N. BOUSFIBLD, Coversteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1927/August-17/August-17... · 2011. 12. 13. ·...

AND TEESDAT; hON MART Co., LTD. JTIONEBRS : [INBRIDOK A SON. N. BOUSFIBLD, 1927. AUOUST 17TH, lot CALVED A I N C A i |BIKERS and all Ch and SHEEP. Ittion aud attention 10 30 a m. AUGUST 32ND. ' E A T CATTLE, SHEp u |D PIGS. 11 a.m. prompt. - THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY. AUOUST 17 1927. f PJEVISON'S SPECIAL. i t e able to offer a very limited Dumber of Tapestry Table Covers At Prices ranging 4 3 u p t o 21 - each. from ,bove are very special purchases aud cannot be beaten at the price. . a BONUS on all Purebates at Ncvison's. [ILKINSON, Secretary |nard Castle. tTON INTEESDALfi MART, LTD. IY, AUOUST 23RD. lCOWS and 1ST SPEciAr feTHER LAMBS and .n | also 1ST SPECIAL S\r p GELD CATTLE. 11 •15 a.m. prompt. PINKNEY, Secretary, on in Teesdale. CLE AGRICULTURAT~ lOCIETY. * )F HURDLES. Bousfield kn, in the SHOW FIELD I , Barnard Castle, on , AUGUST 17TH, 1927, kt 3 p.m., HURDLES aud ILLOW HURDLE? en used at the Show, required to remove thai J Field on or before Fridn.l |9tb. 1 SALE ROOMsT LRD CASTLE. rkinson & Sons ll by Auction, on f, AUGUST 25TH, 1927, Rnmeuts of HOUSEHOL and CARPETS, includioS PIANOS, by R. I . Wooc Jsobean Oak Sideboard, |l Piauo, by Ralph Allison i »uy Hall Staud and 2 Chain gauy Sideboard, Oak Dra» |iate Leg Table, 7-piece Wal e, Chesterfield, in Leathetl aogauy Cake S t a n d , Malioi aud, 2 Mahogany Ron fcrbs aud Brasses, Davenpc (Large Gilded Mirror, Ba Tapestry Carpet, 4 x :!)yik] I Square, 3 x iiyds.; Axmii aare, 3i x 3yds. ; Tap Tapestry Square, 3 x -tyds.1 els Carpet, 3 x 41 yds. J |t Oak Office Desk, 2 Easjj cb, 60 Pictures, Ornaments |*D OAK WARDKOBBS, 5ft. i eugths, 2 Earned Oak Ittresses, Hair Mattress, ledsteads, Siugle Bedstead, i 1ft. Jacobean Oak Bedra Walnut Toilet Tab kak Corner Cupboard, pen Dresser, 2 Lawn Mowei 2 Prams, Quantity Ola bgors, aud many sundries. I 30 a.m. and 1 p.m. BUTTERKNOWLE. BY PUBLIC AUCTION, MBTHODIST SCHOOLROOM Coi'LBY, \m 29TH D A Y O F Auobsr, 19 it 6-30 p.m., Wilkinson, Auctioneer, LOT 1. JLOCK OF FREKHOli opyhold) PROPERTY, )WELLINGHOUSES, , at COPLEY BENT, Durham, as now occupy eury Wade and others. )SES of E x c e l l e n t Moado*j iD, containing &t Acres j lie occupation of Mr K. LOT 2. k.GE, being No. 30, COPU-j icupation of Mr Robt. Brow" rticulars and Order to »* IONBKB, at bis Offices, Bi* lHANBY HOLMES, Solicitor, Barnard Caa^J tY^YEARTsiNS Mercury, Anpit 22nd, )F JOHN BOWES. ESQ- lEATLAM CASTLE. Drenoon a srrfall congreg*' I'S Church, Piccadilly. o B riage of John Bowes, Es& knd Madame Alphonsine * Comtesse de Courten, oi od. and 44, Rue de U£J | came, accompanied by *** half-past eleven o'clock, by the Comtesse de Coa of her stepfather, M- l"*. or of the Library of Arsefl* the Order of the Leg** ame Lucas, her mother. I of Strathmore. The marn jformed by the Rev- *T [of St. James's, the Co* y her stepfather. iippolyte Lucas /ece'^ , meet Mr and Mrs B o W « [Alexandra Hotel, H v g^rl log the guests were the . nd Mrs H. Morgan Van* W. Kinglake (the hiSto | Western, Mr Henry °* ._ne, etc. Before the cow^ ll of Strathmore pr°Pf\xr Intences the health oj ^ in the day Mr and S»r» . Mr Bowes caB*^ _„e esutes in the notv Kh Earl of Stmthrnore-^ i Saturday morning th e 0 „t ., Barnard Castle, r a ^ y intervals during the t re repeated. At ha"-P, UI , I the 21st Durham * -fi good force, and s h o w f , "i the band of t b e p l a ce , along the Market r to the splendid »s ** "on there and fot&^M ere the corps was » ie t^. . of the building and' % e .p°l . Atkinson fired » "*' , v -aJ* ers. Flagsfloated^ L ^ L and wishes for tbe^ ^ $fr groom were heard ° R ED NEVISON, BONUS SHOP, B ANK, BARNARD CASTLE. BRITAIN'S BEST BISCUIT, IcVitie & Price's Digestive. TRY IT TODAY. ;@eesdate iDei*cutnj ^RITCASTLE, AUGUST 17th, 1927. SfAND DISTRia NEWS. , cD .ponnd salmon was caught in the jjgrtforth on Monday evening; IL Barnes aud Kathleen Bronmley, roPi r«r'' s a t " i e S' s h°P Auckland Girls School, have passed the Durham gty Higher Certificate Examination. weight of the beast used at Barnard L[or the block test was 51st. ljlb. It mohtered by Mr Richard Watson and jby Mr W. G. Richardsou. who intend to enter the beauty or Contest at Sledwich fete to-morrow u jeud their eutries at once to the uiioB Secretary, c/o Teesdale Mercury rBHcard Castle. .r.[ R. Douglas Ord, cf Bangor, North .^uofMr Robert Ord, Startfortb, will lit Barnard Castle Wesleyan Church ou C< eveoiog. Mr Douglas Ord has been Ld to the Windermere circuit, to which I be transferred in September. t iz " Mademoiselle from Armoutieres," in all respects, will doubtless bo dwith the same enthusiasm in Baruard Jiselsewhere. We enjoyed the private terday aud all who visit the Wycliffe i the next three days will spend a Ebiy enjoyable evening. .'mooUt Fete. Imoldremind our readers of the Unionist lobe held at Sledwich to-morrow. Given i weather it should be a real treat, kprdens are lovely. Besides tennis and •Bunts there are numerous entertain- Mrs Norman Field and Mrs P. Pease Bg in a laughable farce—" Geese," the dCastle Imps (including Master Harry | u>d the " Blue Birds " will present ltd comic interludes; while the i Acrobats, mostly juniors, are worth Alter tea there are an open-air whist [i beauty competition (prizes being by ballot), and dancing. Special II service buses will ruu every half-hour Galgate and Sledwich. JPitichtrs' Mutual Aid. lis for the funds of the Wesleyau i! Local Preachers' Mutual Aid Society Imade ou Sunday at Barnard Castle no Church by Mr A. Cowling, Darlington, I discourses were listened to with deep His recital at the close of his sermons «? gems afforded added delight, that • the morning being Patrick Chalmers' dabonts aud Swings," and those IU the !. being Robert Burns' " To a mouse " leniiysou's " Crossing the Bar." Iu •ation oi the appeal a meeting was held ' . ereniug uudcr the presidency of Mr JMRtr, when Mr Cowling gave an eloquent T setting forth the claims of the funds »e of the hard cases which it has been 1 to meet. *e Scala Cinema, Barnard Castle next Sutherland is screening on Mouday, Wi Wednesday and Saturday, " The Big % described as the greatest human Never screened. This is the film that •all London for six mouths at the Tivoli [Strand. This wonderful, remarkable, *taary victure, with John Gilbert iu the S™e, is one for everyone to see. ALEXANDRA MEMORIAL. 