N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge,...

. *,>•„,. r FORDS BEACON N. L v - No. 33 , Avenel, Colonia, Forda, Hopelawn, belin, Keasboy, Port Reading, Sewaren and —• • - • • ' •' " ••—•—--—- "* Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o Fie for All-America Cities Awart High CourtUphold R Town- ! j n the flrld of munleipnl oreanizationB irovcrnmcnt on November IK and 19 at the 6f)th National Conferring on Government In Detroit. Represent Community Mayor Walter Zlrpolo said that he has asked llpman Averlll, Business Admlnlstra- tor; Mls» Ruth Wollc, of The Independent-Uadcr and pub- lie relation* chairman of the Woodbrldjt Township Busi. neid & Professional Women's Cl«h and Jamrs Nolan chair- man of a special committee of the Wondbrldre Township Jayciw to Join him at the Detroit conference where an oral presentation will be made in behalf of the muni- cipality, before the Jury head- individuals •"« fluted work M'hrn it w»s »n- J)](l ,l (hat Woodbrldite jvnship wii« nelpctfd »« on» 1(1,, ?2 finalists that will ^,,, r i r for the coveted All- f ,i, ; , CHIM Awnrdn. The New Jrw.v community rl,i the award win Newark in mi. .H unnounrrmrnt wan j f l.v Alfred E, Drlscoll, Irlrtit of tlw- Nsiten*! niriiul I/a^Uf which co- ,,irs thr contest with MM wlniien will il is a result of thf hl , hrforf an impartial fr of distiiiKui«hed exp«rti ed by Dr. (ieorRe II. Gallop, director of the Atnrriran In- stitute of I'uhlic Opinion. The WooribrldRe applica- tion, sponsored by the Wood- hrlike Township Business and Professional Women's Club an part of its celebration of National Business Woman's Week and the Jayce.es, wa« selected from 88 qualified en- trants from throughout the country by a screening cflm- mltte of experts on govrrn- inental and community af- fairs. 1 " r Award Important "The importance of the All-America Award cannot bt over-emphasized," said May- or Zlrpolo, "This is the hlih- est national award a city can receive. Selection calls atten- tion to the fact that citliens in our community are active in seeking ways of Improving their city." "In addition," continued the mayor, "the winning cltlen have their activities featured in Look Magazine and other national publication! with the result that people of Im- portance, such as Industrial- ists and land developers will hp able to know our story." The, mayor went <m Station WCTC, New Brunswick, yes- terday afternoon to relate what such an award will mean to Woodbrldje. Mayor Zirpoln Indicated that if Woodbridge Is fortu- nate enough to be selected as one of the 11 winners, "It would be one of the biggest and best things that could happen to our town." Awardi are Riven for "citi- zen aotlon" In which citiiens have taken the lead In tack llnf and iolvlntr mniw com- munity problems. According to Mr, Drlscoll the awards arc given "for ac- tion and not perfection". Citizen Participation "We are not InnkinR for mortal commjjnitirn, but those in which thai citizens have shown outstanding: energy and intelligence In improv- ing their cities." Mr. DrlscoM said. Other communities com- (Continued on Page 5) Dism Purch plicants Screened HS Student to be Sent Abroad lext Summer if Funds Available Committee ilJlllUIHiE With Mis,-. : ; ::.'v eiitrcnciwd as a .il 'lie Senior Clues of ;,il i Sri,lor High School, I't-t.iin committee of the w-.iw Svnior High School : ul tlv Amcrlonn Field • ii-cciiilv held Its initial [ v ut candidates inter- in living with a family i dutinij July und August ntfiam Is designed to iniermitional under- ,IIKI inrndship by the !»••' ••>".. f«ri pa stuui.U. 1 ' ',' was mid at the •••v Mundj', sek-ction rhnirmnn. Others : committee are Dr Cyril -1, president nf thv local l.iiiiiT; Dr John P. I/MO, , (lion! principal: Robert i.iniltv representative; i.-lvn Gross, (acuity ro- !'i: Mrs. Patricia Ijima- oi il-.e Presidents Cmincil Miss Lois Estok, stu- •iiiv.-.-ntntivt and KJrs. 3 .ihl. Elisabeth Sales' i!i host "mother." lniK to Mr. Mundy, the on committee will study nils of- the interviews,! evaluations and aca- ri'cords and hold addl- I ii.tLiviews if further in-! Itlen is needed. The study Itmiaiely terminate in the on ot two students. They •'commended to the I York headquarters of ui'lt iii turn will select (lie two, depending on «' A matching family can Hid ubroad. I c'.M ot the summer pro- 'I Americans Abroad from $700 to $800 illy, the family, of a stu- been selected! IsAppointed WOODlftnxiK .. A com- mittee, made up of both UemocraU aJid Republicans was named today by Mliyor WalttT Zirpolo to study sala- ries to be paid to the Town Council, under the new form of government. <• I f ec 11 v i- Aniiary 1 and to m;ike TCC- omnuMidations If fore elec- tion. Headed by I)i. Willimn Milli'r, Princeton, consultant on the writing of the ad- ministrative code for the niw governing body, thr commit- Ux will include Paul Nemer- eut of Sua^Hji'tv Company, Rahway A**rAi u c , W(*ud- Results Proven IT'S RIXiBV IN JOUA OM> ENGLAND: Hut Elisabeth Sales, the Foreign Exchange Stu- dent from London, England, completing her Senior Year at Woodbridge Senior High Scbflol, under a grant from the local Chapter of the American Field Service, finds foot' ba|) players very "interesting." Shown at the start of the Woodbridge-Linden game Sat- urday, left to right, Roy Lawrence, Elisabeth Sales, Ellen Stahl, Elisabeth's American "slater" and Mike Markow. Both young men are co-captains of the Barron grid team. Beagle Paving Methods To Save Township Money bridgc; Charles Willey, presi- dent of the Mercury Federal Savings and IMII Association, WoodbridRe; Stanley Stric- karz, vice iiresidtnt of the Perth Ambiiy Natloiiiil Bank and a resident of Sewnren and John Belz, Colimia, comptroller of the Gross Candle Company, In naming the committee, the mayor naked that a meet- ing be arranged as soon as possible and urged that any recommendations it will makw be forthcoming before eiec- Uun day. ROSES FOR FIRST LADY OF THK TOWNSHIP: Mrs. Walter Zirpolo *»s presented with a bouquet of roses at the annual dinner of the Woodbridge Townshrfc Democratic Organization Saturday at which Governor Richard J. Hughes was guest of honor. Left tu Right, Thomas Molyneuv, municipal chairman; Mrs. John Jewkes, vice chairman; Mrs. Zirpolo and Mayor Zirpolo. ^ Woodbridge Boosted Again: Claypit Project Chosen As Rutgers Class Study 7 Questions On Ballot WOODBR1DGK Till': oodbridge "claypit project" j . s^ ook on additional significance' \ \il it V(\ I j oday when the Departmcmt ofj ri TT a l VL v City ftiid Regional PlanniiiR at RutB-ars University selected it as one of its primary class projects, In making the announce- ment, Mayor Walter Zirpolo said that selection of the clay- pits will mean that Woodbridge will receive up-to-date plan- dra- WOODBRIDGE — A or as much as possiblelmu.lc brcakthrouuh in road Participating fen. How- p .. villK whjcn may opcn the S ^ ' - » «w -..hods of road, of not permitting fl- |to prevent a worthy «tu- i partlcfpaUnj. Where occurs, scholaiship loan funds can b« es- dependlng upon the I finances made avtllable ntinued on Page B) fnd Issue seting Set DBRIDOE — Hi an ef- ', Provide an opportunity era to hear both sides I Issue, that hun been pr<i- > Qov, Richard J. a public meeting on hia 0,01)1) Hond IsMie will be Jointly by tin: Iieu|ju« i VoU'rs of Metutchen U'atjite of Women I of WoudbrldHu. tonight, l B l the Pr«ubyterlaii Woodbrldge Av«- with Senator uiiiont »ut)»kiius 1" the und gylve<iter C int'iiiber of the New |8UiU; B«r. speaking In BUve. ., luiiiioiit WM flirt [.«» thu state Henato in eted In 19S& and Senate Majority "' W55 and Beiwte Acting Ouveruur »lie iiuu served as clialr- U Senate Education iui<l Juaiclary Com urn U pre«tuUy ohalr dtwij and construction was disclosed toduy by Charles W. Beagle, Township EngUicer. Specifically the breakthrough conci'iis a new method of con- jtractlni! streets Vi per cent stronyer moiv quickly"and for,of (Continued on Page 5) P «iKl A n n x t o He is vice chairman imiua on 2 Patrolmen Nab 3 Men; Commended by Superiors WOODBRIDGE Patrolmen Galassl, Chief Nels J, Laurituen George McCabe and Robert LaPenta today received letters commendation signed Director Joseph by and Captain Howard H. Tune, radio patrol division, for ap- prehending three men who were attempting to enter the WOODBRIDGE Although nin S> much has been said and writ- scape ten about, tin: State Bond Issue as proposed by Governor Rich- ard J. HUKIK-S, actually there- will be six .slate public ques- ionii and oiu: local question on the ballot on election day, November 5. The first two questions really form the Bond Issue referenda, Question 1, if passed authorizes issuance of bonds by the state n the amount of $275 million for public buildings 'their con- struction, reconstruction de- velopment, extension, improve- ment equipment and facilities for health, education and wel- fare uses." Question 2, author- izes the issuance of bonds by architectual and thinking on a land- "far- ProfessiomJ Building on Am- boy Ave.nue, war the park early Monday morning. According to Sgt. Elmer Gn't'ii, Officers McCabe and !LaPenta were checking busl- ini'ss establishments along Am- jhuy Avenue and when they eiuiuj to the Parkview Profes- sional Building they' found [three men one In a car and 'lu.o ut it tide doer, t;»ld™tli a (Continued on Page 5) AdamsAssaik reaching and dynamic project" ncluding the relation of the claypits project to the Main Street business district. "Selection of the claypits project by Rutgers also indi- cates that they too believe in the practicality of the project," the mayor said. According to the Mayor, the irouudwork for selection of Rutgers was prepared by the Woodbridge Redevelopment Agency, S. Buddy Harris, tive director and his staff. Mr. Harris said Dr. Murlin R. Hodgell, chairman of the Rutgers Department of City and Regional Planning visited (Continued on Page 5) To Tanzinan WOODBRIDGE - Campaign :ontributions to 16 legislative iandidates of both major par- ies including three from Middlesex — in individual imounts of $750 or $1,000 for a total of $15,000 was announced today by George F. Smith, the New Jersey for a Better Salary Plans WOODBRIDGE Frederick M. Adams, Republican candi- date for mayor, today issued BUSS to gain entrance. | Searching the men they ! found a fully-loaded, ,25 cali- iliiv revolver on trie ground. A iruclio cull to headquarters sent I Patrolman Frank Caro to, the j.scene to assist McCabe and Brought to headquarters the itrio were ilJouska, 22, 43 Jensen Avenue, fonts; Akn Lewis, 28, %2 Prospect Street, Perth Amboy and Kuijene frank, 88, 1 N«w Hrunswick Avenue, Houelawn. On being questioned by Sut liiv,n, Iliny r«ad»y udmltUxl tiyinu to nam entranct to Ul« lmllitliiii, fui 1 Uitsy had been told I here was "plenty money tliL-n 1 " Uouska admitted being llh" owiifi- of thu gun, i CHecn said. EuBfelie Pi- facetK^Bsly called tins arrest the "shortest crime wave in wtuin only there a Uttle SrV*. .1 to Munich! over a minute (Continued on geemed age 5> S president of Organization State, (New Jobs) Asemblyman Norman Tanz- man, a resident of Woodbridge, who is seeking reelection on the Democratic ticket, received $750. Receiving $1,000 each were State Senator John A Lynch and Assemblymun J. Ed- ward Crabiel, also seeking re- lection on the Democratic ticket, The organization us dedicated to the election of capable can- didates who are interested In ood government and economic growth of New Jersey. Besides (Continued on fuge j>> During the last political cam- imiKii Walter Zirpolo spent a great deal of money to pub- licize a letter written by Stew- art Hutt present Township At- torney and iiHerpretiiiK Unit letter to mean that the Repub- lican administration was look- tor higher salaries for mayor and councilman. Now, a short two years later in a grand- stand piny purely for the yur- IXtee of obtaining uneducated votes /iiipolo lilts appointed a salary coinmllleu wlio will re- port directly U>him with recom- iiiunh us ID salariBg j oounuilmuu mulrtr the new form Tlie hypuciticitl and phony coiicL-rn of Zirpolo for objec- tive ilutlliiKi! on Uie partol unbiased committee must not be allowed to no is ugaiu attempting to lool the public through a cai umnuever bectMist)' tb$ com- mittee that he baa";' Record Made By Adams Hit WOODBHIDGE "Rampan cliuos would return to towi: hall it Pivd Adams and his tean' iuesperiencect Candidate wen: elected," Mayor Walte Zirpolo s^id today. The mayor said he was no 1 crystul Dull gating but rathe looking at the past purformanc ot Ins opponent during 19tii and ltttil. "I'hu Adams record was hor rible," said Mayor Zirpolo, "His Administration during the tw years of its office failed miser ably In implementing program to get Woodbridge moving. "They neglected the home uwin-r by bringing about two ta dollar increases. '"L'huy ignored Hit by permitting excessive squand ering of public funds such as allowing excessive overpay- ments fur material by the Pur- chasing Department. "They ignored the schools by raakjuK no attempt tu work with tlie Board of Education Ui trying tu get our children (Continued tram 1) to Iiidcpendent-tesilw) TRENTON — The Appellati Division, Superior Court of New Jersey, yesterday unanimously . uplu-ld Woodbrldgp Township In the abolishing of the post* tion of Purchasing ARent. The court also sustained the dismissal of the appeal of Mi- chael J. Amodio by the State Civil Service Commission. The action of Worxibridge ,Tpwn- ship terminated the services of Amodio as Purchasing Agent. Amnrim in his appsnl, con- testlnc Die Civil Service Com- mlssiou decision, charged that the Township could not use the claim of "'economy" as a d:v!"-3 for circumventing his trrn"'O rights undfr the Civil Scrv'-"i Act and the Veterans' Ten' • <ict. "" The opinion of t'lR c->"rr. delivered by Juc'se Goldmann, stated thpt ha,d failed to prove h's The decision stated': "The Townshin content*-,'. and the Commit'-i r n f - that the position of purchaslns agent was abol! r »"d nn i- duties assigned to the Town-' ship's Business Admmlstrntcr for reasons of pfonom 1 ' P'1 efficiency and that the govern- ing body had acted in goad faith. Amodio claims that thls- action was politically motivated. und 'economy' was used as an- 'excuse to turn him out of of- fice. The resolution of these nflictlng positions turns on ne fat la which were fully «- osed at the hearing and given etailed consideration by the dmmission in Its decision." Further on the decision ends: "We find substantial support the proofs for the determl. ation reached by the Commit ion. The municipality had the f,'ht to abolish the position of 'urchaslng agent regardless of s motives in doing so, provid- d that actual economy and (Continued on Page 6) MKS. LUNUY BLOOMFIEIJ) NEW DIRECTOR: Mrs. II. 1 .tindy Bluumfield, Aletuchen, has been appointed executive director of the new Cross- roads Girl Scout Council, Inc., of which Woodbridge will be a part, according to an aimuunceinent made this week. BowerNamed aloil Head gff double qfc "They ignored our librwrlen (Continued on Page 5) ENROLLMKN-t: Mn, Uuk Ustort (rljht) etutirtiwu of JobiMl It VTA, M i duma vf iWft jproUott-nt «f ttw tM\My school to Miss Joan ndnu, Sixth (inde t l thu PERTH AMBOY — The ap- pointment of D. L. Bower as resident of California Oil Company-Eastern Division ef- ective November 1, was an- lounced today by O. N. Miller, resident of Standard Oil Com- any of California. In assuming leadership of California Oil Company. Bower ucceeds E. E. Wall who will become regional vice president Southern California and re- uger, Marketing Be* partiniiiit, Los Angeles Region, with Standard OH Company of Califoniia. Bower uruvUNUly k^ served a.-; executive vice president of tJulirornia Oil Company and prior to that had beftuj Whole- salt- Hak'.s manager dlrthe Los AiiKrlcs rey ion of Standard Oil Company of California. Bower Joined Standard Oil Jompuny of California In 1947 shortly utter being uraduattd from Oregon State University, with u B,a. drgice in marketing. Afttr serving in various mark- ting posltiuns with the com- pany, Bower was i"-!i|' n* tvi-t l muimger of the Tucson Sales District in 11)57. J,:i • • v 195S he was transitrrtri *'o. Honolulu as Wholesale S.i! j mmianei. in 1D81 h« was tm>is« , ferted to the home office h) San Fittncisco and Irom thlra '• to the uoiltiun of Sales manager of the Uto geles region in lflW. Bowur has been active % iy e m u w>4 Obmitm m ta&'Wt olulu. m t waa «, M»vy a, • .

Transcript of N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge,...

Page 1: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

. *,>•„,.

• r


N. L v - No. 33

, Avenel, Colonia, Forda, Hopelawn, belin, Keasboy, Port Reading, Sewaren and— • • - • • ' •' " • • — • — - - — - " *

Published WMkOn Thursday

Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963PRICE TON CENTS j


o Fie for All-America Cities Awart

High CourtUpholdR Town- ! j n the flrld of munleipnloreanizationB irovcrnmcnt on November IK

and 19 at the 6f)th NationalConferring on GovernmentIn Detroit.

Represent CommunityMayor Walter Zlrpolo said

that he has asked llpmanAverlll, Business Admlnlstra-tor; Mls» Ruth Wollc, of TheIndependent-Uadcr and pub-lie relation* chairman of theWoodbrldjt Township Busi.neid & Professional Women'sCl«h and Jamrs Nolan chair-man of a special committeeof the Wondbrldre TownshipJayciw to Join him at theDetroit conference where anoral presentation will bemade in behalf of the muni-cipality, before the Jury head-

individuals • " « flutedwork M'hrn it w»s »n-

J)](l,l (hat Woodbrlditejvnship wii« nelpctfd »« on»

1(1,, ?2 finalists that will^,,, ri r for the coveted All-

f , i , ; , CHIM Awnrdn. TheNew Jrw.v community

rl,i the award win Newarkin mi.

.H unnounrrmrnt wanj f l.v Alfred E, Drlscoll,Irlrtit of tlw- Nsiten*!

niriiul I/a^Uf which co-,,irs thr contest with

MM wlniien will b«il is a result of thfh l , hrforf an impartial

fr of distiiiKui«hed exp«rti

ed by Dr. (ieorRe II. Gallop,director of the Atnrriran In-stitute of I'uhlic Opinion.

The WooribrldRe applica-tion, sponsored by the Wood-hrlike Township Business andProfessional Women's Cluban part of its celebration ofNational Business Woman'sWeek and the Jayce.es, wa«selected from 88 qualified en-trants from throughout thecountry by a screening cflm-mltte of experts on govrrn-inental and community af-fairs. 1"r

Award Important"The importance of the

All-America Award cannot btover-emphasized," said May-or Zlrpolo, "This is the hlih-est national award a city can

receive. Selection calls atten-tion to the fact that citliensin our community are activein seeking ways of Improvingtheir city."

"In addition," continued themayor, "the winning cltlenhave their activities featuredin Look Magazine and othernational publication! withthe result that people of Im-portance, such as Industrial-ists and land developers willhp able to know our story."

The, mayor went <m StationWCTC, New Brunswick, yes-terday afternoon to relatewhat such an award willmean to Woodbrldje.

Mayor Zirpoln Indicatedthat if Woodbridge Is fortu-nate enough to be selected

as one of the 11 winners, "Itwould be one of the biggestand best things that couldhappen to our town."

Awardi are Riven for "citi-zen aotlon" In which citiienshave taken the lead In tack •llnf and iolvlntr mniw com-munity problems.

According to Mr, Drlscollthe awards arc given "for ac-tion and not perfection".

Citizen Participation"We are not InnkinR for

mortal commjjnitirn, but thosein which thai citizens haveshown outstanding: energyand intelligence In improv-ing their cities." Mr. DrlscoMsaid.

Other communities com-(Continued on Page 5)


plicants Screened

HS Student to be Sent Abroad "»lext Summer if Funds Available


i lJ l l lUIHiE W i t h Mis,-.

: ;::.'v eiitrcnciwd as a.il 'lie Senior Clues of

;,il i Sri,lor High School,I't-t.iin committee of thew-.iw Svnior High School: ul tlv Amcrlonn Field• ii-cciiilv held Its initial[ v ut candidates inter-in living with a familyi dutinij July und August

ntfiam Is designed toiniermitional under-

,IIKI inrndship by the!»••' ••>".. f«ri pa stuui.U.1'

',' was mid at the•••v Mundj', sek-ction

rhnirmnn. Others: committee are Dr Cyril

-1, president nf thv locall.iiiiiT; Dr John P. I/MO, ,

(lion! principal: Roberti.iniltv representative;

• i.-lvn Gross, (acuity ro-!'i: Mrs. Patricia Ijima-

oi il-.e Presidents CmincilMiss Lois Estok, stu-

•iiiv.-.-ntntivt and KJrs.3 .ihl. Elisabeth Sales'

i!i host "mother."lniK to Mr. Mundy, the

on committee will studynils of- the interviews,!evaluations and aca-

ri'cords and hold addl-I ii.tLiviews if further in-!

Itlen is needed. The studyItmiaiely terminate in the

on ot two students. They•'commended to the

I York headquarters ofui'lt iii turn will select(lie two, depending on

«' A matching family canHid ubroad.I c'.M ot the summer pro-

'I Americans Abroadfrom $700 to $800

illy, the family, of a stu-been selected!

IsAppointedWOODlftnxiK .. A com-

mittee, made up of bothUemocraU aJid Republicanswas named today by MliyorWalttT Zirpolo to study sala-ries to be paid to the TownCouncil, under the new formof government. <• I f ec 11 v i-Aniiary 1 and to m;ike TCC-omnuMidations If fore elec-tion.

Headed by I)i. WillimnMilli'r, Princeton, consultanton the writing of the ad-ministrative code for the niwgoverning body, thr commit-Ux will include Paul Nemer-eut of Sua^Hji'tv Company,Rahway A**rAi u c , W(*ud-


IT'S RIXiBV IN JOUA OM> ENGLAND: Hut Elisabeth Sales, the Foreign Exchange Stu-dent from London, England, completing her Senior Year at Woodbridge Senior HighScbflol, under a grant from the local Chapter of the American Field Service, finds foot'ba|) players very "interesting." Shown at the start of the Woodbridge-Linden game Sat-urday, left to right, Roy Lawrence, Elisabeth Sales, Ellen Stahl, Elisabeth's American"slater" and Mike Markow. Both young men are co-captains of the Barron grid team.

Beagle Paving MethodsTo Save Township Money

bridgc; Charles Willey, presi-dent of the Mercury FederalSavings and I M I I Association,WoodbridRe; Stanley Stric-karz, vice iiresidtnt of thePerth Ambiiy Natloiiiil Bankand a resident of Sewnrenand John Belz, Colimia,comptroller of the GrossCandle Company,

In naming the committee,the mayor naked that a meet-ing be arranged as soon aspossible and urged that anyrecommendations it will makwbe forthcoming before eiec-Uun day.

ROSES FOR FIRST LADY OF THK TOWNSHIP: Mrs. Walter Zirpolo *»s presentedwith a bouquet of roses at the annual dinner of the Woodbridge Townshrfc DemocraticOrganization Saturday at which Governor Richard J. Hughes was guest of honor. Left tuRight, Thomas Molyneuv, municipal chairman; Mrs. John Jewkes, vice chairman; Mrs.Zirpolo and Mayor Zirpolo. ^

Woodbridge Boosted Again:

Claypit Project ChosenAs Rutgers Class Study

7 QuestionsOn Ballot

WOODBR1DGK Till':oodbridge "claypit project" j . • s^

ook on additional significance' \ \il it V(\ I joday when the Departmcmt o f j r i TT a l VL v

City ftiid Regional PlanniiiR atRutB-ars University selected itas one of its primary classprojects,

In making the announce-ment, Mayor Walter Zirpolosaid that selection of the clay-pits will mean that Woodbridgewill receive up-to-date plan-

dra-WOODBRIDGE — Aor as much as possiblelmu.lc brcakthrouuh in road

Participating fen. How- p..villK w h j c n m a y o p c n the

S ^ ' - » «w -..hods of road,of not permitting fl-

| to prevent a worthy «tu-i partlcfpaUnj. Where

occurs, scholaishiploan funds can b« es-

dependlng upon theI finances made avtllablentinued on Page B)

fnd Issueseting SetDBRIDOE — Hi an ef-

', Provide an opportunityera to hear both sides

I Issue, that hun been pr<i-> Qov, Richard J.• a public meeting on hia0,01)1) Hond IsMie will be

Jointly by tin: Iieu|ju«i VoU'rs of Metutchen

U'atjite of WomenI of WoudbrldHu. tonight,lB l the Pr«ubyterlaii

Woodbrldge Av«-with Senator

uiiiont »ut)»kiius 1" thev« und gylve<iter C

int'iiiber of the New|8UiU; B«r. speaking In

BUve.., luiiiioiit WM flirt[.«» thu state Henato in

eted In 19S& andSenate Majority

"' W55 and BeiwteActing Ouveruur

»lie iiuu served as clialr-U Senate Education

iui<l Juaiclary Comurn U pre«tuUy ohalr

dtwij and construction wasdisclosed toduy by Charles W.Beagle, Township EngUicer.

Specifically the breakthroughconci'iis a new method of con-jtractlni! streets Vi per centstronyer moiv quickly"and for,of

(Continued on Page 5) P

«iKl AnnxtoHe is vice chairman

imiua on

2 Patrolmen Nab 3 Men;Commended by Superiors

WOODBRIDGE — Patrolmen Galassl, Chief Nels J, LaurituenGeorge McCabe and RobertLaPenta today received letters

commendation signedDirector J o s e p h


and Captain Howard H. Tune,radio patrol division, for ap-prehending three men whowere attempting to enter the

WOODBRIDGE — Although ninS>much has been said and writ- scapeten about, tin: State Bond Issueas proposed by Governor Rich-ard J. HUKIK-S, actually there-will be six .slate public ques-ionii and oiu: local question

on the ballot on election day,November 5.

The first two questions reallyform the Bond Issue referenda,Question 1, if passed authorizesissuance of bonds by the staten the amount of $275 million

for public buildings 'their con-struction, reconstruction de-velopment, extension, improve-ment equipment and facilitiesfor health, education and wel-fare uses." Question 2, author-izes the issuance of bonds by

architectual andthinking on a


ProfessiomJ Building on Am-boy Ave.nue, w a r the parkearly Monday morning.

According to Sgt. ElmerGn't'ii, Officers McCabe and!LaPenta were checking busl-ini'ss establishments along Am-jhuy Avenue and when theyeiuiuj to the Parkview Profes-sional Building they' found[three men one In a car and'lu.o ut it tide doer, t ;»ld™tli a

(Continued on Page 5)


reaching and dynamic project"ncluding the relation of the

claypits project to the MainStreet business district.

"Selection of the claypitsproject by Rutgers also indi-cates that they too believe inthe practicality of the project,"the mayor said.

According to the Mayor, theirouudwork for selection of

Rutgers was p r e p a r e d bythe Woodbridge RedevelopmentAgency, S. Buddy Harris,tive director and his staff.

Mr. Harris said Dr. MurlinR. Hodgell, chairman of theRutgers Department of Cityand Regional Planning visited

(Continued on Page 5)

To TanzinanWOODBRIDGE - Campaign

:ontributions to 16 legislativeiandidates of both major par-ies — including three fromMiddlesex — in individualimounts of $750 or $1,000 for atotal of $15,000 was announcedtoday by George F. Smith,

the New Jerseyfor a Better

Salary PlansWOODBRIDGE — Frederick

M. Adams, Republican candi-date for mayor, today issued


to gain entrance.| Searching the men they! found a fully-loaded, ,25 cali-iliiv revolver on trie ground. Airuclio cull to headquarters sentI Patrolman Frank Caro to, thej.scene to assist McCabe and

Brought to headquarters theitrio wereilJouska, 22, 43 Jensen Avenue,fonts; Akn Lewis, 28, %2Prospect Street, Perth Amboyand Kuijene frank, 88, 1 N«wHrunswick Avenue, Houelawn.

On being questioned by Sutliiv,n, Iliny r«ad»y udmltUxltiyinu to nam entranct to Ul«lmllitliiii, fui1 Uitsy had beentold I here was "plenty moneytliL-n1" Uouska admitted beingllh" owiifi- of thu gun, iCHecn said. EuBfelie Pi-facetK^Bsly called tins arrestthe "shortest crime wave in

wtuin only there a Uttle

SrV*. .1 to Munich!over a minute

(Continued ongeemed

age 5>


president ofOrganizationState, (New Jobs)

Asemblyman Norman Tanz-man, a resident of Woodbridge,who is seeking reelection onthe Democratic ticket, received$750. Receiving $1,000 eachwere State Senator John ALynch and Assemblymun J. Ed-ward Crabiel, also seeking re-lection on the Democratic


The organization us dedicatedto the election of capable can-didates who are interested In

ood government and economicgrowth of New Jersey. Besides

(Continued on fuge j>>

During the last political cam-imiKii Walter Zirpolo spent agreat deal of money to pub-licize a letter written by Stew-art Hutt present Township At-torney and iiHerpretiiiK Unitletter to mean that the Repub-lican administration was look-

tor higher salaries formayor and councilman. Now, ashort two years later in a grand-stand piny purely for the yur-IXtee of obtaining uneducatedvotes /iiipolo lilts appointed asalary coinmllleu wlio will re-port directly U> him with recom-

iiiunh us ID salariBg joounuilmuu mulrtr the new form

Tlie hypuciticitl and phonycoiicL-rn of Zirpolo for objec-tive ilutlliiKi! on Uie par to lunbiased committee must notbe allowed to nois ugaiu attempting to lool thepublic through acai umnuever bectMist)' t b $ com-mittee that he baa";'

Record Made

By Adams HitWOODBHIDGE — "Rampan

cliuos would return to towi:hall it Pivd Adams and his tean'

iuesperiencect Candidatewen: elected," Mayor WalteZirpolo s^id today.

The mayor said he was no1

crystul Dull gating but rathelooking at the past purformancot Ins opponent during 19tiiand ltttil.

"I'hu Adams record was horrible," said Mayor Zirpolo, "HisAdministration during the twyears of its office failed miserably In implementing programto get Woodbridge moving.

"They neglected the homeuwin-r by bringing about two tadollar increases.

'"L'huy ignored Hitby permitting excessive squandering of public funds such asallowing excessive overpay-ments fur material by the Pur-chasing Department.

"They ignored the schools byraakjuK no attempt tu workwith tlie Board of EducationUi trying tu get our children

(Continued tram 1)

to Iiidcpendent-tesilw)TRENTON — The Appellati

Division, Superior Court of NewJersey, yesterday unanimously .uplu-ld Woodbrldgp TownshipIn the abolishing of the post*tion of Purchasing ARent.

The court also sustained thedismissal of the appeal of Mi-chael J. Amodio by the StateCivil Service Commission. Theaction of Worxibridge ,Tpwn-ship terminated the services ofAmodio as Purchasing Agent.

Amnrim in his appsnl, con-testlnc Die Civil Service Com-mlssiou decision, charged thatthe Township could not use theclaim of "'economy" as a d:v!"-3for circumventing his trrn"'Orights undfr the Civil Scrv'-"iAct and the Veterans' Ten' •<ict. ""

The opinion of t'lR c->"rr. •delivered by Juc'seGoldmann, stated thptha,d failed to prove h's

The decision stated':"The Townshin content*-,'.

and the Commi t ' - i rn f -that the position of purchaslnsagent was abol!r»"d nn i-duties assigned to the Town-'ship's Business Admmlstrntcrfor reasons of pfonom1' P ' 1efficiency and that the govern-ing body had acted in goadfaith. Amodio claims that thls-action was politically motivated.und 'economy' was used as an-'excuse to turn him out of of-fice. The resolution of these

nflictlng positions turns onne fat la which were fully « -osed at the hearing and givenetailed consideration by thedmmission in Its decision."Further on the decision


"We find substantial supportthe proofs for the determl.

ation reached by the Commition. The municipality had thef,'ht to abolish the position of

'urchaslng agent regardless ofs motives in doing so, provid-d that actual economy and

(Continued on Page 6)

MKS. LUNUY BLOOMFIEIJ)NEW DIRECTOR: Mrs. II.1 .tindy Bluumfield, Aletuchen,has been appointed executivedirector of the new Cross-roads Girl Scout Council,Inc., of which Woodbridgewill be a part, according toan aimuunceinent made thisweek.

BowerNamedaloil Head

gff double qfc"They ignored our librwrlen

(Continued on Page 5)

ENROLLMKN-t: Mn, Uuk Ustort (rljht)etutirtiwu of JobiMl It VTA, Mi duma

vf iWft jproUott-nt «f ttw tM\Myschool to Miss Joan n d n u , Sixth (inde t l


PERTH AMBOY — The ap-pointment of D. L. Bower asresident of California Oil

Company-Eastern Division ef-ective November 1, was an-lounced today by O. N. Miller,resident of Standard Oil Com-any of California.In assuming leadership of

California Oil Company. Bowerucceeds E. E. Wall who will

become regional vice presidentSouthern California and re-

uger, Marketing Be*partiniiiit, Los Angeles Region,with Standard OH Company ofCalifoniia.

Bower uruvUNUly k ^ serveda.-; executive vice president oftJulirornia Oil Company andprior to that had beftuj Whole-salt- Hak'.s manager dlrthe LosAiiKrlcs rey ion of Standard OilCompany of California.

Bower Joined Standard OilJompuny of California In 1947shortly utter being uraduattdfrom Oregon State University,with u B,a. drgice in marketing.Afttr serving in various mark-

ting posltiuns with the com-pany, Bower was i"-!i|' n* tvi-t

l muimger of the TucsonSales District in 11)57. J,:i • • v195S he was transitrrtri *'o.Honolulu as Wholesale S.i! jmmianei. in 1D81 h« was tm>is« ,ferted to the home office h)San Fittncisco and Irom thlra '•to the uoiltiun ofSales manager of the Utogeles region in lflW.

Bowur has been active %iy e m u w>4 Obmitm

m ta&'Wtolulu. m twaa «, M»vy

a, • .

Page 2: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

PAGE TWOThunday, October 24, 1963

Trenton March EndorsedBy Bishop 'In Principle'

Series BringsQuick Response

W Ahr, head of the Catholicniorrse of Trenton, hag en-(lorsrd In principle, the "Marchon Trenton" Mheduled forSaturday. From Rome wherehr is attending sessions ofCouncil II. Bishop Ahr Inform-ed Rt. Rev. Msgr. Michael P

the Diocese, that ne was BP-polnttnK Rev. Bernard Kow-alskl. S.V.D., pastor of OurT,ady of the Divine ShepherdChurch here, as his uff'clal del-egate nnd to speak on h!* be-,...*.^half at the demonstration. FU 'congregation and Sisterhood j

''Rev. Msgr. John J. Endebrock, B'nal Jacob are bringing to the'Director of the Trenton Dlo-area, They —'»«•«.. • « fur.

men of thetertainment Series, arc verypleased with the enthusiast lr|response expressed by peoplefrom the neiKhborliiK commu-nities to the cultural program

are bringing owelcome nny lur-

„;„„,. Interracial Council Is'also abroad and will be unable; to participate.

In his mewage Bishop Ahrhvttrd the 535,000 Catholics of

Diocese to participate In'K rally. IV reminded them! thv necessity for Interracialitlw and charity as express-In the American Catholic

hop's statements of 1943hd 1958, and their pastoraliter rarlier this year.

toad Study Wflllid in PlanningWOODBRIDGE — Freehold-

Jr Thomas H. Lee said todayAn at n comprehenslvp rnglneer-ITIR study of Middlesex County's

s 815-mile road network Is beingundertaken by thte DemocraticBunrd of Freeholders to easethe flow of heavier trafficwhich has accompanied thecounty's population boom.

Lee said the road study Is Inkeeping with the phlllsophy ofthe Democratic administrationfor "Imaginative and completeplanning to guide capital Im-provement projects."

The Democratic freeholderfrom South Platnfteld said theroad network Is Included Inwide-ranging ptan tot the «panslon of practically allcottnty facilities an* servtees)during the next decade.

"The results of this studywill help us to determine whichcounty roads and In whichorder, should be widened for

ther purchase of ticket.! outsidethe area.

The series will consist of fourjdelightful evenings of superbentertainment at Temple B'nalJacob, Lord Street. It will open;Jantiary 28 with "An EveningWith 8holem Alelchem" byHoward Da Sllva. "Three fromJudea," an Israeli folks sing-ing and dancing group, will befeatured at the second showon February 23. Lou Mason, aJewish humorist, will share thebilling.

Letters to Editor237 Martool DriveWoodbrldse. New JerscjOctober 22, 1963

lir.nr Editor:

1 am the wife of Alan A.Km-biff. candidate for firstwild councilman, and I havewatched him conduct his eam-

,iiiiinM this summer and autumn!with the courage and deter-'miimtlon of ft mnn who believesin tt» principles of two partyiiDVcrniiK-iit. and thfi better-ment of the community envi-ronment of the first Wardof Woodbridge Township.watched him at aTeacher's Association

p IParent-

terestlng to note, however, thatorm letf*r critical of my hus-band's attitude at this meetingalso critical of Mr. ArthurMazur's letter expressing angerat permitting a political candi-date such a* Harold Mortengento make a speech at a PTAmM'tlng was written by HarrietKaplan who was not even Inattendance at the meeting. An-other letter critical of my hus-band's attitude was written bya woman who signed her lettermerely "Shirley Friedman" butwho is also the vice chairmanof the Young Democrats oWoodbridge Township. Is thlthe type of politically motivatedcommentary that should appear In the disguise of an average voter's comment,

Furthermore, a rumor habeen started by someone that

•f. Cecelia* i,,Feast of Chrht}

ISELIN ~Christ the Kln«'served Bunday mChurch. The day'y a Family cnm..;he Trenton _

.BKwed Sacrum

TrncliPi s Association '«"•""« "" " -'•" , , . V.at No 11 School a few weeksj refused to participate In a^caka«o when he attempted to ques- ' " " u u

Lion his political opponent, who

GOP CANDIDATES HONORED: Cinrsta of honor atspaghetti dinner hr!d Saturday nluht ftt Bnd'i Hut, Rontr1, Avenel are the fmir mfn In Ihe rfnttr knffHnt. I*ft

to Hrht are council candidates, DavM Miller, RichardHflm, Clem Srhnrwath nnd John Ilugbei.

Becker TalksTo PTA Groups


The Marchilgblight Ellroadww and

22 Series willMlntz, famedtelevision pcr-

ISELIN — Ilcv.Wilus, pa-stor and

ormer. Mr. ffilhtz Is best knownor his role of "Uncle David"n "The Ooldbargs" series. Billohnson, noted folksinger, will

add to the evening's entertain-ment. The Jewish Drama So-:lety, In a play of Jewish con-tent, will be presented on April26.

Subscribers to the series mayloin a weekly payment planby contacting the following:Colonla residents: Mrs. Her-man Parer, fib Mldfield Road,FU 8-3985; Mrs. Sol Slotnlck,16 Ira Avenue, PD 8-1865; Mrs.JClarfleld, 104 Cypress Drive,FU 1-3736; Mrs. Martin Lltln-:er, 67 Mercury Avenue, FU 1-1248; Mrs. Morton Well, 29Piedxuoie Ayenue, FU 8-3357and Mrs. Sidney Nochlmson,:6 Taster Terrace, HU 1-1833.

For further Information,c6ntact Mrs. Klartleld; Mrs.Abe Upidus, FU 1-1670; Julesteler, FU 1-2030 or Mr. Robin,

Jolin MWilus, pa-stor a moderatorintroduced Kenneth Becker,Woodbridge Township and Dio-cesan chairman for clean lit-erature, at meetings of groups1 anil 2 of St. Cecelia's PTA.

Mr. Becker nsked all for co-operation with ills committee,by attending an open forumOctober 29 at Iselln JuniorHigh School,

Mrs. Donald Maguire, presi-dent, welcomed the groups and,for the benefit of new membersIntroduced the various commit-tee chairmen.

Mrs. Andrew DapuMo, past Ipresident, announced the PTAstore will be open before and.fter nil meetings and on Tues-

day evenings. All school uni-forms are available and ordersare bring taken for schooljackets.

Mrs. Joseph Rusbarsky, pro-chdlrmaa, discussed theRr&m ohdlrman, i a

weekly cake tales and the du-|ties of clasamothers. Rehear-sals for "Muskana "63" are Inprogress and she encouragedthe membership, not participat-ing In the musical "to comeout for an evening's enjoymenton November 8, 9, 15, or IS, at8 p.m., at Woodbridge SeniorHigh School."

Mrs. Magulr* Introduced Rev.John Wllus, who thanked the

membership far their wonder-iful response to the recent mag-

.• drive, and then com-mended the cast of "Musician•G3" for giving their time In re-hearsals to Insure the successo( the undertaking.

Rev. Wllus closed the meet-ing with the • announcementthat this year the theme of thePTA win be "the child shall

I be served."

i The first dance of the season, sponsored by the PTA. washeld Saturday in Lourd&s Hall

A cake sale is set for Sundayafter all Masses by the moth-ers of Stanley Brlskl and Sis-ter Mary Jude's eighth gradeswith Mrs. William Walsh andMrs. John Hare, class mothersin charge, assisted by Mrs. Wll-ttam Quinn and Mr*. ThomasDePasque.

tion his political oppwas the guest speaker, on mat-ters vital to his community andto his own family, and I sawhim shouted down by knownmembers of the Democraticcounty committee Rnd friendsof his political opponent. Theirshouts were not designed tohelp understand the issues butrather to embarrass mv hus-band and make him back awayfrom asking qnpRt|nn< whichthey probably did not want i»n-

Since that evening aof three Mtrrs to the

sale for PTA because of thincident at the nwtlng. This la lie and a horrible attempt tismear my husband through InJsuit and attack upon my repPitatlon I shall need and aetivelparticipate In FrA activitylong after my husband's polltcal campaign Is over. 1 nm IKin polities and neither arc bchildren. These are the reasoiwhy so runny dedicated aitrained men whose one fVsireto honestly serve their community do not enter the politi-cal fWd It Is hard for nnv manto endure insinuations and back

id In Town Hall „elllgent and ahiony husband in


. • m .


• • • " •> .* .

' • • • ' " I ) - , , , ,

rm.osed nt

|noon Mass, and v.iii •posed until aflor ii,tlon which will i,r'o'clock.

Moss schedult b 2October 27, has be,-,','.

I as follows: 6-308:45, 10:30, 11:In the main10:00, 10:45noon in the lower <tlsms will he arinv1 p.n.

l!:,-|,,>il ,

s e n r s vu u n i t - 1 f n * 1 •' ^' » • " , —Editor have appeared In this alley tnctlcs employed againstnewspaper written pro and corJ.hlm.snlf, his wlfo and children

h b d bernils type of treaUnent of pollnewsppr pconcerning my husbands

t thi ll It I

lf,type of treaUnent of poll-concerning my husbands bernils type of t r a p

havlnr at this mwllng. It Is In-'cfll candidates and thrii'Tami

Saturday aftcrim-..5:30 and SuHi.,'',from 7 to 9 p.m.

Novenas for rii,-Ibecn set as folli,-,..|day, 7:30 prn , c.vvena to St. Jmi,,ICTftses, nnd Novet:nof the Mlraculoiu :urday mornlnp ftftclock Mass, Novi

of Fattmn

' • i i i . •..'•;1 ' • v , . ; ,

nn :„ 0;





Intl Sitnrdiy


four-lane traffic," Lee said" and It is our plan to develop

-part of the program everyijjear."

Lee said that the board has,lways placed Important einph

>,asls on highway maintenanceI repair, providing Mlddlese:

1> .County wltnone of the mostmodern and best-kept roa

,«ystcms in the state."But the phenomenal growtl

of Middlesex County makes 1essential that we consider expanding a number of our highways to four-lane arteries."

He said the Board of Free-.holders is anxious to complete

- the engineering study so that-It can Immediately apply for.federal and state aid to defray•the cost of the projects., Lee credited the Democraticboard with taking the first

'^corrective steps five years agowhen the road repairing pro-gram was expanded to IncludeIhe widening of shoulders atthe same time.C He pointed out that moreJban SO miles of county roadsliave been widened since thenihd will be continued In theJUture.. "The program Is easing In-creased volume and attaininggreater traffic c a p a c i t ythroughout our growing countyand la helping us to providefaster, safer routes for count;motorists," Lee said.

The Democratic freeholderadded that many new measureshate been undertaken to makecounty roads safer. He pointedbut that hundreds of miles ofwhite lines were painted onxounty roads to help regulateand control traffic.' He also pointed out that theCounty highway departmentlias accomplished large econo-inles "with the introduction ofour own repair crews to main-tain county road equipment. Bylistng our own mechanical stafflo do the job, disabled equip-tnent la returned to servicefaster and unergoes regularChecks for good maintenance.

Lee called roads "the unro-iimiillc phase uf cuuiity govern-,pent. People expect them and!k« long «J they arc good, tin*publlc has very little to say. Butour objective U to anticipateproblems. We are proud of thecounty road system and are de-,ternained to keep it nt a level!Ithich a-rvt'3 Urc public need

He praised the Democraticboard lor "dedicated attention'to every phuii; of county re-sponsibility. The Democratic1

administration iius acted withIntelligence nnd vision to pro-vide new mid expandedfor the propl!! ofCounty."

Lee pointed out that the iiee-holdei's perform nil of thecounty wvlres wlUi unly 14IJtroent of this total tax dollar,the bulanu1 tieinu mandated bythe state, the courts and otheragenctes


lion sruuu wlU b« tUrbtd tuqatiiaij.^ wwl nou-CaUioli«toolgbt at SL C«ooll«'i CnutchIn lioom 107 »t 8 pm. Thw«,will b« no obllgattoiM of anykind, no study, no papers iU»t(IIM.-UW.MI for people who wouldlike u> lemn uujce about the

PU 8-8631.


hat these









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Page 3: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

Independent-Leader (E.B.) -

;uild Brancha Slated

In Saturday

P r p s s Thursday, OrUiber 24, PAGE THKE1

/'vrformed on Saturdayr Wedding M v v. l i n g Set

WOODBRIDOE — T h ernodlirldgfi Branch of the-Hi Amboy General HospitalUd will hold a membprshlpSaturday from 2:00 to 3:30

M- ivt the home of Mrs. Ben-Rftblnowltii, 107

Tliomas Tallon, branchwill serve ag general

iln-r committee chairmenHrfreshmenti, Robert

[S chairman, assisted by, Ruth Wolk; invitations

publicity. Mrs. OerardI,, and Mrs. Rotrart M

nU-rlainment will be pro-J.{| by Mrs. Isadore Rabln-ltz, violinist and Mrs, Fred•ssler, pianist,

j lrs Leioy Hornet will acceptfmtwrshlp dues during the

annual ev«nt is designed[acquaint Woodbridge women

ji the branch's activities toI forth Amboy General Hos-

Any woman Interested In

W(X)DBftHXlE-.MIs.s AllenA. Fowler, daughter of Mr. amiMrs Arthur L, Fowler Jr., 12,'olonlal Court, Mctuchen, and1

Patrick Q. Scannell, son of Mrand Mrs Edward Scannell, 340DeKalb Avenue, were united Inmarriage Saturday at St. Fran-cis Church, Motuchen The RevStephen H. Congdon celebratedthe nuptial MURS and performedthe double ring ceremony.

Given in marriage by herfather, the bride wore a gownof peau tie sole with Alt-neonlace appliques fashioned withlong pointed sfeeve.s, scoopneckline, a fitted bodice andfeaturing a bell-shaped skirtwhich extended into a chapellength train. Her four-tier veilof English Illusion was attachedto a crown of pearls and

crys-tals, nnd she carried a bouquetof white orchids, stcphnnotlsland lilips-of-thp-valley on aP'rayerbook.

Miss Mary Fortlnd, Philllps-burg. was maid of honor. Otherattendants were Miss Mary LouKokowicz, Metuchen, and MissEileen Scannell, Woodbrldge

; ; : K st r i a l l y )nvlted sls^of ™™°*=

girls were Miss Patriela andMiss Anita Fnwler, FranklinPark, nieces of the bride.

i Eugene Fowler, Metuchonjbrother of the bride, served as|best man. Ushers were JamesHamilton and Ronald Palak

ooDBRIDOE — "Musical both of Woodbridge.

iibwomen Mark10th Birthday

itoirade," a program whichby Our Redeemer

heran Musical Workshopthe direction of Edward

)l)M,n. was presented at4m)i anniversary celebra-nt the Woman's Club of

odbrldge, with Mrs. Williamin charge of pro-

Af(.,. „ , , . , 4 ™ i i

Aftei a tilp to Florida and]

K3 ^ ' U !

Miss MNDA RKRMANQUEENLY CANDIDATF.: ARider ('ollrge junior fromWoodbridgr, Miss I,inda Her-man lias hem st'lpcled as oneof five roods to vie for"Homecoming Queen" honorsduring Riders annual alum-ni reunion weekend, Octo-ber 25-26. Miss Herman wanselected to represent DeltaSigma Pi fraternity duringthe festivities. The daugh-ter of Mrs. Laura Rprman,633 Bamford Avenue, Wood-bridge, Miss Berman Is ma-joring in secondary education

Tonight ByJr. League

wooOBRinOE — A mcet-K of the Junior Serviceague of BPW will be held to-

night at. 7 o'clock at the homeof the adviser, Miss Ruth Wolk148 HiRh Street with Miss Bon-nie Dcnys, presiding.

riati.i will be made for a delrKation to attend the StateBoard Meeting of the New Jer-KIT Federation of Business andProfessional Women's Clube InE a s t Orange November 16.where they will be presented toapproximately 350 business iindprofessional women from allover New Jersey.

Among the projects to bedlRCii.ssei will be participationin the third Holly DebutanteBall, December 27 at ScotchPlains Country Club under thesponsorship of the WoodbridgeBPW and a tea the JuniorLeague will give to the 1963Debutantes Sunday, December27.

A representative of the Juni-or League will attend all DebBall rehearsals and serve"big sister" for the Debs.

Sh» also the

as specia' guestsj Mrs Mabel Nay lor, presl-It were Mrs. A. Lalghton[ m J r . Sixth District viceildent of the New Jerseyerntion of Women's Clubs;t presidents of the local club

presidents of clubs In thelifthe Art Department, under j

[direction of Mrs. Neil Stod-. mails '.'.KMfiCrow". .cor.

fes for the guest*.|rs John Almasi Jr., chair-

rcf 'the* ""AiHcrlcw" Humu

For traveling, the bride chose acamel color suit with brown ac-cessories and an orchid.• Both are graduates of at.

Mary's High Shool, Perth Am-boy. Mrs Scannell, a graduateof St. Francis Hospital Schoolof Nursing, Trenton, is a staffnurse at Perth Amboy OeneralHospital. Her husband servedthree years In the United StatesMarine Corps and is employedby Cunningham and Limp Con-struction'Company, Sayrevllle.

sllon sorority.


had his Bar Mltzvah Saturdayat Temple Beth Am. He wascalled to the Torah and chant-ed a portion from the Bookof the Prophet Isaiah. RabbiHerbert Witkin delivered thecharge to the Bar Mltzvah boy.Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Chakrinsponsored the Oneg Shabbat Inhonor of their son at the Fri-day evening service.

Buchko-Nemeth Marriage^Solemnized on Saturday

ailment, announced there| be n meeting at her home.tenter Circle, November 4

eans will be decoratedfilled with cookies. They

| be Riven to Roosevelt Hos-patients for Christmas,

i donation of $2S was givenWoodbrldge Emergency

ub members will transportbers of the Golden Age

members will also baketo and from meetings.service refreshments to

[Golden Age Club on the(Thursday of the month,Irs. Steven Almasi, chair-i of the special project forcharity fund announcedDick Melarfson, Linden

Jlue, was the winner of theset,

tyll Happen at the Molllpen Charm School will be

(guest speaker at the No-

wnnnRPinn i rnage of Miss Elizabeth M. Ne-meth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Stephen Nemeth, 75 New Dur-ham Road, Metuchen, and An-drew J. Buchko, son of Mr. andMrs. Joseph Buchko, 77 Hill-side Avenue, was solemnizedSaturday morning at St. Matth-ews Church, Edison, with theRev. James J. Duffy officiatingat the double ring ceremony.

The bride was given in mar-riage by her father.

Mrs. Joseph Stumpf, *Edlson,sister of the bride, was matronof honor. Bridesmaids wereMiss Linda Beuge and MissElaine Anderson, both of NewBrunswick; Miss Theresa Buch-ko, Woodbridge, sister of thebridegroom: Miss France* Ne-meth, Woodbridge, cousin ofthe bride. Flower girl was MissDorothy Nemeth; Woodbridge,another cousin.

Thomas Buchko, Woodbridge,

brother-of "tHe tortdev Bird" Mi-drew Toth, nephew of thebridegroom, both of Edison;Robert Murphy, Woodbridge,and Harry Jones* Metuchen.Rlngbearer was Andrew Buch-

20 meeting at the Ma'was best man for his brother| Temple, Green Street. Ushers were Steve Nemeth,

Woman's ClubEnters Contest

AVEN1JL — The Avene.l Wo-man's Club entered the Gen-eral Federation of Women'sClubs - Sears Roebuck Foun-dation's Community Improve-ment Contest at its last meet-Ing. The air pollution problemwill be their jroject. Mrs. Jo-seph Wukovets, president, ap-pointed Mrs. Harry Dl Leo as:hairman.

Tickets were distributed forthe December 5 card party byMrs. Orlando Coppola, chair-man. The affair will be held at7:30 pjn. at the EllzabethtownConsolidated Gas companyPerth Amboy. Refreshmentswill fee served before the partyand a film on Chinese cookingwill he .featured. Persons inter-ested in attending may contactany member or Mrs. Coppola,30- Livingston Avenue, ME 4-2538.

An Invitation was received tohear the political candidatesfor township offices at Wood-bridge Junior High SchoolBarren Avenue, Woodbridge, onOctober 29, sponsored Jointlyby League of Women Votersand the Jaycees.

The stuffed toys made atthe recent American homeworkshop meeting were placedon display ^ by -Mr*. John Ma-hon. Further 'workshops will bescheduled.

Members Will bake cookiesfor the patients at the NewLisbon Home for Mentally Re-tarded Males. All donationsmust be brought to Mrs. Wil-liam Kuzmiak by October 31.

Mrs. Coppola, advisor to theJunior Woman's Club, request-ed members to save white

Jons MakeWoodbridgeDay Plans

wcx>nnRii)OE Plans tot"Wfiodhrldne Dny11. which 1»1been nn exchange prograift Ijffthr pnst 1!) yitrs between tlMI,ions clubs of V/oodbridqe,Cnniifctirut and llhat of N»WJersey, were announced at ft' V-rent dinner meeting of the lo«cal Lions Club On October jw,the lncn] club will be hOBt tOthe members of the Conrwcti<JJ»)organisation

John Aqulla, chairman, out-lined the activities of the itt*us follows; All members inll

ALL SET l'OR NIK CZARDAS: Abov,. are some of thechildren of Our Lady of Ml. Ciirmct Parish who will danceat the annual crape festival, spnosorod hy the ParochialPTA, Saturday at 8 p.m., at Our l.udy of Mt. CarmelHall, Nmlth Street, Wnndhrid«e. Mrs! row, left to right,

Thomas Mlndcl, Katherine Herczex; Peter Mindrl, leanHildas, John Nuss; second row, Barbara Koiwlock, tormine Palinkas, Veronica Kirpelock, Rosemarie Siabo,Dorothy Nemeth, Anna HercreK. „

ko, Edison, nephew of thebridegroom.

After a trip to Canada, thecouple will make their home InMetuchen.

Both attended S t . ' Mary'sHigh School, Perth Amboy.Mrs. Buchko is employed bySweet Orr & Company., Nixon.Her husband is employed byNu-Car Carriers, Metuchen.

New Girl ScoutLeaders Named

AVENEL—The neighborhoodGirl 8coutleaders, at a meeting sheets and tablecloths for the

Annual Grape Festival

Saturday at Mt Carmel

ress and Mrs. Julius Takacsand Mrs. Robert Howe, oo-hairman, are working for 100

per cent enrollment.

PLANS TO BE NURSE: MissJo Ann Evaslin, 74 SehoderAvenue, Woodhridge, will en-ter Saint Vincent's Hospitalat Montclair, as a student inPediatric Nursing in Febru-ary. Miss Evaslin is thedaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A<Evaslin and is a graduate ofWoodhrldfie High School.She is presently employed atF, W. Wuolworth, Main St.,Woodbridge.



with Mrs. Frank Hrehocik, Mit-chell Place, heard Mrs. FrankSutter and Mrs. John Walko,Instructors for the area GirlScouts, The new leaders' note-book was reviewed. All the lead-ers participated in a workshopto acquaint themselves with thehew rules and regulations.

Mrs. Raymond Parrlsen wasnamed program chairman forthe skit the local neighborhoodwill present at the WoodbridgeTownship leaders'vember 25.

Introduction of

dinner No-

three newI] leaders was made by Miss IreneMayer, neighborhood chairman—Mrs. William Seale, MrsThomas Kunlgonls and Mrs,Robert Stewart.

The leaders were urged' tosupport the candy sale beingconducted by the senior scouts.A sonirfest will be held for theneighborhood scocts November1 ut Avenel Park from 7 to 8:30Mrs. Parrlsen and Mrs., Wil-liam, Graham were chosen asdelegates to the neighborhoodservice team.

Cookie sale folders were dis-tributed by Mrs. Graham. Thesale begins Saturday Hostesseswere Mrs. Albert Marino andMrs. Victor Hill.

club's cancer dressings groupFinal planning for the club's

celebration of their 43rd birth-day was accomplished. Thepast presidents are In chargeof the affair to be held Novem-ber 6 at the Avenel - ColoniaFirst Aid Squad building at8:15 p.m.

