THE ',- NAJACER OFFICIAL CONFERENCE NEWS IVAJAC, WENS TODAY !be first conference mee ng of the 1956 NAJAC was held i n Benton Hall this mornlng a t 9. Bill Moran of ? Chicago, vice president of NAJAC, served as pre- siding officer. Sergeant at arms were htroduced as Joe Cronin, Bucky Grisw01.d~ Derm Kelleher and Dick Freedman. Conference Secretary Sonja Vukov wgs also introduct ed . The p r e s i d e ~ t led in the pledge to the flag and Counselor John Witt, of 'GROUP O N E' Iowa l e d iri the invocation. President Group 1 today divided into part8 A Pat Oliver gave the welcoming speech and B to discuss the problems of pro- in which he stressed the duties of the duction and sales, and tried to discover delegate. ways t o overcome them. They spoke of John IIKtt again took the floor and the lack of interest in the more dwfi- gave an introduction to parliamentary cult work and how to master this dif- procedure, after th ich Carlyle Kavadas f icultp. explained the sporting program. The Sue Deschenes, New Bedford, Mass ., menibers of the resolutions committee is the counselor for group A, and to - were named: Norm Vargo, chairman, Dick day Skip Weisman, Milwaukee, is the Beebe, Carol Driscol, Barbara Endicott, discussion moderator, while Kathy Rill, H a r m Glaze, Donald H anson, Robert St. Joseph, Mich., is the secretary. Reis, George Roberts and Arthur Traub. In Group B, Pat McClellan, Des Kathy Pitz moved that the NAJfiC Moines, is the counselor and Fd Pearl- signiture be f bed on a telegram to be man, Brooklyn, is the discussion mod- sent to Ron Cody, a three-year NAJACer, erator, with Pat Fagen# Wethersfield, who was planning to attend this yearts Conn., secretary, NAJAC, but who could not attend be- 3P33ET 3 9OUN CLIP cause of a serious back injury, Dave In an all-out attempt to offer a Johnson seconded the motion and Richard sports for everyone program, NAJAC and Rosenberg moved it be approved and the 14Iami U, have set up a schedule &ch (continued on Page Two) allows for participation in at least - Pa six different sports. W.0.R P I E P 4 DE LEGCirF-2 H andling duties of directing sports activities is Carlyle Kavad as, South Ten Nf'JAC from Bim.ingham, Bend. Horse-shoes, softball, tennis, Alabama arrived Hare Sunday m~rnlng only to discover that their luggage golf, volleyballs sksimming plus games did not nrrive with them. JIrrmie and contests are available for the del- Brooks, delegation chairman, inquired egates. about the matter and found out that Tournaments are paanned for the boys in softball, and girls in volleyball. the bags hsd been left at the station Fo, groups have playof~s, and the in Cincinnati. Eight hours after the departure frm championship group will. be crowned. A11 aquatic aspirants have the fa- their buses, the marked luggage finguy cilities of the &ford Municipal Pool came through to its owners. But two of the achievers, Jimmie Brooks rnd as well as the new Natatorium, which has dressing rooms. Linda Faye Baling, as yet have not There are tennis courts, a golf course found their luggage and are wearing friends' clothes. znd plenty of space to enjoy M.U. camp-

Transcript of NAJACER - IUPUI




IVAJAC, W E N S TODAY !be first conference mee ng of the 1956 NAJAC was held i n Benton Hall this

mornlng a t 9. Bill Moran of ? Chicago, vice president of NAJAC, served a s pre- siding off icer . Sergeant a t arms were htroduced as Joe Cronin, Bucky Grisw01.d~ Derm Kelleher and Dick Freedman. Conference Secretary Sonja Vukov wgs also introduct ed .