0 l l T FROM BARNARD CASTLE. >ed by Mr S. E. Harrison, of the •wisenu,, an effort was made at Barnard * Thursday to raise funds for the Alexandra Memorial Eund for the phon of the endowment fund of Queen s Jubilee Institute for Nurses, its associations, and the nurses' long- JjPeosiou fund. As there are two of the 1' aurses in Barnard Castle, the effort to the people of the town, whose JP»» were substantial. A flower-day |J"w the arrangemeut aud there was |™se-tobouse collection. In the evening r Agricultural Show—one of the finest »e have experienced this summer iu Castle—there was a concert in the m o fcUm P a r k o f which the programme ""fled by the Baruard Castle Town £ members of the four companies of ^ i' f ^ e o a n a < w a suu der the able direc- w. Robinson and gave au excellent , he opening march, " Listen to the |C»li D i? follow ed by the overture from Er of BB Rdad." Four Companies of K re P re8 ented, the First being Smith, the Second 6f Miss B. kll i ourtn o t M i »s Robson and the », o r r o w d a l °- T h e Fourth Com- > ! " ! • Welsh folk song, " The Ash ["V'H e P r v Smart's two-part song, fiSLr* ? f t u Co «upany followiug with a K r ^ u d 'be Second Company with a Wd C Leader Jessie McCall, THE TEES IN FLOOD. ANIMATED SCENES I N T H E DISTRICT Monday will be remembered as the day ou which ouo of the most remarkable floods occurred in the Tees, providing a striking instance of how rapidly a river may rise and fall. The Tecs kept up its reputation as the second swiftest river iu the kingdom by giving one of its exhibitions of rising to abnormal heights and subsidiug to something like its ordinary depth iu one day. Rain felt all night on Sunday, and in the morning showed no sign of abating—indeed, as the day advanced the rainfall increased in the upper reaches of the river, and about the middle of the forenoon was coming down in torrents, especially iu the Middleton district. The waterlogged moors abovo High Force were unable to hold any more water, and into the river it had to go, and soon there was ruuuiug over High Force such a volume of water as not only covered the central rock, but actually had to run through the little wicket-gate on the north side in order to escape. By the time observers of this memorable sight had reached Middleton the river there had reached a height rarely seen, for the water was pouring through the flood-holes on the sides of Middleton bridge, and under the central arch was running at from fifteen to twenty miles an hour, briuging down all kinds of debris, including lengths of timber and great logs and trees uprooted by the strong current. Rising every moment, the flooded river continued its wild career, its stream being augmented by every tributary. Lune was one of the largest contributors to the curreut, and Balder joined in the effort to make Tees memorable. AH the becks added their quota, and even Percy Beck, usually oue of the most placid little streams to woo a poet's fancy, assumed the character of a mountain torrent, and being unable to enter Tees as fast as it would like, had its waters banked so high that by the time it reached the wooden bridge where people cross it to go along the King's Walk, it was lapping the deck of the structure, above which lay a mass of spume a yard wide giving the appearance of a great washing-tank on washing day with soap-suds covering the water. Percy Beck even overflowed its banks near the confluence with the river, aud-helped to flood that picturesque little patch of green where Barnard Castle Town Baud sometimes delights the townsfolk and holiday folk on Sunday afternoons. That was at two o'clock iu the afternoon. Further down, all the morning, prople were watching the river and calculating how much further its volume would increase by the time that the Middleton water reached Barnard Castle bridge. So great was the rash of the river that it had no time to wash round the corner of Startforth Mill, but passed straight on in a solid wall two or three feet high. Up aud up it rose until it was nearly lappiug the ledges of the windows of the mill premises, and at Barnard Castle bridge it was a foot or two above the spring of the arch. People stood on the bridge watchiug the timber come down, aud squirmed as some great balk crashed against the masonry before passing through the arch. Between the bridge and the footbridge further down the salvage of floating wood was going on, and it would be hard to estimate the number of tons of timber that the river brought down. Men and lads with grappling-hooks on long poles were having the time of their lives in " catchiug " or failing to catch the flotsam and jetsam that the river was bringing just within their grasp aud as rapidly snatching out of it, as if to add another to the perils to which denizens of a river area are subjected. Very wisely most of the anglers for firewood avoided the larger logs in their transit, but some were successful iu landing some sizeable pieces, aud oue could oee the fortunate ones with loads as heavy as they could carry bearing with pride the fruits of their euterprise, no doubt to furnish tbeir wood-sheds with logs against the rigours of the coming winter. It's au ill wind that blows nobody good. By noon the water had reached the level of the footpath near the footbridge ou the Start- forth side, and one could see how each recurring eddy brought the water nearer the edge of the bank, so that by two o'clock the footpath itself was part aud parcel of the river and oue could only pass along that way by climbing on to the wire railing of the adjoining fence. Aud over the rocks between the two bridges the river was rushing with wild abandon carrying all before it. Onward we wandered, past Mains Mill, aud on to Abbey Bridge, where the river enters the deep gorge between the limstone rocks beloved of nature lovers, aud the scene there may be well imagined. Tumbling aud roaring, the river seemed intent on widening its course, but the rocks were adamant against its strength and it had to take its time in order to reach the broader reaches below; but over the rocks near Whorlton and Wycliffe it was again making merry, and so it went on in its mighty effort to reach the sea in record time. Whether it did will probably never be known, but while its effort was in progress it presented a spectacle which, as one respected inhabitant of Barnard Castle said, may not be seen again for thirty years. " But," he added, " it has not come np to 1880 "—by which he meant that the Tees was not equal to that gigantic effort which some forty or fifty years ago carried away the old Thorngate footbridge and incidentally killed two men. Aud yet, if up-river people do but speak truly, that was the last time the river was seen flowing through the flood holes of Middleton bridge. By two o'clock ou Monday afternoon we had seen the height of Tees' fury, aud after that- it gradually subsided until by six iu the evening it had sunk at least a yard, aud Percy Beck, although making a lot of noise aud still very full, was a very long way below the deck of the wooden bridge which all the afternoon it had been trying to lift from its foundations. W. [todth" pP^P^y gave a tambourine B item C o m P a n y contributed an f of thf' vti C o o k e r y Song.' Lily R with Company delighted the Fj,,,.. ?, a v e r y clever Russian dance "Vi »? p a n y- gave Brahms pretty f*°y to" U ? Boatman." The Fourth u d En 8'>8h dance and the L ^BrinD Programme with further h ttnrL*? ', u t e t v a l M r J- Ingram Ntothr!, t h e t h a B k a o» the large t 0 " ' and .r* 101 ™^, the organiser, Mr IN th„ ,i '"asorer, M r j. £ . jj e n t ) n?" 1 ' Ui » d o n e t o m a k e the effort L^lfcf^ection at the Park gates P gf *°m 'ti '' w h i o h w 'th £20 lis. 2£d., LL^'Pta f„, 6 .l t r e e t collection, made the ***«*ltom* y £ 2 1 68 - 8d - T h i s BEST KEPT ALLOTMENTS. The Barnard Castle and District Allotment Holders' Association, instead of holding a show, have this year given prizes to the members for the best kept allotments with a view of encouraging tidiness and better cultivation of plots. The judges—Messrs C. W. Raushaw and J . Wearmouth, who had the assistance of the President (Mr T. Peacock)—have made their awards as follow :— Town Head Field—equal 1, J . W. Hunter, Galgate, and W. Hewitt, Galgate, 51 points; reserve, J . Lynn, Montalbo Terrace, 37. Charity Field—1, F. Walton, Ware Street, 74 ; 2, H. Wilson. Victoria Terrace East, 67 ; 3, W. Greveson, Wilson Street, 51 ; 4, Miss Audas, Demesnes, 46 ; reserve, J. Andas, Galgate, 42. Britton's Field—1, H. Dent, Horse Market, 86; 2, J . Simpson, Wood Street, 61; 8, P. Clift, Edward Terrace, 37; reserve, A. Stoddart, Baliol Street, 34. Intake—1, T. Thistlethwaite, Thorngate, 75; 2, J. Kearton, Thorngate, 61; 3, W. Waine, Thorngate, 54. Allotments not under the Association—1, R. T. Tiplady, Startforth, 80; 2, W. Ascougb, Bank, 79; reserve, T. Robinson, Newgate, 62. GROUSE SHOOTING. UPPER TEESDALE. The Twelfth opened iu brilliant sunshine iu Teesdale. Messrs Turner Bros, and party from Middleton House, shot over Monks Law on Friday and at Pikelaw on Saturday, good sport being obtaiued on both days. Lord Rochdale, who is again shooting the Wemmergill Moors, had two very good days on Friday and Saturday—the best for some time. A good opening was also made at Close House on Friday by Mr Levitt and party from Holwick Hall. On the whole the prospects of a successful shooting season are good in Teesdale. Birkdale Moor was shot over ou the Twelfth by Sir Edmund Bushby, Mr W. W. Higgiu, Mr Paul Layton, Mr John Layton, Major Mostyn, Mr Williams, and Mr Gillie Scott, the bag for the day being 129 .S brace. Saturday's bag was 89 brace. Birds wero plentiful, but small. On Moor House Shoot, adjoining Birkdale, shooting commenced on Monday by Mr J . G . Chapman, Mr R. W. Colling and party from Newmarket. Hilton Moor, adjoining Birkdale Moor, was shot over by Mr Chapman aud party on the 12th and 13th, there being good bags both days. Riggside Moors will be shot over by Captain Stanley Wilson and Mr Norman Field aud party on Friday. BARNINGHAM MOOR. There was good sport ou Barniugham Moor, where the day's bag amounted to 282 brace. Sir Frederick Milbank's party at Barningham Park, includiug himself, Colonel Sir Murrough J. Wilson, M.P., Major H . E . Morritt, Mr Dngdale (Craythorne), Mr Bougliton Knight, Mr M. V. Milbank, Mr J . Milbank, and Mr D. Milbank. The Barningham bag was the third best reported on the opcuing day. Mr T. G. Dugdale and party, from (Slmonby Hall, began shooting at Gilmonby and High Scargill ou Monday and had a good bag. A SCHEME THAT WENT "AGLEY." Two bags of grouse intended for the early London market bad their arrival unexpectedly delayed by au accident to the aeroplane in which they were being carried. The birds had been shot in the early morning on Cotberstone Low Moor, which belongs to Sir Emanuel Hoyle, Huddersfield, and for tbeir transport an aeroplane had been engaged. All went well until the pilot began to rise near Lartingtou village when the aeroplane struck a stone wall, breaking one of the guides of the steering apparatus and the plane being unable to rise further dashed iuto a thick set hedge on the other side of a field belongiug to Mr P. Sayer and stuck there. All the propeller blades were smashed and the left wing of the machine was torn. Many people weut to look at the disabled machine ou Friday and Saturday. Of course, it had to be dismantled before it could be removed. BARNARD CASTLE POLICE. Miss Inez Howard's company is announced to give " White Cargoes " at The Victoria Hall, Barnard Castle, on September 2nd and 3rd. WEDNESDAY. Before Mr II. L . Fife (Chairmau), Lord Barnard, Mrs H. C. Watson, Mr C. J . Smith, and Mr J . G. Hall. Rates Excused. Mr J . Iugram Dawson, Clerk to the Barnard Castle Urban District Council, making his first appearance before the court as Rating Officer for the Urban District, applied for an order of the bench to excuse four persons from the pay- ment of the poor rate on the grounds of poverty, the cases having being considered by the Rating Committee. He explained that the " appoiuted day " under the new Ratiug Act was April 1st, 1929, and until then it would be necessary to obtaiu the justices' sanction for the relief of poor persons who could not pay their rates.— The magistrates granted the application. Poultry Dealers' Offences. James Beadle, farmer, Newbiggin, was summoned for cruelty to poultry at Baruard Castle market on July 27th, contrary to the Live Poultry Order. He pleaded guilty. Mr J. Ingram Dawson, who prosecuted on behalf of the R.S.P.C.A., said the society thought it was time that proceedings should be taken to make people who had poultry for sale understand that they could not be conveyed under certain conditions. The Live Poultry Order had bean iu force since 1919, and yet there were people who apparently had never heard of it, or, if they had, did not think it would be enforced. According to the Order poultry could only be conveyed in a certain way iu order to prevent unnecessary suffering. In this case the charge was that the defend- ant tied the legs of six hens before placing them in baskets. The Order enacted that fowls' legs should not be tied. The Inspector of the R.S P.C.A., found defendant in the market with two baskets containing hens. In the larger basket four hens were lying on their sides with their legs tied, and in the 3econd basket, covered by a waterproof sheet, two hens with their legs tied, were lying on tbeir sides. For two years, said Mr Dawson, the Inspector had been warning people iu Barnard Castle market against this practice. Inspector Chaney, of the R.S.P.C.A., Darlington District, proved having seen the hens in the basket as stated, and said that when spoken to defendant declared that he knew nothing about the Live Poultry Order. The Chairman : If a man wants to take poultry to market, how should he do so ? The Inspector : He must have a basket propealy constructed so that the birds can never get their heads through, and if their legs are tied there must be nothing over the top of the basket. If there is a cover on it is not necessary to tie the fowls' legs. Defendant said they were healthy chickens and he sold them to a Darlington man. The Chairman : Were they