NCEPODA Sickle Crisis.shortversion

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    Rationale for the study

    Changing pattern of care in the UKDeveloping protocols

    New interventions

    High birth incidence Latest newborn screening figures predict between 1:2000

    and 1:2500

    High rate of admissions 13,000 finished episodes in London 2005-06

    Quality of autopsies

    No previous national audits of deaths with

    casenote review

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    Study overview

    All haemoglobinopathy deaths in the UK over a

    2 year period

    Data collection period 1st January 2005 31st December 2006

    ICD-10 codes D56 (Thalassaemia) and D57

    (Sickle Cell Disease) Anywhere in diagnosis or cause of death

    Adults and children

    Hospital and community deaths

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    Inclusion criteria

    Patients with the following haemoglobinopathies


    Sickle cell anaemia (HbSS) Sickle haemoglobin C (HbSC)

    Sickle haemoglobin D (HbSD)

    Sickle -thalassaemia (HbS Thal)

    -thalassaemia major

    -thalassaemia intermedia

    Exclusions Patients with traits and no clinical


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    Study aims

    Primary aim: to collect information on the care

    received by haemoglobinopathy patients who die in

    order to identify remediable factors in the care ofthese patients.

    Issues addressed included: The organisation of outpatient management

    Experience in managing haemoglobinopathies Pain management Mortality associated with surgery Patterns of clinical pathology The availability and use of local guidelines and protocols

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    Data collection

    Semi structured questionnaire 3 sections The patients regular management

    Final clinical episode Organisation of care

    Last 6 months medical notes GP/specialist centre notes

    Hospital casenotes

    Autopsy reports (if available)

    Guidelines and pathways local and national

    Expert opinion from advisors (assessment form)

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    Number of cases identified

    Denominator: 47 questionnaires; 55 casenotes

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    Thalassaemia and sickle cell traits

    Key finding: A disproportionately large number of cases with

    thalassaemia trait and sickle cell trait were reported to NCEPOD

    when the trait was not relevant.

    Recommendation: In our multi-racial society, it is essential that

    all doctors should have a basic understanding of thalassaemia

    and sickle cell trait. (General Medical Council)

    Recommendation: Sickle cell trait and thalassaemia trait shouldrarely be included on the death certificate; and if included this

    should only be after review by an individual who has experience in

    haemoglobinopathies. (Pathologists)

    However, sickle cell trait is not always benign

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    Sickle cell trait case study 1

    A young patient with sickle cell trait presented with

    haematuria and other kidney problems. Investigations

    showed that they had metastatic renal medullarycarcinoma. The patient subsequently died.

    The advisors were of the view that this rare type of renal

    carcinoma is virtually restricted to those with the sickle

    gene, particularly HbAS, HbSC and occasionally HbSS.

    The prognosis for this carcinoma is very poor, and survival

    is less than one year from diagnosis.

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    Method of identification

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    31/55 patients male

    6 paediatric cases

    Age range 1 to 77 years

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    Age of patients at death

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    Place of death

    Hospital deaths most common 41/55 died in hospital

    14/55 in community; 3 within 14 days of discharge Of these 3, cause of death unknown in 2

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    Patterns of death - overview

    Thalassaemia patients (n = 7)

    Adult sickle cell disease patients (n = 40) HbSC patient subset (n = 10)

    Paediatric sickle cell disease patients (n = 6) later in presentation with paediatric management

    Sickle cell trait patients (n = 2) not included in

    this section on main patterns of death

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    Thalassaemia patterns of death

    7 patients with thalassaemia died 3 with thalassaemia intermedia (ages 39-58)

    4 with thalassaemia major (ages 19-32)

    2 died of complications of thalassaemia 1 with cardiomyopathy

    1 with mucormycosis (co-morbidity diabetes)

    Other 5 patients died of non-related causes 2 died of cirrhosis

    1 of carcinoma of the lung

    1 with possible sepsis

    1 with no documented cause of death

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    HbSC adult patient subset

    10 patients with age range 26-74 years

    Only 2 had causes of death attributable to sicklecell disease Intracerebral haemorrhage

    pulmonary embolism

    5 patients died of unrelated causes

    1 each with brain tumour, diabetes and advanced HIVdisease 2 patients with severe systemic lupus erythematosus

    co-incidental/pathogenic link?

    3 with unknown cause of death

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    Vaccination status

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    Key finding: The clinicians managing the patients in this study

    only reported 15/47 as having received pneumococcal vaccine.

