Naturally healthy - Vetfood3 Natural, healthy, well in line with the BARF-based diet In the era of...

Product catalog Naturally healthy

Transcript of Naturally healthy - Vetfood3 Natural, healthy, well in line with the BARF-based diet In the era of...

Product catalog

Naturally healthy

ALOE VERA _________________________________ 6BREWERS YEAST _____________________________ 6CARROT ____________________________________ 7CHLORELLA _________________________________ 7CISTUS _____________________________________ 8COLLAGEN _________________________________ 8EGG YOLK __________________________________ 9KELP _____________________________________10MILK THISTLE ______________________________11MSM _____________________________________11ROSEHIP __________________________________12SPIRULINA _________________________________12TAURINE __________________________________13

LITERATURE ________________________________14


Natural, healthy, well in line with the BARF-based diet

In the era of rapid development and advanced civilization, some owners of dogs and cats feel the need to return to a more natural way of feeding their pets. It is defined by natural, ecological or organic nutrition as well as holistic veterinary medicine. Holism means a general approach to a particular topic, that is, in the veterinary medicine of small animals - to a patient - a dog or a cat. Holistic treatment combines health promot-ing diet, natural dietary supplementation, and environmental modification to create a „stress free” environment for the animal.

Proper diet, natural supplements, well-balanced physical activity and a friendly environment are the best preventive measures in holistic medicine and affect long and healthy lives.


A few words about the BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) diet

BARF stands for “Biologically Appropriate Raw Food” as well as “Bones And Raw Food”. This diet imitates the most natural diet of the dog and the cat ancestors, that is the wolf and the wild-cat. Its creator - Australian veterinarian - Dr Ian Billinghurst, has observed the dietary habits of his hunting dogs, simultaneously comparing their health to other dogs fed commercial feeds. He noted that dogs fed raw are full of energy and vitality, and their condition is not worse than animals fed with commercially made feeds.

The core of the BARF diet are the so-called “meaty bones” mixed with other raw animal components - offal, eggs, oils and to a small extent with vegetable products - vegetables, fruits, herbs. Vegetables, fruits and herbs are a natural source of vitamins and minerals that improve the functioning of the body. Because they are also a good source of carbohydrates and fiber, it is recom-mended that they are used to regulate gastrointestinal function, rather than grains, when enriching the carnivore diet. In addition, many of them also contain numerous “functional” substances, stimulating immunity, improving metabolism and overall vitality of the body.

What does BARF diet brings? • raw food comes from a known source (the choice of

ingredients is the responsibility of the animal’s care-taker) • vitamins, minerals and other functional ingre-dients come from natural sources (vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc.) • exclusion of industrial processes such as heat treatment of food (cooking, evaporation, extru-sion, etc.)

• exclusion of substances percived as undesirable when feeding a natural diet, i.e. preservatives, dyes and fla-vor enhancers,

• high palatability and the ability of animals to return to feeding behavior of their ancestors (biting, breaking bones, eating bone marrow, cutting large pieces of meat, etc.),

• improvement of vitality, general health and condition of the animal.


Natural supplementsDue to the diet of the raw, unprocessed diet, there is a need

for natural supplements. They allow not only to balance, but also to enrich the diet of dogs and cats with specific functional sub-stances, supporting and/or regulating the body of the animal. Consequently, Vetfood® has decided to launch a line of carefully selected natural supplements, called BARFeed. These supple-ments contain active substances with proven health benefits. They are processed in a minimum way to maintain the char-acteristics, activity and maximum concentration of biologically active compounds contained in them. In addition, due to their

high quality, they are included in “human grade” supplements. All fruits, vegetables and herbs contained in them come from controlled farms and ecological/organic crops. Supplements do not contain added preservatives, artificial colors, flavor enhanc-ers and GM ingredients. A leak-proof inductive packaging guar-antees product safety and preserves good tastiness.

BARFeed products are dedicated to owners of BARF di-ets as well as all the natural nutrition supporters.

Meaning of icons for products

Good for the heart

Supports immune system

Helps the joints

Protects against


Supports digestion

Supports skin and


Oral hygiene

Supports weight loss

Supports eye health

Supports brain

Supports reproduction

Supports growth

60 g

180 g




Brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) characterize with a high content of group B vitamins, proteins, amino acids and minerals such as zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and chromium. Consequently, they exert positive effects on the appearance of the animals’ skin and coat, effective functioning of the nervous system, and are instrumental in regulating microbiological balance inside the gas-trointestinal tract. In addition, Brewer’s yeast promotes propagation of beneficial microflora within the digestive tract. The yeast is a natural bioregulator promoting stabilization of the digestive tract, and the digestion processes in animals.

