NARAL Scorecard 109th Congress, 1st Session

2005 Congressional Record on Choice


NARAL Congressional Scorecard for the 1st Session of the 109th Congress (2005)

Transcript of NARAL Scorecard 109th Congress, 1st Session

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Record onChoice

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2005 Congressional Record on Choice iii

NARAL Pro-Choice America believes

every woman has the right to make

personal decisions regarding the full

range of reproductive choices,

including preventing unintended

pregnancy, bearing healthy children,

and choosing legal abortion.

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2005 Congressional Record on Choice 1

As we publish the 2005 Congressional Record onChoice, which documents each key choice-related votetaken during the past year, a woman’s right to choosehangs in the balance.

For more than four years, President Bush, with helpfrom his anti-choice allies in Congress, has marched stepby step toward dismantling Roe v. Wade. The presidentsigned the first federal law in history criminalizing abor-tion, granted embryos and fetuses unprecedented legalstatus, and installed dozens of anti-choice judges on thefederal bench. But the first year of his second term pre-sented President Bush with an even greater opportunityto influence reproductive freedom long after he leavesthe Oval Office: two Supreme Court vacancies – includinga swing seat that for years has proved instrumental inprotecting the fundamental freedoms articulated in Roe.

In July, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor – a moderatevoice of reason on the Court who provided the criticalswing vote in 5-4 decisions upholding the freedom ofchoice – announced her decision to retire. In September,Chief Justice William Rehnquist passed away. The anti-choice movement already controls the White House andCongress, and President Bush seized these openings toextend anti-choice dominance to the third, remainingbranch of government.


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His first nominee, John Roberts, has a clear record asa legal activist who advocated the overturn of Roe. Unfor-tunately, the Senate confirmed Roberts to the post ofChief Justice, 78-22. Soon thereafter, President Bushnominated White House Counsel Harriet Miers, whoproved insufficiently doctrinaire for the president’s anti-choice political base and withdrew her name from con-sideration. The president’s final Supreme Court nomineeof 2005, Samuel Alito, has said that “the Constitutiondoes not protect a right to an abortion” and, as a lawyerin the Reagan administration, was an architect of thelegal strategy to undermine and eventually overturn Roe.If the Senate confirms Alito, he will take the swing O’Con-nor seat, and key pillars of Roe – such as that which pro-tects a woman’s health – soon could fall.

In addition to packing the courts, President Bushand his administration continued to dismantle reproduc-tive freedom through other means:

• The Bush Justice Department asked the SupremeCourt to consider the Federal Abortion Ban, whichthe president signed into law in 2003. In three sepa-rate cases, federal courts have ruled that the law -which criminalizes abortion as early as the 12thweek of pregnancy and has no exception to protectwomen’s health – is unconstitutional and unen-forceable.

• The Bush Food and Drug Administration continuedto block women’s over-the-counter access to emer-gency contraception, despite the overwhelming rec-ommendation of its scientific advisory panels,professional staff, and virtually every member of therespected medical establishment. Confirming manypro-choice Americans’ fears, a Government Account-ability Office report found that senior FDA officials

2 NARAL Pro-Choice America

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did not follow normal procedures in considering themove. Instead, anti-choice politics trumped soundscience.

Meanwhile, in the first session of the 109th Congress,anti-choice lawmakers took a number of actions to fur-ther erode a woman’s right to choose:

• The House passed the Child Interstate Abortion Noti-fication Act (CIANA), a bill that forces young womenseeking abortion care, and their doctors, to navigatea complex, multi-pronged parental-notification sys-tem. While we all want teens to talk with their parentsif faced with an unintended pregnancy, sometimesthis simply isn’t possible. CIANA does nothing to fos-ter family communication, but it would impose acriminal penalty on a caring adult – including agrandparent, adult sibling, or clergy member – whoaccompanies a young woman to an out-of-state doc-tor for abortion services.

• As part of a mammoth spending bill, Congressextended the Federal Refusal Clause for another year.First passed in 2004, this back-door gag rule allowshealth-care companies to exempt themselves fromany federal, state, or local law that assures womenhave access to abortion services – or even a referralto another doctor.

• In addition to confirming John Roberts as Chief Jus-tice of the United States, the Senate also confirmedthree anti-choice jurists – all of whom it rejected in2003 – to lifetime appointments on federal appellatecourts: Priscilla Owen, Janice Rogers Brown, andWilliam Pryor.

• Congress passed bankruptcy legislation after reject-ing a critical provision that would have held perpe-

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trators of clinic violence responsible for their illegalactions by ensuring they do not discharge their finesand debts in bankruptcy court.

• In an especially troubling move, anti-choice Housemembers broadened their attacks from legal abor-tion to birth control. They voted 223-205 to removecontraception from a list of services offered to poorwomen overseas to prevent obstetric fistula – a dev-astating injury that occurs when labor is prolongedfor many hours, often to girls whose bodies are tooundeveloped to deliver babies properly.