The p r e s i d e ~ t led in the pledge t o t h e f l a g and Counselor John W i t t , of

' G R O U P O N E ' Iowa l ed iri t h e invocation. President Group 1 today divided into part8 A Pat Oliver gave the welcoming speech and B t o discuss t he problems of pro- i n which he s t ressed the du t ies of the duction and sales, and t r i ed to discover delegate. ways t o overcome them. They spoke of

John IIKtt again took the f loor and the lack of in te res t i n the more d w f i - gave an introduction t o parliamentary cul t work and how t o master t h i s d i f - procedure, a f t e r th ich Carlyle Kavadas f icultp. explained the sporting program. The Sue Deschenes, New Bedford, Mass ., menibers of the resolutions committee is the counselor f o r group A, and t o - were named: Norm Vargo, chairman, Dick day Skip Weisman, Milwaukee, is the Beebe, Carol Driscol, Barbara Endicott, discussion moderator, while Kathy R i l l , H a r m Glaze, Donald H anson, Robert St . Joseph, Mich., is the secretary. Reis, George Roberts and Arthur Traub. In Group B, Pat McClellan, Des

Kathy Pi tz moved t h a t the NAJfiC Moines, i s t h e counselor and Fd Pearl- s ign i tu re be f b e d on a telegram t o be man, Brooklyn, is t h e discussion mod- sent t o Ron Cody, a three-year NAJACer, erator, with Pat Fagen# Wethersfield, who was planning t o attend t h i s yearts Conn., secretary, NAJAC, but who could not attend be- 3P33ET 3 9 O U N CLIP cause of a serious back injury, Dave In an all-out attempt t o o f f e r a Johnson seconded the motion and Richard spor t s f o r everyone program, NAJAC and Rosenberg moved it be approved and the 14Iami U, have s e t up a schedule &ch

(continued on Page Two) allows f o r par t ic ipat ion i n a t l e a s t

- P a six di f fe ren t sports.

W.0.R P I E P 4 D E L E G C i r F - 2 H andling du t ies of di rect ing spor t s a c t i v i t i e s is Carlyle Kavad as, South

Ten Nf'JAC from Bim.ingham, Bend. Horse-shoes, sof tbal l , tennis, Alabama arrived Hare Sunday m~rnlng only t o discover t h a t t h e i r luggage golf, volleyballs sksimming plus games

did not nrrive with them. JIrrmie and contests a r e available f o r the del-

Brooks, delegation chairman, inquired egates.

about the matter and found out that Tournaments a r e paanned f o r the boys i n sof tbal l , and g i r l s i n volleyball. t he bags hsd been l e f t a t the s ta t ion Fo, groups have playof~s, and the i n Cincinnati.

Eight hours a f t e r t he departure f r m championship group w i l l . be crowned. A 1 1 aquatic aspirants have the fa- their buses, the marked luggage finguy cilities of the &ford M u n i c i p a l Pool came through t o i t s owners. But t w o

of the achievers, Jimmie Brooks rnd a s well as t h e new Natatorium, which has dressing rooms.

Linda Faye Baling, as ye t have not There are tennis courts, a golf course found t h e i r luggage and a re wearing f r iends ' clothes. znd plenty of space t o enjoy M.U. camp-


Enthusiasm, noise, f u n ! A l l t h e de l - eg2tes from JAMCO spent lunchtime sing- ing Jf, songs, cheering from t a b l e t o t a b l e , and c rea t ing genera l mayhem, It may have been p a i n f u l t o some, b u t no one can say we haven't go t ftenthusiasmU

And no one can say we don' t have or- i g i n a l i t y e i t h e r , c?peciril l y conccrn5mg food. It was discovered t h a t somc dc l - s g a t e s from va r ious regions h ~ v e r a t h e r unioue ways of covering up t h e f l a v o r

The following people have passed t h e Validat ion Committee f o r na t iona l and r eg icna l of f ices: PRFSIDCJT

