NATIONAL ANNUAL REPORT 2007 | 2008 - Multiple Sclerosis Society of


Transcript of NATIONAL ANNUAL REPORT 2007 | 2008 - Multiple Sclerosis Society of

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To be a leader in finding a

cure for multiple sclerosis and

enabling people affected by MS

to enhance their quality of life.

Our values

We believe in and work toward the full integration ofpeople with multiple sclerosis in all aspects of life.

We keep those affected by MS at the centre of our workat every level of the organization.

We treat everyone with respect and dignity, and protect their privacy and rights to make decisions abouttheir lives.

We provide meaningful benefit to the greatest possiblenumber of people affected by multiple sclerosis.

We give hope to people affected by multiple sclerosis.

We acknowledge the grassroots of our organization asone of its greatest strengths.

We recognize that volunteers, donors, and employees are critical to our success, and we celebrate theircommitment.

We demonstrate ethical behaviour and integrity.

We adhere to the highest standards of quality,transparency, and accountability.

We create safe and collaborative environments thatfoster positive relationships.

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At the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, we uphold the following values:

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CONTENTS4....................................................................... It’s time. End MS.5 ........................................................................ Heather Hanwell6 ............................................................................ Julia Daniluck7 .......................................................................... George Lavertu8 .................................................................... Living with MS Day9 ........................................................... endMS gains momentum10 .......................................... Media partners drive endMS launch 11.................................................... Advancing research activities12................................................................. Dr. Peter Rieckmann13 ........................................................ Funding the best research14.......................................................................... Amanda Piron15 .............................................................................. Brian Duck16 ..................................................................... Charlie Broderick17 ........................................................................... Major donors19.................................................................... Research partners 20 ............................................................ Key corporate sponsors20 .................................................................. TeamMS top teams 21 ............................................................... Top event fundraisers22.................................................................. Evelyn Opal Society22......................................................................... Award winners23 ...................................... Statement of revenue and expenditure

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It’s time. End MS.

This year has been a momentous one at theMultiple Sclerosis Society of Canada. Markingour 60th anniversary, our mission to end MS and

enhance the quality of life for Canadians living with thisdisease, reminds us about significant moments inhistory. Much like the often cited 1962 “Moon Speech”delivered by then American President John F. Kennedy,ending MS is a challenge which invites vision,leadership and our unwillingness to postpone the paceof discovery. It is about making the impossible possible.

In 2008, we officially launched the endMS campaign, a bold movement to raise $60 million for MS researchand to accelerate Canada’s contribution to the pace ofdiscovery of MS research in the world.

Throughout the year, we embarked on severalimportant initiatives. We introduced Momentum 2015,a strategic plan created in consultation with divisions,chapters and key stakeholders across the country. InMontreal, Canada played host to the World Congresson Research and Treatment in MS; and, in conjunctionwith the Congress, the MS Society presented “Livingwith MS Day,” an educational forum for people livingwith MS.

We continued to play a leadership role in fundingleading MS research and celebrated all advances,including the discovery linking pediatric MS to vitaminD that garnered national media attention. Millionsexperienced the public awareness campaignthrough media outreach and generously donatedadvertising space. In Quebec, division staff workedtirelessly to become the first province to ensure that

Tysabri, a new disease modifying therapy, would bereimbursed by the provincial drug benefit program.

Supporters and communities across Canada haveworked together, helping to set new fundraisingrecords and joining in the movement to end MS.Fundraising events such as the MS Walk, RONA MSBike Tour, MS Read-A-Thon and the MS CarnationCampaign raised over $29 million in 2008.Furthermore, volunteers and top fundraisers like JuliaDaniluck, represent how one person can make adifference. Diagnosed with MS at the age of 19, Juliawho is now 25 not only serves as a member of theEdmonton Chapter board of directors, but she and her team have already raised $186,000 since herinvolvement with the MS Society began.

While the current global financial downturn hasbecome a priority issue for people all over the world,the impact to Canadians and those living with MS isstill unknown. The MS Society is optimistic and willremain responsive, prudent and fiscally strong in theyear ahead. More importantly, our mission to end MScontinues to be fueled by the commitment, generosityand good will of all our board members, participants,donors, sponsors, volunteers and staff who contributeto the cause in so many ways. Thank you.









T & CH



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Heather Hanwell

When Heather Hanwell entered the nutritionalsciences program at the University ofToronto, she had no idea she would end up

studying multiple sclerosis. Today, she cannot imagineworking on anything else.

At 27 years old and only halfway through her doctoralprogram, Heather garnered worldwide media attentionin September 2008 at the 1st World Congress onTreatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis inMontreal. She presented her findings for her researchshowing that lower vitamin D status in children isrelated to higher risk of MS.

Heather’s research is a valuable segment of Dr. Reinhold Vieth’s vitamin D research that is fundedby the MS Society of Canada. “I wanted to see if therewas a difference in vitamin D levels between thechildren who went on to develop MS and those whodid not,” she explained.

Dr. Brenda Banwell, director of the MS Clinic at theHospital for Sick Children in Toronto and a leadinvestigator on the MS Scientific Research Foundation,which funded a national study of MS in children, wasintrigued by Heather’s research idea and invited her on board.

It was at the endMS Research Conference in Banff,hosted by the MS Society in December 2007, thatHeather’s research idea took off. “Dr. Banwell was my only contact in the MS community but theconference gave me a chance to meet hercollaborators,” says Heather. “I needed their approval to do my research using data from their studies.Meeting them face to face gave me the green light and accelerated the research.”

Heather and fellow research trainees, who met for thefirst time in Banff, held a symposium in November2008 with support from the MS Society.








MS research: the next generation

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An aspiring young professional dancer, JuliaDaniluck received a diagnosis of multiplesclerosis at 19. She soon learned that many

people, especially those near her age, had little to noknowledge of the disease. Educating youth about MSand empowering them to make a difference for thosewho live with it instantly became her personal mission.

“Young people are the future in the cure to this disease.We are going to be the next researchers. We’re going tobe the next MS Society staff. We’re going to be the nextfundraisers.”

Inspired by the MS Walk posters promoting the MSSociety event in Edmonton, Julia decided that throughfundraising, she could increase awareness and raisefunds to end MS in a way that engages young people aswell. “The MS Walk gave me, my family, and my friendsa way to do something about MS.” She’s raised alifetime total of $71,000 while her team, named TeamJulia, has raised $115,000.

Today, at only 25 years of age, she serves as a memberof the Edmonton Chapter board of directors, is aspokesperson for the Edmonton and St. Albert MSWalks, volunteers for the RONA MS Bike Tour, andwith the help of her family and friends, organizes asilent auction event that has raised $37,000 to date.

She’s also vocal about having MS. “People have said tome, ‘You speaking out about this helps me.’” Shebelieves that increased awareness of MS along with theprogress in research will generate more funds to endMS once and for all.

Her fundraising efforts, her drive to increase awareness,and her passion for making a difference belies her age.

“Our generation – we have to be the ones to get outthere to do something about MS.”

And that is what Julia intends to do.

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Julia Daniluck “You can’t have MS. You’re so young.”







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In the spring of 2007, Alberta Division created theMS Ambassador Program to increase visibility ofthe MS Society of Canada.

George Lavertu, from Leduc, is one of the originalmembers who participated in the program’s firstproject: Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA)campaign. George and an MS Society staff membermet with two MLAs to educate them on our advocacypriorities, including the endMS campaign. ThroughoutAlberta, MS Ambassadors met with nearly 30 MLA’s,including Premier Ed Stelmach.

Excitement ensued when the Alberta Governmentannounced it would contribute $1.5 million to theendMS campaign, marking a huge success for theambassadors.

George’s connections with local media, politicians, and his community have been instrumental in creatingawareness of fundraising events, MS Awareness Days,and the MS Society. George is also an integral memberof our RONA MS Bike Tour serving on the Leduc toCamrose committee for 19 years.

Inspired by the success of Alberta’s initiative, theOntario Division launched its own MS AmbassadorProgram in May 2008, which now supports over 20 ambassadors who met with 25 Members ofProvincial Parliament in the fall.

George Lavertu

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MIKE ROCHE, AN AMBASSADOR FROM OSHAWA, ONHAD THIS TO SAY ABOUT THE PROGRAM:The MS Ambassador program is an excellent opportunity to become highly active inadvocating on behalf of people with MS.

Our issues of home care, age-appropriate long-term care, access to drug therapies and the endMS campaign are important.

As a person with MS for eight years, and Social Action Director for Durham Region for thepast five years, the goals of the MS Society are very important to me personally and to thepeople with MS in our region. I have come to know many of them well and am pleased torepresent their needs to government.

MS Ambassador Program thrives




Photo courtesy of Walter Psotka.

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In conjunction with this year’s ACTRIMS/ECTRIMS/-LACTRIMS meetings, the MS Societyof Canada hosted the Living with MS Day event.

