Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in...

20 Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the Workforce Sharing by Willis Towers Watson 9 th May 2020 © 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.

Transcript of Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in...

Page 1: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the


Sharing by Willis Towers Watson

9th May 2020

© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers

Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.

Page 2: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

Today’s Agenda

2© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.

Lim Chin HanManaging Director and Country Head, Willis Towers Watson Malaysia

Tan Juan Jim, PhDExecutive Director, Talent & Rewards Leader, Willis Towers Watson Malaysia

Willis Towers Watson Speakers

Snapshot of the current environment

Guiding principles to shape ethical and

responsible actions in light of Covid-19

Three distinct stages and key scenarios to inform

practical actions to consider moving forward

Questions and answers

Page 3: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

Latest development in Malaysia : Implementation of Conditional Movement Control Order

(CMCO) to restart economic and business activities

© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.

There needs to be a clear exit

strategy, with business leaders

navigating how to deal with the

aftermath of lockdown, its

immediate business

implications while prioritizing

wellbeing of employee post-

crisis world.


Malaysia Covid-19 Lockdown Timeline

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4Further extension or end of

lockdown?Covid cases


5/03 18/03 31/03 14/04 28/04 12/05

We are still going through

the process of flattening

the curve

The goal is to stay

below this line

Conditional Movement Control Order

announced effective 4th May 2020

Page 4: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

Employers and policymakers are taking a variety of actions in response

© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.

▪ Delayed salary review, reduced increment funds or frozen

salary increment

▪ Adjusted their goal or KPI to their sales incentive payouts

▪ Alternate work teams in office or split-teams arrangements

and flexible work arrangement

▪ Provide compulsory paid leave while business is suspended

▪ Freeze / selective hiring

Sampling of employer actions

▪ Stimulus package to enable industries, support

business owners and help families affected by


▪ Central banks provide monetary stimulus via

interest rate cuts and quantitative easing

▪ Fiscal stimulus bills increase unemployment,

paid sick leave, small business support, and

business loans

Economic effects have spurred policymakers to action


Page 5: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis







1% 0% 1%












6 months 12 months 2 years

Unsurprisingly, half of employers think Covid-19 will have a negative impact on their business in the

next year and most are uncertain about the impact for the next two years

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What impact will Covid-19 have on your business results over the next 6 months? 12 months? 2 years?

Positive impact(Exceed financial budget)

No impact(Meet financial budget)

Small negative impact(Less than 10% below financial budget)

Moderate negative impact(10% to 20% below financial budget)

Large negative impact(More than 20% below financial


Not sure

Note: Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding.

Source: 2020 Covid-19 Survey, Malaysia


Employers are also in the ‘wait and see’ mode, especially when looking at impact over the next 12 months and 2 years.

Page 6: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

While the extent of impact remains to be seen, no two companies will be affected in the same way –

some industries will be impacted positively and others negatively, hence there is no one-size fit all


© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.

Global health crisisSignificant number of the world’s population

could become infected with Covid-19

Global economic crisisVolatile global financial markets, supply chain

disruptions, increased unemployment

Humanitarian crisisLockdowns, self-isolation, school closures,

social distancing, travel bans

Massive changes in demand across industries

▪ Automobiles and Transportation Equipment

▪ Chemicals

▪ Construction, Property & Engineering


▪ Energy & Natural Resources

▪ Food and Beverage

▪ Highway Concessionaire

▪ Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure

▪ Financial Services — Banks & Insurance

▪ Transportations and Logistics

▪ Consumer Goods (Essentials)

▪ Pharmaceuticals

▪ Telecommunications & Media

▪ Agriculture (Essentials)

▪ Education

▪ High Technology, IT, ITES

▪ Manufacturing

▪ Professional & Business Services — Shared


Right now is a pivotal moment to focus on the workforce impact and take action to protect, preserve

and sustain that human capital value


Page 7: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the

current Covid-19 crisis – with majority taking a variety of immediate and short term actions

© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.