    Recommendation: There needs to be clear recording of

    vaccination status by default; liaison between primary and

    secondary care is needed. (Primary and Secondary Care Trusts)

    Recommendation: As a minimum, the Department of Health

    guidance regarding vaccination and prophylactic antibiotics should

    be followed in order to prevent sepsis from hyposplenism.

    (Primary Care Trusts)

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    Final clinical management

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    Final clinical management

    NCEPOD looked at the following aspects of management

    in the final clinical episode:

    Stroke Acute chest syndrome Pulmonary embolism & hypertension Sepsis Iron overload and cardiac deathRenal failure

    When sickle is not the main problem Surgery and peri-operative care PregnancyPaediatric patients Nursing care Other issues protocols/education

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    Stroke was the commonest complication, leading to death

    in 9 patients

    All the formally diagnosed cases in adults werehaemorrhagic May have been some ischaemic cases, but this was not

    possible to determine

    No guidelines for the prevention of stroke in adults at

    present, as it is less tractable, but there are for children

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    Acute chest syndrome (ACS)

    2 cases where ACS was listed as primary cause of death

    3 further cases where it was likely contributor or part of

    multi-organ failure

    No documented cases in children, although a recognised

    cause of death in paediatric patients

    Recommendation:Acute chest syndrome is a major

    cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with sickle celldisease. Management of patients with this complication

    should be according to local protocols and early advice

    from specialists in essential. (Primary and Secondary Care


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    Pulmonary embolism & hypertension

    2 patients died of massive pulmonary embolism Both diagnosed at autopsy

    Advisors commented on potential difficulties associatedwith diagnosis

    Especially chronic progressive lung disease

    Recommendation:Chronic sickle chest disease is an

    expanding, complicated area and requires more careful

    correlation of pre-mortem clinical, physiological and imagingdata with autopsy pathology. (Clinicians and Pathologists)

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    Renal failure

    People with sickle cell disease are known to be particularly

    prone to developing kidney failure

    May be due to damage to: the renal glomerulus by the sickle process sickling in the medullary vessels papillary necrosis infection the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

    No one dying in hospital was recorded as having renalcomplications of sickle cell disease as a cause of death

    one patient with chronic disease allowed to die at home one patient in which renal failure potentially overlooked

    Care associated with examples of very best and very

    worst care

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    Renal failure case study 12

    Young patient admitted with breathlessness, anaemia and urea of

    27 mmol/L.

    Comment in notes that serum creatinine should be measuredbefore decision made re: renal failure

    no evidence that this was followed up

    Breathlessness diagnosed as ACS review by chest physician doubted this; suggested fluid

    overload again, no follow up of renal function

    A little later, patient died of cardiac arrest blood gas sample potassium result led to a diagnosis of

    hyperkalaemic cardiac arrest

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    Case study 12 advisors opinion

    The advisors considered this to be an unexpected death.

    There was a review of the case, but no-one appeared to

    have noted the initial high blood urea resulted.

    It was evident that the patient has had renal failure on

    admission which was not reconsidered.

    The focus appeared to have been on the chest problems

    and adequate attention was not paid to the completepicture.

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    When sickle is not the main problem

    Key finding: Patients with sickle cell disease can have

    other conditions which can be misattributed to sickle cell


    Recommendation: All staff should be aware that people

    with sickle cell disease re subject to the diseases that other

    patients suffer from as well. If there is uncertainty as to

    whether the problem is sickle cell related, advice should besought from an experienced clinician. (Primary and

    Secondary Care Trusts)

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    Surgery and peri-operative care

    9/41 patients underwent surgery

    Seniority and experience of surgeon and anaesthetist considered to be sufficiently experienced in 4 cases insufficient data to judge in remaining 5 cases

    7 patients experienced peri-operative complications considered to be avoidable in 4 cases

    worsening liver failure and ascites, massive cerebral

    infarct, massive bleed and post-operative sepsis

    Key finding: There were fewer surgical cases submitted

    than were anticipated. NCEPOD is also aware of the

    ongoing study of pre-operative blood transfusion.

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    Organisation of care

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    Seeking advice case study 20

    A specialist registrar made the decision to stop the warfarin

    in a young patient with a history of pulmonary embolism

    who was undergoing eye surgery for cataract. There wasno consideration given to starting heparin post operatively.

    The patient developed a post operative pulmonary embolus

    and died.

    The advisors believed that there should have been a

    haematology consultant involved in the complicateddecisions around the patients anticoagulation therapy.

