NationalTrackingPoll#190211 February07-10,2019 ......s 39( 782) 6 ( 209) 99 le 44( 409) 56( 523) 932...

National Tracking Poll #190211 February 07-10, 2019 Crosstabulation Results Methodology: is poll was conducted from February 07-10, 2019, among a national sample of 1991 Registered Voters. e interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of Registered Voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

Transcript of NationalTrackingPoll#190211 February07-10,2019 ......s 39( 782) 6 ( 209) 99 le 44( 409) 56( 523) 932...

Page 1: NationalTrackingPoll#190211 February07-10,2019 ......s 39( 782) 6 ( 209) 99 le 44( 409) 56( 523) 932 le 35( 373) 65( 686) 059 18-29 34( 22) 66( 238) 360 30-44 37( 64) 63( 279) 443

National Tracking Poll #190211February 07-10, 2019

Crosstabulation Results

Methodology:This poll was conducted from February 07-10, 2019, among a national sample of 1991 Registered Voters. Theinterviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of RegisteredVoters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, and region. Results from the full surveyhave a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

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Table Index

1 Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the rightdirection, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind whenyou cast your vote for federal offices such as U.S. Senate or Congress? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3 Table POL1_1: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? The economy . . . . . . 16

4 Table POL1_2: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5 Table POL1_3: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Health care . . . . . . . 24

6 Table POL1_4: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Immigration . . . . . . 28

7 Table POL1_5: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? The environment . . . . 32

8 Table POL1_6: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Energy . . . . . . . . . 36

9 Table POL1_7: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Education . . . . . . . 40

10 Table POL1_8: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? National security . . . . 44

11 Table POL1_9: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Sexual harassment andmisconduct in the workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

12 Table POL1_10: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Gun policy . . . . . . 52

13 Table POL1_11: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Protecting Medicareand Social Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

14 Table POL2_1: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress? Passing ahealthcare reform bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

15 Table POL2_2: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress? Passing abill to address climate change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

16 Table POL2_3: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress? Passing abill to reduce economic inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

17 Table POL2_4: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress? Passing aninfrastructure spending bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

18 Table POL2_5: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress? Beginningimpeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

19 Table POL2_6: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress? Passing animmigration reform bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

20 Table POL2_7: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress? Constructinga wall along the U.S. / Mexico border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84


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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019

21 Table POL2_8: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress? Passing abill that grants young people who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children,often with their parents, protection from deportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

22 Table POL2_9: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress? Reducingthe federal budget deficit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

23 Table POL2_10: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress? Passinglegislation placing additional restrictions on gun ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

24 Table POL2_11: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress? Regulationof tech companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

25 Table POL3: If the 2020 presidential election were held today, would you definitely vote to re-electDonald Trump, probably vote to re-elect Donald Trump, probably vote for someone else or definitelyvote for someone else? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

26 Table POL4_1: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following? A proposal fromSenator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) that would tax the estates of Americans who inherit $3.5 million or more.108

27 Table POL4_2: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following? A proposal fromRepublicans in Congress that would abolish the estate tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

28 Table POL4_3: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following? President DonaldTrump giving the State of the Union address on Feb. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

29 Table POL4_4: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following? The politicalscandals in Virginia, including Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring admitting towearing blackface in the 1980s, and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax facing accusations that he sexually assaulteda woman in 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

30 Table POL4_5: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following? The ”Green NewDeal,” a proposal from Democrats in Congress that calls for the elimination of greenhouse gas emissionsto the maximum extent possible and for meeting 100 percent of U.S. power needs with clean, renewableand zero-emission energy sources over a 10-year period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

31 Table POL5: Generally speaking, how would you describe the process for registering to vote in U.S.elections? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

32 Table POL6: Would you support or oppose an automatic voter registration system, where eligible votersare automatically registered to vote when they interact with government agencies, such as the Depart-ment of Motor Vehicles? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

33 Table POL7_1: Do you support or oppose each of the following health care proposals? A Medicare forAll health care system, where all Americans would get their health insurance from the government . . . 136

34 Table POL7_2: Do you support or oppose each of the following health care proposals? A public healthinsurance option, where Americans can choose to get their health insurance either from the governmentor from the private insurance market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140


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Morning Consult

35 Table POL8: [Among those who support a Medicare for All option based on Pol7x1] As you may know,some proponents of Medicare for All have called for the elimination of private health insurance. If aMedicare for All health system included eliminating the private health insurance market, would youstill support this type of health care system? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

36 Table POL9: As you may know, the federal government currently taxes the estates of Americans whoinherit $11 million or more. Do you favor or oppose a recent proposal to lower the threshold for theestate tax to $3.5 million? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

37 Table POL10: Do you favor or oppose a recent proposal to repeal the federal estate tax, which currentlytaxes the estates of Americans who inherit $11 million or more? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

38 Table POL11_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Worn blackface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

39 Table POL11_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Committed tax fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

40 Table POL11_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault . . . . 164

41 Table POL11_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Been convicted of sexual assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

42 Table POL11_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Committed a felony crime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172

43 Table POL11_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Cheated on their spouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

44 Table POL11_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Misused taxpayer dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

45 Table POL12_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Worn blackface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

46 Table POL12_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Committed tax fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

47 Table POL12_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault . . . . 192

48 Table POL12_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Been convicted of sexual assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

49 Table POL12_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Committed a felony crime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

50 Table POL12_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Cheated on their spouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204


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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019

51 Table POL12_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Misused taxpayer dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

52 Table POL13_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Worn blackface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

53 Table POL13_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Committed tax fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

54 Table POL13_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault . . . . 220

55 Table POL13_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Been convicted of sexual assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

56 Table POL13_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Committed a felony crime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228

57 Table POL13_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Cheated on their spouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

58 Table POL13_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done thefollowing before, no matter how long ago? Misused taxpayer dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

59 Table POL14: How confident are you that you will have enough money for retirement . . . . . . . . . 240

60 Table POL15: Which of the following comes closest to what you expect for your own retirement plans,even if none are exactly right? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

61 Table POL16_1: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when youneed it? Medicare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

62 Table POL16_2: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when youneed it? Social Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

63 Table POL16_3: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when youneed it? Medicaid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256

64 Table POL16_4: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when youneed it? Housing assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

65 Table POL16_5: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when youneed it? Food stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264

66 Table POL17: Do you support or oppose the construction of a border wall along the United States –Mexico border? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268

67 Table POL18: As you may know, the Trump administration and Congress reached an agreement toreopen the government for three weeks until February 15th, 2019. This deal did not include dedicatedfunds for a wall along the United States – Mexico border. Do you support or oppose this agreement toreopen the government? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272


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Morning Consult

68 Table POL19: As you may know, President Trump is considering shutting the government down againif Democrats and Republicans in Congress cannot come to an agreement to provide funding for his pro-posed U.S. - Mexico border wall. Based on what you know now, would you support or oppose PresidentTrump shutting down the government again? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276

69 Table POL20: If the federal government were to shut down again after February 15th, who would yousay would be mostly to blame? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280

70 Table POL21: As you may know, President Trump has considered declaring a national emergency atthe U.S. – Mexico border. By doing this, he would be able to reallocate military spending to build astructure at the border for national defense purposes. Based on what you know now, do you support oroppose the declaration of a national emergency at the U.S. – Mexico border? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

71 Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President? . . . . . . 288

72 Table Q172NET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President? . . . . 292

73 Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296


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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table P1

Crosstabulation Results by Respondent Demographics

Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off onthe wrong track?

Demographic Right Direction Wrong Track Total N

Registered Voters 39% (782) 6% (209) 99Gender: Male 44% (409) 56% (523) 932Gender: Female 35% (373) 65% (686) 059Age: 18-29 34% (22) 66% (238) 360Age: 30-44 37% (64) 63% (279) 443Age: 45-54 4% (4) 59% (204) 345Age: 55-64 4% (56) 59% (224) 380Age: 65+ 43% (99) 57% (264) 463Generation Z: 18-21 3% (32) 69% (70) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 34% (74) 66% (332) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 40% (207) 60% (305) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 43% (38) 57% (42) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (8) 88% (599) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 34% (29) 66% (428) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 73% (48) 27% (8) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 6% (44) 84% (23) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% (37) 9% (369) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 35% (9) 65% (223) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 33% (00) 67% (206) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 78% (245) 22% (69) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 68% (236) 32% (2) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7% (0) 83% (532) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (30) 69% (29) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 67% (484) 33% (240) 724Educ: < College 4% (520) 59% (733) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 37% (76) 63% (294) 47Educ: Post-grad 32% (86) 68% (82) 268

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Morning ConsultTable P1

Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off onthe wrong track?

Demographic Right Direction Wrong Track Total N

Registered Voters 39% (782) 6% (209) 99Income: Under 50k 37% (402) 63% (689) 09Income: 50k-100k 4% (260) 59% (37) 63Income: 100k+ 44% (9) 56% (49) 268Ethnicity: White 43% (688) 57% (922) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 42% (82) 58% () 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 2% (54) 79% (99) 252Ethnicity: Other 3% (40) 69% (88) 28Relig: Protestant 46% (236) 54% (280) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 46% (78) 54% (208) 386Relig: Something Else 27% (5) 73% (34) 85Relig: Jewish 36% (23) 64% (4) 64Relig: Evangelical 37% (284) 63% (474) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 55% (8) 45% (49) 330Relig: All Christian 43% (465) 57% (623) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 43% (89) 57% (9) 209Community: Urban 33% (44) 67% (295) 440Community: Suburban 39% (372) 6% (580) 95Community: Rural 44% (266) 56% (333) 600Employ: Private Sector 4% (249) 59% (354) 603Employ: Government 38% (58) 62% (96) 55Employ: Self-Employed 42% (80) 58% (2) 9Employ: Homemaker 35% (52) 65% (96) 48Employ: Student 25% (9) 75% (58) 77Employ: Retired 42% (20) 58% (276) 477Employ: Unemployed 40% (59) 60% (90) 49Employ: Other 34% (64) 66% (27) 9Military HH: Yes 49% (74) 5% (84) 358Military HH: No 37% (608) 63% (025) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 00% (782) — (0) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track — (0) 00% (209) 209

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table P1

Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off onthe wrong track?

Demographic Right Direction Wrong Track Total N

Registered Voters 39% (782) 6% (209) 99Trump Job Approve 76% (682) 24% (23) 895Trump Job Disapprove 7% (72) 93% (948) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 85% (45) 5% (74) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 66% (267) 34% (39) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (44) 82% (96) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (29) 96% (752) 78Favorable of Trump 76% (65) 24% (209) 860Unfavorable of Trump 9% (9) 9% (93) 022Very Favorable of Trump 83% (423) 7% (84) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 64% (228) 36% (26) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 26% (55) 74% (59) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 4% (36) 96% (772) 808#1 Issue: Economy 37% (99) 63% (340) 539#1 Issue: Security 7% (294) 29% (9) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 25% (84) 75% (249) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 38% (09) 62% (8) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 25% (25) 75% (75) 0#1 Issue: Education 2% (27) 79% (02) 29#1 Issue: Energy 22% (7) 78% (6) 78#1 Issue: Other 24% (27) 76% (83) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 0% (76) 90% (678) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 72% (528) 28% (20) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (32) 69% (72) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 36% (45) 64% (254) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 0% (65) 90% (596) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 73% (525) 27% (92) 772016 Vote: Someone else 2% (40) 79% (47) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 35% (50) 65% (274) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 40% (553) 60% (828) 38Voted in 2014: No 38% (229) 62% (38) 60

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Morning ConsultTable P1

Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off onthe wrong track?

Demographic Right Direction Wrong Track Total N

Registered Voters 39% (782) 6% (209) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (43) 83% (682) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 70% (40) 30% (72) 5732012 Vote: Other 48% (37) 52% (40) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 39% (20) 6% (35) 554-Region: Northeast 34% (9) 66% (236) 3554-Region: Midwest 37% (68) 63% (289) 4574-Region: South 44% (325) 56% (48) 7434-Region: West 39% (70) 6% (265) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such asU.S. Senate or Congress?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

HealthCare Issues– like the2010

health carelaw,



SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Women’sIssues –like birthcontrol,abortion,and equal


EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 27%(539) 2%(43) 7%(333) 5%(289) 5% (0) 6%(29) 4% (78) 5%(09) 99Gender: Male 30%(278) 22%(204) 5%(43) 5%(38) 2% (8) 6% (56) 4% (39) 6% (57) 932Gender: Female 25%(26) 20%(209) 8%(90) 4%(52) 8% (83) 7% (73) 4% (40) 5% (52) 059Age: 18-29 32% (7) 4% (5) 6% (57) 2% (7) 2% (44) 3% (46) 6% (22) 5% (6) 360Age: 30-44 34%(50) 7% (74) 6% (69) 2% () 8% (33) 4% (60) 5% (2) 6% (25) 443Age: 45-54 40%(37) 20% (69) 2% (7) 4% (4) 4% (4) 4% (3) 2% (8) 5% (8) 345Age: 55-64 2% (79) 23% (87) 22% (85) 2% (8) % (5) % (4) 3% (2) 7% (26) 380Age: 65+ 2% (57) 28% (3) % (5) 38%(76) % (3) % (6) 3% (5) 5% (24) 463Generation Z: 18-21 27% (28) 8% (9) 0% (0) 3% (3) 8% (8) 6% (6) 7% (7) % () 0Millennial: Age 22-37 33%(65) 5% (75) 6% (79) 2% () 0% (49) 5% (78) 4% (23) 5% (27) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 39%(20) 8% (92) 20% (0) 3% (6) 5% (26) 5% (25) 4% (22) 6% (29) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 8% (3) 26%(92) 7%(24) 28%(205) % (7) % (8) 3% (24) 6% (47) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 25% (7) 7% (48) 22%(53) 8%(22) 7% (47) 8% (55) 6% (4) 6% (44) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 3%(20) 6%(03) 7% () 2% (75) 4% (24) 9% (55) 4% (28) 8% (50) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 25%(66) 40%(262) 0% (69) 4% (92) 4% (30) 3% (9) 2% (0) 2% (5) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 28% (77) 4% (2) 2% (57) 22% (60) 3% (7) 0% (26) 8% (2) 5% (5) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 23% (94) 9% (36) 24% (96) 5% (62) 0% (40) 7% (28) 5% (20) 7% (29) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 33% (5) 8% (60) 6% (54) 2% (4) % (5) 7% (24) 4% (3) 9% (30) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 28% (87) 4% (43) 9% (57) % (34) 6% (9) 0% (3) 5% (5) 7% (20) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 27% (86) 42%(32) 0% (3) % (36) 2% (6) 2% (6) 2% (5) 4% (2) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 23% (80) 37%(30) % (37) 6% (56) 7% (24) 4% (3) % (5) % (3) 348

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Morning ConsultTable P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such asU.S. Senate or Congress?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

HealthCare Issues– like the2010

health carelaw,



SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Women’sIssues –like birthcontrol,abortion,and equal


EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 27%(539) 2%(43) 7%(333) 5%(289) 5% (0) 6%(29) 4% (78) 5%(09) 99Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 24%(54) 9% (57) 22% (4) 3% (87) 9% (56) 9% (60) 7% (47) 6% (4) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 34%(42) % (48) 8% (75) 9% (80) 2% (0) 6% (26) 4% (5) 6% (25) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 25%(83) 39%(284) % (77) 3% (97) 4% (28) 3% (2) % (9) 3% (24) 724Educ: < College 26%(327) 22%(27) 6%(20) 8%(220) 4% (55) 6% (72) 4% (44) 5% (6) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 30% (4) 20% (93) 7% (80) 8% (36) 6% (26) 9% (42) 5% (22) 7% (3) 47Educ: Post-grad 26% (70) 8% (49) 9% (52) 3% (34) 7% (9) 5% (5) 5% (2) 6% (7) 268Income: Under 50k 25%(270) 8%(200) 7%(84) 8%(200) 5% (56) 7% (75) 4% (40) 6% (64) 09Income: 50k-100k 27%(70) 24%(50) 7%(08) 2% (73) 5% (33) 6% (39) 4% (23) 6% (35) 63Income: 100k+ 37% (99) 23% (63) 5% (40) 6% (6) 4% () 6% (5) 5% (4) 4% (0) 268Ethnicity: White 26%(44) 23%(370) 7%(270) 5%(24) 5% (76) 5% (86) 4% (69) 5% (85) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 27% (5) 2% (4) 6% (3) 7% (3) 8% (5) % (22) 4% (8) 6% (2) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 3% (80) 2% (30) 7% (42) 5% (38) 7% (8) % (28) % (3) 6% (5) 252Ethnicity: Other 35% (45) 0% (3) 6% (20) 8% (0) 6% (7) 2% (5) 5% (7) 8% (0) 28Relig: Protestant 23% (7) 26%(36) 6% (84) 20% (0) 4% (22) 3% (4) 4% (9) 5% (24) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 28%(09) 26% (0) 8% (7) 5% (59) 3% (0) 4% (4) 2% (8) 3% (2) 386Relig: Something Else 25% (47) 5% (28) 20% (38) 9% (6) 5% (8) 4% (25) 7% (2) 5% (0) 85Relig: Jewish 20% (3) 26% (7) 20% (3) 7% () — (0) 2% () 4% (2) % (7) 64Relig: Evangelical 27%(203) 22%(66) 9%(44) 5% (4) 4% (27) 6% (43) 4% (28) 4% (32) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 2% (7) 30% (99) 5% (49) 9% (62) 4% (3) 3% () 3% () 4% (4) 330Relig: All Christian 25%(273) 24%(266) 8%(93) 6%(77) 4% (40) 5% (54) 4% (39) 4% (46) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 30% (63) 22% (46) 5% (3) 3% (28) 6% (2) 6% (3) % (3) 7% (4) 209

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Table P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such asU.S. Senate or Congress?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

HealthCare Issues– like the2010

health carelaw,



SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Women’sIssues –like birthcontrol,abortion,and equal


EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 27%(539) 2%(43) 7%(333) 5%(289) 5% (0) 6%(29) 4% (78) 5%(09) 99Community: Urban 27% (9) 5% (65) 5% (67) 7% (76) 6% (26) 8% (37) 6% (24) 6% (26) 440Community: Suburban 28%(269) 22%(209) 8%(75) 2% (8) 5% (45) 6% (55) 4% (34) 5% (45) 95Community: Rural 25% (5) 23%(39) 5% (90) 6% (96) 5% (30) 6% (37) 3% (20) 6% (38) 600Employ: Private Sector 37%(223) 9% (5) 7%(02) 7% (40) 6% (37) 7% (42) 4% (22) 4% (22) 603Employ: Government 28% (44) 2% (32) 8% (28) 6% (9) 6% (0) 2% (8) 4% (7) 4% (7) 55Employ: Self-Employed 34% (65) 20% (38) 6% (3) 7% (3) 3% (7) 7% (3) 3% (5) 0% (9) 9Employ: Homemaker 27% (40) 9% (28) 22% (33) % (7) 6% (8) 8% (2) 3% (4) 4% (6) 48Employ: Student 3% (24) 0% (8) 7% (3) — (0) 8% (4) 3% (0) 9% (7) 2% () 77Employ: Retired 0% (49) 28%(35) 3% (6) 36%(74) % (4) % (6) 4% (20) 6% (27) 477Employ: Unemployed 33% (49) 2% (32) 8% (26) % (7) 7% (0) 4% (6) 2% (2) 5% (7) 49Employ: Other 24% (45) 3% (25) 20% (39) 0% (9) 6% (2) % (2) 6% () 0% (20) 9Military HH: Yes 20% (7) 34% (2) % (39) 8% (64) 4% (5) 5% (8) 2% (8) 6% (22) 358Military HH: No 29%(468) 8%(292) 8%(293) 4%(225) 5% (86) 7% (2) 4% (7) 5% (87) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 25%(99) 38%(294) % (84) 4%(09) 3% (25) 4% (27) 2% (7) 3% (27) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 28%(340) 0% (9) 2%(249) 5% (8) 6% (75) 8%(02) 5% (6) 7% (83) 209Trump Job Approve 26%(23) 39%(350) % (95) 3% (5) 3% (30) 4% (34) 2% (5) 3% (25) 895Trump Job Disapprove 27%(280) 6% (6) 22%(224) 6%(63) 6% (65) 9% (93) 6% (63) 7% (7) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 20% (98) 53%(262) 7% (35) % (55) 2% (8) 2% (8) 2% (8) 3% (6) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 33%(33) 22% (88) 5% (60) 5% (6) 5% (22) 6% (26) 2% (7) 2% (9) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 39% (94) 9% (22) 8% (42) 9% (22) 7% (6) 9% (22) 4% (0) 5% () 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 24%(86) 5% (39) 23%(82) 8% (4) 6% (49) 9% (7) 7% (53) 8% (59) 78Favorable of Trump 25%(28) 40%(345) 0% (85) 4% (9) 3% (23) 3% (29) 2% (5) 3% (27) 860Unfavorable of Trump 28%(290) 6% (6) 23%(230) 5%(58) 6% (65) 9% (89) 6% (60) 7% (69) 022

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Morning ConsultTable P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such asU.S. Senate or Congress?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

HealthCare Issues– like the2010

health carelaw,



SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Women’sIssues –like birthcontrol,abortion,and equal


EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 27%(539) 2%(43) 7%(333) 5%(289) 5% (0) 6%(29) 4% (78) 5%(09) 99Very Favorable of Trump 2%(04) 52%(266) 7% (34) 2% (58) 2% (2) 2% (8) % (8) 3% (6) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 32% (4) 22% (79) 4% (50) 7% (6) 3% () 6% (2) 2% (7) 3% () 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 37% (79) 9% (8) 20% (43) 0% (22) 8% (7) 7% (6) 5% (0) 5% (0) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 26% (2) 5% (42) 23%(87) 7%(36) 6% (48) 9% (74) 6% (50) 7% (59) 808#1 Issue: Economy 00%(539) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 539#1 Issue: Security — (0) 00%(43) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 43#1 Issue: Health Care — (0) — (0) 00%(333) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security — (0) — (0) — (0) 00%(289) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 00% (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 0#1 Issue: Education — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 00%(29) — (0) — (0) 29#1 Issue: Energy — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 00% (78) — (0) 78#1 Issue: Other — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 00%(09) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 25%(86) 5% (4) 24%(80) 8%(38) 6% (45) 9% (66) 6% (44) 7% (54) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 25%(83) 4%(299) 0% (75) 3% (96) 4% (28) 2% (4) 2% (5) 2% (8) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 35% (37) 6% (7) 23% (23) % (2) 3% (3) 9% (9) 5% (5) 8% (8) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 33%(32) 7% (66) 3% (54) 0% (40) 6% (25) 0% (40) 4% (5) 7% (29) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 24%(59) 6% (42) 24%(57) 8% (2) 6% (37) 8% (52) 6% (4) 8% (52) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 25%(77) 4%(295) 0% (74) 5%(05) 3% (9) 2% (4) 2% (4) 3% (9) 772016 Vote: Someone else 36% (67) 9% (6) 23% (42) 4% (26) 5% (9) 6% () 2% (4) 6% (2) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 32%(35) 4% (60) 4% (59) 9% (36) 9% (36) 2% (52) 5% (9) 6% (26) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 26%(354) 22%(307) 8%(245) 7%(228) 4% (56) 4% (59) 4% (5) 6% (80) 38Voted in 2014: No 30%(85) 7%(05) 4% (88) 0% (6) 7% (44) % (70) 4% (27) 5% (29) 60

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Table P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such asU.S. Senate or Congress?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

HealthCare Issues– like the2010

health carelaw,



SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Women’sIssues –like birthcontrol,abortion,and equal


EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 27%(539) 2%(43) 7%(333) 5%(289) 5% (0) 6%(29) 4% (78) 5%(09) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 25%(20) 9% (72) 23%(92) 8% (5) 5% (39) 7% (6) 5% (45) 7% (56) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 26%(50) 42%(239) 0% (58) 3% (76) 3% (8) % (8) % (8) 3% (6) 5732012 Vote: Other 23% (8) 20% (5) 9% (5) 20% (6) 2% (2) 5% (4) % () 8% (6) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (6) 7% (86) 3% (68) 9% (47) 8% (42) % (56) 5% (25) 6% (30) 554-Region: Northeast 3% (0) 7% (62) 9% (67) 6% (58) 4% (5) 4% (4) 3% () 5% (9) 3554-Region: Midwest 28%(27) 8% (82) 7% (79) 4% (66) 7% (3) 7% (30) 3% (5) 6% (27) 4574-Region: South 26%(93) 26% (9) 6% (2) 3% (99) 5% (37) 6% (44) 3% (20) 5% (39) 7434-Region: West 25%(09) 8% (79) 5% (64) 5% (66) 4% (8) 9% (4) 8% (33) 6% (24) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL1_1

Table POL1_1: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The economy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 35% (702) 45% (903) 9% (386) 99Gender: Male 3% (292) 52% (486) 6% (54) 932Gender: Female 39% (40) 39% (46) 22% (233) 059Age: 18-29 35% (26) 37% (32) 28% (02) 360Age: 30-44 37% (63) 43% (92) 20% (88) 443Age: 45-54 29% (99) 48% (67) 23% (79) 345Age: 55-64 38% (46) 46% (74) 6% (60) 380Age: 65+ 36% (68) 5% (237) 3% (58) 463Generation Z: 18-21 39% (40) 42% (42) 9% (9) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 35% (80) 39% (99) 25% (28) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 3% (59) 46% (237) 23% (6) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 36% (269) 49% (362) 5% (07) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 73% (497) 2% (8) 5% (02) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 27% (77) 40% (258) 33% (23) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (28) 85% (564) % (70) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 70% (93) 7% (46) 3% (37) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 75% (304) 9% (36) 6% (66) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (89) 46% (57) 28% (96) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 29% (87) 33% (00) 39% (8) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 3% (9) 90% (283) 7% (22) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (9) 8% (280) 4% (49) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 65% (47) 9% (22) 6% (02) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 37% (58) 40% (67) 23% (96) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 0% (7) 80% (578) 0% (75) 724Educ: < College 33% (44) 44% (556) 23% (283) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 37% (76) 48% (226) 4% (68) 47Educ: Post-grad 42% (2) 45% (2) 3% (36) 268

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Table POL1_1

Table POL1_1: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The economy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 35% (702) 45% (903) 9% (386) 99Income: Under 50k 38% (45) 40% (432) 22% (244) 09Income: 50k-100k 33% (209) 50% (36) 7% (06) 63Income: 100k+ 29% (78) 58% (55) 3% (36) 268Ethnicity: White 3% (506) 50% (8) 8% (293) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 42% (8) 42% (8) 6% (32) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 57% (45) 20% (5) 22% (57) 252Ethnicity: Other 40% (5) 32% (4) 28% (36) 28Relig: Protestant 29% (48) 58% (302) 3% (67) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 29% (4) 54% (20) 6% (62) 386Relig: Something Else 4% (76) 32% (59) 27% (50) 85Relig: Jewish 46% (29) 42% (26) 2% (8) 64Relig: Evangelical 36% (273) 46% (346) 8% (39) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 20% (65) 68% (226) 2% (40) 330Relig: All Christian 3% (337) 53% (57) 6% (79) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 32% (67) 47% (98) 2% (44) 209Community: Urban 45% (99) 37% (64) 8% (77) 440Community: Suburban 33% (33) 47% (450) 20% (89) 95Community: Rural 32% (90) 48% (289) 20% (2) 600Employ: Private Sector 35% (2) 48% (292) 6% (99) 603Employ: Government 3% (49) 5% (79) 7% (27) 55Employ: Self-Employed 26% (50) 49% (93) 25% (49) 9Employ: Homemaker 34% (5) 42% (62) 24% (36) 48Employ: Student 48% (37) 35% (27) 7% (3) 77Employ: Retired 39% (85) 48% (23) 3% (6) 477Employ: Unemployed 38% (56) 34% (5) 28% (42) 49Employ: Other 33% (63) 35% (67) 3% (60) 9Military HH: Yes 29% (05) 57% (203) 4% (50) 358Military HH: No 37% (597) 43% (700) 2% (336) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 8% (60) 79% (620) 3% (02) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 53% (642) 23% (283) 23% (284) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL1_1

Table POL1_1: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The economy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 35% (702) 45% (903) 9% (386) 99Trump Job Approve 6% (53) 82% (735) 2% (08) 895Trump Job Disapprove 62% (637) 5% (56) 22% (227) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (5) 92% (45) 5% (24) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 9% (38) 70% (284) 2% (84) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 29% (69) 35% (83) 37% (88) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 73% (568) 9% (73) 8% (40) 78Favorable of Trump 4% (36) 84% (720) 2% (04) 860Unfavorable of Trump 62% (635) 6% (62) 22% (226) 022Very Favorable of Trump 3% (6) 92% (464) 5% (27) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 6% (2) 73% (256) 22% (76) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 28% (6) 36% (78) 35% (75) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 7% (573) 0% (84) 9% (50) 808#1 Issue: Economy 34% (83) 44% (238) 22% (8) 539#1 Issue: Security 9% (39) 82% (339) 8% (35) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 45% (50) 30% (0) 24% (8) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 43% (24) 39% (3) 8% (52) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 48% (49) 33% (33) 9% (9) 0#1 Issue: Education 48% (63) 25% (32) 27% (35) 29#1 Issue: Energy 58% (45) 23% (8) 9% (5) 78#1 Issue: Other 44% (48) 27% (29) 29% (32) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 72% (54) 2% (89) 6% (23) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 3% (25) 87% (637) 9% (66) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 2% (22) 34% (35) 45% (47) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 28% (2) 36% (42) 37% (46) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 73% (48) 2% (78) 5% (02) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 5% (39) 85% (606) 0% (72) 772016 Vote: Someone else 29% (54) 37% (69) 34% (64) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 30% (27) 35% (49) 35% (48) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 38% (58) 47% (65) 5% (2) 38Voted in 2014: No 30% (84) 4% (252) 29% (75) 60

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Table POL1_1

Table POL1_1: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The economy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 35% (702) 45% (903) 9% (386) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 62% (52) 20% (63) 8% (50) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 5% (28) 85% (490) 0% (55) 5732012 Vote: Other 4% () 53% (4) 33% (25) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29% (5) 4% (209) 30% (56) 554-Region: Northeast 38% (36) 39% (40) 22% (80) 3554-Region: Midwest 36% (63) 44% (20) 20% (93) 4574-Region: South 30% (225) 52% (390) 7% (28) 7434-Region: West 4% (78) 40% (72) 20% (85) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL1_2: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Jobs

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (709) 45% (896) 9% (386) 99Gender: Male 32% (296) 5% (476) 7% (60) 932Gender: Female 39% (43) 40% (420) 2% (226) 059Age: 18-29 38% (37) 36% (29) 26% (94) 360Age: 30-44 36% (58) 45% (20) 9% (84) 443Age: 45-54 3% (06) 46% (60) 23% (79) 345Age: 55-64 39% (47) 45% (7) 6% (62) 380Age: 65+ 35% (60) 5% (235) 5% (68) 463Generation Z: 18-21 45% (45) 37% (38) 8% (9) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 37% (85) 40% (205) 23% (6) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 3% (60) 46% (234) 23% (8) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 36% (263) 49% (360) 6% (6) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 74% (504) 2% (84) 4% (93) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 27% (73) 40% (256) 34% (29) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 5% (32) 84% (556) % (75) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (95) 7% (46) 3% (35) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 76% (309) 9% (38) 4% (58) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (90) 45% (54) 29% (99) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 27% (83) 33% (02) 39% (20) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (2) 88% (277) 8% (26) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 6% (20) 80% (279) 4% (49) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 65% (49) 9% (2) 6% (03) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 39% (65) 37% (56) 24% (0) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 0% (73) 79% (573) % (78) 724Educ: < College 34% (426) 44% (549) 22% (277) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 35% (66) 49% (232) 5% (73) 47Educ: Post-grad 44% (7) 43% (5) 4% (36) 268

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Table POL1_2: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Jobs

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (709) 45% (896) 9% (386) 99Income: Under 50k 37% (408) 40% (436) 23% (247) 09Income: 50k-100k 35% (220) 49% (308) 6% (03) 63Income: 100k+ 30% (8) 56% (52) 3% (36) 268Ethnicity: White 3% (504) 50% (808) 9% (298) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 44% (85) 37% (7) 9% (37) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 6% (55) 8% (45) 2% (53) 252Ethnicity: Other 39% (50) 33% (43) 28% (35) 28Relig: Protestant 27% (40) 60% (309) 3% (68) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 3% (9) 50% (95) 9% (72) 386Relig: Something Else 42% (78) 32% (60) 26% (48) 85Relig: Jewish 54% (34) 40% (26) 6% (4) 64Relig: Evangelical 35% (268) 45% (342) 20% (48) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 2% (69) 67% (22) 2% (40) 330Relig: All Christian 3% (337) 52% (563) 7% (88) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 32% (68) 46% (96) 2% (45) 209Community: Urban 46% (20) 35% (56) 9% (83) 440Community: Suburban 34% (324) 48% (453) 8% (74) 95Community: Rural 3% (84) 48% (287) 22% (29) 600Employ: Private Sector 36% (24) 49% (295) 5% (93) 603Employ: Government 34% (52) 46% (7) 2% (32) 55Employ: Self-Employed 25% (48) 5% (97) 24% (46) 9Employ: Homemaker 40% (60) 43% (64) 7% (25) 48Employ: Student 45% (35) 3% (24) 24% (8) 77Employ: Retired 37% (76) 48% (229) 5% (72) 477Employ: Unemployed 39% (59) 36% (54) 25% (36) 49Employ: Other 34% (65) 32% (62) 33% (64) 9Military HH: Yes 29% (03) 55% (97) 6% (58) 358Military HH: No 37% (606) 43% (699) 20% (328) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 9% (67) 77% (604) 4% () 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 53% (64) 24% (292) 23% (275) 209

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Table POL1_2: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Jobs

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (709) 45% (896) 9% (386) 99Trump Job Approve 7% (6) 8% (723) 2% () 895Trump Job Disapprove 63% (64) 5% (54) 22% (225) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (20) 9% (445) 5% (25) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 0% (4) 69% (279) 2% (86) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 3% (74) 28% (67) 4% (98) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 73% (567) % (88) 6% (26) 78Favorable of Trump 5% (40) 83% (7) 3% (09) 860Unfavorable of Trump 62% (638) 6% (67) 2% (27) 022Very Favorable of Trump 3% (4) 92% (467) 5% (26) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 7% (26) 69% (245) 24% (83) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 28% (6) 34% (74) 37% (80) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 72% (578) 2% (94) 7% (36) 808#1 Issue: Economy 33% (79) 46% (248) 2% (3) 539#1 Issue: Security 2% (48) 79% (328) 9% (37) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 47% (55) 30% (00) 23% (78) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 44% (27) 35% (0) 2% (6) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 49% (49) 3% (3) 2% (2) 0#1 Issue: Education 46% (59) 27% (35) 27% (35) 29#1 Issue: Energy 57% (45) 24% (9) 9% (5) 78#1 Issue: Other 44% (48) 32% (35) 24% (26) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 72% (539) 3% (97) 6% (8) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 4% (28) 86% (627) 0% (73) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 24% (25) 28% (30) 48% (50) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 29% (6) 35% (42) 35% (42) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 73% (484) % (74) 6% (03) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 6% (44) 83% (595) % (78) 772016 Vote: Someone else 27% (5) 39% (74) 33% (63) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 3% (30) 36% (52) 34% (43) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 38% (59) 47% (654) 5% (208) 38Voted in 2014: No 3% (89) 40% (242) 29% (79) 60

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Table POL1_2: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Jobs

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (709) 45% (896) 9% (386) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 63% (522) 9% (58) 8% (45) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 6% (33) 84% (482) 0% (58) 5732012 Vote: Other 9% (7) 53% (4) 38% (29) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29% (47) 4% (24) 30% (55) 554-Region: Northeast 42% (50) 38% (37) 9% (69) 3554-Region: Midwest 34% (57) 44% (99) 22% (0) 4574-Region: South 3% (23) 5% (379) 8% (33) 7434-Region: West 39% (7) 42% (8) 9% (83) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL1_3: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Health care

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (892) 37% (73) 8% (368) 99Gender: Male 43% (398) 40% (372) 7% (63) 932Gender: Female 47% (495) 34% (359) 9% (205) 059Age: 18-29 48% (72) 29% (05) 23% (82) 360Age: 30-44 46% (20) 35% (55) 20% (86) 443Age: 45-54 38% (32) 36% (25) 25% (88) 345Age: 55-64 47% (80) 37% (42) 5% (58) 380Age: 65+ 44% (206) 44% (203) 2% (54) 463Generation Z: 18-21 57% (57) 30% (3) 3% (3) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 44% (222) 33% (68) 23% (6) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 42% (25) 34% (75) 24% (22) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 44% (328) 42% (3) 4% (00) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 85% (58) 6% (38) 9% (6) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 39% (25) 27% (73) 35% (224) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 9% (6) 78% (59) 3% (83) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 84% (23) 8% (22) 8% (22) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 86% (350) 4% (7) 0% (39) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 39% (34) 29% (0) 3% (07) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 38% (7) 24% (72) 38% (7) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 0% (32) 79% (249) % (33) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 8% (28) 78% (270) 4% (49) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 76% (488) 3% (86) % (69) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 55% (230) 24% (99) 22% (92) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% () 7% (52) 4% (02) 724Educ: < College 42% (520) 37% (460) 22% (272) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 48% (226) 39% (83) 3% (6) 47Educ: Post-grad 54% (46) 33% (87) 3% (35) 268

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Table POL1_3: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Health care

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (892) 37% (73) 8% (368) 99Income: Under 50k 46% (499) 32% (354) 22% (238) 09Income: 50k-100k 42% (267) 42% (267) 5% (97) 63Income: 100k+ 47% (26) 4% (09) 2% (33) 268Ethnicity: White 40% (650) 42% (668) 8% (29) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 5% (99) 30% (57) 9% (36) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 69% (74) 3% (33) 8% (45) 252Ethnicity: Other 53% (67) 23% (29) 25% (32) 28Relig: Protestant 37% (9) 50% (256) 3% (70) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 4% (58) 42% (64) 6% (64) 386Relig: Something Else 50% (93) 27% (50) 23% (42) 85Relig: Jewish 63% (40) 27% (7) 0% (7) 64Relig: Evangelical 47% (357) 36% (272) 7% (28) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 26% (85) 60% (98) 4% (47) 330Relig: All Christian 4% (442) 43% (470) 6% (75) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 36% (76) 45% (93) 9% (40) 209Community: Urban 52% (229) 29% (26) 9% (85) 440Community: Suburban 46% (434) 38% (366) 6% (5) 95Community: Rural 38% (229) 40% (239) 22% (32) 600Employ: Private Sector 45% (272) 39% (233) 6% (98) 603Employ: Government 4% (64) 38% (58) 2% (33) 55Employ: Self-Employed 42% (80) 35% (66) 24% (45) 9Employ: Homemaker 43% (63) 39% (57) 8% (27) 48Employ: Student 60% (46) 27% (2) 3% (0) 77Employ: Retired 46% (29) 4% (95) 3% (62) 477Employ: Unemployed 43% (63) 32% (48) 25% (37) 49Employ: Other 44% (84) 27% (52) 29% (55) 9Military HH: Yes 37% (34) 46% (66) 6% (58) 358Military HH: No 46% (758) 35% (565) 9% (30) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (5) 68% (529) 8% (39) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 64% (777) 7% (202) 9% (230) 209

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Table POL1_3: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Health care

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (892) 37% (73) 8% (368) 99Trump Job Approve 2% (05) 72% (647) 6% (43) 895Trump Job Disapprove 75% (767) 7% (75) 7% (78) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 6% (30) 85% (45) 9% (45) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 9% (76) 57% (232) 24% (98) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 46% () 6% (39) 37% (89) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 84% (656) 5% (36) % (89) 78Favorable of Trump 0% (87) 73% (63) 7% (43) 860Unfavorable of Trump 76% (772) 8% (83) 6% (67) 022Very Favorable of Trump 6% (28) 86% (434) 9% (45) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 7% (59) 56% (97) 28% (98) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 43% (93) 24% (5) 33% (7) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 84% (680) 4% (33) 2% (95) 808#1 Issue: Economy 42% (228) 35% (90) 22% (20) 539#1 Issue: Security 5% (62) 74% (304) 2% (48) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 62% (205) 20% (65) 9% (62) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 52% (5) 3% (9) 6% (47) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 58% (59) 26% (26) 5% (5) 0#1 Issue: Education 57% (74) 20% (25) 23% (30) 29#1 Issue: Energy 69% (54) 5% (2) 6% (2) 78#1 Issue: Other 54% (59) 5% (7) 30% (33) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 87% (653) 4% (32) 9% (68) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 8% (6) 78% (565) 4% (02) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (32) 22% (23) 47% (49) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 36% (45) 28% (0) 36% (45) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 85% (562) 6% (37) 9% (63) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 0% (73) 75% (537) 5% (07) 772016 Vote: Someone else 46% (87) 9% (36) 34% (64) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 40% (70) 28% (9) 32% (35) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 47% (644) 39% (534) 5% (203) 38Voted in 2014: No 4% (248) 32% (97) 27% (65) 60

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Table POL1_3: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Health care

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (892) 37% (73) 8% (368) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 75% (622) 2% (99) 3% (03) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney % (62) 75% (427) 5% (84) 5732012 Vote: Other 7% (3) 38% (29) 45% (34) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 38% (94) 34% (74) 29% (47) 554-Region: Northeast 47% (68) 3% (2) 2% (76) 3554-Region: Midwest 46% (209) 35% (62) 9% (87) 4574-Region: South 40% (297) 42% (35) 8% (3) 7434-Region: West 50% (28) 33% (42) 7% (74) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL1_4: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Immigration

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (753) 44% (872) 8% (366) 99Gender: Male 35% (322) 49% (460) 6% (49) 932Gender: Female 4% (43) 39% (42) 20% (26) 059Age: 18-29 40% (43) 33% (8) 27% (99) 360Age: 30-44 38% (69) 42% (86) 20% (87) 443Age: 45-54 32% () 47% (64) 20% (70) 345Age: 55-64 4% (55) 44% (68) 5% (57) 380Age: 65+ 38% (74) 5% (236) % (53) 463Generation Z: 18-21 42% (42) 39% (39) 9% (20) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 39% (95) 37% (86) 25% (24) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 34% (74) 45% (229) 2% (09) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 38% (283) 48% (357) 3% (99) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 75% (54) % (76) 3% (9) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 30% (97) 38% (249) 3% (202) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (43) 83% (547) % (73) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 74% (203) 3% (36) 3% (36) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 77% (3) 0% (40) 3% (54) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 30% (0) 44% (5) 26% (90) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 3% (96) 32% (98) 37% (2) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 6% (8) 87% (273) 7% (23) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 7% (24) 79% (274) 4% (50) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 69% (443) 7% (2) 4% (87) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 42% (79) 34% (45) 23% (98) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) % (77) 79% (572) 0% (75) 724Educ: < College 34% (42) 44% (550) 22% (28) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 43% (20) 46% (26) 2% (54) 47Educ: Post-grad 49% (3) 40% (07) % (30) 268

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Table POL1_4: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Immigration

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (753) 44% (872) 8% (366) 99Income: Under 50k 37% (405) 39% (428) 24% (259) 09Income: 50k-100k 40% (25) 48% (30) 3% (80) 63Income: 100k+ 36% (98) 54% (44) 0% (27) 268Ethnicity: White 34% (552) 49% (792) 7% (266) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 49% (95) 35% (67) 6% (3) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 55% (40) 8% (45) 27% (68) 252Ethnicity: Other 48% (6) 28% (35) 25% (32) 28Relig: Protestant 29% (50) 60% (308) % (59) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 34% (3) 48% (85) 8% (70) 386Relig: Something Else 4% (76) 32% (60) 27% (49) 85Relig: Jewish 58% (37) 37% (23) 5% (3) 64Relig: Evangelical 38% (286) 44% (332) 8% (40) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 2% (70) 67% (22) 2% (40) 330Relig: All Christian 33% (356) 5% (552) 6% (79) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 3% (66) 45% (93) 24% (50) 209Community: Urban 45% (99) 35% (52) 20% (88) 440Community: Suburban 39% (367) 45% (430) 6% (55) 95Community: Rural 3% (88) 48% (290) 20% (22) 600Employ: Private Sector 38% (230) 46% (275) 6% (98) 603Employ: Government 38% (59) 45% (70) 7% (26) 55Employ: Self-Employed 33% (63) 44% (84) 23% (45) 9Employ: Homemaker 36% (54) 43% (64) 20% (30) 48Employ: Student 52% (40) 3% (24) 7% (3) 77Employ: Retired 40% (9) 48% (230) 2% (57) 477Employ: Unemployed 37% (55) 34% (5) 29% (43) 49Employ: Other 33% (63) 39% (75) 28% (54) 9Military HH: Yes 32% (5) 55% (96) 3% (46) 358Military HH: No 39% (638) 4% (676) 20% (39) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 9% (69) 77% (602) 4% (0) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 57% (684) 22% (270) 2% (255) 209

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Table POL1_4: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Immigration

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (753) 44% (872) 8% (366) 99Trump Job Approve 7% (64) 82% (735) % (96) 895Trump Job Disapprove 67% (678) 3% (28) 2% (23) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (9) 9% (445) 5% (26) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve % (45) 72% (290) 7% (70) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 33% (78) 28% (68) 39% (94) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 77% (60) 8% (60) 5% (20) 78Favorable of Trump 5% (46) 84% (79) % (96) 860Unfavorable of Trump 67% (682) 3% (35) 20% (205) 022Very Favorable of Trump 4% (2) 90% (458) 6% (29) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 7% (25) 74% (26) 9% (68) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 34% (72) 32% (68) 35% (75) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 76% (60) 8% (68) 6% (30) 808#1 Issue: Economy 34% (83) 43% (234) 23% (22) 539#1 Issue: Security 2% (50) 80% (330) 8% (33) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 50% (66) 27% (90) 23% (77) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 45% (30) 4% (9) 4% (40) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 55% (56) 25% (25) 20% (20) 0#1 Issue: Education 52% (68) 23% (30) 24% (32) 29#1 Issue: Energy 62% (49) 20% (5) 8% (4) 78#1 Issue: Other 48% (53) 27% (29) 25% (27) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 76% (576) 0% (75) 3% (02) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 5% (38) 85% (623) 9% (67) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 9% (9) 33% (34) 49% (5) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 29% (8) 35% (40) 35% (42) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 77% (508) 9% (59) 4% (95) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 6% (40) 84% (604) 0% (73) 772016 Vote: Someone else 29% (54) 39% (73) 32% (60) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 36% (5) 32% (35) 32% (38) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 40% (547) 46% (630) 5% (204) 38Voted in 2014: No 34% (206) 40% (242) 27% (62) 60

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL1_4

Table POL1_4: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Immigration

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (753) 44% (872) 8% (366) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 66% (543) 8% (45) 7% (37) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 7% (40) 83% (474) 0% (59) 5732012 Vote: Other 8% (6) 60% (46) 33% (25) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 32% (64) 40% (207) 28% (44) 554-Region: Northeast 43% (53) 38% (35) 9% (67) 3554-Region: Midwest 38% (72) 43% (97) 9% (88) 4574-Region: South 32% (237) 50% (370) 8% (36) 7434-Region: West 44% (9) 39% (70) 7% (74) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL1_5

Table POL1_5: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The environment

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (985) 28% (553) 23% (453) 99Gender: Male 49% (456) 30% (28) 2% (95) 932Gender: Female 50% (528) 26% (272) 24% (258) 059Age: 18-29 52% (88) 20% (7) 28% (0) 360Age: 30-44 52% (230) 26% (4) 22% (99) 443Age: 45-54 47% (62) 28% (96) 25% (87) 345Age: 55-64 5% (93) 30% (3) 9% (74) 380Age: 65+ 46% (2) 34% (59) 20% (93) 463Generation Z: 18-21 62% (63) 2% (2) 7% (7) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 50% (253) 23% (6) 27% (37) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 49% (250) 26% (35) 25% (28) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 47% (35) 33% (242) 20% (46) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 82% (558) 5% (34) 3% (89) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 46% (296) 8% (5) 37% (237) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 20% (3) 6% (405) 9% (27) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 82% (226) 7% (8) % (3) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 82% (332) 4% (5) 4% (58) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 49% (69) 9% (63) 32% (0) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 4% (27) 7% (5) 42% (28) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (6) 63% (99) 7% (54) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 20% (70) 59% (206) 2% (73) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 76% (488) % (73) 3% (8) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 59% (248) 6% (66) 25% (07) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 27% (93) 52% (379) 2% (53) 724Educ: < College 45% (566) 29% (360) 26% (326) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 55% (259) 27% (28) 8% (84) 47Educ: Post-grad 60% (60) 24% (65) 6% (43) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL1_5

Table POL1_5: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The environment

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (985) 28% (553) 23% (453) 99Income: Under 50k 48% (52) 26% (283) 26% (287) 09Income: 50k-100k 49% (32) 30% (88) 2% (32) 63Income: 100k+ 57% (52) 3% (82) 3% (34) 268Ethnicity: White 47% (752) 3% (497) 22% (362) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 57% (0) 24% (45) 9% (37) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 64% (63) 3% (32) 23% (58) 252Ethnicity: Other 55% (70) 9% (24) 26% (34) 28Relig: Protestant 42% (26) 39% (204) 9% (97) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 47% (80) 34% (29) 20% (76) 386Relig: Something Else 53% (99) 8% (34) 28% (52) 85Relig: Jewish 73% (46) 7% () 0% (6) 64Relig: Evangelical 50% (382) 28% (22) 22% (64) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 34% (3) 47% (55) 9% (62) 330Relig: All Christian 45% (495) 34% (367) 2% (226) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 38% (80) 34% (70) 28% (59) 209Community: Urban 58% (257) 20% (88) 22% (95) 440Community: Suburban 50% (476) 27% (260) 23% (25) 95Community: Rural 42% (252) 34% (205) 24% (43) 600Employ: Private Sector 5% (306) 3% (86) 8% (0) 603Employ: Government 50% (77) 27% (4) 24% (36) 55Employ: Self-Employed 45% (87) 28% (53) 27% (52) 9Employ: Homemaker 44% (65) 28% (4) 28% (42) 48Employ: Student 7% (55) 4% (0) 6% (2) 77Employ: Retired 48% (228) 32% (53) 20% (96) 477Employ: Unemployed 5% (76) 24% (35) 25% (38) 49Employ: Other 48% (9) 7% (33) 35% (67) 9Military HH: Yes 43% (54) 36% (30) 20% (73) 358Military HH: No 5% (83) 26% (423) 23% (380) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 24% (89) 53% (46) 23% (77) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 66% (796) % (36) 23% (277) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL1_5

Table POL1_5: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The environment

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (985) 28% (553) 23% (453) 99Trump Job Approve 23% (20) 54% (488) 22% (98) 895Trump Job Disapprove 75% (76) 6% (59) 20% (200) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (65) 7% (348) 6% (76) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 36% (45) 34% (39) 30% (22) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 49% (8) 2% (29) 38% (92) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 82% (643) 4% (30) 4% (08) 78Favorable of Trump 2% (83) 55% (477) 23% (200) 860Unfavorable of Trump 76% (776) 5% (56) 9% (90) 022Very Favorable of Trump 5% (74) 70% (353) 6% (80) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (09) 35% (24) 34% (20) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 53% (3) 5% (33) 32% (69) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 82% (663) 3% (23) 5% (22) 808#1 Issue: Economy 50% (269) 24% (29) 26% (4) 539#1 Issue: Security 2% (87) 59% (244) 20% (8) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 63% (209) 6% (52) 2% (7) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 54% (57) 24% (70) 2% (62) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 66% (66) 9% (9) 5% (5) 0#1 Issue: Education 63% (8) 0% (3) 27% (35) 29#1 Issue: Energy 73% (57) 0% (8) 7% (3) 78#1 Issue: Other 53% (58) 6% (7) 32% (34) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 85% (642) 3% (22) 2% (89) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 2% (53) 59% (427) 20% (48) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 35% (37) 2% (2) 53% (55) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 38% (5) 23% (9) 39% (58) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 83% (546) 4% (29) 3% (86) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 20% (40) 59% (425) 2% (52) 772016 Vote: Someone else 54% (02) 2% (22) 34% (64) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 46% (96) 8% (75) 36% (52) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 5% (708) 30% (45) 9% (258) 38Voted in 2014: No 45% (277) 23% (38) 32% (96) 60

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL1_5

Table POL1_5: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The environment

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (985) 28% (553) 23% (453) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 74% (64) 9% (73) 7% (38) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 23% (32) 57% (328) 20% (3) 5732012 Vote: Other 24% (9) 28% (22) 48% (37) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 43% (22) 25% (29) 32% (66) 554-Region: Northeast 55% (95) 24% (85) 2% (75) 3554-Region: Midwest 52% (237) 26% (7) 23% (03) 4574-Region: South 42% (36) 34% (250) 24% (78) 7434-Region: West 55% (237) 23% (00) 22% (98) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL1_6

Table POL1_6: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Energy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (822) 37% (727) 22% (44) 99Gender: Male 39% (36) 42% (390) 9% (80) 932Gender: Female 44% (46) 32% (337) 25% (26) 059Age: 18-29 46% (67) 26% (95) 27% (98) 360Age: 30-44 46% (202) 33% (47) 2% (94) 443Age: 45-54 35% (20) 38% (3) 27% (94) 345Age: 55-64 42% (60) 4% (56) 7% (63) 380Age: 65+ 37% (73) 43% (98) 20% (92) 463Generation Z: 18-21 54% (55) 29% (29) 7% (7) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 44% (223) 30% (53) 26% (30) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 39% (98) 35% (8) 26% (33) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 39% (287) 43% (38) 8% (34) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 78% (530) 8% (58) 4% (94) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 35% (227) 27% (76) 38% (245) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 0% (66) 74% (493) 6% (03) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 75% (208) 2% (34) 2% (34) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 79% (322) 6% (23) 5% (60) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 36% (23) 32% (08) 32% () 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 34% (03) 22% (68) 44% (34) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 0% (30) 79% (248) 2% (36) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 0% (36) 7% (245) 9% (67) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 72% (463) 4% (9) 4% (88) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 45% (9) 25% (06) 29% (24) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% () 69% (496) 6% (6) 724Educ: < College 38% (470) 36% (45) 26% (33) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 47% (223) 39% (84) 4% (64) 47Educ: Post-grad 48% (29) 34% (92) 7% (46) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL1_6

Table POL1_6: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Energy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (822) 37% (727) 22% (44) 99Income: Under 50k 42% (459) 32% (352) 26% (280) 09Income: 50k-100k 42% (262) 40% (254) 8% (6) 63Income: 100k+ 38% (02) 45% (22) 7% (45) 268Ethnicity: White 38% (65) 40% (650) 2% (345) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 45% (88) 36% (69) 9% (36) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 56% (4) 20% (50) 24% (6) 252Ethnicity: Other 5% (66) 2% (28) 27% (35) 28Relig: Protestant 34% (77) 49% (253) 7% (87) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 37% (4) 43% (67) 20% (77) 386Relig: Something Else 49% (9) 24% (45) 27% (49) 85Relig: Jewish 52% (33) 30% (9) 9% (2) 64Relig: Evangelical 43% (325) 36% (270) 2% (63) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 26% (85) 59% (95) 5% (5) 330Relig: All Christian 38% (409) 43% (465) 20% (23) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 36% (74) 39% (8) 25% (53) 209Community: Urban 50% (22) 28% (23) 22% (96) 440Community: Suburban 4% (393) 38% (36) 2% (98) 95Community: Rural 35% (209) 4% (244) 25% (47) 600Employ: Private Sector 44% (265) 38% (230) 8% (08) 603Employ: Government 42% (65) 35% (54) 23% (36) 55Employ: Self-Employed 35% (67) 40% (78) 25% (47) 9Employ: Homemaker 36% (53) 40% (59) 25% (36) 48Employ: Student 6% (47) 23% (8) 5% (2) 77Employ: Retired 4% (95) 40% (89) 20% (94) 477Employ: Unemployed 39% (58) 33% (50) 28% (4) 49Employ: Other 38% (73) 26% (5) 35% (67) 9Military HH: Yes 35% (25) 45% (62) 20% (7) 358Military HH: No 43% (697) 35% (565) 23% (37) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (7) 67% (523) 8% (42) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 58% (705) 7% (204) 25% (299) 209

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Table POL1_6: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Energy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (822) 37% (727) 22% (44) 99Trump Job Approve 3% (9) 69% (63) 8% (63) 895Trump Job Disapprove 68% (692) 0% (05) 22% (223) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (34) 84% (4) 9% (45) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 2% (85) 50% (203) 29% (8) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 37% (89) 22% (52) 4% (98) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 77% (602) 7% (53) 6% (26) 78Favorable of Trump % (93) 7% (608) 9% (59) 860Unfavorable of Trump 69% (704) 0% (0) 2% (28) 022Very Favorable of Trump 7% (35) 84% (427) 9% (45) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 6% (58) 5% (8) 32% (4) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 38% (8) 24% (52) 38% (82) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 77% (623) 6% (49) 7% (36) 808#1 Issue: Economy 40% (25) 34% (83) 26% (40) 539#1 Issue: Security 4% (57) 73% (300) 4% (56) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 52% (72) 23% (78) 25% (82) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 47% (35) 30% (88) 23% (67) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 55% (55) 28% (28) 7% (7) 0#1 Issue: Education 58% (74) 7% (22) 25% (32) 29#1 Issue: Energy 72% (56) 0% (8) 8% (4) 78#1 Issue: Other 52% (57) 8% (20) 29% (32) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 78% (585) 8% (62) 4% (06) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 0% (76) 75% (543) 5% (09) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 2% (22) 23% (24) 56% (58) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 35% (38) 25% (98) 4% (63) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 79% (59) 8% (54) 3% (88) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 9% (68) 73% (52) 8% (28) 772016 Vote: Someone else 37% (69) 27% (5) 36% (68) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 39% (66) 24% (00) 37% (58) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 43% (592) 39% (544) 8% (244) 38Voted in 2014: No 38% (230) 30% (83) 32% (97) 60

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL1_6

Table POL1_6: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Energy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (822) 37% (727) 22% (44) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 67% (552) 5% (24) 8% (49) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (67) 72% (43) 6% (93) 5732012 Vote: Other 9% (5) 4% (3) 40% (3) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 37% (89) 3% (58) 33% (68) 554-Region: Northeast 45% (6) 32% (5) 22% (79) 3554-Region: Midwest 42% (94) 34% (57) 23% (07) 4574-Region: South 36% (266) 43% (39) 2% (58) 7434-Region: West 46% (20) 3% (37) 22% (97) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL1_7

Table POL1_7: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Education

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 43% (864) 34% (683) 22% (444) 99Gender: Male 42% (394) 38% (35) 20% (87) 932Gender: Female 44% (470) 3% (332) 24% (257) 059Age: 18-29 45% (6) 29% (04) 26% (95) 360Age: 30-44 45% (98) 33% (46) 22% (98) 443Age: 45-54 38% (30) 33% (4) 29% (0) 345Age: 55-64 47% (79) 34% (30) 9% (7) 380Age: 65+ 42% (95) 4% (88) 7% (80) 463Generation Z: 18-21 50% (5) 32% (32) 8% (8) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 43% (29) 3% (56) 26% (3) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 40% (207) 32% (66) 27% (39) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 44% (328) 38% (279) 8% (32) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 82% (556) 6% (40) 2% (85) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 38% (244) 25% (62) 37% (242) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 0% (63) 73% (482) 8% (7) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 8% (222) 7% (9) 2% (34) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 83% (335) 5% (20) 2% (50) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (4) 26% (89) 33% (2) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 34% (03) 24% (72) 43% (30) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 0% (32) 77% (242) 3% (40) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 9% (32) 69% (239) 22% (77) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 74% (473) 3% (86) 3% (84) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 52% (29) 23% (95) 25% (07) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 6% (7) 65% (47) 9% (36) 724Educ: < College 40% (502) 34% (428) 26% (323) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 46% (28) 36% (7) 7% (8) 47Educ: Post-grad 54% (44) 3% (84) 5% (40) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL1_7

Table POL1_7: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Education

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 43% (864) 34% (683) 22% (444) 99Income: Under 50k 44% (483) 3% (34) 24% (266) 09Income: 50k-100k 42% (263) 37% (237) 2% (3) 63Income: 100k+ 44% (7) 39% (05) 7% (47) 268Ethnicity: White 40% (64) 38% (68) 22% (352) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 49% (95) 27% (52) 24% (46) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 63% (59) 5% (37) 22% (56) 252Ethnicity: Other 50% (64) 22% (28) 28% (36) 28Relig: Protestant 36% (86) 48% (246) 7% (85) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 39% (5) 42% (6) 9% (74) 386Relig: Something Else 46% (86) 23% (43) 30% (56) 85Relig: Jewish 65% (42) 22% (4) 3% (8) 64Relig: Evangelical 44% (33) 35% (264) 2% (62) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 28% (92) 56% (86) 6% (53) 330Relig: All Christian 39% (423) 4% (450) 20% (25) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 38% (79) 38% (80) 24% (50) 209Community: Urban 54% (236) 25% (2) 2% (92) 440Community: Suburban 43% (409) 35% (333) 22% (209) 95Community: Rural 37% (29) 40% (238) 24% (43) 600Employ: Private Sector 44% (264) 37% (22) 20% (8) 603Employ: Government 45% (70) 33% (50) 22% (35) 55Employ: Self-Employed 38% (73) 35% (66) 27% (52) 9Employ: Homemaker 37% (55) 38% (56) 25% (36) 48Employ: Student 59% (45) 22% (7) 9% (5) 77Employ: Retired 44% (22) 38% (80) 8% (85) 477Employ: Unemployed 45% (67) 29% (43) 26% (39) 49Employ: Other 4% (78) 25% (48) 34% (64) 9Military HH: Yes 38% (36) 42% (52) 20% (70) 358Military HH: No 45% (727) 33% (53) 23% (375) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (8) 65% (509) 20% (55) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 62% (745) 4% (74) 24% (289) 209

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Table POL1_7: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Education

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 43% (864) 34% (683) 22% (444) 99Trump Job Approve 3% (8) 67% (602) 20% (75) 895Trump Job Disapprove 72% (733) 7% (7) 2% (25) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (33) 8% (399) 2% (58) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 2% (86) 50% (203) 29% (8) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 4% (99) 7% (42) 4% (99) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 8% (635) 4% (30) 5% (6) 78Favorable of Trump % (97) 69% (590) 20% (73) 860Unfavorable of Trump 72% (738) 7% (73) 2% (22) 022Very Favorable of Trump 7% (34) 8% (42) 2% (6) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (63) 50% (79) 32% (2) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 39% (85) 20% (42) 4% (88) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 8% (653) 4% (3) 5% (23) 808#1 Issue: Economy 43% (229) 32% (74) 25% (36) 539#1 Issue: Security 4% (59) 69% (285) 7% (68) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 56% (87) 20% (67) 24% (79) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 5% (49) 28% (8) 2% (60) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 60% (60) 23% (23) 8% (8) 0#1 Issue: Education 57% (74) 5% (20) 27% (35) 29#1 Issue: Energy 68% (53) 2% (9) 20% (6) 78#1 Issue: Other 48% (53) 22% (24) 30% (33) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 83% (628) 4% (32) 2% (94) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 0% (76) 72% (524) 8% (28) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 28% (29) 4% (5) 58% (60) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 32% (29) 28% (2) 40% (58) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 82% (542) 5% (33) 3% (87) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 0% (72) 7% (509) 9% (35) 772016 Vote: Someone else 44% (82) 7% (33) 39% (73) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 39% (67) 25% (07) 35% (50) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 46% (633) 36% (500) 8% (248) 38Voted in 2014: No 38% (230) 30% (83) 32% (97) 60

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Table POL1_7: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Education

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 43% (864) 34% (683) 22% (444) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 72% (594) 2% (00) 6% (3) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (70) 69% (396) 9% (07) 5732012 Vote: Other 2% (6) 33% (25) 46% (35) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 36% (84) 3% (6) 33% (70) 554-Region: Northeast 46% (65) 29% (04) 24% (86) 3554-Region: Midwest 46% (2) 32% (45) 22% (0) 4574-Region: South 38% (279) 4% (307) 2% (57) 7434-Region: West 48% (209) 29% (26) 23% (00) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL1_8: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?National security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (647) 48% (953) 20% (39) 99Gender: Male 28% (260) 55% (5) 7% (6) 932Gender: Female 37% (387) 42% (442) 22% (230) 059Age: 18-29 35% (27) 37% (32) 28% (02) 360Age: 30-44 3% (38) 47% (209) 22% (95) 443Age: 45-54 26% (90) 53% (83) 2% (73) 345Age: 55-64 36% (36) 48% (8) 7% (63) 380Age: 65+ 34% (57) 53% (248) 3% (59) 463Generation Z: 18-21 45% (46) 37% (38) 8% (8) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 30% (52) 43% (29) 27% (35) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 29% (47) 49% (252) 22% (3) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 34% (25) 5% (380) 5% (08) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 70% (475) 6% (08) 4% (97) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 22% (4) 42% (272) 36% (235) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 5% (3) 86% (573) 9% (59) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 66% (82) 2% (58) 3% (35) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 72% (293) 2% (50) 5% (62) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 20% (67) 49% (67) 3% (07) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 24% (74) 34% (04) 42% (28) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 3% (0) 9% (285) 6% (9) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 6% (20) 83% (287) 2% (4) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (393) 2% (37) 7% (2) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 35% (47) 4% (7) 25% (03) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8% (60) 82% (597) 9% (67) 724Educ: < College 30% (377) 47% (592) 23% (283) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 33% (58) 50% (238) 6% (76) 47Educ: Post-grad 42% (2) 46% (23) 2% (33) 268

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Table POL1_8

Table POL1_8: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?National security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (647) 48% (953) 20% (39) 99Income: Under 50k 34% (367) 43% (466) 24% (258) 09Income: 50k-100k 33% (206) 52% (326) 6% (00) 63Income: 100k+ 28% (75) 60% (6) 2% (33) 268Ethnicity: White 29% (470) 53% (846) 8% (295) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 36% (70) 45% (86) 9% (37) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 52% (3) 22% (56) 26% (65) 252Ethnicity: Other 36% (46) 39% (50) 25% (32) 28Relig: Protestant 25% (30) 63% (327) 2% (60) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 28% (0) 54% (20) 7% (66) 386Relig: Something Else 35% (65) 34% (62) 3% (58) 85Relig: Jewish 48% (3) 40% (25) 2% (7) 64Relig: Evangelical 32% (245) 48% (362) 20% (5) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 8% (60) 72% (237) 0% (33) 330Relig: All Christian 28% (305) 55% (599) 7% (83) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 30% (63) 5% (05) 20% (4) 209Community: Urban 40% (76) 38% (68) 22% (95) 440Community: Suburban 3% (297) 50% (477) 9% (78) 95Community: Rural 29% (75) 5% (307) 20% (8) 600Employ: Private Sector 29% (78) 53% (37) 8% (08) 603Employ: Government 29% (45) 5% (79) 20% (3) 55Employ: Self-Employed 27% (53) 50% (95) 23% (44) 9Employ: Homemaker 29% (43) 47% (69) 24% (35) 48Employ: Student 50% (39) 36% (27) 4% () 77Employ: Retired 37% (76) 50% (238) 3% (62) 477Employ: Unemployed 36% (53) 36% (54) 28% (4) 49Employ: Other 32% (6) 38% (72) 3% (58) 9Military HH: Yes 27% (95) 58% (208) 5% (55) 358Military HH: No 34% (552) 46% (744) 2% (337) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 8% (63) 79% (68) 3% (02) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 48% (585) 28% (335) 24% (289) 209

