Name datafile: CSES.SAV Size in bytes: 744KB Number of ...11. Verenigde Senioren Partij 12. Nieuwe...

Name datafile: CSES.SAV Size in bytes: 744KB Number of cases: 103 CSES MODULE 2 MICRO-LEVEL DATA: ADMINISTRATIVE VARIABLES Question number: 1 Name variable: Q0A Variable label: ID component – respondent within election study Question: - Type: Num4.0 Values & value labels: - Details: The respondent identification number ranges from 100005 to 907457 Question number: 2 Name variable: Q0B Variable label: Interviewer within election study Question: - Type: Num5.0 Values & value labels: - Details: This number still is the same for every interviewer (see Deviations), the Steinmetz study number of the special file is P1628. Question number: 3 Name variable: Q0C Variable label: Interviewer gender Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question has not been asked in the Dutch Study. Question number: 4.1 Name variable: Q0D Variable label: Date Questionnaire Administered - Month Question: - Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. January 02. February 03. March 04. April 05. May 06. June 07. July 08. August 09. September 10. October 11. November 12. December

Transcript of Name datafile: CSES.SAV Size in bytes: 744KB Number of ...11. Verenigde Senioren Partij 12. Nieuwe...

Page 1: Name datafile: CSES.SAV Size in bytes: 744KB Number of ...11. Verenigde Senioren Partij 12. Nieuwe Midden Partij 13. Partij van de Toekomst 14. Vrije Indische Partij en Ouderenunie

Name datafile: CSES.SAV Size in bytes: 744KB Number of cases: 103 CSES MODULE 2 MICRO-LEVEL DATA: ADMINISTRATIVE VARIABLES Question number: 1 Name variable: Q0A Variable label: ID component – respondent within election study Question: - Type: Num4.0 Values & value labels: - Details: The respondent identification number ranges from 100005 to 907457 Question number: 2 Name variable: Q0B Variable label: Interviewer within election study Question: - Type: Num5.0 Values & value labels: - Details: This number still is the same for every interviewer (see Deviations),

the Steinmetz study number of the special file is P1628. Question number: 3 Name variable: Q0C Variable label: Interviewer gender Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question has not been asked in the Dutch Study. Question number: 4.1 Name variable: Q0D Variable label: Date Questionnaire Administered - Month Question: - Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. January

02. February 03. March 04. April 05. May 06. June 07. July 08. August 09. September 10. October 11. November 12. December

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Question number: 4.2 Name variable: Q0D Variable label: Date Questionnaire Administered – Day Question: - Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: - (01-31. Day of month; 99. Missing) Question number: 4.3 Name variable: Q0D Variable label: Date Questionnaire Administered – Year Question: - Type: Num4.0 Values & value labels: - (1996-2002. Year; 9999. Missing) Details: All interviews from 05-16-2002 to 06-28-2002 CSES MODULE 2 MICRO-LEVEL DATA: SURVEY ITEMS Question number: 5 Name variable: Q1A Variable label: Political Participation: Persuade Others Question: During the election campaign all kinds of activities are

undertaken. Here is a list of such activities. Would you tell which of the following activities you have undertaken during the most recent campaign? Try to convince others to vote for a particular party

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. Yes

2. No 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 2 presented, listing response alternatives Question number: 6 Name variable: Q1AA Variable label: How often did R persuade others Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question has not been asked in the Dutch Parliamentary Election

Study Question number: 7 Name variable: Q1B Variable label: Political Participation: Campaign activities Question: During the election campaign all kinds of activities are

undertaken. Here is a list of such activities. Would you tell which of the following activities you have undertaken during the most recent campaign? Did you display a window poster or campaign board, contibute money or attend rallies?

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. yes 2. not mentioned

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Details: Showcard 2 presented, listing response alternatives. Because of the way in which this question has been asked in the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study, as part of a bigger question, the answer 'no' can not be distinguished.

Question number: 8 Name variable: Q1BB Variable label: How often did R participate in campaign activities? Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question has not been asked in the Dutch Parliamentary Election

Study Question number: 9 Name variable: Q2 Variable label: Contacted by candidate or party during campaign Question: During the last campaign did a candidate or anyone from political

party contact you to persuade you to vote for them? Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. yes

2. no 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 10 Name variable: Q3 Variable label: Current election: Did respondent cast a ballot Question: Did you vote in the 2002parliamentary elections on May 15? Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. R cast a ballot

5. R did not cast a ballot 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 11 Name variable: Q4A Variable label: Current election: Vote choice – president Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question is not relevant to the Dutch case. Question number: 12 Name variable: Q4B Variable label: Current election: vote choice – party list Question: Which party did you vote for? Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. PvdA

02. CDA 03. VVD 04. D66 05. GroenLinks 06. SGP 07. ChristenUnie (RPF, GPV)

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08. Leefbaar Nederland 09. Lijst Pim Fortuyn 10. SP 11. Verenigde Senioren Partij 12. Nieuwe Midden Partij 13. Partij van de Toekomst 14. Vrije Indische Partij en Ouderenunie 15. Duurzaam Nederland 16. Vrouwelijke Interactie 17. 19. Blanc 96. Invalid 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 13 Name variable: Q4C Variable label: Current election: Vote choice – district candidate Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question is not relevant to the Dutch case. Question number: 14 Name variable: Q4D Variable label: Current election: Did R cast candidate preference vote Question: When you vote for a party you can choose from a list of candidates.

Did you vote for the first candidate on the party list or for another candidate?

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. R exercised candidate preference

2. R did not exercise candidate preference 6. Invalid ballot 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Routing, if questionnumber 12 (Q4B) code 1-17 Question number: 15 Name variable: Q5 Variable label: Most important Issue Question: And now I would like to ask you, what do you think are the most

important problems in our country. And what do you think is the very most important national problem?

