Narrative 10 1st Quarter

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Transcript of Narrative 10 1st Quarter

  • 8/12/2019 Narrative 10 1st Quarter


  • 8/12/2019 Narrative 10 1st Quarter


    The literar# terms *!cus and the academic $!caular# *!cus sh!uld e addressed th!r!ughl#

    while reading the a!$e selecti!ns&

    .n !utside reading n!$el sh!uld e assigned t! students *r!m the !ard-a%%r!$ed reading list *!r

    the tenth grade& This n!$el sh!uld c!incide with the themes" time %eri!d" !r literar# de$ice eing

    taught *!r the quarter&

    Su%%lementar# materials are a$ailale *!r each !* the selecti!ns $ia CB& Ase these t! hel% teach

    the standards and terms and t! %lan a%%r!%riate less!ns that will engage students in the learning%r!cess&

    Grammar '!cus

    The *!ll!wing units sh!uld e c!$ered and can e *!und in the Glencoe Writers ChoiceGra$$ar and Co$position (WC):



    Ders .d6ecti$es




    Inter6ecti!ns and C!n6uncti$e .d$ers

    Sim%le Su6ects F Predicates

    C!m%!und Su6ects F Predicates

    Order !* Su6ect F Predicates



    End ;arks

    The *!cus !* the students3 learning sh!uld e ased !n the .laama C!urse !* Stud# standards

    *!r the tenth grade and standardi2ed tests such as the .laama /igh Sch!!l Graduati!n E(amanguage standards and .CT& !tice that the standards are listed in a se%arate c!lumn !n the

    %acing guide&

    The grammar terms *!cus sh!uld e addressed th!r!ughl# while teaching the a!$e units&

    Su%%lementar# materials are a$ailale *!r each !* the units $ia CB& Ase these t! hel% teach the

    standards and terms and t! %lan a%%r!%riate less!ns that will engage students in the learning%r!cess&

    riting '!cusThe writing *!r this quarter sh!uld re$!l$e ar!und %ersuasi!n and %ersuasi$e writing

    techniques& Students sh!uld als! s%end s!me time w!rking with timed writing and %re%aring *!r

    timed writing tests 4.B.5& Gi$e them sam%le %r!m%ts 4these can easil# e *!und !n theinternet5 t! w!rk with and gi$e them s!me ti%s !n !rgani2ing their ideas quickl# 4the# are gi$en

  • 8/12/2019 Narrative 10 1st Quarter


    scratch %a%er5& !u can s%end this quarter %racticing %ersuasi$e writing %r!m%ts in additi!n t!

    the *!ll!wing writing assignments *r!m Glencoe Writers Choice Gra$$ar and Co$position


    Persuasi$e riting

    E$idence in Persuasi$e riting

    Presenting an O%ini!n riting a Pr!duct E$aluati!n

    riting a etter !* C!m%laint

    Creating an .d

    Persuasi$e riting Pr!6ect

    D!caular#D!caular# kn!wledge is essential t! reading c!m%rehensi!n& uilding rele$ant ackgr!und

    in*!rmati!n and $!caular# sh!uld e a %re-reading acti$it# *!r e$er# reading,literature less!n

    *!r all genres: *icti!n including sh!rt st!ries" n!$els" %!etr#" drama" as well as n!n*icti!n& In

    additi!n" students ene*it *r!m a regular and m!re structured s%elling and $!caular# %r!gram&

    Ase the *!ll!wing Glenc!e su%%lementar# materials t! hel% #!u inc!r%!rate $!caular# int! #!ur

    teaching !* literature 4!te: Ase these materials t! teach these $!caular# w!rds in c!nte(t5:H e$eled D!caular# Be$el!%ment .da%ted

    H e$eled D!caular# Be$el!%ment E

    H e$eled D!caular# Be$el!%ment EnrichedH e$eled D!caular# Be$el!%ment Grade e$el

    '!r /!n!rs,Pre-.P classes" use &oca'ulary o#er lus for the !e# T*!r #!ur grade le$elreading c!m%rehensi!n&