Nabuat (Prophethood) - · PDF fileNovember is significant because Nabuwwat (Prophethood) was...

Nabuat (Prophethood) Tarbiyyat Topic Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya USA

Transcript of Nabuat (Prophethood) - · PDF fileNovember is significant because Nabuwwat (Prophethood) was...

Nabuat (Prophethood)Tarbiyyat TopicMajlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya USA

Nabuat (Prophethood) – Part ITarbiyyat TopicMajlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya USA

November is significant because Nabuwwat (Prophethood) was first revealed to Hadhrat Muhammad (saw) in this month

Think about it...

What is a Prophet?

You have the list ready? then go to next slide

• Prophets are men of God• Allah speaks with them• Allah appoints them to lead mankind and convey His

message• In the Holy Quran, Allah states; (Ch 35:25)

You are the expert!

Challenges? Make a

list of at least 5 prophets.

• There are 2 types of Prophets; One who brings a new Law (Sharia)

One who does not bring a new Law and follows the previous sharia

Types of Prophets


Name at least 2 Prophets from each type of Prophets

mentioned above

• When the majority of people in a society have moved away from Allah

• In the Holy Quran, Allah states; (Ch 37:72-73)

When does a Prophet Come?

• To warn those who have gone astray

• To give glad tidings to those who believe and do good works

• To bring mankind closer to Allah

Why does a Prophet Come?

Do you know yourself? Who are you? Who are we?


We are not like every other kid

We are Ahmadi Muslim Atfal

We are preparing ourselves to be leaders of tomorrow

Who Are We?

We always tell the Truth

We believe in One God and follow the example of the Holy Prophet (SAW)

We are not afraid of anyone but Allah

Who Are We?

We ask Allah for help

We obey the Khalifa

We are honest and we work hard

Who Are We?

We are friendly and caring

We are proud to be Ahmadi Muslim Atfal

We are NOT worried about being cool but we always do the right thing

Who Are We?