NES 1930 Assignment1

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  • 7/28/2019 NES 1930 Assignment1


    I, the loyal one, a hero from the mothers womb am I, (1)

    I, Michelle, a mighty woman from the day I was born am I,

    A strong-healthy phoenix, born of the ushumgalam I,

    Goddess of the four corners (of the world) am I,

    Chemical Engineer am I,

    The trustworthy, hard working, analytical thoughts am I,

    The daughter born of the heavens am I,

    Called to the heart of the holyKa am I,

    She who was blessed by Enlil am I,

    Michelle, the beloved of Ninlil am I, (10)

    Nurtured by my mother and father am I,

    The open-jawed lion am I,

    Michelle chosen for the empress of Inanna am I,

    A princessly donkey all set for the road am I,

    A majesty that advances the world am I,

    A noble Pegasus eager for my course am I,

    The wise Chemical Engineer of the United States am I.

    Ka represented tranquility and honor.

    I bestowed all these characteristics during my 4-years in Cornell

    and my first year out of Cornell (finding a job). (20)

    Enlil was the god of breath, wind, loft and breadth,

    Ninlil was the lady in the open field,

    Like Enlil, Ninlil was the goddess of beath, wind, loft and breadth.

    Inanna is the symbol for weath, fertility, and sexual desires.

    Like my might, like my intelligence,

    I am accomplished in excellence (as well),

  • 7/28/2019 NES 1930 Assignment1


    I vie with its (wisdoms true word,

    I love progress,

    I hate the word stagnant,

    I, Michelle, a mighty Engineer invented the most revolutionary processes (30)

    Because I had a potential in scholarly academics.

    I enlarged my opportunities by going to Cornell,

    I researched in an oil refinery,

    Refined it so that the oil can be more environmentally friendly

    Depleted all the Chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFCs) from the ozone,

    I go home to my new family,

    So that I can care for my family,

    I played the violin for the country in a music concert,

    With tickets selling out at $1,000 a seat,

    I surpassed the invention of the iPad 2 in just a few weeks, (40)

    With my time-control machine,

    I cooked a 3-course meal in a matter of minutes,

    With one hand behind my back,

    I made a company far more popular than Coke,

    Revolutionizing a new drink made of zero calorie sugar drink,

    I single-handedly defeated Obama

    In a game of basketball and Monopoly.

    I performed surgery on right arm,

    Connecting my detached tendon back into the correct area,

    With only a sterile pencil (and I am right-handed). (50)

  • 7/28/2019 NES 1930 Assignment1


    In the beginning of the poem, I discussed the superiority and the relations I had with the Gods. I suggested that I was

    chosen by the Gods to be the worthy one. Then, later, I discussed the Gods themselves and what they resemble within the

    poem. Similarly, as I based my poem on Shogi, I mimicked his initial relations to the Gods and then to his personal feats.

    Like the original poem, I also utilized repetition in am I. This repetition emphasizes the importance I have in society.

    Later, I relate the original poem to my autobiography (in poetry). I first start with my reality (how I will become a

    Chemical Engineer). Then, I completely exaggerate my claims, stating that I was a magnificent person with lots of

    potential. Like Shogi, I boasted and even (made up) some of my claims. Whether Shogi was completely telling the truth

    was not known however, his feats seem unrealistic and might have been fabricated like mine.