Held in Montreal in September, the event featured theinvolvement of an international MS community thatcame together for both scientific and educationalsessions.

More than 450 people attended the event, includingpeople affected by multiple sclerosis, healthprofessionals, and MS Society volunteers, staff, andsupporters. The education day consisted of a series oftalks by Canadian and international experts, including:how MS starts, early treatment, cognition andemotions, managing progressive MS, and caregiving.Each topic was introduced by someone living with MS.

One of the sessions was introduced by HanaSalaheddine, an energetic Montreal mother of twoteenagers who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 14 years ago. Hana can attest to people’s need foreducation. For the past decade, she has givenpresentations to corporate executives who want tolearn more about MS and how best to work with staffmembers and customers with the disease.

“Educating ourselves and others about MS is one of the most valuable things that we can do,” Hana attests.“I know the importance of it from working withexecutives, who then pass along the information totheir staff. Eventually, our entire society is a little bitmore well-informed and supportive.”

Hana acknowledged that the Living with MS Day was a rare opportunity to hear information directly frominternational experts. “People who live with MS haveso many questions, and it was wonderful to learn theanswers first-hand from the experts. Attendeesdefinitely appreciated being a part of the session.”

Hana’s own optimistic outlook was especially noted by attendees. A firm believer in looking at the positiveside of things, she shared with the audience that this attitude has been an integral part of dealing withher MS.

The education sessions offered during the Living withMS Day event was provided free of charge thanks tosupport from a number of sponsors.

Living with MS Day

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In 2008, the MS Society launched endMS, a $60 million campaign to accelerate MS research in Canada. In a very short period of time,

$32 million was raised with momentum continuingstrong into 2009.

One of the key success stories for the endMS campaignis the unprecedented support from donors across thecountry. One major donor, Scotiabank president andCEO Rick Waugh, also took the helm as honorary chairof the volunteer cabinet charged with raising the funds.

Waugh first learned about MS while growing up inWinnipeg when several friends and later, a close familymember were diagnosed.

“I am involved in this work because I understand theimpact of MS and the importance of this project inchanging the future of this disease,” says Waugh.

In addition to his own family gift of $1 million, Waughwas instrumental in securing support for the campaignfrom a number of corporate and personal donors.

Another early donor, the Government of Alberta,donated an impressive $1.5 million to the campaign.

“Multiple sclerosis has been called ‘Canada’s disease,’ so I am proud that Alberta is making a significantcontribution to end MS,” said Alberta Premier EdStelmach at the time of the announcement.

The flagship investment of the campaign is theestablishment of the endMS Research and TrainingNetwork which is intended to recruit, train, support,and retain the next generation of MS researchers inCanada.

The Network, the first of its kind in the world, isdesigned to increase the pace of discovery so that acure can be found in the shortest time possible.

Honorary chairRichard E. Waugh

ChairAlexander R. Aird

Vice chairPurdy Crawford

Vice chairHelen M. Kearns

Quebec chairClaude Gagnon

MembersAlistair M. Fraser

Stanley Hartt

Garrett Herman

Daniel Larouche

Louis J. Maroun

Susan A. Murray

Bryan Rakusin

Bruce R. Richmond

Yves Savoie

Richard M. Thomson

David L. Torrey

endMSA new campaign gains early momentum


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The MS Society and the MS Scientific ResearchFoundation are grateful to the remarkable leaders whohave made possible the success to date of the endMScampaign since 2006.





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The launch of endMS rallied Canada in a unitedfront to end this disease once and for all. Two long-time partners of the MS Society of Canada

led the way in making sure the endMS message washeard loudly and clearly.

Quebec-based Astral Media donated advertising spaceworth $3 million to support the endMS launch whileWinnipeg-based Canwest Global donated a further $1 million worth of advertising. Combined, the $4 million in advertising propelled the MS Society into the national spotlight making for the mostcomprehensive public exposure we have received in our sixty year history.

In addition to the donated ad space, the endMScampaign made headlines across the country. MSresearchers, MS Society spokespersons and our own

volunteers appeared on television, were interviewed on the radio and quoted in news stories from coast-to-coast.

Major media outlets like CBC Newsworld, CTV, CBC Radio, CityTV, Marketing Magazine, Global TV as well as websites, regional newspapers, and multipleradio stations covered the endMS campaign.

The quality of the advertisements and extent of themedia outreach have drawn praise from around theworld including glowing reviews from the US-based,National MS Society and the UK-based MSInternational Federation. The MS Society of Canada’sprofile in Canada and internationally has never beenhigher and we are grateful to all donors and volunteersfor making endMS possible.

Media partners drive endMS launch

$500,000 +Anonymous (2)Alberta GovernmentAstral MédiaBMO Financial GroupCanwest GlobalCanadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Garrett HermanLouis J. MarounScotiabankThe Waugh Family Foundation

$100,000 - $499,999Anonymous (3)André Azzi Don Barkwell John and Judy Bragg Family Foundation

Albert Diamond Cohen Bob DeckerIan & Kiki DelaneyDeloitte & Touche Foundation Canada

Brian DuckThe Goodman Family and the Dundee Group of Companies

KPMG FoundationManulife FinancialDebbie & Fred MooreSusan A. MurrayPricewaterhouseCoopers Richard & Heather Thomson David L. Torrey

$50,000 - $99,999Sandy & Margot AirdAltus Energy Services PartnershipPurdy & Bea CrawfordAlistair M. FraserLa Capsule Sportive and MSA

Financial Golf TournamentDaniel LaroucheKenneth MacgowanNPS Group and:Janet and Bob BensonValerie and Don CopelandBarbara and Norm DenoonRene DesmaraisMarlene and Allen DiedeFleming LLPDarlene and Chris HaslamImport Tool Corporation Ltd.Janet and Darrel WalkerOsler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPBruce & Sylvia RichmondHerbert Wyman

$10,000 - $49,999Anonymous (5)Bob & Joy AntenbringPaul AtkinsonMichael AudainAvtar Bains & Monika DeolMichael Bernstein &

Nandini DasGuptaMark Bulietta and CIBC Real

Estate GroupStewart BusbridgeCN

Frances Carmichael & Jack Cashman

Barry & Laurie CavanaughNeil & Andrea ChrystalDon CopelandNorm Cressey Cuddy Farms Corporation in

memory of A.M. CuddyThe Cullen FamilyRossano DeCottis EMD Serono Canada Inc.Elan PharmaceuticalEmerson Real Estate GroupElizabeth GordonSam & Sally Grippo In Honour of Susan Huycke &

Sylvia Bosworth Chris HaslamRamsay HolmesMilan & Maureen Ilich FoundationRichard Ilich & Lauren MelvillePeter JelleyRalph Jordan Helen KearnsDavid KnightMacquarie Bank Foundation Jack Kowarsky & Maya Coco Peter & Kelly LeggeDr. Samuel LudwinJohn & Gail MacNaughtonHugh & Sherri Magee George Marlatte Ken & Suzanne Mayhew Daniel NowlanChris & Johanna Oosthuizen

Herb & Aster OsenPeak Energy Services TrustPhillips, Hager & North Investment

Management Ltd.Jack & Darlene PooleProcura Real Estate Services

LimitedLarry & Grethe Rank Jim & Marcia RatsoyThe Rix Family FoundationWilliam L. Sauder Yves SavoieJoseph & Rosalie SegalMichael Shuh & Michelle FiebigSidoo Family FoundationTeva NeuroscienceThane & Darci StennerTrudell Medical International in

memory of A.M. CuddyGabriel TsampalierosVariety - The Children’s Charity of

British ColumbiaWarrior Resource Corporation Mark & Sarah Wellings The James and Kathleen Winton


$5,000 - $9,999Anonymous (1) David BardalYolanda BronsteinMike den Haan & FamilyDominique HansenSean HodginsGreg & Lisa Kerfoot

Morley & Myrna KoffmanDouglas C. & Ann MackayRobert MacLeodSenator Paul J. Massicotte &

Sylvie DragonMike McClintockSarah PepallCI Funds Stoneham Drilling Inc.

$1,000 - $4,999Anonymous (2)Chris BreenJacqui Cohen / Army & Navy

StoresConcord Pacific Group Inc. Douglas DeruchieJonathan EhrlickIan FraserBill GrayRohit & Aimee GuptaKathleen MurphyQuebecor World Inc.Dr. Dessa SadovnickAllen Stern

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We are proud to recognize the following early donors who made pledges and gifts to the endMS campaign up to August 31, 2008:

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In conjunction with the public launch of the endMScampaign, the endMS Research and TrainingNetwork transitioned into the public sphere

alongside the Montreal 08 World Congress onTreatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis inSeptember 2008. The Network’s presence at theconference exposed both established and futureresearchers and clinicians to the potential benefits ofthe network as information pertaining to variousnetwork initiatives was made readily available.