• Finally, an anti-choice-dominated Congress contin-ued bans on abortion access for women who dependon the federal government for their health care:Medicaid and Medicare clients, U.S. servicewomenand military dependents, federal employees, resi-dents of the District of Columbia, and women in fed-eral prison.

Despite the onslaught of anti-choice activity, pro-choice lawmakers and family-planning supporters con-tinued to put forth a positive, pro-choice agenda:

• As anti-choice lawmakers focused their efforts onrestricting access to abortion care, Senate MinorityLeader Harry Reid (D-NV), Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY), and other pro-family-planning lawmakers intro-duced legislation to expand access topreventive-health services that help reduce unintend-ed pregnancy and thus, the need for abortion. Sen.Reid’s bill is particularly notable because it representsthe first time ever that any political party has includeda reproductive-health bill among the party’s officialtop legislative priorities.

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• Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) and Reid offeredan amendment to invest $100 million in programsthat prevent unintended pregnancies: contraceptiveequity, family-planning services, teen-pregnancy pre-vention programs, and emergency contraception.Unfortunately, anti-choice lawmakers narrowly defeat-ed this common-sense proposal, 47-53.

• Pro-choice Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and OlympiaSnowe (R-ME) won Senate approval to repeal Presi-dent Bush’s global gag rule, which prohibits U.S.funding for any overseas health clinic unless it agreesnot to use its own private, non-U.S. funds for abor-tion services, abortion-related advocacy, or abortioncounseling or referrals. Unfortunately, the Housefailed to take similar action so the repeal did notbecome law.

• The Senate unanimously passed an amendmentoffered by pro-choice Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) toensure that federally funded “abstinence-only” pro-grams are medically accurate. Unfortunately, anti-choice lawmakers later stripped the language.

• Reports of rogue pharmacists refusing to fill legalbirth-control prescriptions prompted pro-choice law-makers to introduce legislation in both the Houseand Senate to guarantee women’s access to doctor-prescribed birth control at their local pharmacies.

• Lawmakers introduced separate pieces of legislation toestablish the first-ever federally funded comprehen-sive sex-education program; provide women in themilitary better access to emergency contraception;and force the FDA to do its job and act on the lan-guishing application to allow women access to emer-gency contraception without a prescription.

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6 NARAL Pro-Choice America

These pro-choice legislative actions reflect NARALPro-Choice America’s renewed commitment to promot-ing common-sense prevention policies. At the beginningof 2005, NARAL Pro-Choice America challenged PresidentBush and anti-choice congressional leaders to set asidepolitics and instead work with us to find common groundthrough programs that reduce the number of unintend-ed pregnancies and, therefore, the need for abortion. Wewill likely never agree on the question of legal abortion,but we can work together to help women and couplesavoid unplanned pregnancy. Unfortunately, our call wasmet with silence, derision, and even more audaciousattacks on choice.

But we are steadfast in our beliefs. The Americanmajority is pro-choice: nearly two-thirds of the countrydoes not want Roe v. Wade to be overturned, and even amajority of self-described anti-choice individuals supportproactive measures that help women prevent unintendedpregnancy. Unfortunately, the 109th Congress does notreflect the public’s views: the House has only 141 fullypro-choice members, of 435, while fully pro-choice sena-tors number only 33 out of 100. Therefore, the solution isstarkly clear: in order to protect a woman’s right to chooseand enact positive proactive policies, we must elect morepro-choice lawmakers. As the 2006 midterm electionsnear, NARAL Pro-Choice America will actively work totranslate America’s political mainstream into a governingmajority.

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2005 Congressional Record on Choice 7

SENATE VOTES 2005(continued)

Clinic V


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 %Prev

ention Prog


Global G

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Owen Nominatio


Brown Nom


Pryor N



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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 %

ALABAMARichard C. Shelby - - - - - - - 0Jeff Sessions - - - - - - - 0

ALASKATed Stevens - - + P - - - 10Lisa Murkowski - - + - - a - 10

ARIZONAJohn McCain - - - - - - - 0Jon Kyl - - - - - - - 0

ARKANSASBLANCHE L. LINCOLN + + + + + + - 75MARK PRYOR + + + + + + - 75

CALIFORNIADIANNE FEINSTEIN + + + + + + + 100BARBARA BOXER + + + + + + + 100

COLORADOWayne Allard - - - - - - - 0KEN SALAZAR + + + + + - - 65


DELAWAREJOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. + + + + + + + 100THOMAS R. CARPER + + + + + + - 75

FLORIDABILL NELSON + + + + + + - 75Mel Martinez - - - - - - - 0

GEORGIASaxby Chambliss - - - - - - - 0Johnny Isakson - - - - - - - 0

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SENATE VOTES 2005(continued)

