Name of School - MIAMI NORLAND SHS School Location # -7381 Phase II _004_.pdf · 2018-12-13 ·...

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Transcript of Name of School - MIAMI NORLAND SHS School Location # -7381 Phase II _004_.pdf · 2018-12-13 ·...

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School Location # -7381

Name of School - MIAMI NORLAND SHS

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Phase II

Action Planning

Consensus – Define – Implement

Phase II will be developed and executed at the school as described below:

Phase II Development & Stakeholder Engagement

August 16 – August 31, 2018

Provide Opening of Schools Development to share Phase I results and garner stakeholder feedback usingthe OOS Development Plan Develop School Culture and Academic Programs Implementation StepsParticipate with the School Leadership Team in a Region Review ProcessMeet with the EESAC to review and approve Phase I & II of the School Improvement ProcessTitle I Schools will upload their 2018-19 Title I – Parent and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP)

Schools will begin Phase II of the School Improvement Process with an Opening of Schools ProfessionalDevelopment led by the School Leadership Team (SLT). Topics such as Data and Systems Review Summary, theSustained Essential Practice, Primary and Secondary Essential Practices, Priority Actions, and OutcomeStatements will be discussed and examined with stakeholders. The SLT will purposefully engage stakeholders inproviding reflective feedback on the creation and implementation of specific actions aimed at achievingimproved School Culture and Academic Programs. The development of the School Culture and AcademicPrograms specific Implementation Steps will be completed by August 31, 2018.

Implementation Steps Requirements:

Align to the school’s Outcome Statement, Essential Practices and Priority ActionsProvide specific implementation datesDescribe the specific action or activity that will take placeInclude the name(s) and position(s) of the person(s) responsibleSpecify what evidence would demonstrate the intended Implementation Step was achievedDescribe the process that will be used to monitor each Implementation Step and the person(s) involved inmonitoring

Quarter 1 Implementation

September 4 – October 19, 2018

Monitor the execution of Quarter 1 Implementation Steps to ensure a high degree of fidelity Conduct an Instructional Review to gather qualitative data that will inform the Quarter 1 Systems Review

During Quarter 1 Implementation, schools will execute Quarter 1 Implementation Steps. The school leadershipteam will monitor, facilitate and assess the degree to which steps were executed based on collected evidence.Towards the conclusion of this stage, schools will conduct an internal instructional review that will inform theirSystems Review and Data Reflection.

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Quarter 1 Systems Review & Data Reflection

October 22 – November 2, 2018

Evaluate and reflect on the success of the Quarter 1 Implementation Steps through the Systems Reviewand Data ReflectionRevise and/or develop School Culture and Academic Programs Quarter 2 Implementation Steps

After the Quarter 1 Implementation stage, schools will examine the success of the Implementation Steps and willhave the opportunity to adjust/modify based on qualitative data gather during the Instructional Review andquantitative data provided via an End-of-Quarter Data Map. SLTs will develop better informed and refinedImplementation Steps to execute during Quarter 2 Implementation.

Quarter 2 Implementation

November 5 – December 21, 2018

Monitor the execution of Quarter 2 Implementation Steps to ensure a high degree of fidelity.

During Quarter 2 Implementation, schools will execute Quarter 2 Implementation Steps. The school leadershipteam will monitor, facilitate and assess the degree to which steps were executed based on collected evidence.

SCHOOL CULTUREQuarter 1 Implementation

(September 4 – October 19, 2018)

School Culture Outcome Statement

The administrative team will focus on stimulating and energizing professional activities that allow opportunitiesfor individuals to span boundaries that build support and gather resources for student learning so that teachersand staff are empowered.

Sustained Essential Practice

Empower Teachers And Staff

Priority Actions for the Sustained Essential Practice

The administrative team will motivate and empower staff by creating leadership cohorts and opportunities forprofessional growth and advancement in operational and instructional practices. In addition, the administrationwill build task forces that include key stakeholders from instructional and non-instructional departments.Administration will select teacher leaders who share responsibility for the monitoring and the implementation ofthe school improvement process.



Person(s) Responsible

(First & last name, position)


(What evidencewould

demonstrate the


(How and Who?)