Such initiatives included a number of key awards thatare central to the endMS Research and TrainingNetwork for which final approval was received in July2008 from the Network Steering Committee.

The three inaugural Network awards are as follows:

• Undergraduate Summer Studentships

• MD-PhD Award for individuals simultaneously meetingthe degree requirements for a medical school andgraduate school

• Transitional Career Development Award forpostdoctoral students as they move into their firstfaculty position.

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Advancing research activities to end MS

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Last fall, Dr. Peter Rieckmann travelled east toWinnipeg and Edmonton to meet with peopleliving with MS and their families. A speaker for

the MS Society’s Live National Education Series, Dr. Rieckmann discussed what researchers are doing to coax the brain’s own repair system into action, andstem deterioration in MS.

Keeping patients and families in the loop has been acornerstone of Dr. Rieckmann’s 18-year career as aclinician scientist, first in Germany and now inCanada. “I feel it’s my mission to keep patientsinformed about what researchers are doing to improvetheir lives.”

An international expert in multiple sclerosis andneuroimmunology, Dr. Rieckmann is fascinated by thepossibility that inflammation could be beneficial, notsimply detrimental. “[Inflammation] may carry someaspects of repair and regeneration.” In his view, thismakes MS a prime candidate for regenerativetreatment strategies in the near future. “I think that ifwe are to find better treatments or even end certaindiseases, it will be multiple sclerosis because it has thisinflammatory component. Also, we can diagnose MSearly enough to work with its endogenous [internal]repair mechanisms and try to boost them.”

Dr. Rieckmann arrived in Canada in August 2007 totake an appointment as the MS Society of CanadaResearch Chair at the University of British Columbia(UBC) in Vancouver. He wasted no time integratingUBC researchers, from specialties such as immunology,molecular genetics and neurogeneration, as well as the International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries,into the university’s MS program. In fact, Canadianresearchers’ collaborative spirit influenced Dr. Rieckmann’s decision to come to Canada. “I didn’tsee research networks developed to that degree inEurope and I thought, ‘I want to be part of thiscommunity’.”

Dr. Rieckmann sees the MS Society of Canada’s endMSinitiative as “another indication of the willingness toinvolve not just MS researchers across the country in a network, but to go one step further to includeresearchers from other disciplines, in order to bestutilize the research facilities and develop therapies for MS at a quicker pace than ever before.” Whether it’s with the MS Society, people living with the disease,or scientists researching its many mysteries, Dr. Rieckmann is collaborating to end MS.

Dr. Peter Rieckmann








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With funding from the MS Society of Canada,the MS Scientific Research Foundation is asignificant contributor to MS research. The

hallmark of all its projects is a commitment tocollaboration and innovation. In 2007-2008, theFoundation funded six collaborative researchinitiatives:

Canadian collaborative project on geneticsusceptibility to MS - Phase 5Dr. A. Dessa Sadovnick, University of British ColumbiaDr. George Ebers, University of Oxford

Development of MS in children: Prospective study of the clinical epidemiology, pathobiology andneuroimaging features of Canadian children withclinically isolated demyelinating syndromesDr. Brenda Banwell, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto

Dr. Doug Arnold and Dr. Amit Bar-Or, Montreal Neurological Institute

Dr. A. Dessa Sadovnick, University of British Columbia

Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of minocycline in clinically isolated syndromes– Phase 3Dr. Luanne Metz, University of Calgary

Long term outcomes following immunoablativetherapy and autologous stem cell transplant for poor prognosis multiple sclerosis - Phase 2Dr. Mark Freedman and Dr. Harold Atkins, Ottawa Hospital

Molecular genetics of multiple sclerosisDr. George Ebers and Dr. Julian Knight, University of Oxford

Dr. A. Dessa Sadovnick, University of British ColumbiaDr. Alexandre Montpetit, McGill University

Remyelination in multiple sclerosis: enhancingintrinsic repair - Phase 2Dr. Jack Antel, Montreal Neurological InstituteDr. Samuel Weiss, University of CalgaryDr. Moses Rodriguez, Mayo Clinic, Minnesota

The MS Society has proudly funded over $117 millionin research in its 60 year history. From basic science tothe cutting edge, the MS Society will continue to fundthe best research until a cure is found.

Funding the best research to end MS

Chair Alexander R. Aird

TrusteesH. Purdy Crawford Louis P. Desmarais Alistair M. Fraser Garrett Herman Helen M. Kearns Daniel Larouche Louis J. Maroun

Susan A. Murray Bruce R. Richmond Richard M. Thomson David L. Torrey Richard E. WaughYves Savoie (ex officio)






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When Amanda Piron was diagnosed withrelapsing-remitting MS at 17, she decidedthat “MS doesn’t have to be something that

gets in the way” of everyday life and aspirations for thefuture. Now 18, Amanda is a vibrant, ambitious anddetermined young woman who has a passion fortheatre. She won an MS Society of Canada scholarshipthis year and is currently enrolled in the TheatreDrama and Performing Studies program at theUniversity of Toronto. Her dream is to appear on stageat the Stratford Shakespeare Festival in Stratford,Ontario one day.

Amanda believes that the MS Society ScholarshipProgram presented an opportunity for her to be openand honest about her experiences with MS. Inaddition, the scholarship has helped ease the financialpressures associated with university life, and winningthe scholarship reaffirmed how much she has changedsince her first MS attack. “If I’d never experienced notbeing able to get out of bed, I probably wouldn’tliterally jump out of bed every morning no matter howtired I am”, writes Amanda in an essay, The ComebackKid. In addition to being a scholarship recipient,Amanda also took part in the MS Society of Canada’sSummer Adventure Camp for youth with MS.

Being a part of this camp was a great experience forAmanda. She describes the program, held at EasterSeals’ Camp Merrywood in Ontario as “more fun thanI’ve had in a long time!” and says that not having toworry about medication was “freeing”. One of the mostmemorable parts about camp for Amanda were the “ohyeah – I get that too” moments – the discovery ofshared experiences that allow campers to connect and“communicate at a different level”.

On behalf of other young people affected by MS,Amanda has expressed thanks to all those who haveplayed a role in supporting programs for youth at theMS Society.

Children and teens affected by MS also participated incamps in other parts of Canada this year including inVal Morin, Quebec. Their experiences, like Amanda’s,were valuable and unforgettable.

Amanda PironMS scholarship recipient and

Summer Adventure Camp participant

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Brian Duck

At the MS Society of Canada, we understand thepassion and dedication of volunteers whowillingly join in our effort to end MS. Their

unwavering commitment contributes to our progressin realizing our mission. At the forefront are those whochampion our cause by relentlessly advocating often insmall groups to the provincial and federal government.

Saskatchewan’s own Brian Duck, is one such volunteer.

It began in 1990 when Brian visited his local MSSociety office in Regina in search for informationabout MS. He had been diagnosed with MS that sameyear. But before his visit ended, he had already signedup to volunteer at the upcoming MS Walk.

His dedication to the cause was clear from the verystart and it was not long before he was asked to join theRegina Chapter board to lead social action activities.

Brian knew exactly what needed to be done in order to affect change: “When I first started, our focus washelping individuals – one by one – with understandingand applying for government programs. That’simportant, but you have to look at the big picture.Making those programs better or bringing about newpolicies or programs significantly benefits peopleaffected by MS.”

Over the past few years, Brian, along with fellowvolunteers and staff, has clearly identified what peoplewith MS in Saskatchewan need – more healthcareprofessionals, increased access to medications, andbetter home and respite care options.

“It’s very important to me that we work as one, with aunified voice and message, from coast to coast. Of allour national priorities, the number one at this time isto convince the federal government to improve incomesecurity programs for the benefit of all, not just peoplewith MS, but everyone who has a chronic disease ordisability,” he says. Brian has served as chair ofgovernment relations on the Saskatchewan board since 2002.

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Leading change through advocacy

QUEBEC RAISES THE BAR ON ACCESSING MS THERAPIESIn October 2008, people living with MS in Quebec applauded the news that Tysabri, a new disease modifying therapy, wouldbe reimbursed by the public drug program. Earlier in the year, the Quebec Division of the MS Society and several chapterstook advantage of a new public consultation process to support reimbursement for Tysabri so that people with MS in Quebeccould have the widest possible choice.

While reimbursement is limited to people who meet specific criteria, the MS Society of Canada welcomed the decision as animportant step forward and urged other provinces to follow Quebec’s lead.



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Charlie BroderickNational Caregiver Award 2008 recipient

Caring for someone with MS can be deeplyrewarding. It is common for the partner, parent,child, or friend to form a closer relationship

with their loved one. For the primary caregiver,however, the time and attention committed can beespecially taxing. The MS Society of Canada recognizescaregivers as an important role that directly enablesthose living with MS to enhance their quality of life.