bought for killing purposes ? Defendant: I could not tell you. They were all right when they were loose. I kn aw uothing about the Act. I am sorry. I would not have brought them that way if I had known. I will not do so any more. This is my first offence. In fining the defendant 5s., the Chairman told him to be more careful in the future. Mrs Elizabeth Jones, farmer's wife, Windy Hill, Eggleston, was summoned for cruelty to six cockerels by conveying them in a receptacle of insufficient size. She pleaded guilty. Mr Dawson, for the R.S.P.C.A., said the birds were standing on each other in a basket and some bad tbeir heads through the net covering it.' Mrs Jones' excuse was that the poultry had been kept in the basket longer than was intended owing to the late arrival of the purchaser. Inspector Chaney said defendant had a small basket containing six cockerels, its dimensions being 18 inches long and six inches deep, with a net of wide mesh over the top. It was impossible to see more than four birds unless the basket was turned over. Witness watched the basket from 11 a.m. to 1-30 p.m. before he found the defendant. She said she had brought the birds to market for a man to buy, and as he* did not come they were in the basket longer than she expected them to be. Witness added that the fowls were gasping for breath. Defendant, who expressed her sorrow and said she would not offend again, was fined 5s. BARNARD CASTLE SHOW SCENES. Here are three scenes at the Baruard Castle Agricultural Society's 121st auuual show at Spring Lodge, on Thursday. The upper view shows the President, Sir Frederick Milbank, Bart., judging iu one of tho ridiug classes. The lower picture gives a general view of the show field, with some of the competitors aud ou the right Mr T. B. Forster, J.P., Chairmau of the Barnard Castle Urban District Council, aud au enthusiastic supporter of the show for many years. The view on the left of this column shows tho three cups competed for. (Photographs by Mr E . Holdsworth, Baruard Castle.) NEWS OF THE UPPER DALE. I BY OUR CORRBSPONDKNT. ] A severe thunderstorm broke over Teesdalo last week, four cattle, tho property of Mr T. Blacklock, Bowbauk, being killed. Two more belongiug to Mr H. Lee, Lane Head, Middleton, were killed, and a third injured. The sports day at Egglestou iu aid of hospital funds realised £28. Teu pounds were sent to Greenbank Hospital, Darlington, £6 to Newcastle Infirmary, and £2 to Sunderland Eye and Ear Hospital, X'lu beiug kept iu reserve toward a further effort next year. The death took place on Saturday of Mr Joseph Colliusou, of West Field, Mickletou. Deceased was taken very ill on Friday aud removed to Greenbauk Hospital, Darliugtou, where he died a few hours after being admitted. The greatest sympathy is extended to his wife and three daughters who mourn their loss. Mr Colliusou was of quiet disposition, and greatly respected throughout the dale. Mr J . Burney, Middleton, last week lauded a fine salmon weighing fourteen pounds. The Tees was iu big flood on Mouday, aud High Force, which presented a scene of the utmost grandeur, was visited by a very large number of spectators. Above the falls aud below them the roads were flooded aud travel- ling was accomplished with difficulty, some of the highways being nearly impassable. Many of the fields were flooded, and huge quautities of hay were washed away. MIDDLETON FARMERS' MART. Mr J . W. Dent, chairman, preeided at the third annual meeting of shareholders of the Middleton• in• Teesdale Farmers' Mart, Ltd., held at the Temperance Hotel ou Saturday. There was a good gathering of shareholders, including the directors, Messrs John Brown (vice-chairman), P. Beadle, T. Collinsou, J. Collinson, J . G. Deut, J . Gargate, J . Smith, J . Thompson, M. Wearmouth, J . G. Walton, and the Secretary, Mr M. Pinkney. The report of the directors ou tho year's transactions was as follows: Stock sold :— 1925-26. 1926 7. Cattle ... 1,405 ... 1,229 Sheep ... 11,401 ... 10,124 Pigs 61 ... 64 Horses ... 21 ... 6 The value of stock sold was j£32,574 16s. 6d., against £85,082 Is. 9d. io the previous year, a decrease of £2,507 5s. 3d. The sale commission was £568 lis. od., against £626 17s., a decrease of £58 5s.9d. The expenses were £587 12s. 8d., against £653 13s. 8d., a decrease of £66 Is. The revenue accouut shows a net profit of £82 5s. od. The directors recommended this should be carried to capital account. Colonel H. C. Watson moved the adoption of the report and balance sheet. Mr J . W. Robinson seconded.—Agreed to. On the proposition of Mr'R. W. Raiue, J.P , seconded by Colonel Watson, all the retiring directors were reelected—Messrs J . W. Deut, T. Collinson, M. Wearmouth and J. G. Walton, as also was the auditor, Mr W. G. Brown, on the motion of Mr J . W. Robinson, seconded by Mr R, Collinson. Colonel Watson moved a vote of thanks to the directors for the efficient way in which the mart had been conducted, remarking they were the right sort of men to fill such positions and it could scarcely be other than successful. Mr R. T. Atkinson seconded. Mr J . W. Deut responded ou behalf of the directors, and thanked the shareholders for the confidence they had placed iu them. BOWLS. BARNARD. CASTLE POLICE v. BISHOP AUCKLAND. The return bowling match between teams renie- preaeotiug the Barnard Castle and Bishop Auckland Police divisions was played on Friday at Bishop Auckland, the result being a wiu for the Baruard Castle team by 69 poiuts to 60. Scores : BARNARD CASTLE. PC's Falp, T G Pallace, H Pedtler, SeigtGlover (s) 21 PC's I Harrison, R T Carradice, F J Tyrrell, R G Camerou (s) 21 PC's M D Smith, J Swan, F E Colley, R Heudersou (s) 26 69 BtSHor AUCKLAND. PC Bell, Insp. Smith, PC Watts, Inap Moore (s) 16 PC's Lydoii, Thompson, Shapliu, Dixon (s) ... 21 PC's Mould, Christie, Sergt Armstrong, PC Jackson (s) '23 60 BARNARD CASTLE v. DARLINGTON CO-OPERATIVE. Barnard Castle Bowling Club went to Darlington on Tuesday to play the Darlington Co-operative Society team. They returned wiunera by 119 to 41. Scores: BARNARD CASTLI. R B Morton, R G Cameron, J Franklin (s)... 25 H Bennett, J Thompson, H Hobson (s) ... 30 H Bainbridge, J Appleby, F C Dalgarno (s) 34 . G Craig, J W Bewick, J Glover (s) ... 30 —119 DARLINGTON. H Crowe, J Thwaites, H Carlton (s) .11 J Peacock, H Bell, W Wailes (s) 8 F Farrow, J Robiuson, J Madden (s) ... 16 J Daley, A Johnson, T Hunter (s) 6 —41 BARNARD CASTLE v. CHILTON IU. At Barnard Castle on Saturday. Scores : BARNARD CASTLE. R Wood, H Brown, J Appleby (s) 25 J Bainbridge, J W Bewick, T Gowland (s)... 25 ft Pratt, J G Hall, F Welford (a) 19 J Shield, W Emerson, H-Hobson (s) ... 8 -77 CHILTON R.A. T Hardy, W Hailes, G Bullet- (s) 19 W Rundle, VV Headley, A Winter (s) ... 5 A Burt, W P Trees, F Knox (s) 14 J Dale, J Ratclilfe, W McDouald (s) ... 