1 KINGSTOWN CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LTD. A message from our President…. I gladly take this opportunity on behalf of the Board of Directors, Management Committees and the Management and Staff of Kingstown Co-operative Credit Union Limited to wish everyone a blessed, peaceful and joyous Christmas Season and a Prosperous New Year! It seems like just yesterday 2017 arrived and yet here we are getting ready to say goodbye and preparing to welcome 2018. It is true that Christmas is a time of celebration but if we look beyond that we will find an even deeper meaning in the joy of giving, sharing and caring for others. Let our spirit of generosity shine through. Let us reach out to the poor and needy. We are reminded daily of the hardships of those in other countries but lest we forget the suffering in our communities, let those of us who are blessed abundantly give freely at this time of year and for those who have, but not in abundance, please make a sacrifice, God loves a cheerful giver! Thus far we have concluded 4 major KCCU sponsored activities this year. The Scholarship Award Ceremony was held in July, six (6) scholarships and two (2) bursaries were awarded to students who were successful in the CPEA Examinations. In September, new members were inducted by way of an orientation session whereby they were educated about the Credit Union. Senior Care Day was hosted in October where we honored our senior members in a special way. In November, we held our annual Primary School Quiz Competition where thirty-two (32) schools participated in the preliminary round of the competition and six (6) schools advanced to the finals. We carried out our corporate responsibility with a sense of commitment and fervor. KCCU continues to stay true to its Mission, “To promote and provide affordable high quality financial services, principally geared towards the needs and development of its members and the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.” It is our goal to continue to strive to provide the best service we can and to offer the most relevant and competitive products and services on the market. 2018 will bring some great things!! I want to encourage you to make use of the opportunity to access our product and service offerings however let me sound a word of caution …avoid overspending during this festive season. Planning a manageable budget in advance is the key to organizing your Christmas finances and this will ultimately make the season more enjoyable. Continued on page 2... KCCU DIGEST Do you have our KCCU Klick Mobile App 2 Let’s go digital with KCCU 3 Money Madness 4 Turn Christmas excess into Christmas success 5 Let’s talk Health 6 Meet the Education Committee 7 Meet some of our 2017 Scholarship Holders 8 Activity Corner 10 Save the Date 11 Christmas Recipe 12 2017 Year in Review 13 Frequently Asked Questions 14 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Volume 2 “The Christmas Edition” December 2017

Transcript of N CO- 6 OPERATIVE



K I N G S T O W N C O - O P E R A T I V E C R E D I T U N I O N L T D .

A message from our President…. I gladly take this opportunity on behalf of the Board of Directors, Management Committees and the Management and Staff of Kingstown Co-operative Credit Union Limited to wish everyone a blessed, peaceful and joyous Christmas Season and a Prosperous New Year! It seems like just yesterday 2017 arrived and yet here we are getting ready to say goodbye and preparing to welcome 2018. It is true that Christmas is a time of celebration but if we look beyond that we will find an even deeper meaning in the joy of giving, sharing and caring for others. Let our spirit of generosity shine through. Let us reach out to the poor and needy. We are reminded daily of the hardships of those in other countries but lest we forget the suffering in our communities, let those of us who are blessed abundantly give freely at this time of year and for those who have, but not in abundance, please make a sacrifice, God loves a cheerful giver! Thus far we have concluded 4 major KCCU sponsored activities this year. The Scholarship Award Ceremony was held in July, six (6) scholarships and two (2) bursaries were awarded to students who were successful in the CPEA Examinations. In September, new members were inducted by way of an orientation session whereby they were educated about the Credit Union. Senior Care Day was hosted in October where we honored our senior members in a special way. In November, we held our annual Primary School Quiz Competition where thirty-two (32) schools participated in the preliminary round of the competition and six (6) schools advanced to the finals. We carried out our corporate responsibility with a sense of commitment and fervor. KCCU continues to stay true to its Mission, “To promote and provide affordable high quality financial services, principally geared towards the needs and development of its members and the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.” It is our goal to continue to strive to provide the best service we can and to offer the most relevant and competitive products and services on the market. 2018 will bring some great things!! I want to encourage you to make use of the opportunity to access our product and service offerings however let me sound a word of caution …avoid overspending during this festive season. Planning a manageable budget in advance is the key to organizing your Christmas finances and this will ultimately make the season more enjoyable.

Continued on page 2...