Very Prepared

Mostly prepared

A little prepared

Not prepared at all

Was your company prepared / equipped to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis?

Note: Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding.

Source: 2020 Covid-19 Survey, Malaysia


What do you really

think is your level of

preparedness for the

Covid-19 crisis?

Page 8: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.

Wuhan is on a slow path back to normality after 76-day coronavirus lockdown – but life post-lock down

is anything but normal and after effects can still be felt by enterprise, businesses and people






Employees eat lunch at the Dongfeng Honda factory in Wuhan

Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

Large industrial enterprises have resumed operations – but

not at full capacity ▪ Only 429,000 people or 61% of the employees are back at these

enterprises, due to strict quarantine measures and travel

restrictionsNot ‘business as usual’ as while pandemic is much eased, it

is not over▪ Many shops remain close, restaurants only for deliveries and

mass public places remain shut (e.g. schools, cinemas,

entertainment venues)

Caution still permeates the air with constant checkpoints to

go through▪ ‘Health code’ tagging of people with temperatures taken as they

go about daily travel

Pandemic state of mind in people remains▪ Questions of safety to be out and about


te o

f W












Page 9: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

The Covid-19 pandemic underscores the material value of the health and contributions of people to

business success

© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.

See this crisis as a defining leadership moment— and continue delivering the best

possible outcomes for all stakeholders.

Focus on the intersection of employee and company wellbeing

Understand the perspectives of and engage all stakeholders (e.g., employees,

shareholders, customers, suppliers, unions/works councils, healthcare providers,

community) in decision making

Adopt an agile and continuous learning mindset to ensure response is (re)calibrated

to the circumstances at hand

Make decisions and take actions that take into account medium-term needs and

longer-term business objectives






We believe there are five key principles for shaping an effective course of action


Page 10: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

We see the situation unfolding across three distinct stages, along with the key scenarios and its

priorities to address the current realities and prepare for the journey forward to protect, preserve and

create human capital value

© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.

Three distinct stages

1 | Managing through the crisis

Protect and Preserve Human

Capital Value

2 | Restoring stability

Regenerate Human Capital Value

3 | Operating post-crisis

Sustain Human Capital Value

Reacting and Resolving the sudden transition of work from home for

employees by ensuring critical enablers are in place

Key scenarios and priorities

Returning and Reorganizing the workforce to restore stability and

enhancing HR programs to further support a dispersed workforce

working from anywhere

Reimagining and Reinventing the way work is done by looking at

different work alternatives vis-à-vis the performance and value delivered

Reforming for HR4.0 to enable a positive transition to the future way of

work by defining how work is experienced, how it is done and how the

workforce evolves to be a combination of full-time employees, contingent

workforce and automation


Page 11: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

Key imperatives for post-Covid return: Aligning organizational and people elements to what is required

to accelerate revenue recovery by changing the way we organize and structure work to deliver higher


© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.11

Redefine the Core

to rapidly recover


Make Work Portable

to enable new ways of


Broaden Your

Employment Repertoire

to tap into rich and

diverse sources of talent

Reset Culture &


to re-energize

in the new normal

▪ Human will be at the core and

companies will need to be

structured in an agile manner

based on how people work


▪ Move from job level and

structure to work outcomes,

altering what work is

performed and how we

perform it, focusing on where

it matters and the ROIP


▪ Take on a start up mindset to

rethink revenue profile,

positioning for the long term

and to get ahead of the


▪ Align operating model to

rapidly recover revenue and

what work is performed that

will reduce drag and

accelerate business


▪ Embrace the future of work –

defined by the use of more

automation and technology to

augment people

▪ Look beyond buying and

building talent, utilizing 6B

workforce strategy and

tapping into broader talent

ecosystem through contingent

workforce, gig and sharing

economy and partnerships,

supported by automation

▪ Commit to not go back to the

‘normal mode of operations’


