"Never surrender" By Mike Anderson

If we keep moving and never give-up, we will always arrive at where we want to be.


This book is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners; those mercurial individuals who fight at the coalface on their tireless journey in the quest for success. A quick and easy reference full of key factors and tips will get you moving in a positive and accelerated direction.

Transcript of "Never surrender" By Mike Anderson

Page 1: "Never surrender" By Mike Anderson

If we keep moving and never give-up, we will always arrive at where we want to be.

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Page 3: "Never surrender" By Mike Anderson

For Tayla & JoshThe entrepreneurs of tomorrow

Written by Mike Anderson – Design by Leanne Rhodes - Copyright © 2012 Mike Anderson

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Page 5: "Never surrender" By Mike Anderson

Small Business, Big Future There are many wonderful books related to

the topic of entrepreneurial success. This book

doesn’t replace them, it merely gives a quick

and easy reference that can be started and

completed in a hurry. Hopefully the key factors

and tips will get you moving in a positive and

accelerated direction, maybe even contribute

to changing your life – the way they did mine.

The book is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs

and business owners; those mercurial

individuals who fight at the coalface on their

tireless journey in the quest for success.

Society needs to understand that when a small

business closes down, in most cases a family

closes down too. Homes are lost, families are

destroyed and children are always negatively

affected – all due to financial adversity as a

result of the decisions we have made.

We all have an obligation to help small business.

This sector is the mainstay of our society, the

future of our economy and the engine of job

creation. So here is a challenge to all – whenever

we go out to shop, let’s go big by supporting

the ‘small’.

One thing is certain. As entrepreneurs we all

will, at some time on our journey, experience

some form of adversity or – as I prefer to call

it – obstacle. It is at this time that we need inner

strength, that resilience factor, to conquer

these challenges, come back and become the

victor. Remember, whatever adversity we

encounter, it is temporary and success is a given

– of course, only if we decide that.

Over the years, I have experienced my fair

share of life-altering situations. Although it

can be difficult to sustain a positive attitude

while working through adverse situations, we

will encounter our greatest strengths deep

down by working through and learning to find

purpose and meaning in these circumstances.

Although it can be difficult to sustain a positive attitude

while working through adverse situations, we will encounter our greatest strengths deep

down by working through and learning to find purpose

and meaning in these circumstances.

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I have lived at the coalface my entire life, an

unconventional and full life filled with enormous

success, happiness and adversity. I am fortunate

that I have been able to experience life and set

out to achieve whatever I desired. I have been

an entrepreneur almost my whole working life

and I live daily with the entrepreneurial spirit –

unbounded energy, determination, resilience,

passion and an attitude of never taking “no”

for an answer. One thing is for certain: I have

always loved what I have done.

In my earlier years I was obsessed with success.

Success to me at the time was money. I was

driven towards more money and living a

life that was not really me. Some of us set

personal goals that are not really meaningful

to ourselves. That is undoubtedly the first and

biggest mistake people make in life. I made that

mistake. The outcome is that we eventually get

to somewhere we don’t want to be and on the

way we lose a great deal that was important to

us, but don’t realise it at the time.

As entrepreneurs we make thousands of

decisions, but it can take only one poor decision

to pull the rug from underneath our feet. Some

years back I made one of those decisions that

would result in the loss of everything we had.

What we have to understand and accept is that

entrepreneurship can be a dangerous game and

obstacles are a way of life. We have to accept all

that comes our way, take responsibility, learn

from it and bounce back.

That time was the lowest point in my life, but

also the turning point. I set off to the hills of the

Cradle of Mankind, just north of Johannesburg.

I needed to take stock of my life, remove myself

from the box. It took me some time to get there,

as I had no vehicle. In fact my entire possessions

were a bag of oranges, a litre of water, the

clothes I was wearing and R12 in my pocket.

Although it was the month of November, the

evening was chilly. I couldn’t sleep so I spent the

night gazing back at the lights of Johannesburg


It was an incredible experience. I was not

depressed or unhappy. I was grateful because

I could have been worse off. It was the time

Some of us set personal goals that are not really

meaningful to ourselves. That is undoubtedly the first and

biggest mistake people make in life.