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Table POL1_8: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?National security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (647) 48% (953) 20% (39) 99Trump Job Approve 6% (57) 83% (745) 0% (93) 895Trump Job Disapprove 57% (58) 9% (9) 24% (247) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (8) 92% (449) 5% (22) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 0% (39) 73% (296) 7% (7) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 22% (53) 38% (92) 39% (94) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 68% (528) 3% (00) 20% (53) 78Favorable of Trump 4% (37) 85% (732) % (92) 860Unfavorable of Trump 57% (583) 20% (202) 23% (238) 022Very Favorable of Trump 4% (8) 9% (463) 5% (26) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 5% (8) 76% (269) 9% (66) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 25% (53) 4% (88) 35% (74) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 66% (530) 4% (4) 20% (64) 808#1 Issue: Economy 30% (60) 47% (255) 23% (25) 539#1 Issue: Security 0% (40) 83% (343) 7% (30) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 44% (45) 33% (0) 23% (78) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 4% (20) 40% (6) 8% (53) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 49% (49) 34% (34) 8% (8) 0#1 Issue: Education 35% (45) 35% (45) 30% (39) 29#1 Issue: Energy 52% (4) 26% (20) 22% (7) 78#1 Issue: Other 44% (48) 27% (30) 29% (32) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 68% (509) 5% () 8% (34) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 4% (30) 88% (643) 8% (55) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 4% (4) 38% (40) 48% (50) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 23% (92) 40% (59) 37% (49) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 68% (452) 4% (89) 8% (20) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 5% (34) 86% (64) 0% (69) 772016 Vote: Someone else 22% (4) 45% (84) 33% (62) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 29% (2) 39% (64) 33% (39) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 35% (488) 49% (682) 5% (20) 38Voted in 2014: No 26% (59) 44% (270) 30% (8) 60

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Table POL1_8: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?National security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (647) 48% (953) 20% (39) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 58% (477) 22% (8) 20% (67) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 5% (30) 87% (496) 8% (47) 5732012 Vote: Other 0% (8) 58% (44) 32% (25) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26% (32) 45% (23) 30% (52) 554-Region: Northeast 35% (25) 43% (5) 22% (79) 3554-Region: Midwest 32% (46) 46% (2) 22% (0) 4574-Region: South 29% (24) 54% (40) 7% (29) 7434-Region: West 37% (63) 44% (90) 9% (82) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL1_9: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 42% (84) 29% (580) 29% (570) 99Gender: Male 4% (378) 32% (299) 27% (255) 932Gender: Female 44% (463) 27% (28) 30% (35) 059Age: 18-29 49% (77) 23% (84) 28% (99) 360Age: 30-44 44% (97) 29% (30) 26% (6) 443Age: 45-54 36% (23) 27% (94) 37% (29) 345Age: 55-64 44% (65) 32% (22) 24% (92) 380Age: 65+ 39% (79) 32% (50) 29% (34) 463Generation Z: 18-21 58% (59) 25% (25) 7% (8) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 46% (23) 26% (32) 28% (43) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 38% (94) 28% (42) 34% (76) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 40% (299) 33% (245) 26% (96) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 76% (57) 6% (38) 8% (25) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 37% (240) 8% (8) 45% (289) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 3% (84) 64% (423) 23% (55) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 75% (208) 8% (22) 7% (46) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 76% (309) 4% (7) 20% (79) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 39% (34) 20% (67) 4% (4) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 35% (07) 7% (5) 48% (48) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 2% (37) 67% (20) 2% (67) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (47) 6% (23) 25% (88) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7% (456) 2% (74) 7% (2) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 47% (99) 7% (7) 36% (5) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 9% (34) 56% (404) 26% (86) 724Educ: < College 38% (47) 3% (385) 32% (396) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 48% (227) 28% (30) 24% (3) 47Educ: Post-grad 53% (42) 24% (65) 23% (6) 268

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Table POL1_9

Table POL1_9: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 42% (84) 29% (580) 29% (570) 99Income: Under 50k 4% (442) 28% (30) 32% (348) 09Income: 50k-100k 43% (270) 3% (96) 26% (66) 63Income: 100k+ 48% (29) 3% (84) 2% (56) 268Ethnicity: White 39% (625) 33% (524) 29% (46) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 47% (90) 25% (49) 28% (54) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 59% (50) 5% (37) 26% (66) 252Ethnicity: Other 5% (66) 5% (9) 34% (43) 28Relig: Protestant 36% (86) 40% (204) 25% (27) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 37% (44) 37% (4) 26% (00) 386Relig: Something Else 50% (93) 8% (33) 32% (59) 85Relig: Jewish 56% (36) 7% () 27% (7) 64Relig: Evangelical 44% (333) 29% (220) 27% (205) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 27% (90) 48% (59) 24% (80) 330Relig: All Christian 39% (423) 35% (379) 26% (286) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 35% (72) 35% (74) 30% (63) 209Community: Urban 49% (25) 24% (06) 27% (9) 440Community: Suburban 43% (409) 28% (268) 29% (275) 95Community: Rural 36% (27) 34% (207) 29% (76) 600Employ: Private Sector 45% (269) 30% (8) 25% (53) 603Employ: Government 44% (68) 30% (46) 26% (4) 55Employ: Self-Employed 33% (62) 33% (62) 35% (67) 9Employ: Homemaker 37% (55) 29% (42) 34% (50) 48Employ: Student 65% (50) 2% (6) 4% () 77Employ: Retired 40% (92) 32% (53) 28% (32) 477Employ: Unemployed 42% (63) 27% (39) 3% (46) 49Employ: Other 43% (8) 2% (40) 36% (69) 9Military HH: Yes 35% (27) 37% (32) 28% (99) 358Military HH: No 44% (74) 27% (449) 29% (470) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 7% (33) 56% (436) 27% (23) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 59% (708) 2% (44) 30% (357) 209

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Table POL1_9: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 42% (84) 29% (580) 29% (570) 99Trump Job Approve 5% (37) 57% (508) 28% (250) 895Trump Job Disapprove 68% (692) 6% (59) 26% (269) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve % (52) 72% (35) 8% (87) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 2% (86) 39% (57) 40% (63) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 45% (08) 0% (24) 45% (07) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 75% (584) 4% (35) 2% (62) 78Favorable of Trump 3% (5) 58% (497) 29% (249) 860Unfavorable of Trump 68% (697) 6% (65) 25% (260) 022Very Favorable of Trump 0% (48) 72% (366) 8% (92) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 9% (67) 37% (30) 44% (56) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 42% (90) 7% (35) 42% (89) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 75% (607) 4% (30) 2% (7) 808#1 Issue: Economy 4% (223) 26% (38) 33% (79) 539#1 Issue: Security 7% (72) 62% (255) 2% (86) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 53% (77) 7% (55) 30% (0) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 46% (33) 22% (64) 32% (92) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 58% (59) 25% (26) 6% (6) 0#1 Issue: Education 56% (73) 2% (6) 3% (40) 29#1 Issue: Energy 66% (52) 2% (9) 22% (8) 78#1 Issue: Other 49% (54) 7% (8) 34% (37) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 77% (583) 4% (27) 9% (44) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 2% (90) 6% (445) 26% (93) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 28% (29) 4% (5) 58% (60) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 34% (37) 23% (94) 42% (69) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 77% (509) 4% (26) 9% (26) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 2% (83) 60% (428) 29% (206) 772016 Vote: Someone else 44% (82) 4% (26) 42% (79) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 39% (66) 23% (98) 38% (59) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 44% (603) 3% (427) 25% (35) 38Voted in 2014: No 39% (238) 25% (53) 36% (29) 60

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Table POL1_9

Table POL1_9: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 42% (84) 29% (580) 29% (570) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 68% (558) 0% (85) 22% (82) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 4% (79) 59% (337) 27% (57) 5732012 Vote: Other 24% (8) 26% (20) 5% (39) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 36% (86) 27% (38) 37% (9) 554-Region: Northeast 46% (63) 23% (83) 3% (09) 3554-Region: Midwest 47% (23) 28% (28) 25% (6) 4574-Region: South 36% (266) 36% (267) 28% (20) 7434-Region: West 46% (98) 23% (02) 3% (35) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL1_10: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Gun policy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (749) 42% (842) 20% (400) 99Gender: Male 34% (37) 48% (450) 8% (64) 932Gender: Female 4% (43) 37% (392) 22% (236) 059Age: 18-29 38% (36) 36% (29) 26% (95) 360Age: 30-44 38% (68) 43% (89) 9% (86) 443Age: 45-54 29% (0) 46% (58) 25% (85) 345Age: 55-64 4% (54) 43% (63) 6% (62) 380Age: 65+ 4% (89) 44% (203) 5% (7) 463Generation Z: 18-21 42% (43) 38% (38) 20% (2) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 37% (87) 39% (95) 24% (23) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 32% (66) 45% (232) 22% (5) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 39% (286) 45% (332) 6% (2) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 74% (504) % (74) 5% (03) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 30% (94) 38% (243) 33% (2) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 8% (5) 79% (525) 3% (86) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (94) 5% (4) 4% (40) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 76% (309) 8% (33) 6% (63) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 28% (96) 44% (50) 28% (96) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 32% (98) 30% (93) 38% (5) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 8% (26) 82% (259) 9% (29) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 7% (25) 76% (266) 7% (58) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 69% (443) 7% (07) 4% (93) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 4% (72) 32% (33) 28% (6) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 2% (86) 76% (550) 2% (88) 724Educ: < College 33% (43) 43% (538) 24% (30) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 42% (200) 44% (206) 4% (65) 47Educ: Post-grad 50% (35) 37% (99) 3% (34) 268

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Table POL1_10

Table POL1_10: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Gun policy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (749) 42% (842) 20% (400) 99Income: Under 50k 37% (402) 39% (426) 24% (263) 09Income: 50k-100k 39% (244) 45% (287) 6% (00) 63Income: 100k+ 38% (02) 48% (30) 4% (36) 268Ethnicity: White 34% (545) 47% (759) 9% (306) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 50% (96) 34% (66) 6% (30) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 58% (46) 7% (43) 25% (63) 252Ethnicity: Other 44% (57) 3% (40) 24% (3) 28Relig: Protestant 3% (58) 56% (29) 3% (67) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 35% (34) 45% (75) 20% (76) 386Relig: Something Else 38% (70) 33% (6) 29% (54) 85Relig: Jewish 59% (38) 30% (9) % (7) 64Relig: Evangelical 39% (293) 42% (39) 9% (45) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 2% (69) 63% (209) 6% (52) 330Relig: All Christian 33% (362) 49% (528) 8% (97) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 28% (58) 46% (96) 26% (54) 209Community: Urban 48% (20) 32% (40) 20% (89) 440Community: Suburban 38% (365) 43% (407) 9% (79) 95Community: Rural 29% (73) 49% (295) 22% (32) 600Employ: Private Sector 37% (223) 46% (276) 7% (04) 603Employ: Government 29% (46) 5% (79) 9% (30) 55Employ: Self-Employed 33% (63) 44% (84) 23% (45) 9Employ: Homemaker 37% (55) 38% (57) 24% (36) 48Employ: Student 57% (44) 27% (2) 7% (3) 77Employ: Retired 4% (97) 44% (208) 5% (73) 477Employ: Unemployed 37% (55) 38% (57) 25% (37) 49Employ: Other 35% (67) 32% (62) 33% (63) 9Military HH: Yes 30% (09) 54% (94) 5% (55) 358Military HH: No 39% (639) 40% (649) 2% (345) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 2% (96) 7% (558) 6% (28) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 54% (652) 24% (284) 23% (272) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL1_10

Table POL1_10: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Gun policy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (749) 42% (842) 20% (400) 99Trump Job Approve 9% (82) 76% (684) 4% (29) 895Trump Job Disapprove 65% (662) 4% (4) 2% (27) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 5% (25) 87% (428) 8% (37) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (57) 63% (257) 23% (92) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 35% (84) 29% (70) 36% (85) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 74% (579) 9% (70) 7% (32) 78Favorable of Trump 7% (64) 78% (668) 5% (29) 860Unfavorable of Trump 64% (655) 5% (55) 2% (22) 022Very Favorable of Trump 4% (20) 88% (447) 8% (40) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 2% (44) 62% (22) 25% (89) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 29% (6) 37% (79) 35% (74) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 73% (593) 9% (76) 7% (38) 808#1 Issue: Economy 36% (94) 4% (223) 23% (22) 539#1 Issue: Security 2% (49) 79% (326) 9% (38) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 5% (7) 27% (89) 22% (72) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 46% (34) 33% (94) 2% (6) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 50% (5) 30% (3) 9% (20) 0#1 Issue: Education 47% (60) 26% (34) 27% (35) 29#1 Issue: Energy 6% (48) 9% (5) 20% (6) 78#1 Issue: Other 39% (42) 28% (3) 33% (36) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 75% (562) % (83) 4% (08) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 8% (56) 8% (587) 2% (85) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 8% (8) 30% (3) 53% (55) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 28% () 35% (40) 37% (48) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 75% (498) 9% (6) 5% (0) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 8% (6) 80% (573) 2% (83) 772016 Vote: Someone else 28% (53) 38% (7) 33% (62) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 32% (36) 32% (35) 36% (53) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 40% (546) 44% (62) 6% (223) 38Voted in 2014: No 33% (203) 38% (230) 29% (77) 60

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Table POL1_10

Table POL1_10: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Gun policy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (749) 42% (842) 20% (400) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 65% (537) 8% (47) 7% (40) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 9% (5) 79% (452) 2% (70) 5732012 Vote: Other 7% (5) 56% (43) 37% (29) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 30% (55) 39% (200) 3% (6) 554-Region: Northeast 47% (68) 3% (2) 2% (75) 3554-Region: Midwest 38% (72) 43% (96) 20% (90) 4574-Region: South 30% (227) 49% (367) 20% (49) 7434-Region: West 42% (82) 39% (68) 20% (85) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL1_11

Table POL1_11: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Protecting Medicare and Social Security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (906) 34% (683) 20% (403) 99Gender: Male 44% (406) 38% (35) 9% (74) 932Gender: Female 47% (499) 3% (332) 22% (228) 059Age: 18-29 48% (7) 28% (00) 25% (89) 360Age: 30-44 47% (207) 32% (42) 2% (94) 443Age: 45-54 38% (33) 35% (20) 27% (92) 345Age: 55-64 49% (85) 35% (33) 6% (62) 380Age: 65+ 45% (209) 4% (88) 4% (66) 463Generation Z: 18-21 57% (58) 28% (28) 5% (5) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 45% (226) 30% (54) 25% (26) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 42% (25) 33% (68) 25% (29) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 45% (333) 39% (287) 6% (9) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 84% (573) 6% (40) 0% (68) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 40% (258) 24% (55) 36% (236) 648PID: Rep (no lean) % (75) 74% (489) 5% (99) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 82% (227) 7% (20) 0% (28) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 85% (346) 5% (9) 0% (40) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 40% (38) 27% (93) 33% () 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 39% (9) 20% (62) 4% (24) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 3% (4) 76% (238) % (35) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 0% (34) 72% (250) 8% (64) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 76% (487) 4% (89) 0% (67) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 55% (23) 2% (86) 25% (04) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 7% (25) 65% (470) 8% (29) 724Educ: < College 42% (53) 35% (434) 23% (287) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 48% (225) 36% (68) 6% (77) 47Educ: Post-grad 56% (49) 30% (80) 4% (38) 268

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Table POL1_11

Table POL1_11: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Protecting Medicare and Social Security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (906) 34% (683) 20% (403) 99Income: Under 50k 46% (506) 32% (347) 22% (237) 09Income: 50k-100k 44% (275) 37% (233) 20% (23) 63Income: 100k+ 46% (24) 38% (03) 6% (42) 268Ethnicity: White 4% (655) 39% (632) 20% (323) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 58% (2) 25% (47) 7% (33) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 7% (80) 0% (24) 9% (48) 252Ethnicity: Other 55% (70) 20% (26) 25% (32) 28Relig: Protestant 39% (200) 45% (23) 7% (85) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 42% (62) 43% (65) 5% (59) 386Relig: Something Else 49% (90) 25% (45) 27% (49) 85Relig: Jewish 67% (42) 26% (6) 8% (5) 64Relig: Evangelical 47% (356) 35% (264) 8% (37) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 29% (97) 54% (77) 7% (56) 330Relig: All Christian 42% (453) 4% (442) 8% (93) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 36% (76) 37% (78) 26% (54) 209Community: Urban 55% (24) 27% (7) 9% (8) 440Community: Suburban 46% (435) 36% (339) 9% (77) 95Community: Rural 38% (230) 38% (226) 24% (44) 600Employ: Private Sector 45% (273) 37% (226) 7% (04) 603Employ: Government 48% (74) 30% (46) 22% (34) 55Employ: Self-Employed 40% (77) 33% (62) 27% (52) 9Employ: Homemaker 44% (65) 35% (52) 2% (3) 48Employ: Student 62% (48) 23% (8) 5% () 77Employ: Retired 47% (223) 38% (83) 5% (70) 477Employ: Unemployed 44% (65) 30% (45) 26% (39) 49Employ: Other 42% (80) 26% (50) 32% (6) 9Military HH: Yes 39% (39) 43% (55) 8% (64) 358Military HH: No 47% (767) 32% (528) 2% (338) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (28) 65% (506) 9% (49) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 64% (778) 5% (77) 2% (254) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL1_11

Table POL1_11: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Protecting Medicare and Social Security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (906) 34% (683) 20% (403) 99Trump Job Approve 4% (28) 66% (594) 9% (74) 895Trump Job Disapprove 75% (762) 8% (80) 7% (78) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (33) 82% (402) % (55) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 23% (95) 47% (92) 29% (9) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 48% (5) 7% (40) 35% (85) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 83% (647) 5% (4) 2% (93) 78Favorable of Trump 2% (05) 68% (587) 9% (68) 860Unfavorable of Trump 75% (767) 7% (75) 8% (80) 022Very Favorable of Trump 7% (36) 82% (43) % (57) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 20% (69) 49% (74) 3% (0) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 47% (0) 9% (40) 34% (74) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 83% (666) 4% (35) 3% (06) 808#1 Issue: Economy 45% (24) 3% (67) 24% (3) 539#1 Issue: Security 7% (7) 70% (287) 3% (55) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 59% (96) 20% (67) 2% (70) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 53% (52) 30% (87) 7% (50) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 63% (63) 20% (2) 7% (7) 0#1 Issue: Education 57% (74) 8% (23) 25% (32) 29#1 Issue: Energy 66% (52) 4% () 20% (5) 78#1 Issue: Other 52% (57) 9% (2) 29% (3) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 86% (650) 5% (36) 9% (68) 7532018 House Vote: Republican % (84) 72% (522) 7% (22) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 24% (25) 20% (2) 56% (58) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 36% (45) 26% (04) 38% (50) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 85% (563) 5% (35) 0% (64) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 2% (86) 7% (506) 7% (25) 772016 Vote: Someone else 43% (80) 20% (37) 37% (70) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (75) 25% (04) 34% (44) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 47% (652) 37% (504) 6% (224) 38Voted in 2014: No 42% (254) 29% (78) 29% (78) 60

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Table POL1_11

Table POL1_11: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Protecting Medicare and Social Security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (906) 34% (683) 20% (403) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 75% (622) 2% (00) 2% (03) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (7) 68% (392) 9% (0) 5732012 Vote: Other 9% (5) 37% (28) 44% (34) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 38% (97) 3% (62) 30% (56) 554-Region: Northeast 5% (82) 30% (07) 9% (66) 3554-Region: Midwest 46% (208) 33% (49) 22% (00) 4574-Region: South 39% (292) 40% (298) 2% (52) 7434-Region: West 5% (222) 30% (29) 9% (84) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_1

Table POL2_1: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a healthcare reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 53% (057) 26% (526) 8% (67) 4% (73) 8% (68) 99Gender: Male 49% (460) 29% (273) 0% (9) 4% (34) 8% (74) 932Gender: Female 56% (598) 24% (254) 7% (76) 4% (38) 9% (94) 059Age: 18-29 38% (36) 29% (03) % (40) 4% (6) 8% (66) 360Age: 30-44 50% (222) 28% (24) 0% (45) 3% (5) 8% (37) 443Age: 45-54 53% (82) 29% (00) 6% (20) 4% (5) 8% (28) 345Age: 55-64 6% (230) 24% (92) 7% (28) 3% () 5% (9) 380Age: 65+ 62% (287) 23% (08) 7% (34) 3% (5) 4% (9) 463Generation Z: 18-21 35% (36) 33% (33) 3% (3) 7% (7) 2% (2) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 44% (222) 29% (48) 0% (50) 3% (7) 4% (69) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 52% (265) 27% (39) 8% (40) 4% (2) 9% (47) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 6% (447) 24% (8) 7% (53) 3% (23) 5% (35) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 60% (4) 22% (52) 7% (48) 4% (27) 6% (42) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 50% (326) 23% (5) % (70) 3% (2) 2% (80) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 48% (320) 34% (223) 7% (49) 4% (25) 7% (45) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 60% (66) 20% (56) 7% (2) 6% (6) 6% (6) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 60% (244) 24% (96) 7% (28) 3% () 7% (26) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 45% (55) 28% (94) 2% (40) 3% () 2% (42) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 56% (7) 9% (57) 0% (30) 3% (0) 2% (38) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 44% (38) 39% (22) 0% (3) 2% (7) 5% (6) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 52% (82) 29% (0) 5% (8) 5% (7) 8% (30) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 58% (37) 23% (47) 8% (54) 5% (3) 6% (39) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 59% (250) 22% (9) 8% (35) 2% () 8% (35) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 49% (353) 34% (246) 9% (65) 3% (22) 5% (38) 724Educ: < College 54% (674) 25% (308) 7% (93) 4% (44) % (33) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 50% (237) 30% (43) % (50) 4% (8) 5% (22) 47Educ: Post-grad 55% (46) 28% (75) 9% (24) 4% (0) 5% (2) 268

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Table POL2_1

Table POL2_1: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a healthcare reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 53% (057) 26% (526) 8% (67) 4% (73) 8% (68) 99Income: Under 50k 55% (597) 23% (248) 8% (83) 4% (4) % (23) 09Income: 50k-100k 52% (327) 30% (9) 9% (57) 4% (25) 5% (3) 63Income: 100k+ 50% (33) 33% (88) 0% (27) 2% (7) 5% (4) 268Ethnicity: White 54% (865) 28% (449) 8% (28) 3% (55) 7% (4) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 49% (94) 23% (45) 9% (7) 6% (2) 3% (25) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 54% (37) 8% (45) 0% (25) 5% (2) 3% (33) 252Ethnicity: Other 43% (55) 25% (32) % (4) 5% (6) 6% (2) 28Relig: Protestant 57% (292) 28% (43) 9% (48) 2% () 4% (22) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 56% (26) 26% (00) 7% (26) 4% (5) 8% (29) 386Relig: Something Else 44% (8) 30% (56) 0% (8) % (3) 5% (28) 85Relig: Jewish 64% (4) 22% (4) 8% (5) 3% (2) 2% () 64Relig: Evangelical 54% (40) 26% (98) 9% (65) 3% (20) 9% (64) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 54% (78) 3% (0) 8% (27) 3% (0) 4% (4) 330Relig: All Christian 54% (589) 27% (299) 8% (92) 3% (29) 7% (79) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 49% (0) 3% (64) 5% () 3% (6) 2% (26) 209Community: Urban 53% (234) 24% (07) 9% (4) 4% (9) 9% (39) 440Community: Suburban 54% (53) 28% (267) 8% (73) 3% (28) 7% (70) 95Community: Rural 52% (30) 25% (53) 9% (53) 4% (26) 0% (59) 600Employ: Private Sector 5% (30) 3% (86) 9% (54) 4% (25) 5% (28) 603Employ: Government 50% (78) 28% (43) 2% (9) 5% (8) 4% (6) 55Employ: Self-Employed 44% (84) 27% (52) 0% (9) 4% (8) 5% (29) 9Employ: Homemaker 52% (76) 23% (35) 9% (4) 2% (3) 4% (20) 48Employ: Student 46% (35) 33% (25) 8% (6) 4% (3) 0% (8) 77Employ: Retired 63% (303) 23% (0) 6% (30) 3% (3) 4% (2) 477Employ: Unemployed 5% (76) 2% (3) 7% (0) 5% (8) 6% (24) 49Employ: Other 50% (95) 23% (44) 8% (5) 2% (4) 7% (32) 9Military HH: Yes 55% (99) 28% (99) 7% (26) 3% (2) 6% (22) 358Military HH: No 53% (858) 26% (427) 9% (4) 4% (6) 9% (46) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_1

Table POL2_1: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a healthcare reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 53% (057) 26% (526) 8% (67) 4% (73) 8% (68) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 48% (375) 3% (240) 9% (70) 4% (28) 9% (69) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 56% (682) 24% (286) 8% (97) 4% (45) 8% (99) 209Trump Job Approve 49% (436) 32% (282) 9% (79) 4% (36) 7% (62) 895Trump Job Disapprove 58% (593) 23% (236) 8% (8) 3% (36) 7% (75) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 5% (25) 30% (47) 9% (46) 3% (5) 6% (30) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 45% (85) 33% (35) 8% (33) 5% (2) 8% (32) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 48% (6) 3% (73) 8% (9) 2% (4) % (27) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 6% (477) 2% (62) 8% (62) 4% (3) 6% (48) 78Favorable of Trump 49% (42) 33% (282) 9% (75) 3% (29) 6% (54) 860Unfavorable of Trump 58% (596) 22% (229) 8% (84) 4% (40) 7% (73) 022Very Favorable of Trump 5% (257) 3% (56) 9% (47) 3% (6) 6% (3) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 46% (64) 36% (26) 8% (29) 3% (2) 7% (23) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 50% (07) 26% (57) 0% (22) 3% (7) 0% (22) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 6% (489) 2% (72) 8% (63) 4% (33) 6% (5) 808#1 Issue: Economy 50% (269) 30% (62) 8% (42) 4% (2) 8% (45) 539#1 Issue: Security 46% (88) 35% (43) 9% (39) 4% (5) 7% (28) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 7% (236) 3% (43) 5% (7) 3% (9) 8% (27) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 65% (89) 20% (58) 6% (7) 3% (9) 6% (6) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 44% (44) 30% (3) 9% (9) 7% (7) 0% (0) 0#1 Issue: Education 35% (46) 33% (42) 4% (8) 4% (5) 5% (9) 29#1 Issue: Energy 38% (30) 3% (24) 5% (2) 7% (5) 9% (7) 78#1 Issue: Other 5% (55) 2% (23) 3% (4) % () 5% (6) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 60% (455) 22% (68) 8% (63) 4% (28) 5% (39) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 5% (368) 34% (245) 8% (58) 4% (28) 4% (30) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 46% (48) 23% (24) 0% () 3% (3) 8% (8) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 46% (85) 22% (87) 9% (35) 4% (4) 20% (78) 400

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Table POL2_1

Table POL2_1: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a healthcare reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 53% (057) 26% (526) 8% (67) 4% (73) 8% (68) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 6% (405) 22% (48) 6% (42) 4% (27) 6% (38) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 49% (353) 32% (232) 9% (67) 3% (24) 6% (40) 772016 Vote: Someone else 57% (06) 24% (45) % (2) 2% (3) 7% (3) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 45% (9) 24% (02) 9% (37) 4% (7) 8% (77) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 56% (779) 27% (374) 8% (3) 4% (49) 5% (66) 38Voted in 2014: No 46% (278) 25% (52) 9% (54) 4% (24) 7% (02) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 60% (496) 22% (8) 8% (63) 4% (3) 6% (53) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 52% (300) 33% (87) 8% (43) 3% (9) 4% (25) 5732012 Vote: Other 37% (29) 40% (30) 4% () 3% (2) 7% (5) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 45% (232) 25% (28) 0% (50) 4% (2) 6% (84) 554-Region: Northeast 56% (98) 25% (89) 8% (28) 4% (3) 8% (28) 3554-Region: Midwest 5% (234) 27% (25) 9% (40) 4% (9) 8% (38) 4574-Region: South 53% (397) 25% (90) 9% (66) 3% (24) 9% (67) 7434-Region: West 53% (229) 28% (22) 8% (33) 4% (7) 8% (34) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_2

Table POL2_2: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to address climate change

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 35% (704) 24% (484) 8% (365) 3% (265) 9% (73) 99Gender: Male 34% (35) 23% (24) 8% (7) 8% (64) 7% (69) 932Gender: Female 37% (390) 26% (270) 8% (93) 0% (02) 0% (04) 059Age: 18-29 43% (55) 2% (75) 4% (52) 9% (3) 3% (47) 360Age: 30-44 34% (50) 25% (2) 9% (84) % (50) % (47) 443Age: 45-54 32% (09) 30% (04) 6% (56) 5% (5) 8% (26) 345Age: 55-64 33% (25) 23% (88) 2% (80) 6% (6) 7% (26) 380Age: 65+ 36% (65) 23% (05) 20% (93) 6% (72) 6% (28) 463Generation Z: 18-21 5% (52) 9% (20) 8% (8) 7% (7) 5% (6) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 38% (9) 23% (4) 6% (8) % (56) 3% (64) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 32% (62) 29% (48) 7% (87) 3% (67) 9% (48) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 33% (246) 23% (70) 2% (55) 6% (8) 7% (50) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 56% (383) 25% (73) 0% (67) 3% (23) 5% (35) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 34% (28) 23% (52) 7% (3) 2% (77) 4% (89) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (04) 24% (59) 28% (85) 25% (65) 7% (49) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 57% (56) 23% (64) 0% (28) 5% (3) 5% (5) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 56% (227) 27% (09) 0% (39) 3% () 5% (20) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 29% (99) 26% (89) 7% (57) 6% (55) 2% (42) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 39% (9) 2% (63) 8% (55) 7% (22) 5% (47) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (60) 9% (6) 27% (86) 3% (96) 4% (2) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 3% (44) 28% (99) 28% (99) 20% (69) % (37) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 58% (373) 24% (53) 9% (58) 3% (22) 6% (37) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 38% (60) 28% (9) 7% (73) 8% (33) 9% (36) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 6% (8) 23% (69) 28% (99) 27% (99) 5% (39) 724Educ: < College 33% (49) 23% (289) 9% (24) 2% (56) 2% (47) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 37% (73) 27% (29) 9% (89) 4% (64) 3% (6) 47Educ: Post-grad 42% (3) 24% (65) 3% (36) 7% (45) 4% (9) 268

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Table POL2_2

Table POL2_2: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to address climate change

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 35% (704) 24% (484) 8% (365) 3% (265) 9% (73) 99Income: Under 50k 36% (394) 23% (248) 8% (200) % (22) 2% (27) 09Income: 50k-100k 35% (222) 25% (58) 9% (9) 6% (0) 5% (3) 63Income: 100k+ 33% (88) 29% (78) 7% (46) 6% (42) 5% (5) 268Ethnicity: White 35% (556) 24% (393) 9% (34) 4% (230) 7% (7) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 34% (66) 27% (52) 5% (30) % (2) 2% (24) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 38% (95) 24% (6) 4% (35) 8% (2) 6% (4) 252Ethnicity: Other 4% (53) 23% (30) 2% (6) % (4) 2% (6) 28Relig: Protestant 28% (47) 26% (33) 22% (2) 20% (05) 4% (2) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 34% (33) 26% (0) 9% (73) 3% (50) 8% (29) 386Relig: Something Else 38% (7) 27% (50) 7% (32) 8% (5) 9% (7) 85Relig: Jewish 52% (33) 2% (3) 4% (9) 0% (6) 3% (2) 64Relig: Evangelical 36% (276) 26% (96) 9% (43) 2% (92) 7% (5) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 23% (75) 26% (87) 22% (74) 24% (78) 5% (7) 330Relig: All Christian 32% (350) 26% (283) 20% (26) 6% (70) 6% (68) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 26% (55) 23% (47) 6% (34) 8% (37) 7% (36) 209Community: Urban 43% (89) 23% (0) 5% (68) 9% (39) 9% (42) 440Community: Suburban 36% (339) 26% (243) 8% (74) 4% (33) 7% (63) 95Community: Rural 29% (76) 23% (39) 2% (23) 6% (93) % (68) 600Employ: Private Sector 33% (99) 30% (78) 8% (09) 3% (8) 6% (35) 603Employ: Government 33% (52) 24% (37) 9% (30) 8% (28) 5% (8) 55Employ: Self-Employed 36% (69) 20% (39) 5% (29) 5% (28) 4% (26) 9Employ: Homemaker 32% (47) 24% (35) 20% (30) 2% (8) 3% (9) 48Employ: Student 60% (47) 9% (4) 7% (3) — (0) 4% (3) 77Employ: Retired 37% (77) 22% (06) 2% (00) 4% (68) 6% (27) 477Employ: Unemployed 40% (60) 9% (29) 4% (20) 2% (8) 5% (22) 49Employ: Other 29% (55) 24% (46) 8% (34) 3% (24) 7% (33) 9Military HH: Yes 30% (07) 24% (84) 9% (68) 2% (75) 7% (24) 358Military HH: No 37% (598) 24% (400) 8% (296) 2% (90) 9% (49) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_2

Table POL2_2: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to address climate change

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 35% (704) 24% (484) 8% (365) 3% (265) 9% (73) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (29) 23% (77) 27% (2) 24% (9) 9% (74) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 48% (576) 25% (307) 3% (53) 6% (74) 8% (99) 209Trump Job Approve 6% (4) 24% (2) 28% (249) 24% (29) 8% (75) 895Trump Job Disapprove 54% (554) 26% (264) 0% (03) 4% (38) 6% (6) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (64) 8% (90) 26% (25) 35% (72) 8% (38) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 9% (77) 30% (2) 3% (24) 2% (47) 9% (37) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 36% (87) 29% (70) 8% (42) 8% (9) 9% (22) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 60% (467) 25% (94) 8% (60) 2% (9) 5% (40) 78Favorable of Trump 6% (39) 23% (95) 29% (249) 25% (25) 7% (63) 860Unfavorable of Trump 53% (537) 27% (277) % (08) 4% (43) 6% (57) 022Very Favorable of Trump 6% (79) 7% (88) 27% (37) 33% (69) 7% (34) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 7% (60) 30% (07) 32% (2) 3% (46) 8% (29) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 32% (68) 34% (72) 6% (34) 7% (5) % (24) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 58% (469) 25% (204) 9% (74) 3% (28) 4% (32) 808#1 Issue: Economy 3% (67) 26% (4) 2% (3) 3% (72) 9% (46) 539#1 Issue: Security 6% (66) 24% (97) 26% (06) 29% (9) 6% (24) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 43% (43) 29% (96) % (37) 6% (2) % (36) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 39% (2) 26% (77) 20% (56) 7% (20) 8% (23) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 45% (45) 25% (25) 5% (5) 8% (8) 7% (7) 0#1 Issue: Education 43% (55) 23% (29) 7% (22) 4% (5) 3% (7) 29#1 Issue: Energy 83% (65) 7% (6) 4% (3) 4% (3) 2% (2) 78#1 Issue: Other 47% (5) 2% (3) % () 6% (7) 5% (6) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 60% (45) 24% (83) 0% (74) 2% (6) 4% (29) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 6% (6) 24% (78) 28% (203) 27% (94) 5% (37) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 28% (30) 7% (7) 2% (22) % () 23% (24) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 27% (06) 26% (05) 6% (64) % (44) 20% (80) 400

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Table POL2_2

Table POL2_2: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to address climate change

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 35% (704) 24% (484) 8% (365) 3% (265) 9% (73) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 59% (39) 26% (69) 7% (48) 3% (20) 5% (33) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (00) 23% (66) 30% (22) 27% (93) 6% (46) 772016 Vote: Someone else 39% (73) 24% (45) 8% (33) 9% (6) % (2) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 33% (39) 25% (04) 7% (72) 8% (36) 7% (74) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 37% (5) 25% (339) 8% (249) 5% (20) 6% (8) 38Voted in 2014: No 32% (93) 24% (45) 9% (6) % (64) 5% (92) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 54% (445) 25% (207) 2% (99) 3% (29) 5% (44) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (69) 24% (36) 30% (70) 30% (69) 5% (29) 5732012 Vote: Other 24% (8) 7% (3) 9% (5) 2% (6) 9% (4) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 33% (7) 25% (28) 6% (8) 0% (50) 6% (85) 554-Region: Northeast 40% (42) 24% (84) 6% (56) % (39) 9% (34) 3554-Region: Midwest 35% (60) 25% (5) 20% (9) 2% (54) 8% (38) 4574-Region: South 30% (224) 25% (84) 9% (43) 7% (23) 9% (69) 7434-Region: West 4% (78) 23% (00) 7% (75) % (49) 7% (32) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_3

Table POL2_3: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to reduce economic inequality

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (62) 28% (556) 8% (353) 2% (245) % (27) 99Gender: Male 30% (276) 27% (25) 9% (76) 6% (46) 9% (83) 932Gender: Female 33% (344) 29% (305) 7% (77) 9% (98) 3% (34) 059Age: 18-29 35% (27) 26% (95) 5% (56) 6% (20) 7% (63) 360Age: 30-44 33% (45) 28% (25) 7% (74) 0% (45) 2% (53) 443Age: 45-54 34% (6) 27% (94) 9% (65) 2% (40) 9% (30) 345Age: 55-64 26% (00) 29% (09) 8% (69) 6% (60) % (42) 380Age: 65+ 29% (33) 29% (33) 9% (89) 7% (79) 6% (29) 463Generation Z: 18-21 40% (40) 24% (24) 20% (20) 5% (5) 2% (2) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 35% (75) 27% (38) 4% (72) 8% (38) 6% (82) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 32% (62) 28% (45) 9% (97) 2% (6) 9% (47) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 27% (200) 28% (20) 9% (44) 6% (8) 9% (68) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 49% (336) 29% (200) 0% (69) 3% (24) 8% (52) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 28% (78) 28% (83) 8% (5) 3% (8) 4% (90) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (06) 26% (74) 25% (69) 2% (40) % (74) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 48% (33) 28% (77) % (29) 5% (3) 8% (23) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 50% (203) 30% (23) 0% (40) 3% (0) 7% (29) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (90) 26% (90) 9% (65) 5% (53) 3% (45) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 29% (88) 30% (93) 6% (50) 9% (29) 5% (46) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 7% (53) 27% (84) 26% (82) 26% (80) 5% (5) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (53) 26% (90) 25% (87) 7% (59) 7% (59) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 50% (323) 30% (92) 2% (76) 2% (2) 6% (40) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 29% (22) 37% (57) 6% (68) 7% (3) 0% (44) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 6% (5) 23% (65) 27% (92) 26% (89) 9% (63) 724Educ: < College 3% (390) 28% (354) 6% (203) 0% (30) 4% (75) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 30% (42) 25% (6) 23% (09) 5% (72) 7% (32) 47Educ: Post-grad 33% (88) 32% (87) 5% (4) 6% (43) 3% (9) 268

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Table POL2_3

Table POL2_3: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to reduce economic inequality

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (62) 28% (556) 8% (353) 2% (245) % (27) 99Income: Under 50k 34% (370) 27% (294) 5% (65) 9% (99) 5% (63) 09Income: 50k-100k 29% (86) 29% (8) 20% (27) 5% (95) 7% (43) 63Income: 100k+ 24% (65) 30% (80) 23% (6) 9% (5) 4% (2) 268Ethnicity: White 28% (458) 29% (467) 9% (309) 4% (223) 0% (54) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 36% (70) 27% (53) 4% (27) 8% (6) 4% (27) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 48% (2) 22% (56) 9% (23) 5% (2) 6% (40) 252Ethnicity: Other 33% (42) 26% (33) 6% (2) 7% (0) 8% (23) 28Relig: Protestant 25% (27) 28% (44) 24% (22) 8% (9) 6% (33) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 3% (8) 27% (06) 9% (74) 2% (47) % (4) 386Relig: Something Else 37% (68) 27% (5) 2% (22) 9% (7) 5% (27) 85Relig: Jewish 43% (28) 29% (8) 2% (8) 2% (7) 4% (3) 64Relig: Evangelical 3% (235) 28% (20) 9% (44) 2% (93) 0% (76) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 24% (78) 27% (90) 23% (75) 9% (62) 8% (26) 330Relig: All Christian 29% (33) 28% (300) 20% (29) 4% (55) 9% (02) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 30% (63) 27% (56) 3% (27) 2% (25) 8% (38) 209Community: Urban 44% (93) 22% (96) 6% (70) 7% (3) % (48) 440Community: Suburban 29% (280) 30% (28) 8% (72) 4% (37) 9% (8) 95Community: Rural 24% (47) 30% (78) 9% () 3% (77) 5% (87) 600Employ: Private Sector 32% (93) 27% (64) 20% (22) 3% (79) 8% (45) 603Employ: Government 27% (42) 29% (45) 22% (34) 5% (23) 7% (0) 55Employ: Self-Employed 28% (54) 27% (52) 4% (26) 4% (27) 6% (3) 9Employ: Homemaker 24% (35) 32% (47) 6% (24) 9% (3) 9% (28) 48Employ: Student 48% (37) 22% (7) 3% (0) 5% (4) % (8) 77Employ: Retired 29% (40) 30% (4) 8% (87) 6% (76) 7% (33) 477Employ: Unemployed 42% (62) 22% (33) 3% (20) 5% (7) 8% (27) 49Employ: Other 30% (57) 29% (56) 6% (30) 8% (5) 7% (33) 9Military HH: Yes 27% (98) 28% (99) 9% (69) 9% (69) 7% (24) 358Military HH: No 32% (523) 28% (457) 7% (284) % (75) 2% (93) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_3

Table POL2_3: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to reduce economic inequality

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (62) 28% (556) 8% (353) 2% (245) % (27) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 8% (44) 26% (203) 23% (78) 2% (6) 2% (96) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 39% (477) 29% (353) 4% (75) 7% (84) 0% (2) 209Trump Job Approve 7% (54) 26% (236) 24% (26) 22% (98) 0% (93) 895Trump Job Disapprove 45% (457) 3% (32) 3% (30) 4% (38) 8% (84) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (85) 24% (5) 23% (4) 26% (27) 0% (48) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 7% (69) 30% (20) 25% (02) 7% (7) % (44) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 26% (6) 34% (82) 2% (50) 7% (7) 2% (28) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 5% (396) 29% (230) 0% (79) 3% (2) 7% (55) 78Favorable of Trump 7% (44) 26% (22) 25% (23) 23% (95) 0% (86) 860Unfavorable of Trump 45% (458) 3% (35) 3% (30) 4% (44) 7% (74) 022Very Favorable of Trump 8% (92) 23% (8) 24% (23) 24% (23) 0% (5) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 5% (52) 29% (04) 26% (9) 20% (72) 0% (35) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 26% (55) 35% (76) 2% (46) 8% (7) 0% (2) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 50% (403) 30% (239) 0% (85) 3% (27) 7% (54) 808#1 Issue: Economy 3% (69) 27% (46) 9% (04) 3% (7) 9% (50) 539#1 Issue: Security 6% (67) 25% (0) 23% (97) 26% (09) 9% (39) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 33% () 34% (4) 3% (42) 7% (23) 3% (43) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 37% (08) 30% (87) 6% (47) 6% (8) 0% (30) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 39% (39) 30% (30) 6% (6) 3% (3) 3% (3) 0#1 Issue: Education 40% (52) 28% (36) 0% (3) 6% (7) 6% (2) 29#1 Issue: Energy 44% (35) 27% (2) 22% (8) % () 6% (4) 78#1 Issue: Other 37% (40) 20% (22) 5% (7) 3% (4) 5% (6) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 47% (354) 32% (243) % (85) 4% (28) 6% (44) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 7% (2) 26% (87) 25% (82) 24% (78) 8% (6) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 23% (24) 24% (25) 24% (25) 9% (9) 20% (2) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 30% (2) 25% (00) 5% (6) 8% (30) 22% (87) 400

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Table POL2_3

Table POL2_3: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to reduce economic inequality

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (62) 28% (556) 8% (353) 2% (245) % (27) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 48% (35) 32% (24) % (72) 2% (5) 7% (44) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (0) 26% (88) 26% (87) 25% (78) 9% (63) 772016 Vote: Someone else 3% (59) 28% (52) 8% (33) % (2) 2% (22) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 34% (45) 24% (00) 4% (60) 7% (3) 2% (88) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 3% (432) 29% (402) 8% (255) 4% (95) 7% (97) 38Voted in 2014: No 3% (89) 25% (55) 6% (98) 8% (49) 20% (20) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 43% (358) 33% (274) 2% (99) 4% (29) 8% (64) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 4% (80) 24% (37) 28% (58) 28% (60) 7% (38) 5732012 Vote: Other 9% (4) 26% (20) 8% (4) 2% (6) 6% (3) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 32% (67) 24% (25) 6% (82) 8% (39) 20% (02) 554-Region: Northeast 33% (7) 3% (0) 5% (52) 9% (32) 2% (44) 3554-Region: Midwest 3% (4) 26% (20) 20% (92) 2% (53) % (52) 4574-Region: South 30% (224) 27% (98) 9% (40) 3% (99) % (83) 7434-Region: West 32% (38) 30% (29) 6% (69) 4% (60) 9% (38) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_4

Table POL2_4: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an infrastructure spending bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 39% (778) 34% (680) 2% (230) 3% (56) 2% (247) 99Gender: Male 44% (4) 32% (302) % (06) 3% (26) 9% (87) 932Gender: Female 35% (367) 36% (378) 2% (24) 3% (30) 5% (60) 059Age: 18-29 26% (95) 27% (97) 8% (66) 6% (20) 23% (82) 360Age: 30-44 34% (50) 37% (63) 3% (56) 2% (8) 5% (65) 443Age: 45-54 39% (34) 38% (32) 9% (3) 3% () % (37) 345Age: 55-64 44% (66) 33% (27) % (43) 2% (6) 0% (38) 380Age: 65+ 5% (234) 35% (6) 7% (34) 2% (0) 5% (25) 463Generation Z: 18-21 24% (24) 27% (28) 24% (24) 0% () 4% (5) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 3% (59) 30% (54) 5% (75) 3% (6) 20% (02) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 36% (86) 38% (97) 0% (53) 2% (2) 3% (64) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 46% (337) 35% (258) 0% (7) 2% () 8% (62) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 45% (309) 3% (20) % (74) 2% (6) % (73) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 37% (237) 30% (95) 3% (82) 4% (24) 7% (09) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 35% (233) 4% (275) % (74) 2% (7) 0% (65) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 48% (3) 27% (74) 3% (36) 2% (5) 0% (28) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 44% (77) 34% (36) 9% (37) 3% (0) % (45) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 42% (45) 27% (93) 2% (4) 4% (5) 4% (47) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 30% (92) 33% (02) 3% (4) 3% (8) 20% (62) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 43% (34) 43% (35) 9% (28) 2% (5) 4% (2) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 28% (98) 40% (40) 3% (45) 3% () 5% (53) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 44% (286) 32% (204) 2% (75) 4% (23) 9% (55) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 38% (59) 36% (53) 2% (5) 2% (9) 2% (49) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 39% (279) 40% (289) % (79) 2% (6) 8% (6) 724Educ: < College 38% (473) 32% (395) 2% (49) 3% (34) 6% (20) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 40% (90) 39% (82) 2% (56) 2% () 7% (32) 47Educ: Post-grad 43% (5) 38% (03) 9% (25) 4% () 5% (4) 268

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Table POL2_4

Table POL2_4: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an infrastructure spending bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 39% (778) 34% (680) 2% (230) 3% (56) 2% (247) 99Income: Under 50k 37% (400) 3% (343) 2% (26) 3% (35) 7% (87) 09Income: 50k-100k 4% (259) 37% (236) 2% (74) 2% (3) 8% (50) 63Income: 100k+ 44% (9) 37% (00) % (30) 3% (8) 4% () 268Ethnicity: White 40% (649) 36% (580) % (73) 2% (33) % (76) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 28% (55) 3% (59) 9% (38) 6% (2) 5% (30) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 33% (84) 27% (69) 4% (35) 7% (7) 9% (47) 252Ethnicity: Other 35% (45) 24% (3) 7% (22) 5% (6) 9% (24) 28Relig: Protestant 44% (229) 36% (86) 2% (6) 2% (0) 6% (3) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 39% (5) 38% (48) 0% (40) 2% (7) 0% (39) 386Relig: Something Else 37% (68) 36% (67) 8% (4) 2% (5) 7% (32) 85Relig: Jewish 4% (26) 36% (23) 2% (8) 2% (2) 9% (6) 64Relig: Evangelical 40% (304) 37% (28) % (82) 2% (4) 0% (77) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 44% (45) 36% (9) 0% (33) 3% (8) 7% (24) 330Relig: All Christian 4% (449) 37% (400) % (5) 2% (22) 9% (02) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 35% (72) 28% (58) 3% (28) 3% (5) 22% (45) 209Community: Urban 4% (80) 33% (46) 0% (45) 2% (9) 4% (60) 440Community: Suburban 40% (378) 36% (344) 2% (5) 2% (2) 0% (93) 95Community: Rural 37% (22) 32% (90) 2% (70) 4% (26) 6% (94) 600Employ: Private Sector 36% (29) 39% (234) 2% (7) 3% (6) 0% (63) 603Employ: Government 34% (52) 43% (67) 4% (22) 3% (5) 5% (8) 55Employ: Self-Employed 38% (74) 32% (60) 2% (22) 3% (6) 5% (29) 9Employ: Homemaker 3% (46) 33% (50) 2% (7) 4% (6) 20% (30) 48Employ: Student 27% (2) 27% (2) 26% (20) 4% (3) 7% (3) 77Employ: Retired 53% (252) 32% (55) 7% (33) 2% (9) 6% (28) 477Employ: Unemployed 40% (59) 24% (36) 2% (8) 4% (5) 20% (30) 49Employ: Other 29% (56) 30% (57) 4% (26) 3% (5) 24% (46) 9Military HH: Yes 43% (53) 36% (30) % (4) 3% () 7% (24) 358Military HH: No 38% (625) 34% (550) 2% (89) 3% (45) 4% (224) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_4

Table POL2_4: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an infrastructure spending bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 39% (778) 34% (680) 2% (230) 3% (56) 2% (247) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 38% (298) 37% (293) % (87) 3% (22) % (82) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 40% (480) 32% (387) 2% (43) 3% (34) 4% (65) 209Trump Job Approve 36% (325) 40% (356) % (0) 3% (26) 0% (87) 895Trump Job Disapprove 43% (439) 3% (33) 2% (22) 3% (29) % (6) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (203) 36% (78) 0% (47) 3% (6) 9% (45) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 30% (2) 44% (78) 3% (54) 2% (0) 0% (42) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 35% (84) 30% (73) 7% (40) 2% (6) 6% (37) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 46% (356) 3% (24) 0% (8) 3% (24) 0% (79) 78Favorable of Trump 38% (325) 40% (343) 0% (89) 2% (2) 0% (82) 860Unfavorable of Trump 42% (433) 3% (39) 3% (32) 3% (29) % (0) 022Very Favorable of Trump 42% (22) 38% (93) 8% (43) 2% () 9% (46) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 32% (3) 42% (50) 3% (46) 3% (9) 0% (35) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 36% (78) 32% (69) 5% (33) 2% (4) 4% (30) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 44% (355) 3% (250) 2% (99) 3% (25) 0% (80) 808#1 Issue: Economy 36% (93) 38% (203) 2% (63) 2% (2) 2% (67) 539#1 Issue: Security 38% (59) 39% (60) % (44) 3% (2) 9% (38) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 4% (36) 32% (05) % (38) 2% (6) 4% (48) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 48% (38) 3% (90) 8% (23) 3% (9) 0% (29) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 27% (27) 34% (34) 9% (9) 4% (4) 6% (6) 0#1 Issue: Education 35% (45) 27% (34) 4% (8) 7% (9) 8% (23) 29#1 Issue: Energy 45% (36) 27% (2) 8% (4) 4% (3) 5% (4) 78#1 Issue: Other 4% (45) 29% (32) 9% (0) % () 20% (2) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 47% (355) 32% (24) % (82) 3% (9) 7% (56) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 39% (28) 40% (292) % (83) 3% (9) 7% (53) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (32) 32% (33) 8% (9) % () 8% (9) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 27% (09) 28% (3) % (46) 4% (7) 29% (5) 400

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Table POL2_4

Table POL2_4: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an infrastructure spending bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 39% (778) 34% (680) 2% (230) 3% (56) 2% (247) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 47% (32) 32% (20) 0% (69) 3% (7) 8% (54) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 38% (270) 4% (290) 2% (84) 2% (7) 8% (56) 772016 Vote: Someone else 36% (68) 38% (7) % (2) 2% (4) 3% (23) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 30% (28) 26% (08) 3% (56) 4% (8) 27% (4) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 43% (599) 37% (53) 0% (44) 2% (30) 7% (94) 38Voted in 2014: No 29% (79) 27% (66) 4% (85) 4% (26) 25% (53) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 45% (372) 33% (276) 9% (76) 2% (9) 0% (82) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 38% (220) 4% (238) 2% (68) 2% (3) 6% (35) 5732012 Vote: Other 40% (3) 35% (27) 9% (7) 3% (2) 3% (0) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 30% (56) 27% (39) 5% (78) 4% (22) 23% (2) 554-Region: Northeast 42% (50) 3% (09) % (38) 3% () 3% (47) 3554-Region: Midwest 40% (84) 34% (55) 2% (55) 2% (8) 2% (55) 4574-Region: South 37% (278) 34% (255) % (80) 4% (26) 4% (04) 7434-Region: West 38% (65) 37% (62) 3% (56) 2% () 0% (4) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_5

Table POL2_5: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Beginning impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (565) % (20) 9% (88) 42% (827) 0% (20) 99Gender: Male 25% (236) 0% (9) 0% (94) 46% (430) 9% (8) 932Gender: Female 3% (329) % (9) 9% (94) 38% (397) % (2) 059Age: 18-29 34% (24) 5% (54) 8% (28) 27% (96) 6% (58) 360Age: 30-44 32% (42) 0% (45) 3% (58) 35% (56) 9% (42) 443Age: 45-54 25% (87) 9% (32) 9% (29) 46% (59) % (38) 345Age: 55-64 28% (07) 0% (37) 6% (24) 48% (82) 8% (30) 380Age: 65+ 23% (05) 9% (42) 0% (48) 50% (233) 7% (34) 463Generation Z: 18-21 37% (38) 7% (7) 8% (8) 26% (27) % () 0Millennial: Age 22-37 34% (73) 2% (60) % (54) 30% (50) 3% (68) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 26% (33) 0% (52) 0% (52) 43% (29) % (56) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 25% (88) 9% (63) 8% (58) 5% (375) 8% (56) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 55% (372) 7% (6) 0% (66) % (74) 8% (53) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 23% (46) % (73) 3% (83) 37% (238) 7% (08) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 7% (48) 3% (20) 6% (39) 78% (55) 6% (4) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 5% (4) 4% (39) 4% (40) 3% (36) 7% (9) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 57% (23) 9% (77) 6% (26) 9% (38) 8% (34) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 20% (69) % (38) % (38) 43% (46) 5% (52) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 25% (77) % (35) 5% (45) 30% (92) 8% (56) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (27) 4% (3) 5% (6) 79% (248) 3% (0) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 6% (20) 2% (7) 6% (23) 77% (267) 9% (3) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (325) 7% (2) % (73) 2% (80) 8% (53) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 27% (5) 4% (60) 4% (57) 34% (4) % (48) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 9% (62) 4% (25) 5% (39) 77% (555) 6% (43) 724Educ: < College 29% (36) 9% () 9% (08) 4% (59) 2% (54) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 28% (32) 3% (60) 0% (48) 43% (202) 6% (29) 47Educ: Post-grad 27% (72) 5% (39) 2% (32) 40% (07) 7% (8) 268

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Table POL2_5

Table POL2_5: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Beginning impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (565) % (20) 9% (88) 42% (827) 0% (20) 99Income: Under 50k 32% (346) 9% (02) 9% (98) 36% (397) 4% (47) 09Income: 50k-100k 26% (62) 2% (75) 0% (62) 48% (302) 5% (30) 63Income: 100k+ 2% (56) 2% (33) 0% (28) 48% (28) 9% (24) 268Ethnicity: White 24% (394) 0% (6) 9% (45) 48% (768) 9% (42) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 33% (64) 5% (29) 0% (20) 30% (57) % (22) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 49% (23) 3% (33) % (28) 2% (30) 5% (38) 252Ethnicity: Other 37% (47) 2% (6) % (5) 23% (29) 7% (2) 28Relig: Protestant 2% (07) 9% (48) 6% (30) 58% (300) 6% (33) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 24% (94) 0% (37) 2% (45) 45% (73) 0% (37) 386Relig: Something Else 37% (68) 0% (8) 8% (5) 30% (55) 6% (29) 85Relig: Jewish 36% (23) 3% (9) 9% (6) 33% (2) 8% (5) 64Relig: Evangelical 28% (2) 0% (77) 0% (73) 4% (33) % (83) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 8% (58) 8% (25) 5% (6) 65% (25) 5% (5) 330Relig: All Christian 25% (269) 9% (02) 8% (90) 49% (528) 9% (99) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 26% (55) 9% (8) 7% (4) 43% (89) 6% (32) 209Community: Urban 36% (60) 3% (58) 0% (45) 3% (34) 0% (43) 440Community: Suburban 27% (257) % (03) 9% (87) 44% (49) 9% (85) 95Community: Rural 25% (48) 8% (49) 9% (55) 46% (274) 2% (73) 600Employ: Private Sector 27% (66) 2% (73) % (64) 43% (257) 7% (44) 603Employ: Government 27% (42) 4% (22) 3% (20) 40% (62) 6% (9) 55Employ: Self-Employed 26% (50) 8% (4) 0% (20) 4% (78) 5% (29) 9Employ: Homemaker 27% (4) % (7) 9% (3) 38% (56) 5% (22) 48Employ: Student 46% (35) 3% (0) % (8) 2% (6) 0% (8) 77Employ: Retired 25% (9) 0% (49) 8% (38) 50% (237) 7% (35) 477Employ: Unemployed 3% (47) 7% (0) 9% (4) 39% (58) 3% (20) 49Employ: Other 34% (65) 8% (5) 6% () 33% (63) 9% (36) 9Military HH: Yes 2% (76) % (40) 9% (3) 53% (89) 6% (23) 358Military HH: No 30% (489) 0% (70) 0% (57) 39% (638) % (79) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_5

Table POL2_5: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Beginning impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (565) % (20) 9% (88) 42% (827) 0% (20) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (44) 4% (3) 7% (52) 76% (59) 8% (64) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 43% (52) 5% (79) % (35) 20% (236) % (37) 209Trump Job Approve 4% (35) 3% (30) 5% (45) 82% (733) 6% (52) 895Trump Job Disapprove 5% (59) 7% (78) 3% (29) 8% (84) % (09) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (9) % (7) % (7) 90% (439) 4% (8) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (6) 6% (23) 9% (38) 72% (294) 8% (34) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 20% (47) 2% (5) 2% (50) 9% (44) 20% (47) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 60% (472) 6% (27) 0% (80) 5% (40) 8% (62) 78Favorable of Trump 4% (33) 3% (27) 4% (32) 84% (727) 5% (42) 860Unfavorable of Trump 50% (506) 7% (74) 4% (45) 9% (94) 0% (04) 022Very Favorable of Trump 4% (2) 2% (8) 2% (9) 89% (450) 4% (9) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (2) 5% (9) 7% (23) 78% (277) 6% (23) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 4% (3) 6% (35) 26% (56) 23% (50) 20% (43) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 59% (475) 7% (39) % (89) 5% (44) 7% (6) 808#1 Issue: Economy 29% (55) 7% (36) 0% (53) 43% (230) 2% (65) 539#1 Issue: Security 7% (30) 5% (2) 5% (2) 78% (323) 4% (8) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 37% (24) 7% (57) % (36) 23% (77) 2% (39) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 32% (94) 0% (29) 2% (35) 36% (05) 9% (26) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 36% (36) 2% (2) 9% (9) 23% (24) 0% (0) 0#1 Issue: Education 36% (46) 8% (24) 4% (8) 9% (24) 3% (7) 29#1 Issue: Energy 52% (4) 3% (0) 7% (5) 7% (3) 2% (9) 78#1 Issue: Other 37% (4) % (2) 9% (0) 28% (30) 5% (6) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 52% (394) 9% (44) 2% (93) 9% (70) 7% (52) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 5% (38) 4% (26) 5% (40) 82% (598) 4% (27) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 26% (27) 3% (3) 4% (5) 32% (34) 24% (25) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 26% (04) 9% (36) 0% (40) 3% (25) 24% (95) 400

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL2_5

Table POL2_5: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Beginning impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (565) % (20) 9% (88) 42% (827) 0% (20) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 53% (349) 9% (24) 2% (82) 8% (52) 8% (54) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (27) 4% (30) 5% (35) 82% (586) 5% (39) 772016 Vote: Someone else 29% (55) 7% (3) 8% (35) 32% (60) 3% (25) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 32% (34) 0% (42) 9% (36) 30% (28) 20% (84) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 28% (383) % (56) 0% (35) 44% (609) 7% (98) 38Voted in 2014: No 30% (82) 9% (54) 9% (53) 36% (28) 7% (03) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 46% (378) 6% (34) 3% (05) 6% (32) 9% (76) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 6% (33) 4% (23) 7% (39) 80% (458) 4% (20) 5732012 Vote: Other 0% (8) 3% (2) 8% (6) 65% (50) 3% (0) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 28% (46) 0% (5) 7% (38) 36% (86) 8% (95) 554-Region: Northeast 36% (30) 0% (35) 9% (34) 34% (22) 0% (35) 3554-Region: Midwest 27% (23) % (52) 0% (44) 4% (88) % (5) 4574-Region: South 25% (85) 0% (72) 8% (62) 47% (348) 0% (77) 7434-Region: West 29% (28) 2% (5) % (48) 39% (69) 9% (38) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_6

Table POL2_6: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an immigration reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 46% (908) 30% (597) % (22) 4% (86) 9% (79) 99Gender: Male 47% (435) 3% (287) % (0) 4% (4) 7% (68) 932Gender: Female 45% (474) 29% (30) % (20) 4% (45) 0% (0) 059Age: 18-29 27% (98) 3% (2) 2% (43) 9% (33) 20% (74) 360Age: 30-44 40% (75) 3% (38) 7% (74) 3% (3) 0% (43) 443Age: 45-54 46% (58) 3% (06) 2% (42) 4% (5) 7% (25) 345Age: 55-64 52% (98) 32% (20) 8% (29) 3% () 6% (22) 380Age: 65+ 60% (279) 26% (22) 7% (33) 3% (4) 3% (5) 463Generation Z: 18-21 23% (23) 39% (40) 9% (9) 3% (3) 6% (7) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 33% (69) 30% (5) 6% (80) 6% (30) 5% (76) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 43% (222) 3% (57) 3% (68) 3% (8) 9% (47) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 54% (402) 30% (224) 8% (57) 3% (2) 5% (36) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 4% (277) 32% (25) 5% (02) 6% (4) 7% (45) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 38% (247) 33% (24) 3% (85) 3% (22) 2% (80) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 58% (384) 25% (69) 5% (34) 3% (23) 8% (53) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 4% (3) 3% (86) 6% (44) 5% (5) 6% (7) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (64) 32% (29) 4% (58) 6% (26) 7% (28) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 38% (3) 35% (20) % (37) 5% (6) % (39) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 38% (6) 3% (94) 6% (48) 2% (6) 4% (4) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 6% (90) 26% (82) 6% (9) 3% () 4% (2) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 56% (93) 25% (87) 4% (5) 3% (2) 2% (4) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 40% (255) 3% (20) 6% (00) 6% (37) 8% (49) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 4% (7) 37% (57) 2% (5) 3% (4) 7% (28) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 59% (426) 26% (9) 7% (47) 3% (20) 6% (40) 724Educ: < College 45% (560) 28% (356) % (4) 4% (54) % (42) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 46% (26) 34% (59) % (52) 4% (2) 5% (22) 47Educ: Post-grad 49% (32) 3% (82) 0% (28) 4% () 5% (4) 268

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Table POL2_6

Table POL2_6: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an immigration reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 46% (908) 30% (597) % (22) 4% (86) 9% (79) 99Income: Under 50k 43% (470) 29% (33) 2% (30) 5% (52) 2% (27) 09Income: 50k-100k 49% (32) 3% (96) 0% (62) 4% (24) 6% (38) 63Income: 100k+ 47% (26) 33% (89) % (29) 4% () 5% (4) 268Ethnicity: White 49% (794) 29% (473) 0% (64) 3% (55) 8% (24) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 43% (84) 27% (52) % (22) 6% () 3% (25) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 28% (70) 37% (94) 5% (37) 6% (6) 4% (35) 252Ethnicity: Other 34% (44) 24% (30) 6% (20) % (5) 5% (9) 28Relig: Protestant 57% (296) 28% (47) 9% (45) 3% (3) 3% (5) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 5% (96) 29% (2) % (43) 3% (3) 6% (22) 386Relig: Something Else 34% (63) 29% (53) 6% (30) 4% (7) 7% (32) 85Relig: Jewish 48% (30) 32% (20) 2% (8) 4% (3) 4% (3) 64Relig: Evangelical 46% (350) 3% (234) 2% (94) 3% (24) 7% (56) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 62% (205) 24% (79) 7% (24) 3% (9) 4% (3) 330Relig: All Christian 5% (555) 29% (32) % (8) 3% (32) 6% (69) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 44% (92) 3% (64) 7% (4) 5% (0) 4% (28) 209Community: Urban 43% (90) 30% (34) % (5) 4% (20) 0% (46) 440Community: Suburban 46% (44) 30% (288) 2% (4) 4% (42) 7% (66) 95Community: Rural 46% (277) 29% (75) 9% (57) 4% (24) % (67) 600Employ: Private Sector 42% (255) 33% (20) 5% (89) 4% (26) 5% (32) 603Employ: Government 50% (77) 27% (4) % (7) 6% (9) 7% (0) 55Employ: Self-Employed 4% (79) 36% (69) 7% (4) 2% (4) 4% (26) 9Employ: Homemaker 40% (59) 28% (42) 4% (2) 2% (3) 5% (23) 48Employ: Student 29% (23) 32% (25) 9% (7) % (9) 8% (4) 77Employ: Retired 60% (284) 28% (33) 6% (30) 3% (2) 3% (7) 477Employ: Unemployed 4% (60) 23% (35) 3% (9) 8% (2) 5% (23) 49Employ: Other 37% (7) 27% (52) 3% (24) 5% (0) 8% (34) 9Military HH: Yes 55% (97) 28% (00) 9% (3) 4% (5) 4% (6) 358Military HH: No 44% (7) 30% (497) 2% (9) 4% (7) 0% (63) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_6

Table POL2_6: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an immigration reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 46% (908) 30% (597) % (22) 4% (86) 9% (79) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 56% (438) 27% (23) 5% (42) 3% (23) 8% (66) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 39% (470) 32% (384) 5% (79) 5% (63) 9% (3) 209Trump Job Approve 57% (55) 26% (23) 6% (57) 3% (27) 7% (66) 895Trump Job Disapprove 37% (376) 35% (352) 5% (55) 5% (55) 8% (82) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 66% (322) 9% (92) 5% (24) 3% (6) 7% (35) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 48% (93) 34% (38) 8% (33) 3% () 8% (3) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 25% (6) 4% (98) 6% (39) 7% (7) 0% (25) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 40% (35) 32% (253) 5% (7) 5% (38) 7% (57) 78Favorable of Trump 59% (50) 26% (223) 5% (47) 3% (29) 6% (52) 860Unfavorable of Trump 36% (37) 35% (358) 6% (63) 5% (49) 8% (8) 022Very Favorable of Trump 66% (334) 20% (04) 4% (22) 4% (20) 5% (28) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 50% (75) 34% (9) 7% (25) 3% (9) 7% (25) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 29% (63) 40% (86) 6% (34) 5% (0) 0% (22) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 38% (308) 34% (272) 6% (29) 5% (39) 7% (59) 808#1 Issue: Economy 4% (28) 35% (9) 2% (64) 5% (25) 8% (4) 539#1 Issue: Security 62% (257) 22% (90) 6% (26) 4% (5) 6% (25) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 43% (42) 28% (94) 5% (5) 3% () 0% (34) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 54% (55) 28% (8) 8% (24) 4% () 6% (8) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 34% (34) 26% (26) 4% (4) 3% (3) 3% (4) 0#1 Issue: Education 27% (35) 39% (50) 8% (23) 3% (4) 3% (7) 29#1 Issue: Energy 34% (27) 38% (30) % (8) 5% (4) 2% (0) 78#1 Issue: Other 37% (40) 32% (35) 0% () 3% (3) 9% (2) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 4% (32) 35% (263) 5% (0) 5% (38) 4% (30) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 60% (437) 26% (88) 6% (43) 3% (2) 5% (39) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (32) 3% (32) 5% (5) 4% (4) 9% (20) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 3% (25) 28% (2) 3% (53) 6% (23) 22% (86) 400

