Native people of North America Bering strait land bridge The last ice age occurred around 12-15,000...

download Native people of North America Bering strait land bridge The last ice age occurred around 12-15,000 years ago. During this period the shallow seas now.

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Native Culture Oral history through legends, stories, and song. Many languages. One with nature- depended on animals, plants, sun, moon. Used animals, wood, clay, copper. Believed in the Great Spirit and its assistants. Transport- Canoes, kayak, snowshoes Play- toboggan, tokhonon (Lacrosse), powwows Beads to tell stories. (Wampum beads from seashells) Important role for mother. Hunters- bows, arrows, knives, and, spears. Farmers Instruments- drums

Transcript of Native people of North America Bering strait land bridge The last ice age occurred around 12-15,000...

Native people of North America Bering strait land bridge The last "ice age" occurred around 12-15,000 years ago. During this period the shallow seas now separating Asia from North America near the present day Bering Strait dropped about 300 feet and created a 1,000 mile wide grassland steppe, linking Asia and North America together with the "Bering Land Bridge". Across this vast steppe, plants and animals traveled in both directions, and humans entered the Americas. They came to hunt until the land bridge started to disappear around 8,000 years ago. Natives in the Quebec region Algonquin Haudenosaunee- Iroquois Cree Montagnais Huron Inuit Native Culture Oral history through legends, stories, and song. Many languages. One with nature- depended on animals, plants, sun, moon. Used animals, wood, clay, copper. Believed in the Great Spirit and its assistants. Transport- Canoes, kayak, snowshoes Play- toboggan, tokhonon (Lacrosse), powwows Beads to tell stories. (Wampum beads from seashells) Important role for mother. Hunters- bows, arrows, knives, and, spears. Farmers Instruments- drums Native Contributions Native art Iroquois- who were they? Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida and other woodland nations around the western St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes in the USA. Enemies with the Algonquins to the east and the Hurons to the north. Lived in villages surrounded by a wooden fence (stockade). Lived in a longhouse made of elm bark. Hole in the roof for smoke. Farmed squash, beans and maize (corn) Iroquois Traded with, and joined the British against the French. The Iroquois were one of the most powerful and influential Indian nations in America and played an instrumental role in the development of New France, the English colonies and the final resolution of the French-English struggle. When Cartier arrived in the early 1500's the Iroquois occupied the St Lawrence river valley and were the natives that he met at Stadacona and Hochelaga. Named Kebec and Kanata When Champlain returned in 1608 the Algonquins had replaced the Iroquois along the St Lawrence river. Algonquins- Who were they? Micmac, Abnaki and other tribes that lived mainly on the east coast of Canada and around the St. Lawrence. Enemies with the Iroquois. Algonquian is recognized as the root language for many other Aboriginal languages. Algonquins Traded with, and joined sides with the French. Algonquins were on the Ottawa River and its tributary valleys when the French moved into the area. Samuel de Champlain made contact with the Algonquins in 1603 shortly after he established the first permanent French settlement on the St. Lawrence at Tadoussac. In 1610, Algonquian guides accompanied tienne Brl on his voyages to the interior of Canada. It was the start of deep involvement by the Algonquins with the French in the fur trade. Every fur trader, who hoped to be successful in exploring the interior of Canada, prepared for the journey by familiarizing himself with the Algonquian language. Natives in Peru Peru South America. Southern Hemisphere. Spring is in November! Lima- largest city 6 million. Andes mountain region The Chavin, Nascas (space and Math), Moche, Chimu, and Incas Populated the land for the past 12,000 years. The Incas lived in the Cuzco region during the 12 th century to the 1532 and were conquered by Pizzaro and the Spanish. Inca Incas were the Most powerful native group Most powerful god was the sun god, Inti. Other gods represented different parts of nature. Common language- Quechua Used colored string and made special clothing with it to pass on their life stories. Weaved cloth. Pottery, roads, stone, gold, silver Elders taught. Life was based on sharing and farming. Corn, beans, squash, potatoes (1 st to farm them). Homes are for one or many families, using straw for the roof and wood or mud for the walls. Made or reeds on water, also built on poles over water. Circular forms. Music and dance- flute Ancient construction: Machu Picchu Moved into the mountains. Dwindling Numbers of all Native Populations Internal Native wars Massacres of thousands by the Europeans Missionaries and conversion European diseases European settlement Reservations