Do you have our KCCU Klick

Mobile App 2

Let’s go digital with KCCU 3

Money Madness 4

Turn Christmas excess into

Christmas success 5

Let’s talk Health 6

Meet the Education Committee 7

Meet some of our 2017

Scholarship Holders 8

Activity Corner 10

Save the Date 11

Christmas Recipe 12

2017 Year in Review 13

Frequently Asked Questions 14


Volume 2 “The Christmas Edition” December 2017



Continued from page 1 It is with a sense of much pride and joy that I am glad to be the President of our noble institution whose motto emphasizes “Changing lives one member at a time”. KCCU continues to strategically develop value- adding programs aimed at improving the quality of life of our people. We have undoubtedly contributed to the Gross Domestic Product of our Blessed country while bolstering social and economic stability. This we have done in the true spirit of the Credit Union Philosophy. May we take this time out to reflect on all that God has done but more importantly to celebrate the gift of his son, Jesus Christ. May we find that joy in trusting in him and come to truly know his peace. We thank you for your membership and vow to continue to be of service as we work towards the betterment of each other. May God Bless Us All. Cynthia Hope-Browne

Do You Have Our KCCU KLICK Mobile App?

At KCCU, we continue to provide constant reliable services to our members. We want to ensure that you have the tools and information needed to make smart financial choices. This is why we brought to you the KCCU KLICK Mobile app. This app makes it even easier to stay connected to us. It is secure, easy to use and available on your android phone. Download it today on google play store and access these amazing features:

Open a membership account

Book an appointment

View KCCU’s Financial Reports

Access Loan Assessment Calculator

Complete Financial Assessment Quiz to view your financial stability

Keep up to date with our current affairs via our news tab and photo gallery

Obtain all our contact information

KCCU KLICK Mobile … Services in the palm of your hand!



Let’s Go Digital with KCCU

Track and control your funds from anywhere through our web based service. Go to https://kingstowncreditunion.com for 24 hour access to our Financial Services. Yes! Now more than ever we’re closer to you…

Our Online Features include:

Transferring funds from regular deposit accounts to another of your accounts

Checking your account balances Viewing your financial statements Applying for a loan Paying a bill - Vinlec, Digicel, Flow Requesting cheques and letters Obtaining status updates

Signing up is like 1 2 3

1. Download application form or collect one at the office.

2. Fill out required fields (Overseas members should print and have application form notarized before submission.)

3. Submit completed form to the office. Ensure that the email option is selected to have set up information emailed to you. Customers can also opt to collect this in person at the office.

* Registration is guaranteed in less than 24 hours

Navigating our online banking in 4 easy steps

1. Access the organization’s website https://kingstowncreditunion.com

2. Click ‘Sign-in’ 3. Enter Password 4. Click ‘Login’

*If you are logging in for the first time, you would be prompted to change your Password (your initial login information would be provided by the organization).

Safety Tips:

Ensure URL is correctly entered at all times, https://kingstowncreditunion.com.

Use a strong password

Never use free public Wi-Fi to access your online banking account.

Log out of your account when not in use.

Monitor your accounts regularly (weekly/daily).

Secure your computer with an antivirus and keep it up to date.




Money Madness

Money is a deeply entrenched idea in all developing and developed societies of the world. Its economic uses, benefits, functions and characteristics are well known. It permeates every aspect of our existence and most of our decisions have financial impact. In today’s world, it is an established fact that money measures material wealth and influences social acceptance. This short article is not about money as an instrument of commerce but rather it briefly examines the destructive effects on the mind when this inanimate dull tool is empowered to delude us into the belief that it is the panacea for all ills and the very definition of the entirety of our lives. Money plays a role but life require significantly more than money to experience the fulsomeness of living. It is therefore unhealthy to elevate it in our minds to a level that gives it disproportionate control visa vis the virtues, for example, of honesty, empathy or benevolence. We do not bond naturally with money. It is an invention that clearly must be burnt into our psyche by a learned reflex. A young infant will destroy it as a play thing because he is not drawn to it as he is to his mother’s bosom. Imagine the indelible lesson to a child when she is confronted, or “disciplined” by a livid parent who has just discovered the remnant of a hundred-dollar bill in the child’s mouth. So, the brain washing begins from a tender age where money psychology and power is learnt. We are taught of money’s indispensability to life in the quest to naturalize it, but the young is not taught to give a moment’s thought to the essential air we breathe, the sunlight and the environment we live. A child can be in real trouble for bringing back wrong change or worse losing the money but very little attention, if any, is given to the empty plastic bottle or container he just nonchalantly tossed in the bushes. We progress to adult life with the full burdens of wealth accumulation and other material responsibilities on our minds. For some persons, and maybe a huge majority in these so-called civilized countries, the belief is that money cures all and for the unwary this illusion can morph into a life of misery. For those unsuspecting ones the mind of money seduces them into a strange trance that gives fleeting power where social recognition is received, a higher social stratum is achieved, materialism is realized, control is within grasp and the mirage of happiness beckons. In this crystal ball the foundation is built of mud and sand that quickly vanish when the waves of reality (death, illness, depression, unhappiness, drugs use, crime) wash ashore and the dollar floats away helplessly. Pop culture in contemporary life expounds the love, the worship, the power, the control and the bling money brings. Metropolitan life, music, attitudes, behaviors, movies and other pop elements enslave the mind by showing the “good life” which consequently causes our desires and wants to peak way above our normal capabilities. Contentment becomes sick because the mind has been poisoned and therefore enough knows no bounds. Insatiability takes hold and restraint hides; you will now do anything for the dollar. The dollar now defines the mind! In the mind money is never enough. It blurs all lines as new wants become needs and old needs are discarded and this vicious malady propels its victim through a labyrinth of financial woes. Loan follows loan, follows loan as your compulsion, impulses, desires and “needs” run amok outstripping your existing abilities whilst self-control is put on hold. Be careful, the abyss is closer than you imagine! You are the master. Money maketh no man. Practice the virtues to build character. Enrich the soul. There will always be persons “greater and less than yourself”. There is no one to keep up with so at every level of your growth in life stay within your natural abilities and do not leverage yourself with excessive debts because of obsessive behaviour. Change your paradigm and remove the prominence of money in your mind. Strive to balance your world by giving attention to these other areas: physical; mental; spiritual; social; and any other aspect you deem important