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to ‘dig deep’ – get up close and personal with

myself. I was proud of who I was and what I

had achieved in my life. I zeroed in on all the

positives and analysed my mistakes for the

purpose of moving forward. I had gone from

zero to hero and back to zero again, fairly

normal in the world of entrepreneurship. I

wasn’t prepared to stop there. It was time to

come back and conquer the world in a way that

I had never done before!

Each time I arrive at a T-junction, I know it is just

one more step closer to the top of the ladder.

Instead of curling up in a ball and waiting for time

to pass, I think about today and the inevitable

success and happiness that lies ahead. This

eases the pain and frustration. As long as we

keep moving and never give up, we will always

arrive at where we want to be. Overcoming

the difficulties in my life was tough, however

the hard times got my attention, released me

from self-centeredness and prepared me for a

meaningful future.

Most of my business ventures over the years

had revolved around conceiving and developing

projects, specifically exhibitions, publications

and special events within the entrepreneurial

arena. After selling out to an international

organisation and the tough times I encountered,

I realised that I was well positioned to do

something extraordinary with my life, and that’s

when the National Small Business Chamber

(NSBC) was born.

I have committed my own future to Small

Business South Africa through what I do

today as Founder and CEO of the National

Small Business Chamber (NSBC), a non-profit

organisation dedicated to the success of Small

to Medium Size Businesses.

The organisation was founded in June 2007. I

was motivated by my burning desire to utilise

my experience in a meaningful way. I wanted to

help other business owners and entrepreneurs

not to experience what I had experienced – to

reach rock bottom. The National Small Business

Chamber (NSBC) would allow me to achieve this


Within 42 months the National Small Business

Chamber (NSBC) became one of the fastest

growing organisations of its kind in the world.

Each time I arrive at a T-junction, I know it is just one more step closer to the top of

the ladder.

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The high growth rate and success of the

organisation is probably because it was founded

on a simple vision – if my team could just help

one small business in some small way, then we

would be successful. To date we do that with

over 42 000 small businesses, growing at about

2 500 new members per month.

Our focus is providing business owners and

entrepreneurs with an array of powerful

benefits to give them that extra edge to stay in

business and succeed beyond the norm. It has

to be the most rewarding feeling on earth.

Our successes are based on the message

within this book. We all love what we do, we all

believe in our abilities to reach the top of our

game in our respective fields, and our industry

partners and members love what we do. We

have a committed and talented team where all

are equal, simply with different functions. We

are not afraid to innovate and challenge the

status quo, we think big and do big things, we

surround ourselves with the best, we never

accept “no” as an answer, and we will never give

up on our quest to be the best organisation of

its kind in the world.

Because of what we do, I have had the fortunate

opportunity to meet the mega-entrepreneurs,

humble tycoons who stand out, those like myself

who have gone from zero to hero, many back

to zero again and then once again catapulting

back to hero status. These interactions with

like-minded individuals have enabled me to

identify the most powerful success factors that

stand out above all.

I hope the following key messages will make

a positive difference in your life, the way they

have for me.

Mike AndersonFounder & CEO

National Small Business Chamber (NSBC)

Because of what we do, I have had the fortunate opportunity to meet the

mega-entrepreneurs, humble tycoons who stand out, those

like myself who have gone from zero to hero, many back to

zero again and then once again catapulting back to hero status.

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What It Takes To Conquer The WorldIt’s not easy out there. However, if you have

decided to become a business owner or

entrepreneur, don’t allow your journey to the

top to come to a sudden halt as a result of

taking the wrong route.

There are hundreds of success factors, but I

have focused on the most prominent ones that

have been dominant in my own journey, as well

as that of the most successful people who I

have met and interviewed.

If you have not decided to ‘be your own boss’

yet, you first need to ensure that you have what

it takes. Also, share your vision with your family,

and make sure you are all on the same team –


Share your vision with your family, and make sure you are all on the same team – 100%.

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“Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. Have faith in your own abilities, work hard, and there

is nothing you cannot accomplish.” – Brad Henry

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There is something magical about people who

have the guts to risk all and go it alone. Starting

and building a business is certainly rewarding

but it is not an easy option, even compared with

the most demanding of careers.