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. abortion/ euthanasia

02. resignation government 03. poverty 04. asylum seekers/ foreigners (integration) 05. bureaucracy 06. corruption 07. crime/ crime fighting 08. economy 09. euro 10. european integration 11. mobility/ traffic

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12. lack of tolerance 13. tolerance policy (drugs) 14. health care 15. inflation 16. youth 17. environment (polution) 18. (lack of) norms and values 19. education/ lack of teaching staff 20. public transport 21. rise of Pim Fortuyn 22. death of Pim Fortuyn 23. social relations between people 24. social provisions (benefits) 25. safety (violence on the street, at the stadiums) 26. aging of population 27. discrimination/ racism 28. housing 29. elderly care 30. employment/ unemployment 31. politics in general 32. elections/ electoral behaviour 33. division of poor and rich 34. the Netherlands become too full 35. Disablement Insurance Act 36. the police 37. taxation system 38. other 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 16 Name variable: Q6 Variable label: Government performance: most important issue Question: If you think about this problem (answer Q5), what do you think about

the way the governement has handled this problem during the past years? Has the government done a very good job, a good job, a poor job or a very poor job?

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. very good job

2. good job 3. bad job 4. very bad job 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Routing, if question number 15 (Q5) has been answered. Question number: 17 Name variable: Q7 Variable label: Government performance: General Question: With the help of this showcard, could you indicate how satisfied or

dissatisfied you are in general with what the government has done during the past four years?

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. very satisfied

2. satisfied

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3. satisfied nor dissatisfied 4. dissatisfied 5. very dissatisfied 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: No answer

Details: The question asked in the Dutch study differs from the question asked in CSES. CSES question: “Now thinking about the performance of the government in general, how good or bad a job do you think the government has done over the past four years. Has it done a very good job, a good job, a bad job, a very bad job? Also for this question, a different kind of scale has been used in the Dutch case as in the CSES study. In the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study a 5-point scale is used, while CSES uses a 4-point scale.

Question number: 18 Name variable: Q8 Variable label: Satisfaction with democratic process Question: Could you indicate on this showcard how satisfied or dissatisfied you

are with the way democracy works in the Netherlands? Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. very satisfied

2. satisfied 3. satisfied nor dissatisfied 4. dissatisfied 5. very dissatisfied 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: No answer

Details: Showcard 4 used, listing response alternatives. The question asked in the Dutch study differs from the question asked in CSES. CSES question: “On the whole are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied, or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in the Netherlands?” Also for this question a different scale is used in the Dutch case as has been done in CSES. In the Dutch study a 5-point scale is used, while CSES uses a 4-point scale.

Question number: 19 Name variable: Q9 Variable label: who is in power can make a difference Question: Does it make much difference to you, a little difference, or no

difference at all which parties becomes part of the governance? Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. much difference 2. little difference

3. no difference at all 4. volunteered: Don’t Know 5. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: The question asked in the Dutch study is not the same as the question asked in the CSES. The CSES question: “Some people say it makes a difference who is in power. Others say that it doesn’t make a difference who is in power. Using the scale on this card, (where 1 means that is makes a difference who is in power and 5 means that is doesn’t make a difference who is in power), where would you place yourself?” The Dutch question used in this data file is the variable in the study which is the closest to the CSES variable.

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Analysts working with this data should be aware of the fact that the data may not be comparable.

Question number: 20 Name variable: Q10 Variable label: Who people vote for can make a difference Question: And do you think it makes a diference for the country which

government coalition is formed. Could you respond according to this scale? As 1 indicates ‘it does not make any difference at all’ and a 7 indicates ‘it makes a lot of difference’.

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. 1 ‘it does not make any differnce at all’ 2. 2

3. 3 4. 4 5. 5 6. 6 7. 7 ‘it makes a lot of difference’ 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: No answer

Details: The question asked in the Dutch study is not the same as the question asked in the CSES. The CSES question: “Some people say that no matter who people vote for, it won’t make any difference to what happens. Others say that who people vote for can make a difference to what happens. Using the scale of this card, (where 1 means that voting won’t make a difference to what happens and 5 means that voting can make a difference), where would you place yourself?” The Dutch question used in this data file is the variable in the study which is the closest to the CSES variable. Analysts working with this data should be aware of the fact that the data may not be comparable.

Question number: 21 Name variable: Q11 Variable label: Democracy better than any other way of government Question: Could you indicate with the help of this showcard whether you agree

or disagree with the following statement: Democracy knows many problems but is the best form of government

there is. Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. fully agree

2. agree 3. agree nor disagree 4. disagree 5. fully disagree 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 16 presented, listing response alternatives. For this question a different scale has been used in the Dutch Study as has been done is in the CSES. In the Dutch study a 5-point scale is used, while CSES uses a 4-point scale.

Question number: 22 ovde nastaviti zzz Name variable: Q12 Variable label: Previous election: Did respondent cast a ballot

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Question: The previous elections for the Second Chamber were held in 1998. Did you vote in these elections or not?

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. R cast a ballot

5. R did not cast a ballot 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 23 Name variable: Q13A Variable label: Previous election: Vote choice – president Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question is not relevant to the Dutch case. Question number: 24 Name variable: Q13B Variable label: Previous election: Vote choice – party list Question: Which party did you vote for then? Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. PvdA

02. CDA 03. VVD 04. D66 05. GroenLinks 06. GPV 07. RPF 08. SGP 09. CentrumDemocraten 10. Unie 55+ 11. AOV 12. SP 13. other 17. blanc 96. invalid 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 25 Name variable: Q13C Variable label: Previous election: Vote Choice – District Candidate Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question is not relevant to the Dutch case. Question number: 26 Name variable: Q13D Variable label: Previous election: Did R cast candidate preference vote Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question is missing in the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study.

