National Examinations 2010, QAAET, Bahrain, English, grade 6, paper 3 ts

© 2010 QAAET Tapescript BH/ENG6/3 Tapescript of the Listening CD KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN QUALITY ASSURANCE AUTHORITY for EDUCATION and TRAINING National Examinations Unit Grade 6 National Examinations May 2010 Exam English Tapescript of Paper 3


Bahrain National Examinations 2010 Specimen, Arabic, Quality Assurance Authority for Education and Training

Transcript of National Examinations 2010, QAAET, Bahrain, English, grade 6, paper 3 ts

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Quality Assurance Authority

Kingdom of Bahrain National Tests

[This is the Kingdom of Bahrain National Examination in the English Language

Grade 6 Live Test Version 3 Listening Test You will hear each part twice. At the beginning of each recording you will hear this sound (beep). For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the

questions and time for you to check your answers. Write your answers on the question paper. Open your question paper now. The test is about to begin.]

Grade 6 Listening Test 2010 Test 3

(5 second pause)

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Part 1 Questions 1 – 5 You will hear 5 short recordings. For each recording there is a question and three pictures A, B and C. Circle the correct letter. Pause 2” Before we start, here is an example. What did the man buy? Pause 5” M I got most of the shopping. I got the orange juice and a loaf of bread, but there wasn’t any

milk. They didn’t have any potatoes either. F But what about the rice? M Ah… I forgot. I’ll go back for it. F Oh don’t worry. I’ll go. Pause 2” The man bought orange juice and a loaf of bread, so there is a circle around the letter A. Pause 2” You now have 30 seconds to look at Questions 1 – 5. Pause 30” Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. Pause 2” Question 1 Where is the TV remote control? Pause 5” (beep) * M: Sasha, where’s the remote control for the TV? I want to watch the football match.

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F: Isn’t it on the coffee table? M: No, it’s not there. F: Maybe it fell on the floor? M: No, I’ve checked. F: Look under the cushions on the sofa then. Dad sometimes puts it there. M: Great! You’re right! Thanks, Sasha. ** Pause 5” Now listen again. Repeat from * to ** Pause 10” Question 2 Which girl is Petra’s cousin? Pause 5” (beep) * F: Look at this photo, Saed. It’s me and all my friends at the sports club. Do you remember

when I had long hair? And my cousin is there as well. M: Is she the girl with curly blonde hair and glasses? F: No, that’s my friend Alina. My cousin’s got dark hair. But she wears glasses too. M: I remember her now. ** Pause 5” Now listen again. Repeat from * to ** Pause 10” Question 3 What does the girl want to do? Pause 5” (beep)

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* M: As it’s your birthday today, shall we go out for a meal? F: That’d be nice. But I think I’d prefer to have a picnic in the park rather than go to a

restaurant. M: Great. I’m sure your mother would enjoy that. F: Yes, it’d make a lovely change from eating at home. And then afterwards we could play

ball games. ** Pause 5” Now listen again. Repeat from * to ** Pause 10” Question 4 What did the boy have to eat? Pause 5” (beep) * F: Did you have lunch in town, Paul, or can I make you a sandwich? M: It’s OK, thanks grandma. I went into that new café beside the post office with some

friends and we had a lovely chicken salad. F: That’s nice. I had some tomato soup. In fact, there’s plenty left if you feel like some later

on. M: Thanks, grandma. ** Pause 5” Now listen again. Repeat from * to ** Pause 10” Question 5 What is Tony going to do next? Pause 5”

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(beep) * M1: Tony, you’ve been watching that film for ages. Isn’t it time you went and did your

homework? M2: I’m going to, Dad. But Mum’s using the computer and I’ve got to type up my history essay. M1: Don’t you have any other work? M2: I’ve got a story to read for English. M1: Then do it now. It’s getting very late. M2: Ok. ** Pause 5” Now listen again. Repeat from * to ** Pause 30” Now turn to Part 2. ™ Part 2 Questions 6 – 10 You will hear a teacher called Miss Jones talking to her class. She gives each of her students a pet to take home for their school holidays. What does each child have to look after? Write a letter (A – H) next to each child. There are two extra letters that you do not need to use.

Pause 2”

Before we start, here is an example.

Pause 2”

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W: Hello everyone. Now as this is the last day of the term, some of your parents have

agreed that you can take home one of our classroom pets to look after during the

school holiday. Maisie – now I know you want to have the rabbit.

M Yes please, Miss Jones.

Pause 2”

Maisie will take the rabbit, so the letter H is next to Maisie.

Pause 2”

You now have 30 seconds to look at Questions 6 – 10.

Pause 30”

Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.

Pause 2”



W: Hello everyone. Now as this is the last day of the term, some of your parents have

agreed that you can take home one of our classroom pets to look after during the

school holiday. Maisie – now I know you want to have the rabbit.

M Yes please, Miss Jones.

W: Lewis, last holiday you had the goldfish, but this time I’d like you to take the cat. He’s

in a large box so he’s quite easy to carry and when you get home, let him run around

the house.

L: Yes, Miss Jones.

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W: Now Rosie, I know you’ve looked after the chicken all term, so I think it’s best if you

take her home as she knows you. She’s quite happy inside her cage, but she’ll wake

you up early every morning!

T: Thank you, Miss Jones.

W: Tom – your mother doesn’t want anything that’s going to make a noise, so you

certainly can’t have one of the birds! I’d like you to take the goldfish. Be careful

carrying the bowl and try to keep as much water in as possible.

T: I’ll be very careful, Miss Jones.

W: Mary, your parents said you can have something small to look after. So I’m giving you

the mouse. She’s very young and tiny and no trouble. There’re toys in her box and

she gets plenty of exercise playing with them.