Invitations to the President'sTea, November 12, at the LongHill Community Club in Mill-ington and the Federation Dayof the Elizabeth Woman's Club,November 21, were accepted,

IN FLORIDA' COLONIA-Miss MargaretQuellich, daughter of Mr. andMrs. William Guellich, 40 Mc-Klnley Avenue, is spending theweek at Miami Beach, Florida,where she is attending the GirlScout convention.

Overnight TripsPlanned by Troop

COLONIA —At the recenmeeting of Boy Scout Troop 71at the home of Mr. J. Romano,1 Westminster Road, plans weritentatively made for the comingyear.

Today, tomorrow and Sundayhave been planned for a Camporal, at Sayrevllle; November 2and 24 an Over-Nite campou1

at Camp Cawaw. December,one day visit to the Boy SccuHeadquarters at New Brunswicand a "deep freeze" camp outing is planned for February.'

Mr. Romano thanked th\boys and reported that theCampout at Camp WinneliaoOctober 4, 5, and 6 was a hugesuccess.

The troop committee welcorned a new member, MMaliszki. The next meeting wllbe November 12 at 9 P. M. witiMr. Joel Green, 54 Westminste:Road.

WOODBRIDGE—Completedplans luive been announced byOur Lady of Mount CarmelPTA for the annual grape fes-tival, Saturday, 8 p.m. In theparish hall. Music will be fur-nished by the Kara-NemethJrchostni. Mrs. Frank J. Decl-vs. president, advised the pub-ic is Invited to attend and

tickets may be purchased frommembers or at the door. Mem-bers may obtain additionaltickets from Mrs. Julius Telo-:>oski, ticket chairman.

Members and guests are in-ited to wear their native Hun-;arian costumes. Children of,lie parish will present a pro-ram of Hungarian folk song?,nd dances according to an

announcement by Mrs, BelaNuss, entertainment chairman

Serving on various commit-,e*» are Mrs. John Arva and

Mrs. Deoibus, food purchasingMrs. Francis Nemeth and Mrs,Arva, food preparation; MrsNemeth, Mrs. Arva. Mrs JohnOrosz, Mrs. Allem Mindel, Mrs.Joseph Kopelock, Mrs. AlexMolnar, Mrs. Julius Takacs,Mrs. Melvln Lykes, Mrs. Edward Gray, Mrs. Francis Keller,M,rs. John Healy, and MrsThomas Morris, kitchen,

Also Mrs. Nuss, judge; Mr?Teleposki and Mrs. John Mihalke, door: Mrs. Michael Rusznak and Mrs. George Silvannev, doll: Mrs. William Dadash, Mrs. George Segada, Mrs.Francis Horvath, and MrsGyula Herezeg, check roomJohn Arva, Melvin Lykes, Joseph Kopeloek and Alfem Mindel, food tickets; Thomas Sne.deker, John Mihalko, JuliuiTeleposki, Peter Nagy, and Mi.chael. Rusznak, other refreshmentis.

The decorating committeiwill meet in the hall tomoi™night, 8:15. On this commlte are Mrs. Nemeth, Mrs. Tele-Dttski, Mrs, Julius KrupanlchMrs. Lykes, Mrs. Arva, andMrs. DeCIbus.

Mrs. Decibus Is general chairman with Mrs. Arva and Mn

emeth as eo-thairmen asslst-lg her. •At a general membership

leetlng Thursday, it was an-ounced all school children111 assemble in full uniform,Junday, 8:45 a.m. to attendhe 9:00 mass.

The November fund raisingroject was discussed and plansfere made for a penny sale,ovember 18. Further plans

nil be made at the executiveward meeting, November fi and;t the general meeting, Novemor 14.

Hot dog sales are, conductedweekly in the hall from 11 a.m.

ntll 12:30 p.m. with Mrs.George Czick, hospitality chair-man, in charge. Today the.mothers of the second gradestudents will be in charge.

Mrs,. Robert McLaughlin, pro-gram chairman, announced apediatrician will be the guestspeaker for the Novembermeeting and a Christmas ba-zaar will be held in December.

store receipts arecollected. Papers

strips andstill beingbundled, not boxed, may bedropped off at the Conventgarage.

meet at Howard Johnsonstaurnnt. Route 4 for lunch »Bdafterwards will participate In, »tour of the Westinghouse Radioand Television Manufacturt(iffacilities, Metucti*n.

The evi Mng program will be*gin at fl:0U with a dinner mee)king of the combined membj*»ships at, Kenny Acres, Route 9«HpcHker of the evening wlll'tt*

r1 Rev. John Groul.Dr. Isadnre Rablnowlte, prn-

grnm chairman, announced th«meeting of November 11 wtthWilliam Coughlln in chatiewill preview the upcomingWorlds Pair of 1964. He alsoannounced Anthofiy Capri(H-one and William Cramer willowco-chairmen of the annual fa-ther-son and daughter dinner,December 23.

The local club will continuethe sale of electric light bolbiand brooms in Woodbridgeproper, Port Reading, a n dSewaren areas. These funds-areused to continue the. program ofsight conservation, youth ac-tivities and other communityprojects.

Trading stamps, coffee • can

Further detailsnlshed at the


Members are requested to makearticles and home-baked cakesfor the various tables.

The merchandise club is nowin Its seventh week and any-

Vpsilon Chi SororityInducts New Members

WOODBRIDGE - The Up-<ilon Chi Sorority announcednew members were recently in-troduced at a tea in their hon-or. They include Joann Accardi,Linda Brooks, Paula DeVett,Janice Dobrovolski, NancyGray, Judy Kassavach, Mari-anne Kovnly, Kathy Marterelli,Nancy Mazur, Lorraine Stein,Arlene VanDalen, and DarleneZakalok.

The RIIIS attended a party atthe home of Diane Belmonteand a pnjama party was heldlater for all members.

A regular business .'flieetingwas held last week and plan?were discussed for a masquemde, a bake sate early in No-vember, and the sorority formaldinner-dance. November 30 at

be fur- the Elizabeth-Cartoret Hotelmeeting. Elizabeth.

Mel Bellanca, a former mem-ber of the local club and pres-ently a member of the HighlandPark Lions Club, was gueitspeaker at the last meting, Heshowed colored slides of tbaLions convention which Includ-ed pictures of local delegates.

interested in joinii iK m a yycontact Mrs. Michael Rusznak,chairman, or Mrs. Decibus Amembership drive is in prog


Synagogue Youth will conducthe first paper drive of the sea-son on Sunday. Newspapersshould be tied in bundles andleft in front of the house. Col-

Elks AnnounceContest Plans

COLONIA—Elks Lodge 2282, 'covering Colonia-Iselin area an-nounced participation in theNational and State Youth Lead-ership contest conducted by theElks National Foundation.

Plans are to have principalsof the local schools distributeentry blanks to boys and girl*of the ninth through twelfthgrades. Judging standards ategiven on the back o! each, entryblank. Three awards will bemade.

The first prize will be a $35Savings Bond, the second, awrist watch, and the thirdprize, a pen. Entries must besubmitted to A. San Olacomo.37 Alastalr Place, by December13.

The first place winner's entrywill be submitted to the StateLodge for a prize of $100 Sav-ings Bond. The national awardswill be $1,000 Savings Bond tothe boy and girl who placesfirst; $500 Savings Bond forsecond place, and $300 Savings

lection will begin at 10 a. m. Bond for third place.


Professional Spotting'Cet Sam Stuitom, Tide's plant number and

d spotter for eleven years. Sam is a Worldr II veteran and a resident of Port Heading.is a graduate of the National Institute ofCleaning School and has 17 years experi-in all phases of Professional Dry Cleaning.

i's specialty is removing stains from fancyns and delicate fabrics. This is just one ofmany personalized services at Tide.

And Shirt Launderers

&&4 Amboy AveuueWOODBRIDCE




and DinnersServed Daily

II' A.M. fill Closing, I^Ai A.MSunday from 3:00 I'M to

Closing (Midnight)


UOME-MADK SPAGHETTIl,as»({tw, Kuvioli. 1'if/a 1'les

liot or Cold


: OUT OltDKKNCAM. ME 4-224*


Nerved In Oiu DljinDaily trow 9:0(1 \M


Bar & HeatuuruntZ (utrii St.. Woudbrldge



Thursday Nite, Oct. 31st


Our Fabulous

it KRNIE SCOTTat the piano


it RONNIE FINKon drums







hjoujf Stylist

if DOTTIE HOLIDAYSinging & playing: guitarDirect from the Village



'til :i A.M.

The GalleryRestaurant and Cocktail Lounge

f No. Qiu1,lAilJtueut iu Sdvu I) ,)




24 S£ 88(Save 32c)



20-Bar Pkg. 39/

Witch Graft Mix—or—

Candy Corn

1 Ib. Pkg. 3 3 /


HALLOWE'EN COSTUMEStK'iim the Uayll^hib oiuH with loU *)i K*>.

stoned, Uu('iUe!n-u\ IIHair, Tliuiiilurljlul, 'I

I l l l l l Al*

oi yum- Irluiuis and fiuully . . , make Nun paylet., (''liuutiu Iriiin tlilu ttsrrUlu MHortuittjit 0(

m:w TV chtuiuHfirs like The F l i n t - '

loth ui uLHer Iuv\)tlLt:h S\/X-A i

mud, tin- l-'iWmilly (illicit, fmnkenaUjln, Yogi'I i Cul. Htckle uiul Jeukle,

Wltu :i 3kdrU>n ( 1'irate undlull, iiirilituii mill turye.

Complete Costumes from $] .57OI'EN DAILY 8:31) A. M. to 5:30 P. M. — HUDAY 9:30 A. M. to 9:VO P. M. .»J


F. W. Woolworth107 MAIN STiUEET


Page 4: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o


Church ClassesAre Announced

FORDS — Parents of tren-iwrs nt tending St. Nicholasdthnl i r Church of the Byzan-t;np Kite aiv asked to resistortn ir children for cntPChPtlcBlclasses on WrdiiPsd»:r eveningsfrom I lo I for students InI'liuli s 7, 8 mid 9 and from 8 t<if) p in for trnw in Rrndes 10.11 nnd 12.

W : r n of the parish are n-niii.-i,>H ,,f thr nerd for hrlp onKIY'IVS fnr thp plrohl and food

s:1 5Sciiool children of the parish

will receive Holy CommunionIh.s Sunday at 8:30. The Cath-olic Youn« Adults Club will at-tend the 11: IS Mass and Com-miinion B:"akfHst thereafterTh" annual visit to the eeme-tei if; mill bo made Sunday.November 3. to pray for the re-\HV-O of the dead of th? parish

K^iMration for first HolyCi)innimiio]i class and pre-com-miinion rlnsses will take placrthis Saturday at 10:30 a. m.

i'.'. > nrc. asked to bring bap-tism cr'ifieatrs along with theid;it<\ of birth and .coafirmB-tln;i. ("lapses will be taught onSaturdays from 10:30 to 12.

Mr. and Mrs. George Ska-BaiiKya. 33 Merker Drive, were

li'oniPd as new parishioners.

/.rti(iMK\» S. IIF.RC

PRE-MEn STI'OF.NT: Zbijnlew S, Here. Fords, is sm-nnj 80 niMllril frfshmm whohove begun thHr prn(fs*(on-ll itudlM «t Srton !1»H Collere of Medicine and Oenlls-try In Jersey City.

Here, la the son of Mr »ndMrs. Joseph Hrre. 3S Jack-son Avenue, Fords. A 1959graduate of St. Mary's HirfiS c h o o l , Perth Amhoy, heearned his B S Attrtr »tFordh&m I'nlvrrslty. Hf w ua member of the I.»enneeConference and Is an »rtcontributor to "The Stetho-neope."

Established In 1956. SetonHall Colleje of Medicine andDentistry Is New Jersey's on-ly medlcal-drntal school. Thecharter class of physiciansand dentUU w i r e d decreesin 1960, and in the past fouryears Seton Hall has award-ed 278 M.D. denrees and 1">D.D.S. defrees.

Trip by DairyListed by Cubs

AVENKI, -Cub Puck 41 met«t the First Pr«byt#rl»nChurch »1th I>n «. under thedirertlBn of Mrs I > w Koch.>ftdlng (he opening ewrrWg.

Annowircment w«s made bySick Fiorellti. rommltlee chair-man, that the park visited theAvene! flrc/unifr rpfnttv Thi>hoy* weiv lo-ri method1! nf flrc-fishtlne find t!v iiw of the«jnlrment *•< explained.

The tvn.N «••;:'. take 9 trip toilw Walker r,nTt1i>n Dairy.PtAinshon\ Npvrnibrr 9 Tlieyullllonvc finm ;h" church pnrk-ing lot diii! t r a v ; by car. Theyar«< to l)i v,c thflr own lunchand milk nill he p-.irrhfwd bythe pack.

Thf scout's candy drive hasstarted. Each nib is expected tosell 15 or more bores Prizeswill be awarded for the three,highest sale?

1 A Thanks&ivmji basket will beprepared for R needy family.

Thursday, October M,

Schedule ListedBy Congregation

ISELIN — A schedule or ac-t iv i ty for trw remainder ofitht> month and for November

been announced for ( '1>n"Urth fiholmn BI fil-

REASSIGNED — AirmanRij-mnnd O'Donndl, son ofMm. Frieda OHonnell, 457Pr»lt St.. Port Rfadlnr, Inbelnit rf»»lnned to Chanut*AFB. III., for technlrnl trsln-ln» i s B I'nitnl States AirForce »lrer»ft mwhanlcalequipment repairman.

Airman O'Donntll. who en-hprepareu iui R ntruj IMUHJ-I - . .

Each boy b responsible for one I IWed In the Air Force » »hort


PORT SchedulesSession TonightCOLONIA— A special mect-j

i Inu of the Board of the Colo-j1 nin-Carteret chapter of ORT

(Organization for Rehabilita-tion through Training) will beheld tonight at 8:30 with Mrs.Thomas Copeland, president, j

The board members will hear | f_ i J - i - f . ! - . —A report on the 17th B i e n n i a l ) l H U U t U U I INn Mortal Convention held lastweek at the New York Hilton.

Two delegates from the chap-ter attended, Mrs. Carl Cher-rnsky, education vice president,and Mrs. Clark Greenberg, spe-cial projects vice president.The decisions voted upon atthe Convention will determineand govern the tenor and theextent al .the. .chapter's actly-lfcles for the next two years.All board members are urgedto attend.

Mrs. Irwln Schneider, chair-man of the paid up member-ship party will report on herplans for the fashion show tobe held Wednesday at 9:30 p.m.

Mrs Herbert Miller Is hos-


pitality chairman for the eve-nlns. Fincer sandwiches andcoffee and cake will be served.For further information pho^eMrs Schneider, 381-4856..'

The show will benefit ORT'sscholarship project, underwhich the World ORT Unionoperates and maintains theCentral ORT Institute In Anl-eres, Switzerland. The Institutewas founded In 1949 to provideORT schools with teachers andImmediately became the sourcfor the staffs of the ORTschools that were set up In Iranand In North Africa in the verjearly fifties.

The final item on the agenda tonight will be "OperationOutward," which will functloispecifically from Novemberto November 15 this year, cul

•Etfnatine in the celebration oORT Sabbath November 15 b.the 65,000 members of Women's American ORT, The aimof the project being the presentation of the ORT message tthe non-ORT community alarge. Mrs. Meyer Trabermanfiectlon education chairman .overall chairman, and the arechairman are: Mrs. ArnolBeerman, Mrs. Mark BinsteiiCarter.et; and Mrs. HermaRappaport, Clark.

Cubs of Pack 16Receive Awards

COLONIA—Cub Tuck 46 an-nounced plans for the pack toultviul a sliowiiiu of "How theWest Was Won," November 2.Buses will leave from School 17lit 12:30 I>. M.

Awards w r e made at the lastmeeting as follows: Wolf tjadgeto Steven Emery, KennethOfist, Lawrence Hofmann,Kickey Kendall, Mitchell Pal-mer, John Sanders, MichaelSali, Steven W^iss.

Hear badge to Paul Cohen.John Pamula, Michael' Piser-chia and Mark Shudlock.

Gold arrows to Steven Culler-tun. M m Pamula, KennethGi-ibl, Uii:key Randall, Mitchell1'itlmer, Mark Shedloek, WalterHpeiniley

Uilvt-r mi own to Btewtt Clll-li-ikm. Hickey Kendall, Walter

Fire Croup

article of food and 50 centswhich they are to bring to their

•den meeting.! Slclts were presented by Densjl, 3 and 4. Mrs. Joan Miller'siDen 1 presented "Halloween";Den 3 with Mrs Paul Chomlak,leader, presented "The Conven-tional Ghost" and Mrs. Louis

iKantor's Den 4 enacted "Leg-'end of Sleepy Hollow." Den 3jwon the honor fla« for the bestskit.

The attendance flag was wonby Den 3. While the childrenplayvd sanies, parents enjoyeda get-arqiiflintfd game. "Who

tn I?"Cubmaster Stuart. Helnbach

Introduced Walter Brack whopresented the following awards:'Bobcat pins to Joseph Catarella.Santa Nardi, Charles Olah,David Stltt. Anthony Iufflnoand Michael Fedor. Michael

ISELIN — A meeting of theadies Auxiliary of the Cbemlril Hook and Ladder Co.. DIs-•ict 11, was held Thursday,Ith Mrs. Vincent King presid-g.Mrs. Joseph Maloney was

4- a*-.a.,iiew member.11 members who are now ell-Ible for uniforms are asked tointact Mrs. Dominic Savasta.Appointed to the committee

j work with a committee oflie firemen on the joint tnstal-itlon dinner were: Mrs John'aullkas, chairman; Mrs, Al[ignore, Mrs. Joseph Hutte.Jignore, Mrs. Joseph Hutte

mann, and Mrs. Thomas.BurkeA committee was also ap-

lolnted for. the fifth annualfew Year's Eve dance, spon-sored this ye»r jointly with theIre company. They are: MrsCharles Kamenas, chairman;Mrs, Joseph Maloney, Mrs. 8a-rasta. and Mrs. PauHkas. Tick.its and information may be se:ured from Charles Kamenas,

e A rtime tfo, has rnmplrted hisinitial bkal« mllltarr train-Ini i t Uckland AFB, T r i .He is ft 1962 (radnato ofW o o d b r l d g f Senior IU(hSchool.

Father's NightHeld by PTA 15

ISELIN—Father's Night washeld at School 15, by the PTA,•Monday night. Each father at-tending was gtvpn a surprise'or his child.

Benny Perrlcone, legislative•halrman, spoke on the bond

October 27, Men's Club meet-ing: October 2«, Sisterhoodgeneral meeting; October 30.!theater party, sponsored hyjthe Sisterhood; Molly PI™" lMi"Milk and Honey" at the Pa-per Mill Playhouse, MilUmin:

rtnher 31, Bingo !November 1, Class Kimr ofl

Hebrew School to rondiirt Fri-day rvTnlng nervlrrs: Nnvcm-ber 4. Adult Educntion <1n. >vs.8:30 to 10 p.m.: Novsmbrr S.United Synagogue Youth, 7 to9 pm,: No Hebrew KCIUMI on;the Bth: November R, Ameri-can .Jewish Congress ni'-e-iing;November 7, Bingo; Nnvmher11, Sisterhood board mrct.lng.(no Hebrew School hrr-wisr ofVeteran's Day) and Pre-I'SYmeeting from 7: SO to 8 • 30 p.m.;November 12. Trrn Age DIscusslon Oroup from 5:30 t.) 7|p.m.; United Syn»Ri>gne Youth!IBoard meeting from 71« 9 p m .jand Knights of Pythias meet-

g.November 14. Bingo; Novem-

|ber 15, Uni t ed S y n a g o g u eYouth will conduct F r i d a ynight services; November 17.

J Hold fc^Rxempt Fire

theU FiiTiiir,,,

baiiquct Sal in,i;,.at Wh

Aml»nHnnorlnu |,

C o i m i v R,.,MII1 ;|',

Ins n m c r u of ih,State Fircni.n'William DII'MII ;,

Martin, s^rrpi,Treeti, Ircanin-,,,Drvniirnpy, oy,,, ,I f member Hid',.

t n i n r r T I , . , .hum and Pi;,,,;

••• h i' " «!•»

'A .


w , in: vvfirst vino prc,':i,|,



AT I1OMF PARTY- The Republican candidates standing (rifht to leftl I)»v»d MJHer.Fred Adams John Hmrhn. Richard Helm and William Kcltel are ihown with Mmc of

l h T r u « t " a t « ' ' K o l T f r K U I c h » h r l d » t l I i e h o i M of Mr. and M« . WUtar French, 294Charles Street. Iselin.

ber IB, United S y n a g o g u e|Youth meeting, 7 to 9 p.m.; No-vember 21, Bingo; November24, Men's Club; November 25.Sisterhood general meeting,

and Michael FFedor also was awarded the as-ilstant denner badge.

Wolf badges were awarded toJohn Wallace, Stephen DuBarry, Alnsley Long and Mi-shael O'Brien. Golden and sil-ver arrows were presented toJohn Wallace, Stephen DuBarry and Arthur Frelish. Goldarrow recipients were RichardOlah and Michael O'Brien.Alnsley Loag^ received a silver

arrow."The World of Sound"


be featured at the November 19meeting.

chairman for the firemen.Officers nominated were:

Mis, Edward Jankowskl, andMrs. King, president; Mrs. Ka-menas, and Mrs. Paulllcas, vice-president; Mrs. Donald Wal-ters^ secretary; Mrs. Burke andMis. Maloney. treasurer; Mrs,William Duick, Mrs. SavastaMrs. Melvin Jelllson, tu.d MrsQeorge Conklin, trustees

Election will take place athe next meeting, Novembe son won the

door prize.

special father's

Get off to an early startJOIN FIRST SAVINGS'


for1964Weekly classes

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Small sums saved weeklyreally add up! You'll receiveevery dollar in your Club uc-count.

PLUS DIVIDENDS!'»ld on all completed Chrlitrnji Clubs


Lion budge to Steven Cul-lertou.

One, two, and three year \Amwent to William Dacey, AndrewKondracki, Thomas Ruchalski,Lee Wllhelni, Steven KelUm,Hcult Maruni, Henry Bostovski.Matthew Pelkgrlno, Paul Cu-lien, Mark Qletter, Jolm t'u-mula, Craig Bersuk. Qlcn Pal-iner, Mrs. MHUccnt Qlettt-r,Mrs KlHUie Bersak, and Mrs.,C»rol Abioan, den mothers.

1 Miner stripes went to Hte-M u h'nury, John SandersDavid Klein, Larry, Stern, Ste-v.-u Liebcsklnd, Mitchell PaJ'uin

• A <ka chief end, w u H « TMiiiUid to P»ul i ^ n i i i and «|i«pprtclatton plaque to i/btMarge Famuli. At a ceremonyBrtidiey Ridowakl and'Robert/.obuionski were graduiifrom an- Weblog and lntro-iiund lo thu Sooutmuter of

SAVE FOE 50 WEEKS$ .50 weekly

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339 State Street, Perth Mmpoy535 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge

980 Amboy Avenue, EdisonI AH Otfte** IXrttT- >» i iM . I I « l l « * | f

wt rtAiuue a. i. LOAU»Inittn* to |i«,Hi by V. t. Outtrau»i>t itMktj •

(issue,After th« business meeting,

AYS. William Hart, program:hairman, Introduced the guestspeaker, Dr. L. P. Ouerney, re-search associate at the Psy-chological Clinic of RutgersUniversity, Dr. Querney's sub-ject WM "Role of the Fatherin the Family," pointing outthe role of the father )n to-day's world.

Mrs. Robert Argalas, char-acter and spiritual chairman,opened the- business -meetingwith a prayer, Stephen Szlln-sky, principal was presentedwith a check to purchase nrwbooks for the student library.

Plans are being made toIsponsor a square dance No-Ivember 9 at the VFW HallFred O'Brien, caller, will befeatured, Prizes will be givenand refreshments served. MrsDonald Crilly, president, writla in charge of tickets, said thaionly 100 tickets will be available. Tickets will be sold UPTA members first.

Mrs, Henry Happcl won thedoor prize and Robert Donald-1 I """•

'ovember 18, Adult Educationlass, 8:30 to 10 p.m.; Novem-


and Pre-USY; November 26.Congregation Board meeting,USY Board meeting; Teen-AgeDiscussion Oroup, and Knightsof Pythias; November 27, Bin-

go, held on Wednesday nightas regular Bingo night, Thurs-day, is Thanksgiving; and No-vember 30, barn dance. *pon-sored by Sisterhood.

| dent.

i mn 11

I Pa t ten, lu-Min i),jCotnmttteeman .in.lone, will be am-n(Which wW KIM, ;I

jmayors of Prith \ ;

Amboy and Edbm,Mr. Dugan u;i| ;

speaker. Walter \hv(field, will Rft us il,.,.monies. The Riv <Perth Amboy, v::prayer.

Entertalnmfi:iMonk Watson »:.<:show.




Sirloin Porieriidise

CORNED BEEFEttmiir ctn

55P«rf*d Partnar








IIMIT OM m ACKHI - cnAMiin. io«xcro. un. _iiquoi _>i mm MIU P I W ncm uuo ani 5

Oood t1m» Sol, Oct, 29tk 1=1


mx tft, NBK m-MTt, nn,CMMU1E viHRUA SIVS

yomotoia •«<•



SamsoniteFolding Chair

•3.99wrri sn m i if K«ma TIKI

A tKULAft »«.tS VALUf



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rCentitiaer tmt» &




kt l i t i t t ! si* i i« KI , - ) * - FRE

•Yor' Garden ftMcn


APHESCMTUM ^ i . ^ O f

MJi.1,2M"li*4#kaf A # (



I/OUIU UtllKOtHISWANi/auiu uti

" A l l " 3 b 1 u *A L L pk, J

COHPIHtiu luUl


62c 35c WISK JJI-I




Bkmi sntam


77' COLD WATER "ALL" — - 7 3 *ttMfM lOUi I'UUfOH Al flMAll IIUI HAIlOHAl




FOOD -S5S 10 ",89cKX» - l «. ^ t iw nt

TRA 4« " ^




430 Rahway AveuueWOODR1DGE

775 Rooaevelt AveuueUUTEKET

Menlo Park Sliopi'"?MENU) VI

Page 5: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

indrprndent-Leader (E.B.) - Carteret Press Thundty, October 24, 1963 PAOBFIVE

Town Seeks Federal AidFor Storm Drainage Plan[jl |-H K. IIO< HUEROER

" S i E - S WAODBRIDOI'-.-, v'nd Avenue, North I " a ^ stRPs to secure additionalL,.,,,pri

: si'ur" Fin formerly ! f l n a n c l a l assistance for prep- i a a v l s e a '„ Ami>o'y nnd area, whoi a r a U o n of Plans to develop a

at St. Peters-1,11 br hold Saturday., io:On, at the Qrnlner

p acomplete storm drainage sys-tem In the Township, weretakvn by the Township Com-mittee Tuesday.

The KOvernhiK body approved11 resolution d

Home, 44 Green Street,, Mcx Nemeth, pastor

Kir s i Presbyterian Ia fp»'»t1on Indicating thatnr Woodbridge, officl- t l?ey a.cc«Pt(>tl the preliminary

lluriiil willivni-.'trry,

in i i y

be In Fair p l a n a fOr s u c h a Project pre-iled Bank. p a r c d b v E>sori T. Klllnm Asso-

rnll beginning this c l a t M o t Millburn and by doing7 no Visiting hours!80 requested the federal KOV-nnd 7 to 10 .M. [eminent to accept the plans

!as well.

This committee Btrlngly urges" " t

gya "yes" vote on the Bondbecause of Its sound and goodbusiness to "build now" andpay later" with funds that

will be available from the turn-pike.

School HeadsAt Confabs

andmil moved to Florida.na mi' his widow. Mll-


the Township can apply for addltlonal planning aid for theproject or begin actual con-struction

The plans, prepared by Kil-GROSSMAN p p y KllFuneral services!'81™- w e r e u « result of a $100,-


lirne i Frank! Gross-rars of age. Dcmorest

000 federal planning loan re-ceived earlier in the year and

id i * who died ye8 - i m u s t b e Paid back when actualConstr t i f h

and administrator!have been very busy this week

Monday throunh yesterdaySuperintendent of School Pat'rick A. Boylan and Assistan1

Superintendent Thomas QDesmond attended the conven-tion of the N. J. School Superlntendents Association,

fcv 'ii Ml Slnal Hospital Construction of the project1 Mr. Boylan was director olYnrk City, will be held'*-*'* UI«»erway.

3:00, at tlle! Accm'aing to Mayor Zirpolo,,one discussion p e r i o d on"School Construction" which0, at tile y p ,

FunerBl Home. Hihe f l l l a l Project, which will.t.t WoodbrldgefWlthl1"011"10 Improving the channels

a ' o n 8 t l l W d b l d Ri

proved beneficial to rftanyperlntendents whose schoolterns are about to undertaki\\ ^simuei' Newber*ger"<o'ra'on8 the Woodbrldge River,,

lion Adath Israel.ithe S ( ^ l h Branch of the Rah-, mansion programs. Since

dnrt' orflciatinK BurialBeth Israel Ceme-

way River, Pumpkin Patch |Woodbridge is presently In thiid t f 1 1 0 0 0

i ci'used was a: for 25 years. She washer of Congregation

II! and belonged alsomod and'Haflassall of

i" venation. •!i.' fire her husband,

,i tl.iushter, Karen, and


Brook and their tributaries,will go a long way In reducingIM4 -elllnUtftUBf theconditions that occurTownship.

Tha mayor Indicated thatthis .project was on* of many"long range project* that arebeing contemplated to elimi-nate our problems and proper-ly plan our future growth."

midst of a 110,000,000 programthe largest In the state, MrBoylan's-talk- w&s baud on per

th^lsonal experiences,

Ni.rman and David;. According to the EngineeringMrs. Roy Rlchen- Department, present thinkingMrs. Blanche Ur - | i s to go back to the federal gov-tvo brothers E d ' f•'in: 'wo brothers, Ed-1 eminent for

:,k. Clifton, and Rich- planning loan ck I'.isfialc. ton approves the

WINTERnuiilDOE — Funeral

r ii- Henry Winter, 61.'rii Street, who died

Lawyersiibre today, 1:00, ait!•!• Funeral Home, 44'

si net, with Rabbi

Applicants(Continued from Page I!

through public contributions.A direct financial responsl

billty of the local chapterU> provide the fee required tbring the foreign student fromabroad to participate in th

°"ui"""a'jWoodbrldge High School pro. . . . , g ' |gram, The host family In thi

' p i a n s ' Township does not receive anfinancial aid. The fee, set tthe non-profit American Pie'8erviee is established on th

| basis of transportation, ad



and Incidents

In endorsing these candl-latei Mr. Smith said: "Therere some good men and womenow In public office who, whenunnlnir for reelection, lack

mpaiirn funds without Rtrlngsttached to them. Some new-omerfl who would be outstand-ig, capable public servants arel«coura«ed from running forubllc offlre because they willot accept campalRii funds

'rom favor-seeking sources."To remedy this situation, fi-

anoial old from New Jobs IsIven without strings and with-iut exacting any commitmentsrom the recipient. This is awmpalgr) fund to which qulal-ed candidates may turn for

assistance without concernbout 'obligations' which mightetter their freedom of actionn office after the election."


! A financial appeal Is now be-WOODBRIDOE - G Nlcho-!1"* m a d e to t h o s e interested in

let N**betitw--ef-€on»re--|Bs--vrn«?zra71cBaTFiSBn'iorithe7lw'wortof the local group toIi Israel offlclatltiK. 3tat« Wide Lawyers Commit-• promote international good willbe In Beth Israel tee for the Bond Issue today t° Kn^ ^ e ^ r contributions to

Fred , Buntenbach, treasurer,Woodbridge National Bank,

• i ; l l

announced that David Pavlov-was proprietor .sky, 528 N>w Brunswick Ave-

7 Questions(Continued from Page 1>

the state in the amount o:1475 million for the construeIon and improvement of pub

He roads and highways.The third question grants an

•nnual deduction not to excee$50 from the tax bill for taxe'or veterafis and their wldowinstead of the $500 exemption assessed valuation of th<property.

Question 4 deals with reducing residence requirements olvoters, from 60 to 40 days in thicounty and makes citizens pithe United States, residents othe state and county for 4'days eligible to vote for presIdent and vice-president.

An annual deduction not \>exceed $80 from the tax billprovided1 for residents of thstate over 65 years of age, lrstate question 5. Heretoforisenior citizens were granted a:$800 exemption from thesessed valuation of their property.

State question S, if passe<pernllts land used in agricultureto be valued for local tax pu:poses according to the vShsuch land has for such purpoibut provides for the paymenof additional taxes if the Ianis used thereafter for non

(agricultural purposes.The local question, if ap

proved; wUl permit the Township to take over the presenlbrarles and form a Municip:

Library System.

r Brothers Wayside nue, Fords, and RobertShop, Route 1, for Vogel, 109 Oreen Street, are

the nameHe pioneered In of-'among the attorneys of,' .-.lores on highwayistate who will serve on thei tills area. Formerly Lawyers Committee for the|:-:. lie had been a resi^Bond Issue. 'A'podbrldge since 1951. Mr. Venezla staled that thei nrmbcr of the New committee hud pledged itself: '.ail Furniture A*so.jto-a 4ly.es" vote on the Bondi!!•(• Woodbrldse Lion!1 Issue and the purpoas of theid of Congregationxommittee Is to contact the*"1"1

M ] W o old b r i d g e , New' Checks should be drawn in the

ol Woodbrldge SeniorHigh School Chapter, AmericanField Service.

Award Goesft.om P f t g e l v

' o r m e r l y

more than 5,000 attorneys m; d e n t of J-ohnson ttnd J<>hna°n-are his widow, tlie state and supply them with

salt/man i; a stepson/information on the Bond Issue

Board of Trustees include,

53 until 1963. He polned thtimpany In 193S u an auo-ate general solicitor and rosetrough the positions of gen-al attorney and general so-fter.Mr. Smith was president Ofie American Bar Associationom August, 1963 until August,63. He Is a past chairman of

ie House of Delegates of theBA and has twice been chalr-ian of its ruleR and calendarimmlttee. He Is chairman ofie Committee on the Expan-on Of Facilities of The Anirrl-an Bar Foundation.He Is president of the Burrm

Municipal Research in Newrk, a past president of thrj^yVarren County Bar Assoclaion, the N w Jersey Bar Assoatlon, and'the Association of j,lfe Insurance Counsel. He iajmember of the Essex County

Jar Association, the Americanudlcatyre Society, the Inter-merlcan Bar Association, thessoclatlon of the Bar of the

City of New York, and the In-ernatlonal Bar Association.

Mr. Smith is currently counsel in the law firm of Carpen-er, Bennett and Morrlssey,Newark.

and Mrs. Martin Br»nn»n, for-m»r president of WettehtiterGounty (N, Y.) League of Wo-man Votori.

T h a National MunicipalLeague, co-sponsor of thaawards competition, Ii a 69-year-old non-partisan cltlRens'organisation founded by Theodore Roosevelt, Louis Brandelsand others to help cltlmns im-prove local, county and stategovernment and to encourageparticipation by all cltlwns Inpublic affairs.

The jury hearing* will beopen to the public and, ac-cording to the National Munl-

League will be coveredthe photographers

and receive extensive nationalcoverage,

Woodbrldge will be allowed a-minute oral presentation,ter which there will be ques-itw by the Judges. The pre-ntation must be based on the

ocount given by the •Businessid Professional Woman'* Clubid the Jaycees which accom-

panied their nomination.The jury will select the 11tuners from among tho 22naltats after careful investl-

Mr. Btail* eiplalned that1

under the new method, tha lay-ing of itonM, dust and asphaltU oombined Into OM operation,a technique which up until nowwas believed technically notfeasible. It also allows vehiclesto use the streets while it Isbeing paved.

Project W.A.M. was de-veloped because of the need tofind a way of overcoming theWoodbrld«e clay which makesroad construction extremeljdifficult.

"Our results are much betterthan anticipated," said BeagleWe m»y really bi on to lome-

thlng which will revolution^the design and construction ofroads."

AVENEL PERSONALS~The Avenel Woman's Club

held a bus trip to New Yorklast night to »ee, "She LovesMe." The group had dinner atRosoff's.

-Mr. andPadavano, 44


2 PalrolmiMiwe were surrounded byiceme«i" he declared.

Lewis U out on $500 bail andBouska posted a bond of $1,000.Prank was sent to the CountyJall-uimble -to post $500 bondDate will be set shortly for apreliminary hearing.

Plait of' Union a and to urge a "yes" vote. He^ahony . Troast Construction'sis- further stated that one of thejC,0-,James F ^ " 0 ? ^ 1 ? ™ ?

tId.uiKhtiT. Debora: a .,„,

• S-irah Lerman. Irv- most important reasons thismil two brothers, Al- committee is behind Oov. Rich-

| Wmter. Irvington and aid J. Hughes program Is (IKla:: Wintvr* Woodbridge.

chairman of Port of New YorkAuthority: Charles W. Encel-hard, chairman of the Board

Bond Issue(Continued from Page 1)

of the Law Revision and Legis-lative Services Commission andis the Senate representative toand the senior member of thcState Tax Policy Commission.

He was also chairman of thelegislative group which pro-duced the property assessmentreform leRislatton from 11)47

us chairmancommission

which conducted tlie recent in-quiry Into the rising costs ofhospital administration andhospital service plans. He Ischairman of the legislative

V Ordinance

tact that it presently provides;of Engelhard Industries; Albert a r o u p u n o u t ^ f . s t a u . taxationt l l e u r ( ! e n t needs for funds tojP. Metz, former chairman of o f N e w J e r s v y resideiits. whichl n e e t N t 'w J e r s ey capital con-the Board of the Okonite Coni- | C o m m l s s l o i l s i n M 1 9 5 7 h f l s

L F M d i

Claypit Project(Continued from Pane 1)

Woodbrldge recently and washighly Impressed with the com-munity, IU projects and par-ticularly its potential forplanning,

Mr. Harris further said tha1

(he Initial presentation of th<\V- project will be made

Monday at 11 A.M. before thisenior advanced planning de>lgn class taught by Dr. Edward B, Wllkens.

The final preparations fo:thc project will be made at ameeting tomorrow between thimayor, Dr. Hodgell and thstaff el thc -RedcvelopmcnAgency.

As a result of Rutgers selecting the claypit protect, Woodbridge will have a completesurvey and planiiiiiR at no cofto the Township.

Lopal Delegation(Continued from Page 1)

peting With YYoodbrldge in-clude Alersmlm, Va., AsbnryPark, N. J,; Aztec, New Mex-ico; CoIumDus, Indiana; Cor-pus Chrifiti, Texas; DavisCalif., Kansas City, Mo,; Lincoin, 111., Louisville, Ky.MinneapciU.s. Minn.; Oi

City, Pa.; Kosevillc, Calif.:Seward, AUfeka; Sidney, O.University City, Mo.; Water-bury, ('uiiii., mid WoodstockIII.The committee whkh sclecte

l n e e t N t w J e r s y p | C o m m l s s l o i l s i n M 1 9 5 7 h f l s b P e n

structlon program. To accom-jpany; Lannon F. Mead, prf.si |b u s i]y ,Mi(;aged In tryiriK to ob-d dt f Ri C L d

. . _ . structlon program. To accomjpany; Lannon F. Mead, p r s i | b u s i ] y ,Mi(;aged In tryiriK to ob-Intniuett I I I P M H I V pltsh this the governor had pro-,dent of Regina Corp., Leonard | t B i n f a j r p i a y for New Jersey

'd h t h d t h a t C Johnson president of N J j i d t ki i N Y kbODBRiDOE -• An ordi-e g p , | n a j r p y f N w Jrseys«me method that;C Johnson, president of N. J.jresidents working in New York

f A i t Jving the Urban Re-Hhe committee is certain attor^JManufnrturcrs Association: Jo-ney's would reccommend to cli- [seph E. McLean, former Com-cnts a sound business, i.e., the jmissloner of Economic Devel-

...„. ..„ ..borrowing of money and the is-jopment In Governor Meyner's•ading .at a special[suance of bonds for capital im-thp Township Com-jprovement at a wry low rate

commonlyBowtle In

|R .idiiiR. was Introduced

0 •-• r a mProject

cabinet. Several Republicansand Democrats throughout the

and Pennsylvania. He Is amember of the special SenateCommission investigating thePort of New York Authority.

Sylvester C. Smith, Jr., wasgeneral counsel of the Pruden-

Tursday. lof interest, Mr. Venezia also'state were given tlie awards. tial Insurance Company from

Mrs. TheodoreMltohell Place,P a d v ,

are the parents of a baby girlborn October 18 «t St. Eliza-beth's Hospital.

—A reception welcoming Mrand Mrs. Pedro Santos fromOuba to Woodbrldtt Townshipw»s held Sunday rvpnlnii at thsFirst Presbyterian Church

—Gunnmmate John Pennyson of Mrs. Joseph Kenny,

'George Street, was home forAdams Assails(Continued on Paie 5. \the weekend. The Navy man Is

stationed on thr Compion De-not make IU report until after,'t a t N o w p o r l i R . 1.election and their ncommmda-; j j

ation. The names of the wln-cities and the account of

,helr award-wlnninK activities111 be canried not only Iiook Magazine but by thc Na-onal Civic Review, other pub-Icatlon and on radio and tele-ialon. There will be. no an-ouncement of tlie winners athe e»nf«rencf. Notification ofhe winners will not be madentll the early part of th,* year.

High Courtfflclency resulted. We are

elwtlon and their recommenda-;tloiu will not be binding

If Zirpolo was so concernedabout the expense of govern-ment (Which would certainlybe an about turn for him) hewould accept my proposalwhich Is as follows.

<a> A committee should becomposed of 10 men, j Demo*craU of his choice, 3 Republi-ciui.s i>f my choice, threechurchmen representing tliethree major faiths and Dr. Mil-ler, a highly respected Prince-ton professor.

ib> The committee report/ould be presented prior tolection.

(«) A written pled*'.1 In bentered Into between Zlrixilo

and myself publicly cortifyingthat If either of us are electedwe will abide by the -committee^commendation In this entire

j Y o m w o f j u n | O

high age, wishing to unite withthe First Presbyterian Churchwill begin communicant Instructions with the Rev. Dr. C8. MacKenzle. pastor, Saturday

—A dinner party was helcSaturday fit the homo of Mrand Mrs. Bruce McKee. Dartmouth Avenue, in honor of thibirthdays of the cnupln. Guest

Included: Miss Esther McKee,Jtaten Island; Mr. and Mrs.Mbert McKet, Avon Park, Fla.;Mr. and Mrs. Albert McKee and

, Scott and Caryl Tren-Spendlng the wwkend with

he McKees1 daughter, June,was Jeatiette Hyde, (laughter ofMr. mid Mrs Fred Hyde, for-merly of Awwl, now residingn Bowie, Md.

—The Sub Junior Woman'sClub of Avenel mrets today at1:SO P. M. at the home of Mrs.Brucr McKee, Dartmouth Ave-nue, club advisor.

—The C.Y.O. of St. Andrew'sChurch will lecelve Holy Com-munion in a body at the 9:30A. M. Mass, Sunday.

—The. Ladles' Auxiliary ofthe Avenel Memorial Post,V.F.W., meets Monday at 9P. M. at thc Maple Tree Farm.

—Helping to celebrate th ibirthday of James V. Mazza,Qeorite Street,tras his wife

Monday nightand children,a

Owenn, Jamie and Vlnny andMr. and, Mrs Russell Snowfleld,Madison Avanue.

onvjnced that the Townshipaction accomplished exactlyihat result."

Concluding the declaiontates:The Case of East Orange

v, Civil Service Commission. on which Amodio relies,

,s completely distinguishable:economy was found not to bethe motivating considerationand the office In question re-mained in existence. The officeof purchasing agent here ha;not continued In existence. Allof the functions and duties ofthat office have been trans-ferred to the business admln-.strator, without additional costand with increased effective-ness and efficiently thetion of the Civil Service Com-mission is therefore affirmed,

Join Now...campaign.

Zirpolo has been running!away from Issues hiding behindhis ghost writer's insinuationsand false accusations. It is ob-vious to anyone who Is of In-dependent thought and not awheel In the political machineof Zirpolo that he has treatedthis watered salary committee!purely as another publicitygimmick without substance,force of law or service to thecommunity.

Beagle Paving(Continued from Page 1)

less money than the old convcntlonal method.

Called Project W.A.M. —Woodbridge Accelerated Meth-od—by Mr. Beagle, theship Engineer explainedhis new technique will permit,the paving of a 1500 foot streetInwhere

Record Made(Continued from Page 1)

and permitted them to slip toa position where they found itextremely difficult. to fulfilltheir purposes.

"They ignored our Police De-partment by falling to con-struct a desperately needed newbuilding and worse — theyignored the public by fallingto make sure that the communi- Jty received the type of protec-tion it deserved.

"The Adams record is clear."

the 22 flnnllsts included Bay-ard H. Faulkner, former mayorof Montclair, chairman; Charl-ton Chute, Graduate School otPublic Administration.York University;Knox, memberCouncil,Frederick L, Zimmerman, pro-fessor

We'll carry t\\e ball..

from Kindergarten to College

Seems like a long time between Kindergarten and College.

Actually, these years will slip by all too lastl It's not too early

now to sta/f' saving on regular schedule for your child's


For every banking need you can count on First Bank and

Trust Company. Hire you will find financial services to

benefit every membef of the family. '

Clirst BankI


New Jersey


Mayor Zirpolo.

neglect and negativism.a record of no accomplishments.It Is a record that was not good

a maximum of three days, for Woodbrldge two year agothe conventional and certainly won't be any good

the same street wouldtake from seven to 10 days.

Citing Pitman Street In Fordsas an example, Mr. Beagle said Bower Named

"Ithis streut took only three day'' to pave completely as compared (Continued from Page

to seven to ten days and cost land, Oregon, now resides with20 cents a square yard less than his wife and three children atthe conventional method.

According to Mr. Beagle theWall has been president of

Hartford, Conn., construction involves the lay- California Oil Company sinceing of 2'/i inches of stone, dust

Perth Amboy In 1056. Prior toHunter College, New York City operations. In addition, vehicu- 1958 Wall had served in many

phases of tha marketing opera-ti f S t ' i ' d d Oil Ctions of Sta'ri'dard Oil Company

use roads while they were being of California, He resides at 61Druid Hill Road, Summit.



North o[An j time juu huve a question aboutPlumbing & Heating there Is one>ou can cuunt on for dependable help.Just come to our store and ask us.




Both Ill White and Colon

Water Heater30-U»l


For BttterU Purposes

AUTOMATICf oU«V«Bi*lji Tub (cut


All Colon In StockCoiii|ileti



ClubIS NOW OPEN!Spread more Christmas cheer next year. Haveenough extra money to enjoy a wonderfulwinter holiday, too. You can do both, simplyby saving a convenient amount regularly theChristmas Club way. It's easy and it's fun.Join now. We'll welcome you as a member.

SELECT YOUR CLUB FROM I S LIST50c a week for 50 weeks pays $ 25.00*

S 1.00 a week for 50 weeks pays ¥ 50.00*$ 2.00 a week for 50 weeks pays $100.00*$ lt.00 a week for 50 weeks pays $150.00*$.5.00 a week for SO weeks pays $250.00*$10.00 a week for 50 weeks pays $500.00*


1963 CLUB MEMBERSNo payments will be accepted after

rriday, November 8tb. Make sureyour dub is paid up!



JI -15 Cooke Avenue, CarteretKI 1-5445

am * y yt»ch month 7:00 to 9;S( fjf,

Page 6: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

PAGE SIXThursday, October 24, 1963 Independent-Leader (E.B.) .


RF.WAHEN ..Fiinrr.1r«r M;« nn,co .Brown

years. He WM a parishioner ofSt. Stephen's Church. PerthAmboy and wai a member ofthe KftM Poamyrtna Society

d the PolishUnion.

Surviving aMacdelina 'Schult*>: ntid a

Many ReceivePack's Awards

& htxil svMrm and head of the!bffisifir instruction department,Tim dird Friday mornMu?,infvnh Amboy General Hospital,<i i<Tf lirld Monday morning »ttiif firrinrr Funeral Horm?. 44(ir i :i Street. Woodbrldge. with rOLONIA—Clib Park 30 ofn ?nirmn h;ah Mass of requiem colonta held Its monthly inert-«: si Anthonys church, Porting at School -20 openlns withTV.iriinc Bur:al was in 8t. Ger-the salute to the flap led by!:-;ir1r"s (vmi'irry, colonla. 'James Garrett; nnd the Cub

Mr? neber was the widow of Scout Promise. Cubmaster Hob-nr srvmnir C Debrr She wsslert MftrynowsVi appealed to tlirborn in YVoodbrldrr and had boys to keep up with Oib Ad-resuirri :n this area all her llfe.jvancements. such as InspectionSin i m a mrmber of St. An-r^wards, for the benefit of newUioiv. s church. Port Readme, points.

SII;-V:\:I:- ,i:-«:wo sisters. Mrs.! T h p cubmasU. explained•nr H -''i'v and Mi.<s Auties h o w rtues are spent—re-rt'Ris-

n i " ' ' ' tration, 50 cents; $1.50 forBoy's Life Magazine; 75 cents.

i s . Ai ioi .ni ZAI.KSKI insignia; handicraft material.JSFWAHI'N Fiinrml services S1..00; reserve fund, 50 cents; a

\i:\- r-'loivnce iGodlcski) $5.00 a year total which covers:. HiiO Cliff Road, who110 months of the year and doi-sM Thursday at her home, not cover Insurance and the'

Itr iirld Monday morning at cost of the meeting room. After• lki! Funeral Home, 513 ttir cubmaster's explanation,

atr Street. Perth Amboy, with parents voted to-increase theeqtiirni Mass at St. Stephen's dues.

(wrrh. Perth Amboy, Burial A "Circle of the Square Cere-in Sacrrd Heart Cemetery, mony" was held with the In-

>urg. ]duction of the Bobcats, • Glenf A former resident d Pesth " " " ' " ' " - ' - - ' -

. the deceased had re-(Itlrd in Sewaren IB years andjras a parishioner of St. Ste-brn'.s rhtirrh. Pert.h Amboy.SurviviiiR arr her husband,

Adolph; a daughter, Mrs. RuthCotiRtilin, Miami, Pla.; a son,Rohrrt, Carteret; four grand-children; her mother, Mrs.Anna Godleski. Sewaren, Mrs.Helen Hnat of Rahway; fivebrothers, John, Edward and

RCA Plant Earns Sifoer jFire AuxiliaryPlaque for United Fund Nominates Slate

iswIiiMryHnii iai i

iJIDGE — Initial past, but also to convince, new-uifts received from comers and those previously

in the United Fund-.not. renrlied that the 16 UnitedBay Area rnmpalgn Fund agencies must have their

ninnini! about 5 percent support.,v last vrar, It has born re- —

; lii'tinns were made at nDutch treat" luncheon at

Ivnnv Acres

Rehrar$al SaturdayFor 1963 DebutantesWOODBRIDOE — A ??cond

Rnrilo corporation of Amrrl- rehearsal for the 1963 Debu-i-;i. Avi-nrl, lias earned Its third l g n t M w1n be hvld Saturdaysilver plaqw in a row; for av-j afternoon at five o'clock atiTiiisinK $10 gr more per em- t n p Mfldfllne Andre SchoolplmvMn their contrlbutln. of Dancing, Avenel Street,

With tills exception, returns! Avenel. according to an an-to (lair have generally bv-enfrom the corporations them-1

However, reports lndl-that employee sollclta-

selvesc:\lidI urn

nlunccmvnt made by DalePoHur*, chairman of Debu-tanU's,

Miss Andre, as choreogra-

Thrin I T I i uThursday, October 31.

UNITED M M ) WARD- Thr Wnndbridgp RCA plant was presented with a silver plaque,for the third MirrrsMvr year. Above Walter MfBrtdr. rhalrman of the United Fund Indus-tries Division JIITSMIIN a special citation to Kenneth Lawrence. Left and Andy Starare "fthe plant for employer g\H to the I'nlted Fund campaign, averaging more thnn Slfl prremployee.

Pietruski, rMalcolm MeEwanand Robert Hochrun.' SkiU were presented by the

dens as follqws:Den 1—Mafce Believe—"Lit-

tle Boy and His Toy Soldiers";Dens 2 and 3, Hand Puppets(Halloween Theme': Den 4,Plaques "Cub Scout Promise";Den 6, Halloween Spirit.

Den 1 received ths attend-ance award and the other

j awards included:i Den 1—Mark Manes, Wolf



wrvices for Joseph (Gawczyn-skit Gaiwy, 587 Linden Avenue,who died Monday night atPerth Amboy General Hospital,wilt-be he-Id this 'morning; * 3 0at the Zylka Funeral Home,513 State Street, Perth Amboy,with a solemn high Mass ofrequiem at 9:00 at St. Ste-phen's Church there. Burialwill be In the church cemetery.

A former resident of Perthj .Amboy, the deceased had re-

i Hochrun, Bobcat Pin, WolfiBook; Tom Sheppard.Gold Ar-row; Tom Palumbo, WolfBadge; Mtrrk lehlmg, WolfBadge.

Den 2—Guy Geler, Gold Ar-row, Bear Book; James Peter-son, Bear Book.

Elders Continue'Church Nights'WOODBRIDGE — A series

of "Know Your Church Nights"is being continued by the Eldersof t h e First PresbyterianChurch of Woodbridge. Thepurpose of this program is toget the members of the churchacquainted with the programfor the coming year. During theprogram, slides of the. churchin action are shown and theElders speak to the members oft h e congregation concerningtheir part in the program ofthe church There are 2ft sep-arate meetings scheduled thiS|year in various homes with ap-proximately 30 Elders leading.

Taking part are DonaldAaroe, Kenneth Rechnltzer, W.Burnham Gardner, WilliamC s e t e , W e s l e y Helselberg,

rnw Lockie, -Albert JBear Badge; Thomas Savichas,

Silver Arrows; Frank Mez-gleoski Three Silver Arrows,Webelos Badge, Two Year Pin;James Oarrett, Lion Book: Asst.Denner Stripe, Bear Badge,Gold Arrow; Ronald Mezgliu-ski, One Year Pin, Bear Book

in Woodbridge s e v e n ' and Silver Arrow.

[secretary; David McElhcimy,treasurer; Jean Salsebury andJames Clark, representatives toYouth Board of Finance.

The Senior HI UPY meets 7p.m. The '-fcoiite will be "Chris-tian Symbols" with RobertReid, Bruce Kilby and CharlesWilliams leading. Mr. Whitak-cr, one of the advisors, is help-ing to plan the meeting.

The White Church Guild willmeet, Monday 8 p.m. Thy La-,dies Aid Society will sponsor a1

rummage sale, October 31 and1

November 1 from 8 a.m. until'5 p.m. in fellowship hall.

The Youth Choir will re-hearse, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.;the Senior Choir, Friday, 8 p.m.and the Junior Choir, Saturday,9:30 a.m,

Dressing GroupMeets 1st Wed.

WOODBRIDGE — The sur-gical dressing group of the FirstCongregational Church meetsthe first Wednesday of eachmonth in the Sunday School

underway throughout phe~r, has . selected "Love"• I Makes the World Oo Wrong"next industrial repnrtj f o r „ b f l ] | p t to be presented

i is set for noon on b y t h e DPb« as part of the, October 31. jcotilllon dance at thr ball to

Waller R. McBrlde, industri-.be spo,1Sored by Woodbxldgeal division chairman, reminded .Township BPW on Decemberthe corporate volunteers at yes-127 a t Scotch Plains Countryterday's meeting that "there Isja long way to go." This year's!goal, it was pointed out. is 12.8percent above the amount con-tributed a year ago.

Every advance made In ob- USES BULB M YEARStainlng payroll deduction, in CHARLESTON S. C.raising the standard of giving, Uijht bulb Is still burning in '.heof getting a larger corporate home of Mrs Ada Javlns. 83.gift, however, he emphasized, after 40 years of service,is a step In tne' riglit drrectton.)- Mrs* Javhw recalls that she

Very few tickets remain forthe ball and will be sold on afirst come, first served basis.

- A

teers were told, builds on theone before

The solicitors were urged not

Each year; campaign, volun-|and her husband brought thebulb, shaped like a cluster otgrapes, when they moved Intotheir new home In 1923.

The bulb, which she still,

NOW is the time to


Add that extra outlet in the room that hasalways been cold.

Finish off heating ducts to attic rooms.



REGISTERS and GRILLS (all types)


PRE-FAB DUCTS {round or square)ALUMINUM

James Kiesling, Robert Gra-ham, Norman Kilby,-James J.Elek, JT Russell Thergesen, Ed-ward Klllmer, Weldon Stenzel,S. P. Johnson, F. W. Brown,Donald Whitaker, Ira McCabe,Victor Thorflpson, Richard Ran-dolph, William Kalbhenn, Jos-eph Eppensteiner, Theodore

- (John Eppensteiner, TheodoreIJCadwalader, Fred McElhenny,

R. L. Clark, Llewellyn HOlden,Harry Howell, F. S. Martin,Edward Yelle, Leonard Lloyd,Herman Dettmer, and WarwickFelton.

Sunday is Reformation Sun-day and the Rev. James Marsh,assistant minister, will preachon the topic, "The ReformationMust Continue." Church Schoolis at 9:30 A.M. and JuniorChristian Endeavor, 6 p.m. infellowship hall.

The Junior HflJPY will meetat 5:30 p.m. for a sandwichsuper with installation of offic-ers to take place afterwards. Tobe installed are George Kovacs,moderator; Prlscilla Randojph.ivice moderator; Lynn Yelle,1


AnniN'Ci A ROOM? ADDING ADDITIONAL OUTLETS? . . .this f.ny-tn-instaJl, sturdy aluminum wall duct thatKcurcly Is made for you! Ho tpeclal tools required.





