Natural ways to lower triglycerides

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Reduce Triglycerides Naturally

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It is hard to keep track and understand what you need to know

and what you need to do to make sure your heart is healthy.

Between cholesterol, good cholesterol, bad

cholesterol, triglycerides LDL, HDL, saturated fat, unsaturated fat,

blood pressure, etc it is confusing. Nevertheless the stakes are so

high that you need to understand each term and how each

impacts your health. That is the only way that you can take

control of your health and use experts such as doctors to provide

you with advice but you need to be the person that makes all

ultimate decisions. No one cares about your health more than you

do so with a little work you can learn enough to be able to

understand what goes on.

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So what are triglycerides?

Triglycerides are fat in your blood that provides you with energy. When you

consume more fat than your body needs for energy, the body stores that fat

just in case it will need it in the future. The reality is that many times we think

of fat that we eat being stored in our hips or in our bellies. You are actually

thinking of triglycerides being stored. Triglycerides are what we end

up after our body digests and breaks down the food we just consumed.

We check triglycerides when we usually check our cholesterol levels. It is the

same test and you need to fast for 12 hours before you take the test. If you eat

a high in fat meal before the test, the results may not be accurate. Everyone

should be checking their triglyceride levels, starting at age twenty.

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What is the difference between triglycerides and


Cholesterol is a yellowish fatty substance that is found in every cell in our body.

It is one of the essential ingredients of the body. Our bodies make cholesterol

in our liver and we also get cholesterol from our diets! It is the principle

ingredient in the substances your body needs to digest foods, and it is

also required to make some hormones and vitamin D.

Cholesterol travels through your blood to the different parts of your body. It is

carried by substances called lipoproteins, which are made out of lipids or fat

and protein on the outside. There are 2 different types of lipoproteins, low

density lipoprotein or LDL and high density lipoprotein, or HDL. LDL is also

called bad cholesterol and HDL is call good cholesterol. The body needs to have

healthy levels of all of these substances. Any one being either too high or too

low can cause serious problems!

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Both cholesterol and triglycerides are lipids that travel thru the blood.

Triglycerides store fat that is not used as energy for future use. Cholesterol on

the other hand is used to build cells and certain hormones. Because neither can

dissolve in blood, the circulation through the body. Cholesterol as it circulates

gets stuck sometimes by fat in the arteries. This is what can cause a problem

because now the opening is the artery is smaller as more and more cholesterol

builds up. Added cholesterol in the arteries is called plaque. This condition is

known as atherosclerosis. Large deposits of plaque can eventually completely

block an artery.

A commonly asked question is: Is it possible to have normal levels of one and

not of the other? Yes it is. In most cases the risk factors that contribute to high

cholesterol also contributes to high triglycerides BUT many times you might

have relatively normal levels of cholesterol and high levels of triglycerides.

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Heart Attack compared to a Stroke


A heart attack can occur if an artery that supplies blood to the muscles in your

heart becomes blocked. Similarly, if an artery that supplies blood to your brain

becomes blocked, a stroke can occur.


Understanding Triglycerides Numbers


Less than 150 Desirable

Between 150-199 Kind of High

Between 200-499 High

500 and above Dangerous

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How do you get high triglycerides?Being over weightDiabetes that is not managed properlyAn under active thyroid (hypothyroidism)Kidney diseaseEating more calories than your body needsDrinking a lot of alcohol.Certain drugs may also raise your triglycerides levels. These medicines include:

TamoxifenSteroidsBeta-blockers – A group of medication for blood pressureDiureticsEstrogenBirth control pillsIt is also believed by some that high triglyceride level is hereditary.

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Symptoms for high triglycerides

There are usually no symptoms associated with high triglycerides. In some

cases, very seldom, you may see fatty deposits under the skin. These are

called xanthomas.

So what if I have high triglycerides:

According to a special report from CNN, these are some of the risks of high

triglyceride levels:

1.Pancreas. Very high triglyceride levels can cause swelling of the pancreas.

This causes severe belly pain, vomiting, and fever. If digestive juices leak

outside the pancreas, it can be life-threatening.

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1. High levels of triglycerides increase the risk of type 2

diabetes. High triglycerides are part of a condition called

metabolic syndrome, which includes high blood pressure,

increased belly fat, low HDL (good cholesterol), and high

fasting blood sugar. Combined, high triglycerides plus any two

of the other conditions, increase the risk of developing type 2

diabetes by 5 times.