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ImplementationStep was


Start: Tue, Sept4

End: Tue, Sept11

Survey facultyand staff toascertain variousleadershipopportunities topromote andbuild theirleadershipcapacity.

Reginald E. Lee, PrincipalChanda Scott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal ErnestRoberts, Assistant Principal

This will beevidenced byemails, Googlesurveys, anddata willdetermine theopportunitiesthe staff isseeking.

Google forms will be utilizedto prioritize and organize theareas of interested growthdelineated on surveyresponses by theadministrative team(Reginald E. Lee, PrincipalChanda Scott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal ErnestRoberts, Assistant Principal).

Start: Wed, Sept12

End: Wed, Sept19

Create taskforces that willfocus on theestablishment ofschool wideinitiatives thatwill empowerteachers andstaff.

Reginald E. Lee, PrincipalChanda Scott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal ErnestRoberts, Assistant PrincipalDaryle Heidelburg, Dean ofDiscipline Vanette Pinder,Activities Director RobertRyan, Athletic Director

This will beevidenced byagendas,emails, andsign in sheets.

The name of task forcemembers will be submittedto the administration whowill then ensure that all areasof need are addressed(Reginald E. Lee, PrincipalChanda Scott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal ErnestRoberts, Assistant Principal).

Start: Thu, Sept20

End: Fri, Oct 5

Task forcemembers willhave meetings toset goals andcreate plans tobe implemented.

Reginald E. Lee, PrincipalChanda Scott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal ErnestRoberts, Assistant PrincipalDaryle Heidelburg, Dean ofDiscipline Vanette Pinder,Activities Director RobertRyan, Athletic Director

This will beevidenced byaction plansand goal sheets.

Task force plans will besubmitted to theadministration for reviewand corrective feedback(Reginald E. Lee, PrincipalChanda Scott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal ErnestRoberts, Assistant Principal).

Start: Mon, Oct8

End: Fri, Oct 19

Plans will beimplemented bythe task force ineach identifiedarea ofimprovement.

Reginald E. Lee, PrincipalChanda Scott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal ErnestRoberts, Assistant PrincipalDaryle Heidelburg, Dean ofDiscipline Vanette Pinder,Activities Director RobertRyan, Athletic Director

This will beevidenced bytask forcebinders,presentationsand relatedemails.

The administrative team willelicit feedback from faculty& staff and review artifacts(Reginald E. Lee, PrincipalChanda Scott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal ErnestRoberts, Assistant Principal).

Primary Essential Practice

Effective Use of Resources

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Priority Actions for the Primary Essential Practice

In order to improve student attendance, we plan to monitor attendance and hold students accountable , creatingincentives for students who come to school on time. In addition, we also plan to have grade-level attendancecompetitions, and rewards for those who are consistently on time.




(First & last name,position)


(What evidencewould

demonstrate theImplementation

Step wassuccessfullyexecuted?)


(How and Who?)

Start: Tue, Sept4

End: Fri, Oct 19

Identify studentswho display atrisk behaviorsfor absenteeism.

Reginald E. Lee,Principal ChandaScott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith,Assistant PrincipalJennifer Murray,Assistant PrincipalErnest Roberts,Assistant Principal

This will beevidenced byattendancereports.

The Administrative Team (ReginaldE. Lee, Principal Chanda Scott, VicePrincipal William Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal Ernest Roberts, AssistantPrincipal) will download and reviewthe attendance reports from theportal on a weekly basis.

Start: Tue, Sept4

End: Fri, Oct 19

Meet withiAttend team toplan interventionstrategies andaction steps tosupport thereduction inabsenteeism forthe identifiedstudents.

Reginald E. Lee,Principal ChandaScott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith,Assistant PrincipalJennifer Murray,Assistant PrincipalErnest Roberts,Assistant Principal

This will beevidenced bymeetingagendas, signin sheets, andiAttendinterventiondocument.

Administrative Team (Reginald E.Lee, Principal Chanda Scott, VicePrincipal William Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal Ernest Roberts, AssistantPrincipal) will utilize the iAttendimplementation plan to ensure thatthe identified students receive thenecessary services and interventions.