Author: Clement C Lynch




With all the TV and Radio ads telling us to

‘shop ‘til we drop’ whether in store or

online, our Christmas celebrations can turn

out to be really expensive. Here are a few

tips to help you turn your Christmas into a

financial success than a financial excess.

1. Agree on a spending limit – This will help

you to control how much you will spend on

gifts for your loved ones.

2. Limit the amount of gifts bought per

person in the family – A nice suggestion

would be to do a “Secret Santa” gift

exchange, e.g. family members’ names are

placed in a bag and each person picks a

name, then receives the gift corresponding

to that name. This ensures all members get

at least one gift.

3. Get the best deals – Make sure to check

all stores to get the best deals, take

advantage of in store discounts, bundles

and specials.

4. Don’t second guess your purchases –

Being indecisive can lead to making poorly

planned purchases and blowing your


5. Don’t over shop - We tend to shop

excessively for Christmas with the goal of

having everything new e.g. Throwing out

that old but perfectly good couch so, if

there are things in your home that are

reusable don’t throw them out, find creative

ways to use them.

6. Leave the credit card at home - One of

the best ways to stick to your budget is

using cash. You cannot spend what you

don’t have.

Good financial planning will help you enjoy not

only the festive season but the New Year too.

Shop smartly, Spend wisely. Cheers!



Let’s talk healthcare ………

Hello everyone! I am not sure if you have noticed but it appears as if illnesses are taking over the world today. When we think that one is out and over with, another one will raise its ugly head. There is one feared illness that seems like it is here to stay and staying with a vengeance. That is CANCER! Almost everyone has a friend, relative, colleague or just an acquaintance that has been affected or is presently suffering from cancer. The cause of cancer is still unknown however, scientists have identified some factors that predispose us to this condition. Factors such as: Overuse of chemicals, drugs and tobacco/cigarette

Over exposure to radiation such as x-rays and sun tanning beds

Chronic irritation and tissue trauma

Viruses such as hepatitis B virus and the most common human papilloma virus

Obesity and dietary factors such as preservatives

Genetic predisposition

Realistically speaking, the majority of us fall under at least one of these factors. Fortunately, there are tests that can be done to help us identify any significant change in our bodies that may be a red light to a diagnosis of cancer. Tests such as: mammograms, pap smears, biopsies and ca 125 test, just to name a few. There are also tests that we can do at home such as breast and testicular self-examinations. If a diagnosis of cancer is inevitable, then there are a wide range of treatments for e.g: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgeries and many more. Truth be told, these tests and treatments can be quite heavy on the pocket and many people find themselves backed into a financial corner, which weighs an even heavier burden on their health not to mention their psychological state but guess what! KCCU is here to help you ease that burden with Kutmed Group Insurance Plan. With this insurance, you can claim benefits for your annual medical examination and most of the tests listed above. The benefits you get from being a part of this insurance, range from as simple as a room in the hospital to as great as emergency air ambulance services. For just $82.00 per person monthly, you can ease the financial strains that come with diagnostic tests, treatments and other expenses that comes along with this illness. If you want to join, along with a spouse, then that can also be done, so too, with a family. How can you be a part of this insurance? Easy! Visit your local KCCU branch. Ask for the form and someone will be more than willing and ready to assist you with the process.

