N2N Newsletter Spring 2016

Donors: We are your doorknockers, and grass- roots lobbyists. Please give today so we can continue building power for your world and your liberation. Check out what you made possible: Victory as We March Toward Jobs Not Jails Hot off the press! On March 30, the Governor signed legislation to transform the lives of 7,200 people a year — beginning immediately Without you, Olga Pedraza would be out of work and facing a 2 hour night-time bus commute to her one possible job prospect. Olga was sentenced by a system that imprisons our Black and Brown brothers and sisters at higher rates than any other country in the world. That injustice is then compounded by multiple barriers that stand in the way of finding work, and supporting a family. After a long search, Olga found work that plays to her skills as a compassionate counselor. However, a license is required for the job, and Olga faces fines of over $4,500 to renew her license. Olga channeled her frustration into joining Neighbor to Neighbor members and our allies at EPOCA, Voices From Inside, and MCAN in calling for removing this punitive policy. With you by our side, we joined our allies in passing legislation through the State House that would remove outrageous fees for people like Olga, who are reintegrating into the community after serving time in prison or on probation. Together we take on transforming a system that perpetuates injustice, and this victory brings us one key step closer to liberation. Olga Pedraza celebrates with a friend that the RMV bill will enable her to get a job she loves. A newsletter for special supporters like you who make all of this possible The New Majority, Spring 2016 Your world. Your power. Your liberation. Neighbor to NeighborMassachusetts 15 Court Square, Suite 345 Boston, MA 02108 617-723-6866 / www.N2NMA.org

Transcript of N2N Newsletter Spring 2016

Donors: We are your doorknockers, and grass-

roots lobbyists. Please give today so we can continue

building power for your world and your liberation.

Check out what you made possible:

Victory as We March Toward

Jobs Not Jails

⇒ Hot off the press! On March 30, the Governor signed legislation to transform the lives of 7,200 people a year — beginning immediately

Without you, Olga Pedraza would be out of work and

facing a 2 hour night-time bus commute to her one

possible job prospect.

Olga was sentenced by a system that imprisons our

Black and Brown brothers and sisters at higher rates than

any other country in the world. That injustice is then

compounded by multiple barriers that stand in the way of

finding work, and supporting a family.

After a long search, Olga found work that plays to her

skills as a compassionate counselor. However, a license

is required for the job, and Olga faces fines of over $4,500 to renew her license. Olga

channeled her frustration into joining Neighbor to Neighbor members and our allies at EPOCA,

Voices From Inside, and MCAN in calling for removing this punitive policy.

With you by our side, we joined our allies in passing legislation through the State House that

would remove outrageous fees for people like Olga, who are reintegrating into the community

after serving time in prison or on probation. Together we take on transforming a system that

perpetuates injustice, and this victory brings us one key step closer to liberation.

Olga Pedraza celebrates with a

friend that the RMV bill will

enable her to get a job she loves.

A newsletter for special supporters like you who make all of this possible

The New Majority, Spring 2016 – Your world. Your power. Your liberation.

Neighbor to Neighbor—Massachusetts

15 Court Square, Suite 345 Boston, MA 02108

617-723-6866 / www.N2NMA.org

All because of you …

⇒ Mount Tom plant to be first in the nation to covert from coal to solar on site

If you have met Rosa

Gonzalez and Carmelo Diaz,

you would know that they

have the strength of David

and are ready to take on


Rosa Gonzalez spent two

winters in and out of the

emergency room with respira-

tory problems, and realized it

was time to take action.

Carmelo Diaz’s sister

died of asthma complications

affected by the coal plant in

his hometown in Puerto Rico,

and he could not stand for this

injustice in his new home in


Rosa and Carmelo knew

that we could not stand idly

by as a company that made

$80 Billion in profits last year

walked away from a derelict

coal plant in the poorest city

in the state.

That is when you stepped

in. Because of you, Carmelo

and Rosa were able to dedi-

cate the last four years to

spearheading the call to move

beyond coal to solar, as they

engaged hundreds of others in

holding bold actions to put

forward their demands.