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Question number: 27 Name variable: Q14 Variable label: Performance of Party R voted for in previous election Question: How do you feel this party (mentioned in Q13B) has done over the

past four years? Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. very good job

2. good job 3. bad job 4. very bad job 8. volunteered: Don’t Kow 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Routing, if question number 22 (Q12) code 1. Question number: 28 Name variable: Q15 Variable label: How well voters’views are represented in elections Question: What do you actually think of elections in the Netherlands? Do you

think that elections insure that the opinions of the voters are transmitted well by the Members of Parliament? Are the opinions of the Members of Parliament a good reflection of the opinions of the voters, a pretty good reflection, a not so good reflection or a bad reflection?

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. good reflection

2. pretty good reflection 3. not so good reflection 4. bad reflection 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered : Refused (No Answer)

Details: The question in the Dutch Parliamentary election study differs from the CSES-question. CSES question: “Thinking about how elections in the Netherlands work in practice, how well do elections ensure that the views of voters are represented by MPs: very well, quite well, not very well, or not well at all?

Question number: 29 Name variable: Q16 Variable label: Is there a party that represents R’s view best? Question: Is there in the Netherlands a political party which on the whole

reflects or represents your opinion best? Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. yes

2. no 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 30 Name variable: Q16A Variable label: Party that represents R’s views best Question: Which party is that? Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 01. PvdA

02. CDA

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03. VVD 04. D66 05. GroenLinks 06. SGP 07. ChristenUnie (RPF, GPV) 08. Leefbaar Nederland 09. Lijst Pim Fortuyn 10. SP 11. Verenigde Senioren Partij 12. Local list 13. other 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 31 Name variable: Q17 Variable label: Is there a leader that represents R’s view best? Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question is missing in the Dutch Parliamentary Election

Study Question number: 32 Name variable: Q17A Variable label: Leader that represents R’s view best Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question is missing in the Dutch Parliamentary Election

Study Question number: 33 Name variable: Q18 Variable label: Are you close to any political party Question: Many people think of themselves as adherents to a particular political

party, but there are also people who do not think of themselves as an adherent to a political party. Do you think of yourself as an adherent or not as an adherent to a political party?

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. yes

5. no 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: The Dutch Election Study used the traditional Party ID question format for variable A3004, rather than the wording from the CSES module 1 questionnaire.

Analysts should be aware of the possibility that variables A3004- A3006 and A3009-A3012 in the Netherlands (1998) data may not be comparable as a result. The question wording from the 1998 Dutch Election Study stands indicated above, the question wording from the CSES is: “Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular political party?”

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Question number: 34 Name variable: Q18A1 Variable label: Party closest to – first mention Question: (adherent to – first answer) Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. PvdA

02. CDA 03. VVD 04. D66 05. GroenLinks 06. SGP 07. ChristenUnie (RPF, GPV) 08. Leefbaar Nederland 09. Lijst Pim Fortuyn 10. SP 11. Verenigde Senioren Partij 12. Local List 13. other 97. missing 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: The Dutch Election Study used the traditional Party ID question format for variable A3004, rather than the wording from the CSES Module 1 questionnaire.

Analysts should be aware of the possibility that variables A3004-A3006 and A3009-A3012 in the Netherlands (1998) data may not be comparable as a result. The question wording from the 1998 Dutch Election Study stand indicated above, the question wording from the CSES is: "Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular political party?”

Question number: 35 Name variable: Q18A2 Variable label: Party closest to – second mention Question: (adherent to – second answer) Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. PvdA

02. CDA 03. VVD 04. D66 05. GroenLinks 06. SGP 07. ChristenUnie (RPF, GPV) 08. Leefbaar Nederland 09. Lijst Pim Fortuyn 10. SP 11. Verenigde Senioren Partij 12. Local List 13. other 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: See details question number 34 (Q18A1).

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Question number: 36 Name variable: Q18A3 Variable label: Party closest to – third mention Question: (adherent to – third answer) Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. PvdA

02. CDA 03. VVD 04. D66 05. GroenLinks 06. SGP 07. ChristenUnie (RPF, GPV) 08. Leefbaar Nederland 09. Lijst Pim Fortuyn 10. SP 11. Verenigde Senioren Partij 12. Local List 13. other 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: See details question number 34 (Q18A1). Question number: 37 Name variable: Q18A1.1 Variable label: Block party closest to – first mention Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question is not relevant to the Dutch case. Question number: 38 Name variable: Q18A1.2 Variable label: Block party closest to – second mention Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question is not relevant to the Dutch case. Question number: 39 Name variable: Q18A1.3 Variable label: Block party closest to – third mention Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question is relevant to the Dutch case. Question number: 40 Name variable: Q18B Variable label: Which party do you feel closest to Question: Which of these parties do you feel most attracted to? Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. PvdA

02. CDA 03. VVD 04. D66

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05. GroenLinks 06. SGP 07. ChristenUnie (RPF, GPV) 08. Leefbaar Nederland 09. Lijst Pim Fortuyn 10. SP 11. Verenigde Senioren Partij 12. Local list 13. other 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: This question is different from the question asked in the CSES. CSES question in wording: “Which party do you feel closest to?” (only to be asked of respondents who identify more than one party in Q18A). Analysts should be aware that the variables may not be comparable.

Question number: 41 Name variable: Q18C Variable label: Do you feel closer to one party? Question: Is there a party to which you feel more attracted than to other parties? Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. yes 5. no

8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer) Details: This question is different from the question asked in the CSES. CSES

question in wording: “Do you feel yourself a little closer to one of he political parties than to the others?” Analysts should be aware tht the variables may not be comparable.