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Global G

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Brown Nom


Pryor N



Roberts N



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 %

HAWAIIDANIEL K. INOUYE + + + + + + + 100DANIEL K. AKAKA + + + + + + + 100

IDAHOLarry E. Craig - - - - - - - 0Mike Crapo - - - - - - - 0

ILLINOISRICHARD J. DURBIN + + + + + + + 100BARACK OBAMA + + + + + + + 100

INDIANARichard G. Lugar - - - - - - - 0EVAN BAYH + + + + + + + 100

IOWACharles E. Grassley - - - - - - - 0TOM HARKIN + + + + + + + 100

KANSASSam Brownback - - - - - - - 0Pat Roberts - - - - - - - 0

KENTUCKYMitch McConnell - - - - - - - 0Jim Bunning - - - - - - - 0

LOUISIANAMARY L. LANDRIEU + + + - + + - 65David Vitter - - - - - - - 0

MAINEOlympia J. Snowe + + + - - + - 55Susan M. Collins + + + - - + - 55

MARYLANDPAUL S. SARBANES + + + + + + + 100BARBARA A. MIKULSKI + + + + + + + 100

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2005 Congressional Record on Choice 9

SENATE VOTES 2005(continued)

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Owen Nominatio


Brown Nom


Pryor N



Roberts N



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 %

MASSACHUSETTSEDWARD M. KENNEDY + + + + + + + 100JOHN F. KERRY + + + + + + + 100

MICHIGANCARL LEVIN + + + + + + - 75DEBBIE STABENOW + + + + + + + 100

MINNESOTAMARK DAYTON + + + + + + + 100Norm Coleman - - - - - - - 0

MISSISSIPPIThad Cochran - - - - - - - 0Trent Lott - - - - - - - 0

MISSOURIChristopher S. Bond - - - - - - - 0James M. Talent - - - - - - - 0

MONTANAMAX BAUCUS + + + + + + - 75Conrad Burns - - - - - - - 0

NEBRASKAChuck Hagel - - - - - - - 0BENJAMIN E. NELSON - - + + - - - 20

NEVADAHARRY REID + + + + + + + 100John Ensign - - - - - - - 0

NEW HAMPSHIREJudd Gregg - - - - - - - 0John E. Sununu - - - - - - - 0

NEW JERSEYJON S. CORZINE + + + + + + + 100FRANK LAUTENBERG + + + + + + + 100

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Roberts N



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 %

NEW MEXICOPete V. Domenici - - - - - - - 0JEFF BINGAMAN + + + + + + - 75

NEW YORKCHARLES E. SCHUMER + + + + + + + 100HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON + + + + + + + 100

NORTH CAROLINAElizabeth Dole - - - - - - - 0Richard Burr - - - - - - - 0

NORTH DAKOTAKENT CONRAD + + + + + + - 75BYRON L. DORGAN + + + + + + - 75

OHIOMike DeWine - - - - - - - 0George V. Voinovich - - - - - - - 0

OKLAHOMAJames M. Inhofe - - - - - - - 0Tom Coburn - - - - - - - 0

OREGONRON WYDEN + + + + + + - 75Gordon Smith - - + - - - - 10

PENNSYLVANIAArlen Specter + - + - - - - 20Rick Santorum - - - - - - - 0

RHODE ISLANDJACK REED + + + + + + + 100Lincoln D. Chafee + + + + - + - 65

SOUTH CAROLINALindsey O. Graham - - - - - - - 0Jim DeMint - - - - - - - 0

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Roberts N



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 %

SOUTH DAKOTATIM JOHNSON + + + + + + - 75John Thune - - - - - - - 0

TENNESSEEWilliam H. Frist - - - - - - - 0Lamar Alexander - - - - - - - 0

TEXASKay Bailey Hutchison - - - - - - - 0John Cornyn - - - - - - - 0

UTAHOrrin G. Hatch - - - - - - - 0Robert F. Bennett - - - - - - - 0

VERMONTPATRICK J. LEAHY + + + + + + - 75James M. Jeffords (I) + + + + + + - 75

VIRGINIAJohn W. Warner - - + - - - - 10George Allen - - - - - - - 0

WASHINGTONPATTY MURRAY + + + + + + - 75MARIA CANTWELL + + + + + + + 100

WEST VIRGINIAROBERT C. BYRD - + + - + + - 55JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER IV + + + + + + - 75

WISCONSINHERB KOHL + + + + + + - 75RUSSELL D. FEINGOLD + + + + + + - 75

WYOMINGCraig Thomas - - - - - - - 0Mike Enzi - - - - - - - 0

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12 NARAL Pro-Choice America


1. Clinic Violence. Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005,S.256. Schumer (D-NY) amendment to prevent thosewho commit acts of clinic violence from using bankrupt-cy proceedings to discharge the debts incurred as a resultof their illegal activities. Rejected 46-53; a pro-choice vote(+) was in support of the amendment (3/8/2005).