Charlie Broderick, retired principal and educator fromRiverview, New Brunswick, is the primary caregiver forhis wife Helen. He has cared for her since she wasdiagnosed in 1979, but the intensity of care increasedwhen Helen’s mobility depended on the use of awheelchair in 1986. Since then, Charlie has adjusted hisregular schedule of activities so that they would notinterfere with the care routine for Helen. In spite ofmany limitations, Helen and Charlie enjoy a fulfillinglife that includes outings two or three times weeklyattending local events and family functions in P.E.I.

Throughout the time that he has cared for Helen,Charlie also remained actively involved with the MSSociety. He was initially a volunteer at the local chapterlevel filling roles as chair and treasurer on the chapterboard, but to date, he has worked at all levels of MSSociety. He currently contributes to the Caregiver AdvisoryGroup within our national client services department.

This year, Charlie was presented the National OPALCaregiver Award for his outstanding and immeasurablesupport he provides to his wife and for his work at theMS Society on caregiver issues. When presented withthe award, he said: “I accept this award not only for therole I played in supporting my wife throughout thecourse of her illness, but also on behalf of all the otherindividuals who have been on this same journey and whoare working as dedicated caregivers on a daily basis.”

He remains committed to assisting the MS Society infurthering the caregiver agenda and in developinginnovative programs and activities in support of MScaregivers.

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$250,000 +EMD Serono Canada Inc.Estate of Mary GarlickEstate of Dorothy McConnellEstate of Marcelle WarnerDoug and Sandra Bergeron

$100,000 - $249,999Biogen Idec Canada Inc.Doug & Sandra BergeronGertrude JackyI & MJ Kelley Investments Ltd.Edward McGrathEstate of Catherine McLarenEstate of Mary McLeanEstate of Philip MellorFrederick C. Webber

$50,000 - $99,999AnonymousEstate of Marjorie GauthierEstate of Jessie HamiltonLaw Foundation of BCJohn Munkland & Eleanor Cross - A7 Ranche Foundation

Estate of Arthur ObornThe Ontario Trillium FoundationRBC Financial Group, through the RBC Foundation

Pfizer Canada Inc.Estate of Mary Barr SunterVancouver Foundation

$25,000 - $49,999AnonymousEstate of James ChambersEstate of Lois HenningIBM Employees’ Charitable FundEstate of Serge LambertEstate of Wilfred James LarnerEstate of William MageeJohn MorrisNovartis Pharmaceuticals Canada IncShoppers Drug Mart & Shoppers Home HealthCare

Estate of Grace SwanEstate of Frank Thiessen

$10,000 - $24,999Anonymous (7)Alcoa FoundationBMO Employees’ Charitable FoundationEstate of Louise Bamford Bayer HealthCare PharmaceuticalsEstate of Paul BelangerBell Canada - Employee Giving ProgramBioMS Medical Corp.W. Grant BlairEstate of Margaret BunnellCN Employees’ & Pensioners’ Community Fund

Canada Safeway Ltd LloydministerCanada Safeway Ltd.Estate of Nora Cordery

Cyclo VacEstate of Carolyn DeverellEstate of George Noel DownThe Rupert Duchesne Family Gordon & Joan DykstraEnCana Cares FoundationDenis & Barbara ErwinFace the World FoundationEstate of Winnifred FakisIngeborg FrankeJean GrantEstate of Frances Mary HickeyLyle HumphreyING FoundationEstate of George JonesKenneth MacgowanEstate of Ethel MackayEstate of Margaret McCurdyThe Catherine & Maxwell

Meighen FoundationMark Mercier FoundationMunich Reinsurance CompanyLydia NurmRanger Wheelchairs LtdAnne SawchukEstate of Elspie ShaverShopper’s Drug Mart/PharmaprixJoyce & Morris SimonTELUSTeva NeuroscienceEstate of C. Edward WattersWentworth X-ray & Ultrasound Inc.Estate of Kathleen White

$5,000 - $9,999Anonymous (10)Robert Edgar ArnoldAspreva PharmaceuticalsBancorp Finacial Services IncBeacon SecuritiesThe Belich Family Fund at The Calgary Foundation

Andrew David BritnellRobert BusbyEstate of Gordon ButlerCalgary FoundationEstate of Gordon CampbellEstate of Mary ClarkJohn ClarkPatricia CooperThe Arthur & Audrey Cutten FoundationDaigle Marine & WeldingEstate of Rita DiasDudebox Touring IncEstate of André DupuisEstate of Francis EarlyFabian Family EndowmentFirst Truck Centre EdmontonFraser InstituteG B GowdHusky Energy Lloydminster

Charitable CampaignJemini FoundationJohn Deere Foundation of Canada

Estate of Grace KarleEstate of Joyce KeepingEstate of Catherine Mary KellyGale M. KellyTom & Jan KnowltonEstate of Gladys KraftDean LaRoseDaniel LaroucheThe Alice & Murray Maitland FoundationJessie McMillanNoble Trade (a RONA related company)Philanthropy Preceptorship FundProvincial Employees Community

Services FundQualico PartnershipRogan FoundationJames Ross The Shandex GroupStarks Plumbing & HeatingJon TemmeDavid L. TorreyWawanesa Mutual Insurance Co.Tamia Washington & Grant HillTom Witter

$1,000 - $4,999Anonymous (73)1988 Foundation2330-3076 Québec IncATCO GasAcier Nova LimitéeMichael AdelsonThe Leonard Albert Family FoundationLyall AllisonJohn & June Ames Roseanne T. AncherAnchor Shoring & Caissons LtdDavid ArbuthnotAtrens-Counsel Insurance Brokers IncAzrieli FoundationThe BLG FoundationEstate of Emmerson Baker Peter BarnesPatricia Bartel Dr. Paul Alexander BastedoThe Beales FamilyJohn & Diane BeattieE. M. BenschRobert & Janet BensonLaurette BernierSarah BhanjiThe Norman Black FoundationYvon Boulanger FoundationAlain BoyleBob & Joan BrakelS.J. BrewsterDavid BritnellJeffrey Michael BrookeCurlena BrookerEstate of Mary E. Brown Robert BrownleeEstate of Mildred BurranCUM Employees’ & PensionersLillian A. Caden

Canada PostClaire Angus CaplanRichard G. CarlCarstairs & District Community ChestCasco Inc.Cecil ProvostCentral Okanagan FoundationClaude ChamberlandGerry CharlesChilliwack MS Self Help GroupDr. Guy ChouinardJohn Arthur Clark Family Testamentary TrustS. ClarkMarlene ClaytonGisele ClineMitchell CohenFondation Communautaire De LachineConst & Gen. Workers Union 92Cooke LawSalvatore CoreaHélène Côté-SharpCremona & District Community ChestBob & Gayle CroninJustin CruseRon & Elise DalbyElizabeth M. DanowskiNancy DayVincent De SantisKen & Nicolette DecourseyDeez MetalwerxDellDr. Dimitrios DeschesnesYolande DesforgesBrian & Lynda DevenishCatherine DietrichMaxine DigiovanniJohn G. DohertyCharles Dollimore Louis DuboisDUCA Financial Services Credit Union Ltd.Peter DunlopHerbert & Elizabeth EngellErnst & YoungBert EsselinkEssex RatlersJohn EvansExport Development CanadaMr. & Mrs. Ross M. FarewellPaul Faynwachs In TrustSamuel & Anna FicychGeorge F. FinkEstate of Margaret FinkFirst Fruit Foundation Inc.J. Roy FirthLynn FisherLisa FosterFour Seasons Hotels LimitedFraternal Order of Eagles # 3318Fraternal Order of Eagles,

Ladies Auxilliary #2726Fraternal Order of Eagles,

Maple Leaf Aerie No. 2311David R. FrenchFrères Du Sacré-Coeur

Major donors

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT | 17

Major donors represent a committed group ofindividuals, corporations, and foundationsthat have pledged a gift of $1,000 or more in

support of the valuable work of the MS Society ofCanada. We are proud to recognize the followingdonors for their generous gift:

Page 18: NATIONAL ANNUAL REPORT 2007 | 2008 - Multiple Sclerosis Society of

$1,000 - $4,999 (continued)Brad Forden & Carole FujimotoMr. & Mrs. Frederick GallagherGeorge Weston LimitedGestion Jacques Blouin IncGestion Jacques Cooke IncGestion Phila Inc. Mario B. GiorgioMichael R. GoldbergLynda M. GoldsonGor-Fay Realty Co. Ltd.Alex GorrieGaétan GouletH. L. GrahamNorman GrahamSusan C. Grattan-DoylePat GravesEstate of Marjorie GrayGroupe d’Entraide en S P MataneGuild Electric LimitedNancy GustafsonHSC Employee Charitable FundMargaret HalesChristopher D. HallCory HallukA fund of the Hamilton Community Foundation

Gary HarderHarris Sheaffer LLPMr. & Mrs. Robert HastingsRuth HastingsKathy HatcherLotte & John Hecht Memorial FoundationHigher Resources Inc.In memory of Graham HillWalter & Nelly HillierRichard Hines Carol HitchmanHobbyhorse Holding IncMarion V. HolmesHoly Eucharist UCWLCJoan HooperHotchkiss Family Charitable FoundationIrene HuebnerHugh Farthing Memorial TVS #52L. HuneaultMr. & Mrs. C. Lindsay HuntHydrecs FundHYDRECS, South InteriorEstate of Elsie IdaIDI Independent Distributors IncIndustrial Alliance Insurance & Financial Services Inc.