Finally, on a cold Decem-ber night last year, just three days after Rosa organized one final press conference at City Hall, Mt. Tom coal plant own-ers ceded to our demands to: close the contaminating plant, tear down the asbestos filled smoke stack, and transition to renewable energy!

Eager for more stories of what you make possible?

Like us on Facebook!

Check us out at


You’ll find photos and

videos of members in

action, and invitations to

N2N events in a city

near yours.

N2N members celebrate transition from coal to solar!

Rosa & Carmelo take on the 2nd Largest Energy

Company in the World, and Win

Your dollars at work: You are standing up to the exploitation of your environment as you back activists like Rosa and Carmelo. Everything we achieve depends on you. Please renew your support today!


The New Majority, Spring 2016 – Your world. Your power. Your liberation.

Neighbor to Neighbor-Massachusetts Action Fund Report

Thanks to your generous support:

N2N knocked the ball out of

the park in 2015!

Your support last year

provided N2N with

the resources to knock

15,000 doors in just

3 months, and prepare

3,000 new and infre-

quent voters to vote

on Election Day.

Thanks to you, we in-

creased voter turn-

out by 160% over the

last comparable elec-

tion in Marven’s ward

in Lynn—preparing

the ground for 2017.

Join over 19,000 people following us on Twitter! Do you want to be in the know? Stay tuned in @N2NMA_Education & @N2NMA_Action

⇒ N2N members, Maria Carrasco and Adam Gomez won

their campaigns for local office last fall, and Marven

Hyppolite secured 37% of the vote — launching him into

his 2017 bid for office

"I will not rest until the issues and the voices of

the people of this city are heard and addressed.

This is just the beginning!"

—- N2N member Marven Hyppolite

You have chosen to support Neighbor to Neighbor at a critical

time in history — when more and more power is going into the hands

of the few. A handful of people on Wall Street have power beyond

belief and are shaping the economy to work for the 1 percent.

Marven, Maria, and Adam know that the answer to turning these

trends around begins at home. As you join us in developing strong

leadership and putting forward a vision of a compassionate, just new

world, together we can take back our cities and govern from the

ground up. Just as the conservative Right built power starting with

school committees and town hall meetings, we can take back our

cities and govern beginning locally. We can bring to our purple state,

led by corporate Democrats, a political revolution.

Thanks to support from donors like you to the N2N-MA Action Fund:

N2N Members Govern From the Ground Up

The New Majority, Spring 2016 – Your world. Your power. Your liberation.

Donors like you join monthly giving program:

Mother-Daughter Invest In the Future — One Monthly Gift at a Time

⇒ Charlotte and Alison are devout N2N

supporters, who shared with us what inspires

them to give to Neighbor to Neighbor

“I’m so excited about the Holyoke victory!”

Exclaimed Alison Watkins, who has been an

N2N monthly sustainer for three years.

“You can litigate against big companies, and

court order them to clean-up, but it’s never

enough to address the harm.”

“Neighbor to Neighbor’s coal plant victory

is bigger than any I’ve heard about. It went

beyond just closing to also transition to clean

energy and meet the needs of the workers.

The local community work that Neighbor to

Neighbor engages in is the key to real change.”

Alison’s mom, Charlotte Harrison, agreed:

“The issues that N2N supports are important to

me here and now - jobs not jails and the envi-

ronment. And the work to organize voters

means that more people have a voice in our


“Giving to N2N feels like the best single investment I can make in the long-term future of Massachusetts.”

— Charlotte Harrison,

N2N supporter for nearly 15 years

Donors: Want a quick and easy way to sustain Neighbor to

Neighbor? Click on the Donate Button online to give monthly!

Sign up once and you never have to think about it again…

Gloria and Carlos invite you to join

Neighbor to Neighbor members as monthly sustainers

Alison is a monthly

sustainer because she

can give to a cause she

believes in and not

break her budget by

spreading out her gift in

monthly installments.

Interested in seeing


Audited Financial



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to request a copy.