Question number: 42 Name variable: Q18D Variable label: Which party do you feel closer to? Question: Which party is that? Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. PvdA 02. CDA

03. VVD 04. D66 05. GroenLinks 06. SGP 07. ChristenUnie (RPF, GPV) 08. Leefbaar Nederland 09. Lijst Pim Fortuyn 10. SP 11. Verenigde Senioren Partij 12. Local List 13. other 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: This question is different from the question asked in the CSES. CSES question in wording: “Which party is that?” Analysts should be aware tht the variables may not be comparable.

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Question number: 43 Name variable: Q18E Variable label: Degree of closeness to this party Question: (strength of party identification; constructed from all Q18 questions) Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 00. neither adherent, not attracted 01. DK whether attracted 02. attracted, not adherent 03. attracted, DK whether adherent 04. adherent, not convinced 05. adherent, DK whether convinced 06. adherent, convinced 07. adherent, very convinced 08. adherent, DK party 09. attracted, DK party 10. DK 99. missing (2003) Details: This question is asked of respondents who indicate that they feel close to a particular party in A3004, as well as of those respondents who initially indicate they do not feel close to a party in A3004, but who later identify a party they feel closer to in A3011. The latter set of respondents were not asked this item. The Dutch case uses a different scale. CSES question in wording: Do you feel very close to this party, somewhat close, or not very close? The values of this variable have been assigned in the following way: 00. if Q18C = 5 01. if Q18C = 8 02. if Q18C = 1 and Q18D ≤ 13 03. if Q18A1 = 98, Q18C = 1 and Q18D ≤ 13 04. if Q18 = 1, V0108 (dutchstudy) = 3 and Q18A1 ≤ 13 05. if Q18 = 1, V0108 = 4 and Q18A1 ≤ 13 06. if Q18 = 1, V0108 = 2 and Q18A1 ≤ 13 07. if Q18 = 1, V0108 = 1 and Q18A1 ≤ 13 08. Q18 = 1 and Q18A1 = 98 09. Q18C = 1 and Q18A1 = 98 10. if Q18 = 3 or 4 V0108 Respondent is (not) convinced adherent

“Would you call yourself a very convinced adherent to this party, a convinced adherent or do you consider yourself not to be a convinced adherent?” 1. very convinced adherent 108 5.7 14.4 2. convinced adherent 478 25.1 63.7 3. not a convinced adeherent 164 8.6 21.9 4. Don’t Know 1 0.1 MD INAP 1156 60.6 MD 1907 100 100

Question number: 44 Name variable: Q19A Variable label: Like-Dislike – party CDA Question: There are many political parties in our country. I would like to know

from you again how sympethatic you find these parties. You can give each party a score between 0 and 100. The more sympethatic you find

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a party, the higher score you give, a score of 50 means that you find a party neither sympethatic, nor unsympethatic. If you don’t know a party, please feel free to say so.

Type: Num3.0 Values & value labels: 00. very unsympethatic 01. 02.

03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. neither sympethatic nor unsympethatic

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51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. very sympethatic 990. Don’t know party 997. volunteered: Don’t Know

Details: Parties were presented in random order. Showcard 11 presented, listing a horizontal line with label at equal disteace, 0 … 100. The question asked in the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study differs

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from the CSES question. CSES question uses a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means strongly dislike the party and 10 means strongly like the party.

Question number: 45 Name variable: Q19B Variable label: Like-Dislike – party PvdA Question: See question, question number 44. Type: Num3.0 Values & value labels: 00. very unsympethatic

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

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44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. neither sympethatic nor unsympethatic 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98.

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99. 100. very sympethatic 990. don’t know party 997. DK

Details: See details question number 44. Question number: 46 Name variable: Q19C Variable label: Like-Dislike – party VVD Question: See question, question number 44 Type: Num3.0 Values & value labels: 00. very unsympethatic

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

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43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. neither sympethatic nor unsympethatic 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97.

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98. 99. 100. very sympethatic 990. don’t know party 997. DK

Details: See details question number 44. Question number: 47 Name variable: Q19D Variable label: Like-Dislike – Party D66 Question: See question, questionnumber 44. Type: Num3.0 Values & value labels: 00. very unsympethatic

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

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42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. neither sympethatic nor unsympethatic 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96.

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97. 98. 99. 100. very sympethatic 990. don’t know party 997. DK

Details: See details question number 44 Question number: 48 Name variable: Q19E Variable label: Like-Dislike – Party GroenLinks Question: see question, question number 44 Type: Num3.0 Values & value labels: 00. very unsympethatic

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

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41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. neither sympethatic nor unsympethatic 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95.

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96. 97. 98. 99. 100. very sympethatic 990. don’t know party 997. DK

Details: see details question number 44. Question number: 49 Name variable: Q19F Variable label: Like-Dislike – party Leefbaar Nederland Question: see question, question number 44 Type: Num3.0 Values & value labels: 00. very unsympethatic

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.

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40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. neither sympethatic nor unsympethatic 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94.

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95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. very sympethatic 990. don’t know party 997. DK

Details: see details question number 44. Question number: 50 Name variable: Q19G Variable label: Like-Dislike – Party Lijst Pim Fortuyn Question: see question, question number 44 Type: Num3.0 Values & value labels: 00. very unsympethatic

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

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39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. neither sympethatic nor unsympethatic 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93.

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94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. very sympethatic 990. don’t know party 997. DK

Details: see details question number 44. Question number: 51 Name variable: Q19H Variable label: Like-Dislike – party SGP Question: see question, question number 44 Type: Num3.0 Values & value labels: 00. very unsympethatic

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

Page 30: Name datafile: CSES.SAV Size in bytes: 744KB Number of ...11. Verenigde Senioren Partij 12. Nieuwe Midden Partij 13. Partij van de Toekomst 14. Vrije Indische Partij en Ouderenunie

37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. neither sympethatic nor unsympethatic 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91.