Entrepreneurs are self-motivated; they don’t

need anyone or anything other than their goals

to motivate them.

Everything begins with courage and self-belief.

Without those things, it becomes difficult to

succeed. To venture out on your own, you must

have confidence in your ability to triumph. Self-

belief is an act of faith. Never allow anyone

or anything to dispel that belief. It is knowing

beforehand that you can do what you want to

do and that you will succeed. It is an internal

force which turns on the ‘engine’ that allows

you to manifest your abilities externally.

If you want to start your business and reach the

top of the game, believe in yourself… rise to the

occasion with confidence and take your rightful


Believe In Yourself


Everything begins with courage and self-belief. Without those things, it

becomes difficult to succeed.

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“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

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Embrace failure positively. Don’t lose opportu-

nities due to the fear of failure. A temporary

failure is a big step towards success. One small

failure or obstacle (as I like to call them) will

give you many different positive lessons. It

will increase your level of self-confidence and

make you more determined and resilient, and

you will be more ready for the next risk. In fact

you will look forward to it.

It’s more than ‘ok’ to fail. I really mean that.

After every obstacle, you move one more step

up that success ladder. Few have what it takes

to embrace failure, but those who do will find

opportunity and reward en route.

Those that snub failure have lived the life of

mediocrity. Our time on planet earth goes by

in a flash. Let’s exit with substance. I would

rather fail a thousand times than never have

tried. It’s a vital ingredient of success. Would

a life of mediocrity satisfy you, or would you

opt to leave a legacy when you depart planet


Don’t Be Afraid To Fail


Few have what it takes to embrace failure, but those who do will find opportunity and reward en route.

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Find something you love to do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life – Harvey Mackay

“Find something you love to do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” – Harvey Mackay

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I doubt that there is one successful person

who would eliminate the phrases “Love What

You Do” or “Do What You Love” from their list

of the top key success factors. This will give

you that extra edge! It enables you to persist

during those trying times and it gives you an

energised and enthusiastic drive from day to


Have the courage to follow your heart and

intuition. The only way to do great work is to

love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet,

keep searching deep, long and hard. Don’t ever

accept less than you deserve.

Just after the turn of the millennium, I lost

everything that I had. In a nutshell, I was in the

gutter and I was 100% responsible for that.

One thing I didn’t lose was the love for what I

did. I knew that it was purely a matter of time

until I came back.

If you don’t love what you do, stop and change

direction. Most importantly – change it now!

Do What You Love And Love What You Do


Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

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“Make your product easier to buy than your competition, or you will find your customers buying from them, not you.”

– Mark Cuban

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Loving what you do is first prize, but creating

a business around a product or service where

potential customers don’t become actual

customers normally results in business failure.

You may think you know what customers

want, but what if you’re wrong? One of the big

reasons why so many start-ups fail is because

they are trying to create a demand where

there isn’t one.

Before you venture out there and commit to

irreversible overheads and place your family

at risk, your product or service needs to be

accepted or your ideas need to be tested.

At the National Small Business Chamber

(NSBC), we always ask our members and

partners about our value proposition and

we survey our members and partners on

their experiences with us. In this way we are

confident that every day we are providing what

the market wants us to provide.

You now have the right product, service or

idea in place, but what’s equally important is

for your customers to love the way you behave

– your customer service. It’s the small things

that will make the biggest difference: be fast,

on time, say “thank you” and meet with them

face to face frequently. An e-mail doesn’t have

a smile, but is a great backup to that in-person


Make Sure Your Customers Love What You Do


You may think you know what customers want, but what if

you’re wrong?

It’s the small things that will make the biggest difference: be fast, on time, say “thank you” and meet with them face to face frequently.

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“If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.” – Alan K. Simpson

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The recipe for success: get happy and you will

get ahead in life. Happiness, rather than slog-

ging at the coalface, is the key to success. Bub-

bly and spirited people are more likely to chal-

lenge the status quo, do different things and

put themselves to the test. Inducing a happy

effect leads people to be high-spirited, pro-

ductive and money machines. Happy people

are more likeable, and as many know, the big-

gest reason why people will do business with

you is because they like you – nothing else.

