Nativity Scene April 2015

The Episcopal Church of the Nativity 22405 North Miller Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85054 480.307.9216 THE NATIVITY SCENE April 2015 Holy Week at Nativity Maundy Thursday, April 2 7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Service commemorates Jesus’ last night with his disciples, with optional foot- washing and stripping of the altar for Good Friday. All-Night Prayer Vigil, Maundy Thursday 8 p.m. through Good Friday at noon. “Stay awake with [Jesus] for one hour” as he asked the disciples to do in the Garden of Gethsemane. Sign up for a time slot during our all-night Vigil. Good Friday, April 3 Noon: Good Friday Service (Spoken) 5:00 p.m.: Stations of the Cross, Provided by the Youth 7:00 p.m.: Good Friday Service (with Music) Easter at Nativity, Sunday April 5! 7:30 a.m. Sunrise Family Service: Begin outside with the first fire of Easter and the stories of salvation history, process inside through the “Red Sea,” and experience the moment when Easter comes to Nativity! Service includes music of our adult and children’s choirs. 9:00 a.m. Easter Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt 10:00 a.m. Easter Festival Eucharist: Enjoy our festival service, including music of our adult choir and guest musicians, and a postlude sing-along of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah! Holy Week and Easter at Nativity Please join us at Nativity for a beautiful Holy Week and Easter as we celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection! Our many services are listed below.


Newsletter for Episcopal Church of the Nativity, April 2015

Transcript of Nativity Scene April 2015

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The Episcopal Church of the Nativity 22405 North Miller Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85054 480.307.9216


!April 2015

Holy Week at Nativity !!Maundy Thursday, April 2  7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Service commemorates Jesus’ last night with his disciples, with optional foot-washing and stripping of the altar for Good Friday. !!!All-Night Prayer Vigil, Maundy Thursday 8 p.m. through Good Friday at noon.   “Stay awake with [Jesus] for one hour” as he asked the disciples to do in the Garden of Gethsemane. Sign up for a time slot during our all-night Vigil. !!!Good Friday, April 3               Noon: Good Friday Service (Spoken) 5:00 p.m.: Stations of the Cross, Provided by the Youth 7:00 p.m.: Good Friday Service (with Music) !!!!

Easter at Nativity, Sunday April 5! !!7:30 a.m. Sunrise Family Service:

Begin outside with the first fire of Easter and the stories of salvation history, process inside through the “Red Sea,” and experience the moment when Easter comes to Nativity! Service includes music of our adult and children’s choirs. !9:00 a.m. Easter Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt !10:00 a.m. Easter Festival Eucharist:

Enjoy our festival service, including music of our adult choir and guest musicians, and a postlude sing-along of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah!


Holy  Week  and  Easter  at  Nativity  Please join us at Nativity for a beautiful Holy Week and Easter

as we celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection! Our many services are listed below. 

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!Sunday Schedule

9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Festive Eucharist Rite II with Children’s Chapel 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. Hospitality 10:15 - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Festive Eucharist Rite II 11:40 - 12:15 p.m. Adult Christian Formation 11:40 - 1:30 p.m. Youth Group

Nativity Schedule

Take a moment to wish a Happy Birthday To:

!Nativity Staff !

The Rev. Susan B. Snook Rector

[email protected] !The Rev. Dr.Wayne V. Whitney

Associate Rector [email protected] !

Dr. Ilona Kubiaczyk-Adler Director of Music Ministry

IlonaKubiaczyk-Adler !Shelley Byrnes

Director of Christian Formation [email protected] !

Mina Rafferty Parish Administrator

[email protected] !Tim Kosky


!Nativity’s Vestry !

Senior Warden: David Bolger

480-945-3810 [email protected]

Junior Warden: Mark Miller

480-368-5530 [email protected]

Treasurer Kara Erickson

480 518- 2683 [email protected]

Tricia Beaird 480-699-7893 [email protected]

Suzanne Cohen 480-586-6625 [email protected]

Jennie Dobbins 602-770-0513 [email protected]

Kris Haugen 480-515-4803 [email protected]

Cotty Peabody 480-588-8328 [email protected]

Lani Sambach 602-793-2808 [email protected]

Steve Smith 480-285-7679 [email protected]

Darrell Spencer 702-540-5050 [email protected]

Colleen Whichello 301-520-2689 [email protected]

!Patti  Worthington   4/1  Elizabeth  Barrett   4/2  Elizabeth  Stuckey   4/3  Bill  Deihl       4/9  Ryan  Bright     4/11  Patricia  Beaird     4/13  Colleen  Whichello   4/15  !!!!