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92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. very sympethatic 990. don’t know party 997. DK

Details: see details question number 44. Question number: 52 Name variable: Q19I Variable label: Like-Dislike – party ChristenUnie Question: see question, question number 44 Type: Num3.0 Values & value labels: 00. very unsympethatic

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

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36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. neither sympethatic nor unsympethatic 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90.

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91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. very sympethatic 990. don’t know party 997. DK

Details: see details question number 44. Question number: 53 Name variable: Q19J Variable label: Like-Dislike – party SP Question: see question, question number 44 Type: Num3.0 Values & value labels: 00. very unsympethatic

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

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35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. neither sympethatic nor unsympethatic 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89.

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90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. very sympethatic 990. don’t know party 997. DK

Details: see details question number 44. Question number: 54 Name variable: Q20A Variable label: Left-Right – party PvdA Question: It is also said of political parties that they are LEFT OR RIGHT.

Would you please indicate the degree to which you think that a party is left or right?

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 00. Left 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Right 96. volunteered: haven’t heard of 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 19 used, listing response alternatives Question number: 55 Name variable: Q20B Variable label: Left-Right – party VVD Question: It is also said of political parties that they are LEFT OR RIGHT.

Would you please indicate the degree to which you think that a party is left or right?

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 00. Left 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

06. 07.

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08. 09. 10. Right 96. volunteered: haven’t heard of 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 19 used, listing response alternatives Question number: 56 Name variable: Q20C Variable label: Left-Right – party D66 Question: It is also said of political parties that they are LEFT OR RIGHT.

Would you please indicate the degree to which you think that a party is left or right?

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 00. Left 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Right 96. volunteered: haven’t heard of 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 19 used, listing response alternatives Question number: 57 Name variable: Q20D Variable label: Left-Right – party GroenLinks Question: It is also said of political parties that they are LEFT OR RIGHT.

Would you please indicate the degree to which you think that a party is left or right?

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 00. Left 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Right 96. volunteered: haven’t heard of 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 19 used, listing response alternatives

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Question number: 58 Name variable: Q20E Variable label: Left-Right – party CDA Question: It is also said of political parties that they are LEFT OR RIGHT.

Would you please indicate the degree to which you think that a party is left or right?

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 00. Left 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Right 96. volunteered: haven’t heard of 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 19 used, listing response alternatives Question number: 59 Name variable: Q20F Variable label: Left-Right – party SGP Question: It is also said of political parties that they are LEFT OR RIGHT.

Would you please indicate the degree to which you think that a party is left or right?

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 00. Left 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Right 96. volunteered: haven’t heard of 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 19 used, listing response alternatives Question number: 60 Name variable: Q20G Variable label: Left-Right – party ChristenUnie

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Question: It is also said of political parties that they are LEFT OR RIGHT. Would you please indicate the degree to which you think that a party is left or right?

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 00. Left 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Right 96. volunteered: haven’t heard of 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 19 used, listing response alternatives Question number: 61 Name variable: Q20H Variable label: Left-Right – party Leefbaar Nederland Question: It is also said of political parties that they are LEFT OR RIGHT.

Would you please indicate the degree to which you think that a party is left or right?

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 00. Left 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Right 96. volunteered: haven’t heard of 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 19 used, listing response alternatives Question number: 62 Name variable: Q20I Variable label: Left-Right – party SP Question: It is also said of political parties that they are LEFT OR RIGHT.

Would you please indicate the degree to which you think that a party is left or right?

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 00. Left 01. 02. 03. 04.

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05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Right 96. volunteered: haven’t heard of 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 19 used, listing response alternatives Question number: 63 Name variable: Q20J Variable label: Left-Right – party Lijst Pim Fortuyn Question: It is also said of political parties that they are LEFT OR RIGHT.

Would you please indicate the degree to which you think that a party is left or right?

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 00. Left 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Right 96. volunteered: haven’t heard of 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 19 used, listing response alternatives Question number: 64 Name variable: Q21A Variable label: Political participation: contacted a politician Question: There are various ways to try to bring something to attention in

politics or to exercise influence on politicians or the government. Would you indicate for each of the following possibilities which you have utilized during the past 5 years? Contacted a politician or civil servant.

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 01. yes 02. no

08. volunteered: Don’t Know 09. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: This variable is in the Dutch study part of a bigger question consisting

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out of more variables. The CSES question is: “Have you contacted a politician or government official either in person, or in writing, or in some other way?”

Question number: 65 Name variable: Q21B Variable label: Political participation: protest or demonstration Question: There are various ways to try to bring something to attention in

politics or to exercise influence on politicians or the government. Would you indicate for each of the following possibilities which you have utilized during the past 5 years? Joined a protest action, protest march or demonstration.

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 01. yes 02. no

08. volunteered: Don’t Know 09. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: This variable is in the Dutch study part of a bigger question consisting out of more variables. The CSES question is: “Over the past five years or so, have you done any of the following things to express your views abot something the governement should or should not be doing? Have you taken part in a protest, march or demostration?”

Question number: 66 Name variable: Q21C Variable label: Political participation: worked with others Question: There are various ways to try to bring something to attention in

politics or to exercise influence on politicians or the government. Would you indicate for each of the following possibilities which you have utilized during the past 5 years? Joined a civic action group.

Type Num1.0 Values & value labels: 01. yes 02. no

08. volunteered: Don’t Know 09. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: This variable is in the Dutch study part of a bigger question consisting out of more variables. The CSES question is: “Have you worked together with people who shared the same concern?” Note that “worked with others” and “joined a civic action group” are actually different variables.

Question number: 67 Name variable: Q22 Variable label: Respect for individual freedom and human right Question: Some people think that there is currently too much attention in the

Netherlands given to individual freedom and human rights. Others think that too little attention is given. On this showcard 1 means that there is too much attention and 5 indicates that too little attention is given. Which number applies to you?