Did you know? The colour and the smell of yeast attest to their quality. Yeast may be of different appearance, e.g. from pale cream to dark brown. The most desirable colour is bright, as the dark one usually indicates improper thermal treatment. The smell of yeast should on no account be suggestive of any burnt-out odour, but should be clearly reminiscent either of the freshly baked bread or beer.

Caution: The yeast available in the grocery stores in the form of cubes, as well as the ones in the specialist brewers’ stores, are of the active variety, not suitable for dogs. Such yeast can actually prove harmful and account for an increased volume of intestinal gas, as well as cause indigestion.

Aloe vera (Aloe vera L.) is a rich source of macronutrients (sodium, potassium,calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) and certain trace elements (i.a. zinc, iron, man-

ganese, copper, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum). It contains proteins in the form of readily absorbable amino acids. Furthermore, aloe vera is rich in natural compounds of anti-inflammatory properties (beta-sitosterol, salicylic acid, campesterol, bradyki-nase), antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral (phenols, cinnamic acid, chrysophanic acid, lupeol and sulfur compounds). Salicylic acid, lupeol and magnesium lactate contained in aloe vera additionally have pain-killing properties, while the anth-raquinone compounds, such as aloe-emodin, boast strong bactericidal properties. Regular consumption of aloe vera therefore boosts natural immunity, effectively re-duces inflammatory processes within the body, and generally helps with the tissue regeneration and repair.

Did you know? When consumed in large quantities, aloe vera shows laxative properties. Various studies have demonstrated, though, that when properly admin-istered, it promotes more effective absorption of nutrients in the intestine.

Cats and small dogs up to 10 kg of

body weight

Dogs 10-20 kg of body weight

Large dogs - over 20 kg of body


1 flat scoop/day 2 flat scoops/day 3 flat scoops/day

1 flat scoop is equivalent to approx. 300 mg of the product.

Cats and small dogs up to 10 kg of

body weight

Dogs 10-20 kg of body weight

Large dogs - over 20 kg of body


1 flat scoop/day 2 flat scoops/day 3 flat scoops/day

1 flat scoop is equivalent to approx.520 mg of the product.

250 g

200 g




Ordinary carrot (Daucus carota L) is a rich source of carotenoids, the precursors of vitamin A. They are natural antioxidants, help nurture the skin and enhance the red color in the animals’ coats. Introduction of carrots into the diet is ideal for those breeds of dogs for which well saturated red tone of coat is highly desirable. Further-more, it is a source of vitamin C, E, K and the group B vitamins, as well as minerals such as calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and cobalt. It contains folic acid, malic acid, inositol and pectin. High content of dietary fiber as well as pectin has a beneficial impact in regulating the function of the tract, prevents constipation, and excessive fermentation process in the gut.

Did you know? Thermal treatment and mechanical processing positively affects the absorption of carotenoids, as demonstrated by E. Hedren et al. (2002). The dif-ferences in the absorption of carotenoids (β-carotene and α-carotene) was signifi-cantly higher in the processed carrots, as compared to the unprocessed (raw) ones.

Chlorella is a super alga containing over 70 substances of high biological value to the animal’s body. Including substances such as: amino acids, saturated and un-saturated fatty acids, numerous valuable vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It is also the richest known source of chlorophyll. Chlorella has properties promot-ing detoxification of the body from various toxins and heavy metals. This super alga also boosts the body’s natural defences, promotes the development of beneficial intestinal microflora and proper peristalsis, as well as reduce inflammation. Chlore-lin contained in chlorella acts as an antibiotic, destroys pathogenic bacteria, while supporting the growth and proliferation of a friendly bacterial flora.

Did you know? Chlorella stimulates the production of red and white blood cells, and helps expand the arteries, which boosts cell oxygenation. High chlorophyll con-tent promotes the healing of wounds as well as ulcers and stimulates, the cell re-generation process. Chlorella removes disagreeable mouth odours, and neutralizes unpleasant skin odours.

Cats and dogs

- for every 5 kg of body weight - 1 small flat scoop - twice daily (morning and evening)

- for every 10 kg of body weight - 1 large flat scoop - twice daily (morning and evening)

1 flat small scoop is equivalent to approx. 1.6 g, and a large one to 3 g of the product.