Information Services CorporationL. G. IngrahamInvestors Group IncAlice IrwinKris & Margaret IsbergGerald IsleyJ.R. Edgett Excavating Ltd.Jackman FoundationJarell DevelopmentJesperview Dairy Inc.John Deere Parts Distribution, ReginaJoan JohnsEstate of Jessie JohnstonEstate of Pearl JonesKamloops FoundationKamloops Paddlewheelers Lions ClubAllen Karp

The Henry & Berenice Kaufmann Foundation

KayAnna Inc. / Ferris InternationalKen Rech Landscape Architects IncKimberly-Clark Inc.A & A King Family FoundationKings Mutual Insurance CompanyApril KleinDavid L. KnightEstate of Lois KnightKnights of Columbus-Christ

Our Saviour ChurchFrank Kobie & Evelyn MillmanJoe & Joan KooleSybrand KooleMurray & Donna KorthEmil KowalchukRoger W. KuhkMaurice LabellePatrick R. LaforgeCarole LagardeChantal LaroucheDave & Judy LazzaratoKathleen LeachDenis LefebvreGeorge LeonLeon’s Family FundYves LéveilléNancy LeverLiberty BakeryJames LittleNancy LoveLinda & Steve Lowden Fund at the Toronto

Community FoundationPaul J. LowryLoyal Order of Moose-Oshawa Lodge #2132Jean C. LundenAlan H. MacDonaldMackenzie Financial

Charitable FoundationLori MageeEugene & Diana MahDave & Laverne MajeauMarilyn MajorosJohn MandrusiakManulife FinancialLou MarounÉtienne MassicotteBrian H. MastersonDonald MaxwellLarry MaykutMike McClintockEstate of Iris McCrackenE. lva McCurdyMargaret McEwenMedicine Hat Beta Sigma PhiJohn MeehanTimothy Charles MeighenThe Mendelson Family FoundationJudith MewettMicrosoft Giving CampaignMargaret MorisonIda Marita MorrowMuha InteriorsMulti-Prêts MREdna & Paul Munger Fund at the Toronto

Community FoundationGord MurrayNEBS Business ProductsBill Needles Memorial Golf TournamentReid & Evelyn Nicholson

Nancy NielsenRoger HinseNorco Products LimitedNorthgrave Medical Inc.Nova ChemicalsOcean Property ManagementDr. Paul O’ConnorOld-Tyme Music & Dance SocietyJason OlsonCalgary Foundation - Olwen Priestnall

MemorialBeverly O’NeillOPG Employees’ & Pensioners’ Charity TrustOptiSimOrder of the Eastern Star –Whitby

Chapter #248Alex A. OstenDale ParkinsonDennis R. PasseriniJames D. PeplinskiLorne & Joyce PetersDr. Joe PhamLaurette PietteDr. Ed Pineau David PinkusPlains Marketing Canada Inc.Tracy PoppPotash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.Horst PrelogQualicoPatricia QuilliamsRare MethodBrad RasmussenRéalité Thérapie Pro-Action Inc.Reid Built Homes Ltd.Estate of John ReidEstate of Margaret ReidFred ReindersReinhart Foods LtdReitmans (Canada) LimitedRekord Holdings LtdReligious Hospitallers of Saint-JosephPaul Richardson John J. RitchieGeorge RobertsonEstate of Stanley RobinsW. Michael RocheRockwell Automation Canadian TrustMargaret E. RodgersDave RoessleinDory RossiterGordon RossRoxboro Excavation Inc.Ray & Pam RoyRoyal Canadian Legion Branch 21Royal Canadian Legion Branch 238Stephen S. RubyJoe RussoDonald S. RutherfordDavid SarlesMichel SaucierScenic ElectricJerome SchultzScotiabankSears Employees Charitable Fund Justin SeitzDavid B. SelaShadowcorp Investments LimitedPeggy & Dick SharpeRobert SheafferEleanor Sheppard

James SherryLori SimmonsM. SmallEdward & Barbara SmithThe Philip Smith FoundationSolstice Canada Corp.Sonya’s StoreJack & A.M. SpruytT.A. St-Germain Charitable FoundationStarbucks Make Your Mark Volunteer

ProgramArthur & Marion StarrEstate of Dorothea SteerSteinbring AgenciesSuncor Energy FoundationSuperior Millwork Ltd.Robert SutherlandWilliam E. SylvesterTakla FoundationJoan TaylorTD Bank Financial GroupTechnology Initiatives Group Ltd.Carol ThomlinsonTomislav TomicEvelyn ToyTrepanier Lodge 83Ivan TrushTyco Electronics Canada Ltd.Union GasUnique Chrysler Dodge JeepUnited Commercial Travellers of AmericaUnity Lodge #47, I.O.O.FVenturelink LPVenetor Equipment Rental Inc.Vengrowth Investment FundVenture SteelVermillion Pc AssociationReta VigarVillage Fish & ChipsVoortman’s CookiesSteve & Susan VuckoWade & PartnersJohn B. WadlandMaurice WalshWasaga Beach Lion Club IncJim WatersRobert WatsonThe WB Family FoundationRob R. WeirWelded Tube of Canada LimitedWhite Rock Lioness ClubSandra J. WhiteWieland WettsteinMorris WilkinsPat & Jim WilsonWinners Merchants InternationalSheila WissmarRob WitterWoodbridge Foam CorporationJudith WyseDara Yavari-IssalouIona YoudenZargon Oil & Gas Ltd.

The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canadawould also like to thank the United Way ofCanada.

(We apologize for any errors or omissions).

18 | It’s time .

Major donors [continued]

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2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT | 19

Research partners

Research partners are a distinct group of donorsfrom across Canada that has demonstrated aspecial interest in helping the MS Society of

Canada progress as a leader in finding a cure formultiple sclerosis. Last year, our research partnersraised nearly $1 million in support of MS research.Through their support, the MS Society is able to fund

the most innovative and groundbreakinginvestigations, which have lead to earlier detection,improved therapies, and hope for a cure.

The MS Society of Canada is pleased to recognize the following research partners who made a gift in2007-2008:

$10,000+Athena Resources Ltd.Douglas & Joanne Ellenor

$5,000 - $9,999Bruce Del GuidicePaul DullaertAgnes FaraciViolet FlawnJohn & Ann OgilvyJoe SpagnoloFrederick J. Troop

$1,000 - $4,999Anonymous (28)Ian J. AdlerSilvia AlbusS. Alexander & B. MackenzieJames E. AllardVal AllardiceDavid AllenDr. John C. Allison Medical Services Inc.

Alpine Village (1986) LtdJ.C. AndersonPatricia ArmstrongThomas ArnoldJane ArnupAnna AzmanJan BacherIn Memory of Joel BalfourKathryn BallsBarber Motors (1963) LimitedJohn & Donna-Rae BargenKaren & Bill BarnettLeonard BartlettMagnus BayneBeehive Rebexah Lodge 67Robert BellBelmont Golf Club Inc.Gilbert S. BennettSylvie BenoîtMary BergaminWilliam W. BerghuisWarren BiggarJosephine N. BirdMorley & Marjorie Blankstein C.M.Mr. & Mrs. Harold BoeseJoanne & Paul BonazzaJocelyn BraithwaiteJérôme BrassardGeorge & Sheri BraunLillian & Peter BrownOlive R. BuitenhuisDavid R. CampbellCanadian Press/ Broadcast News Employees

Martin CarsleyJ. Charles CatyLaurie CavanaughJack & Margaret Charlesworth Foundation

Paul Chevalier

Sherry Lin ChisamoreK. S. CloutierJames ColvinGrace CooperPaule CouetDr. Charles CourchesneFrances E. CowanElizabeth CrawfordMr. & Mrs. Robert T. CrawfordRobin CruickshankAlec & Shirley CurtisSophie CuvelliezAndrew DalyWes & Judith DavisPeter DemikAnn denOudenFrance Chrétien DesmaraisDan & Jill DevlinMrs. M. Jean DickJohn W. DicksonPeter & Anna DiGiuseppeElisabeth DingmanMr. & Mrs. Ian DonnellyH. R. Doornekamp Construction