REGISTERS 1.80 up GRILLS .... 1.50 up


Uui.Kt- your noi&y direct drive blowtr to a quiet, High power beltdrive bio WIT assembly, (iet more heat from your furnace forl

Twins MothersClub Sets Party

bers are welcome to joinanytime'. The group was organ-ized in April of 1953 with Mrs.Ernast C. Moffett as the firstchairman.

Mrs.:'John Llddell was thesecond chairman, and the chair-man, now is Mrs. Eugene Kurtz

is assisted by Mrs. JowphHorvath.

Mrs. Kurte and Mrs. Horvathattended the conference of theAmerican Cancer Society heldrecently in Plscataway and re-ported on the events Five andten year awards were given.

| only to seek Increases from In-jIdustrlal firms where campaigns

av\3 been conducted In theiglow, as a night light.

PORT READINO — A dona-tion to the Kiddie Keep WwllCamp was nproved at the Veg-ular meftlnB of the Ladies Aux-iliary of the Port Reading FireCompany.

NomliiHted as offievrs wereMrs. John Surik, president;Mrs. Frank Barbato, vice presi-dent: Mrs. Nicholas Pellenrlno,secretary; Mra. Gabriel

A i r , . ) , , • M r .Nulty, Mrs.DennisBarbato, Mr, All!

Mi'n. VincriAndrewMrs. PeterRnckert, John p' l ' i ' . ' " ' ' V l ' i

financial seevtrrry, ^ ^ ^ T V " ^ -Mrs. Sabby Har t ino . t reasurer D .A l M s t f ) / nn(1

{^ %\y

A Halloween par ty was held'sky. ''''••after t he meeting a n d Mrs] ~Carmen D'Alessio was winnerof first pr i le for U K most ori-ginal costume |i , T , \

Merchandise club winners! "Jl, j^'0?''"' '-nim,,were announced: Mrs. Alfred,. I S E H N - Thr n ,

Mrs. Dennis Bm,Martlrio, Mi». I ,Kmmft D'Alessio \no, Ralphlaus Milos, „A Kantoim iKlndllck

Door prizrs >tin Mlnklrr. M


l ' ' i inn

Barbato, Mrs. A. Stek, Mrs.Stephen Wasllek, Mrs. L. Sapl-*nso, and Mrs, Stephen Hut-ntck.

The dailc horse prize was wonby Mrs. Daniel Mlnucct and thesocial prize by Mrs. Julius Slm-eone.

In charRe of hospitality nextmonth will be Mrs. John Jor-dano, Mrs. John Kalina. Mrs.Patsy LaRusso, and Mrs. SteveLazar.

The next regular meeting willbe November 15.

The group sponsored a cardparty Sunday. Winners of spec-ial prizes were Miss Ida Bar-


bate, Mi*. D'AJtuio. Mx«, R«-|clal gueit xUlgan, Mrs. Cesare Lttndetta, Mrs.M. Miaenko, Mrs. Marttno.

Non-player* prlws went toMrs. Frank Barbato, MrsPiank D'Apolito, Mrs. DennisDragos, Vincent Martino, Mrs

VOUMC | l n

s now

of the iselinChurch, ha?Into twoBeiiiom and Intn...Two sepmitp Hul!tume parties will t>the groups on 8,itn,ber 26.

The Junior pun.,the home of Mr. iinrisell Harris, Edi?(mBenior and Intcrm'tat thp home ot MrJohn Waldhelm. ni,

Plans are bclnc nthree-day Youth [month. On NnvniVm

Mrs. |

of PennsylVRiitaformer rock mi

no? I

On Saturday ,nirib

v/ii oBmiimy ,nirt . - ' , 4 .November 16 and 17. Rr.v Joh,

D. Foti, Miss Emma D'Alessio, guest.Wilson of Ohio will

WOODBRIDGE — Mrs. BertSabo, publicity chairman, re-ported the Twins Mothers Clubof Raritan Bay Area met Mon-day night at Madison Park fire-house and viewed a film on can-cer presented by Dr. Cyril Hut-ner, chief of surgery at PerthAmboy General Hospital, andnarrated by Mrs, Hutner.

Dr. Hutner, In addressing thegroup, stressed the importanceof early detection of canceT andperiodical checkups. MW, Hut-ner talked of the fear peoplehave of cancer. A question andanswer peribd was held.

Flans have been matte for acard party, Monday, at thedoor. Dessert and coffee will beserved at 7:30 p.m.

Mrs. Sabo advised this is themain functiqn of the year forthe purpose of aiding the Hem-.]ophlia Foundation. Mrs. PrankNovak and Mrs. Sabo are co-chairmen. The public is invitedto attend.

For further information con-tact Mrs. sabo, ME 4-8790.

Dressings have been deTlveredto hospitals and to St. Joseph'sHome, Strawberry Hill. Theyare available to anyone who|needs them.

Rosary PlansSkating Party

ISELJN — A skating partywill be sponsored liy at. Cecel-ia's Altar Rosary'Society onMonday, at South Amboy Roller Skating'Arena.

Mrs. William Gibson, presi-dent, announced reservationsare now being taken for a'bustrip, to the National Shrine,Washington, D.C., on December8. Mrs; RoBert O'Connor \t incharge of reservations.

The next meeting will be No-vember 4, Recitation of the Ro-sary and Benediction wiU be inthe church at 8:30, followed bya special event in Lourdes Hall'at 9 p.m.

GAS » * - " - « " •

Modmvw Vom Hem*H—lMg Sf*em with *Modtra THATCHERHflU»ACBof BOILER!

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washdaybuy an electric

clothes dryerYou'll be in a dancing mood when yon discover how muchtime and work an Electric Clothes Dryer will save you tmwashday. No lugging heavy baskets of wet wash. Nostooping. No stretchmg. No freezing. With an ElectricClothes Dryer your entire load of wa&h cw be fluff-driedquietly and easily, wrinkle-free arid ready-to-usd.

Buy an Eltctric Clothes bryer at your favorite store.




Know... . . that people FROM MAINE TOCALIFORNIA keep their savings atPerth Amboy Savings Institution?

Yes, it's a fact... people now living in2 9 6 cities and towns in 3 0 states,plus many, many more in Perth Amboyand Middlesex County save at..".



PER1M ,AMBOY, NEW JERSEYMamb«r Nd«rel Otpoiil ImuraKi


3 3%4



PS. mm MUST A 1


Page 7: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

^pendent-Leader (E.B.) - Car twt Press Thursday, October 24,1WI3 PAGE SEVEN

Our Own Tea Bagsligi


Marvel lei CriamChoict

Yukon ClubfennadHtvorages

Chalc* of 7 Flavor*

' »L tint

Svpw Gula

Htvon n u n

Diet DelightPeaekee

|Ytn»«Clint 4 I * | 7 oiced " M M T 1


Withfc ) h ' 7 f t *»H |«b«l «*• "



Ajax Cleaner

With 2c 4 14 M.

AjaxLiquli Cleaner

| l lo, « A 0

fcol. • •

Colgate's FaiFor laundry md diihti

W,th4« I Ik. 4 «•.

off l iUI pkg.

Colgate's AdF««ut»mJliew«iK«ri

With 15. ) lb .2M.g1i

Iweetheart SoapBmd«d Tojtthtr


TrendLiquid Detergent

2 12 fluid OL


Pink Veliquid Detergent



Laddie BoyDog Food



jv.i u i M» j | Flavor

Cat $



Your tremendous response to our 104th Birthday Celebration happy about last tffcek's turnout —• we've decided to continue theexceeded our wildest hopes! More, more and still more of ypu celebration! We've re-stocked and freshened-up tlie store. Kvery-came in to make it one of the happiest occasions in A&P history.You mapped up practically every value in sight, you really appre-ciated our low, low, sale prices. In short, the party was a fabulous•ucceji . . . thanks to you. Is that all? Not on your life! We're so

body's ready and eager to nerve you again. And we've got anotherstoreful of what yoft want: more of your favorite foods at saleprices to save you extra rash! Come back for second helpingsof AWt 104<& Anniversary Values! You'll SAVE MORE !

M P ' i Famous "Super-Right" Quality



(tlleid lit Ik.)

RIB HALF-Full CutNo Chops Rtmovtd 45



(Sllctd 41t It.)

LOIN HALF-full CutNo Chopt Ramovtd 55


Pork ButtsIwltt't FriMliH

Sausage MeatStewing BeefChuck FilletSoup BeefMeat loaf

Armour's Star

Boneless 59! Conned Ham ?:2"Bonelen Front Cuts

Bontltu Chuck

Cubti or Stripi•


SHIN—Bon. In

45' Brisket Beef 89: 65c

69 l bc Loin Pork (hops " ' 7 9 '

69' Turkey Roasts '". 99,£«c B A A I I I U A V FiMwith

II, B C V I B J I V V I Suptr-RigM Bacon

69' Salmon Steaks 539?m

COLD CUTS Super-Right BrandSelect Your Favorites 3 89

Bologna, luxury Loaf, Ollvt Loaf, Pickl* Loaf, Plain Loaf, Spiced luncheon Meat,

Old faihiontd loaf, Macaroni & Cheett Loaf, Peppered Loaf, Cooked Salami.


LEGS or RUMPS 59,c SHOULDER ROAST 69Loin ChopsRib Veal Chops

89 ' Veal Cubed Steaks 99 '79? Breast of Veal 35 '

Shoulder Chops 69 ' Stewing Veal BomUii



1 ibcans



E D I I I T n D l l l l f PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT ^|iqt.14fl.AA1

r i l U I I l / M H I l A&P Our Finest Quality •foz.cansTT



TOMATO SAUCEA&P POTATOESApricotsKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sCheeriosWheatiesKleenex ™^ i ** *n

r E L E106






g. oft


of 10

I01/) oi.

79':: 59'

Nabtico—Chbcolat* 14oi. MWQChip or Pocan Shoribriad pkg. ^wM


can | 0

M A r f t I BB M Goldtn Corn I Ib. I si. • • [

33 pel ifionfe c.mstyi. ... 1 /

41° Del Monte •- ':... 43C

Dole's cR™piNEAppif ' l 4 i 3 i e

• I f A * l P*. APr I tit.b PAr

Wesson Oil 25C 53C

Scotties A A u s 2 o S 4 9 c

pkgt. J 7

29 Del Monte PeasHandy « * i - • * I • • u. . GoldtnCom I Ib, I 01.


: : 2 9 c

Mild and Mellow



c '1.59Ink »ni fu


BAO 5 *

itirwttl and Wirifjf




Jane Parker Baked Foods!This Week Save 10c

PEACH PIE 49Chocolate £ 7 ^ . Cake 49C

Cheese Roll Clusters • 49C


I Ib. 6 01.


l i b . 8


R«Kul*r 12" Width

Wonderfoi! ALUMINUM,

WRAP roll

uper arketsPrice* effective thru Saturday

Oct. 2<Hh in Sup«r Morksh

and S»lf-5«rvK» t tort i only in

NoHh»m N«w Jirttty,

ant C»UAtt



"Super-Right" Quality Beef

POTROASTCalifornia Cat Boneless Chuck

59:69:ChuckBone In

Thrifty Frozen Foods!Tree Tavern Pizza 55C

Broccoli Spears AiPB-d 5 XA&P CauliflowerA&P Potatoes ••Asparagus SpearsLima Beans Z : ^Buttered BeefsteaksRed L Scallop*Flounder DinnerC k n i i M * PEELED *ni DEVEINED


5 '^ 99a

2 i? 59'

2 1? 35°P47 oi.


p k 9 W

lOoz. OQopig. " *

Thrifty Dairy Needs!1 - Will A|ld

Cheddar Cheese 5 9 c

Switzerland Swiss Slices 1.15Danish Blue Cheese '—*d 85°Gruyere Cheese , m p j ; i S lRoquefort Cheese ^ ° ^ - * -Kraft SlicesCream Cheese


Amflrican or Swiii

Victory Brand


8 oi. 070Pig. * '8 01. 070pig.





MC carton C CIdoz. J J

MEDIUM SIZECarton 1 doz. 2 87

More Grocery Values!

Tomato Ketchup 21145°Burry Cookies t i : " 39B in B Sliced Mushrooms

Solid Pact *


Sweat and Sour ™

l lb.



Marcal Pastel Napkins 2 r 19°Marcal Toilet Tissue I ' ^ WHome Maid Garbage Bags • 55C

Breck Shampoo ;;.1.00Princess Dial Soap V . 2Fels. ; : ; GranulesKitty Salmon Cat FoodWindow Cleaner • > ; M 5Bright Sail AmmoniaPlastic Scrub BrushesLiquid Floor WaxSail




12 01. <

CNPIusLaundry Bleach

Wilhuut Wa in bomb "

O«nnKidical D f l i i t j t n t

wild "Tamad lodint"

p U r t i c * "


gal. AQOpltitic ^ *

19o - Bottli ol 100 Ti l l l t t





Pint 01


20coH Jib.. ) 1 / I«. jlabel pkg.

A dul. Olo• cam

12 01.Di

CUi r or qt.




8 DI. bet. 4As,th.H , . r . .*

3 '401 J7°

46P Garden Fresh

Frulh and



U. S. No. 1 Grade


GRAPEFRUIT5i47Florida Seedless



Sweet CornSpinachMushroomsCeleryOnionsCucumbersRadishes

Florida I MU '


Garden Fraih




Firm, Crisp A


U.S. No. I



10 «. iMilt.



'Z 23'3 £ 22°

3" 19'Firm, Criip


—Halloween Trick or Treats.' —Rid Chetk or Moti't Bund

Apple Cider 55' 85C

(AvaiUblt Friday ind Saturday only)

Jane Parker Donuts p>24'-50°PotatO ChlpS J«.P.^R.g.l.r ^>$ '

Jane Parker PopcornSpanish Salted PeanutsPistachio Nuts ^ X 'U O W . Candy CoattdChocolataIn w In 8 p|ain| peaiiu( o r W n [ t r Bar

Worthmore Candy CornAssorted Handouts 'Worthmore Harvest MixCandy Pops


;.'J0 37°

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One of tire greatest collections mt\| / \ / \ GIFTS TO MAKE FOR

l U U CHRISTMASAll directions in th« iuuo.


1606 Oak Tree RoadIstlln, New J«mej

Tel. LI 8-8469—Mrs. Emll Cftllondo nn i •

children, Karon, John . ^ i .Linda, Correja Avenue, wertwpekpnd guests ol Mr. and Mra. >John Morettl, Levlttown.

—Cub aPclt 48 will hold it* -first meeting of the fall seasontonight at School 15, PershlnfAvenue, 7:30. New bobcats willbe inducted.

—8t. Cecelia's Council of .Knights of Columbus will hold [op«n house tonight at 8:10 inOud Lady of Lourdes and OurLady ol Fatlma Halls. Bothmen and women are Invited. Itwill afford an opportunity tolearn about the work and pur-pose of the Knights of Colum* 'bus. Refreshments will b«served. ' ,

A member of Congregation..Beth Sholom, Stuart Klein, 66Oliver Ave, Metuchen. Is a pa- . .tlent at ter th Amboy GeneralHospital.

—The Christ's Ambassador*of Iselln Assembly of GodChurch will meet tomorro*night at 7:30 at the church,Berkeley Boulevard. The meet-Ing will be conducted by M1MAndrea Lohne. Ouest will beRev, Albert H. Phelps, •

There will be a meetingof the Sodality of the BlessedVirgin Mary of St. Cecelia1!Church' tomorrow night, 7:31), •in the cafeteria, "

—John Wheatley, president .of the Men's Fellowship of Ise-lln Assembly of God Church,announced that the regularmonthly meeting will be heldSaturday at 8 P. M. Reorgani-zation will take place.

—The Men's Club of Congre-gation Beth Bholom will meetSunday at the temple, CooperAvenue.

—There will be a genenlmeetlnv of the CYO of St. Ce-celia's Church tomorrow at 8P. M. In the cafeteria. The CYOwill sponsor a dance Saturday .from 8 to U P. M. In Our Ladyof Lourdes Hall. National Cath-olic Youth Week will be ob-served from Sunday to Novem-ber 3. All high school students .are asked to observe it by at-tending the High School of Re-ligion Classes Monday night.Mass when possible, visit the .Most Blessed Sacrament wherepossible, and receiving HolyCommunion this Sunday andthe following Sunday.

—Religious instruction forpublic school children In gradestwo through eight, who attendSt. Cecelia's Church, will, be -held Saturday morning 4 t 9:30.

—The Metwood Chapter ofthe Women's American O.R.T.is sponsoring a Pall fiesta, Sat- '•urday night at the Metuchen «Jewish Community Center, Grove Avenue. Featured will be .Herb Vanook and his band. •

—The Westminster Fellow-ship of the First Presbyterian ,Church will meet Sunday, the 'juniors at 10 A. M. and the ,seniors at 7 P. M.

The Cloverleaf Chapter of *Sweet Adelines, Inc., will meet .Monday night, 8:30, In Fatlma •Hall. Rehearsals are now In 'progress for the show, February .15.

—Mrs. Gustave De Prelter,president of the Ladies' AW So- •ciety of the First Presbyterian •Church announced that tho .group will meet Monday, 8P. M, in Fellowship Hall.

—St. Cecelia's High School .'of Religion Classes will be heldMonday night from 7:30 to8:30.

-The annual business meet-ing of the Iselin Assembly ofGod Church has been set forNovember 6 at the church.

—The Daughters of America,Lila W, Thompson Council, will 'meet Monday, 8 P. M., at the 'Borough Improvement Hall,Lincoln Highway, Metuchen,

—The Golden Age Group willmeet Monday afternoon, 1:30,at Congregation Beth SholomTemple, 90 Cooper Avenue. Any-one over 55 years of age Is eligi-ble to join.

—St. Cecelia's Girl Scout andBrownie Troops will meetWednesdtay from 7 to 8:30P. M.

—The Jersey Alre Chorus ofthe Society tor7 the Preserva-tion and Enftotiragement ofBarbershop Quartet Singing InAmerica will meet Tuesday, 9P. M., at VPW Hall, LincolnHighway. -

—Mrs. Herbert Klein. Mi-chael Street, will be hostessTuesday night at the regularmeeting of the GPKRT Man


-The Children's Choir of St.Cecelia's will hold rehearsalfrom 7 to 8 Tuesday night.

—Boy Scout "X*oop 49 willmeet Tuesday from 7 to 9 P. M.in Columbian Hall, HardingAvenue.

—There will be a meeting ofthe St. Vincent De Paul'Societyof St. Cecelia's Church Tues-day, 8 P. M., in Room 207.

School 20PT(iSfisMovie for Saturday

COLONIA - Mrs. Harry P.Cramer, publicity chftlruuui ofSchool 20 PTO, announced amovie. "Outer Space," will besponsored, Saturday, 1 p, m.in the tU>pu(poi>e room.

)w!»rd,Mh gu4»tcrnOy vUltsdth* B^W Mu-Minn flt TftntSH," IbutWlng, mt t}w "Qkfracfcs" Ms a M t u d fir M t » ih*

Page 8: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

PAGE EIGHTThtroday, October 84, 1968 Independent-Leader (E.B ) . Q

ind the strength f \far your life...



Perth AmbojRn I'rtfr Kowilchnk, Putoi11:00 AM Morning Worship9 45 A M Sunday Schoolli Hi P.M. Baptist Youth

F i i A s i i i p

mi P.M. Evening Qo*pelfl \ ire

' n o A.M. . Communion Sun-(I first Sunday of eachm . . i i i i .

\\'erinesday. 8 P.M., Prayer


K2I IVoodbridr* AvenueAvenfl

Rfv Charlts 8. MacKenile, PhJ),Psitot

church Worship 8, B, 10 andft KMu Sunday School, 9, 10 and 1!

SI inspiration, 8 PM.Senior High Fellowship.

P.MJunloi High Fellowship,

r. JOHN VIANNEt CHURCH420 Inman Avenue

ColonlaRti. ffaltei Badiiwon, PutorR«T. Fnncta Difij, IWltlBl

Sunday Masses: 6:30, 7:30,|$:30, 9:45. 11:00 and 12:15

Weekday Masses: 7 and 7:30

Confessions: 3:30 to 5:30 and7 to 9 P.M.

ST. JAMES R. C. CHURCHAmboy Avenue, Woodbridf*

Ht. R«T. Mip. Clutltt O.McCorriitin, Ptitor

Key. WOllam Rooi,XjiUtut Putor

R«T. Donald J. ftellly,AulitaBt Putor

Sunday Masses: 6:45, 7:45.8:45, 10:00 and 11:00 AM.

Weekday Masse*, 7:00 and'7:30 AM.

Novena servioes every Tuwday, 7:30 PM.


Z6 Foortn Street; fordjRev, Bldon B. Stobl

Organisti: Eddie Jicobton andMiss Barbara fritiche

Maun Service, 8:15 KM,.Main Service, 10:45H'iy Communion:

First Sunday 10:45Third Sunday, 8:16

Sunday School and BibleCbssfis. 9:30 KM.


Port ReadingHer. SUulihnt MUot, Paitor

Sunday Masses, 7:00. 8:00,9:00. 11:00 and 12:00 noon

Weekday Masses at 8:00 A.M.Novena In honor of St. Ari'

thony each Tuesday at 7:15PM.


Hoy Avenge, FordsRrr. Pnnk Kotick

9:00 AJII., Morning Worship10:00 KM.. Sunday School


ST. JOHN'S9:45 A.M., Simdny School

JoMph (I. Thomson, l,»yrM<1«

11 AM., MorninR PrayerHoly Communion, Second

Sunday. 11 A.M.6:45 P.M., Thursday, choir



Corner Protpeot Avenne andRidfedale Avenue

9:45 AJ«, Sunday School forall ages. Ernest Barabw. su-perintendent. Adult Bible Classat same hour

11:00 A J i , Morning Worshipservice. Nursery provided

ftpo P.M.," Senior Youthgroups

7:00 ?M.. Evening GospelService


Broad and Division StreetsPeW» ftffltoy

Kn. Stepbtn Sedor, PaitorSunday Matins, 7 KM., Early

English Man. I A.M ChurchSchool, 9 KM.

Vespers, Saturday nights andbefore holy days at 7 PH.


6M Railway AvenneWoodbridge, N. J.

Atom N. Neneth. tutorJama M. Mundi, AntiUnt Part«

ma i. BrUfi, Jr,Director of Mode

Morning Worship, 11 KM.Church School, 9:30 KM.Junior Christian Endeavor,

3 PM.. SundaysJunior Hi United Presby-

terian Youth, 6 PM., SundaysSenior Hi United Presby-

terian Youth, 7 PM.. Sundays.Youth Choir rehearsal. 7:30


Rnrron and Grove AvenuesRev. Bojd M. johnion, Jr.

i Robert Wablgren, Hlntiter ol Marie.Mrs. Kenneth McCain

Suprnnlendnit of Church SchoolRobert WablKtea, Owuitit

: 9:30 A.M.. Church School,Nursery through Junior High

n:00 A.M .Morning Worship.U:oo A.M. Church School

Nursery through Junior Dt-partments. (Child care service)

12:05 P.M., Coffee Hour:Fellowship. •

7:30 PM., Senior High Pil-Bi'im Fellowship

MeetingsOfficial Board, 8:00 P.M..

third ThursdayChurch School Staff, first

Monday. 8:00 PM.Surgical dressings, first and

, fourth Wednesday, 1:30 PM.QJS.T. Club, third Monday,

B:00 PM.Dorcas Fellowship, 8 P.M.,

first Thursday. Naomi Circle, 1:30 P.M., firstWednesday.

Sigma Alpha Phi, Second andFourth Tuesdays, 8:00 PM.

Congregators, first Sunday,7:00 PM.

Men's Club, fourth Thursday7:30 PM

Choir RehearsalsChancel, Wednesday, 7:45

VMJunior. Wednesday. 8:45 P.M.

Tmw*~~ """"•Senior Choir rehearsal, 8:00

PM.. FridaysJunior Choir rehearsal. 0:30

KM.. SaturdaysRuth Circle. 1:30 P.M., sec-

ond WednesdayWhite Church Guild, second

and fourth Mondays, 8 PH.Ladles' AM Society, second

and fourth Wednesday, 1:30

(First) Lorantffy

(Second) Officers


84 James StreetWoodbridge

Key, tulle BP7, MinlitM

Order of Sunday Services10 KM.. Sunday School.10 AH., English Service11 A.M., Hungarian Service7 PH., Youth FellowshipFirst Sunday of the month,

2:30 PH., Ladies' Aid SocietyMonday: Religious Training


Guild, 7:30Tuesday

and Elders, 7:30Tuesday: (Fourth) Brother-

hood. 7:30Wednesday: Junior Choir.

3:15Wednesday: A d u l t Choir.

7:30IMdaK, Brownie TXSSB^WFriday: Girls ScouU, 7:00Saturday: Confirmation Class

10 AH.

TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCHPfeifer Bonlevrad and

Krochmallj AvennePerth Amboy

Jueph K. B«jkta, Putor10 AH., Sunday School for

all ages11 AH., Worship Service

Communion ServiceNursery open 10-12 for chil-

dren through three7 PH., Evening Worship


Rav. Jobs WUui, PMtotSunday Masses. 6:30, 8:00,

8:45, 9:15, 9:30, 10:00, 10:15.10:46,11:00,11:30 and 12 noon

^ Masses, 7:00 andW8:00 AM


90 Cooper Avenue, IsellnR.ihhl Norman Klrlnman

Dr. Nortirrt Kastnrr CantorSabbath Services, Friday

evnhinR, 8:00Saturday Morning Service,



Amboy Avenne, WoodbridgeRabbi Samuel Newbcrger

8 PM., Friday, SabbathServices

9:30 A.M.. Saturday services9:30 KM., Saturday, Junior



Woodbrldre, N. J.Ret. WUllan H. Schmani^ S.T.B.

SectorAlion Brandts, Orpuilft

SUNDAY 8ERVICES _8 AH., Holy Communiort'1

9:30 AH., Family Serviceand Sunday School

11 AH., Holy Communionand Sermon (first and thirdSundays) Morning Prayer andSermon, (Second and FourthSundays)

Holy Days10 AH., Holy Communion

OrgahhatloMTrinity Vestry, third Mon-

day, 7:30 P i tSt. Anne's Unit, first Mon-

day, 8 PH.St. Margaret's Unit, first

Wednesday, 8 PM.Episcopal Churchwomen, first

Monday, 3 PH.Trinity Altar Guild, fourth

Thursday, 8 PH.Trinity Young People's Fel-

lowship every Sunday, 7 P HTrinity Girls' Friendly So-

ciety, second and fourth Tues-days, 6:45 PH.

Trinity Cub Scout Pack 34,Den Meetings, Thursday, 6:30PH Pack Meetings, fourthMonday 7:30 PH.

Trinity Senior Choir PracticeThursdays, 7:30 P.M., Satur-days, 2 PH.

Women's Association, thirdThursday, & PH.. -

Circle meetings, first Thurs-day. 1:30 and 3 PH.

Session, second Tuesday, 7:30PM.

Cancer dressing gtynip, firstand third Wednesdays, 10 AH.

Children's Holy Communion,first Sunday of every month


880 Lake AvenueClark Township

Bei. Otorie A. Bbultt, PutotChurch School, 9:46 KM.Morning Worship, 11 A l l


71 Main StreetBey. Cheodore C, Seamani, Paitot

Rev, Luther H. Martin, Jr.MlnliUr to Vouti

9:30 AH. Church School11:00 AH, Worship5:00 P H . Junior-High

Fellowship7:00 PH. Methodist YouthFellowship


- Lord Street, AvenelRabbi PhOip Brand

8:30 PH., Friday10- AH. Saturday, Junior



HOT and Hamilton AvenvetFords

Rev. Dalle W. Hewett, VicarHoly Communion, 8:00 AH.

' Morning Prayer and Sermon11 AH.

Church School, 9:45 AH.


Oak Tree RoadBar. Roger D. Bldenet, Paitor

Mrs. Barman ClarkDirector ol Christian Education

SUNDAY SERVICESSunday Worship: 8:45 and

11:15 AH.Sunday School: N u r s e r y

through third grade 8:45 AH.Kindergarten through sixth

grade 10:00 AM.Junior High Fellowship 10:00

a.m. to 12 noon.Post-High Bible Study 10:00

A.M.Senior High Westminster Fel-

lowship 7:00 PH. to 9:30 PH.Ladies Aid Society meets sec-

ond and mourth Mondays. 8:00

"Trinity" Jifinldr Choir Prac-tice, Saturdays, 9 AH.


Rev. John iatan, PastorWeekday Masses, 7:30 AHSunday Masses, 7:00, 8:15

9:30,10:45, and 12 noon.Confessions Saturday, 4 - 5

7:30 - 8:30 PH.


664 Amboy Ave. Perth AmboyRev, ftndolt Kelnam, Putor

Worship 10:30 AH.Sunday School, 9:00 AH.


New Brnnuwlck Avenue,Rer, Jotepb Bnmnwskl, i'."iorSunday Masses, 8, 9. in an<1

11 A.M. and 12 noonWeekday Masses. «•'"' nndAH. First 'Friday. <i:*5. 8

and 8:46 AH.Monday

Aovena, 7:30 PJVlMale Choir rehearsal. 8 P.M.Altar-Rosary Society, first

Monday after first Sunday at8 PH.

Holy Name Society, secondMonday after second Sundayat 8 P.M.

TuesdayPTA meeting third Tuesday

of each month at 8 PM.Female Choir Rehearsal, 8


Every Saturday 11 A.M., un-til noon; 4 to 6 PH., and 7 to9 PH. and sometimes on daysbefore Holy Days of Obligation


aUbbl Herbert WltklnServices, Friday evening, 8:30

Saturday, morning, 9_:00Junior Congregation, Satur-

day morning from 10:45 AHto 11:45 AH.


83» Jefferson Avena*Rahway

Sunday at 11 AH.Sunday School 11:00 A MWednesday, testimony meet-

Ing at 8 PH.Reading Room Tuesday and

Thursday, 12 to 3 PH.; Wed-nesday 6 to 7:30 P. M.We*tfield 422 E. Broad Street

Sunday, 9:30 and 11 AH.Sunday School, 11 AH.Wednesday, Testimony Meet-

Ing 8:00 p.m.Reading Rooms, 116 Quimby

Street, 10 to 4:30 weekdays; 7to 9 PH. . Mondays

Flowers For AHOccissioni . . .

Call lor flowers, blrth-d a y s , anniversaries,weddings, etc., to add;extra toy to the event—and other times toexpress your sympathyand thoughtfulness Beassured of 'he finest-call u»,


305 Amboy Ave. ME 1-1638


Florida Grove RoadHopelawn

Joiepb VeoTola. MinisterRlCBard Benyola, OflflHfiit

Sunday Morning Worship,10:30 AH.

Sunday School. 9:15 AM.

| COLONIA GOSPEL CHAPEL48S Inman Avenue at Weit

Street, ColonlaSunday School and Bible

IClasses, 9:30 AH.Gospel Service Sunday, 7:30

PH.Christian Women's Home

Bible Class Thursday, 1:30PH.

Young People's Meeting,Friday, 7:45 PH.

p.m.Women's Guild fourth Tues-

day, 8:00 p.m.Men's Christian Fellowship

second Friday, 8:00 pjn.

TEMPLE EMANU-EL126 Pleasant Avenue, Edison

Rabbi Marshal] HurwltxSabbath Service-Friday, 8:30 PH.


15 Second Street, Ford*Rev. John Oneiko, Paitor

(Byzantine Rite)Sunday Masses: ft:30 (Eng-

lish): 10 (Old Slavonic); 11:15(English)

Weekday Masses: 9:00 AH.;Fridays. 8:30 AH.

First, Friday of the month:8:30 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.

First Sunday of the month:Benediction. 3 PH.

Confessions every Saturday,3 to 4 and 6:30 to 7:30 PH.Confessions on weekdays beforeMass


A Bible lesson on the subjectof "Probation After Death" willbe read this Sunday at allChristian Science churches.

Golden Text: "The peoplethat walked in darkness haveseen a great light: they thatdwell in the land of the shadowf death, upon them hath the

light shlned" (Isaiah 9:2).Related readings from the

hrlstian Science textbook in-;lude these lines: "The under-itanding that Life Is God,Spirit, lengthens our days byitrengthenlng our'trust in thedeathless reality of Life, Its al-mightiness and, immortality"(Science and Health with Keyto the Scriptures byBaker Eddy, p. 487).


48 Berkeley BoulevardIseUn, N. J.

Rev. William Kirby. PastorSunday Services;9:45 AH.. Sunday School for

all ages11:00 AH. Morning Worship7:00 PH,. Evening Gospel7:45 PH.. Wednesday, Bible

Study7:30 PH. Friday, Young

Peoples' Service7:45 PH., First Thursday of

month, Women's MissionaryCouncil

8:00 PH., Fourth Saturdayot month. Men's Fellowship


630 New Dover Road, EdisonMorning Worship and Church

School:9:30 to 10:30 AH.11 A.M until noonYoung! Peoples' Group. 7 PH


600 New Brunswick AvenuePerth Amboy

Rev. Herbert F. A. Hecht, PastoWORSHIP SERVICES

9:30 and 11:00 AH.(Nursery during both services!

RUMMAGE SALE440 State Street Perth Amboy, N. J,

Starting Mouday, Ortobcr' 28th

thru Friday, November 8tb

9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Sponsored by the Sisterhood ofTemple Beth Mordecai

m n i 1 ( 1 Anton,

nfa Kbhrt


" " " m a n R n i i ' n , , ! ^ ^

' i i h a n d i c r a f t t : i ! i'"v-

M e r i t , hn-i, , , . .

In:tn ([„

Wood f:B1Tln|1 w,,h.

, Rub.n

Brook,. m p r ( :

h and Dnvirt

l ) P t .

'!lv- 'Hns

l;;'- rv ,

ft ,i H I l l P . I

SIGN UP 200Th MtfMflKR: Thr Men's Club of the Temple BHh Am, (olnnla, foundedtwo years aitn by a snuill group of men, signed up Its UflOth member at thf Temple Tuei-day night. Left to rUht:: Mmr»y Stelnfeld, founder snd flrst president; David Dlste!(200th member) helri* mUneii by his father, William Distal and David Chick, president ofthe Men's Club.

S t H , , | , , v

••*"!. Jon K I M ,<"", Timothy ii,,•'"Kan, Domini^ F T R %

Hoffman, RohrriRobert. Yncltrl

Cooking: [vld Edrln-,,0,, „ , V

* H l k i i , , - ': '•Bruce Bun,., '

Tim Brokas 2 *Archery: win',! • .sonaiftt ':


A top space agency officialsays prospects for a Soviet-United States expedition tcthe moon are dim.

Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, deputyadministrator of the NationalAeronautics and space Admin-istration, gave this appraisalto the House Appropriationsnib-committee a month beforePresident Kennedy publiclysuggested the venture.

Dryden said it tiad been dis-cussed with Soviet scientistsbut dropped "as somethingthat was not practical."

POWER GRABS IN L. A.The United States has raised

a warning flag for any moreLatin-American military lend-ers contemplating a grab forpower. Jt used the DominicanRepublic and Honduras, whosegovernments were toppled inquick succession, as examples

"The United States wentfurther than merely suspendIng aid and diplomatic rela-tions by ordering withdrawsof the United States economicand military-aid missions fromthe two countries.

Rev. MacKenzieAnnounces Topic

AVENEL — The Rev. JohnI, Robertson, assistant pastor

of the First PresbyterianChurch announced that reset-tlement of a Cuban Refugeefamily has been completed.Through the cooperation of theCommittee o n ResettlementService* of the United Presby-terian Church and Church of the church.World Service Cuban RefuRecProgram, Mr. and Mrs. PedroIsrael Santos arrived at New-ark Airport Saturday from Mi-ami, and now are living intheir new home at 296 MainSt., Woodbridge.

Before fleeing Cuba Just twomonths ago, Mr, anfl Mrs San-tos lived in Gardenas whereMr, Santos owned and oper-ated a jewelry store. Mrs. San-tos was a secretary to the Di-rector of Presbyterian Schoolin Cuba. Resettlement for thiscouple is only a part of theirstory, however. They have alsobeen reunited with their twoteen-age children, Zulema, 17,and Rafael, 16 Under thethreat and possibility of havingtheir children sent to Russiafor communist training and In-doctrination, Mr. and Mrs.Santos sent their children toAmerica two years ago. Theyfirst tame to Somerville, butsince January 1, they havebeon Hying with Mr. and Mrs.Hector Torres, 202 McFarlaneRoad, Colonia. They are pres-ently attending Woodbridse

High School and '".ve becomeactive in the A' M Presby-terian Church. Donations of jmoney, food and furnishings Ihave been made by membersand friends of the congrega-tion. A reception for the San-tos family was held Sundayevpning, October 20, at theChurch.

The Rev. Dr. Charles S. Mac-

Christian Education Building.The program #111 be directedby the Rev. Robertson. TheHish Schoolen arc taking anactive part iTfine Youth Can-vass this year, under the direc-tion of Greg Morse, YouthCanvass chairman. The Can-vass advisors are Gene Derlng-ton, Trustee and Mrs. P. E.Meyer, Senior Advisor of theFellowship, The total youthbudget this year is $13,000 andwill be raised by the youth

Saturday, a group of theHigh School yduth will attendthe Princeton-Brown footballgame at Palmer Stadium,Princetoa All high schoolyoung people are invited to at-tend the Fellowship programsevery Sunday evening at "7,and the evening of recreationevery Wednesday night at 7.An informal get-together isheld every Friday night at thehome of Bob Meyer, 457 Colo-nia Boulevard, Colonla, All arcInvited from 7:30 to M p.m.A film strip "The Plan," willbe shown to the Junior HighFellowship tomorrow at 7:30p.m. The eighth grade girls arein charge of the program.

The Women's Association willmeet November 12, at 8 p.min the Church Hall. A PublicService representative willshow slides on Christmas deco-rations. A Women's Retreatsponsored by the Women's As-sociation, will be held Satur-day, from 10:30 a.m. until 9p.m, Mrs. IiPimir Hill of Allen-

Awards GivenTo Scout Troop

COLONIA — At a meeting ofBoy Scout Troop 44 at theNrr Dover Mrthodist Church,Scoutmaster Ous De Vlco an-nounced that for the first timr


>„„ , p.,

Masonry,"'hip to JimrIns: Raymond




and James KMMII,Athletics; I w


Blhler. a n d ,J; i m , .

grout fnim the Troopbeen awarded the LifeAward.

Rudy Maneff was presentedthe award which he earnedthrough hard work at CampCowaw under the gludance ofTed Solomon, water front di-rector.

The boys were reminded ofthe successful vacation theyspent at Camp Cowaw, Dela-ware, this summer and werecomplimented by Mr. De Vlcoon their behavior and thecleantines of the grounds, forwhich the 36 boys involved wonan award.

Senior Patrol Leader AugieDe Vlco presented the candle-light ceremony at which theScout Oath and Laws are re-peated. The Troop's IndianDance Team then went intoaction and "Great ChiefJames Spencer introduced anew tenderfoot, Tony Palumbo.

o a i yi n>mir,rington, Robe,, i

Nature: Chi mWayneIng: Rudy Man,'.Kutsma. Phoi,,,';,."Edrlngton and Riri',Rowing Award *,'.„.'Maneff and the R,M',j

to Jamc, it.health awardHoffman.

Mra. Junp Ebl* •the Mothers C::c

spoke on the i m ;x-i- •having active mo:'h,.'-patlon. The mothersthe New Dover jChurch every fouiihMr*,- Ebbetunless morethese meetingspated, the circlebe disbanded.



and Martinfirst -class

.scouts awards, and star Scoutswere presented by Acie Ri&t toFred Morel, Wesly Hawkins,Raymond Anton, and BobbyYackel.

"':'!, fi-rnt pride Scoutmas-town, Pa., will be the afternoon ter De ViCO gave the rank ofspeaker. Sho. is the wife ofRev. Harold Hill former pastorof the Evangel Baptist Churchof Newark. Mrs. Hill, formerdean of the Philadelphia Bible

tic, presently teaches at

£enzir will preach Sunday atthe 8. 9, 10 and 12:15 services.Rev. Robertson will preach atthe 11 a.m. service. Their topicwill be "Joshua, the man whodared."

Infant Baptism will be ob-served at the 11 a.m. service.Parents desiring to have theiryoungsters baptized should callthe Church Office, as soon as.

R Bible School in Allentown,Pa. Rev. Robert Bonham, pas-tor of the Long Branch Presby-terian Church will be the eve-ning guest speaker. Rev. Bon-ham was the former assistantpastor of the Avenel Church.

'.c &:out to James KulsmaDavid Edrington and DennisEbbet.

The following awards wereearned at Camp Cowaw: PplarBears Award: Pete Cody, Dennis Ebbet, Garry Hoffman,James Rlj, Russel Stanley, andKen Woodenchek.

Skinny skunk award: Ray-

: *• 1 !

' ' e . i i l |




attnilI>'<l Pane.]

will have b

"Fm being punished jor ltd-

ing my thumb!"


Having recently returnedfrom a one-day visit to Ar-kansas, President Kennedy hasannounced he will visit fourother states this fall, includ-ing two key Southern battle

and Floridai Texas, in particular, figures

P08816*- ito play an important part inA Stewardship program, "Thejnext years Presidential elec-

Plan" will be the feature ofjtlon, especially if Senatorthe Senior High Westminster;ooldwater (Ariz.) IsHK Rspub-;aoldwater (Ariz.) Is HK Rcpub-Fellowship meeting, Sunday at;llcnn nominee to oppose Kcn-7 p.m. In Room 5 of the rt


FRIED FISH TO TAKE OUT EVERY KKIDAiPhone in Your Order — ME 4 - o:«


HANDERHAN'S SEAFOOD MARKET"Servlni (he Hoo4bnil|« *r»i O»fr M Yfii'1

96 Main Street * " ' Lt0 ,p"nM' \V(M«lbrtdg|


RUMMAGE SALEThursday Friday Saturday

Oct. U Oct. 25 Oct. 26

9 A.M. -!) P.M. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. 9 A.M. - 1 P.M.

Next to Jackson's Drug Store

Main Street, Wooilbridge

Sponsored by Americus Lodge #137Order of Eastern Star


SwallickTavern, Inc.Corner William & New Streets



"Betty and Joe" — Phone M£ 4-97J8






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1438 Main StrertHOURS: Mon. thru Thurs. 9 A.M.-»

Friday 9 A.M. - 4 P.M.

Sponsored by Sistevhood B'nai Jacob


"Mtit Si. George Aveuut-


x Coitnhj


M k f»«t "I'll 1U


Bat ~ AUOOtTDin"1'1"


Page 9: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

cndent-teader (E.B.),<Carteret Preas Thuwday, October 81, 19«3PAGE NINE

They Say...| printed Herewith ?.r:> SiatonifntB of

( andidatefl for Township CouncilDemocrats and (i.O.P.

isures Aidedomity, Lynch

)1«!Il)fVK - Middloscxl,vmakers In Trenton

,,,, II monumental Jobto their

Senator John: i i i ( l l U S t

is the DPraOcratlcfur reelection to the

;iii', snid that he andvs f"iir Assemblymen

ir;:,.,1 constantly to en-i'S that would be1 of New .Jersey, but.ported them with a,-\:"K to the needs,. »f our own coun-

or from New Bruns-l\,\\lv most outstanding

«f (his philosophy waghe introduced during

term for the^crea-x County as the

|iirw congressional dl»-

liill received the una-npproval of both houses

pton." said Lynch, "glv-pcople of Middlesex

their own voice In theConurciM."said ttyit unanimous

j*of ilie Initiation In thea*noteworthy tri-

i Middlesex County.)m:h New Jersey wasto another Congress-

fthe Republican senate\r persuaded that the

action wa§ to givejitat'.nn in Washington

people of Middlesex

; also praised the coun-who were the

I of the successful bill tothe Middlesex house

ton from three to four

Ideas Lifted,Scharwath SaysW O O D B R I D Q E - a r m

Scharwath, CSOP candidate forthird ward councilman, was thekeynote speaker at ft DinnerDance sponsored by the "Re-publican Club 13" In AvenelSaturday night.|( In his address he pointed out1 the Zirpolo team Is not a trambut a conspiracy evidenced bythe absence of any dissentingvoice among its members.

"The present administrationis guilty of taking other mens!Ideas and work. j

"Take the Redevelopment'Agency for an example. Project1

"Bowtle" was conceived andformulated by Mayor Adamswho appointed his personal1

friend and former campaignmanagPT to head its operationRepublican 8. Bcddy Harris,now draws part of his salaryfrom the federal governmentand under the terms of theHatch Act Is precluded fromparti.rtiqtoatlng in politics.

'S<Wlir Mayor hires a pro-fessional public relation* man,Herb Rosen, whose Job it Is tosee to it that Zirpolo U creditedwith the success of Buddy Har-

Honorette, iH Club G.OJ\ LackingWelcomes 3 Members v °ISKJN The Honorettes r r O P T a n i , 1 8 l C S

4-H d u b met Monday with 0 7

Mrs. Wally Bowen, 210 CorHa WOODBRIDOE --. A dwtgaAvenue. of 'outright )y\ur." hnn been

New members welcomed were leveled «t Republican ThirdEllen Konfor, Suzanne Boczicu* Ward candidate Clem Schar-and Virginia Kohler .w»th by D?tnooratlc rstr'Hate

Mrs. Bowen announced that Gaorge Y»t<*.the 4-H candy sale w!ll end y . s , , charged that '3 Vr -Ootober 30. wa!h in despmtlon to find

The next meeting will b« | votr>s has resorted to th- out-No-vember II, from 3:30 to 9:30'rtfrlit. Wliig of lies,•\ in m \Mra Tif\Tvmn*M hnmp *'tv-*r*(to mv n n np.m. in Mrs. Bowen's hom<>.

Scout LeadersOCC l i en I ' " ' "

tx-solt" my o p p o n e n t , ; *rlnlms 1 have nc>> r stut-rf tVl"t'I favor the cf i^ ' - ' i c t 'n of fill

Th«D?nio'iftt;;mnrke.i thf-t the *»y th° op-position Is running its cim-

ISEUN •- The leaders of iP*>«" t s * P r l m e lt Oirl Scout Neighborhood " ? " » " v l ™ a n d

and Brownie «arirr.s h, "»»™- p r M f n t a conBtructlYe programKM to the mother. fe ^ p , l t > , | c

A film, "This to Oiri Scout- - n \% t\n0 evidenced by theing", was shown. The film fact that tlwy hare not toIBbrought out the fact that If a Woodbrldge taxpayers how theysrlrl Ii taught baaM Ideals when* can Improve on the fine recordyoung she will curry theseIdeal* »nd skills over to ma-turity and thiU mifcs a bettercitizen.

After the film, Mrs. John

rU."The same Is true of educa-

tion. My opponents claim creditfor ending double sessions andnew school construction, butthe only school construction inthe third ward was approved bythe public In a general election!before Zirpolo took office due to:the efforts of our non-politicalBoard of Education.

"Zirpolo claims to have re-duced taxes but they are stillsixty-seven points higher thanwhen Adams left office.

"In each Instance the ZirpoloCounty as well as record cannot stand analysis

PLANNED NEW RUIMHNG — Shown above ii a »k«tch of ihe pro-x i e s Carlefet Hmfllter and Refinery worker* new limne ln«ated at thecorner of Irving and Roosevelt Avenues. It will be built at an eitlmatfdcost of $100,000 and wUI Include faculties for officers, meeting room,bankuet hall and tattnge for retlrtd employer!. The plot In roughly

10 by a 100 feet with parking facilities for 150 «M«. Ernest JOHM,nrrreinr, «( tfot local it* chairman of the building committee. Bidsare being received by Robert O'Neill, Perth Amboy architect, with thedeadline set for Nov. 12. Michael Mltro U president of Local *37.

|li. metropolitan area."dund by Lynch In the

mid by his runningA'srmblyman Norman\) in the lower house,

won a close battleby the Immediate slg-

| of fiuv, Hughes whenI* ached his desk.

because It Is nothing mote than& public relation* mans dream I

"In the third ward .we bare!the harsh reality of a do-noth-ing-know nothing candidate on:

Lh« Zirpolo team who hopes to!cash in on their investment. It!Is In the interest of the peo-lpie of Avenel, Port Reading and

will have'Sewftren to elect me their rep-:1II:IK significance I n^resrntative because this oppon-

comtnon problems ent just does not sec wherelooming metropolitan anything Is wrong in our ward."

! tvhich we are a part."xplnimd that the billOimttes and towns tire

niter into programsmilar KovernmtnU in1

rlnt; states to resolve

Pigeon Story,Rockoff Target

WOODBRIDQE—Alan RoctJolf, First Ward OOP candidate.,

Iliii created county col-state aid.

.• of these bill* re-au,c throughout the

aid Lynch, "and a num-tountifs, Including Midihvady are studying the

of their own com-ilH'rs."a.d it is unlikely, that

ejects could even htiveoiiMdered by counties

assurance of stateat:on in the cost of

and operation.lid tint the lawmakers[iddlesex County "have

and confidencellators in both houses

v-ippori of measurestiiise. This is why Mld-

|Coimty Is consistentlyMvd on the most lm-

commltteesis why Middlesex

us such honors as theof Assemblyman J

this year asajonty leader."

AT LABORATORY— Twenty-seven

' Troop 52 and 14 par-ticipated In a tour o

Ptven National Labora-by the Mother

tmgh the effort* of tluOkie sale. The TroopP.M. each Wednesday

"' 7. The next meeting|,MoUi(!rs Club will "bCine of Mrs. E. Plesnur-(Mrs. Charles Habrackstesa,

Last week our bird watchingmayor In a grand stand publi-city stunt expressed shock and,ear over the dangerous num-,

r of pigeons in Woodbrldge.'ownship. His remarks were'

flighty as his subject. Hisidmlnistratlon U actually re-iponslble for the increase of,

TUESDAYA - - "A Furthein and Workshop'

tile tuple of the nextIgKetiug of tlie parent*

y i CooperativT u e s d a y , at tin

[Church of Christ, 831t, Clark. Mrs. Hug

[niuiubershlp clmirmai:Hitrold Minkoff

UK t'halrman.

igeons in the R«rltan Bay areabecause he feeds them at thepen festering garbage dump

which lie* exposed and servest a dally banquet for the pi-

geons and othfr members ofthe animal and rodent families.At any given time daring anyday you can drive past theZirpolo feeding grounds onupper Main Street and see hun-dreds of pigeons feasting ongarbage. When will the peopleif Woodbrldge Township wake

up to the hypocracy of the Zlr-polo Administration?

Mftiie Antotntette in FranceUowed the French people to

starve and when they beggedfor btvad heT answer was "Letthem eat cake." Zlrpolo's lavish,xpenslve and continual public

relation barrage In the local>ress reflecU the same attitude.Marie Antoinette was an ab-soluto monarch with completecontrol over her council. Herpoltical philosophy was to foolthe people with promises, glnricks, pomp und publicity, any-thing to stay in power. French-men finally mustered the revo-lutionary spirit to overthrowthis type of dictatorial power.We have democratic processesiivallahla to accomplish thesame purpose. Americans havea birth-right founded uiwn thetwo party system of govern-ment which permits us theblessed opportunity to improveour government through peace-ful election.

This November nth, Wood-brid«« Township cittens havethat right to convert our gov-ernment from the glory seek-

of the present administration."Finally, the bankruptcy of

the Republican campaign isevidenced by the fact that theyhav« no record to speak of —except for one nf mlsmanag«-Ross, Neighborhood Chairman,

welcomed the mothers and ex- ment and Incompetence In pub-plained the purpose of the get | He office during 1960and 1981.acquainted night. She a l»

Court of HonorHeld at TempiCOI.ONIA—A Court of Honor

and charter presentation washeld at Temple Beth AmThin siliiy. The presentation ofthe troop charter was miuW. bytlw Commissioner, John Ualt-num and his assistant, CharlesMulincliak to Mr. Bromlxr whoacwptrd In behalf of Troop 71,

Scoutmaster Mr. S. Ilornersmvd as master of ceremoniesund save a short Introductionto the purpose of scouting and

various steps In

spoke on the Girl Soout pro-gram, telling the group aboutthe new division of girl scout-ing Into four levels. Brownies,Juniors, Osdettes, and Seniors.3h« explained lirownl^n arc. forfun, Juniors are for learning.Cadettes for adventure, andSeniors for opportunity,

Mrs. Ross explained the bwlcIdeals of Oirl Scouting have notchanged but that after muchresearch the leaders of theOirl Scout Movement decidedthat it was time to change thestructure of the troops.

Refreshments were servedwith the leaders and co-leadersas hostesses.

Kolhasz Dinner Set

By Hungarian GroupW O O D B R I D O E — The

Woodbridge Hungarian Ameri-can Cttlzerm Club has an-nounced plans for its annual

Tin; Troop Color Ouard thcnikolbasz dinner, November 2 at

[defined thescouting.

presented the U, S. and Scoutflags M Nicholas Purda led themeeting In the pledge.

Presentation of tenderfootbadges were made by Mr. Hor-nrr in a candlelight ceremonyas follows: Frank Codocano,

jNick l^rda, Bobby Romano,Ira Smith, Francis Ehlers, JeffStevens, Philip Salvla andThomas Malisyski.

Nuw boys registered and wel-

"This administrationdone more for the people atWoodbrldge than any previousaflmlrildtratlon. It r e d u c e dtaxes, Is helping to eliminatedouble school sessions, ha»rtav»r! more, ro*/1i than rver b«-fnn\ is putAbHsriing a munici-pal library system, has reor-ganized the police department -to bring about better protectionand is introducing modemplanning to the community.

"Thete are solid accomplish-ments which I hope to continueif elected," concluded Ystes.

L of W.V. Endorses

Library ReferendumWOODBRIDOE—The Leagus

of Women Voters of Wood-bridge Township lias gone onrecord as endorsing the Muni-cipal Library System to be vot-ed on November S.

At a meeting of the librarycommittee, plans were dis-cussed for bringing the libraryreferendum to the attention ofthe voters by distributing flyersurging a "yes" vote.

from a classified col-"I,ost. Billfold Would

the H u n g a r i a n ReformedChurch lull, School street.Dinner will be served from 8until 9 P.M. I/mis Nenwth Ischairman.

Tickets are available frommembers and will be K>ld at the license and other hard-to-re-

umn:appreciate return of driver's

door.Mr. Nemeth advised the

members of the Ladies Auxil-iary will prepare stuffed cab-base for the affair.

place Items Including picturesof Washington. Lincoln, Ham-ilton and Jackson."

— Dear County News, Mil-waukee,

WELL REPltKSEEM'i:i): Eleven outstandiiu: sciencestudents from area high schools participated in thechemical caravan at Princeton University Tuesday, spon-sored bj the Chemical Industry Council of New Jerseyto emphasize and highlight the iniiiorta.net of the chemi-cal industry in the county and state. Flint row, GeraldE. Solook, Sajrevlllc; Milan Zahorcak, Perth Amboy;Judith E. Jobbiw, Edison; Mary E. Casey, MadisonTownship; Karen Gebler, South Brunswick; Douglas B,

Nelwn, New Brunswick; second row, James R. Odom,South Amboy; Joseph V. Santoro, St. l'cter's, New Bruns-wick; Michael J. Markow, Woodbricige; Andrew J. Mitro,Carteret; Joseph J. *'ater Jr., Metuchen; third tow, es-cortt; John Amoral, Heyden Newport Chemical Corpora-tion; George Davis, American Cyanld Company, both ofWoodbrldse Township and Arnold C. Waser, M & TChemicals, Inc., Carteret.

Ing, self-serving, profit motiv-ated, hypocritical dictatorshipwhich It has become In the pasttwo years Into a two party gov-ernment with qualified, honest,uncontrolled men of Independ-ent thinking from both partiessitting together In open honestdebate. Rockotl added, "Politi-cians talk out of both sides oftheir mouth at once, States-men do not." Zirpolo can't re-move a bird problem by foster-ing It through im open garbuuedumping program. He can'tclaim credit for a tax reductionwhen his administration actual-ly raised the tuxes from l'Jtil67 points, lit; can't presenthimself as u protector of thwaverage working man while hewines tuui dines lndustrlulisUarid executives, conducts pic-ture taking recreation programfor children's parents who can

I ladassah SetsMeeting MondayWOODBRIDOE—The Wood-

bridgu Chapter of Hadassah willmeet Monday, 8:30 p.m. atthe Jewish Community Centerwith the Hadassah Medical Or-mnUiitioii and the Medical..'enter the topic of the eve-ning.

Dr. William Pollen of PerthAmboy will be the guest speak-er. He is a Diplomat* of theAmerican Board of OrthopedicSurgeons, Fellow of the Ameri-can Academy of Orthopedic

IOIW, IMJI1IIIMHI.H of the Na-tional Board of Medical Ex-ainlners, a member of the Stateof New Jersey Medical Associa-tion, the American Medical As-

oy Memorial Hospital andresident of the medical stafft the Middlesex Rehabilitationnstltute.

This will be an open meeting,husbands and friends are in-ited to attend.

Mrs. Joseph Cohen, presi-dent, announced at a recent ex-ecutive board meeting, the an-tual convention will be held atiVashlngtong, D. C. beglnnigSunday and continuing until

afford to pay an admission feeMaUon and Uie Middlesexand spend* taxpayers' money County Medical

on surveys, and hUjh salaried Dr. l'olfcn U nn Associate Or-t h l l t t th P t h A bcaruetbawtUm If th(ii*<llst ftt the Perth Amboy

i lit were his own. Two party iwv-p I l t ' r a l Hospital, ConsultingermiK'nt is tasi-iitlal lor Wuod-ptlmpt:dist at the South Am-bridge Township. If this liviCritical uttlludi! is to t;nd weneed checks uud balunct's in |!

Town Hull.

RUMMAGE SALEFriday, October 25, 1!)«3

6:00 r.M, to 9:00 P.M.

First CongregationalChurch

cur. Hanoi! & (Jiovu Avea.Woodbridge

Sponsored bySUIH* Alpha Plil

Horotlty oi t i tFit-it Coujteiatloiul Church


Delegates who will attend be-sides Mrs, Cohen are Mrs. Irv-ing Hutt, regional vice presi-dent; Mrs. Lawrence Weiss, re-

ional co-chairman of the do-raan; Mrs. Fred Kaufman, re-glnola co-chairman of the do-nor luncheon.

corned wore Billy Morris, AlanVigilante, Robert Bruder, Thom-as Mlliszski, Philip Salvia andJoseph Spadcro.