2. Heart disease. Metabolic syndrome DOUBLES the risk of

developing heart disease

3. Increase risk of stroke

4. Liver disease. Fat accumulating in the liver, thru high

triglycerides, is the most common cause of chronic liver

disease, which can lead to liver failure and cancer

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1. Problems with your legs. Too much fat in your arteries

can create deposits in your legs that will result in pain

and numbness, especially when walking.

2. Dementia. Dementia is reduction or loss of brain

function. It can affect memory, thinking, language and

behavior.  Age is a big risk factor for dementia, but so

are very high triglycerides. Research is showing that

high triglycerides may damage blood vessels inside the

brain and contribute to the build-up of a toxic protein

called amyloid.

Additionally, there are some reports that indicate that the

lipid profile of cancer patients, includes high levels of


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Reduce high triglycerides1.Lose weight if you are overweight. People with normal weight

are more likely to have normal levels of triglycerides

2.If you smoke, quit

3.If you drink, either reduce your consumption or even better

stop drinking completely

4.Reduce consumption of saturated fats, trans fats, and foods

high in cholesterol. Avoid sugary and refined foods. Simple

carbohydrates, such as sugar and foods made with white flour

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1. Eating more fish high in Omega 3

2. Eat foods high in fiber. Add then following foods in your

everyday diet. These are in the order of importance :

Raspberries, Cauliflower, collard greens, broccoli, swiss chard,

spinach, celery, cabbage, grapefruit, green beans, eggplant,

cranberries, strawberries, bell peppers, squash, kale, carrots,

lentils, brussels sprouts, asparagus, green peas, pinto beans

3. Exercise at least for 30 minutes, five days a week

If your condition is serious doctors might prescribe certain drugs.

Many doctors prescribe supplements that have been shown to

reduce high triglycerides in different studies.

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Supplements that help reduce triglycerides

:Omega-3 fatty acids work to increase beta oxidation so

that a smaller amount of triglyceride is left over for

transport to the liver to be repackaged for circulation in the

bloodstream. Additionally Omega-3s slow plaque growth

and prevent blood clots. So it is recommended to take 

Omega 3  a total of 4,000 mg  - 6,000 mg , daily, with food.

Half of it from EPA/DHA oils and half from Krill Oil for better

absorption and results

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Niacin – Flush free Niacin reduces both triglycerides

and cholesterol. Take 500 mg per day, with food.

Drink lots of water when taking Niacin. Some

people get some side effects with niacin like upset

stomach or the sensation of heat. If

you experience flushing effect when you take

niacin, start taking an aspirin with niacin at the

same time and drink extra water. This will reduce

the flushing effect. So how does Niacin reduce

triglycerides? Niacin blocks the release of fatty

acids from fat cells. Fewer fatty acids are passed

through to the liver, resulting in fewer VLDL


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Red Yeast Rice inhibits cholesterol and triglyceride synthesis. It

has also been shown in many studies to help reduce

triglycerides and cholesterol. Take 1,200 mg per day, with or

without food. Start by taking 600 mg per day for a week, if you

feel no side effects, than increase the dosage to 1,200 mg per


We also have to eliminate some of triglycerides that are

already in our system. Artichoke Leaf Extract has helped many

people lower their triglycerides by enhancing triglyceride

elimination. Take 450 mg, 3 times per day, with food.

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Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory supplement that helps in

many important functions, including to lower cholesterol and

triglycerides. It is not absorbed well, so it is important to take

the right kind of curcumin at the right dosage for best

absorption. We like this product. Take 1 tablet, once a day,

with food.

Vitamin E Complex, with specifically gamma and delta

tocopherols – Take 1 tablet with lunch and 1 with dinner.

Garlic – Take this odor control garlic supplement, with food. 1

tablet, 3 times a day.

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Just like with any supplement, you need to consult

your doctor before you start taking any supplements

because there might be side effects or interactions

with medicine you might be taking. Be especially

careful with:

Red Yeast Rice – If you are pregnant or nursing,

consult your health care professional before using any

herbal product.

Artichoke Leaf Extract – If you have gallstones or a

biliary tract obstruction, do not use this product.

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Niacin – Temporary flushing, itching, rash, or gastric disturbances may occur.

Liver function testing is recommended when niacin is taken in excess of 500

mg daily. Those with gout or liver diseases should avoid taking high doses of


Fish Oil – If you are taking anti-coagulant or anti-platelet medications, or have a

bleeding disorder, consult your healthcare provider before taking this product.

Garlic – Garlic taken on an empty stomach may cause irritation.

Curcumin – Do not take if you have gallbladder problems or gallstones. If you

are taking anti-coagulant or anti-platelet medications, or have a bleeding

disorder, consult your healthcare provider before taking this product.