Happiness is a choice. Start by doing many

small things that make you happier and cata-

pult yourself to the top of your game!

Jim Rohn once said, “The greatest reward in

becoming a millionaire is not the amount of

money that you earn. It is the kind of person

that you have to become to become a million-

aire in the first place.”

Now, we could have separate chapters on ‘Be

Positive’, ‘Be Grateful’, ‘The Happiness Factor’,

‘Take Responsibility’ etc. However, if you think

about it, these important topics all contribute

Get Happy And Be A Nice Guy to the ‘Nice Guy Factor’. So if you really are a

nice guy, you possess all the key ingredients of

the cake to get you moving towards success.

As I say in many of my seminars, you know if

you are not a nice person. Becoming a nice

person will happen automatically once you

have adopted the happiness factor – smile, be

grateful, help others, be positive, forgive eas-

ily, take responsibility for everything and have

more fun in your life.

Of all the successful people that I have met, I

have to say, every one of them has been a re-

ally nice person. Start by doing this one task:

every morning when you wake up, go to the

mirror and smile at yourself. Your day will be-

come 50% more successful if you do this. Just

some advice, try not to let anyone see you do

this. They will think you are an absolute idiot.


Bubbly and spirited people are more likely to challenge the

status quo, do different things and put themselves to the test.

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“It’s easy to get good players. Getting them to play together, that’s the hard part.” – Casey Stengel

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Your team is at the core of your business and

your success is based on them. Especially in

smaller businesses where there are fewer

employees, the team members must share

similar values and culture. It is also vital to

recruit your weaknesses. Remember, you are

only as good as the people around you within

your business.

Before hiring new staff members you need to

make certain of three things. Firstly, be sure

that you really need extra help – sometimes

you can re-shuffle duties and responsibilities

amongst existing staff members. Secondly,

ensure that there is sufficient space for them

in the business, and that you have the financial

resources to equip them with the appropriate

technology, equipment and furniture. Thirdly,

make sure there is adequate time to train the

new recruit and test to see if they fit in with

the culture of your team – allow yourself and

your team to meet the potential employee

in a social environment, maybe a lunch or

dinner, where sometimes a bit of wine brings

out some pleasant or unpleasant traits and

characteristics. All the checks and balances

are crucial, as letting them go is an unpleasant

ordeal – embarrassing, time consuming and

financially draining.

Building your business goes hand in hand with

building your team. You need to provide an

environment for your team to prosper and give

your staff the responsibility to make decisions

and make mistakes.

Create an atmosphere of mutual respect and

keep your team informed of the company’s

state of affairs. If they know what’s going on

with the finances, sales, expenses, your vision

etc. then they will have that sense of belonging

and in turn will contribute to your successes.

Recognise the efforts of your team, not just

with salary increases, but also through written

communication. Demonstrate appreciation,

increase responsibilities, and maybe now and

again that weekend away does wonders. If

you have a happy and recognised team, staff

retention and productivity will be high.

Build A Team


It is also vital to recruit your weaknesses. Remember, you

are only as good as the people around you within your


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“If you think big, then it’s going to be big.” – Emeril Lagasse

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If you and your team don’t know where you’re

going then it will be impossible to reach your

end goal. How can you possibly achieve your

objectives in the shortest amount of time, with

the least resources, if you’re not clear about

what you want to accomplish? If you want

smart people to follow you, they need to know

where you’re going. Ensure you have a vision.

You need big goals. If a goal doesn’t excite

you and make you a little nervous, you need to

think bigger. Moreover, your team isn’t going

to be inspired or motivated by average goals.

Visualise your goals every day. If you aim high

you will probably get there – think about that!

Initially, set short-term goals that are easier to

realise, but are also meaningful to you and are

in accordance with your own values.

As time goes on, set longer-term goals that

are more challenging. Reaching your goals will

give you direction, encourage you to continue

your journey, and increase your sense of

achievement, self-confidence and happiness!

Carry your goals in your purse or wallet. Glance

at them daily. Tick them off when realised and

then add new ones! Goal setting is one of the

most important areas you need to focus on to

get ahead.