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Table POL2_6

Table POL2_6: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an immigration reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 46% (908) 30% (597) % (22) 4% (86) 9% (79) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 42% (275) 34% (225) 4% (94) 5% (32) 5% (35) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 60% (427) 26% (84) 7% (47) 3% (2) 5% (38) 772016 Vote: Someone else 36% (68) 33% (62) 9% (36) 4% (8) 7% (4) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 32% (37) 30% (27) 0% (44) 6% (24) 2% (9) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 50% (69) 3% (423) % (47) 4% (55) 5% (65) 38Voted in 2014: No 36% (27) 29% (74) 2% (75) 5% (3) 9% (3) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 44% (36) 32% (264) 4% (6) 4% (33) 6% (5) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 59% (340) 27% (57) 6% (32) 4% (2) 4% (22) 5732012 Vote: Other 40% (3) 3% (24) 6% (2) 4% (3) 9% (7) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 34% (75) 30% (52) 2% (60) 6% (29) 9% (99) 554-Region: Northeast 5% (8) 22% (80) 2% (43) 6% (2) 9% (3) 3554-Region: Midwest 42% (92) 3% (42) 3% (60) 5% (22) 9% (42) 4574-Region: South 45% (336) 32% (240) 9% (69) 4% (26) 0% (72) 7434-Region: West 46% (99) 3% (36) % (49) 4% (7) 8% (34) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_7

Table POL2_7: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Constructing a wall along the U.S. / Mexico border

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (640) 4% (270) 2% (242) 36% (720) 6% (9) 99Gender: Male 34% (320) 5% (44) 2% (3) 32% (302) 6% (53) 932Gender: Female 30% (320) 2% (26) 2% (29) 40% (49) 6% (66) 059Age: 18-29 8% (65) 3% (46) 3% (48) 45% (63) % (38) 360Age: 30-44 24% (07) 7% (74) 5% (68) 38% (66) 6% (27) 443Age: 45-54 36% (25) 5% (5) 2% (4) 30% (04) 7% (24) 345Age: 55-64 38% (42) 3% (5) 2% (46) 32% (23) 5% (7) 380Age: 65+ 44% (202) 0% (48) 8% (38) 35% (64) 3% (2) 463Generation Z: 18-21 6% (6) 3% (3) 5% (5) 47% (48) 9% (9) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 2% (05) 5% (75) 3% (67) 43% (28) 8% (42) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 3% (60) 6% (80) 4% (72) 3% (6) 7% (38) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 42% (30) 2% (88) % (78) 32% (237) 4% (27) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 0% (65) 9% (63) 3% (88) 64% (438) 4% (26) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 24% (56) 4% (93) 5% (98) 36% (235) 0% (66) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 63% (49) 7% (4) 8% (55) 7% (47) 4% (27) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 9% (23) 0% (28) 6% (45) 6% (69) 4% (0) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 0% (42) 9% (35) % (44) 67% (270) 4% (5) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (88) 6% (56) 5% (50) 33% (4) 0% (35) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 22% (68) 2% (37) 6% (48) 40% (2) 0% (3) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 66% (209) 9% (60) 6% (8) 6% (9) 2% (8) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 60% (20) 6% (54) % (37) 8% (28) 6% (9) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) % (69) 8% (48) 3% (82) 64% (43) 5% (29) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 23% (96) 7% (70) 7% (7) 38% (59) 6% (25) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 60% (436) 8% (3) 8% (60) 0% (74) 3% (23) 724Educ: < College 34% (426) 5% (84) 2% (49) 3% (394) 8% (99) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 30% (40) 2% (57) 3% (62) 42% (99) 3% (3) 47Educ: Post-grad 28% (75) % (30) % (3) 47% (27) 2% (6) 268

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Table POL2_7

Table POL2_7: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Constructing a wall along the U.S. / Mexico border

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (640) 4% (270) 2% (242) 36% (720) 6% (9) 99Income: Under 50k 30% (327) 4% (54) 2% (33) 35% (387) 8% (9) 09Income: 50k-100k 34% (23) 3% (82) 2% (77) 38% (237) 3% (22) 63Income: 100k+ 38% (0) 3% (34) 2% (32) 36% (96) 2% (6) 268Ethnicity: White 37% (595) 4% (225) % (76) 34% (540) 5% (75) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 2% (40) 8% (35) 3% (26) 36% (70) 2% (23) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 9% (24) % (28) 9% (49) 49% (23) % (29) 252Ethnicity: Other 7% (22) 3% (7) 3% (7) 45% (57) 2% (5) 28Relig: Protestant 45% (232) 7% (88) % (59) 26% (34) % (4) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 37% (44) 2% (48) 4% (54) 32% (22) 5% (8) 386Relig: Something Else 25% (46) 9% (6) 3% (24) 43% (80) 0% (8) 85Relig: Jewish 29% (8) % (7) 4% (3) 54% (34) 2% () 64Relig: Evangelical 33% (25) 2% (9) 3% (97) 37% (283) 5% (35) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 52% (7) 9% (6) 2% (4) 6% (52) 2% (5) 330Relig: All Christian 39% (422) 4% (52) 3% (38) 3% (335) 4% (40) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 34% (7) 5% (3) 2% (26) 28% (58) % (24) 209Community: Urban 24% (05) 4% (60) 4% (6) 42% (84) 7% (30) 440Community: Suburban 33% (38) % (09) 2% (8) 38% (365) 4% (4) 95Community: Rural 36% (28) 7% (0) 0% (63) 29% (72) 8% (47) 600Employ: Private Sector 3% (85) 4% (84) 5% (9) 36% (28) 4% (24) 603Employ: Government 34% (52) 5% (23) 4% (2) 36% (55) 2% (3) 55Employ: Self-Employed 35% (67) 3% (25) 9% (8) 33% (63) 9% (8) 9Employ: Homemaker 3% (46) 2% (8) 8% (2) 37% (55) % (7) 48Employ: Student 0% (8) 2% (9) 4% () 60% (46) 4% (3) 77Employ: Retired 40% (92) 2% (56) 9% (43) 36% (7) 3% (6) 477Employ: Unemployed 30% (44) 5% (22) 3% (9) 30% (44) 3% (20) 49Employ: Other 24% (46) 7% (32) 4% (26) 35% (68) 9% (8) 9Military HH: Yes 44% (57) 3% (45) 9% (3) 32% (4) 3% () 358Military HH: No 30% (484) 4% (225) 3% (20) 37% (606) 7% (08) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_7

Table POL2_7: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Constructing a wall along the U.S. / Mexico border

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (640) 4% (270) 2% (242) 36% (720) 6% (9) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 60% (468) 9% (5) 8% (64) 7% (53) 6% (46) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (72) 0% (9) 5% (78) 55% (667) 6% (72) 209Trump Job Approve 63% (562) 9% (73) 8% (73) 5% (48) 4% (40) 895Trump Job Disapprove 7% (69) 9% (87) 5% (57) 65% (659) 5% (47) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 84% (409) 9% (45) 2% (8) 3% (4) 3% (4) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 38% (53) 32% (28) 6% (66) 8% (34) 6% (26) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 9% (2) 2% (49) 26% (63) 38% (90) 7% (6) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 6% (48) 5% (38) 2% (94) 73% (569) 4% (32) 78Favorable of Trump 67% (572) 9% (60) 7% (60) 4% (37) 4% (30) 860Unfavorable of Trump 6% (57) 0% (0) 6% (67) 64% (658) 4% (4) 022Very Favorable of Trump 83% (422) 0% (50) 3% (6) 2% () 2% (9) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 43% (5) 3% () 3% (45) 7% (26) 6% (22) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 9% (8) 25% (55) 27% (58) 3% (67) 8% (7) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 5% (38) 6% (46) 3% (09) 73% (59) 3% (24) 808#1 Issue: Economy 25% (33) 5% (83) 8% (97) 36% (93) 6% (33) 539#1 Issue: Security 74% (305) % (47) 4% (6) 8% (32) 3% (3) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 6% (53) 3% (45) 2% (4) 52% (73) 6% (2) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 3% (89) 5% (43) 2% (33) 38% (0) 5% (5) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 3% (3) 3% (3) 7% (7) 55% (56) % () 0#1 Issue: Education % (4) 3% (7) 20% (26) 47% (6) 9% () 29#1 Issue: Energy 3% (0) 0% (8) 5% (2) 58% (45) 5% (4) 78#1 Issue: Other 22% (24) 3% (5) 9% (0) 46% (50) 0% () 092018 House Vote: Democrat 8% (6) 8% (58) 3% (95) 69% (57) 3% (23) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 65% (470) 9% (38) 8% (56) 7% (52) 2% (2) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 23% (23) 0% () 20% (2) 30% (3) 7% (8) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 2% (86) 6% (64) 7% (67) 30% (20) 6% (63) 400

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Table POL2_7

Table POL2_7: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Constructing a wall along the U.S. / Mexico border

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (640) 4% (270) 2% (242) 36% (720) 6% (9) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 7% (45) 7% (48) 3% (88) 69% (455) 4% (25) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 67% (483) 7% (2) 8% (57) 4% (32) 3% (24) 772016 Vote: Someone else 6% (30) 3% (25) 2% (40) 42% (79) 7% (3) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (8) 8% (76) 3% (57) 36% (54) 3% (57) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 36% (49) 3% (79) 2% (66) 36% (495) 4% (50) 38Voted in 2014: No 24% (49) 5% (9) 2% (76) 37% (225) % (69) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 4% (4) 9% (76) 4% (9) 58% (480) 4% (36) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 64% (367) 7% (98) 9% (5) 8% (47) 2% (9) 5732012 Vote: Other 45% (34) 2% (6) 8% (6) 20% (5) 7% (5) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24% (24) 5% (79) 3% (65) 35% (79) 3% (68) 554-Region: Northeast 30% (08) 2% (42) % (40) 38% (35) 9% (30) 3554-Region: Midwest 3% (40) 2% (56) 3% (59) 40% (82) 4% (20) 4574-Region: South 36% (266) 6% (6) 3% (97) 30% (220) 6% (45) 7434-Region: West 29% (26) 3% (56) % (46) 42% (83) 6% (24) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_8

Table POL2_8: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill that grants young people who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children, often with their parents, protectionfrom deportation

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (647) 27% (530) 5% (308) 7% (33) 9% (75) 99Gender: Male 27% (254) 28% (265) 7% (60) 9% (77) 8% (75) 932Gender: Female 37% (393) 25% (264) 4% (48) 5% (54) 9% (00) 059Age: 18-29 38% (37) 2% (75) 2% (45) 3% (46) 6% (57) 360Age: 30-44 32% (4) 29% (27) 6% (69) 4% (6) 0% (45) 443Age: 45-54 29% (00) 32% (09) 4% (47) 8% (63) 8% (26) 345Age: 55-64 30% (5) 26% (98) 6% (6) 2% (80) 7% (25) 380Age: 65+ 33% (54) 26% (2) 9% (86) 7% (8) 5% (22) 463Generation Z: 18-21 4% (42) 23% (23) 9% (9) 3% (3) 4% (4) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 36% (80) 24% (23) 3% (68) 4% (70) 3% (65) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 29% (49) 3% (56) 5% (78) 6% (83) 9% (47) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 29% (2) 27% (203) 9% (39) 20% (45) 6% (4) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 5% (346) 28% (90) 0% (68) 6% (40) 5% (36) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 30% (94) 26% (66) 6% (04) 5% (95) 4% (89) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (07) 26% (74) 2% (36) 29% (95) 8% (50) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 46% (25) 30% (82) 3% (34) 6% (8) 6% (6) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 54% (22) 27% (09) 8% (33) 6% (23) 5% (20) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 22% (75) 30% (0) 8% (62) 7% (57) 4% (47) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 39% (9) 2% (64) 4% (42) 3% (39) 4% (4) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 7% (54) 26% (83) 20% (64) 33% (02) 4% (2) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (53) 26% (9) 2% (73) 27% (93) % (38) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 50% (323) 28% (8) 9% (6) 7% (44) 5% (34) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 35% (46) 28% (8) 8% (75) 0% (43) 9% (40) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 6% (8) 26% (90) 2% (55) 30% (220) 6% (40) 724

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Table POL2_8

Table POL2_8: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill that grants young people who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children, often with their parents, protectionfrom deportation

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (647) 27% (530) 5% (308) 7% (33) 9% (75) 99Educ: < College 30% (377) 25% (33) 5% (92) 9% (232) % (37) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 33% (57) 3% (48) 7% (79) 4% (65) 5% (22) 47Educ: Post-grad 42% (3) 26% (69) 4% (37) 3% (34) 6% (6) 268Income: Under 50k 32% (353) 24% (264) 5% (65) 6% (80) 2% (29) 09Income: 50k-100k 33% (208) 30% (87) 5% (94) 7% (0) 5% (32) 63Income: 100k+ 32% (86) 30% (79) 8% (49) 5% (4) 5% (3) 268Ethnicity: White 30% (486) 28% (452) 6% (262) 8% (295) 7% (6) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 38% (74) 22% (43) 5% (29) 4% (28) 0% (20) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 45% (3) 20% (5) 0% (25) 9% (22) 6% (4) 252Ethnicity: Other 38% (48) 2% (27) 6% (2) % (4) 4% (8) 28Relig: Protestant 27% (4) 30% (54) 9% (98) 2% (08) 3% (6) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 32% (22) 28% (07) 7% (65) 6% (62) 8% (30) 386Relig: Something Else 38% (70) 23% (43) 2% (23) % (2) 5% (28) 85Relig: Jewish 49% (3) 9% (2) 3% (8) % (7) 8% (5) 64Relig: Evangelical 32% (244) 27% (208) 7% (29) 6% (8) 8% (59) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 27% (88) 29% (96) 7% (57) 22% (74) 4% (4) 330Relig: All Christian 3% (333) 28% (304) 7% (86) 8% (92) 7% (73) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 28% (59) 22% (47) 2% (25) 24% (50) 3% (28) 209Community: Urban 36% (57) 26% (2) 4% (63) 6% (69) 9% (39) 440Community: Suburban 34% (32) 27% (255) 5% (42) 7% (57) 8% (76) 95Community: Rural 28% (69) 27% (63) 7% (03) 7% (05) 0% (60) 600

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_8

Table POL2_8: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill that grants young people who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children, often with their parents, protectionfrom deportation

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (647) 27% (530) 5% (308) 7% (33) 9% (75) 99Employ: Private Sector 3% (88) 30% (83) 6% (99) 7% (00) 5% (32) 603Employ: Government 28% (43) 33% (5) 7% (27) 7% (27) 4% (7) 55Employ: Self-Employed 30% (58) 27% (52) 6% (30) 7% (32) % (2) 9Employ: Homemaker 28% (4) 23% (34) 5% (22) 7% (25) 8% (26) 48Employ: Student 5% (39) 22% (7) 3% (2) % (8) 3% (0) 77Employ: Retired 36% (7) 24% (3) 4% (69) 20% (96) 6% (29) 477Employ: Unemployed 28% (42) 22% (33) 8% (26) 5% (22) 7% (25) 49Employ: Other 34% (66) 24% (45) 7% (33) % (22) 3% (25) 9Military HH: Yes 30% (09) 23% (84) 20% (7) 2% (75) 6% (20) 358Military HH: No 33% (538) 27% (446) 5% (237) 6% (256) 0% (55) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 7% (34) 25% (96) 2% (66) 27% (22) 9% (73) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 42% (53) 28% (334) 2% (42) 0% (9) 8% (0) 209Trump Job Approve 5% (39) 26% (23) 22% (97) 29% (26) 8% (67) 895Trump Job Disapprove 48% (490) 29% (29) 0% (05) 6% (60) 7% (74) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 5% (7) 2% (04) 9% (94) 39% (90) 6% (3) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 7% (67) 3% (28) 25% (03) 8% (72) 9% (36) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 27% (65) 35% (84) 4% (33) 2% (28) 2% (30) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 54% (425) 27% (207) 9% (72) 4% (33) 6% (44) 78Favorable of Trump 5% (25) 26% (223) 22% (9) 3% (264) 7% (58) 860Unfavorable of Trump 48% (492) 28% (289) % (0) 6% (60) 7% (70) 022Very Favorable of Trump 5% (78) 22% () 9% (94) 38% (92) 6% (32) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (47) 32% (3) 27% (96) 20% (7) 7% (26) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 29% (62) 3% (67) 7% (36) 0% (22) 3% (27) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 53% (430) 28% (222) 9% (74) 5% (37) 5% (43) 808

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Table POL2_8

Table POL2_8: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill that grants young people who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children, often with their parents, protectionfrom deportation

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (647) 27% (530) 5% (308) 7% (33) 9% (75) 99#1 Issue: Economy 28% (49) 3% (68) 5% (82) 5% (82) % (58) 539#1 Issue: Security 7% (72) 23% (95) 22% (92) 32% (32) 5% (22) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 43% (42) 26% (87) % (37) 0% (34) 0% (32) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 35% (0) 25% (73) 8% (53) 5% (42) 7% (2) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 52% (52) 9% (9) 6% (6) 2% (2) % () 0#1 Issue: Education 45% (59) 33% (42) 9% () 5% (6) 8% () 29#1 Issue: Energy 43% (34) 26% (2) 7% (3) 7% (6) 6% (5) 78#1 Issue: Other 35% (38) 22% (24) 2% (3) 6% (7) 5% (7) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 52% (390) 28% (23) % (8) 5% (37) 4% (33) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 4% (0) 27% (97) 2% (53) 32% (233) 6% (44) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 23% (24) 26% (27) 2% (22) 0% () 20% (20) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 33% (30) 23% (93) 3% (52) 2% (49) 9% (75) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 54% (356) 29% (9) 8% (50) 5% (33) 5% (32) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (00) 27% (90) 23% (68) 30% (22) 6% (46) 772016 Vote: Someone else 27% (5) 3% (57) 8% (35) 3% (24) % (20) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 33% (39) 2% (9) 3% (56) 4% (6) 8% (77) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 32% (448) 28% (393) 6% (223) 7% (235) 6% (82) 38Voted in 2014: No 33% (99) 22% (37) 4% (85) 6% (96) 5% (93) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 47% (387) 29% (242) % (89) 6% (53) 7% (54) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 5% (89) 27% (53) 23% (32) 30% (7) 5% (28) 5732012 Vote: Other 8% (6) 25% (20) 9% (5) 34% (26) 4% (0) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 32% (65) 22% (5) 4% (72) 6% (80) 6% (82) 554-Region: Northeast 38% (34) 23% (80) 7% (60) 4% (5) 9% (30) 3554-Region: Midwest 33% (49) 28% (26) 7% (75) 6% (72) 8% (35) 4574-Region: South 30% (225) 26% (93) 4% (02) 20% (47) 0% (77) 7434-Region: West 32% (39) 30% (3) 6% (7) 4% (62) 8% (33) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_9

Table POL2_9: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Reducing the federal budget deficit

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 52% (038) 30% (595) 8% (67) 2% (3) 8% (60) 99Gender: Male 55% (52) 27% (253) 8% (78) 2% (2) 7% (68) 932Gender: Female 50% (526) 32% (342) 8% (89) % (0) 9% (9) 059Age: 18-29 37% (32) 29% (06) % (4) 4% (4) 9% (67) 360Age: 30-44 46% (204) 33% (46) 0% (44) 2% (7) 9% (42) 443Age: 45-54 54% (88) 3% (09) 7% (23) % (2) 7% (23) 345Age: 55-64 57% (27) 30% (6) 7% (25) % (5) 5% (8) 380Age: 65+ 64% (297) 26% (9) 7% (34) % (3) 2% (0) 463Generation Z: 18-21 38% (39) 28% (28) 5% (5) 7% (7) 2% (2) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 4% (206) 32% (62) 0% (5) 2% () 5% (77) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 52% (265) 3% (59) 8% (43) % (4) 8% (4) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 60% (442) 29% (27) 6% (43) % (8) 4% (28) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 5% (348) 3% (23) 0% (68) 2% () 6% (40) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 49% (39) 28% (80) 9% (60) 2% () 2% (78) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 56% (37) 3% (202) 6% (39) % (9) 6% (4) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 55% (52) 25% (70) % (30) 2% (7) 6% (7) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 48% (96) 35% (44) 9% (38) % (4) 6% (23) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 53% (82) 26% (89) 6% (22) 3% (0) 2% (40) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 45% (37) 30% (9) 2% (38) — () 2% (38) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 57% (79) 30% (95) 8% (26) % (4) 4% () 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 55% (93) 3% (07) 4% (3) % (5) 9% (30) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 45% (29) 35% (226) 2% (76) 3% (8) 5% (3) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 54% (226) 29% (24) 8% (33) % (5) 8% (33) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 6% (440) 29% (20) 6% (42) — (3) 4% (29) 724Educ: < College 53% (660) 27% (336) 8% (0) 2% (25) 0% (30) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 52% (246) 33% (57) 9% (43) % (3) 5% (22) 47Educ: Post-grad 49% (32) 39% (03) 8% (22) % (3) 3% (7) 268

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Table POL2_9

Table POL2_9: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Reducing the federal budget deficit

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 52% (038) 30% (595) 8% (67) 2% (3) 8% (60) 99Income: Under 50k 50% (54) 27% (294) 0% (2) 2% (2) % (23) 09Income: 50k-100k 54% (34) 34% (22) 7% (43) % (6) 5% (29) 63Income: 100k+ 58% (56) 33% (89) 5% (2) % (4) 3% (7) 268Ethnicity: White 54% (864) 3% (496) 8% (30) % (5) 7% (05) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 39% (75) 30% (59) 2% (24) 2% (4) 6% (3) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 46% (5) 26% (67) 9% (22) 5% (3) 4% (36) 252Ethnicity: Other 46% (59) 25% (32) 2% (5) 3% (3) 5% (9) 28Relig: Protestant 6% (34) 32% (64) 4% (23) % (4) 2% (2) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 57% (29) 28% (08) 9% (34) — () 6% (24) 386Relig: Something Else 48% (89) 28% (52) 9% (6) % (2) 4% (26) 85Relig: Jewish 33% (2) 52% (33) 7% (5) 4% (3) 3% (2) 64Relig: Evangelical 57% (429) 29% (28) 8% (57) % (4) 7% (50) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 58% (93) 32% (06) 5% (6) % (3) 4% (2) 330Relig: All Christian 57% (622) 30% (324) 7% (73) % (7) 6% (62) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 49% (02) 28% (59) 8% (7) 2% (3) 3% (27) 209Community: Urban 48% (22) 30% (34) 0% (44) 2% (8) 9% (40) 440Community: Suburban 52% (498) 33% (309) 8% (77) % (2) 6% (55) 95Community: Rural 55% (328) 25% (52) 8% (46) 2% (0) % (64) 600Employ: Private Sector 5% (30) 33% (99) 9% (56) % (9) 5% (29) 603Employ: Government 54% (84) 32% (50) 8% (3) % (2) 3% (5) 55Employ: Self-Employed 54% (03) 25% (47) 6% () 3% (5) 3% (25) 9Employ: Homemaker 4% (60) 35% (52) 8% () % () 5% (23) 48Employ: Student 37% (29) 37% (29) 8% (6) 4% (3) 3% (0) 77Employ: Retired 63% (303) 27% (30) 6% (27) — (2) 3% (6) 477Employ: Unemployed 44% (66) 26% (39) % (6) 5% (7) 4% (2) 49Employ: Other 43% (83) 25% (48) 4% (27) % () 6% (3) 9Military HH: Yes 59% (22) 26% (93) 8% (30) 3% (2) 3% () 358Military HH: No 5% (826) 3% (502) 8% (37) % (9) 9% (48) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_9

Table POL2_9: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Reducing the federal budget deficit

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 52% (038) 30% (595) 8% (67) 2% (3) 8% (60) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 54% (49) 29% (230) 8% (6) % (0) 8% (62) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 5% (69) 30% (365) 9% (06) 2% (2) 8% (98) 209Trump Job Approve 56% (504) 29% (264) 7% (64) % (0) 6% (54) 895Trump Job Disapprove 5% (57) 3% (35) 0% (98) 2% (20) 7% (7) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 58% (286) 29% (44) 6% (29) % (4) 5% (26) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 54% (28) 30% (20) 8% (34) % (6) 7% (28) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 46% (0) 32% (77) 0% (23) 2% (5) 0% (24) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 52% (407) 30% (238) 0% (74) 2% (5) 6% (47) 78Favorable of Trump 57% (487) 30% (257) 7% (58) % (9) 6% (49) 860Unfavorable of Trump 5% (52) 32% (323) 9% (97) 2% (9) 6% (62) 022Very Favorable of Trump 57% (287) 32% (60) 5% (26) % (7) 5% (26) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 57% (200) 27% (97) 9% (32) % (2) 6% (23) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 46% (99) 35% (76) 8% (8) % (3) 9% (20) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 52% (422) 3% (248) 0% (80) 2% (6) 5% (42) 808#1 Issue: Economy 57% (308) 25% (36) 8% (4) % (8) 9% (46) 539#1 Issue: Security 5% (20) 35% (44) 8% (33) % (5) 5% (20) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 47% (57) 34% (4) 8% (25) 2% (5) 9% (3) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 63% (8) 23% (67) 7% (22) 2% (5) 5% (5) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 36% (37) 40% (4) % () 2% (2) % () 0#1 Issue: Education 43% (55) 34% (44) 2% (5) — (0) % (4) 29#1 Issue: Energy 50% (39) 27% (2) 6% (2) — (0) 7% (6) 78#1 Issue: Other 47% (5) 26% (28) 7% (8) 5% (6) 5% (6) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 52% (389) 33% (250) 0% (74) % () 4% (30) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 58% (422) 32% (235) 6% (40) % (4) 4% (27) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 44% (46) 23% (24) 2% (2) 2% (2) 9% (20) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 45% (80) 2% (85) 0% (4) 3% (4) 20% (8) 400

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL2_9

Table POL2_9: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Reducing the federal budget deficit

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 52% (038) 30% (595) 8% (67) 2% (3) 8% (60) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 50% (333) 33% (22) 0% (69) % (7) 5% (3) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 58% (45) 3% (223) 6% (46) % (5) 4% (28) 772016 Vote: Someone else 54% (0) 27% (5) 9% (6) 2% (4) 8% (5) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 44% (88) 24% (00) 8% (35) 3% (5) 20% (85) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 56% (770) 32% (445) 7% (99) % (4) 4% (53) 38Voted in 2014: No 44% (268) 25% (50) % (68) 3% (7) 7% (06) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 5% (42) 32% (266) 0% (85) % (7) 6% (45) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 6% (348) 32% (8) 5% (26) % (3) 3% (4) 5732012 Vote: Other 54% (4) 3% (24) 7% (6) % () 7% (5) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 44% (227) 24% (24) 0% (50) 4% (9) 8% (95) 554-Region: Northeast 55% (95) 27% (96) 8% (29) 2% (7) 8% (28) 3554-Region: Midwest 50% (228) 30% (38) 0% (46) % (6) 8% (38) 4574-Region: South 54% (402) 29% (24) 7% (5) 2% (3) 9% (65) 7434-Region: West 49% (23) 34% (47) 9% (4) % (6) 6% (28) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_10

Table POL2_10: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing legislation placing additional restrictions on gun ownership

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (663) 20% (397) 2% (239) 28% (556) 7% (35) 99Gender: Male 27% (250) 20% (90) 3% (7) 33% (30) 7% (65) 932Gender: Female 39% (43) 20% (207) 2% (22) 23% (246) 7% (70) 059Age: 18-29 27% (96) 9% (68) 6% (59) 24% (88) 4% (50) 360Age: 30-44 33% (48) 2% (95) 2% (53) 27% (8) 6% (28) 443Age: 45-54 29% (00) 22% (77) % (39) 3% (06) 7% (24) 345Age: 55-64 36% (38) 20% (76) 8% (30) 3% (6) 5% (9) 380Age: 65+ 39% (82) 8% (8) 2% (58) 28% (28) 3% (4) 463Generation Z: 18-21 3% (32) 5% (6) 5% (5) 24% (25) 4% (4) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 29% (44) 2% (08) 5% (77) 25% (28) 0% (48) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 3% (58) 2% (08) % (57) 30% (52) 7% (38) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 36% (266) 9% (38) % (83) 30% (222) 4% (3) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 56% (380) 23% (59) 9% (62) 7% (50) 4% (30) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 27% (76) 2% (36) 3% (87) 28% (79) % (70) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (07) 6% (03) 4% (90) 49% (327) 5% (35) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 50% (38) 23% (64) 3% (36) 8% (22) 5% (5) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 60% (242) 23% (94) 7% (26) 7% (28) 4% (5) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 2% (7) 22% (75) 2% (4) 33% (4) 2% (4) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 34% (05) 20% (60) 5% (46) 2% (65) 0% (29) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 3% (42) 6% (50) 3% (40) 55% (74) 3% (9) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 9% (65) 5% (53) 4% (50) 44% (54) 8% (26) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 52% (33) 23% (50) % (68) 0% (63) 5% (30) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 38% (59) 25% (03) 2% (50) 8% (77) 8% (32) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 7% (20) 5% (08) 4% (98) 52% (375) 3% (24) 724Educ: < College 32% (397) 8% (230) 2% (5) 29% (36) 9% (3) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 33% (57) 23% (0) 3% (63) 27% (27) 3% (4) 47Educ: Post-grad 4% (0) 2% (57) 9% (25) 25% (68) 3% (9) 268

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Table POL2_10

Table POL2_10: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing legislation placing additional restrictions on gun ownership

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (663) 20% (397) 2% (239) 28% (556) 7% (35) 99Income: Under 50k 32% (354) 9% (2) 3% (43) 26% (279) 9% (03) 09Income: 50k-100k 34% (25) 20% (28) 0% (63) 32% (20) 4% (24) 63Income: 100k+ 35% (93) 22% (58) 2% (33) 28% (76) 3% (8) 268Ethnicity: White 32% (52) 9% (33) 2% (92) 3% (50) 6% (9) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 35% (68) 7% (33) 8% (34) 2% (4) 9% (6) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 44% (0) 2% (52) 2% (29) 3% (33) % (28) 252Ethnicity: Other 32% (4) 25% (32) 3% (7) 8% (23) 2% (6) 28Relig: Protestant 28% (44) 8% (95) 4% (7) 37% (89) 3% (8) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 34% (3) 22% (86) % (43) 27% (04) 6% (2) 386Relig: Something Else 3% (57) 20% (37) 2% (23) 25% (47) 2% (22) 85Relig: Jewish 59% (38) 5% (0) 2% (8) 2% (8) % () 64Relig: Evangelical 33% (25) 2% (63) 3% (95) 27% (202) 6% (47) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 24% (8) 7% (55) 3% (43) 42% (38) 4% (4) 330Relig: All Christian 30% (332) 20% (27) 3% (38) 3% (340) 6% (6) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 29% (62) 4% (30) 2% (26) 32% (68) 2% (24) 209Community: Urban 4% (80) 2% (92) % (48) 20% (89) 7% (29) 440Community: Suburban 35% (330) 22% (209) 2% (4) 25% (236) 7% (62) 95Community: Rural 25% (52) 6% (96) 3% (77) 38% (23) 7% (44) 600Employ: Private Sector 33% (97) 20% (20) 3% (77) 30% (80) 5% (28) 603Employ: Government 28% (44) 22% (35) % (8) 34% (53) 4% (6) 55Employ: Self-Employed 29% (56) 20% (39) 2% (24) 28% (53) % (20) 9Employ: Homemaker 3% (45) 2% (32) 2% (7) 26% (39) 0% (5) 48Employ: Student 35% (27) 25% (9) 5% (2) 7% (3) 8% (6) 77Employ: Retired 40% (93) 8% (86) 9% (44) 29% (38) 3% (6) 477Employ: Unemployed 33% (49) 3% (20) 6% (24) 25% (37) 2% (8) 49Employ: Other 27% (52) 25% (47) 3% (24) 23% (43) 3% (25) 9Military HH: Yes 27% (96) 6% (59) 3% (46) 4% (46) 3% () 358Military HH: No 35% (567) 2% (338) 2% (93) 25% (40) 8% (24) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_10

Table POL2_10: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing legislation placing additional restrictions on gun ownership

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (663) 20% (397) 2% (239) 28% (556) 7% (35) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 7% (35) 5% (2) 3% (00) 48% (374) 7% (52) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 44% (528) 23% (276) 2% (39) 5% (82) 7% (83) 209Trump Job Approve 6% (40) 5% (32) 4% (24) 5% (453) 5% (46) 895Trump Job Disapprove 50% (53) 25% (25) 0% (04) 9% (92) 6% (59) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (66) 2% (60) % (52) 59% (29) 4% (20) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (74) 8% (72) 8% (73) 40% (6) 6% (26) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 33% (79) 26% (62) 6% (39) 7% (4) 8% (9) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 56% (434) 24% (89) 8% (65) 7% (52) 5% (40) 78Favorable of Trump 6% (39) 5% (26) 3% (5) 5% (443) 4% (38) 860Unfavorable of Trump 48% (492) 25% (256) 2% (2) 0% (0) 5% (5) 022Very Favorable of Trump 4% (7) 3% (66) 2% (63) 57% (289) 4% (8) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 9% (68) 7% (60) 5% (52) 43% (53) 6% (20) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 25% (54) 27% (57) 9% (40) 2% (46) 8% (7) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 54% (438) 25% (99) 0% (8) 7% (55) 4% (34) 808#1 Issue: Economy 30% (62) 22% (9) 3% (7) 29% (54) 6% (33) 539#1 Issue: Security 8% (75) 3% (54) % (47) 53% (220) 4% (7) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 40% (35) 26% (86) 8% (27) 8% (6) 7% (25) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 44% (26) 7% (50) 5% (42) 8% (53) 6% (9) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 40% (4) 8% (8) 2% (2) 8% (8) 2% (2) 0#1 Issue: Education 4% (52) 25% (32) 6% (20) 0% (3) 9% () 29#1 Issue: Energy 45% (36) 22% (7) % (9) 6% (3) 5% (4) 78#1 Issue: Other 34% (37) 20% (22) 0% () 23% (25) 3% (5) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 57% (428) 25% (92) 7% (52) 8% (59) 3% (24) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 4% (0) 6% (6) 4% (06) 53% (384) 3% (2) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 26% (27) 5% (6) 23% (24) 2% (2) 5% (5) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 26% (06) 8% (74) 4% (57) 23% (90) 8% (73) 400

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Table POL2_10

Table POL2_10: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing legislation placing additional restrictions on gun ownership

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (663) 20% (397) 2% (239) 28% (556) 7% (35) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 57% (380) 25% (65) 8% (5) 6% (4) 4% (24) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (00) 6% (6) 5% (05) 52% (37) 4% (26) 772016 Vote: Someone else 32% (60) 6% (30) 9% (36) 26% (49) 7% (3) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 29% (23) 20% (86) % (47) 22% (94) 7% (73) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 35% (484) 20% (278) 2% (67) 29% (403) 4% (50) 38Voted in 2014: No 29% (80) 20% (9) 2% (72) 25% (54) 4% (86) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 5% (49) 24% (98) 0% (79) % (92) 4% (36) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 6% (90) 6% (92) 5% (85) 5% (294) 2% () 5732012 Vote: Other % (9) 3% (0) 8% (4) 47% (36) % (8) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 28% (46) 9% (96) 2% (60) 26% (33) 6% (80) 554-Region: Northeast 42% (50) 20% (7) 9% (33) 20% (72) 8% (29) 3554-Region: Midwest 33% (52) 8% (83) 4% (65) 28% (28) 6% (29) 4574-Region: South 29% (29) 2% (56) 2% (89) 30% (225) 7% (54) 7434-Region: West 33% (42) 20% (88) 2% (52) 30% (3) 5% (23) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_11

Table POL2_11: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Regulation of tech companies

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (332) 36% (74) 27% (535) 7% (3) 4% (280) 99Gender: Male 9% (77) 37% (340) 25% (234) 9% (8) % (99) 932Gender: Female 5% (55) 35% (373) 28% (300) 5% (49) 7% (8) 059Age: 18-29 4% (49) 32% (5) 28% (02) 5% (8) 2% (76) 360Age: 30-44 8% (78) 34% (49) 24% (06) 8% (35) 7% (74) 443Age: 45-54 9% (66) 37% (27) 26% (90) 7% (24) % (39) 345Age: 55-64 6% (6) 38% (43) 28% (08) 7% (26) % (43) 380Age: 65+ 7% (78) 39% (8) 28% (28) 6% (28) % (49) 463Generation Z: 18-21 20% (20) 2% (2) 34% (34) 0% (0) 6% (6) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 4% (73) 36% (80) 23% (8) 6% (30) 2% (05) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 8% (92) 35% (78) 27% (40) 7% (37) 3% (66) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 7% (27) 39% (286) 28% (204) 6% (44) % (79) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (43) 40% (272) 24% (6) 3% (22) 2% (83) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 4% (92) 35% (225) 24% (57) 8% (5) 9% (23) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 5% (97) 33% (27) 33% (27) 9% (57) % (74) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 24% (66) 42% (7) 22% (60) 4% (2) 8% (2) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% (77) 38% (55) 25% (0) 3% (0) 5% (62) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 5% (50) 36% (23) 22% (76) 0% (35) 7% (59) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 4% (42) 33% (02) 26% (8) 5% (7) 2% (64) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (6) 32% (00) 3% (99) % (35) 6% (9) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 0% (36) 33% (6) 34% (8) 6% (22) 6% (55) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 22% (39) 40% (255) 24% (54) 5% (32) 0% (62) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 6% (67) 40% (68) 26% (08) 5% (22) 3% (56) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% (09) 33% (240) 32% (234) 9% (66) 0% (76) 724Educ: < College 7% (27) 33% (47) 26% (322) 7% (8) 7% (25) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 5% (69) 39% (85) 30% (4) 7% (32) 9% (44) 47Educ: Post-grad 7% (46) 42% () 27% (72) 6% (7) 8% (2) 268

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Table POL2_11

Table POL2_11: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Regulation of tech companies

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (332) 36% (74) 27% (535) 7% (3) 4% (280) 99Income: Under 50k 8% (9) 34% (368) 25% (275) 5% (59) 8% (98) 09Income: 50k-100k 4% (9) 38% (239) 29% (84) 8% (5) % (67) 63Income: 100k+ 9% (50) 40% (07) 28% (76) 8% (2) 6% (5) 268Ethnicity: White 6% (255) 37% (593) 28% (450) 7% () 2% (20) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 20% (38) 30% (57) 27% (53) 7% (3) 6% (32) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 9% (49) 33% (83) 9% (48) 6% (5) 23% (58) 252Ethnicity: Other 22% (28) 29% (38) 29% (37) 3% (4) 7% (2) 28Relig: Protestant 4% (72) 38% (96) 29% (50) 7% (36) 2% (62) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 7% (67) 34% (32) 30% (4) 7% (28) 2% (44) 386Relig: Something Else 5% (29) 43% (79) 8% (33) 4% (8) 20% (37) 85Relig: Jewish 3% (20) 42% (27) 23% (4) % () 3% (2) 64Relig: Evangelical 5% (4) 38% (288) 28% (20) 6% (44) 4% (02) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 6% (54) 36% (20) 26% (87) 8% (27) 2% (4) 330Relig: All Christian 5% (68) 37% (407) 27% (297) 7% (7) 3% (43) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 9% (39) 32% (66) 24% (5) 5% (0) 20% (42) 209Community: Urban 23% (03) 35% (53) 22% (96) 6% (25) 4% (64) 440Community: Suburban 6% (48) 37% (35) 29% (276) 6% (58) 2% (7) 95Community: Rural 3% (8) 35% (209) 27% (63) 8% (47) 7% (99) 600Employ: Private Sector 5% (88) 37% (226) 30% (82) 8% (50) 0% (58) 603Employ: Government 5% (24) 40% (6) 29% (44) 9% (3) 8% (2) 55Employ: Self-Employed 22% (42) 3% (60) 22% (43) 7% (3) 8% (34) 9Employ: Homemaker 0% (5) 37% (55) 25% (37) 6% (8) 22% (32) 48Employ: Student 7% (3) 28% (22) 34% (26) 4% (3) 7% (3) 77Employ: Retired 8% (85) 39% (88) 26% (24) 5% (24) 2% (57) 477Employ: Unemployed 28% (4) 28% (42) 24% (35) 3% (4) 7% (26) 49Employ: Other 2% (24) 32% (60) 23% (44) 8% (5) 25% (48) 9Military HH: Yes 7% (62) 39% (40) 27% (97) 6% (20) % (39) 358Military HH: No 6% (269) 35% (574) 27% (438) 7% (0) 5% (24) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL2_11

Table POL2_11: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Regulation of tech companies

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (332) 36% (74) 27% (535) 7% (3) 4% (280) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (9) 36% (278) 30% (23) 8% (64) 2% (90) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 8% (23) 36% (436) 25% (304) 5% (66) 6% (90) 209Trump Job Approve 6% (4) 35% (30) 29% (257) 9% (78) 2% (09) 895Trump Job Disapprove 8% (83) 39% (393) 26% (263) 5% (48) 3% (33) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 20% (96) 32% (57) 29% (40) 9% (44) % (53) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve % (45) 38% (53) 29% (8) 8% (34) 4% (56) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 2% (29) 32% (76) 36% (86) 6% (5) 4% (33) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 20% (54) 4% (37) 23% (77) 4% (32) 3% (00) 78Favorable of Trump 6% (34) 34% (296) 29% (25) 9% (74) 2% (05) 860Unfavorable of Trump 7% (77) 40% (407) 26% (265) 5% (48) 2% (25) 022Very Favorable of Trump 9% (95) 34% (70) 29% (46) 9% (43) % (53) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump % (40) 36% (26) 30% (05) 9% (3) 5% (52) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 3% (29) 33% (70) 35% (75) 6% (3) 3% (29) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 8% (48) 42% (337) 24% (90) 4% (36) 2% (97) 808#1 Issue: Economy 4% (77) 36% (93) 29% (55) 8% (44) 3% (7) 539#1 Issue: Security 4% (59) 33% (36) 3% (29) % (44) % (45) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 8% (59) 38% (28) 24% (79) 4% (4) 6% (52) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 2% (60) 38% (09) 25% (72) 5% (5) 2% (34) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 6% (6) 32% (32) 30% (3) 3% (3) 9% (9) 0#1 Issue: Education 9% (25) 33% (43) 20% (26) 3% (4) 24% (3) 29#1 Issue: Energy 2% (6) 44% (35) 2% (7) 5% (4) 9% (7) 78#1 Issue: Other 9% (20) 36% (40) 23% (25) 3% (3) 9% (2) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 20% (52) 43% (324) 24% (79) 3% (25) 0% (74) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 4% (05) 35% (252) 3% (229) 9% (67) 0% (75) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 2% (3) 33% (34) 25% (26) 7% (8) 23% (24) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 5% (60) 26% (03) 25% (0) 8% (3) 26% (05) 400

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Table POL2_11

Table POL2_11: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Regulation of tech companies

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (332) 36% (74) 27% (535) 7% (3) 4% (280) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 9% (29) 42% (279) 24% (58) 4% (23) % (72) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 5% (0) 34% (242) 32% (228) 9% (63) 0% (74) 772016 Vote: Someone else 3% (24) 39% (73) 24% (44) 9% (6) 6% (30) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 6% (69) 28% (9) 24% (04) 7% (28) 25% (05) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (235) 39% (537) 28% (385) 6% (88) 0% (37) 38Voted in 2014: No 6% (97) 29% (77) 25% (50) 7% (43) 24% (43) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 8% (50) 42% (345) 24% (98) 4% (32) 2% (99) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 3% (77) 34% (97) 33% (90) 0% (56) 9% (53) 5732012 Vote: Other 8% (4) 35% (27) 27% (2) 8% (6) 2% (9) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8% (9) 28% (44) 24% (25) 7% (36) 23% (9) 554-Region: Northeast 2% (74) 35% (23) 25% (89) 7% (25) 2% (44) 3554-Region: Midwest 6% (73) 33% (49) 30% (37) 5% (25) 6% (73) 4574-Region: South 5% (09) 37% (27) 26% (94) 8% (56) 5% (2) 7434-Region: West 7% (76) 39% (70) 26% (4) 6% (24) 2% (5) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL3

Table POL3: If the 2020 presidential election were held today, would you definitely vote to re-elect Donald Trump, probably vote to re-elect DonaldTrump, probably vote for someone else or definitely vote for someone else?


Definitelyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote for

someone else

Definitelyvote for

someone elseWould not

voteDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (554) % (27) 8% (53) 45% (899) 2% (44) 6% (24) 99Gender: Male 30% (276) 4% (27) 9% (8) 40% (375) 3% (25) 5% (48) 932Gender: Female 26% (278) 8% (90) 7% (72) 50% (524) 2% (9) 7% (77) 059Age: 18-29 6% (56) % (4) % (4) 50% (80) 5% (7) 7% (24) 360Age: 30-44 25% () % (50) 8% (37) 46% (205) 2% (0) 7% (30) 443Age: 45-54 32% (0) % (36) 8% (28) 37% (27) 2% (8) 0% (35) 345Age: 55-64 32% (20) 2% (44) 7% (25) 46% (76) % (5) 3% () 380Age: 65+ 34% (57) 0% (46) 5% (2) 45% (20) % (4) 5% (24) 463Generation Z: 18-21 4% (4) 2% (2) 4% (4) 50% (50) 9% (9) 2% (2) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 2% (04) % (56) 0% (48) 49% (248) 2% (2) 7% (37) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 29% (50) % (56) 9% (44) 39% (202) 3% (4) 9% (46) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 34% (252) % (82) 5% (39) 45% (332) % (6) 4% (28) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 4% (30) 3% (2) 6% (39) 83% (565) 2% (3) 2% (2) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 7% () % (72) 2% (79) 43% (280) 4% (28) 2% (77) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 62% (43) 9% (24) 5% (34) 8% (54) — (3) 5% (35) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 3% (9) 6% (7) 8% (23) 77% (22) 3% (7) 2% (6) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 5% (2) % (4) 4% (6) 87% (353) % (5) % (6) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 9% (64) 4% (47) 2% (42) 40% (38) 5% (7) 0% (35) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 5% (47) 8% (25) 2% (38) 46% (42) 4% (2) 4% (42) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 65% (203) 20% (64) 5% (6) 8% (24) — () 2% (7) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 60% (209) 7% (60) 5% (9) 9% (30) — (2) 8% (29) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 8% (50) 3% (22) 8% (49) 76% (487) 2% (5) 3% (9) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 6% (67) % (47) % (48) 52% (29) 2% (7) 8% (33) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 55% (40) 8% (33) 6% (45) 4% (02) % (5) 5% (38) 724

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Table POL3

Table POL3: If the 2020 presidential election were held today, would you definitely vote to re-elect Donald Trump, probably vote to re-elect DonaldTrump, probably vote for someone else or definitely vote for someone else?


Definitelyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote for

someone else

Definitelyvote for

someone elseWould not

voteDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (554) % (27) 8% (53) 45% (899) 2% (44) 6% (24) 99Educ: < College 30% (377) 0% (27) 8% (03) 42% (523) 3% (36) 7% (86) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 25% (7) 3% (63) 8% (36) 48% (224) % (5) 5% (25) 47Educ: Post-grad 22% (60) 0% (27) 5% (4) 56% (5) % (2) 5% (3) 268Income: Under 50k 26% (288) 9% (98) 8% (9) 47% (508) 3% (29) 7% (78) 09Income: 50k-100k 30% (89) 3% (8) 6% (38) 45% (282) 2% (0) 5% (32) 63Income: 100k+ 29% (78) 4% (39) 9% (24) 4% (09) 2% (5) 5% (5) 268Ethnicity: White 32% (59) 2% (20) 7% (7) 4% (658) % (23) 6% (92) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 8% (34) % (2) % (2) 47% (90) 4% (8) 0% (9) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 7% (7) 2% (6) 6% (5) 7% (79) 6% (6) 8% (9) 252Ethnicity: Other 4% (8) 8% (0) 6% (20) 49% (62) 4% (5) 0% (3) 28Relig: Protestant 38% (98) 4% (72) 7% (37) 34% (78) % (5) 5% (27) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 35% (34) % (42) 7% (25) 42% (6) — () 6% (22) 386Relig: Something Else 5% (28) % (20) 9% (6) 56% (03) 5% (9) 5% (9) 85Relig: Jewish 2% (3) % (7) % () 59% (37) 4% (2) 4% (3) 64Relig: Evangelical 27% (203) % (84) 7% (54) 48% (367) 2% (2) 5% (37) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 47% (57) 5% (49) 8% (25) 23% (76) % (3) 6% (2) 330Relig: All Christian 33% (360) 2% (34) 7% (79) 4% (442) % (5) 5% (58) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 32% (67) % (23) 6% (3) 38% (80) 3% (7) 8% (8) 209Community: Urban 8% (77) % (46) 7% (30) 54% (238) 2% (0) 9% (39) 440Community: Suburban 28% (267) % (04) 7% (70) 46% (442) 2% (7) 5% (5) 95Community: Rural 35% (20) % (66) 9% (53) 37% (29) 3% (7) 6% (34) 600

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Morning ConsultTable POL3

Table POL3: If the 2020 presidential election were held today, would you definitely vote to re-elect Donald Trump, probably vote to re-elect DonaldTrump, probably vote for someone else or definitely vote for someone else?


Definitelyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote for

someone else

Definitelyvote for

someone elseWould not

voteDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (554) % (27) 8% (53) 45% (899) 2% (44) 6% (24) 99Employ: Private Sector 28% (67) 2% (70) 0% (59) 45% (270) % (6) 5% (3) 603Employ: Government 26% (40) 3% (9) 2% (8) 43% (66) 2% (3) 5% (7) 55Employ: Self-Employed 28% (55) 3% (24) 6% () 39% (74) 5% (9) 0% (8) 9Employ: Homemaker 28% (4) 9% (4) 8% (2) 45% (67) 3% (5) 7% (0) 48Employ: Student 0% (8) 9% (7) 7% (5) 66% (5) 3% (2) 4% (3) 77Employ: Retired 32% (54) 0% (50) 5% (23) 46% (222) % (7) 4% (2) 477Employ: Unemployed 28% (4) 8% (2) 9% (3) 4% (6) 7% (0) 8% (2) 49Employ: Other 25% (48) % (20) 6% (2) 47% (89) — () % (2) 9Military HH: Yes 40% (42) 9% (33) 6% (2) 40% (45) 2% (7) 3% () 358Military HH: No 25% (42) % (85) 8% (32) 46% (754) 2% (37) 7% (4) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 59% (459) 8% (43) 7% (53) 8% (63) % (8) 7% (56) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 8% (95) 6% (74) 8% (00) 69% (836) 3% (36) 6% (68) 209Trump Job Approve 59% (530) 22% (200) 6% (58) 5% (42) % (5) 7% (60) 895Trump Job Disapprove 2% (8) % (4) 8% (79) 83% (842) 3% (3) 3% (36) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 89% (435) 5% (27) % (5) 3% (4) — (2) % (7) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 24% (96) 43% (73) 3% (53) 7% (28) % (3) 3% (53) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 4% (8) 5% (2) 24% (57) 54% (29) 3% (8) 0% (24) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove % (0) — (2) 3% (22) 9% (74) 3% (23) % () 78Favorable of Trump 62% (53) 23% (96) 6% (5) 3% (28) — (2) 6% (52) 860Unfavorable of Trump % (9) % (4) 9% (9) 82% (839) 3% (30) 4% (40) 022Very Favorable of Trump 88% (445) 7% (34) % (4) 2% (2) — (2) 2% (9) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 24% (85) 46% (63) 3% (47) 5% (6) — (0) 2% (43) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 2% (5) 6% (2) 30% (65) 44% (94) 3% (6) 5% (33) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump % (4) — () 3% (26) 92% (745) 3% (24) % (7) 808

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL3

Table POL3: If the 2020 presidential election were held today, would you definitely vote to re-elect Donald Trump, probably vote to re-elect DonaldTrump, probably vote for someone else or definitely vote for someone else?


Definitelyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote for

someone else

Definitelyvote for

someone elseWould not

voteDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (554) % (27) 8% (53) 45% (899) 2% (44) 6% (24) 99#1 Issue: Economy 22% (8) 5% (82) 0% (52) 44% (237) 4% (20) 5% (29) 539#1 Issue: Security 66% (27) 3% (54) 5% (9) 2% (50) % (5) 4% (5) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 4% (47) 7% (24) 7% (25) 63% (2) % (4) 7% (22) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 24% (7) 0% (29) 6% (8) 5% (46) 2% (5) 7% (20) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues % () % () 6% (6) 63% (64) 2% (2) 7% (7) 0#1 Issue: Education 7% (9) 6% (8) 5% (20) 60% (77) 2% (3) 0% (2) 29#1 Issue: Energy % (9) 3% (2) 7% (5) 70% (55) 4% (3) 5% (4) 78#1 Issue: Other 8% (9) 6% (7) 7% (8) 54% (59) 2% (2) 3% (4) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (8) 2% (8) 6% (44) 86% (65) 2% (4) % (9) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 60% (440) 2% (50) 7% (48) 8% (60) — (0) 4% (32) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 4% (4) % () 0% () 40% (42) 5% (6) 20% (20) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 2% (82) 0% (38) 2% (50) 36% (43) 6% (24) 6% (62) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton % (9) % (8) 5% (36) 88% (584) % (9) 2% (5) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 63% (450) 2% (53) 6% (45) 4% (30) — (3) 5% (34) 772016 Vote: Someone else 4% (8) 8% (6) 3% (23) 58% (08) 2% (4) 5% (28) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 20% (86) 9% (39) % (48) 42% (76) 6% (27) % (47) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 29% (406) 2% (60) 6% (89) 47% (645) % (9) 5% (63) 38Voted in 2014: No 24% (48) 9% (57) 0% (64) 42% (254) 4% (25) 0% (62) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (6) 5% (42) 6% (52) 76% (627) 2% (4) 3% (29) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 59% (337) 9% (09) 7% (39) 0% (60) — (0) 5% (29) 5732012 Vote: Other 32% (25) 7% (3) 2% (9) 22% (7) 3% (2) 5% () 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25% (3) 0% (54) 0% (52) 38% (95) 5% (28) % (56) 554-Region: Northeast 24% (86) 9% (32) 0% (35) 50% (76) % (4) 6% (22) 3554-Region: Midwest 24% () % (50) 0% (45) 47% (23) 2% (9) 6% (29) 4574-Region: South 35% (258) 2% (89) 5% (39) 40% (294) 3% (22) 6% (4) 7434-Region: West 23% (99) % (46) 8% (34) 50% (26) 2% (9) 7% (32) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_1

Table POL4_1: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?A proposal from Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) that would tax the estates of Americans who inherit $3.5 million or more.

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 4% (280) 25% (502) 26% (522) 35% (687) 99Gender: Male 6% (45) 28% (263) 27% (25) 29% (272) 932Gender: Female 3% (34) 23% (239) 26% (27) 39% (45) 059Age: 18-29 8% (64) 22% (79) 25% (90) 35% (27) 360Age: 30-44 2% (5) 26% (3) 24% (06) 39% (73) 443Age: 45-54 % (38) 24% (84) 29% (02) 35% (2) 345Age: 55-64 4% (54) 27% (0) 29% (0) 30% (4) 380Age: 65+ 6% (72) 27% (24) 25% (4) 33% (52) 463Generation Z: 18-21 26% (27) 24% (24) 7% (8) 32% (33) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 3% (68) 22% () 26% (30) 39% (96) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 % (55) 26% (33) 28% (44) 35% (80) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 4% (03) 26% (93) 27% (96) 33% (247) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 20% (35) 24% (66) 27% (83) 29% (97) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 0% (64) 25% (59) 27% (73) 39% (252) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 2% (8) 27% (77) 25% (66) 36% (239) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 2% (58) 26% (72) 27% (74) 26% (7) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% (77) 23% (94) 27% (08) 3% (26) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men % (38) 28% (97) 27% (9) 34% (6) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 8% (25) 20% (63) 27% (82) 44% (35) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 6% (49) 30% (94) 27% (85) 27% (85) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 9% (3) 24% (83) 23% (8) 44% (54) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 22% (38) 26% (67) 27% (75) 25% (62) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) % (45) 28% (7) 27% (5) 34% (44) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) % (83) 27% (95) 27% (92) 35% (254) 724Educ: < College 3% (66) 23% (283) 26% (32) 38% (482) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 5% (69) 27% (27) 30% (43) 28% (32) 47Educ: Post-grad 7% (45) 34% (92) 2% (57) 27% (74) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL4_1

Table POL4_1: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?A proposal from Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) that would tax the estates of Americans who inherit $3.5 million or more.

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 4% (280) 25% (502) 26% (522) 35% (687) 99Income: Under 50k 4% (55) 22% (238) 26% (28) 38% (47) 09Income: 50k-100k 3% (85) 29% (85) 27% (70) 30% (9) 63Income: 100k+ 5% (40) 29% (79) 26% (70) 29% (79) 268Ethnicity: White 3% (25) 25% (409) 25% (406) 36% (580) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 6% (30) 27% (52) 26% (50) 32% (6) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 8% (44) 23% (59) 3% (78) 28% (7) 252Ethnicity: Other 6% (2) 26% (34) 29% (38) 28% (36) 28Relig: Protestant 2% (6) 28% (43) 28% (42) 33% (70) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 5% (57) 29% (0) 25% (98) 3% (2) 386Relig: Something Else 6% (29) 2% (38) 25% (46) 39% (72) 85Relig: Jewish 22% (4) 3% (20) 24% (5) 23% (5) 64Relig: Evangelical 3% (99) 28% (23) 26% (20) 32% (245) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 5% (48) 24% (78) 26% (86) 36% (8) 330Relig: All Christian 4% (47) 27% (29) 26% (286) 33% (363) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 4% (29) 24% (50) 27% (57) 35% (73) 209Community: Urban 8% (77) 27% (8) 25% (2) 30% (32) 440Community: Suburban 4% (35) 24% (233) 26% (246) 36% (338) 95Community: Rural % (67) 25% (52) 27% (64) 36% (27) 600Employ: Private Sector 3% (79) 27% (66) 25% (52) 34% (206) 603Employ: Government 6% (25) 25% (39) 29% (45) 30% (46) 55Employ: Self-Employed 5% (28) 27% (52) 30% (58) 28% (53) 9Employ: Homemaker % (6) 3% (9) 3% (45) 46% (68) 48Employ: Student 22% (7) 8% (4) 24% (9) 36% (28) 77Employ: Retired 6% (76) 28% (32) 25% (2) 3% (49) 477Employ: Unemployed 4% (2) 22% (33) 24% (36) 39% (58) 49Employ: Other 9% (8) 25% (48) 24% (46) 42% (79) 9Military HH: Yes 4% (49) 30% (08) 23% (82) 33% (9) 358Military HH: No 4% (230) 24% (395) 27% (440) 35% (568) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 2% (93) 28% (26) 24% (87) 37% (286) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 5% (86) 24% (286) 28% (335) 33% (402) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_1

Table POL4_1: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?A proposal from Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) that would tax the estates of Americans who inherit $3.5 million or more.

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 4% (280) 25% (502) 26% (522) 35% (687) 99Trump Job Approve % (97) 27% (24) 25% (228) 37% (329) 895Trump Job Disapprove 8% (79) 25% (258) 26% (270) 3% (33) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (68) 26% (28) 25% (22) 35% (72) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 7% (30) 28% (3) 26% (06) 39% (57) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (9) 26% (62) 27% (64) 39% (94) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (60) 25% (95) 26% (206) 28% (29) 78Favorable of Trump % (93) 26% (227) 27% (228) 36% (32) 860Unfavorable of Trump 8% (79) 26% (26) 26% (269) 3% (34) 022Very Favorable of Trump 3% (65) 27% (35) 25% (25) 36% (82) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (29) 26% (92) 29% (03) 37% (30) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 9% (20) 25% (53) 26% (56) 40% (86) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 20% (59) 26% (208) 26% (23) 28% (228) 808#1 Issue: Economy 4% (75) 24% (29) 27% (43) 35% (9) 539#1 Issue: Security 2% (5) 29% (20) 24% (98) 35% (43) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 6% (52) 24% (8) 28% (94) 32% (06) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 3% (38) 23% (68) 27% (77) 37% (07) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues % () 27% (27) 27% (27) 35% (35) 0#1 Issue: Education 4% (9) 26% (34) 25% (32) 34% (44) 29#1 Issue: Energy 24% (9) 24% (9) 25% (9) 28% (22) 78#1 Issue: Other 4% (6) 22% (24) 28% (3) 36% (39) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 20% (48) 28% (208) 26% (94) 27% (203) 7532018 House Vote: Republican % (82) 29% (23) 26% (92) 33% (242) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 2% (2) 22% (23) 25% (26) 5% (53) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 2% (48) 4% (58) 26% (06) 47% (88) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 9% (23) 27% (79) 27% (80) 27% (78) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump % (79) 28% (202) 26% (84) 35% (252) 772016 Vote: Someone else 3% (24) 27% (50) 30% (56) 3% (57) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 2% (53) 7% (7) 24% (0) 47% (200) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 5% (23) 28% (38) 28% (382) 29% (405) 38Voted in 2014: No % (66) 20% (22) 23% (40) 46% (283) 60

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL4_1

Table POL4_1: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?A proposal from Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) that would tax the estates of Americans who inherit $3.5 million or more.