Start: Tue, Sept4

End: Fri, Oct 19

Monitor theabsences ofidentifiedstudents forimprovementand makeadjustments asneeded.

Reginald E. Lee,Principal ChandaScott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith,Assistant PrincipalJennifer Murray,Assistant PrincipalErnest Roberts,Assistant Principal

This will beevidenced byattendancereports,attendance logsand parentcontact logs.

Administrative Team (Reginald E.Lee, Principal Chanda Scott, VicePrincipal William Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal Ernest Roberts, AssistantPrincipal), will create an attendancereview committee per grade levelassigned to individuals who areaspiring to be administrators.

Start: Tue, Sept4

End: Fri, Oct 19

Provideincentives andrewards forpositiveattendancetrends.

Reginald E. Lee,Principal ChandaScott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith,Assistant PrincipalJennifer Murray,Assistant Principal

This will beevidenced byincentiveflyers, rewardflyers, andsocial mediaplatforms.

Administrative Team (Reginald E.Lee, Principal Chanda Scott, VicePrincipal William Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal Ernest Roberts, AssistantPrincipal), will attend monthlyaward recognition ceremoniesensuring that rewards are provided to

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Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal

students meeting attendanceexpectations.

Secondary Essential Practice

Early Warning Systems

Priority Actions for the Secondary Essential Practice

Administrative staff will develop a systematic framework for identifying students who are at increased risk foracademic and behavioral failure. A system will be implemented to flag at-risk students, track interventions andanalyze the association between interventions and subsequent student outcomes.



Person(s) Responsible

(First & last name, position)


(What evidencewould

demonstrate theImplementation

Step wassuccessfullyexecuted?)


(How and Who?)

Start: Tue, Sept4

End: Fri, Sept 7

Identify studentswho are in needof mentoringand surveyfaculty forinterest inserving as amentor.

Reginald E. Lee, PrincipalChanda Scott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal ErnestRoberts, Assistant PrincipalMarielena Viciedo,Instructional Coach, TamaraRoker, Instructional Coach,Kirstie Harris, InstructionalCoach, Terrlien Davis,Instructional Coach.

This will beevidenced bystudent GPAreports,attendancereports,attendancelogs, Power BIdata, andteacher surveyresults.

The administrative teamwill review the earlywarning systems indicatorreport from the portal andcollect teacher surveyresults(Reginald E. Lee,Principal Chanda Scott,Vice Principal WilliamSmith, Assistant PrincipalJennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal).

Start: Tue, Sept11

End: Fri, Sept14

Meet withinterestedmentors, setexpectations forthe program, andmatch mentorsand mentees.

Reginald E. Lee, PrincipalChanda Scott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal ErnestRoberts, Assistant PrincipalMarielena Viciedo,Instructional Coach, TamaraRoker, Instructional Coach,Kirstie Harris, InstructionalCoach, Terrlien Davis,Instructional Coach.

This will beevidenced bymeetingagenda, sign insheets andteacher /studentmentoring logs.

The administrativeteam(Reginald E. Lee,Principal Chanda Scott,Vice Principal WilliamSmith, Assistant PrincipalJennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal) willcollect the roster of pairedmentors and mentees.

Start: Mon,Sept 17

End: Fri, Oct 19

Provideopportunities formentors andmentees to meetand discussidentified

Reginald E. Lee, PrincipalChanda Scott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal ErnestRoberts, Assistant Principal

This will beevidenced byaction plansand meetingnotes.

The administrative team(Reginald E. Lee,Principal Chanda Scott,Vice Principal WilliamSmith, Assistant PrincipalJennifer Murray, Assistant

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challengescontributing toat risk behaviorsand develop anaction plan forimprovements.

Marielena Viciedo,Instructional Coach, TamaraRoker, Instructional Coach,Kirstie Harris, InstructionalCoach, Terrlien Davis,Instructional Coach.

Principal Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal) willreview documentsprovided by the mentorsand recommend nextsteps.

Start: Mon, Oct15

End: Fri, Oct 19

Review allacademic,attendance andbehavioralindicators toassess ifimprovementshave occurred.