2. Invest in Prevention Programs; Reduce Unin-tended Pregnancies. FY’06 Budget Resolution, S. Con.Res. 18. Clinton (D-NY) and Reid (D-NV) amendment toinvest $100 million in contraceptive equity, family planning, teen-pregnancy prevention programs andemergency contraception-education programs. Rejected47-53; a pro-choice vote (+) was in support of theamendment (3/17/2005).

3. Global Gag Rule. FY’06/07 Foreign RelationsAuthorization Act, S.600. Boxer (D-CA) amendment torepeal the Bush administration’s global gag rule, whichdenies U.S. assistance to any overseas health clinic thatuses its own private funds to provide or counsel aboutabortion care, or take a public pro-choice position.Specifically, the Boxer amendment states that clinicsoverseas: (1) cannot be denied funding based on thelegal medical services they provide, including counselingand referral services; and (2) as a condition of eligibility

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for U.S. development assistance, cannot be forced to sac-rifice their right to free speech and assembly. Passed 52-46; a pro-choice vote (+) was in support of theamendment (4/5/2005).

4. Owen Nomination. Vote to confirm anti-choicenominee Priscilla Owen to the Fifth Circuit Court ofAppeals. Passed 55-43; a pro-choice vote (+) was againstthe nomination (5/25/05).

5. Brown Nomination. Vote to confirm anti-choicenominee Janice Rogers Brown to the D.C. Circuit Court ofAppeals. Passed 56-43; a pro-choice vote (+) was againstthe nomination (6/8/05).

6. Pryor Nomination. Vote to confirm anti-choicenominee William Pryor to the Eleventh Circuit Court ofAppeals. Passed 53-45; a pro-choice vote (+) was againstthe nomination (6/9/05).

7. Roberts Nomination. Vote to confirm anti-choicenominee John Roberts to the post of Chief Justice of theUnited States. Passed 78-22; a pro-choice vote (+) wasagainst the nomination (9/29/05).

2005 Congressional Record on Choice 13

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ALABAMA1 Jo Bonner - - - - - 02 Terry Everett - - - - - 03 Mike Rogers - - - - - 04 Robert B. Aderholt - - - - - 05 ROBERT E. (BUD) CRAMER JR. - - - + - 256 Spencer Bachus - - - - - 07 ARTUR DAVIS + + - + + 60

ALASKAAL Don Young - - - - - 0

ARIZONA1 Rick Renzi - - - - - 02 Trent Franks - - - - - 03 John B. Shadegg - - - - - 04 ED PASTOR + + + + + 1005 J.D. Hayworth - - - - - 06 Jeff Flake - - - - - 07 RAÚL M. GRIJALVA + + + + + 1008 Jim Kolbe + - - + + 50

ARKANSAS1 MARION BERRY - - - - - 02 VIC SNYDER - - - + + 403 John Boozman - - - - - 04 MIKE ROSS + + - - + 35

CALIFORNIA1 MIKE THOMPSON + + + + + 1002 Wally Herger - - - - - 03 Daniel E. Lungren - - - - - 04 John T. Doolittle - - - - - 05 DORIS O. MATSUI + + + + + 1006 LYNN C. WOOLSEY + + + + + 1007 GEORGE MILLER + + + + + 1008 NANCY PELOSI + + + + + 1009 BARBARA LEE + + + + + 10010 ELLEN O. TAUSCHER + + + + + 10011 Richard W. Pombo - - - - - 012 TOM LANTOS + + + + + 100





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2005 Congressional Record on Choice 15

HOUSE VOTES 2005(continued)




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13 FORTNEY PETE STARK + + + + + 10014 ANNA G. ESHOO + + + + + 10015 MICHAEL M. HONDA + + + + + 10016 ZOE LOFGREN + + + + + 10017 SAM FARR + + + + + 10018 DENNIS A. CARDOZA + + - + + 6019 George Radanovich - - - - - 020 JIM COSTA + + + + + 10021 Devin Nunes - - - - - 022 William M. Thomas - - - + + 4023 LOIS CAPPS + + + + + 10024 Elton Gallegly - - - - - 025 Howard P. “Buck” McKeon - - - - - 026 David Dreier - - - - - 027 BRAD SHERMAN + + + + + 10028 HOWARD L. BERMAN + + + + + 10029 ADAM B. SCHIFF + + + + + 10030 HENRY A. WAXMAN + + + + + 10031 XAVIER BECERRA + + + + + 10032 HILDA L. SOLIS + + + + + 10033 DIANE E. WATSON + + + + + 10034 LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD + + + + + 10035 MAXINE WATERS + + + + + 10036 JANE HARMAN + + + + + 10037 JUANITA MILLENDER-McDONALD + + + + + 10038 GRACE F. NAPOLITANO + + + + + 10039 LINDA T. SÁNCHEZ + + + + + 10040 Edward R. Royce - - - - - 041 Jerry Lewis - - - - - 042 Gary G. Miller - - - - - 043 JOE BACA + + - + + 6044 Ken Calvert - - - - - 045 Mary Bono - - - + + 4046 Dana Rohrabacher - - - - - 047 LORETTA SANCHEZ + + + + + 10048 Christopher Cox - - - - - 049 Darrell E. Issa - - - - - 050 Randy “Duke” Cunningham - - - - - 051 BOB FILNER + + + + + 10052 Duncan Hunter - - - - - 0