33 —71 To-night the Barnard Castle club play Darlington Central iu a league encounter, and to-morrow they will entertain the Appleby team in a return match. Both games will be played on the Bowes Museum Park Green. GOLF. The " August" Cup of the Teesdale Golf Club, presented by Mr H. M. Liugford, was played for over 36 holes. Mr J . A. S. Steele made the best return, 138 uett, and becomes the holder for the ensuing year. Mr Lingford himself was second with nett 146. Mr R. Graham, a former resident at Barnard Castle, was the captain of the Welsh bowling team which took part in the International Games between the four countries at South- ampton last month. Infants attending the Barnard Castle Church Sunday School were entertained to tea in the Mission Hall on Thursday evening, aud after- ward^ they were entertained with games. The children had a very happy time under the superiutendeuce of Miss Hartley and other workers, aud at the conclusion each child was presented with a bag of sweets by Mrs Bircham. Had the weather been fine the gathering would have been held in the Vicarage. The Late Mr William Wheatle?. The funeral took place at the Church Cemetery, Barnard Castle, yesterday week, of Mr William Wheatley, who, until comparatively recently, was a resident in the town. After farming for many years at Pecknall, he became secretary to the Barnard Castle Farmers' Auction Mart, subsequently living in retirement in Vane Road. On his wife's death he went to live at Bridlington with his daughter, who married Mr Melviu, the Town Clerk there. The funeral was conducted by the Rev. H. W. H. Bircham, Vicar, and was attended by deceased's daughter and son-in-law and a number of old friends. CRICKET. OLD I1ARNARDIANS' CRICKET TOUR. The match against Morpeth arranged for Monday, August 8th, was rained off. OLD BARNARDIANS v. BELSAY. At Belsay, Tuesday,August 9th, Scores: Old liarnardians. F Haswell c Atkinson b Dudds ... 18 W R Davies run out 30 W R Wilson lbw b Best 8 R Arrowsmith b Dudds ... ... 2 M Adlard st Wood b Dodds 2 T A Southern b Best ... ... ... 8 J Carse b Best 4 J Swann b Best 8 W S Willis c Pye b Dodds 17 H Brewis lbw b Dodds 2 A Davidson not out 10 Extras ... 8 Total ... —117 13 18 13 12 11 14 —81 Belsay. F T Richardson b Wilson W G Dodds c and b Swann ... T W Atkinson c Willis b Brewis E Wood b Brewis S Wood not out Extras Total (for 4 wkts) Rain stopped play. OLD BARNARDIANS v. COL MILVAIN'S XI. At Eglingham, Wednesday, Aug. 10th. Scores : Col Milvain's X L J Taylor b Atkinson 9 S Anderson lbw b Arrowsmith ... I I Sir Archibald White b Arrowsmith ... 18 Captain Heath b Wilson 19 Rev H White b Wilson 2 H Macdonald c Adlard b Wilson ... 26 J Johnson st Willis b Atkinson ... 4 R White c Adlard b Wilson 10 • J White not out 0 Col Milvain run out 0 T Morley b Atkinson 0 Extras ... 2 Total ... —101 Old Barnardians. E Carse c R White b Rev White ... 10 T A Southern lbw b Rev White ... 36 J Swann b Heath 4 J Carse b Rev White 23 R Arrowsmith lbw b Heath 4 W R Wilson b Rev White 16 M Adlard st Milvain b Rev White ... 11 F Stamp not out 7 J M Edney b Johnson 2 Extras ... 12 Total (for 8 wkts) ... 125 W S Willis and J Atkinson did not bat. OLD BARNARDIANS v. TYNEMOUTH. At Tynemouth on Thursday. Scores : Old Barnardians T A Southern b Lee 3 F Coulson lbw b Purvis ... ... 1 W R Wilson b Purvis 9 ' R Arrowsmith c TurnbuU b Lee ... 3 M Adlard not out 21 W R Davics c H Lee b Purvis ... 2 Dr Anderson c Coldwell b Lee ... 13 J R Swann b Lee 1 F Stamp b Lee 0 W S Willis b C W Rhind 20 A Davidson run out 2 Extras ... 8 Total ... - 8 3 Tynemouth. C W Rhind retired ... • 50 A Scott b Coulson ... 31 H C Lee b Wilson 9 J Much c Wilson b Arrowsmith ... 13 L Purvis c Willis b Anderson 9 W A Chart c Wilson b Anderson ... 18 H Coldwell c Swann b Coulson ... 15 H Lee c Davies b Anderson 2 J Turnbu 11 c Wilson b Coulson ... 2 G Hebron not out 10 Extras ... 17 Total (for 9 wkts) ... —176 F Haswell did not bat. BARNARD CASTLE 2nd X I . v. GAINFORD. Played at Gainford on Saturday. Scores : Baruard Castle. - A Waine lbw b Wainford 9, J Johnson lbw b Wainford 15, J S Parkinson c Charge b Watson I, H Thistleth waite b Watson 13, R Watson b Ivcson 15, J C Swinhoe c Wood b Watson 4, F Wilkinson c and b Iveson 1, W D Douglass b Iveson 0, A Wright not out 9, J W Layrield c Brown b Iveson 4, C D Jackson c Watson b Wainford 4, extras 13 ; total- 88. Gainford. T Wood c Jackson b Watson 0, Wainford b Swinhoe 1. F Wood c Waine b Lay- field 22, R Iveson b Watson 5 Watson c Layfield b Watson 2, Johnson lbw b Swinhoe 2, Ron Iveson c Thistlethwaitc b Layfield 8, Robinson c Swinhoe b Johnson 0, Brown c Wilkinson b Johnson 0, Charge not out 1, Harness b Johnson 1, extras 7; total—49. TENNIS. BARNARD CASTLE CLUB TOURNAMENT. The winners of the tennis tournament held on Saturday iu connection with the Barnaul Castle Cricket and Tennis Club were Miss Norah Robinson aud Mr R. A. Pounder, who won 61 games out of 72; the next pair being Miss Phyllis Holdsworth and Mr G. V. Taru, who wou 55 games out of 72. MARKETS. DARLINGTON PRODUCE, Monday.- Butter, Is. 7d. to Is. Sd. per lb. ; eggs, Is. 9d. per dozen. MIDDLETON PROVISIONS, Yesterday—Butter, Is. 8d. per lb. ; eggs, 2e. lOd. per score. KIRKBY STEPHEN PROVISIONS, Monday.— Butter, Is. id. per lb. wholesale, Is. 8d. to Is. 9d. retail; eggs, 2s. 6d. per score wholesale, 2s. lOd. retail, BARNARD CASTLE CATTLE, Wednesday! August 10.—There were forward 43 dairy cows and a few store cattle. Calved cows—S. Allison, Mar- wood, £17 10s.; M. Coltinau, Middleton-in-Teesdale, £36 ; G. H. Littlefair, Raby, £36 ; H. Hall, Bar- ford, £35 and £31 ; W. Gibson, Newbiggin, £ 3 3 ; J. W. Raine, Barnard Castle, £ 3 3 ; R Close, Hazel- gill, £ 3 2 5s.; G. Atkinson tc Sons, West Shaws, £32 ; T. Metcalfe, Caldwell. £ 3 1 ; T. W. Crisp, Evenwood, £30 5s. In-calvers—S. Moore, Eggleston, £28 ; J . R. Robsou, Gowan House, £ 3 7 . Average prices for store cattle. BARNARD CASTLE CATTLE, Mouday, August August 15.—There were eutered 51 fat cattle, 313 sheep and lambs, aud three pigs. Beef made from 48s. to 54s. 6d. per cwt. live weight. Shearling sheep to 66s., lambs 59s., H.B. sheep 52s., and Scots ewes 31s. 6d. Pork pigs to £ 3 10s. each. MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE CATTLE MART, Yesterday.—Au excellent show of lambs, the numbers lieing in excess of last year's. Chief prices : H.B. lambs—John Taru, Rosel«rry, 45s.; William Watson, Newbiggin, 45s. 6d.; Joseph Foster, Bow Bank, 42s. 6d ; J. Clarkson, Cotherstone, 40». 9d. li.V. lambs : Thomas Dejt, Rigg, Lunedale, 33s.; Thomas Addisou, Hayberries, 24».; Albert Walton, Forest, 31s 3d.; Joseph Allison, Egglesburn, 33s. 6d.; others to 30s. each. A total clearance. Births, Marriages and Deaths. IN MEMORIAM. HIGG1NBOTHAM. — In proud and ever loving memory of dear Gordon, only son of Captain Ernest aud Ada Higginbotham, killed in action, 22nd August, 1917, aged 19 years.—Ever remem- bered by his father, mother, and sister. A PRUDENT PURCHASE FOR PRACTICAL PEOPLE : UNGFORDS' Baking Powder