Reward yourself when you achieve a goal. Be

clear in your head what you really want. Keep

your destination exciting, to help your dream

become real.

Remember your goals must be SMART –

specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and


Think BIG And Set Big Goals


If a goal doesn’t excite you and make you a little nervous,

you need to think bigger.

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Map Your Journey

If you don’t know where you are going, how can you expect to get there? - Basil S. Walsh“If you don’t know where you are going,

how can you expect to get there?”

– Basil S. Walsh

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To ensure that you attain your vision, you need

copious amounts of planning – working out

how you will reach your targets, meet new

challenges and improve your business. Having

the courage to act upon your vision, you now

need to build your strategies. You will need a

business and a marketing strategy. These are

the formulas that you will use to drive forward

and manage your business.

A goal is worthless without a journey plan. You

need to set yourself a clear course.

Develop a focused plan with meaningful objec-

tives. A plan has no use if you cannot execute

it! Getting to the top takes consistent and suc-

cessful innovation. You have to be willing to

risk failure and put yourself out there if you

going to achieve anything of significance.

Every journey needs a destination. The same

principle applies to life. Having direction is

key to getting ahead. Without clear direction,

you will float through life without arriving at

where you want to be.

Map Your Journey


Every journey needs a destination. The same principle applies to life. Having direction is key to getting ahead.

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Become a Rainmaker

If you are not working on your ideas each day, you’re working on someone else’s - Marjorie Blanchard

“If you are not working on your ideas each day, you’re working on someone else’s.” – Marjorie Blanchard

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Make it rain and become a star. It all comes

down to sales – if you have an abundance of

sales, cash will flow and if cash flows you can

fix anything – marketing, your team, your tech-

nology etc.

A rainmaker seeks out, secures and retains big

clients, brings in big money, and concludes big

deals. How do they make the rain fall? They

don’t wait for luck or a brighter economy; they

operate and make things happen. Rainmakers

don’t have excuses. They either make the sale

or they don’t. In today’s business culture, one

of the most competitive fields is sales. There

are more products and services available than

ever before. To be a star, you must make it rain.

The rainmaker is the sales person everyone

else wants to be.

You, as the business owner, must be the rain-

maker in your business.

Become A Rainmaker


To be a star, you must make it rain. The rainmaker is the sales person everyone else wants to be.

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Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

“Be who you are and say what you feel be-cause those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” – Dr. Seus

“If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary.” - Jim Rohn

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Get out of your comfort zone and innovate. Do

things differently, walk on the wrong side of

the road, swim upstream, challenge the status

quo and always keep looking for the next big

thing. Winners always look at the bigger pic-

ture while losers cannot go beyond the way

things are at the time.

If you always do what you have always done,

you will only ever have what you’ve got. Inno-

vation is about new ideas, a new process and a

new way of doing the old way differently. The

main reason why we don’t challenge the status

quo is probably because the unknown is more

risky and therefore our fear of failure kicks

in. This is the seesaw of success or failure, or

worse – living an existence of mediocrity.

Stand up and state what you believe to be the

right way without fearing the consequences.

Step outside your comfort zone and experi-

ment. Most ideas never get off the ground be-

cause people are afraid to take a risk and fail.

You have to experiment and put your idea to

the test. The consequence could be, most like-

ly, success. Innovation relies on trial and error.

If it doesn’t work, bank it as experience. This

will allow you to move forward and try again.

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone


If you always do what you have always done, you will only ever

have what you’ve got.

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“Never allow a person to tell you no who doesn’t have the power to say yes.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt

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Eventually everyone will do business with you

and you will always get what you want in life, if

you remove the word “no” from your mind. This

doesn’t only apply to sales people, it applies to

all of us. Take a look at your kids – that’s the

way they are. Have you ever witnessed a kid ac-

cepting “no” for an answer?

It’s fine when your potential client, supplier or

whoever says “No”. Just bank it, move on and

return. Keep doing this over and over again and

you will move closer to that “Yes”. It is recog-

nised that eventually just about everyone will

do business with you if you keep coming back.

Successful people aspire to tenacity and pas-

sion; they want to be associated with the few

who don’t give up. People want to do business

with people who are committed and believe in

what they do.