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. 1 too much attention

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2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. 5 too little attention 7. missing 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: The question in the Dutch study is about attention to individual freedom and human rights while the CSES question asks about respect for individual freedom and human rights. Also should be noticed that the Dutch study uses a 5-point scale and CSES a 4-point scale. Analysts should be aware tht the variables may not be comparable.

Question number: 68 Name variable: Q23 Variable label: How widespread is corruption Question: According to some people corruption can also be found in the

Netherlands and, for example, politician can be bought. Others say that this is definitely not the case. What do you think? Does it occuvery often, fairly often, not so often, or not at all?

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 01. very widespread 02. quite widespread 03. not very widespread 04. it hardly happens at all 08. volunteered: Don’t Know 09. volunteered: Refused (No Answer) Details: Showcard 15 presented, listing response alternatives Question number: 69 Name variable: Q24 Variable label: Left-Right – Self Question: It is often said of political beliefs that they are LEFT OR RIGHT.

When you think of your own political beliefs, where would you place yourself on this line? Please tell the number that applies to you.

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 00. Left 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08.

09. 10. Right 98. volunteered: Don’t know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Showcard 19 presented, listing response alternatives

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Question number: 70 Name variable: Q25 Variable label: Political information item – 1st Question: Here are photographs of a number of politicians. Could you tell me for

each person the name, the party and the function within the party? (Photo 1; Tineke Netelenbos)

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. correct 2. incorrect 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused Details: Politicians (question number 70,71 and 72, resp. Q25, Q26 and Q27)

were presented in random order. Showcard 13A presented showing a photograph of Tineke Netelenbos, PvdA, Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management.

Question number: 71 Name variable: Q26 Variable label: Political information item – 2nd Question: Here are photographs of a number of politicians. Could you tell me for

each person the name, the party and the function within the party? (Photo 4; Jeltje van Nieuwenhoven) Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. correct 2. incorrect 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused Details: Politicians (question number 70,71 and 72, resp. Q25, Q26 and Q27)

were presented in random order. Showcard 13D presented showing a photograph of Jeltje van Nieuwenhoven, PvdA, Chair of Second Chamber.

Question number: 72 Name variable: Q27 Variable label: Political information item – 3rd Question: Here are photographs of a number of politicians. Could you tell me for

each person the name, the party and the function within the party? (Photo 2; Boris Ditrich) Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. correct 2. incorrect 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer) Details: Politicians (question number 70,71 and 72, resp. Q25, Q26 and Q27)

were presented in random order. Showcard 13B presented showing a photograph of Boris Dittrich, D66, Member of Second Chamber.

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CSES MODULE 2 MICRO-LEVEL DATA: DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES Question number: 73 Name variable: D1 Variable label: Age Question: - Type: Num3.0 Values & value labels: 010-150. (Age in years)

998. volunteered: Don’t Know 999. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 74 Name variable: D2 Variable label: Gender Question: - Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. male

2. female 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 75 Name variable: D3 Variable label: Education Question: The next question is about your own education. Could you indicate bu

means of this showcard the highest education for which you received a diploma?

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. elementary 02. extended elementary

03. (lower) vocational 04. middle level secondary 05. middle level vocational 06. higher level secondary 07. higher level vocational 08. undergraduate level vocational 09. graduate level vocational 10. undergraduate level 11. graduate level 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: The question asked in the Dutch study differs from the question in CSES. CSES distinguishes the categories ‘incomplete primary’, ‘primary completed’, ‘incomplete secondary’, ‘secondary completed’, ‘post-secondary-trade/ vocational school’, ‘university incomplete’, and ‘university degree completed’. Analysts should be aware that the variables may not be comparable, because the Dutch study asks for highest education finished, not highest education ever followed.

Question number: 76 Name variable: D4 Variable label: Marital status Question: - Type: Num1.0

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Values & value labels: 1. married or living together as married 2. widowed 3. divorced or seperated (married but seperated/ not living with

legal spouse) 4. single, never married 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Analysts should be aware that the original Dutch answer categories were different from the CSES. In the Dutch study the following answer categories were given: 1. not married 2. married 3. been married 4. widow(er) Most important distinction is that the Dutch case didn’t include the option living together as married. Due to this, analysts should be aware that this variale may not be comparable.

Question number: 77 Name variable: D5 Variable label: Union membership Question: On this showcard are various sorts of associations or organizations.

Could you indicate whether you are member or financial supporter of each type of organization? Trade Unions, like FNV or the CNV.

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. R is a member of a Union 2. not mentioned Details: Because of the way in which this question has been asked in the Dutch

Parliamentary Election Study, as part of a bigger question, the answer ‘not a member’ can not be distinguished.

Question number: 78 Name variable: D6 Variable label: Union membership of others in the household Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question has not been asked in the Dutch Parliamentary Election

Study. Question number: 79 Name variable: D7 Variable label: Business or employers’ association Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question has not been asked in the Dutch Parliamentary Election

Study. Question number: 80 Name variable: D8 Variable label: Farmers’ association membership Question: - Type: -

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Values & value labels: - Details: This question has not been asked in the Dutch Parliamentary Election

Study. Question number: 81 Name variable: D9 Variable label: Professional association membership Question: On this showcard are various sorts of associations or organizations.

Could you indicate whether you are member or financial supporter of each type of organization? Professional organizations.

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. R is a member of a professional association 2. not mentioned Details: Because of the way in which this question has been asked in the Dutch

Parliamentary Election Study, as part of a bigger question, the answer ‘not a member’ can not be distinguished.