Ltd.Leslie DubeJohn DungeyThe Ebos FamilyHoward & Barbara EckmanJake & Eva EliasDavid & Pearl ElmanLes Entreprises Claude Rodrigue

Inc.Naomi ErlickArthur EvansFaithful Friends FoundationMaurizio FanucchiGérald FauteuxLaurent & Leslie FerreiraDr. Barbara FidlerKenneth A. FieldHugh J. FinlaysonRoderick & Susan FinlaysonDr. Michael FiorinoKenneth A. FowlerDavid FoxeIrma & Robert FragmanA. Scott FraserEsther FreemanJoy & Barry GalesSheba GangjiJay GarlandDr. Bernard GauthierEleanor GeorgeFrank GerritsGestion R Dubé IncMarina GibsonHelen K. GibsonSean GilbertJane L. GlasscoGML Mechanical Ltd.John & Marge GodelZelda & Henry Goldenberg

Danny GomesJ. Ian GrahamMargaret GroomHaase Greenhouses Inc.Norman HagemeyerCamille HalabyDr. Harold C. HallTerry HalpinStuart HayWilliam B. HenmanD. J. HeuleGordon & Maureen HillAllan HoganJo-Anne HoweHranco Industries Ltd., in honour

of William H. HodgeJ.D. HubbertJohn HughesRenata HumphriesPaul InglisWilliam & Joanne IrvineLinda JackmanDavid & Marueen JacksonFrances JoaquinVernon JohnstonAnnie Jouniaux-TellierJon D. JustMr. & Mrs. Gordon KernBrian & Madelyn KingNeil & Bev KirkRegina KlippensteinGeorge & Elizabeth KnowlesThe Koehle Family FoundationHelen KoningL V Lomas LimitedAndre Robert LalondeCarol LaPrairieEsther LeeMr. & Mrs. Daniel LeeJanet LeffekLehmann Plumbing Ltd.Dr. Keith D. LemayGary Levene & Deborah EisenbergGarry & Mary LimprightMr. & Mrs. Peter LockieRichard LoretoPeter J. LudgateLarry R. LunnJohn & Jewel LyonsDonald MacDougallJames MacDonaldCorine MacLaurinErnest C. B. MacNabbJune MathesonKenneth W. McArthurMr. & Mrs. Andrew McClureIan & Janet McConnellKevin McDonaldJanet McDougallPatrick McGurnLillian McIntyreNancy McKeanRobert & Junith Mee

George & Sylvia MelvilleHenry S. MewsArmand & Hazel MisuracaWayne & Susan MooreWilliam P. MorelDavid MorganAnnette MorinJohn MorinG. MoritaF. Paul MorrisonBill & Doreen MotzDon & Jacqueline MurphyJoseph F. MurrayMartin T. NelsonPeter NeufeldNorth Waterloo Farmers Mutual

Ins. Co.Thomas Nunan & Renée

Nunan-RappardSandra NymarkDr. Mary O’ConnorDr. Paul O’ConnorPatricia O’MalleyPeter O’SullivanDavid OgdenCalvin A. PatersonPeak Construction Ltd.Mark PelehosDr. Micheline PeletierDr. Edwin M. PenningtonCarl PfeifferBibiane PineauWard C. PitfieldMrs. G. PitmanDr. Georgie M. PontikesPort Royal Mill Ltd.Precision Contractors Ltd.Anne PrimeauProtax Financial Services Inc.Karla RajputMr. & Mrs. J. B. ReaMurray J. Reimer Inc.Joanne RichardsonAdelaide RichterRoy & Wilma RobbinsRocky Cross Construction

(North) Ltd.Rogers’ Family Charitable TrustMargaret E. RossDeane & Brenda RossG. Margaret RossMargaret RothDr. Lucie RouleauMarilyn & Ray RousseauGilles RoyNorman RusywichWarren RybakPatrick A. RobinsonCharles SaillantYvan SalvettieSamcon Inc.Al & Sandra SaxtonVathurith Sbong

Salvatore ScaliMichael SchertzerScientific Atlanta Canada Inc.Peggy ScottHoward & Elayne ShaprayDoreen ShaunessyOwen Bruce ShimeDrs. Sacha Singh & Andie Wiseman

Tom & Angela SkinnerKathleen SmileyDr. Allan SmithScott SmithL. SpockGlen SquiresStan Poulsen Trucking Ltd.N.K. StanfieldDonald StewartDr. Linda J. StirkH J Stultz Family FoundationMark SuchanDr. Véronique SussetAnne SylvestreRita TardifGary & Diane TelmerJoanne & David TempletonTestricsPierre ThabetAnn L. ThompsonJ.D. ThomsonJohn M. ToombsTopor Family FoundationDean & Kitty ToyeLouise Rousselle TrottierGeorge TsitourasUnilock Ltd.Michel VachonLuicen ViauMargaret Von RudloffThe WB Family FoundationDon WalkerHugh WallaceJohn & Josie WatsonDr. Linda WeberWilliam & Eleanor WhyteThomas A. WilcoxJohn WilliamsBetty WilliamsFlorence WilsonMargaret WilsonFlorence & Mickey WinbergCarolyn M. WooghLawrence D. WorrallR. WorsleyGraham WrightIn Memory of Ron WyattDrs. Mark & Phyllis YaffeDr. Laval Yau

(We apologize for any errors oromissions).

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20 | It’s time .

Company Division

$500,000 +RBC ON

$250,000 +Pattison NAT/QCLoewen, Ondaatje,

McCutcheon Ltd. ONClear Channel Outdoor ONRONA Inc. NAT

$200,000 - $250,000CTV Toronto ON

$150,000 - $200,000Corus Entertainment ON/QCStudent Works Painting NATCanwest Global

Communication Corp. AB/BC/QC

Company Division

$100,000- $150,000Neo Traffic Advertising QCAM 640 Toronto Radio ONLes Publications TVA inc. QCAtlas Van Lines (Canada) Ltd. NATEMD Serono Canada Inc. ON/QCCountry 105 FM ABRoyal Camp Food Services Ltd ABAstral Media MB/QC

$50,000 - $100,000Brink’s Canada Limited NATLoblaw Companies Limited ONNational Logistics Services Inc. ONBlack Press BCEZ Rock/Team 1260/The Bear ABReader’s Digest QC102.9 K-Lite fm ON

Company Division

$50,000 - $100,000Chum Radio, QMFM, The Beat BCPurolator Courier Limited ATLEnerflex Systems Ltd. ABSubway MBBlue Cross Canada SK/QC/ATL

$25,000 - $50,000Toronto Community News ONBilly Talent ONCTV Northern Ontario ONTiffany & Co. ONAnne Klein ON/QCCalgary Herald ABCTV ABChatelaine NATJack FM ABPizzaville ON

Company Division

$25,000 - $50,000Stephenson’s Rental Services ONA Channel Ottawa ONNewcap Broadcasting ABCIBC NATGlow Magazine NATScotiabank BCDundee Wealth ONMandarin Restaurants ONSassafraz ONScholastic Canada Ltd. ON/NATSUGOI Ltd. NATManitoba Lotteries Corporation MBRythme FM QCSaskatchewan Blue Cross SKQualité Étudiants/ QCDesjardins Gestion immobilière QC

Team Name Team Captain(s) Division

$150,000+CC Riders Alan Creaser ATL

$75,000 - $149,999Smokin’ Embers Jan Hancock AB

$50,000 - $74,999 Team Stephenson’s Stirling Mcarthur ONTeam Julia Julia Daniluck ABWoop de Woo Kevin James BCHeart Brakers John Mullen ABMunnky Krunchers Alanah Clifton / Chris Romanuik /

Donna Romanuik / Pat Semrok AB

Viarail Denis Lemieux QCTeamBP Bryan Simister ABDirty Cranks Gavin Giles ATLMidland in Motion Ed Friesen / Gordon Love MBNicholson Family

& Friends Kenzie Nicholson BC

$25,000 - $49,999Solutions Partagées Gabriel Gagnon QCY-Ride Diane Prendergast /

Jannelle Meredith / Jillian Footz / Kathleen Knopp AB

Apache Recovery Team Laura-Lee Dyck ABProgress for MS Kevin Wood BCLespérance André Lespérance QCTeam PRONTO! Barry Ryziuk ABRONA - Équipe

Guy Leclerc Lucie Laflamme QCTeam Enbridge Tracy Wong ABShifting Gears Kathy Alves ABButt Ugly Joanne Janzen /