Already a member and not sure how to claim? Well the following steps will help:

1. Ensure that your employee’s statement is

fully completed and signed, and all questions


2. Ensure that your doctor completes the

physician statement which is on the reverse

side of the medical form, giving full details of

treatments and fees.



3. Note that your name on the reverse side of the claim form must always be stated by your attending

physician only and not by you. Failure to do this can result in your claim being denied.

4. All receipts in excess of $25.00 must be submitted.

5. Time limit for submission of claims is 90 days from the date of loss. If treatment must continue

beyond this period then a written notice MUST be submitted.

6. Ensure all supporting receipts are attached.

Don’t get stuck with medical bills and be caught off guard financially. Visit KCCU and find out about KUTMED Group Insurance Plan and how you can be a part of it. Terms and conditions apply.

Meet the Education Committee 2017 – 2018

The Education Committee is responsible for promotion and publicity within Kingstown Co-operative Credit Union Ltd. This committee is selected by the Board of Directors after our Annual General Meeting.

Left to Right – Sis. Joselle Joslyn-White (Chair), Sis. Arlette Maloney, Sis. Wendie Wilson, Sis. Kathy Samuel (Secretary) and Sis. Iyanna Trimmingham. We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New year!



Meet some of our Scholarships Holders 2017

Tell us something about yourself? “I like running, I like to put work before play. I like to treat people the way I want them to treat me." What's your favorite subject in school and why? “Math because I have to put my brain to work." Where do you see yourself after secondary school? “College and becoming a pediatrician simply because I love dealing with children.” Who is your role model? “My mother, she is always motivating me to do well.” How has the KCCU scholarship helped you? “It has helped me with my projects because they are very costly. I want KCCU to continue to give the scholarship to help lots of people.”

What is your best time of the year? “December because it's my birth month"

Karen Providence

Lyndisha Cruickshank

Tell us something about yourself? “I am 11 years young, I love dancing, swimming and tennis. I have one sister.” What's your favorite subject? “History”. Who is your role model? “Simone Biles because I like doing gymnastics.” What do you like most about school? “The girls are fun and the subjects are not hard". Where do you see yourself after secondary school? “College, university and then becoming an anesthesiologist”. How do you feel about being a recipient of the KCCU scholarship? “I would like to thank KCCU for picking me and I would keep it until secondary school is finished. To those who want to apply I urge you to do your best don't study others, education first.”

Tell us something about yourself? “I love swimming, spaghetti and meatballs.” What's your favorite subject in school? “Science it's very easy.” Where do you see yourself after secondary school? “College, university and becoming a doctor.” Who is your role model and why? “My aunty Sheena because she is hard-working.” What advice would you give as a recipient of the KCCU scholarship? “I want to encourage persons to work hard to get a scholarship, because it assists with buying books and financially otherwise. What motivates you ? “Excellence.”

Gabriella Hillocks



Tell us something about yourself? “I love to read, play cricket, and track and field. Roti is my favorite.” What's your favorite subject? “Math because of the difficulty.” Where do you see yourself after secondary school? “Straight to university and then becoming an engineer.” Who is your role model and why? “Nelson Mandela because he went to jail and still became the president of South Africa” What advice would you give as a recipient of the KCCU scholarship? “Continue to help children, they are the upcoming generation. Thanks for granting me a scholarship.”

Daequan Lynch

Ashlyn Francis

Tell us something about yourself? “I was born on January 10th and I am 11 years old.” What's your favorite subject? “Science. I want to be a doctor.” Where do you see yourself after secondary school? “I want to go straight to university to study to become a doctor.” Who is your role model and why? “Nelson Mandela. Even though he was demotivated, he was never lost for his people, and for that he won a noble peace prize.” What advice would you give as a recipient of the KCCU scholarship? “Work hard and never forget who you are. Set your goals work towards them. Don’t forget the people who help you along the way. Be true to yourself.”

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Across Down

1. rate and efficiency of work 4. ask the bank to advance money 6. money paid for a loan 10. wealth of person or business 12. promise to repair or replace 13. amalgamation of two companies 14. legal agreement 16. total sales of a company 17. share of profits paid to shareholders

2. proof of payment 3. put money into a company or business 5. money paid to owner of copyright or patent 7. part of the capital of a company 8. where shares are bought and sold 9. money lent 11. amount of money spent 14. neither cheque nor credit card 15. money returned


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Caribbean Christmas Ham Ingredients Ingredients 1 cup honey 1/3 cup butter 3 tablespoons dark corn syrup 3/4 teaspoon dry mustard (high quality) 2 tablespoons orange juice 1/4 cup whole cloves 1 ham of choice Directions: Score ham with a sharp knife in a diagonal pattern. Repeat scoring, diagonally, in the opposite direction to create a crossing pattern. Insert whole cloves at the crossings.