Question number: 82 Name variable: D10 Variable label: Current employment status Question: How many hours do you work on average per week, not counting

unpaid hours? (hours from all jobs should be added together) Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: In labor force: 01. employed – full time (32+ hours weekly) 02. employed – part time (15-32 hiours weekly) 03. employed – less than 15 hours 04. helping family member 05. unemployed Not in labor force 06. student, in school, in vocational training 07. retired 08. housewife, home duties 09. permanently disabled 10. others, not in labor force 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: No Answer 97. missing Details: These answers have been constructed out of 4 questions coming from

the Dutch Paliamentary Election Study. These question are: ∼ ‘Could you indicate what your daily activities are or which

situation applies to you?’ 1) I am currently employed, 2) I was employed but not anymore, and 3) I have never been employed.

∼ How many hours do you work on average per week, not counting unpaid hours?

∼ You were employed, but are not longer. Is that because of permanent disability or are you unfit to work, unemployed or being job-seeking, retirement, living off investments, housekeeping, care for children or is there another reason?

∼ You have never been employed. Is that because of study, unemployement or job-seeking, housekeeping, care for children, disability, or is there another reason?

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Question number: 83 Name variable: D11 Variable label: Main occupation Question: What’s your profession or position? Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. armed forces 11. legislators and senior officials and managers

12. corporate managers 13. general managers 21. physical, mathematical and engineering science 22. life science and health professionals 23. teaching professionals 24. othe professionals 31. physical and engineering science associate professionals 32. life science and health associate professionals 33. teaching associate professionals 34. other associate professionals 41. office clerks 42. customer services clerks 43. administration of charitable or non-governmental

organizations 51. personal and protective service workers 52. models, sales persons and demonstrators 53. trade, consumer services 61. market-oriented skilled agricultural and fishery workers 62. subsistence agricultural and fishery workers 71. extraction and building trade workers 72. metal, machinery and related trade workers 73. precision, handicraft, printing and related trade workers 74. other craft and related trades workers 81. stationary-plant and related operators 82. machine operators and assemblers 83. drivers and mobile-plant operators 84. other plant and machine operators and assemblers 91. sales and services elementary occupations 92. agricultural, fishery and related laborers 93. laborers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport 94. other positions in elementary occupations 96. other or non-classifiable occupations (not enough information

available to classify) 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 84 Name variable: D12 Variable label: Socio economic status Question: This item reports the respondent’s socio economic status. Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. white collar 2. worker 3. farmer 4. self-employed 7. missing 8. volunteered: Don’t Know

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9. volunteered: No Answer Question number: 85 Name variable: D13 Variable label: Employment type – publlic or private Question: Are you working in public service, on a pay-roll, self-employed or

what? If you have more than one occupation, than answer these questions for the position in which you are employed for the most hours per week. Temporary jobs via a temporary organization are coded as ‘employed elsewhere’.

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. public service

2. on a payroll/ employed elsewhere 3. self-employed 4. other

Details: This question differs somewhat from the question which is asked in the CSES,in the CSES other answering catagories are distinguished. These are: 1) public sector, 2) private sector, 3) mixed and 4) ‘third sector’ / non-profit sector. Analysts should be aware that the variables may not be comparable.

Question number: 86 Name variable: D14 Variable label: Industrial sector Question: This item should report the sector of the respondent’s main occupation Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. primary sector 2. secondary sector 3. tertiary sector 4. other 7. missing 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: No Answer Question number: 87 Name variable: D15 Variable label: Current employment status Question: How many hours do you work on average per week, not counting

unpaid hours? (hours from all jobs should be added together) Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: In labor force: 01. employed – full time (32+ hours weekly) 02. employed – part time (15-32 hiours weekly) 03. employed – less than 15 hours 04. helping family member 05. unemployed Not in labor force 06. student, in school, in vocational training 07. retired 08. housewife, home duties 09. permanently disabled 10. others, not in labor force

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98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: No Answer 97. missing Details: These answers have been constructed out of 3 questions coming from

the Dutch Paliamentary Election Study. These question are: ∼ ‘Could you indicate what your partners daily activities are or

which situation applies to your partner?’ 1) I am currently employed, 2) I was employed but not anymore, and 3) I have never been employed.

∼ How many hours does your partner work on average per week, not counting unpaid hours?

∼ Your partner was employed, but are no longer. Is that because of permanent disability or is your partner unfit to work, unemployed or being job-seeking, retirement, living off investments, housekeeping, care for children or is there another reason?

In the Dutch case the reason why respondent never worked isn’t been asked. These are all put in categorie 10, ‘others, not in labor force’.

Question number: 88 Name variable: D16 Variable label: Spouse occupation Question: What’s your partners profession or position? Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. armed forces 11. legislators and senior officials and managers

12. corporate managers 13. general managers 21. physical, mathematical and engineering science 22. life science and health professionals 23. teaching professionals 24. othe professionals 31. physical and engineering science associate professionals 32. life science and health associate professionals 33. teaching associate professionals 34. other associate professionals 41. office clerks 42. customer services clerks 43. administration of charitable or non-governmental

organizations 51. personal and protective service workers 52. models, sales persons and demonstrators 53. trade, consumer services 61. market-oriented skilled agricultural and fishery workers 62. subsistence agricultural and fishery workers 71. extraction and building trade workers 72. metal, machinery and related trade workers 73. precision, handicraft, printing and related trade workers 74. other craft and related trades workers 81. stationary-plant and related operators 82. machine operators and assemblers 83. drivers and mobile-plant operators 84. other plant and machine operators and assemblers 91. sales and services elementary occupations 92. agricultural, fishery and related laborers

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93. laborers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport 94. other positions in elementary occupations 96. other or non-classifiable occupations (not enough information

available to classify) 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 89 Name variable: D17 Variable label: Socio economic status Question: This should report the socio economic status of the respondents

spouse. Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. white collar 2. worker 3. farmer 4. self-employed 7. missing 8. volunteered: Don’t Know Question number: 90 Name variable: D18 Variable label: Spouse: Employment type – publlic or private Question: Is your partner working in public service, on a pay-roll, self-employed

or what? If partner has more than one occupation, than the questions should relate to the position involving the most hours. Temporary jobs via a temporary organization are coded as ‘employed elsewhere’.