!Jim  Blum         4/22  Kali  Higgins       4/22  Susan  Snook       4/24  Barbara  Woodall     4/26  Jim  Davis         4/28  Art  Graf         4/28  Barbara  Worthington     4/30  !Every month we list those whose birthdays are being celebrated. If you would like your name added to the list, please contact Mina Rafferty at [email protected].

22405 N. Miller Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85255

Telephone: 480-307-9216!Wednesday Schedule

6:00 p.m. Evening Prayer Rite II featuring Healing Prayers 6:30 p.m. Transforming Questions Class Easter Sunday Schedule 7:30 a.m. Sunrise Family Service 10:00 a.m. Festival Eucharist

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The greatest celebration of the Christian year is almost here: the day of the Lord’s resurrection, when he overcame death and the grave, as God raised him to new, resurrection life. On this day, the

women, followed by others, discovered the tomb empty. Slowly, as the day dawned and a new week began, people began to have strange sightings – a man who had died, walking and talking, appearing behind locked doors, so real that people could see him, touch him, feel his scars. !With Jesus’ resurrection, a new creation began – a creation in which death no longer triumphs over us, a creation in which all are promised new life in Jesus. In Jesus, God crossed the chasm between finiteness and infinity, and opened the way for us to join God for all eternity. !The resurrected body of Jesus tells us something about our own resurrection hope. Paul calls Jesus the “first fruits” of the resurrection that God promises to all of us. He describes our hope in 1 Corinthians: !So it is with the resurrection of the body. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory…. It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body…. Listen, I will tell you a mystery! We will not all die, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For this perishable body must put on imperishability, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When this perishable body puts on imperishability, and this mortal body puts on

immortality, then the saying that is written will be fulfilled: ‘Death has been swallowed up in victory.’ Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? (1 Cor. 15:42-44, 51-55) !Easter is the greatest triumph of human history, not because a very sad story had a happy ending after all, but because God took action to relieve us of the burden of death. Because of God’s great love, we can be confident that God will always hold and treasure us, in this life and beyond. !But what does Easter, the beginning of a new life, mean for our daily lives? Why should it make a difference to us here and now? The answer is this: Easter means that God’s kingdom on earth has already begun. God has taken decisive action to inaugurate a new era in human history. !Now it is our task to live into that gift, to act as citizens of God’s kingdom now and always. Now is the time for us to recognize that as the Body of Christ, we are called to do the same things our Lord did: feed the hungry, heal the sick, preach good news to the poor and to all who hunger and thirst for God. In our daily lives, we are to live with love and compassion; in our families, we are to put our loved ones ahead of ourselves. Easter changes everything. Let us live in recognition of the great gift of life we have been given in Christ Jesus our Lord. !Susan

A n o t e f r o m Pa s t o r S u s a n Page 3

Transforming lives with the love of God in Jesus Christ

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Wayne’s World Of course we’re all familiar with the 40 days of Lent that come before Easter, but did you know there is a 50-day period AFTER Easter called, appropriately, “The

Great 50 Days of Easter?” Yes, it’s true! Easter Sunday is day 1 and

Pentecost which comes 7 weeks hence is Day 50. The theme of this season, also called Eastertide, is baptism, specifically our baptism. It is a time of pondering anew what it means for me (and, of course, you) to be a member of Christ’s body, the church. In the lectionary cycle we look at accounts of the resurrection and post-resurrection appearances of Christ to find their meaning for us. It is a time of asking ourselves questions like “how do we as a community live the life of the Risen Lord" This could be a real no-brainer if you consider that we can, like the Emmaus road travelers, know Christ in the sharing of the Word and in the breaking of bread. Oh, and let the Alleluias fly! The joy we express during The Great 50 Days of Easter should match, if not exceed, the level of intensity of the 40-day Lenten time of self-denial or self-discipline. Take what you’ve learned over the Lenten time and let that continue to grow. So celebrate as members of the resurrected body of our Lord with your community of faith AS WELL AS your life wherever you are. !

This year we will start April with Holy Week services. Each service will bring special offerings from the Choir. On Maundy Thursday April 2nd at 7 p.m. we will perform a beautiful rendition of "Ubi Caritas" by Mark Burrows, hymns from our hymnal, as well as poignant Taize music which will transfer you to the mood of Good Friday. On Good Friday April 3rd at 7 p.m. you

