Name April Fools' Day. 愚人节的介绍 April Fools' Day is celebrated on April 1st every year.Its...

download Name April Fools' Day. 愚人节的介绍 April Fools' Day is celebrated on April 1st every year.Its origins are uncertain.Show you several origins.

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The Gregorian calendar reform ( 格里高利历即阳历 ) 1582 France Reform The Julian calendar ( 儒略历 ) The Gregorian calendar

Transcript of Name April Fools' Day. 愚人节的介绍 April Fools' Day is celebrated on April 1st every year.Its...

Name April Fools' Day April Fools' Day is celebrated on April 1st every year.Its origins are uncertain.Show you several origins. The Gregorian calendar reform ( ) 1582 France Reform The Julian calendar ( ) The Gregorian calendar Someone failed to keep up with the change. Send him on a "fool's errand". Try to trick him into believing something false. The Change of New Year's Day Roman Mythology Ceres Jupiter Proserpina Daughter Pluto The king and ruler of the Olympian gods The Goddess of grain and the harvest the God of the Dead The Underworld abduct ( ) Pluto Mom, help me!!! Ceres Search in vain for her Proserpina The mythological antecedent of the fool's errands Christian Mythology Noah's Ark Sending the dove was on a fool's errand. Christian Mythology Jesus Pilate ( ) Herod "Sending a man from Pilate to Herod" -- an old term for sending someone on a fool's errand The Turn of The Seasons The weather becomes fickle ( ). As if Nature is playing tricks on man. SunnyWetCloudySnowy Thank You For Your Listening