Reginald E. Lee, PrincipalChanda Scott, Vice PrincipalWilliam Smith, AssistantPrincipal Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal ErnestRoberts, Assistant PrincipalMarielena Viciedo,Instructional Coach, TamaraRoker, Instructional Coach,Kirstie Harris, InstructionalCoach, Terrlien Davis,Instructional Coach.

This will beevidenced bygradebook,scam history,and attendancereports.

The administrativeteam(Reginald E. Lee,Principal Chanda Scott,Vice Principal WilliamSmith, Assistant PrincipalJennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal) willreview all artifacts toensure the overalleffectiveness of thementoring program.

ACADEMIC PROGRAMSQuarter 1 Implementation

(September 4 – October 19, 2018)

Academic Programs Outcome Statement

The administrative team will foster an environment of mutual responsibility and accountability for supportingstudents and creating change by remaining focused on long-term strategic goals that keep the end in mind. Thiswill ensure that the school continues to achieve our goals.

Sustained Essential Practice

Planning Lessons with the End in Mind

Priority Actions for the Sustained Essential Practice

The administrative team will ensure that at the conclusion of each common planning session that what thestudents need to know and be able to do will be addressed. Instructional resources and materials will beidentified and gathered by instructional coaches and disseminated to teachers. Teachers will be responsible forcreating rubrics related to the learning goals identified during common planning and for creating end productstied to the daily learning targets.



Person(s) Responsible

(First & last name, position)


(What evidencewould

demonstrate theImplementation

Step wassuccessfullyexecuted?)


(How and Who?)

Start: Tue, Sept4

Professionaldevelopment on

Reginald E. Lee, Principal,Chanda Gilzean, Vice-

This will beevidenced by

The administrative teamwill participate in

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End: Fri, Sept14

standards basedlearning will beprovided duringcommon planningwhich willinclude gatheringresources,creating rubrics,and developingend productsaligned to thelearning targets.

Principal, Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal, ErnestRoberts, Assistant Principal,William T. Smith, AssistantPrincipal, Terrelin Davis,Instructional Coach, TamaraRoker, Instructional Coach,Kirstie Harris, InstructionalCoach, and MarielenaViciedo, Instructional Coach

relevant lessonplans andresources,teacher createdrubrics,specifiedlearning targetsand related endproducts.

common planning andwill oversee thedevelopment ofappropriate standardsbased artifacts. ReginaldE. Lee, Principal, ChandaGilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal, Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, andWilliam T. Smith,Assistant Principal

Start: Mon,Sept 17

End: Fri, Oct 19

Teachers willimplement bestpractices shared atprofessionaldevelopment andcommon planningand utilizeresourcesgathered to createend products thataddress learningtargets.

Reginald E. Lee, Principal,Chanda Gilzean, Vice-Principal, Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal, ErnestRoberts, Assistant Principal,William T. Smith, AssistantPrincipal, Terrelin Davis,Instructional Coach, TamaraRoker, Instructional Coach,Kirstie Harris, InstructionalCoach, and MarielenaViciedo, Instructional Coachand Teachers

This will beevidenced bylesson plans,data driveninstruction, andidentifiedlearningtargets.

The administrative teamwill review lesson plansshared on the Googleclassroom to ensurefidelity ofimplementation. ReginaldE. Lee, Principal, ChandaGilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal, Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, andWilliam T. Smith,Assistant Principal

Start: Mon, Oct1

End: Fri, Oct 19

Students will beable todemonstratemastery ofsystems androutines whileexhibitingprogress towardsidentified learningtargets based onresults of endproducts.

Reginald E. Lee, Principal,Chanda Gilzean, Vice-Principal, Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal, ErnestRoberts, Assistant Principal,William T. Smith, AssistantPrincipal, Terrelin Davis,Instructional Coach, TamaraRoker, Instructional Coach,Kirstie Harris, InstructionalCoach, and MarielenaViciedo, Instructional CoachTeachers and Students

This will beevidenced bystudent workfolders, andacademicdiscourse.