Second Class presentationwas made by Mr, Damon toAlan Schwartz und First ClassAwards were presented to AlanSchwartz and Richard Chukrin,

Scoutmaster Horner present-ed the Star Scout Award to:Henry Floremau, Josvph Fuida,Jay Bromberff, Mlhis Bromberg,Gerald Rosenthal, Jeffrey Hor-ner, Calvert Downey, EdwardCalowlty and Pat McGuincn*.

The above boys also receivedmerit badges toward their Lifeand Eagle Scouts advance-ments.

Assistant patrol leader* « -Iected were Pat McOulness, M.Kahn, C, Meyer and D. Eles-cowechy.

The Troop committee waspresented with cards and scoutpins. The committee gave a spe-cial award and selected Joey

urda. Star Scout, for theAward of Instructor and atroliward of Instructor and Patrolfhich Includes the nine Star

Headquarters for


LUMINALL PAINTS,Wallpaper andPainters Supplies


i68-:»U Washington AvenueCarlml Tel, Kl 1-3141





Pershing Avenueat

Randolph Street

FREE GIFT!To Everyone Opening A 1964

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Tel. U 8-4641 H 1 3-°°75



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TOWN ...

For A B I G Christmas, '64Look ahead to a really BIG Christmas, next

year. Then take steps to get a BIG check forbountiful gifts shopping to make this dreamciime true. Join our 1964 Christmas Club now.See how little-by-little adds up to a lot ofChristmas joy I

Attention '63 Club MembersPayments will be accepted thru

Friday, November 8th.


"Our 41 it Yiar of Uninterrupted

Service To The Community"

MAIN OffVIOIiM Cook* Ateno*•juntmo mtrni:

Dlllj | AM t« ) P.M.rridur » i.M. U> I r.M.nuta

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*ttM to | »JLFABUM4 LpT

niitm wnjaliAL RJBBRVI ^YBTXW um


Page 10: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

WiF TFNOrtoTxr 24, 1W5S

Ilic Crow's Nest



liiv.uiishrd milit-iHT RttirlriU ftt|ttir University of Dayton. Dny-

ton, O So dcsiRiintrd nnrl hon-ored wl- recent rfiomonlos onttio rnmpus by University pr-s-ldrnt. Father Raymond ARorsch and Col. Wilbur E.ShowalU-r, professor of inil-itnry sclcncr was Joseph OKrujkovteh, 104 Forri Avrniie.

last But NotSt. Among those who grndtmtfd

Avenue, Woodbridgv\!from the one-year practical:• of Mrs Leonia Zftk, nursing course at the Middle;r«cher at the Hlgh.srx County Vocational and

:-• • : iind nne of the pretty Technical High Sohool here InstZnk sifters, has bepin practice.'Friday were: Miss Patricia 0'-

Kathy. a senior ntjfjril. Port Reading: Miss LindaCollege, is teaching-Dale and Mrs. George Walker.

homr I'rnr.omlM at HubbardPrhr.nl. Plainfield. . . AirmanThird Class Oskar Penic, ofRiivarni, has been reassignedto I.

and There:Kathv Znk, 737

Iselin: Miss Madeline Silvnney.Hopelawn: Mrs. Salvatore Gih-illsco and Mis* Audrey Klinn.Avenel: Mrs, George Hasko. Sc-

G. Hascom Field, Mass..|vparen: Mr*. Alfred VauRhnhis .Rraduatlon from I and Ml« Linda Valocsik. Folds

U. S. Air Force technical j The Class of September lPfilcourse (or dental spe-jAward of Honor for Excellence

clallM.s at Guntt-r AFB, Ala. ,,„ Nursing Arts, a monetaryThr son of Mr. and Mrs. John award, was presented to Mrs.Pnnic R65 West Avenue, Air- walker. Mrs. Gibllsco, classman Pmlo is a graduate of president, presented a gift toWnoribridue Senior High School the school . . . Capt. Jerome B.

George Dapper Jr., son Rosenberg, 15 Overbrook Drive,


Mi nnd Mrs. George Dap-er, 1020 Green Street, Iseln,

i been numed Freshman rep-entotivp on the Studentuncil at Tarkio College, Tar-

Mo. . . .

tthifts:i Marine Pvt. First Class Ian-

T Lynn, son of Mr. andIrs. W. T. Lynn, 500 Prospectvenue, Woodbridge, servingfith the Fourth Marine Regi-

. First Marine Division,Jawaiinn Islaftds, is partlcipat-

ln joint training maneu-vers with t.hf- Parific Fleet Am-phibious Forces , . . Miss Mar-

.1. Morrow, head of theSocial Studies Department atWnodbrldse Senior High Schoolattended the 61st autumnmeeting of the Middle StatesCouncil for Social Studies inReading, Pa., recently . . .

FordB, is currently serving withthe Air Force Re.serve as anexecutive officer at McGuireA, F. B. . . .A pair of Kisseswas found on Woodbridge Ave-nue, Port Beading. Owner may;have them by calling at the of-

!flce at School 9, Port Reading.

Tndcpendent-Leader (E.B - Carl,,,

WEU'OMK NEW PLANT: At dedication of thr new HfllCo. bulldtnr, left to right: John Barclay, executive y\rt>president, The Hell Co.; David Kislak, presldmt, J. I. Kin-

Or«atilr.atlon; M»y<»r Wsltfr Zirpolo; Joseph Hfll, Sr.,of thr truck body firm; and Ed Errath, plant


ISEUNmeeting of

Junior High medication Rites are Held Paid-tip Member1"*Plans Cake Me At New Heil Plant Here u Party Oct.

Skit PresentedBy Cub Scouts

COI,ONIA The ColonlH Li"hrai-v wiw nil filled to capacity

! Friday nltrht when the CubKeimis. Pack 45 held their firstnv-eiinn nf the season. Openlnifjintvrr wns said by ThomasHrnrtrlrksen and the Plvdge tothe flai; wns given by AlanKni/n1 with the cub scmit.promise recited by Ronald Bnr-

Annual Inspection by twnneighborhood commissioners,John Cody and Hershal Tarher.wns held.

.Scout.master Hawkins inlin-duced tii.s n«w commitli'o: In-stil utlonnl representive, Georui:Burnoslry: committee ermir-lnnn, John McOwney and John

JAIusik: treasurer. John Ballek;• events co-chairmen, Vito Sa-: picn/n and Mrs. Gcorne Van-tier Decker; committeeman,MnrUn Connell Sr.: den moth-ers: IVn 1, Mrs. Snl Mnrltn'n:Den 2. Mrs. Fred Anderson;Den 3. Mrs. Ray Fnwe; IK-n4, Mrs. Marlon Hawkins. Den5. Mrs Eugene. Solop: Den fi,Mrs. Arthur jftiaffery.

Nt'w Bobcats Introduced wore:Roy Anderson, Gregorv Ficarr.Paul Oroben, Mark Ballek.Martin Connell Jr., Ray Haw-kins, Mark Thomas, Eric Sym-borskl, William Wlttreich. andChristopher Solop.

The following awards were!presented: '


One year pin. Alan Brechka;

The first generalthe Iselin Junior

Thr U. S. Civil War Cen-tennial announced today pub-lication of "The Civil War," ahandbook designed primarilyfor elementary and high school.students. The author of thebooklet Is Mr. James I. Robert-son, Jr., executive director ofthe presidential-appointed com-mission. The Booklet " 'maybe obtained without chargefrom the U. S. Civil War Cen-tennial Commission, Washing-ton 25, D.C. . . . Army Pvt.John S. Mehesz, Jr., 199 FultonStreet, Woodbridge, Is with the8th Infantry Division In Ger-

, many, as a cook in Headquar-it-rs Corppany, 1st Battalion offth > 8th Infantry Divteion's 13th[ Jnfiuitry near Baumholder . . .

~!i?rles W. Messick, fireman|'av:it entice, USN, son of Mr,|aurl Mrs. Gary H. Messick, 66

il'y Street, Woodbridge, iss- i-ving aboard the attack air-craft carrier USS Shangri-La,operating out of Mayport, Fla.,

, and is currently deployed In theN M e d l t e r r a n e a n for sevenmonths of training exercises...

Inihefttailbag:Newark College of Engineer-

Ing's enrollment has exceededthe 6,000 mark. Enrolled asfreshmen from this area are:from Avenel, Lawrence T. To-lendlno, 25 Livingston Avenue;from Carteret, Roger J. Bakos,12 Bernath street; from Co-lonia, Stephen A. Glasser, 676Inman Avenue; William A. Hu-ber, 420 Chain O'HiHs Road;Kenneth R. Jensen, 30 W. CliffRoad; John W. Swift, 360 Ma-plewood Avenue; from Fords,John J. Brennan, 11 TracyDrive; Janusz Gawlowski, 301

Bodnarik Road; from Wood-bridge, William A. Hnat. 523Watson Avenue . . . Dr. B. Isen-beTK. Fords, participated In anall-day symposium on "VisualProblems of Children" at Lin-coln Center, New York, Sunday.The program, sponsored by theOptometric Center of New York,was held in the lecture auditor-ium of the new American RedCross Pavilion. It was attendedby more than 200 optometristsand pediatricians from eightttates . . . Richard A. Melanson,582 Linden Avenue, Woodbridge, and a s o p h o m o r e ,

.achieved a perfect term aver-a g e of 1.0 (the highest markjn the Rutgers grading system)|*nd has been named to the

•»ii'.s List. Also on the Dean's

rist at the college is Andrew I"Flitey, 74 Hagaman Street.Ctyss of '66, humanities major.

From-., the NotebookWhen youuu&tt'rs cull a[ yow

door myt Thursday mid display"trick or tival" canisters forUNICK1'. KIV« "cin my.slv , , itwill help clnldri'ii -• • ••f •- ii c u t i o n u l opportunities,ht'allh .vivici'h and fo.n, ,.,,ucloLhiiiK in underprivileged"c-Jtinn.'.s. . Katura Schonie,d:ui|.'.ltter ot Captain and Mrs!('liiuii'ii A Srhuent', lii5 5thBtrt't't, I'Virds, wus productiiinlimnagci for "A Program of thePi'i-loi-iuing Arts" held duringSoiiliimiort' Parents1 Weekendlust wvi-kend ut Banddlph!Mauiu Woman's College

ilisl J"ourth Class Qeralcinui'iilmffcr, statiunmi iUKnox, Ky., was chosen m

of the Month" «i mfort lust uiunth. An asaktanttraining NCX> for his company,3Kt. Wiiti'iilwHfr is a graduateof WiiOiHu'iJti: Huuior lilghtkhoul mid Hhtei C'ulleije. t i ela tin! MIII <jl Mr. and Mrs. Jo-sepli Wunciiliollvr, UO Bot'cllhirt'ci 1'iiiiis Anotlwr Fordsii old..UL hus been numed dis-

High School PTA was held Inthe cafeteria wlwre MM. Ed-ward' Yelle, legislature chair-man spoke on the Importanceof voting at the November 5election on the Bond Issue.

Mrs. Victor Thompson, presi-dent of the PTA announcedthat delegates from the JuniorHigh School PTA will attendthe annual PTA Convention inAtlantic City on October 24.Miss Sylvia Romanoski, a

member of the faculty readthe dress code, which has beenadopted for the students.

It wns announced that a

WOODBRIDGE — M a y o rWalter Zirpolo and Joseph HellSr., president of The Heil Com-pany, manufacturer of truck _bodies, cut the traditional r lb - !_ —bon Friday in dedicating the D T Anew Hell plant on Green Street, 1 l ajust off the Route 1 circle.

Assembly of land, financing,and a long - term lease to Heil

cake sale will be held ElectionDay.

* EdwaTff P.Keatmg,pfrncrp*ai;welcomed the group and out-lined the work of the PTA

'Blake, of Union, and Ken-j T S E U N - Membership vice-president, Mrs. Seymour JClep-

wemeral contractor was the IrisConstruction Company, of Un-ion.

gwere arranged as an "Industrialpackage" by the 31. Kislak Org-anization, of Newark, one of thenations' largest real estate,mortgage banking and insur-ance firms. The Kislak com-pany had previously sold Hell'sfactory In Hillside, to the Kai-ser Aluminum Company.

dedication,G. t

Children And TVISELIN — The PTA of Ken-

nedy Park School met Mondayevening, and heard A. E. Zuck-er, of Rutgers University dis-cuss "The Impact of Televisionon Our Children," He told the been on television and radio.


in thewere L.

affect of the medium on homeife and on school and sociallife. He stressed that television

Open house was held afterthe brief business meeting.

At the next regular meetingNovember 20, the programtheme will be "College Factsand Fancies," with Mr, Keat-ing and the Guidance Depart-ment participating,

RITZ TheatreCuteret, M. t.


y ^presljjehfof thYWoodbrldgeTri-dustrial Council; John Barclay,executive vice president ofHell; E4 Krrath, plant man-ager; Joseph A. Aramanda, vicepresident of Kislak and head ofits Industrial Department, andGustare Packer, i n d u s t r i a lsalesman for the realty firm.

The new Heil plant is a one-story, brick, masonry and steestructure with 34.000 sq. ft. offloor space. It Includes 4,000sq. ft. of air-conditioned of-fices. The property has parkingfor more than 75 cars, and rail


October 2S-27Ohultan Heston - Jack Hawkins

SPECIAL KIDDIE MATINEBSaturday It Sunday at 1:00 p.m.

Evening Show Starts 7:15Admission: Adults $1.00

Children .50


Wednesday Thru Sunday

October 30 • November 3


'The Clown and the Kid'Kiddle MatUlet:

Sat. • Sun. 1 P.M.Evening Show 7:00 P.M.

ner, Sisterhood CongregationBeth Sholom, announced thaton Monday at 8 p.m., a paid-up membership party will beheld for Sisterhood members.

Entertainment will be byMrs. Chester Willis, of Wood-bridge. Mrs. Willis starred Inthe production "Paint YourWagon." She was In eight dif-ferent productions in the Pa-per Mill Playhouse, and has

Post 2636 as follows:Anthony Belencki, Donald

Crilly, Steve Jencslk, Joseph•ehl. Jack. Wallace, and Ed-

ward Cooper.Guest speaker at the

She also sang at CarnegieHall,

1K educational and beneficialIf good programs, are selected.

The membership committeereported that 447 members arenow enrolled.

A Halloween parade will beheld at the school on October31 at 11:36 aan. and 1:15 p.m.A cake sale will be held at thesame time and coffee will alsobe served.

Announcement was m a d ethat the annual bazaar will beheld December 4.

The program for tfce nextmeeting, November I I will Beopen home.

Ne-w York to Miamidirected musical* In



put onBelieve"

rates and Penitence'.{ The cast consisted ,of:I tain, Alan Frazee; mate, Ron-

Burnosky; first pirate,

skit er, Mrs. EUKCI'Pi- sift tin boys

"The WorldCap-


j . I1 »!

meeting was Commander JohnWolf of the Colonia Post, whospoke on the gravity of the tworeferenda which will be on theballot in November. Flyers willbe printed and delivered to thecitizens of Woodbridge urgingthem to vote yes on the twotax issues.

The Color Guard will meeton Monday night, at the Posthall.

son:Arrow,Arrow,Silver Arrows! John Davidr*g; Bear Badff,

. . sik; Gold Arrow,zollna; Bear Badge, John Har-

Badge, and a Gold'rate, Thomw Hendriksen;Ruasel Bauer: Silver jwlteh doctor, Kevin Kamlen-Rlchard Kerbl*; Two'sU; first native, Alan Brach-

<*«>»<» native John Deck-- «r:


Italian American Av .2nd Street, rVt R

(Turn fan JI «[.,,,


Dancing fromM i n t Bf 15 II,

The next meetingThursday night.


mediate area, Ste k curr.enily \&,,.„ [)fmce Hintedconducting a Cantata for the!Woodbridge H a d a s s a h and,By Sisterhood JSoV. .Wworking on a musical score for j _ A m e e t i n g o f t n e

a show, whleH,is due to open ; c o m m H t e e ^ t h e b a r n d a n c esoon. Mrs. E. J. .Stollcr willjto bp sponsored by the Sister-accompany Mrs. Willis at the,nood of concregationpiano. | s h ,

Members on the party com-mittee are Mrs. Herbert Sells,Mrs. Harold Epstein, M r s .George Form, MM. Joseph Gur

olom was held withBethMrs.

siding facilities leading to theadjacent. Reading RR' rightof way, Architects were Rot-

British back plan to avertsurprise attacks.

ney, Mrs.HaroldK<>rland,Mts. JosephMurray StoUer,Sablotsky, Mrs.

Klein, Mrs.Irving






i. '

Woodbridge, N. J.

Now thru Saturday

'Word of Lancelot'—also—

"KISS Of Hie•n







Here Only C«n You Knjoy OurCUnt Screen it. Full 4 TrackSterro Sound.

Children's MasqueradeParty, Sat. at 12:30. Prizes!"Abbott & Costfllu Meet

the Mummy"



THURS. & FRI. 10/24-25Doris Day

Junes Garner

"Thrill Of It Al l "Mark Damon


Howard Rosenbaum, chairman,at 7 Vera Lane, Tliursdajr.

The event to be held Novem-ber 30 witl feature Harold D1-Espjc* of Linden, caller, and hisband.

Commlttecihatrman presentwere: Mrs. Rosenbaum, gen-eral chairman; Mrs. FrankBernstein and Mrs. Jack Lauerrefreshments: Mrs. G e r a l dKasher, and Mrs. Sandy Obolsky, beverages: Mrs. M. E.

are Mrs. Malkin a«d Mrs, Vlt- 3'toller, and Mrs. Gabriel Oak-rlol. lander, decorations; Mrs. liob-

The theme wilj be '»work.j"t Friedman, tickets; and Mrs.Torah, and Practice." Rabbi!Bernard Schlossman, publicityNorman Kleinman will give the' ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i , .Invocation. •

Guests of Sisterhood will beDavid Qanvissor, president ofCongregation Beth S h o l o mand Mark Form, president ofthe United Synagogue Youth.

er, Mrs. Larry Ifalkin, Mrs,Marvin Levine and Mrs. JackLauer . Hospitality chairmen

B. d e n m o t h .row, Gary Killer; Silver Arrow,

drive Saturday and were gratl-

led by their den mother, Mrs.

The' DriftwoodsThis Wwk , . ,

J I M M Y '.VJ1MSIMtit

' ' I I I ! I


™ DANCEThr llntnr Of riif


"Can't you gel it throughyour head that when you runwith a football you don't


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"Night Of The Beast"THE YOUNG RACERS


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"Thrill Of It Al l "Mark Damon





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Henry SilvaElizabeth Montgomery

"JOHNNY COOL"Cameron Mitchell


Midnight tkjuus: Krl. i Sat.)


fMf f lECtlUt ,'Ii «A|! E • M IW N TS1

CXJrtBBHIt>*jt 10 ROOTE 9 Jl*«"T!C*J35TOIV H'.H>K01b CN OATtO R I C t l P T

NOW thru TUES.Juaa Garner

Charles Broii



WKKKDAVS — Khort »t 7:M — KnUure at »:it

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Page 11: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o





Prom All the


Independent - Leader Carteret PressEDISON-FORDS BEACON

A Newspaper Defeated to the BertInterest* <* the Reddente 4f th«

ComnnudtiM We Bert*

Independent-Leader (E.B.)Thursday, October 24, 1963 PAGE ELEVEN

WINDOWOn Green Street


— — By The Staff

il Pdjuk, unsuccessful Democratic candidate in several: elections. In and out ot the poltical arena has aRftln1 his nlleKlanw to the 0. O. p. This yew' he Is en.Ch.-irlfs Molnnr and Alan Rockoff. Republican can-

l,,s f,,r rouncllman-at-large and First Ward CouncilmanHi,, oilier hand Rocco Vacca, former First Ward Demo-ir rhiiirmnn, who strayed from the fold two years agolfk mi the Zlrpolo-Mortensen band wagon

* • * .

jay Murray tells us the Munlcana of '63 to be Dre-tntrd hy St. Cecelia'* PTA on November 8, 9, 15 and

will be the finest entertainment ever. The cant ofore than HO Is worktnj very hard and a professional,„« k In the making. Ticket* are available at St. O .•lias Bonk Shot), 40 Button RtrM, Iwlln.

• • * *With the dry spell staying with us and with It the cc-n-

,t fear of fires, we were shocked to learn of the burningt ciimpalfin sign on the front lawn of Mrs. Minnie Adams,il Avenue, Sewaren, the other night. 8he is the 85-year-'

rmother of the former mayor, Frederick M. Adams, anirpmled to have been asleep upstairs at the time.The implication that the die could have spread to thisnltl frame house 1B most serious — furthermore the for-nmvor's wife. Lois, report* that this Is the third time

iiiiempt has been made to burn the sign. A passingdr:v«'r luckily spotted the flaming sign and called policeWoodbridge Fire Company extinguished the blaze.

Bui's wore seen running from the area Immediately after

[lire started and police said that they found a plasticbottle which they believed contained gasoline, or kerorear the almost completely destroyed sign.

<• boys certainly mast have had full knowledge o„ ..icy were dolhg, Smearing political signs la bad enougbuniinn them Is of a more serious nature, especially Mi' the dry spell we are having.

\\> believe that the trend of the future Is in linetli Mayor Walter Zlrpolo's suggestion that this muni-pnlity change Its name from Woodbridge Township totin Woodbrldie, Thli would be done In name only,Ithout having the township change Us legal status astownship. Clark, a neighboring community has droppedownship" as part of Its name,

likewise people are referring to Franklin Townshipi>l,iin Franklin — the same holding tm« with Plscata-

j Township,* « • *

Firry, whose dad used to be principal of Woodbridgeoperate* the M-Ioot fishing boat Pa-Ka-Bob out Of

pmnns Boat Basinfn Brtelte; CftaTHe'TMoTnar made twowith the younger Terry and caught plenty of fish on

| o< rnsions.• • • •

If you like Kolbasi dinners — Hungarian style, thenc.irlan-Amerle«n Cltliens Club it putting one on at

Reformed Church halt in School Street, Nov. 2.

Avenel Lion* Club Li sponsoring another one ofimt Jemima Pancake Sales this Sunday from 8 a.m. to

in the Avenel First Aid Building. Both previous affairsbeen highly successful with the proceeds going tottarfls

jClub's blind program. Steve Cohorskj, chairman, andworkers have Beeri selling tickets to tl»e affair from

todoor. Ymfm* *b.**\i* piafeWis ymi want for a

Molyneux. Woodbridgr Democratic chairmanI mi excellent job, along with Millie Irwke*. vice chair-

In, in staging the annual dinner-dance of the organ-|tiim at the Armory, Saturday night. Attest to this,

i lie huge crowd that packed thr place. The parade| placards during the evening gave the place the ap-

ice of a convention.

VIPS at a meeting Monday night In the VillageJ:uie plans for a Chinese Auction and a chicken pap-dirmer.

• * * •M». Helen Bopp, H Main Street, Woodbridge, is re-

al home following i recent Illness.• * • * i

an e Willey, teller at Mercury Federal Savings and[ A.v.uclation Is currently spending two weeks with the

An- Reserve at Willow "Grove Naval Air Station in'lvanla. Mr. WUley is a pilot technician.

[Those of yon who viilt The Gallery on Hallowe'enwill be greeted at the door by "Frankenstein,"

[Mummy" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame."• • • •

Zullo, in charge of arrangements Jor the Chamberamerce Christmas parade In Woodbridge on November

'• ports that this year's parade is really going to bei'K to see. Several area bands have already indicated

participate and "Santa" is busily preparing a spe-hnstmas Stocking" full of goodies !or the kiddles.

|fiai Hollywood, advertising manager of our newspa-leaving Monday for Washington to spend a week

with hit brother, Phil, general manager ot Thethuni Ho^i l n d Motor Inn.

of Main Street, Woodbridge, celebrated hisnhday Monday. He is a retired fireman; formerly for-

Halloween DanceSaturday Night

UNSCHEDULED VISIT: With airports In Newark andLinden fogbound Monday morning, John It. I.lo.vd, 29.Monmouth Hoard, who operates a helicopter for a NewVork radio station ami announces traffic reportis, Wasforced to land his craft in an unused portion of Clover-

leaf Park Cemetery. Police: who went to thr scene woretold by Lloyd ho would depart as soon ;is tht ta% lifted—which he did. Meantime folks from nil aAVml formeda circle of curious spectators.

THE GOVERNOR WAS THERE: And received assurancesof an outstanding vote for the passage of his bond issueat the annual dinner of the Woodbridge Township Demo-cratic Organization Saturday. Left to right: State Sena-

tor John J. Lynch, Assemblyman Norman Tanznian,Thomas Molyneux, Township Ili-monraUr MunicipalChairman; Governor Richard J. Hughes, Mayor .WalterZiriiolo and Representative. Edward J. I'atlin.

Services ListedBy Assembly of CodISELIN Rev. Albert H.

\ot the Woodbridge Fire Company.

Phelps, temporary pastor of

the Iselin Assembly of OodChurch, has announced serv-ices for the week of October27 as follows: Sunday, SundaySchool, 9:45 a.m., MorningWorship, 11 a.m., J u n i o rChurch, for children, ages fourthrough nine, 11 am., andEvening Worship, 7 p.m.; Tues-day, Women's M i s s i o n a r yCouncil Prayer Meeting, 1 p.m.,and Evening Prayer Service at8 p.m.; W e d n e s d a y , BibleStudy, with the topic "Preposi-tions of the Splritj," 7:45 p.m.;and Friday, Christ's Ambassa-dors, young people, 7:30 p.m.

The church nursery will beavailable during Morning Wor-ship Service Sunday, under thesupervision of Mrs. MagneLohne.

Krutulutloiu to Joseph DeAngelo, popular Hope-l'outh Organization founder and director, who re-was the recipient of a Township Committee award,

ntfd by Mayor Walter Zirpolo, for his many yearsvoted service to the Community. A capacity crowd

lit) attendance fur the occasion and also for the an-\ presentation of awards by the Hopelawn Youth group


you know that George Wasilek of Sewaren and. former• nigh Kchool grid star has given up the gameafter many .successful seasons?

Sewaren residents, Mr. »nd Mrs. John Hap-. now raiding in Ovid, N. Y., (near Buffalo) willIllu-ir many frlendf over the weekend while va«a-Pl in the area,

Ji'h Luncheonette on Amboy Ave,, Is a popular noonJ for the WoodbrUbjo Hi«h football CQMtm, physical> advisors and Recreation Department officials. Boh,

[and not have a wonderful gift of gab to go with thetoad

» I* the popular Woodbridfc Township employee~* aspirations of taking control of the S. J. Groves>"'s vast operations in tb« engineqrlUf.and oontraet-


JVim u u w Univ«r«Ky foottell tall* »«d Alumni"oodlng over the im consecutive losses to Army'ihf. A leading prognosUoator W* three more

'< « e in the cards before the season's finale.

» «l»d to hear that Ted Hudilk, of Bud's Hutt* 1, U up and around again, Ted hat been In?IU| fur xpuroilmalrlj l i t w*ekji. ;,

CAN Dies.

Hadassah PlansMember Party

COLONLA — The member-hip committee of the ColonlaChapter of Hadassah met withAr&. Milton Eig, membership:o-chairman, 43 Leslie Road,Monday, to formulate plansor the paid-up membership>arty November U at 8 p.m.it Temple B'nal Jacob, LordStreet, Avenel.

"Hadassah adds a spark to/our life." will be the themetor the evening. Highlightingfoe festivities will be thecrowning of the "queen for thenight" by Mayor Walter Zlr-polo to be chosen from thenewly enrolled members. "TheQueen" will be awarded manygifts.

Mrs. Martin Rogoff, programIce president, will present Alta

Marshall who will entertainwith a melody of Hebrew andYiddish Songs.

The Induction of new mem-bers will be conducted by Mrs.Melvin Schleslnger, member1

ship vice president.The refreshment committee

will consist of Mrs. Eig, MrsRudy Rettig, Mrs. Julius Schil-ler, and Mrs.,, Ruth Meyers.

) with Uit* ljuiihain CPi:i-b«lles fJague recently Qm Ena, fc>Mlu,r ZliiJui's oiHM roll«l «• "«ut 100

-il by any female in the f• ut lib ^lao top» all otlwri


t 100 g Wso far. Her tnree-

in the loop.

. . . to give and enjoy.ASSORTED CHOCOLATUS

l i b . $1.60 » lbs. $3.15



Mrs. Seymour Hecht, will MvmUprs

head the reservation committee n ( " w e r s

assisted by Mrs. Rcttig, Mrs.Schiller, Mrs, Aaron Zale, andMrs. Meyers.

Mrs. Sol amith will be Incharge of visual aid and Mrs.Abe Kramer of publicity andprogram booklet,

The meeting was attended byMrs. Melvin Schlessinger, Mrs.Jerome Berkowitz, Mrs. Sey-mour, Hecht, Mrs. Rettig, Mrs.Martin Rogoff, and Mrs. AbeKramer.

Mrs. Jerome Bcrkowltz, pres-ident, and Mrs. Sol Breshlnsky,fund raising vice ( president,were chosen as delegates tothe Hadassah national conven-tion October 27-30 at the ParkSheraton Hotel, Washington,D. C.

A board meeting will be heldMonday with Mrs. DavidSchoenberg, 34 Broadway, Co-lonla at 9 p.m.


has been named to head thegift shop conducted, by theAuxiliary of the Union CountyOsteoputhic Society at the Me-morial General Hospital, UnionA membership party was heldby Liu; (4ioii|i with Mrs. HerbertGoif presiding.

By Junior Girls UnitISELIN — A Thanksgiving

basket event is currently beingconducted by the Junior Girls'Unit of the VFW Post Auxili-ary.

New members initiated at thelast meeting were Dolores Kin-ley, and Linda Carvella. Anygirl, who is a daughter, sister,or granddaughter of a VFWmember from five years of ageup, is welcome to join the or-ganization.

Meetings are held the sec-ond and fourth Saturday ofeach month at 10:30 a.m.

I8ELTN--A. Halloween (tftneowill hp sponsored by the Ladles'Auxiliary of the VFW Pnsl. 2036Saturday. 8:30 P. M.. in the

I Post. Hal), Lincoln HiuhwnyiMrs. Hii'.munri Smolni, chair-mini, announced costunn-s areoptional. DnnclnR, until I A Mwill bo to the music of "Thr En-chantments." Three prlzvs wlljfop awarded for host dressed,i funniest, nnd most original cos-tumes.

New members arrrpl^d into(lie iuixllliiry are: Ann Corvolle,Joyce Elizabeth Dletold, andUrsula Golden.

Mis Carl Raymond was elected nnd installed fts treasurer fothe remainder of tlw yearInnr Stmiley was appolnteiimblirlty chairman nnd MrsJinn Hibell, color-bearvr.

The auxiliary will sponsor ahospital party at the Veterans'Homo, Mrnlo Park, November4, Members attending ftrr aslwd.n inert at the post hall at 7:30

M.Booster^ are now on sale for

:he variety show to be present-rl nn neraimher 6 and 7, bv the

Isellntown Players for the brne-it of the Post.

.Mrs. J. E Osbourne was win-ner of the dark horse prize

The' Auxiliary will m-M. Oc-tober 31, 8:30 P. M. jointly with,he VPW Post; members, at thePost, Headquarters.

Itcmsnn Rcporls16% Profit RiseWOODRUIDOE — The Ron-

smi Corpni'iition today reportedHint consolidated net sale1; for

nine months ended Septem-ber ;ii) amounted to a record

uf $43,260,000. This rep-•iiled si 13% incresujp overprevious record of $38,235,-

000 set for the same period lasyear

Nine - months profits afterluxes amounted to $2,290,000,;ui increase of $333,000 over tin$l,i)S7,000 enmed for the sarw

,'riod last year.Earnings per share for the

nine months ended September30 were $1,41, a 16% increaseover the $122 par share earnedfrom January through aeptenvber 1962 after adjustment fo:a V"; slock dividend paid Febi-Liary 15, 19G3.

For the third quarter of 1903the Corporation reported thaiconsolidated net sales of $17,-filO. 000 also set a new recordsurpassing the previous high ol$15,574,000 for the same perioclast, year.

Not profits after taxes for thperiod July-September amounted to $1,301,000, an Increase o$145,000 over the $1,156,000 re-ported for that period last year

July — September earning!i' share earned for that three

month period In 19(51! after adJustment fort the 2% stock dlv

Methodist Church ListsDr. Randolph as Speaker

111 H'.'foi n i i i t ion Su i i f lny w b timrks the unity or Protrsta;._,-.111 will be held at the WcoJ-ridiic M"ethi)tlts|, Church, Sun-ny. October 27. lUfiH.The rnesnue for the mwvviB

,'i-viee nt 11:00 A.M. will :>e'John W'.'sley" n biogvaphy d!«liveml by Theodore C. S o *•nuns

In observance of Reforma-tion Sunday, the first "Churrh

jPninlly Night" of the year nlllI he heir! at 7:00 In the evening.I The. Riiest speaker will be Dr.David J. Randolph, AssistantProfessor of Preaching and th*[Pastoral Ministry, at Drew UnUIverslty.

Ttiidend paid list February.

NAMED CHAIRMAN: BenFalk, district mnnncrr for theMetropolitan IMc InsuranceCo., at Woodhriditr, has beennttiurd Colonia chairman for(he United Fund - RarltanBay Area.

Mr. Falk, who lives at 35Warwick Uoad, is a directorof the Fund and previouslyserved on the boards of theRed Cross and Bny Scouts,both Fund agencies. He Is amember of the Colonist Coun-try Club and thp Rotary Clubof Woodbridfje.

A Kradimtf In civil engi-neering of Cornell University,Mr. Kulk Is a Chartered UffUnderwriter anil a dircumiof the Mfp Underwriters As-sociation of the Itaritau RayArea. He. served as a Navylieutenant in the South Paotflc during World War II.

Mothers to SponsorHalloween Affair

COLONIA—The Mothers' As-sociation of Colonla will spon-sor its second annual children'sHalloween party Saturday from2 to 4 P. M. at School 17.

Mr. William Olsen, chairmun,is asking all children 12 yearsold and under to be accom-panied by their parent. Therewill be no charge for the party.Refreshments will be servedand iniv.es given for costumes

A meeting of tlw associationwill bi* held Monday at 8 P. M.at VI-'W hall.

Large Crowd Expected'At B'nai Jacob DanceAVENEL — A record-break-

ing attendance is expected atthe annual square dance > ofCongregation B'liai Jacob, LordStreet, Saturday night.

There will be modern danc-ing as well as square dances,and there will also be a pro-gram of games with prizes.Dress will be optional, Includ-ing barn dance costumes.

Marty Mttman and his CornHuskera will play for the danc-ing and Mr. Littman will serveas caller. Chairman is MurrayMosgowsky, assisted by MrsMosgowsky and Mr. and MrsMel North.

The dance is open to thepublic and tickets may be se-cured from any member of thecongregation or at the door.


Torok, of Maria's Htiir Fash-ions, has returned after spend-i k i d

Catholic Youth WeekTo Be Observed Here

FORDS — Members of theC.Y.O. of Our Lady of Peace'hurch will receive Holy Com-

munion this Sunday to markthe beginning of Catholic YouthWeek.

Religious Instructions for allpublic high school students ofthe parish take place onWednesdays al 7:15 p. m. in theannex.

Winter dress rules are now Inforce at the (Inures on Satur-day nights beginning at 7:30 inthe annex.

Tin.1 C.Y O. bowling leaguemeets Saturday mornings at10:30 at Bowl-Mor Lanes. Any-one interested in the league areasked to contact Judy Rapack01 Dsuii Lewis.

Council MakesChristmas PlansAVKNEL—The annual Christ-

mas project was planned bytin; Si.'ns and Daughters of Lib-iTty; Pride of New JerseyCouncil 243, at a meeting at


Born In Elkton, Maryland,Dr. Randolph is a graduate 0!the University of Delaware,Drew University, and BostoaUniversity. He entered the min-istry in 1953 nnd was the pas-tor at the Glen Carbon Metho-dist Church, Glen Carbon,Illinois; Hocktssin Mvthod!;fcChurch, Ho-1-koss.ln, DMawar ;H i g h l a n d Union Methot' fcChurch, Lowi'll, Mass; and H -rison Street Methodi.'.t Cluir •,Wilmington, Delaware. ,WI 1In Lowell, Dr. Randolph \ 3President of the Ministers' . -sociatlon. He contributedtides to the Christian A:' -;ate, and Zion's Herald enii 1'Reinlwld Niebuhr Re in . ; ifheolorcy to tlw Parish"; ' \Little Child Shall Lead Thar, :and in The Voice, on the to, lc"Symbols in Advertising"

Dr. Randolph's topic for theivening will be "Protestant and

Catholic." Every member of thecongreation is cordially invitedand urged to attend.

-.'aid you. promise tchonor, cherish, and buj

STATE JEWELERSI t Main Street, Woodbrldi*

(Hut to Itata

mutAX W

To Serve You Best . . .We Will Be

"OUT TO LUNCH"12:30 P.M. to 1:00 P. M.

(EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY)Our Entire Stuff Will Ht Heady toServe you Eflicirnlly Alter 1 P. M,

cliool 1. Memberii will make;ookies, pack them in' basketsiid deliver them to nearbyospitals and nursing homesIrs. James Searle, chairman,sked members to have theirontributlons In by DecemberOth meeting.Speakers addressing t h e

peeling • were: Mrs. Edward'aimer, Junior-Ex state counilor; Mrs. Orville Barkelewationul treasurer; Mrs Bay-lond Waterhouse, state rln-ncc committee member; Mrs.Ldolph Elster, state deputy and'ranklln Reed, deputy,The birthday of Mrs. Barke-w wus celebrated. The speclaward winners were Mrs. Mararet VVelsmantel, Mrs. Barke-jw, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Han-ock uiid Mr. Reed.

The hostesses for November

a week in damany wheitshe attended the wedding ofher sister.




CflR WASH• iNOomim,

CARDSFree Delivery Service

Tel. ME 4-0809PUBLIX

PHARMACYI 91 Main Street, Woodbrtdp)

'TOu 10 P H .

Sodality InstalledSlate of Officers

AVENEL—The Sodality of SUAndrew's Church installed offi-cers at a meeting after Masi•ecently with Rev. Genecki offi-ciating at the ceremony.

Newly elected offlers areAnne Cetnilo, prefect; JeannineSirols, vice prefect; Joann Im-bracio, secretaiy; Carol Bar-dar, treasurer.

Future plans include twofund raising projects to coverthe cost of a gold set of vest-ments for the parish, a Thanks-givlngbasket for a needy familyof the parish, and a retreatduring the Lenten season.

The main social activitiesplanned include a Chrlstmatparty and a Spring trip,

were announced as Mrs. Searieiand Mrs. Weismantel. Hospi-tality at this meeting was ax*vanged by Mrs. Palmer. Host-esses were Mrs. Carl Augustln*and Mrs. Otis Sears.

The next meeting will be No-vember 1 at 8 p.m. at the localschool.

DiamondsJewelryHi-Fi Sets

It's Lay-Away Time


A Small Deposit Will ReserveAny Item Until Christmas.

• Watches• Silverware• Typewriters


Your U Good at Goltlli1 -it'sAs iJtUf. aa $2 Wet kty!

GOLDBLATT'S"Railway's Oldest Established Jewelers"

IW East Chewy St., Knhwuy FUFRIDAY 'TIL • r.M.


Page 12: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

Woodbridge*s Puture Is Bright

' It was Indeed with a great deal ofpleasure that The Independent-Leaderlearned at the end of last week thatthe 22 flnallsta for the highly desiredWoodbridge has been named one ofand coveted "All America CitiesAward", sponsored annually by theNational Municipal League and LookMagazine, Even at this stage, the na-tional publicity accorded Woodbridgeis priceless.

Nominated for the award by theWoodbridge Township Business andProfessional Women's Club and theWoodbridge Township Jaycew, ourmunicipality now has one out of twochances of emerging as one of the topwinners, inasmuch as there will be 11first place awards on the basis Of popu-lation plateaus.

The winners are elected for "action[not perfection" and the award is given('to those towns and cities in which the

citizens have shown outstanding en-'ergy and Intelligence in Improving[.their cities.

Understandably elated over the fact[that Woodbridge Is one of the final-

ists, Mayor Walter Ztrpolo was quickto point out — and we agree with

", him — that It was not any one thingor the action of any one group or In-dividual that placed our communityIn the national spotlight Rather Itwas the combined efforts of manygroups and Individuals that has madeit possible for Woodbridge to be in therunning. We would like to think that

The Independent-Leader, which hasalways crusaded for what is good andright for the community, had at leasa small part in earning this honor.

A ten-minute oral presentation willbe made by a Woodbridge represen-tative during th6 69th National Conference on Government in DetroitMich., November 18 and 19, before $12-man jury headed by Dr. George HGallup, director of American Instituteof Public Opinion. Questions will thenbe fired at the representative In rapidsuccession by the jury. However, thefinal winners will not be announceduntil after the first of the year.

We may be biased, but actually wecan think of no other communityamong the finalists that is more de-serving of the award. Overcoming theodds, due to a tremendous populationexplosion, Woodbridge has managedto build a community that is finallygaining recognition — that is a powerin the County and State. Its outstand-ing school construction program, itsredevelopment plans and projects forrenewal we feel cannot be matched by*rfy other community.

Our best wishes go with the Wood-bridge representatives who will attendthe November conference In Detroitand somehow we are certain thatWoodbridge, once dubbed a "TypicalAmerican Community," some 25 yearsago by a radio station will emerge asthe "Outstanding 'American Commu-nity."

IrHntner, presidents of thelocal Foreign Exchange Chapter ofThe American Field Service, is con-cerned over what he calls "the ap-parent apathy of the people of Wood-bridge Township.

The exceptionally busy surgeon,who gives what little, precious spare

: time he has to the chapter, points out" that people are quick to, agree that; we need an exchange of ideas between; nations so there will be a better un-' derstanding. He notes, however, thatmany fall to put Into practice what

•theypwaeU,At present, Woodbridge Chapter Is

host to an English girl, Elisabeth; Sales, who is completing her senior, year at Woodbridge Senior High" School. The chapter Is now preparingto tend a local high school student

-abroad this-ftHwaer,and -to sponsoianother foreign exchange student herenext September.

The Foreign Exchange Student Pro-gram is a community endeavor andas such should be the obligation ofall residents. As Dr. Hutaer said: "Wecould get several large contributionsand pay the expenses of the student,but that would not be communitysharing. We would rather receive a dol-lar contribution from each family, sowe would know the people are behindus." •

Contributions may be sent to FredP. Buntenbach, treasurer, WoodbridgeNational Bank, Woodbridge. Checftshould be drawn in the name of Wood-bridge Foreign Exchange Chapter ofthe American Field Service.

Gktntly Government Finance

Has government finance become a-•hocus-pocus world, or does it just-.seem that way to the taxpayer as,•peering through his Hallowe'en mask,-he sees red In an ever-growing pile oftax bills, fees, tolls and assessments?

This might be an appropriate ques-

":tion from John Q. Public during the: "trick or treat" season, points out the;New Jersey Taxpayers Association. Itseems he has been doing most of the

• treating while government has comeup with some mighty puzzling fiscal"tricks," mostly of the "now you see

>ik, now you don't" variety.: Take Congress, for example. Cur-rently it is enacting a dozen or more'gigantic annual appropriations billsproviding about a hundred billion dol-lars in spending. This it does without.knowing what the grand total will be

• when the show Is over, or whether the: money will be in the till when the; bills come in Of course, Congress has: guessed wrong 27 times in the last 34•years and wound up with 27 annual'deficits totalling $279 billion, This has.helped rocket the national debt to

$307 billion, which costs $10 billionIn annual interest payments alone.But Congress keeps trying.

The administration's Federal taxreduction bill promises another stellarperformance of prestidigitation. Whilepromising tax reduction for the "aver-age" individual on the one hand, withthe other it would take away some ofthe Federal deductions previously giv-en him for various excise taxes andfees he pays to state government. Inthe wings at Trenton, meantime, theNew Jersey Legislature this' year im-posed seven new or Increased statetaxes.

It'3 all very confusing, admits thetaxpayer, as he tries to keep his ownshow going by paving his bills; avoiding excessive spending and holdingdown his debt while providing for hisfamily and trying to save a few dol-lars for the future. Sipping his glassof Halloween cider, he might even pro-pose that it's time for the govern-ment to "treat" the taxpayer to anexhibition of the same economy himust practice in lus own household.


f. CMnptoa. n m M m t * I M M W I *

WMtiy QO Thundai at 7;0Q AM.

20 Q T M P Street 051 Roosevelt Avenue

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Under the Capitol DomeBy J. Jitepb Grlbbiis

_ Hkb-

ardJ. Hughes is Mowing hisself-mad* pattern of success_ seeking •doptton of the pro-iosed 1750,000,000 bond issueor new highways. Institutionsind colleges at the November

general election.In addition to organizing a

jtteens committee for support1 the bond Issue comprising

both Democrats and Republi-cans, the Governor has at least500 speakers available to push

le proposal at every publicneetlng. Members of the Ex-«utlve office staff are doubling

brass by making speechesir the bond Issue.Last week, Governor Hughes

ippeared at the gates of theJeneral Motors T e r n s t a d tJlant In nearby Ewlng Town-

ilp before sun-up. It was hisirst factory gate appearanceor the bond issue, but will>robably not be his last. Thepre-dawn greeting teclmlqn"was a favorite of the Gover-nor two years ago when he de-feated "Big Jim" Mitchell lorthe Governorship.

Governor Hughes Is also lin-g up many New Jersey May-1 lor support of the bond ls-• during the final week of« campaign. A group of Mid-

dlesex Coufity mayors have al-ready come out in favor of thebond Issue method and moreare likely to follow. Leaders ofmovements In other sections ofthe State are also climbing onthe bond bandwagon.

The great Interest stirred upIJ the Governor In the hugemnd issue proposal has over-hadowed the fight for partysontrol of' the legislatureUong with deciding four other[uestions on this ballot, theoters will also elect 11 State

Senators, and 60 members ofthe General Assembly. Sena-tors will be elected in Burllng-

a purpose* u farm land only;

nd whether to lower the resi-requirements to allow

more citizens to vote.

SENATE — Red carpet treat-ment will be accorded return-ng State Senators to the State

House on November 18.The Senate Chamber is cov-

red with a new Chinese Red;arpet, replacing an old forty-Fear carpet which became wornto the point of being danger-us and a disgrace In appear-

ance. In addition to the SenateChamber the rear corridor, thesecretary's room,adjoining rooms

ton, Camden, Cai>e May, EssexGloucester, Middlesex,mouth, Salem, Somerset, Unionand Warren.

Voters will also decide whe-ther to grant adeduction on the tax blllaveterans and their widows; an$80 outright deduction on t htaxyears



Letters to the EditorEditor's Note: This letter w »» n t to «s with a wiiiMt thatIt be published,

October 21. 1963Mayor Walter ZlrpoloMunicipal BuUdlnuWoodbridge, New Jerseynrar Mnyor Zlrpolo.

In our neighboring county tothe smith, Monmouth, abouttwenty municipalities have a-rloptrd the practice of openingthrlr municipal body meetingswith n prnypr and a snhit* tolie Amrrlran flag, Furthersouth, In Ocean County, someflftcpn municipalities h a v e.Rkwi up the cry and adoptedhis prnrtlrc.

Wf live In perlllous times,hiTRtcncd from without, and

lo some degree, from within byA Inrcf that seeks to dpstroyour form of government and todeny us our right to worshipOod. In the face of this threat,there Is a serious trend towardeliminating all reference toGod In government and towarddowngrading w r t expressionsof patriotism. The American

gion, whose motto la "ForOod and Country," has a dutyto combat this trend. Always aproponent of "Americanism,"the legion Is also a staunchsupporter of the back to Godmovement.

In recognition of Its respon-sibilities, at Its meeting onOctober IB. 1963, Post 471 votedto support the movement In-itiated In our neighboringcounty and directed me to soinform our municipal body.

The Woodbridge TownshipCommittee presently opens Itsmeetings with n salute to ourcountry's flag. We urge thatthe Committee add a prayer toito opening ceremonies. In thisway the Township Committeeenn demonstrate to the citizensof Woodbrldpe Its adherence tothe fundamental principle thatgovernment Is founded on theHod Riven rights of man andnerds His continued guidancefor Its success,

For God and Country,Ralph E. McGrane

(Note: At the last Township

Editor, C"1()l11"Independent-] r i ( i

The PTA of Sri",!,,'onla voted ,m.Ul^

Pk to Rlvo n i i vPublic support I,,' •',

the nmoment, nf

aumonamuninii,!tern for Wootibrui .„This referendum -,),on the ballot this >•'.fortunately | l a s |,;"tlcal football. o l l r

the. v,,t|lu, ,

•• l b


' I A

allze that om (!,.;for bettor llhnuv '•side the realm n' .„

We know ih;i! ',:sprinkled t.hroupi'township me u,y.quate and HIT 'H,.,'.,the needs of nn-or youth nf m \Now that tin- ,,;,;.,Improvement |s \'t.:

'Continued on I'


'•• < i , : . i

: • $

studied the lighting on theu will u on others

where the problem did notexist. Efforts made to interestthe Army Engineers In the pro-blem and all other Interestedparties are now awaiting de-finite action.

Last year 4,366 vessels werepiloted Into New York Harborby the New Jersey pilots, and4,310 were piloted out, Forty-eight pilots work day and nightto ster the vessels In and outot the harbor in safety.

iven the look of luxury.The Senate floor covering,

.lus matching drapes, cost10,462 and was purchased

directly by the Senate from thePrinceton Rug Mart and CrownAssociates of Trenton. SenatorRichard R. Stout, H, Mon,mouth, chairman of the SemiteWays and Means Committee,handled the purchase.

Another Innovation In theState Senate will be a well-furnished Minority R o o m ,transformed from a lockerroom previously used by theupper house members. Op tonow, the minority Democratswere forced to utilize a roomin the Governor1* counsel sec-tion of the State House, somedistance from the BenateChamber.

Three years ago the GeneralAssembly refurbishedAssembly Chamber at a coat of$24,666 for new carpeting, plus19,558 for 87chairs.PILOTS: — Ships that pass upthe Hudson River during

BALL GAME I N J U R I E S —Should Juveniles who play base-ball on teams of Junior Cham-bers of Commerce and otherorganizations be recompensedfor injuries received In prac-tice or during games?

The question may be pre-sented soon to the New Jerseycourts by a Trenton residentwhose lti-year-old son receivedpainful Injuries when struckon the Jaw by a baseball whileat practice. The youth playedon the team of the Trentonwhen the accident occurred onJunior Chamber of CommerceMay 25, 1962.

Louis W. Cohan, Jr., a postalemployee, father of the injuredboy, has unsuccessfully triedto secure payment of doctor's

(Continued on Page 14>

maroon leather

night will not be bothered bythe lighting on the Verrazano-

Por many years lighting ofthe highways over several otherbridges in the vicinity of NewYork city created severe nav-igation hazards because the re-flection of those lights made Itimpossible to see the lights onapproaching vessels.

With the assistance of thebills of oldsters over pilot members of the New Jer-

sey Board of Commissioners ofand shall only be assessed fo


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Own your than ot Amtitetobuitiuu

T. L. WATSON & CO.Members New York

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Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation—Federal Reserve System

Page 13: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

I Independent-Leader (E.R) - Cartwrt Press Thursday, October 24, 1J1R3 PAGE THIRTEEN

jslerhoodlenibership\>le Nov. 2t,IONIA - Tltf monthly,

mcetiiiK of Slfitnrhnod nfnplr Beth Am, was hold in

ivmpln on Cleveland Avr-;with Mrs. Hanen Isnnr.jprrsldpnt. programming'


Wns announced plans for,,n in paid-up Hawnllan

'inb^iship party arc Inmid an lnteiT.st.ln>;

n i n r , complete with wait-in grass skirts, has been(l for thr memrjprship

2 at the Tcmplf


Mmieana of '63' to beIselin Parish Offering

1SKMN -si. Cecelia's parish!by Phonlnu Liberty 9-3789 to;in IM'IIII, with nn netlve. Paront-

iTrnoliers Association tiumbpr-in•: nvi'r 3.500 lias selected 150nf its must tdimiLed membersI" uppi'ar 1:. "Musicana of '63,"to Iir held at Wnndbridge Sen-inr 11 it'll School November 8, 9,

reserve tickets. The St. Cfi-|celia's Boojt Shop Is open dur-ing the . day and eveningthroughout the week, IncludingSunday up until 1 p. m.

This year's stage design andproduction staff are trw same

iIr ' l l lu1 1(i' thnt served last year and whoso! Prnceeds will be used to (H-jefforts received such wide ac-friiy tlm cost of a convent for'claim throughout the area.the Sisters of the parish wholRobert Lorow Is again set de-help Wrh ihv 2,400 grammnrjslKrtar and Robert Regan chief|school children attending the electrician. The responsibility!

wvine, good chrrr,announced many

nnd visits have beenm member* who lmv

,11 or have lost a loved

penal Jewish events chulr-Mrs. David SchoenberR.

ouncpd that the 81mchas!party for the childrenKient success. Mrs. Ber-Blnder, vice president,

nilslng, reported the ram-sale has been a success

iiiv She also stated therlub has 175 members

iliat winners to date are.nd week, Helen Rauch-

tliird week, Edith

air now tijlggowem forIfllr in be he ld ln conjunc-

ulli the Men's Club, an-•cri Mrs. Ruth Rothman,r-Trtitli Flclschman will be

Jhmrmaii and the exactmid plans of the raffle [i discussed at a special

a "Singwil l be

MISS TUHI KISMANTo Wed Next Fall; The En-IWfmpnt of Miss Tobl KIs.man, riatiKhtrr of Mr. andMr*. F.istnan. !»l PredmoreAwnuc Cnionla, tn KennethP. filntzer, <mt\ of Mr. andMrs. Louis Rlo tm, III Stev-eiwvllle PftiHway, Edison, wasannounced this week.

Miss Klsman |j a irrnduteof Woodbrldre Senior HighRthool and is attending DeanJunior Col le t , F r a n k l i nMass.

Her finance is a LindenHigh School graduate and Isa senior at Marietta College,Marietta, Ohio, where he is amathematics a n d physicsmajor and a member of TailEpsilen Phi fraternity.

October 24, 1964 has beens?t as the weddint date.

• pnrochlal .school. The ground•.breaking has already been u n -derlnken and the convent Isunder construction on GreenStreet and Middlesex Avenue.

The cast of 150 has been re-hearsing' three nights a weekfor the past fiw Weeks in or-der to present the productiontn a professional manner. Lastyear's "Musicana" production,was so successful it was neces-sary to schedule, nn Additionalivenlng's performance.

Over 7,000 tickets are pres-ently on sale at the St. Ce-celia's Parish Book Shop Tomeet the demands for the com-mittee to reserve an entire floorin the Book Shop as well as in-stall a special telephone to han-dle the telephone orders,

With 13,000 parishioners, St.Cecelia's In Iselin Is the largestCatholic parish in the diocese

for the entire stage design andpreparation Is under the co-chairmanship of Robert Brand-11 and Robert Schmidt,

The spirit of the productionof "Musicana of '63" has trav-;eled throughout the Iselin andWoodbridge area. To. offer theirassistance local restaurants anddiners will become Identified;with the production by offer-Ing special "Musicana, of '63"menuff during the weeks thatembraca the November 8, 9.15 and 16 performances. Localsuper markets are consideringspecial sales days in combina-tion with the restaurants anddiners who plan to support the•ntlre production through vari-ous advertising media.

Final arrangements are beingformulated for special radiobroadcasts and lntervlew%-wlththe cast as '

PLANNING FROdRAM: Mrs. Rose Partonopc, slandinir,advertising: space chairman for "Miisicaiisi nf Tilt" to bepresented by St. Oce l lus I'arish, explains to some ofthe members of the east the details coiitiretcd with thesale of advrrtlslng space for this year's program. With

Mrs. Orare Kosty, watr-d, Mrs. Pnrtpnopr explains ar-raneemrnU to istandlnif, loft to rifrhtt Joseph Shields,Thomas Morse, James Vrndnlu and Raymond Dempscy,Srated next to Mrs. Knsly Is Harold Cornell.

t7S Z£ZX«°J2™?n-,U"?.? heJPL r " a I the various numbers to bo used

hf with Kveteh"

fecture Given|To GS LeadersDI.ONIA-Mrs. Frank But-

Rummage SaleDates Listed

COLON1A - The openinR ofthe new million dollar HebrewUniversity High School In Je-rusalem was announced by Mrs.Michael Lemerman, presidentof the Central Parkway Sec-tion, National Council of Jew-ish Women at the October ex-ecutive board meeting.

The money to build the -'^m-

gave a lecture artd qutzOetoter meeting of

iborhood 3 on trie p"roper[of the leader's notebook

School of Education of H

has grown15-year period from a smwooden frame chapel to the i;pvessive sight it Is today.

The entire musical produc-tion is under the direction ofMiss Flora Hayes, Colonia. Thisyear she has again scheduledthe songs and scenes from themost successful Broadway pro-ductions. Among the numbersto be presented, are the songsfrom "Gypsy," "Biigadoon,""Bye Bye Birdie" and a scoreof songs and choreography es-pecially designed for the "Mu-sicana" production.

Many state and local digni-taries have been Invited andmany are attending first eve-ning's performance.


Dinner-Date Changed

COLONIA—B'liai B'rith Wo-men, Sinai Chapter, held itsexecutive board meeting Octo-ber 16 with Mrs. Bernard Dick-man. Mrs. Jules Bluestone, re-tention chairman, proudly an-nounced that Sinai achieved

Library Plans New Families WelcomedUsed Book Sale By Iselin Congregation


membership re-enroll-

in added to the production.

Mrs: Mayer Sablosky, fund-raising chairman, advised thegroup that the date of the an-niversary dinner -dance ha«oun ohflngH to Saturday, No-

TSELIN—Staff membrrs of3t. Cecelia's Free Cut hollo Li-brary met Monday evening.