Cats and small dogs up to 10 kg of

body weight

Dogs 10-20 kg of body weight

Large dogs - over 20 kg of body


1 flat scoop/day 2 flat scoops/day 3 flat scoops/day

1 flat scoop is equivalent to approx. 650 mg of the product.

190 g

60 g




Cistus (Cistus Incanus L.) is a plant with multiple beneficial properties. It contains a high concentration of polyphenols, which are strong antioxidants. Polyphenols not only strengthen the body, but also inhibit cancerous cell growth, as well as any on-going inflammatory processes within the body. Rockrose is recommended in cardiovascular disorders (protects the blood vessels, prevents the formation of ath-erosclerotic plaques). It boosts the immune system, exhibits antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Regular administration effectively discourages external parasites, e.g. ticks, mosquitoes.

Did you know? Cistus may be administered in different forms. Administration in the form of dried herbs, as well as infusions has an excellent effect on the animal’s overall health condition. Dietary supplementation with rockrose carries no adverse side effects (absence of any contraindications). The plant is safe also for young an-imals.

Collagen type II is a component of animal cartilage. Due to its flexibility and high tolerance for stretching, it is encountered in tendons, as well as is one of the basic skin building element. It is recommended as a dietary supplement in the young animals, so as to enhance the development of correct bone structure. It may also be used as a dietary supplement in the aging animals, when administered regularly, it greatly enhances the functioning of the joints and improves overall look of the skin.

Did you know? Collagen, although within its own right not actually involved in the development of cartilage, is often standardized for chondroitin, glucosamine and hyaluronic acid content, which are actively involved in the regeneration and protection of articular cartilage.

Cats and dogs

- for every 10 kg of body weight - 1 small flat scoop - once a day- for every 20 kg of body weight - 1 large flat scoop - once a day

1 flat small scoop is equivalent to approx. 1 g, and a large one to 2.3 g of the product.

Cats and small dogs up to 10 kg of

body weight

Dogs 10-20 kg of body weight

Large dogs - over 20 kg of body


1 flat scoop/day 2 flat scoops/day 3 flat scoops/day

1 flat scoop is equivalent to approx. 350 mg of the product.

140 g



Bones are perfect “toys”, they not only help clean the teeth, but also help satisfy dog's psychological needs. They are great source of minerals, mainly calcium.

Egg yolk is a rich source of vitamins and many valuable minerals. Omega-3 fatty acids and lecithin, contined in the yolk, have anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties. Yellow pigment - lutein - improves brain function, enhances concentra-tion and memory, prevents damage to the retina, as well as possess powerful anti-oxidant properties. Thanks to that it has an ability to slows down the aging process in animals and protects them from cancer. Similar purposes are served by vitamins A and E also contained in yolk. They are very well absorbed by the animal’s body, as they dissolve in the surrounding fats. Egg yolk is also rich in vitamin D, beneficial for the bones and skin, and group B vitamins, vital for the nervous system. Egg yolk is also rich source of such minerals as: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassi-um, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium.

Did you know? The structure of egg yolks is similar to blood, it contains a sub-stance called plasma. The plasma protein group responsible for the protective func-tions is the immunoglobulin Y, the same type as the immunoglobulin contained in the animal blood. It counteracts some antigens, and in particular against bacteria, boosting the body’s immunity.

The studies released in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition* imply that regular administration of egg yolk to an animal (for one month) is instrumental in increasing lutein and zeaxanthin levels within the body. Lutein and zeaxanthin are natural pigments protecting the retina against UVA radiation damage, as well as significantly reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataract development.

*Handelman G. J., Nightingale Z. D., Lichtenstein A. H., Schaefer E. J., Blumberg J. B.: Lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations in plasma after dietary supplementation with egg yolk. The American Journal of Clinical Nutri-tion. 70(2), 1999: 247-251.

Cats and small dogs

up to 10 kg of body weight

Dogs10-20 kg of body


Large dogs - over 20 kg of body


1 flat scoop/day 2 flat scoops/day 3 flat scoops/day

1 flat scoop is equivalent to approx. 5 g of the product.

60 g



Brown algae (Ascophyllum nodosum) is a perfect, natural source of iodine, a component indispensable for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland (it is contained in thyroxine and triiodothyronine). Brown algae are also beneficial for animals’ overall health condition in view of their high content of unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, micro- and macronutrients. Regular administration of the algae effectively removes unpleasant odours, prevents a build-up of plaque on the teeth, remains instrumental in regulating the digestive processes, boosts natural immunity, and makes animal coats looking great throughout.