The administrative teamwill review student workfolders with correctiveand explicit feedback forthe purpose of assuringstudents have obtainedmastery of learningtargets. Reginald E. Lee,Principal, ChandaGilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal, Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, andWilliam T. Smith,Assistant Principal

Start: Mon, Oct15

End: Fri, Oct 19

Based onidentifieddeficiencies ininstructionalpractices,coaching cycleswill be begin withpurposeful focusand specificoutcomes ofaddressinglearning targets

Reginald E. Lee, Principal,Chanda Gilzean, Vice-Principal, Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal, ErnestRoberts, Assistant Principal,William T. Smith, AssistantPrincipal, Terrelin Davis,Instructional Coach, TamaraRoker, Instructional Coach,Kirstie Harris, InstructionalCoach, and MarielenaViciedo, Instructional Coach

This will beevidenced bydigitalcoaching logs.

The administrative teamwill conduct weeklyAcademy Leadershipmeetings to reviewcoaching logs and discussnext steps. Reginald E.Lee, Principal, ChandaGilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal, Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, andWilliam T. Smith,Assistant Principal

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and planning withthe end in mind.

Primary Essential Practice

Student Centered Instruction / Learning

Priority Actions for the Primary Essential Practice

The administrative team will utilize research based data driven instructional practices that supplements orreplaces lectures with active learning strategies and engage students in discovery to improve learning andknowledge retention.



Person(s) Responsible

(First & last name, position)


(What evidencewould

demonstrate theImplementation

Step wassuccessfullyexecuted?)


(How and Who?)

Start: Tue, Sept4

End: Fri, Sept14

Professionaldevelopmentwill be providedon studentcenteredinstruction andlearning with theeffective use ofdata.

Reginald E. Lee, Principal,Chanda Gilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal, Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, William T.Smith, Assistant Principal,Terrelin Davis, InstructionalCoach, Tamara Roker,Instructional Coach, KirstieHarris, Instructional Coach, andMarielena Viciedo, InstructionalCoach

This will beevidenced bysign in sheets,agenda, andexit survey.

The administrative teamwill participate incommon planning andwill oversee the effectiveuse of data in drivingstudent-centeredinstruction.Reginald E.Lee, Principal, ChandaGilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal,Ernest Roberts, AssistantPrincipal, and William T.Smith, AssistantPrincipal

Start: Mon,Sept 17

End: Fri, Oct 19

Teachers willcreate groupsbased on studentdata forremediation andenrichmentopportunities.

Reginald E. Lee, Principal,Chanda Gilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal, Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, William T.Smith, Assistant Principal,Terrelin Davis, InstructionalCoach, Tamara Roker,Instructional Coach, KirstieHarris, Instructional Coach, andMarielena Viciedo, InstructionalCoach, Teachers

This will beevidenced bysmall groupinstruction,data chatforms, and listof studentgroups.

The administrative teamwill conduct informalconversations withstudents to gauge theirawareness of deficienciesand rationale for groupplacements. Reginald E.Lee, Principal, ChandaGilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal,Ernest Roberts, AssistantPrincipal, and William T.Smith, AssistantPrincipal

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Start: Tue, Sept18

End: Fri, Oct 19

Students willutilizeinstructionalpractices such asthink pair share,round tablediscussions, andother informallearning tasksbased on data.

Reginald E. Lee, Principal,Chanda Gilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal, Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, William T.Smith, Assistant Principal,Terrelin Davis, InstructionalCoach, Tamara Roker,Instructional Coach, KirstieHarris, Instructional Coach, andMarielena Viciedo, InstructionalCoach, Teachers, Students

This will beevidenced bystudent work,academicdiscourse, andactive smallgroups.

The administrative teamwill review student workfolders for evidence ofsmall group instructionand group activities.Reginald E. Lee,Principal, ChandaGilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal,Ernest Roberts, AssistantPrincipal, and William T.Smith, AssistantPrincipal

Start: Mon, Oct1

End: Fri, Oct 19

Studentpresentationsand projects willbe assigned toactively engagestudents inexplorations ofthe coursematerial.