will hear John Stainer's "Jesu, Lord Jesu", and an extremely powerful African-American Spiritual "Calvary", where both our leading singers, Suzanne Rovani and Michael Frongillo, will perform solos that will not leave a dry eye in the house. Finally on Easter morning, April 5th, you will have a chance to hear our Sunday School Children Choir singing a joyful "This is the day that the Lord have made" with solos sung by Destiny and Jeremy Spencer-Treinen. Our annual favorite Handel's Messiah "Halleluiah" sing-along will also take place at the end of the 10 a.m. service. The Choir is preparing festive musical offerings - among others Mozart's "Alleluia", an excerpt from Handel's Coronation Anthem no 2, and Tchaikovsky's "Glory be to theee, thou all in all". Accompanied by a woodwind duet, this Easter should be unforgettable! Don't miss a splendid offering by ASU brass quintet on April 12th, Sunday, at 4 p.m. Desert Sun Brass Quintet will bring joyful, majestic and entertaining selection to celebrate the Easter time at Nativity. Admission free. Don't forget to bring all your music loving friends! And I will leave you with the beautiful words of "Ubi caritas": !Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor. Exsultemus, et in ipso jucundemur. Timeamus, et amemus Deum vivum. Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero. !Where charity and love are, God is there. Christ's love has gathered us into one. Let us rejoice and be pleased in Him. Let us fear, and let us love the living God. And may we love each other with a sincere heart. !Ilona Kubiaczyk-Adler, DMA

A note from our Music Director

Big Fun Bible Movie Night Presents! !Friday, April 10: “The Apostle,” is the story of a Texas revival preacher whose life takes so many bad turns that he changes his name, moves to Louisiana and tries a do-over at life and his ministry. Academy Award-winner Robert Duval plays Sonny, and Farah Fawcett plays his ex-wife. Will Sonny ever reach a place of “all’s well” without his past ever catching up to him? Will the love that he finds in ministering be the salve that soothes the savage beast? Join David Bolger and Dr. Wayne on Friday, April 10 at 6:30 in the Sunday School Room. Bring your own libation and your favorite munchies and we’ll provide the popcorn. !Doors open at 6:15 PM; showtime at 6:30. Color commentary and theological musings from Dr. Wayne. Popcorn and miscellaneous munchies provided by Mary Lynn and David Bolger and the Friends of BFBMN. Bring the beverage of your choice.

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Pa g e 8 C h u r c h o f t h e N a t i v i t y

Serve Others, Give of Yourself !The Church of the Nativity Outreach Committee has defined its mission: "To inspire and equip every member of Nativity to participate in ministries that touch those in need.” To be successful we need you to join us. We need people with communication and marketing skills to get the word out about the ministries we are involved in. We need people with ideas for forums that would be valuable to our community and to help organize them. We would like to revitalize parish health ministry at Nativity and leverage this ministry into the community, so we need health professionals. And we also would encourage any parishioner interested in outreach to join us. The committee’s next meeting is on Tuesday April 7, at 6pm in the parish hall. If you are interested, give Paul Rank a call (513 300 3729) or just show up.

Ones and Twos !Ones and Twos is a social group of adults at Church of the Nativity that meets about once a month. It is open to all members, visitors, and guests. It is a time of “getting to know each other “ in the old-fashioned sense, a time for coming together for delicious food and drink, as well as enjoying the warmth and joy of being with our Church family. It is a welcoming time for all and a perfect opportunity to bring guests! !This month the group will be gathering on April 17th at the home of Maxine and Win Billingsly. Their address is 10585 E Crescent Moon Drive in a small community called Privada which is adjacent to the Four Seasons Scottsdale. Please RSVP to [email protected] if you would like to attend. !Save the dates for the 1's and 2's on May 15th. These events are a great way to get to know people better and meet new people. If you would like to host one of the gatherings please contact Susan Burnham, [email protected]. Look for more details on the May’s gathering in next month’s newsletter. !

Attention Ladies! !Our First Annual Purse Project Collection is set to begin April 6th. We will be collecting gently used purses and jewelry, scarves and small toiletries and cosmetic items to "stuff" the purses. Hotel shampoos, etc are great. The purses will be taken to Save the Family's abused women shelter and their transitional housing center. They will hold a kids-only party where the children from each family will choose a purse to give to their mom for Mother's Day. We also hope to supply gift wrap/bags to help the kids keep the gift a secret from their mom until the big day. Feel free to enclose a note with the history of the purse or inspirational words for the mom. Tell your friends and start collecting, the box will be in Christopher Hall on April 6th thru April 30th. For more information on Save the Family be sure to check out April's newsletter or contact below. Contact: Barbara Worthington 480-575-7830 [email protected] Sandy Spencer 702-540-5055 [email protected]

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Pa g e 1 0 C h i l d r e n & Yo u t h

!During Lent we will be collecting easily used and new books to be donated to UMOMs Read-to-Me program. This is a great opportunity for children to help other children! Please have your kids go through their books and pick the ones they enjoyed at an earlier reading stage, bring them to Children's Chapel and/or Sunday School. The books will be blessed and then given to homeless children! Start cleaning now!