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 4% (280) 25% (502) 26% (522) 35% (687) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (44) 26% (27) 27% (224) 29% (240) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney % (65) 28% (60) 29% (64) 32% (84) 5732012 Vote: Other 4% () 22% (7) 20% (5) 43% (33) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote % (59) 2% (08) 23% (9) 44% (229) 554-Region: Northeast 6% (58) 24% (84) 27% (95) 34% (9) 3554-Region: Midwest 2% (55) 25% (2) 27% (24) 37% (67) 4574-Region: South 3% (98) 27% (99) 26% (93) 34% (253) 7434-Region: West 6% (69) 25% (07) 25% (0) 34% (49) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_2

Table POL4_2: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?A proposal from Republicans in Congress that would abolish the estate tax

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters % (227) 25% (503) 28% (56) 35% (700) 99Gender: Male 3% (22) 30% (276) 29% (27) 28% (262) 932Gender: Female 0% (05) 2% (226) 27% (290) 4% (438) 059Age: 18-29 4% (50) 27% (98) 22% (78) 37% (35) 360Age: 30-44 0% (44) 22% (99) 28% (22) 40% (77) 443Age: 45-54 0% (34) 24% (82) 30% (03) 37% (27) 345Age: 55-64 % (4) 25% (96) 32% (22) 32% (22) 380Age: 65+ 3% (58) 28% (28) 29% (37) 30% (40) 463Generation Z: 18-21 24% (24) 22% (22) 8% (9) 36% (36) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 % (54) 26% (3) 23% (6) 40% (204) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 8% (42) 23% (20) 32% (64) 36% (86) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 2% (90) 26% (9) 30% (220) 32% (238) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (82) 23% (56) 30% (204) 35% (238) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 8% (5) 24% (54) 29% (86) 40% (257) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (93) 29% (92) 26% (7) 3% (206) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 2% (34) 27% (73) 28% (78) 33% (90) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 2% (48) 20% (83) 3% (26) 36% (48) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 8% (28) 28% (95) 30% (03) 34% (6) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 7% (22) 9% (59) 27% (83) 46% (4) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (59) 34% (08) 29% (90) 8% (57) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 0% (34) 24% (84) 23% (8) 43% (49) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 4% (9) 26% (69) 29% (84) 3% (98) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 9% (37) 23% (97) 3% (30) 37% (57) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 2% (89) 29% (22) 28% (203) 3% (22) 724Educ: < College 0% (3) 23% (290) 29% (36) 38% (470) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 3% (62) 29% (39) 25% (20) 32% (50) 47Educ: Post-grad 2% (33) 28% (74) 30% (80) 30% (80) 268

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Table POL4_2

Table POL4_2: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?A proposal from Republicans in Congress that would abolish the estate tax

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters % (227) 25% (503) 28% (56) 35% (700) 99Income: Under 50k 2% (27) 22% (245) 28% (3) 37% (408) 09Income: 50k-100k 0% (66) 27% (72) 27% (72) 35% (22) 63Income: 100k+ 2% (33) 32% (85) 29% (78) 27% (72) 268Ethnicity: White % (8) 26% (4) 28% (453) 35% (565) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 4% (27) 9% (36) 29% (55) 39% (75) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. % (27) 27% (68) 26% (67) 36% (9) 252Ethnicity: Other 4% (8) 8% (23) 32% (42) 35% (45) 28Relig: Protestant % (59) 29% (49) 29% (50) 3% (59) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 2% (46) 25% (96) 29% (4) 34% (30) 386Relig: Something Else 5% (27) 8% (33) 27% (49) 4% (76) 85Relig: Jewish 6% (0) 33% (2) 26% (7) 25% (6) 64Relig: Evangelical % (82) 26% (96) 30% (224) 34% (256) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 5% (50) 25% (82) 27% (89) 33% (09) 330Relig: All Christian 2% (32) 26% (278) 29% (33) 34% (365) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 9% (9) 24% (50) 29% (60) 38% (80) 209Community: Urban 5% (64) 24% (06) 27% (7) 35% (52) 440Community: Suburban % (05) 26% (245) 27% (258) 36% (343) 95Community: Rural 0% (58) 25% (5) 3% (86) 34% (205) 600Employ: Private Sector 9% (56) 27% (60) 27% (62) 37% (225) 603Employ: Government 0% (6) 33% (5) 29% (46) 27% (42) 55Employ: Self-Employed % (2) 26% (50) 3% (60) 3% (60) 9Employ: Homemaker 7% (0) 9% (28) 28% (42) 46% (68) 48Employ: Student 6% (2) 24% (8) 9% (5) 4% (32) 77Employ: Retired 3% (62) 28% (36) 30% (43) 28% (35) 477Employ: Unemployed 5% (23) 6% (25) 30% (44) 39% (58) 49Employ: Other 3% (26) 8% (34) 26% (50) 43% (8) 9Military HH: Yes 4% (49) 29% (04) 27% (95) 3% (0) 358Military HH: No % (78) 24% (399) 29% (466) 36% (590) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (4) 29% (224) 24% (85) 33% (260) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (3) 23% (279) 3% (377) 36% (44) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_2

Table POL4_2: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?A proposal from Republicans in Congress that would abolish the estate tax

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters % (227) 25% (503) 28% (56) 35% (700) 99Trump Job Approve 3% (9) 27% (242) 27% (240) 33% (294) 895Trump Job Disapprove % (07) 24% (249) 30% (303) 35% (36) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (8) 3% (50) 22% (0) 30% (49) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 9% (38) 23% (92) 32% (30) 36% (45) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 5% () 23% (54) 33% (80) 39% (94) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (96) 25% (95) 29% (223) 34% (267) 78Favorable of Trump 4% (8) 28% (239) 27% (230) 32% (274) 860Unfavorable of Trump 0% (00) 24% (247) 30% (305) 36% (370) 022Very Favorable of Trump 7% (86) 30% (52) 22% (3) 3% (56) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 9% (32) 24% (86) 33% (7) 33% (8) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 6% (2) 20% (43) 32% (68) 43% (92) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump % (88) 25% (204) 29% (238) 34% (278) 808#1 Issue: Economy 9% (48) 25% (36) 30% (64) 35% (9) 539#1 Issue: Security 4% (57) 32% (3) 26% (08) 28% (7) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (39) 24% (79) 28% (94) 36% (2) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security % (33) 23% (67) 3% (90) 34% (99) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 9% (9) 4% (4) 32% (32) 45% (45) 0#1 Issue: Education 5% (9) 24% (3) 23% (29) 39% (50) 29#1 Issue: Energy 2% (9) 24% (9) 22% (7) 42% (33) 78#1 Issue: Other % (3) 23% (25) 24% (26) 42% (46) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (93) 26% (93) 29% (220) 33% (248) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 3% (98) 3% (227) 26% (9) 29% (23) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 4% (4) 7% (7) 26% (27) 54% (56) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 8% (32) 6% (66) 30% (20) 46% (82) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton % (7) 25% (66) 30% (20) 34% (224) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (97) 3% (22) 25% (82) 30% (27) 772016 Vote: Someone else 2% (23) 23% (43) 33% (6) 32% (60) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 8% (36) 7% (7) 28% (7) 47% (200) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 3% (79) 29% (398) 28% (385) 30% (49) 38Voted in 2014: No 8% (47) 7% (05) 29% (77) 46% (28) 60

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Table POL4_2

Table POL4_2: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?A proposal from Republicans in Congress that would abolish the estate tax

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters % (227) 25% (503) 28% (56) 35% (700) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama % (87) 26% (2) 3% (258) 33% (269) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 4% (82) 3% (75) 26% (5) 29% (65) 5732012 Vote: Other 2% (9) 24% (9) 23% (8) 4% (32) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9% (48) 9% (98) 26% (35) 46% (235) 554-Region: Northeast 0% (36) 27% (96) 30% (06) 33% (8) 3554-Region: Midwest 0% (46) 25% (4) 29% (32) 36% (65) 4574-Region: South % (84) 25% (85) 27% (200) 37% (275) 7434-Region: West 4% (60) 25% (08) 28% (23) 33% (44) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_3

Table POL4_3: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?President Donald Trump giving the State of the Union address on Feb. 5

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 48% (960) 27% (528) 3% (255) 2% (248) 99Gender: Male 5% (480) 26% (239) 2% (0) % (04) 932Gender: Female 45% (480) 27% (289) 4% (46) 4% (44) 059Age: 18-29 34% (23) 28% (99) 7% (6) 22% (78) 360Age: 30-44 39% (73) 3% (39) 3% (58) 7% (74) 443Age: 45-54 48% (67) 27% (94) 4% (49) % (37) 345Age: 55-64 5% (95) 25% (96) 4% (5) 0% (37) 380Age: 65+ 65% (303) 22% (00) 8% (37) 5% (23) 463Generation Z: 18-21 42% (43) 8% (8) 9% (9) 2% (2) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 34% (73) 32% (59) 5% (75) 9% (98) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 45% (229) 28% (44) 4% (72) 3% (66) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 58% (427) 25% (82) 0% (7) 8% (59) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 43% (294) 3% (22) 3% (92) 2% (84) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 4% (264) 27% (73) 5% (96) 8% (5) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (403) 22% (43) 0% (68) 7% (49) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 44% (2) 3% (86) 0% (28) 4% (39) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 42% (72) 3% (25) 6% (63) % (44) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 42% (44) 27% (92) 6% (53) 6% (53) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 39% (20) 27% (8) 4% (42) 20% (62) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 68% (25) 9% (60) 9% (28) 4% () 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 54% (88) 24% (82) 2% (40) % (37) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 45% (289) 30% (92) 5% (97) 0% (64) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 4% (75) 32% (33) 5% (62) 2% (5) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 62% (447) 22% (63) 8% (59) 8% (55) 724Educ: < College 46% (570) 25% (308) 5% (83) 5% (9) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 50% (236) 3% (47) 0% (45) 9% (43) 47Educ: Post-grad 58% (54) 27% (72) 0% (27) 5% (4) 268

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Table POL4_3

Table POL4_3: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?President Donald Trump giving the State of the Union address on Feb. 5

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 48% (960) 27% (528) 3% (255) 2% (248) 99Income: Under 50k 44% (480) 25% (276) 5% (59) 6% (76) 09Income: 50k-100k 49% (32) 3% (95) % (69) 9% (56) 63Income: 100k+ 62% (68) 2% (57) 0% (28) 6% (6) 268Ethnicity: White 52% (837) 26% (48) % (8) % (75) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 4% (79) 25% (48) 8% (34) 6% (32) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 28% (70) 30% (76) 23% (58) 9% (48) 252Ethnicity: Other 4% (53) 26% (34) 3% (7) 9% (24) 28Relig: Protestant 59% (303) 23% (2) 0% (53) 8% (4) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 56% (25) 24% (92) 0% (38) 0% (40) 386Relig: Something Else 42% (78) 27% (5) 3% (25) 7% (3) 85Relig: Jewish 48% (3) 35% (23) 8% (5) 9% (6) 64Relig: Evangelical 53% (398) 25% (93) % (83) % (84) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 60% (98) 2% (7) 0% (33) 9% (28) 330Relig: All Christian 55% (596) 24% (263) % (6) 0% (2) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 39% (8) 25% (5) 2% (44) 6% (33) 209Community: Urban 45% (96) 26% (3) 7% (73) 3% (58) 440Community: Suburban 52% (490) 28% (267) 0% (92) % (02) 95Community: Rural 46% (274) 25% (48) 5% (90) 5% (88) 600Employ: Private Sector 45% (27) 29% (77) 3% (77) 3% (78) 603Employ: Government 43% (67) 30% (46) 7% (27) 9% (5) 55Employ: Self-Employed 56% (07) 2% (40) 3% (25) 0% (9) 9Employ: Homemaker 42% (62) 28% (4) 5% (23) 5% (22) 48Employ: Student 33% (26) 29% (23) 6% (3) 2% (6) 77Employ: Retired 63% (30) 23% () 8% (37) 6% (28) 477Employ: Unemployed 38% (56) 24% (35) 9% (28) 20% (29) 49Employ: Other 36% (69) 29% (55) 4% (26) 2% (4) 9Military HH: Yes 60% (24) 24% (87) 9% (32) 7% (25) 358Military HH: No 46% (746) 27% (44) 4% (223) 4% (223) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 59% (464) 22% (75) 9% (74) 9% (69) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (495) 29% (352) 5% (82) 5% (79) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_3

Table POL4_3: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?President Donald Trump giving the State of the Union address on Feb. 5

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 48% (960) 27% (528) 3% (255) 2% (248) 99Trump Job Approve 59% (529) 22% (200) 0% (92) 8% (75) 895Trump Job Disapprove 4% (420) 3% (33) 5% (50) 3% (37) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 73% (356) 6% (77) 7% (36) 4% (20) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 43% (73) 30% (22) 4% (56) 3% (55) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 28% (67) 36% (86) 3% (32) 23% (54) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 45% (353) 29% (227) 5% (9) % (83) 78Favorable of Trump 6% (524) 22% (9) 9% (78) 8% (67) 860Unfavorable of Trump 4% (47) 30% (309) 5% (53) 4% (43) 022Very Favorable of Trump 72% (364) 6% (80) 7% (35) 6% (28) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 45% (60) 3% () 2% (43) % (39) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 26% (57) 33% (7) 6% (34) 25% (53) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 45% (36) 29% (238) 5% (9) % (90) 808#1 Issue: Economy 47% (253) 26% (42) 3% (68) 4% (75) 539#1 Issue: Security 64% (265) 2% (86) 0% (39) 5% (22) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 43% (42) 29% (95) 5% (49) 4% (46) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 49% (4) 30% (86) 0% (28) 2% (34) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 29% (30) 35% (35) 9% (9) 7% (7) 0#1 Issue: Education 3% (39) 28% (36) 2% (27) 2% (27) 29#1 Issue: Energy 50% (40) 28% (22) 2% (9) 0% (8) 78#1 Issue: Other 45% (49) 23% (25) 3% (5) 8% (20) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 45% (34) 32% (240) 3% (99) 0% (73) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 63% (46) 22% (60) 9% (63) 6% (44) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 32% (33) 29% (30) 2% (3) 27% (28) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 3% (23) 24% (95) 20% (80) 25% (02) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 45% (298) 32% (20) 4% (93) 9% (60) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 62% (448) 22% (59) 8% (6) 7% (50) 772016 Vote: Someone else 4% (78) 29% (54) 5% (28) 5% (27) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 32% (35) 25% (06) 7% (73) 26% (0) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 53% (726) 27% (377) 2% (65) 8% (2) 38Voted in 2014: No 38% (233) 25% (5) 5% (90) 22% (36) 60

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Table POL4_3

Table POL4_3: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?President Donald Trump giving the State of the Union address on Feb. 5

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 48% (960) 27% (528) 3% (255) 2% (248) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 45% (375) 3% (252) 4% (4) 0% (84) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 63% (363) 24% (35) 7% (42) 6% (34) 5732012 Vote: Other 50% (38) 7% (3) 9% (5) 4% (0) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 36% (83) 25% (28) 6% (85) 23% (20) 554-Region: Northeast 49% (73) 27% (97) % (38) 3% (48) 3554-Region: Midwest 44% (202) 27% (24) 4% (63) 5% (69) 4574-Region: South 50% (368) 24% (79) 5% () % (85) 7434-Region: West 50% (27) 29% (28) 0% (44) % (46) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_4

Table POL4_4: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?The political scandals in Virginia, including Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring admitting to wearing blackface in the 1980s,and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax facing accusations that he sexually assaulted a woman in 2004.

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 40% (805) 28% (548) 4% (282) 8% (355) 99Gender: Male 44% (40) 28% (259) 3% (25) 5% (38) 932Gender: Female 37% (396) 27% (290) 5% (56) 2% (27) 059Age: 18-29 26% (93) 23% (84) 22% (77) 29% (05) 360Age: 30-44 28% (24) 28% (25) 9% (84) 25% (0) 443Age: 45-54 39% (35) 28% (97) 3% (46) 20% (68) 345Age: 55-64 48% (83) 30% (4) 2% (44) 0% (39) 380Age: 65+ 59% (27) 28% (29) 6% (29) 7% (34) 463Generation Z: 18-21 29% (29) 8% (8) 24% (24) 30% (30) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 26% (29) 26% (3) 2% (07) 27% (38) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 35% (77) 29% (50) 5% (76) 2% (0) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 52% (383) 29% (25) 0% (7) 9% (70) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 44% (297) 28% (93) 3% (92) 5% (00) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 37% (237) 25% (65) 5% (99) 23% (47) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (27) 29% (9) 4% (92) 6% (09) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 47% (30) 26% (72) 3% (36) 4% (37) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (67) 30% (2) 4% (55) 5% (62) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 38% (30) 27% (92) 3% (46) 22% (74) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 35% (08) 24% (73) 7% (53) 24% (73) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 48% (50) 30% (95) 4% (43) 8% (26) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 35% (2) 28% (96) 4% (49) 24% (82) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 42% (273) 28% (82) 5% (99) 4% (88) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 37% (57) 32% (33) 3% (55) 8% (77) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 47% (340) 27% (96) 3% (95) 3% (93) 724Educ: < College 35% (444) 27% (342) 6% (20) 2% (265) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 47% (223) 27% (27) 2% (57) 4% (65) 47Educ: Post-grad 52% (39) 30% (80) 9% (24) 9% (25) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL4_4

Table POL4_4: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?The political scandals in Virginia, including Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring admitting to wearing blackface in the 1980s,and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax facing accusations that he sexually assaulted a woman in 2004.

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 40% (805) 28% (548) 4% (282) 8% (355) 99Income: Under 50k 35% (385) 28% (300) 6% (74) 2% (232) 09Income: 50k-100k 46% (290) 27% (72) 2% (77) 5% (92) 63Income: 100k+ 49% (3) 28% (76) % (30) 2% (32) 268Ethnicity: White 4% (665) 28% (455) 3% (209) 7% (280) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 34% (66) 26% (49) 9% (37) 2% (40) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 39% (99) 23% (57) 22% (56) 6% (40) 252Ethnicity: Other 32% (4) 28% (36) 3% (6) 27% (35) 28Relig: Protestant 5% (264) 27% (38) % (56) % (59) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 44% (69) 27% (05) 4% (53) 5% (58) 386Relig: Something Else 3% (57) 26% (49) 8% (32) 25% (47) 85Relig: Jewish 47% (30) 25% (6) 2% (8) 5% (0) 64Relig: Evangelical 43% (326) 29% (28) 2% (90) 6% (23) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 50% (64) 23% (74) 6% (5) 2% (4) 330Relig: All Christian 45% (490) 27% (293) 3% (4) 5% (64) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 3% (65) 32% (67) 6% (34) 20% (43) 209Community: Urban 40% (75) 26% (6) 6% (7) 8% (78) 440Community: Suburban 42% (404) 29% (273) 3% (24) 6% (5) 95Community: Rural 38% (227) 27% (60) 5% (88) 2% (26) 600Employ: Private Sector 36% (25) 3% (87) 6% (95) 8% (05) 603Employ: Government 40% (62) 3% (47) 3% (20) 6% (25) 55Employ: Self-Employed 44% (85) 20% (39) 6% (3) 9% (37) 9Employ: Homemaker 34% (50) 24% (35) 7% (25) 25% (37) 48Employ: Student 3% (24) 22% (7) 8% (4) 29% (23) 77Employ: Retired 57% (274) 27% (29) 8% (36) 8% (38) 477Employ: Unemployed 32% (47) 23% (34) 2% (32) 24% (36) 49Employ: Other 25% (48) 3% (60) 5% (29) 28% (54) 9Military HH: Yes 53% (89) 24% (87) 2% (42) % (40) 358Military HH: No 38% (66) 28% (462) 5% (240) 9% (35) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 4% (324) 28% (220) 3% (02) 8% (37) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 40% (48) 27% (329) 5% (80) 8% (28) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_4

Table POL4_4: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?The political scandals in Virginia, including Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring admitting to wearing blackface in the 1980s,and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax facing accusations that he sexually assaulted a woman in 2004.

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 40% (805) 28% (548) 4% (282) 8% (355) 99Trump Job Approve 4% (370) 28% (247) 4% (26) 7% (52) 895Trump Job Disapprove 42% (424) 28% (289) 4% (44) 6% (63) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 48% (236) 28% (35) 2% (58) 2% (6) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 33% (34) 28% (3) 7% (68) 22% (9) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 25% (60) 3% (73) 7% (4) 27% (65) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 47% (364) 28% (26) 3% (03) 3% (98) 78Favorable of Trump 42% (364) 28% (24) 3% (2) 7% (43) 860Unfavorable of Trump 42% (429) 28% (285) 5% (54) 5% (54) 022Very Favorable of Trump 48% (244) 26% (34) % (58) 4% (7) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 34% (20) 30% (08) 5% (54) 20% (72) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 26% (56) 29% (63) 9% (42) 25% (54) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 46% (373) 28% (223) 4% (2) 2% (00) 808#1 Issue: Economy 36% (96) 26% (42) 4% (78) 23% (23) 539#1 Issue: Security 48% (97) 3% (26) 2% (5) 9% (39) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 4% (35) 26% (87) 6% (55) 7% (56) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 48% (39) 28% (82) 9% (25) 5% (43) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 26% (26) 24% (24) 24% (24) 27% (27) 0#1 Issue: Education 28% (36) 28% (36) 9% (25) 25% (32) 29#1 Issue: Energy 44% (34) 29% (23) 0% (8) 7% (4) 78#1 Issue: Other 38% (4) 26% (29) 5% (7) 20% (22) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 47% (354) 30% (224) 2% (93) % (83) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 46% (335) 28% (20) 3% (94) 3% (98) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 25% (26) 30% (3) % (2) 34% (35) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 22% (87) 23% (92) 20% (82) 35% (38) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 47% (33) 29% (94) 3% (86) 0% (68) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 45% (32) 28% (203) 2% (88) 5% (05) 772016 Vote: Someone else 37% (69) 30% (56) % (20) 22% (4) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 24% (00) 23% (95) 2% (88) 33% (4) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 46% (635) 29% (403) 2% (64) 3% (79) 38Voted in 2014: No 28% (7) 24% (45) 9% (8) 29% (76) 60

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Table POL4_4

Table POL4_4: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?The political scandals in Virginia, including Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring admitting to wearing blackface in the 1980s,and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax facing accusations that he sexually assaulted a woman in 2004.

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 40% (805) 28% (548) 4% (282) 8% (355) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 45% (372) 29% (238) 3% (0) 3% (05) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 50% (284) 28% (63) 0% (57) 2% (68) 5732012 Vote: Other 33% (26) 34% (26) 2% (9) 2% (6) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24% (24) 23% (2) 20% (06) 32% (66) 554-Region: Northeast 42% (48) 30% (07) 2% (42) 6% (57) 3554-Region: Midwest 37% (70) 28% (29) 4% (64) 2% (94) 4574-Region: South 42% (30) 24% (80) 6% (8) 8% (35) 7434-Region: West 4% (77) 30% (32) 3% (57) 6% (68) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_5

Table POL4_5: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?The ”Green New Deal,” a proposal from Democrats in Congress that calls for the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions to the maximum extentpossible and for meeting 100 percent of U.S. power needs with clean, renewable and zero-emission energy sources over a 10-year period.

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 8% (365) 29% (570) 24% (48) 29% (575) 99Gender: Male 23% (25) 3% (287) 23% (22) 23% (27) 932Gender: Female 4% (50) 27% (283) 25% (268) 34% (358) 059Age: 18-29 8% (63) 28% (00) 22% (79) 33% (8) 360Age: 30-44 5% (65) 24% (08) 24% (06) 37% (63) 443Age: 45-54 5% (52) 29% (0) 27% (94) 28% (98) 345Age: 55-64 9% (74) 33% (26) 23% (87) 25% (93) 380Age: 65+ 24% () 29% (35) 25% (5) 22% (02) 463Generation Z: 18-21 25% (25) 26% (26) 24% (24) 25% (26) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 4% (73) 26% (30) 23% (6) 37% (87) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 5% (74) 29% (47) 26% (36) 30% (55) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 2% (58) 30% (224) 23% (72) 25% (85) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 9% (27) 3% (23) 24% (65) 26% (76) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 6% (03) 26% (68) 25% (62) 33% (24) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 20% (35) 29% (89) 23% (54) 28% (85) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 26% (70) 3% (85) 2% (59) 22% (6) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (57) 32% (28) 26% (06) 28% (5) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 8% (6) 28% (95) 26% (88) 29% (99) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 4% (42) 24% (73) 24% (75) 38% (6) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 27% (83) 34% (07) 2% (66) 8% (57) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (5) 23% (82) 25% (87) 37% (27) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 2% (37) 35% (222) 24% (55) 20% (29) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (54) 28% (9) 29% (2) 30% (28) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 23% (66) 28% (202) 23% (66) 26% (9) 724Educ: < College 6% (97) 27% (334) 25% (35) 32% (407) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 2% (98) 33% (54) 23% (06) 24% (2) 47Educ: Post-grad 26% (70) 3% (82) 22% (60) 2% (56) 268

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Table POL4_5

Table POL4_5: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?The ”Green New Deal,” a proposal from Democrats in Congress that calls for the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions to the maximum extentpossible and for meeting 100 percent of U.S. power needs with clean, renewable and zero-emission energy sources over a 10-year period.

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 8% (365) 29% (570) 24% (48) 29% (575) 99Income: Under 50k 7% (82) 26% (279) 25% (272) 33% (358) 09Income: 50k-100k 9% (2) 32% (99) 23% (46) 26% (65) 63Income: 100k+ 23% (6) 34% (92) 23% (63) 9% (52) 268Ethnicity: White 8% (286) 29% (472) 25% (395) 28% (457) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 20% (39) 26% (50) 23% (44) 3% (60) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 2% (53) 25% (64) 22% (57) 32% (80) 252Ethnicity: Other 2% (27) 27% (34) 23% (29) 30% (38) 28Relig: Protestant 22% (6) 27% (38) 27% (38) 24% (25) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 9% (74) 33% (27) 22% (86) 26% (99) 386Relig: Something Else 2% (22) 25% (45) 27% (50) 36% (67) 85Relig: Jewish 28% (8) 30% (9) 23% (5) 9% (2) 64Relig: Evangelical 7% (30) 30% (228) 26% (98) 27% (202) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 25% (82) 25% (83) 23% (76) 27% (89) 330Relig: All Christian 9% (22) 29% (3) 25% (274) 27% (29) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 2% (26) 30% (62) 2% (45) 37% (76) 209Community: Urban 9% (85) 30% (34) 23% (0) 27% (20) 440Community: Suburban 8% (74) 30% (289) 22% (24) 29% (275) 95Community: Rural 8% (06) 25% (47) 28% (66) 30% (80) 600Employ: Private Sector 7% (00) 32% (94) 22% (34) 29% (75) 603Employ: Government 20% (3) 28% (43) 28% (43) 24% (37) 55Employ: Self-Employed 2% (4) 28% (53) 27% (52) 24% (45) 9Employ: Homemaker 2% (8) 29% (44) 7% (25) 42% (62) 48Employ: Student 20% (5) 26% (20) 27% (2) 27% (2) 77Employ: Retired 22% (07) 30% (44) 25% (7) 23% (0) 477Employ: Unemployed 5% (22) 24% (36) 8% (27) 43% (64) 49Employ: Other 7% (32) 9% (36) 32% (62) 32% (62) 9Military HH: Yes 24% (84) 29% (05) 23% (82) 24% (87) 358Military HH: No 7% (28) 28% (465) 24% (399) 30% (488) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 2% (64) 30% (23) 2% (63) 29% (224) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 7% (20) 28% (339) 26% (38) 29% (35) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_5

Table POL4_5: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?The ”Green New Deal,” a proposal from Democrats in Congress that calls for the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions to the maximum extentpossible and for meeting 100 percent of U.S. power needs with clean, renewable and zero-emission energy sources over a 10-year period.

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 8% (365) 29% (570) 24% (48) 29% (575) 99Trump Job Approve 2% (92) 28% (247) 23% (209) 28% (248) 895Trump Job Disapprove 7% (7) 3% (36) 25% (257) 27% (277) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 28% (35) 28% (35) 20% (96) 25% (24) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (57) 28% (2) 28% (3) 3% (24) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 9% (22) 29% (69) 26% (63) 36% (86) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 9% (49) 32% (247) 25% (95) 24% (90) 78Favorable of Trump 2% (8) 28% (240) 23% (20) 28% (238) 860Unfavorable of Trump 7% (73) 3% (32) 25% (257) 27% (280) 022Very Favorable of Trump 25% (26) 29% (46) 2% (09) 25% (27) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 6% (55) 27% (95) 26% (92) 3% () 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 8% (8) 29% (62) 26% (56) 37% (79) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 9% (55) 3% (250) 25% (20) 25% (20) 808#1 Issue: Economy 6% (85) 30% (63) 20% (08) 34% (83) 539#1 Issue: Security 26% (05) 28% (8) 25% (03) 2% (87) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 6% (54) 28% (94) 28% (93) 28% (92) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 5% (43) 3% (9) 25% (72) 29% (83) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 3% (3) 2% (2) 32% (33) 33% (34) 0#1 Issue: Education 6% (20) 26% (34) 26% (33) 33% (42) 29#1 Issue: Energy 28% (22) 2% (6) 27% (2) 24% (9) 78#1 Issue: Other 2% (23) 3% (34) 6% (8) 32% (35) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (57) 32% (244) 24% (80) 23% (73) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 22% (60) 30% (27) 24% (72) 25% (79) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 7% (7) 23% (24) 9% (9) 52% (54) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 0% (4) 2% (84) 27% (06) 42% (68) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 9% (29) 32% (23) 25% (63) 24% (56) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 22% (55) 30% (23) 24% (76) 24% (73) 772016 Vote: Someone else 6% (30) 27% (50) 24% (45) 33% (62) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 2% (5) 22% (92) 23% (97) 43% (83) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 2% (286) 3% (43) 25% (34) 23% (322) 38Voted in 2014: No 3% (79) 23% (39) 23% (39) 4% (253) 60

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Table POL4_5

Table POL4_5: How much have you seen, read or heard about each of the following?The ”Green New Deal,” a proposal from Democrats in Congress that calls for the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions to the maximum extentpossible and for meeting 100 percent of U.S. power needs with clean, renewable and zero-emission energy sources over a 10-year period.

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 8% (365) 29% (570) 24% (48) 29% (575) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 9% (58) 32% (266) 24% (96) 25% (205) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 23% (29) 28% (62) 25% (43) 24% (39) 5732012 Vote: Other 6% (2) 26% (20) 26% (20) 32% (24) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (65) 24% (22) 24% (23) 40% (206) 554-Region: Northeast 9% (69) 32% (4) 23% (82) 25% (89) 3554-Region: Midwest 8% (83) 26% (2) 25% (5) 30% (39) 4574-Region: South 6% (2) 27% (99) 25% (86) 32% (237) 7434-Region: West 2% (92) 3% (36) 22% (97) 25% (0) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL5

Table POL5: Generally speaking, how would you describe the process for registering to vote in U.S. elections?


We should make itharder for peopleto register to voteto prevent voter


The process forregistering to vote inthe U.S. is adequateand should not be


We should make iteasier for people toregister to vote toencourage morepeople to vote.

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (576) 30% (595) 32% (64) 9% (79) 99Gender: Male 30% (284) 28% (260) 32% (297) 0% (9) 932Gender: Female 28% (293) 32% (334) 32% (343) 8% (89) 059Age: 18-29 9% (69) 30% (08) 37% (34) 4% (49) 360Age: 30-44 23% (03) 35% (56) 32% (4) 0% (43) 443Age: 45-54 32% (0) 27% (93) 30% (03) % (40) 345Age: 55-64 34% (29) 28% (08) 3% (8) 7% (25) 380Age: 65+ 36% (65) 28% (30) 3% (45) 5% (23) 463Generation Z: 18-21 22% (22) 29% (30) 43% (44) 6% (6) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 2% (05) 33% (65) 34% (73) 2% (63) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 28% (46) 29% (5) 30% (55) 2% (60) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 36% (266) 29% (22) 30% (28) 6% (42) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (8) 28% (9) 54% (365) 7% (44) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 24% (56) 3% (203) 3% (99) 4% (90) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 5% (339) 30% (200) 2% (77) 7% (46) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 3% (37) 23% (64) 57% (56) 7% (9) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen % (44) 3% (27) 5% (209) 6% (26) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 24% (83) 3% (05) 30% (02) 5% (52) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 24% (73) 32% (98) 32% (97) 2% (38) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 52% (64) 29% (9) 2% (39) 6% (20) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 50% (75) 3% (09) % (38) 7% (25) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 2% (78) 27% (74) 54% (346) 7% (44) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 2% (87) 36% (52) 35% (47) 8% (35) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% (372) 30% (220) 3% (9) 6% (42) 724Educ: < College 3% (387) 28% (354) 30% (374) % (37) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 26% (23) 35% (63) 34% (59) 6% (26) 47Educ: Post-grad 25% (66) 29% (78) 40% (08) 6% (6) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL5

Table POL5: Generally speaking, how would you describe the process for registering to vote in U.S. elections?


We should make itharder for peopleto register to voteto prevent voter


The process forregistering to vote inthe U.S. is adequateand should not be


We should make iteasier for people toregister to vote toencourage morepeople to vote.

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (576) 30% (595) 32% (64) 9% (79) 99Income: Under 50k 26% (280) 29% (35) 34% (366) 2% (30) 09Income: 50k-100k 33% (206) 32% (202) 30% (9) 5% (33) 63Income: 100k+ 34% (90) 29% (78) 3% (84) 6% (7) 268Ethnicity: White 32% (52) 32% (50) 29% (46) 8% (27) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 22% (42) 36% (69) 3% (59) 2% (23) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 3% (34) 22% (56) 53% (33) 2% (30) 252Ethnicity: Other 24% (3) 23% (29) 36% (47) 7% (22) 28Relig: Protestant 35% (80) 35% (82) 26% (35) 4% (20) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 36% (4) 32% (24) 24% (92) 8% (29) 386Relig: Something Else 23% (42) 29% (53) 37% (69) 2% (22) 85Relig: Jewish 9% (2) 20% (3) 54% (34) 6% (4) 64Relig: Evangelical 30% (228) 33% (250) 29% (222) 8% (58) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 4% (34) 33% (09) 22% (73) 4% (4) 330Relig: All Christian 33% (362) 33% (359) 27% (295) 7% (72) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 27% (56) 28% (58) 34% (72) % (23) 209Community: Urban 20% (89) 29% (28) 40% (77) % (46) 440Community: Suburban 3% (292) 3% (290) 3% (299) 7% (70) 95Community: Rural 33% (95) 29% (77) 27% (65) 0% (63) 600Employ: Private Sector 29% (75) 3% (90) 33% (98) 7% (39) 603Employ: Government 28% (43) 28% (43) 34% (53) 0% (5) 55Employ: Self-Employed 30% (58) 33% (64) 22% (42) 5% (28) 9Employ: Homemaker 30% (44) 32% (48) 30% (44) 8% (2) 48Employ: Student 8% (4) 27% (2) 47% (36) 8% (6) 77Employ: Retired 36% (70) 29% (36) 30% (42) 6% (28) 477Employ: Unemployed 25% (37) 24% (35) 39% (58) 3% (9) 49Employ: Other 8% (35) 30% (57) 35% (67) 6% (3) 9Military HH: Yes 4% (46) 25% (9) 29% (02) 5% (9) 358Military HH: No 26% (43) 3% (504) 33% (538) 0% (6) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL5

Table POL5: Generally speaking, how would you describe the process for registering to vote in U.S. elections?


We should make itharder for peopleto register to voteto prevent voter


The process forregistering to vote inthe U.S. is adequateand should not be


We should make iteasier for people toregister to vote toencourage morepeople to vote.

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (576) 30% (595) 32% (64) 9% (79) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 48% (378) 27% (25) 6% (24) 8% (65) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 6% (98) 3% (380) 43% (57) 9% (4) 209Trump Job Approve 5% (453) 29% (262) 3% (2) 8% (67) 895Trump Job Disapprove % (3) 3% (37) 50% (5) 8% (79) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 62% (305) 23% (3) 9% (45) 5% (27) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 36% (48) 37% (50) 7% (68) 0% (4) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (42) 34% (8) 35% (83) 4% (33) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 9% (7) 30% (236) 55% (428) 6% (46) 78Favorable of Trump 5% (439) 30% (258) 2% (03) 7% (6) 860Unfavorable of Trump 2% (23) 3% (38) 50% (509) 7% (72) 022Very Favorable of Trump 60% (303) 24% (24) % (56) 5% (24) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 38% (36) 38% (34) 3% (47) % (37) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 7% (37) 35% (75) 34% (73) 4% (29) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump % (86) 30% (242) 54% (436) 5% (43) 808#1 Issue: Economy 24% (28) 35% (87) 32% (74) 9% (5) 539#1 Issue: Security 56% (229) 25% (0) 5% (60) 5% (22) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 22% (73) 26% (87) 40% (35) % (37) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 28% (82) 29% (85) 36% (05) 6% (7) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 3% (3) 30% (3) 52% (52) 5% (5) 0#1 Issue: Education 20% (26) 37% (48) 32% (4) % (4) 29#1 Issue: Energy 0% (8) 35% (27) 44% (35) % (8) 78#1 Issue: Other 5% (7) 26% (28) 36% (39) 23% (25) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 0% (79) 28% (22) 56% (422) 5% (40) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 53% (383) 30% (22) % (83) 6% (42) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 26% (27) 34% (36) 2% (22) 9% (20) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 22% (87) 3% (24) 28% (0) 9% (77) 400

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL5

Table POL5: Generally speaking, how would you describe the process for registering to vote in U.S. elections?


We should make itharder for peopleto register to voteto prevent voter


The process forregistering to vote inthe U.S. is adequateand should not be


We should make iteasier for people toregister to vote toencourage morepeople to vote.

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (576) 30% (595) 32% (64) 9% (79) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 9% (6) 28% (84) 57% (376) 6% (40) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 54% (385) 29% (2) % (77) 6% (45) 772016 Vote: Someone else 2% (40) 38% (70) 29% (55) 2% (22) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 2% (90) 3% (30) 3% (32) 7% (73) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 30% (46) 29% (407) 34% (470) 6% (88) 38Voted in 2014: No 26% (60) 3% (88) 28% (7) 5% (92) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 3% () 28% (235) 5% (48) 7% (6) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 52% (299) 3% (80) % (63) 5% (3) 5732012 Vote: Other 5% (39) 22% (7) 8% (4) 9% (7) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25% (27) 32% (63) 28% (44) 6% (8) 554-Region: Northeast 25% (87) 3% (09) 36% (27) 9% (32) 3554-Region: Midwest 27% (24) 3% (4) 32% (45) 0% (48) 4574-Region: South 33% (244) 28% (20) 30% (225) 9% (64) 7434-Region: West 28% (2) 3% (35) 33% (44) 8% (35) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL6

Table POL6: Would you support or oppose an automatic voter registration system, where eligible voters are automatically registered to vote when theyinteract with government agencies, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (62) 29% (580) 3% (257) 4% (284) 2% (249) 99Gender: Male 3% (288) 28% (265) 4% (26) 5% (40) 2% (4) 932Gender: Female 32% (334) 30% (35) 2% (3) 4% (44) 3% (35) 059Age: 18-29 34% (22) 28% (0) 3% (46) 8% (29) 7% (62) 360Age: 30-44 35% (54) 28% (22) 3% (59) % (49) 3% (58) 443Age: 45-54 30% (03) 32% (09) % (39) 4% (47) 4% (47) 345Age: 55-64 3% (7) 28% (07) 4% (55) 5% (57) 2% (44) 380Age: 65+ 27% (25) 30% (4) 3% (59) 22% (02) 8% (36) 463Generation Z: 18-21 34% (35) 30% (3) 5% (5) 6% (6) 4% (5) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 34% (74) 28% (43) 3% (65) 0% (50) 5% (73) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 3% (58) 30% (52) 2% (6) 3% (66) 5% (75) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 30% (29) 30% (29) 4% (02) 7% (29) 0% (7) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 44% (302) 30% (202) 9% (62) 7% (45) 0% (70) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 28% (8) 28% (84) 3% (85) 2% (80) 8% (7) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 2% (38) 29% (93) 7% (0) 24% (60) 9% (6) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 45% (23) 3% (84) 8% (23) 7% (20) 9% (25) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 44% (79) 29% (8) 0% (39) 6% (25) % (45) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (89) 28% (95) 3% (46) 4% (49) 8% (63) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 30% (92) 29% (90) 3% (39) 0% (30) 8% (55) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 24% (75) 27% (85) 8% (57) 22% (70) 8% (26) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 8% (63) 3% (08) 5% (53) 26% (89) 0% (35) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 45% (292) 29% (84) % (70) 6% (40) 9% (57) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (30) 33% (4) 2% (52) % (46) 3% (53) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 20% (47) 28% (205) 6% (9) 26% (85) 9% (68) 724Educ: < College 29% (366) 29% (359) 2% (54) 4% (77) 6% (96) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 33% (57) 3% (44) 5% (69) 5% (69) 7% (32) 47Educ: Post-grad 37% (98) 28% (76) 3% (35) 4% (39) 8% (2) 268

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Table POL6

Table POL6: Would you support or oppose an automatic voter registration system, where eligible voters are automatically registered to vote when theyinteract with government agencies, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (62) 29% (580) 3% (257) 4% (284) 2% (249) 99Income: Under 50k 3% (343) 27% (294) 2% (35) 3% (45) 6% (75) 09Income: 50k-100k 3% (97) 32% (20) 3% (84) 5% (95) 9% (54) 63Income: 100k+ 30% (82) 32% (85) 4% (38) 6% (44) 7% (20) 268Ethnicity: White 30% (489) 30% (476) 3% (20) 6% (256) % (78) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 29% (56) 27% (52) 8% (36) 0% (9) 6% (3) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 37% (94) 26% (66) 2% (30) 7% (9) 7% (43) 252Ethnicity: Other 30% (38) 29% (37) 3% (7) 7% (9) 2% (27) 28Relig: Protestant 28% (43) 28% (44) 5% (76) 2% (06) 9% (48) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 28% (09) 32% (22) 3% (50) 5% (58) 2% (46) 386Relig: Something Else 35% (65) 26% (48) 2% (22) % (20) 6% (30) 85Relig: Jewish 45% (29) 2% (3) 20% (3) 6% (4) 8% (5) 64Relig: Evangelical 29% (22) 29% (220) 4% (09) 6% (9) 2% (88) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 29% (95) 28% (93) 2% (40) 20% (65) % (36) 330Relig: All Christian 29% (37) 29% (34) 4% (49) 7% (84) % (24) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 32% (66) 32% (68) 0% (2) 3% (28) 3% (26) 209Community: Urban 37% (6) 27% (8) 3% (58) 9% (4) 4% (62) 440Community: Suburban 29% (278) 28% (27) 3% (28) 7% (62) 2% (3) 95Community: Rural 30% (83) 32% (9) 2% (7) 4% (8) 2% (73) 600Employ: Private Sector 32% (93) 32% (95) 4% (86) 3% (77) 8% (50) 603Employ: Government 28% (43) 34% (52) 8% (28) % (7) 0% (5) 55Employ: Self-Employed 29% (55) 25% (48) 5% (28) % (2) 2% (40) 9Employ: Homemaker 33% (49) 2% (3) 0% (5) 6% (24) 9% (28) 48Employ: Student 39% (30) 28% (2) 2% (0) 7% (5) 4% () 77Employ: Retired 27% (3) 29% (4) 4% (65) 22% (04) 8% (36) 477Employ: Unemployed 36% (54) 28% (42) 4% (7) 0% (4) 22% (32) 49Employ: Other 34% (66) 26% (50) 0% (8) % (22) 9% (35) 9Military HH: Yes 3% (09) 27% (97) 2% (44) 24% (85) 6% (22) 358Military HH: No 3% (52) 30% (483) 3% (23) 2% (98) 4% (227) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 23% (80) 29% (223) 4% () 22% (75) 2% (92) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 36% (44) 30% (357) 2% (46) 9% (09) 3% (56) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL6

Table POL6: Would you support or oppose an automatic voter registration system, where eligible voters are automatically registered to vote when theyinteract with government agencies, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (62) 29% (580) 3% (257) 4% (284) 2% (249) 99Trump Job Approve 22% (99) 29% (260) 4% (29) 24% (2) % (96) 895Trump Job Disapprove 40% (42) 30% (302) 2% (2) 7% (69) % (7) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 25% (24) 24% (7) % (53) 30% (49) 9% (46) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (74) 35% (43) 9% (76) 5% (62) 2% (50) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 2% (5) 37% (89) 8% (44) 9% (22) 4% (34) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 46% (36) 27% (23) 0% (77) 6% (47) % (83) 78Favorable of Trump 22% (90) 29% (252) 5% (27) 23% (202) 0% (89) 860Unfavorable of Trump 40% (42) 30% (30) % (6) 7% (75) % (09) 022Very Favorable of Trump 25% (28) 25% (29) % (54) 29% (48) 9% (48) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (62) 35% (23) 2% (73) 5% (54) 2% (4) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 22% (48) 39% (83) 3% (29) % (25) 4% (30) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 45% (364) 28% (227) % (87) 6% (5) 0% (78) 808#1 Issue: Economy 30% (59) 33% (78) 2% (67) 3% (7) 2% (64) 539#1 Issue: Security 9% (80) 29% (9) 3% (54) 28% (4) % (46) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 4% (36) 23% (77) % (38) 9% (29) 6% (52) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 33% (96) 30% (88) 6% (47) 0% (28) 0% (30) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 37% (37) 36% (36) 6% (6) 0% (0) 2% (2) 0#1 Issue: Education 39% (50) 30% (39) 4% (8) 5% (7) 2% (5) 29#1 Issue: Energy 38% (30) 29% (23) 6% (3) 7% (6) 0% (8) 78#1 Issue: Other 3% (34) 9% (2) 3% (4) 8% (9) 20% (2) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 46% (346) 28% (23) % (85) 6% (42) 9% (67) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 9% (4) 30% (22) 7% (22) 25% (84) 8% (6) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 8% (8) 34% (35) 0% () 6% (7) 23% (24) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 29% (7) 27% (07) 0% (39) 0% (40) 24% (96) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 46% (307) 26% (75) % (70) 7% (49) 9% (60) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 20% (45) 3% (220) 6% (6) 24% (70) 9% (66) 772016 Vote: Someone else 28% (52) 34% (63) 2% (22) % (2) 5% (29) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 28% (7) 28% (2) 2% (49) 0% (43) 22% (94) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 32% (440) 30% (4) 4% (9) 5% (22) 9% (28) 38Voted in 2014: No 30% (82) 28% (69) % (66) 2% (72) 20% (2) 60

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL6

Table POL6: Would you support or oppose an automatic voter registration system, where eligible voters are automatically registered to vote when theyinteract with government agencies, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (62) 29% (580) 3% (257) 4% (284) 2% (249) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 42% (349) 30% (244) % (9) 7% (58) 0% (83) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 8% (04) 30% (72) 7% (96) 26% (5) 9% (50) 5732012 Vote: Other 27% (2) 25% (9) 9% (7) 9% (5) 2% (6) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29% (47) 28% (45) 2% (64) 2% (60) 9% (00) 554-Region: Northeast 3% () 30% (05) % (40) 5% (55) 3% (45) 3554-Region: Midwest 3% (44) 32% (46) % (50) % (52) 4% (65) 4574-Region: South 3% (233) 28% (209) 3% (99) 5% () 2% (9) 7434-Region: West 3% (34) 28% (20) 6% (68) 5% (66) % (47) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL7_1

Table POL7_1: Do you support or oppose each of the following health care proposals?A Medicare for All health care system, where all Americans would get their health insurance from the government





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (584) 2% (427) 5% (294) 23% (462) % (223) 99Gender: Male 28% (264) 23% (20) 4% (27) 26% (240) 0% (9) 932Gender: Female 30% (32) 2% (28) 6% (68) 2% (222) 2% (3) 059Age: 18-29 34% (22) 22% (79) 5% (55) % (39) 8% (64) 360Age: 30-44 33% (47) 2% (92) 4% (6) 2% (9) 2% (52) 443Age: 45-54 27% (92) 23% (79) 7% (58) 25% (85) 9% (3) 345Age: 55-64 30% (4) 23% (86) 4% (53) 26% (97) 8% (29) 380Age: 65+ 24% (0) 20% (9) 5% (67) 32% (49) 0% (46) 463Generation Z: 18-21 32% (32) 27% (27) 5% (5) 3% (3) 4% (4) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 37% (85) 20% (02) 4% (73) 4% (7) 5% (75) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 26% (35) 23% (7) 6% (8) 24% (23) % (57) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 27% (202) 2% (54) 4% (06) 29% (26) 8% (62) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 47% (39) 27% (85) 4% (92) 4% (27) 8% (58) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 26% (69) 23% (47) 4% (88) 2% (38) 6% (04) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (96) 4% (95) 7% (4) 45% (297) 9% (60) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 48% (32) 30% (84) 2% (34) 4% (0) 6% (6) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 46% (87) 25% (0) 4% (58) 4% (7) 0% (42) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 25% (85) 24% (82) 2% (4) 23% (80) 6% (54) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 27% (84) 2% (65) 6% (48) 9% (58) 6% (50) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 5% (46) 4% (44) 7% (52) 48% (5) 7% (2) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (49) 5% (5) 8% (62) 42% (46) % (39) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 48% (306) 28% (78) 3% (85) 4% (28) 7% (46) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (3) 24% (03) 6% (66) 4% (6) 5% (62) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 2% (85) 4% (04) 6% (9) 49% (354) 9% (62) 724Educ: < College 29% (365) 2% (265) 5% (88) 20% (256) 4% (79) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 28% (32) 23% (0) 4% (65) 29% (34) 6% (30) 47Educ: Post-grad 33% (87) 20% (53) 5% (4) 27% (72) 5% (4) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL7_1

Table POL7_1: Do you support or oppose each of the following health care proposals?A Medicare for All health care system, where all Americans would get their health insurance from the government





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (584) 2% (427) 5% (294) 23% (462) % (223) 99Income: Under 50k 35% (377) 2% (230) 3% (37) 7% (86) 5% (6) 09Income: 50k-100k 23% (48) 2% (34) 8% () 30% (89) 8% (49) 63Income: 100k+ 22% (59) 23% (63) 7% (46) 33% (88) 5% (3) 268Ethnicity: White 27% (434) 2% (344) 5% (239) 26% (426) 0% (67) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 33% (63) 23% (44) 7% (33) 4% (27) 3% (26) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 42% (06) 2% (53) 7% (43) 7% (8) 3% (32) 252Ethnicity: Other 34% (44) 24% (30) 0% (2) 4% (8) 8% (24) 28Relig: Protestant 23% (20) 7% (87) 4% (74) 37% (90) 9% (46) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 25% (96) 22% (84) 8% (69) 27% (03) 9% (34) 386Relig: Something Else 35% (65) 24% (45) 5% (28) % (20) 5% (29) 85Relig: Jewish 36% (23) 32% (2) % (7) % (7) 9% (6) 64Relig: Evangelical 27% (206) 23% (7) 6% (23) 24% (80) 0% (78) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 23% (75) 4% (45) 4% (48) 40% (33) 9% (30) 330Relig: All Christian 26% (28) 20% (26) 6% (70) 29% (33) 0% (08) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 26% (55) 20% (42) 7% (36) 23% (47) 4% (29) 209Community: Urban 38% (69) 2% (93) 2% (54) 7% (74) % (49) 440Community: Suburban 27% (253) 22% (209) 5% (47) 25% (238) % (04) 95Community: Rural 27% (62) 2% (25) 5% (93) 25% (50) 2% (69) 600Employ: Private Sector 25% (5) 25% (48) 6% (95) 26% (58) 8% (50) 603Employ: Government 34% (52) 24% (38) 4% (2) 24% (37) 4% (7) 55Employ: Self-Employed 25% (47) 9% (37) 6% (3) 25% (47) 5% (28) 9Employ: Homemaker 34% (50) 4% (20) 3% (9) 2% (3) 9% (28) 48Employ: Student 35% (27) 24% (9) 9% (5) 0% (7) 2% (9) 77Employ: Retired 28% (35) 9% (90) 3% (62) 30% (43) 0% (48) 477Employ: Unemployed 43% (64) 22% (32) 9% (3) 0% (5) 6% (24) 49Employ: Other 3% (59) 23% (44) 9% (37) 2% (22) 5% (29) 9Military HH: Yes 23% (8) 9% (69) 7% (60) 35% (24) 7% (24) 358Military HH: No 3% (504) 22% (359) 4% (235) 2% (338) 2% (98) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (24) 7% (29) 6% (28) 40% (3) % (90) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 38% (46) 25% (298) 4% (66) 3% (5) % (33) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL7_1

Table POL7_1: Do you support or oppose each of the following health care proposals?A Medicare for All health care system, where all Americans would get their health insurance from the government





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (584) 2% (427) 5% (294) 23% (462) % (223) 99Trump Job Approve 5% (35) 6% (40) 6% (45) 43% (382) 0% (93) 895Trump Job Disapprove 43% (434) 26% (269) 4% (43) 7% (75) 0% (99) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 5% (73) % (56) 3% (66) 52% (253) 9% (42) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 5% (63) 2% (84) 20% (79) 32% (29) 3% (5) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 26% (6) 24% (57) 23% (56) 5% (35) 3% (30) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 48% (373) 27% (22) % (87) 5% (40) 9% (68) 78Favorable of Trump 5% (27) 5% (33) 6% (35) 44% (377) 0% (88) 860Unfavorable of Trump 4% (424) 28% (28) 4% (46) 8% (78) 9% (94) 022Very Favorable of Trump 5% (76) % (57) 3% (67) 5% (26) 9% (46) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (5) 2% (76) 9% (68) 33% (7) 2% (42) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 22% (48) 27% (58) 23% (49) 6% (35) 2% (25) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 47% (376) 28% (223) 2% (97) 5% (43) 9% (69) 808#1 Issue: Economy 24% (3) 23% (26) 6% (88) 24% (30) 2% (64) 539#1 Issue: Security 2% (5) 6% (66) 5% (63) 48% (98) 8% (34) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 43% (42) 22% (72) 2% (38) 4% (45) 0% (35) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 35% (0) 26% (75) 3% (38) 5% (44) % (3) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 35% (36) 23% (23) 20% (2) 3% (3) 9% (9) 0#1 Issue: Education 43% (56) 23% (30) 3% (6) 4% (5) 7% (22) 29#1 Issue: Energy 4% (32) 24% (9) 7% (4) 9% (7) 9% (7) 78#1 Issue: Other 33% (36) 6% (7) 4% (6) 7% (9) 20% (22) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 47% (357) 28% (22) 3% (96) 4% (30) 8% (58) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 2% (89) 4% (03) 6% (20) 49% (354) 9% (63) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 28% (29) 9% (20) 5% (6) 20% (2) 8% (9) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 27% (07) 22% (90) 6% (63) 4% (57) 2% (83) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 45% (298) 30% (96) 3% (85) 5% (32) 8% (50) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (00) 4% (97) 7% (23) 46% (33) 9% (66) 772016 Vote: Someone else 3% (59) 2% (40) 2% (22) 23% (44) 2% (23) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 30% (28) 22% (94) 5% (64) 3% (54) 20% (84) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 29% (399) 22% (297) 4% (200) 26% (363) 9% (2) 38Voted in 2014: No 30% (85) 2% (30) 5% (94) 6% (99) 7% (02) 60

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL7_1

Table POL7_1: Do you support or oppose each of the following health care proposals?A Medicare for All health care system, where all Americans would get their health insurance from the government





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (584) 2% (427) 5% (294) 23% (462) % (223) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 42% (350) 28% (232) 3% (08) 7% (55) 0% (79) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 0% (60) 4% (83) 6% (9) 52% (297) 7% (42) 5732012 Vote: Other 2% (6) 9% (5) 9% (7) 33% (25) 8% (4) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (58) 9% (98) 7% (87) 6% (85) 7% (88) 554-Region: Northeast 33% (6) 2% (73) 8% (64) 8% (63) % (40) 3554-Region: Midwest 29% (33) 22% (99) 5% (68) 22% (0) 2% (56) 4574-Region: South 27% (98) 2% (59) 3% (97) 27% (200) 2% (88) 7434-Region: West 3% (36) 22% (96) 5% (66) 23% (98) 9% (39) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL7_2

Table POL7_2: Do you support or oppose each of the following health care proposals?A public health insurance option, where Americans can choose to get their health insurance either from the government or from the private insurancemarket





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 40% (803) 36% (709) 7% (46) 6% (6) % (27) 99Gender: Male 40% (375) 36% (337) 8% (77) 6% (53) 0% (9) 932Gender: Female 40% (428) 35% (372) 7% (70) 6% (64) 2% (26) 059Age: 18-29 40% (43) 27% (98) 9% (3) 6% (23) 8% (65) 360Age: 30-44 44% (95) 32% (40) 8% (35) 5% (23) % (49) 443Age: 45-54 40% (39) 39% (36) 6% (9) 7% (23) 8% (27) 345Age: 55-64 38% (45) 40% (5) 7% (26) 5% (9) 0% (39) 380Age: 65+ 39% (8) 39% (83) 8% (36) 6% (28) 8% (36) 463Generation Z: 18-21 48% (48) 24% (25) 8% (8) 6% (6) 4% (4) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 40% (204) 30% (50) 8% (4) 7% (34) 5% (77) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 4% (22) 37% (87) 7% (37) 5% (28) 9% (48) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 39% (292) 40% (298) 6% (47) 5% (37) 9% (66) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 45% (303) 36% (245) 7% (48) 4% (26) 9% (59) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 38% (245) 34% (29) 7% (48) 6% (40) 5% (96) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 38% (255) 37% (245) 8% (50) 8% (5) 9% (6) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 46% (27) 33% (9) 9% (26) 4% (2) 7% (9) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 43% (76) 38% (53) 5% (22) 3% (4) 0% (40) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 34% (6) 37% (27) 7% (24) 7% (23) 5% (52) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 42% (28) 30% (92) 8% (24) 5% (7) 4% (44) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 42% (32) 38% (8) 8% (27) 6% (8) 6% (20) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 35% (23) 37% (27) 7% (23) 0% (33) 2% (4) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 42% (270) 36% (234) 9% (58) 5% (30) 8% (50) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 43% (82) 38% (6) 5% (22) 3% (3) 0% (44) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 38% (276) 37% (265) 8% (56) 9% (68) 8% (60) 724Educ: < College 42% (528) 33% (4) 7% (82) 5% (66) 3% (64) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 40% (87) 40% (88) 9% (40) 6% (27) 6% (29) 47Educ: Post-grad 33% (88) 4% (0) 9% (24) 9% (23) 9% (24) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL7_2

Table POL7_2: Do you support or oppose each of the following health care proposals?A public health insurance option, where Americans can choose to get their health insurance either from the government or from the private insurancemarket





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 40% (803) 36% (709) 7% (46) 6% (6) % (27) 99Income: Under 50k 4% (446) 35% (378) 7% (77) 4% (45) 3% (46) 09Income: 50k-100k 39% (245) 37% (23) 8% (50) 8% (53) 8% (52) 63Income: 100k+ 4% () 37% (00) 7% (20) 7% (8) 7% (9) 268Ethnicity: White 40% (64) 37% (59) 8% (24) 6% (94) 0% (59) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 45% (86) 32% (62) 9% (8) 3% (7) % (20) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 43% (09) 29% (73) 6% (5) 7% (8) 5% (38) 252Ethnicity: Other 4% (53) 35% (45) 6% (7) 3% (4) 5% (9) 28Relig: Protestant 39% (204) 37% (93) 9% (46) 6% (29) 9% (45) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 44% (7) 35% (36) 8% (33) 5% (20) 7% (27) 386Relig: Something Else 40% (75) 35% (65) 4% (7) 5% (9) 6% (30) 85Relig: Jewish 46% (29) 33% (2) 8% (5) 4% (3) 9% (6) 64Relig: Evangelical 4% (33) 37% (28) 7% (5) 5% (39) 0% (74) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 4% (36) 34% (3) 0% (34) 6% (9) 9% (28) 330Relig: All Christian 4% (449) 36% (394) 8% (85) 5% (57) 9% (02) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 4% (85) 32% (67) 5% () 8% (7) 4% (29) 209Community: Urban 4% (82) 32% (40) 7% (33) 7% (30) 2% (54) 440Community: Suburban 39% (374) 38% (362) 7% (70) 6% (57) 9% (89) 95Community: Rural 4% (247) 34% (207) 7% (43) 5% (29) 2% (74) 600Employ: Private Sector 40% (240) 4% (244) 8% (48) 5% (33) 6% (38) 603Employ: Government 4% (64) 33% (50) 0% (6) 7% () 9% (4) 55Employ: Self-Employed 39% (75) 3% (60) % (2) 6% () 3% (26) 9Employ: Homemaker 34% (5) 28% (42) 8% (2) 8% (2) 2% (3) 48Employ: Student 52% (40) 28% (22) % () 7% (5) 2% (0) 77Employ: Retired 37% (74) 40% (93) 7% (35) 7% (33) 9% (42) 477Employ: Unemployed 47% (7) 22% (33) 5% (8) 4% (7) 2% (3) 49Employ: Other 46% (88) 34% (65) 4% (7) 2% (4) 4% (26) 9Military HH: Yes 43% (54) 34% (22) 8% (29) 9% (32) 6% (20) 358Military HH: No 40% (649) 36% (587) 7% (7) 5% (84) 2% (96) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL7_2

Table POL7_2: Do you support or oppose each of the following health care proposals?A public health insurance option, where Americans can choose to get their health insurance either from the government or from the private insurancemarket





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 40% (803) 36% (709) 7% (46) 6% (6) % (27) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 39% (302) 34% (262) 8% (66) 8% (6) 2% (9) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (50) 37% (446) 7% (8) 5% (56) 0% (25) 209Trump Job Approve 39% (347) 35% (30) 9% (77) 8% (74) 0% (86) 895Trump Job Disapprove 43% (435) 37% (378) 7% (67) 4% (40) 0% (00) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (20) 3% (5) 9% (44) % (52) 8% (4) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 36% (47) 39% (59) 8% (33) 5% (22) % (46) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 39% (93) 4% (97) 6% (5) 2% (4) 2% (30) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 44% (34) 36% (28) 7% (52) 5% (36) 9% (70) 78Favorable of Trump 38% (33) 36% (30) 8% (72) 8% (7) 9% (77) 860Unfavorable of Trump 43% (438) 37% (379) 6% (66) 4% (4) 0% (98) 022Very Favorable of Trump 43% (27) 30% (52) 8% (4) 0% (53) 9% (44) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 32% (3) 45% (57) 9% (3) 5% (8) 9% (33) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 37% (80) 4% (87) 7% (4) 3% (7) 2% (26) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 44% (358) 36% (292) 6% (52) 4% (35) 9% (72) 808#1 Issue: Economy 40% (23) 36% (96) 7% (39) 7% (36) 0% (56) 539#1 Issue: Security 38% (57) 35% (45) 9% (36) 0% (40) 8% (35) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 35% (7) 40% (33) 7% (23) 4% (4) 4% (46) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 46% (34) 35% (0) 7% (9) 3% (9) 9% (26) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 44% (44) 33% (34) 3% (3) 7% (7) 2% (3) 0#1 Issue: Education 52% (67) 30% (38) 6% (7) % () 2% (6) 29#1 Issue: Energy 30% (24) 39% (3) 9% (7) 7% (6) 5% () 78#1 Issue: Other 42% (46) 29% (3) 2% (3) 4% (4) 3% (5) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 43% (326) 38% (288) 7% (53) 4% (27) 8% (60) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 38% (279) 36% (265) 9% (63) 9% (66) 8% (55) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 4% (43) 30% (3) 6% (6) 6% (6) 7% (7) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 38% (54) 30% (20) 6% (24) 4% (7) 2% (84) 400

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL7_2

Table POL7_2: Do you support or oppose each of the following health care proposals?A public health insurance option, where Americans can choose to get their health insurance either from the government or from the private insurancemarket





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 40% (803) 36% (709) 7% (46) 6% (6) % (27) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 44% (29) 37% (245) 7% (48) 3% (22) 8% (55) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 38% (27) 38% (272) 8% (59) 8% (58) 8% (57) 772016 Vote: Someone else 3% (57) 40% (76) 7% (4) 9% (6) 3% (24) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 43% (82) 27% (6) 6% (24) 5% (20) 9% (8) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 40% (549) 39% (532) 7% (02) 6% (85) 8% (3) 38Voted in 2014: No 42% (254) 29% (77) 7% (45) 5% (3) 7% (04) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 42% (345) 37% (308) 7% (62) 4% (34) 9% (77) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 37% (24) 40% (229) 8% (44) 9% (50) 6% (37) 5732012 Vote: Other 35% (27) 33% (25) 8% (6) 8% (6) 6% (3) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 42% (26) 29% (47) 7% (34) 5% (27) 8% (90) 554-Region: Northeast 4% (45) 34% (22) 8% (29) 5% (6) 2% (42) 3554-Region: Midwest 39% (77) 36% (67) 9% (40) 5% (2) % (52) 4574-Region: South 4% (306) 34% (253) 7% (49) 7% (50) % (85) 7434-Region: West 40% (74) 38% (67) 6% (28) 7% (29) 9% (37) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL8

Table POL8: [Among those who support a Medicare for All option based on Pol7x1] As you may know, some proponents of Medicare for All havecalled for the elimination of private health insurance. If a Medicare for All health system included eliminating the private health insurance market,would you still support this type of health care system?

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (497) 22% (224) 29% (290) 02Gender: Male 49% (23) 24% (3) 27% (29) 473Gender: Female 49% (266) 2% () 30% (6) 538Age: 18-29 54% (09) 9% (38) 27% (54) 20Age: 30-44 50% (20) 23% (54) 27% (64) 239Age: 45-54 44% (76) 22% (37) 34% (58) 7Age: 55-64 48% (95) 20% (40) 32% (64) 200Age: 65+ 49% (98) 27% (54) 25% (49) 20Generation Z: 18-21 54% (32) 23% (4) 22% (3) 59Millennial: Age 22-37 52% (48) 22% (63) 27% (76) 286Generation X: Age 38-53 47% (8) 20% (50) 33% (83) 252Boomers: Age 54-72 47% (69) 24% (85) 29% (02) 356PID: Dem (no lean) 54% (272) 9% (95) 27% (37) 504PID: Ind (no lean) 46% (45) 22% (69) 32% (03) 37PID: Rep (no lean) 42% (80) 3% (60) 27% (5) 9PID/Gender: DemMen 55% (9) 20% (44) 25% (53) 25PID/Gender: DemWomen 53% (54) 8% (5) 29% (84) 289PID/Gender: Ind Men 48% (8) 23% (39) 28% (48) 67PID/Gender: Ind Women 43% (64) 20% (30) 37% (55) 49PID/Gender: Rep Men 35% (32) 33% (30) 32% (29) 9PID/Gender: Rep Women 48% (48) 30% (30) 22% (22) 0Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 55% (266) 20% (99) 25% (9) 484Ideo: Moderate (4) 50% (7) 23% (54) 27% (63) 233Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 40% (75) 25% (47) 35% (66) 89Educ: < College 45% (283) 24% (49) 3% (98) 630Educ: Bachelors degree 55% (34) 9% (46) 26% (62) 242Educ: Post-grad 57% (80) 2% (30) 22% (3) 40

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL8

Table POL8: [Among those who support a Medicare for All option based on Pol7x1] As you may know, some proponents of Medicare for All havecalled for the elimination of private health insurance. If a Medicare for All health system included eliminating the private health insurance market,would you still support this type of health care system?

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (497) 22% (224) 29% (290) 02Income: Under 50k 48% (290) 2% (29) 3% (88) 607Income: 50k-100k 50% (40) 23% (66) 27% (76) 283Income: 100k+ 54% (67) 24% (29) 22% (27) 22Ethnicity: White 50% (387) 22% (73) 28% (29) 779Ethnicity: Hispanic 55% (59) 20% (2) 26% (27) 07Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 46% (73) 24% (38) 30% (49) 59Ethnicity: Other 50% (37) 9% (4) 3% (23) 74Relig: Protestant 48% (00) 24% (50) 28% (57) 207Relig: Roman Catholic 47% (84) 22% (39) 32% (57) 8Relig: Something Else 45% (49) 27% (30) 28% (30) 09Relig: Jewish 58% (25) 5% (7) 27% (2) 44Relig: Evangelical 47% (77) 25% (93) 28% (07) 377Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 47% (57) 2% (26) 3% (38) 20Relig: All Christian 47% (234) 24% (9) 29% (45) 497Relig: All Non-Christian 40% (39) 30% (29) 30% (29) 97Community: Urban 54% (43) 2% (55) 25% (65) 263Community: Suburban 48% (222) 22% (04) 29% (36) 462Community: Rural 46% (32) 23% (66) 3% (89) 287Employ: Private Sector 5% (52) 24% (73) 25% (75) 300Employ: Government 5% (46) 7% (6) 32% (28) 90Employ: Self-Employed 56% (47) 9% (6) 25% (2) 84Employ: Homemaker 52% (37) 7% (2) 3% (22) 70Employ: Student 42% (9) 24% () 34% (6) 46Employ: Retired 47% (06) 24% (55) 28% (64) 224Employ: Unemployed 48% (46) 22% (2) 30% (29) 96Employ: Other 44% (45) 2% (2) 36% (37) 03Military HH: Yes 50% (75) 23% (35) 26% (39) 50Military HH: No 49% (422) 22% (89) 29% (25) 862

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Morning ConsultTable POL8

Table POL8: [Among those who support a Medicare for All option based on Pol7x1] As you may know, some proponents of Medicare for All havecalled for the elimination of private health insurance. If a Medicare for All health system included eliminating the private health insurance market,would you still support this type of health care system?

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (497) 22% (224) 29% (290) 02RD/WT: Right Direction 42% (07) 26% (65) 32% (8) 253RD/WT: Wrong Track 5% (390) 2% (59) 28% (20) 759Trump Job Approve 43% (9) 28% (76) 29% (8) 275Trump Job Disapprove 53% (372) 9% (36) 28% (95) 704Trump Job Strongly Approve 47% (60) 25% (32) 28% (37) 29Trump Job Somewhat Approve 40% (58) 30% (44) 30% (44) 47Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 43% (5) 22% (25) 36% (42) 9Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 55% (32) 9% () 26% (53) 585Favorable of Trump 40% (03) 3% (80) 30% (77) 260Unfavorable of Trump 54% (378) 20% (37) 27% (89) 705Very Favorable of Trump 46% (6) 27% (36) 27% (36) 33Somewhat Favorable of Trump 33% (42) 34% (44) 32% (4) 27Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 42% (45) 24% (25) 34% (36) 06Very Unfavorable of Trump 56% (333) 9% (2) 26% (53) 598#1 Issue: Economy 46% (7) 9% (49) 35% (90) 257#1 Issue: Security 39% (46) 27% (32) 34% (39) 7#1 Issue: Health Care 60% (29) 7% (36) 23% (49) 24#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 45% (80) 26% (46) 28% (50) 76#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 48% (28) 23% (3) 30% (7) 58#1 Issue: Education 42% (36) 3% (27) 26% (23) 86#1 Issue: Energy 60% (30) 7% (9) 23% (2) 5#1 Issue: Other 58% (3) 22% (2) 20% (0) 532018 House Vote: Democrat 56% (320) 9% (08) 25% (42) 5702018 House Vote: Republican 40% (76) 29% (56) 3% (60) 922018 House Vote: Someone else 35% (7) 2% (0) 44% (2) 492018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 42% (83) 24% (47) 34% (66) 96

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL8

Table POL8: [Among those who support a Medicare for All option based on Pol7x1] As you may know, some proponents of Medicare for All havecalled for the elimination of private health insurance. If a Medicare for All health system included eliminating the private health insurance market,would you still support this type of health care system?

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (497) 22% (224) 29% (290) 022016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 56% (274) 7% (83) 28% (37) 4942016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (8) 3% (62) 28% (55) 972016 Vote: Someone else 47% (46) 24% (23) 30% (29) 992016 Vote: Didnt Vote 43% (96) 25% (56) 3% (70) 222Voted in 2014: Yes 52% (360) 22% (54) 26% (82) 696Voted in 2014: No 43% (37) 22% (70) 34% (09) 362012 Vote: Barack Obama 54% (32) 9% (2) 27% (59) 5832012 Vote: Mitt Romney 44% (63) 30% (43) 26% (37) 432012 Vote: Other 26% (8) 25% (8) 48% (5) 302012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 45% (5) 24% (62) 3% (80) 2564-Region: Northeast 46% (88) 20% (38) 34% (64) 894-Region: Midwest 5% (8) 20% (47) 29% (67) 2334-Region: South 48% (72) 25% (88) 27% (97) 3574-Region: West 52% (20) 22% (5) 27% (62) 232Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL9

Table POL9: As you may know, the federal government currently taxes the estates of Americans who inherit $11 million or more. Do you favor oroppose a recent proposal to lower the threshold for the estate tax to $3.5 million?

Demographic Strongly favorSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 24% (482) 26% (50) 3% (258) 6% (34) 2% (427) 99Gender: Male 26% (247) 25% (236) 3% (24) 7% (63) 8% (63) 932Gender: Female 22% (235) 26% (274) 3% (35) 4% (52) 25% (264) 059Age: 18-29 26% (95) 26% (94) % (38) 8% (30) 29% (03) 360Age: 30-44 26% (5) 25% (2) 3% (58) 4% (63) 22% (95) 443Age: 45-54 20% (69) 26% (89) 6% (55) 6% (55) 22% (76) 345Age: 55-64 23% (88) 24% (9) 3% (50) 9% (7) 2% (79) 380Age: 65+ 25% (4) 27% (24) 2% (58) 20% (94) 6% (73) 463Generation Z: 18-21 24% (24) 28% (28) % () 4% (4) 23% (23) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 26% (33) 26% (30) % (56) 0% (52) 27% (34) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 22% (3) 26% (3) 6% (80) 5% (75) 22% (3) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 24% (77) 25% (84) 4% (03) 9% (43) 8% (33) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 32% (28) 27% (82) % (74) 2% (84) 8% (23) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 23% (52) 24% (58) 2% (79) 4% (9) 26% (68) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 7% () 26% (69) 6% (06) 2% (40) 2% (36) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 38% (05) 28% (76) 8% (23) % (30) 5% (42) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 28% (3) 26% (06) 3% (5) 3% (54) 20% (8) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (89) 26% (87) 2% (4) 5% (5) 22% (75) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 2% (64) 23% (7) 2% (38) 3% (40) 30% (93) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 7% (53) 23% (72) 9% (60) 26% (82) 5% (47) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 7% (58) 28% (97) 3% (46) 6% (57) 26% (90) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 35% (225) 27% (76) % (7) 0% (64) 7% (06) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 25% (06) 27% (5) 3% (53) 3% (53) 22% (94) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% () 26% (87) 6% (4) 24% (76) 9% (35) 724Educ: < College 22% (274) 24% (306) 3% (57) 5% (92) 26% (324) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 27% (26) 30% (43) 3% (60) 4% (68) 6% (74) 47Educ: Post-grad 3% (82) 23% (6) 6% (42) 20% (54) % (28) 268

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Table POL9

Table POL9: As you may know, the federal government currently taxes the estates of Americans who inherit $11 million or more. Do you favor oroppose a recent proposal to lower the threshold for the estate tax to $3.5 million?