Reginald E. Lee, Principal,Chanda Gilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal, Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, William T.Smith, Assistant Principal,Terrelin Davis, InstructionalCoach, Tamara Roker,Instructional Coach, KirstieHarris, Instructional Coach, andMarielena Viciedo, InstructionalCoach

This will beevidenced byprojectassignmentoverview andpresentationgroups.

The administrative teamwill serve on theevaluation committeeduring student projectpresentations to ensurecooperative learning andstudent -centeredinstruction transpired.Reginald E. Lee,Principal, ChandaGilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal,Ernest Roberts, AssistantPrincipal, and William T.Smith, AssistantPrincipal

Secondary Essential Practice

Effective Resource Utilization

Priority Actions for the Secondary Essential Practice

The administration will utilize Google Drive as a resource that will serve as a centralized tool that will providebetter visibility and accuracy of resource availability and utilization. In addition, human capital will bestrategically placed in areas of need to better assist with remediation and enrichment opportunities. To furtherensure effective use of resources, contingency plans will be created so that daily operation is not impacted byunexpected changes.



Person(s) Responsible

(First & last name, position)


(What evidencewould

demonstrate theImplementation

Step wassuccessfullyexecuted?)


(How and Who?)

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Start: Tue, Sept4

End: Fri, Sept 7

Departmentspecific Googleclassrooms willbe developedand identifiedresources will beuploaded tosupportinstructionalpractices andinterventions.

Reginald E. Lee, Principal,Chanda Gilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal, Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, William T.Smith, Assistant Principal,Terrelin Davis, InstructionalCoach, Tamara Roker,Instructional Coach, KirstieHarris, Instructional Coach, andMarielena Viciedo, InstructionalCoach

This will beevidenced byGoogleclassroom andidentifiedresources.

The administrative teamwill review Googleclassroom during theweekly AcademicLeadership teammeeting to ensurefidelity ofimplementation.Reginald E. Lee,Principal, ChandaGilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal,Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, andWilliam T. Smith,Assistant Principal

Start: Mon,Sept 10

End: Fri, Oct 19

Teachers willbegin utilizingGoogleclassroom as aninstructionalresource todevelop andimplementeffective lessonplans.

Reginald E. Lee, Principal,Chanda Gilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal, Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, William T.Smith, Assistant Principal,Terrelin Davis, InstructionalCoach, Tamara Roker,Instructional Coach, KirstieHarris, Instructional Coach,Marielena Viciedo, InstructionalCoach and Teachers

This will beevidenced bysupplementalmaterials andlesson plans.

The administrative teamwill review lesson plansto ensure Googleclassroom resources areutilized effectively.Reginald E. Lee,Principal, ChandaGilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal,Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, andWilliam T. Smith,Assistant Principal

Start: Mon,Sept 10

End: Fri, Oct 19

Students willutilizeinstructional andsupplementalresources duringwhole group andsmall groupinstruction.

Reginald E. Lee, Principal,Chanda Gilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal, Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, William T.Smith, Assistant Principal,Terrelin Davis, InstructionalCoach, Tamara Roker,Instructional Coach, KirstieHarris, Instructional Coach,Marielena Viciedo, InstructionalCoach, Teachers and Students

This will beevidenced bystudent use ofresources,student workfolders, andacademicdiscourse.

The administrative teamwill progress monitor ona weekly basis, theeffective use ofresources by students inwhole group and smallgroup instruction.Reginald E. Lee,Principal, ChandaGilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal,Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, andWilliam T. Smith,Assistant Principal

Start: Mon,Sept 24

End: Fri, Oct 19

Based ondeficienciesshown in studentend products,interventionistswill be

Reginald E. Lee, Principal,Chanda Gilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray, AssistantPrincipal, Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, William T.Smith, Assistant Principal,

This will beevidenced byinterventionistlogs andstudent endproducts.

The administrative teamwill review student dataand end products duringthe weekly AcademicLeadership meetingsand monitor the

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strategicallyplaced toprovideremediation.