Transcript of N. BOUSFIBLD, Coversteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1927/August-17/August-17... · 2011. 12. 13. ·...

Page 1: N. BOUSFIBLD, Coversteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1927/August-17/August-17... · 2011. 12. 13. · kt 3 p.m., HURDLES aud ILLOW HURDLE? en used at the Show, required to remove thai

A N D T E E S D A T ; h O N M A R T C o . , L T D .

J T I O N E B R S : [ I N B R I D O K A S O N .

N. B O U S F I B L D ,

1927. A U O U S T 1 7 T H ,

lot C A L V E D A I N C A i „ | B I K E R S and all Ch

and S H E E P . Ittion aud attention

10 30 a m.

A U G U S T 32ND.

' E A T C A T T L E , S H E p u

| D P I G S . 11 a.m. prompt.




i t e able to offer a very limited Dumber of

Tapestry Table Covers

At Prices ranging

4 3 u p to 21 - e a c h . from ,bove are very special purchases aud cannot be beaten at the price.

. a BONUS on all Purebates at Ncvison's.

[ I L K I N S O N , Secretary |nard Castle.

t T O N I N T E E S D A L f i M A R T , L T D .

I Y , A U O U S T 23RD.

l C O W S and 1 S T S P E c i A r feTHER L A M B S and .n | also 1ST S P E C I A L S \ r p

G E L D C A T T L E . 1 1

•15 a.m. prompt.

P I N K N E Y , Secretary, on in Teesdale.

C L E A G R I C U L T U R A T ~ l O C I E T Y . *

) F H U R D L E S .

