Narendra Kumar Resume

 CURRICULUM -VITA E  Gulshan saini  Addresh – 57, krishna coloney scheme no. 10 alwar rajasthan Dist –Alwar Pin no- 01001 !mail- "ulshansaini#$0%&" 'ontact (o.0 )$*10%*  Carrier Objective: -  +o work in an or"aniation where am ale to contriute the or"aniation "rowth and Pro/itaility with my skills and in true "et an oortunity to "ain eosure and eertise that would hel me to uild a romisin" and success/ul career Qualification:- 10 th  assed in $010 /rom 2ajasthan !ducati on 3oard o/ A jmer. 1$ th  assed in $01$/rom 2ajasthan !ducation 3o ard o/ Ajmer .  Graduation;  B.A From rajast han university in 2015. Professional Qualification:- 3asic 'omuter 4nowled"e 2'+ Diloma . E!erience :-  " #ont$ e!erience in %i&s !la' sc $ool near a#be&%ar circle al(ar ) *ro# jul' +," to october +,") Aca&e#ic Ac$ieve#ent-:  'onsistently in to osition in class .  6on ries in "ames and other cultural actiity .  And hae also articiited in (... cam. Personal Infor#ation:-  (ame 8 "ulshan saini 9ather:s (ame 8 ha"wan shaye saini Date o/ 3irth 8 1$-1$-1##$  (ationality 8 ndian ;an"ua"e 4now 8 <indi = !n"lish >arital tatus 8 unmarried e 8 /emale <oies 8 , (et ur/in", readin" ooks.  Attit udes 8 Postie thinkin", learnin", s#art (or%er .eclaration: herey declare that the in/ormation /urnished aoe is true to the est o/ my knowled"e and  elie/. Date - Place A;6 A2 ?"ulshan saini@



Transcript of Narendra Kumar Resume


CURRICULUM -VITAE Gulshan saini Addresh 57, krishna coloney scheme no. 10 alwar rajasthan

Dist Alwar

Pin no- 301001Email- [email protected] Contact No.0 8233341064Carrier Objective: - To work in an organization where I am able to contribute the organization growth and Profitability with my skills and in true get an opportunity to gain exposure and expertise that would help me to build a promising and successful career


10th passed in 2010 from Rajasthan Education Board of Ajmer.

12th passed in 2012from Rajasthan Education Board of Ajmer. Graduation; B.A From rajasthan university in 2015.Professional Qualification:-

Basic Computer Knowledge RSCIT Diploma .

Experience :-

4 month experience in kids play school near ambedkar circle alwar.From july 2014 to october 2014.Academic Achievement-: Consistently in top position in class .

Won prizes in games and other cultural activity. And I have also participited in N.S.S. camp.Personal Information:-


:gulshan saini

Fathers Name

:bhagwan shaye saini

Date of Birth




Language Know :Hindi & English

Marital Status





:, Net Surfing, reading books. Attitudes : Postive thinking, learning, smart worker Declaration:

I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date -


(gulshan saini)