Did you know? Brown algae may contain different concentrations of iodine, depending on the specific production methods and the actual selection of raw components. Alginates, which effectively act as the inhibitors in the process of ab-sorption of certain heavy metals, highly toxic for a human body, are encountered in the seaweed cell walls.

Cats and small and medium dogs up tp 20 kg of body weight

Large dogs - over 20 kg of body weight

1 flat spoon/day 2 flat spoons/day

1 flat spoon is equivalent to approx. 420 mg of the product.

200 g

150 g




Milk thistle (Silybum Marianum L.) is a natural source of complex flavonolignans called silymarin. As an antioxidant silymarin has highly antyhepatotoxic properties. Not only does it enhance formation and regeneration of the liver cells, but also ef-fectively protects all the newly formed cells. Milk thistle promotes bile secretion, as well as is antitoxic and anti-inflammatory. Its administration is particularly recom-mended during any liver-straining pharmacotherapy, as well as upon its comple-tion, throughout the convalescence period.

Did you know? Milk thistle may also be used as a dietary supplement in the treat-ment of diabetes and cholelithiasis (gallstones). It is indicated in digestive disorders, upon inadequate gastric pH, lack of appetite, flatulence, hypotension, and motion sickness. It also significantly accelerates the skin regeneration.

MSM (metylosulfonylometan) is a natural, highly absorbable source of sulphur. Chemical formula for MSM is CH3SO2CH3. In this form sulphur is naturally encoun-tered in all living organisms and remains biologically active. MSM is an odourless, white, crystalline powder, easily soluble in warm water, and various organic solvents. Sulphur in such a biologically active form has amazing prophylactic and therapeutic properties, i.e. acts as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent, enhances permeability of cell membranes, and acts as a muscle relaxant. Regular use of MSM improves the utilization of nutrients, and enhances the action of other dietary supplements, especially in the joints. MSM is effectively antitoxic. Active sulphur is also used for treating allergies and skin problems.

Did you know? Toxicity of MSM is negligible, and often compared to water tox-icity. It is recommended to use MSM together with the supplements containing vitamin C, as this effectively enhances its absorption.

Caution: Always dissolve in warm water before serving to the animal.

Cats and dogs

- for every 5 kg of body weight - 1 small flat scoop - once a day (during treatment - 2 times a day)- for every 10 of body weight - 1 large flat scoop - once a day (during treatment - 2 times a day)

1 flat small scoop is equivalent to approx. 1.4 g, and a large one to 3 g of the product.

Cats and dogs

1 flat scoop for every 10 kg of body weight / day (can be divided into two portions and served together with morning and evening feed).

You can add up to 2 flat scoopes after consultation with your veterinarian.

1 flat scoop is equivalent to approx. 850 mg of the product.. ATTENTION: Dissolve a small amount of lukewarm water before serving.

120 g

200 g




Spirulina (Arthrospira Platensis) is a cyanobacteria of the Arthrospira genus. This species of cyanobacteria is a rich source of high quality protein - 60% of dry matter. Spirulina is a natural multivitamin containing vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and the group B vitamins, as well as minerals. Due to such a rich and unique composition, unusual in other known products of plant and animal origin, it is called a „super food”. Thanks to its relatively soft cell wall, it is easily digestible, so all vitamins and minerals contained in it are well absorbed by dogs and cats.

Did you know? Spirulina is a perfect source of γ-linolenic acid (GLA), highly nu-tritious for the brain and beneficial for the heart muscle. The high molecular weight polysaccharides found in spirulina appreciably boost the immune system and re-main highly active.

Caution: Due to its high γ-linolenic acid content spirulina should not be admin-istered to animals suffering from or predisposed to epilepsy, in view of an increased risk of seizure. It is best to consult a veterinarian before administering it any high-risk animals.

Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) is an essential component used in vitamin C supple-mentation, known for its antioxidant properties. High vitamin C content is not the only advantage offered by rose hip, as it also contains a number of other valuable substances, e.g. carotenoids (including beta-carotene), flavonoids, phenol acids (including ellagic acid), anthocyanins, tannins, polysaccharides, vitamins K, B1, B2, tocopherols, unsaturated fatty acids, organic acids, and pectin. The rose hip fruits contain Galactolipid (GOPO), an anti-inflammatory compound. The product is par-ticularly recommended in the supplementation of vitamin deficiencies, boosting natural immunity, and during convalescence.