Mrs. John Ten Eyck, treas-urer, announced the. selectionof Mrs. William Daniels as herco-chairman of the used booksale November 20 and 21, 7 to 9p. m,

The book sale will b? held thesame evenings ot the PTA meet-ings In order to enable mem-bers to take full advantage ofthe selection of books offered,Including paper backs, pam-phlets and Golden Books.

A workshop of library pro-

Referenda YesVote Is Urged

wised by-O<« JXder. DOB. .Chairmanship-. olcil Sections throughout the

the Kill's handbook in all C O u n t r ' ' thr°"Bh voluntary con-U-ibutlons. Central Parkwayr levels

was Mr«, C. F»blo,Bd( nt of the Ladies" Auxil-I of the VFW which spon-I two troops. Two delegates.

Joseph Jordan and Mrs.Ehlers, were chosen to

JBBcnt Neighborhood 3 onNeighborhood 8ervice

n. Mrs. James Connors wasas a new leader.

of October 26 the Junior| Cadetto Scoutg will start

annual cookie sale.next meeting will be No-

er 14 with Mrs. J. Roder-arich, 151 Roosevelt Ave-

AnnouncedFor Sclwol 22 PTALONTA — A recent meet-

the budget and financeiltlee was held at the

of the chairman, Mrs.Cipperly, 82 Preston

to draw up the budgetTA School 22 for the fls-

year 1963-64, Thoseendance were: Mrs, Rob-•ye. Mrs. Irving Witt, Mrs.

iGi-raci, Mrs. Gilbert Au-pe. principal, Mrs. Her-orentzen and Mr. Willjam

Jules Qeraci, newlypresident of the PTA

Section raised over $1,000.

A conrtibutlon of $100 for ascholarship fund, was donatedto the Occupational Center ofUnion County In addition tothe regular support of the shel-tered workshop provided by thecouncil section.

Mrs, Carl Glide announcedthat the children of councilmembers will again participateIn the UNICEF "Trick or TreatCampaign" as they have In thepast, Neighbors and friends areurged to conrtlbute in UNICEFa penny goes a long way — anickel even farther

Mrs. Abraham WeBtreich re-ported that council will holda rummage sale October 21-29at 1580 Irving Street, Rahway.

A report from the state leg-islation committee which hasbeen studying the* $750 milliondollars bond Issue has urged aN© vote, Mrs. Ha| Mllovsky,public affairs chairman, re-ported that the committee fa-vored a broad tjascd tax andscored the bond issue as "stop-gap measure" that "is Inade-quate and expensive and onethat could not meet the needsof the state."

The next regular meeting ofNCJW will be held on Novem-

22 announced the fol-six scheduled PTA

s for the year. October|ovember 21; Junuary 16,

•February 20, 19M; Apffland May 21, 1964. Allwill be held in the

""-Purpose room andpromptly at 8 pjn.

>"ung Oct. 31



Irs, Edward Partenope, thisyear's production program hasbeen opened fox advertisingspace. To date participation bypatrons, local and regional ad-vertisers has caused the pro-gram to cease further subscrip-tion of space in order to havethe program printed by thefirst evening's performance.

The PTA president, Mrs.Donald Magulre, who is alsoticket chairman, has asked thatall those who wish tickets toorder them as soon as possflSle.

The 1962 production was soldout before the second evening'sperformance. Many local andarea people were disappointedwhen they sought tickets dur-ing the final week of the pro-duction and realized that tick-ets were not available, Mrs.Maguire has urged, therefore,that those interested contacther at the Parish Book Shop

vember 16 at Wally's Wat-Immediate teamattens

will be taken by Mrs. MortonSchultz at FUSablosky also



cedure was conducted the

there are only a few more re-servations available for theplanned weekend at toe Gar-nlte Hotel for January 17, 18and 19. Please contact Mrs.David Cohen at FU 8-4023 toinsure a room. A merchandiseclub at Canadian's will beginnext week. All those interestedare requested to call Mrs. Sab-losky at FU 8-8226.

The next meeting which willbe held this evening will fea-ture a Wig and Fashion Show.The narrator will be Mrs. MarkTang and refreshments will beserved. This is an open meet-Ing and friends and guests areinvited,

proper techniques of repairingn beek WM demonstrated. Mrs.Edward Sadowski explained thecorrect use of various referencebooks.

New staff members welcomedwere Mrs. Wilfred Keller, MrsM. Freeman, Miss Gail Neve-rausky, Mrs. Charles Black,Mrs, R. Plunkett, and Mrs. L,Schaab.

Sister Helen Joseph, O.P.principal of St. Cecelia's Gram,mar School, announced the library has resumed its fui:school time schedule.

The library is also used quiteoften for reference work afteischool hours by grammaischool and high school • chil-dren.

Robbers get million in loot atChicago museum,

ber 11, at Temple Beth Or,Clark, The feature of the eve-ning will be a hootenanny withMr. Aaron Schechtman of Co-lonla.

Girl Scout LeadersElect New Officers

COLONIA - Neighborhood 1Girl Scout troop leaders electedofficers at a meeting last week.Elected to office were SophiaWyszlnski, assistant troop or-uunixer and consultant; MarlonBuisit, troop consultant; RuthKretziner, troop organizer, andHelen Vanderwater, neighbor-hood chairman,

Girl Scout cookie sale of theJunior and Cadette Troops willbegin on Saturday. ^

The next meeting will be heldNovember 13, 9 p. m .at theVFW hall.

for HalloweenNo tricks here, but plenty of treats for your Halloween

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COSTUMESA Large Selection of Complete Costumes,

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JuM u • bank «xamln« in-ipcct* the Iwoki «nd »a«U ofyour tuiik. *> tlu A U.C audi-tur «x<imlnei «11 retort «ndreports necessary for • coro-pleta »nd »ccur«t« ludlt of our

TRICK or TREAT CANDYBe Prepared for the Ghosts and Goblins. We

Have an Excellent Selection of Treats thatWill Send Them on Their Way.

PARTY SPECIALSFestive Halloween Table Cloths, Napkins,

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Several New Album*In Stock Nuw for YourSelection — Order Karl?!

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KLINE'SVariety Store


Oiwu I^Uy 1 AH to HI P.M. — Sunday 'Ul 2 P.M.

Father DenticiTo be Speaker

COLONIA — Rev. ThomasDcntlcl will be the guest speak-er at the next meeting of theHoly Innocents Society at St.Mary's High School, Mechanicand Fayette Streets, Perth Am-boy, Monday at 8:30.

Father Dentici, assistant pas-tor of St. Thomas Church, OldBridge, is also dioces'an directorof Cana Conference. Anyone inforested in the retarded la in-vited to attend,

The new slate will be pre-sented by the chairman, Mr.Andrew Sheeny, who has beenworking on the nominatingcommittee with the assistanceof Mrq. James Finnegan andMr. Charles Giarratana.

Sister Mary Regis will holda conference of the teachers ofreligion for educable mentallyretarded of Trenton DioceseSaturday at, 2:30 P. M nt StMary's Grammad School, Cv>nter Street, Perth Ambuy.

The teachers and centers under the direction of Sister MarRegis who have teen invited toattend are: Sister Mary Ken is,St. Mary's, Perth Amboy; Sister Mnry Borgia, St. Francis'Metuchcn; Sister Mary Virginella, St. Edward's, TrentonSister Mary Francita, SacredHeart, South Plainflcld; SLsteMary Gt-orKine, IminaculitUConcoption, Trenton; MrsGeorge Georgules, St. Mat-thew's, Edison; Mrs. JameDenion, St. Paul's, Bmiiugtoi

Mrs .inmi's Pinnegan, at. Joscph's, CarU'ret; and MisImeldu Ruckfi-t, St. Cecelia'sIselin.

The purpose of this confer1'iu'e will !)!• to (llseiiss Hie curriculum of what they will bteaching the coming year in thidifferent centers.

I8EIJN—"Faith in God andMmi" will be tin" M'limm topirat tomorrow's Sabbath serviceof Consref?ation Beth Sholomat 8 P. M. Rabbi Norman Klein-man will conduct the services.

The Onpt; Shabbot will beiponsored by the Congregationor the new families hi the Sholom arCongregation. New members in- members,lude: Mr. and Mrs, Juliuslendsburpr, Mr, and Mrs. Theo-lore Blumberg, Mr. and Mrs.Janiel Kivitz, Mr. and Mrs.tichard Grossman, Mr. andAx&. Herman Zuckerman, Mr.nd Mrs. Sol Wcxler, Mr. and

Mrs. Bernard Kamen, Mr. andMrs. Stuart Kleni, Mr. and Mrs.George Fleischer, Mr. and Mrs.

E, Stiller, Mr. and M B . Stu-art Salowe, Mr. and Mrs. Abra-ham Cohen, Mr, and Mrs.Gabriel Oaklander, Mr. andMrs, Hyman Reifer, Mr. andMrs. Seymour Derechjji, Mr.and Mrs.'Marvin Kaplan, Mr.and Mrs. Laurence Fried, Mr.and Mrs. Sanford Obolsky, Mr.and Mrs. Robert Gestl, Mr. andMrs. Phillip Schissler, Dr. andMrs, Robert Maurer, and Mrand Mrs. Albert Stein.

The regular Saturday servicewill b« at 9:30 A. M. and JuniorCongregation service at 10:30A. M. Luncheon will be servedthe children at 11:30 sponsored>y the Sisterhood.

Class lour of the Hebrewjhool wil^conduct the Fridayii;ht Sabbath service Novem-r 1. On Saturday morning,

bvember 2, services will againheld at 9:30, the Junior Con-

egation at 10:30.Two former members of Con-

.•egation Beth Sholom areaking their homes in Los An-

eles. They are: Mr. and Mrsnvid Ander. formerly of 13S3iak Tree Road, Iselin, whoseailing address is now c/o Lan-

au, 711 North Orlando Avenue,m Angeles 69, California; andr. and Mrs. William Iceland,rmerly of 54 McGuire Street,

detuchen, now of 3653 Men-Avenue, Los Angeles 34,


Senior Citizen's (lubSees Film - Has TalksISEUN — The Senior Citi-

zens' Club mei Monday after-noon at Congregation BethSholom and welcomed four newlembers.

Ernest O. Burrows, presidentof the Woodbridge Senior Citi-zens' Club, was guest speakerThe group was also addressedby Mr. Gibson of Social Secur-ity who also showed a film. Re-freshments were served.


COLONIA — St. John Vian-ney, Catholic Youth Organiza-tion (CYO) will sponsor a Hal-lowe'en dance for teenagersSaturday, from 7:30 p.m. to10:30 p.m. Prizes will be award-ed for costumes and the dancewill be held at the school cafeteria.

C O L O N I A —

Memorial PastThe ColonlaflOfil VPW, at

DeborahEnrolls 100Members ,

— LooklnB at the

mood which wnn prev-iplnnt. ni, tiic mmeberflhlp get •ncqiwlntrd tea hold recently bythe Dcnornh I^BRUP of Colonia:it thr EmperiBl, Edloon ev?ry-onr fell ns it thpy were out-ridfH5 Tlip rontcr nlrws w«re

jarnii^fd with con:s. fern,hoi!v, jprucf end oranire bsr-


Mrs. Rol Frlcdlnnd?r. re-|«i(inal director of D"bornh t n - .!trii(|ii"i'd to prosn'Vtlvp mpm J

ibnr thr Id'» and bfulnnings.'nf n»hot-ri Ho"ilt!>V wh'"hliari Its birth In 1922 by itsoriginator, Mrs. Dor» Mopea*.ilmplrn. a wenlthv New Ybrk

rnnan. with nn urge to helphosr1 people whti were suffer-ni! from t>» niimknr one kft)ert that tlmp. TubnrculwU.

With a tiny buildliiB whichwld five beds Mrs. Shapiro'*renm came Into being. Today.

Deborah Hospital has a bed ca-Rclty of 146 comprised ofemi-private rooms with bJtth.

There are 45 specialists on De-orah's ataff of doctors and

surgeons as well as the finestnd most modern equipment

and facilities that are avail-able,

A mother of a child under0 yeajs of age admitted tor

heart surgery Is permitted totay with her child during tha

its regular meeting, said it Isurging voters to approve publicquestions concerning the veter-ans property tax credit amend-ment and tax deduction onproperty owned by senior citi-zens. These referenda will beon the November 5 ballot.

Plans for the past comman-ders' dinner and dance werediscussed and chairman of entertainment, Tony Salcetti, announced tickets were movingrapidly for the affair Saturday, November 9.

Junior Vice Commander HSmith made a report regardinthe coming buffet banquet inhohdr t f the Little FellowsLeague team, sponsored by thiPost. He announced the guesspeaker will be Nicholas Pris-coe, director of athletics atWoodbridge Senior High Schoo]

entire period of hospitaltzatton,receiving room and board Allthese services are given abso-lutely free To enter Deborah

patient must be sponsoredby a local chaper. Deborahtreats tuberculosis, chest can-cer and operable heart andchest diseases.

The evenings proceeding*ended, with the announcementfrom the president, Mrs. LeaSavage, that 100 new membershad joined that evening.

Mrs. Lerner ' gave specialthanks for their help to herco-chairman Mrs. Herbert Grafand to the committee and host-esses as follows: Mr*. AngaFlore, Mrs, Phillip Materese,Mrs. Henry Boyer. Mrs. Wal-ter Emery, Mrs. Albert Geist,Mrs. Morton Eidfarb, Mrs.Samuel Julian, Mrs. GilbertLeherer, Mrs. Isadore Rosen,

Pale look in make • up givesway to color.

Mrs. William Hooper, Mrs.Constantino Vigilante, Mrs.Michael Sclvrotto and Mrs,Rocoo CagRiano.

"around the oorner or

around the world"


105 Lake Ave., Colonla

re 8-BIM

OUR 17th

London debates sharingdssile fleet.


We're having a birthday, but YOU get the gifts . . .in the form of husky saving on everything you buy at our fabulousAnniversary Sale! To express our appreciation for your patronagethrough the years, we've deeply slashed prices throughout the store

for this event. Come in and help us celebrate!

Why Good Driversin New Jersey

are switching toALLSTATE






They find tjiat, ; e u afteryear Allstate pollcyhold-ITS nave saved real fold-ing money on their autoInsurance.You can't buy better pro-tection—so why pay more.

Diey Uka the new GoodDriver Plan which offerslower rates to driven withaccident-free record!.

Vlinjr vmii I uiuUctlunagalnit cancellation oftheir liability Insurance.After 60 days, new policy-holder* are given writtenassurance that their lia-bility urotftctloli won't becancelled Just becau« 01Accidents . . . assurancefor a full 5-year periodfrom th» date o( theirpolicy.

Tlii'iu beueilts apply to privatepantenger autus, Individuallyowned, or own»d by husbandaud wife.

No wonder more New Jerseymotorist;) liisurti their oarswith Allatate than with anyother company.

See or phone your Allstat*Agent uow.

Dun Hlmm», Mike Mlrda,lieu, fetronells, Ed Farley

FU 1-3100Homeowner - Life

Health • Oonunercial

Tgu're In

BERNAT'S SCANDIA 2 «• 9 0 • Reg. 98c

Reg. 49e & 59cYARDS $1.

Beg. fiitoYARDS $1.50


% P R I C EBargain Table

• Sweater Kits• Sock Kits• lliiudbag• Smocked


Embroidery ThreadWith Purchase of

Any 108" SheSUiuptd Tablecloth

fniii) $8.49

IUn4« with

ALLSWEIW kvlBf Street;



Page 14: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

PAGE FOURTEEN Thursday, October 24, 1963- Cartr


$1.004(1 etch additional wordPayable In advance


• Adding Machines




$39-50Sales - Service - Rmtali

WOODBRIDGEBusiness Machines

250 Amboy Ave., Woodbrldce<NMI To Turnpike)

ME 6-0010

Ceramic Tile Draperies

Automatic Home Heating


HumidlficatlonElectronic Alr-Cleanlnf

WARM AIR Installations

by K & OFree Estlmatei • Tin* Ftyment*

1»8J H'wlj

AVENIL \ ^ »»/«*;ME 4-2901

Art Supplies


CONTRACTORIncluding Mosaic tiles

New Jobs and

Rrpalrc of All Klndi

40 Mary Avenue, Fords


Coat S Fiel Oil -


Let DI tdTlM jon rromone picture to * completewall irraniemeht. Cbooiefrom our wide (election «!otli iod p r o d t l


310 Maple St.

Perth Amboy

III t-8822

Asphalt Driveways -



PAVINGDriveways - Sidewalks



CONCRETE STEPS1 Day Installation .


For Free Estimate





RAHWAYBook & Gift

Shop53 K. Cherry BtMtt,

HallwayHI I-H1Q



F utton Holesuttons Coveredelts Covered




SEWING KIT5!) K. Cherry Street



L e t u s solve youiheating problem fromservice to completeheating installations.






• I*Fill Your Cos) Bin With

Lehlgh Premium Anthracite




For Fast ServiceJust Give Us a Call


HU 6-2726HU 6-0059

Coin Supplies



COIN SHOPCoins—BoufhtSold . Traded

Numismatic Supplies42 Main St.. Woodbridfc

Phone III ni lOpen Munday thru 8»lurd»y

10 A.M. . Z F,M. i | . t : l l P.M.


TREAT SHOPPE613 Hub way Avenue


l()|ip Wblti Cburcli)

• NAMD8 at Theli Bert



opou s A.M u a r j i .


Closed Wednekdaj All Oa»




P Pl\on - rJLet.en


M Main St., IVnndbrldjtt

Call ME 4-G410


DRAPERIES• Commercial

• Industrial• Residential

- Plumbing & Heating



LOUIS W. AMACZ1Electrical Contractor


Residential Wiring

(License #2970)

LI 9-3805Fences


f Residential'if Swimming

Pool Enclosures


- Moving & Trucking -

Foreign Cars



Free Estimates


• • • • H i

Imported AutoSALES and SERVICE

1010 St. George

AVENEL(New Overleaf)>:N HM. to »:M P.M.

Saturday *:M AJtt. to l:M ?M

ME 6-9070ME 4-9752

Funeral Home

GOSSELINFuneral Hope

Air Conditioned




CALL FXI 1-5858Ft 1-5859

Corner N«« Dover Rd.

A Wood Ate.

Colonla, N. J.

• Home Improvement -

Wooden Windowsand

Doors InstalledAlterations Made


i) A.M. to 5 I'.M.

Liquor Stores

Telephone MErcurj «-lW»

WOODBRIDGELiquor Store, Inc.


Complete Stock of Domesticand Imported Wines

Been and Liquors


Mason Contractor

InBrick, Stone, Concrete,

Cement Work —


from *S5c Sq. Foot



Move "IDEAL WAY"Phone FV 8-3914


1286 St, George Ave.AvendSPECIAL WINTER RATES

LOCAL HOVER!1 Men ind (Mltri 111 aont



Music Instruction -Accordion Instruction



B«ginnerii andAdvancedStudents

No AccordionTo Buy

Instruction InYour Home


Kl 5-0003Preferably After 6:00 P.M.

Imported Foods

Full Une of lUliatiand Greek Specialties

Prime Meal MarketItalian PastrlM

Cannoll-StoiflatelleEtc Freah DaUy

ITALIAN FOOD STORE244 Suiltb St., Perth Amboj

Ul t-il«l - tree



383 Avencl Street, Avenel(Oft St. <i«irje Avenue)


Accordion • GuitarPiano - Drums - Sax

ME (5-2711Mustcil lustrumcqti li

AccessoriesOn All Initrumentt

Learn To Play The


Private Inatructluiu bf


FU 8-1667


H East Cheni StreetHAIUVAV

«JHI Advanced

Students Accepted

Call ME 4-5446Aothorlied

Sales & Service



WoodbridceUS Rahwaj A»eno«

OPKN Dill V )••• - « t f W-*


Kitchen FaoeeU Rrplacrd

$20 up


REPAIRS1S4 Rcnrfen Are., Avrorl

ME 4-3098

"ServiceWith aSmile"

ED FREY(Farmerlj With Charkt r«rr)



SEWER SERVICE««7 Harrell Afeno*

Woodbridie, N J.

Just Dial


ElectricSewer Cleaning


Water HeatersPlumbings Heating





1M tntb inam, Uttla





No Job Too Largeor Too Small



Real Estate


Leare Fvcrylhlnt T-o Hi

30 Yuri of Know Howand Experience In

Residential Home SainMtmbr?

Multiple Llttltif Seme*

Stern & DragosetREALTORS

ME 4-550054 MAIN ST.


Capitol Dome(Continued trofti Edit P^ge)

bills from the Junior Chamberof Commerce. The boy receivedn fracture of the chrek bonewhich necessitated mnny X-rays and an operation to resetand wire the law.

i "I sincerely believe that Iwould be remiss In my civicduly If I failed to alert theparents of this and other com-munities to the potential ha*-nrd their children may be sub-jected to from so-called civicniannlzations or team,sponsorstlmt publicly boast "of civiccnnii'lbutloiu and achievementsespecially in their youth ath- time. Call PU 8-lelir artlvitles," said Cohan. Ip.rh.

j "I urpe our responsible pub-|lir ofllclfils to re-examine1st i l l ,!

•vrmlnif such activities, and!Call LI 8-0544.if necessary, enact mandatory


f»r IS words

10 . for "Ml,,

Telephone < . , , , ,• FEMALE HELP WANTED' •• ' *

. , CFEMALE BEAUTICIAN wlthJTWlN BFnmanager's license wanted. Pull!tre«anH »,l i m n P a l l OTT a . d i T l « f t « - ».ni«l J . R n a m »


10/24 old, 110.00: u , , ', lets, blue. Jin on.

nail spreadsrules and regulations;BABY PARAKEETS for sale. C»U Kl 8-C44I



legislation that would act asa deterrent to any organU*-

lion or tram sponsor from be- Woodbridge - Residential, Colo-romiiiR inept or, ax n tts moral n , d , b e d r o o m S i l l v l n r o o m

tml financial obligations t* the b e t | n e d c e l M n B > UK £ ^present and future generations\tt[tn rpcePtion hall. 8un porchof our youth."

MOVING - M,dren's tiirniiiindiTOa, custom-iredwood t;l|,i,extras. Call ]-r

CROPS — New Jersey ve(je-Inblo production Improved thisfall, thp State Department ofAfiteulture reports.

'colored patio, garage, cornerHot. Full basement. Oil steamheat. Beautifully ' landscaped»18.500. Call ME 6-0054, eve-nings, 10/17-11/27

__Nl 'Rs i :Rv

8EWAREN .,,KINDERG A!('!].Qualified iMrtransportation4-3817.


Cnnl weather has aided qual- ^ A R T E ^ 5 T "~, T w . ° ' f a m l l y

ity of fall vegetables and pro-ft0"*- ®}oke 1 «» l l « l -duct ion prospecu l m p r o v e d | d u c t o l l l n e M CR11 K I

from a month auo, aCcordlriR


- Roofing & Siding -


to the report. The aggregateiirvdwtlon of SS market *»»- , „ - .

:tables Is expected to total slIght-iPLYMOUTH WAGON '59, goodllv more than 7.000,000 hun-jcondition, low mileage, with'rti-eriweiglit this year. This U General tires, R & H, very

'|2 per cent below 1962 but about reasonable ~ Call 826-8218,'ihe same as the 1947-61 »ver-

yields. A slight Increase Inthis year was more

jthnn offset by lower yields.

N I T '• ;

PAINTING A-I)!.Interior ami ,-v...

~ iwork, freepairs, A & s p.,orators, V. si i ( l,''or ME 4-53^1


[ AND ADjlems of lif! appointment


Kepalriof tilTyptt


Alr-CondltlonlniWarm All Heat

Induiliiil Kihiiiit STitndMotor Rii>r|1i

ton n a MTIMATCTtfg 4-2 U5

j JERSEY JIGSAW - Totaliirllif payments of $1,093,765.65

o made by New Jersey mu-nicipalities last July to 29,175

.persons on relief . . . Thirty -!wo more persons have beenkilled by cars In New Jerseyithus far this year than duringI the same period last year . .


1. Q. I moved last month andreported my change of addressto the Social Security office,

i m a m u t f j e i i u u m s i * y e a r . . . — — " • " " " , «»* ,»*» . ,'The State Office of « b k In- b u t r il& n o t receive my checkidustry has collected a $1,000 for this month. Can you tellI U U O U J 4iao VviivutCU ft 91 ,UUU " * * • - - . . • * -•• »--* " «

jflne from a Philadelphia milk m e w h a t happened?

Henry Jansen & SoiTlnnlm and

Sheet Metal Work

. Rooflni, Metal Cellini

and Furnace Work

588 Alden Street

Woodbridge, N. J.

Telephone MErcur; 41246

Rug Cleaning


• Custom Plant Cleaningor Cleaned in Your Home

• Free Pick-IP & Delivery

• Repairing & Installation

• Satisfaction GuaranteedOr Money Back

M 8-1928

- Service Stations -




_._..concern tor.tftolsrtion of regulations . . . Peter

;J. Gannon, Chief of the StateBureau of Navigation, has beenappointed a member of theCommittee on Resolutions ofthe National Rivers and Har-bors Congress . . . Developmentof a drainage policy for NewJersey Is soon to be undertakenwith the assistance fo a Feder-al planning grant . . . The StateBoard of Medical Examinershas granted licenses to 30 newdoctors to practict medicine InNew Jersey . . . Contracts to-taling $5,562,089 have beenawarded for cottages in theNew Lisbon State Colony forthe Feeble-Minded . . . Licensesas professional planners areinow available at the office ofState Board of ProfessionalPlanners, Room 208-A, 1100

rtymnnd Boulevard, Newark. . A battalion of 500 speakers!'c at work in New Jersey

promoting adoption of the$750,000,000 bond Issue . . . TheState Division of Pish and

| Game predicts New Jersey duckhunters can expect a muchbetter season than last year

• Mnre than 31,000,000 lunch-'s were served to students In857 New Jersey public schoolslast year under the NationalSchool Lunch Program

Willard Gardiner, of Mul-Hca Hill, is the new chairmanof the Garden State MilkCouncil . . . New Jersey farmerspaid the highest per acre farmreal estate taxes in the nationin 1962 . . . Governor Hugheshas a crew of statisticians atwork showing the effect of

possible sales"tax"in~Ncw"jer"! D ° h " V e " | ) e r s o n a l « U ( - ' s l l o n

sey's'State highway M * , ! . l i n _ i ™ n . c e r n ! " « S o c i a l Becurlty?


We're tJpeclaUitt ID




seys State highway needs mi-'til 1975 will cost $2,010,062 833according to the State HighwayDepartment. . . Better than av-erage Striped Bass fishing forthU time of year coiUinue.s toprovide action in the SeasidePark Tournament of Fish.

Juke Boxes

Having A Party?


(oil) Operated Mu»lc


G. M. AMUSEMENT CO.17 Grove Ave., Woodbridge

ME 4-0827A. K UK I b i l l l"top.



16-20 Green Street


YouCanAdvertiseForAn .«,,LittleAs$1.60PerWeekInterested?GdlME 4-1111TodayForinformation

l i istli iuii Attain

Thechange of your addresswas probably received toolate to make the chanceon the ntxi check comingout. It was, no doubt, ad-dressed to your old ad-dress. If the. mail carrierknew that you had moved,he would not leave thecheck at that address. Ifyou had filed a change ofaddress with the post of-fice, the check could havebeen forwarded to you.Whenever you move, yonshould notify both the So-cial Security office and thepost office of your changeof address.

2. Q. I have, been gettingSocial Security benefits forthree years now. I got a joblast month. A friend of minesaid I should wait until I earn$1200 before I notify SocialSecurity. Is this correct?

A. You friend is NOTcorrect. You ihould ret intouch with your Social Se-curity office immediatelyIf yon are under 72 and ex-pect to earn over {1200 ayear. Failure to do no maycrnue a substantial over-payment, which w o u l dhave to be repaid. By re-porting promptly, an ad-justment can be madewhile you are still workingand able to get along witn-eut your benefit checks. Ifthe report Is not made,your checki will have tobe withheld later, whenyou can least afford It.Do have a personal question

IP YOUR DRINK:come a i>r<ii)y:;,Anonymous <•;,.' !BI 2-1515 or v! •.253 Woodbrid.-.

Editor's I(Continued from

grasp It and nuk,-it. We fvel th:. .every one of us <•.,.

• • ' • ! Itt:

•'•': l - : u

'< : . 1 ; •

M i : - I:-. : . J W il ' T A I , . i , . . , : - , '



Write Allan A. Bass, DistrictManager, Social Security Ad-ministration, 313 State St.,Perth Amboy, and you may be iac<» .-nassured of a confidential reply, all sections of

Editor,Indepcndent-Lcud i.

I lived in Cnlnn;;i i>:oring into the Armv MYMr. and Mrs. Jni,:i j ylive at 141 Devon ltu,,d I;now in Burnnne, Frar.ceMi". Co'npai;y Us a nv.-chaand will be here u:r:'D?ceMof 1965.

I enjoyed rcadn..because it alwuyi Ui Iraabout people I ki'.mv ar.dthe town I hopp [n 0 haci iMany of my fri'-mi. h?:e.town papers and I W d Lktiknow if I could ,i-t ;he I'Mpendent-Leader' m.ui- it '.0 EJ

I,was very !iai>p:write up about w-Ing basic trailingweek course at AIJ-

I know you \\;\\up the good •wr.-;Woodbridge 'IVM;

! formed.S i r . c :•.PFC InHA 1M.f>52 MP


Senator G»M >•who contend In-conservatism M19«4 OOP Pi--.-alion have nu' .he Is saying.

Ooldwati-i". *llcan who i.- (>•>-•runmr for t!"he has no*. i'li.>:.-On anyrecent :

•j i'Ji

CAPITOL CAPERS - FiftyNew Jersey public schools arestudying the effectiveness ofpaperback books . . . Like late-blooming flowers Ui an un-weeded garden, fiscal notes are Icatching on in the mass o flenislaiiion that a n n u a l l y lsprings up In the New JerseyLegislature, claims the NewJersey Taxpayers Association.


Th« Senate Appropriation*Committee has recommended»2B9,000,000 more in defensemoney than was voted by theHouse.

In explaining the SenateCommittee's action, SenatorRussell, (D, On,), chairman ofthe Armed Service Committeesaid: "I think we are makinga very serious mistake in aban-doning our manned aircraft.

Moat of the increase would8Q for additional aircraft, mls-«M»/an4R#luiilsr military hard-ware

B.58'8 KtY TO SPAINThe Strategic Air Command

na» started wndlug wnall»row« of B-5» «ustler«, thewWOB'i fostwi -fcim-rmnj i u w bombers, on regularwwu • Atuntio | i i |hti toSpain ; 1

From the start, mafce yoor meiAH ^lion 0! long-reroerabered good taste a"tlncUoa Invitations set the tone of l°mAJfectlon. Choose your own paper and i> >from our complete selections. Consultany problems.

*'QtwlUy... Worthy o


new United 8 1 ^ . . apTpjpbagreement exUndlng Anwrieanbase rights in Spain for fiveinwo ye»ii 1^ bw,, v l g l | |

The wjreeineiit cowis threeIISAC barn's mm the Kota Naval

0 Cm* *Telephone

MEreury 4 -1

Page 15: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

(E.B.) - Carteret Press ThuMd*.y, October 24, 1963 PAGE FIFTEEN

f/fi//oi!?eei*HHping Teacher, Social1

Uirly Set Worker and Psychologist4/ Church.Discuss Special Service

i|.;ps A Halloween parlyId by the Church

n' Wesley Methodistthis Saturday at. 2

in fellowship Hall.Methodist Men inept

„ [|;i\ ni,".ht, October 28, at••llmvshlp Hall.

Units Olsfin, 63 Cntalua,i, I'i'ilh Amboy, will be., in tlu Afternoon Circle,. Women's Society nextil.iv, October 31, at 2.. uniL'.'d Church Wonwn(1 community Day" .pro-

place Friday, No-nt Mttrconnier Re-

'Mll (i chni-cli, Oak Tree Road,I, ! ;n\ «*vUv beginning at


on MlMlon.i,i he direction of Mrn.

Uumba and Mrs. Joyoepltin, will sponsor & pro-| | M for the All-Family MIs-

s Kiitherlng next Sunday,ember 3. beginning at 4:30'i' the program a iupper will

n\ PolglazeAddresses FfA

PONDS "Special servicesnvniliible to students of Woori-lirldRp Township11 were dis-cussed at a recent mevtlng of[Hie P.T.A of Iafayptte Estates!Hchool 25. The school social]worker, school poycholfiglflt,.liflplng teacher and special cor-'rnctionist. enlightened all onitheir spelnllznd training, serv-ices, duties, and performancesto DIP parents, child and ten Ch-er.

Mrs. Matt Kammer. thirdgrade teacher, won the attend-ance award. Mrs. Abe Oreene,membership chairman, an-nounced that Mrs. Redlus, firstcrude teacher, nnd Mrs. Gold-b\TK, second grade teacher,have 101) per cent paid-up mern-bcrsHip dues in their grades.All parents are requested to pay

dues toward th« 100 perpaid-up membership goal.

The cake sale will be held onElection Day, November 5, withthe first, second and third

Bachelor of ArU I)p|rfc was !grade mothers as participants.rniiffrn-d thi« werk on Jo-seph Irithelir, R!) Hoy Ave

Mrs, J. L. Martin, president,reports that "American Educa-

I or<K by Kiirldith S tlon Week" IR November 11Ulckiiuon I'nlvenlty, M r .Frltichr completed Ills de-free requirements d u r i n gtunimer SMIIOM. Since com-mencement « i e r c I s« s areh e l d only In June, Mr.Frltuche hai been Invited toparticipate then,

)KDS "Your Rob a* ant" was the-toplc discussed)• Robert PolgUze. aulst-Mipeiintcndent of schoolsurge of curriculum, at theliir meeting of the PT.A. of

14,l'ulglaze emphasized thenit security In the home: important in the life of

ihi He cited four basic pur-!is of a parent-teacher asso- *ORDS — Cadits of Girl

as follows: 8 c o u t Tro°r> 1 7 9 h a d an evalua-!

li'.'lp children live in

Camping TripIs Evaluated


through November 15. The nextP.T.A meeting will be on No-vember 13 at 1:30 D. m. withclassroom visitations by par-ents.

"Ours to Cherish" will be thisyear's theme at the New Jer-sey Parent-Teacher Assoclatloiconference this week In AtlanticCity. Delegates representingSchool 25 are Mrs. Martinpresident; Mrs. Prank Lama-tlno, program chairman; Mrs,Leon Slmet, recording

jtary; Mrs. Nathan Davidson, 11brary chairman, and Mrs, Carter BUllngs, cultural arts.

Democratt OutlineCandidate?

FORDR — A' ointldntw'nifht will IMS held by theOrmttr Second Ward Demo-cratic Club of Fordu, Hnpe-lawn and Kraubfy tonight at8 d'floek »t th« Majfmticl.nnei, Ilopdawn.

! All rival) mrmhfri and theirriii'iirts nrt invited to comenut and meet th« candidates.Rffrfshmmts will be servedafter the meeting.

Kcc ConsultantPT/V Speaker

F 0 R I) 3 - Rodney Mott,WoodbrldRP Township recrea-tion consultant, spoke concern-ins recreation facilities for dif-ferent affo RI-OUUR In the Town-ship and proposed improvementof playground areas t.h rough nutthe. Township, at n recent meetini> of flchfMil 7 P.T A

Mrs. Kdmuml Etzokl, Mrs

Club Marks 40th BirthdayOf Fords Public LibraryBy Purchase of 90 Books

ReferendumOn LibraryIs Endorsed

FORDS—Over 90 new bookshave been purchased thismonth In observance of the40th anniversary of the found-Ing of the Fords Public Library,according to an announcement

|by Mrs. Qeorge Molnnr, librarychairman. The Woman's Clubof Fords started th>' library InOctober, 1923 and Ims contin-ued to operate it as a nee pub-lic service to the community.

The library was housed Invarious vacant stores through-out Uw business area before be-ing moved In 1940 to It.s presentlocation In the organization'sclub house on Corrielle StreetFor many years the library wa?staffed by volunteer membersnf the Woman's Club, whn stillcontinue to assist the paid li-

OPEN OOP HEADQUARTERS: Richard J. Helm andMichael Ondeyko, Republican candidates for the Town-ship Council, officially open Second Ward RepublicanHeadquarters at 528 New Brunswick Avenue. The candi-dates used the occasion to hit at the Zlrpolo administra-tion. They also urged the voters to avail themselves of"this headquarters and all other Republican headquartersto meet the candidates." Left to right, Anthony DlManro,Mr. Helm, Donald Fehr, Mr. Ondeyko and John Oross.

OOIKV Oliilliikn, Mrs. MarcelHonulsky and Mrs. Russell Blz-nro will attend lh<> P.T.A. Con-vention in Atlantic City Octo-ber 2!t, l!4 and 25 as delegates.

A total of :i74 members wasannounced hy Mrs. Chris Miller,uvMiilxirshi!) chairman.

The recent bazaar netted aprofit nf $4:!il,07, according toan announcement by the waysand meansChllipkn.

A practice fire drill was heldin conjunction with Fire Pre-vention Week.

Minn Summa'n claaa won theattendance prize.

Joan Agnes Mclver BrideAuxiliary Makes;Of John L. Lorenzo Jr.

. .

encourage home and fam-'the leadership of Mrs. Russell

Mrs. Raymond Bon-

R pffrenrs'TBle &7fifst"" overnight;" The" Juniorg what the school leaders thanked the cadets for

yum to do for your child. . the hand-carved friendshiprs AndrewAaroe,principal,!stick given to their troop dur-!8:3° p m • S c h ° o 1 19- T h e p u b "

MENLO PARK TERRACE—IM Mothers Auxiliary of the

Merits Park Terrace B o y sLeague, Inc. will hold Its an-nual card party tomorrow at

i presented a certificate for[faculty signifying 100 per

membership In the PTArs. Mario Fiorentlnl. mem-hn> chairman, resorted a

membership of 347.

Ing the Scout's Own.The cadets' new budget for

the year was planned and thespaghetti supper In Novemberwas discussed. Proceeds fromthe supper will be used for a

Irs. Alex Dembeclc'8 fourth!trip to the Worlds Fair nexti won the attendance '1. Janice Ondar Is chairmanpalso an award for having and Doreen Prlngle, co-chalr-

Imost father* In attendance, man. Other chairmen will bend grade mothers served:appointed to take charge ofaliments. (tickets, food, hospitality, dec

uture activities of the PTA Nation! and obtaining a hall.; the annual Bundle's Day: The Girl Scout cookie sale

October 28 through No-'begins tomorrow.2 for the "Save the;

i s Federation"; a book'GBOUP TO MEETon November 20 and 21 j HOPELAWN-The Hopelawn

i Mrs. Robert Flnan, chair- Home and School Associationa net an "Open House" at1 meets tonight at 8 o'clock in

[n' i« regular meeting No-1the school auditorium. A film

lie Is Invited to attend.Mrs, John Evanoft Is general

chairman; Mrs, Bertram Levl-son, refreshments; Mrs. JohnPranks, tickets; Mrs. Peter Be-fano, prizes; Mrs. HermanMollnaro, raffle; Mrs. Al Ha-ber, food baslteU; Mrs, FrankCarneglia, decorations; a n dMrs. Robert Schmidt, publicity.

The officers for the 1963-64season will be Installed Novem-ber 11 at the Oreenbier Inn,Highway 1. New BrunswickDinner will be served at 8 p m.Tickets may be obtained from

!MTI. Schmidt or Mrs. PatrickRublno, Reservations will closeNovember 6.

There will be no meeting inNovember, due to the instatia-

i double ring*remony and nuptial Mass

Saturday morning at Our Ladyof Peace Church, Miss JoanAgnes McTver, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Thomas J, Melver,1107A Woodbrldge Avenue, be-came the bride of John Law-rence Lorenzo Jr., son of Mr.and Mrs. John Lorenzo, 94Locust Street, Cliffwood. TireRev. Hugh Eonan officiated atthe ceremony and celebratedthe Mass.

Given in marriage ' by herfather, the bride was attired ina gown of silk organza andChantllly lace with scallopedneckline, long sleeves, and abodice embroidered with se-quins and pearls. The full skirtextended Into a chapel train.Her veil of Illusion fell from aqueen's crown, and she carrieda cascade bouquet of carnationsand roses.

Mra. Fat Barbato, Louisville,Ky., was matron of honor, At-

r 20 featuring a speaker on tuberculosis will be shown, tlon. The next session will befilm on the Chicago school according to program chalrman.'December 13 at 100 Jefferson

Krauthelm, New Brunswick.Ushers were Patrick Somrrs,Carteret, and Thomas J. Mc-lver Jr., Fords, brother of thebride,

Mrs. Lorenzo was graduatedfrom Woodbrldge High Schooland attended Newark Prepara-tory School. Her husband wasgraduated ftom Matamn High

chairman, Mrs.


Apostolate of Our Lady ofPeace parish will conduct asquare dance for all marriedcouples of the parish, Sunday,8:30 p. m. in the church cafe-teria. Th« price of admissionwill Include refreshment*. Mr,and Mrs. Charles Rlblnsky andMr. and Mrs. George Vines areco-chairmen.

School and from New Bruns-wick Business and SecretarySchool Both are employed byCalifornia Oil Company, PerthAmboy. Mrs. Lorenzo Is in thecredit card department and herhusband in the data processingdepartment.

>rarlan. Mjp. Helen FalkenslrinIs presently serving in this ca-pacity.

The library committee of theclub Is responsible for librarypolicy, operation, and mainte-nance pending approval by theclub. Books are selected by abook purchasing sub-commit-tee. Members of the presentcommittees are Mrs. Molnar,Chairman; Mrs. Chester Ragln-skl, club president; Mrs. ,lRcobL. Anderson, treasurer; Mrs.Ernest Nelson, secretary; Mrs,James Harkay, Mrs. James clement, Mra. W. Howaid .Iriisonand Mrs. Edward Wlnsiuw.

Financial support for the IIbrary is realized form tJic proceeds of ways and means activi-ties such as bazaars, cake sale?dinners, etc.' In addition to anallotment from the, townshipDespite financial limitation?the library has an Inventory olover 29!i hours p?r week nndhas a circulation of over 16,00books annually.

United Nations Day, Otobe24, Is being observed with a IIbrary display of current UNleaflets and the following books"United Nations New York";Gourlander, "Shaping OuiTimes—What the UN Is andDoes"; Hadwe.n, "How UniteNations Decisions Are Made";Cohen, "United Nations"; andPoote, "Dag Hnmmnrskjold—

Servant of Peace,"The following new adult and

ihlldren'a books are now avail-able at the library:

"C. Sandburgh, Poet & Pa-triot," Zehnpfennlg; "Oranri-mother and tlw Priests," Cald-well; "Lord of the Flies," Hold-ing; "Last Love,"Costaln; "Epi-demic," Slaughter; "Cold War

nd Commonsense," T. W. Wil-ion; "Turtles," Collins; "Sen-shells," Epstein; "The St. Law-rence, Seaway of North Ameri-ca," White; "The Hudson, Riverof History," MrNeer: "A Holi-day Bonk—4lh of July,"Graves; "Halloween," Patter-snn; "TrmnksRlvltiK," Wyndham; "Principles nf Criminol-ogy." Sutherland; "Sports Illus-trated Book of Swimming";"Great Presidential Decisions,'Morris; "Wheels," Fleming;'The Complete Tales of HenryJames," James; "Sports Illus-trated Book of Diving"; "Here'sHow It Works," Bradley;"Women Who Made AmericaGreat," G*sh; "Glass andMan," Heuthnr; "Jeb Stuart,"deGriimmond: "Living Reed,1

Buck; "Indians of New Jersey,"Harrington; "This Is New Jer-sey," Cunningham; "Here IStand—Martin Luther," Baln-ton; "Baruch—My Own Story,"Bnnieh: "Men of Mathematics,'Hell; "My Several Worlds,'Buck; "Shakespeare of I*ondon," Chute; "Autobiographyof Mark Twain," Clemens"Roosevelt Family of S a l m o nHill." Hagrdnru: "Three Worldof Albert Schweitzer,1' Payne"The Girls of Slender Means,Spark; "The Collectors,Fowles; "Elizabeth Appleton,'O'Hara; "This I Remember,'Roosevelt; "Ben-Giirion," a tJohn; "Clarence narrow foithe Defense." Stone; "Bis-mark," Taylor: "Up FromSlavery.1' Washington; "Sketch-ing & Fainting Indoors," Hill"Sketching & Painting- Outdoom," Hill; •The United Nalions," Cohen. •>

Also, "Alaska. Alaska, Alas-kn." "Witches, Witches, Witch-es." "Puns, Puns, Puns," and

COLONIA — The executiveboard of the PTA of School 32unanimously flureed to endorse,publicly, the* up-comlng munl-

pnl library referendum andoted to give authorisation to

Mrs. Irving Witt, library chair-man, to write letters to the edi-tors of loc«! newspapers ap«iroving the referendum.

This decision was made at %erting at the home of Mrfc

Robert Kaye, 84 Mercury Av».Hie budget for 1963-64 w u

ead and accepted by the ex-ecutive board and will be pre-sented to the general rriember*

at the regular PTA meet-ng.

Mr. William Barber, wayiand means chairman, has an-nounced plans for a cake saltm Election Day, at the nehooL

Mrs. Jule Geracl, prealdentfnoted that Mrs, Herbert Lor-ntzen, second vice president,

will represent School 22 at th«PTA Convention In Atlantic

ity.Mrs. Jules Islcr, program

chairman, announced that atthe November general meeting,tha PTA will honor it* mem*bership with entertainment bythe. Jersry-Alri» Chorus, an In-ternational Choral Organfta-tion under the direction of El-mer Millet, assisted by BertToth, president of the group.

Children's MoviesTo He Shown Saturday

MENT,O PARK TERRACE—"1,001 Arabian Nights" plu» afull length color cartoon "Mr.Magoo" nre the two children'!movies, sponsored by the P.TA,of School 19 to be shown In theschool on Saturday, October 28.Thorn will be two showings, oneat 11 a. m. and at 3 p. m.

Refreshments will be soldand free prizes distributed.

tendants wereBucheski and



Mrs. Stephen Stankewicz. Street.

Smith, sister of the bridegroom,both of Woodbrldge.

Serving as best man was Paul


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Biddies, Riddles,""The Abductor,"

on thek. Hall;


"Men Against the Sea"; "FirstAid Textbook"; "First AidTextbook for Juniors"; "HomeNursing Textbook"; "Birds.'Wasaon; "Insects," BroviUette;"Molecules and Atoms," Victor;"Plants With Seeds," Woods,"Jr. Science Book of Ruin, HailSleet and Snow," Larrick;"Stars," Crosby; "Magnwts.1

Perauolo; "Icebergs and Gla-ciers," Lauber; "Hock Collect-Ing," Crosby,

Also, "Seventeen," Tarking-ton; "The Virginian," Wlster;"Showboat," Perber; "Connecti-cut Yankee," Twiiln; "RwissFamily Robinson," Wy&s"Black Beauty," Sewell; "The.Handbook of Nkits mid Stunts,"Etsenberg; "Make It and Use

Family CommunionBreakfast ScheduledFORDS — Our Lady of Psa.ce

P.T.A. family communionbreakfast will take place Sun-day after the 8 o'clock Mass inthe cafeteria,

Father E. Molloy, Css.R., aRedemptorlst Missionary, willbo the guest speaker. Chairmanof the breakfast Is Mrs. EmllBalickl.

II," Carlson; "Lelf Ericson, I x -plorer," Weir; "Lewis & Clark,Explorers to the West," Haineg& Morrlll; "La Salle, River Ex-plorer," Graham; "Dictionaryof Poetry Terms"; "FerdinandMagellan," Groh; "A World Ex-plorer, James Cook"; "LooklnffBackward," Bellamy, "Adven-

of Don Quixote," Cer-vantes; "The Great Gatsby,"Fitzgerald; "Cry, the BelovedCountry," Paton; "CompleteTales nnd Poems," Poe; "TheSea of Grass," Blchter.


Jl'bJ Cfdillit Conv«rlibl«. A,, L«ou/li.«ICl ' In Evuy S«ni>. A Brlllionl benign tlu.J h Color Ktytd Intttlpr ol Gtnulni lc*lh«

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Phone ME 4-8813 i .

Page 16: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

PAGE SIXTEENThursday, October 24, 1963

Independent-Leader <E:B.) .

Robert PolglazeAddresses PTA

r( iF(T rlADINO Tlio m-

• :>r<\ pec t ins nr the 196 3-year was f<vnh;iirr|housr at school


uoirii of \v 'If OUT1

•' Pi>ielii/e, d;i rotor o!

i;im (o; t h r Wcxwibi .fit!


April it ifcvT a* Map No. JUS. PI'"1

Nn. MSKuhjrri tn » rlnhi-of-wjiv across

ilie entire Easterly nlde line nf Raidns shown on flirvci hereln-

rti-wrlptlnn In .irror-mnrte hv H.

tint rarr, Enclneer uml Survey --f Perth Amhov. Ne'i1 .lulv I. 1051


Dollsnt more nr leu together withthe costs o f this naif.

Together with all and ringular therights, privileges, hereditament* andappurtenances thereunto belonRlimnr In anywise uppertalnlnit. The »ur>-wrlber reserves the rl-jht to adjournwild sale from time to time subjectonly to such limitations or reMrlc-

.lerwv.I,;,,!,, U p n n if,,, (.j^fdjg o [ suchpower n* may b* specially provided


Two Memben of the BOARD OF Boutherlj corner ftf Block

J 7 ? : ^ Til E V Of E d i n Township thenc.

:;-MI> | i r rmlws »tr nlsn known us t,v l«w or n i l f s of Court..' ll.Tiii.Hi Hlrcel. nurotli:!! >'f l '»r- ' ROBERT 11. JAMISON,

Now JerseyTHF.n With thrnil nil flxiuroi n,

to nr usedI'll

which Ire . andhe. fljlure1. :iv, und «re n \'

rltv for the

I•»Pi>»»»n-|FjNjj A.

'•' hrre-1


One Member of the BOARD OFCHOSEN FKWHOLDKB.t for theUnrxplred Term




l.litrlrl fflB.,lnnln«


Edison -Township, thenc. U,


TftS. Lot

North-dison r prlj a lone the Westerly line of Lots

A d f i ainoH 1% to the l«hlR

» the nnel

<-A and i in BlncK l% to the LertlirhVsiny Railroad, r.henre Ml Wemerly«lons the I#hlftri Vnllet Railroad tntht Meturhen Boundary line., the.neeI.SI Nort.henct.prly ftlnn-J the. Me-tuchen hnundnry line to AinhnyAvenil". then™ l«l Knaterly aln;uAmboy avenue MI the nl«e« nf B«"tnnlnR

Dlstnrl #11 - Clan

rrln de--hall I*I A part.rtlon of


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•p:.-ir- ' *i);:i th1 four wallti,'1 -.fhool Hi1 cited thrIM-.<' hiiidiiinnitals of prr

dsv rurridiliiiTi as Dcniocrn'iiliur.R. hesMtifiil l ivins: vorn*^n-.; and home and fnmilyThe aim nf this curriculum ::

preparv a person whohinrtinn responsibly in a oVmo-fcmcy, who can t«.ke care offys physical and menial health

' (TTS RIBBON: Whilp nciclibnrs and township nfliciJils look mi. Mayor Walter /.irpolo

(HIM! HIUlhUr.

Attorney».I.I,. 10/.1-IO-17-24 »3

„„,„,„„„ „, i l l r „„„ , „, Pnlllnn Placethe BnrniiRh nf South Plulnfleld mdHartnn School Amtinj Averitifthe Township of Edison where the|

SHERIFF'S SAI.Kl,aw Division

Mlddlenet CountyIXirket Boo* X, P»ft J7I

pi«me l> imersecierl hy the llonilfrom O»« Tree to 9<mtti PUinfli'id

itnl<o mown «f Oim rter A»eniif).

D l i t r l c t £ 1 2 :B K O I N N I N O a t

l i o r i n i R h 'if M e m c h e nthe

BBCIINNINCI »,N e w Jiiraev B u t ,

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B o u n d a r y !j t h e n r e r u n n i n g H i N o r t h e r n IIIOIIR [ , i n e w h e r e t h e w m e . l» i n u i r a e c t e r i j! l h e b o u n d a r y l i n e o l - M l w l o w n h v . n ( , l . e n l n h V u l l e v R a i l r o a d l » i « M r t S M :I s h l p t o t h e M i d d l e s e x U n i o n O > i t u j j t h F n c « r u n n i n g i l > F.»M«rlv a i n n g j H W I I N N I N O « . , „j l . l n e t h e n r e i J I E a s t e r l y a Ions, ' h e m , U n l K h V « n « v R t i l l r n j f l wi t h e " ' " Jerary a i n i , | , , .

M A I i V K W T U S H K R , P l a l n t l l T . " n d l ^ j , ! r f l l n , t . y l i n e u, it« i i i i e r w c t m n 1 , , , , , , , w r s t e r l v l i n e o f l o t 4 in m i K - i ^ n d I ' l u l n f i r m \,,


noi nol lnrt more

I o t 4 in I I I I K - K .

A N A H E L E W T U S H I K , K x p r u t r l i nl J'ft"n t r i , N , i r i h e r h p r o i o i m a t l ' T of 795 an n h n w n o n t l i e Tnn M a p , f : i l l ' m i l l flu.. .,- - - - - • • • k n n w p ' " I K I I I W I H r o w n s l n p . t l i e n c e i l l flomh J r " " S i m Hi

li R n u f h c r l v f*\y (iiiuiK H i e W p ^ t r r l v IIIK* of U i t s ^ r v > d h r l r i i ! e ^ r

i l o l u l i l t t o n -if 4 u n d fl-A "I lll 'K-a r ft ' n I n tl ll n i t W e s t e r l y K 11 > n K

(I AIOTIK M i h e l l n l t e n 1 H t n i f s nf A m e r t n i Kli-'Wii ' " D u r l i w L n i ui w n *- U i r K »,, t h e I t n r l t u n A r a c n a l . i h e n c e i:ii ' r | V « l " i m l lnr

of t h i s s n l f - " B y ' v i r t u e o f t h e a b o v e s t m e d W r i t . l i , a , , f i to N e w I>>ver U m i d , ' i i e n r r N , , r t h e « s t e r l v a n d S m ' f r i y » m n s r.he " ' r e e t .

' " ' n ' t .• iinio'in' °t 'he;the Fslnte uf Peter Bwtu.shek «nd]g^w(lrrt Avenue <mvi

he Mitred In s:ilri;AtfAnF.L E\VTTJ8HEK,_ Inairldtially. :u»ri, I,nnr), t.henee if°rialoriR the Nnrfherlv ori

Fdwnrd Avenue HI•he Mini nf Seven'eeii Thous-.Detendnnts. Writ of Eierntlnn for 1l-mir IIijnrtiTtl. KU!itv-Two]|iie 8«lp of premises dated Augiut

'"-nsth. wardw i t h the ,,,. - • — -l i e r w i t h n i l ^ m l s l n ^ n ' n r ( t i e i t o m e d i r e c t e d s n d d e l i v e r e d , I w i l l 1(4.) F . n s i e r l y n l o t i B N e w i > i v e i l t n n d ; , W y e r n i . • n i i r i e i

l i e i e i l H n m r n t s n n d ! f I p ( i S ( . ^ S J K R t p u D H c v p n d u e o n t o O r o v p A v e n i i o . t h e n r e i S l H n u t h J s i < n r t K l n uiiur:fn:»iifos thpreimto hrlonirlnH, WEDNESDAY. THE JltTH DAT OF |erly alotiK drove Avenue m o n i ' i h e Wrxulhrul^ein n n v w l w uppermlnlii i; I ! l P s u l ' " | OCTOHER A.D.. 1965, »t the hour of :Tree Avenue, 'hence 'Hi W"terlv rlipnrr I4I rtoiitu

Mrs. George Hatler,Resident, read a report from

commltte app61ntcd toa Rift for the school

lie PTA. A tape recorderfour w o r d players will be

nrchased and presented to the!h«>i.Mrs. Glenn Hill delivered a1

bort talk on the bond Issue andked that all members study1

question and vote accord-

Che Kindergarten mothers!ere Hostesses.

mlt* thr rlhbnn officially oprnlnr thr nr* I... s»ll r Barber Shop a< 58 Demorest Avenue,v i W" i A«nH, 1*0 I,a Sallf, thr prnprirtor Is sen, In (ho «''lt<- shirt.

Yearly Program Koppers Wood PreservingSet by PTA I Plants to Get New Name


W0ODBBIDGE — The pro-«rwn lot the year was pre-sented by Mrs. Helen Torok,second vice president, at anexecutive board meeting ofSchool 3 PTA. I t includes thefollowing events:

Open house will be held No-vember 19, 7:30 p, m. with Dr.Robert Polglaze, assistant sup-erintendent of schools, as the

speaker.. On January 21. 8:15 p. m.,j fathers' night will be observedwith Thomas O. Desmond asguest speaker. A film, TheJohn Glenn Story" will also.beshown.

A Pounder's Day program Isplanned for February 21. 8:15p. m. and a children's programfor March 17, 2 p. m., with thestudents of the third and! fourth , .uradss JfcrtielBitg;iMias. Scharfete_.\wjll be in

:harge. " " " 'Election of officers will be

conducted, April 22, 8:15 p. mThe guest will be Mrs, DorisKelly, helping teacher.

Planned for May 19, 2 p. m._ installation of officers withthe guest Mrs. Nicholas Volk,county representative.

Mrs, Albert Jacques, first vicepresident, presented the fundraising program for the yearwhich includes a hot dog saletoday; election day cake saleNovember 5; candy sale, January 21, candy sale, Pebni'ar Iy21; hot dog sale, March12; cake sale, April 22, and atea on May 26.

PORT READING — KoppersCbmpany, Inc., today" aTl--jnounced the renaming of oneof Its severCmanufacturinff.df-vlslons. Effective immediately,the Wood Preserving Divisionbecomes the Forest ProductsDivision. This affects the fllantin Carteret, in the rear of thePlastics Division in Port Read-,ng.