Demographic Strongly favorSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 24% (482) 26% (50) 3% (258) 6% (34) 2% (427) 99Income: Under 50k 24% (264) 25% (274) 2% (29) 4% (55) 25% (270) 09Income: 50k-100k 25% (55) 27% (70) 5% (93) 5% (94) 9% (9) 63Income: 100k+ 24% (63) 24% (65) 4% (37) 24% (65) 4% (38) 268Ethnicity: White 25% (395) 27% (430) 3% (209) 6% (262) 20% (35) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 2% (40) 2% (40) 8% (34) 2% (23) 29% (55) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 22% (55) 8% (46) 4% (35) 5% (38) 3% (78) 252Ethnicity: Other 25% (32) 26% (34) % (4) 2% (5) 26% (33) 28Relig: Protestant 23% (7) 29% (49) 0% (54) 22% (6) 6% (80) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 27% (05) 24% (92) 6% (60) 4% (56) 9% (73) 386Relig: Something Else 24% (45) 24% (45) % (2) % (20) 29% (54) 85Relig: Jewish 39% (25) 25% (6) 2% (8) 9% (6) 5% (0) 64Relig: Evangelical 25% (87) 27% (207) 3% (96) 5% (4) 20% (53) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 24% (80) 24% (79) 2% (39) 23% (77) 7% (55) 330Relig: All Christian 25% (267) 26% (286) 2% (35) 8% (92) 9% (208) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 6% (33) 23% (48) 7% (35) 3% (28) 3% (65) 209Community: Urban 27% (7) 23% (99) 2% (53) 6% (7) 23% (99) 440Community: Suburban 24% (228) 27% (259) 2% (4) 6% (54) 2% (97) 95Community: Rural 23% (37) 25% (52) 5% (9) 5% (89) 22% (3) 600Employ: Private Sector 24% (45) 28% (68) 4% (82) 7% (0) 8% (07) 603Employ: Government 26% (40) 27% (42) 8% (3) 2% (32) 8% (28) 55Employ: Self-Employed 6% (30) 29% (56) 5% (28) 5% (28) 25% (48) 9Employ: Homemaker 22% (32) 22% (33) 3% (9) % (6) 33% (48) 48Employ: Student 20% (5) 27% (2) 4% () % (9) 28% (22) 77Employ: Retired 26% (24) 24% (5) 3% (63) 20% (96) 7% (79) 477Employ: Unemployed 27% (4) 30% (44) 8% (2) 2% (8) 23% (34) 49Employ: Other 29% (55) 6% (3) 6% (3) 8% (5) 3% (60) 9Military HH: Yes 28% (0) 24% (86) 2% (43) 20% (7) 6% (57) 358Military HH: No 23% (38) 26% (424) 3% (25) 5% (243) 23% (370) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (26) 26% (200) 6% (27) 9% (5) 23% (77) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 29% (356) 26% (30) % (3) 3% (63) 2% (250) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL9

Table POL9: As you may know, the federal government currently taxes the estates of Americans who inherit $11 million or more. Do you favor oroppose a recent proposal to lower the threshold for the estate tax to $3.5 million?

Demographic Strongly favorSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 24% (482) 26% (50) 3% (258) 6% (34) 2% (427) 99Trump Job Approve 6% (47) 25% (222) 6% (4) 22% (95) 2% (90) 895Trump Job Disapprove 32% (329) 27% (272) % (3) % (4) 9% (93) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 8% (89) 20% (98) 5% (74) 23% (3) 24% (6) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (58) 3% (24) 7% (67) 20% (82) 8% (74) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 20% (48) 32% (77) 4% (33) 8% (8) 26% (63) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 36% (28) 25% (94) 0% (80) 2% (96) 7% (30) 78Favorable of Trump 8% (5) 25% (29) 5% (29) 2% (79) 2% (82) 860Unfavorable of Trump 3% (32) 27% (278) 2% (8) 2% (26) 8% (88) 022Very Favorable of Trump 9% (97) 22% (2) 3% (68) 22% (4) 23% (6) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 5% (54) 30% (07) 7% (6) 9% (66) 9% (66) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 4% (29) 3% (67) 5% (33) 3% (27) 27% (59) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 35% (283) 26% (2) % (86) 2% (99) 6% (29) 808#1 Issue: Economy 22% (20) 28% (52) 2% (67) 5% (8) 22% (9) 539#1 Issue: Security 5% (6) 25% (05) 5% (63) 23% (95) 22% (90) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 29% (95) 24% (80) 3% (42) 3% (45) 2% (7) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 30% (86) 26% (75) 9% (25) 6% (46) 20% (57) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 25% (25) 27% (27) 20% (2) 8% (8) 20% (20) 0#1 Issue: Education 23% (30) 29% (37) 8% (0) 2% (6) 28% (36) 29#1 Issue: Energy 42% (33) 8% (4) 5% (2) 0% (8) 5% (2) 78#1 Issue: Other 29% (32) 9% (2) 8% (9) 4% (5) 20% (22) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 34% (256) 28% (2) 0% (77) 2% (90) 6% (8) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 5% (0) 27% (95) 6% (5) 23% (64) 20% (44) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 23% (24) 5% (5) 3% (3) 3% (3) 37% (38) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 23% (90) 22% (89) 3% (5) 2% (46) 3% (23) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 35% (233) 26% (74) % (74) 2% (76) 6% (04) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (02) 27% (97) 6% (2) 22% (58) 2% (48) 772016 Vote: Someone else 26% (49) 22% (4) 0% (20) 6% (29) 26% (48) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 23% (96) 23% (98) 2% (52) 2% (50) 30% (27) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 26% (357) 27% (368) 3% (77) 7% (238) 7% (24) 38Voted in 2014: No 20% (24) 23% (42) 3% (8) 3% (76) 3% (86) 60

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Table POL9

Table POL9: As you may know, the federal government currently taxes the estates of Americans who inherit $11 million or more. Do you favor oroppose a recent proposal to lower the threshold for the estate tax to $3.5 million?

Demographic Strongly favorSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 24% (482) 26% (50) 3% (258) 6% (34) 2% (427) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 3% (256) 29% (240) % (9) 2% (97) 7% (4) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 6% (93) 24% (35) 6% (89) 24% (36) 2% (9) 5732012 Vote: Other 20% (6) 20% (5) 9% (7) 2% (6) 30% (23) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (6) 23% (20) 4% (7) 3% (65) 28% (44) 554-Region: Northeast 27% (95) 25% (90) 3% (47) 5% (52) 20% (7) 3554-Region: Midwest 23% (06) 26% (9) 3% (60) 5% (69) 22% (03) 4574-Region: South 23% (69) 25% (82) 3% (00) 6% (6) 24% (76) 7434-Region: West 26% (2) 27% (9) 2% (5) 8% (77) 8% (76) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL10

Table POL10: Do you favor or oppose a recent proposal to repeal the federal estate tax, which currently taxes the estates of Americans who inherit $11million or more?

Demographic Strongly favorSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (296) 8% (36) 7% (337) 25% (499) 25% (499) 99Gender: Male 9% (72) 20% (83) 8% (68) 25% (234) 9% (74) 932Gender: Female 2% (23) 7% (78) 6% (69) 25% (264) 3% (325) 059Age: 18-29 4% (5) 20% (72) 3% (46) 8% (65) 35% (27) 360Age: 30-44 6% (70) 8% (80) 7% (74) 23% (03) 26% (6) 443Age: 45-54 5% (52) 7% (59) 20% (70) 24% (83) 24% (8) 345Age: 55-64 5% (56) 8% (68) 8% (69) 24% (92) 25% (94) 380Age: 65+ 5% (67) 8% (82) 7% (78) 34% (55) 7% (8) 463Generation Z: 18-21 7% (7) 28% (29) 0% () 6% (6) 28% (29) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 4% (72) 7% (85) 4% (7) 22% (2) 33% (67) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 6% (80) 8% (90) 20% (02) 22% (5) 25% (26) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 4% (06) 7% (28) 9% (43) 27% (202) 22% (62) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (79) 5% (0) 5% (04) 36% (247) 22% (5) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 3% (85) 7% (0) 7% (07) 25% (65) 28% (80) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 20% (32) 23% (50) 9% (26) 3% (86) 25% (68) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 5% (4) 7% (48) 9% (5) 34% (95) 5% (4) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% (38) 3% (53) 3% (53) 37% (52) 27% (0) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 5% (52) 8% (6) 6% (56) 28% (95) 23% (78) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women % (33) 6% (49) 7% (5) 23% (70) 33% (02) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 25% (80) 24% (75) 9% (6) 4% (44) 8% (55) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (52) 22% (76) 9% (65) 2% (43) 32% (3) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) % (74) 6% (02) 3% (86) 40% (257) 9% (24) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (57) 8% (75) 2% (89) 25% (04) 23% (96) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 9% (38) 23% (67) 20% (44) 5% (09) 23% (66) 724Educ: < College 3% (67) 8% (224) 7% (22) 22% (277) 30% (373) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 8% (83) 9% (90) 9% (87) 26% (23) 9% (88) 47Educ: Post-grad 7% (46) 8% (47) 4% (38) 37% (99) 4% (38) 268

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Table POL10

Table POL10: Do you favor or oppose a recent proposal to repeal the federal estate tax, which currently taxes the estates of Americans who inherit $11million or more?

Demographic Strongly favorSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (296) 8% (36) 7% (337) 25% (499) 25% (499) 99Income: Under 50k 3% (4) 7% (87) 6% (74) 24% (264) 30% (325) 09Income: 50k-100k 6% (99) 20% (26) 9% (7) 26% (63) 20% (26) 63Income: 100k+ 20% (55) 8% (47) 7% (46) 27% (72) 8% (48) 268Ethnicity: White 5% (235) 8% (290) 7% (28) 26% (424) 24% (380) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 3% (25) 23% (45) 5% (29) 22% (43) 26% (5) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 4% (37) 9% (49) 5% (38) 9% (48) 32% (80) 252Ethnicity: Other 9% (24) 7% (22) 4% (7) 20% (26) 30% (39) 28Relig: Protestant 5% (80) 20% (06) 9% (0) 26% (32) 9% (99) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 7% (67) 20% (76) 7% (64) 23% (88) 24% (9) 386Relig: Something Else 2% (2) 5% (27) 8% (34) 27% (50) 29% (53) 85Relig: Jewish 24% (5) 2% (2) % (7) 42% (27) 20% (3) 64Relig: Evangelical 4% (04) 9% (45) 7% (3) 27% (207) 23% (72) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 9% (64) 9% (64) 2% (68) 9% (63) 2% (7) 330Relig: All Christian 5% (68) 9% (208) 8% (99) 25% (270) 22% (243) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 5% (3) 22% (45) 8% (37) 0% (2) 36% (75) 209Community: Urban 4% (63) 9% (82) 3% (58) 27% (20) 26% (6) 440Community: Suburban 6% (56) 7% (60) 8% (72) 25% (240) 23% (223) 95Community: Rural 3% (77) 20% (9) 8% (06) 23% (39) 27% (60) 600Employ: Private Sector 4% (84) 20% (20) 2% (27) 24% (44) 2% (28) 603Employ: Government 8% (29) 2% (33) 6% (25) 25% (38) 20% (3) 55Employ: Self-Employed 7% (33) 9% (37) 3% (24) 2% (4) 30% (57) 9Employ: Homemaker 3% (20) 9% (28) 5% (23) 8% (26) 35% (5) 48Employ: Student 3% (0) 2% (6) 3% (0) 25% (20) 27% (2) 77Employ: Retired 4% (68) 7% (80) 7% (8) 33% (58) 9% (90) 477Employ: Unemployed 5% (22) 6% (24) 2% (8) 24% (35) 33% (49) 49Employ: Other 6% (30) 2% (23) 5% (28) 20% (37) 38% (72) 9Military HH: Yes 20% (70) 8% (65) 20% (70) 27% (96) 6% (57) 358Military HH: No 4% (225) 8% (296) 6% (266) 25% (402) 27% (442) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 8% (42) 23% (82) 20% (59) 3% (05) 25% (93) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (53) 5% (79) 5% (78) 33% (394) 25% (305) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL10

Table POL10: Do you favor or oppose a recent proposal to repeal the federal estate tax, which currently taxes the estates of Americans who inherit $11million or more?

Demographic Strongly favorSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (296) 8% (36) 7% (337) 25% (499) 25% (499) 99Trump Job Approve 20% (82) 23% (202) 9% (67) 4% (25) 24% (29) 895Trump Job Disapprove % (0) 5% (5) 6% (59) 36% (37) 22% (229) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 24% (20) 9% (95) 7% (8) 3% (65) 27% (30) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 5% (62) 27% (08) 2% (86) 5% (60) 22% (89) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 9% (22) 2% (5) 20% (49) 9% (47) 30% (7) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove % (87) 3% (00) 4% (0) 42% (325) 20% (58) 78Favorable of Trump 20% (70) 23% (95) 9% (63) 4% (7) 25% (26) 860Unfavorable of Trump % (7) 6% (60) 6% (63) 35% (362) 22% (220) 022Very Favorable of Trump 24% (22) 2% (09) 6% (82) 3% (66) 25% (28) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (48) 24% (86) 23% (8) 4% (5) 25% (88) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 0% (22) 25% (55) 23% (49) 4% (30) 27% (59) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (95) 3% (05) 4% (5) 4% (33) 20% (62) 808#1 Issue: Economy 5% (82) 2% () 7% (92) 2% (3) 26% (4) 539#1 Issue: Security 20% (84) 20% (83) 8% (76) 6% (65) 25% (05) 43#1 Issue: Health Care % (36) 5% (50) 6% (54) 32% (05) 26% (87) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 2% (35) 7% (50) 5% (44) 34% (97) 22% (63) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues % () 5% (5) 25% (25) 27% (27) 22% (22) 0#1 Issue: Education 7% (22) 6% (2) 6% (2) 20% (26) 30% (39) 29#1 Issue: Energy 6% (3) 5% () % (9) 37% (29) 2% (6) 78#1 Issue: Other 2% (3) 8% (9) 5% (6) 33% (36) 23% (25) 092018 House Vote: Democrat % (85) 4% (07) 4% (09) 40% (303) 20% (50) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 20% (47) 24% (73) 20% (44) 4% (04) 22% (6) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (3) 4% (5) 20% (2) 4% (4) 40% (4) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 3% (50) 7% (66) 6% (63) 9% (77) 36% (43) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton % (72) 3% (86) 5% (02) 42% (276) 9% (24) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 8% (30) 24% (70) 20% (43) 4% (03) 24% (70) 772016 Vote: Someone else 9% (35) 5% (27) 8% (33) 22% (4) 27% (5) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (58) 8% (77) 4% (57) 8% (78) 36% (54) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 6% (24) 8% (244) 8% (25) 28% (380) 2% (292) 38Voted in 2014: No 3% (8) 9% (8) 4% (86) 9% (8) 34% (207) 60

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Table POL10

Table POL10: Do you favor or oppose a recent proposal to repeal the federal estate tax, which currently taxes the estates of Americans who inherit $11million or more?

Demographic Strongly favorSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (296) 8% (36) 7% (337) 25% (499) 25% (499) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 0% (83) 6% (28) 5% (25) 38% (37) 2% (72) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 22% (25) 2% (2) 22% (24) 3% (75) 22% (27) 5732012 Vote: Other 9% (4) 2% (9) 23% (8) 7% (3) 29% (22) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 4% (72) 20% (03) 4% (70) 8% (93) 34% (77) 554-Region: Northeast 2% (43) 6% (57) 7% (6) 30% (07) 24% (87) 3554-Region: Midwest 4% (62) 9% (87) 9% (86) 25% (3) 24% (0) 4574-Region: South 6% (20) 9% (40) 7% (26) 20% (48) 28% (209) 7434-Region: West 6% (7) 8% (77) 5% (64) 30% (30) 2% (92) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_1

Table POL11_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Worn blackface

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 2% (43) 5% (344) 28% (89) 677Gender: Male 26% (83) 48% (53) 26% (83) 320Gender: Female 7% (60) 54% (9) 30% (06) 357Age: 18-29 2% (5) 63% (8) 25% (32) 27Age: 30-44 8% (26) 58% (83) 24% (35) 43Age: 45-54 24% (28) 47% (55) 30% (35) 7Age: 55-64 23% (3) 52% (70) 25% (34) 34Age: 65+ 28% (44) 37% (56) 35% (54) 54Generation Z: 18-21 2% () 74% (22) 24% (7) 29Millennial: Age 22-37 4% (25) 58% (05) 28% (50) 79Generation X: Age 38-53 25% (42) 5% (88) 24% (4) 7Boomers: Age 54-72 25% (65) 44% (2) 3% (80) 258PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (36) 62% (42) 22% (49) 228PID: Ind (no lean) 2% (45) 48% (05) 3% (67) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 27% (62) 42% (97) 3% (73) 233PID/Gender: DemMen 8% (7) 60% (58) 22% (22) 97PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (9) 65% (85) 2% (28) 3PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (30) 44% (52) 3% (37) 9PID/Gender: Ind Women 5% (4) 55% (53) 3% (30) 97PID/Gender: Rep Men 34% (36) 42% (44) 24% (25) 04PID/Gender: Rep Women 2% (27) 42% (54) 38% (48) 29Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (34) 63% (32) 2% (43) 209Ideo: Moderate (4) 20% (29) 50% (7) 30% (43) 42Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 27% (70) 4% (05) 3% (80) 254Educ: < College 9% (80) 5% (22) 29% (22) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 24% (39) 55% (90) 2% (35) 64Educ: Post-grad 25% (25) 42% (42) 33% (32) 99

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Table POL11_1

Table POL11_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Worn blackface

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 2% (43) 5% (344) 28% (89) 677Income: Under 50k 9% (70) 53% (92) 27% (99) 362Income: 50k-100k 20% (44) 54% (5) 26% (55) 25Income: 100k+ 29% (29) 36% (36) 35% (35) 00Ethnicity: White 25% (32) 45% (242) 30% (63) 536Ethnicity: Hispanic % (7) 68% (44) 2% (3) 64Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 6% (6) 80% (80) 4% (4) 0Ethnicity: Other 3% (5) 56% (22) 32% (3) 39Relig: Protestant 28% (52) 42% (76) 30% (55) 83Relig: Roman Catholic 25% (32) 40% (5) 35% (44) 27Relig: Something Else % (7) 63% (42) 26% (7) 66Relig: Jewish % (2) 64% (0) 26% (4) 6Relig: Evangelical 24% (6) 46% (8) 30% (78) 257Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 24% (29) 43% (5) 33% (39) 9Relig: All Christian 24% (90) 45% (69) 3% (7) 377Relig: All Non-Christian 25% (9) 48% (36) 27% (20) 75Community: Urban 8% (26) 55% (79) 27% (38) 43Community: Suburban 9% (65) 5% (70) 30% (00) 335Community: Rural 27% (53) 48% (95) 26% (5) 99Employ: Private Sector 23% (49) 5% (08) 26% (55) 22Employ: Government 20% (9) 52% (23) 28% (2) 44Employ: Self-Employed 24% (6) 50% (33) 27% (8) 67Employ: Homemaker 24% (3) 47% (26) 29% (6) 55Employ: Student — (0) 8% (20) 9% (5) 25Employ: Retired 2% (34) 45% (72) 34% (55) 6Employ: Unemployed 7% (8) 52% (25) 3% (5) 49Employ: Other 2% (4) 58% (37) 2% (3) 65Military HH: Yes 23% (27) 46% (54) 30% (36) 8Military HH: No 2% (6) 52% (290) 27% (54) 559RD/WT: Right Direction 25% (65) 4% (03) 34% (86) 254RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (79) 57% (24) 24% (03) 423

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_1

Table POL11_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Worn blackface

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 2% (43) 5% (344) 28% (89) 677Trump Job Approve 28% (83) 39% (6) 33% (99) 298Trump Job Disapprove 7% (58) 6% (23) 22% (75) 346Trump Job Strongly Approve 30% (47) 35% (55) 35% (54) 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 25% (36) 43% (6) 32% (45) 43Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 2% (6) 59% (46) 2% (6) 79Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 6% (42) 62% (66) 22% (59) 267Favorable of Trump 29% (85) 38% () 32% (93) 289Unfavorable of Trump 6% (57) 62% (29) 22% (76) 353Very Favorable of Trump 30% (5) 38% (65) 32% (54) 69Somewhat Favorable of Trump 28% (34) 39% (47) 33% (40) 20Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 7% (3) 59% (44) 24% (7) 74Very Unfavorable of Trump 6% (44) 63% (75) 2% (58) 278#1 Issue: Economy 23% (45) 47% (92) 3% (6) 97#1 Issue: Security 25% (36) 47% (66) 28% (40) 42#1 Issue: Health Care 7% (8) 58% (62) 25% (27) 07#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 27% (22) 46% (38) 27% (23) 83#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 3% (5) 68% (24) 9% (7) 35#1 Issue: Education 0% (6) 68% (36) 2% () 53#1 Issue: Energy 2% (6) 4% (2) 38% (2) 30#1 Issue: Other 20% (6) 46% (4) 34% (0) 302018 House Vote: Democrat 9% (47) 62% (56) 20% (50) 2532018 House Vote: Republican 29% (72) 38% (95) 33% (83) 2502018 House Vote: Someone else 8% (6) 53% (7) 29% (9) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 3% (9) 53% (76) 33% (47) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 8% (40) 6% (36) 2% (47) 2232016 Vote: Donald Trump 28% (70) 38% (95) 33% (82) 2482016 Vote: Someone else 26% (5) 47% (27) 28% (6) 582016 Vote: Didnt Vote 2% (7) 58% (85) 30% (44) 47Voted in 2014: Yes 24% (07) 49% (225) 27% (24) 456Voted in 2014: No 6% (36) 54% (9) 30% (66) 22

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Table POL11_1

Table POL11_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Worn blackface

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 2% (43) 5% (344) 28% (89) 6772012 Vote: Barack Obama 8% (49) 60% (62) 2% (57) 2682012 Vote: Mitt Romney 29% (6) 36% (77) 35% (73) 22012 Vote: Other 28% (7) 52% (2) 2% (5) 242012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (26) 53% (93) 3% (55) 744-Region: Northeast 24% (26) 50% (53) 26% (28) 074-Region: Midwest 8% (30) 56% (90) 26% (42) 624-Region: South 24% (62) 48% (25) 28% (72) 2594-Region: West 7% (25) 5% (76) 32% (48) 49Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_2

Table POL11_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed tax fraud

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (32) 83% (56) 2% (84) 677Gender: Male 8% (25) 79% (254) 3% (4) 320Gender: Female 2% (7) 86% (307) 2% (43) 357Age: 18-29 6% (7) 72% (9) 23% (29) 27Age: 30-44 4% (5) 83% (20) 3% (8) 43Age: 45-54 7% (9) 80% (94) 2% (4) 7Age: 55-64 5% (7) 86% (5) 0% (3) 34Age: 65+ 3% (4) 9% (4) 6% (9) 54Generation Z: 18-21 6% (2) 76% (22) 7% (5) 29Millennial: Age 22-37 3% (6) 76% (37) 20% (36) 79Generation X: Age 38-53 7% (2) 8% (39) 2% (20) 7Boomers: Age 54-72 4% () 87% (225) 8% (2) 258PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (5) 89% (204) 8% (9) 228PID: Ind (no lean) 7% (5) 77% (66) 6% (34) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 5% (2) 82% (9) 3% (30) 233PID/Gender: DemMen 3% (3) 88% (85) 9% (8) 97PID/Gender: DemWomen % (2) 90% (8) 8% () 3PID/Gender: Ind Men 0% (2) 74% (88) 6% (9) 9PID/Gender: Ind Women 3% (3) 8% (78) 6% (6) 97PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (9) 78% (8) 4% (4) 04PID/Gender: Rep Women 2% (3) 86% (0) 2% (6) 29Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 4% (9) 90% (87) 6% (2) 209Ideo: Moderate (4) 5% (7) 8% (6) 3% (9) 42Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% (3) 82% (207) 3% (34) 254Educ: < College 4% (7) 8% (334) 5% (63) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 5% (8) 89% (45) 7% () 64Educ: Post-grad 7% (7) 83% (83) 9% (9) 99

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Table POL11_2

Table POL11_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed tax fraud

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (32) 83% (56) 2% (84) 677Income: Under 50k 4% (6) 82% (297) 4% (49) 362Income: 50k-100k 3% (7) 86% (85) % (23) 25Income: 100k+ 0% (0) 79% (79) 2% (2) 00Ethnicity: White 4% (23) 84% (453) % (6) 536Ethnicity: Hispanic 5% (3) 80% (5) 5% (0) 64Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 4% (4) 83% (84) 3% (3) 0Ethnicity: Other 3% (5) 62% (24) 25% (0) 39Relig: Protestant 3% (6) 87% (60) 9% (7) 83Relig: Roman Catholic 6% (7) 82% (04) 3% (6) 27Relig: Something Else 2% () 80% (53) 9% (2) 66Relig: Jewish 5% () 9% (5) 4% () 6Relig: Evangelical 4% (0) 83% (24) 3% (34) 257Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 4% (5) 86% (03) 9% () 9Relig: All Christian 4% (5) 84% (37) 2% (45) 377Relig: All Non-Christian % (9) 69% (52) 20% (5) 75Community: Urban 5% (7) 82% (7) 4% (9) 43Community: Suburban 5% (5) 86% (287) 0% (32) 335Community: Rural 5% (0) 79% (57) 6% (32) 99Employ: Private Sector 6% (4) 82% (73) 2% (25) 22Employ: Government 3% () 88% (39) 9% (4) 44Employ: Self-Employed 7% (5) 77% (52) 6% () 67Employ: Homemaker 5% (3) 83% (46) % (6) 55Employ: Student 5% () 8% (20) 4% (4) 25Employ: Retired 3% (4) 88% (4) 9% (5) 6Employ: Unemployed 3% () 79% (39) 8% (9) 49Employ: Other 4% (3) 8% (52) 5% (0) 65Military HH: Yes 3% (3) 90% (06) 7% (9) 8Military HH: No 5% (29) 8% (455) 3% (75) 559RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (4) 79% (200) 6% (4) 254RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (9) 85% (36) 0% (43) 423

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_2

Table POL11_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed tax fraud

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (32) 83% (56) 2% (84) 677Trump Job Approve 6% (9) 77% (23) 6% (49) 298Trump Job Disapprove 4% (2) 89% (308) 8% (26) 346Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% () 79% (23) 4% (22) 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 6% (8) 76% (08) 9% (27) 43Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 7% (6) 8% (64) 2% (9) 79Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (7) 9% (244) 6% (7) 267Favorable of Trump 6% (8) 79% (227) 5% (44) 289Unfavorable of Trump 4% (3) 9% (320) 6% (20) 353Very Favorable of Trump 8% (3) 78% (32) 4% (24) 69Somewhat Favorable of Trump 5% (5) 79% (95) 6% (20) 20Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 6% (4) 87% (65) 7% (5) 74Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (9) 92% (255) 5% (5) 278#1 Issue: Economy 8% (5) 78% (55) 4% (27) 97#1 Issue: Security 5% (7) 83% (7) 3% (8) 42#1 Issue: Health Care % () 86% (92) 3% (4) 07#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 5% (4) 89% (74) 5% (4) 83#1 Issue: Women’s Issues — (0) 88% (3) 2% (4) 35#1 Issue: Education 3% (2) 8% (43) 6% (9) 53#1 Issue: Energy 4% () 85% (26) % (3) 30#1 Issue: Other 7% (2) 80% (24) 3% (4) 302018 House Vote: Democrat 3% (8) 9% (230) 6% (5) 2532018 House Vote: Republican 5% (2) 8% (203) 4% (35) 2502018 House Vote: Someone else 9% (3) 78% (25) 3% (4) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 7% (0) 72% (02) 2% (30) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (5) 9% (203) 6% (4) 2232016 Vote: Donald Trump 6% (4) 82% (204) 2% (30) 2482016 Vote: Someone else 9% (5) 82% (47) 9% (5) 582016 Vote: Didnt Vote 5% (8) 7% (05) 23% (34) 47Voted in 2014: Yes 4% (20) 87% (397) 9% (39) 456Voted in 2014: No 6% (2) 74% (64) 20% (45) 22

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Table POL11_2

Table POL11_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed tax fraud

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (32) 83% (56) 2% (84) 6772012 Vote: Barack Obama 3% (9) 89% (238) 8% (20) 2682012 Vote: Mitt Romney 6% (3) 86% (82) 8% (6) 22012 Vote: Other 4% () 77% (8) 9% (5) 242012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 6% (0) 70% (22) 24% (43) 744-Region: Northeast 5% (5) 89% (95) 6% (7) 074-Region: Midwest 5% (8) 8% (30) 4% (23) 624-Region: South 6% (5) 8% (209) 3% (34) 2594-Region: West 2% (4) 85% (26) 3% (9) 49Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_3

Table POL11_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (02) 6% (46) 24% (59) 677Gender: Male 20% (65) 55% (75) 25% (80) 320Gender: Female 0% (37) 67% (24) 22% (79) 357Age: 18-29 0% (2) 63% (80) 27% (34) 27Age: 30-44 5% (22) 65% (94) 20% (28) 43Age: 45-54 9% (23) 58% (69) 22% (26) 7Age: 55-64 6% (22) 55% (74) 28% (38) 34Age: 65+ 5% (23) 64% (99) 2% (32) 54Generation Z: 18-21 4% () 74% (22) 22% (7) 29Millennial: Age 22-37 3% (23) 64% (4) 23% (42) 79Generation X: Age 38-53 8% (32) 59% (0) 23% (39) 7Boomers: Age 54-72 6% (42) 59% (52) 25% (63) 258PID: Dem (no lean) 0% (22) 7% (6) 9% (44) 228PID: Ind (no lean) 5% (32) 58% (26) 27% (58) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 20% (48) 55% (28) 25% (57) 233PID/Gender: DemMen 6% (6) 62% (60) 2% (2) 97PID/Gender: DemWomen 5% (7) 77% (0) 8% (23) 3PID/Gender: Ind Men 9% (23) 52% (62) 29% (34) 9PID/Gender: Ind Women 9% (9) 66% (64) 25% (24) 97PID/Gender: Rep Men 25% (26) 50% (53) 24% (25) 04PID/Gender: Rep Women 6% (2) 59% (76) 25% (32) 29Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 0% (22) 73% (53) 6% (34) 209Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (8) 66% (94) 2% (30) 42Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 23% (59) 49% (25) 28% (7) 254Educ: < College 3% (54) 62% (256) 25% (05) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 6% (27) 6% (00) 22% (37) 64Educ: Post-grad 2% (2) 6% (60) 8% (8) 99

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Table POL11_3

Table POL11_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (02) 6% (46) 24% (59) 677Income: Under 50k 3% (47) 63% (228) 24% (87) 362Income: 50k-100k 5% (3) 65% (39) 2% (44) 25Income: 100k+ 23% (23) 49% (48) 28% (28) 00Ethnicity: White 6% (88) 59% (34) 25% (35) 536Ethnicity: Hispanic 0% (7) 74% (47) 6% (0) 64Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 8% (8) 78% (79) 4% (5) 0Ethnicity: Other 6% (7) 58% (23) 26% (0) 39Relig: Protestant 20% (36) 56% (03) 24% (44) 83Relig: Roman Catholic 7% (2) 63% (80) 20% (25) 27Relig: Something Else 7% (4) 6% (40) 32% (2) 66Relig: Jewish % (2) 80% (3) 0% (2) 6Relig: Evangelical 5% (39) 62% (6) 23% (58) 257Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 9% (23) 53% (63) 27% (33) 9Relig: All Christian 6% (62) 59% (224) 24% (9) 377Relig: All Non-Christian 5% () 56% (42) 29% (22) 75Community: Urban 3% (8) 62% (88) 26% (37) 43Community: Suburban 4% (47) 62% (208) 24% (79) 335Community: Rural 8% (37) 60% (9) 22% (43) 99Employ: Private Sector 20% (42) 57% (22) 23% (49) 22Employ: Government 25% () 58% (26) 7% (7) 44Employ: Self-Employed 2% (8) 65% (44) 23% (6) 67Employ: Homemaker 9% (5) 56% (3) 34% (9) 55Employ: Student 6% (2) 79% (9) 4% (4) 25Employ: Retired 4% (22) 63% (0) 23% (38) 6Employ: Unemployed % (5) 62% (3) 27% (3) 49Employ: Other 2% (7) 66% (43) 22% (4) 65Military HH: Yes 7% (20) 59% (69) 24% (29) 8Military HH: No 5% (82) 62% (346) 23% (3) 559RD/WT: Right Direction 22% (55) 52% (32) 26% (67) 254RD/WT: Wrong Track % (47) 67% (284) 22% (92) 423

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_3

Table POL11_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (02) 6% (46) 24% (59) 677Trump Job Approve 22% (64) 50% (49) 28% (85) 298Trump Job Disapprove % (36) 7% (246) 8% (63) 346Trump Job Strongly Approve 24% (38) 46% (72) 30% (46) 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 9% (27) 54% (77) 27% (39) 43Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 4% () 66% (52) 20% (5) 79Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 9% (25) 73% (94) 8% (48) 267Favorable of Trump 22% (65) 5% (46) 27% (78) 289Unfavorable of Trump 0% (35) 73% (258) 7% (60) 353Very Favorable of Trump 25% (43) 47% (79) 28% (47) 69Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (22) 56% (67) 26% (3) 20Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 2% (9) 69% (52) 9% (4) 74Very Unfavorable of Trump 0% (27) 74% (206) 6% (46) 278#1 Issue: Economy 6% (32) 58% (5) 25% (50) 97#1 Issue: Security 8% (26) 55% (78) 27% (38) 42#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (3) 66% (70) 23% (24) 07#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 7% (4) 64% (53) 9% (6) 83#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (3) 69% (24) 23% (8) 35#1 Issue: Education 8% (0) 64% (34) 8% (0) 53#1 Issue: Energy — (0) 88% (27) 2% (4) 30#1 Issue: Other 7% (5) 49% (5) 34% (0) 302018 House Vote: Democrat % (28) 7% (78) 8% (47) 2532018 House Vote: Republican 24% (59) 50% (24) 27% (67) 2502018 House Vote: Someone else 9% (3) 80% (26) % (4) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (2) 62% (87) 30% (42) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton % (25) 7% (57) 8% (4) 2232016 Vote: Donald Trump 20% (50) 55% (36) 25% (62) 2482016 Vote: Someone else 23% (3) 59% (34) 9% () 582016 Vote: Didnt Vote 8% (2) 6% (89) 3% (45) 47Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (78) 60% (275) 22% (02) 456Voted in 2014: No % (23) 64% (40) 26% (57) 22

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Table POL11_3

Table POL11_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (02) 6% (46) 24% (59) 6772012 Vote: Barack Obama % (28) 70% (86) 20% (53) 2682012 Vote: Mitt Romney 23% (48) 53% () 24% (52) 22012 Vote: Other 23% (5) 43% (0) 34% (8) 242012 Vote: Didn’t Vote % (20) 62% (08) 27% (47) 744-Region: Northeast 6% (7) 65% (70) 8% (20) 074-Region: Midwest 4% (22) 63% (0) 24% (39) 624-Region: South 4% (36) 59% (53) 27% (70) 2594-Region: West 8% (27) 6% (9) 2% (3) 49Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_4

Table POL11_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been convicted of sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (24) 86% (58) % (7) 677Gender: Male 5% (6) 84% (267) 2% (37) 320Gender: Female 2% (9) 88% (34) 0% (34) 357Age: 18-29 6% (8) 72% (92) 22% (28) 27Age: 30-44 4% (5) 88% (26) 8% (2) 43Age: 45-54 4% (5) 86% (0) 0% () 7Age: 55-64 2% (3) 89% (20) 9% (2) 34Age: 65+ 2% (4) 92% (42) 5% (8) 54Generation Z: 18-21 7% (2) 80% (24) 3% (4) 29Millennial: Age 22-37 4% (8) 77% (38) 9% (34) 79Generation X: Age 38-53 5% (9) 88% (5) 7% (2) 7Boomers: Age 54-72 2% (6) 90% (232) 8% (20) 258PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (5) 89% (202) 9% (22) 228PID: Ind (no lean) 5% () 82% (77) 3% (28) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (9) 87% (203) 9% (22) 233PID/Gender: DemMen 4% (3) 83% (80) 3% (3) 97PID/Gender: DemWomen % () 92% (2) 7% (9) 3PID/Gender: Ind Men 7% (8) 8% (96) 2% (4) 9PID/Gender: Ind Women 3% (3) 83% (80) 4% (3) 97PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (4) 87% (9) 9% (0) 04PID/Gender: Rep Women 3% (4) 87% (2) 9% (2) 29Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 4% (8) 9% (89) 5% () 209Ideo: Moderate (4) 4% (6) 85% (2) 0% (5) 42Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 3% (8) 86% (29) % (27) 254Educ: < College 4% (5) 83% (344) 3% (55) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 3% (4) 9% (49) 6% () 64Educ: Post-grad 5% (5) 89% (88) 6% (6) 99

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Table POL11_4

Table POL11_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been convicted of sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (24) 86% (58) % (7) 677Income: Under 50k 4% (3) 84% (304) 3% (46) 362Income: 50k-100k 3% (6) 9% (95) 6% (3) 25Income: 100k+ 6% (6) 82% (82) 2% (2) 00Ethnicity: White 3% (4) 88% (472) 9% (50) 536Ethnicity: Hispanic 6% (4) 77% (49) 7% () 64Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 7% (7) 79% (80) 4% (4) 0Ethnicity: Other 7% (3) 74% (29) 9% (7) 39Relig: Protestant 2% (4) 9% (67) 6% (2) 83Relig: Roman Catholic 3% (4) 88% (2) 9% (2) 27Relig: Something Else — (0) 84% (56) 6% (0) 66Relig: Jewish % (2) 80% (3) 9% () 6Relig: Evangelical % (4) 89% (230) 9% (24) 257Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 3% (4) 89% (06) 8% (9) 9Relig: All Christian 2% (8) 89% (335) 9% (33) 377Relig: All Non-Christian 8% (6) 69% (52) 23% (7) 75Community: Urban 5% (7) 82% (7) 3% (9) 43Community: Suburban 3% (0) 88% (296) 9% (30) 335Community: Rural 4% (8) 85% (68) % (22) 99Employ: Private Sector 4% (8) 87% (85) 9% (9) 22Employ: Government 5% (2) 88% (39) 7% (3) 44Employ: Self-Employed 4% (3) 79% (53) 6% () 67Employ: Homemaker 5% (3) 82% (45) 3% (7) 55Employ: Student 8% (2) 8% (20) % (3) 25Employ: Retired 2% (3) 9% (46) 7% (2) 6Employ: Unemployed — (0) 84% (4) 6% (8) 49Employ: Other 6% (4) 8% (52) 3% (9) 65Military HH: Yes 5% (6) 85% (00) 9% () 8Military HH: No 3% (8) 86% (48) % (60) 559RD/WT: Right Direction 4% (9) 82% (208) 4% (36) 254RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (5) 88% (373) 8% (35) 423

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_4

Table POL11_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been convicted of sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (24) 86% (58) % (7) 677Trump Job Approve 4% (2) 82% (244) 4% (42) 298Trump Job Disapprove 4% (3) 9% (34) 6% (20) 346Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (6) 84% (30) 3% (20) 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (6) 80% (5) 5% (22) 43Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 5% (4) 87% (69) 8% (6) 79Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (9) 92% (245) 5% (3) 267Favorable of Trump 4% () 83% (24) 3% (37) 289Unfavorable of Trump 3% () 93% (328) 4% (4) 353Very Favorable of Trump 5% (8) 82% (39) 3% (22) 69Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (3) 85% (03) 2% (4) 20Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 4% (3) 90% (67) 6% (4) 74Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (8) 94% (26) 3% (9) 278#1 Issue: Economy 4% (7) 83% (63) 4% (27) 97#1 Issue: Security 3% (4) 88% (25) 9% (3) 42#1 Issue: Health Care % () 90% (96) 9% (0) 07#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 6% (5) 87% (72) 7% (6) 83#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 3% () 9% (32) 6% (2) 35#1 Issue: Education 4% (2) 82% (44) 5% (8) 53#1 Issue: Energy 2% () 90% (27) 8% (2) 30#1 Issue: Other % (3) 77% (23) 3% (4) 302018 House Vote: Democrat 3% (8) 9% (229) 6% (5) 2532018 House Vote: Republican 3% (6) 87% (27) % (27) 2502018 House Vote: Someone else 9% (3) 86% (28) 5% (2) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 5% (7) 76% (07) 9% (28) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (4) 92% (204) 6% (4) 2232016 Vote: Donald Trump 3% (8) 87% (26) 0% (24) 2482016 Vote: Someone else 9% (5) 88% (5) 3% (2) 582016 Vote: Didnt Vote 5% (7) 74% (09) 2% (3) 47Voted in 2014: Yes 3% (3) 90% (43) 7% (3) 456Voted in 2014: No 5% (2) 76% (69) 8% (40) 22

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Table POL11_4

Table POL11_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been convicted of sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (24) 86% (58) % (7) 6772012 Vote: Barack Obama 2% (6) 90% (242) 7% (9) 2682012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (5) 92% (94) 6% (2) 22012 Vote: Other 3% (3) 72% (7) 5% (4) 242012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 6% () 73% (28) 2% (36) 744-Region: Northeast % () 92% (98) 7% (8) 074-Region: Midwest 4% (6) 86% (39) 0% (7) 624-Region: South 4% (0) 84% (27) 2% (32) 2594-Region: West 5% (8) 85% (27) 0% (4) 49Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_5

Table POL11_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed a felony crime

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (54) 77% (58) 5% (05) 677Gender: Male 0% (33) 74% (237) 5% (49) 320Gender: Female 6% (20) 79% (28) 6% (56) 357Age: 18-29 9% (2) 64% (8) 27% (34) 27Age: 30-44 % (5) 76% (09) 3% (9) 43Age: 45-54 9% () 74% (87) 6% (9) 7Age: 55-64 7% (0) 82% () 0% (4) 34Age: 65+ 3% (5) 85% (3) 2% (8) 54Generation Z: 18-21 7% (2) 67% (20) 26% (8) 29Millennial: Age 22-37 0% (8) 69% (23) 2% (38) 79Generation X: Age 38-53 0% (8) 75% (28) 5% (26) 7Boomers: Age 54-72 6% (4) 84% (26) 0% (27) 258PID: Dem (no lean) 9% (20) 76% (73) 6% (35) 228PID: Ind (no lean) 7% (5) 72% (55) 2% (46) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 8% (9) 82% (9) 0% (24) 233PID/Gender: DemMen 9% (9) 74% (7) 7% (7) 97PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% () 77% (0) 4% (9) 3PID/Gender: Ind Men 0% (2) 72% (85) 8% (22) 9PID/Gender: Ind Women 3% (3) 72% (70) 25% (24) 97PID/Gender: Rep Men 3% (3) 77% (8) 0% () 04PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (6) 85% (0) 0% (3) 29Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 9% (9) 77% (6) 4% (28) 209Ideo: Moderate (4) 6% (9) 76% (09) 8% (25) 42Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8% (9) 8% (205) 2% (30) 254Educ: < College 8% (32) 73% (304) 9% (78) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 7% (2) 85% (40) 7% (2) 64Educ: Post-grad 0% (0) 75% (75) 5% (5) 99

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Table POL11_5

Table POL11_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed a felony crime

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (54) 77% (58) 5% (05) 677Income: Under 50k 8% (3) 74% (269) 7% (63) 362Income: 50k-100k 6% (3) 83% (78) % (24) 25Income: 100k+ 0% (0) 72% (72) 8% (8) 00Ethnicity: White 7% (38) 78% (42) 4% (77) 536Ethnicity: Hispanic 8% (5) 73% (46) 9% (2) 64Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 8% (8) 73% (74) 9% (9) 0Ethnicity: Other 9% (8) 6% (24) 20% (8) 39Relig: Protestant 7% (3) 83% (5) 0% (9) 83Relig: Roman Catholic 6% (8) 78% (99) 6% (20) 27Relig: Something Else 7% (5) 72% (47) 2% (4) 66Relig: Jewish 5% () 8% (3) 4% (2) 6Relig: Evangelical 5% (4) 77% (99) 7% (44) 257Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 0% (2) 82% (98) 8% (9) 9Relig: All Christian 7% (26) 79% (297) 4% (54) 377Relig: All Non-Christian 5% () 64% (48) 2% (6) 75Community: Urban 2% (7) 72% (03) 6% (24) 43Community: Suburban 7% (22) 78% (262) 5% (5) 335Community: Rural 7% (4) 77% (54) 5% (30) 99Employ: Private Sector 0% (2) 77% (63) 3% (29) 22Employ: Government 8% (4) 86% (38) 6% (3) 44Employ: Self-Employed 2% (8) 63% (42) 25% (7) 67Employ: Homemaker 9% (5) 80% (44) % (6) 55Employ: Student — (0) 75% (8) 25% (6) 25Employ: Retired 3% (4) 85% (36) 3% (20) 6Employ: Unemployed 3% (6) 7% (35) 7% (8) 49Employ: Other 9% (6) 66% (43) 25% (6) 65Military HH: Yes 9% (0) 77% (9) 4% (7) 8Military HH: No 8% (43) 76% (428) 6% (88) 559RD/WT: Right Direction 7% (7) 77% (94) 7% (43) 254RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (37) 77% (324) 5% (62) 423

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_5

Table POL11_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed a felony crime

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (54) 77% (58) 5% (05) 677Trump Job Approve 8% (25) 76% (227) 5% (45) 298Trump Job Disapprove 8% (27) 78% (272) 4% (48) 346Trump Job Strongly Approve 9% (3) 80% (24) 2% (8) 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (2) 72% (03) 9% (27) 43Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove % (9) 79% (62) 0% (8) 79Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 7% (8) 78% (20) 5% (40) 267Favorable of Trump 9% (26) 77% (223) 4% (40) 289Unfavorable of Trump 8% (26) 80% (283) 2% (43) 353Very Favorable of Trump 0% (7) 78% (32) 2% (20) 69Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (0) 76% (9) 6% (9) 20Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 7% (6) 8% (60) % (8) 74Very Unfavorable of Trump 8% (2) 80% (222) 3% (35) 278#1 Issue: Economy 9% (9) 73% (45) 7% (34) 97#1 Issue: Security 6% (9) 82% (7) % (6) 42#1 Issue: Health Care 4% (5) 78% (83) 8% (9) 07#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 8% (7) 83% (68) 9% (7) 83#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 0% (3) 77% (27) 3% (5) 35#1 Issue: Education 0% (5) 76% (4) 4% (8) 53#1 Issue: Energy 4% () 65% (20) 3% (9) 30#1 Issue: Other 4% (4) 63% (9) 23% (7) 302018 House Vote: Democrat 7% (8) 80% (20) 3% (33) 2532018 House Vote: Republican 7% (8) 82% (206) % (27) 2502018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (4) 66% (2) 2% (7) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 0% (4) 64% (90) 27% (38) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 7% (5) 78% (74) 5% (33) 2232016 Vote: Donald Trump 6% (5) 83% (207) % (27) 2482016 Vote: Someone else 4% (8) 80% (46) 6% (3) 582016 Vote: Didnt Vote 0% (5) 62% (9) 28% (42) 47Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (32) 8% (37) 2% (53) 456Voted in 2014: No 0% (2) 67% (48) 23% (5) 22

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Table POL11_5

Table POL11_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed a felony crime

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (54) 77% (58) 5% (05) 6772012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (9) 78% (20) 5% (39) 2682012 Vote: Mitt Romney 7% (5) 85% (79) 8% (6) 22012 Vote: Other 7% (2) 79% (9) 3% (3) 242012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 0% (8) 64% () 26% (46) 744-Region: Northeast 5% (5) 88% (94) 8% (8) 074-Region: Midwest 9% (5) 75% (22) 5% (25) 624-Region: South 9% (24) 74% (93) 6% (42) 2594-Region: West 6% (9) 74% (0) 20% (30) 49Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_6

Table POL11_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Cheated on their spouse

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (97) 39% (266) 32% (24) 677Gender: Male 3% (0) 37% (7) 32% (02) 320Gender: Female 27% (96) 42% (49) 3% (2) 357Age: 18-29 2% (27) 4% (52) 38% (49) 27Age: 30-44 32% (45) 43% (6) 26% (37) 43Age: 45-54 30% (36) 4% (49) 28% (33) 7Age: 55-64 32% (43) 37% (49) 3% (42) 34Age: 65+ 30% (46) 36% (55) 34% (53) 54Generation Z: 18-21 4% () 62% (8) 34% (0) 29Millennial: Age 22-37 29% (52) 38% (69) 33% (59) 79Generation X: Age 38-53 30% (52) 4% (70) 29% (49) 7Boomers: Age 54-72 3% (8) 37% (96) 32% (8) 258PID: Dem (no lean) 25% (57) 45% (02) 30% (69) 228PID: Ind (no lean) 29% (63) 38% (8) 33% (72) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 33% (77) 35% (82) 3% (73) 233PID/Gender: DemMen 24% (23) 44% (42) 32% (3) 97PID/Gender: DemWomen 26% (34) 46% (60) 29% (38) 3PID/Gender: Ind Men 33% (39) 35% (42) 32% (37) 9PID/Gender: Ind Women 24% (23) 4% (40) 35% (34) 97PID/Gender: Rep Men 37% (38) 3% (33) 32% (33) 04PID/Gender: Rep Women 30% (39) 39% (50) 3% (40) 29Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 29% (6) 48% (99) 23% (48) 209Ideo: Moderate (4) 29% (4) 38% (54) 33% (47) 42Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 32% (8) 36% (92) 32% (8) 254Educ: < College 27% (2) 40% (65) 33% (37) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 33% (55) 4% (67) 26% (42) 64Educ: Post-grad 30% (30) 35% (34) 35% (35) 99

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Table POL11_6

Table POL11_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Cheated on their spouse

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (97) 39% (266) 32% (24) 677Income: Under 50k 27% (97) 40% (44) 33% (2) 362Income: 50k-100k 33% (70) 4% (88) 26% (57) 25Income: 100k+ 30% (30) 34% (34) 36% (36) 00Ethnicity: White 32% (73) 37% (96) 3% (67) 536Ethnicity: Hispanic 29% (8) 36% (23) 35% (22) 64Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 6% (6) 57% (58) 27% (28) 0Ethnicity: Other 2% (8) 3% (2) 48% (9) 39Relig: Protestant 35% (65) 35% (65) 30% (54) 83Relig: Roman Catholic 28% (36) 38% (49) 34% (43) 27Relig: Something Else 28% (9) 37% (25) 35% (23) 66Relig: Jewish 35% (6) 55% (9) 0% (2) 6Relig: Evangelical 3% (80) 35% (90) 34% (87) 257Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 33% (39) 40% (48) 27% (32) 9Relig: All Christian 32% (9) 37% (38) 32% (20) 377Relig: All Non-Christian 28% (2) 39% (29) 33% (25) 75Community: Urban 27% (39) 42% (59) 3% (44) 43Community: Suburban 28% (93) 40% (32) 33% (09) 335Community: Rural 32% (65) 37% (74) 30% (60) 99Employ: Private Sector 34% (73) 35% (75) 30% (65) 22Employ: Government 32% (4) 38% (7) 30% (3) 44Employ: Self-Employed 23% (5) 42% (28) 35% (23) 67Employ: Homemaker 35% (9) 4% (22) 24% (3) 55Employ: Student 9% (2) 54% (3) 37% (9) 25Employ: Retired 27% (44) 37% (60) 36% (57) 6Employ: Unemployed 23% () 46% (22) 3% (5) 49Employ: Other 27% (8) 44% (28) 28% (8) 65Military HH: Yes 3% (37) 38% (45) 3% (36) 8Military HH: No 29% (60) 40% (222) 32% (78) 559RD/WT: Right Direction 29% (74) 40% (0) 3% (79) 254RD/WT: Wrong Track 29% (23) 39% (65) 32% (35) 423

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_6

Table POL11_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Cheated on their spouse

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (97) 39% (266) 32% (24) 677Trump Job Approve 33% (98) 35% (04) 32% (96) 298Trump Job Disapprove 28% (96) 44% (53) 28% (97) 346Trump Job Strongly Approve 33% (52) 35% (54) 32% (50) 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 32% (46) 35% (50) 32% (46) 43Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 2% (7) 48% (38) 30% (24) 79Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 30% (79) 43% (5) 27% (73) 267Favorable of Trump 33% (95) 34% (98) 33% (96) 289Unfavorable of Trump 28% (99) 45% (59) 27% (95) 353Very Favorable of Trump 32% (54) 36% (6) 32% (54) 69Somewhat Favorable of Trump 34% (40) 3% (37) 35% (42) 20Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 24% (7) 42% (3) 35% (26) 74Very Unfavorable of Trump 29% (8) 46% (28) 25% (69) 278#1 Issue: Economy 28% (56) 38% (75) 33% (66) 97#1 Issue: Security 29% (4) 39% (55) 32% (46) 42#1 Issue: Health Care 27% (29) 39% (4) 34% (37) 07#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 3% (26) 38% (3) 3% (26) 83#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (6) 49% (7) 33% (2) 35#1 Issue: Education 3% (6) 47% (25) 22% (2) 53#1 Issue: Energy 3% (9) 42% (3) 27% (8) 30#1 Issue: Other 43% (3) 29% (9) 28% (8) 302018 House Vote: Democrat 30% (77) 44% () 26% (65) 2532018 House Vote: Republican 32% (79) 35% (88) 33% (84) 2502018 House Vote: Someone else 30% (0) 37% (2) 34% () 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 22% (3) 40% (56) 38% (54) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 29% (65) 43% (96) 28% (62) 2232016 Vote: Donald Trump 33% (83) 33% (82) 34% (83) 2482016 Vote: Someone else 27% (6) 44% (25) 29% (7) 582016 Vote: Didnt Vote 22% (32) 43% (63) 35% (52) 47Voted in 2014: Yes 3% (4) 40% (82) 29% (33) 456Voted in 2014: No 25% (56) 38% (84) 36% (80) 22

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL11_6

Table POL11_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Cheated on their spouse

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (97) 39% (266) 32% (24) 6772012 Vote: Barack Obama 29% (78) 43% (6) 28% (74) 2682012 Vote: Mitt Romney 34% (72) 35% (74) 3% (65) 22012 Vote: Other 22% (5) 34% (8) 43% (0) 242012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24% (42) 39% (68) 37% (64) 744-Region: Northeast 32% (35) 36% (38) 32% (34) 074-Region: Midwest 27% (44) 46% (75) 27% (43) 624-Region: South 3% (80) 34% (89) 35% (90) 2594-Region: West 26% (38) 43% (64) 3% (47) 49Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_7

Table POL11_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Misused taxpayer dollars

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (32) 86% (580) 0% (65) 677Gender: Male 7% (2) 84% (268) 0% (3) 320Gender: Female 3% () 87% (32) 0% (34) 357Age: 18-29 8% (0) 74% (95) 7% (22) 27Age: 30-44 3% (4) 87% (25) 0% (5) 43Age: 45-54 7% (9) 83% (97) 0% () 7Age: 55-64 4% (5) 89% (20) 7% (0) 34Age: 65+ 3% (5) 92% (43) 5% (7) 54Generation Z: 18-21 2% () 87% (26) % (3) 29Millennial: Age 22-37 6% () 77% (38) 7% (30) 79Generation X: Age 38-53 7% () 85% (45) 9% (5) 7Boomers: Age 54-72 4% (9) 90% (232) 6% (7) 258PID: Dem (no lean) 3% (6) 90% (204) 8% (8) 228PID: Ind (no lean) 6% (3) 80% (73) 4% (30) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (3) 87% (202) 7% (7) 233PID/Gender: DemMen 5% (5) 86% (83) 9% (9) 97PID/Gender: DemWomen % (2) 92% (2) 6% (8) 3PID/Gender: Ind Men 8% (0) 79% (93) 3% (5) 9PID/Gender: Ind Women 3% (3) 82% (80) 5% (4) 97PID/Gender: Rep Men 6% (7) 88% (9) 6% (6) 04PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (7) 86% () 9% () 29Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (3) 88% (84) 6% () 209Ideo: Moderate (4) 7% (0) 83% (8) 0% (4) 42Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 3% (8) 87% (222) 0% (25) 254Educ: < College 4% (6) 84% (347) 2% (50) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 6% (9) 89% (45) 6% (9) 64Educ: Post-grad 7% (7) 88% (87) 5% (5) 99

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL11_7

Table POL11_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Misused taxpayer dollars

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (32) 86% (580) 0% (65) 677Income: Under 50k 6% (20) 83% (302) % (40) 362Income: 50k-100k 2% (5) 9% (96) 6% (3) 25Income: 100k+ 7% (7) 82% (8) % () 00Ethnicity: White 3% (9) 88% (472) 9% (46) 536Ethnicity: Hispanic 9% (6) 80% (5) % (7) 64Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 7% (7) 80% (8) 2% (3) 0Ethnicity: Other 7% (7) 67% (26) 6% (6) 39Relig: Protestant 6% () 89% (63) 5% (0) 83Relig: Roman Catholic 3% (4) 87% () 9% (2) 27Relig: Something Else — (0) 82% (55) 8% (2) 66Relig: Jewish 5% () 87% (4) 7% () 6Relig: Evangelical 3% (8) 87% (223) 0% (26) 257Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 6% (7) 88% (05) 6% (7) 9Relig: All Christian 4% (5) 87% (328) 9% (33) 377Relig: All Non-Christian 0% (8) 7% (53) 9% (4) 75Community: Urban 0% (4) 80% (4) % (6) 43Community: Suburban 2% (8) 90% (302) 8% (25) 335Community: Rural 6% () 82% (64) 2% (24) 99Employ: Private Sector 6% (3) 85% (79) 9% (20) 22Employ: Government 8% (4) 87% (38) 5% (2) 44Employ: Self-Employed 2% () 80% (53) 8% (2) 67Employ: Homemaker 5% (3) 85% (46) 0% (6) 55Employ: Student — (0) 89% (22) % (3) 25Employ: Retired 3% (4) 9% (46) 6% (0) 6Employ: Unemployed 5% (2) 85% (42) 0% (5) 49Employ: Other 8% (5) 8% (52) % (7) 65Military HH: Yes 3% (4) 9% (08) 5% (6) 8Military HH: No 5% (28) 84% (472) % (59) 559RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (5) 8% (206) 3% (32) 254RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (7) 88% (373) 8% (32) 423

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Morning ConsultTable POL11_7

Table POL11_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Misused taxpayer dollars

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (32) 86% (580) 0% (65) 677Trump Job Approve 5% (6) 82% (244) 3% (38) 298Trump Job Disapprove 5% (6) 90% (32) 5% (8) 346Trump Job Strongly Approve 6% (9) 84% (3) 0% (6) 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 5% (7) 79% (3) 6% (22) 43Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (7) 85% (67) 7% (5) 79Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (0) 9% (245) 5% (3) 267Favorable of Trump 5% (6) 83% (240) % (33) 289Unfavorable of Trump 4% (5) 92% (326) 3% (2) 353Very Favorable of Trump 7% (2) 82% (39) % (8) 69Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (4) 84% (0) 3% (5) 20Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 8% (6) 88% (66) 3% (3) 74Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (9) 94% (260) 3% (9) 278#1 Issue: Economy 7% (3) 82% (6) 2% (23) 97#1 Issue: Security 3% (4) 90% (27) 7% (0) 42#1 Issue: Health Care 3% (3) 87% (93) 0% () 07#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 4% (3) 9% (75) 5% (4) 83#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 7% (2) 89% (3) 5% (2) 35#1 Issue: Education 6% (3) 78% (4) 7% (9) 53#1 Issue: Energy 2% () 90% (27) 8% (2) 30#1 Issue: Other 8% (2) 8% (24) % (3) 302018 House Vote: Democrat 4% (9) 90% (227) 7% (7) 2532018 House Vote: Republican 5% (3) 86% (25) 9% (22) 2502018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (4) 82% (26) 5% (2) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (6) 78% () 7% (25) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 3% (7) 92% (204) 5% (2) 2232016 Vote: Donald Trump 5% () 87% (25) 9% (2) 2482016 Vote: Someone else 4% (8) 82% (47) 4% (2) 582016 Vote: Didnt Vote 5% (7) 76% (2) 20% (29) 47Voted in 2014: Yes 5% (2) 89% (405) 7% (30) 456Voted in 2014: No 5% (2) 79% (74) 6% (35) 22

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL11_7

Table POL11_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a politician who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Misused taxpayer dollars

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (32) 86% (580) 0% (65) 6772012 Vote: Barack Obama 4% () 89% (238) 7% (9) 2682012 Vote: Mitt Romney 4% (9) 9% (93) 4% (9) 22012 Vote: Other 5% () 83% (20) 2% (3) 242012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 6% () 74% (29) 9% (34) 744-Region: Northeast 5% (5) 89% (95) 6% (7) 074-Region: Midwest 4% (6) 88% (42) 8% (4) 624-Region: South 5% (3) 84% (28) % (28) 2594-Region: West 6% (8) 84% (25) % (6) 49Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_1

Table POL12_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Worn blackface

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 20% (3) 54% (357) 26% (74) 662Gender: Male 2% (65) 54% (63) 25% (76) 304Gender: Female 8% (66) 54% (94) 27% (98) 358Age: 18-29 3% (5) 60% (7) 27% (32) 8Age: 30-44 7% (26) 57% (88) 27% (4) 55Age: 45-54 2% (24) 52% (60) 27% (32) 7Age: 55-64 23% (3) 50% (69) 27% (38) 38Age: 65+ 25% (33) 52% (70) 23% (32) 35Generation Z: 18-21 4% (5) 70% (25) 6% (6) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 5% (26) 58% (98) 27% (46) 70Generation X: Age 38-53 20% (34) 5% (90) 29% (5) 75Boomers: Age 54-72 23% (54) 52% (9) 25% (58) 23PID: Dem (no lean) 5% (37) 62% (55) 23% (57) 248PID: Ind (no lean) 2% (46) 45% (97) 34% (74) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 25% (49) 54% (06) 22% (42) 97PID/Gender: DemMen 6% (5) 65% (62) 9% (8) 95PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (22) 6% (93) 25% (39) 53PID/Gender: Ind Men 22% (24) 43% (47) 35% (38) 09PID/Gender: Ind Women 20% (2) 46% (49) 34% (36) 07PID/Gender: Rep Men 26% (25) 55% (54) 20% (9) 99PID/Gender: Rep Women 24% (23) 53% (52) 23% (23) 98Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (35) 6% (38) 23% (52) 225Ideo: Moderate (4) 20% (29) 49% (73) 32% (48) 5Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 27% (56) 5% (05) 22% (47) 208Educ: < College 9% (80) 56% (232) 25% (02) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 7% (28) 52% (84) 3% (50) 62Educ: Post-grad 26% (23) 48% (4) 26% (22) 86

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL12_1

Table POL12_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Worn blackface

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 20% (3) 54% (357) 26% (74) 662Income: Under 50k 6% (58) 59% (24) 25% (93) 365Income: 50k-100k 25% (52) 47% (00) 28% (59) 2Income: 100k+ 24% (20) 50% (43) 26% (22) 86Ethnicity: White 22% (9) 5% (269) 27% (43) 53Ethnicity: Hispanic 24% (3) 45% (24) 32% (7) 54Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 8% (7) 74% (65) 8% (6) 88Ethnicity: Other 2% (5) 54% (23) 35% (5) 43Relig: Protestant 22% (35) 49% (80) 29% (47) 63Relig: Roman Catholic 27% (32) 50% (59) 23% (27) 9Relig: Something Else 6% (9) 64% (36) 20% () 57Relig: Jewish 7% (5) 59% (6) 24% (7) 27Relig: Evangelical 22% (5) 53% (22) 25% (59) 232Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 24% (25) 5% (54) 25% (27) 07Relig: All Christian 23% (76) 52% (76) 25% (86) 338Relig: All Non-Christian 6% () 6% (43) 24% (7) 7Community: Urban 9% (30) 63% (95) 8% (27) 52Community: Suburban 20% (63) 49% (53) 3% (95) 3Community: Rural 9% (39) 55% (09) 26% (52) 200Employ: Private Sector 23% (46) 52% (06) 25% (50) 202Employ: Government 5% (9) 58% (34) 27% (6) 58Employ: Self-Employed 3% (8) 60% (35) 26% (5) 59Employ: Homemaker 4% (5) 58% (22) 27% (0) 38Employ: Student 6% (4) 6% (5) 23% (6) 25Employ: Retired 2% (34) 52% (83) 26% (42) 59Employ: Unemployed 9% (0) 50% (27) 3% (7) 54Employ: Other 2% (4) 53% (35) 26% (8) 67Military HH: Yes 24% (26) 54% (56) 22% (23) 05Military HH: No 9% (05) 54% (30) 27% (5) 557RD/WT: Right Direction 24% (60) 50% (26) 26% (64) 250RD/WT: Wrong Track 7% (7) 56% (232) 27% (0) 42

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_1

Table POL12_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Worn blackface

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 20% (3) 54% (357) 26% (74) 662Trump Job Approve 24% (66) 5% (38) 25% (67) 27Trump Job Disapprove 8% (65) 56% (206) 26% (96) 367Trump Job Strongly Approve 22% (34) 60% (93) 9% (29) 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 28% (32) 39% (45) 33% (38) 5Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 23% (20) 40% (34) 37% (32) 85Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 6% (45) 6% (72) 23% (64) 282Favorable of Trump 25% (70) 50% (38) 24% (67) 274Unfavorable of Trump 7% (58) 57% (99) 27% (94) 35Very Favorable of Trump 24% (4) 57% (95) 8% (3) 67Somewhat Favorable of Trump 27% (29) 39% (42) 34% (36) 07Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 2% (4) 49% (32) 30% (9) 65Very Unfavorable of Trump 6% (45) 58% (67) 26% (74) 287#1 Issue: Economy 20% (36) 49% (87) 30% (53) 76#1 Issue: Security 27% (36) 52% (68) 20% (27) 30#1 Issue: Health Care 4% (7) 59% (72) 27% (33) 2#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 24% (23) 52% (50) 24% (23) 96#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 0% (3) 55% (7) 35% () 30#1 Issue: Education 8% (7) 55% (22) 26% () 40#1 Issue: Energy 2% (5) 69% (8) 0% (3) 26#1 Issue: Other 0% (4) 56% (24) 34% (4) 432018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (42) 60% (57) 25% (65) 2642018 House Vote: Republican 26% (55) 52% (0) 22% (47) 222018 House Vote: Someone else 7% (7) 40% (6) 44% (8) 402018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (28) 50% (7) 30% (43) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 5% (34) 6% (43) 25% (58) 2342016 Vote: Donald Trump 25% (53) 53% (5) 22% (47) 262016 Vote: Someone else 28% (9) 47% (32) 25% (7) 692016 Vote: Didnt Vote 7% (24) 47% (67) 36% (52) 43Voted in 2014: Yes 20% (96) 56% (264) 23% (09) 470Voted in 2014: No 8% (35) 48% (93) 34% (64) 92

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL12_1

Table POL12_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Worn blackface

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 20% (3) 54% (357) 26% (74) 6622012 Vote: Barack Obama 9% (59) 57% (78) 24% (76) 332012 Vote: Mitt Romney 25% (4) 53% (88) 22% (37) 652012 Vote: Other 6% (4) 54% (4) 3% (8) 272012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 7% (27) 49% (77) 34% (53) 574-Region: Northeast 22% (26) 49% (60) 29% (35) 224-Region: Midwest 9% (29) 52% (79) 29% (44) 524-Region: South 7% (42) 60% (44) 23% (56) 2424-Region: West 23% (34) 50% (74) 26% (39) 46Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_2

Table POL12_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed tax fraud

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (27) 86% (572) 0% (63) 662Gender: Male 6% (8) 85% (259) 9% (27) 304Gender: Female 3% (9) 87% (33) 0% (36) 358Age: 18-29 6% (8) 78% (9) 6% (9) 8Age: 30-44 7% (0) 85% (3) 9% (4) 55Age: 45-54 3% (3) 83% (97) 5% (7) 7Age: 55-64 % (2) 94% (29) 5% (7) 38Age: 65+ 3% (4) 92% (24) 5% (7) 35Generation Z: 18-21 3% () 86% (3) % (4) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 7% (2) 8% (37) 2% (2) 70Generation X: Age 38-53 4% (8) 82% (44) 4% (24) 75Boomers: Age 54-72 2% (5) 94% (26) 4% (0) 23PID: Dem (no lean) 7% (7) 87% (27) 6% (4) 248PID: Ind (no lean) 2% (5) 8% (76) 6% (35) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 2% (5) 9% (79) 7% (4) 97PID/Gender: DemMen 2% (2) 83% (79) 4% (4) 95PID/Gender: DemWomen 3% (5) 90% (38) 7% (0) 53PID/Gender: Ind Men 3% (3) 78% (85) 9% (2) 09PID/Gender: Ind Women 2% (2) 85% (9) 3% (4) 07PID/Gender: Rep Men 3% (3) 95% (94) 2% (2) 99PID/Gender: Rep Women 2% (2) 86% (84) 2% (2) 98Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7% (6) 84% (89) 9% (20) 225Ideo: Moderate (4) 2% (3) 88% (32) 0% (6) 5Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 2% (4) 92% (9) 6% (3) 208Educ: < College 4% (7) 85% (353) 0% (43) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 3% (4) 89% (44) 8% (3) 62Educ: Post-grad 6% (5) 86% (74) 7% (6) 86