▪ Rethink how can we be faster,

more agile and more resilient

to stay ahead

▪ Bring people through the

change journey towards the

new purpose, redefining who

we are, how we work and how

we grow

1 2 3 4

Return on Improved Performance

Page 12: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

Organizations need to act with urgency and identify the primary sources of revenue and define their

plan on that basis for the recovery phase to start

© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.12

Value Driver



Implications*Sample Supporting Capabilities

Revenue Growth

Better customer


▪ Customer problem solving

Drive innovation ▪ New product/service creation

Expand into untapped


▪ Demand creation

Operating Margin

Quickly integrating


▪ Strategic leadership

Efficient cost


▪ Capital allocation

Capital Turnover

Proper allocation of

people resources in

the business

▪ Investment management

Enhance operational


▪ Operational financial


➢ Understand change objectives:

organization change

(transformation, expansion),

performance and productivity goals,

talent and work changes

➢ Review existing business operating

models based on how their

employees work best in this

changing environment

➢ Looking into technology to drive

analytics to make informed


➢ Move towards rapidly adapting

Page 13: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

Reinventing the workforce through jobs for alternative ways of work looking at which part of the work

can be automated, be done by human and augmented to deliver higher value

© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.13


jobs to



Deconstruct Jobs


Reskill Talent

Optimize Work & Reconstruct Jobs

Reinventing Jobs

Deconstruct jobs into their

activities and classify the

tasks so all of the type of

work in the job is now

broken down

Assess the best way to

automate tasks and redeploy

them by alternate means

(technology and/or human-

automation solutions)

Look at the activities collectively

and reconstruct into (new) jobs

where it makes sense, taking into

account: the new means of

accomplishing the work, and what

the new work distribution between

talent and technology requires

Identify skills needed for the

future version of the work

and reskilling pathways for

talent whose work is being

transformed by automation

1 2


Page 14: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

Reinventing jobs must be guided by what will drive value, based on the Return on Improved

Performance (ROIP) of different types of work

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As we look at the work, where does improving performance enhance Strategic Value? Where does it mitigate risk?























Negative-Value: Payoff

to performance

improvements from

reducing negative-value

and risk. Ranges from

negative-value generation

to minimally acceptable


Constant Value: Performance

differences in this range

produce similar value.

Reduction in variance of


Incremental-Value: Improved

performance produces a

steady marginal increase in

value above a minimum

standard of quality.


Return on improved

performance increases

value exponentially.

Creative performance

that disruptively

improves a process and

creates strategic value.

Page 15: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

In action – Reinventing the Bank Teller Job

© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.15

The tasks of the bank teller are divided into two categories – many of the tasks that are repetitive and

independent can be replaced by technology (Automated Teller Machines (ATMs))

Tasks and ActivitiesRepetitive

vs. Variable

Independent vs.


Physical vs.


Greeting and welcoming customers Repetitive Interactive Mental

Receiving customer request for cash withdrawal Repetitive Interactive Mental

Verifying customer account balance contains

sufficient fundsRepetitive Independent Mental

Processing the withdrawal to debit the customer

checking accountRepetitive Independent Mental

Counting and giving the cash to the customer Repetitive Independent Physical

Counseling customers when account balances

are insufficient to process the transactionVariable Interactive Mental

Engaging the customer in conversations Variable Interactive Mental

Detecting customer receptivity to additional

banking servicesVariable Interactive Mental

Recommending and describing additional

banking servicesVariable Interactive Mental

Referring customer to other bank employees for

further services productsRepetitive Interactive Mental

Collaborating with bank product designers and

process leaders to improve products and


Variable Interactive Mental

Best suited for a

machine to do


Best suited for a

person & technology to






Reduce risk by automating

financial transactions


Improve value by

providing data-generated


Best suited for a

person to do




Improve value by

encouraging 1:1 personal

engagement with clients

Page 16: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

The crisis has placed emphasis on the need for organization and people to pivot together as we emerge

into a ‘new-normal’ post-crisis

16© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.