Terrelin Davis, InstructionalCoach, Tamara Roker,Instructional Coach, KirstieHarris, Instructional Coach,Marielena Viciedo, InstructionalCoach, Teachers andInterventionists

interventionists logs.Reginald E. Lee,Principal, ChandaGilzean, Vice-Principal,Jennifer Murray,Assistant Principal,Ernest Roberts,Assistant Principal, andWilliam T. Smith,Assistant Principal

Parent Family Engagement Plan (PFEP)All Title 1 schools will submit the 2018-2019 PFEP to the Title 1 office for approval on or before, Tuesday,October 9, 2018. Once approved, the PFEP will be uploaded into the School Improvement Process (Phase II).


Quarter 2 Implementation(November 5 – December 21, 2018)

School Culture Outcome Statement

The administrative team will focus on stimulating and energizing professional activities that allow opportunitiesfor individuals to span boundaries that build support and gather resources for student learning so that teachersand staff are empowered.

Sustained Essential Practice

Empower Teachers And Staff

Priority Actions for the Sustained Essential Practice

The administrative team will motivate and empower staff by creating leadership cohorts and opportunities forprofessional growth and advancement in operational and instructional practices. In addition, the administrationwill build task forces that include key stakeholders from instructional and non-instructional departments.Administration will select teacher leaders who share responsibility for the monitoring and the implementation ofthe school improvement process.

Please enter an explanation





(First & lastname,


Expected Evidence

(What evidence would demonstrate theImplementation Step was successfully



(How andWho?)

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Primary Essential Practice

Effective Use of Resources

Priority Actions for the Primary Essential Practice

Administrative staff will develop a systematic framework for identifying students who are at increased risk foracademic and behavioral failure. A system will be implemented to flag at-risk students, track interventions andanalyze the association between interventions and subsequent student outcomes.

Please enter an explanation




(First & lastname,


Expected Evidence

(What evidence would demonstrate theImplementation Step was successfully



(How andWho?)

Secondary Essential Practice

Early Warning Systems

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Priority Actions for the Secondary Essential Practice

Administrative staff will develop a systematic framework for identifying students who are at increased risk foracademic and behavioral failure. A system will be implemented to flag at-risk students, track interventions andanalyze the association between interventions and subsequent student outcomes.

Please enter an explanation




(First & lastname,


Expected Evidence

(What evidence would demonstrate theImplementation Step was successfully



(How andWho?)

ACADEMIC PROGRAMSQuarter 2 Implementation

(November 5 – December 21, 2018)

Academic Programs Outcome Statement

The administrative team will foster an environment of mutual responsibility and accountability for supportingstudents and creating change by remaining focused on long-term strategic goals that keep the end in mind. Thiswill ensure that the school continues to achieve our goals.

Sustained Essential Practice

Planning Lessons with the End in Mind

Priority Actions for the Sustained Essential Practice

The administrative team will ensure that at the conclusion of each common planning session that what thestudents need to know and be able to do will be addressed. Instructional resources and materials will beidentified and gathered by instructional coaches and disseminated to teachers. Teachers will be responsible forcreating rubrics related to the learning goals identified during common planning and for creating end productstied to the daily learning targets.

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(First & lastname,


Expected Evidence

(What evidence would demonstrate theImplementation Step was successfully



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Primary Essential Practice

Student Centered Instruction / Learning

Priority Actions for the Primary Essential Practice

The administrative team will utilize research based data driven instructional practices that supplements orreplaces lectures with active learning strategies and engage students in discovery to improve learning andknowledge retention.

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Expected Evidence

(What evidence would demonstrate theImplementation Step was successfully



(How andWho?)

Page 16: Name of School - MIAMI NORLAND SHS School Location # -7381 Phase II _004_.pdf · 2018-12-13 · plan intervention strategies and action steps to support the reduction in absenteeism

9/19/2018 School Improvement Process!/form 16/16

Secondary Essential Practice

Effective Resource Utilization

Priority Actions for the Secondary Essential Practice

The administration will utilize Google Drive as a resource that will serve as a centralized tool that will providebetter visibility and accuracy of resource availability and utilization. In addition, human capital will bestrategically placed in areas of need to better assist with remediation and enrichment opportunities. To furtherensure effective use of resources, contingency plans will be created so that daily operation is not impacted byunexpected changes.

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Expected Evidence

(What evidence would demonstrate theImplementation Step was successfully



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