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL12_2

Table POL12_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed tax fraud

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (27) 86% (572) 0% (63) 662Income: Under 50k 4% (4) 86% (33) % (38) 365Income: 50k-100k 4% (9) 88% (85) 8% (7) 2Income: 100k+ 5% (4) 87% (74) 9% (7) 86Ethnicity: White 3% (6) 89% (47) 8% (43) 53Ethnicity: Hispanic 4% (2) 8% (44) 5% (8) 54Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 0% (8) 78% (68) 3% () 88Ethnicity: Other 5% (2) 75% (33) 20% (9) 43Relig: Protestant 3% (5) 89% (45) 8% (3) 63Relig: Roman Catholic 3% (3) 92% (09) 5% (6) 9Relig: Something Else 3% (2) 82% (47) 5% (8) 57Relig: Jewish 5% () 8% (22) 4% (4) 27Relig: Evangelical 3% (7) 88% (205) 9% (20) 232Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 3% (3) 90% (96) 7% (7) 07Relig: All Christian 3% (0) 89% (30) 8% (27) 338Relig: All Non-Christian 2% (2) 90% (64) 8% (6) 7Community: Urban 5% (7) 88% (34) 7% (0) 52Community: Suburban 4% () 85% (265) % (34) 3Community: Rural 4% (8) 87% (73) 9% (9) 200Employ: Private Sector 5% (0) 88% (77) 8% (5) 202Employ: Government 7% (4) 8% (47) 2% (7) 58Employ: Self-Employed % () 9% (53) 8% (4) 59Employ: Homemaker % (0) 88% (33) % (4) 38Employ: Student 7% (2) 76% (9) 7% (4) 25Employ: Retired % (2) 93% (48) 6% (9) 59Employ: Unemployed 0% (5) 78% (42) 2% (7) 54Employ: Other 4% (2) 78% (52) 9% (3) 67Military HH: Yes % () 9% (96) 8% (8) 05Military HH: No 5% (26) 85% (476) 0% (55) 557RD/WT: Right Direction 2% (6) 89% (223) 8% (20) 250RD/WT: Wrong Track 5% (2) 85% (349) 0% (43) 42

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_2

Table POL12_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed tax fraud

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (27) 86% (572) 0% (63) 662Trump Job Approve 2% (7) 88% (239) 9% (25) 27Trump Job Disapprove 5% (20) 86% (37) 8% (30) 367Trump Job Strongly Approve 2% (3) 92% (43) 6% (0) 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 3% (4) 84% (97) 3% (5) 5Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 6% (5) 80% (68) 4% (2) 85Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 5% (5) 89% (250) 6% (8) 282Favorable of Trump 3% (7) 89% (243) 9% (24) 274Unfavorable of Trump 5% (7) 86% (304) 9% (3) 35Very Favorable of Trump % () 92% (53) 8% (3) 67Somewhat Favorable of Trump 5% (6) 84% (90) % (2) 07Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 4% (2) 78% (50) 9% (2) 65Very Unfavorable of Trump 5% (5) 88% (253) 6% (9) 287#1 Issue: Economy 6% (0) 86% (50) 9% (5) 76#1 Issue: Security % () 9% (9) 8% (0) 30#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (2) 86% (04) 2% (5) 2#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 5% (4) 9% (87) 4% (4) 96#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 3% () 76% (23) 2% (6) 30#1 Issue: Education 4% (6) 75% (30) 2% (5) 40#1 Issue: Energy 4% () 84% (22) 2% (3) 26#1 Issue: Other 2% () 87% (37) % (5) 432018 House Vote: Democrat 5% (2) 88% (23) 8% (20) 2642018 House Vote: Republican 3% (6) 90% (9) 7% (5) 222018 House Vote: Someone else 4% (2) 77% (3) 9% (7) 402018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (6) 82% (6) 4% (20) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (0) 89% (209) 7% (5) 2342016 Vote: Donald Trump 3% (6) 87% (87) % (23) 262016 Vote: Someone else 4% (3) 90% (62) 6% (4) 692016 Vote: Didnt Vote 6% (8) 80% (4) 4% (2) 43Voted in 2014: Yes 4% (7) 89% (48) 7% (35) 470Voted in 2014: No 5% (0) 80% (54) 5% (28) 92

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Table POL12_2

Table POL12_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed tax fraud

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (27) 86% (572) 0% (63) 6622012 Vote: Barack Obama 5% (6) 87% (273) 8% (24) 332012 Vote: Mitt Romney % (2) 90% (48) 9% (5) 652012 Vote: Other 2% () 88% (24) 9% (2) 272012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (9) 8% (27) 4% (2) 574-Region: Northeast 8% (0) 8% (99) % (3) 224-Region: Midwest 4% (6) 84% (28) 2% (9) 524-Region: South 2% (5) 9% (29) 7% (8) 2424-Region: West 4% (6) 87% (26) 9% (4) 46Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_3

Table POL12_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 2% (76) 67% (445) 2% (4) 662Gender: Male 7% (52) 62% (88) 2% (64) 304Gender: Female 7% (24) 72% (257) 2% (77) 358Age: 18-29 % (3) 69% (8) 20% (24) 8Age: 30-44 4% (22) 70% (08) 6% (25) 55Age: 45-54 2% (4) 65% (76) 23% (27) 7Age: 55-64 2% (6) 66% (9) 23% (3) 38Age: 65+ 8% () 67% (90) 26% (34) 35Generation Z: 18-21 4% (5) 67% (24) 9% (7) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 3% (22) 7% (20) 6% (28) 70Generation X: Age 38-53 2% (22) 65% (4) 22% (39) 75Boomers: Age 54-72 % (26) 67% (55) 22% (50) 23PID: Dem (no lean) 0% (26) 7% (76) 9% (47) 248PID: Ind (no lean) 2% (25) 62% (35) 26% (56) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 3% (25) 68% (34) 9% (38) 97PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (7) 65% (62) 7% (6) 95PID/Gender: DemWomen 6% (9) 74% (4) 20% (30) 53PID/Gender: Ind Men 5% (7) 55% (60) 30% (32) 09PID/Gender: Ind Women 8% (9) 70% (75) 22% (24) 07PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (9) 66% (66) 5% (5) 99PID/Gender: Rep Women 7% (7) 70% (68) 24% (23) 98Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 0% (23) 66% (50) 23% (52) 225Ideo: Moderate (4) 9% (4) 68% (02) 23% (35) 5Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 3% (27) 68% (42) 9% (39) 208Educ: < College % (45) 70% (29) 9% (77) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 0% (6) 6% (99) 29% (48) 62Educ: Post-grad 7% (5) 64% (55) 8% (6) 86

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL12_3

Table POL12_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 2% (76) 67% (445) 2% (4) 662Income: Under 50k 2% (43) 67% (246) 2% (76) 365Income: 50k-100k 9% (8) 7% (49) 2% (44) 2Income: 100k+ 7% (5) 58% (49) 25% (22) 86Ethnicity: White 2% (64) 67% (358) 2% (09) 53Ethnicity: Hispanic 9% (5) 69% (37) 22% (2) 54Ethnicity: Afr. Am. % (9) 65% (57) 24% (2) 88Ethnicity: Other 7% (3) 69% (30) 24% (0) 43Relig: Protestant 2% (9) 72% (6) 7% (28) 63Relig: Roman Catholic 3% (5) 62% (74) 25% (30) 9Relig: Something Else 0% (6) 70% (40) 20% () 57Relig: Jewish 2% (3) 72% (9) 7% (4) 27Relig: Evangelical % (25) 67% (55) 22% (52) 232Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 3% (4) 7% (75) 6% (7) 07Relig: All Christian 2% (39) 68% (230) 20% (69) 338Relig: All Non-Christian 6% (4) 82% (58) 2% (8) 7Community: Urban 3% (9) 69% (05) 8% (27) 52Community: Suburban % (34) 66% (205) 23% (7) 3Community: Rural 2% (23) 67% (34) 2% (42) 200Employ: Private Sector 3% (26) 68% (38) 9% (38) 202Employ: Government 0% (6) 7% (4) 9% () 58Employ: Self-Employed 9% () 66% (39) 5% (9) 59Employ: Homemaker 6% (2) 7% (27) 22% (8) 38Employ: Student % (3) 72% (8) 8% (4) 25Employ: Retired 8% (2) 67% (06) 26% (4) 59Employ: Unemployed 6% (9) 62% (34) 22% (2) 54Employ: Other % (7) 63% (42) 26% (8) 67Military HH: Yes % () 7% (74) 8% (9) 05Military HH: No 2% (65) 67% (37) 22% (2) 557RD/WT: Right Direction 3% (33) 67% (68) 20% (49) 250RD/WT: Wrong Track % (43) 67% (277) 22% (92) 42

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_3

Table POL12_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 2% (76) 67% (445) 2% (4) 662Trump Job Approve 4% (37) 67% (82) 9% (5) 27Trump Job Disapprove 0% (36) 69% (252) 22% (79) 367Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (2) 70% (08) 7% (26) 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (6) 65% (74) 22% (25) 5Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 0% (9) 64% (55) 25% (2) 85Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 9% (27) 70% (97) 20% (58) 282Favorable of Trump 4% (37) 68% (85) 9% (5) 274Unfavorable of Trump 0% (34) 68% (240) 22% (77) 35Very Favorable of Trump 4% (23) 69% (5) 8% (30) 67Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (5) 66% (70) 20% (22) 07Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 5% (0) 59% (38) 26% (7) 65Very Unfavorable of Trump 9% (25) 70% (202) 2% (60) 287#1 Issue: Economy 3% (22) 64% (2) 23% (4) 76#1 Issue: Security 2% (5) 70% (92) 8% (23) 30#1 Issue: Health Care 6% (7) 7% (86) 23% (28) 2#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 2% () 67% (64) 2% (20) 96#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 4% () 77% (23) 9% (6) 30#1 Issue: Education 27% () 58% (23) 5% (6) 40#1 Issue: Energy 4% (4) 70% (8) 6% (4) 26#1 Issue: Other 9% (4) 6% (26) 30% (3) 432018 House Vote: Democrat 9% (25) 69% (8) 22% (58) 2642018 House Vote: Republican 2% (26) 67% (43) 20% (43) 222018 House Vote: Someone else 9% (4) 6% (25) 30% (2) 402018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 5% (2) 66% (94) 9% (27) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 9% (2) 67% (58) 24% (56) 2342016 Vote: Donald Trump 0% (23) 66% (42) 24% (5) 262016 Vote: Someone else 3% (9) 72% (49) 5% (0) 692016 Vote: Didnt Vote 7% (24) 67% (96) 6% (24) 43Voted in 2014: Yes 0% (49) 68% (320) 2% (0) 470Voted in 2014: No 4% (27) 65% (25) 2% (40) 92

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Table POL12_3

Table POL12_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 2% (76) 67% (445) 2% (4) 6622012 Vote: Barack Obama % (35) 68% (2) 2% (67) 332012 Vote: Mitt Romney 9% (5) 66% (09) 25% (4) 652012 Vote: Other 3% (4) 66% (8) 20% (5) 272012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (23) 68% (06) 8% (28) 574-Region: Northeast 3% (5) 63% (76) 25% (30) 224-Region: Midwest % (7) 67% (02) 22% (33) 524-Region: South 9% (2) 72% (75) 9% (46) 2424-Region: West 6% (23) 62% (9) 22% (3) 46Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_4

Table POL12_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been convicted of sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (8) 88% (586) 9% (59) 662Gender: Male 5% (5) 87% (264) 8% (25) 304Gender: Female % (3) 90% (322) 9% (34) 358Age: 18-29 4% (5) 79% (93) 7% (20) 8Age: 30-44 4% (6) 9% (40) 6% (9) 55Age: 45-54 2% (3) 86% (0) % (3) 7Age: 55-64 2% (3) 9% (25) 7% (9) 38Age: 65+ % () 94% (26) 6% (7) 35Generation Z: 18-21 5% (2) 82% (29) 3% (5) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 3% (5) 87% (48) 0% (7) 70Generation X: Age 38-53 4% (6) 85% (49) % (20) 75Boomers: Age 54-72 2% (5) 92% (22) 6% (4) 23PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (6) 92% (229) 5% (3) 248PID: Ind (no lean) 3% (6) 83% (80) 4% (3) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 3% (6) 90% (77) 8% (5) 97PID/Gender: DemMen 6% (6) 9% (86) 3% (3) 95PID/Gender: DemWomen — (0) 93% (42) 7% (0) 53PID/Gender: Ind Men 5% (5) 79% (86) 6% (8) 09PID/Gender: Ind Women % () 87% (93) 2% (3) 07PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (4) 92% (9) 4% (4) 99PID/Gender: Rep Women 2% (2) 88% (86) % (0) 98Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 2% (5) 89% (20) 9% (20) 225Ideo: Moderate (4) 2% (2) 92% (38) 7% (0) 5Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 3% (6) 9% (89) 6% (3) 208Educ: < College 3% (2) 88% (365) 9% (37) 44Educ: Bachelors degree % (2) 88% (43) % (7) 62Educ: Post-grad 4% (4) 9% (78) 5% (4) 86

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL12_4

Table POL12_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been convicted of sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (8) 88% (586) 9% (59) 662Income: Under 50k 3% (2) 86% (35) 0% (38) 365Income: 50k-100k % (2) 93% (96) 6% (4) 2Income: 100k+ 4% (4) 87% (75) 8% (7) 86Ethnicity: White 2% (0) 9% (485) 7% (36) 53Ethnicity: Hispanic 3% () 88% (48) 9% (5) 54Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 7% (6) 74% (65) 9% (7) 88Ethnicity: Other 4% (2) 83% (36) 3% (6) 43Relig: Protestant 2% (3) 92% (50) 6% (0) 63Relig: Roman Catholic 5% (6) 90% (07) 5% (5) 9Relig: Something Else — (0) 88% (50) 2% (7) 57Relig: Jewish 5% () 83% (23) 2% (3) 27Relig: Evangelical 2% (5) 9% (22) 7% (5) 232Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 4% (4) 90% (96) 6% (7) 07Relig: All Christian 3% (9) 9% (307) 7% (22) 338Relig: All Non-Christian % (0) 9% (64) 9% (6) 7Community: Urban 5% (8) 86% (3) 8% (3) 52Community: Suburban 2% (5) 90% (280) 8% (26) 3Community: Rural 2% (5) 88% (75) 0% (20) 200Employ: Private Sector 3% (6) 92% (85) 6% () 202Employ: Government 4% (3) 88% (5) 7% (4) 58Employ: Self-Employed 4% (3) 88% (5) 8% (5) 59Employ: Homemaker % (0) 90% (34) 9% (3) 38Employ: Student 5% () 83% (2) 2% (3) 25Employ: Retired % () 92% (47) 7% (2) 59Employ: Unemployed 6% (4) 8% (44) 3% (7) 54Employ: Other 2% () 78% (53) 20% (4) 67Military HH: Yes 2% (2) 92% (96) 6% (7) 05Military HH: No 3% (6) 88% (489) 9% (52) 557RD/WT: Right Direction 3% (8) 88% (29) 9% (23) 250RD/WT: Wrong Track 2% (0) 89% (367) 9% (36) 42

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_4

Table POL12_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been convicted of sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (8) 88% (586) 9% (59) 662Trump Job Approve 3% (7) 88% (239) 9% (24) 27Trump Job Disapprove 2% (9) 9% (333) 7% (25) 367Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (5) 90% (39) 7% () 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 2% (2) 87% (00) % (3) 5Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 4% (4) 82% (70) 4% (2) 85Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (5) 93% (263) 5% (4) 282Favorable of Trump 3% (7) 88% (242) 9% (25) 274Unfavorable of Trump 2% (7) 9% (32) 7% (24) 35Very Favorable of Trump 2% (4) 90% (5) 7% (2) 67Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (3) 85% (9) % (2) 07Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 5% (3) 78% (5) 7% () 65Very Unfavorable of Trump % (4) 94% (270) 4% (3) 287#1 Issue: Economy 3% (5) 88% (55) 9% (5) 76#1 Issue: Security 3% (3) 89% (6) 8% () 30#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (2) 88% (07) 0% (2) 2#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 3% (3) 92% (88) 5% (5) 96#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 2% () 79% (24) 9% (6) 30#1 Issue: Education 7% (3) 83% (34) 9% (4) 40#1 Issue: Energy — (0) 96% (25) 4% () 26#1 Issue: Other 3% () 85% (36) 2% (5) 432018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (5) 94% (248) 4% () 2642018 House Vote: Republican 3% (7) 89% (88) 8% (7) 222018 House Vote: Someone else — (0) 8% (33) 9% (7) 402018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (5) 8% (4) 6% (22) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (4) 93% (28) 5% (3) 2342016 Vote: Donald Trump 2% (5) 89% (9) 9% (20) 262016 Vote: Someone else 2% (2) 88% (60) 0% (7) 692016 Vote: Didnt Vote 5% (7) 82% (7) 4% (9) 43Voted in 2014: Yes 3% (2) 9% (426) 7% (3) 470Voted in 2014: No 3% (5) 83% (60) 4% (28) 92

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Table POL12_4

Table POL12_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been convicted of sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (8) 88% (586) 9% (59) 6622012 Vote: Barack Obama 3% (0) 9% (284) 6% (9) 332012 Vote: Mitt Romney % () 9% (50) 9% (4) 652012 Vote: Other 0% (3) 78% (2) 2% (3) 272012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (4) 84% (3) 4% (22) 574-Region: Northeast 4% (5) 87% (05) 9% () 224-Region: Midwest % (2) 89% (35) 0% (5) 524-Region: South 2% (5) 90% (28) 8% (9) 2424-Region: West 4% (6) 87% (27) 9% (3) 46Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_5

Table POL12_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed a felony crime

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (46) 80% (529) 3% (86) 662Gender: Male 0% (29) 77% (233) 4% (42) 304Gender: Female 5% (7) 83% (296) 3% (45) 358Age: 18-29 % (3) 68% (80) 2% (25) 8Age: 30-44 9% (4) 79% (22) 2% (8) 55Age: 45-54 8% (0) 73% (86) 8% (2) 7Age: 55-64 6% (8) 86% (9) 8% () 38Age: 65+ % (2) 9% (23) 8% (0) 35Generation Z: 18-21 7% (2) 79% (28) 5% (5) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 % (8) 74% (26) 5% (25) 70Generation X: Age 38-53 9% (6) 72% (26) 9% (34) 75Boomers: Age 54-72 4% (9) 89% (206) 7% (6) 23PID: Dem (no lean) 0% (24) 80% (97) % (27) 248PID: Ind (no lean) 7% (5) 74% (60) 9% (4) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (8) 87% (7) 9% (8) 97PID/Gender: DemMen 4% (3) 76% (72) 0% (0) 95PID/Gender: DemWomen 7% (0) 82% (25) % (8) 53PID/Gender: Ind Men 9% (0) 69% (75) 22% (24) 09PID/Gender: Ind Women 5% (5) 80% (85) 6% (7) 07PID/Gender: Rep Men 6% (6) 86% (86) 8% (8) 99PID/Gender: Rep Women 2% (2) 87% (86) % (0) 98Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 9% (20) 74% (67) 7% (38) 225Ideo: Moderate (4) 5% (7) 83% (25) 2% (8) 5Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% () 87% (8) 8% (6) 208Educ: < College 8% (35) 78% (325) 3% (55) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 5% (9) 8% (3) 4% (23) 62Educ: Post-grad 3% (3) 86% (74) 0% (9) 86

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Table POL12_5

Table POL12_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed a felony crime

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (46) 80% (529) 3% (86) 662Income: Under 50k 8% (29) 78% (285) 4% (5) 365Income: 50k-100k 5% (0) 83% (75) 2% (26) 2Income: 100k+ 8% (7) 8% (69) % (9) 86Ethnicity: White 5% (28) 83% (443) % (60) 53Ethnicity: Hispanic 6% (3) 77% (42) 7% (9) 54Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 5% (3) 65% (57) 20% (7) 88Ethnicity: Other % (5) 66% (29) 22% (0) 43Relig: Protestant 5% (8) 88% (43) 7% (2) 63Relig: Roman Catholic 7% (9) 85% (0) 8% (9) 9Relig: Something Else 4% (2) 76% (43) 2% (2) 57Relig: Jewish 8% (2) 74% (20) 8% (5) 27Relig: Evangelical 5% () 86% (200) 9% (2) 232Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 8% (9) 82% (87) 0% () 07Relig: All Christian 6% (9) 85% (287) 9% (32) 338Relig: All Non-Christian 4% (3) 83% (59) 3% (9) 7Community: Urban 0% (5) 8% (23) 9% (4) 52Community: Suburban 5% (7) 79% (245) 6% (49) 3Community: Rural 7% (4) 8% (62) 2% (24) 200Employ: Private Sector 0% (20) 80% (6) 0% (20) 202Employ: Government 9% (5) 79% (46) 2% (7) 58Employ: Self-Employed 6% (3) 85% (50) 9% (6) 59Employ: Homemaker 3% () 82% (3) 5% (6) 38Employ: Student 3% (3) 7% (8) 7% (4) 25Employ: Retired % (2) 90% (44) 8% (3) 59Employ: Unemployed 8% (4) 67% (36) 25% (4) 54Employ: Other 0% (7) 65% (44) 25% (7) 67Military HH: Yes 2% (2) 84% (88) 3% (4) 05Military HH: No 8% (44) 79% (44) 3% (72) 557RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (4) 84% (20) 0% (26) 250RD/WT: Wrong Track 8% (32) 78% (320) 5% (60) 42

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_5

Table POL12_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed a felony crime

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (46) 80% (529) 3% (86) 662Trump Job Approve 7% (8) 83% (226) 0% (27) 27Trump Job Disapprove 8% (28) 79% (289) 4% (50) 367Trump Job Strongly Approve 5% (8) 87% (35) 8% (3) 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 9% (0) 79% (9) 2% (4) 5Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 7% (6) 76% (65) 7% (4) 85Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 8% (22) 80% (225) 3% (35) 282Favorable of Trump 7% (8) 84% (229) 0% (27) 274Unfavorable of Trump 8% (27) 78% (274) 4% (50) 35Very Favorable of Trump 5% (9) 86% (44) 8% (4) 67Somewhat Favorable of Trump 9% (9) 79% (84) 2% (3) 07Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 9% (6) 7% (46) 20% (3) 65Very Unfavorable of Trump 7% (2) 80% (228) 3% (37) 287#1 Issue: Economy 8% (4) 82% (43) 0% (8) 76#1 Issue: Security 6% (7) 85% () 9% (2) 30#1 Issue: Health Care 8% (9) 75% (9) 7% (2) 2#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 3% (3) 88% (85) 9% (8) 96#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 4% () 72% (22) 24% (7) 30#1 Issue: Education 7% (7) 74% (30) 9% (4) 40#1 Issue: Energy 0% (3) 62% (6) 29% (7) 26#1 Issue: Other 5% (2) 76% (32) 9% (8) 432018 House Vote: Democrat 8% (22) 79% (209) 2% (32) 2642018 House Vote: Republican 4% (9) 88% (87) 8% (6) 222018 House Vote: Someone else 4% (2) 64% (26) 32% (3) 402018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (3) 73% (04) 8% (25) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 7% (7) 80% (87) 3% (3) 2342016 Vote: Donald Trump 3% (7) 87% (88) 9% (20) 262016 Vote: Someone else % (8) 77% (53) 2% (8) 692016 Vote: Didnt Vote % (5) 7% (0) 9% (27) 43Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (3) 83% (389) % (49) 470Voted in 2014: No 8% (5) 73% (4) 9% (37) 92

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Table POL12_5

Table POL12_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed a felony crime

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (46) 80% (529) 3% (86) 6622012 Vote: Barack Obama 0% (30) 79% (248) % (36) 332012 Vote: Mitt Romney % (2) 88% (45) 0% (7) 652012 Vote: Other 2% () 88% (24) 9% (2) 272012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9% (3) 72% (3) 20% (3) 574-Region: Northeast 8% (0) 77% (93) 5% (8) 224-Region: Midwest 5% (8) 8% (24) 4% (2) 524-Region: South 6% (4) 84% (205) 0% (24) 2424-Region: West 0% (5) 74% (08) 6% (23) 46Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_6

Table POL12_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Cheated on their spouse

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 27% (78) 42% (277) 3% (206) 662Gender: Male 28% (84) 45% (37) 27% (83) 304Gender: Female 26% (94) 39% (4) 34% (23) 358Age: 18-29 3% (36) 43% (50) 27% (32) 8Age: 30-44 34% (52) 36% (55) 3% (47) 55Age: 45-54 23% (26) 40% (47) 37% (44) 7Age: 55-64 20% (28) 48% (66) 32% (44) 38Age: 65+ 27% (36) 44% (59) 30% (40) 35Generation Z: 18-21 30% () 5% (8) 20% (7) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 32% (54) 4% (70) 27% (46) 70Generation X: Age 38-53 28% (49) 34% (59) 39% (68) 75Boomers: Age 54-72 24% (55) 45% (03) 3% (73) 23PID: Dem (no lean) 34% (84) 37% (9) 29% (73) 248PID: Ind (no lean) 26% (56) 36% (78) 38% (82) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 9% (37) 55% (08) 26% (52) 97PID/Gender: DemMen 40% (37) 38% (36) 23% (2) 95PID/Gender: DemWomen 3% (47) 36% (55) 33% (5) 53PID/Gender: Ind Men 24% (27) 37% (4) 38% (42) 09PID/Gender: Ind Women 28% (30) 35% (37) 37% (40) 07PID/Gender: Rep Men 20% (20) 60% (60) 20% (20) 99PID/Gender: Rep Women 8% (8) 49% (48) 33% (32) 98Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 38% (85) 30% (68) 32% (72) 225Ideo: Moderate (4) 25% (38) 42% (64) 33% (49) 5Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 22% (45) 52% (08) 27% (55) 208Educ: < College 24% (00) 46% (90) 30% (24) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 29% (48) 34% (55) 36% (59) 62Educ: Post-grad 35% (30) 38% (32) 27% (23) 86

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Table POL12_6

Table POL12_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Cheated on their spouse

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 27% (78) 42% (277) 3% (206) 662Income: Under 50k 29% (04) 42% (52) 30% (09) 365Income: 50k-100k 27% (58) 4% (86) 32% (68) 2Income: 100k+ 9% (6) 46% (39) 35% (30) 86Ethnicity: White 26% (4) 44% (232) 30% (59) 53Ethnicity: Hispanic 28% (5) 45% (24) 28% (5) 54Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 33% (28) 3% (27) 36% (32) 88Ethnicity: Other 2% (9) 42% (8) 37% (6) 43Relig: Protestant 26% (43) 47% (77) 27% (43) 63Relig: Roman Catholic 30% (35) 4% (48) 30% (35) 9Relig: Something Else 23% (3) 4% (23) 36% (2) 57Relig: Jewish 32% (9) 34% (9) 35% (9) 27Relig: Evangelical 27% (63) 42% (97) 3% (7) 232Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 26% (28) 48% (5) 26% (27) 07Relig: All Christian 27% (9) 44% (48) 29% (99) 338Relig: All Non-Christian 24% (7) 38% (27) 38% (27) 7Community: Urban 33% (50) 39% (59) 28% (43) 52Community: Suburban 26% (80) 40% (23) 35% (07) 3Community: Rural 24% (48) 48% (95) 28% (57) 200Employ: Private Sector 27% (54) 4% (82) 32% (65) 202Employ: Government 28% (6) 39% (23) 33% (9) 58Employ: Self-Employed 33% (9) 34% (20) 33% (9) 59Employ: Homemaker 32% (2) 3% (2) 37% (4) 38Employ: Student 35% (9) 39% (0) 25% (6) 25Employ: Retired 22% (35) 49% (78) 29% (47) 59Employ: Unemployed 24% (3) 50% (27) 26% (4) 54Employ: Other 29% (9) 38% (26) 33% (22) 67Military HH: Yes 22% (23) 48% (50) 30% (3) 05Military HH: No 28% (55) 4% (227) 3% (75) 557RD/WT: Right Direction 24% (60) 49% (22) 27% (68) 250RD/WT: Wrong Track 29% (8) 38% (56) 34% (38) 42

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_6

Table POL12_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Cheated on their spouse

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 27% (78) 42% (277) 3% (206) 662Trump Job Approve 24% (66) 49% (33) 26% (72) 27Trump Job Disapprove 30% (09) 37% (34) 34% (24) 367Trump Job Strongly Approve 23% (36) 53% (83) 24% (37) 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 26% (30) 43% (50) 30% (35) 5Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 2% (8) 39% (33) 40% (34) 85Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 32% (9) 36% (0) 32% (90) 282Favorable of Trump 24% (65) 49% (35) 27% (75) 274Unfavorable of Trump 30% (07) 36% (28) 33% (7) 35Very Favorable of Trump 23% (38) 5% (86) 26% (43) 67Somewhat Favorable of Trump 25% (27) 45% (49) 30% (32) 07Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 32% (2) 29% (9) 39% (25) 65Very Unfavorable of Trump 30% (86) 38% (09) 32% (92) 287#1 Issue: Economy 25% (45) 38% (67) 36% (64) 76#1 Issue: Security 25% (32) 52% (68) 23% (30) 30#1 Issue: Health Care 30% (36) 35% (42) 36% (43) 2#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 22% (2) 49% (47) 29% (27) 96#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 26% (8) 38% () 36% () 30#1 Issue: Education 39% (6) 36% (5) 25% (0) 40#1 Issue: Energy 35% (9) 44% () 2% (5) 26#1 Issue: Other 27% (2) 35% (5) 38% (6) 432018 House Vote: Democrat 33% (87) 34% (9) 33% (86) 2642018 House Vote: Republican 9% (4) 53% (2) 28% (59) 222018 House Vote: Someone else 2% (8) 30% (2) 49% (20) 402018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 29% (42) 42% (59) 29% (4) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 3% (74) 35% (8) 34% (80) 2342016 Vote: Donald Trump 20% (43) 52% () 28% (6) 262016 Vote: Someone else 30% (2) 37% (25) 33% (23) 692016 Vote: Didnt Vote 28% (40) 42% (60) 30% (43) 43Voted in 2014: Yes 26% (2) 43% (20) 3% (47) 470Voted in 2014: No 30% (57) 40% (77) 3% (59) 92

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Table POL12_6

Table POL12_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Cheated on their spouse

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 27% (78) 42% (277) 3% (206) 6622012 Vote: Barack Obama 32% (0) 34% (07) 34% (05) 332012 Vote: Mitt Romney 9% (3) 5% (83) 30% (50) 652012 Vote: Other 7% (5) 57% (5) 26% (7) 272012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26% (4) 46% (72) 28% (44) 574-Region: Northeast 22% (27) 43% (52) 34% (42) 224-Region: Midwest 27% (42) 37% (57) 35% (54) 524-Region: South 23% (55) 45% (0) 32% (77) 2424-Region: West 37% (54) 40% (58) 23% (34) 46Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_7

Table POL12_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Misused taxpayer dollars

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (23) 87% (578) 9% (6) 662Gender: Male 4% (4) 86% (263) 9% (27) 304Gender: Female 3% (9) 88% (36) 9% (34) 358Age: 18-29 5% (6) 77% (9) 8% (2) 8Age: 30-44 3% (5) 88% (36) 9% (4) 55Age: 45-54 2% (2) 87% (02) % (3) 7Age: 55-64 4% (5) 90% (24) 6% (9) 38Age: 65+ 4% (6) 93% (25) 3% (4) 35Generation Z: 18-21 5% (2) 75% (27) 20% (7) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 4% (7) 84% (42) 2% (20) 70Generation X: Age 38-53 % (2) 87% (52) 2% (2) 75Boomers: Age 54-72 4% (0) 9% (20) 5% () 23PID: Dem (no lean) 5% (2) 90% (223) 5% (4) 248PID: Ind (no lean) 2% (5) 84% (82) 4% (30) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 3% (6) 88% (74) 9% (8) 97PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (6) 90% (86) 3% (3) 95PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (6) 89% (37) 7% () 53PID/Gender: Ind Men 3% (3) 8% (89) 6% (7) 09PID/Gender: Ind Women 2% (2) 87% (93) 2% (2) 07PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (4) 89% (88) 7% (7) 99PID/Gender: Rep Women 2% (2) 87% (86) % () 98Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (2) 87% (95) 8% (9) 225Ideo: Moderate (4) 2% (3) 90% (35) 8% (3) 5Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 3% (6) 9% (90) 6% (2) 208Educ: < College 4% (7) 87% (362) 9% (35) 44Educ: Bachelors degree 2% (3) 86% (40) 2% (9) 62Educ: Post-grad 3% (3) 89% (76) 8% (7) 86

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Table POL12_7

Table POL12_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Misused taxpayer dollars

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (23) 87% (578) 9% (6) 662Income: Under 50k 4% (3) 86% (34) 0% (38) 365Income: 50k-100k 3% (7) 89% (88) 8% (6) 2Income: 100k+ 3% (2) 89% (76) 8% (7) 86Ethnicity: White 3% (7) 89% (472) 8% (42) 53Ethnicity: Hispanic 0% (5) 79% (43) 2% (6) 54Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 5% (5) 8% (7) 3% (2) 88Ethnicity: Other 3% () 80% (35) 7% (7) 43Relig: Protestant % (2) 94% (52) 5% (8) 63Relig: Roman Catholic 4% (5) 90% (07) 6% (7) 9Relig: Something Else — (0) 86% (49) 4% (8) 57Relig: Jewish 5% () 8% (22) 4% (4) 27Relig: Evangelical 2% (4) 9% (22) 7% (6) 232Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 2% (3) 9% (96) 7% (7) 07Relig: All Christian 2% (6) 9% (308) 7% (23) 338Relig: All Non-Christian 2% (2) 9% (65) 6% (4) 7Community: Urban 4% (6) 90% (36) 6% (9) 52Community: Suburban 4% (2) 85% (265) % (34) 3Community: Rural 3% (5) 88% (77) 9% (8) 200Employ: Private Sector 6% (2) 87% (75) 7% (5) 202Employ: Government 4% (3) 88% (5) 7% (4) 58Employ: Self-Employed % () 92% (54) 6% (4) 59Employ: Homemaker % (0) 86% (33) 3% (5) 38Employ: Student — (0) 88% (22) 2% (3) 25Employ: Retired % (2) 94% (49) 5% (8) 59Employ: Unemployed 5% (3) 75% (4) 20% () 54Employ: Other 3% (2) 79% (53) 8% (2) 67Military HH: Yes % () 90% (94) 9% (0) 05Military HH: No 4% (22) 87% (484) 9% (5) 557RD/WT: Right Direction 2% (4) 88% (22) 0% (24) 250RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (8) 87% (357) 9% (37) 42

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_7

Table POL12_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Misused taxpayer dollars

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (23) 87% (578) 9% (6) 662Trump Job Approve 3% (7) 89% (240) 8% (23) 27Trump Job Disapprove 4% (4) 89% (326) 7% (27) 367Trump Job Strongly Approve 2% (4) 9% (4) 7% () 56Trump Job Somewhat Approve 3% (3) 86% (99) % (2) 5Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove % () 89% (76) 0% (9) 85Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 5% (3) 89% (250) 7% (9) 282Favorable of Trump 3% (7) 89% (244) 8% (22) 274Unfavorable of Trump 4% (3) 88% (3) 8% (28) 35Very Favorable of Trump 2% (4) 9% (5) 7% (2) 67Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (4) 87% (93) 0% () 07Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump % () 83% (54) 6% (0) 65Very Unfavorable of Trump 4% (2) 90% (257) 6% (8) 287#1 Issue: Economy 5% (9) 88% (54) 8% (3) 76#1 Issue: Security 3% (3) 9% (8) 7% (9) 30#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (2) 86% (04) 2% (5) 2#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 5% (5) 90% (87) 4% (4) 96#1 Issue: Women’s Issues — (0) 76% (23) 24% (7) 30#1 Issue: Education 4% (2) 83% (34) 3% (5) 40#1 Issue: Energy 4% () 86% (22) 0% (3) 26#1 Issue: Other 3% () 85% (36) 2% (5) 432018 House Vote: Democrat 5% (4) 88% (232) 7% (7) 2642018 House Vote: Republican 2% (4) 93% (96) 6% (2) 222018 House Vote: Someone else — (0) 74% (30) 26% () 402018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 3% (5) 83% (7) 4% (20) 422016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (0) 89% (208) 7% (7) 2342016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (9) 88% (90) 8% (7) 262016 Vote: Someone else % () 9% (63) 8% (5) 692016 Vote: Didnt Vote 3% (4) 82% (7) 6% (23) 43Voted in 2014: Yes 3% (5) 90% (423) 7% (32) 470Voted in 2014: No 4% (8) 8% (55) 5% (29) 92

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Table POL12_7

Table POL12_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Democrat who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Misused taxpayer dollars

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (23) 87% (578) 9% (6) 6622012 Vote: Barack Obama 4% (4) 89% (280) 6% (20) 332012 Vote: Mitt Romney % () 92% (5) 8% (3) 652012 Vote: Other 0% (3) 8% (22) 0% (3) 272012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 4% (6) 80% (25) 7% (26) 574-Region: Northeast 9% () 8% (98) % (3) 224-Region: Midwest 2% (3) 88% (34) 0% (5) 524-Region: South 2% (5) 90% (29) 8% (9) 2424-Region: West 3% (4) 87% (27) 0% (4) 46Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_1

Table POL13_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Worn blackface

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (84) 47% (305) 25% (63) 652Gender: Male 32% (00) 44% (36) 24% (73) 309Gender: Female 24% (84) 49% (70) 26% (90) 344Age: 18-29 2% (24) 65% (75) 4% (6) 5Age: 30-44 28% (40) 53% (76) 9% (27) 44Age: 45-54 33% (37) 37% (4) 30% (34) Age: 55-64 30% (32) 39% (42) 3% (34) 08Age: 65+ 29% (5) 4% (7) 30% (52) 74Generation Z: 18-21 27% (0) 67% (24) 6% (2) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 27% (42) 58% (90) 6% (25) 57Generation X: Age 38-53 27% (44) 45% (75) 28% (47) 66Boomers: Age 54-72 29% (72) 4% (02) 30% (76) 250PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (32) 7% (45) 4% (28) 205PID: Ind (no lean) 29% (63) 43% (94) 28% (59) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 39% (89) 29% (67) 33% (75) 232PID/Gender: DemMen 5% (3) 76% (63) 9% (8) 84PID/Gender: DemWomen 6% (9) 67% (8) 7% (20) 2PID/Gender: Ind Men 38% (43) 36% (4) 26% (30) 4PID/Gender: Ind Women 9% (20) 52% (52) 29% (29) 0PID/Gender: Rep Men 40% (44) 28% (3) 32% (35) PID/Gender: Rep Women 37% (45) 30% (36) 33% (40) 2Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (32) 7% (47) 4% (30) 208Ideo: Moderate (4) 2% (27) 54% (69) 25% (33) 29Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 43% () 26% (68) 32% (83) 262Educ: < College 28% (20) 45% (89) 27% (5) 424Educ: Bachelors degree 32% (46) 49% (72) 9% (27) 45Educ: Post-grad 2% (8) 54% (45) 25% (2) 83

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Table POL13_1

Table POL13_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Worn blackface

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (84) 47% (305) 25% (63) 652Income: Under 50k 27% (99) 47% (7) 26% (94) 364Income: 50k-100k 30% (62) 46% (94) 24% (50) 206Income: 100k+ 28% (23) 49% (40) 23% (9) 83Ethnicity: White 29% (58) 44% (237) 27% (48) 543Ethnicity: Hispanic 30% (22) 52% (39) 8% (4) 75Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 9% (2) 66% (42) 5% (0) 64Ethnicity: Other 30% (4) 58% (26) 2% (5) 45Relig: Protestant 29% (50) 43% (73) 28% (47) 7Relig: Roman Catholic 28% (39) 47% (66) 25% (36) 40Relig: Something Else 30% (9) 54% (33) 6% (0) 62Relig: Jewish 25% (5) 50% (0) 25% (5) 20Relig: Evangelical 27% (73) 48% (30) 25% (66) 269Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 33% (35) 4% (42) 26% (27) 04Relig: All Christian 29% (08) 46% (72) 25% (93) 373Relig: All Non-Christian 25% (6) 40% (25) 35% (22) 62Community: Urban 2% (3) 58% (85) 20% (29) 45Community: Suburban 29% (89) 44% (35) 26% (8) 306Community: Rural 3% (63) 42% (85) 26% (53) 20Employ: Private Sector 3% (59) 48% (90) 2% (40) 89Employ: Government 33% (7) 50% (27) 7% (9) 53Employ: Self-Employed 26% (7) 47% (3) 27% (8) 66Employ: Homemaker 35% (9) 4% (23) 24% (3) 55Employ: Student 0% (3) 88% (24) 2% () 28Employ: Retired 27% (42) 39% (62) 34% (53) 57Employ: Unemployed 8% (8) 52% (24) 30% (4) 46Employ: Other 30% (8) 43% (25) 27% (6) 59Military HH: Yes 30% (4) 40% (54) 29% (40) 35Military HH: No 28% (43) 49% (25) 24% (23) 57RD/WT: Right Direction 38% (06) 30% (84) 32% (89) 279RD/WT: Wrong Track 2% (78) 59% (222) 20% (74) 374

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Table POL13_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Worn blackface

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (84) 47% (305) 25% (63) 652Trump Job Approve 40% (30) 30% (98) 30% (99) 327Trump Job Disapprove 6% (50) 65% (99) 9% (58) 307Trump Job Strongly Approve 45% (80) 22% (39) 33% (60) 78Trump Job Somewhat Approve 34% (50) 40% (59) 27% (40) 48Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 27% (20) 46% (35) 27% (2) 75Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (30) 7% (64) 6% (37) 23Favorable of Trump 40% (8) 29% (86) 3% (93) 297Unfavorable of Trump 8% (58) 63% (20) 9% (59) 38Very Favorable of Trump 4% (7) 26% (44) 33% (56) 7Somewhat Favorable of Trump 37% (47) 33% (42) 29% (37) 26Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 27% (2) 47% (35) 26% (9) 76Very Unfavorable of Trump 5% (37) 68% (66) 6% (40) 243#1 Issue: Economy 25% (4) 49% (82) 26% (42) 66#1 Issue: Security 44% (62) 28% (39) 28% (39) 4#1 Issue: Health Care 25% (26) 45% (47) 30% (3) 04#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 23% (26) 50% (56) 27% (30) #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 2% (7) 65% (23) 4% (5) 36#1 Issue: Education 29% (0) 66% (23) 5% (2) 35#1 Issue: Energy 6% (4) 69% (6) 5% (3) 22#1 Issue: Other 8% (7) 53% (9) 29% () 372018 House Vote: Democrat 20% (47) 65% (54) 5% (37) 2372018 House Vote: Republican 39% (03) 30% (79) 3% (84) 2662018 House Vote: Someone else % (3) 40% (3) 49% (6) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 26% (30) 5% (59) 23% (27) 62016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 5% (32) 67% (37) 7% (35) 2042016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (04) 27% (67) 32% (82) 2532016 Vote: Someone else 20% (2) 49% (30) 32% (9) 62016 Vote: Didnt Vote 27% (36) 53% (7) 9% (26) 34Voted in 2014: Yes 27% (23) 47% (22) 26% (20) 455Voted in 2014: No 3% (6) 47% (93) 22% (43) 97

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Table POL13_1

Table POL13_1: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Worn blackface

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (84) 47% (305) 25% (63) 6522012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (42) 64% (56) 9% (46) 2442012 Vote: Mitt Romney 39% (78) 26% (52) 34% (68) 972012 Vote: Other 39% (0) 26% (7) 35% (9) 262012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29% (54) 49% (90) 22% (40) 844-Region: Northeast 26% (33) 52% (65) 22% (28) 274-Region: Midwest 25% (36) 50% (72) 25% (35) 444-Region: South 29% (69) 44% (07) 27% (66) 2424-Region: West 32% (45) 43% (6) 24% (34) 40Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_2

Table POL13_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed tax fraud

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 6% (38) 84% (546) 0% (67) 652Gender: Male 7% (2) 83% (255) 0% (32) 309Gender: Female 5% (7) 85% (29) 0% (35) 344Age: 18-29 7% (8) 85% (98) 8% (9) 5Age: 30-44 7% (0) 8% (6) 2% (8) 44Age: 45-54 5% (5) 77% (86) 8% (20) Age: 55-64 4% (4) 87% (93) 0% () 08Age: 65+ 6% () 88% (53) 6% (0) 74Generation Z: 18-21 % (4) 84% (30) 5% (2) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 7% () 85% (33) 8% (3) 57Generation X: Age 38-53 5% (8) 77% (28) 8% (30) 66Boomers: Age 54-72 4% (0) 88% (220) 8% (20) 250PID: Dem (no lean) 3% (5) 92% (89) 5% (0) 205PID: Ind (no lean) 6% (3) 8% (76) 3% (27) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 9% (20) 78% (82) 3% (30) 232PID/Gender: DemMen 4% (3) 92% (77) 5% (4) 84PID/Gender: DemWomen 2% (2) 93% (2) 5% (7) 2PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (5) 8% (93) 4% (7) 4PID/Gender: Ind Women 8% (8) 82% (83) % () 0PID/Gender: Rep Men 2% (3) 77% (86) % (2) PID/Gender: Rep Women 6% (7) 79% (96) 5% (8) 2Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% () 88% (83) 7% (4) 208Ideo: Moderate (4) % () 87% (3) 2% (5) 29Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 9% (24) 79% (208) 2% (30) 262Educ: < College 6% (24) 84% (354) % (46) 424Educ: Bachelors degree 8% (2) 83% (2) 8% (2) 45Educ: Post-grad 3% (2) 86% (7) % (9) 83

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Table POL13_2

Table POL13_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed tax fraud

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 6% (38) 84% (546) 0% (67) 652Income: Under 50k 6% (2) 84% (304) % (38) 364Income: 50k-100k 6% () 86% (76) 9% (8) 206Income: 100k+ 7% (6) 8% (67) 3% () 83Ethnicity: White 5% (25) 86% (464) 0% (53) 543Ethnicity: Hispanic 2% (9) 79% (59) 9% (7) 75Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 8% (5) 77% (49) 5% (0) 64Ethnicity: Other 7% (8) 73% (33) 9% (4) 45Relig: Protestant 7% (2) 85% (46) 8% (3) 7Relig: Roman Catholic 2% (3) 84% (8) 4% (9) 40Relig: Something Else 3% (2) 83% (5) 4% (8) 62Relig: Jewish — (0) 95% (9) 5% () 20Relig: Evangelical 4% (0) 85% (229) % (29) 269Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 7% (7) 82% (86) % (2) 04Relig: All Christian 5% (7) 85% (35) % (4) 373Relig: All Non-Christian 8% (5) 78% (49) 4% (9) 62Community: Urban 7% (9) 83% (20) % (5) 45Community: Suburban 6% (8) 84% (258) 0% (30) 306Community: Rural 6% () 83% (68) % (22) 20Employ: Private Sector 9% (8) 80% (52) 0% (9) 89Employ: Government % () 9% (48) 8% (4) 53Employ: Self-Employed 9% (6) 8% (53) 0% (6) 66Employ: Homemaker 0% (6) 77% (43) 3% (7) 55Employ: Student 6% (2) 92% (25) 2% () 28Employ: Retired 2% (2) 9% (42) 8% (2) 57Employ: Unemployed 4% (2) 79% (36) 7% (8) 46Employ: Other 4% (2) 79% (47) 7% (0) 59Military HH: Yes 5% (6) 86% (6) 0% (3) 35Military HH: No 6% (32) 83% (430) 0% (54) 57RD/WT: Right Direction 0% (27) 79% (220) % (3) 279RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (2) 87% (326) 0% (36) 374

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_2

Table POL13_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed tax fraud

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 6% (38) 84% (546) 0% (67) 652Trump Job Approve 9% (3) 77% (252) 3% (44) 327Trump Job Disapprove 2% (7) 92% (28) 6% (9) 307Trump Job Strongly Approve 2% (2) 73% (3) 5% (27) 78Trump Job Somewhat Approve 7% (0) 82% (2) % (6) 48Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 3% (2) 87% (65) 0% (8) 75Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (5) 93% (25) 5% () 23Favorable of Trump 9% (28) 77% (229) 4% (4) 297Unfavorable of Trump 2% (8) 92% (293) 5% (7) 38Very Favorable of Trump 0% (7) 76% (30) 4% (24) 7Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (0) 78% (99) 4% (7) 26Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 2% () 92% (69) 7% (5) 76Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (6) 92% (224) 5% (2) 243#1 Issue: Economy 6% (0) 85% (4) 9% (5) 66#1 Issue: Security 9% (2) 74% (04) 7% (25) 4#1 Issue: Health Care 4% (4) 87% (9) 9% (0) 04#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 6% (6) 86% (95) 8% (9) #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 6% (2) 90% (32) 4% (2) 36#1 Issue: Education 6% (2) 9% (32) 3% () 35#1 Issue: Energy 6% () 9% (20) 3% () 22#1 Issue: Other — (0) 84% (3) 6% (6) 372018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (5) 94% (222) 4% () 2372018 House Vote: Republican 7% (8) 8% (25) 3% (34) 2662018 House Vote: Someone else 3% () 8% (26) 6% (5) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 3% (5) 72% (84) 5% (7) 62016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (8) 90% (83) 6% (3) 2042016 Vote: Donald Trump 8% (20) 80% (203) 2% (30) 2532016 Vote: Someone else % () 89% (54) 0% (6) 62016 Vote: Didnt Vote 7% (9) 80% (06) 4% (8) 34Voted in 2014: Yes 5% (2) 86% (393) 9% (4) 455Voted in 2014: No 9% (7) 78% (54) 3% (26) 97

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Table POL13_2

Table POL13_2: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed tax fraud

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 6% (38) 84% (546) 0% (67) 6522012 Vote: Barack Obama 4% (9) 89% (28) 7% (7) 2442012 Vote: Mitt Romney 8% (6) 8% (60) % (22) 972012 Vote: Other 6% () 85% (22) 0% (3) 262012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 7% (3) 79% (46) 4% (26) 844-Region: Northeast 4% (5) 83% (05) 4% (7) 274-Region: Midwest 4% (6) 86% (23) 0% (4) 444-Region: South 7% (6) 8% (97) 2% (29) 2424-Region: West 8% (2) 87% (2) 5% (7) 40Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_3

Table POL13_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (23) 6% (398) 20% (3) 652Gender: Male 23% (70) 58% (80) 9% (59) 309Gender: Female 5% (53) 63% (28) 2% (72) 344Age: 18-29 2% (24) 67% (77) 3% (4) 5Age: 30-44 8% (26) 63% (9) 8% (27) 44Age: 45-54 2% (23) 50% (56) 29% (32) Age: 55-64 6% (7) 6% (65) 23% (25) 08Age: 65+ 9% (32) 62% (08) 9% (33) 74Generation Z: 18-21 3% () 58% (2) % (4) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 9% (30) 67% (06) 4% (22) 57Generation X: Age 38-53 9% (3) 55% (9) 27% (44) 66Boomers: Age 54-72 9% (46) 60% (50) 22% (54) 250PID: Dem (no lean) 8% (7) 78% (60) 3% (27) 205PID: Ind (no lean) 5% (33) 60% (30) 24% (52) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 3% (72) 46% (07) 22% (52) 232PID/Gender: DemMen 3% () 82% (69) 5% (4) 84PID/Gender: DemWomen 5% (6) 76% (92) 9% (23) 2PID/Gender: Ind Men 22% (26) 49% (56) 28% (32) 4PID/Gender: Ind Women 7% (8) 73% (74) 20% (20) 0PID/Gender: Rep Men 30% (33) 50% (55) 20% (23) PID/Gender: Rep Women 33% (40) 43% (52) 24% (29) 2Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 3% (26) 7% (48) 6% (34) 208Ideo: Moderate (4) 6% (2) 64% (82) 20% (26) 29Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 26% (68) 5% (34) 23% (59) 262Educ: < College 7% (74) 64% (272) 8% (78) 424Educ: Bachelors degree 22% (32) 53% (77) 25% (36) 45Educ: Post-grad 9% (6) 59% (49) 2% (8) 83

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Table POL13_3

Table POL13_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (23) 6% (398) 20% (3) 652Income: Under 50k 7% (63) 62% (225) 2% (76) 364Income: 50k-100k 8% (37) 62% (27) 20% (42) 206Income: 100k+ 27% (22) 56% (46) 7% (4) 83Ethnicity: White 9% (0) 60% (324) 22% (8) 543Ethnicity: Hispanic 23% (8) 62% (47) 4% (0) 75Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 20% (3) 69% (44) % (7) 64Ethnicity: Other 9% (9) 66% (30) 5% (7) 45Relig: Protestant 25% (43) 56% (97) 9% (32) 7Relig: Roman Catholic 5% (2) 64% (90) 2% (29) 40Relig: Something Else 23% (4) 62% (38) 5% (0) 62Relig: Jewish — (0) 65% (3) 35% (7) 20Relig: Evangelical 8% (48) 62% (67) 20% (54) 269Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 29% (30) 55% (58) 6% (6) 04Relig: All Christian 2% (78) 60% (225) 9% (70) 373Relig: All Non-Christian 8% () 58% (36) 24% (5) 62Community: Urban 22% (32) 63% (92) 5% (2) 45Community: Suburban 9% (57) 60% (84) 2% (65) 306Community: Rural 6% (33) 6% (22) 23% (46) 20Employ: Private Sector 20% (39) 58% (09) 22% (4) 89Employ: Government 29% (5) 60% (32) % (6) 53Employ: Self-Employed 20% (3) 54% (36) 26% (7) 66Employ: Homemaker 2% (2) 62% (34) 8% (0) 55Employ: Student 7% (5) 77% (2) 6% (2) 28Employ: Retired 7% (27) 6% (96) 22% (34) 57Employ: Unemployed 4% (7) 65% (30) 20% (9) 46Employ: Other 0% (6) 68% (40) 22% (3) 59Military HH: Yes 25% (34) 53% (7) 22% (30) 35Military HH: No 7% (89) 63% (327) 20% (0) 57RD/WT: Right Direction 26% (72) 48% (34) 26% (73) 279RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (5) 7% (264) 6% (59) 374

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_3

Table POL13_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (23) 6% (398) 20% (3) 652Trump Job Approve 28% (92) 47% (54) 24% (80) 327Trump Job Disapprove 9% (28) 75% (23) 6% (48) 307Trump Job Strongly Approve 32% (58) 42% (75) 25% (45) 78Trump Job Somewhat Approve 23% (34) 53% (79) 23% (35) 48Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 5% () 67% (50) 8% (4) 75Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 7% (7) 78% (80) 5% (34) 23Favorable of Trump 29% (86) 47% (40) 24% (7) 297Unfavorable of Trump 0% (33) 74% (235) 6% (5) 38Very Favorable of Trump 32% (55) 43% (74) 24% (42) 7Somewhat Favorable of Trump 24% (3) 52% (66) 24% (30) 26Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 6% (2) 64% (48) 20% (5) 76Very Unfavorable of Trump 9% (2) 77% (86) 5% (36) 243#1 Issue: Economy 5% (25) 63% (05) 22% (37) 66#1 Issue: Security 30% (42) 45% (63) 25% (35) 4#1 Issue: Health Care % (2) 66% (69) 23% (24) 04#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 8% (20) 68% (76) 4% (5) #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 22% (8) 69% (25) 9% (3) 36#1 Issue: Education 3% (5) 79% (28) 8% (3) 35#1 Issue: Energy 9% (4) 76% (7) 6% () 22#1 Issue: Other 20% (7) 44% (6) 36% (3) 372018 House Vote: Democrat 8% (20) 75% (77) 7% (40) 2372018 House Vote: Republican 32% (86) 45% (9) 23% (62) 2662018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (4) 49% (6) 38% (2) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote % (3) 74% (86) 5% (7) 62016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 9% (8) 75% (54) 6% (32) 2042016 Vote: Donald Trump 3% (79) 46% (5) 23% (59) 2532016 Vote: Someone else 3% (8) 57% (35) 30% (9) 62016 Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (8) 70% (94) 6% (2) 34Voted in 2014: Yes 2% (94) 60% (272) 9% (89) 455Voted in 2014: No 4% (28) 64% (26) 22% (43) 97

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Table POL13_3

Table POL13_3: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been accused of sexual harassment or sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (23) 6% (398) 20% (3) 6522012 Vote: Barack Obama 2% (29) 7% (73) 7% (42) 2442012 Vote: Mitt Romney 34% (67) 45% (89) 2% (42) 972012 Vote: Other 3% (3) 57% (5) 30% (8) 262012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (24) 65% (2) 22% (40) 844-Region: Northeast 9% () 67% (85) 24% (30) 274-Region: Midwest 4% (20) 67% (97) 9% (27) 444-Region: South 25% (60) 53% (28) 22% (54) 2424-Region: West 23% (32) 63% (88) 5% (20) 40Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_4

Table POL13_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been convicted of sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (26) 88% (575) 8% (5) 652Gender: Male 6% (8) 87% (269) 7% (22) 309Gender: Female 2% (8) 89% (307) 9% (29) 344Age: 18-29 6% (7) 82% (95) % (3) 5Age: 30-44 4% (6) 88% (27) 7% () 44Age: 45-54 4% (5) 86% (96) 0% () Age: 55-64 2% (2) 92% (98) 6% (7) 08Age: 65+ 3% (5) 9% (59) 6% (0) 74Generation Z: 18-21 0% (4) 73% (27) 7% (6) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 5% (7) 88% (38) 7% () 57Generation X: Age 38-53 4% (6) 87% (44) 9% (5) 66Boomers: Age 54-72 4% (9) 9% (227) 5% (4) 250PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (5) 93% (90) 5% (0) 205PID: Ind (no lean) 2% (4) 88% (89) 0% (22) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 7% (7) 85% (96) 8% (9) 232PID/Gender: DemMen 3% (3) 92% (77) 5% (4) 84PID/Gender: DemWomen 2% (2) 94% (3) 5% (6) 2PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (4) 86% (99) 0% () 4PID/Gender: Ind Women — (0) 89% (90) % () 0PID/Gender: Rep Men 0% () 84% (93) 6% (7) PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (6) 85% (03) 0% (3) 2Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 3% (5) 88% (83) 0% (20) 208Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (4) 93% (20) 4% (5) 29Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 6% (5) 87% (229) 7% (8) 262Educ: < College 4% (8) 86% (364) 0% (43) 424Educ: Bachelors degree 3% (4) 93% (35) 4% (6) 45Educ: Post-grad 4% (3) 93% (77) 3% (2) 83

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Table POL13_4

Table POL13_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been convicted of sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (26) 88% (575) 8% (5) 652Income: Under 50k 5% (6) 85% (30) 0% (37) 364Income: 50k-100k 3% (6) 92% (88) 5% () 206Income: 100k+ 4% (3) 93% (77) 4% (3) 83Ethnicity: White 3% (5) 9% (497) 6% (32) 543Ethnicity: Hispanic 8% (6) 75% (56) 7% (3) 75Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 9% (6) 67% (43) 23% (5) 64Ethnicity: Other % (5) 78% (36) 0% (5) 45Relig: Protestant 6% (0) 9% (55) 3% (6) 7Relig: Roman Catholic 2% (3) 90% (25) 8% () 40Relig: Something Else 2% () 96% (59) 2% () 62Relig: Jewish — (0) 95% (9) 5% () 20Relig: Evangelical 3% (8) 92% (248) 5% (3) 269Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 6% (7) 89% (92) 5% (5) 04Relig: All Christian 4% (4) 9% (340) 5% (9) 373Relig: All Non-Christian 4% (3) 80% (50) 6% (0) 62Community: Urban 4% (6) 86% (25) 0% (4) 45Community: Suburban 4% (2) 9% (277) 5% (7) 306Community: Rural 4% (8) 86% (73) 0% (20) 20Employ: Private Sector 5% (9) 89% (67) 7% (3) 89Employ: Government 2% () 98% (52) — (0) 53Employ: Self-Employed 5% (4) 83% (54) 2% (8) 66Employ: Homemaker 5% (3) 8% (45) 4% (7) 55Employ: Student 6% (2) 83% (23) % (3) 28Employ: Retired 3% (5) 92% (44) 5% (8) 57Employ: Unemployed 4% (2) 85% (39) 2% (5) 46Employ: Other 2% () 88% (52) 0% (6) 59Military HH: Yes 6% (8) 86% (7) 8% () 35Military HH: No 3% (8) 89% (459) 8% (40) 57RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (3) 84% (234) % (3) 279RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (3) 9% (34) 5% (20) 374

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_4

Table POL13_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been convicted of sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (26) 88% (575) 8% (5) 652Trump Job Approve 5% (7) 86% (280) 9% (30) 327Trump Job Disapprove 3% (9) 9% (280) 6% (7) 307Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (2) 82% (46) % (20) 78Trump Job Somewhat Approve 3% (4) 9% (34) 6% (9) 48Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 4% (3) 85% (64) % (9) 75Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (6) 93% (26) 4% (9) 23Favorable of Trump 6% (7) 88% (26) 6% (9) 297Unfavorable of Trump 3% (9) 9% (290) 6% (20) 38Very Favorable of Trump 7% (3) 85% (45) 8% (3) 7Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (4) 92% (6) 5% (6) 26Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump % () 86% (65) 3% (0) 76Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (8) 93% (225) 4% (0) 243#1 Issue: Economy 4% (7) 89% (48) 6% (0) 66#1 Issue: Security 6% (9) 82% (6) % (6) 4#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (2) 93% (97) 5% (5) 04#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 3% (4) 90% (00) 7% (7) #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 0% (3) 80% (28) % (4) 36#1 Issue: Education % (0) 96% (34) 3% () 35#1 Issue: Energy — (0) 94% (2) 6% () 22#1 Issue: Other — (0) 83% (3) 7% (6) 372018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (6) 94% (222) 4% (9) 2372018 House Vote: Republican 5% (4) 87% (232) 7% (9) 2662018 House Vote: Someone else 3% () 84% (26) 4% (4) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (5) 8% (94) 5% (7) 62016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 3% (6) 90% (84) 7% (4) 2042016 Vote: Donald Trump 5% (4) 88% (224) 6% (6) 2532016 Vote: Someone else % (0) 90% (54) 0% (6) 62016 Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (6) 84% (3) % (5) 34Voted in 2014: Yes 4% (7) 90% (4) 6% (27) 455Voted in 2014: No 5% (9) 83% (64) 2% (24) 97

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Table POL13_4

Table POL13_4: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Been convicted of sexual assault

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (26) 88% (575) 8% (5) 6522012 Vote: Barack Obama 3% (8) 90% (29) 7% (7) 2442012 Vote: Mitt Romney 5% () 89% (76) 5% () 972012 Vote: Other — (0) 96% (25) 4% () 262012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 4% (7) 84% (55) 2% (22) 844-Region: Northeast 4% (5) 87% (0) 9% (2) 274-Region: Midwest 2% (3) 9% (3) 7% (9) 444-Region: South 6% (4) 84% (204) 0% (24) 2424-Region: West 3% (4) 93% (30) 4% (5) 40Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_5

Table POL13_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed a felony crime

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (54) 80% (524) % (74) 652Gender: Male % (33) 78% (24) % (35) 309Gender: Female 6% (2) 82% (283) % (39) 344Age: 18-29 5% (7) 72% (83) 2% (4) 5Age: 30-44 2% (7) 75% (09) 3% (8) 44Age: 45-54 7% (7) 79% (88) 4% (6) Age: 55-64 7% (8) 84% (90) 9% (0) 08Age: 65+ 3% (5) 89% (54) 9% (5) 74Generation Z: 18-21 3% () 57% (2) 2% (4) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 2% (9) 77% (2) % (7) 57Generation X: Age 38-53 6% (0) 78% (30) 5% (26) 66Boomers: Age 54-72 4% () 86% (25) 0% (25) 250PID: Dem (no lean) 5% () 89% (82) 6% () 205PID: Ind (no lean) % (23) 73% (58) 6% (35) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 9% (20) 79% (84) 2% (28) 232PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (6) 9% (76) 2% (2) 84PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (5) 88% (06) 8% (0) 2PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (6) 69% (79) 7% (20) 4PID/Gender: Ind Women 7% (7) 78% (79) 5% (5) 0PID/Gender: Rep Men % (2) 78% (86) 2% (3) PID/Gender: Rep Women 7% (9) 8% (98) 2% (5) 2Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7% (4) 83% (73) 0% (22) 208Ideo: Moderate (4) 7% (9) 82% (06) % (4) 29Ideo: Conservative (5-7) % (27) 8% (22) 9% (22) 262Educ: < College 0% (43) 77% (328) 3% (54) 424Educ: Bachelors degree 6% (9) 84% (22) 0% (5) 45Educ: Post-grad 3% (3) 90% (75) 6% (5) 83

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Table POL13_5

Table POL13_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed a felony crime

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (54) 80% (524) % (74) 652Income: Under 50k 0% (35) 77% (28) 3% (47) 364Income: 50k-100k 7% (4) 84% (73) 9% (9) 206Income: 100k+ 6% (5) 84% (70) 9% (8) 83Ethnicity: White 7% (36) 82% (443) 2% (64) 543Ethnicity: Hispanic 3% (0) 77% (58) 0% (7) 75Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 8% (2) 75% (48) 7% (4) 64Ethnicity: Other 5% (7) 74% (33) % (5) 45Relig: Protestant 8% (3) 84% (43) 8% (4) 7Relig: Roman Catholic 6% (8) 83% (7) % (5) 40Relig: Something Else 5% (3) 80% (50) 4% (9) 62Relig: Jewish 4% () 83% (7) 4% (3) 20Relig: Evangelical 5% (4) 84% (226) 0% (28) 269Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 0% (0) 80% (84) 0% (0) 04Relig: All Christian 7% (25) 83% (30) 0% (39) 373Relig: All Non-Christian 7% () 73% (46) 0% (6) 62Community: Urban % (6) 77% () 3% (8) 45Community: Suburban 7% (22) 8% (249) 2% (35) 306Community: Rural 8% (7) 82% (64) 0% (20) 20Employ: Private Sector 9% (6) 79% (49) 3% (24) 89Employ: Government % (6) 85% (45) 4% (2) 53Employ: Self-Employed % (7) 75% (50) 4% (9) 66Employ: Homemaker 2% (7) 79% (44) 9% (5) 55Employ: Student % (3) 85% (23) 4% () 28Employ: Retired 2% (4) 88% (37) 0% (6) 57Employ: Unemployed 4% (6) 70% (32) 7% (8) 46Employ: Other 9% (5) 76% (45) 5% (9) 59Military HH: Yes 8% () 78% (05) 4% (9) 35Military HH: No 8% (43) 8% (49) % (54) 57RD/WT: Right Direction % (3) 76% (23) 3% (35) 279RD/WT: Wrong Track 6% (24) 83% (3) 0% (39) 374

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_5

Table POL13_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed a felony crime

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (54) 80% (524) % (74) 652Trump Job Approve 0% (33) 78% (253) 2% (40) 327Trump Job Disapprove 7% (20) 84% (257) 9% (29) 307Trump Job Strongly Approve 2% (2) 76% (35) 3% (23) 78Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (2) 80% (9) 2% (7) 48Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 4% (3) 8% (6) 5% () 75Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 7% (7) 85% (96) 8% (8) 23Favorable of Trump 0% (3) 78% (232) % (34) 297Unfavorable of Trump 7% (2) 83% (266) 0% (3) 38Very Favorable of Trump % (8) 77% (3) 3% (2) 7Somewhat Favorable of Trump 0% (3) 80% (0) 0% (2) 26Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 5% (4) 82% (62) 3% (0) 76Very Unfavorable of Trump 7% (8) 84% (204) 9% (2) 243#1 Issue: Economy 7% (2) 8% (35) 2% (9) 66#1 Issue: Security 9% (2) 78% (09) 4% (9) 4#1 Issue: Health Care 5% (5) 85% (89) 0% () 04#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 6% (6) 84% (93) % (2) #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (6) 72% (26) 0% (4) 36#1 Issue: Education 6% (6) 8% (29) 3% () 35#1 Issue: Energy 8% (2) 79% (8) 3% (3) 22#1 Issue: Other 5% (5) 7% (26) 4% (5) 372018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (4) 87% (207) 7% (6) 2372018 House Vote: Republican 9% (23) 8% (25) 0% (28) 2662018 House Vote: Someone else 5% (2) 75% (24) 20% (6) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (6) 67% (77) 20% (23) 62016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 6% (2) 86% (76) 8% (6) 2042016 Vote: Donald Trump 8% (2) 82% (208) 0% (24) 2532016 Vote: Someone else 5% (3) 76% (46) 9% (2) 62016 Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (8) 70% (94) 6% (2) 34Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (30) 84% (384) 9% (4) 455Voted in 2014: No 2% (24) 7% (40) 7% (33) 97