We are asking – and needing – employees to

exist in new environments, think in new ways

and act differently.

Doing so, impacts how they experience work

and feel about their role and their future; it

impacts how leaders show up and, ultimately,

it determines how the business pivots and

performs. The approach organizations take to

balance business sustainability with employee

experience decisions will be key to

accelerating back.

How do we reset culture and

experience for the new normal

to navigate the journey of

connecting employees to the

purpose and contributing to

accelerate recovery of

revenue and business


Page 17: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

The goal for operating post-crisis is to be able to return to full speed in shorter time-frame to drive

business performance in the new normal

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Wait and see ShockDenial







The longer it takes to get to Acceptance and Excellence Phase, the

more impact it has to high performance and business outcomes



The Goal for Operating Post-Crisis

Change Journey



Alignment, Purpose &


Resilience, Agility, Competitiveness,

Innovation, Customer-centric

Status Quo Limiting Renewed Accelerating

Organizational Climate Journey (Post-Crisis Change Journey)

Change Journey

Rigid, hierarchical and business as usual mode of



Page 18: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

What a High Performance Employee Experience looks like, to bring people through the change journey,

be connected to a new purpose and build resilience for what lies ahead

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“I am inspired by what our

company stands for and my

role in shaping our future”


“I feel a deep sense of

connection to achieving our



“I understand how my job

contributes to our current

business priorities”ESSENTIALS





“I’m ready and able to work in

new ways to transform our



“I can openly communicate my

views and contribute to solving

our business challenges”


“I know where to find the

information, tools, and

resources I need to get the

job done”


“I know how to grow my career

and stay focused on achieving

my ambition and potential”


“I am learning the skills I need

to adapt and be resilient

during this time”


“I have access to the

resources and benefits

needed to manage my


Work Reward


“I trust our leaders to use

good judgment while living

our values and protecting

our wellbeing”


“As colleagues, we have

strong regard for each other

and our shared experiences”


My manager understands my

current needs for support, and

I know where to seek answers

when I have concerns”



Page 19: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

Call to action for post-Covid return: Aligning organizational and people elements to what is required to

accelerate revenue recovery

© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.19

Redefine the Core

to rapidly recover


Make Work Portable

to enable new ways of


Broaden Your

Employment Repertoire

to tap into rich and

diverse sources of talent

Reset Culture &


to re-energize

in the new normal

▪ Human will be at the core and

companies will need to be

structured in an agile manner

based on how people work


▪ Move from job level and

structure to work outcomes,

altering what work is

performed and how we

perform it, focusing on where

it matters and the ROIP


▪ Take on a start up mindset to

rethink revenue profile,

positioning for the long term

and to get ahead of the


▪ Align operating model to

rapidly recover revenue and

what work is performed that

will reduce drag and

accelerate business


▪ Embrace the future of work –

defined by the use of more

automation and technology to

augment people

▪ Look beyond buying and

building talent, utilizing 6B

workforce strategy and

tapping into broader talent

ecosystem through contingent

workforce, gig and sharing

economy and partnerships,

supported by automation

▪ Commit to not go back to the

‘normal mode of operations’


▪ Rethink how can we be faster,

more agile and more resilient

to stay ahead

▪ Bring people through the

change journey towards the

new purpose, redefining who

we are, how we work and how

we grow

1 2 3 4

Return on Improved Performance

Page 20: Navigating the Covid-19 Crisis: The New Normal of the ......Interestingly, most organizations in Malaysia indicated they are very prepared to operate during the current Covid-19 crisis

Thank you


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Menara Dion, #26-01

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Tel: +603 2372 0500

If you have any questions about this document, please contact:

▪ Lim Chin Han – [email protected]

▪ Tan Juan Jim – [email protected]


This material is based on information available to Willis Towers Watson at the date of this document and takes no account of subsequent developments after

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© 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.

“The best way to predict the

future is to create it”

- Peter Drucker -