    There ought to have been a way around this problem of


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    Clinicians - recommendations

    Recommendation: Patients with sickle cell disease or

    beta thalassaemia major should be managed by, or have

    access to, clinicians with experience of haemoglobinopathymanagement. (Primary and Secondary Care Trusts)

    Recommendation: All haemoglobinopathy patients

    should have a named specialist, ideally a haematologist,

    responsible for their care. The haematologist must have an

    appropriate level of expertise to care for the patient orshould make links with appropriate experts. (Primary and

    Secondary Care Trusts)

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    Available guidelines

    47 questionnaires were returned, representing 26 different sites

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    Death certification and autopsies

    NCEPOD reviewed death certification and autopsy


    The following are addressed in this presentation: Advisors agreement with cause of death Incorrect death certification Autopsies

    number of autopsies

    example of an excellent autopsy example of the failure to perform histology

    Key findings and recommendations

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    Death certification

    The cause of death was determined from the casenotes or the

    clinician questionnaire.

    Of the 43 cases where the cause of death could be determined,the advisors considered 22 to be correct

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    Incorrect death certification

    Reasons for incorrect death certification included: Failure to include sickle cell disease on the death certificate Incorrect ordering of contributing factors

    Failure to include operation details

    In the following cases, there was a misunderstanding of

    the correct way to complete a death certificate:1a Sickle cell disease

    1b Severe haemolytic anaemia

    1c Cardiorespiratory arrest

    And this was not restricted to clinicians, a pathologist

    wrote: 1a Cardiomegaly1b Sickle cell disease

    2 Hepatomegaly

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    21/55 patients had an autopsy of which 20 were coronial

    In 5 cases where no autopsy was performed, the advisors

    believed that an autopsy was necessary to confirm thecause of death

    15 autopsy reports were returned to NCEPOD

    The overall standard of autopsies was poor, although

    there were some excellent reports (case study 21) Of the 13 adult autopsy reports, the advisors:

    Agreed with the autopsy diagnosis in 4 cases Disagreed with the autopsy diagnosis in 3 cases

    Could not make a definitive decision in 6 cases

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    Excellent autopsy case study 21

    A young adult suffered a pulmonary embolism secondary to

    deep vein thrombosis. Full histology was undertaken which

    documented the bone necrosis present and the changes ofpulmonary hypertension, both significant problems clinically.

    In addition, toxicology was undertaken as the death

    occurred soon after administration of diamorphine. A

    therapeutic level of diamorphine, in keeping with the

    administered dose, was confirmed.

    The advisors reported that clinico-pathological correlation

    went on to describe that deep vein thromboses and

    pulmonary embolisation were not common problems in

    sickle cell disease patients.

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    Histology case study 24

    A middle-aged patient was admitted with painful sickle crisis and

    was being treated as per the hospital protocol. All observations

    were normal. The patient suffered an unexpected cardiac arrest.

    On morphological appearances of the kidney alone, with noconfirmatory histology, the pathologist gave the cause of death as

    renal failure due to papillary necrosis. The bladder was full of

    urine, and throughout the admission the renal function was

    measured as normal.

    It was the opinion of the advisors that the patient could not have

    died from renal failure secondary to papillary necrosis with

    investigations showing normal electrolytes and renal function only

    a few hours prior to death. The real cause of death may have been

    acute chest syndrome.

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    Specialist autopsy pathology

    Pathologists and clinicians have problems in correctly

    correlating the sequence of events that lead to death

    Royal College of Pathologists guidelines (2005) to aidprocess

    Key finding: Deaths in sickle cell disease patients were

    not well evaluated and depicted.

    Recommendation: Cause of death in sickle cell diseasepatients must be better evaluated, whether by clinicians

    reviewing the records and writing a death certificate or by

    pathologist performing an autopsy. Clinico-pathological

    correlation is critical in this complex disease. (Clinicians and


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    Summary and comment

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    Summary and comment

    Throughout this presentation, the following have been


    Monitoring patients Clinical networks Development of national guidelines Pain control Autopsy evaluation and causes of death


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    National database

    In nearly half of cases, the actual cause of death was

    debatable or unknown

    If this small series is representative, it amounts to a wake-up call to the haemoglobinopathy clinical community: less is

    known about severe complications than previously thought

    Prompts conclusion that a national database is needed

    Recommendation: A national database of patients withhaemoglobinopathies should be developed and maintained,

    to include standardised information on death, for regular

    audit purposes. (Department of Health)