Bousfield kn, in the S H O W F I E L D I

, Barnard Castle, on , A U G U S T 1 7 T H , 1927,

kt 3 p.m., H U R D L E S aud I L L O W H U R D L E ?

en used at the Show, required to remove thai

J Field on or before Fridn. l |9tb. 1


rkinson & Sons ll by Auction, on f, A U G U S T 2 5 T H , 1927,

Rnmeuts of H O U S E H O L and C A R P E T S , includioS

P I A N O S , by R. I . Wooc

Jsobean Oak Sideboard, | l Piauo, by Ralph Allison i

»uy Hall Staud and 2 Chain gauy Sideboard, Oak Dra»

|iate Leg Table, 7-piece Wal e, Chesterfield, in Leathetl aogauy Cake Stand, Malioi aud, 2 Mahogany Ron

fcrbs aud Brasses, Davenpc (Large Gilded Mirror, Ba Tapestry Carpet, 4 x :!)yik] I Square, 3 x i i y d s . ; Axmii aare, 3i x 3yds. ; Tap

Tapestry Square, 3 x -tyds.1 els Carpet, 3 x 41 yds. J

| t Oak Office Desk, 2 Easjj cb, 60 Pictures, Ornaments

| * D O A K W A R D K O B B S , 5ft. i

eugths, 2 Earned Oak Ittresses, Hair Mattress, ledsteads, Siugle Bedstead,i 1ft. Jacobean Oak Bedra

Walnut Toilet Tab kak Corner Cupboard, pen Dresser, 2 L a w n Mowei

2 Prams, Quantity Ola bgors, aud many sundries. I 30 a.m. and 1 p.m.

B U T T E R K N O W L E .

B Y P U B L I C A U C T I O N , M B T H O D I S T S C H O O L R O O M

C o i ' L B Y ,

\m 29TH D A Y O F Auobsr, 19

it 6-30 p.m., Wilkinson, Auctioneer,

L O T 1. J L O C K O F F R E K H O l i

opyhold) P R O P E R T Y , ) W E L L I N G H O U S E S , N«

, at C O P L E Y B E N T , n« Durham, as now occupy

eury Wade and others. ) S E S of Excel lent Moado*j i D , containing &t Acres j lie occupation of Mr K.

L O T 2. k.GE, being No. 30, C O P U - j icupation of Mr Robt. Brow" rticulars and Order to »*

I O N B K B , at bis Offices, Bi*

l H A N B Y H O L M E S ,

Solicitor, Barnard Caa^J

tY^YEARTsiNS M e r c u r y , Anpit 22nd,

) F J O H N B O W E S . ESQ-l E A T L A M C A S T L E . Drenoon a srrfall congreg*' I'S Church, Piccadilly. o B

riage of John Bowes, Es& knd Madame Alphonsine *

Comtesse de Courten, oi od. and 44, Rue de U £ J

| came, accompanied by *** half-past eleven o'clock, by the Comtesse de Coa of her stepfather, M- l"*.

or of the Library of Arsefl* the Order of the Leg**

ame Lucas, her mother. I of Strathmore. The marn

jformed by the Rev- *T [of St. James's, the C o *

y her stepfather. iippolyte Lucas /ece'^

, meet Mr and Mrs B o W « [Alexandra Hotel, H v g^rl log the guests were the . nd Mrs H . Morgan Van*

W. Kinglake (the hiSto | Western, Mr Henry °*

._ne, etc. Before the c o w ^ ll of Strathmore p r ° P f \ x r Intences the health oj • ^

in the day Mr and S»r» . Mr Bowes c a B * ^

_„e esutes in the notv Kh Ear l of S t m t h r n o r e - ^ i Saturday morning t h e

0 „t ., Barnard Castle, r a ^ y intervals during the t

re repeated. At ha"-P , U I , I the 21st Durham * -fi good force, and s h o w f ,

"i the band of t b e

p l a c e , along the Market r to the splendid »s ** "on there and fot&^M

ere the corps was » i e t ^ . . of the building a n d ' % e . p ° l . Atkinson fired » " * ' , v-aJ* ers. Flags floated ̂ L ^ L

and wishes for tbe^ ^ $fr groom were heard °

R E D N E V I S O N , B O N U S S H O P ,

B ANK, B A R N A R D C A S T L E .


IcVitie & Price's Digestive.

T R Y I T T O D A Y .

;@eesdate iDei*cutnj ^ R I T C A S T L E , A U G U S T 17th, 1927.

SfAND DISTRia NEWS. ,cD.ponnd salmon was caught in the jjgrtforth on Monday evening;

I L Barnes aud Kathleen Bronmley, roPi r«r ' ' s a t " i e S ' s h ° P Auckland Girls

School, have passed the Durham gty Higher Certificate Examination.

• weight of the beast used at Barnard L[or the block test was 51st. l j l b . I t mohtered by Mr Richard Watson and jby Mr W. G . Richardsou.

who intend to enter the beauty or Contest at Sledwich fete to-morrow u jeud their eutries at once to the uiioB Secretary, c/o Teesdale Mercury rBHcard Castle. . r . [ R. Douglas Ord, cf Bangor, North .^uofMr Robert Ord, Startfortb, will lit Barnard Castle Wesleyan Church ou

C< eveoiog. Mr Douglas Ord has been Ld to the Windermere circuit, to which I be transferred in September. tiz " Mademoiselle from Armoutieres,"

in all respects, will doubtless bo dwith the same enthusiasm in Baruard

Jiselsewhere. We enjoyed the private terday aud all who visit the Wycliffe

i the next three days will spend a Ebiy enjoyable evening.

.'mooUt Fete. Imoldremind our readers of the Unionist lobe held at Sledwich to-morrow. Given

i weather it should be a real treat, kprdens are lovely. Besides tennis and •Bunts there are numerous entertain-

Mrs Norman Field and Mrs P. Pease Bg in a laughable farce—" Geese," the dCastle Imps (including Master Harry

| u>d the " Blue Birds " will present ltd comic interludes; while the

i Acrobats, mostly juniors, are worth Alter tea there are an open-air whist

[ i beauty competition (prizes being by ballot), and dancing. Special

II service buses will ruu every half-hour • Galgate and Sledwich.

JPitichtrs' Mutual A id . lis for the funds of the Wesleyau

i! Local Preachers' Mutual Aid Society Imade ou Sunday at Barnard Castle no Church by Mr A. Cowling, Darlington, I discourses were listened to with deep

His recital at the close of his sermons «? gems afforded added delight, that • the morning being Patrick Chalmers' dabonts aud Swings," and those IU the !. being Robert Burns' " To a mouse "

leniiysou's " Crossing the Bar." I u •ation oi the appeal a meeting was held ' . ereniug uudcr the presidency of Mr

JMRtr, when Mr Cowling gave an eloquent T setting forth the claims of the funds

»e of the hard cases which it has been 1 to meet.