Did you know? The dog is well able to synthesize vitamin C within its own right, but when an animal is stressed out or ill, the amount of vitamin C being synthesized within its body may be insufficient. Vitamin C enhances iron absorption processes. The supplements containing vitamin C are particularly recommended in the tre-atment of joint ailments (beneficial effects of vitamin C in treating any rheumatic diseases has already been scientifically documented).

Cats and dogs

- for every 5 kg of body weight - 1 small flat scoop - twice day (morning and evening)

- for every 10 of body weight - 1 large flat scoop - twice daily (morning and evening).

1 flat small scoop is equivalent to approx. 1.6 g, and a large one to 3 g of the product.

Cats and small dogs up to 10 kg of

body weight

Dogs 10-20 kg of body weight

Large dogs - over 20 kg of body


1 flat scoop/day 2 flat scoops/day 3 flat scoops/day

1 flat scoop is equivalent to approx. 600 mg of the product.

150 g



Taurine is a sulphuric amino acid encountered within the body mainly in a free state. It takes part in many processes, but its principal function consists in supporting myocardium, proper development of the central nervous system, and boosting the retina. Adequate taurine content in food determines proper reproductive functions in cats, and supports proper growth of kittens. Taurine also supports digestion of dietary fats through the formation of bile salts.

This amino acid determines correct oncotic pressure, and is entailed in the ther-moregulation mechanism boasting hypothermic properties. It also enhances the secretion of vasopressin and oxytocin in the neural part of the pituitary gland, and stimulates GABA-ergic receptors.

Taurine is essential not only for cats, but also for dogs of some breeds, particularly those suspected of cardiomyopathy resultant from taurine deficiency (e.g. Cocker spaniel, Golden retriever, Labrador, Doberman). It is also vital in the breeding of dogs, whereas its deficit is encountered mainly in the bitches of large breeds (e.g. Ber-nardine, English Setter, Newfoundland) remaining on an imbalanced diet, and in the animals on the low-protein diet.

It has also been observed that in foetal rats this amino acid is essential for the nor-mal development of the pancreas, whereas in adults it affects arterial reactivity and ACTH secretion during stress.

Furthermore, taurine acts as very potent antioxidant, also protects the cells against damage caused by heavy metals (e.g. cadmium, copper, lead), as well as promotes the absorption of all fat-soluble vitamins (i.e. A, D, E and K).

Did you know? Taurine is an essential amino acid for cats that must be incorpo-rated in their diet. The largest amount of taurine is encountered in raw meat and fish. During cooking its quantity drastically drops. No vegetable products are a good source of taurine for carnivores.

Caution: Always dissolve in warm water before serving to the animal.


For every 10 kg of body weight - 1 flat scoop


For every 2.5 kg of body weight - ½ flat scoop

The packaging contains a scoop.1 flat scoop is the equivalent to approx. 450 mg of the product.

Aloe Vera

• Shelton R.M.: Aloe Vera. Its Chemical and Therapeutic Properties. International Journal of Dermatology. 1991; 30(10): 679-683.• Gunn-Moore D.: Management options for cats with retroviral diseases. Proceedings of the 33rd World Small Animal Veterinary Congress

2008 - Dublin, Ireland• Fray T. R., Watson A. L., Croft J. M., Baker C. D., Bailey J., Sirel N., Markwell P. J.: A combination of aloe vera, curcumin, vitamin C,

and taurine increases canine fibroblast migration and decreases tritiated water diffusion across canine keratinocytes in vitro. The Journal of nutrition, 2004; 134(8), 2117-2119.

• Yang Y.M., Wang P., Zhang Y.: A comparative study on the absorption kinetics parameters of rhubarb free anthraquinones between nor-mal dogs and dogs with severe acute pancreatitis. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2012 Apr; 32(4):494-8.

Brewers Yeast

• Muszyńska B., Malec M., Sułkowska-Ziaja K.: Właściwości lecznicze i kosmetologiczne drożdży piekarniczych (Saccharomyces cerevi-siae). Postępy Fitoterapii, 2013; 1(14), 54-62.

• Seremak B., Felska-Błaszczyk L., Taraska M., Czapla D., Wojciechowska A., Opieka P.: Ocena wpływu wzbogacenia diety preparatami na bazie drożdży Saccharomyces cerevisiae na produkcyjność norek. Wiadomości Zootechniczne, R. LIV (2016), 2: 38–42

Carrot • Hedrén E., Diaz V., Svanberg U.: Estimation of carotenoid accessibility from carrots determined by an in vitro digestion method. European journal of clinical nutrition. 2002; 56(5): 425-430.