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. public service

2. on a payroll/ employed elsewhere 3. self-employed 4. other

Details: This question differs somewhat from the question which is asked in the CSES,in the CSES other answering catagories are distinguished. These are: 1) public sector, 2) private sector, 3) mixed and 4) ‘third sector’ / non-profit sector. Analysts should be aware that the variables may not be comparable.

Question number: 91 Name variable: D19 Variable label: Industrial sector Question: This item should report the sector of the respondent’s main occupation Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. primary sector 2. secondary sector 3. tertiary sector 4. other 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: No Answer Question number: 92

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Name variable: D20 Variable label: Household income Question: On this showcard are some income groups. These relate to the total net

income of all members of the family together for a year, after taxes and such. Extra earnings or income from children living at home must be included: child payments, social and welfare payments, old age benefits and pensions also count as income. Could you indicate what the total net income of your household is?

This question is very important for this research. NIPO can guarantee you that this informationwill be kept strictly confidential. However, for scientifi research, in which the information of individuals is combined into groups, the responses to this question are extremely important.

Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. lowest household income quintile

2. second household income quintile 3. third household income quintile 4. fourth household income quintile 5. highest household income quintile 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 93 Name variable: D21 Variable label: Number in household Question: Including yourself, how many persons belong to your household?

(children who are living elsewhere are not considered members of the household)

Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. 1 person (myself)

02. 2 03. 3 04. 4 05. 5 06. 6 07. 7 08 8 09. 9 or more 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Question number: 94 Name variable: D22 Variable label: Number in household under age 18 Question: composition of household Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. single person household 02. single person, other(s)

03. couple, no children 04. couple, 1 child 05. couple, 2 children 06. couple, 3 children 07. couple, 4 children 08. couple, 5 or more children

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09. single parent, 1 child 10. single parent, 2 children 11. single parent, 3 children 12. single parent, 4 children 13. single parent, 5 or more children 14. couple, 1 child, other(s) 15. couple, 2 children, other(s) 16. couple, 3 children, other(s) 17. couple, 4 children, other(s) 18. couple, 5 or more children, other(s) 19. single parent, 1 child, other(s) 20. single parent, 2 children, other(s) 21. single parent, 3 children, other(s) 22. single parent, 4 children, other(s) 23. single parent, 5 or more children, other(s) 24. couple, no children, other(s) 25. other 99. system missing (2003)

Details: In the Dutch study only the composition of the household of the respondent is asked, not the number of children under 18. Analysts should be aware that, because of this reason, variables may not be comparable.

Question number: 95 Name variable: D23 Variable label: Religious services attendance Question: Hoe often do you attend religious services? Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. at least once a week

2. 2 or 3 times a month 3. once a month 4. several time a year 5. (almost) never 8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Notice different scale. In the Dutch study a 5-point scale has been used, starting with many times to almost never. In the CSES a 6-point scale has been used, starting with never and ending with once a week.

Analysts should be aware that the variables may not be comparable. Question number: 96 Name variable: D24 Variable label: Religiosity Question: Do you consider yourself a member of a particular church or religious

community? Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. yes 2. no religious denomination

8. volunteered: Don’t Know 9. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: In the Dutch case the degree of religiosity has not been distinguished, this is the reason why there are only two answer categories.

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Question number: 97 Name variable: D25 Variable label: Religious denomination Question: Of which church or religious community do you consider yourself a

member? Type: Num2.0 Values & value labels: 01. Roman-Catholic 02. Dutch Reformed: vrijzinnige richting

03. Midden orthodox 04. Gereformeerde Bond 05. Confessionele Richting 06. Nederlands Hervormde Kerk 07. Otherwise Reformed: Gereformeerde kerken in Nederland

(synodaal) 08. Gereformeerde kerken, vrijgemaakt (artikel 31) 09. Nederlands Gereformeerde Kerken (buiten verband) 10. Christelijk gereformeerde kerken 11. Gereformeerde gemeenten 12. Oud gereformeerde gemeenten 13. Reformed – other 14. Islam 15. Other 98. volunteered: Don’t Know 99. volunteered: Refused (No Answer)

Details: Analysts should be aware of the fact that other religious Denominations are distinguished in case of the Netherlands than has been done in the CSES. Variables may not be comparable.

Question number: 98 Name variable: D26 Variable label: Language usually spoken at home Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question has not been asked in the Dutch Parliamentary Election

Study. Question number: 99 Name variable: D27 Variable label: Region of residence Question: - Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. North

2. East 3. West 4. South 97. missing

Details: North (Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe) East (Overijssel, Flevoland, Gelderland) West (Utrecht, Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland, Zeeland) South (Noord-Brabant, Limburg) Question number: 100 Name variable: D28 Variable label: -

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Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question has not been asked in the Dutch Parliamentary Election

Study. Question number: 101 Name variable: D29 Variable label: Ethnicity Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This question has not been asked in the Dutch Parliamentary Election

Study. Question number: 102 Name variable: D30 Variable label: Rural or Urban Residence Question: - Type: Num1.0 Values & value labels: 1. very strongly urban 2. strongly urban

3. mildly urban 4. hardly urban 5. not urban

Details: This variable gives an indication of the degree of urbanization of the municipality the respondent lives in. The codes are designed by Statistics Netherlands. 1 more than 2,500 addresses per square kilometer 2 1,500-2,499 addresses per square kilometer 3 1,000-1,499 addresses per square kilometer 4 500-999 addresses per square kilometer 5 1-499 addresses per square kilometer

Question number: 103 Name variable: D31 Variable label: Primary electoral district Question: - Type: - Values & value labels: - Details: This variable is not relevant for the Dutch case