M: But Miss Jones, there’s a dog in the flat next door.

W: Don’t worry, just keep the box on the shelf or a table. And finally Antony.

You asked me about one of the birds, so I think you’ll enjoy having the parrot which is

more fun than the songbird. He’s a clever bird and says quite few words, but please

don’t teach him anything rude!

A: Thanks Miss Jones


Pause 10” Now listen again. Repeat from * to ** Pause 30” Now turn to Part 3a.

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Part 3a Questions 11 – 15. You will hear a phone message about a party. Complete the notes. Before we start, here is an example. Hi, this is Jacinta. I’m phoning about Rima’s birthday next Wednesday. Rima’s birthday is next Wednesday so ‘next Wednesday’ is written after ‘Rima’s birthday’. You now have 30 seconds to look at questions 11 – 15. Pause 30” Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. Pause 2” (beep) * Hi, this is Jacinta. I’m phoning about Rima’s birthday next Wednesday. You know she’s going

to be twelve? She usually comes round to our apartment to do her homework, so I thought we

could have a surprise party for her here in the evening.

My mum says that she’ll make some snacks for us to eat. I was going to get a cake at the

supermarket but I’ve decided to make it myself – I hope it’ll be alright! I’ve never made one

before. My cousin said she’d get some chocolates from that new shop in town - you know Rima

loves anything sweet. And I’ll make sure mum gets soft drinks and things. I’ve got my camera so

we can take some photographs. But my CD player’s broken – can you bring yours along so we

can play some music? I’ve bought her a great present – it’s a DVD with a film about an elephant

– you know she loves elephants. If you’re not sure what to get her, there’s a book she wants –

that’s about an elephant too. Right, that’s all. See you soon. Bye!

** Pause 10”

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Now listen again. Repeat from * to ** Pause 30” Now turn to Part 3b. ™

Part 3b Questions 16 – 20 You will hear a telephone message from Samira to her mother. Complete the notes. Before we start, here is an example. Hello Mom, it’s Samira. I’m still at school.

I just wanted to tell you that I am going to Mariam’s house after school.

Pause 2” Samira is calling from school so ‘school’ is written after ‘Samira is calling from’. Pause 2” You now have 30 seconds to look at Questions 16 – 20. Pause 30” Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. Pause 2” (beep) * Hello Mom, its Samira. I’m still at school.

I just wanted to tell you that I am going to Mariam’s house after school.

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We have to do our homework together, today we are doing history. Do you remember, I told you

about it? The maths test today was OK and I think I did well in it. So we will study for a couple of

hours and I’ll be home by 6.30 tonight in time for dinner with Grandmother at 7. I won’t be late.

Oh and don’t forget, tomorrow I have a volleyball match after school. The team has been

practicing really hard and I have to play with them this last time. I know I said I preferred tennis

but I can join the tennis team next month. And I will need some money for a drink after the

match. I’ll take some fruit from home but I always get really thirsty when I’m playing.

I know what you are thinking – what about my bedroom, but I will tidy it at the weekend, OK?

After I have done all my homework. I won’t forget.

See you later. Bye

** Pause 10” Now listen again. Repeat from * to ** Pause 30” Now turn to Part 4. ™

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Part 4 Questions 21 – 25 You will hear Sophie talking to her classmate Mike. Circle the correct letter A, B or C. Pause 2” Before we start, here is an example. Mike: Hi Sophie.

Sophie: Hi Mike. I‘m glad I’ve met you. I wanted to ask about our history homework.

Mike: Talking to an old person about their life many years ago?

Sophie: Yes.

Mike: I talked to my grandmother. She lives in the apartment above my parents’ with my


Mike’s grandmother lives with his grandfather, so there is a circle round the letter C. Pause 2” You now have 30 seconds to look at Questions 21 – 25. Pause 30” Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. Pause 2” (beep) * Mike: Hi Sophie.

Sophie: Hi Mike. I‘m glad I’ve met you. I wanted to ask about our history homework.

Mike: Talking to an old person about their life many years ago?

Sophie: Yes.

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Mike: I talked to my grandmother. She lives in the apartment above my parents, with my


Sophie: My grandparents live in America so I usually only see them twice a year. But they’re

coming out to stay with us in four weeks’ time. Anyway, what did you find out from your

grandmother, Mike?

Mike: Oh she told me lots I didn’t know. Like, when she was young her parents didn’t have a

fridge at all, imagine! She did have a washing machine but lots of people didn’t have

those either. And she had a sewing machine – she made her own clothes.

Sophie: Yes. I was asking my grandfather on the phone about when he was young and he said

they didn’t have a TV. He watched TV at a friend’s house for the first time in 1953, but

his family didn’t get one until 1956. And he’d left home by then.

Mike: Why did he leave home?

Sophie: He wanted to be a sailor and see the world. But he ended up working as a train driver,

and he never travelled much outside England.

Mike: I think I need a bit more information from my grandmother for my homework... But I

don’t know what else to ask her.

Sophie: You could ask her about changes in entertainment – TV and things.

Mike: Mm. I’d rather do something different. Maybe fashion. Or transport – how people

travelled around sixty years ago. But it might not have changed much.

Sophie: It would be really interesting to hear how styles of dress have changed.

Mike: Right, I’ll ask about that.

** Pause 10” Now listen again.

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Repeat from * to ** Pause 30” ™

Narrator We have now come to the end of the test.

You now have 5 minutes to look over your answers. I will remind you when

there is one minute left. (Pause for 4 minutes) You now have 1 minute left (Pause for 1 minute) That is the end of the Listening Test.]