According to Douglas Grymesr,,' vice president and general

manager of the Forest ProductsMvision, "The name change re-lects the exciting new proper-iea that have been added to

wood through Koppers research—as well as product diverslfi-

atlon which has taken placewithin the Division during thepast eighteen months.

"woodWHS TJirce associated wtth- -the ^

A CONSUIAR TREATYThe Unuited States and Rus

sia arc quietly negotiating 1consular treaty that could chi]more frost from the cold waiand ultimately aid in any in-

Other Division products areWolmarrizwl" lumber, n fcer-

miteand-decay-proof buildingmaterial; and glued laminatedwood — widely used for basicstructural systems — which isproduced by the Division's UnitStructures Department,

Unit Structures, the pioneerin the glued laminated woodindustry, was acquired by Kop-pers in 1962, Mr. Grymes said.

Kopper's Forest Products Di-vision is the nation's leadingproducer of pressure-treatedwood. The Division operates 30treating plants in 23 states.The Unit Structures Depart-ment maintains three laminat-ing plants in as many statesIn addition, Mr. Grymes re-ported, research work is con

j oftsirtod on Jit la-in- Orrviile, Ohio,

Printed Pattern 9199: HaltGiles HV,, HK, 18%, 30%,22%. 2114. Site 16% requires4% yarda 45-lnch fabric.

Thlrtyflv* cent* in coins forIttlfi valiern ~- add 1» centsfor each liatteru for lst-clausmsillni,' and tiieciul handlingSend to 170 Newspaper Pat-tern Depi, 232 West 18th St.Kev York t l , K. Y. Send 6Wtor our nsw fall-Winter P»t-tern Catalog. Coupon inaldafood for On* Fre* RatUm.

.creased United States- Soviettrade.

The talks are under way InMoscow and the proposed tre»-,y would enable each' of the,wo countires to open Cotisu-

reosote treatment of railroad;ros8tles, utility poles and pil-ing," Mr. Grymes added, "newKoppers wood products haveapplications that simply werenot possible a few years ago.jThere fore, a new name — onewith broader connotation—wasnecessary."

A few of the modern woodproducts produced by the Di-vision include "Non-C»m" flre-4protected wood, a building ma-terial that will not support com-bustion; and "Cellon" treatedwood which is pressure im-pregnated with water repellentpentachlorophenol. The "Cel-lon" process adds properties ofdecay and termifce protectionand water repellency to wood.With this process wood can betreated after fabrication aswell,as before, and still main-tain its contours and dimen-sions.

and Monroeville, Pa.


reserves the rli:!i' t" •i'l)1»"'nII - i l e from l ime t" H m ' snh]ect.:- to surh llmltntlon.'. or restrlc-

o:n npfni the exerclso of such pow-:-- rnnv bP f"pecl«l:v provided by

rtllos of Court.ROBERT H JAMISON,Sheriff.

INN Ai RIMM.Attorneys.

.1- 10-24-31-11/7-14 fi.l 186 44


CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTIONo nil to whom th«w present* mayime. Clrec-tlnn:WIIRRKAS. It appears to my » « s -

irtloii, by duly nuthentirated rec->rd of the proceedlncs for the vol-mlary dissolution thereof by theiiiiuiiiinuiu consent of nil th ' atnflt-liolders deposited In my outre. ThatUNA'S INC. a corporiitlun of thisState, whoae principal offlf is situ-ated nt Ho. J14 Smith Street. Inthe City of Perth Amboy. ('f l i inty i n |

Mldrllr.sei, «tat« of Nrw Jersey|m i

iwo o'rloclc hy the then nrevnlllnitjIKinmliird or DnyllRht Havlnul time.'In the nfternoon of the i«M duv. ntthe Sheriff's Office In the City ofNew HruiMwlrfc, M. J.

City ot South Amboy, County ofMiddlesex and 8t(it« of N«w Jersey:

Prsmlwi situated on the North-west, corner Of Rosevell Bfreet BndAugiljt* Street, being mor* psrtlrvi-larly known M Lots 1 nnd 2 InBlock lfi.

Th* (ibove-desrrltMd property Issometime* referred to »* Uits M snd37 In Block 10 on the Tm Mnp ofth« City of South Amboy

if mml' nf <nlri Ar«i>- H"»e flireet tn o l kle^ Pnst Rond m ininherlj Blnnt- u ,llmindnrv Hue, *"< tlnuleviiril. •> ,rrlv rtlotiK t.liea'ftnR fffferviii f\,,

llnnndnrv line to 'he."'Id Avenue, >i,p|r. il-rniT '31 Weitmy 1"l."ri« Plnliiflem *,

• ; • , ; . , . ' • : ^

tlonit Onk Tree ^vel]lle and i - W w o o d b r i d u eRoll! trnin OKU I red to Snnih I'lul" iRarltiin Itlifield to fhe pla/r of IWInnl im .nlmiR the Hnrltnn River to no l iner

I'olllnn I'l.ire: District ,vl -J . imr- isectlon with 'lie flmitherlv priilnn < "Mine I'Ure


Mldhon School. New Dnver Bo»l)


i tat lnn of Mill f lu id , thenre HI " r l ^ I t l r n ( o<orthrrly monii tlie Siiuiherly i , n i - . * » ' n u »iotiK«tlon of Mill Rond and s longMill ' " ' • • " •

|ttl«»nd the llmmilarj ol Rdtmn lown

Uneitlif"woodhrldge. ATeiiuo to Main Street;

H) Nnrtherly aloim Main

niitrtet an-,BKJUjftma st «,„ ,

New Jrmej Si»

thencethe rmu

r . iwship.l thjnc. j f V n ^ M S e n - noundsr9|nl..K (IItiierlv ulnn*'1

gline, nf

ne, -hence, |9) Easterly and North-

;O"K Tree. Avenue; thnire,„ .-...IIU, o..,,,,,,. ,0.11! Tree. Avenue; thenrr u i W r s t | rolling PUalso me same premises con-;erly alonn Mild ORK I'ree 10 Iwlininsmlown School, ttoonnrmn

Arenu« to ]Mm

ithenr« |2) WestorivBoulevard to '

veyed to Peter Ewtushek and Aiuibel Road to Grove AvenEwtushek. his wife, hy Deril datedJNortheriv alnnR Orn

lN I>

h e n c e i j ) Old Po»t BnidOrnve, l o i

Mny 2. 1945. and recorded Mav lS. lNew Dovei Road, t l ience <4i W e n1P45 In Deed Book 127R. on pitue 2fi8,,erly nlonp. New Dover llimd lu KdIn Hie Offlce nt the Clerk of the ward Avenue lalso - -

County of Mlddlesei .

j10 Crvlnfttan AHorthMutarlj H,nu» to aton,HomheMterly a

. . . . . . »t til* l n t e r i K t l o n of th«no» It) Bouthweiitwii» "'"•* Ner leriwy HUte Highway Route M Jersey 8t«t»i Hl^hwsT

U n e i , i l ience 15) Noriliern «ionu , m l , t ie J e r M j Central l'ow«r & the. place of RmlnnlLiThe npprojminte luuount of the Idwarfl Avenue and !•-. N i - thcr ly , L , l l t c o m p a n y transmission l ine; PollLnc Plsce: ""

Judiiiiient to lie sutlsfled by tald j a l » p r o l o n B » i l o n to the Mid d l f ^ i -I •iimn t l i n , c , n inn lnR (1) NorthMsterly l a r t o i , tukis the s u m dr One Thousand. FouriCoitniT Llnr; thenre ,m K^"-i - ' f '„;„„« « M B o u t * 25 W) Main 8 t n e ; ;thenr,

ihe MldrtleieT-Hnlor

Lewis 8. Jwobson Iwlns the- ivc'nt.herein and In charge thereof, uponwhom procwiR may Ho served*, hnscompiled with the requlremfnts ofTitle. 14, Corporations. Hencrnl. ofRe.vlned Statutes of New Jersey, pre-imlnary to the lssiilm; of 'Ills Cer-Iflr.nte of Dissolution.NOW THEREFORE, I, the Secre-

tary of State of the State of NewJersey, Do Hereby Ortlfy that the.said corporation did, on :!»• elshthday of October, 19M, file In my of-nre a duly executed mid attestedconsent In writing to the dissolu-tion of said corporation, executed byall the stockholder* thereof, whichsaid consent and tlie record of theproceedings aforesaid are now onrile In my s»ld ollloe as provided by

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Ihave hereto set my hand andaffixed my official seal, atTrenton, this BlBhth day ofOctober A. D. one thousand

Hundred, Fifty i $ 1,450 no,tMdther with the emu'Llne to the place (if lleBlnniiiu

i IMIIIm Place IIIMnrl ::'-.l

snd «ln»i..iir Ihr]M*r t i

rights privileges herpilltiinifnts andDl

TnR,,n wlth , „

L-t. 10/17-24-31/63Secretary ol. SUM.]


ates in citiesother's capital.

outside each



MOHAWK SAVMO6 AND LOANASSOCIATION, a corporation ofN e w J s r s e y . It Plaintiff, andCHARLES J. MOYBE, DOROTHYM. MOYER, his wife, and THX FI-NANCE COMPANY QF AMERICA, aDelaware corporation, are Defend-ant*.

Writ of Itecuuan for the sale ofmortgaged premises doted October7th, 1983.

By virtue of the above statedWrit, to me directed and dellveicd,I will expose to sale at public ven-diie on WEDNESDAY, TBS 20th.DAT OP NOVEMBER AD., 1M3 atthe hour 01 two o'clock by thethen prevailing (Standard or Day-light Saving) time, In the afternoonof the said day, at the Sheflffs Of-fice la the City of New Brunswick,N. J.

ALL the following tract or parcelof land and the premise* herein-after particularly described, situate,lying and being In the Townshipof Plscataway in the County of



T H ! BROOKLYN 6 A V I NG SBANK, a banking corporation of theSWte of New York, Is Plaintiff, andAHDBEW C. MOLLOT, MARYJL-LIN MOLLOY, h& wife, and the8TATB OF NIW JBRSIY, a n De-fendants.

Writ of EneutUn for the sale ofmortgaged premls* dated Septemft ith, l«3,«By virtue of tb» kbortnaud Writ,

to me directed and delivered, 1 willexpose to sale at public Ttndue onWEDNESDAY, THB Wb DAY OF

OOTOBKR AJ)., 1963at the hour of two o'clock by thethen prevailing (Standard or Day,light Saving) time, In the afternoonot the said day. at tot Sheriffs Of-fice In the City ot N«w Brunswick,

None OtherThat "villainous" character

you heard described during thepolitical debate is none otherthat the nice neighbor, who de-cided iri a weak moment, to,run for political office.—Chris-tian Science Monitor.


MILITARY PAY RAISEThe signing of the Military

Pay Bill Is the biggest pay raisein his tory *to most of America'sservice men and women. Thepay boost will date from Oc-tobed 1st.

Many officers and enlistedmen in their middle pay gradeswould get raises and these arethe men who are at the pointwhere they usually decideeither to make a career of thearmed forces or for civilianHit. While, low - ranking menand woman despite the bill,would have to continue lookingfor outside jobs,


only ONEThere is

only oneWELCOME


and the State o! 'New

IMG at a point In thesoutheasterly line o( West 7th Streetdistant 150 feet southwesterly Iroma stone monument set at the comerformed by the Intersection of thesoutheasterly line of west 7 th Streetand the southerly line of WalnutStreet; IUIUIIIIK Ilicnte (1) along tbesaid southeasterly line of West 7thStreet, south 43 degrees, 29 minuteswest, 50 feet; thence (2) south 38 Judgment to bedegrees, 59 minutes east, 352.70 feet; Is the sum ofthence (3) north 3 degrees, 46 mln- Four Hundred,utes east, 73.M feet; thence 14)

north 38 decrees. 59 minutes west,298.61 feet to the southeasterly sideof West 7th Htrctt, at the point orplace of BEGINNING.

BEING also known n« 1807 West7th Street, I'lscatawny Township(Arbor). N. J.

The approximate amount ot th»Judgment to be stulsfted by said taleis the sum of Ten Thousand. ThreeHundred, fifty-Seven (|10,357.00)Dollars more or less together withthe costs of tills sale.

Together with all and singular therights, privileges, hereditaments andappurtenances thereunto belongingor lu anywise appertaining. The sub-scriber reserves the right » adjourn.said sale from time to time subjectonly to such limitations or restric-tions upon the exercise of Bu.cn pow-er as may be specially provided bylaw ot rules of Court.


N. J.ALL (hat tract or parcel of land

situate, lying and being In theTownship of'Madison, tn (he Coun-ty ot Middlesex In tka State of NnrJersey.

BEING known tad designated asLot 4, Block "B" as shorn on a cer-tain map entitled "Revised Map 0:Lands of Madison Realty Compans i t u a t e In Old Bridge-Madlso.township Mlddlesei County, HeJersey dated July IM9" which mawas filed In the Middlesex CountClerk's Office on August 30. 194'as'Map No. 1601, File No. 889.

Also being known and designateu 277 Old Bndge-Engllshtown RoadOld Bridge, Madison Tuwushlp, MICdle»e* County. New Jersey.

The approximate amount of itJudgment to be satisfied by said sa

Fifteen ThousaniEight ($15,408 0t

Dollars more or less together wlthe costs of this sale.

Together with all and singular thirights, privileges, hereditaments aiappurtenance* thereunto belonglior In anywise appertaining. The «uscrlber reserves the right to adjousaid sale Irom time to time tub)only to such limitations or testrltloni upon the exercise of such poer as may be specially providedlaw or rules of Court.



I.L. 10/3-10- 17-21/M

, p ,'Piirtenanrex Ihrrr.mto

tn anywlw appertaining They pp.bserlbcr reserves tin rl«ht to nd-


Btrpct to Woodbrtdue Avfnue; thence

urn said ssle from time to tlnie'tud l h ' R"*d from Otis Tree ;o| rolling Place HIMrlrt «13—Hon finndiri Roadbject only to isuch limitations orBouth I'lalnfleld, tlietice runnm* | ) a n i i i> w n Srhool, Woodbrlrln An-««»i(«rlv linrii:strlctlons upon the exerrlue nf l lD KJHterly alons. the Roi.d fromjnu, «nd Old I'osl Knad Wlrjfhrop Bondch power a« may be specially |O_a« Tree to Botith pi.inneld^fo O '-Tided by ta-w or rules of Court '"*"""


*ANCIS N, RIPSAttorney10/3-10-17-M/O 57.M

Tret Road; thence (I) H"»''1" ;r l''ni«trirt « i« - \Bmny Road, thenrHOUR O»k Tree Rnsd to Siei-hMivllle l " » " l r l * " e r i , , m n g a i n n v |,Parkway; thenre |3) Bouthwesterly IIEdlNNINO at thi interjection o l I A f i n u , ; t h e n r , ,

Stepheuvlllr Patiwuy to ParilVineyard Road and Lincoln H l « h - | , l o 0 ( ( ovlnjtotAveinii tlience i4l Nr-rthwesterlylwy <*i™f " * Northeajterlj « l n n g | A T , n u , . l h p l l i e

plare of EfginntngllI P l f l l

NOTICENotice Is hereby given that thiIstrlct Election Boards In and for JTo'wiisiil'n ""Boundaryle Township of Idlson will sit In1--- - --le place hereinafter designated onTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1W3tween the hours of 7 A.M. sndP.M., Eastern standard Time, for>e purpose of conducting a

along s t e p n e u v u i r r a u w n y UJ r » r » " » • ! » » •—»•• »•••• "•«-«••• •••»•• aiooR uvinjujn A-.-fr.n- •„ i™.;l A . e i . u t . t l ience .4) Nr-rthwesterlylw.y ' h e n c e (I* Northeaj ter l , « l™«!Avenu« . t h r u , , .ft, s , ^Itlonp P»r» Avenue u, Nevsk; S tree t ; .L inco ln Highway to the Meiuchen , l i m ( i L o r l n A v f r , , , . > L , J rl lhence 15) Westerlv . l o n g Nevaiy Boundary Ine, t n e n c . ,J» S o u t h - H l | [ r l w , J ; l h e n r f l 9 l v : • J ^ u(Street snd Delancy s treet to t,be,e.a«r»Tly ami Eas tern along the Me- , l o n j i L : n r l ) l n H U h l . ,r. . " ^!«rf (^n r n » n « h m nm.ndnn,- thence i t in -hen Bound»F» line tn Main n f B w l n n i n B ••••ildlson Township Bonndarj-; thenceitm-hen ttoundafy line to Mam

« ,6) Northeasterly almic t h . EdlsonlstreH: thence 13) Southern •Ion*to th« |Main Street to New Jersey

Highway Route 15; thence |4)8tal«

are of E f g i n n gPollInK Plafffl lilstrict «3--OaK

Tree School. Oak Trre Knad Post

R ; )nlonn Wld Rmit* JS to Old

Road: thence (51Old Post Road to


nf BeglnnlnsPolling Plate, liutrtri rrj

tntton P*rk Srtmol H inthro

Dlitrlct »2»:Bm

tote upon the followlnK ques-


Bducatlon — Institutions — Hlgh-«Js.Public Questions Not. 1 and 2, Ifproved, will authorize s bond pro-am to finance the construction ofucatlonal, Institutional and hlgh-

»y facilities and will authorize re-payment of the bonds with surplusevenue* from the New Jersey Turn-like anft as othenrlse provided.

District #1'.BEGINNING In the line dividing

[UK tKlKlllgt *f U*UuiluilTownship of Edison where the mimeli Intersected by the OaK i ree Ro»d;

Road; thence («> Northerly alongnrd Road to th« place of Be-


CONSTRUCTION BOND ISSUEShall the act entitled "An Act

uthcrlxlog the crtatluu of H dtbtif tbe SUM of Ktw Jersey hy Is-mance of bonds of the State in the

Polling Plac . District #14—Lin-coln School. BraoliTUh Road

thence running (II Northerly alonglOak Tree Rond to Oak rrcu Avenue;Inutrittthence |2) Easterly aloiiR Onk I'ree|Avenue to Grove Avfinue: thence (3)

^Southerly along Grovo Avenue tothe Oak Tree Iselln Road, thence14) Easterly alonK the O»K Iree Ise-lln Road to Grove Avenue; thence15) Southerly alntiR drove Avenueto the Edison Township IJoundan;thence 16) Westerly along the 8dl-son Fowntihlp Boundary ui the placenf Beginning

Polllmj I'ljre, District ttt - OakTret School. Oak Trre Rmd

am of »275,0OO.O0O.00 for public;

lulldlngs, their construcilon, w o n -ruction, development, extension.

District tt*:BEGINNING in thr line dividing

the- Towiuhlp ol WcKidbrlttKC andthe Township of Kdiwui, where the.

inn Is IntersccK'd by the OaK lYeeto [6elln Koad. thence runningtil

at theVineyard Etoad and Lincoln Highwaythence running l l) Southeasterlyalnng Vineyard Road to John Street;thence I2i Westerly along JohnStreet to Kllewlld Road; thence (3)Nnrthweetorly along Idlewlld Roadlo BuirRla Road; thence |4) North-

,erly along Sturgls Road to trie- Lln-jcoln Highway; thence 15) North-easterly along tbe Lincoln Highwayto the place of Beginning

Pulling Place. District jfli—Lin-coln Kchool. llrnokvillt Road

«l the. ;IIM:IKU« iLincoln HlRhwiy »nd [>ir.« UMthence running 11•along Lincoln II:.::. •

l A v t n u s ; U U I U M i2i i . . . _ . ,|Lor lng Avenu< to Jrt!tr™ Sou. ]

Hiencs tS) WW^-IJJefferson Boulevard :<i Q\\ U ^t h e n c t (4l Northerly t'.cr,; Ml Luto Rose Street; thenct iji WHIBIJJong Rose Street u> D r . « l m ;.hence 16) Northerly s;irai D»ejti

Lane to ths place ofo p ^Polling Plact DistMri ; ^

ton School. PLatnflrld Avecaa

Dlitrlct #27'.BBOWNINa at tin In

Ducloi Lane and ill: l)r---i :i(;arunning ll) Wester:; iloni IUI


improvement, equipment and:Ultle» " " '

el fare


Souttxrly,,».'.Southerly >i..nK the B.»mdan

of Edison lnwnshlp to the

BEGINNING ai tht intersection ofJohn Street mid Vineyard Road;

Jluf i.tlieucB running i l l SouthwesterlyandlBl™K Vineyard (load to Old Po»t

nd alsorlnclpal

'or the submi.\3ion of this ac.he people at « general election," be,pproved?

,tli Easterlytrly along Grove Avenue to the Oa«|ft,SI1":y "•"""• l",r1"-' '"' •"•;•""'

!TV™ m KHit, itnnri thenc, 1S1 Eaut-!1111111*! Ashley Rtiad UJ Durham Road


HIGHWAYS BOND ISSUEShall the act entitled "An act „., ,

horizlng the LKHIIOH of i debt uf Ihe SUM of New Jersey by Issuance

of bonds of the State in the sum ofM75,000,000 00 for the .construction

Tree to liellti Itnad. thence | 5 |erly almm the. Oak Iteo u> Iselln

gBrook also t b . Boroush •' iiPark Boundary line, 'o r.rtbnue; thence tl).)it>r::.tn',!uFifth Avenut and th« BounJir);of HIRhlsnd Park ui tat Boiuiu;line of Plicstaway rnwnmlp, \lti»( » Northeasterly alons ;!/ P.«*way Township Boundan i:ae » inIntersection with the Nor.tnwtjprolongation of suttotuIhence 141 Souttieis'ftlv uniiMlnorthwesterly prolongation of 8* Itons Lano. »long Suttom Um uj Ialong DiiflM '•*"• w : h l ' ! | U ' IBeginning.

Polling Pl»«: Dlstrlrlton gcbonl. Plilnflrli) *"i

pistrlcttr.o Lincoln HighwayS t r e e t , UIPDCC ruua'.i:wes ter ly and N ' h n i

int Place: IllstruPark Firehouse. Llncolu Highway

I tlience'i 71 Northeasterly along ,ham Row! to I'arlterson Road^don Street tothence nil fcustcrly along P»rEerson|pittinfleld Avenue

• Roiul to Br<x)kvillo Road; thenct I westerly »lons l'l.iItSl Northwesterly along Bnxilcv 1116:the boundary ' '

Dlitrlct it%:


hlKh'*'iY-'i. IncludliiK the ellnil-lon of railroad crossings at road•le; to provide for Bute grunts

to assist municipalities and countiesto construct and Improve publicrdadb and highways: providing theways ar.d menus to pay tbe Intercutof said debt, not to exceed in the

regale the s<un of $370,000,000 00.and also to pay and diacarge the

township andECdlMjn where the

i Port Re

Road U) Arvtn Road; ihtrnee 110)

(toad to, | ly along Idlcallil•eel: thence, ii


Railroad, thence running i l l South-erly along the Edlton TownshipBoundary line ui its intersection. ..with New Jersey Btate Highwuy'H'th 8ch»ol, So. tolton Road

eginningrullliiB Fl*i.e. Dutrlct «lt

h d S

New Jersey tkateway RouteIhence i } |Avenut to the. lloundary lineIWMII Edi.wn rowiihlup uml

-iDiiutei #17; BKO1NNIN.- lu Aruooy Avciuir. UtOlNNlNO n iht lnt«r»*cUon of

Westerly dlonn Amuiiy Liuculn tUghwa) »nd KiMb Road;"" ' be- :thence runulng i l l NortheaJWrlJ

the-along the Lincoln Blgnway to Biur-

|Towns»lp, tneii'-f '<along ine Clscatu'1*''1

to the Jarsi'y '•.'i1:''-Light Compiinv IMthenct ill Sou-.niM-Jersey Centra: F>"

jCompuBy t r a n s i » : - ;

lint of ''»• >''•ro»d; iheuct • 3• *••"

{the Pennsylvania Hitertection *i"i T:-[

loni(«ilon of w: ."*(, Bouthenter.s

•riy prolong':<iii •••and slon-i W..- »Lincoln Run*1 '1 '•wetterl;


.^7.Kl 111

d ; ! w e t t j


CREDIT AMENDMENTShall the amendment of Article

VIII. l e c t i o n I, paragraph 3 of theConstitution, of the S U « of NewJersey grunting an annual deduc-

Itlon not lo exceed W0 00 from thej tax bill for tuies on real and per-'sonai property an therein provided.'

Northtiri .-; ,- a:rJ Nunhrrly and Blurgli Road lo Idlewl •! Rnad:|.Northeasterly aimiK the Boundary,thence 31 Southeutarly • im Idla-l'-I l lneoi Bduni lowim. ip u> the porrwlld Ro»d to Arrln Roan thenc* '«'»"« '"'r

IReadinu Ruilroid, thence i l l North-!i4i ftouthwesttrlji »lonu Ar^in Ro*d!W» Bcnooi n ^easterly aloiiij me Port Reading u> Brookvllli Road, tbenct i5lRalliusil ui t in iJlm-t .if ttrglnmng Southeasterly »4ong Brmtf l l l* ttoad"

PDIIIIU Place Illilrlct S i — Clara to Parkerton Road. Theuci i*UarUiD i fhuol » i i .bn avenut liouiherlf along I'irkcrK)!! Road . -

_ Durliain Roiid; thence n> 8ouih-jfl«!ilUlstrttt JJ7: westerly ilun» Durban) Buad to,th« a

BECHNN1NO in me line d lndi iw Ashley Road; theuot


LOUIB J. COHEN,Attorney.

I.L. 10/24-3I-U/7-14/63

What Ailn-itlitr tiajtn't envied tin

dramatic illustrations used by biggei

busluetis in puttlug the knockout

punch Into their <»|iy? true, (oad

idvtrtitsljij u t is expensive. But

you needn't worrv about that

Kijuipped M we'are witb Metro News-

p»pw rlervicfr AfRhifl U able to put


*t OO

touch" Into rout ads*.

CO(t tO /WL

'eorfi/ij advt,i,,ing

•not j»f»,ct, Wt iub-

* ' * • ta # w ,hai

* • may htlp rou do

"ore and ted 8 , Qj,

"Miiina of /,„ t0ll

CAU ME 4-1111Advertising Department



Commissioners of Fire District No.12, Culonia, will liuiii a public hear-ing on the proiioseil acqulsltlun ofthe fire house, Iiimun Avenue andlhe lgbuuuce of bunds In the &~mount of ^42,400 to i»ty for the pur-c-tiafie of the flrt'hoiiMj, improve-ment aud cost of the bond Issue.

By Order ot the Board ofFire Conimissluuurs, Fire DistrictNo. 12, ColoiiUJttti Selduar, Si» ttl irryP. O. Box 182Runway. New Jersey

I. L. 10/24/83 JJ3.74

The Independent-Leader20 Green Street Woodbridge

30 years of experience fo«-int food will in bu.iinrai

und community life.

Kur Irifurmutiun onWelcome Wagon in



i 1SE1JN







IWK 4 -2759



bury S a v i n g Hunk, ,i bjj.i:urpumtluu ot the Htu'ti; ot



Docket No. P JMJ-12Carteret Savings and Loan Asso-

ciation, a corporation of the rJUleof New Jersey, In PlslntlB, and JohnH. O'Meara. Jr , Ida Francis O'Mea-ra, hl» wife, Montgomery W»nl r<i,Inc., a corporation, Loul« Toth, t /aToth'e Food Market, New Jersey BellTelephone Co., a corporation of N.J., Collfuliila Oil GIJIIIV»UJ, • m i -poratlon, and State of New Jersey,are defendants, Writ of Executionfor the sale (it mortgaged prmnl«:dated September IBth 18«3.

By virtue of the above uUiteiWrit, to me directed «ud delivered,will expobti lo bale at public veudueon WEDNESDAY, THE 30th DAY OfOCTOUEK A.D., 1963, at the hour ottwo o'lluth. u» lhe theu premiums(Hluinlaril or llayllght SiivlilKIIn tho uftcrnuon of the <»ld day, atthe Stierin'b Urrico In the Lily ofNew Brunswick, N. J.

ALL tllm i:i-iu!u lot, truct or imrCtl uf lullll ,illll IJlcllllr*:*). sllllalt;, lylug and hi-liiv; 111 the TuWlll>lll|) uWooilhrhlKt:. in lhe counly of llldillesex, lu ilie ."iute of New Jtineybiiiimlwii ^ii'l IICJMTIIJCLI na rolluwu'

57.W|Of certain veterans and their wldow«I Instead ol the tMOOO exemptioni l l l d

Is intetscoted

ppreMiitly jirovliled on the »g«regtite

ed l l f h|be

vuludilon of such pruperty,


TownshipI'owualilp «ml thr and Wenurly

Kil:>.n wiuro the mine Wluthrup thrnr.the New Jer«ev:»Mi*rly

dTurnpike iliciue ninniiiK i ii duuth Handen Ro«d, inencewciterly mom! lhe Ntw Jersey luru ve«t«rly •.nns 3tutlrpike UJ (Irmicl Vlnw Avenue. thrn'-t|Keinnor« Ro»d. iliencc

ittluiia wr.hin ttif uinnzfiit, [ruin 6(1 lo HI duyo

Hi) Mukt dilull c l t l i


. . , Road ifl ' i l l «aiWf-» ••"'vi South- Rsnriitd u, Mie

-p R<i«d Ui Boniugli »f M l

<10i NnrUi-l&P'X"''"' ' l0,',u.• Road lolnicheo tr lh«i l l ) Norin-:ttitnc« •li * ' u



Northwesterly iloog Oraud Vlr»'e»*terly along Keuwuit Road .Avtuue UJ New Jersey b u t t Hlcn IWiuthrop Rutd. tluuce u i i W«»t-; I 1 ' D " . ' ; i

Rouiu ii. mniM i3 | lioriheasi :er;y uloni! Wlu!rir<iiJ Ruad u> rttchi lo* * « » "SIOIIK salt! Nt» Jeisty m>tt|Road, ihtt .ct i l l )

wai Ruuit Ib ui the boiindary'«U-tu( flu'h Ro»d to, ,, . , , , lino of Edison I'owushlu. thenct :finnlng , , , .! « » . l"T*nr»ph3ot the. | 1 4 ) i n m l , ( u l t i ; y l l 0 1 i l f t h c Mmii.; p o | | l n | , , , „ , . „ „ „ , , , S 1 1 _ M I • ITM j.rae»

arj lint to ttin uliics ol Meglmiiim ton Huh Srbuil Un Colton Koad :(j()[ni)«ny il i l i i i id 17 - l'l*r» i«i Norlln

he uiiiended to lncor-

(JUtlllflol c U j . jH«rt«.D Bchuol Anitioy Avenut

•*•• '*-•

• H i *


'.' ''*


, ; IS l »

of tileU*iUt ,1 .n.ut-s, leijltltiiLb ol the a u t eiinil (,'umity -10 ila>« anil nut elltflhlelu wite rlwwlierr. cIlKllile to qualify

nil vuu-. In Hit- county, for tin-turii fur I'rt.-ildfi.t mid Vice Presi-dent ul lhe llnltril rttAiee, only, lu,ucn in.niiirr st, Uir l.t-^irtiiuure shallprovide.

i) M*iRt: nv.i^u-rtu vuiers, remov-ing tiujn .Suit ui' roiitity, who arcHut ul-lr lu ijiiuilfy Ui vuul friMU lie*resilience Udauoo uf Insufficient res-idence theie, eligible tu vul« whoreleKloiered lu thU Mthie, for electorator ['resident und Vli:e President oftlic United Hlalca only, hy l'real-ileiitlui Klrcliir Abntnwe Ballot, 111

Ulitrlct fit:N

Imtrict # | |I liEUlNNlNII ai th> luteritc

Kuute li!T1"*1"

BDUINNINO i i ' t l u intersection oi;»nd sujuy ttuad; tlituce running tl)[» l tJ"»Hit »••

. ailing New Jersey l|; tiuug Wl'nlhrop lUiail to ih« J*r- |* lnD!*<tat« Hltihwuy Routa Js lo Urand|Ky CCUUBI I'uwrr <ti l.lghi CoDipanf'\tw Avenue, ihence r i EasterlyiTrftnwnlsslon Lii.fi. tbeuca 13J-o n | UraiiJ i'low Avenue to '.tie Soulhweitcrlj aluutt Kit Jerttv

Jersey furiipine, tlitnct i3lk'»i.tral I'uwer i U-shi Ciiiiip»nir V>\jutliweiti-ny akiug the New Jot 'Ntw Jericy Buta Hlgbivay lU'Ule l i ;

rurunlan tu Aiiiliuy Aveinn tlifeiic^ *i *-iitliwrst»rly aloud,eco» (4) Wnlfrlj iluue Amu rh.nun u to m« i)Uv« <Wu ... '" Pl»<-« •>' U'nluuliij! I rulllnf Plact: OlstrttcPolllni PUc. mitrici s » - i l « . . ! , u b t c l w l Ba C o l l l ) B RO.II

Barton schuul. Aiub«> avetiui i

bll<:tl I n i i l l l l r r Iprovide.'

the Legialuture «h»ll• i . morscLiluu .l! ItlVilNNLNl

Amboy Avenue «id t in New Jer- htouy Koad and Ne* JerMy ttiaieT l k i l uuln«

teYork, lb I'laliUift. ami Jului I, aulll-van. Joiiu aulllvuu. his wilt, AlfredJaoifts TouiBUKttl u n il Virginia

aistttl, his wltt, The Urat a»w-und Liuiii Ai»<Mliitlyn ui Ji-rw-7

City, N. J., n njijjoitilluii ul theJfcitate of Now AIJIII lnvust-

Lot 3tJ, in lilut'k 3Zi)-A, o n a, iu>|i ciit i l l ed "Itivl.rt i l Miip uf Lnfaynt te

.iU'n hi-r l luu 1. a H u u U d 1.1 Wooili l w li i .wi: ,hlu. Middlesex C o u n t y ,

NuW Ji•!!»•> il.ilml l > e t f m b e r tl, lUM,tttivlix-il July H. 11(34. S«|Jleui(Jcr 21,

H d Mliili'l. Ocliu corpi-nuton of tlie L.

of New Jersey, Hunmer N Weemid tlUito uf Ni w Inn;, if ,1,-lnants. Writ of Kxmaioii for lhe iof UlultKU^tll [irt-llllaeb tiult:l-l SejJ-i em Dot Join, 11W3

By virtue uf ilie ubuve »ut«dWrit, lo ine dircrieil anil dcllvoicil, 1will eipuw UJ O.IU, nt public vemhirCUl WEDNKHDAY THK 20th DAYOP NQVEMDIB A D , HkW »t tlwhour Of two o'ciuik l,y tlio llmuvallllig iBwiuloul ui



#1»S2. Filel

HoWmUN«w Jci

Hatd p

H, i'JM Huwurd Mailu-iuiV ami nied In tlie

iu rjerii uf MMJleaei- , . . , it. IIU6 -u Mni>

itl..<.rliJtl»l! U il. M:UI U fturvey UMdt byUJII, tiiirveyyr, uf P'ords,ilutcU Muy 10. IMS.

IMA *n -.14" known *«

lug) time, in Hie i l t tniouu of thesaid day. ut Un: riherlt!'« Office Intht City of New Uniiuwk'k. N. J

ALli niut triM't <ir paKel of lund,l l u i l i iyi, ,i H I M i.-.-lng III l)>c Buimull of r a r t r i e l , hi lii

i , lu ll)

U\ AtHu&uui Drive, Woudi>rld«vTownship, New Jtrwy

T(XJlfl'hEK wiUi tUe n jupt, and nil rutures now or here

aftof uttdi I.oil io or uae>d Ui LMJUUIXi wtih Ilia |u«uiU«A tuivlu d«

uilbcd, »UJ ui diiaitlon UiireUi, I'UlII


IAX CRKDIT AMENDMENTHhttll Illc aiiieudllicllt lit Artkli

Vlll . Section 1, |iiuu«ruiili 1 of the'oiibiltullon uf the Hitiie uf New

Jersey sriiiiUiin mi annual deiluc.lull nut lu em red W0 00 from tinm Ul 11 fuf ta»M on real iirouertyia therein iiiavuleii ul <:eruin d l l•*nij uiul retihtt-nlQ uf thin Hint* o:the ago of 03 ur inure yean* tnt*lcai,1 inn SIH«iMt v-.i-iu^Lluu pivHUlUuiuvldvd uu the uHb'ieKuW oUKMCvahiatluii of aiuh real property, beuppiuved?


AMUNHUKN'ItthnU the amendment uf ArUct

VIII. tiaciluu 1. lursycaph 1, uf Ihi

i ihe l^iuuty oftiltilc of New

Ct*li»u union t h e IJO%

.lull luany ppImiliei dewiilKil, whtcii »re. and

uf Uu fupplluuita oeit aere

l l ht d

itjT^tt liuuwii uml de^iKimtedII Lot 3D 111 Mlih-lj t)3 1 uu luau nl i l l lkd||"Mup ui Munrue ijlbtttics. ne<'llun 1

llllt;U lu bolutlKtl ul Culluiul,illleoen Counl) . N. J . 1-iepi.Jed by

IjH Thum,^ l . i n . Civil Kiiniuerr Hill-|)Vt>Of City I'lwtiiitil, Vovtl. AniUuy,

ttiulml 11, 1U0U" mill IlleJ ll. tile

shall litI of Iul tin

('uuiity Clerk» iw

la be, fldureo midie,illy, mid arc

c,mity lor lhe ludebl-inei.Uu.led:

.» Itloc Hal.»e No. UM

llli] aj)|JluiilliiaLe a l iu l l l l l t of t i l*J4HUI»<U lo Ixt e»u»niU by «>M —>U

i 'riuju&aitd(I1S.J01 DO)

which i«riuli> Und. utfrd I:idiWuliiiie or horticulture to bf viled for KM«1 i«x puiimte* HH>UIili«- lu IU* uiiiun -jiiiili laud has <such use utnl which providM tat Ipuvmeiu uf .Kldiiluiiul t a u t If sue

In thtutafler ApiJlled Ui UUUBikultiiiitl ui iiuuliuiUcununtl uibe adoliUiiV

vul« ui'uii calulldnlnjl lur tfollowing ordi:ubONK SI'A IB MtlNAIUtt

Mtmiito l u n o OMIWU tin sum ul Iihivt HuiHliml, On*



iw Jersey state Hl»li*iiy Ituutt li Northerly •limn 3f>uy ""»"d Anibuy Avenue, ihence ruititlitK throp Riiau, ihence O\

Wlu-i«sJ ' '

i i i . ' iiv ; l

lativttu iplilnfleW

Istrlct e»DISUUMN1NU at ilia

IMiIrkl (Jl»:• ! Un lu'*m*;lloll ul * ' r t e l :

yIJ Turuplkaortheasterlyuruplko lu ilia Buuuaarydl r l

yUieuc. ruimi l lB i l |HI| ihw«y Humel th N J l ( L ) N t D l e r

yl B i | H I | i h w « y Hume ai, i lnute ruuuln«

mn the New Jeite)l(L) NnrtDeaslerlJ »loil» Route » w

Ba l |th * Llumdlwin ruwntlilp. ilienc.e (2 | Houihly tloiiK tlie iioumUty Hue ,ii Kdi


Jeite)l(L) N r t D l J »,lne ol | the Jersey (Jeutial lJu««r *t

dill Amboyi lu I ts

A veil l ie .I l l U l a t l l l l i l lIheuco I'J)

liouiiiiuiy uauwulMiou nut. ib«uct{'il fiutlicrlt »1UIIB tht Jerwy t^u-tral I'i-wer i LlKlil CoiupauV WWoodijrld.t Avenue, tlituce

D t l s n o 8 l r " ' , ' , , rPar! A n n u e . ii' •

H | . aloua I1* «•till I1""";1 . ' , , , !1; I'i i « n u S K I " ! " " ; „ . •

_ . u..- ll, ' I ' 1

ITBB It"»'•

/cstcrly ulo[iis Ambuy A»eiiut u-'JVosieriy aluiiB vV<Hjdl-ri(lgo Avcuutt h i plw;o of lictmiiluu lu) uu! Puti KutKi. ilituce I4i Nurlh

I l-l»i:e. Dhtilrt III) rUnuujer ly nloim Old Fuit Road «ud atoO'Cuiuijiux at auiboy AvtuutiRiHiil tu til* lilm'a "I Btkluulnj

Pollluj PUco: Ulilrlcl - ' "lUUllt 01(|;UEdlNNlNll .1 Hit uiieiutiillim ol



l jp i j E&lboundary Uuo ul Sdlaon rownalilu«Uience (2) Oouiherly >uO Westerl)|aluuK ih« boundary Uuo ol Bdl«iu" t l p d Kl (iKlli-i (io.Ji.co Potl

ol lhe Hulled'owuslilp mi l

Road tu propoi Aiucik» . _ . . . , „ _

Karltan Arwiul. thauot l3l North•terly aluiijt bAvpitl uuuraes of said

A n e n i l lands to th* Ntw JerMTTurnpike, tijoiu* |4) NonhcuMrly

."- - . '". -J.'- "1tut ul»co uf Beruuln»

- " Hw« Hirtrki »ntompanji jfi, /uaboy|>»t««>tf yf."001-


Illfb BcUool to I'-illi

Ulitrlct M»:BBU1NNUNU .1 ibt luvtrtectton ol

Wiwlbtldgt Atuiul «ud MillIhtuct ruiililuM ill BouinorlyUlll Roxd and tin Kouttiir^ pro

ntiuyy I

NHINO >i UJ,Aveuu» «ud

luleiaeclluu ultUo Now Jet-

ley iWuplk-o. tiiDUM ruuutna ll•Uiug ihi New Jei

M ; Turtiuu-s u., mudi of iht UmuaBtmlM of AlimrVM, ktlUVV M itHfeulMu * i s c m l , t h m o t II) South

llMidt fllliIM1L



tnaIcujiiiou thtttof totb«ui* 12) WMitrlt

EUrilAd Rl<« tonut; idsuct (3| NorttotrlJ

Lak* . n t i u W> WoeAvtnut. thtuc* 14) laswrlj

(<tbr)a>it A»t«ut to thtBntnnlui

> l



[lik " "

tillLaD«. them1'

fUrlian ton* tbi Northerly P'"1

v«r Lam *tt- — "aruurl* •

•loot '

„ - u u , . , 1 . , - . . — , mtcrncUon u'Woodbrld»j» Avtout and »11«« L*»'Attuue-; tbinct ruuuUn ll> oouin-

Houu» to tb»

lion.tlou wlili


Liurol" Hll

; BMI«» 1 U» ..

# '

( I I ; " 1 "

Page 17: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

Independent-Leader (E.B.) - Cartcret Press Thursday, October 24, 1963PAGE SEVENTEEN





f Ihe Sinln ot Now J

'or th« mibm1

the peopls at ,approved?

j 1( [ATION. , . iri i lnn of Ihe

i t i r t nd

. aot Now Jer-«PH BiMiiiiitirf, and. JOS«PH BATH,

, nid IIOHK BATH, his wlf», NED|.\n,qj)KlAN, Director of the Dl-

.,,,„ of Motor Vehicle*, New Jer-wtccemrtrs or assigns, and



HIGHWAYS DOND IS81JKShun Mie net entitled "An net au-

thorizing tlie creation of « debt of'I'M'!" ' N J by Issuance



of Execution for tbe tali; of,ed premises dated October

v virtue of the abovo stated Writ..,,,. iiirecii'd and delivered, I will',.,• in sale at public «enttiie ohu'KMNIWDAY, THR 20th DAY

,',|- NOVKMRER AD. 1M3,thr liinir o' two oe'etock by then |,[iM-allliig iHtnndard or Day-i- ;ivtii!:) time, In the afternoon• I,. Mild day, at the Sheriffs Of-

iM ;hr rltv of New Brunnwlclc., 3

A l l . Hint tract or parrel of land. ••iniH's, hereinafter psrUcuUr-

1,'s, rihed situate In the City ofh Mnhov. In the County of

,I,I- n nml S late of New Jersey:PINd known m t o t s Numberi

in on a mftp entitled lJA mapl.nts belonging to Bs.ni-

no*, memof thin not to


Mereru'.h Road to the Intersection ennterly to the-centerllne ol the Port


rsl election, be:of Meredith Road and MiddlesexAvenue; then aloni thi centerllneof Mlddlesej Avenue tn the inter-section of Uiddlemi Avenue andMcLean Street; ihen AlonR the reu-terllne of McLean -Street to tbe In-tersection ot MrUan 8treet andFllock Avenue; then along the oen-lerllne of Mock Avenue lo the In-

S.OTO.OOO.OO for the constructionand Improvement of public, roads

:lon of railroad crossings at rondde, to provide for mute grunts n|Onl

1° "™L" .!nl»>'«-IP»lltl«s and counties C . "

ium of terRn-iinn of ninck Avenue nnd the

RexdliiK Railroad; thence 111 mu'-neasterly sionii the centerllne of th iPort ReadlnR Riillrnacl to the cen-terllne of Hew Jersey Staia High-way Rmite SO; thriice t^\ south-erly Blond the centerllne ol N JState Hlshwity' Route «9 to the


thence northerly ilonn uld lino tnthe oolnt it olscr if heririnini

rmirth DHtrlct pmilnt "School #7, Hint onrte jForil«.


HARD 3 -st

DIITRICT 2• point ID

Place: lleorgei Annue »h«r* same is iu<tto»d. terMctfd bi the Purl Re»dlnK Rail

3 - DISTRICT tBKUINNIMO at the point ol tn-

of the center line ofAvenue sometime! call-

WARD 2 -neKliihi.il,


road snd from "Id BeRlnnlnn point ed Woodbrld|»-Sewaren Road, with' h l l th t n t e r t M centei Mn« ot the Wnorlbrtdlerunn'ln« northerly «lnn» the

line (if 81 Oenrues AteniitM f f tl

p i n t ed | ,tnteri tM centei Mn« ot the Wnorlbrtdle

uliit CTMK; thence In > neneral Worth[t point trtifire

Intersection with the centering nf center line of the New Jerwv lurn• |RonteHeard's Brdok prnlnnued westerly; pike intersects the Kdltmnthence i4) eSmterly sloni! wld pro- ship line, thence snutherli

the brtnn 100 feet east ot tl 9 Hlnii«ay westerly direction alnnu the c«n«etrly dinof Wo »heihence northerly aiitnlllne nf Woodbrldm ('reel id

Town-Is line whlrh is 100 feer easterly «i<t]B*«erlj RUht ol W«y Line ol ine.Inn^p.ralle, with II H HUliw.y R o m . j N j Turnpike M.em- in . ,e, ,er. ,

NLincoln lllijriivay; (hen aloim the

mj p -. Northerly »na M .r he, , er.i n.reoj

the, i tion ot the Lincoln

ion nf me eftirerline of!ihe' dividing Ilne between (diKin No I u> « point> Brook to the centorllne o f j , n d Woodbrldge Vownxhlps rrnsiltm |lln« ol WoodnrldK. Avenue thence tlnn •l'in» ttl» « « 1 " " '";' "«

| Amboy Avenue, thenre i>| s o m h - | M s l n Street. Kvemreen snd wild innriherly ulnne. the renter .me .(IN J rurnrrtlte tf the point ni


pO»t, the In-t l l nt ew


47J-Bof th« renterllne nf rtewJersey 8t»te Highway Boute 25 and 473-v 47,1-Wthe centerllne nf the Port-Bending and 474-n u

southerly line ot Block to) •ndtlnulnn *lon« the smnhMl" "

7JB • « « n»4iS-X 4V3-T'he rfsntei line

Rsllroad, thence (II wenterlv alntnr'osrdrn State Psrkwuithe centerllne ol N J atate KlRh- "hence

i n

nlnnR the centerllne of Aniboyjwnod Avenues to • point inn feet

the rpnunicipalities and

roads and hlRh

, s ; • • — - - - - -

• ;Koan to tho

roads and hlRhwayn; providing the ' " l n r t a i

ways nml mpHns lo pay the Interret ""* : tlnng theof mild (ir-iii t j

line of New IIntersection of

ot of the nnrthPrly Una ot fifthWnndbrldite Avenue to Ittt lnn with thr ,-fntet line 't II R

No 1, thence north

yof mild y et

n o t („ j , r p n i t |n . . .su f 117

N p " h h e cerilcrllne ol drove .street to the |piitn Btreet. thence piistpriy rural,et'erly »lnn» center*™;jeenter!lne of Mnttlnnn Strpet; t h e n c e ^ m , fifth Btreet and UK) feet noriii|lll«;hw*y Route N

to * [lolnt in tlie westerly |svI'anle

line nf ti 8

" " * : t l n n g t h e c e n t e r l l n e of 1 ( 7 ( nor lh fr ly 010111; i h o m i i e r l i n eSt . uenrije A v e n u e to the Inter- l o ( Mnt i l son S t r e e t l o the c e n l e r l l n *i i i i , n o t („ j , r p n i t | n . . . j n u e to the Inter l o ( Mnt i l son S t r e e t l o the c e n l e r l l n *

aKgr<?K'nte the s u m o f 1.17000000000 l ? l h * n o n n ( r n l l n » n ( Blo<!« 3S5; t h » n . o l M«ln S t r u t ; t h « n c « 181 w»sMrl»unci iiUd to pay ami <llsniriic t h e " l 0 I 1 R B l o c k • 1 M ' " » westerly dlreo- i i lonn the r r n t e r l l n e of Mmn s t r e e tpr inc ipa l thereof; a n d prnvldlnn for " o n t 0 n ) ' r ' 1 8 t r " t ; ' l i en «lonR t h e to the c e n t e r l l m of tlie Onrde i i

the «„„„„.,„„„ of the



Shall the Amendment of Articler , I»C'M ' lmr"«rftl)l1 3 of theConmitntioii ot the Sute of NewJersey urnntlnit an nnniinl deduc-( ^I'm't"' '"^ ii[lm '""»,theln« illl for tains on rml untl pcr-soniil properly as therein nrovldedot rerlnln veteran i thi

p p y as therein nrovldedated Mnrr-ti 30111. ot rerlnln veterans «nii their widowwwin Hurvevor" |Instead nf th »5OO0

enuerllne of nyrd street to the State pnrKwny iN .1 -state fllithy.'avInterjection ot Byrd Street «nd Route #4|; thence (9i northerlyWorth Street; then along the cen-|,ilonR the renterllne nf tne (Inrden

I to th«amirnad thence mutbnrU

nter-in- ,^section of the ""' . 'J '" ' ' ^!;',«i',r{v" ,|,V,,a ,he*' Port HriidlllB

place nf HealntDlitflM

rentei line of Oldtimes oallid SewnrenSnntherly alonj the renter itn» of

i l i s

Ilne of Fordu retrace No I, thpnce'nloiiR the PennsTHanls Kallrnnd tonnrtnosstfrlt ninnt (h« line ol rord«;tln Port He»dln(t Bmiroad. thenee

Ave- Iwesierlyrtallrnart •'

Terrace No 1 line, thenre nn^tpnv !h»(tliinln«Wnodland Avenue along| Rrconri

Terrace No I crossing LindenHue to *n sngl* pnin 1 in ui

the Portnt

of Resuming.Seventh nlstrlrt

School s u , UOSS

Win. s Rowwin, Hurvevor" | Insteadrpji•,INNIMCI at R point In the

nii tnf the »5OO.0O

terllne of Worth Street to Ihe In-jstate Pnrewny iN .1 Htate Hlehway I n ctnfntcrnectlon of Worth Street and Home #41 lo the point, orflreen Btreet; then along the cen-terllne of Or«n Street to the In-tersection of dreen Htreet and N.JHighway Route jfl; then nlonn thecenterllne ol II s HlKhway Routei l In i westerly direction to theTownship bflundnry; then sloiis theTnwmhlp boundary In a northerlydirection to the point of origin

m , e n( p,irds i> r r ! i r , Nn

Rendingr l i c i of




to,„ . . . . . . „ ' M"y Avenue;

' ithencs northerly aioim the cditer« HI D I . , . . l l n a o t U a r 5 A ' p " " " U1 » I'"1MI m

polllnj ^ ' " - i f M t north of the nortnerlj line olmrrn, nooa- p , l n ) | n ^,pnue; thence onslerly p«r-

lallel with Pltinsn Avrnus tnd 100

WAR!! 1 - DISTRICT IREOINNINO nt 1 point, the in-

(eet north therefrom to N J Hint*Parkway Route No 4; thence north-

termetlnn of the centerllne nf Port]ReadttiR Railroad nnd tha rentftrllneof N. J State Highway Route 2\;tpence (I) nort.hpnst.pi'ly akuiR thecentc-rllue of N J, State Highway

eastefl)! t Hue oflaid ParKway to the centei line ofthe New Jersey Turnpike, thencewesterly alonn the sain* lo the nnlninr place of lieKliinlnc

Fifth District Polliim: Place:School £ H , l-'ord Avciiup, r'unls.

schnnl #4, AvM r l c l I'-alllnff PUfvenel Slriet. Avenel,


Old Road, sometimes ,'ailp.i spwnrcnAvenue tn the nolnt nr imerv<'iinnof n m « with the rciitpt line ofCentral street, thenrp H,nit,t,rMierl|along the cpnter llnr of o n i r s l8treet to the cetitBi une nf WestlAvenue. thence In » apiicnii sonth-erly direction ulnnn the cputer lineot West Avenue to the point ol in-tersection of tbe cru'cr IIIIP ofWest Avenue with thr cpntei ,lneof Woodbrldge AveiniPr snnietlmes


Route K4J•otit.hwesterlf alnnn Ul*

ay Itnute ZS to the Boundary line same te 'he n«im T niw* ol B»-Township snd|finninR

twhlp; thetice |3I; Fourth Ohlrlct Polllni PlaflHraid boundary line, school *'»(, (lurcmnnl Avenue, C»-

lOwushln tind lottla.to In* ecn-

WARD J - DISTRICT 5He(!lmiin« «t » iiolnt where t M

ipntet lint of New Dovei Road to-tersnetp the iioiindsrtiMlnp. oetweenFdlson and Wondhrldfee Pownnhlpl;

between F.dlsonWoodbrldtenortliftrlv Hhplwraji h

terll' of thr Pni1! Readlin H»ll-ifncp <1i Pssterly und nriuth-

rntprllns of theHullroad I" the n"ln'

Schnnl a m . Msryknnll Bosd. MerlinI'.irk Terrace


Pnllln* Pln^f. IVHSOn and W!,'i(i,inuin, i v.«..r,..i|/-,ill Hnad Menlol'liTicP essterii «lon« the cen'e. lint

(line of Ne« Irrsev Garden S U Uipsrkwiis Route tt4: thenrp northet-lly nlotig thu CPIHP! line 'if "uld Park-IIISTRICT i

s polnl, thelemeclloii (if thi1 feinerllne of NrwDover Rosd and HIP centerllnethe

WARD 1nEdlNNINd at a point, the in- railed Woodhndge-Spwarcn

tpisecllon of the cr-ntfrllne ot Hew.thpnre Westerly alonn th« centerJersey Turnpike «nd th« centerllne! | ine ot Woodhndne Avuiiie to theof WoodbrlilKP Avpiiue; thence ( l ) iconter ilse of Woodbrldun Creek t,peasterly along the centerlln* nt the point or place nMlpjjlnnlug

1n"iw»y to • point markina 'he pTO-IniiRstlnn eamerlx of HIP onnnerrfline ot Dion* 405 on to" WnodhridM

Pennsylvania Iliillrotirl; thenre |-i-own,,i11|> r»« Map; thrnce w«it(ffiy111 noulherlv iilnim thfi c cn" > r l lnp . l | n n R , , „ northerly line ol Bloc*»of New Dovpr Itniul to the rPlHPr-]^p«, 494 q^ 49' upd 4fl9 to tne ceO*line of Chain 0HIII1 Road; i h e n c e ! , , , [[nf o l ' c u r k Placp. thenre enn-

soiltherly alnnR Hie centerllne 1 , „ „ , „ , wp,tpTlv slonn the c e n t *of Dover Road to the rpnterllne. o f , n r ,,, r k p l M , , t o t h , twundalTEKfit f'llff Rom); Ihr

inn Hi** rrnt.rrllni1

From the Int/H'wcUon ofDover Road ami the T ntcrscrtlnii nf

(2) north-of Market Htrett dla- »i * . ^

tlon of BUCII property houndary; (long theoni n pointtinii of the


New Dover Uniicl to the Interseatlon Mm oont-orli nfl ofto M.e rfiitrrllnp of


crly nlonf! nnld line dividing Hlnckscctlon of Ulock Avenue nnd the Lln-to vote elsewhere, ellnlhle 31)5 E nnd 394.-t. nnd the proloiiRH Ilne of Utatn tHKIiwny iinute No 4;theuce northwesterly tilong «*ul cen-

southerly along the easler-the f l in ty . ( „ elec- tlon thereof to the southwest, cor-•,. nf will Lot number II, lixi prllne ot thP [.Inrnln HUhwny tny.

tors for President anil Vl,e ITCM- ter Ilne to tho center line of Kingor less to a point tn the dent uf the United State George's Bn&d; thence westerly along-tli'-rty side of Market Street andr . 1 _ , ,— 3 B _ > . h A art ^ i k d - 1 I *

HlKhway and New Uovdr; th«u alongth t l gthe centerllne nf New Dover Road to mostlfioad to the center line of Cruw sthe Intersection of New Hover Road""' *'• a»orK» Ave thence 18) BotUhfBstP.rly nlonc

ay gWondhrldRe Avetnm to the center-line of Went Avenue; thence (2)northeasterly slnng the centerllneof West Avenue In the rnntcrUne, ofCentrnl Avenue: thence 131 south-efiiterly aloiiK the centerllne of O n -irul Avenue antl tho prolongationor uliove mentioned Centrnl Avetnicto the westerly short Ilne nf filalct


IHitrlct Pulling Pl-ire2, Bewaren Avenue, Sn-

westerlyf Flint Cliff

HIT of Highlanduthfrly along;


at a polnl, thet. terseiHIon of the centeillne of, I Pcnnaylranla Rnllrofid mid t_he n

t h e r ^n t iHni\(l; t h p n e n ^ 4ti« oen tp r l l np of Hlpjhlnud Knurl td•entfrlliift nf R n n i h III! I Hntirl;thPtirn IS) wfR!<Tl7 ftloiiR Hif c.pn~\t e r l lnf of Hni i th Hill Itonri nnri Hi«prnlmiKntUm (if RUHIP to n pn l i i t ,

jptwppn S o u t h

b'tween Edison and WnndbrM|»Tnrcnshins; thence southerly -iloOtssld houndnrv to 'he ooint ot pl*M

r 'ie

nniifi ; t h e n r eunrt innthr-rly nlnns th«Rhorr linn nf th*> Rtntrn

ninifl r,n Thi> month of thn

14) south-!terllne of the Garden SUte Pnrkwny(N J State Highway Routo C4i;(N, J. State Highway Routothence (1) northerly alnng the ren-t'rllne of the Oarden K'nte Parlc-

Wooilhrldise River; thence IS) north- *»V to the centerllne of Now DoverLilts I ' fl ,_ „. J . tltHvtn* t 1 \ flaptflf II n nf P A i . l l .