Chapel Rock !I know it seems early, but summer is just around the corner! I have been privileged to be asked to help create the curriculum for

the children's summer camp at Chapel Rock this year! I'm working with six other Children's Ministers from the Diocese and Jana Sundin and I can't wait to see how our children respond to this program! !If you have never considered taking your children to Chapel Rock, please consider doing it this year! Camp at Chapel Rock creates lifelong friendships, amazing memories and builds connection with Christ. It is never too early for camp! We have camps for kids finishing Kindergarten through 2nd grade that are only three days and two nights and even a camp where a parent can come too! !Camp for grades 3 - 6 run June 21 - 27 or June 28 - July 3 !Please click on then click on "Summer Camps" to get descriptions of camps available for ages K-6th grade and watch a short video of Kid's Camp last year! You register on - line as well with a discount of $20 if you register before March 31! !I plan to be at Kid's Camp Jun 21 - 27so your children will have a familiar face to welcome them!

Easter Sunday: Children will be presenting the first lesson at the 7:30 Family Service on Easter Sunday! This is a fun service with full family participation! Children will gather with me outside to do our lesson and then will stay with me through the procession back into the Sanctuary Children will sing a song. After the first "A-word" of the season, the children will come with me to put flowers in the cross while the choir sings in celebration and then join their families for the rest of the service. After the 7:30 service, the youth group will offer an Easter Egg Hunt for the younger children. Toddlers through Kindergarten will have their hunt inside the Sunday School Classrooms. children 1st - 5th grade will have their hunt in the wash/desert area just east of the parking lot. There will be a lovely family brunch offered between the two services as well. Especially on such a busy Sunday it is important for the safety of all the children that parents supervise their children when they are not doing church planned activities. With all the extra people on site it could be dangerous to have children running around in the parking area. Please keep an eye out.


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Chapel Rock Scholarship Guidelines !Please apply directly to Chapel Rock for a scholarship by April 15. You can get an application by emailing CR at [email protected] or pick up a form in the youth room.

• Notify Pastor Susan by email by April 15 if you are applying for a scholarship, so she knows to follow up.

• Pastor Susan will be in touch with Chapel Rock to work out the arrangements for those scholarships that are approved, so she will notify the family if we can give them a scholarship.

Dear Youth Group Families, !Thank you all!!!! for the delicious soup you made for our Soup Sunday this last week! It was all very yummy! Next time I think we'll offer it after both services so we make even more money! We raised $241 so that was good! !Remember that we will be meeting at the church at 3:30 on THIS FRIDAY APRIL 3rd (Good Friday) to rehearse for our Stations of the Cross presentation for the rest of the church! Darrell Spencer will be your contact on Good Friday because I will need to be in charge of the activities for the younger children back in the Sunday School area! !I encourage you all to sign up for at least one hour at the Altar of Repose. (see below for details) There are plenty of spots left and many of them are not in the middle of the night. I guarantee that Easter will be even more celebratory if you have experienced this transformative time first. !Have a Blessed Holy Week! !Peace and Joy, Shelley

Prayerful Opportunities !Please sign up to "stay awake just one hour" between Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, (April 2 - 3), with Jesus as the disciples tried to do at the Garden of Gethsemane. It can be a transformative experience to be silent in the dark church with only your prayers and God for company! Talk about it with your parents and keep the rule of three. But join us!!Altar of Repose: Children are welcome to join at the Altar of Repose. This is a wonderful opportunity to "sit one hour with [Jesus]" throughout the night. Children need to be accompanied by a parent. Sign up form is on the window by the church office. !Good Friday: Kids 3rd grade and up will be going to the multi-media Stations of the Cross service and the younger children will be meeting in the Children's Gathering area for more active Good Friday activities.

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The Episcopal Church of the Nativity Mailing Address: 22405 North Miller Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 Worship Sundays 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. !

Easter Sunday 7:30 & 10:00 a.m. !

U p c o m i n g E v e n t s :

!HOLY  WEEK  !!!Maundy  Thursday,  April  2    7:00  p.m.   Maundy  Thursday  Eucharist                                    All  night  prayer  vigil  !Good  Friday,  April  3  Noon     Spoken  Service  5:00  p.m.   Stationary  Stations  of  the  Cross                                    provided  for  the  congregation  by                                    the  Youth  of  Nativity  7:00  p.m.   Choral  Service  !EASTER  SUNDAY  !Easter  April  5  7:30  a.m.   Easter  Sunrise  Vigil  Service  9:00  a.m.   Easter  Breakfast  and                                      Children’s  Egg  Hunt  10:00  a.m.   Easter  Festival  Eucharist  

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