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53 SUSAN A. DAVIS + + + + + 100

COLORADO1 DIANA DeGETTE + + + + + 1002 MARK UDALL + + + + + 1003 JOHN T. SALAZAR + - - - + 254 Marilyn N. Musgrave - - - - - 05 Joel Hefley - - - - - 06 Thomas G. Tancredo - - - - a 07 Bob Beauprez - - - - - 0

CONNECTICUT1 JOHN B. LARSON + + + + + 1002 Rob Simmons + + + + + 1003 ROSA L. DeLAURO + + + + + 1004 Christopher Shays + + + + + 1005 Nancy L. Johnson + + + + + 100

DELAWAREAL Michael N. Castle + + + + + 100

FLORIDA1 Jeff Miller - - - - - 02 ALLEN BOYD + + - + + 603 CORRINE BROWN + + + + + 1004 Ander Crenshaw - - - - - 05 Ginny Brown-Waite a - - - + 156 Cliff Stearns - - - - - 07 John L. Mica - - - - - 08 Ric Keller - - - - - 09 Michael Bilirakis - - - - - 010 C.W. Bill Young - - - - - 011 JIM DAVIS + - + + + 9012 Adam H. Putnam - - - - - 013 Katherine Harris - - - - - 014 Connie Mack - - - - - 015 Dave Weldon - - - - - 016 Mark Foley - - - - + 1517 KENDRICK B. MEEK + + + + + 10018 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - - - - - 0

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19 ROBERT WEXLER + + + + + 10020 DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ + + + + + 10021 Lincoln Diaz-Balart - - - - - 022 E. Clay Shaw Jr. - - - + - 2523 ALCEE L. HASTINGS + + + + + 10024 Tom Feeney - - - - - 025 Mario Diaz-Balart - - - - - 0

GEORGIA1 Jack Kingston - - - - - 02 SANFORD D. BISHOP JR. + + - + + 603 JIM MARSHALL - - - - - 04 CYNTHIA A. McKINNEY + + + + + 1005 JOHN LEWIS + + + + + 1006 Tom Price - - - - - 07 John Linder - - - - - 08 Lynn A. Westmoreland a a a - - 09 Charlie Norwood - - - - - 010 Nathan Deal - - - - - 011 Phil Gingrey - - - - - 012 JOHN BARROW + + - + + 6013 DAVID SCOTT + + + + + 100

HAWAII1 NEIL ABERCROMBIE + + + + + 1002 ED CASE + + + + + 100

IDAHO1 C.L. “Butch” Otter - - - - - 02 Michael K. Simpson - - - - - 0

ILLINOIS1 BOBBY L. RUSH + + + + + 1002 JESSE L. JACKSON JR. + + + + + 1003 DANIEL LIPINSKI - - - - - 04 LUIS V. GUTIERREZ + + + + + 1005 RAHM EMANUEL + + + + + 1006 Henry J. Hyde - - - - - 07 DANNY K. DAVIS + + + + + 1008 MELISSA L. BEAN + + + + + 100

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9 JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY + + + + + 10010 Mark Steven Kirk + + + + + 10011 Jerry Weller - - - - - 012 JERRY F. COSTELLO - - - - - 013 Judy Biggert + + + + + 10014 J. Dennis Hastert S S S S S 015 Timothy V. Johnson - - - - - 016 Donald A. Manzullo - - - - - 017 LANE EVANS + + + + + 10018 Ray LaHood - - - - - 019 John Shimkus - - - - - 0

INDIANA1 PETER J. VISCLOSKY + + + + + 1002 Chris Chocola - - - - - 03 Mark E. Souder - - - - - 04 Steve Buyer - - - - - 05 Dan Burton - - - - - 06 Mike Pence - - - - - 07 JULIA CARSON + + + + + 1008 John N. Hostettler - - - - - 09 Mike Sodrel - - - - - 0

IOWA1 Jim Nussle - - - - - 02 James A. Leach + + - + + 603 LEONARD L. BOSWELL + + - + + 604 Tom Latham - - - - - 05 Steve King - - - - - 0

KANSAS1 Jerry Moran - - - - - 02 Jim Ryun - - - - - 03 DENNIS MOORE + + + + + 1004 Todd Tiahrt - - - - - 0

KENTUCKY1 Ed Whitfield - - - - - 02 Ron Lewis - - - - - 03 Anne M. Northup - - - - - 0

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4 Geoff Davis - - - - - 05 Harold Rogers - - - - - 06 BEN CHANDLER - - - + + 40