• Kralovec J. A., Metera K. L., Kumar J. R., Watson L. V., Girouard G. S., Guan Y., Carr R. I., Barrow C. J., Ewart H. S.: Immunostimulato-ry principles from Chlorella pyrenoidosa--part 1: isolation and biological assessment in vitro. Phytomedicine. 2007; 14(1):57-64.

• Nakano S., Noguchi T., Takekoshi H., Suzuki G., Nakano M.: Maternal-fetal distribution and transfer of dioxins in pregnant women in Japan, and attempts to reduce maternal transfer with Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) supplements. Chemosphere; 2005; 61(9):1244-1255.

• Merchant R. E., Andre C. A.: A review of recent clinical trials of the nutritional supplement Chlorella pyrenoidosa in the treatment of fibro-myalgia, hypertension, and ulcerative colitis. Altern.Ther.Health Med. 2001; 7(3):79-91.

Cistus • Leung A.Y., Foster S.: Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics.1996; 2nd ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons


• Barnett M. L., Kremer J. M., St Clair E. W., Clegg D. O., Furst D., Weisman M., Le C. H.: Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with oral type II collagen: Results of a multicenter, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 1998; 41(2), 290-297.

• Trentham D. E., Dynesius-Trentham R. A., Orav E. J., Combitchi D., Lorenzo C., Sewell K. L., Weiner H. L.: Effects of oral administra-tion of type II collagen on rheumatoid arthritis. Science 1993, 261, 1727-1730.

Egg Yolk • Handelman G. J., Nightingale Z. D., Lichtenstein A. H., Schaefer E. J., Blumberg J. B.: Lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations in plasma after dietary supplementation with egg yolk. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1999; 70(2): 247-251.


• Dutot M., Fagon R., Hemon M., Rat P.: Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-senescence activities of a phlorotannin-rich natural extract from brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 2012; 167: 2234–2240.

• Bahar B., O’Doherty J.V., Hayes M., Sweeney T.: Extracts of brown seaweeds can attenuate the bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced pro-inflammatory response in the porcine colon ex vivo. J Anim Sci 2012; 90 Suppl 446–48.

• O’Sullivan A.M., O’Callaghan Y.C., O’Grady M.N., Queguineur B., Hanniffy D., et al.: In vitro and cellular antioxidant activities of seaweed extracts prepared from five brown seaweeds harvested in spring from the west coast of Ireland. Food Chem 2011; 126 1064–1070.

• Abu R., Jiang Z., Ueno M., Okimura T., Yamaguchi K., et al.: In vitro antioxidant activities of sulfated polysaccharide ascophyllan isolat-ed from Ascophyllum nodosum. Int J Biol Macromol 2013; 59: 305–312.

Milk Thistle • Grela E. R., Pietrzak K., Pecka S., Sobolewska S., Krasucki W.: Ostropest plamisty w żywieniu zwierząt. Przegląd Hodowlany, 2014; 82(5).


• Usha P.R., Naidu M.U.: Randomised, Double-Blind, Parallel, Placebo-Controlled Study of Oral Glucosamine, Methylsulfonylmethane and their Combination in Osteoarthritis. Clin Drug Investig. 2004; 24(6):353-63.

• Kim L.S., Axelrod L.J., Howard P., et al.: Efficacy of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in osteoarthritis pain of the knee: a pilot clinical trial. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2006; 14:286-94.

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• Debbi E.M., Agar G., Fichman G., et al.: Efficacy of methylsulfonylmethane supplementation on osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized controlled study. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2011 Jun 27;11:50.

Rosehip• Marczuk J.: Rośliny lecznicze oraz preparaty homeopatyczne. Stosowanie w terapii wybranych chorób psów: choroby układu moczowego

i układu ruchu. Weterynaria w Praktyce, 2006; 3(6).• Cohen M.: Rosehip: an evidence based herbal medicine for inflammation and arthritis. Australian family physician, 2012; 41(7), 495.

Spirulina• Ciferri O.: Spirulina, the edible microorganism. Microbiological reviews, 1983; 47(4), 551.• Belay A., Ota Y., Miyakawa K., Shimamatsu H.: Current knowledge on potential health benefits of Spirulina. Journal of applied Phycolo-

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Taurine • Kulasek G., Lechowski R., Sawosz E., Jank M.: Tauryna w dietoprofilaktyce oraz dietoterapii kotow i psow. Życie Weterynaryjne, 2005; 80(02), 103-110.


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