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Table POL13_5

Table POL13_5: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Committed a felony crime

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (54) 80% (524) % (74) 6522012 Vote: Barack Obama 6% (5) 86% (2) 7% (8) 2442012 Vote: Mitt Romney 6% (2) 83% (63) % (22) 972012 Vote: Other 9% (2) 82% (22) 8% (2) 262012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (25) 69% (28) 7% (32) 844-Region: Northeast 8% (0) 79% (00) 3% (6) 274-Region: Midwest 5% (8) 8% (7) 3% (9) 444-Region: South 0% (24) 77% (86) 3% (32) 2424-Region: West 9% (2) 86% (2) 5% (7) 40Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_6

Table POL13_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Cheated on their spouse

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (20) 40% (260) 28% (82) 652Gender: Male 36% () 38% (8) 26% (79) 309Gender: Female 29% (99) 4% (42) 30% (03) 344Age: 18-29 33% (38) 43% (49) 24% (28) 5Age: 30-44 32% (47) 40% (58) 27% (39) 44Age: 45-54 33% (37) 36% (40) 3% (34) Age: 55-64 27% (29) 38% (4) 35% (38) 08Age: 65+ 34% (60) 4% (72) 24% (42) 74Generation Z: 18-21 36% (3) 48% (7) 6% (6) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 35% (55) 42% (66) 23% (37) 57Generation X: Age 38-53 3% (5) 36% (60) 33% (54) 66Boomers: Age 54-72 3% (78) 40% (00) 29% (7) 250PID: Dem (no lean) 20% (42) 59% (2) 2% (42) 205PID: Ind (no lean) 32% (68) 32% (69) 36% (79) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 43% (00) 30% (7) 26% (6) 232PID/Gender: DemMen 20% (7) 63% (53) 7% (4) 84PID/Gender: DemWomen 2% (25) 56% (68) 23% (28) 2PID/Gender: Ind Men 37% (43) 30% (35) 32% (37) 4PID/Gender: Ind Women 25% (26) 33% (34) 4% (42) 0PID/Gender: Rep Men 47% (52) 28% (3) 25% (28) PID/Gender: Rep Women 40% (48) 33% (40) 27% (33) 2Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 25% (52) 48% (0) 26% (55) 208Ideo: Moderate (4) 30% (38) 43% (56) 27% (35) 29Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 40% (04) 32% (85) 28% (73) 262Educ: < College 30% (29) 43% (8) 27% (5) 424Educ: Bachelors degree 36% (52) 35% (5) 29% (42) 45Educ: Post-grad 36% (30) 34% (29) 30% (25) 83

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Table POL13_6

Table POL13_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Cheated on their spouse

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (20) 40% (260) 28% (82) 652Income: Under 50k 28% (03) 43% (58) 28% (03) 364Income: 50k-100k 37% (76) 35% (72) 28% (58) 206Income: 100k+ 38% (32) 36% (30) 26% (2) 83Ethnicity: White 33% (77) 39% (2) 29% (55) 543Ethnicity: Hispanic 39% (30) 43% (32) 8% (3) 75Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 3% (20) 46% (30) 23% (5) 64Ethnicity: Other 3% (4) 42% (9) 27% (2) 45Relig: Protestant 35% (59) 42% (72) 23% (39) 7Relig: Roman Catholic 35% (49) 37% (52) 28% (39) 40Relig: Something Else 30% (9) 42% (26) 28% (7) 62Relig: Jewish 22% (4) 44% (9) 34% (7) 20Relig: Evangelical 30% (82) 40% (09) 29% (78) 269Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 43% (45) 40% (42) 7% (7) 04Relig: All Christian 34% (26) 40% (5) 26% (96) 373Relig: All Non-Christian 22% (4) 48% (30) 29% (8) 62Community: Urban 29% (42) 45% (65) 26% (38) 45Community: Suburban 34% (03) 36% () 30% (92) 306Community: Rural 33% (66) 4% (83) 26% (52) 20Employ: Private Sector 38% (72) 39% (74) 23% (43) 89Employ: Government 45% (24) 3% (7) 24% (3) 53Employ: Self-Employed 27% (8) 35% (23) 37% (25) 66Employ: Homemaker 28% (6) 43% (24) 29% (6) 55Employ: Student 29% (8) 59% (6) 2% (3) 28Employ: Retired 29% (45) 43% (67) 28% (44) 57Employ: Unemployed 20% (9) 38% (7) 42% (9) 46Employ: Other 3% (8) 37% (22) 32% (9) 59Military HH: Yes 3% (43) 44% (59) 25% (34) 35Military HH: No 32% (68) 39% (20) 29% (48) 57RD/WT: Right Direction 43% (20) 28% (79) 29% (79) 279RD/WT: Wrong Track 24% (90) 48% (8) 27% (02) 374

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_6

Table POL13_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Cheated on their spouse

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (20) 40% (260) 28% (82) 652Trump Job Approve 43% (39) 30% (99) 27% (89) 327Trump Job Disapprove 22% (67) 49% (52) 29% (88) 307Trump Job Strongly Approve 49% (87) 24% (43) 27% (48) 78Trump Job Somewhat Approve 35% (52) 38% (56) 27% (40) 48Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 28% (2) 3% (23) 4% (3) 75Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 20% (46) 56% (29) 25% (57) 23Favorable of Trump 44% (32) 29% (85) 27% (80) 297Unfavorable of Trump 23% (74) 48% (54) 28% (90) 38Very Favorable of Trump 47% (80) 26% (44) 28% (47) 7Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (52) 33% (4) 26% (33) 26Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 3% (24) 34% (26) 35% (26) 76Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (50) 53% (29) 26% (64) 243#1 Issue: Economy 30% (50) 40% (66) 3% (5) 66#1 Issue: Security 45% (64) 30% (42) 24% (34) 4#1 Issue: Health Care 3% (33) 39% (40) 30% (3) 04#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 23% (26) 5% (57) 26% (28) #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 32% () 45% (6) 23% (8) 36#1 Issue: Education 37% (3) 46% (6) 7% (6) 35#1 Issue: Energy 6% (4) 39% (9) 45% (0) 22#1 Issue: Other 29% (0) 37% (4) 34% (3) 372018 House Vote: Democrat 24% (57) 5% (2) 25% (59) 2372018 House Vote: Republican 44% (7) 28% (75) 28% (74) 2662018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (4) 45% (4) 42% (3) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 28% (33) 4% (48) 30% (35) 62016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (42) 49% (00) 30% (62) 2042016 Vote: Donald Trump 45% (4) 29% (75) 25% (64) 2532016 Vote: Someone else 27% (7) 39% (24) 33% (20) 62016 Vote: Didnt Vote 28% (38) 46% (6) 26% (35) 34Voted in 2014: Yes 32% (45) 40% (8) 28% (28) 455Voted in 2014: No 33% (65) 40% (78) 27% (54) 97

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Table POL13_6

Table POL13_6: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Cheated on their spouse

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (20) 40% (260) 28% (82) 6522012 Vote: Barack Obama 27% (66) 46% (2) 27% (66) 2442012 Vote: Mitt Romney 44% (87) 29% (57) 27% (54) 972012 Vote: Other 24% (6) 3% (8) 45% (2) 262012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 28% (5) 45% (83) 27% (50) 844-Region: Northeast 29% (37) 4% (5) 30% (38) 274-Region: Midwest 25% (36) 48% (69) 27% (39) 444-Region: South 36% (86) 35% (84) 30% (7) 2424-Region: West 37% (52) 40% (55) 24% (33) 40Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_7

Table POL13_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Misused taxpayer dollars

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (32) 86% (562) 9% (58) 652Gender: Male 7% (2) 85% (264) 8% (24) 309Gender: Female 3% () 87% (299) 0% (34) 344Age: 18-29 0% (2) 8% (93) 9% () 5Age: 30-44 5% (7) 87% (26) 8% () 44Age: 45-54 3% (3) 82% (9) 5% (6) Age: 55-64 3% (3) 89% (96) 8% (9) 08Age: 65+ 4% (7) 90% (56) 6% () 74Generation Z: 18-21 2% (4) 78% (28) 0% (4) 36Millennial: Age 22-37 8% (2) 85% (34) 7% () 57Generation X: Age 38-53 3% (5) 85% (40) 3% (2) 66Boomers: Age 54-72 3% (9) 89% (224) 7% (8) 250PID: Dem (no lean) 4% (8) 89% (82) 7% (4) 205PID: Ind (no lean) 2% (5) 86% (86) % (25) 26PID: Rep (no lean) 8% (9) 84% (94) 8% (9) 232PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (6) 88% (73) 5% (4) 84PID/Gender: DemWomen 2% (2) 90% (09) 8% (0) 2PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (4) 84% (96) 2% (4) 4PID/Gender: Ind Women % () 89% (90) 0% (0) 0PID/Gender: Rep Men 0% () 85% (94) 5% (6) PID/Gender: Rep Women 7% (9) 82% (00) % (3) 2Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% () 84% (76) 0% (22) 208Ideo: Moderate (4) % () 92% (9) 7% (9) 29Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 7% (9) 86% (224) 7% (9) 262Educ: < College 5% (22) 85% (359) 0% (43) 424Educ: Bachelors degree 5% (8) 89% (28) 6% (9) 45Educ: Post-grad 3% (3) 90% (75) 7% (6) 83

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Table POL13_7

Table POL13_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Misused taxpayer dollars

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (32) 86% (562) 9% (58) 652Income: Under 50k 6% (2) 85% (309) 9% (34) 364Income: 50k-100k 4% (7) 89% (82) 8% (6) 206Income: 100k+ 5% (4) 86% (7) 9% (7) 83Ethnicity: White 4% (20) 89% (483) 7% (40) 543Ethnicity: Hispanic % (8) 75% (56) 4% (0) 75Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 8% (5) 72% (46) 20% (3) 64Ethnicity: Other 6% (7) 74% (33) 0% (5) 45Relig: Protestant 6% (0) 90% (54) 4% (7) 7Relig: Roman Catholic 5% (7) 83% (7) 2% (7) 40Relig: Something Else 3% (2) 90% (56) 7% (4) 62Relig: Jewish — (0) 95% (9) 5% () 20Relig: Evangelical 3% (9) 88% (238) 8% (22) 269Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 9% (0) 85% (88) 6% (6) 04Relig: All Christian 5% (8) 87% (326) 8% (28) 373Relig: All Non-Christian 3% (2) 86% (54) 0% (6) 62Community: Urban 5% (8) 87% (26) 8% () 45Community: Suburban 4% (3) 86% (263) 0% (29) 306Community: Rural 6% () 86% (73) 9% (7) 20Employ: Private Sector 6% (0) 83% (56) 2% (23) 89Employ: Government 9% (5) 9% (48) — (0) 53Employ: Self-Employed 7% (5) 80% (53) 3% (9) 66Employ: Homemaker 6% (4) 82% (45) % (6) 55Employ: Student 4% () 93% (26) 2% () 28Employ: Retired 2% (2) 93% (46) 6% (9) 57Employ: Unemployed 4% (2) 85% (39) % (5) 46Employ: Other 6% (3) 84% (50) 0% (6) 59Military HH: Yes 6% (8) 88% (20) 6% (8) 35Military HH: No 5% (24) 86% (443) 0% (50) 57RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (8) 82% (229) 2% (32) 279RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (4) 89% (334) 7% (25) 374

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Morning ConsultTable POL13_7

Table POL13_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Misused taxpayer dollars

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (32) 86% (562) 9% (58) 652Trump Job Approve 6% (9) 84% (274) 0% (33) 327Trump Job Disapprove 4% (3) 89% (274) 7% (20) 307Trump Job Strongly Approve 9% (5) 78% (39) 4% (24) 78Trump Job Somewhat Approve 2% (3) 9% (36) 6% (9) 48Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 4% (3) 87% (66) 9% (7) 75Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (0) 90% (209) 6% (3) 23Favorable of Trump 7% (2) 84% (25) 9% (25) 297Unfavorable of Trump 4% () 90% (287) 6% (20) 38Very Favorable of Trump 0% (7) 82% (40) 8% (5) 7Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (4) 88% () 9% () 26Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 3% (2) 90% (68) 7% (5) 76Very Unfavorable of Trump 4% (9) 90% (29) 6% (5) 243#1 Issue: Economy 2% (3) 88% (46) 0% (6) 66#1 Issue: Security 8% () 8% (5) % (5) 4#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (3) 87% (9) 0% () 04#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 7% (8) 86% (96) 6% (7) #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (3) 85% (30) 7% (3) 36#1 Issue: Education 8% (3) 89% (3) 3% () 35#1 Issue: Energy — (0) 94% (2) 6% () 22#1 Issue: Other 4% () 87% (32) 0% (4) 372018 House Vote: Democrat 3% (8) 90% (24) 7% (6) 2372018 House Vote: Republican 6% (6) 85% (227) 9% (23) 2662018 House Vote: Someone else 2% () 77% (24) 2% (7) 322018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 7% (8) 83% (96) 0% (2) 62016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (8) 87% (79) 9% (8) 2042016 Vote: Donald Trump 7% (7) 84% (24) 9% (22) 2532016 Vote: Someone else % () 89% (54) 0% (6) 62016 Vote: Didnt Vote 5% (7) 86% (5) 8% () 34Voted in 2014: Yes 5% (2) 88% (400) 8% (35) 455Voted in 2014: No 6% () 83% (63) 2% (23) 97

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Table POL13_7

Table POL13_7: [Among one third of sample] Would you ever vote for a Republican who has done the following before, no matter how long ago?Misused taxpayer dollars

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (32) 86% (562) 9% (58) 6522012 Vote: Barack Obama 2% (6) 90% (29) 8% (9) 2442012 Vote: Mitt Romney 7% (3) 86% (70) 7% (4) 972012 Vote: Other — (0) 87% (23) 3% (3) 262012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 7% (3) 8% (50) 2% (2) 844-Region: Northeast 4% (4) 83% (05) 4% (7) 274-Region: Midwest 4% (5) 87% (25) 9% (4) 444-Region: South 6% (6) 85% (206) 8% (20) 2424-Region: West 5% (7) 90% (26) 5% (7) 40Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL14

Table POL14: How confident are you that you will have enough money for retirement

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not at allconfident

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (252) 27% (542) 25% (494) 29% (57) 7% (32) 99Gender: Male 7% (55) 28% (265) 23% (28) 25% (232) 7% (62) 932Gender: Female 9% (97) 26% (277) 26% (277) 32% (340) 7% (69) 059Age: 18-29 9% (67) 26% (94) 22% (78) 2% (77) 2% (45) 360Age: 30-44 2% (5) 2% (93) 30% (33) 32% (4) 6% (25) 443Age: 45-54 9% (33) 25% (87) 26% (9) 3% (07) 8% (27) 345Age: 55-64 7% (26) 29% (2) 25% (94) 34% (27) 5% (20) 380Age: 65+ 6% (75) 34% (56) 2% (99) 26% (9) 3% (5) 463Generation Z: 18-21 23% (24) 34% (35) 3% (3) 20% (20) 0% (0) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 4% (72) 22% (2) 27% (36) 27% (37) 0% (49) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 0% (53) 24% (20) 28% (46) 3% (58) 7% (35) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 2% (85) 3% (227) 23% (73) 30% (222) 4% (32) 739PID: Dem (no lean) % (72) 26% (77) 27% (83) 3% (2) 6% (39) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 2% (75) 26% (68) 23% (48) 3% (99) 9% (59) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (05) 30% (98) 25% (64) 24% (6) 5% (34) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 5% (40) 28% (78) 25% (68) 26% (72) 6% (6) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 8% (32) 24% (99) 28% (4) 34% (39) 6% (22) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 5% (50) 25% (86) 23% (77) 28% (95) 0% (34) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 8% (25) 27% (8) 23% (7) 34% (04) 8% (25) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 2% (65) 32% (0) 23% (72) 20% (64) 4% (2) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women % (40) 28% (97) 26% (92) 28% (97) 6% (22) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 4% (88) 27% (76) 24% (55) 30% (95) 4% (28) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) % (45) 26% () 30% (27) 27% (4) 6% (24) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% (08) 3% (226) 23% (70) 25% (80) 6% (4) 724Educ: < College 0% (22) 23% (29) 26% (39) 33% (45) 8% (05) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 5% (72) 33% (56) 25% (6) 24% () 3% (5) 47Educ: Post-grad 2% (58) 35% (95) 22% (59) 7% (44) 4% (2) 268Income: Under 50k 8% (90) 20% (220) 25% (27) 38% (4) 9% (98) 09Income: 50k-100k 4% (89) 34% (22) 27% (72) 2% (35) 4% (24) 63Income: 100k+ 27% (73) 4% (0) 9% (5) 9% (25) 3% (9) 268

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Table POL14

Table POL14: How confident are you that you will have enough money for retirement

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not at allconfident

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (252) 27% (542) 25% (494) 29% (57) 7% (32) 99Ethnicity: White 2% (98) 27% (44) 25% (409) 30% (479) 5% (83) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 5% (30) 27% (53) 26% (50) 24% (45) 8% (5) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 5% (37) 27% (69) 22% (55) 23% (59) 3% (33) 252Ethnicity: Other 3% (7) 25% (32) 24% (3) 25% (33) 3% (6) 28Relig: Protestant 3% (67) 29% (50) 28% (44) 27% (40) 3% (5) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 3% (49) 32% (23) 26% (02) 22% (84) 7% (28) 386Relig: Something Else 0% (8) 2% (38) 9% (36) 4% (75) 0% (8) 85Relig: Jewish 7% () 37% (24) 23% (5) 7% () 5% (3) 64Relig: Evangelical % (85) 29% (26) 25% (88) 29% (29) 7% (50) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 5% (49) 29% (95) 29% (95) 24% (8) 3% () 330Relig: All Christian 2% (34) 29% (3) 26% (282) 28% (299) 6% (6) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 8% (7) 24% (5) 24% (5) 32% (67) % (23) 209Community: Urban 3% (57) 29% (28) 2% (93) 28% (23) 9% (38) 440Community: Suburban 4% (3) 29% (278) 25% (240) 27% (253) 5% (50) 95Community: Rural % (65) 23% (37) 27% (6) 32% (94) 7% (43) 600Employ: Private Sector 3% (79) 30% (84) 29% (77) 24% (44) 3% (9) 603Employ: Government 2% (32) 32% (50) 27% (4) 6% (24) 5% (8) 55Employ: Self-Employed 3% (24) 22% (42) 25% (48) 29% (55) 2% (23) 9Employ: Homemaker 7% (0) 22% (33) 22% (33) 32% (48) 7% (25) 48Employ: Student 5% (2) 26% (20) 27% (2) 2% (6) % (8) 77Employ: Retired 5% (73) 35% (65) 22% (03) 26% (23) 3% (4) 477Employ: Unemployed 9% (4) 0% (5) 9% (28) 52% (78) 0% (4) 49Employ: Other 5% (9) 8% (34) 23% (44) 44% (83) % (2) 9Military HH: Yes 6% (57) 32% (3) 23% (83) 26% (92) 4% (3) 358Military HH: No 2% (95) 26% (429) 25% (4) 29% (479) 7% (9) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (20) 29% (230) 26% (200) 24% (84) 6% (48) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track % (32) 26% (32) 24% (294) 32% (387) 7% (84) 209Trump Job Approve 5% (35) 27% (244) 26% (232) 26% (233) 6% (5) 895Trump Job Disapprove % (2) 28% (28) 24% (248) 3% (39) 6% (59) 020

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Morning ConsultTable POL14

Table POL14: How confident are you that you will have enough money for retirement

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not at allconfident

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (252) 27% (542) 25% (494) 29% (57) 7% (32) 99Trump Job Strongly Approve 8% (86) 27% (32) 23% () 28% (36) 5% (25) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 2% (49) 28% (2) 30% (2) 24% (97) 7% (27) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove % (27) 34% (8) 23% (55) 26% (63) 6% (4) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove % (86) 26% (200) 25% (93) 33% (256) 6% (46) 78Favorable of Trump 5% (3) 28% (240) 26% (225) 26% (220) 5% (44) 860Unfavorable of Trump % (09) 28% (283) 25% (25) 3% (322) 6% (58) 022Very Favorable of Trump 7% (87) 27% (35) 25% (25) 27% (37) 5% (23) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 2% (44) 30% (05) 28% (00) 24% (84) 6% (2) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 0% (22) 34% (73) 23% (50) 24% (5) 9% (9) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump % (87) 26% (20) 25% (20) 34% (27) 5% (39) 808#1 Issue: Economy 2% (66) 26% (39) 30% (60) 25% (37) 7% (37) 539#1 Issue: Security 6% (66) 33% (37) 23% (93) 25% (02) 4% (6) 43#1 Issue: Health Care % (35) 24% (80) 24% (79) 34% (4) 7% (25) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 7% (2) 28% (82) 24% (70) 33% (97) 7% (9) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 2% (2) 22% (22) 27% (28) 33% (34) 6% (6) 0#1 Issue: Education 5% (20) 27% (34) 9% (25) 30% (39) 9% (2) 29#1 Issue: Energy 2% (6) 27% (2) 30% (23) 9% (5) 4% (3) 78#1 Issue: Other 4% (5) 24% (27) 5% (6) 33% (36) 4% (6) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (93) 28% (20) 25% (88) 30% (224) 5% (37) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 6% (7) 33% (237) 24% (76) 24% (7) 4% (27) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else % () 23% (24) 25% (26) 33% (34) 9% (9) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 7% (30) 7% (68) 26% (02) 35% (4) 5% (58) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton % (70) 29% (92) 27% (78) 29% (89) 5% (33) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 5% (0) 32% (227) 24% (74) 24% (74) 4% (32) 772016 Vote: Someone else 6% (29) 23% (44) 23% (44) 33% (63) 4% (8) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 0% (42) 9% (79) 23% (99) 34% (45) 4% (59) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 4% (87) 30% (47) 25% (348) 27% (372) 4% (57) 38Voted in 2014: No % (65) 2% (25) 24% (46) 33% (99) 2% (75) 60

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Table POL14

Table POL14: How confident are you that you will have enough money for retirement

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not at allconfident

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (252) 27% (542) 25% (494) 29% (57) 7% (32) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama % (90) 28% (232) 25% (209) 3% (252) 5% (42) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 7% (96) 33% (90) 24% (39) 24% (35) 2% (4) 5732012 Vote: Other 4% () 7% (3) 24% (8) 39% (30) 6% (5) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote % (56) 2% (07) 25% (28) 30% (53) 4% (7) 554-Region: Northeast 3% (45) 28% (00) 24% (86) 27% (97) 8% (28) 3554-Region: Midwest 2% (57) 29% (3) 24% (0) 28% (27) 7% (33) 4574-Region: South % (82) 27% (98) 26% (9) 30% (22) 7% (5) 7434-Region: West 6% (68) 26% (4) 25% (08) 29% (26) 5% (20) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL15

Table POL15: Which of the following comes closest to what you expect for your own retirement plans, even if none are exactly right?


I will eventuallyfully retire, andnot work for pay

ever again

I will always work atleast part-time forfinancial reasons,such as to pay billsor afford health care

I will always work atleast part-time fornon-financial

reasons, such as tobe with other

people, or to staysharp

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 30% (607) 34% (676) 8% (348) 8% (360) 99Gender: Male 33% (303) 33% (307) 9% (79) 5% (43) 932Gender: Female 29% (304) 35% (369) 6% (70) 20% (26) 059Age: 18-29 29% (03) 30% (08) 20% (73) 2% (76) 360Age: 30-44 23% (02) 4% (82) 8% (8) 7% (77) 443Age: 45-54 22% (76) 39% (34) 9% (66) 20% (69) 345Age: 55-64 27% (02) 37% (4) 8% (68) 8% (69) 380Age: 65+ 48% (224) 24% (0) 3% (59) 5% (70) 463Generation Z: 18-21 38% (38) 2% (22) 20% (20) 2% (2) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 24% (20) 36% (84) 2% (05) 9% (96) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 23% (7) 40% (203) 8% (92) 9% (00) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 35% (258) 32% (240) 6% (7) 7% (24) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 32% (220) 34% (235) 5% (04) 8% (2) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 26% (69) 36% (23) 9% (23) 9% (25) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 33% (28) 32% (20) 8% (22) 7% (3) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 34% (93) 32% (88) 7% (45) 8% (49) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 3% (27) 36% (47) 4% (59) 8% (73) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 28% (95) 34% (7) 2% (7) 7% (59) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 24% (74) 37% (4) 7% (5) 22% (66) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 37% (5) 33% (02) 20% (62) % (35) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 29% (02) 3% (08) 7% (60) 22% (78) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 33% (209) 36% (232) 7% (08) 4% (93) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 33% (40) 34% (44) 7% (70) 6% (68) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 32% (234) 3% (225) 20% (47) 6% (8) 724

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Table POL15

Table POL15: Which of the following comes closest to what you expect for your own retirement plans, even if none are exactly right?


I will eventuallyfully retire, andnot work for pay

ever again

I will always work atleast part-time forfinancial reasons,such as to pay billsor afford health care

I will always work atleast part-time fornon-financial

reasons, such as tobe with other

people, or to staysharp

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 30% (607) 34% (676) 8% (348) 8% (360) 99Educ: < College 27% (333) 36% (453) 5% (85) 22% (282) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 34% (62) 32% (53) 22% (02) % (53) 47Educ: Post-grad 42% (2) 26% (70) 23% (6) 9% (25) 268Income: Under 50k 24% (263) 37% (406) 5% (6) 24% (26) 09Income: 50k-100k 36% (228) 33% (2) 9% (20) % (7) 63Income: 100k+ 43% (6) 22% (58) 25% (67) 0% (27) 268Ethnicity: White 3% (494) 35% (558) 7% (277) 7% (28) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 28% (55) 3% (60) 25% (48) 5% (30) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 3% (78) 32% (80) 7% (42) 2% (52) 252Ethnicity: Other 27% (34) 30% (38) 23% (30) 2% (27) 28Relig: Protestant 34% (78) 33% (70) 9% (99) 4% (70) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 3% (2) 34% (30) 8% (68) 7% (67) 386Relig: Something Else 24% (44) 42% (78) 3% (23) 2% (40) 85Relig: Jewish 36% (23) 34% (22) 6% (0) 4% (9) 64Relig: Evangelical 3% (238) 35% (267) 5% (6) 8% (37) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 32% (05) 34% () 23% (74) 2% (39) 330Relig: All Christian 32% (343) 35% (378) 7% (90) 6% (77) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 22% (47) 32% (67) 9% (39) 27% (55) 209Community: Urban 33% (44) 3% (38) 7% (77) 8% (80) 440Community: Suburban 32% (304) 33% (34) 8% (76) 7% (58) 95Community: Rural 26% (58) 37% (224) 6% (96) 20% (22) 600

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Morning ConsultTable POL15

Table POL15: Which of the following comes closest to what you expect for your own retirement plans, even if none are exactly right?


I will eventuallyfully retire, andnot work for pay

ever again

I will always work atleast part-time forfinancial reasons,such as to pay billsor afford health care

I will always work atleast part-time fornon-financial

reasons, such as tobe with other

people, or to staysharp

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 30% (607) 34% (676) 8% (348) 8% (360) 99Employ: Private Sector 25% (53) 43% (26) 24% (47) 7% (42) 603Employ: Government 36% (56) 35% (55) 2% (33) 7% () 55Employ: Self-Employed 7% (33) 39% (74) 25% (49) 9% (36) 9Employ: Homemaker 24% (36) 35% (52) 9% (4) 32% (47) 48Employ: Student 3% (24) 32% (25) 9% (5) 7% (3) 77Employ: Retired 53% (25) 8% (84) 9% (42) 2% (00) 477Employ: Unemployed 4% (2) 42% (63) 3% (9) 3% (46) 49Employ: Other 7% (33) 33% (64) 5% (29) 34% (65) 9Military HH: Yes 37% (32) 3% (2) 8% (64) 4% (50) 358Military HH: No 29% (475) 35% (564) 7% (285) 9% (309) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 34% (263) 3% (246) 9% (47) 6% (26) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 28% (344) 36% (430) 7% (202) 9% (233) 209Trump Job Approve 32% (286) 34% (303) 9% (69) 5% (38) 895Trump Job Disapprove 30% (305) 35% (358) 7% (70) 8% (87) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 33% (60) 3% (50) 9% (95) 7% (84) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 3% (26) 38% (53) 8% (74) 3% (53) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 30% (72) 33% (79) 6% (38) 2% (5) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 30% (234) 36% (279) 7% (32) 7% (36) 78Favorable of Trump 32% (276) 33% (283) 9% (64) 6% (38) 860Unfavorable of Trump 30% (30) 36% (364) 7% (75) 7% (73) 022Very Favorable of Trump 32% (62) 3% (56) 9% (98) 8% (90) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 32% (4) 36% (26) 9% (66) 3% (47) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 3% (66) 30% (65) 22% (48) 7% (36) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 30% (245) 37% (299) 6% (27) 7% (37) 808

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL15

Table POL15: Which of the following comes closest to what you expect for your own retirement plans, even if none are exactly right?


I will eventuallyfully retire, andnot work for pay

ever again

I will always work atleast part-time forfinancial reasons,such as to pay billsor afford health care

I will always work atleast part-time fornon-financial

reasons, such as tobe with other

people, or to staysharp

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 30% (607) 34% (676) 8% (348) 8% (360) 99#1 Issue: Economy 28% (52) 37% (20) 20% (06) 5% (8) 539#1 Issue: Security 33% (38) 33% (35) 7% (72) 7% (69) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 27% (9) 37% (25) 6% (54) 9% (63) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 39% (3) 27% (78) 3% (37) 2% (6) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 26% (26) 33% (33) 9% (9) 23% (23) 0#1 Issue: Education 30% (39) 36% (47) 7% (22) 7% (22) 29#1 Issue: Energy 3% (24) 25% (9) 25% (9) 20% (6) 78#1 Issue: Other 22% (24) 36% (39) 8% (20) 24% (26) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 35% (26) 34% (259) 6% (22) 5% () 7532018 House Vote: Republican 34% (246) 32% (230) 2% (5) 4% (02) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 25% (26) 37% (38) 9% (20) 9% (9) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 8% (74) 37% (47) 3% (52) 32% (27) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 32% (24) 36% (235) 6% (05) 6% (07) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 34% (242) 33% (234) 9% (34) 5% (07) 772016 Vote: Someone else 29% (55) 34% (64) 22% (42) 4% (26) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 23% (96) 33% (4) 6% (68) 28% (9) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 33% (45) 34% (47) 8% (250) 5% (208) 38Voted in 2014: No 26% (56) 34% (205) 6% (98) 25% (5) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 32% (268) 35% (293) 5% (27) 7% (38) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 35% (99) 33% (90) 20% (5) 2% (69) 5732012 Vote: Other 30% (23) 33% (26) 2% (6) 6% (3) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23% (7) 33% (68) 8% (9) 27% (40) 554-Region: Northeast 29% (04) 36% (28) 8% (64) 7% (59) 3554-Region: Midwest 30% (36) 33% (53) 20% (90) 7% (79) 4574-Region: South 30% (226) 33% (248) 6% (2) 20% (48) 7434-Region: West 32% (4) 34% (47) 7% (74) 7% (74) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL16_1

Table POL16_1: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Medicare

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 25% (489) 33% (650) 22% (445) 3% (260) 7% (48) 99Gender: Male 28% (264) 33% (30) 9% (77) % (02) 8% (78) 932Gender: Female 2% (224) 32% (340) 25% (268) 5% (57) 7% (70) 059Age: 18-29 20% (74) 28% (00) 22% (78) 6% (59) 4% (50) 360Age: 30-44 4% (6) 29% (28) 29% (30) 20% (90) 8% (33) 443Age: 45-54 8% (63) 29% (00) 3% (07) 6% (54) 6% (2) 345Age: 55-64 25% (96) 37% (39) 22% (83) 9% (35) 7% (27) 380Age: 65+ 42% (94) 40% (83) 0% (47) 5% (22) 3% (6) 463Generation Z: 18-21 26% (26) 33% (33) 2% (2) 6% (6) 5% (5) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 6% (83) 28% (44) 24% (22) 20% (03) % (55) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 6% (83) 27% (4) 32% (64) 8% (9) 7% (34) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 32% (238) 38% (28) 7% (25) 8% (56) 5% (39) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 27% (83) 33% (22) 22% (5) 2% (80) 7% (45) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 20% (27) 3% (98) 25% (6) 5% (98) 0% (64) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 27% (78) 35% (230) 20% (33) 2% (82) 6% (39) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 33% (92) 36% (99) 5% (4) 9% (26) 6% (7) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 22% (9) 30% (22) 27% (0) 3% (54) 7% (28) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 22% (74) 29% (00) 24% (82) 3% (43) 2% (42) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 7% (53) 32% (98) 26% (79) 8% (55) 7% (22) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 3% (98) 35% () 7% (54) 0% (33) 6% (9) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 23% (8) 34% (20) 23% (78) 4% (49) 6% (20) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 25% (60) 29% (88) 26% (67) 3% (84) 7% (43) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 20% (85) 37% (57) 24% (00) 2% (5) 7% (28) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 29% (208) 36% (26) 9% (35) 2% (89) 4% (3) 724Educ: < College 25% (34) 3% (387) 22% (272) 3% (65) 9% (5) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 22% (05) 39% (82) 22% (04) 2% (58) 5% (22) 47Educ: Post-grad 26% (70) 30% (8) 26% (70) 4% (36) 4% () 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL16_1

Table POL16_1: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Medicare

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 25% (489) 33% (650) 22% (445) 3% (260) 7% (48) 99Income: Under 50k 27% (29) 32% (345) 20% (222) 3% (43) 8% (90) 09Income: 50k-100k 23% (45) 34% (25) 23% (46) 4% (86) 6% (40) 63Income: 100k+ 9% (52) 33% (90) 29% (77) 2% (3) 7% (8) 268Ethnicity: White 25% (399) 34% (546) 22% (347) 3% (27) 6% (02) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 25% (48) 27% (52) 29% (56) 0% (20) 9% (7) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 25% (63) 26% (65) 25% (64) % (29) 3% (32) 252Ethnicity: Other 2% (27) 30% (39) 27% (35) % (4) 0% (3) 28Relig: Protestant 26% (36) 37% (93) 2% (09) % (55) 5% (24) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 30% (6) 34% (33) 9% (74) 0% (39) 6% (24) 386Relig: Something Else 8% (34) 35% (64) 20% (38) 7% (32) 9% (7) 85Relig: Jewish 34% (22) 30% (9) 2% (4) 7% (5) 8% (5) 64Relig: Evangelical 25% (92) 36% (275) 9% (47) 2% (93) 7% (5) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 28% (93) 35% (5) 22% (73) 0% (33) 4% (5) 330Relig: All Christian 26% (285) 36% (390) 20% (220) 2% (26) 6% (66) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 2% (44) 27% (57) 27% (56) 5% (32) 9% (9) 209Community: Urban 26% (3) 32% (40) 20% (86) 3% (57) 0% (44) 440Community: Suburban 24% (226) 35% (335) 23% (27) 2% (0) 7% (63) 95Community: Rural 25% (50) 29% (75) 24% (4) 5% (92) 7% (4) 600Employ: Private Sector 8% (08) 33% (200) 28% (67) 6% (98) 5% (30) 603Employ: Government 23% (36) 35% (55) 26% (40) 9% (4) 7% (0) 55Employ: Self-Employed 22% (43) 24% (46) 28% (55) 3% (24) 2% (24) 9Employ: Homemaker 2% (8) 36% (53) 23% (34) 9% (29) 0% (4) 48Employ: Student 7% (3) 24% (8) 35% (27) 0% (7) 5% () 77Employ: Retired 40% (93) 37% (78) 3% (6) 5% (24) 4% (2) 477Employ: Unemployed 2% (3) 3% (47) 8% (26) 9% (29) % (6) 49Employ: Other 25% (47) 28% (53) 8% (35) 8% (34) % (2) 9Military HH: Yes 3% () 36% (28) 20% (70) 9% (3) 5% (8) 358Military HH: No 23% (378) 32% (522) 23% (375) 4% (228) 8% (30) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 29% (228) 34% (265) 9% (45) % (84) 8% (60) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 22% (260) 32% (385) 25% (299) 5% (76) 7% (88) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL16_1

Table POL16_1: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Medicare

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 25% (489) 33% (650) 22% (445) 3% (260) 7% (48) 99Trump Job Approve 27% (24) 33% (297) 20% (83) 3% (2) 7% (62) 895Trump Job Disapprove 23% (239) 33% (335) 24% (247) 3% (37) 6% (62) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (49) 32% (57) 8% (9) 3% (63) 6% (29) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 23% (92) 34% (40) 23% (93) 2% (49) 8% (32) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (44) 36% (85) 25% (60) 4% (34) 7% (7) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 25% (96) 32% (250) 24% (87) 3% (03) 6% (45) 78Favorable of Trump 27% (235) 33% (286) 2% (78) 2% (06) 6% (55) 860Unfavorable of Trump 23% (232) 33% (339) 24% (249) 4% (44) 6% (59) 022Very Favorable of Trump 3% (58) 3% (58) 9% (94) 3% (64) 6% (3) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 22% (77) 36% (27) 24% (84) 2% (4) 7% (24) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 6% (34) 34% (73) 26% (55) 6% (33) 9% (9) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 24% (98) 33% (267) 24% (93) 4% () 5% (40) 808#1 Issue: Economy 20% (08) 32% (72) 28% (49) 4% (76) 6% (34) 539#1 Issue: Security 3% (27) 33% (35) 7% (72) 3% (53) 6% (26) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 8% (60) 32% (06) 25% (83) 7% (56) 8% (28) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 39% () 37% (07) 5% (42) 5% (5) 5% (4) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (8) 32% (32) 26% (26) 4% (4) 0% (0) 0#1 Issue: Education 7% (2) 37% (48) 20% (25) 6% (2) 0% (3) 29#1 Issue: Energy 24% (9) 32% (25) 20% (6) 5% (2) 9% (7) 78#1 Issue: Other 23% (25) 22% (23) 29% (32) 2% (4) 4% (5) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 25% (90) 34% (258) 24% (82) % (82) 6% (42) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 27% (98) 36% (26) 20% (43) 2% (89) 5% (38) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 20% (20) 24% (25) 25% (26) 9% (20) 2% (3) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 20% (79) 27% (06) 23% (92) 7% (69) 3% (53) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 25% (62) 35% (23) 23% (52) % (74) 6% (42) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 27% (95) 35% (249) 20% (43) 2% (88) 6% (42) 772016 Vote: Someone else 22% (42) 30% (56) 25% (48) 7% (32) 5% (0) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 2% (90) 27% (4) 24% (02) 5% (64) 3% (54) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 26% (363) 34% (474) 22% (305) 2% (6) 6% (78) 38Voted in 2014: No 2% (26) 29% (76) 23% (40) 6% (98) % (70) 60

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL16_1

Table POL16_1: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Medicare

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 25% (489) 33% (650) 22% (445) 3% (260) 7% (48) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 25% (208) 33% (275) 23% (92) 2% (98) 6% (52) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 26% (50) 37% (24) 9% () 3% (74) 4% (25) 5732012 Vote: Other 22% (7) 32% (25) 3% (23) 9% (7) 6% (5) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (5) 26% (36) 23% (8) 6% (80) 3% (66) 554-Region: Northeast 32% (4) 30% (08) 20% (70) % (37) 7% (26) 3554-Region: Midwest 22% (02) 34% (56) 24% (0) 3% (58) 7% (3) 4574-Region: South 24% (8) 29% (26) 23% (74) 5% (3) 8% (60) 7434-Region: West 2% (9) 39% (70) 2% (9) 2% (5) 7% (32) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL16_2

Table POL16_2: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Social Security

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 24% (486) 30% (588) 23% (450) 7% (339) 6% (27) 99Gender: Male 28% (263) 3% (284) 9% (79) 5% (36) 8% (70) 932Gender: Female 2% (223) 29% (304) 26% (272) 9% (204) 5% (57) 059Age: 18-29 2% (76) 20% (73) 24% (86) 22% (77) 3% (48) 360Age: 30-44 3% (58) 23% (00) 29% (30) 30% (35) 5% (20) 443Age: 45-54 7% (58) 30% (03) 29% (0) 9% (65) 5% (8) 345Age: 55-64 26% (98) 37% (4) 20% (76) % (40) 6% (24) 380Age: 65+ 42% (96) 37% (7) 2% (57) 5% (22) 4% (7) 463Generation Z: 18-21 34% (35) 27% (27) 7% (8) 0% (0) 2% (2) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 5% (75) 9% (98) 27% (37) 29% (48) 9% (48) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 5% (76) 28% (42) 30% (55) 23% (6) 5% (24) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 32% (236) 37% (276) 7% (24) 9% (63) 5% (40) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 26% (77) 29% (200) 23% (59) 5% (05) 6% (39) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 20% (29) 28% (8) 23% (49) 2% (34) 9% (55) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 27% (80) 3% (207) 22% (43) 5% (00) 5% (32) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 3% (85) 33% (90) 8% (49) 2% (32) 7% (9) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 23% (92) 27% (0) 27% (0) 8% (73) 5% (2) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 23% (80) 29% (99) 2% (70) 6% (56) % (37) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 6% (49) 27% (82) 26% (78) 26% (78) 6% (8) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 3% (98) 30% (95) 9% (60) 5% (47) 5% (4) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 23% (82) 32% (2) 24% (83) 5% (53) 5% (8) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 25% (58) 28% (79) 25% (62) 7% (07) 6% (35) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 2% (88) 33% (37) 24% (02) 7% (72) 5% (22) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 28% (203) 32% (233) 20% (44) 6% (4) 4% (30) 724Educ: < College 25% (38) 28% (35) 23% (288) 6% (94) 8% (02) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 22% (05) 3% (48) 22% (05) 20% (95) 4% (7) 47Educ: Post-grad 24% (64) 33% (89) 2% (57) 9% (50) 3% (8) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL16_2

Table POL16_2: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Social Security

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 24% (486) 30% (588) 23% (450) 7% (339) 6% (27) 99Income: Under 50k 27% (294) 28% (302) 2% (232) 6% (78) 8% (85) 09Income: 50k-100k 22% (39) 32% (204) 23% (47) 7% (0) 5% (3) 63Income: 100k+ 20% (53) 3% (82) 27% (7) 9% (5) 4% () 268Ethnicity: White 24% (39) 30% (489) 22% (36) 8% (29) 5% (79) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 24% (46) 30% (59) 24% (45) 4% (28) 8% (5) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 28% (70) 26% (66) 9% (49) 3% (33) 4% (34) 252Ethnicity: Other 20% (25) 26% (33) 32% (4) 2% (6) 0% (3) 28Relig: Protestant 26% (32) 37% (93) 9% (99) 4% (74) 4% (9) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 29% (0) 3% (9) 22% (87) 3% (50) 5% (20) 386Relig: Something Else 5% (28) 29% (54) 24% (44) 24% (44) 9% (6) 85Relig: Jewish 36% (23) 25% (6) 2% (3) 9% (6) 8% (5) 64Relig: Evangelical 24% (8) 32% (243) 23% (73) 6% (2) 5% (40) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 27% (89) 37% (23) 7% (55) 4% (48) 4% (5) 330Relig: All Christian 25% (270) 34% (366) 2% (229) 5% (69) 5% (55) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 2% (43) 24% (49) 27% (56) 8% (38) % (22) 209Community: Urban 27% (20) 28% (24) 2% (93) 5% (66) 8% (35) 440Community: Suburban 22% (22) 32% (302) 23% (222) 7% (58) 6% (57) 95Community: Rural 26% (53) 27% (62) 22% (34) 9% (5) 6% (35) 600Employ: Private Sector 8% (07) 28% (70) 27% (65) 22% (34) 4% (26) 603Employ: Government 22% (33) 29% (45) 25% (39) 9% (30) 5% (7) 55Employ: Self-Employed 2% (4) 29% (55) 22% (43) 8% (34) 0% (8) 9Employ: Homemaker 3% (9) 26% (38) 29% (44) 24% (35) 8% (2) 48Employ: Student 23% (7) 24% (8) 28% (2) 5% () % (8) 77Employ: Retired 40% (92) 37% (78) 2% (60) 5% (25) 5% (23) 477Employ: Unemployed 26% (38) 23% (34) 23% (35) 7% (25) % (7) 49Employ: Other 20% (38) 26% (49) 23% (44) 23% (44) 8% (5) 9Military HH: Yes 3% () 34% (2) 8% (66) 3% (45) 4% (4) 358Military HH: No 23% (375) 29% (467) 24% (384) 8% (294) 7% (2) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 3% (239) 30% (237) 9% (50) 4% (09) 6% (48) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 20% (247) 29% (35) 25% (30) 9% (23) 7% (79) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL16_2

Table POL16_2: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Social Security

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 24% (486) 30% (588) 23% (450) 7% (339) 6% (27) 99Trump Job Approve 27% (244) 30% (265) 2% (87) 7% (48) 6% (52) 895Trump Job Disapprove 23% (237) 30% (303) 24% (247) 8% (82) 5% (50) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (53) 27% (35) 2% (0) 6% (76) 5% (24) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 22% (90) 32% (30) 2% (86) 8% (72) 7% (27) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 20% (48) 32% (77) 24% (58) 8% (43) 6% (4) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 24% (89) 29% (227) 24% (89) 8% (39) 5% (37) 78Favorable of Trump 27% (230) 30% (257) 2% (85) 6% (40) 6% (49) 860Unfavorable of Trump 23% (240) 30% (305) 24% (246) 8% (88) 4% (43) 022Very Favorable of Trump 32% (63) 28% (40) 20% (00) 6% (79) 5% (25) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 9% (68) 33% (7) 24% (85) 7% (60) 7% (24) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 20% (43) 35% (75) 2% (45) 8% (39) 6% (3) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 24% (97) 29% (230) 25% (20) 8% (49) 4% (30) 808#1 Issue: Economy 7% (93) 30% (6) 26% (42) 20% (07) 7% (35) 539#1 Issue: Security 32% (32) 3% (28) 8% (74) 3% (54) 6% (25) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (69) 26% (86) 25% (82) 2% (7) 7% (25) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 40% (5) 36% (03) 6% (46) 5% (4) 4% (2) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 20% (20) 23% (23) 33% (33) 20% (20) 4% (4) 0#1 Issue: Education 6% (20) 25% (32) 26% (33) 26% (34) 7% (0) 29#1 Issue: Energy 8% (4) 34% (26) 20% (6) 2% (7) 7% (5) 78#1 Issue: Other 2% (23) 26% (29) 2% (23) 2% (23) 0% () 092018 House Vote: Democrat 25% (89) 30% (225) 25% (86) 5% (5) 5% (37) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 28% (205) 32% (236) 2% (50) 6% (4) 3% (24) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 20% (2) 25% (26) 24% (25) 20% (2) % () 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 8% (7) 25% (00) 22% (88) 22% (89) 3% (5) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 24% (6) 3% (204) 24% (59) 6% (03) 5% (35) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 27% (94) 33% (234) 20% (44) 5% (0) 5% (35) 772016 Vote: Someone else 25% (46) 23% (43) 25% (47) 23% (42) 5% (9) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 20% (85) 25% (07) 24% (00) 20% (83) % (48) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 27% (366) 3% (433) 23% (33) 5% (206) 5% (62) 38Voted in 2014: No 20% (20) 25% (55) 22% (37) 22% (33) % (65) 60

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL16_2

Table POL16_2: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Social Security

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 24% (486) 30% (588) 23% (450) 7% (339) 6% (27) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 25% (203) 30% (245) 24% (98) 7% (36) 5% (43) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 26% (50) 35% (98) 20% (4) 6% (94) 3% (7) 5732012 Vote: Other 27% (2) 3% (24) 29% (23) 8% (6) 5% (4) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (2) 24% (22) 22% (6) 20% (03) 2% (63) 554-Region: Northeast 3% (09) 28% (99) 23% (83) % (40) 7% (25) 3554-Region: Midwest 22% (02) 28% (27) 26% (20) 7% (80) 6% (29) 4574-Region: South 24% (8) 29% (25) 22% (63) 8% (34) 7% (5) 7434-Region: West 22% (95) 34% (47) 9% (84) 20% (86) 5% (23) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL16_3

Table POL16_3: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Medicaid

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (33) 29% (582) 25% (493) 5% (306) 4% (278) 99Gender: Male 2% (9) 3% (287) 22% (206) 2% (6) 4% (3) 932Gender: Female 3% (40) 28% (295) 27% (287) 8% (90) 4% (47) 059Age: 18-29 23% (82) 25% (92) 22% (79) 6% (59) 4% (49) 360Age: 30-44 5% (65) 29% (28) 27% (7) 2% (92) 9% (40) 443Age: 45-54 5% (5) 28% (98) 3% (08) 6% (55) 0% (33) 345Age: 55-64 7% (63) 34% (28) 26% (99) 2% (44) 2% (46) 380Age: 65+ 5% (7) 30% (37) 9% (90) 2% (57) 24% (09) 463Generation Z: 18-21 32% (33) 30% (30) 8% (8) 8% (8) 2% (3) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 8% (89) 26% (34) 24% (20) 2% (06) % (57) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 4% (7) 28% (43) 3% (58) 8% (90) 0% (5) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 6% (7) 3% (226) 23% (7) 2% (92) 8% (33) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 9% (27) 3% (22) 24% (60) 4% (98) 2% (84) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 4% (9) 27% (75) 27% (74) 7% (0) 5% (97) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 7% (4) 29% (95) 24% (59) 5% (98) 5% (97) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 24% (67) 36% (00) 8% (50) % (3) 0% (28) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 5% (60) 28% (2) 27% (0) 7% (68) 4% (55) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 7% (58) 26% (88) 26% (89) 4% (49) 7% (57) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women % (32) 29% (87) 28% (86) 20% (6) 3% (40) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 2% (66) 32% (99) 22% (68) 2% (36) 4% (45) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (48) 28% (96) 26% (9) 8% (62) 5% (52) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 9% (9) 30% (94) 25% (60) 5% (93) 2% (76) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (56) 32% (34) 30% (24) 4% (59) % (48) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 7% (22) 30% (26) 22% (59) 6% (8) 5% (0) 724Educ: < College 8% (225) 28% (347) 24% (299) 6% (98) 5% (84) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 4% (67) 35% (63) 27% (29) 3% (6) % (5) 47Educ: Post-grad 5% (39) 27% (72) 24% (66) 8% (47) 6% (44) 268

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Table POL16_3

Table POL16_3: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Medicaid

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (33) 29% (582) 25% (493) 5% (306) 4% (278) 99Income: Under 50k 20% (25) 28% (302) 24% (262) 6% (73) 3% (40) 09Income: 50k-100k 4% (86) 3% (97) 24% (54) 5% (94) 6% (99) 63Income: 100k+ % (30) 3% (83) 29% (77) 5% (39) 4% (39) 268Ethnicity: White 5% (244) 30% (476) 25% (40) 6% (260) 4% (229) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 22% (43) 29% (57) 24% (47) 2% (24) 2% (23) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 27% (67) 26% (64) 23% (59) % (28) 3% (33) 252Ethnicity: Other 6% (20) 32% (4) 26% (33) 4% (8) 3% (6) 28Relig: Protestant 5% (76) 28% (43) 25% (28) 6% (8) 7% (90) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 9% (72) 36% (40) 20% (79) 3% (50) 2% (46) 386Relig: Something Else 6% (30) 28% (5) 2% (38) 20% (36) 6% (30) 85Relig: Jewish 6% (0) 3% (9) 27% (7) 3% (8) 3% (8) 64Relig: Evangelical 6% (20) 33% (246) 2% (56) 5% (5) 6% (2) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 7% (58) 27% (88) 27% (89) 6% (52) 3% (44) 330Relig: All Christian 6% (77) 3% (334) 23% (245) 5% (66) 5% (65) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 4% (30) 26% (55) 30% (62) 7% (36) 2% (25) 209Community: Urban 2% (93) 30% (32) 20% (87) 5% (66) 4% (62) 440Community: Suburban 4% (32) 3% (294) 26% (245) 5% (39) 5% (4) 95Community: Rural 8% (07) 26% (57) 27% (6) 7% (02) 2% (74) 600Employ: Private Sector 4% (84) 33% (98) 29% (74) 4% (84) 0% (63) 603Employ: Government 20% (3) 27% (42) 27% (42) 5% (24) 0% (6) 55Employ: Self-Employed 7% (32) 26% (50) 25% (47) 4% (28) 8% (35) 9Employ: Homemaker 2% (8) 3% (46) 23% (34) 22% (33) % (7) 48Employ: Student 8% (4) 30% (23) 29% (22) 3% (0) 0% (8) 77Employ: Retired 7% (8) 27% (27) 22% (05) 3% (62) 22% (03) 477Employ: Unemployed 23% (34) 28% (4) 23% (34) 7% (25) 0% (5) 49Employ: Other 20% (38) 29% (55) 8% (35) 22% (42) % (22) 9Military HH: Yes 9% (67) 30% (08) 23% (82) 3% (46) 5% (54) 358Military HH: No 6% (264) 29% (474) 25% (4) 6% (260) 4% (224) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 2% (62) 30% (237) 20% (56) 3% (04) 6% (23) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (70) 29% (345) 28% (337) 7% (202) 3% (55) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL16_3

Table POL16_3: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Medicaid

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (33) 29% (582) 25% (493) 5% (306) 4% (278) 99Trump Job Approve 8% (65) 29% (257) 23% (205) 5% (34) 5% (34) 895Trump Job Disapprove 6% (63) 30% (303) 27% (27) 6% (65) 2% (8) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 20% (99) 27% (33) 22% (06) 5% (76) 5% (76) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 6% (67) 3% (24) 24% (99) 4% (58) 4% (58) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 5% (37) 33% (79) 26% (63) 4% (35) % (25) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 6% (26) 29% (224) 27% (208) 7% (30) 2% (93) 78Favorable of Trump 7% (48) 29% (248) 24% (204) 5% (26) 6% (34) 860Unfavorable of Trump 6% (63) 30% (309) 27% (276) 7% (70) 0% (04) 022Very Favorable of Trump 2% (08) 26% (30) 22% (2) 6% (79) 5% (77) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump % (40) 33% (8) 26% (92) 3% (47) 6% (57) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 4% (30) 32% (68) 27% (58) 6% (34) % (24) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 6% (33) 30% (24) 27% (28) 7% (36) 0% (80) 808#1 Issue: Economy 3% (72) 3% (67) 3% (65) 4% (77) % (59) 539#1 Issue: Security 2% (85) 27% (3) 8% (76) 6% (64) 8% (74) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 4% (48) 30% (00) 26% (86) 8% (59) 2% (39) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 8% (52) 29% (83) 24% (69) % (3) 9% (54) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 22% (22) 33% (33) 24% (24) 4% (4) 7% (7) 0#1 Issue: Education 6% (2) 32% (42) 23% (30) 8% (24) 0% (3) 29#1 Issue: Energy 8% (4) 3% (24) 8% (4) 9% (5) 5% (2) 78#1 Issue: Other 6% (7) 9% (20) 27% (29) 2% (23) 8% (20) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (2) 3% (235) 27% (203) 4% (05) 2% (90) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 7% (2) 3% (229) 23% (70) 5% () 3% (98) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 2% (3) 20% (20) 28% (29) 8% (8) 23% (24) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (75) 25% (98) 23% (90) 8% (72) 6% (64) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 6% (05) 3% (207) 26% (73) 3% (88) 3% (88) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 7% (22) 29% (206) 24% (74) 5% (04) 5% (0) 772016 Vote: Someone else 2% (22) 25% (48) 28% (52) 23% (43) 2% (23) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (82) 29% (2) 22% (93) 7% (70) 3% (57) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (230) 30% (4) 25% (340) 5% (205) 4% (94) 38Voted in 2014: No 7% (0) 28% (7) 25% (53) 7% (0) 4% (84) 60

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Table POL16_3

Table POL16_3: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Medicaid

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (33) 29% (582) 25% (493) 5% (306) 4% (278) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (39) 30% (248) 26% (26) 5% (22) 2% (00) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 5% (85) 3% (76) 22% (23) 6% (94) 6% (94) 5732012 Vote: Other 6% (2) 23% (8) 35% (27) % (8) 5% (2) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8% (94) 27% (40) 25% (26) 6% (82) 4% (73) 554-Region: Northeast 23% (8) 29% (02) 23% (80) 0% (35) 6% (57) 3554-Region: Midwest 4% (66) 34% (53) 25% (4) 5% (68) 2% (56) 4574-Region: South 7% (24) 24% (8) 28% (20) 8% (35) 2% (93) 7434-Region: West 4% (60) 33% (46) 20% (88) 6% (68) 7% (72) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL16_4

Table POL16_4: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Housing assistance

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 2% (234) 2% (44) 30% (60) 20% (395) 7% (347) 99Gender: Male 4% (34) 22% (202) 29% (27) 6% (53) 9% (73) 932Gender: Female 9% (00) 20% (22) 3% (33) 23% (243) 6% (74) 059Age: 18-29 6% (57) 2% (76) 3% (0) 8% (64) 5% (53) 360Age: 30-44 % (47) 8% (8) 32% (42) 26% (6) 3% (57) 443Age: 45-54 2% (4) 9% (66) 3% (08) 22% (75) 6% (54) 345Age: 55-64 % (40) 24% (9) 34% (29) 6% (59) 6% (6) 380Age: 65+ 0% (48) 2% (99) 24% (2) 8% (82) 26% (22) 463Generation Z: 18-21 22% (22) 26% (27) 32% (32) 6% (6) 4% (4) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 3% (65) 9% (95) 30% (5) 24% (23) 4% (7) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 % (54) 8% (94) 33% (68) 24% (2) 5% (75) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 % (79) 22% (64) 30% (225) 6% (2) 20% (50) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 3% (89) 25% (7) 3% (24) 7% (7) 3% (90) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 9% (55) 8% (6) 29% (9) 24% (57) 20% (29) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (90) 9% (27) 30% (96) 8% (2) 9% (28) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (48) 29% (79) 29% (80) 3% (37) 2% (32) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 0% (4) 23% (92) 33% (34) 20% (80) 4% (58) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 0% (34) 8% (63) 30% (04) 9% (66) 22% (76) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 7% (2) 7% (53) 29% (87) 30% (9) 7% (53) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 7% (52) 9% (60) 28% (87) 6% (49) 2% (65) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women % (37) 9% (67) 3% (0) 20% (7) 8% (63) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 3% (84) 22% (40) 33% (20) 20% (26) 3% (82) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 0% (43) 22% (9) 32% (36) 9% (8) 7% (70) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 2% (87) 2% (52) 28% (200) 9% (39) 20% (47) 724Educ: < College 2% (54) 20% (252) 32% (396) 9% (242) 7% (208) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 2% (55) 24% (2) 29% (35) 9% (9) 7% (78) 47Educ: Post-grad 9% (25) 8% (49) 26% (7) 23% (62) 23% (6) 268

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Table POL16_4

Table POL16_4: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Housing assistance

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 2% (234) 2% (44) 30% (60) 20% (395) 7% (347) 99Income: Under 50k 4% (49) 20% (29) 3% (334) 20% (222) 5% (67) 09Income: 50k-100k 9% (58) 22% (40) 3% (95) 9% (2) 9% (7) 63Income: 100k+ 0% (26) 2% (55) 27% (72) 20% (53) 23% (63) 268Ethnicity: White % (72) 20% (325) 3% (496) 20% (328) 8% (290) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 6% (3) 25% (48) 23% (44) 20% (38) 6% (3) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 20% (50) 2% (53) 28% (7) 6% (4) 5% (37) 252Ethnicity: Other 9% (2) 28% (36) 27% (35) 2% (27) 5% (20) 28Relig: Protestant 0% (54) 20% (05) 3% (63) 8% (93) 20% (03) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 2% (46) 23% (87) 3% (8) 7% (67) 8% (69) 386Relig: Something Else % (2) 20% (37) 25% (45) 28% (52) 6% (30) 85Relig: Jewish 5% (0) 4% (9) 30% (9) 2% (3) 20% (3) 64Relig: Evangelical 0% (77) 2% (56) 29% (222) 2% (55) 9% (47) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 3% (43) 22% (73) 32% (04) 7% (55) 7% (55) 330Relig: All Christian % (20) 2% (228) 30% (326) 9% (2) 9% (202) 088Relig: All Non-Christian % (23) 23% (49) 32% (66) 9% (40) 5% (3) 209Community: Urban 5% (67) 24% (05) 30% (30) 7% (74) 4% (63) 440Community: Suburban % (0) 20% (88) 30% (288) 20% (92) 9% (83) 95Community: Rural % (66) 20% (20) 3% (84) 22% (29) 7% (0) 600Employ: Private Sector % (64) 23% (36) 34% (206) 8% (09) 4% (87) 603Employ: Government 5% (24) 9% (30) 29% (44) 20% (3) 7% (26) 55Employ: Self-Employed 0% (9) 9% (36) 30% (57) 20% (38) 2% (4) 9Employ: Homemaker % (7) 8% (27) 25% (37) 29% (44) 6% (24) 48Employ: Student 7% (3) 25% (9) 36% (28) 0% (8) 2% (9) 77Employ: Retired 2% (57) 2% (98) 25% (2) 8% (84) 24% (7) 477Employ: Unemployed 3% (20) 2% (3) 30% (45) 25% (37) % (6) 49Employ: Other 0% (20) 9% (36) 33% (63) 23% (45) 4% (27) 9Military HH: Yes 5% (52) 2% (74) 26% (93) 20% (70) 9% (68) 358Military HH: No % (82) 2% (339) 3% (508) 20% (325) 7% (278) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 4% (2) 23% (76) 26% (202) 7% (3) 2% (6) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 0% (22) 20% (237) 33% (399) 22% (264) 5% (86) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL16_4

Table POL16_4: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Housing assistance

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 2% (234) 2% (44) 30% (60) 20% (395) 7% (347) 99Trump Job Approve 3% (7) 20% (77) 29% (256) 9% (72) 9% (74) 895Trump Job Disapprove % (6) 22% (220) 32% (329) 2% (20) 4% (45) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 6% (77) 7% (86) 28% (37) 9% (94) 9% (95) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 0% (40) 23% (9) 29% (8) 9% (78) 9% (78) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove % (26) 23% (55) 33% (78) 9% (46) 4% (34) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (90) 2% (65) 32% (25) 2% (65) 4% () 78Favorable of Trump 2% (0) 2% (78) 29% (245) 9% (64) 20% (72) 860Unfavorable of Trump 2% (9) 2% (23) 33% (335) 2% (28) 3% (38) 022Very Favorable of Trump 4% (73) 9% (99) 28% (4) 9% (96) 9% (98) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (28) 22% (79) 30% (05) 9% (68) 2% (74) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump % (23) 2% (44) 32% (69) 2% (46) 5% (33) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (96) 2% (69) 33% (266) 2% (72) 3% (05) 808#1 Issue: Economy 0% (5) 22% (7) 33% (76) 2% (4) 5% (80) 539#1 Issue: Security 4% (59) 20% (84) 24% (99) 8% (75) 23% (97) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 9% (30) 9% (64) 3% (02) 23% (78) 8% (59) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 4% (4) 2% (6) 3% (90) 6% (45) 8% (52) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 0% (0) 25% (25) 40% (40) 3% (3) 2% (2) 0#1 Issue: Education 5% (9) 26% (34) 24% (3) 23% (30) 2% (5) 29#1 Issue: Energy 6% (3) 9% (5) 35% (28) 7% (3) 3% (0) 78#1 Issue: Other 0% () 3% (4) 32% (35) 25% (27) 2% (23) 092018 House Vote: Democrat % (87) 23% (76) 33% (248) 8% (37) 4% (05) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 3% (95) 20% (45) 28% (203) 9% (40) 20% (46) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else % (2) 3% (4) 27% (28) 27% (28) 2% (22) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 0% (4) 20% (79) 30% (9) 22% (90) 8% (7) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton % (72) 24% (55) 3% (205) 20% (29) 5% (99) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 3% (95) 9% (38) 29% (209) 8% (29) 20% (45) 772016 Vote: Someone else 0% (9) 5% (28) 3% (58) 24% (45) 20% (38) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote % (47) 22% (92) 3% (30) 2% (90) 5% (65) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 2% (69) 2% (292) 30% (4) 9% (26) 8% (248) 38Voted in 2014: No % (65) 20% (22) 3% (90) 22% (35) 6% (99) 60

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Table POL16_4

Table POL16_4: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Housing assistance

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 2% (234) 2% (44) 30% (60) 20% (395) 7% (347) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama % (9) 22% (80) 32% (265) 2% (70) 4% (9) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (68) 2% (2) 25% (45) 9% () 22% (28) 5732012 Vote: Other 2% (9) 2% (9) 40% (3) 5% () 2% (6) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (66) 20% (03) 3% (6) 20% (03) 6% (83) 554-Region: Northeast 6% (56) 8% (65) 32% (4) 5% (53) 9% (67) 3554-Region: Midwest % (49) 24% (0) 30% (37) 8% (83) 7% (79) 4574-Region: South % (83) 20% (50) 30% (220) 22% (65) 7% (25) 7434-Region: West % (46) 20% (89) 30% (30) 22% (94) 8% (76) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL16_5

Table POL16_5: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Food stamps

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (268) 24% (485) 25% (507) 8% (356) 9% (375) 99Gender: Male 5% (43) 26% (245) 24% (228) 5% (38) 9% (77) 932Gender: Female 2% (24) 23% (240) 26% (279) 2% (28) 9% (98) 059Age: 18-29 5% (56) 23% (85) 26% (92) 7% (62) 8% (66) 360Age: 30-44 4% (62) 26% (5) 25% (0) 22% (95) 3% (60) 443Age: 45-54 5% (5) 2% (72) 30% (05) 20% (68) 4% (49) 345Age: 55-64 3% (48) 25% (95) 26% (00) 6% (6) 20% (76) 380Age: 65+ % (50) 26% (8) 2% (99) 5% (69) 27% (26) 463Generation Z: 18-21 22% (22) 25% (26) 25% (25) % () 8% (8) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 4% (70) 24% (23) 25% (27) 2% (06) 6% (79) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 4% (72) 23% (5) 28% (45) 2% (05) 4% (74) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 2% (85) 25% (86) 24% (8) 6% (6) 23% (7) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (0) 27% (8) 27% (83) 6% (0) 4% (96) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 2% (75) 23% (5) 24% (53) 20% (33) 2% (35) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 2% (82) 23% (53) 26% (70) 7% (3) 22% (44) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 9% (53) 29% (78) 25% (70) 4% (38) 3% (36) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (57) 25% (03) 28% (4) 8% (73) 5% (60) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 3% (43) 25% (85) 24% (82) 6% (54) 23% (78) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women % (32) 22% (67) 23% (7) 26% (78) 9% (58) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 5% (47) 26% (82) 24% (76) 5% (46) 20% (63) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 0% (35) 20% (70) 27% (94) 9% (67) 23% (8) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (94) 27% (74) 27% (73) 7% (07) 5% (94) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (55) 23% (98) 28% (9) 7% (70) 9% (80) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 3% (93) 25% (82) 23% (69) 8% (29) 2% (52) 724Educ: < College 4% (78) 24% (298) 26% (330) 8% (225) 8% (22) 252Educ: Bachelors degree % (54) 27% (29) 26% (23) 6% (73) 20% (92) 47Educ: Post-grad 3% (35) 22% (58) 20% (54) 22% (58) 23% (63) 268