Bob Davis - St . Louis

Pa t Pe t rucc i - New H aven Dave Cleckner - Barberton James Turnbull - D e t r o i t

of t h e d e l i c i o u s food. Pat Goff eney, VICE PRESIDFhrT - South Bend, shocked an e n t i r e t a b l e by 1 Sash Lanz - Dal las smother ing h e r melon end i c e cream > i t h i Ed NcGowan - Atlanta s a l t and pepper 1 A Highland Pk., Mich. i :gz ;e$ld - Pi t t sburgh achiever, Dce Cole, p r e f e r s vinegar on - D e t r o i t h i s f rcnch f r i e s . Jnd J e r r y H a r r i s has on o r i g i n a l r ec ipe from h i s home t o m Cincinneti , f o r f r ench f i r e d musk melons ! I

An invasion of l i t t l e red and white tops were m e r r i l y plunged i n t o the lem- onade and i c e cream. Some3ody k i l l . t h e

i Minneapolis d e l e g a t e who passed them out

H a s snyone not iced the tremendous gmounts of brezd evc?rjronc eaks notmdnys? ?[lo nd el: why.

!.s ended, Sco t ty TurnbulJ. B i l l Koran, Buzz fluzsrd, snd Rue Zob- e r t s decided th2,t Mort Stcne of De t ro i t a t e i n F back-woods-style, b u t PIort w i l l b e a l r i g h t soon. They're going t o l e t him ~rr?tch them 7s they f a s t i d i o u s l y s p e s r t h e i r grub, and he should be an-


o t h e r Fmily Post i n no tir!:e I !

5 ~ r ~ , g c . . , ~ i V / ~

"1 hzve your numba,fl sa id a boy from j Mass. t o me a t lunch today. I asked h h 1 ft~nihat's t h a t l a s t rgord?fl "Td'~.xba, l i ke / ' brhat numba do you mrant, o r novacaine mzkes you numba."

Jccents , accents eveyr~dhere and I am / r 2 l l j r i n 3 muddle. The guys from M ~ s s * t a l k 2s i f they have marbles i n t h e i r i mouth. Tie deep southerners t a l k a s if 1 each word hTaS SO important t n a t they i have t o h ~ n g on t o it. I simply adore Plabama's d i a l e c t b u t it could pu t me t o s l e e p if I l i s t e n e d t o i t long enough

Those Texans s u r e h2ve a wzg with g i r l s .

1 I

PSSOCLr:.TION SECRETARY Judy Buzard - D e t r o i t ~ o u i s McCarthy - Clevelnnd Marilyn Eddings - Port land CO?FY2E2d CF SECnETARY K a r ~ n Borchers - B a t t l c Creek R i t ~ H ea s l ey - Chicago Czthy P i t z - ?fil;~au%ee IJnomi Fiche - DetroLt RESIO3!;.L RF2RFSmT;. TIVE Red Xielsen - S c a t t l e Dave Johnston Dave F l e t c h e r Cee Brown Dink Piper B i l l Dobias Frank I s2be l l e Cherie ~ loolson Larry Spice Bob Schure Normsn Vzrgo

- Minneapolis - D e t r o i t - 1 s h c v i l l e - Dccauter - Chicago - Canton - Clwcland - Barberton - Schcnectady - h i c k l i f f , 0.

(Continued from Page one) motion G T ~ S ca r r ied ,

M r . Lar ry Hart, t h e permanent executive v i c e p res iden t of t h e hrz- t i o n a l o f f i c e s t r e s sed t h e inport- ance of N A J A C t o J u n i o r hchievers. He read t h e creed iA!ritten by Dean Llfanda, and a t torney from New York. Ralph Kemp then moved t h e meeting be recessed u n t i l t h i s evening.

BoEo H a g i l l i c u t t y P.S. Be on t h e lookout f o r me, I am / Over 2880 b o t t l s s hrve been con- ve l lg , v e l l y nosy and love t o ?.?-rite a l l t h e gook I hear.

sumcd s i n c e MAJAC opened yesterday. H e lp yourse l f t