LOUISIANA1 Bobby Jindal - - - - - 02 WILLIAM J. JEFFERSON + + + + + 1003 CHARLIE MELANCON - - - - + 154 Jim McCrery - - - - - 05 Rodney Alexander - - - - - 06 Richard H. Baker - - - - - 07 Charles W. Boustany Jr. - - - - - 0

MAINE1 THOMAS H. ALLEN + + + + + 1002 MICHAEL H. MICHAUD + + + - + 75

MARYLAND1 Wayne T. Gilchrest - + + + + 902 C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER + + + + + 1003 BENJAMIN L. CARDIN + + + + + 1004 ALBERT RUSSELL WYNN + + + + + 1005 STENY H. HOYER + + + + + 1006 Roscoe G. Bartlett - - - - - 07 ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS + + + + + 1008 CHRIS VAN HOLLEN + + + + + 100

MASSACHUSETTS1 JOHN W. OLVER + + + + + 1002 RICHARD E. NEAL + + + + + 1003 JAMES P. McGOVERN + + + + + 1004 BARNEY FRANK + + + + + 1005 MARTIN T. MEEHAN + + + + + 1006 JOHN F. TIERNEY + + + + + 1007 EDWARD J. MARKEY + + + + + 1008 MICHAEL E. CAPUANO + + + + + 1009 STEPHEN F. LYNCH + - - - + 2510 WILLIAM D. DELAHUNT + + + + + 100

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MICHIGAN1 BART STUPAK - - - - - 02 Peter Hoekstra - - - - - 03 Vernon J. Ehlers - - - - - 04 Dave Camp - - a - - 05 DALE E. KILDEE - - - - - 06 Fred Upton - - - - - 07 Joe Schwarz + - - - + 258 Mike Rogers - - - - - 09 Joe Knollenberg - - - - - 010 Candice S. Miller - - - - - 011 Thaddeus G. McCotter - - - - - 012 SANDER M. LEVIN + + + + + 10013 CAROLYN C. KILPATRICK + + + + + 10014 JOHN CONYERS JR. + + + + + 10015 JOHN D. DINGELL + + + + + 100

MINNESOTA1 Gil Gutknecht - - - - - 02 John Kline - - - - - 03 Jim Ramstad - - - + + 404 BETTY McCOLLUM + + + + + 1005 MARTIN OLAV SABO + + + + + 1006 Mark R. Kennedy - - - - - 07 COLLIN C. PETERSON - - - - - 08 JAMES L. OBERSTAR - - - - + 15

MISSISSIPPI1 Roger F. Wicker a a a - - 02 BENNIE G. THOMPSON + + + + + 1003 Charles W. “Chip” Pickering - - - - - 04 GENE TAYLOR - - - - - 0

MISSOURI1 WILLIAM LACY CLAY + + - + + 602 W. Todd Akin - - - - - 03 RUSS CARNAHAN + + + + + 1004 IKE SKELTON - - - - - 05 EMANUEL CLEAVER II + + + + + 1006 Sam Graves - - - - - 07 Roy Blunt - - - - - 0

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8 Jo Ann Emerson - - - - - 09 Kenny C. Hulshof - - - - - 0

MONTANAAL Dennis R. Rehberg - - - - - 0

NEBRASKA1 Jeff Fortenberry - - - - - 02 Lee Terry - - - - - 03 Tom Osborne - - - - - 0

NEVADA1 SHELLEY BERKLEY + + + + + 1002 Jim Gibbons - - - - - 03 Jon C. Porter - - - - - 0

NEW HAMPSHIRE1 Jeb Bradley - - - + + 402 Charles F. Bass + + + + + 100

NEW JERSEY1 ROBERT E. ANDREWS + + + + + 1002 Frank A. LoBiondo - - - - - 03 Jim Saxton - - - - - 04 Christopher H. Smith - - - - - 05 Scott Garrett - - - - - 06 FRANK PALLONE JR. + + + + + 1007 Mike Ferguson - - - - - 08 BILL PASCRELL JR. - - + + + 809 STEVEN R. ROTHMAN + + + + + 10010 DONALD M. PAYNE + + + + + 10011 Rodney P. Frelinghuysen - - - + + 4012 RUSH D. HOLT + + + + + 10013 ROBERT MENENDEZ + + + + + 100

NEW MEXICO1 Heather Wilson - - a - - 02 Stevan Pearce a - - - - 03 TOM UDALL + + + + + 100