Scott Halpenny ONLes Spiders France Leblanc QCSuccess MS Support

Group Lianne Britnell BC

Team Name Team Captain(s) Division

$25,000 - $49,999Greatful Tread Dan Neufeld / Grace Lackman /

Martha Corbin MBDoug & Marion’s MS E-Racers

(formerly Boymybuttisaur) Sharen Robinson ONSPinning wheels for Angel Caroline Boisclair QCEssex Rattlers Douglas Gouin ONCollection Paul Rochefort QCMike’s Wheels of Justice Stewart Hutchings ABThe Happy Fillmores Paul Paridaen / Verna Haiden ABZena’s Warriors Wanda Bouchard-Barry SKNLS Team Extreme! Chris Redpath ONLisa Jane’s Jelly Beans Lisa Jane Gibson SKWho-Hah’s Brad Willis ABLet’s Ride Tania Maclean ABTeam Tazza Crystal Phillips ABStantec’s Cyndie’s Cyclists Kevin O’neil ABTeam Viagara Falls Mo Milne ONSpirit Riders Linda Lessard QCCycledelics Denise Pelrine ATLL’équipe qui a du chien Josée Morneau QCAssante Michel St-Georges QCFitness Fever Elaine Somers ABGuys and Gals A 1000 Plus Alex Romanowich ONmillennium stars self

help group Trisha Sims BCCanam Julie Pineau QCEramosa Tim Sutherns ONAl’s Pals Ineke Bezuyen ONSore Aces Doug Meloche ONEasy Riders Angela Soper ONLes Crochus Yves Mercure QCLes Joyeux Marcheurs Josée Sheehy QCCycling for Carlos Raquel Tavares ONTeam Chris Chris Kieser ABBiker Chicks and

Bocce Boys Greg Douglas ABtsatselz Sabrina Topor QC

Team Name Team Captain(s) Division

$25,000 - $49,999London Life - The Grateful Tread Marlene Travers-Smith ON

Roadkill Greg Redden ATL

$20,000 - $24,999Les Bicycleux Jean-Louis Richard QCPricewaterhouseCoopers Jonathan Simmons ONFriends of Jo-Anne Colin Findlay MBTeam TELUS Donna Egglestone ABLes Cyclophiles de Drummondville Marcel Desfossés QC

John Ernewein Limited - Mary’s Crew John Ernewein ON

Sally’s Second Super Six Jeanne DesBrisay ONBrosha’s Believers Eleanor Brosha ATLRBC Fights MS Carole Carpentier ONThe Shopping Channel Anh Goodfellow ONMS Miracle Spinners BCPete’s Friends Peter Van Boekel ONTAG Nicole Charland QCYou Go Gang Myrna Hastings BCThe Brotherhood Team Paul Lafond ONLes Tant d’Aime Louise Forget QCeSPrit Sportif Christiane Thouin QCLes inconscients Normand Fafard QCBuddies For Life - Team London Life Barbara Smith / Heather Smith /

Stephanie Schembri ONcyclepaths Tammy Jewell MBTeam Cyclelopes Tracy Tremblay ABCroix Bleue Medavie Monique Caron QCLackner Loonies Pete Delorme ONGears & Tears John Burgess ONTeam Addison Dave Macmurchi BCTeam WAMS Deanna Groetzinger ONMS gets on our nerves!! Anny Nehme / Ted Nehme QCLes B Suzanne Brodeur QC


2007-2008 TeamMS TOP TEAMSTeamMS encourages participants in the MS Walk and the RONA MS Bike Tours to form teams with their family,friends and co-workers for fun and camaraderie.

We are proud to honour our national and division corporate partners for their generous contributions andsupport of our fund raising events.

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2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT | 21

2007-2008 TOP EVENT FUNDRAISERS $50,000 +Bob DeckerJohn MullenKenzie Nicholson

$25,000 - $49,999Julia DaniluckKevin JamesMadelyn WeingardenTom EisenhauerGordon BertieBernard LofchickDavid KnightYhanne ManciniRosa TavaresChris Kieser

$10,000 - $24,999Roderic PratLinda TomsJohn MakrisGavin GilesRosa TavaresJeff ArmstrongJessica WilliamsGerry LanceFrance LeblancMike ShepherdJeanne DesBrisayAndrea BatesBill BatesRichard LemireMartin Van BoekelJosée SheehyDoug MelocheColin FindlayJonathan SimmonsMyrna HastingsJohn ErneweinSaverio Di MondoMark FreedmanGlen MilneBarry TravnicekDarcy TriggRobert SheafferJamie HallChristiane ThouinKen EnglerKen MayhewRay LozinskiJennifer LeungBryan SimisterPerry ParkerMark StewartDanny Baum Virginia LuksAlvin ScheinAndré LespéranceTodd WorsleyVaughn MaclellanWillie SwisherTed NehmeSimmy SaranEldon HornerCraig WalkerBrad DickRueben DevlinKevin FritzKevin WoodRod NeumannRoy BestIneke BezuyenAlexa Coupland

Ross HarwoodGilles DionneMark TetraultPete DelormeFern LandryLeah Tallon-SinclairDonna BlackDion OxfordKeith MychalukGail Taylor Diane DafoeMagda SwisherDiny GroenestegeFrances HarrisonGordon LevyJan HancockIan FillingerDoug HansenDan SimsIan RaapJack MorrisLen MacdonaldKen KerrVicky MccannDaniel MartinelliLesia ZelykChris MacMillanNancy LesterJohn ShewchukAlex KornVerne BarrWayne LessardDana TorossiDonna RomanuikBob MerrickMo MilneCarole CarpentierRob WilsonMichael BinderPaul WempleLaura-Lee DyckTerry WakelinGeoffrey BirchLinda JarrettTheresa ReadeGloria DaweMichèle PotvinJim CampbellSherrill-Ann MonaghanFred TufnellEmile VarsavaBob CaseKarl DennhardtSarah McCullaghSerge AudetteHenriette BenoitAlbert HulzebosJulie CooperGiselle AmannPeter ReaumeGlen PleshkoTimothy MahoneyAnnette Matisz

$5,000 - $9,999Gordon MacDonaldKim FabianBob MajowiczTracy GallDoug DafoeJennifer Burgess PevecVern YuBenjamin Rusonik

Yves MercureAndrew HurlbutRobert JacksonAndrea MartinYves SavoieGary HaugMario SaabPaul LafondRoy PattisonGreg BowenDavid A TarrPaul BernardsBrian BlairRueben DevlinDavid GartonAnne GrantJennifer MuchieLinda LessardJay KusterWinnifred GrayAdrian GagnerNoel CordahiKari Brown-JohnElsye ReaderMark OutramPaul ChatignyNeil ClarkJonathan TaylorSheri KatzAerin Flanagan GreenAndy SmithStirling McarthurScott ReedWilliam ClemensHudson MuirErnie StigantJim CoadyRobert VogelShona SadlerNancy EisenhauerDeborah BestLois White DoranKathryn RockBarb CorlessRoland HouleHebb StuartJudy GravesDanny LynnHeather SmithJacques PronovostPaul ChapmanJasmine ThebergeCharlotte BlondeJean-Paul ChauvetteAngela GosselinMarcel NotschaeleTim SuthernsJoan Rainbird-SharpJim IsaakRachael ChiassonShauna MacKinnonNick AragonaLisa Jane GibsonMarc BeaulieuGordon HillDerrick BuddenRick CassonAnn PoynerTed GloverJo OrtonSilvie BarretteNancy KastnerSheldon Patriquin

Michel St-GeorgesAndrea Lucifero Stewart WongCarol MartensJoan CharleboisDarcie JamesDavid TylersBarry AshbyStan FunkBob MayElaine MatthiessenJennifer SullivanGretha AbmaStanley WenerTracey OstermannLiz FitzhenrySusan BriouxJohn TurveyDavid WiltonAnne PeckLianne BritnellSuzanne MignaultStephen JarvisRichard JurewiczJulie DesrosiersLori AllinghamMelanie MacPhersonLouise ForgetPatricia CluzeauLarissa WilliamsonTim BlomLena MeneguzziDan ProdorMaria CommissoTracy Merry-ThomsonMartin CossetteDavid HawryshDavid AndersonHazel ShawPam Van Der LaanAndrew GrenierBruce RyanTerry WalkerDavid JohnsonBarry StorkJeanna OlexynKathy VanceJames PetrielloAngela KirbyUrsula SchmidtAlison Bates RobichaudKareen StangherlinAlex RomanowichMark JacksonMarlin BonyaiMarco StangherlinJesse KupinaBenjamin OttoTerry ZakreskiKevin O’neilRhonda WehrhahnJames StoneCorinne JensenAndré MorinJean-Daniel BretonJennifer SproatSelena ForsythBonnie MillerNadine BertolaBelinda LamocaLevi BarronPeter FehlerJanet Embir

