, and that was a devil possessed person? Do you realize that all this stuff that's going

on today, these rock-and-roll parties that you all are attending, up in them places, when

they go so frantic and get in such a maneuver, the Presley and them, till young ladies

take their underneath clothes off and throw them up on the platform for him to autograph, and call that civilization, when they send dozens of them to the insane

asylum afterward? And our radio programs and everything nearly you hear is full of that

chaos? It's the devil like a roaring lion. And they're bringing that same thing, with

boogie-woogie and everything into the church. Way in the Hottentots of Africa, that

same mournful sound... When I seen them stand there, and the witch doctors, and they'd

go, and them sounds. Heathens with paint over their face, and the young women would

dance out there till they'd...?... sex parties and everything else. And America in it has

reached the top of civilization and swinging backwards and going into heathens again,

painting and rocking, and-rolling thus, and--and even calling themselves church members. Amen. Many a time... They had one here in Canada not long ago. And I think

they sent ten kids in two days after that, to the insane institution. Sure. You better settle

down to the old fashion Gospel and come back to Christ. Certainly they had. Draw the

lines between right and wrong.

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Testimony 63-1128M P:34 Let me tell you something. Real spiritual minds is one step

from insanity. Did you know that? A scientific research will tell you that. Here you are

down here slow and slumpy; and then you come up a little more spiritual; then you're

about like this; then you go to like a dull axe; and then to a honed razor. Now you know

which side you would fall on there. If a man tries to lift hisself up there, he's sure to go

on the wrong side. If God lifts him up there, he's far above the average person. There's

where visions and things break through. There's where the Kingdom of God is. Poets,

prophets, and all were considered neurotics.

World again falling apart 63-1127 P:95 And another night, a roadhouse man, up for

rackets and everything, just walked right in and jumped before the Texas police force

with over a hundred and something standing there, walked right in; and everybody

looking at him, pulled his gun out and shot a man in cold-blooded murder, and walk out.

He'll plead insane, and go free. Right in our city, a man walked right into a garage the

other day, in a little syndicate, and took a man that was a car dealer. He didn't like him;

he just pulled out a gun and shot him, four or five times. And he said he was insane; they

let him go. If it's insanity pleaded for that man, then also Oswald had a chance,

should've had a chance to plead insane. What is it though? You see where it's at, the

whole thing's a big bunch of corruption. The whole thing's guilty, and the whole world

stands guilty, and the church stands guilty before God. Amen. No wonder we're falling

apart. Let us pray.

Super sign 62-0708 P:31 Brother, we're at the age of insanity, that everything's become

so super. We're just human beings. And they want a super race. Hitler said that Germany

was the super race. Stalin said that Russians was a super race. Something wrong


Oneness 62-0211 P:32 You see, why does the nation, why does this nation let the people

be deceived? That oughtn't to be allowed to be said like that. That ought to be against the

law. About the modern cigarette advertisement, what a disgrace, "Not a cough in a

carload," all kind of... Well, that oughtn't to be allowed. What is it doing? It's deceiving.

There's death in every one of them. There's death in the drinking of whiskey: rape,

murder, insanity in the bottle. But yet we're allowed to put it on our programs and

advertise it as "The kind that grandfather drank. More joy out of life," certain kinds of

beverages of beer and alcohol. What is it? It's deceiving. It's placing something before

the public to kill themselves with. And we're allowed to do it.

God's power to transform 65-0911 P:78 Let me tell you about you Arizonans here. You

seen that analysis the other day of schools, didn't you? Eighty percent of the children in

Arizona schools are suffering with mental deficiency, sixty-seven percent of them was by

looking at television. How about that? You better use your shotgun. See? Now, don't let

the Devil spray you with that. No, sir. Now, people, as I said, people act like they don't

have to come to judgment. These boys and girls, they had some Indian family, and whole

lot of stuff. I think a fellow named Mr. Pool is the head of it. And if I ever seen a modern

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mockery of hymns, it was way they handled it; a bunch of Rickies standing there, shaking

their hands up-and-down.

