National Coalition for LGBT Health



The Coalition is committed to improving the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals through federal advocacy that is focused on research, policy, education, and training. The Coalition addresses the entire LGBT community, including individuals of every sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, and age regardless of disability, income, education, and geography.

Transcript of National Coalition for LGBT Health

Page 1: National Coalition for LGBT Health


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2000 S Street NW, Washington, DC 20009


contact Brian Hujdich at [email protected] or 202-507-4725

The National Coalition for LGBT Health is an initiative of

Page 2: National Coalition for LGBT Health



About the Coalition The Coalition is committed to improving the health and well being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals through federal advocacy that is focused on research, policy, education, and training. The Coalition addresses the entire LGBT community, including individuals of every sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, and age regardless of disability, income, education, and geography. The Coalition is led by HealthHIV, a national nonprofit focused on health equity.

The Coalition seeks to:

• Change public and private sector policies, laws, and regulation regarding LGBT health and related issues;

• Increase resources to expand culturally competent health and social services delivery to a diverse and inclusive LGBT population; and

• Build and disseminate knowledge regarding LGBT population's health status, access to and utilization of health care and other health related information.

The Coalition values:

• Eliminating health disparities that occur based on sexual orientation, gender identity and presentation, gender, race/ethnicity, education or income, disability, nationality, geographic location and age

• Deriving its power and legitimacy from its membership and is committed to working on partnerships and consultation with it's members in carrying out its work

Access to: Employment, coverage, and care: To access coverage and care, LGBT individuals need access to employment and insurance without fear of termination or rejection due to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Resources: Federal budget cuts and sequestration have adversely affected many of our member organizations. The Coalition advocates for resources to effectively research and accumulate LGBT health data and best practices. Additional resources also enable our members to deliver quality coverage by building the capacities of Departments of Health and Community Health Clinics.

Accountability among: Providers: LGBT individuals deserve access to quality health care. The Coalition holds provider organizations accountable for LGBT patient cultural competency outlined in the Healthcare Equality Index benchmark metrics and CMS and Joint Commission standards on LGBT patient care. Patients: The Coalition seeks to empower LGBT health consumers to hold their health providers, insurance companies, employers, and other institutions accountable for LGBT health cultural competency.

Governments: The Coalition mobilizes the LGBT community to hold federal, state, and local governments accountable in an effort to change policies that inhibit the achievement of LGBT health equity.

Action through: Education: The Coalition fosters an environment for our members to share resources and information internally among members and externally to the general public in an effort to educate patients and providers. Mobilization: The Coalition mobilizes members of LGBT communities to actively change public and private sector policies and perceptions that inhibit health equity. This includes incorporation of LGBT health equity into organizational missions, values, and goals.

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About the Coalition The Coalition is committed to improving the health and well being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals through federal advocacy that is focused on research, policy, education, and training. The Coalition addresses the entire LGBT community, including individuals of every sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, and age regardless of disability, income, education, and geography. The Coalition is led by HealthHIV, a national nonprofit focused on health equity.

The Coalition seeks to:

• Change public and private sector policies, laws, and regulation regarding LGBT health and related issues;

• Increase resources to expand culturally competent health and social services delivery to a diverse and inclusive LGBT population; and

• Build and disseminate knowledge regarding LGBT population's health status, access to and utilization of health care and other health related information.

The Coalition values:

• Eliminating health disparities that occur based on sexual orientation, gender identity and presentation, gender, race/ethnicity, education or income, disability, nationality, geographic location and age

• Deriving its power and legitimacy from its membership and is committed to working on partnerships and consultation with it's members in carrying out its work

Access to: Employment, coverage, and care: To access coverage and care, LGBT individuals need access to employment and insurance without fear of termination or rejection due to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Resources: Federal budget cuts and sequestration have adversely affected many of our member organizations. The Coalition advocates for resources to effectively research and accumulate LGBT health data and best practices. Additional resources also enable our members to deliver quality coverage by building the capacities of Departments of Health and Community Health Clinics.

Accountability among: Providers: LGBT individuals deserve access to quality health care. The Coalition holds provider organizations accountable for LGBT patient cultural competency outlined in the Healthcare Equality Index benchmark metrics and CMS and Joint Commission standards on LGBT patient care. Patients: The Coalition seeks to empower LGBT health consumers to hold their health providers, insurance companies, employers, and other institutions accountable for LGBT health cultural competency.

Governments: The Coalition mobilizes the LGBT community to hold federal, state, and local governments accountable in an effort to change policies that inhibit the achievement of LGBT health equity.

Action through: Education: The Coalition fosters an environment for our members to share resources and information internally among members and externally to the general public in an effort to educate patients and providers. Mobilization: The Coalition mobilizes members of LGBT communities to actively change public and private sector policies and perceptions that inhibit health equity. This includes incorporation of LGBT health equity into organizational missions, values, and goals.

Page 4: National Coalition for LGBT Health


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2000 S Street NW, Washington, DC 20009


Contact Brian Hujdich at [email protected] or 202-507-4725

The National Coalition for LGBT Health is an initiative of