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1 2 3 4 5 %

NEW YORK1 TIMOTHY H. BISHOP + + + + + 1002 STEVE ISRAEL + + + + + 1003 Peter T. King - - - - - 04 CAROLYN McCARTHY + + + + + 1005 GARY L. ACKERMAN + + + + + 1006 GREGORY W. MEEKS + + + + + 1007 JOSEPH CROWLEY + + + + + 1008 JERROLD NADLER + + + + + 1009 ANTHONY D. WEINER + + + + + 10010 EDOLPHUS TOWNS + + + + + 10011 MAJOR R. OWENS + + + + + 10012 NYDIA M. VELÁZQUEZ + + + + + 10013 Vito Fossella - - - - - 014 CAROLYN B. MALONEY + + + + + 10015 CHARLES B. RANGEL + + + + + 10016 JOSÉ E. SERRANO + + + + + 10017 ELIOT L. ENGEL + + + + + 10018 NITA M. LOWEY + + + + + 10019 Sue W. Kelly + - - + + 5020 John E. Sweeney + - - - a 1021 MICHAEL R. McNULTY - - - - + 1522 MAURICE D. HINCHEY + + + + + 10023 John M. McHugh - - - - - 024 Sherwood Boehlert + + + + + 10025 James T. Walsh - - - - - 026 Thomas M. Reynolds - - - - - 027 BRIAN M. HIGGINS + + + + + 10028 LOUISE M. SLAUGHTER + + + + + 10029 John R. Kuhl Jr. - - - - - 0

NORTH CAROLINA1 G.K. BUTTERFIELD + + + - + 752 BOB ETHERIDGE + + - + + 603 Walter B. Jones - - - - - 04 DAVID E. PRICE + + + + + 1005 Virginia Foxx - - - - - 06 Howard Coble - - - - - 07 MIKE McINTYRE - - - - - 08 Robin Hayes - - - - - 0

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9 Sue Wilkins Myrick - - - - - 010 Patrick McHenry - - - - - 011 Charles H. Taylor - - - - - 012 MELVIN L. WATT + + + + + 10013 BRAD MILLER + + + + + 100


OHIO1 Steve Chabot - - - - - 02 Rob Portman - - - I I 03 Michael R. Turner - - - - - 04 Michael G. Oxley - - - - - 05 Paul E. Gillmor - - - - - 06 TED STRICKLAND + - - + + 507 David L. Hobson - - - - - 08 John A. Boehner - - - - - 09 MARCY KAPTUR + + + + - 8510 DENNIS J. KUCINICH + + + + + 10011 STEPHANIE TUBBS JONES + + + + + 10012 Patrick J. Tiberi - - - - - 013 SHERROD BROWN + + + + + 10014 Steven C. LaTourette - - - - - 015 Deborah Pryce - - - + + 4016 Ralph Regula - - - - - 017 TIM RYAN - - - - + 1518 Robert W. Ney - - - - - 0

OKLAHOMA1 John Sullivan - - - - - 02 DAN BOREN - - - - - 03 Frank D. Lucas - - - - - 04 Tom Cole - - - - - 05 Ernest J. Istook Jr. - a - - - 0

OREGON1 DAVID WU + + + + + 1002 Greg Walden - - - + + 403 EARL BLUMENAUER + + + + + 100

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1 2 3 4 5 %

4 PETER A. DeFAZIO + + + + + 1005 DARLENE HOOLEY + + + + + 100

PENNSYLVANIA1 ROBERT A. BRADY + + + + + 1002 CHAKA FATTAH + + + + + 1003 Phil English a - - - - 04 Melissa A. Hart - - - - - 05 John E. Peterson - - - - - 06 Jim Gerlach - - - - + 157 Curt Weldon - - - - - 08 Michael G. Fitzpatrick - - - - - 09 Bill Shuster - - - - - 010 Don Sherwood - - - - - 011 PAUL E. KANJORSKI - + - - + 2512 JOHN P. MURTHA - - - - - 013 ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ + + + + + 10014 MICHAEL F. DOYLE - + - - + 2515 Charles W. Dent + + - + + 6016 Joseph R. Pitts - - - - - 017 TIM HOLDEN - - - - - 018 Tim Murphy - - + - - 4019 Todd Russell Platts - - - - - 0


SOUTH CAROLINA1 Henry E. Brown Jr. - - - - a 02 Joe Wilson - - - - - 03 J. Gresham Barrett - - - - - 04 Bob Inglis - - - - - 05 JOHN M. SPRATT JR. + + - + + 606 JAMES E. CLYBURN + + + + + 100


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TENNESSEE1 William L. Jenkins - - - - - 02 John J. Duncan Jr. - - - - - 03 Zach Wamp - - - - - 04 LINCOLN DAVIS - - - - - 05 JIM COOPER + + - + + 606 BART GORDON - - - + - 257 Marsha Blackburn - - - - - 08 JOHN S. TANNER - + - + + 509 HAROLD E. FORD JR. + + - + + 60