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Table POL16_5

Table POL16_5: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Food stamps

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (268) 24% (485) 25% (507) 8% (356) 9% (375) 99Income: Under 50k 5% (68) 24% (265) 26% (287) 9% (202) 6% (69) 09Income: 50k-100k % (72) 25% (6) 25% (59) 7% (05) 22% (36) 63Income: 100k+ % (28) 22% (60) 23% (6) 8% (49) 26% (70) 268Ethnicity: White 2% (90) 25% (403) 26% (44) 8% (294) 9% (309) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 20% (39) 28% (53) 9% (36) 4% (27) 9% (37) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 2% (54) 2% (54) 23% (59) 8% (44) 7% (42) 252Ethnicity: Other 9% (24) 22% (28) 27% (34) 4% (7) 9% (24) 28Relig: Protestant 2% (60) 24% (22) 24% (24) 7% (90) 23% (20) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 2% (47) 26% (00) 26% (0) 6% (63) 9% (74) 386Relig: Something Else 6% (30) 22% (40) 2% (39) 24% (45) 7% (3) 85Relig: Jewish 6% (0) 25% (6) 28% (8) % (7) 9% (2) 64Relig: Evangelical 2% (92) 24% (82) 24% (82) 8% (39) 2% (62) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 4% (45) 24% (8) 25% (82) 8% (59) 9% (63) 330Relig: All Christian 3% (38) 24% (263) 24% (264) 8% (99) 2% (225) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 3% (28) 27% (55) 33% (68) 5% (32) 2% (26) 209Community: Urban 7% (74) 27% (7) 23% (99) 8% (79) 6% (70) 440Community: Suburban 2% () 24% (228) 26% (250) 7% (59) 2% (204) 95Community: Rural 4% (83) 23% (40) 26% (57) 20% (8) 7% (0) 600Employ: Private Sector 2% (7) 26% (58) 29% (76) 7% (02) 6% (96) 603Employ: Government 7% (27) 23% (36) 27% (42) 3% (20) 9% (30) 55Employ: Self-Employed 2% (23) 22% (42) 25% (49) 9% (37) 22% (4) 9Employ: Homemaker 4% (2) 27% (39) 9% (28) 24% (36) 6% (23) 48Employ: Student 2% (6) 9% (5) 3% (24) % (9) 9% (4) 77Employ: Retired 2% (57) 2% (03) 24% (7) 7% (80) 25% (2) 477Employ: Unemployed 5% (22) 30% (45) 20% (29) 23% (34) 2% (8) 49Employ: Other 6% (3) 25% (48) 22% (43) 20% (39) 6% (30) 9Military HH: Yes 3% (46) 25% (89) 25% (88) 7% (60) 2% (75) 358Military HH: No 4% (222) 24% (396) 26% (49) 8% (296) 8% (30) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (7) 25% (93) 23% (80) 6% (23) 22% (70) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 2% (5) 24% (292) 27% (327) 9% (233) 7% (206) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL16_5

Table POL16_5: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Food stamps

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (268) 24% (485) 25% (507) 8% (356) 9% (375) 99Trump Job Approve 5% (33) 24% (23) 23% (20) 7% (56) 20% (83) 895Trump Job Disapprove 3% (32) 25% (255) 27% (280) 9% (9) 6% (63) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 6% (79) 2% (04) 24% (6) 8% (90) 20% (00) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 3% (55) 27% (08) 23% (94) 6% (66) 2% (83) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 2% (29) 27% (66) 25% (60) 9% (46) 6% (39) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (03) 24% (89) 28% (220) 8% (44) 6% (24) 78Favorable of Trump 4% (6) 24% (209) 24% (207) 7% (45) 2% (83) 860Unfavorable of Trump 3% (30) 25% (257) 28% (283) 9% (99) 5% (52) 022Very Favorable of Trump 5% (77) 22% (0) 24% (20) 8% (9) 2% (08) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump % (39) 28% (99) 25% (87) 5% (54) 2% (75) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 0% (22) 25% (54) 26% (55) 22% (46) 7% (37) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (08) 25% (203) 28% (228) 9% (52) 4% (5) 808#1 Issue: Economy 2% (65) 26% (42) 26% (39) 8% (98) 8% (95) 539#1 Issue: Security 5% (63) 25% (03) 2% (86) 7% (69) 23% (93) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 0% (34) 25% (82) 27% (89) 2% (69) 8% (59) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 4% (40) 2% (62) 30% (88) 4% (39) 2% (60) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 4% (4) 28% (28) 29% (29) 6% (6) 3% (4) 0#1 Issue: Education 20% (26) 26% (33) 24% (3) 8% (23) 3% (6) 29#1 Issue: Energy 5% (2) 24% (8) 9% (5) 22% (7) 20% (6) 78#1 Issue: Other 3% (5) 5% (7) 28% (30) 22% (24) 22% (24) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 4% (02) 26% (97) 29% (26) 7% (24) 5% (4) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 2% (90) 23% (7) 26% (87) 7% (24) 2% (56) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (4) 25% (26) 6% (6) 26% (27) 20% (2) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 5% (6) 23% (90) 22% (86) 20% (8) 20% (82) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (80) 27% (80) 28% (83) 7% (2) 6% (06) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 3% (94) 24% (69) 23% (67) 7% (25) 23% (6) 772016 Vote: Someone else % (2) 9% (35) 29% (54) 23% (42) 9% (35) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 7% (72) 24% (0) 24% (02) 8% (76) 7% (73) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 3% (80) 24% (337) 25% (350) 8% (249) 9% (266) 38Voted in 2014: No 4% (88) 24% (48) 26% (57) 8% (07) 8% (0) 60

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Table POL16_5

Table POL16_5: How confident are you that each of the following will be available to you when you need it?Food stamps

Demographic Very confidentSomewhatconfident

Not tooconfident

Not confidentat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 3% (268) 24% (485) 25% (507) 8% (356) 9% (375) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 3% (09) 25% (208) 27% (224) 7% (43) 7% (40) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 3% (72) 24% (35) 2% (22) 9% (08) 24% (36) 5732012 Vote: Other 3% (0) 8% (4) 32% (25) 7% (3) 9% (5) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (76) 25% (28) 26% (36) 8% (92) 6% (84) 554-Region: Northeast 7% (60) 22% (77) 27% (97) 3% (47) 2% (74) 3554-Region: Midwest 2% (55) 27% (22) 26% (8) 7% (76) 9% (86) 4574-Region: South 3% (99) 23% (68) 25% (88) 2% (56) 8% (3) 7434-Region: West 2% (53) 27% (8) 24% (04) 8% (76) 9% (84) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL17

Table POL17: Do you support or oppose the construction of a border wall along the United States – Mexico border?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (665) 4% (274) 9% (84) 38% (75) 6% (6) 99Gender: Male 36% (340) 5% (44) 0% (94) 33% (3) 5% (43) 932Gender: Female 3% (326) 2% (3) 9% (90) 42% (440) 7% (73) 059Age: 18-29 9% (68) 3% (47) % (40) 48% (72) 9% (33) 360Age: 30-44 26% (5) 6% (70) 0% (42) 42% (84) 7% (32) 443Age: 45-54 38% (32) 7% (59) 9% (29) 30% (02) 6% (22) 345Age: 55-64 39% (47) 4% (53) 9% (35) 35% (33) 3% (2) 380Age: 65+ 44% (203) 0% (46) 8% (38) 35% (60) 4% (7) 463Generation Z: 18-21 6% (7) 5% (5) 3% (3) 52% (52) 4% (4) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 22% () 3% (65) 0% (52) 46% (23) 9% (47) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 34% (74) 8% (92) 8% (42) 33% (69) 7% (35) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 43% (36) 2% (89) 9% (66) 33% (243) 3% (26) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 7% (45) 8% (58) 0% (67) 70% (474) 5% (36) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 26% (66) 6% (03) 3% (8) 37% (239) 9% (59) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 69% (454) 7% (4) 5% (36) 6% (37) 3% (2) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 6% (6) 2% (34) 3% (36) 65% (79) 4% () 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 7% (29) 6% (24) 8% (3) 73% (296) 6% (25) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 28% (95) 7% (59) 2% (43) 34% (7) 8% (28) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 23% (7) 4% (44) 3% (39) 40% (2) 0% (3) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 72% (228) 6% (52) 5% (6) 5% (5) % (4) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 65% (226) 8% (62) 6% (20) 6% (22) 5% (7) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 9% (58) 7% (48) % (70) 69% (444) 3% (22) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 24% (00) 9% (78) 3% (53) 39% (63) 6% (27) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 65% (468) 7% (25) 6% (44) 9% (68) 3% (9) 724Educ: < College 35% (443) 4% (79) 9% (09) 34% (424) 8% (97) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 3% (46) 3% (62) % (52) 42% (97) 3% (4) 47Educ: Post-grad 29% (76) 3% (34) 8% (23) 49% (30) 2% (5) 268Income: Under 50k 30% (33) 5% (59) 9% (99) 38% (42) 8% (90) 09Income: 50k-100k 37% (23) 3% (84) 9% (55) 38% (24) 3% (20) 63Income: 100k+ 38% (03) 2% (32) % (30) 36% (98) 2% (6) 268

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Table POL17

Table POL17: Do you support or oppose the construction of a border wall along the United States – Mexico border?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (665) 4% (274) 9% (84) 38% (75) 6% (6) 99Ethnicity: White 39% (622) 5% (235) 8% (33) 34% (552) 4% (68) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 22% (42) 4% (27) 5% (28) 40% (77) 9% (8) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 7% (8) 9% (23) 6% (40) 54% (37) 4% (34) 252Ethnicity: Other 20% (26) 2% (6) 8% () 48% (62) % (4) 28Relig: Protestant 46% (236) 6% (83) 7% (37) 28% (46) 3% (6) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 39% (49) 5% (56) 9% (36) 33% (28) 4% (6) 386Relig: Something Else 22% (4) % (2) 0% (9) 47% (88) 8% (6) 85Relig: Jewish 24% (5) 2% (8) 0% (6) 52% (33) 2% () 64Relig: Evangelical 33% (25) 4% (06) 9% (66) 39% (298) 5% (36) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 53% (75) 6% (54) 8% (26) 9% (63) 3% () 330Relig: All Christian 39% (426) 5% (60) 8% (92) 33% (36) 4% (47) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 37% (77) 6% (34) 8% (6) 30% (62) 9% (9) 209Community: Urban 23% (03) 2% (55) % (47) 45% (96) 9% (39) 440Community: Suburban 35% (33) 2% (8) 9% (90) 38% (366) 5% (46) 95Community: Rural 39% (23) 7% (02) 8% (47) 3% (88) 5% (32) 600Employ: Private Sector 32% (95) 5% (93) 3% (76) 37% (22) 3% (8) 603Employ: Government 33% (5) 5% (24) 7% () 4% (63) 4% (6) 55Employ: Self-Employed 36% (69) 3% (24) 5% (9) 38% (72) 9% (7) 9Employ: Homemaker 33% (48) % (6) 8% (2) 39% (57) 9% (4) 48Employ: Student 9% (7) 4% () 0% (7) 6% (47) 6% (5) 77Employ: Retired 40% (92) % (55) 8% (40) 36% (72) 4% (9) 477Employ: Unemployed 32% (47) 5% (22) 8% (2) 32% (47) 4% (20) 49Employ: Other 29% (56) 6% (30) 9% (7) 37% (7) 9% (7) 9Military HH: Yes 47% (67) % (39) 8% (29) 32% (5) 2% (8) 358Military HH: No 3% (499) 4% (235) 0% (55) 39% (636) 7% (08) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 65% (508) 7% (34) 7% (54) 6% (50) 5% (36) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (57) 2% (40) % (30) 58% (70) 7% (8) 209Trump Job Approve 67% (604) 9% (7) 6% (49) 5% (4) 3% (30) 895Trump Job Disapprove 5% (5) 9% (94) 2% (27) 68% (694) 5% (53) 020

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Morning ConsultTable POL17

Table POL17: Do you support or oppose the construction of a border wall along the United States – Mexico border?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (665) 4% (274) 9% (84) 38% (75) 6% (6) 99Trump Job Strongly Approve 90% (44) 4% (9) 2% () 2% (2) 2% (8) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 40% (63) 38% (52) 0% (39) 7% (29) 6% (23) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 0% (25) 23% (54) 7% (40) 42% (99) 9% (2) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (27) 5% (40) % (87) 76% (594) 4% (33) 78Favorable of Trump 7% (608) 9% (63) 4% (3) 4% (3) 3% (27) 860Unfavorable of Trump 4% (44) 0% (04) 3% (37) 67% (689) 5% (48) 022Very Favorable of Trump 89% (453) 5% (27) 2% (0) 2% () % (6) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 44% (55) 38% (36) 6% (22) 6% (2) 6% (2) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 9% (9) 28% (60) 2% (45) 32% (68) 0% (22) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (24) 5% (44) % (92) 77% (62) 3% (26) 808#1 Issue: Economy 27% (47) 9% (03) 0% (53) 38% (203) 6% (33) 539#1 Issue: Security 76% (35) 0% (43) 3% () 8% (35) 2% (9) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 6% (52) 3% (43) % (37) 53% (77) 7% (23) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 30% (86) 6% (46) % (33) 37% (06) 6% (7) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 6% (6) 9% (9) % () 59% (59) 5% (5) 0#1 Issue: Education 0% (2) 3% (7) 8% (24) 49% (64) 9% (2) 29#1 Issue: Energy 4% () 0% (8) 9% (7) 66% (52) % () 78#1 Issue: Other 23% (26) 5% (5) 8% (9) 50% (54) 4% (5) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 4% (33) 8% (63) % (80) 72% (546) 4% (32) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 69% (504) 8% (33) 5% (36) 6% (42) 2% (2) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 25% (26) 2% (22) 3% (4) 26% (27) 4% (4) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 25% (0) 4% (56) 4% (54) 33% (32) 4% (57) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 3% (23) 7% (48) 2% (77) 73% (484) 4% (29) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 72% (55) 8% (33) 4% (3) 3% (22) 2% (7) 772016 Vote: Someone else 6% (29) 8% (34) 8% (34) 40% (76) 8% (5) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 23% (97) 4% (60) 0% (42) 40% (69) 3% (55) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 36% (494) 4% (87) 9% (3) 37% (57) 4% (52) 38Voted in 2014: No 28% (7) 4% (88) 9% (53) 38% (234) % (64) 60

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Table POL17

Table POL17: Do you support or oppose the construction of a border wall along the United States – Mexico border?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (665) 4% (274) 9% (84) 38% (75) 6% (6) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama % (9) % (9) 2% (99) 60% (499) 5% (45) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 68% (392) 7% (00) 5% (3) 7% (4) 2% (0) 5732012 Vote: Other 5% (39) 5% (2) 5% (4) 23% (7) 6% (4) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 28% (43) 4% (72) 0% (50) 38% (94) % (56) 554-Region: Northeast 3% (09) % (38) % (38) 4% (45) 7% (24) 3554-Region: Midwest 30% (39) 5% (68) 9% (42) 39% (79) 6% (29) 4574-Region: South 39% (286) 4% (07) 7% (55) 34% (249) 6% (45) 7434-Region: West 30% (3) 4% (6) % (48) 4% (77) 4% (8) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL18

Table POL18: As you may know, the Trump administration and Congress reached an agreement to reopen the government for three weeks untilFebruary 15th, 2019. This deal did not include dedicated funds for a wall along the United States – Mexico border. Do you support or oppose thisagreement to reopen the government?





Don’t Know/NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (00) 25% (497) 8% (5) 7% (42) 0% (9) 99Gender: Male 46% (428) 28% (260) 0% (89) 8% (79) 8% (75) 932Gender: Female 55% (582) 22% (237) 6% (62) 6% (63) % (5) 059Age: 18-29 4% (48) 2% (77) 0% (34) 0% (36) 8% (66) 360Age: 30-44 5% (227) 25% (0) 7% (30) 6% (25) % (5) 443Age: 45-54 49% (7) 28% (96) 7% (25) 7% (24) 8% (29) 345Age: 55-64 5% (94) 28% (05) 8% (29) 7% (25) 7% (26) 380Age: 65+ 58% (270) 24% (09) 7% (33) 7% (32) 4% (20) 463Generation Z: 18-21 32% (32) 22% (22) 3% (3) 6% (7) 7% (7) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 48% (242) 22% () 9% (44) 6% (32) 5% (76) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 50% (256) 27% (40) 6% (3) 7% (36) 9% (49) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 54% (399) 26% (93) 8% (58) 6% (47) 6% (42) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 67% (456) 5% (05) 4% (27) 7% (46) 7% (47) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 46% (300) 25% (6) 8% (54) 6% (36) 5% (97) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 38% (254) 35% (23) % (70) 9% (60) 7% (47) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 62% (72) 9% (5) 7% (9) 6% (7) 6% (6) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 70% (285) 3% (54) 2% (8) 7% (29) 8% (3) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 43% (46) 26% (90) 0% (34) 7% (24) 4% (49) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 50% (54) 23% (7) 7% (20) 4% (2) 6% (48) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 35% () 38% (9) 2% (36) 2% (38) 3% (0) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (43) 32% (2) 0% (34) 6% (22) 0% (37) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 66% (427) 4% (93) 6% (38) 7% (44) 6% (40) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 54% (226) 25% (07) 7% (27) 4% (7) 0% (44) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 38% (272) 36% (259) % (80) 9% (68) 6% (44) 724Educ: < College 47% (590) 26% (320) 8% (95) 8% (97) 2% (50) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 56% (262) 24% (5) 7% (32) 7% (3) 6% (30) 47Educ: Post-grad 59% (57) 23% (63) 9% (24) 5% (4) 4% () 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL18

Table POL18: As you may know, the Trump administration and Congress reached an agreement to reopen the government for three weeks untilFebruary 15th, 2019. This deal did not include dedicated funds for a wall along the United States – Mexico border. Do you support or oppose thisagreement to reopen the government?





Don’t Know/NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (00) 25% (497) 8% (5) 7% (42) 0% (9) 99Income: Under 50k 48% (529) 24% (26) 7% (75) 8% (83) 3% (44) 09Income: 50k-100k 54% (339) 25% (6) 9% (54) 7% (46) 5% (3) 63Income: 100k+ 53% (42) 28% (75) 8% (22) 5% (3) 6% (6) 268Ethnicity: White 52% (840) 26% (44) 7% (8) 7% (08) 8% (30) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 44% (84) 2% (4) % (2) % (2) 4% (26) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 46% (5) 20% (52) 0% (25) 0% (25) 4% (36) 252Ethnicity: Other 42% (54) 24% (3) 6% (8) 7% (9) 20% (25) 28Relig: Protestant 53% (275) 28% (45) 8% (42) 7% (35) 4% (20) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 52% (200) 27% (05) 7% (27) 5% (20) 8% (33) 386Relig: Something Else 50% (92) 24% (45) 6% () 5% (9) 5% (28) 85Relig: Jewish 6% (39) 7% () 0% (6) 8% (5) 3% (2) 64Relig: Evangelical 54% (42) 25% (89) 6% (47) 6% (43) 9% (67) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 47% (55) 32% (06) 0% (33) 7% (22) 4% (4) 330Relig: All Christian 52% (567) 27% (295) 7% (80) 6% (65) 7% (8) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 43% (89) 29% (60) 8% (7) 5% () 5% (32) 209Community: Urban 54% (239) 9% (85) 7% (32) 8% (36) % (47) 440Community: Suburban 52% (495) 25% (242) 8% (74) 6% (6) 8% (80) 95Community: Rural 46% (276) 28% (70) 8% (45) 7% (45) % (64) 600Employ: Private Sector 50% (300) 28% (70) 9% (53) 7% (43) 6% (38) 603Employ: Government 49% (75) 28% (43) 7% () 9% (3) 7% () 55Employ: Self-Employed 43% (82) 23% (44) 0% (9) 7% (4) 7% (33) 9Employ: Homemaker 52% (77) 24% (35) 5% (8) 7% (0) 2% (8) 48Employ: Student 38% (29) 29% (22) 8% (6) % (8) 5% () 77Employ: Retired 59% (283) 24% (5) 6% (27) 6% (29) 5% (24) 477Employ: Unemployed 48% (7) 2% (3) 8% (2) 9% (3) 5% (22) 49Employ: Other 49% (93) 20% (38) 8% (5) 6% () 8% (34) 9Military HH: Yes 47% (68) 28% (0) % (38) 8% (28) 6% (23) 358Military HH: No 52% (842) 24% (396) 7% (3) 7% (4) 0% (68) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL18

Table POL18: As you may know, the Trump administration and Congress reached an agreement to reopen the government for three weeks untilFebruary 15th, 2019. This deal did not include dedicated funds for a wall along the United States – Mexico border. Do you support or oppose thisagreement to reopen the government?





Don’t Know/NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (00) 25% (497) 8% (5) 7% (42) 0% (9) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 37% (292) 33% (258) % (88) 9% (69) 0% (76) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 59% (78) 20% (239) 5% (63) 6% (74) 9% (5) 209Trump Job Approve 37% (333) 35% (30) % (0) 9% (78) 8% (73) 895Trump Job Disapprove 65% (664) 7% (7) 5% (46) 6% (6) 8% (77) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 37% (8) 3% (50) 4% (67) 4% (68) 5% (24) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 37% (5) 40% (6) 9% (35) 2% (0) 2% (49) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 47% (2) 25% (59) 8% (8) 6% (5) 4% (34) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 7% (552) 4% (2) 4% (28) 6% (46) 6% (43) 78Favorable of Trump 38% (326) 35% (304) % (97) 9% (74) 7% (60) 860Unfavorable of Trump 64% (657) 7% (77) 5% (48) 6% (57) 8% (83) 022Very Favorable of Trump 40% (205) 30% (53) 3% (65) 3% (64) 4% (20) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 34% (2) 43% (5) 9% (32) 3% () % (40) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 42% (89) 25% (54) 9% (9) 5% () 9% (4) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 70% (568) 5% (23) 4% (30) 6% (46) 5% (4) 808#1 Issue: Economy 49% (263) 27% (44) 8% (42) 7% (36) 0% (54) 539#1 Issue: Security 38% (57) 32% (32) % (44) 3% (54) 6% (25) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 56% (86) 24% (79) 4% (3) 5% (7) 2% (38) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 64% (84) 2% (62) 6% (9) 2% (4) 7% (20) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 54% (54) 7% (7) 0% (0) 6% (6) 2% (2) 0#1 Issue: Education 44% (57) 28% (36) 8% (0) 6% (8) 4% (9) 29#1 Issue: Energy 64% (5) 4% () 9% (7) 0% (8) 3% (2) 78#1 Issue: Other 53% (58) 5% (6) 6% (6) 8% (9) 8% (20) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 70% (530) 6% (2) 2% (9) 5% (4) 6% (43) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 38% (277) 34% (249) 3% (96) 9% (66) 6% (40) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 43% (45) 24% (25) % () 4% (4) 9% (9) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 39% (57) 25% (98) 6% (25) 8% (3) 22% (87) 400

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL18

Table POL18: As you may know, the Trump administration and Congress reached an agreement to reopen the government for three weeks untilFebruary 15th, 2019. This deal did not include dedicated funds for a wall along the United States – Mexico border. Do you support or oppose thisagreement to reopen the government?





Don’t Know/NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 5% (00) 25% (497) 8% (5) 7% (42) 0% (9) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 7% (47) 4% (95) 3% (22) 5% (36) 6% (38) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 36% (260) 37% (264) 2% (87) 8% (60) 6% (46) 772016 Vote: Someone else 52% (97) 25% (46) 9% (6) 3% (6) % (2) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 43% (8) 22% (92) 6% (26) 9% (39) 20% (86) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 54% (746) 25% (347) 8% (09) 6% (84) 7% (96) 38Voted in 2014: No 43% (264) 25% (50) 7% (43) 0% (58) 6% (95) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 67% (55) 7% (42) 4% (34) 5% (39) 7% (60) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 38% (26) 36% (208) 2% (7) 9% (50) 5% (27) 5732012 Vote: Other 30% (23) 35% (27) 2% (9) 8% (7) 5% () 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 42% (29) 23% (20) 7% (37) 9% (47) 8% (92) 554-Region: Northeast 56% (20) 2% (76) 7% (24) 8% (27) 8% (28) 3554-Region: Midwest 52% (239) 25% (5) 6% (27) 6% (29) 0% (47) 4574-Region: South 46% (338) 27% (202) 9% (65) 8% (60) 0% (78) 7434-Region: West 53% (232) 24% (04) 8% (34) 6% (27) 9% (38) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL19

Table POL19: As you may know, President Trump is considering shutting the government down again if Democrats and Republicans in Congresscannot come to an agreement to provide funding for his proposed U.S. - Mexico border wall. Based on what you know now, would you support oroppose President Trump shutting down the government again?





Don’t Know/NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (370) 4% (282) 9% (84) 50% (997) 8% (58) 99Gender: Male 22% (206) 6% (47) 0% (94) 44% (408) 8% (77) 932Gender: Female 6% (64) 3% (35) 9% (90) 56% (589) 8% (80) 059Age: 18-29 0% (35) 4% (50) 8% (30) 53% (90) 5% (56) 360Age: 30-44 6% (69) 3% (59) 9% (42) 52% (23) 9% (4) 443Age: 45-54 22% (76) 5% (50) 0% (36) 45% (55) 8% (28) 345Age: 55-64 2% (80) 5% (56) 0% (37) 50% (90) 4% (7) 380Age: 65+ 24% (0) 5% (67) 9% (40) 50% (230) 3% (6) 463Generation Z: 18-21 9% (0) 2% (2) 3% (3) 49% (49) 7% (7) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 3% (66) 3% (65) 8% (40) 55% (277) % (58) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 9% (95) 5% (77) 0% (53) 47% (239) 9% (48) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 24% (77) 5% () 9% (69) 48% (352) 4% (30) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 3% (23) 4% (30) 5% (35) 82% (562) 5% (3) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 4% (88) 2% (78) % (74) 5% (333) 2% (75) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 39% (260) 26% (74) % (75) 5% (02) 8% (52) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 4% () 7% (8) 7% (9) 77% (2) 6% (6) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 3% (2) 3% (2) 4% (6) 87% (35) 4% (5) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 7% (58) 3% (44) 3% (43) 45% (54) 3% (43) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 0% (30) % (35) 0% (30) 59% (79) 0% (32) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 44% (37) 27% (86) 0% (3) 4% (43) 6% (8) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 35% (23) 25% (88) 3% (44) 7% (59) 0% (34) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (32) 7% (45) 6% (36) 77% (492) 6% (36) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) % (47) 3% (53) 0% (43) 58% (245) 8% (32) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 38% (276) 24% (73) 2% (84) 20% (48) 6% (43) 724Educ: < College 9% (238) 5% (83) 0% (25) 46% (580) 0% (26) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 8% (87) 4% (68) 8% (35) 55% (260) 5% (2) 47Educ: Post-grad 7% (45) 2% (32) 9% (24) 59% (57) 4% (0) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL19

Table POL19: As you may know, President Trump is considering shutting the government down again if Democrats and Republicans in Congresscannot come to an agreement to provide funding for his proposed U.S. - Mexico border wall. Based on what you know now, would you support oroppose President Trump shutting down the government again?





Don’t Know/NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (370) 4% (282) 9% (84) 50% (997) 8% (58) 99Income: Under 50k 6% (73) 3% (39) 9% (99) 5% (56) % (9) 09Income: 50k-100k 2% (3) 5% (96) 0% (66) 50% (34) 4% (25) 63Income: 100k+ 25% (66) 8% (48) 7% (9) 45% (22) 5% (4) 268Ethnicity: White 22% (348) 6% (250) 9% (45) 47% (762) 7% (05) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 2% (22) 4% (27) % (2) 49% (94) 4% (28) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 4% (0) 7% (7) % (27) 67% (68) 2% (29) 252Ethnicity: Other 9% (2) 2% (5) 9% (2) 52% (66) 8% (23) 28Relig: Protestant 26% (33) 7% (88) % (56) 43% (220) 4% (9) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 22% (87) 5% (59) 9% (33) 46% (78) 8% (30) 386Relig: Something Else 2% (22) % (20) 9% (7) 53% (97) 5% (28) 85Relig: Jewish 0% (7) 5% (0) % (7) 60% (38) 4% (2) 64Relig: Evangelical 8% (37) 4% (06) 9% (65) 5% (388) 8% (6) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 32% (05) 9% (6) 2% (4) 32% (07) 5% (6) 330Relig: All Christian 22% (242) 5% (67) 0% (06) 46% (495) 7% (77) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 20% (4) 3% (27) % (23) 45% (95) % (22) 209Community: Urban 3% (58) % (50) 8% (34) 58% (254) 0% (43) 440Community: Suburban 9% (8) 4% (34) 9% (86) 5% (487) 7% (63) 95Community: Rural 22% (3) 6% (98) % (64) 43% (256) 9% (5) 600Employ: Private Sector 2% (25) 5% (87) 0% (58) 50% (299) 6% (34) 603Employ: Government 8% (28) 4% (22) 3% (20) 53% (82) 2% (2) 55Employ: Self-Employed 2% (40) 8% (34) 9% (8) 38% (73) 4% (27) 9Employ: Homemaker 3% (9) 20% (30) 9% (3) 49% (72) 0% (4) 48Employ: Student 6% (4) 3% (0) 8% (7) 60% (46) 3% (0) 77Employ: Retired 23% (08) 2% (59) 8% (40) 53% (253) 4% (8) 477Employ: Unemployed 5% (23) 3% (9) 7% (0) 48% (72) 7% (25) 49Employ: Other 2% (23) % (22) 0% (9) 52% (00) 4% (28) 9Military HH: Yes 28% (00) 6% (59) 9% (32) 4% (47) 6% (20) 358Military HH: No 7% (270) 4% (224) 9% (52) 52% (850) 8% (38) 633

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Morning ConsultTable POL19

Table POL19: As you may know, President Trump is considering shutting the government down again if Democrats and Republicans in Congresscannot come to an agreement to provide funding for his proposed U.S. - Mexico border wall. Based on what you know now, would you support oroppose President Trump shutting down the government again?





Don’t Know/NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (370) 4% (282) 9% (84) 50% (997) 8% (58) 99RD/WT: Right Direction 39% (304) 25% (95) 2% (93) 4% (09) 0% (80) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 5% (66) 7% (87) 8% (9) 73% (888) 6% (77) 209Trump Job Approve 39% (348) 27% (243) 3% (5) 3% (4) 8% (75) 895Trump Job Disapprove 2% (20) 3% (35) 6% (65) 84% (854) 5% (46) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 60% (294) 23% (3) 6% (30) 5% (26) 5% (27) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 3% (54) 32% (3) 2% (85) 22% (89) 2% (48) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 3% (8) 9% (2) 5% (37) 66% (57) 7% (7) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (2) 2% (3) 4% (28) 89% (697) 4% (30) 78Favorable of Trump 4% (349) 28% (243) 3% (0) % (98) 7% (60) 860Unfavorable of Trump 2% (5) 3% (34) 7% (67) 84% (855) 5% (50) 022Very Favorable of Trump 58% (295) 24% (23) 7% (35) 6% (32) 5% (23) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 5% (54) 34% (2) 2% (75) 9% (66) % (37) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 3% (7) 0% (22) 6% (34) 60% (29) % (23) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump % (8) 2% (2) 4% (34) 90% (726) 3% (27) 808#1 Issue: Economy 4% (76) 6% (86) 0% (52) 52% (282) 8% (43) 539#1 Issue: Security 46% (92) 24% (98) 0% (42) 4% (59) 5% (22) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 8% (28) 6% (20) 9% (3) 67% (222) 9% (3) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 4% (4) 2% (35) 0% (28) 58% (68) 6% (7) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 7% (7) 5% (5) 8% (8) 63% (64) 7% (7) 0#1 Issue: Education 4% (5) 0% (3) 0% (3) 62% (80) 4% (8) 29#1 Issue: Energy 8% (7) 0% (8) 3% (3) 73% (57) 5% (4) 78#1 Issue: Other 3% (4) 7% (7) 7% (7) 59% (64) 5% (6) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (7) 3% (23) 5% (39) 86% (646) 4% (28) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 4% (298) 28% (202) % (82) 5% (06) 6% (4) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 9% (9) 3% (4) % () 5% (53) 5% (6) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote % (46) % (43) 3% (5) 47% (89) 8% (72) 400

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL19

Table POL19: As you may know, President Trump is considering shutting the government down again if Democrats and Republicans in Congresscannot come to an agreement to provide funding for his proposed U.S. - Mexico border wall. Based on what you know now, would you support oroppose President Trump shutting down the government again?





Don’t Know/NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (370) 4% (282) 9% (84) 50% (997) 8% (58) 992016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (4) 2% (6) 6% (37) 87% (574) 3% (2) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (296) 29% (205) % (79) 2% (88) 7% (49) 772016 Vote: Someone else 7% (2) 0% (8) 2% (22) 66% (23) 6% () 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote % (47) 0% (43) % (46) 50% (2) 8% (76) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 20% (28) 5% (2) 9% (24) 50% (692) 5% (72) 38Voted in 2014: No 5% (89) 2% (7) 0% (60) 50% (305) 4% (86) 602012 Vote: Barack Obama 6% (5) 7% (55) 7% (55) 76% (629) 4% (35) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 38% (220) 26% (50) 3% (74) 7% (99) 5% (30) 5732012 Vote: Other 27% (2) 23% (8) 8% (6) 33% (25) 9% (7) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (78) 2% (60) 9% (48) 47% (243) 7% (86) 554-Region: Northeast 6% (57) % (39) 0% (35) 56% (98) 8% (27) 3554-Region: Midwest 6% (74) 3% (60) 9% (42) 55% (25) 7% (30) 4574-Region: South 22% (62) 7% (23) 9% (66) 45% (332) 8% (6) 7434-Region: West 8% (77) 4% (60) 0% (42) 50% (26) 9% (40) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL20

Table POL20: If the federal government were to shut down again after February 15th, who would you say would be mostly to blame?

DemographicRepublicans in

CongressDemocrats inCongress President Trump

Don’t Know/NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (7) 37% (737) 49% (975) 0% (209) 99Gender: Male 5% (44) 4% (380) 44% (407) % (0) 932Gender: Female 3% (27) 34% (356) 54% (568) 0% (08) 059Age: 18-29 7% (25) 24% (86) 53% (90) 7% (59) 360Age: 30-44 4% (20) 29% (28) 53% (236) 3% (59) 443Age: 45-54 3% (9) 4% (43) 45% (54) % (39) 345Age: 55-64 2% (7) 42% (6) 46% (76) 9% (36) 380Age: 65+ 2% () 47% (28) 47% (29) 3% (5) 463Generation Z: 18-21 8% (8) 2% (22) 57% (58) 4% (4) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 5% (26) 25% (28) 53% (270) 6% (82) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 4% (9) 38% (95) 47% (238) 2% (60) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 2% (8) 45% (335) 45% (336) 7% (50) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 3% (2) 9% (59) 82% (557) 6% (44) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 4% (25) 29% (88) 50% (323) 7% (2) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (25) 74% (490) 4% (94) 8% (53) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 6% (6) 0% (29) 75% (206) 9% (25) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen % (5) 7% (30) 87% (35) 5% (9) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (5) 34% (7) 45% (55) 6% (56) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 3% (0) 23% (7) 55% (68) 8% (56) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (4) 75% (235) 5% (46) 6% (20) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 3% () 73% (255) 4% (49) 9% (33) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (3) 0% (67) 78% (499) 7% (44) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 4% (7) 28% (6) 57% (239) 2% (49) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 2% (7) 72% (58) 8% (28) 8% (6) 724Educ: < College 4% (48) 38% (474) 45% (568) 3% (63) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 3% (4) 38% (78) 52% (246) 7% (34) 47Educ: Post-grad 4% (0) 32% (85) 60% (6) 5% (2) 268Income: Under 50k 4% (4) 32% (348) 50% (55) 4% (5) 09Income: 50k-100k 3% (9) 42% (265) 48% (305) 7% (43) 63Income: 100k+ 4% (2) 46% (24) 44% (9) 5% (4) 268

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Table POL20

Table POL20: If the federal government were to shut down again after February 15th, who would you say would be mostly to blame?

DemographicRepublicans in

CongressDemocrats inCongress President Trump

Don’t Know/NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (7) 37% (737) 49% (975) 0% (209) 99Ethnicity: White 3% (47) 42% (678) 46% (740) 9% (45) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 7% (4) 30% (58) 49% (94) 4% (27) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 7% (9) 3% (34) 64% (62) 5% (38) 252Ethnicity: Other 4% (5) 9% (24) 57% (73) 20% (26) 28Relig: Protestant 2% (3) 52% (269) 39% (203) 6% (32) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 4% (5) 4% (59) 46% (77) 9% (35) 386Relig: Something Else 4% (7) 24% (44) 59% (08) 4% (25) 85Relig: Jewish 9% (6) 3% (20) 54% (34) 5% (3) 64Relig: Evangelical 3% (24) 37% (278) 5% (389) 9% (67) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 3% () 59% (94) 30% (99) 8% (26) 330Relig: All Christian 3% (35) 43% (472) 45% (488) 8% (92) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 4% (7) 36% (74) 43% (90) 8% (37) 209Community: Urban 4% (7) 25% (0) 58% (254) 3% (59) 440Community: Suburban 4% (34) 39% (374) 49% (47) 8% (72) 95Community: Rural 3% (20) 42% (253) 42% (250) 3% (77) 600Employ: Private Sector 3% (2) 38% (227) 50% (300) 9% (55) 603Employ: Government 7% () 36% (55) 49% (75) 9% (4) 55Employ: Self-Employed 5% (9) 45% (85) 36% (69) 4% (28) 9Employ: Homemaker 4% (6) 37% (54) 49% (72) 0% (6) 48Employ: Student 9% (7) 5% (2) 63% (49) 2% (9) 77Employ: Retired 2% () 43% (207) 49% (235) 5% (25) 477Employ: Unemployed 4% (5) 35% (52) 45% (67) 6% (24) 49Employ: Other — () 23% (44) 56% (07) 20% (39) 9Military HH: Yes 4% (4) 48% (73) 42% (50) 6% (22) 358Military HH: No 4% (58) 35% (564) 5% (825) % (87) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 4% (30) 72% (559) 2% (96) 2% (96) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (4) 5% (77) 73% (878) 9% (2) 209Trump Job Approve 3% (3) 74% (662) 0% (94) 2% (09) 895Trump Job Disapprove 4% (40) 6% (63) 84% (855) 6% (62) 020

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Morning ConsultTable POL20

Table POL20: If the federal government were to shut down again after February 15th, who would you say would be mostly to blame?

DemographicRepublicans in

CongressDemocrats inCongress President Trump

Don’t Know/NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (7) 37% (737) 49% (975) 0% (209) 99Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (5) 87% (424) 5% (24) 5% (27) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (6) 59% (238) 7% (70) 20% (82) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 4% (0) 5% (35) 67% (60) 5% (35) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (3) 4% (28) 89% (696) 3% (26) 78Favorable of Trump 3% (28) 76% (652) 0% (85) % (95) 860Unfavorable of Trump 4% (40) 7% (70) 83% (852) 6% (6) 022Very Favorable of Trump 3% (7) 84% (427) 6% (3) 6% (3) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% () 63% (224) 5% (54) 8% (64) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 5% () 6% (34) 6% (30) 8% (39) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 4% (28) 4% (35) 89% (72) 3% (22) 808#1 Issue: Economy 3% (6) 35% (89) 52% (279) 0% (54) 539#1 Issue: Security 2% (9) 77% (39) 5% (62) 6% (23) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 5% (5) 9% (65) 63% (208) 3% (44) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 5% (4) 3% (9) 56% (62) 8% (22) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 9% (9) 5% (5) 59% (60) 7% (7) 0#1 Issue: Education 2% (3) 7% (2) 63% (8) 8% (24) 29#1 Issue: Energy 3% (2) 8% (4) 72% (56) 8% (6) 78#1 Issue: Other 2% (3) 20% (22) 6% (66) 7% (8) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 4% (32) 6% (47) 86% (644) 4% (30) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 4% (26) 77% (559) 2% (87) 8% (56) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 2% (2) 27% (28) 45% (47) 26% (27) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 3% () 26% (03) 49% (95) 23% (9) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (28) 6% (38) 86% (570) 4% (24) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 3% (24) 78% (557) 0% (73) 9% (63) 772016 Vote: Someone else 4% (7) 23% (44) 58% (08) 5% (28) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 3% (2) 23% (97) 53% (223) 22% (93) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 4% (5) 40% (556) 49% (676) 7% (98) 38Voted in 2014: No 3% (2) 30% (8) 49% (299) 8% (0) 60

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL20

Table POL20: If the federal government were to shut down again after February 15th, who would you say would be mostly to blame?

DemographicRepublicans in

CongressDemocrats inCongress President Trump

Don’t Know/NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (7) 37% (737) 49% (975) 0% (209) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 4% (33) 3% (09) 77% (633) 6% (5) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (2) 76% (434) 5% (87) 7% (40) 5732012 Vote: Other 4% (3) 57% (44) 22% (7) 7% (3) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (24) 29% (50) 46% (238) 20% (04) 554-Region: Northeast 4% (3) 33% (7) 55% (95) 9% (30) 3554-Region: Midwest 3% (4) 3% (44) 54% (249) % (5) 4574-Region: South 4% (27) 43% (322) 42% (32) % (83) 7434-Region: West 4% (8) 35% (54) 50% (29) 0% (44) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL21

Table POL21: As you may know, President Trump has considered declaring a national emergency at the U.S. – Mexico border. By doing this, he wouldbe able to reallocate military spending to build a structure at the border for national defense purposes. Based on what you know now, do you supportor oppose the declaration of a national emergency at the U.S. – Mexico border?

Demographic Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Total N

Registered Voters 24% (483) 8% (358) 8% (359) 40% (792) 99Gender: Male 27% (255) 20% (9) 7% (59) 35% (327) 932Gender: Female 22% (228) 6% (67) 9% (200) 44% (464) 059Age: 18-29 4% (5) 8% (66) 20% (73) 47% (70) 360Age: 30-44 2% (94) 6% (72) 9% (85) 43% (92) 443Age: 45-54 26% (89) 2% (74) 8% (63) 35% (9) 345Age: 55-64 27% (03) 8% (69) 22% (82) 33% (25) 380Age: 65+ 3% (46) 7% (77) 2% (56) 40% (85) 463Generation Z: 18-21 % () 20% (20) 8% (8) 5% (52) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 8% (90) 6% (82) 22% (09) 44% (225) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 24% (25) 20% (02) 8% (9) 38% (95) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 30% (224) 8% (33) 7% (28) 34% (254) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 5% (3) 8% (55) 2% (42) 67% (453) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 8% (4) 9% (20) 2% (39) 42% (275) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 5% (338) 28% (83) 2% (78) 0% (64) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 6% (7) % (30) 23% (63) 60% (66) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (4) 6% (25) 20% (79) 7% (287) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 20% (68) 22% (74) 9% (65) 40% (35) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 5% (46) 5% (46) 24% (74) 46% (39) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 54% (70) 28% (87) 0% (32) 8% (26) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 48% (68) 28% (96) 3% (46) % (38) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7% (45) 9% (57) 9% (24) 65% (45) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 5% (64) 8% (76) 22% (92) 45% (89) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 48% (35) 27% (92) 2% (89) 3% (92) 724Educ: < College 25% (37) 9% (233) 20% (249) 36% (454) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 24% (2) 7% (8) 6% (74) 43% (203) 47Educ: Post-grad 20% (54) 6% (44) 3% (36) 50% (34) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL21

Table POL21: As you may know, President Trump has considered declaring a national emergency at the U.S. – Mexico border. By doing this, he wouldbe able to reallocate military spending to build a structure at the border for national defense purposes. Based on what you know now, do you supportor oppose the declaration of a national emergency at the U.S. – Mexico border?

Demographic Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Total N

Registered Voters 24% (483) 8% (358) 8% (359) 40% (792) 99Income: Under 50k 22% (238) 8% (94) 2% (224) 40% (436) 09Income: 50k-100k 26% (65) 8% (3) 6% (99) 40% (255) 63Income: 100k+ 30% (8) 9% (5) 3% (35) 38% (0) 268Ethnicity: White 28% (452) 9% (309) 6% (255) 37% (593) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 9% (36) 2% (40) 22% (42) 39% (75) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 5% (2) % (27) 34% (86) 50% (27) 252Ethnicity: Other 4% (8) 6% (2) 4% (8) 56% (72) 28Relig: Protestant 33% (73) 20% (06) 5% (80) 3% (58) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 3% (9) 8% (69) 5% (57) 36% (40) 386Relig: Something Else 3% (24) 8% (33) 9% (36) 50% (93) 85Relig: Jewish 8% () 7% () 5% (9) 50% (32) 64Relig: Evangelical 24% (78) 8% (34) 6% (2) 43% (325) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 42% (38) 22% (74) 6% (52) 20% (66) 330Relig: All Christian 29% (36) 9% (208) 6% (73) 36% (39) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 25% (53) 22% (46) 2% (44) 32% (66) 209Community: Urban 8% (78) 5% (67) 2% (92) 46% (203) 440Community: Suburban 26% (248) 7% (63) 6% (56) 40% (384) 95Community: Rural 26% (57) 2% (27) 8% () 34% (205) 600Employ: Private Sector 25% (48) 9% (5) 2% (27) 35% (23) 603Employ: Government 23% (36) 20% (32) 6% (25) 40% (62) 55Employ: Self-Employed 22% (43) 2% (4) 5% (28) 42% (80) 9Employ: Homemaker 24% (36) 6% (24) 6% (24) 44% (65) 48Employ: Student 9% (7) 6% (3) 2% (9) 63% (48) 77Employ: Retired 30% (44) 5% (72) 2% (57) 43% (204) 477Employ: Unemployed 23% (35) 23% (34) 24% (36) 30% (45) 49Employ: Other 8% (35) 5% (28) 28% (54) 39% (74) 9Military HH: Yes 37% (3) 7% (62) 2% (43) 34% (2) 358Military HH: No 22% (352) 8% (295) 9% (36) 4% (670) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 49% (383) 29% (223) 4% (09) 8% (66) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 8% (00) % (34) 2% (250) 60% (725) 209

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Morning ConsultTable POL21

Table POL21: As you may know, President Trump has considered declaring a national emergency at the U.S. – Mexico border. By doing this, he wouldbe able to reallocate military spending to build a structure at the border for national defense purposes. Based on what you know now, do you supportor oppose the declaration of a national emergency at the U.S. – Mexico border?

Demographic Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Total N

Registered Voters 24% (483) 8% (358) 8% (359) 40% (792) 99Trump Job Approve 50% (445) 30% (269) 3% (2) 7% (6) 895Trump Job Disapprove 3% (32) 8% (77) 2% (28) 68% (693) 020Trump Job Strongly Approve 73% (356) 20% (00) 4% (9) 3% (5) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 22% (89) 42% (69) 25% (02) % (46) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 6% (4) 9% (46) 36% (87) 39% (93) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (9) 4% (3) 7% (3) 77% (600) 78Favorable of Trump 52% (444) 30% (260) 2% (04) 6% (52) 860Unfavorable of Trump 3% (28) 8% (83) 22% (224) 67% (686) 022Very Favorable of Trump 7% (358) 22% (3) 3% (7) 4% (9) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 24% (86) 42% (48) 24% (87) 9% (33) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 7% (4) 20% (42) 40% (85) 34% (73) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (4) 5% (4) 7% (40) 76% (63) 808#1 Issue: Economy 9% (0) 9% (05) 23% (2) 39% (22) 539#1 Issue: Security 58% (24) 25% (02) 8% (32) 9% (37) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 9% (29) 4% (45) 23% (78) 54% (80) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 2% (6) 9% (55) 7% (49) 43% (24) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues % () 5% (5) 23% (23) 52% (52) 0#1 Issue: Education 8% () 5% (9) 2% (28) 56% (72) 29#1 Issue: Energy % (8) 0% (8) 7% (3) 62% (49) 78#1 Issue: Other 9% (20) 8% (9) 3% (4) 60% (66) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 3% (20) 7% (52) 8% (37) 72% (544) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 53% (384) 28% (206) % (82) 8% (57) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 2% (3) 27% (28) 23% (24) 38% (39) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 6% (65) 8% (7) 29% (4) 37% (49) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (5) 7% (47) 9% (26) 7% (472) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 54% (385) 29% (209) % (77) 6% (45) 772016 Vote: Someone else 7% (3) 6% (30) 27% (50) 50% (94) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 6% (69) 6% (70) 25% (06) 42% (80) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 26% (36) 8% (25) 6% (26) 40% (553) 38Voted in 2014: No 20% (22) 8% (07) 23% (43) 39% (238) 60

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table POL21

Table POL21: As you may know, President Trump has considered declaring a national emergency at the U.S. – Mexico border. By doing this, he wouldbe able to reallocate military spending to build a structure at the border for national defense purposes. Based on what you know now, do you supportor oppose the declaration of a national emergency at the U.S. – Mexico border?

Demographic Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Total N

Registered Voters 24% (483) 8% (358) 8% (359) 40% (792) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 9% (70) 0% (80) 9% (60) 62% (54) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 48% (274) 29% (65) 2% (67) 2% (67) 5732012 Vote: Other 34% (26) 28% (2) 8% (4) 20% (5) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (2) 8% (9) 23% (8) 38% (94) 554-Region: Northeast 2% (75) 8% (63) 8% (64) 43% (54) 3554-Region: Midwest 20% (90) 8% (83) 2% (94) 42% (90) 4574-Region: South 30% (220) 8% (34) 8% (32) 35% (257) 7434-Region: West 22% (98) 8% (78) 6% (69) 44% (9) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable Q172

Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?





Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 25% (490) 20% (406) 2% (239) 39% (78) 4% (76) 99Gender: Male 26% (247) 23% (28) % (07) 35% (322) 4% (39) 932Gender: Female 23% (243) 8% (88) 2% (32) 43% (459) 4% (37) 059Age: 18-29 4% (52) 9% (70) 2% (76) 36% (30) 9% (32) 360Age: 30-44 22% (99) 2% (9) 3% (55) 4% (8) 4% (6) 443Age: 45-54 24% (84) 24% (84) 2% (43) 36% (23) 4% (2) 345Age: 55-64 28% (08) 20% (77) 9% (33) 40% (54) 2% (8) 380Age: 65+ 32% (47) 8% (84) 7% (32) 42% (93) 2% (8) 463Generation Z: 18-21 2% (2) 23% (23) 8% (9) 40% (40) 6% (7) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 9% (97) 9% (96) 6% (83) 38% (93) 7% (36) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 22% (5) 23% (9) 4% (7) 37% (9) 3% (6) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 32% (235) 9% (39) 8% (58) 40% (292) 2% (4) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 4% (25) 8% (55) 3% (86) 73% (498) 2% (7) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 6% (0) 23% (49) 8% (7) 37% (237) 7% (44) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 55% (364) 3% (202) 5% (36) 7% (46) 2% (4) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 3% (9) 3% (36) % (3) 68% (88) 4% (2) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (6) 5% (9) 4% (55) 76% (30) % (5) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 8% (6) 24% (83) 8% (6) 33% (3) 7% (24) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 3% (40) 22% (66) 8% (56) 40% (24) 7% (20) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 56% (76) 3% (99) 5% (6) 7% (2) % (3) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 54% (87) 30% (03) 6% (2) 7% (25) 3% (2) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (39) 0% (66) % (69) 7% (455) 2% (4) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 5% (63) 22% (92) 8% (75) 4% (72) 5% (20) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 50% (365) 29% (209) 9% (63) % (77) % (0) 724Educ: < College 26% (324) 2% (269) 2% (5) 36% (448) 5% (60) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 24% () 20% (94) 3% (59) 42% (98) 2% (9) 47Educ: Post-grad 20% (55) 6% (44) % (29) 50% (34) 2% (6) 268Income: Under 50k 24% (259) 9% (204) 2% (28) 40% (44) 5% (59) 09Income: 50k-100k 25% (59) 22% (40) 3% (83) 38% (239) 2% () 63Income: 100k+ 27% (72) 23% (62) % (28) 38% (0) 2% (6) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019


Table Q172

Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?





Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 25% (490) 20% (406) 2% (239) 39% (78) 4% (76) 99Ethnicity: White 28% (457) 22% (360) % (76) 36% (573) 3% (44) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 20% (38) 22% (43) 3% (24) 38% (73) 8% (5) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 6% (6) 9% (23) 6% (40) 6% (54) 8% (9) 252Ethnicity: Other 2% (6) 8% (23) 8% (22) 42% (54) 0% (3) 28Relig: Protestant 33% (72) 26% (35) 7% (38) 32% (64) % (7) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 3% (9) 6% (64) 4% (55) 36% (40) 2% (9) 386Relig: Something Else 4% (25) 8% (33) % (2) 5% (94) 7% (3) 85Relig: Jewish 23% (4) 2% (8) 3% (8) 53% (34) — (0) 64Relig: Evangelical 23% (76) 9% (43) 2% (88) 43% (329) 3% (22) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 43% (40) 27% (89) 8% (26) 2% (68) 2% (6) 330Relig: All Christian 29% (36) 2% (232) 0% (4) 37% (398) 3% (28) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 3% (64) 20% (42) 3% (27) 30% (64) 6% (3) 209Community: Urban 6% (72) 20% (87) 2% (54) 47% (208) 4% (9) 440Community: Suburban 24% (232) 9% (85) 3% (24) 40% (378) 3% (33) 95Community: Rural 3% (85) 22% (34) 0% (6) 33% (95) 4% (24) 600Employ: Private Sector 26% (54) 22% (33) 4% (8) 36% (27) 3% (7) 603Employ: Government 2% (32) 22% (34) 7% (26) 36% (56) 4% (6) 55Employ: Self-Employed 23% (44) 22% (4) 2% (23) 37% (7) 6% (2) 9Employ: Homemaker 27% (40) 9% (28) 0% (5) 4% (6) 3% (4) 48Employ: Student 9% (7) 2% (6) 7% (3) 50% (39) 3% (2) 77Employ: Retired 30% (43) 7% (83) 7% (32) 43% (207) 2% (2) 477Employ: Unemployed 22% (32) 22% (33) 3% (20) 32% (48) % (6) 49Employ: Other 9% (37) 20% (38) 5% (28) 42% (8) 4% (7) 9Military HH: Yes 37% (32) 8% (63) % (38) 33% (20) % (5) 358Military HH: No 22% (358) 2% (342) 2% (20) 40% (66) 4% (7) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 53% (45) 34% (267) 6% (44) 4% (29) 3% (27) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 6% (74) % (39) 6% (96) 62% (752) 4% (48) 209Trump Job Approve 55% (490) 45% (406) — (0) — (0) — (0) 895Trump Job Disapprove — (0) — (0) 23% (239) 77% (78) — (0) 020

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Morning ConsultTable Q172

Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?





Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 25% (490) 20% (406) 2% (239) 39% (78) 4% (76) 99Trump Job Strongly Approve 00% (490) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve — (0) 00% (406) — (0) — (0) — (0) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove — (0) — (0) 00% (239) — (0) — (0) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove — (0) — (0) — (0) 00% (78) — (0) 78Favorable of Trump 54% (467) 39% (334) 3% (23) 2% (7) 2% (8) 860Unfavorable of Trump % (2) 5% (55) 20% (200) 72% (733) 2% (23) 022Very Favorable of Trump 86% (437) 0% (5) % (5) 2% () — (2) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (30) 80% (283) 5% (8) 2% (6) 5% (6) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump % (2) 2% (45) 59% (26) 0% (22) 9% (20) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump % (9) % (0) 9% (74) 88% (7) — (3) 808#1 Issue: Economy 8% (98) 25% (33) 7% (94) 35% (86) 5% (28) 539#1 Issue: Security 63% (262) 2% (88) 5% (22) 9% (39) % (3) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 0% (35) 8% (60) 3% (42) 55% (82) 4% (3) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 9% (55) 2% (6) 8% (22) 49% (4) 4% () 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (8) 22% (22) 6% (6) 49% (49) 6% (6) 0#1 Issue: Education 6% (8) 20% (26) 7% (22) 55% (7) 2% (2) 29#1 Issue: Energy % (8) 9% (7) 3% (0) 68% (53) — (0) 78#1 Issue: Other 5% (6) 8% (9) 0% () 54% (59) 2% (3) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (2) 7% (5) % (83) 79% (595) 2% (3) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 55% (399) 3% (223) 8% (56) 5% (38) 2% (2) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 7% (7) 3% (32) 25% (26) 33% (34) 4% (5) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 8% (7) 25% (98) 8% (73) 28% (3) % (44) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (2) 5% (32) 2% (79) 80% (530) % (8) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 56% (402) 3% (222) 7% (52) 4% (28) 2% (3) 772016 Vote: Someone else 2% (4) 29% (55) 20% (38) 44% (82) 5% (9) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 7% (7) 23% (97) 7% (70) 33% (40) % (46) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 26% (362) 20% (270) % (45) 42% (575) 2% (29) 38Voted in 2014: No 2% (28) 22% (35) 5% (94) 34% (206) 8% (47) 60

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Table Q172

Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?





Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 25% (490) 20% (406) 2% (239) 39% (78) 4% (76) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 6% (50) % (92) 2% (03) 68% (564) 2% (5) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 52% (298) 30% (70) 8% (46) 8% (45) 3% (5) 5732012 Vote: Other 30% (23) 34% (26) 2% (9) 7% (3) 7% (5) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23% (7) 23% (7) 6% (82) 3% (58) 8% (40) 554-Region: Northeast 20% (72) 8% (64) 2% (43) 47% (67) 3% (9) 3554-Region: Midwest 9% (88) 22% (0) 5% (67) 40% (84) 4% (8) 4574-Region: South 3% (232) 20% (50) 2% (87) 33% (245) 4% (29) 7434-Region: West 22% (97) 2% (9) 0% (43) 42% (84) 4% (20) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable Q172NET

Table Q172NET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?

Demographic Total Approve Total DissaproveDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (895) 5% (020) 4% (76) 99Gender: Male 50% (464) 46% (429) 4% (39) 932Gender: Female 4% (43) 56% (59) 4% (37) 059Age: 18-29 34% (22) 57% (206) 9% (32) 360Age: 30-44 43% (90) 53% (237) 4% (6) 443Age: 45-54 48% (67) 48% (66) 4% (2) 345Age: 55-64 49% (85) 49% (87) 2% (8) 380Age: 65+ 50% (23) 48% (224) 2% (8) 463Generation Z: 18-21 35% (36) 58% (59) 6% (7) 0Millennial: Age 22-37 38% (94) 55% (276) 7% (36) 506Generation X: Age 38-53 46% (234) 5% (262) 3% (6) 52Boomers: Age 54-72 5% (374) 47% (35) 2% (4) 739PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (80) 86% (584) 2% (7) 68PID: Ind (no lean) 39% (250) 55% (354) 7% (44) 648PID: Rep (no lean) 85% (566) 2% (82) 2% (4) 662PID/Gender: DemMen 6% (45) 79% (29) 4% (2) 275PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% (35) 90% (365) % (5) 405PID/Gender: Ind Men 42% (44) 5% (74) 7% (24) 342PID/Gender: Ind Women 34% (05) 59% (80) 7% (20) 306PID/Gender: Rep Men 88% (275) 2% (37) % (3) 34PID/Gender: Rep Women 83% (29) 3% (46) 3% (2) 348Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (05) 82% (523) 2% (4) 642Ideo: Moderate (4) 37% (55) 59% (247) 5% (20) 422Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 79% (574) 9% (40) % (0) 724Educ: < College 47% (592) 48% (599) 5% (60) 252Educ: Bachelors degree 43% (205) 55% (257) 2% (9) 47Educ: Post-grad 37% (98) 6% (63) 2% (6) 268Income: Under 50k 42% (464) 52% (569) 5% (59) 09Income: 50k-100k 47% (298) 5% (322) 2% () 63Income: 100k+ 50% (33) 48% (29) 2% (6) 268

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Table Q172NET

Table Q172NET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?

Demographic Total Approve Total DissaproveDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (895) 5% (020) 4% (76) 99Ethnicity: White 5% (87) 47% (749) 3% (44) 60Ethnicity: Hispanic 42% (80) 50% (97) 8% (5) 93Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 5% (39) 77% (94) 8% (9) 252Ethnicity: Other 3% (39) 59% (76) 0% (3) 28Relig: Protestant 60% (308) 39% (202) % (7) 57Relig: Roman Catholic 47% (83) 50% (95) 2% (9) 386Relig: Something Else 3% (58) 62% (4) 7% (3) 85Relig: Jewish 35% (22) 65% (42) — (0) 64Relig: Evangelical 42% (39) 55% (47) 3% (22) 758Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 70% (230) 28% (94) 2% (6) 330Relig: All Christian 50% (548) 47% (5) 3% (28) 088Relig: All Non-Christian 50% (05) 44% (9) 6% (3) 209Community: Urban 36% (59) 60% (262) 4% (9) 440Community: Suburban 44% (47) 53% (502) 3% (33) 95Community: Rural 53% (320) 43% (257) 4% (24) 600Employ: Private Sector 48% (287) 50% (299) 3% (7) 603Employ: Government 43% (66) 53% (82) 4% (6) 55Employ: Self-Employed 44% (85) 49% (95) 6% (2) 9Employ: Homemaker 46% (68) 5% (76) 3% (4) 48Employ: Student 30% (23) 67% (52) 3% (2) 77Employ: Retired 47% (226) 50% (239) 2% (2) 477Employ: Unemployed 44% (65) 46% (68) % (6) 49Employ: Other 39% (75) 57% (09) 4% (7) 9Military HH: Yes 54% (95) 44% (58) % (5) 358Military HH: No 43% (700) 53% (862) 4% (7) 633RD/WT: Right Direction 87% (682) 9% (72) 3% (27) 782RD/WT: Wrong Track 8% (23) 78% (948) 4% (48) 209Trump Job Approve 00% (895) — (0) — (0) 895Trump Job Disapprove — (0) 00% (020) — (0) 020

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Morning ConsultTable Q172NET

Table Q172NET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?

Demographic Total Approve Total DissaproveDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (895) 5% (020) 4% (76) 99Trump Job Strongly Approve 00% (490) — (0) — (0) 490Trump Job Somewhat Approve 00% (406) — (0) — (0) 406Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove — (0) 00% (239) — (0) 239Trump Job Strongly Disapprove — (0) 00% (78) — (0) 78Favorable of Trump 93% (802) 5% (40) 2% (8) 860Unfavorable of Trump 7% (67) 9% (932) 2% (23) 022Very Favorable of Trump 96% (489) 3% (6) — (2) 507Somewhat Favorable of Trump 89% (33) 7% (24) 5% (6) 354Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 22% (47) 69% (47) 9% (20) 25Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (9) 97% (785) — (3) 808#1 Issue: Economy 43% (23) 52% (280) 5% (28) 539#1 Issue: Security 85% (350) 5% (6) % (3) 43#1 Issue: Health Care 29% (95) 67% (224) 4% (3) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 40% (5) 56% (63) 4% () 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 29% (30) 65% (65) 6% (6) 0#1 Issue: Education 26% (34) 72% (93) 2% (2) 29#1 Issue: Energy 20% (5) 80% (63) — (0) 78#1 Issue: Other 23% (25) 65% (7) 2% (3) 092018 House Vote: Democrat 8% (63) 90% (678) 2% (3) 7532018 House Vote: Republican 85% (622) 3% (94) 2% (2) 7282018 House Vote: Someone else 38% (39) 58% (60) 4% (5) 042018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 43% (70) 47% (86) % (44) 4002016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 7% (44) 92% (609) % (8) 662016 Vote: Donald Trump 87% (624) % (80) 2% (3) 772016 Vote: Someone else 3% (59) 64% (20) 5% (9) 872016 Vote: Didnt Vote 40% (67) 50% (20) % (46) 424Voted in 2014: Yes 46% (632) 52% (720) 2% (29) 38Voted in 2014: No 43% (263) 49% (300) 8% (47) 60

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Table Q172NET

Table Q172NET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?

Demographic Total Approve Total DissaproveDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (895) 5% (020) 4% (76) 992012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (42) 8% (667) 2% (5) 8252012 Vote: Mitt Romney 82% (468) 6% (90) 3% (5) 5732012 Vote: Other 65% (50) 29% (22) 7% (5) 772012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 46% (235) 47% (240) 8% (40) 554-Region: Northeast 38% (36) 59% (20) 3% (9) 3554-Region: Midwest 4% (89) 55% (25) 4% (8) 4574-Region: South 5% (382) 45% (332) 4% (29) 7434-Region: West 43% (88) 52% (227) 4% (20) 435Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultRespondent Demographics Summary

Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemAll Registered Voters 99 00%

xdemGender Gender: Male 932 47%Gender: Female 059 53%

N 99

age5 Age: 18-29 360 8%Age: 30-44 443 22%Age: 45-54 345 7%Age: 55-64 380 9%Age: 65+ 463 23%

N 99

demAgeGeneration Generation Z: 18-21 0 5%Millennial: Age 22-37 506 25%

Generation X: Age 38-53 52 26%Boomers: Age 54-72 739 37%

N 858

xpid3 PID: Dem (no lean) 68 34%PID: Ind (no lean) 648 33%PID: Rep (no lean) 662 33%

N 99

xpidGender PID/Gender: DemMen 275 4%PID/Gender: DemWomen 405 20%

PID/Gender: Ind Men 342 7%PID/Gender: Ind Women 306 5%

PID/Gender: Rep Men 34 6%PID/Gender: Rep Women 348 7%

N 99

xdemIdeo3 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 642 32%Ideo: Moderate (4) 422 2%

Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 724 36%N 788

xeduc3 Educ: < College 252 63%Educ: Bachelors degree 47 24%

Educ: Post-grad 268 3%N 99

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemInc3 Income: Under 50k 09 55%Income: 50k-100k 63 32%

Income: 100k+ 268 3%N 99

xdemWhite Ethnicity: White 60 8%

xdemHispBin Ethnicity: Hispanic 93 0%

demBlackBin Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 252 3%

demRaceOther Ethnicity: Other 28 6%

xrelNet Relig: Protestant 57 26%Relig: Roman Catholic 386 9%Relig: Something Else 85 9%

N 088

xreligion1 Relig: Jewish 64 3%

xreligion2 Relig: Evangelical 758 38%Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 330 7%

N 088

xreligion3 Relig: All Christian 088 55%Relig: All Non-Christian 209 0%

N 296

xdemUsr Community: Urban 440 22%Community: Suburban 95 48%

Community: Rural 600 30%N 99

xdemEmploy Employ: Private Sector 603 30%Employ: Government 55 8%

Employ: Self-Employed 9 0%Employ: Homemaker 48 7%

Employ: Student 77 4%Employ: Retired 477 24%

Employ: Unemployed 49 7%Employ: Other 9 0%

N 99

xdemMilHH1 Military HH: Yes 358 8%Military HH: No 633 82%

N 99

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Morning ConsultRespondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

xnr1 RD/WT: Right Direction 782 39%RD/WT: Wrong Track 209 6%

N 99

Trump_Approve Trump Job Approve 895 45%Trump Job Disapprove 020 5%

N 95

Trump_Approve2 Trump Job Strongly Approve 490 25%Trump Job Somewhat Approve 406 20%

Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 239 2%Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 78 39%

N 95

Trump_Fav Favorable of Trump 860 43%Unfavorable of Trump 022 5%

N 883

Trump_Fav_FULL Very Favorable of Trump 507 25%Somewhat Favorable of Trump 354 8%

Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 25 %Very Unfavorable of Trump 808 4%

N 883

xnr3 #1 Issue: Economy 539 27%#1 Issue: Security 43 2%

#1 Issue: Health Care 333 7%#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 289 5%

#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 0 5%#1 Issue: Education 29 6%

#1 Issue: Energy 78 4%#1 Issue: Other 09 5%

N 99

xsubVote18O 2018 House Vote: Democrat 753 38%2018 House Vote: Republican 728 37%

2018 House Vote: Someone else 04 5%2018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 400 20%

N 985

xsubVote16O 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 66 33%2016 Vote: Donald Trump 77 36%2016 Vote: Someone else 87 9%2016 Vote: Didnt Vote 424 2%

N 989

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National Tracking Poll #190211, February, 2019Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

xsubVote14O Voted in 2014: Yes 38 69%Voted in 2014: No 60 3%

N 99

xsubVote12O 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 825 4%2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 573 29%

2012 Vote: Other 77 4%2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 55 26%

N 990

xreg4 4-Region: Northeast 355 8%4-Region: Midwest 457 23%

4-Region: South 743 37%4-Region: West 435 22%

N 99

Note: Group proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. All statistics are calcu-lated with demographic post-strati cation weights applied.


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