Graeme DowlingBarb WinfieldFran RussoJack DawsonDaniel GougeFilipe BoucinhaDave MclachlanJordan ToporSavaun O’DwyerLaszlo EndosyKenneth ThomasEdward JohnsonEvelyn LariviereRick ColumbiaLynda CookJoanne BoissonnaultSuzanne DeschampsSabrina ToporDaniel BottigliaDavid NichollsDwayne PohranychnyScott CoulterDerek LuceDarla DriscollChad OhmanLee CopperMichael ElmanSheldon GilchristGerry DerbyshireChrista BurryKyla MccleanRussell AdamsBrett MarcouxSharon BohayJudd BuchananBenjamin ToporDianne MackPhillipa BrysuikWendy JohnstoneMark BazermanDeborah GoodfellowKen CudmoreDietmar BloedornGreg DouglasHope ArmstrongRandy GreenBoyd MunroeWendy WalshJean-François TessierEnzo PersiaCharles ToupinEmily DavisWayne LavoidRalph CochraneChristine DionDerek FaraciGuillaume JeanWendy BettsHerb HiebertSandi PowellMarcia MundellDaniel GougeFausta TedescoJoanne HallidayLeigh SheperdBruce SiddallFred FianderDanielle BeaulieuJean BissonnettePaula PippertClint BrooksRichard LouchChristine Gaddye

Barry DahlseideHeather Ashton LanthierCatherine CulliganLisa ToporSharon FehrAlan CreaserRobert SchoeppChristian BouletBruce MastermanHeather MegerDavid M WiebeDean MullenPat CooperLeanne AndersonCathie McCahonKarsten ArendDon BodmanWanda PetersonBill LumsdenClaude BriseboisAdrian EnzlinRobert DyckGordon LeeJennifer KeatingDerek VaughanJohn MarshallMichelle WalkerHedwig WilliamsCaroline MonastRobert YorkeIan LittleGreg BavingtonLarry DowneyRoger PomerleauDan LinehanAnthony VolpeMalina GiorgioMelissa TennantBev DerudderJohn DuffyLeah CournoyerScott DavisLynall SlywkaPhilip GowGreg BavintonChris RomanuikKaren CrawfordJennifer BerginLiz DriedgerKayla McneillyDonna ThurberAmy BurryBarry RyziukDiane GauthierLuke SchoonderwoerdLisa NagyDarcy DeckLisa Fry

(We apologize for any errorsor omissions).

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22 | It’s time .

Evelyn OpalSociety

The Evelyn Opal Society was created in honourof Evelyn Opal who founded the MS Society ofCanada in 1948. She made an outstanding

difference in the lives of people with MS. Her hopefor a future free from MS created a vision that wefollow today.

When you make a legacy gift to the MS Society ofCanada, you become a member of the Evelyn OpalSociety. Each year, many new members join over 400men and women who have made a legacy gift as theircommitment to end MS. The following peopleconfirmed a legacy gift to the MS Society this pastyear and we are honoured to welcome them as thenewest members of the Evelyn Opal Society:

Dana DolleryGale KellyDiane Mcleod




NATIONAL OPAL AWARD WINNERSCharlie Broderick, New BrunswickAs an active member of the NationalCaregiver Advisory Group within theNational Client Services department,Charlie Broderick’s contributions to the

MS Society have been far-reaching and full of impact. He’scommitted to assisting the MS Society in furthering thecaregiver agenda and in developing innovative programsand activities in support of MS caregivers. While immenselyinvolved in his wife Helen’s daily care, Mr. Broderickcontinues to find the time to support the MS Society inmany of its ongoing activities, particularly those centred onthe caregiver program.

David McPetrie, OntarioDavid McPetrie supported his late wifeCarol, who had MS, in her volunteerwork with the MS Society HaltonChapter and other organizations. WhenCarol’s condition progressed, Dave’s

caregiving role expanded. He updated her with all of thechapters’ activities, kept her mind engaged and ensuredthat her needs and comfort are met. At the same time, hemade sure that he gave his sons his full attention byattending in their activities and school events. David neverfaltered in his love and care to his wife until the end.


Print Award winnerCelia Milne receives the print awardfor an examination of how MSresearchers are trying to find theanswers to why MS is more prevalentamong women. MS and the Canadian

female connection highlighted an essential point – therehas been increase in ratio of women to men who get MSnow, compared to a few decades ago. The article waspublished in the Globe and Mail in July 2007.

Broadcast Award winnerLarry Read is recognized for TheFaces of MS, a broadcast story aboutthe Faces of MS: Public EducationProject, an exhibit about Kamloops,B.C. residents affected by multiple

sclerosis. Read’s work illustrates the power of thecommunity in raising awareness of the disease. CFJC Newsbroadcasted the story in November 2007.

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2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT | 23

Multiple Sclerosis Society of CanadaStatement of revenue and expenditure

For the year ended August 31, 2008 2008 2007(in thousands of dollars) $ $

RevenueDonations and special fundraising projects – net of related expenses 29,031 27,637endMS Campaign 2,759 1,293Grants 2,560 2,580Allocations from United Way 1,220 1,208Investment income 436 1,429Miscellaneous revenue 578 –Gain on sale of building – 594Memberships 93 100

36,677 34,841

ExpendituresProgram services

Research 9,893 10,735Research – restricted for endMS campaign 2,759 1,293Client services 10,285 10,041Public education 3,568 2,768Chapter development 2,204 1,610Government relations 1,390 1,190MS Clinics 843 877

30,942 28,514

Support servicesAdministration 3,876 3,497Indirect fundraising 1,551 1,605

5,427 5,10236,369 33,616

Excess of revenue over expenditures for the year 308 1,225

87% Donations and Special events

7% Grants

3% United Way

2% Miscellaneous revenue

1% Investment income and membership

35% Research

28% Client Services

11% Administration

10% Public education

6% Chapter and volunteer development

4% Indirect Fundraising

4% Government relations

2% MS Clinics


Complete financial statement and annual report to stakeholders are available upon request.

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2007 - 2008 NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORSNATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEChair, Daniel LarouchePast Chair, Louis J. MarounSecretary-treasurer, Geneviève BrouilletteChair (fundraising), Bob DeckerChair (client services), Dr. Mary Lou MylesDirector, David BardalDirector, Dr. Samuel Ludwin

Directors-at-largeDon CarrollJim CaseyDavid GartonGarrett HermanAndré LespéranceMark WhitmoreCharles Whelly

Honorary directorsAlexander R. AirdA. Jeremy ArnoldFrank E. P. BowmanLaurie DennetReid G. NicholsonR. Neil WickhamJim Wolfgang

DIVISION REPRESENTATIVESBritish ColumbiaChair, Gerry BramhillSecond, Lynn Hunter

AlbertaChair, Suzanne DeschampsSecond, James Orr

SaskatchewanChair, Joe NastiukSecond, Shelly Nicolle-Phillips

ManitobaChair, Jeanette EdwardsSecond, Brian Lerner

OntarioChair, Linda LumsdenSecond, John CliffordSecond, John O’Dwyer*

QuebecChair, François CoupalSecond, Geneviève Brouillette

AtlanticChair, Sean KirbySecond, Charles Ford

MS MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2007 - 2008Chair, Dr. Wee YongMembersDr. Jack AntelDr. Joan BoggsDr. Mark FreedmanDr. Samuel K. LudwinDr. William J. McIlroyDr. Paul O’ConnorDr. Trevor OwensDr. Alan PetersonDr. W. Pryse-PhillipsDr. John RichertDr. Dessa SadovnickDr. Brian Weinshenker

MS BIOMEDICAL GRANTS REVIEWCOMMITTEE 2007 - 2008Chair, Dr. Rashmi KotharyMembersDr. Guillermina AlmazanDr. Vanessa AuldDr. Brenda BanwellDr. Marc HorwitzDr. Michael KawajaDr. Michael MayneDr. Ross MitchellDr. John RichertDr. William J. McIlroy

MS HEALTH RESEARCH REVIEWCOMMITTEE 2007 - 2008Chair, Dr. Christina WolfsonMembersDr. Pierre DuquetteDr. Anthony FeinsteinDr. Luanne Metz





National Office175 Bloor Street EastSuite 700, North TowerToronto, ON M4W 3R8416.922.6065

British Columbia Division1501 - 4330 KingswayBurnaby BC V5H 4G7604.689.3144

Alberta Division9405 - 50 Street, Suite 150Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2T4780.463.1190

Saskatchewan Division150 Albert StreetRegina SK S4R 2N2306.522.5600

Manitoba DivisionSuite 100-1465 Buffalo PlaceWinnipeg, Manitoba R3T 1L8204.943.9595

Ontario Division175 Bloor Street EastSuite 700, North TowerToronto ON M4W 3R8416.922.6065

Quebec Division550 Sherbrooke St. W.East Tower, Suite 1010Montreal, QC H3A 1B9514.849.7591

Atlantic Division71 Ilsley Avenue, Unit 12Dartmouth NS B3B 1L5902.468.8230

Toll Free: 1.800.268.7582E-mail: [email protected]:

Disponible en français.*Resigned May 2008