NCC 2013 POP (Air)

Hi Children!


For my children!

Transcript of NCC 2013 POP (Air)

  • 1. Hi Children!

2. You guys did it! You have all finally graduated. It's about time lah heheh. 3. CONGRATULATIONS! Youve made it THIS far and were all very proud of each and every single one of you 4. In the last few years we have watched you doing so much stuff! 5. HUH?! What talking you? What stuff? 6. Wah! How to forget.. Such memorable times... Come, let me show you! Nah! 7. Sweating under the sun? 8. Posing with rifles? 9. Winning? 10. Looking lost? 11. Frowning? 12. Being evil? 13. Looking here! Not looking! 14. More standing? 15. More sweat and hard work? 16. Flouring ? 17. OMG SO CUTE! 18. And these mess tin meals.. Unforgettabl e! 19. Is Ming Qian trying to steal food (again)? 20. Hi there Monica! We can still see you! 21. Such sweet smiles 22. Aww.. 23. OMG SO CUTE (PART 2)! 24. I hope you have enjoyed the photos 25. because there are more coming! (YAY!!) 26. 2010 2013 These individuals 27. JiaJun A very zai member of our NCC unit! Jiajun is never afraid to share his knowledge with his peers and has done an awesome job in taking care of his Part. This young man here can do tremendously neat drills Not an easy feat! It will definitely take a lot of practice and discipline to get anywhere near him! We will always remember Jiajun as a respected and dedicated member of our Beatty Unit! 28. Ariel Ariel is a hardworking and attentive cadet. She is responsible for her assigned duties as an administrative person. Ariel is also a pretty shy girl. But when she speaks, be prepared, for she can really express her ideas and articulate quite well. Sorry I cant help it but to include this particular picture of Ariel too 29. Johnny Johnny Johnny! Calm down! Relax! Dont be so gan jiong! FOREVERRRR heavily involved in a lot of activities in the HQ and his friends, Johnny hardly has any time left for himself. Aww 30. Johnny A great leader with charismatic qualities which promotes harmony among peers. He is always quick to respond and had spent much effort contributing to the Unit. Last but not least, Johnny, its time for you to really OPEN YOUR EYES and see what the world has in store for you (and try to stop eating food that has dropped on the table/floor!!!) 31. MingQian Brigade Ang?? Y U SO CUTE!! Without a doubt, Ming Qian is one of the most dynamic and enthusiastic member of the Unit. He is able to communicate effectively to his peers and does have a lot of cool ideas! 32. MingQian and Brigade Ang PLEASE STUDY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE STUDY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE STUDY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE STUDY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE STUDY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE STUDY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE STUDY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 33. Hui.Mu nThe girl with style! Hui Mun has a cool personality which made her stand out amongst her peers. She has always shown a keenness to improve and excel. Indeed, a responsible cadet with a lot of initiatives! Keep it up! 34. Iman A very cool guy with a cool name and a charming smile. Iman works wonders when he gets his hands on a rifle. He may be a little bit on the quiet side but we all know Iman is always helpful and pleasant to his peers. Continue to ROCK ON!!! 35. Sebasti an Always ready with a smile! Sebastian is one of most pleasant and committed cadet in the Unit. He is responsible for tasks that have been entrusted to him. Sebastians great interest in Aeromodelling has been evident and he has even represented the Unit for 2 Air Competitions! 36. David David!! Our Mr Nice Guy! He displays active involvement in the Unit. This capable cute young man is reliable and tries his best in whatever he does. David accepts his responsibilities with enthusiasm and is definitely an asset to the Unit! 37. Yip.Con g The cool, calm and collected (and sometimes quite blur) Yip Cong! This individual has a sweet disposition and a gentle temperament. When Yip Cong is given a task, do trust that hell see through till the end. He interacts well and shows great care and concern for his NCC mates. A promising young man! 38. Monica HAEE HAEE Monica taught me this. How cute! Shes for sure one of the most dedicated and responsible cadet Ive ever seen. Monica possesses great leadership skills and inspires her juniors A LOT. She has excellent creative thinking and problem solving