TEXAS1 Louie Gohmert - - - - - 02 Ted Poe - - - - - 03 Sam Johnson - - - - - 04 Ralph M. Hall - - - - - 05 Jeb Hensarling - - - - - 06 Joe Barton - + - - - 107 John Abney Culberson - - - - - 08 Kevin Brady - - - - - 09 AL GREEN + + + + + 10010 Michael T. McCaul - - - - - 011 Mike Conaway - - - - - 012 Kay Granger - - - - - 013 Mac Thornberry - - - - - 014 Ron Paul + + + - + 7515 RUBÉN HINOJOSA + + - + a 4516 SILVESTRE REYES + - - + a 3517 CHET EDWARDS - - - + + 4018 SHEILA JACKSON LEE + + + + + 10019 Randy Neugebauer - - - - - 020 CHARLES A. GONZALEZ + + + + + 10021 Lamar S. Smith - - - - - 022 Tom DeLay - - - - - 023 Henry Bonilla - - - - - 024 Kenny Marchant - - - - - 025 LLOYD DOGGETT + + + + + 10026 Michael C. Burgess - - - - - 027 SOLOMON P. ORTIZ - - - - - 028 HENRY CUELLAR - - - - - 0

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26 NARAL Pro-Choice America



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1 2 3 4 5 %

29 GENE GREEN + + + + + 10030 EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON + + + + + 10031 John R. Carter - - - - - 032 Pete Sessions - - - - - 0

UTAH1 Rob Bishop - - - - - 02 JIM MATHESON - - - + + 403 Chris Cannon - - - - - 0

VERMONTAL Bernard Sanders (I) + + + + + 100

VIRGINIA1 Jo Ann Davis - - - - - 02 Thelma Drake - - - - - 03 ROBERT C. SCOTT + + + + + 1004 J. Randy Forbes - - - - - 05 Virgil H. Goode Jr. - - - - - 06 Bob Goodlatte - - - - - 07 Eric Cantor - - - - - 08 JAMES P. MORAN + + + + + 1009 RICK BOUCHER + + + + + 10010 Frank R. Wolf - - - - - 011 Tom Davis - - - - - 0

WASHINGTON1 JAY INSLEE + + + + + 1002 RICK LARSEN + + + + + 1003 BRIAN BAIRD + + + + + 1004 Doc Hastings - - - - - 05 Cathy McMorris - - - - - 06 NORMAN D. DICKS + + + + + 1007 JIM McDERMOTT + + + + + 1008 Dave Reichert - - - - - 09 ADAM SMITH + + + + + 100

WEST VIRGINIA1 ALAN B. MOLLOHAN - - - - - 02 Shelley Moore Capito - - - + - 253 NICK J. RAHALL II - - - - - 0

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1 2 3 4 5 %

WISCONSIN1 Paul Ryan - - - - - 02 TAMMY BALDWIN + + + + + 1003 RON KIND + + + + + 1004 GWEN S. MOORE + + + + + 1005 F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. - - - - - 06 Thomas E. Petri - - - - - 07 DAVID R. OBEY + + - + + 608 Mark Green - - - - - 0

WYOMINGAL Barbara Cubin - - - - - 0

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28 NARAL Pro-Choice America


1. Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act,H.R.748. Scott (D-VA) amendment to exempt from crim-inal prosecution doctors, other medical professionals,and taxicab drivers. Rejected 179-245; a pro-choice vote(+) was in support of the amendment (4/27/05).

2. Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act,H.R.748. Jackson Lee (D-TX) amendment to exemptfrom criminal prosecution grandparents, adult siblings,and religious counselors. Rejected 177-252; a pro-choicevote (+) was in support of the amendment (4/27/05).

3. Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act,H.R.748. Final passage. Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) bill toimpose a new, impossibly complex, national patchworkof parental-notice mandates on doctors and youngwomen – even in states that have decided not to passsuch laws. The bill also subjects to criminal prosecutionanyone other than a parent – including a grandparent,adult sibling, or religious counselor – who accompaniesa minor across state lines for an abortion if her homestate parental-involvement mandate has not been met.Passed 270-157; a pro-choice vote (+) was against finalpassage (4/27/05).

4. Women in the Military. FY’06 National DefenseAuthorization Act, H.R.1815. Davis (D-CA) amendment

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to repeal current law prohibiting military personnel andtheir dependents from obtaining privately funded abor-tion services at overseas military hospitals. Rejected 194-233; a pro-choice vote (+) was in support of theamendment (5/25/05).

5. Birth Control. FY’06 Foreign Relations Authoriza-tion Act, H.R.2601. Smith (R-NJ) amendment to cut con-traception from the list of services offered to poor womenoverseas in order to prevent obstetric fistula – a devastat-ing injury that occurs when labor is prolonged for manyhours, often to girls whose bodies are too undeveloped todeliver babies properly. Passed 223-205; a pro-choicevote (+) was against the amendment (7/19/05).

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DEMOCRATS - All capitals

Republicans - Initial capitals

Independents - Italics

Numbers beside House members’ namesdenote congressional districts; AL denotes at-large

+ denotes pro-choice vote

- denotes anti-choice vote

P denotes vote of present

a denotes absent or did not vote

S Speaker may exercise discretion not to vote

I Member not eligible to vote

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