Woodrldg ; ) !westerly BouthwcMerlv nnd westerly [r"«d:alotiR the WnodhrUlpe. River, the. "s ter

ewterly nnd soutli-

lo the point or place ofOiNN'IMOloimdpil on the north by totn,•, r 17 »s shown *h slid map,

t'.r v.'.nh by Market Street, onpunt hy lot number 8 ss shown..I'.d map nnd on the west hy!,-uniier 11 M shown on Mltl

Make rp^lalprcd voters, reuiov-IIIK from wtate or •-ouni.y', who arc „not able lu qualify to vou.. fnnn new I " " centerllne ot St. OcorRB Avenueresidence hecause of Insufllrlent res- 1 1 " « nnrtherly direction tnthnTown-

iniur then northerly

Idence tliere, pjliiltile lo vote where 's''l» botindnrv: thenrcKlfitctud lu this Htate, for electors I I ownshlp boiliujary infor President and Viet President of [westerly anil southerly iilrrctlVin"the United States only, hy Preal-Uhe point nf orii-ln'-• •' ' Elector Absentee Ballot, ln

"' t " c L«« l s l»« l r eIM1 known as I/)ts 9 and 7 lni* lil",i",

;) on the Taj Map of thetp r"v l l l e ?

,,f Perth Amboy, and slsoin ,n r334-33J MnrWt Street, STATE PUBLIC QUESTION #3:


(.t nnrthPWtp-rlv Hue nf niockto the cPlilerllne of 8t. Ocor^cK

f (N J Htnt« Hluhu'iiy Hnutethenco (ill Kouthciiateriy alongi;

tho renterllnei of (it. Ave-nue to tho centc-rllne of tho Port

!? Hnllroud: thence (in)southwesterly nnd westerly along ther.tnterllno ot the Fort Rending Rail-

Mill Road; thence toiutierl) alongsaid center Ilne ui tlie center Ilne ofLehlgb Valley Railroad: thencesoutheasterly aionn the same to the

n l l l l o r p l t i c f t o f t i f K l n t i l l l H

Sltth District Polling Place:Fords Memorial post, V.F.W., Newllrunswlck AVPIIUP, Fords,


WARD I - DISTRICT 1BEOINNINO at a point the In-1

itersectlon ot the cp.utcrlliio of the!rc!1( l t 0 t h a p o l n t o r Ill"c<l °r, "*"New Jersey Turnpike and the crn- "'""'""terllne ot the Perth Amboy-Wood-

deslxnateA as Ko 3M,: strpft. Perth Aniboy, N. J.,. inproxlmate amount of the.,:,• to be satisfied by snld

:, 'he sum of Three Thousand,Hundred, Twenty-Nine 113.929,

li.,:inrs more or leas together:•<• rnit» of this sale.

'•••'•T nllh all and singular thei.. privilege*, hereditaments snd

fur'pnances thereunto bflongtni!HIVTISP appertaining. The lub-• nsrrvps the right to >d|ourn

11 t I

"' CJ'bridge, Brunch of the Pennsylvania

.... _. Railroad; thence (1) northerly alonuVlll. sec.tiou !, para«r»ph 4 ot the j.uld centerllne of the Perth Atn-Coiistltutlon ot the State of New boy-Wodbrld«« Branch ot the Penn-Jersey tSmiilliiK an annual deduc- jylvanla Railroad lo a nolnt thetlon not to exceed 180.00 from thetax bill for taxes on rt«J property•• therein provided 0! certain cltl-« l u and residents ot this 3Ute ofthe tgt of 85 or more years Insteadof the (800.00 eiemptlon presently

gM fium time to time j•n Mich llralutioni or restrlc-iiiinn the PterciMf of mien pow-

i:.\v he specially provided bynr rules of Court.



in 7\-ii-\\n-n't3

prolongation easterly of the divid-ing lino between New nnd SecondStreets. Thenre (2) westerly nlonRsaid dividing line between New unci

District Polling Plice: I»e-i S h l H d A

K glln ,lr. High .School, Hyde Avenue,Iselln.


-IIISTRK'T 9nt. a point, the In-

tersection of tha tftiiterllue »if IhePerth Ainhoy-Woodbrldge Branch ofthe Pennsylvania Railroad Rnd thePort ReiulliiR Rfillrond; tn>nr.e (1)

T^ i -r.*-..* , tum, uLin i tu urn (i||tj . . . - .

Second Streets to the center Ilne easterly nlnnn the centerllne of thenf Amh .«i A,,o.*.,n ,,, ..,, ., ''Pnrt. Itendlntt Itullron.d to the cen-

Hup between the t'lty ofPerth Amboy nnd Wnoillirldsn Town-ship to the «nuthenst«rly corner ofUlock ttm. thence 111) westerly

the boundnry lino betwepn the'Ity nf IVrtli Aniboy and Wood-

Township tn the cpntprllnef the Perth Amboy-Woodhrldse

tt,p Pennsylvania Rall-ond; thence (7| northerly along the

tbe Perth Amboy -WootlbrldRe flranch erf tho Penn-sylvania Railroad to tbe centerllneot the New Jersey Turnpike; thence


of Amboy Avenue theprovided on the aggregate assessed'erly along th»»lu«tlon ot such real property, b«approved?

Avtnue to a point 20(1 feet northerly iof tlie north property lino of (irocii!'1'S t t th 1 ! | l n l


AMENDMENTShall the amendment of Article

Vlll, SevUuu I, par«({raph 1, of theCoQitltutlon, agrnd to by the Leg-;»l»ture, which permits land used Inagriculture or horticulture to b« val-

u j i g . u e d for local t i l purposes accord-Ing to the value such land h u forsuch use and which provides tor tbepayment ot additional taxes If suchland Is thereafter applied to nonsK-rlcultural or uonhortlcultural use,be adopted?




ROAUWAY MUTUAL SAVmOBl , ' ^ " j * ,"**LOAN ASSOCIATION Or , « ^ l ™ ' i ,.ln

IVARK. N J., * corporation ofIsKtati of NewiJeniT Is Pl»lo-; » .1 ANTONIO BO8AS snd UA.

HIXSAS, his wite, are Defend-Writ of Eiecutlon for "i« «»le

finrt«n;ed premises dated Sep-wr 17th, I9fl3.

t virtue of the above stated Writ,nr directed and delivered, t will

FUIIS at public vendue onDSI'.SDAY, THE «th DAY OFtaiiER. A.D.. te«3. »t the hour|tw,> o'clock by the then pretMI-

t "'..•.:;•:t:ir•: 1 or Daylight Havlnuli, In the Afternoon of the

Inf New Brunswick, N. J.th.il tract or parcel at land

r?iiU.vs hereinafter partlcular->rlbeil, sltuat* In ths TOTH-

Madlnon, In the County of

renter Avpnue; thence(2) southerly nlons; thfl cnnterllne

Avcnup to tho rpntcr-Htreet, thence (i) e'astfrly" uarali'ci ! | l l l l ! °r f ' r m»3n Htreet; thenco (3)»flrl (fUtant 3D0' northerly of tlic'w e b l°r | lr "1<"llt 'h" ('<"ltl'''ll"ft «'north property line of Groen Htrcet 11'"1*"!'"!to the certerllno of Linden AVOIUIC-;'0' "10

WARD 2 - DISTRICT 7at a point (There

center line of the New Jersey Turn'pike intersects the dividing lue oetween tbe Townihipn ot Woodbrldgeand Edison and from said beginningpoint running easterly sloug said:entei line to the point where thesame Intersects the center line utFold Avenue; theuce northerly ithe center line of Ford Avenue tothe center line of New Jersey staleHighway Route No 25, now mownas II H No, 1; thence westerly slong

Port RpndlnK Riillrnnd to tho cen-[the center Una of said Route No Ior Routs No, 1 to the boundary lineof Edison Township; thence southerly along «*ld boundary line to thi

ence (3) north- ™ [ «™""K ">u"rllno of Amboyl'"11"" ".' """W.ny

Street to the centerllne

along the ctnterllnn of New

pthe tllvltlltlK lineCliff Itofid ixnil Pleviimt Avonuc;thenre ifl) nor'herlv nlotiR jmld di-»ldlng line between iiniith CliffItn^d^ nnd Pirmnnt Avetmn to thrtcentfflnft of Chnln O'llllls Roiirl;thence iTi iihrlhwesierly slonn the•enierllne of chnln O'Hllls Road to

the rcnterllne of W;\Rhlti!;tnn Ave-nue-; thence illl northerly alongthe prolonged rentrrllno of Wnsh-tnKton Avenue to the renterllne nf

8) northeasterlypthe center-

line of the) Now Jnrsny Turnpike tothe point or plfico of be^l'mlns

Third District Polling Place;School #12, Sewarcn Avenue, Se-

enterllne of Mere.dlth Roii'l tn thenterllno nf the |)rolons!iit,lnn of

Middlesex Avenue; thence southerlylonu the centerllne nf tlie proliiti-;atlon of Mlddlesri Aveimn to the:enterllna of the PrnnsvlvnnlaFtallrnnd; thence (4) r^nitiiwpsterlv

R thn centcrilnn of Ihn Pennsyl-vania Railroad to tho point or place)of Beginning.

First District Polling PUre; School#15, I'rrshlni Avenue

WARD 3 - DISTRICT 5ejuiniiiK at the polnl of intersec-

tion of tha center Ilne of ArenelStreet with the easterly right ot wayline nf the Pennsylvania Railroad,

lthence northerlyP

the easterlyi R l l d

thence (5) norther ly nlonit tlm c i . .tfr line Of Linden Avenue 111) f.-pt.. rn.ul;thence (J) easterly , pur'iillcl w l t h i " 1 0 1 "and northerly ^fii)' fp,-i fnnn o^iVVuoilynortherly lineth

y p2ol)' feetof Oresn

from theStreetnortherly line of Oresn Street to

the centerllne of me Perth Ainboy- :<'"I1,lllll!-

W d b l d

Perthf the I'enn.sylviuila Ra l l -"tir-e i l ) northerly a lonu

•enierlliip t)f thp Perth Anibny-lir.incli of the P e n n s y l -

Kallrnart to the point of B e -

llue of ths Pennsylvania RHllrondright of wny tn the right ol way Ilneof Stste HlRhwny Route #1; thencenortheasterly alon^ the right of wayline of State HlKhway Route #1 tothe southerly boundary line of thecity of Railway: thenco easterly andnortheasterly KIOIIB the boundaryline of the City of Railway to theRahwny River; thrnco southeasterlyalong the Ruliway River to the wenterly line of the Borough of Carteret

point or place of beginning thence southwesterly along tbe westSeventh District Polllne I'l.ice:jerly boundary line ot tho Domugh

»ords jr, Men Mhooi, r innini jof Carteret and the centei Ilne of

Uovpr Rond to tlm cfiilPillne otMerpdlth Ro»(l; thence H) snuth-rly and southeasterly KIIUIK the *he Pennsylvnnln Railroad; thenco

(9) easterly alon^ the ceuterlltie ofthe Ppiin.svlvnnlii Rallrnnd to thepolnl or plitrr of Hci:lnnlnB.

Ninth Dlilrlct Pnlllne Plare-ohiinl j*l, Out look Avenue. Colonla

VVAKU I H I M 1111 1 2

Firm nutrirt Polllnit l>*¥*1

Seh.inl #22, New Dover R«Jd, « -lonln.

WARD 5 - DISTRICT « 'HKdINNINO Rt a point where ,M»

•esterly prolnndatlnn nt the eoiltlNrn boundary line of Bloc* 47«VDitersects the oenter linn o l ' t t l i

}arden Bute Parkway Route N f. V,.henre santerly cfntlmilng along thylOtitbern boundary of Block 474-ft174-c, m-x 473-w in-v. vn-v,113-T, 4'i3-fl, H73-R continuing e«st.rly ulnnR the southern boundMJ ollock 407 to the southeast oorneT Rlnck 4B7: thence, northerly Alonj

,he eastern bnundsry of niook ttB

Beginning nt a point where thiconter line ol New Dover Rond In-tersects the boundary Him betweenWoodbrldne and Edison Townshipsand from said beglnnlnu point run-ning easterly along said center lineto the centei line of Mi"» JerseyGarden State Parkway Route #4thenee southerly alonn ilm center

e of snld last mentioned routethe point of Interaction with

ths center Una of .lamps Place;th*nee westerly alonK tlm cpnter

no of James Place to the tmundarylino between Edison anil Wood-bridge Townships; thence, northerly

IIR salt] boundary line, to thepoint or place nf brRlnnliii!

HKINO all nf District 1 in thefourth Ward to bs known p.* FourthW-ird, District 1

Second District PollS, hunt ffJJ, New D o mlonla.

Ainbny-WooilbrldKeistreet and Inverness Drive, Fords.I l l R l l

Woodbrldge Rriumli o( the Penn-sylvania Rallrnnd, thence (7) north-erly Blong the cenierlliid of PerthAmboy-WoodbrklKe liranch of tin:Pennsylvania Railroad to the ecuterllne Ot Preemnn Htreet thence

|(B) easterly along the. centerllneof Freeman Street to the centcrl

ol uthwe.tej.y

Ninth District Polling Place: OldTrinity Parish House, 51 TrinityI,.-IMP, Woiiilbrldge.

IV.tltl) 2 - DISTRICT 1Tha Socond Ward, First District,

shall comprise nil of Kensbey snd allof Enid Ward South of the I.ehlgb,

to TOU upen • ctniltiutas lor tti»following ofrlcet;ONI STATE SENATORPour Members TO THI OENERAL

One COUNTY CUaRKTwo Members of the BOARD OP


CHOSEN FRUROLDIRfi tor theUueiptred Term

One MAYOHu,o »»«riiouu oi u.« - m i f 0 1 " COUNCILJ^KM-AT-LARGE

til. PhrrtrTomceTnTn. One COUNCILMAN Iron, esch of

the Nsw Jersey Turnpike thetice Beginning at the, intersection ot(10) southwesterly alone, the cen-j the tiaotcriy line ot King aeornestedlne of New Jersey Turnpike to;Post Road w!lb the Southerly Rightthe point or place of beginning. " ~"

Flnt District Pnlllnf Place: Mu-nicipal BuUdlnf, Main Street, Wood-bttdge.

t h« FlT* w » r d i

Perth Amboy-Woodbrldgii liranch ofthe Pennsylvania Kailroad and thei;

iterllne of freemun Street; thence' "

he centerllne of Freeman Street toWARU 1

From the crossing of Cartent- • -ki»««4i n^f f , I I I Vf'W ^ ' V I I ' I K ' u l

wt nnd state of New letsey; » ! o n* "'•

gRoad sod tbt New Jtrssy Turnpike;

0 ' " » •SOWN and designated at Lot J«sey Turnpike to.the crosaln* of

iv Road on map entitled!">• "•» 1*<*1 Tumplle and the- .. Acre*" prooprtv ot Van-iCHuden Bute Parkway; then alongI In1, Madison Township, Mld-ithe centerllm of the Otrdeli State• c.i.mty Ntw Jerm-y Noveni- :Pnr*way to the crossing of the Oar-

|SS :v,\ ftled In the Mlddies«i:deu Slates Parkway and N. J. StateBtv Clerk's Office on August'Highway Route £1; then along th«

as Map No. H53 rile No. |c«riterllne of New Jtrsey 8Ute Hlgh-preinlnrs are muic par-jway Route jrl ln s northerly direc-

tor:'. dPvrlbrd as follows: I Lion to the Intersection of Newat a point on the Jersey Highway Route #1 and Oreen

side line of Aniboy ;Street; then along tbe centerllue) ofwhieh point Is distant JOOOfljurten Street to the Intersection ot

J southerly from the Intersection ;O,reen Street and Worth Street;lie '-.uiithwpsierlv side line of then along tbe centerllne of Worthoy Hoed with ths southeasterly street to the Intersection of Worth

[line of Vane'.hel Drive, If both street tnd Byrd Street; then alongproduced to their point if In- ihe centerllne of Byrd Street to the

y Khe Port Heading Kalltond to theenterllne ot the, Perth Amboy-

Woodbrldca Branch of the Pemisyl-anla Railroad; thence 14) southerly,long tho centerllne of the Perthimboy-Woodbrldge Brnnch of the'tnnsylviiiila Railroad to the pointr place of ROKlnnlng.Second District Polling Place:

Woodbrldge Jr. UiEh School, Marron

«Hon; and troni said beginning1 running (I) along th» south-

id li f A b R dg g

side line of Amboy RoadI1" (lf«rre» II mlmites

northern line of Block '3B5; thenalong Block 393 to St. Oeorge Ave-

h l th t l l flufl,Hti

h 53

g gnue; then along the centerllne ofA»tnue to the crossing

a point; thence (2) south 53 of st. George Avenue and the rlght-M minutes west 243,57 f"t! o f . w l y of t r i e por( Beading Rail-

P"lnt; thence (3) north 42 de--r0,<i; then along the centerUne ofH tumults west 100 H feet t o ; l h t rtght-of-way of the Port Read-


BKOINNINO at a point, tho In-tersection of the centerllne of N. J.Turnpike Mid the centerllne of thePerth Amboy-Woodbildtse Brandi othe Pennsylvania Railroad; thenco1) westerly along the centerllneof Uie N. J. Turnpike to the cen-

terllne of Main tjlii-rl iiii.|..in^r,l,thenre (2) easterly alum; the cen-erllne of Main Street to the ctin-.erllne of MuLtlson atrtet; thence

Dt; thence I4i north 53 denreentes east 3347 feet

westerly side line of Anibtiy

i ln | ! crossing of theR d it l l e rlght-of-w»y of ths Port Readingl x l v i Hullroad end Rahway Avenue; then

Ihe place of IIKCUNNINd Bl,)llg t l l e c t a t < j r n n , 0[ Ranwsy A?enue to the Intersection of RahwayAvenue and Woodbrldge Avenue;then along the centerllne of Woodbridge Avenue to the Intersectionof Woodbrldge Avenue and Cartertt

then along the centerllne ol

prepared tn accordance withnude bv Edward A Bonus,

f:;ist Rninswl.-k, N. J , dated1NB2.

npiir.iiluiiiie amount or the•ut to he satisfied hv said sale•imi of fieytMilPi-n l'houMind.undrcd. Knrtv-Kli;ln 1117,148.'li.ira morn or lea» together

[the i-u,t.s or t hh aale.'.Hth till and sliiKiiliir the

,l:,'>ir^ rn-re*llt»,neiit3 ftniti'cs thereunto belongingVAi.-* tuipcrLaliUnt;. The

the rli;ht to ad-f r . 1,1

"nly to Mi.'h llmliatlont or':!,., »|.

_ power iiI"1 Inv.- or ruins of Court


1 he exercise oftuny be specially

Utoriley11 in n



NOTICEhereby given that the

Klivllon Boards In and furwiujhip of Woodbrldge willI"" iil.u:cs hertluatttr deslg-

'I'AY, NOVEMBER 5, 11W3• " t l i u liuiirs of 7 Al l . a:id

II tiUmluul i'iiue, fur

.(ii':Nt;nAi,l'Ei,W!:n'oN1'thu following ijueb-1


Carteret Road to the point of origin

WARD 2Krom the Intersection ot the cen

terllne ot the WoodbrldKe Kallronsnd the Township boundary; alonthe centerllne of tbe Woodbrldg,Kalliusd to the Intorsectlon of th,Woodbrldse Railroad and the NeJersey Turnpike; then along tin••nlsrllns nf the New Jeresy Turn-pike to the crosalne of the NewJersey Turnpike and the tlardeState Parkway; the" along the tenterllne of the Garden State Parkway to the crosslhs ol the OurdetStilts Parkway add U. H. Illshwa)Route ffl; then along the centerHue of U 8- Hlghwuy Route #!In a westerly illnrlluu Ui lh» '"'bhlp boundary; tlicn sliuiKTownship boundary In * wutherlyeasterly and iiortheily .llmctluu tcthe point of origin.WARD 3

From the iiiierte.:ilun of thWoodbriduo Railroad and Hie Towihip binmdarj: then ulous the ecuttrllne Uf Ills WoinU>rl(Uso Itullromo the crosulna of the railroad am

Ilia 11ONI) ItiSUBBiU"«i liisUtiilluns - Hlgh-

ia Noa. 1 and 2, If."I. will auihurla. ,. bond pro-

tliiuiuo the I'uiistructlon uf

Hints nuil will authotlix re-tlie bunds with surplus

nil dm New Jorwjv I'm n-s otherwise provided.


TON BOND IStJUKl>ii> «it entitled "Aa »' I

-, the cretilon of » debtt Hd Uj u { fiti/f J^fKy \fj |s-I uf hund» of tho S U M In tlic

•J154JOO.OOO 00 for public

Jersey Turnpike lu tho crosulUK chi New Jersey I'umplke uml C*eret lload; ihe" lllul"< " 1 0 l : c " t c

lue ot Carleret Ku«d in tho luteI l d Woo.section of Oarteret

l„..„„. Avmum, llicn alwiB tho contorlhio ut Wuodbrldin Avenue to Hi

of Wood In l.ltf A«cimmid Railway Avenue; thru aloiiK IH

of ltut,*»v AH-IUKI and h«l u "

?h <tiii«ut, eoriijHMent i h J f»

liflnilit, vducdttoll anduw«; pjovldlii» the wnyj

fa in to pay tho Interest of•at. not to eiceed In Uie

ne oiiiii of >2n,0OU.00U(W.> piv'iiiid dbcliunr the

n« :long

. . . Jersey Turnpike; thetbe ceiitcrline ol the Ne

Itoiul mid Woo

mie: thence (il),Valley Railroad tracts eieeptlng 150southerly aloiiKifeet wide strip on the Easterly aide

be centerllne ut Rahway Avenue,nd Rerry Street to the centerli

of KltiR Oeor^ea Post Road, par-t.lruliiTly descriheil fts follows-

of Way line of the, Lehlgh ValleyU h l E

y g yUnilroad; thence, runnliiB Easterly

l l S h l f h I


along tlie Southerly lino of thehirtn Vnliey Railroad 150 feet, moreor lev. to A point. Mid pnlntthe lnifrwotloti of a


Beginning at t point where thecenter line of the New Jersey Turn-pike Intersects the centei line ofFord Aveoue and from Bald begin-ning point nintilns northerly alongthe centei Hue of Ford Avenue tothe center Ilne of N J- State High-way Route No. 35, now Known asU, 8. No. 1; thenre easterly alongthe center line of the last men-tioned road to the center line ofN, J. State Highway Route No 4,known as Onrdeu State Parkway;thence southerly along tbe centerlice o( the last mentioned routo Uithe center line of the Bsld N JTurnpike; thence westerly alona thecenter linn of tho lust mentionedroad tn the point or place of be-llnnliiK.

Klfhtb District Polling Place:l i l t , l e i ™ S r l i n " ' * 2 ; i , Ford Avenue and Ar-Une"'l5uVet lWm "rlvf- t l irds'

W.lltll 2 - DISTRICT II

OforKcs 1'ost H'uid a m i t h eTly IllK.it oi Way Hue o t i h e

Valley Kallrotul; t h e u c e ,Suuthwc- i tcr ly n n d Westi ' i ly HIUIJK Alino dl."it(Nil I'M ftut inciLiuri'd Rt!

h e c e n t e r l l n e o t S t . Ueorises A V C - ! r l K h t "miles ti . a n d pariillel w i t h t h e j ^ __^

me (Route 35); thence | 2 | north-7 , 1 1 8 , y, , K U l ; 0 ^ e B 1 , o s ' ia inl northensterly alotiR mid bound-•, t l 1 0

locv';r"1 '••'"Jf-"1 , u " ' r « l f V nrv HUB between WnodhrldKii Town-

. i l u l u r ( I L l l . i l n f n l i i , i « l r i < i i I i , l i l f I '

Blair Road to tho center line ofHomestead Avenue; thence westerlyalong thn center line nf HomesteadAvenue to tho center Ilne ot AshStreet; thenro southerly along thecenter line of Ash Htreet to the cen-ter Ilne of Myrtle Avenue; thencewesterly fllntiK the editor Ilne ofMyrtle Avenuo and Its westerly prootiRatlon to Wnodhrldga Oreek;thence southerly along the Wood-brldge Creek to tne point of inter-section of the prolongation easterlyof the center Ilne of Nle.lson Avenue;thence westerly slnni? the said pro-longation and the center line ofNlelson Avenue to the center line olRahwsy Avenue; thence northerlyalong the center linn of RahwayAvenue to the center line of AvonelStreet; thence westerly and northwesterly slons the renter line nfAvenel Street to the point ot Inwrsection with the easterly right ofway line of tho Pennsylvania lutl-rtind ntid pnlnt or pltire of h ^ l

REINf) i\ portion of the ThirdWard, District Five to tio knownThird Word Fifth District

llftli District P0III111: Place: I'irst

WARD 4 - DISTRICT Jrionlnnlng at n point In tho dlvld-

IK lino between Edison Tnwnshlpand Woodbrldite Township wheretho same Is Intersected by the cen-!

line of Jtimes Place nnd from'said beginning point running east-erly along the cuntcr line, of J.imea!*111! "urthwe-itorly nlniiu tlio cen-Phice to tho center Ilne nf New, '""™ ('r "Wiland Rond to the pen-

l " 1 ' " 0 ' K t Olltf R d th

irrsccilon of the ceuterllne of W«':it -11" "'HldliiK. Avenel Street, Av-nelRond IN. J. Btlllo Route

iind the ccnle.rllne of Flortdn (troveKomi, tlic l,,,uu(lnry Hue betweenWinidlirliiKo Tawnahlp mid City ot

ne PlaceRoad, Co

WARD 4-- IMSTH1CT 10BECHNNINtJ nt a point, the Inter

section of the cnnterllne of New Do-ver Hoad and the erntetllne of St.CleorKe'H Avemie iNew Jersey S lateHighway Route 35) thence (1) south-erly and southeasterly alnnn I h e r e ntcrllnfl nf Ht, (icnrKe'a Avpnnn (NewJersey Ktnto HlKhwny Route 35) Uithe Intersection of the most northeasterly linn of Block IMS prolonsedtlienre (21 northwivslerly to tho prolonir.»d linn northcfi'iterlv of thsoutheasterly lino of Mock 3fM Jthrnce (3) southwesterly alonp thsoutheasterly line nnd the prolonga-tion thereof northeasterly to th..southwesterly corner nf said Blockllfil .1, Ihence (4) iiuithwestcrly alonthe, southwesterly Unn of Mocks 3114'I,, 3MK, and M-l.) lo tho cenlerllniof Bedford Avenue, Mienrofioutliwe.sti'rly nlou:; cemcrHne oIle.iKnrd Avenuo In the cmiterllniof Hvrd Street: thrnco ffii northwn'ilerlv [\]oii!j Ihe ,eutcrllni» of Uyrfaircct to Iho (Tiilerllim of Wlntc-Street; thenro (V) wiuthwesterl]iilotii; thn centerllne. of Wlnte:Street to the prolongation douth-eatwrly at the rllTld'.m iirin hp,twe»m

Avenuo nnd Huuth ClltfRoad; thenen illl northwesterly

ynlonR Mill dlvldliiH line betweenSouth Cliff (lo.id and Pleasant Ave-nue to tho prolnni:iitlon wnithwcst-erly of the centerllne of smith HillHnml; Ihenre |9) nnrtlie^.sterly alonK.Mild [ir,,lnni;iitlon mid the center-line of South Mill Rimd tn the- cen-terllne of Highland Road; thence

,o the northPrinicMy corner:last alon« the ooulhernif niock M4. continuing easterly

along the sojithorn boundary' qtBlnck 4fi3; thence northeasiefWalong the easterly boundary of Dlook143 h, Ms tiiterseotlon with th*>«Ms^,er linn nf nramhall Rood: thaDMnorthwesterly along the centei llliknf Bramhiill Roe,rt to tt« lnteraeajlonwith the center line of Inman Mtfnue; thfnco wnt-eriy alonn the cen-ter lino of Inmiii Av»nu« to It* 10*tenectlon with the Osrden Btst*Parkwav N J #4; thrnce «outh»rly»lona thn center line of GardenState Parltway N J #4 to the pointand place of beginning,

sk ih District Polling Place: FlitHouse, Inman Avenue, Colonla.

WARD 5 - DISTRICT 1BOO IN NINO at a point where t in

prolongation of Rlnclc 305-D la»ST»wots ths centerUne ol- Inaiaa Ave-nue (opposite Clover Avenue);thence easterly along thai Mmtarilninf Inninn Avenue, to the interseoOonof the prolongstion of Mieboundary of Block 509-A Mid ',Avenue; thencs northerly-along th«east boundary of Blocks 509-A, J08-1and 500-D to its intersection withsoutherly line of Block 508-A;thence westerly along southerly lln»of SOM-A to Its lntnsectlcm with MMeasterly lino 505-A; thenc* northsnd northeasterly eilong the nound-iiry of Clock S03-A to the Intersec-tion with the centerllne of Uk«Avenue; thence northwesterly alongthe centerllne of Lake Avenue tothe boundary of Clark Township;thence westerly alone the boundaryof Clart Township to Its tnterseo-


'esterly alonit the ceiiterllnn of Ht}eorg«s Avenue to tlie centerllue ofhe Port Reading Riillrnacl; thence3) easterlyh P H

tho centerllue of

tho Easterly llnu ot Meiulow Uond;thenct, Northerly uloiifs the Easter-ly line of Meadow Road 150 feet,

;,hlp nnd City of Perth Atnhoy tothe centerllne of the Perth Amboy-

Rranch nf the Pennmoro or IC.M, to the bouthcrly U n e | s v l v a n m i ( , ,U r u a ( 1; thence U) north-ot KlnK Cieoritcs Post Huail; thence , | c r l y a l o I 1 | , m^A c e n t ( . r l | I l e o f U l l )

Easterly and Northeasterly along thefte-vcml courses of King Georges PostRoad to the point or place of Be-Klnplne and tho Lehlyh Valley Rail-road HlKht of Way

Mr-.I DMrlcl I'olllnf Plnce- School, 8, smith Street, Keasbcy.

WARD 2 - DISTRICT 2Beginning at the intersection of

the center 11ns of the lehlgh ValleyRailroad with the oenter line ofKlorlda Qrove Road; thence north-erly slon« the center line ot FloridafJrove Rosd to the center line nfWest Pond Road; thence north-westerly along the center Ilne ofWest Pond Road to ths oenter lineot State Highway Route No, 35;thence southerly alouK said centerline of State Highway Route No J5to Hut center line of New BrunswickAvenue; thence southeasterly alonK

Perth Ambny-Woodbrldge Brunch ofho Pennsylvania Rullrnnd to the

centerllne of the N. J. Turnpike;heuce (.1) westerly along the ceu-

terlhie of the N. J. Turnpike, tothe ccnltrlliio of Ilouto 1 (CliitilcnState Partway) thence (4) south-

rly alonK the centerllne of Route4 (Garden State Parkway) to the•enterlliifi of Route 9; thenco (5)northeasterly along the centerllne.of Route fi to the centerltne of WestPond Road (N. J. Stato Highway,Route 410); thence (6) southeast-erly alonis the centerllne of BaldWest Pond Ftuud to the pulnt orjlitee of HegUinlng.

Ninth District Polling Place;School S'l, Strawberry Bill Avenue.Woodbridee.

3) southerly along the cnUerllne „,„,, ctaUsl l l n e t 0 t l l e M n t , r u n Qtt Mattlson Street to the ™ntfr. | ,J l l n n s s , l v l l l l l a A v e l n | e ; „>,„,,, „ ,„ ,„ .

erly aliiiitt said center Ilne to the,ln« of Omvnalong


Ihemp 14)nterllne of

nue to a point, thf prolniitiatloiiwesterly of tho dividing lint; be-tween New uml tkeoml Stt'ce. t.s;.hence (0) r.islcrly aliitii; uld .-II-vldlUK lluo butwe«ii Nt-w and SecondStreets to tliu IVrlh Auibuy-Wood-bridtie llraucli of the PeunsylvLuiiuRallrouil; i l i tun VI) suutlicrly ulongthe snld ceuierllnB or the Perth Am-boy-WoiKlbrldne Hranch of thePeniisylvtinla RuLlroad to tho point


Mild center line tn the point or placiof DeKlnnlUh'

Second District Polling HlareScbool #10, t'lyde Avenue, ll«pr

W.1RD 3 - IIIHTKU'T 6llttHNNINll »l n point in H'.eorKtM Aveuuo distant easterly 1(10

feet from U. H, HlKhway Route No1; theuce northerly along » linedistant easterly 100 feet and parallelto II 8 Highway Route No 1 to thecenter line of Wmulhrlri e Ave.nue;thenro northwesterly alnun the cen-ter line nf WoodbrtdRO Avenue to

center line of U 8 HlKhwayitoute #1; thence northeasterlylung the, center line ol U 8 High-

way Route No. 1 to the southerlyboundary line of the City ot Rah-way; thence westerly alonu the s&ldsoutherly boundary Ilne of the Cityof Rahway to the center Hue of 8tOeorees Arenue; thence southerlyand southeasterly along center lineot 8t, Oeorges Avenue to ths pointor nlace of benlnnlnn

Sixth District Polling [Mace:School #23, Woodbine Avenue, Ave-nel,


BEQINNINU at s point, the lnter-•sectlon of the centerllne of the NewJersey Turnpike and


Third District 1'OIUIIKi"H, Hoss tttreet,


All that part of the First Wurdlying north of Heard's Brook westuf tho center line of Amboy Avenueand east ot the center Hue of thePhiladelphia and Reading Railroadand the center line of State Mlgli-• • r Houle No. U.

Fourth District Polling Place:ihmil #1, Maw bey Street, Wuod-ld

WARD 1 D1STRUT 5All that tract between tlio Penn-

sylvania Rallrutid (on the euut) uudthe muter Hue of Aniboy AvenueIon tlie wo»H and the renter Unaof Freeman Street (on the north)and (uu the bOtltll) by a Hue drawnparallel with Uretll Htmct and 1U0test north ot the uui'therly Hue

District rolling Place


HlillioaU,t th

then ai.inB ib» , » " " " ',,t Uht ..I-»«y "t t l " l

Itoidlns ltallrud.l to t in iTiisMiigtho rujhi-ul-vvy uf the l 'u« ««

Kallroad » l »i i ^ ' * ' *

,us, (lieu .'«»t«Uoe, (lieu »i(HWS t it . « » « U o fU»w»e avenue In a uorthwly

l T*i"l»lti » 0 l in -direction to tl>»SJV l »0lin



Wooillirluse Jr. i l l |h ti.liuol, Una oilAvenue.

WAHD 1 - DISTKlt'X «mililNNINU *% a point, tho

lerseulloii of tho centerllne of Wood-.'(l,t^t) I niiL-iAt Hoail mid tha ccntmlino of the Ntiw Jer&ey ruruplKutbcncii (1) ooulhwtittlttrly uloui^ tlm

: Una of the Neft Jotocy 'riuii-ui the ucutci' lluo of berry

Btreet; thence i'i) nurlhody andjioitheuaterly aluils culilBrlina ofBerry bUeot and EUhw«y Avunio totho Woodbrldge - Carteret HodJ,thencs (3) easterly along the ceu-i«i line of Woodbrlfe-Canutet rlu^dto the point, or uiaee at bo«luiitun.

boiflJ»ry »•• ea»t«ly. souH

J»ry tn »•• ea»t«ly.weiteri, uii .al . i i in Hie P"lut

interwwtlun of Nsw, j U id thu •lowiiulilptlong the centerllno ^ ofU.iud 10 lh« IlltrfBBCt1 •'

r'roiu tim

boundary;Now liuvot,,f Now OnHuad, ine" iU»

WARU 2 — DISTRICT JThs Secoud Ward, Tblrd District,

ibull bu comprised ol all that tractlylu.; Ninth uf the Lohlgh Vullt-yRailroad tracks, West of Crows MillRoad, tinuth of King Uoornej Post

alul East of tlm Edison Towli-shlp line, together with the follow-

described tract of land, to wit::K1IKI1UK at the Intersection of

the Easterly line ol King GeorgesPost Road with Uiv tiomiieny Kigtit.ot Way line of tho l.chl^h ValleyRailroad; theuce. I'liuntiiK Hlasterlyaloug tlm Southerly Him ot tha Le-

Vulley Ualltoud ISO feot, moreor less, to a point, snld paint beingthe Intersection of s Hue 150 feet

I at rljjiu «I,K;C.I IIOUI euulwith the Kanturly lino uf

King (-lei)l- ea I'nsi Knad and theSoutherly Kljih*. ot Way Hue ot iheLtljlgh Vullej Uallroad; thence,ijoutbweslcrly and Westerly along uHue distant 150 fuot measured atright uuului* tu and pturallel with theEasterly Hue of King Qeorgea PostRoad, the several couruts thereof totlm Busterly Hue of Mcndnw KJJHI;theuce, Northerly aloug tho Easterly

Jersey Garden Stato Parkway RoutoI: thence southerly aloriR the last-

mentioned route to the center lineof Route #27; thence southwesterly]

finld conter line of Route #27to the Ilne ol Edison Township;thence northerly alonR the lastmentioned lluo to the point orplace, uf beginning,

DEINQ all of District 3 lu theFourth Ward w ho known as FourthWard, District 3

Third District Po!lln« Place:School £15, Perching Avenue, Iselln.

WARD 4 -.- DISTRICT -I!lE(i)NNINO nt n point, the- !n-

ersectlon of the centerllno of thePeniisylviinlii Railroad and the cen-

T Middle:.*'* Avenue pro.loiiKC-d; thence (I) northerly mill

trtlitiustt-i ly KloiiK Uu' ci-iiterllui' ,,;iitd proioiiL;:itlnn and tlin cen-.rllnc- nf Middlesex AviMiue to tliemtcrline, ot McLcnii Ktrcct,; thenco

1\ Kmitlicfi.stcTlv alonf Hid center-no of Mcl,etin Htreet to the. center-no of Mock Avenue; thenen (3) 'ullittrly nloiiK tho centerllne oflock Aveinio to N. J. Hcmto j,fc27jUicoln Illiihwiiy): tlifiico (4)iiulicily i t light uiinlci to tlm Ltii-itllue ot the Lincoln Highway to '

Road; thencenortheasterly aloiiK the cen-

tr-rllnc of East Cliff Rond to theeiMitolliie of Dover Road; thence

12) wmtheii.sterly tdontj tha ce.n-lerltne of Dover Rotid to tha pointor plure of BetUtmlnR.

Tenth Dlstrlrt Pollinj Place: Iso-liII Jr. Iliull Sell,,|,I. llvdn AvenueIselln.

y p Uot Carteret Koad west to tho Inter-section (it the centerllne of CarteretRoad UIKI Woodbrldge Avenue;thence II) In a southerly directionof tlio cciilerllno of WoodbrlditeAvenuo U) the Intersection of theCeulei'llim of Woodbrldge Avenueoutt lUliwiiy AVBime; thenco (3) In11 northerly direction along the cen-terllne nf Rahway Avenue, to tlieIntersection of the centerllne ofHahwav Avenue and the Ulgbt-of-Way ot the Port Reading Railroad;thence (3) e-.iste.rly along the. crn-t.-rllni) of tho Hlnht-of-Way ot ihoi'ort RtiulliiH Kiillroiid tti the Inter

f the ccnterllna of theRlglit-of-W»y of the Port lte,,u!ltigUallroad nnd R stream on Uhx-klUltlll; thtiicii (4) lu a northeasterlydirection along tim slrriuu HIH,IIKIIlllocks 1016U. lOldA and UT4 in theextension of said stream at the In-


the stream ami theHumeatead Avenue;

ylluo of Meadow Uoad tcot, moreor less, to Uiu Southerly Hue of KingUWIIKCS Post ttoaU; thence. tiacUirlyand Nurtheubterly along th« tieveralcuui'dd ot King Utorijca Post lloadto tUu point or place of Beginning

U10 Lelllghof Way

Valley Railroad

Third liistrki rMlut l'Uic: turdsHID House, Curricle Street, turds.

Muthe p int r p

tilth District VoUIni PInicipal ttjilldlng BuIWIut,BUttt, Wowlbfldj..

tVABD 1 - UUIHtUV 1.BKOINN1NO at •> pulnt, tne lu-

lerttuUuu ol the cuiUrllita of N.J.8t»U Highway Routs 25 and thscenterllno of tlio Harden aute Part-way (N J. ijtute Ulshway Kuuto#t); tlieuct (1) «unl«rly uuil uu(Ui-

Wlltll J13cBI»ljUilj at a point in the Ddtsou

lownghtp lluo 100 feet north of tbeuoitlmrly lino uf flUh Mlieot. UI«IIC»eostcrly nlong a Ilne 100 (eel nortl)uf Hah Street crossing (Irani A>omie lu Hit) mutbaily Hue of FordsTcrraco Nu. 1; khenco northerlyaluuu me same to an angle p<t|nt;theiiuf easterly along cue Qoftb#rlylluo of fords Terrace Ho. 1 to tblO«UMI Uus ol r __.northerly aloug said osuter Hoe uin y g er oe ua point 100 tost Ofxlik at \tm aanherly lluo ol Pl»ui»>i ftveuuei ttaaocaoimnrln >lonf said Hut 1(10 ft*'Mm Hi «/ fltuliui AT«UU( |a (IK miltei lluo of N J et*te Highway BodU

tlit-tico (.")) cautorly olmiK trietitrllne uf Ifomentoftd Avunuti to tlmInterjection of the ceuterllnu ofIlliilr Road and Houicateilii Avenuo;them-* ((I) northerly uluug tlm cen-Mrllne of lllalr Road to tho liiiui-

llon of iho centorlluo ot lllulrituad and the Township lluundary;thence (7) ouoterly along tho Town-ship Uoundiiry to the cmiurlliio ofthu Township Boundary uud llio ex-tbtislun of the ceuterllno ot Tinneritrt'Kt; tlien.e (a) soutlieiljho intoiMcilon of thi) Township

Uoundary and the ceuterllne ofTurner iiireet to thn liilor»ei:tloii ofthe ceutorllna of Turner Htreet midtlio .nuiihttru portion ot tho PortHeading Coal Docks; thence (0)southeasterly along the Poll Head-ing Coal Docke to tha Intersectionof this Ilne and the Townshiplloioidiiiy, UKIIIUH (10) aouthwester-,y IMUI this Interoeotloii to tho ln-leioectlou of tUe eiteiialon ot tho

ul Ctutral Aionue m dttiu luwutljlp Boundary; tlieuco (11)westerly along th« centorllue of the

o( th«*tentertli*i ol Cen-tral Avenue to the Intersection ufthe mitorllue oX Central Avohuoami tlio intersection of Old Koad;theuto i l l ) southerly to the Inter-seutlciu of the oeoWllne of Olditotd a4d CeoueJ Avtnus to the ln-

' oi live oentsrluie of Ola91«)ao«* i n

« the

WARD 3 — DISTRICT 7Beginning st a point in the west-

erly line ot 8tatcn Island 6oundwhere the same Is Intersected by thesoutherly Ilne of tbe Port ReadingRailroad Dock Property; thence (1)northwesterly alonR the southerlyline of the Port ReatUQK RailroadDock Property to the point of In-tersection of the same with the prolongatlon southwesterly ot the cen-ter line of Turner Btreet: thence (2Northeasterly along the prolonga-tion Southwesterly and the centerline uf Turner Btreet to' the Intersection of same with thy centerHue of Ninth Street; thence (3Northwesterly along tho center Hueiif Ninth Htreet 125 feet mure 0less; thenea |4) Northeasterly narallei with Turner Street to tho Houthrly line of Ulock 10S3-A; thence (5

Northeasterly alonti sahl Knuthi-rlye of Muck 10S:i-A to Its Intertlon with the center lino of liir

ncr fjtre.ot; thence (6) Northeasterlynml ulnnu the Nortlie.i,iter!y prolnn

stlou of Turner turret to the InersL'ctlon of ijutiit' with tho hound

him hnlween tlm T'nwu.'itnii oWoodhrldiso iiini Hie Horuugh o.'artorut; thence CO Houtlieaslerliloni; mud hA.uudary Hue to th•rinti-r liny of vVo(Htljrldt;e-<.;iirterelt(»iul; ihence (HI In aily (llreeiluii iilonn tho said bouiulry line tn tho inilllt of Intersection

with Uir Northerly or Westerly llnf M i l d S h

Nu. eauUierlyi yssmo tu the center Hue ofTEUeui'ge't Pout luiid; (heuce westerly uf Beginning,

l H l t l l dg y

aloug Hi« latt uienlluned center Hueto tkw llui ut Edlsuu Xuwusulp

ot U* <mf*jt\lto at otdthe otnterUn* oi Qmvov* An.uue to tn* iBMraeouon of Ibe cenIMU t d l w p o l i A

An.ut Cllweoie A m u * ej>4 i u ll(

eitenslon with the centerllne of theNew Jersey Turnpike; Uleucs, |U)iiurlhouterly to tho polut or |>laue

t int District Pullluj Vlnet: Siliuu,

f Minii-n ialiind Sound; thence (9Ke.iii-rul Westerly direction alonBama sound to tho Himtherl

lino of tho Port Reading llullroaDock I'roiierty and point or place ol

Bevtnth District Polling Placelias .nun Heights School, Hull)blioft, I'otl lUadlHf,

WARD ] — DISTKK T IBeguiulnii lit a point in Hie t'enu

lylvsnta Railroad where same Is IDtemocled by the Port Headlug Bullroad, and from said bugluulug pvlurunning northerly along tbo Pcnusyl'aula Uallrosd to tho ceuter tluiol Aveml titreet', thence southeast-erly and easterly aloiu; tlm come.ln« of Av

easteeiiel titreet to tho ceutei

Una .if lUtiwur Avtuut,auiiiherly aloug tfie ceulct lluo ulRahway Avenue to the center Ilmof Nlalsuu AV«I,II6, ll.cii.o wiulheniteily along tha ceuter line oNlelsou Avenuo Ui tlie Woodbrldg,I'rtck; Hicnte lu • souinwestuly dlrectlon tloug ths center lluo of UjW<xidbrtdge Crook 10 Hie norther11ns of th« forl Kesdliyl Itsllniad"tluuce ate«t*r|y along the oortberlvline ol the Pert U«sdjn| Bsilrosilcrosilat RaJjwuj Avenue to tbepolal 01 intMetilUH) ol Usa «aUpola 0 Q t * t t U a Usaton ft»»dlnM rUUrosid withp«nu«yl»snU CUllrutd »ii<] vli» palu

Wsififth Otstrtflt, Ut be known uWard, Klghtb District

Klllilli Ulitrlci Pulllui PlicHr.l Aid Uulldliif, AvenelAveutl.

WARD 5 — DISTRICT IDEOINNINU at a pnlnt, the Intcr-c.Ilim of thn centerllne of New

Dover Road

o ar T ption with the Boundary of EdisonTownship; thence southerly alongthe Efllson Township boundary tothe southwest corner of Block 5M-O;thence ensterly along the southernboundary of Block 50S-Q to thenorthwest corner ot Bloci 505-D;thence southerly alons th» westerlyline ot Dlook 505-D to the point andplace of beginning.

Sesenth DistrictV.r.W. Building, 1Colonla,

Palling Place:iiman Avenue,

' . i


no ccnterllne of tho Pennsylvunla:allrmul: thence (5) westerly aloni:10 centerllne of the Pennsylvaniarailroad to the point OL1 place ofwinning.Fourth Illstrlrt Polling; plane-uth Avenue Fire House, Iselln,


WARD 5 - DISTRICT gBEGINNING at the. centerUne of.

mid (he ceiuerllno o t | lnni»n Avenue and the prolongationRailroad; thrnco (1)!°' thfi w 0 5 t h"»»llarV "nn nf Bloc.*

509; thence eiisterly along Iho cen-terllno of Inman Avenue to Its In-tersection with the centerllne of thtGarden Stnte Parkway, N. J #4;thenco nortli along the centerlint,of wild Parkway to the Claris Town-ship boundary line: thence westerlyalonK the Chirk Township boundarylino to its intersection with tho oen-tcrlltiB ot F.nko Avemie; thencesoutheasterly nlnnR the centerllne ofI,nko Avenuo to tlio prolongation otthe uoitliwesUily Hue ot Block508-A; thence south and west alongthe boundary Ilne of Block JMfA toIts Intersection with 509-D; tW&c«east Mom; tlio line between Blocks

)»-n nnd 508-A to Its intersection1th the westerly line of Block SOD;

hence south along the westerly lineif Block 909 to the point and pltc*if beKlnnlni?.

FlSht.h District Polllnj PUce:

tiiulhwesterly mid westerlytin: ,cnler linn of New lluver Rondto tho cenlerlhic of Meredith Rond;

12) tiouthcrly nnd fimubeatt-erly aloni; the centerllne of Meredith

ri tn thi» rpiitcrllne, of Mkltllefjexuic; thencQ i.'l) southwesterly,; tho ccnterlliie of Mlddlesiexm o to the cuuterllno of McLeanot; I henco (4) sntitl,e;isterly11! thu riiiuerllue nf McLeanet to thi) crtnterllne of Blocknun; tlieuco (,'i) southerly alonp.

i<) centprllno of IlliM'k Ave to thentcrlltio of Ron to 27 (Lincoln

l l ien eft (ti)l o the.

nthrrly fitOf

Kniite '.il (Llncnhi Hlfihwiiy) 10 theiitcrllni! of tlio Pennsylvania Hnll-d; thenen (7) northeasterly

t l l f th Py R

of the Pennsylvaniah i t l

WARD 4 — DISTRICI iBeginning at a point where ths

enter line of State Highway Route*27 Intersects the dividing line be-ween Edison Township and Wood-irldge Township; theuce northerlylong tbe center line of State muti-ny Route #27 to a point where

he same Intersects the prolongationlorthwesterly of the dividing lineetween ulocka in and Mt as annwn

in the Woodbrldne Township TaiHap, sheet 53; thonce southeasterlylions said prolongation and thellvldlng line of snld blocks approxl-nately 820 feet to the center Ilneif Chain O'llllla Ro»d, thenceouthwesterly along the center lino>f Chain O'HUIH Road to the centerIne of Green Street or Oak Tienlload; thence southeasterly along.he center line of the last-tnen-.loned road to tho oenter line otJreemer Avenue; theuce southwest-

erly along tlie center line of CreemerAvenue and Us prolongation to thuright of way ot the Philadelphia,nd .teadlii' Railroad; thence weat•rly along saia tight of way Ilne 1,1ho dividing Hun between Edison

ltmlrond tn the point or place of

l-lrst District Polllnf Place: School?', Outlook Avenue, Colonla.

WARD 5 - DISTRICT JHEGINNINa at n point, the lntcr-

.malon of »hi) centerllne of the.'ciinsvlvimlii Railroad nnd the ccn-crline of New Dover Road; thence1) northeasterly along the center-liio of the Pennsylvania Railroad to

tlio Uoumlnry line ot (Jlty of l inh-wiiy and Wooclbrldce Township;hence (2) southeasterly nlonn aaldiniiitiiiiry Imu between City of Uah-•vay and Wnodbrldite Township tothe ceiitei'llni) of HI. Gcoriiea Avo-

i (N. .1, m u m HiHhwiiy Route 35);thenci! CD southerly and southwe.-it-crly uloni; the eeuierllne ot 8t

t:.i AVI-IIIIL- to tliu centerllne ofDover Rond; theuce (4) northwest-1'ily iilyni; Ihe coiiterllue of Doverlloiid to cenU'rliniis ot Chain O'HIlllluiid nnd New Hover Hmul; thetice

!i) sllll northwedtrrly nloilh' the


y hnf New Dover Road to

Hi,' |,n!nt or pliu'e nf lk'tflmitnySc.oiid District Polllne Place: Co

1,'iil.i I'IIIIU Lib C l i( olonla.

Library, Colonia Ulvd..

and Wthftico northerly along salii;'ii Colonla

ii|j Hue Ui the point or place

WAItll 5 - DISTRICT 3at a point in the cenp

ttr lino of Colnnla Road also knownidhrldKeBoulevard, where the

. . IMCIC.I uy tho cenlrf bi-Bltinliig ill mi of New Dover Road and Iron:11E1NO all of district I and a por- " 'd beginning point ninnlCB in

•lull of district tl In theWard to be known an Fan"strict J.

fifth District

he fc'ourtlijisi'ui'rii! northerly direction along thtlrth WorU.ici-iiter lino of Colon la Boulevard tr

Polling Place;School #S, Gretn Street, Iselln.

WAHU i - Ulal'KlCT «IlEdlNNINU al it point, thu

It In UiLaiaci.lt.il Uthe center Ilne ot Hoffmui Boule'vnril; thence northerly along >hcenter linn nl Huffman Boulevard Uia point whurii iho i u » Intersectthe, uiiitlirrly line of Ulock 463

torsectluu of the centerllue ot Now shown on the Woodhrtdge I'ownslilJ r e y S t t H i h 'i' M hJereey Stute Highway Home #25and the centerllne of Ihe Hurt Head-nu [(ullroail; theuce (1) nortliwctit-irly and westerly alonn ihe i:eijt»r-llna of tha Port Iteadlng Rnllruiiilto the renceriliie of the Oiirdenatate Parkwuy |N J. tjtiite Hlghwuyitoute # 4 ) ; thenco (2) easterly tou point, the Intcise.alon of the innIcrlliiB of Wliidltn; Itnud miU j u 8 i l.ai*.Place; thence (3) btlll enslerly ulonujthiitlui cenlerlliie of Joel l'ln.:s to the

He centei Una ot D I O MIs the said dividing ™ne

l l d d th Cit

khuol #17, Inman Avenue, Colonta.

WARD S - DISTRICT 9Beginning at the point ol ttttr-

sectlon nf the center line ot tnmanAvenue with the centei Une, ofDukes Road and the dividing linebetween Woodbrldge Township tndhe City of Rahway; thence north-

erly along tRoad which

etween Woodbrldge and the Citynf Rahwny to the point of Inter-Section of aald center Ilne ol DukHRoad with the boundary Ilne bt-tween Clark and Woodbridge Town-ships; thence westerly along thedividing lino between Clark and.Woodbrldge Townships to the ceuterline of the Uardon state Parkway,Route #4; thence southwesterlyalon|{ the. center Ilne of the GardenStats Parkway. Route #4, to th*pnlnt of Intersection ot said centerline, with the ceuter Ilne of IonianAvenue; thence easterly along th*:entor tine nf Innisn Avenue to tbentersectlon of said center line with

the dividing line between tha Oltfof Rohwiiy and Woodbrldge Town-ship, the point or place at Be-ginning

Ninth District Polllnf Place; t o -

westerly terminus uf tho centerllneof t'reitiner .'Street; theuce HI btllljiwtciiy klmig the ceiiterllne uf'nicmcr Htreet to ilia I'tmlerlliiei of.iieeu ytreet; theutiH O) northuilyiloiiB the centerlliiu of Ore«n Htreet

ID the ci-nieillini ol (..'Haiti O'HtllsRoad; tiieuoo (0) onaterly alonu thecenterllue ot Chnln O'llllla Huad lua liulnt, the iirolonijtttluu of tho dl-vlillllH linn linlwnni l'lnt«M,i Av«uue and Houth i/lltt Road: thenco( 7 ) • • "

lluo between fl _.South Ullft Road lo the'ceuterUot Winter Btrelit; tlwnco (Ierly tiling tha cunterllne atStreet to the centerllne ut

Mnp: thenco easterly anil imri.liahum tlie suiitberly sr

«n,il«rly lluo ul mild Ulock 4d3 lopoint where it lntereei-ta tho centeilino of Hriuniiull Ruail wlil.-h Is ala.the dividing line between thu Towii-ship of Wondlirl.lBo ami tlio City oKtihwiiy; theuoe hi a southeaster!(llrertlon along tlio boundury line

WomHiiILIKC ttiid tttthw&y tour lino of Now Jersey 8tote

Itnute It'll; theuce south-westerly nioiiK tlm i-eiittr Ilne of saidlast iiiMitliim-d Itouto to the centerlino of New Jover Knad; thencenuiitiwMtuily nlonij lbs center Ilneut New Dover Road tn the pnlnt or

Third District Pulliiis- FUce:ffchiiol gill, Cliircuiu»t Avenue, t Vtuuij.

southerly along said dividing'eiwenii PlHuiiii Avutuo and

Byrd|U) southerly along

the conwrllno ol byrd Strut Streetto Ol ce t er l l f W h S

l byrd Strut Streetto Oil) ceiiterllua of Worth Street-" du> wMtorr '

centerllue of N J. mate HighwayRout* J5 to tb« centarilne o! theHarden Btata Parkway, tlje »Qlut orplace of Beginning

IJUtli District rollingAveuue,

Ionia Civic Improvement Club,imm Avenue and Conduit Way, Co-lonta.