skills, on top of that, she works effectively with her peers to get things done. 39. Monica Under her guidance, Beatty FSD has made it to the Grand Finals for the very first time in 2013 March. From choreography, uniform modifications, to taking part in the competition, Monica has given her ALL! Extremely hardworking and diligent girl with the right attitude to live a great life ahead of her! Wayyyyyyyyy to go! 40. Marc Yes, Mam! You can almost hear him saying that, right? Marc gives his ALL whenever he dons on the uniform. A confident young man with initiatives. It is evident from his actions that he is proud to be in NCC, truly committed to the Unit. He demonstrates original, independent thinking and is definitely one of the best team players around. Stay awesome Marc! 41. Nikola iNikolai is very enthusiastic about NCC. His arms have never stopped moving since he got involved in PDS even when he is talking to the TOs. (Hahahaha!) You can spot him a mile away spinning his mobile phone as though hes spinning the rifle. (He told me its even possible with a book, a pen, ruler? Too cool!) 42. A very passionate and fun young man who willingly shares his knowledge and skills with the Unit. The pride of our NCC PDS team! He has demonstrated competence in many areas. Underneath his cheeky charming smile, Nikolai is real witty and lively, but mind you, hes all business and no joke when hes coaching the PDS team! Nikola i 43. Zheng.Yu Our favourite admin guy who is 100% amiable. Zheng Yu shows enthusiasm and vitality in performing his tasks. He has a lot of initiative and does not hesitate to render his help to whoever may need it. All the hard work taking each and every one of your attendance? Say thanks to this guy! 44. Xin.Yin gGotta love her sweet smile! Xin Ying is a bubbly girl whos full of energy even after an awfully tough PT session! She had trained hard for the FSD competition which paid off eventually. I remember seeing how she was jumping around with ecstasy when Beatty FSD made it to the Grand Finals! 45. Xin.Yin gShe was given a chance to lead during the AA parade and not only did she do a commendable job, she had also impressed the TOs! Xin Ying creates a strong and positive impression on others with her sociable self! Keep it up! 46. Kai.Jun Kai Jun may not be around as often as we want him to.. But when hes around????? He strives to do his best and contribute to the Unit. Kai Jun is extremely enthusiastic about PT and is always fun to be with! 47. Shrhea Shrhea is a very shy girl with a great smile that will brighten up your day. Pretty often, she extends her help without being asked. If she has been tasked to do certain things, you can be very sure that she will give her utmost effort to complete it. A committed member of the NCC! 48. Jake Jake didnt add me on facebook so I can only steal his profile pic Another promising young man with a passion for the CCA. Took the TOs some effort to persuade him to join the PDS team, and in the end when he did, it was worth all the effort! Jake would always do his best when given a chance. Keep it up! (go back add me on fb ok?) 49. Oliver Oliver, ever ready for anything! The YES man!!! He is an active cadet who dares to venture beyond his comfort zone. A rather keen learner who remains undaunted when he is given challenging tasks. Oliver displays great enthusiasm for PDS, spending much time practicing and coaching his juniors. 50. Oliver A fun-loving dude that well always remember! 51. Hee.Yua n Our very own AEROMODELLING GENIUS! Hee Yuan is famous for being GODLIKE in the area of aeromodelling, be it simulator or the actual Radio Control planes, he handles them both real smooth. Dont be deceived by his size! Hee Yuan is a BIG guy with a BIG heart inside! 52. And.. This is it 53. Thank you all for the contributions and effort that were given to the Unit.. 54. Every one of you here still have more to attempt and other challenges to surmount 55. Over the past years with Beatty NCC, all your Sirs, Mdms and seniors have helped you develop and hone the characteristics that equip you for the next stage of your growth as an individual... 56. Thank you for letting me have a chance to work with all of you. It was brilliant, it was fun, it was crazy and definitely memorable. 57. Its sad to see you part To my awesome bunch of Part Ds Share your sparkle wherever you are 58. With every good wish in your future endeavours, press on, fellow NCC Cadets, YOUR journey has just begun 59. Thank you (always be good yah, children?) -Miss Khoo