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.

Place ham in roasting pan fat side up; the melting fat will baste your ham. Turn ham over half way through baking to avoid uneven salting from the brine in the meat. If roasting a ham that is not precooked, bake for approximately 20-30 minutes per pound. If the ham is precooked, follow the label directions for cooking times.

While ham is roasting, combine all ingredients in a small sauce pan. Cook over medium heat and bring to a full boil, stirring frequently. Reduce heat and cook one minute.

Remove ham from oven prior to the last 30 minutes of baking. Cover ham with glaze. Glaze ham every 10 minutes during last 30 minutes of baking. Serve remaining glaze with ham. Ponché Cremé INGREDIENTS: 6 eggs Peel of 1 lime 3 cans of low fat evaporated milk (15 oz) 1-1/2 cans condensed milk or to taste (14 oz) 1 teaspoon aromatic bitters 1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg 1/2 cup of rum (or more) Directions: Beat eggs and lime peel until light and fluffy. Add evaporated milk. Sweeten to taste with condensed milk. Add bitters, grated nutmeg and rum according to taste. Remove lime peel and serve.

Ponché de Cremé is served cold, usually with crushed or cracked ice, though on regular rocks is fine too. You may choose to make it without the nutmeg; instead you can sprinkle it on top with each serving. Either way, sip it slowly throughout the Holiday Season and you’ll always be in good cheer! Merry Christmas!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements for becoming a member? Becoming a member is easy. You can visit us at one of our locations or use the convenience of our online forms to start the process. To get started you are required to

Buy a minimum of twenty permanent shares priced at Five East Caribbean (EC) dollars each, total cost EC $100.00

Pay an entrance fee of EC $5.00

It is advisable, though optional, for you to also purchase

Redeemable regular shares EC ($25.00),

Death benefit EC ($50.00).


How do I make a loan appointment?

You can make a loan appointment through: Our Website, Mobile app, visiting the office or calling the office. There’s also “Walk–In Wednesdays” (no appointment needed)

Can non-members apply for a loan? You must be a member of KCCU to apply for a loan.

Can I apply for a loan even if I haven’t been paying my shares?

Yes, a member of KCCU can apply for a loan at any time.

How long does it take before you can apply for a loan after you’ve become a member?

Loan applications are risk assessed based on your capacity (earnings) to repay, your collateral (redeemable shares, savings, real estate and so forth), condition, character and purpose to name a few. Providing that these are favorable, loans can be accessed after your membership has been approved by the Board of Directors.

What types of loans do you offer?

We offer vehicle, education, land purchase, house construction, property purchase and consumer loans. Each type may carry different terms and conditions.

Can I make a loan request from outside St, Vincent and the Grenadines?

Yes, loan requests can be made outside St. Vincent. Loan forms and details of the loan requirements can be accessed via our website https://kingstowncreditunion.com. Please note that all documents being submitted must be notarized.

Is withdrawal from Shares allowed?

Yes, withdrawal from redeemable regular shares are allowed, providing that such shares are not used to their maximum to secure loans nor used to co-make loans for another member. In the event that your shares are not encumbered by the circumstances just mentioned, you are required to complete a “withdrawal from shares form” which can be obtained at any of our branches or our website. You cannot withdraw from your permanent shares.

How often am I required to pay my Death Benefit?

You are required to make one payment of $50.00 per year to death benefit. This payment is deducted from your share account on the 31st January each year, therefore there is no need to come into the branch to do this. However please note that you are required to save a minimum of EC$300 per year to your redeemable regular shares. Terms and conditions apply and they are written on the Death Benefit application form.

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Mission Statement

The Kingstown Co-operative Credit Union Limited exists to promote and provide affordable high quality financial services, principally geared towards the needs and development of its members and the people of St Vincent and the


Explore the many services and products offered by KCCU.

These include:


Permanent Share Account Group Medical Insurance Plan

Regular Share Account Income Tax Statements

Deposit Account Financial Statements

Fixed Deposit Account Financial Counseling

KCYC Account Electricity Bills Payment

NIS Student Loans

Business Hours Monday – Friday: 8.00am – 4.00 pm

Saturday: 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Website: www.kingstowncreditunion.com Face book page: www.facebook.com/KCCULTD

Website: www.kccu.vc

“Changing Lives One member at a Time”

“ C H A N G I N G L I V E S – O N E M E M B E R A T A T I M E ”

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