Choosing of a bride 65-0429E P:65 If you'd tell a man or woman on the street that was

stark naked, and tell them they were naked, and they say, "Tend to your own business,"

why, there's a mental deficiency there somewhere; there's something went wrong with

their mind. And when you can read the Word of God how that people should do, and the

baptism of the Holy Ghost that we have today, and people... Why, they look at you as if

you were crazy. You tell them you got--they got to be born again; they got to believe the

Bible. They say, "That was a Jewish fable for years ago. Our church has the way."

Wretched, miserable, blind, naked, and don't even know it. What a...

One in a million 65-0424 P:23 And Brother Shakarian now just made a--a real

statement just now about what he thought about these days that we're--we're living in. I

truly believe that with all my heart, that we're living just at the closing time, just in a--just

in the evening shadows. The sun is far advanced. And when we see things taking place

the way they are today, why, it's hard telling what another generation would bring. A few

days ago...Just let me give you a little inside something. They made an analysis

throughout Arizona, where I live; of all the schools. They gave the children, unknowingly

to them, a mental test. And guess what? Including high schools and--and grammar

schools, there was eighty percent of the children suffering with mental deficiency. Seventy

percent of them was television watchers. See, the evils has just slipped up on us and we

don't... You wonder why it comes. You can hear the Voice of God screaming out against

it, and yet here we--we find ourself webbed into it.

Going beyond the camp 64-0719E P:28 Where is the stopping place? Some man or

woman at my age, I might ask you this. What if my mother or your mother about fifty

years ago walked out on the street with one of these pair of shorts, or bikinis, ever what

you call it on? The law would've picked them up immediately and put them in the insane

institution. A lady left the house without her top clothes on, and she should be in the

institution, because mentally there's something wrong. And if it was mentally to do a

thing like that then, it certainly is a sign that something's went insane. It's still a mental

deficiency. Going beyond reason, filth...

Hebrews Chapter 6 57-0908E P:64 That's the reason when God begin to manifest

Hisself, they said, "Nonsense, we don't want nothing to do with that." They don't know

God. They've never seen It. They can't understand It, because there's a different life in

there. He doesn't know... Cocklebur doesn't know what the wheat's a doing. He's a

different life. That's the way it is with a Christian, to the carnal believer, the confessor,

who goes out and confesses, "Oh, yes, I'm a Christian," a big cigar in his mouth like a

dehorned Texas steer. A woman with her shorts on, say, "Oh, yes, I'm a member of the

church. Sure, I am." Your fruits prove that you're nothing but carnal. That's right.

Certainly, it is. There's only one thing to allow for that: that's either mental deficiency or

a spirit of lust on you. That's right.

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Hebrews Chapter 4 57-0901E P:18 So, you see, Brother Wood said to me, "What do

you allow for that, Brother Branham?"I said, "It's either mental deficiency or devil

possession." There's only two things to make it. A decent, clean woman won't wear those

things unless she's devil possessed. That's exactly the truth. Now, a pilgrim that's on his

road to heaven, he lives in a different atmosphere. You don't have to worry about him

looking at her. He'll turn his head if he's got God in his heart, for he's living in an

atmosphere that's a million miles from those things. That's right. You don't want to be

guilty of that stuff at the judgment. So he turns his head and say, "God, have mercy on the

woman," and on he goes. We're in our journey. We're on our way to Canaan's land.

We're on our way to that eternal and blessful rest that God has given us. And in the

journey, we're tempted. We're tempted of all kinds of things, but yet be tempted without


Then Jesus came 57-0407E P:48 There you are. There you are. What is it? It's

neurotics; it's mentally. And the doctors claim that nine out of every ten Americans is

suffering with mental deficiency. Even the psychiatrists that's supposed to be mental

interpreters, they are going wild and insane. They're hooking them by the great cuffs in

the insane institution. Insanity is on the move. Rape is on the move. Whiskey is on the

move. Sin is on the move. Debauchery is on the move. There's no way to stop it.

Communism is sweeping in like a flood. There's no way to stop it because they're in the

government and everywhere else.

Let us pray