WARD 3 - DISTRICT 10B I O I N N I N Q at a point where the

boundary line between Edison andVV.iuuijiuiKo rowuslilue is Intertwte'by the centerllno of Clark Place;theiii'n eus'.fjly i | ini | th* oent«dlB«of Clark ("lace to its intertecttonwith the centerHne ol KdgewoodAvenue; thence esaterly tram laidIntersection to ths southwest cori\etof Block 488-A; ihence easterly

K ihe yiiitbeily boundary lineof Mock lua-A and 496-E and «4-Alo tbo liiteruectlun of the prolonga-tion of this lino and the ceoterllB*of Garden Slate Parkwuy N J #4;thence northerly alnng the center-llnij ol iho Ourden State Parkwsy

J #4 Ui Hi- Intersttirtliiu of thecenterllne of Inman Avenue; therm*westerly aloiiK the cenierllne of In-man Avenue tn the boundary lie*between Edition and Wruidbridfel'owusblps; thence tioutherlysaid boundary line, whichcenterllua of Wood Avenue,point and place nf neglunlng.

Tenth District Pulling Pine; Co-loni.i first Aid uuildliit, Bttkmsj)Avenue, Colonia.

WAHD i - DISTRICT 4bcglnuliig at a point whero the

itulur line of No* Jersey UaideuState Psrkway Rotl» #4 Inlareoctathe toutor line ul New Dover Hoad;thonco eastsrly along tbe centei Hueof Now Dover Road to Its Intersec-tion wltb the oentet line of ColonlaRund Kimetlniej known as Ooloi||«Boulefaxd; ihequ* northerly »loojthe center 4a* ol Oolomls ( j d

it* l(rter»eoiiou wu* the o»Mr Uwtu» we*uiit ulna

imtjlae of (Jo|(w»i) tk)U

oilman Soulevaid to lbs soutber-1 as itiuwu «af! tfitaee wast-

erly along the southerly Um at

Iv Hit* »( B]«« W itie T6»m*hlp"»» flip;


slid Blockcomer of Dlock


tbsnes southerly along the (utterlyUuo of Block it1 tu l u a u u m t l

Is th«to th*

5 - UlStHH'T 11BBOINNINd at the intersection at

ho eonterllue, ot luiuan Aveau*•no tn* Kdlson l'o*Mhlp bbunwTline, thencs easterly aloui lk» nan.t erllue nf tn A O t th Qt erllue nf tntuant e t l t h

th4^ ^ h4 Q|tenioctlon ot the inulnagailOD at til*western boundary af Block 50J-Dopposite Clnvei Anprtherlj »lou| tp« touiBlack SU-U to It* Inters*?the o t h l U f

beKlnnlai.Klevenia District rntUot r i i w i

Sihuol #21, lunuo Avenue, COMSL.JOSIPH V A 1 ' - " - ^ "

Page 18: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

PAGE EIGHTEENThursday. October 31, 1363

Independent-Leader (E.B.) .rot hn,

Barrons Hit Hard to Defeat Linden 13 to (jlIselin Teayi To PlayOverwhelms

by Johnafe Royfo

It was well past midnight when three of our

'foremost township citizens walked into this

office and requested an audience for about an

hour or so. We told them to make it fast be-

cause it had been a long day and the biggest

pleasure at the moment would be a hot shower

and soft mattress. As we sat back, the trio

hauled out notebooks and began to shoot ques-,

: 'tions. We called a halt to the proceedings, lit

up a cigar and then stated, "All right, start fir-

ing away — but one at a time."

Q. U it true .that the VIE8 w e jfciatog money

for the U. S. Olympic Bobsled team?

f A. Yes, but they are only a committee dele-

gated to being of assistance in seeming funds

for this particular Olympic team,

Q. How do you feel about the endeavors of the


A. Let me clarify one thing here and now be-

fore the three of you. We like to think that the

project of raising money for an Olympic team

is a community project which we can be proud

of. After all, the checks received each day are

from our neighbors.

Q Hot tO to 0MK6ZMIV in 4WMBMt••tottfc Wllftt

is this fund raising campaign doing, for Wood-

bridge Township? - - - - - - - - -

A. To tell the truth, we are not concerned

labout what it is doing for us and it never has

entered our thoughts because our primary in-

terest is to aid a group who will represent the

United States in the Olympics. However, now

tlicit you brought up the point, back in 1933

and '39, Woodbridge was voted the most typical

American town in the United States and let us

say we are attempting to carry on, the tradition.

Q. Are you and the VIPS receiving any coop-

eration from the people in the community in

your efforts? • , . . •

A, If I had adequate space, I could rattle off

numerous names, For an example, Mrs. Martha

Peterson is a committee of one dedicated to

raising money for the Olympic Bobsled team

and to date she has raised close to two hundred

dollars, She took it upon herself to write to Mr.

David T. Wilentz for assistance and he, in. turn,

wrote a letter to the VIPS asking how much

they wanted as a contribution. Now you top


Q. There is little doubt that you people are pub-

licizing the township of Woodbridge through-

out the East and we would like to know if the

township committee has backed you in any


A. We have not contacted the governing body

,'x)f our community because they are involved in

an election campaign. However, Mayor Walter

;Zirpolo and Povernor Richard Hughes are hon-

orary members of our committee.

Q. We heard that the local Board of Education

has gone all out to be of help to the Olympic

.Bobsled Fund Raising Committee. Is this true?

A. We are indebted to Bill Blhler, Vince Renz,

Harold Mullin, and George Ryback and the rest

of the Board for their complete cooperation in

allowing us to solicit funds at last Saturday's

Linden-Woodbridge football game at the sta-

dium. Dr. John Lozo, the Woodbridge High

School principal, also went all out to make our

committee feel at home,in his stadium.

Q. Have any of the' civic and fraternal organ-

izations offered to help you?

;A- We have not asked them because they have

projects of their own,

Q. We hear that the so-called VIPS two-man

sled, which will compete in the 1664 Olympics

al Innsbruck, Austria, next January, will ap-

pear on TV in the near future. Is this true?

A. The VIPS do not own as much as a runner,

jbut the sled which we have in our custody at

present will appear on TV November 2 over

'Channel 7 at 6:30 p.m. In fact, it wSLg Joe Nagy

Who drove the *led aver to the ABCfkudtos on

e;H!i Street in New 5fark for the tajged prrtgram.

's '<.' a: Ion wagon, which transported the fam-

t.us sleJ, was donated by babe Mauro of Mauro

Rotors on Amboy Avenue. His fine gesture is

just ti sample of the cooperation we have re-

ceived from our locaj( ptUzens,

Q Is it true that you once stated that this

particular project Is the biggest that ever hap-

• pened to Woodbridge?

(ContUiiwd on Paqe 19)

ShamrocksNORTH EDISON — In a

Isnme of importance In regardto thr current stfmdirms In the

•Central Jersey Pop WarnerFootball Conference, the IselinGiants tame up with a superb.pwformanra to overwhelm theNorth Edison Shamrocks by awide margin of 38-0.

Thr GlanU, with a 2-21 re-cord, arc anxiously looking for-ward to their game Sunday atMerrill Park with undefeatedPliilnfleld. R team whkih haslolled up four straight victories.siiHT the start of th« fall se»-Miiv The game U expected toHI tract ft capacity crowd.

Iselin gave a demonstrationof its all around strength bysemitiK In the first quarter.Tom Cnmpana, the Giants' tal-


WOODBttrooR . l l l (

loy on the Wooded,8chool campus dunvweek and for two r t

—the Bairons' n pover Linden ami ,'llraround play o( „„ i,,,dent named Roy \AV]I.excelled on defons.. ,!,,,for two toiichnnwns'<\,remarkable



»t the w ^lMt Saturday.

Earlier in thr .w.^ir

bridge coach Sam i,,,,that Lawrenco imvalue to his

,'iitrd bnck, took a hand off feared rl«klnK him ,iind raced 40 yard* lor the in- However when ••itlal wore. The count WM 6-0 .haltitiK unit fail^whon the attempt for the extra'opponinif bull mr-point backfired. \^nt two (fames, i'.,;

Jim, Felicity, Iselln's aggrea-;to gamble on LOT'slve linebacker, blocked » NerttiEdison punt late In the Initialfrnmi. to set up hU team's sec-

ablllty and

Union, he was

!llr ;


OUT OF FMUiNKS K»y T.invnixi- WimillnlilicR IHKII'S ffrwlllf quar-terback, us forced out of hounds on thr Linden 27 after intercepting

a pass thrown by Rob Smith In the third pur ler . Ills protection InrludmKtPTf Brhrrn* llfi) and John .Simkovirh tK»l.

ond touchdown. After picking the key man on <|.up three first downs to the both way*.

' - Ax.


25-0 VictoryW O O D B R I D G E -

Wixidbndgi- S o p h o m o r e s

Shamrocks' 30, Lester Price.sprinted the re«t of the way fora touchdown on a well executed'[Offensive maneuver. The score| stood at 12-0 when the extrapoint attempt failed.

! The tally rose to 19-0 In thesecond period when Campana

I hit pay dirt on an eight yard


plfty Jonnn,Iran for the extra point. In the

jached by Lou Kuhn nad Ha- jthird session, Bob Tiplady re-cvered North Edison fumblecovered a-North Edison fumbleon the 30 and three plays later,

r.,ld Zmijpwski, went on a scor-. . . on the 30 and three plays later,

rnmpace to post a decis ive; n o o d r&n t h e b a U B c r o s s t h e

•ih-0 vwtoiy ov«f

Brruen Jayvees

the stTtpe to muke itu y i With time running out In the

- Woodbridge hit the scoring, thlrd Pe r i o d . Campana hit theilumnVafly in the'nrst quaf -T a l r i a n e s to «o™ect with his

when Rfcky Gonzalez ran | teammate, Felicity on the

With the thermting close to 90 (ifblight mm, I.ujx,like to have rest.-d >.,," ''Zquarterback LUMMY,,, &".'",.jcall him to thr S!<W:!;M i'fJ'jonly have weaken %• ^ j ^ ,alve corpe whirh iMiemr.vl'ja difficult aMiirnnvr.: ~K(Mthe speed of the b.v.' . ' ^from Linden.

Lawrence, who plu\«! , -0;,In all of the Barron.*' n ;>]'-;i

with his pitchins urn; :.< .'-'itype of football player inm,ed by his

three yards around his left endan option play. The score

was 6-0 when the kick for the

Shamrocks' 25. On the ensuingplay, Campana drifted aroundhis right end, picked up a key

extra point sailed short of thel1*1"* ftIwl f r o m t h e r e b r e e z « 1

TO BE ON XV: Fred Adams, co-chairman of the Wood-bridge I'. S. Olympic Bobsled Fund Raising Committee,is. shown above pointing out the features of a two-manPodar sled to young Arne Aarstad, who has ambitions ofbecoming a twna fide bobsledder. The famous sled,owned by driver Joseph McKillip of lake Placid, was

driven to the ABC television studios in New York earlierthis week to take part in a tailed Him to be shown overChannel 7 the nltcht of November 1. As of today, thesled, under the jiirisdietion of the Woodbridge VIPS, willwe on display at thr Village Inn alonj with a bobsledexhibit.

crossbar,In the second period, Wood-

bridgc came up with a dazzlerwhen Scott Humphrey flipped

short lateral to Gonzalez,who in turn fired a 35 yard passdownfteld. Al Beleski got underthe aerial on trig North Bergen10 and after latching on to It,tampered the rest of the wayfor the touchdown. It was 12-0|when a second boot for the ex-

into the end zone to put histeam out front, 31-0.

Felicity set up the Giants'final score in the fourth period.with a 35 yard run to the NorthEdison 15. Campana, on thenext offensive maneuver, slicedoff his .right UoMe and out-raced the opposition into theen zone. Felicity ran for theextra point to freeze the scoreat 38-0.

coaches because fo his com;tltive spirit and Ia;;h in iclub. "Last week wuh nn» yjto go for a first dour, on haown 40 against Plainfidd onlast down, he calmly n\-°$ o;the punting continue .: mlproceeded to hit the m;ddif o! |the line for a first rimr.

ThU call probably savf-d >game against thr undfft-aifdCardinals. Instead fo bt\?.(gry at his quarterback for ,-f. Ifusing hie decision. Lupo id.

Lawrence for his confU |dence in himself and his ;«

Lawrence stole the shu» ithere is no one »ho -*i!! dear Ithe fact that he w by '.x tin |

(Continued on Paso 19

First PlaceHe Id by Bob'sTV in League!

tra point failed to split the up-'ri grits, • l

The versatile Gonzalez gotinto the scoring act again inthe third period when he cir- icled his right flank from fouryards out to rack up his second i'touchdown of thr afternoon. A! third low kick for the extrapoint held the count at 18-0.

Midway through the fourth

Fords Bearcats Chalk LJp6-0 Win for Homecoming

FORD6 — Coach Steve Chil-ian's Fords Bearcats celebratedHomecoming Day at FordsPark with all the trimmings

tquarter, Woodbridge advanced and especially a 6-0 victory! J. . I. % m » • • — - • _ . . . I _

|to the North Bergen eight. Atjthis point, Gonzalez faded to| his right and tossed a pass to

over Highland Park.The Bearcats dominated the

first half with a solid1 defenseRichard Rubanick, who snared and a fast moving attack. In

WOODBRIDGE — After six;the ball in the end zone. A passifact, the visitors were limitedf G l 1

; e n d zone. A passfact, the visitors were limitedw r c k s of bowling in the, from Gonzalez to Frank Tag-1 to only four plays In the open-

1 1 8 " 1 d f t h t IKnights of Columbus League,

Bob"s TV remained a solid flx-j

ture in first place after defeat-

was good for the extra I ing period.

The Bearcats' ofHv* »akept in check t!:i•jiiahou1. thtaecond half by an ins?;:edHighland Park defi'i^ive unit

At the conclusion of ibegame, Coach Guliar- iica; 'plaudits on Tour of his pisym,Bob Kullk, Jaci; Boiwey. D«JPajak and Bob Tan

In the weekly Per We. ;sithe Pords eleven suixlii'd Hiu-jland Park M-0. Tim *<>

ing Witting Tooli t ramli t games.

In three

i In the second period, Fords'{halfback BUI Slsolak ran 38

T h e Woodbridge coaching:yards on a well executed re-Btafl selected Robert Bodnar,.verse to the Hurrlcanw' six. On

|Wayne Brecka. Carl Orlllo. Ter-'the very next play, BUI Hedges

threw a touchdownMike Moast"for :!)>• -and later hit pav<i::r.on a roll-out arou.idend. Wayne


Joe Ciliberto and John Pa- ry Qazylewicz, Mike Zelicsko-powered nil way to the twojens accounted

,i:;d 5li"

llnaky paced the winners withhigh games of 201 and 200, re-spectively, while Ous Tamblnirolled a 200 for the Machinists.

Woodbridge Liquor held firmin .second place in the current

vies, Frank Regan, John Protz to set the stage for Jack Lee-and Joe Pryor as their top de-, man, who erotMd th« final —fense Mars, while the best of- ^ripe for the touchdown. Thei"1" "fensively were Lawrence Barnl-ltally remained 8-0 when t h e ! Q C R U S E S t Okow, Al Beleski. Ricky Oonzai: attempt for the extra p o t o t ' ~ » ^ « u w wattemptez, Ken Esposito, Martin Juarez failed.

standings by virtue of a two land Richard Rubanick, Highland Park threatenedaarae triumph over Mauro Mo-; : t n e rorii> e n d M n e ^ U1 t n et o r s : The wtual name of the Mar-second period but on eachi

Al's Poodtown remained in quis of Qutensbury, who re- thrust the advance was halted

TOUCHDOWN: Jim Suewczyk, Wuodbiidge High's fleet halfback, is shown above step-ping into Linden's end zone for a touchdown after taking: a short mew from his quar-terback Koy Lawrence. The score in the third period gave the Barrons a 13-6 advantage.

Bobsled Fund Scoreboard

Receipts from sales of Olympic Decals

Receipts from sales of Olympic Pins ...

Collection at W. H, S. Stadium

Village Inn Patrons „

Leon Hess ~

R»y Wilck „ „.

A. P. Grelner .' _

Dr. C. R. Rothfuss -

John Nagy _

Liberty Real Estate ,.„.„

Thomas Kelly „.„. — „ . . - _ , .

Alfred Envelope Co. .,..__

Or. J. M. Eakqw . , ™

Silent Pete, w i u.—^-.iw...l.

$ 202.00













. ^ ^ , 3.00

Mck Janni, Jr. ,„.. _•_-. - 3.00

ftrevtou* BaMtee .'. „....;. ;..., 8tt.i l

Fay NamesGrid Winners

WOODGRIDOK — John Pay,chairman of the WoodbrtdgeRecreation Department 8 n -nounced Uw wlnnera nf the sec-ond annual mini, puss and kickcontest co-.s|x)ns0red by theWoodbridnt' Recreation Depart-ment and Woodbrldge Motors.

Individual winners were:8 Year Old*

1st Plucc, Steplien J Zumbo,165; 2nd Placw, Anthony Petrus,130; 3rd Place Roger Behreim,109.

9 Vew Oldslet Place, Michael U Hoch-

urn, 158 2nd Place. PatrickDonnelly, 144; 3rd Place, Jim-my. Christopher, 133.

10 Year Old*1st Place. Robert Abern. 183;

tad Place, Robert Onadinger1M: 3rd Piac*. wuiiam Bmtth144.

11 V«4T OUf "fltao, NlcholM «Ww,

2nd Place, tony Vital*3rd Flaw, Dennis Reed

the third .slot by upending Ted-dy's Sunoco in three straightgames. The triple loss droppedthe Gas Pumpers into the low-er echelon of the circuit.

With Marty Minkler hittingthe pin* for a 209 game, Qeri-ty's Funeral Home romped toa two game conquest over Met-ro Motors. >''

Bisko and Pedor Transporta-tion vaulted Into ffth place inthe standings with a doublevictory over Ryan's PlumbingiTony Russo spilled the piiusifor a 213 game for the winningTruckers, while Joe Kyan cameup with a 210 for the van-

uiahed Plumbers.

vised the.rules of boxing, was by Dan Pajak and Sisolak. whoJohn 8. Douglas, themarquis.

eighth intercepted passes deep In theirown territory.

GardenState HACK




10 A.M. Sunday Murniug



New Buwlers Welcutne

OPEN BOWIJNGEvrr; Weckdit; Altrtnuun

All Day Batuidiy , r i j Suuda;







EVERY Will).


13.85 K O I M > I 'UI '

HUdion si., » iM.BJ ROl'M)


Mtin *

$S.6fl R

'27 .50f 8. Ci»r.|«, Jil10:W AM.|3 JO ROl'M'

Uuu*. . »u«k Bw

BOWL-MflR LANESM l Mftll) « ^ WoodbfldC*








KttKt E8TIMATE8 . ( A U m 1-7W


SKI K(M)8«'vt*lt Avenue, (larteret

Main SI. * s " - w l n

11:« A.M13.30 ROI I ! S" '


Page 19: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

L(lPp(.ndenU*ader (E.B.) - Carteret Prett Thursday, October 54, 1063 PA0E NINETEEN

,rroiiH Hit Hard.on,imiMi from Sport Page)

nll,lrin on the field: how-1 t),(, Brrsl, of the Barton

t" new Iwlghtg to)in,.lt (i Unden team which|(v;l. only one gaini" before

,,,l. visit to Woodbridsro.complete team effort

wirnw (fting as thofor four full qu&rtiTB.nce cranked up his



arm In the first periodpfissltiK pnvfld tho way

tiir first WoodbrldKC touoh-Wlth the bn.ll on the;il sonn after the open-

Kirknff. Iflwrrnre connfct-,w i i v to flenfl Daly andflic Mncalusso to move to47 A stiff penalty In favor

I VVundfirldK* then touchedh,,H down on theUnden 42i (|,is point Lawrence faded

tossed a short passBclin'iis, who ran to then 21 for n first down. On

n\ play, Daly was corvI ,ii tlm line of serlmmaffi, rain. After looking OVP

en's. JlRht defense, Lawderided to take to thi

nrc nualn and this tlmihnl n strike to Charlie Mftyjo, who gripped the

12 before sprinting th[of the way to pay dirt, i

from Lawrence to Johjovi.ii was good for the exI point which put Wood

nut front 7-0.the ensuing klcfcoff, thrld&c boot carried to th

10 where Bob Jones enrod difficulty handlln

I'bnll As he peered at thlitiR Bnrrnns, the hahark to the Linden flv1K> finally scooped It i:

lurked It under his armWiuidbrldge tackier* too

Jones before he cou

•i a full head of steam,limn' proved capable of

•: him down. Joneg thenw way to the north slde-nhcrc six teammateshim up and escorted

| down the sidelines to com-

lete ft sensational 9B yard gal- .>p. Woodbridge held the upper eleven,land 7-6 when pick Hudson's!Ick failed to negotiate theiprlRhts,

It was a close battle until1dway through the third

uarter when the Barron line-en put the pressure on theInden punting unit. Jerry Rlc-ardelli, the Linden punter, Rot

ia<-k tx) kick out of dangerin his own 32 but when a badMM from center hampered the•xecutlon of the play, he wasnmmernd Into the ground byhorde of Barrons back on the


Jim S7,ewc7.yk, thn Barrans1

inning sensation during theecond half, Immediately carled to the Linden 11 for a firstlown and on the next play

bulled his way to the sevenfter Brhrens carried to the

Ive, Lawrence caught the Lin-en defense in tight once again

Mid flipped a spot paw toBzewczyk who clutched the baVIn the end zone for his firstws l tv touchdown. Whenpass for t,h,e extra point failed',he score froze at 13-8 In favoi>f Woodbrldge.

The fourth period was a nightmnre as far as the Barron fanwere concerned. It all startedwhen Bob Smith, the Lindensignal caller, was trapped bac!on the Woodbridge 45 ansomehow broke loose and didnot stop running downfleld until he was hit hard on the 11Stan Zacharzyk, Linden's hanhitting fullback, made It to th.six and It looked as Ihuuiithe Tigers would score. How.ever, on the next play StevHraitllc fumbled and It was Immediately pounced uponRichie Borgerson, who madithe all Important recovery kend the big threat.

The Barrons' defensive un!

'OODBMDOK (13)Ends: Bmlnk, Devlin,

fllmkovloh, Poroskl'acklei: Dlckson, Sc&rola,Syrochlk, Codd, Shersjfco,EsposltoUArds: Kaczorownkl, U&clolekBorgerson, Befchek,Bandholdtnters: Markow

acks: Daly, Lawrence, Laim-hardt, Behrcns, Szewczyk,Pee, Mnoalu.io, Lamout,Waslellewskl

INDEN (6)inda: Kurek, Daniels, MfcrHudson, Pienciak, BlMowsky

'ackles: Duchllnskl, Peres,McNelll, Kornet

was sparked by Lawrence anBill 3carolo. with assistant*from Behrens, SlmkovlchMacaluso,

Saturday the Barrons travito Waters Stadium In PerthAraboy to engage an unpredlcl

Perth Arriboy High Sohoo,) Ouards: Armour, Blosorlck,Cusumano, Irwln

Centers: flmlgdatl. PetrlnoBacks: Jones, Smith, Caldwell,

Cannady, Cardwcll, Zacrfw-ezyk, Chaw, Long, Mwilniky



Macfch.no, Jone«,ficewczyk.

Jocker John Seller* rode thelast three winners on the Oc-tober 3, 1961, racing programand the first five the followingday at Atlantic City to equalthe record of eight consecutivevictories set by Howard Craigat Waterfoni park July 2-3,1961.


NOTICE TO CONTRACTORSPublic notice Is hi"»by Riven that

,he Board of Education of thtrowmhlp of Woodbridge, In thebounty of Middlesex, New Jersey,nvltei sealed proposals fur furnlnh-nfl labor and materials for the

jonstrurtlon of the new ColonlaKementary Bchool No. n at thecorner of Pennsylvania ami Arcnn-gela Avenue, Colnnl*, New .I«r««y.

Bids Will be received by the Board5f education at, the nourd Officen the Administration Building

School Street, Woodbrldge. New Jeresy, on November 19, iwn, at 3:00PJ*., Eastern Standard Time, atwWch time anil place wixlnl bid*will be publicly opened anil rnnd.loud ImmedUloly thereafter. ""' 'ust be (inllT«r«<l at Bbnvi I

iVbti? Hear This(Continued from Sports Page)

A. I certainly did and I am happy to be a partof it. Actually I'm only a sports writer to be ofassistance to others because at the conclusion ofeach year after deducting my expenses, I figureI am operating at close to a loss.Q. We know you are doing a lot for the Olym-pic Bobsled team, but if you had to pinpointone person, who would you finger as the back-bone of the current drive?A. At last you have come up with an easy ques-tion. Fred Adams is without a doubt ourmainstay and I would like to have in my walletright now what it has cost him to be a VIPand co-chairman of the Woodbridge OlympicFund Raising Committee. 'Q. How do you feel about the VIPS?A. In closing I will quote, "The VIPS are agroup of dedicated Woodbridge Township citi-zens doing things they are not obligated to do forthe sole purpose of being of assistance to others.Aside from offering financial aid to their fellow-man, the VIPS relegate themselves to apread-ing humor whenever possible to bring laughterto a world which Is now encompassed by an atti-tude of seriousness."


>t th«t tTt«r, U)d no til**


nuni"<ti not befor* orbn

mall.bldi Trill 1M Twelverf for


by a Did Ilonit In the form Mt forthIn I he Initnif tlon/i tn Bidden. 8*1 dDid nond Rliall be In an amoun'. ofnot ISM than Un p»r cent <10%)or thn minimum combination of thebid and ahall be written by a SuretyCompany licensed to do biwlneM Inthn Htnte of N«w Jcrwy and ac-reptahlo to the Flnard of Iducatlon.

h bidder submitting a bid ahallptiuliPd Io he pn^nallfled andirifd to Did on Public Work for

Jersey HonnH of Education.piir*unnt to .the Hcvlwd Htatutenof tho Rtate ot New Jfrwy, Chap-ter 105. I,tvw« of 1WI2, and each bid-der shall aiihmlt. with Mn bid, hkf'onirnctorV I-'Inanclal Btatementand Flxperlenrn Questionnaire ap-prnprlixtely rnniplnt*d on the re-quired forma ft* furnlahed by theState of Nr* .Inrwy Depftrtment ofKdurfttlnn.

Applicable bd muat be

al !•-

;heContract No. 1: Oeneml Con»tnic-

tlon Work and all work kindredthereto, IneludlnK nil wort not•podfleally cnvrn-d by othtrcontract*.

Contract No. 2: fltrnctural HtwlWork and 'all work kindredthereto.

Contract No. 1: numbing andDrolnagt Work and til workkindred thereto.

Contract No. 4: Heating find Vcn-tUttlng Work and all work kin-dred thereto.

Contract No. 5: Electrical Work» and all work ktndjed thereto.No Bidder may submit more than

0114 bid for any slngl« branch (ifwork, but Bidden rnsy nubmlt ««!•-arilfl propoialJi for more tlmn on«branch of work. If so miule, «arhpropoe*! (ball b« lnd<ipend«iit and

d t l C M t upon th t


>nk spacen In thefilled In. and nohe miule In theIhr hid. Bids that

any nnilwlonn. irMiires, al-y yterations or addltlin* may, at t.heoption of the Unanl of ftlucatlnn,

i ]-p]nrtrf|Tlie Board of Kdurnllnn reserve!

the rl«ht to fp)er-i, nny and all bids orpart," of blrls, wnlve any and all de-fectfl and Informalities therein, andto award contract fnr wpurnte tradeiM may be deemed best for Its In-ercst.

Nn bidder mnv withdraw hta bidwltbln Torty-flve (4.M daya after for-mal opening thereof.


Dated: October 24th. 1963

Into a plannlnc eontraetXa thlt Ordinance tor flnenol:aittano* under tueh Art witk Ih*United Stale* of America, aetlnt Wand through the Housing and BotMMnanc* Administrator, pumiant towhich IWtral funds ir*r* prorldedfnr the urban ren«w«l pm)ect here-in Identified at "project Bowtte"•nd «ncnnipauln( the ana de-scribed as trtlnf. In the Townshipof Woodbrldfe, Oounty of Mand stat* of New Jeney:

Beginning at a point on the eutHIM of the Public Henries Rlfht-of-Way, «ald point twin* Inturnerteil by the uuthmst line of theNew Jersey Turnpike: thence runUIIIK northeaitsrlr alonx theeo\itheut Itne of the New SttnyTumplk« tn Its lnter»«-t.lnn withthe south line of the ron HeadInn Hallroad RIght-of-Way; thenceeaaterly along the south line ofthe Pnrt Resdlnn Hallmud n ih tof-Way and Its pmleetlon to IUIntersection with the southeastline of the He* Jer*7 Ontra!

lnduitrial trulldlngs hat* seen In-adequately convened to i»u]t1-f*B»-117 4w*Uliifa among the atngl* tad

f l l irweUlnn 0* the m l -h b b d

pC n th«

of otbm.Th« Imtructloni tn Bidden.

iFormi Of lTo'Do™>K Form of Hond»,BtaMmtnt or Bidder's Quallflca-tlonB, P1»nj and Spwlflratlonn pre-

IpiMd by William ('. rmmer Jr.,Architect, 11 Main Htreet, Wood-brtlgf, New Jersey, ar« on !Vc atthe offlc* of Mid ArcMtact and attrie offlM of tht Board of Educa-tion. BlddtM will be furnished »copy therwf by tin ATchltwt onproper notice and payment of OneHundred (tlOflOO) to him tor ennhact fumlihed, Which amount will be:refi]nd«<J to th» Bidders whn sub-mit unqualified bld» and return theplam and gpeclflratlnng hi ^KH\condition within n»« (5) days afterbldi ar* received. All r-.lalma for ra-b»te» of deposlM must be madewithin ten (10) daya after bidsa n rectlTed.

Each Mparate bid must be en-cloMd ltk a it^ltd envelope endorsedwith th« name and addren of the$ldd«n, the branch of work coveredHy th* Md, th* name of the schoolfor which the bid li mnde, and beaddnmd to UM Board of Educa-tion.

>Kh Wd rnn*t be accompanied

I.-r,. 10/21/93 •MM


d«tlal4. Ob*el*M building trpes such ss

large residences or other bulldlnttwhich thrangfe lack of use or main-tenance hare a blighting InfluenceThere are levers! retWenttal. Indmtrivl end commerelal stnietimiwhich are wholly or partially va-cant of tised fnr inactive stftrtu*ir obsoltt* building types or blight-ing Influences among stride andtwQ-rsmlly dwelling.

I. Detrimental land ilsen or eon-dltloni rich as Incompatlblt me*

•s, smokescattered

11%*, and ethw publM action; an4WrVMAfl UM Local Public A»-

incr b u prepared and MbnUUda profrara for the reVw.stlon of fsmlll t h t be displaced at

H lnflviencei from nolifume*. There sre


pflllea that may be displaced at ar«ult of carrying out the TroleciIn accordance with said Urban Re-newal Plan; and

th«r« hav« »l»o beenB d

::r. :::::K




fit spite of the New Tax Increase.*.


NOTICKNotice la hereby Klveti that the

followlnK proposed ordinance wasIntroduced and passed on first read-ing at a minting of me TownshipCommittee of thn Township ofWoodbrldKC, ID the County of Mld-(llciej, New Jersey, held on the22nd dftv of October, 10(11, nnd that

onllnrui fl will be tnken tipfor further conaldurntlon and finalpimsagn Rt a meetlnK of nald Town-ship f'ommlttwi to h» held at Itslutftlnf Tdom In lh^ MemorialniHpnl nullillni! In WimilbrldK*, NewJrrsrv. on tho (1th dnv of Noi1>(T, ISXtJ, at B:rw I'M. (IBT)nn pnon tli^reaftrr fli fiMd mfan be Tearhed, nt which time and>l(irn nil [icrflotm who mfty hA In-torfstfifl thrrrln will tw Ktven anr»pport.ini!ty to Iw hfixrd concerningthe samp.

JOfiEPH V, VALWNTITownship Clerk


WHEREAS, under tlio provisionsof Title I of the Housing Act of1949, M unimded, the Housing andHorn* Flnnnr« Admlnl»trntor I* au-tboilwd to provide financial ts-ststanco to Locnl Piibllo AKencles forund*rtakln|T »nd rnrrylng out urbanrenewal projects; and

"riTHERRAfl It Is provided In suchAct that contra'-ts for fiimncisl ftldthereunder Bhnll rmiulrn that thaUrban Renewal Plnn (or th« rc-»p«0tlTe project arc a, bo approvedby tht governing body of tha local-ity la which tho project Is situatedand tn»t inch approval Includefindings by tho itovcrulng hndythat: (1) tho flnanclnl aid to boprovided In the contract 1» nwoa-s»ry to enable the project to heUndertaken In accordance with thoUrban Renewal Plan: (2> the UrbanRenewal Plan will afford mailmnmopportunity, consistent with thetound needs of the locality as awholt. for tht rehabilitation or re-

Railroad Rljht • of - Way: thencenortherly slonn the southeiut lineof the New Jersey Wntral Raitroad Hight-of-Way to It. lnl*vsection with the north line oi

Block IMoB. T/>ti 1 and1: thence easterlr slow* thin linein ltn Intersection with the WMline of Csrteret Street; then'anutherly alotl* thin line to ItiIntersection with the project*'south line of Sixth Htreet; t.h«iceaaterly along the souMi line nSlith Street to Its In'er-otiowith the eait lln* of TurnerBtreet; tnimre northerly alonn theeast line of Turner Street to ItsIntersection With the mid-blockline between Slith Street and Sev-enth Btreet; thence easterly alongthe mldbtock lire to Its Intersec-tion with the wort line of Ai-sessor1* Block 10M, f«t M-J1;thence northerly alone thl.i lineto the south Une of SennthStreet: thence easterly alcmi thisline to the west line of VernonWay; thence acro« Vemon Way tothe Interewtion of the east lineof Vemon Way and the north lineof Awe.wors Block 10T9E. I«t 1.1-1(1; thence easterly alonit the northUnei :•'. Xmumjft Blo.k IOTM,Lots 15-U, 14. and 13A to thewest line of Lot 11; thence north-erly along thto line to th« northline of T/rt 12: thencr eanterlvalona th* north Une of I.ote 11mul II Io the eaM Hue nf lot 11thence southerly alons this lineto UJI Intersection with the northline of Woodbridge Carteret rtoadthence westerly along the northline of Woodbrldge-rarttrft Ro«dami following the north line oi'he bridge carrying the realignedWoodbrldpo-Carteret Road to ItsIntersection with the weit Itne ofthe New Jersey Central RailroadRI(tht-of-Wsy; thence southweit.erly along th* wert line ofthe New Jersey Central Il«llrO4dRlBht-of-Way to lt» Intersectionwith the *a*t Une of the PublicService Blght-of-Way; thence fol.lowing a general northerly 41reetlon along the broken eatt llnof the Public Berrlce Rlght-of.Way (crossing Weft Arenue aniWoodbrld«e-OaTter*t Koad) to IUlnterwctlon with the southeaetline of the New Jersey TurnplkiRlBht-of-'Way and the placepoint of beginning,

herein called the "Locallti"; anWirmiAB the Local Public Aj

ency his mad* detailed itudlesthe location, phyilc»l condition O!stmcturee, land use, environmentalInfluences, «,nd social, cultural, apeconomic conditions of the Projecarea and has determined that thearea, li a blighted area and thertIt Is detrimental and a menat* kthe safety, health, and welfarethe Inhabitants and usen thereofand of the Locality at Urge,causs of the following reason*:

I. Ovtrcrowdlnu ot Improper locatlon of structures on the lani

thirmgh varlcrin portions of thePro)srt novtl* m ebsoltt* or id-r*nsly '.nf.uniwlnn Industrlsl andcommtntla! linrt usss such M ware-M I M , a wsldlnt shop, a brickfactory, an oil truck rtparr narage.d«t#rlorits<1 r«« sutlohs »n1 tav-•rns. Tn tddltlon, tha two adja-cent railroads and ntarby oil re-finery runs* rib»t*ntl«l ndrerM In-flutn«s upon the prolont ana dnsto Uu-k of proper Tlsual and nolMKrt»nln( and I'M to nnr*ir<ilat«dsmok*. fumes and noln*

t. 0ns»fs, crm«f»«t*d, poorly <1»-sltrit4 AT otherwise deflclsnt itrtttsTh« project area presently containsan IMCMBIVS number of poorly Im-prored and Inefficient lorsl str«*tsTlthcAit pevemsnta. curhs and slde-

ilki m addition, an etc*sslvc-Umber of gridiron pnt*m localstreets Intersect md »nt«r upon thei»»Tlly traiwled »d)a«ent Wood-

d*e and Cartoret road.r, Inad»Qiiate public utilities orrnmunlty facilities contribute t»

ntatlsfictory llrtng conditions oreconomic decline. The project area

)LD Mr. BOSTONImported Whisky*Imported Ctnadlut R i mlanded Whisky6.8 Prool

Imported King's M.lie: i-dWhiiky

i Proof

i Mr. BOSTONllendedWhtakajrinch Bl*nd«d WttMwy

•nu1n*"A"BltndWin NtUTMl MOTS.

i Proofeking Chair WhtW U U I



6.19 4.99





Q*nuln« Five StarBrandy 80 ProofFlavored Brandies, Apricot,Blackberry. Cherry, Peach70 ProofGinger Flavored Brandy70 ProofPeppermint FlavoredBrandy 70 Proof

















Mr. BOSTONiiruiiht Whi.keyi

ot Bottlt StraightourbonI Proof

ottled In Bond Ry*ottled In Bond Bourbon

i Proof












U ) Mr. BOSTONtins

li Market GinProof

in Distilled Dry Gini Proof




Anisette. White or Pink60-ProotCreme de MentheWhite and Green 60 ProofCreme de CacaoBrown or White54 ProofKummol 70 ProofPeppermint Schnapps 60 pf.Proof


dka 80 Proof

100 Proof

)lAi Mr. BO8TON

jlported Rum,|htor Dark1 Proof














Connoisseur CordialsCreme de Menthe,Creme de CacaoCreme de Anisette,Creme de BlackberryCremede Apricot,Creme de Black CherryCreme de Coffee,Sloe GinImitation Banana Liqueur,Creme de Peach42 Proof














dewlopment of th« urban renewarj,area by prlyat« enterprise: (3) theTJrban Henewal Plan conforms to ageneral nlan for the developmentof t,h« locality as a "whole; and(4) tho Urban Ttencnml Plan givesduo coiislclfra'.lou to the provision,of adequate park and recreational!sreiu and facilities, nn may lie (In-1

Blrable for neipliborlmii'l Impnu'enient, with special consideration forthe health, safety, ai)tl welfare ofchildren residing In the RMieral vl-

Iclnlty of the Bite covered by the

There are a. (ubitanUalcases where residential bulldlni:occuP7 extremely .narrow lots snresult In two iiljacont bulldln'sometimes with sideline window;

elnir wparated by no more ths1

lKht«en Inches to six ft*t.2. Aii excesalv* dwelling UB:



density. There are a numbercases where residential bulltilnahave been converted to higher famUy occupancy and have resultedexcessive dwelling unit density me»wired In either persons per roomor floor spare per person.

to lncompstlbtypes ot uses among family dws!

pr**tnt«d to tt» Oovernlnft BodyInformation and data respecting thtrelocation program which rial beenpM|>nr*d by the Toral Public Ag-ency u a result of studlw, lurvtys,and inspecUoni In tht Project treasnd the tnembllng and analyala ofthe data and Information obtalnadfrom mich ntudlew, (rurreys and Iff-spectloTw; and

WHKRXAS thn members of th»OoTernlnR Body have feneralknowledge of the conditions pre-vailing In the Projact area and ofth« availability of proper housingIn tht Locality for the relocationof fimllles that mav be displaced'from the Prnject area and, In thtlight of such knowledge of localhousing conditions, have cvntullyeonnldered and reviewed surh pro-

for relocation; andWTMCREAA H Is necraury that th*

QoverntBR Body uue approprlattofficial action renprctlnR the relo-.ration program and said Urban R#-newal Plan for the project, in con-formity with th« contract for fin-ancial »*»lstatie« b*tv*e«n th» IJOCSJPublic Agency »nd the Onlt«d RtsMiof America, acting h? and throughthe HounaK snd Home rinanw Ad-ministrator: and

WMHRKAfl the Clovernlng Body isof' ths conditions thRi

ff«Ti from Incttnplat* storm wf<•«• fadlltlM srtd lncomplet* unl-irr newer system and unoavelopedlKhborhood parka and on absenetadequate ntl hbOThood shopping

leltltles, playtrounds and ccrmmu-ity c«nt«Ti.8. Other equally significant envlr-

iiun«ntal deflcten«tH: Ths projecti m represents s found socialMlghberlsod which - miflf ft, how-rer, from unsightly, nnliy, odort-jroui nearby and environmentalactors. It •offtrt from s, dlsorgui-mi str*tt system and from an 1D-:emsl blwk pattern with taeantind dilapidated RSra«eii, shod! and>ther mlsc«ll>n*mii oi)t-tnit'.dln»t;ad the members cf this Oorerntnglody have been fully apprised by;he I/wal PitWlc Agency and artware of these facts and conditions;

are Imposed In th« undertaking andcarrying out of urban renewal pro-jects with Federal financial assist-anct under Title I, Including thoseprohibiting discrimination btetUMof race, color, creed, or nationalorigin:


1, That It Is hereby found anddetermined that the Project It ablighted area and qualifies a* aneligible Project area under R. S.



hKJSA «:J5C-I1 tl 11.

l Pl1. That said Urban Renewal Plarifor the Project aforementioned,having been duly rerlemrl and eea-tldtrtd. Is hereby approved and the .Township Clerk be end U hereby ,directed to file said copy of Mil ,Urban Renewal Plan with the min-utes of this meeting.

1. That It !• hereby found and ,determined thatnewil Plan for

•aid TTrbanthe Project ares,

there ha» beenar«d and referred to tha TownshipJommlttee of the Township of

Woodbrldg*. County ot MlddlSftt,(Mntn. called the "OovemltigBod)") for r«vl*w and approval anTTfban Renewal Plan for the Project

dated (September, ]»8S, andjoMlstlng of 41 piges and 1 (!•hlblU supported by the followinguppl«ni«nUry material, data, and

recommendations, which material,ata, and ncommendatlons are notpart ot Hid Urban Renewal Plan:

Part I Loan A Orant ApplicationDocumentation: and

WHEHEAS said Urban RenewalPlan has been approved by ths Oor-

nxlng Body of tht liocal PublicAg»ney, as n!deno»d by th* copyf tald Bodyis duly ctrtUled reso-

lution approving said tlrbun Re-Mrwtl Plan, which la attached there-o: andWIIBMAS a general plan haa been

prepared and li recognised andused as a gu'd* for the general de-velopment of the Locality u awhole; and

WHBB1A8 the WoodTwldg* PUn-nlng Board, which U the duly des-ignated and acting official planning

eonfomu to aald goneral plan ofthe Iocillty,

4. Thtt tt ti hereby found teddetermined that th* financial aid •provided and to be provided War- 'mant to said contrast for Federalfinancial assistance pertaining toth* Protest Is necuamry to *n*bl*the Project to be undertaken Inaccordance with th« Urban RenewalPlan for th* Project area.

!. That It is hereby found anddetermined that the abore-nwn-tlontd Urban Renewal Plan for tb*Urban Benewal Area will affordmaximum opportunity, consistentwtta the fotrn* n«e4s «t ik* Lo«*Utty as a whole, for th* urban re-newal of such area* by prlvat* en-terprise.

6. That it Is hereby found anddetermlnde that the Urban BenewalPlan for the Urban Renewal Areagiven due consideration to the pro-vision of tdequate park and rscrea-tlonal areas and faellttlei, u miybe desirable for neighborhood 1m-prorement, with special oonnlderi-tlon for the health, safety, and wel-fare of children residing In th*general vicinity of th* itw coveredby th* Plan.

7. That It Is hereby found and











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WHBREAS th« W<H)dbrldge Rede-velopment Agency (herein called"Loral Public AKflncv"! 1ms entered I whern r'

body for the Locality, hai tubmlt-ttd to the Qovernlni Bodv Its re-port and recommendations reapect-

P said Urban Jfcmewsl Plan forth* Project area and h u certifiedtbat s>!d Urban R«nawal Plan eon-formi to the said general pltn forthe IxKnIlty ss a whole, and theGoverning Bodr h u duly considered•aid rvport, recunkmeudstlons, andcertification of the planning body;

WIO&XJM Mid Urban RentwalFlan tor the rro)«ct area preecrlbeBcertain land uses for the Projectsr«a snd will require, imanj oiherthlnge, changes In wnlnf, the v».eating snd removal ot streets, alltTi,and other public wny*. the Mtab-Uihment of hew strett patterns, thelocation and relocation of sewer and

determined thst the program for Onproper relocation of the familiesdisplaced In carrying cut the ProjectIn aecent. Mfe, aod sanitary dwell-ings tn conformity with scceptah'estandards Is feasible and can bereasonably and timely effected topermit the proper prosecutlo" sndcompletion of the Project; and thatmch difelHnds or dwelling units

d l l 'avallnbl* to be made

and water milns and ether public faell-



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Harnessing the power of jet aircraft engines to transport naturalgas is another advance made by-Texas Eastern in maintaining itsposition as a leading pipelinef of energy. Less expensive, mass-produced jet engines are especially suited for use in compressorstatfons to handle peak winter loads, Modern jet engina powermakes it possible to have smaller, more compact compressorstations, increased over-all efficiency and savings for us and ournatural gas customers. Texas Eastern Transmission Corpo-ration, Houston, Texas.

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to men displaced families are atleast equal In sumber to the num-ber of displaced families, are notgenerally less desirable la refmrdto public utilities and public kndcommercial facilities thin thedwellings of the displaced ttmllUnIn the Project are». are aT»ll&bl»at rentji nr prices wltMn tha finan-cial me&ns of the displaced taml-llei and are reasoaabjy tccesdbl*io their plat** of employment.

I. That In order to Implementand facilitate the effectuation of theUrban Renewal Plan hereby ap-proved It Is found and determinedthat certain official action must b#taken by (hit Body with reference,among other tblnu. to change* Intoning, the vacating and removalof streets, alleys, and other public)ways, the attabltihm«ot of newitr*et patterns, ths location *ttd re*location ot eewvr and water malmand other public facilities, andother public action, and, aooord-|a*lj, this Body hereby (a) pledgetIt* cooperation In helping to o»rrfout nich Urban Ronewal Plan; (b)requests the various offlclaU, de-partments, boards, and IMWIIM oftrie locality having administrativere*p«nslblllttM In tha premtwi Uke-vlse to coopers is to such end andto exercise their respective func-tions and powers Ui a manner con-sistent with aald Urban RenewalPlan; and («) stands ready to con*sldti and take appropriate actionup»n proposal* and measure* de-signed to effectuate said Urban Re-newal Plao.

(. That financial asalstaiwa un*der the provisions of Title I of th*Homing Act of IMS, aa amended.Is necessary to enable tha land lathe Protect area to be renewed Inaccorduce with the Urban RenewalPlan far the Project urea md, ac-cordingly, the mini by the LooalPubllo Agency of an applicationor applications for such financialassistance under said Title I U here-by approved.

10. All Ordinances or etotlomthereof whlcb are In conflict withthe provisions of the within ordl-usnee nre hereby revoked.

11. This Ordinance shall take, ef-fect lrnmedlnt*!y upon adoption andpublication en required by Im.

WALTER ZJRFOUJCom ml tteemaa -at-targe)

Attest •JOGBPH V. VALENTITownship Clerk

To be a4vwU*<l la Te* In*)*, . .pendent-Usder on October 34th,1963, with Notice of Public Hewingfor final adoption on November dth.IBM.I.-L. 10/M/M »113.M

Page 20: N. L Published WMk Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24 ...Published WMk On Thursday Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, October 24, 1963 PRICE TON CENTS j OOPBRIDGE CONTESTJ1NALIST: o

PACIF; TWKNTY Thursday, October 24, 1963

-This wmIOIIN I. (TNNlNdlMM

.MM' I ,n I Kmil Kuri vonboth byj

at Red BHnk. Americans «al-ilK'd forth, surprlslnff a knotof Hessians hidden at the baseof the fort walls, unable to at-tack and unwilling to flee overopen ground. Nearby theyfound Colonel von Donop, suf-fcrinn .grievously from gunshotwounds.

The victorious Americans,remembering Von Donop's in-

gim; lines tumbler likr pins onisolont message of a few hoursn bowling groen. before, mocked him: "Well,

Von Donop unfed his men^M you still givp no quarter?""I am in your hands," von

Donop answered quirtly, "YouIn- hnndsninc appear-;forward and they lvsfiondfd

wd the Delaware briefly; tliese were not cowards.in nlKh.Thry were simply outgunned,

to the Frenchwounded. The

in!; Nnv JpfRey _-. on ilm morning of Oc- and thanksM 1777 Hr fflt that his Dnnop i.'ell

' H i ^ bH nf triumph lay near:!Hessian* broke,,,'v he would overwhelm'wild disorder. Forty

cari'lson at Rediafter /the first gun sounded. anfltlinumevonDonopjFort, Mercer stood firmly ind f-rlio through history I American tynds.h ;,;op the steep bluff at; Statistic* -show the over-

may avenge yourselves,"Soldiers carried the fallen

Hessian colonel off the Heldfled in to a nearby house, where vonminutes Donop died a lew days later.

: i . h pRprl [!;mk rested fort Mercdfclii:ll .o control the DelawareKivcr into New Jersey In high

whelming nature of the Hes-sian loss. English accounts,(probably low) told of 2 offl-

(if Rhode Islanders!cera killed and wounded, 127enlisted men killed and morethan 200 enlisted men wounded.That totalled more than 350

cnmninnfled by Colonel Chris-topher Grcvn held the NewJIT.SOV fort, fully aware of Itssignificance

GniriRl Ocorse Washingtonhimself )m\ written Greeneearly in October: "The postwith which you are now en-trusted is of the utmost impor-

mrf to America . . . the wholedefense of the Delaware de-pends upon it.

F.ir liis part, Sir WilliamHowe, fun-loving commanderof ttv.- uneasy British garrisonin Philadelphia, hated the

I mention of Foit Mercer. Com-bined with adjacent Fort Mlf-Hin, on an island In the Dela-ware, the Red Bank stronghold

'la.vrd the pleasures thatBritish officers anticipatedwhen their ships could sail un-challenged on the Delaware.

Before he embarked for NewJersey, von Donop pleaded (ormore artillery, but Howe re-plied that it Hessians couldn'tdo the job, then British troopswould show them how. Stung,

fighting - - out of 1,200 at-tackers.

Contrastingly, the Rhode Is-landers lost only two sergeant*,one flfer and four privateskilled; one sergant and three

The Hessinn declared before; death:"You see me in the vanity

of all human pride. I haveshone in all the courts of Eu-rope, and now I nm dying hereon the banks of the Delawarein the house of an obscureQuaker."

Victory on October 22 proveda fleeting thing. Fort Mercer

casualties — in 40 minutes of had to be abandoned on No-vember 20, but uhrn the RhodeIslanders marched out underflying flags they could say withpride;

"Von Donop was, right.Either this would be Fort

privates wounded, and one cap-jDonop or he would be deadtain, taken prisoner, A dozen (Long live Fort Mercer!"losses, therefore, compared! —with 350, or about one man for I (O—Copyright. 1963, State30. ,of New Jersey Tercentenary

Joy swept over the high bluff Icommlssion

Report horn Washington

88th Congress Faces Long Session;Administration's Programs Unfinished

By LEE BANDY {floor Will, in all likelihood, takeWASHINGTON, D. C—This he matter up the first part of

session of the 88th Congress—von Donop crossed the riverwith 1.200 Hessians and too already exceeding the one oflittle artillery. Everything last year - is now generallywent well; on October 21 vonDonop could say:

"Either the fort will soon becnlled Fort Donop or I shall bedead."

Southward marched the Hes-siaiis. stepping jauntily underthv> bright blue Oatober sky,They slopped, .overnight*..inHiiddonfleld, where Jbhn Gill

expected to go well Into De-cember.

In fact, some people on Capitol Hill are even saying thatit may lead — with a fewbreaks for holidays — straightInto the second session whichbegins June 3.

-Last-year- tt»-87fe Congressadjourned Oct. 13, at 4:46 p. m.


However, when the rights billgoes to the Senate, we haveanother story. It faces thewinds of a southern filibusterwhich could tie up Congress forweeks,

Prospects for final passageof the tax bill — not approvedby the House until Sept, 25 —grow increasingly dimday,--

hud von Donop as a housei the longest term since 1951,when the Korean sessionsue.st and found him "a cul-

tured gentleman." The 37-yiai-old Hessian exuded all theoliirni of a man on the verge1

of hlKh success.D;vn at Fort Mercer the

w inp Rhode Islander, slight-ly more than 500 strong,

stretched out until Oct. 20.The reason for the December

forecast is that Congress stillfaces two big programs whichthe Administration would liketo see passed this year — thecivil rights and tax bills. Also,

1 .'.\id carefully the orders of:• iifh engineer named Mon-i • de Piessis and withdrew.') a small inner stronghold,

ng the outerworks brokendeep ditches and other ob-ies.

through tke night to there are a number of moneyhen their position. They bills which must be disposed of

In order to keep the govern-ment going, As of now, onlyfour of the 12 major annualappropriations measures havebeen cleared by Congress.

According to a boxscorecompiled by the Congressional

Dilonel von Donop felt eveniQuarterly through mld-Octo-fld h h h 37confidence when

first glimpsed Fort Mercer.V/oodh on three sides affordedcover for easy approach, and

Congress had approved 37of President Kennedy's 406 leg


(D-Va.) of the Senate FinanceCommittee ha*- tentativelyscheduled hearings on the taxprogram through the first partof next month and Indicatedhe might carry them up intoDecember.

To add to slowness ofthis session, . .is, a num-ber of other bu. — particularlycotton area redevelopment andappropriations — a r e beingheld up for bargaining pur-poses.

Also,,many yho a r t in a po-sition to more the appropria-tions measures, committee andsubcommittee chairman, arefiscal conservatives and are notin a hurry to spend the tax-payers' money.

Although Congress has been

tage of requests approved —British ships on the river were some nine per cent — was up

from his 4.7 per cent score inin position to shell the fourthside.

The colonel sent an emissaryunder a white flag to offer sur-render. The alternative tosurrender must be "no (fliarter,no mercy." Colonel Green'sspokesman shouted back, ac-cording to tradition: "We'llsee King George damned first!We want no quarter !"*

Hessian cannon immediatelyopened first on the fort andamid the swirl of smoke andthe roll of drums, Germansoldiers marched Into attackformation. They completelysurrounded the land side ofFort Mercer. Within the fort,men fell silent.

Von Donop spoke briefly tohis men; they responded byyelling the battelcry: "We'llchange the name to Fort Do-nop!"

The Hessian troops moved onthe attack and pierced thouter ring of the old fort without drawing a shot, unawarethat the Americans had withdrawn to a stoutly fortified in-ner defense. Would theseAmerican* never fight? Wouthis be as easy as General Howhad insisted back in Philade!phi a?

All too quickly, for the Heislant, the answer came. ThUhoAv Islanders waited quietluntil the invaders were soclothat even a rank beginncouldn't miss. Musket finbrutal in its force, ripped thstartled Hesaiiiiy, and the gu

jJuly. When the 87th Congressent home last year, had ap-roved 44.6 per cent of thejhief Executive's 1962 requests.Still left on tne legislative

alendar are the foreign aid•uthoriz&tion and appropria-ion bills, authorization exten-iions for the Peace Corps andtons Control and Disarma-nent Agency, continuing fed-ral assistance to airports and

"impacted" school districtsand the military constructionand authorization bills.

The question that has arisenIn many minds is "Why theholdup?" This, in part, canbe attributed to the suddenappearance of such major is-sues as civil rights, the raistrike and the test ban treaty

there have been a number ofAdministration proposals whiohhave cleared both chambers orwill be approved before theyear ends.

Among those cleared are aidto medical schools, nuclear testban treaty, extension of theCivil Rights Commission andthe railroad strike.

College aid, manpower re-taining and vocational educa-ion bills are among those pro-

grams still traveling throughCongress.

A number of other majorproposals like medical care forthe aged, ifedml grants f tschool construction and. masstransit will likely have to becarried over until next year.

Nevertheless, as the Con-gressional Quarterly put it,"when Congressman sit down

None were included in the Ad-ministration's original programsubmitted during the first parof the year.

And, too, the inevitable lateadjournment caused by civilrights has resulted in a "whyrush" feeling in some quarters.

A spokesman for the HouseJudiciary Committee said thecivil rights bill will probably betaken up by the lower chamberin November. He put it thisway:

"The committee will spendat least two "i",'ks consideringthe bill, another week writingup a report, and then will probably have to wait a week forthe bill to BO tluuuKli the RulesComitillttw. Tlt».t means' Un-

to Christmas dinner this year,they may well wonder whetheror nut thin nession of Congresshas been a turkey."




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n Dance SetFor Suturday Night

ISELIN-The Social AffairsCommittee of the Iselin Chemi-cal tHook ii Ladder CompanyDistrict, 11 announced a Hal-loween dunce will bt; held atthe Auth Avenue Kiivhouse onSaturday. Mu.sic will bt;vided by th« Gold Tones. H»s-freshmt'iits will be served andthere will b» dancing from 1)p. in. until 1 a. in. Tickets cunbe ohinini'd from uny memburof the fire company.

UurliiB Hepteinbw ilieie wereu UiUil of six fire culls.

On Sutmdtiy Cub Scoutsioiti tlu- district wen; tukeii ona tour oi the flrehouse. The op-nilion of the equipment and

tlic alarm system was explainedto the boyu.

.AUSCHE ON GKOMYKOHeimlor Lwiiiche (D., Ohio)

i.-nu/,ed President Kennedy'swillingness to discuss with tlieSonet Foiit;iyn Minister, An-

i-i A. (iromyko, Dieluxation of Ka.st - West

UMi.slon.yIB said in u pifpured.speech ttml because,

Uiuinyko 'delilieiutdy lied"Hit presence of alffiisive

Kuvtt't missiles In Cuba las1

yeur '1 uni loathe to believe thatPresident Kennv'dy .. couldever tiKuin place any cri'duUCts

what Mr. Gruniykoto any ,;^

CheckOIII - linii U) l« u UU(rwiiie n-bouk," uliboiytsri an

aulliur, HI id sojiielunes 0)K' haSUJ Dr u little crazy to ivadsonir of them. — The Lyncbvbuiij News.





















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