Never Take “NO” For An Answer


People want to do business with people who are committed and believe in what they do.

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“Be the type of person you want to meet.” – Unknown

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Surround yourself with individuals who will

make a positive difference in your life. Don’t

expose yourself to negative and unsuccessful


Sometimes, the courage to venture out on your

own means getting rid of ‘toxic elements’ in

your life. It means saying goodbye to negative

people and removing yourself from situations

that poison your spirit, pull you down, instil

fear in you, undermine your efforts, make you

second guess your abilities and cause you to

abandon your important life dreams and goals.

‘Toxic’ people drain your energy and force you

back to the land of “I can’t do it”, “I am afraid to

start my business” or “I am not good enough”.

Instead, surround yourself with people who

make you come alive in their presence and gen-

erate creativity and progress in you.

Get rid of those around you who drain you and

suck all the positivity out of you. If you want to

succeed you have to spend your time with the

positive, the big thinkers, the achievers and

the happy.

Mix With The Right People


Sometimes, the courage to venture out on your own

means getting rid of ‘toxic ele-ments’ in your life.

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“Rise and rise again until lambs become lions.” – Robin Hood

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Succeeding as an entrepreneur or reaching the

top of your game in whatever you do is not

easy. The ability, courage and desire to keep

going positively during trying times is what

counts. This is what separates success from


Along the way you will come across many

hurdles and setbacks. You will need to dig

deep, make your changes and keep going.

Determination and the belief in your vision and

plans will keep you on the road to success.

Do you have the resilience factor – that

ability to bounce back positively after losing

everything? Remember, it is only failure when

you decide to throw in the towel.

Successful entrepreneurs are not people who

never fail but people who have the capacity to

bounce back after failure. Most will talk about

their failures as part of their learning curve.

When you hit the wall, just stop what’s not

working, change direction and keep moving.

As long as you get up and keep moving, you

will succeed – there is no way around it. The

most successful people do three simple things:

1) They always learn new things

2) They always try new things

3) They never give up!

If you launch towards your goal and resolve in

advance to NEVER SURRENDER, your success

is virtually guaranteed.

Keep Moving And Never Surrender


Remember, it is only failure when you decide to throw in

the towel.

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Page 39: "Never surrender" By Mike Anderson

The people who have become successful in

changing the world have successfully changed

themselves first. They have transformed them-

selves from being arrogant to humble, from

being lazy to hardworking, from being nega-

tive to positive, from giving up easily to never

giving up, from being unhappy to happy, from

being pessimistic to optimistic, from being un-

likeable to likeable and from other poor quali-

ties to strong qualities. As part of the process,

they constantly think and behave like a winner.

Think big and dare to dream, give without

expecting anything back, be persistent even

when it all looks too hard, speak positively

about yourself and others, never stop learning,

smile even when no-one is looking, demand ex-

cellence from yourself, put people before pro-

jects, take responsibility for everything that

happens, have integrity – always do what you

say you will do.

It’s all about passion, self-confidence, resil-

ience and that dogged quest for success. Noth-

ing can stand in your way and no one can stop

you. You can become that unstoppable runa-

way success train.


If you live at the coalface, you are bound to get dirty – Mike Anderson

Now, Get Out There And Succeed!


Page 40: "Never surrender" By Mike Anderson
Page 41: "Never surrender" By Mike Anderson

Happiness is my priority. I smile all

the time, make others happy and always find

ways to be happier.

I accept who I am and where I

am in life.

I am grateful for what I have. I could

be worse off.

I am true to myself, positive and always help


I live for the moment.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a

mystery. Now is the time to make things happen.

I take care of myself and live a

healthy life.

Page 42: "Never surrender" By Mike Anderson

I focus on my strengths, positives and what I do well,

and not on the things I can’t change.

I commit time to my friends and family.

I have direction in life - that is my key to

success. My goals are SMART (specific,

measurable, achievable, relevant

& timed)

I will NEVER SURRENDER - I have passion,

determination and I will never give up.

Page 43: "Never surrender" By Mike Anderson
Page 44: "Never surrender" By Mike Anderson