*e Scala Cinema, Barnard Castle next | « Sutherland is screening on Mouday, W i Wednesday and Saturday, " T h e Big % described as the greatest human Never screened. T h i s is the film that •all London for six mouths at the Tivoli [Strand. This wonderful, remarkable, *taary victure, with John Gilbert iu the S™e, is one for everyone to see.


>ed by Mr S. E . Harrison, of the •wisenu,, an effort was made at Barnard

* Thursday to raise funds for the Alexandra Memorial Eund for the

phon of the endowment fund of Queen s Jubilee Institute for Nurses, its

associations, and the nurses' long-JjPeosiou fund. As there are two of the 1 ' aurses in Barnard Castle, the effort

to the people of the town, whose J P » » were substantial. A flower-day | J " w the arrangemeut aud there was |™se-tobouse collection. In the evening r Agricultural Show—one of the finest

»e have experienced this summer iu Castle—there was a concert in the

m o f c U m P a r k o f which the programme ""fled by the Baruard Castle Town £ members of the four companies of ^ i' f ^ e o a n a < w a s u u d e r the able direc-

w. Robinson and gave au excellent , he opening march, " Listen to the

|C»liDi? f o l l o w e d by the overture from E r o f B B R d a d . " Four Companies of K r e P r e 8 e n t e d , the Firs t being

Smith, the Second 6f Miss B . k l l i o u r t n

o t M i » s Robson and the K « », o r r o w d a l ° - T h e Fourth Com-

> ! " ! • Welsh folk song, " T h e Ash ["V'H e P r v Smart's two-part song, fiSLr* ? f t u C o « u p a n y followiug with a K r ^ u d 'be Second Company with a

W d C Leader Jessie McCall,


Monday will be remembered as the day ou which ouo of the most remarkable floods occurred in the Tees, providing a striking instance of how rapidly a river may rise and fall. T h e Tecs kept up its reputation as the second swiftest river iu the kingdom by giving one of its exhibitions of rising to abnormal heights and subsidiug to something like its ordinary depth iu one day. Rain felt all night on Sunday, and in the morning showed no sign of abating—indeed, as the day advanced the rainfall increased in the upper reaches of the river, and about the middle of the forenoon was coming down in torrents, especially iu the Middleton district. T h e waterlogged moors abovo High Force were unable to hold any more water, and into the river it had to go, and soon there was ruuuiug over High Force such a volume of water as not only covered the central rock, but actually had to run through the little wicket-gate on the north side in order to escape.

By the time observers of this memorable sight had reached Middleton the river there had reached a height rarely seen, for the water was pouring through the flood-holes on the sides of Middleton bridge, and under the central arch was running at from fifteen to twenty miles an hour, briuging down all kinds of debris, including lengths of timber and great logs and trees uprooted by the strong current. Rising every moment, the flooded river continued its wild career, its stream being augmented by every tributary. L u n e was one of the largest contributors to the curreut, and Balder joined in the effort to make Tees memorable. AH the becks added their quota, and even Percy Beck, usually oue of the most placid little streams to woo a poet's fancy, assumed the character of a mountain torrent, and being unable to enter Tees as fast as it would like, had its waters banked so high that by the time it reached the wooden bridge where people cross it to go along the King's Walk, it was lapping the deck of the structure, above which lay a mass of spume a yard wide giving the appearance of a great washing-tank on washing day with soap-suds covering the water. Percy Beck even overflowed its banks near the confluence with the river, aud-helped to flood that picturesque little patch of green where Barnard Castle Town Baud sometimes delights the townsfolk and holiday folk on Sunday afternoons. That was at two o'clock iu the afternoon.

Further down, all the morning, prople were watching the river and calculating how much further its volume would increase by the time that the Middleton water reached Barnard Castle bridge. So great was the rash of the river that it had no time to wash round the corner of Startforth Mill, but passed straight on in a solid wall two or three feet high. Up aud up it rose until it was nearly lappiug the ledges of the windows of the mill premises, and at Barnard Castle bridge it was a foot or two above the spring of the arch. People stood on the bridge watchiug the timber come down, aud squirmed as some great balk crashed against the masonry before passing through the arch.

Between the bridge and the footbridge further down the salvage of floating wood was going on, and it would be hard to estimate the number of tons of timber that the river brought down. Men and lads with grappling-hooks on long poles were having the time of their lives in " catchiug " or failing to catch the flotsam and jetsam that the river was bringing just within their grasp aud as rapidly snatching out of it, as if to add another to the perils to which denizens of a river area are subjected. Very wisely most of the anglers for firewood avoided the larger logs in their transit, but some were successful iu landing some sizeable pieces, aud oue could o e e the fortunate ones with loads as heavy as they could carry bearing with pride the fruits of their euterprise, no doubt to furnish tbeir wood-sheds with logs against the rigours of the coming winter. It 's au ill wind that blows nobody good.

By noon the water had reached the level of the footpath near the footbridge ou the Start-forth side, and one could see how each recurring eddy brought the water nearer the edge of the bank, so that by two o'clock the footpath itself was part aud parcel of the river and oue could only pass along that way by climbing on to the wire railing of the adjoining fence. Aud over the rocks between the two bridges the river was rushing with wild abandon carrying all before it. Onward we wandered, past Mains Mill, aud on to Abbey Bridge, where the river enters the deep gorge between the limstone rocks beloved of nature lovers, aud the scene there may be well imagined.

Tumbling aud roaring, the river seemed intent on widening its course, but the rocks were adamant against its strength and it had to take its time in order to reach the broader reaches below; but over the rocks near Whorlton and Wycliffe it was again making merry, and so it went on in its mighty effort to reach the sea in record time. Whether it did will probably never be known, but while its effort was in progress it presented a spectacle which, as one respected inhabitant of Barnard Castle said, may not be seen again for thirty years. " But," he added, " it has not come np to 1880 "—by which he meant that the Tees was not equal to that gigantic effort which some forty or fifty years ago carried away the old Thorngate footbridge and incidentally killed two men. Aud yet, if up-river people do but speak truly, that was the last time the river was seen flowing through the flood holes of Middleton bridge.

By two o'clock ou Monday afternoon we had seen the height of Tees' fury, aud after that- it gradually subsided until by six iu the evening it had sunk at least a yard, aud Percy Beck, although making a lot of noise aud still very full, was a very long way below the deck of the wooden bridge which all the afternoon it had been trying to lift from its foundations.


[todth" pP^P^y gave a tambourine B item C o m P a n y contributed an f of thf' vti C o o k e r y Song.' L i l y R with Company delighted the

• Fj,,,.. ?, a v e r y clever Russian dance " V i » ? p a n y - gave B r a h m s pretty

f*°y to"U? Boatman." T h e Fourth u d E n 8'>8h dance and the

L ^BrinD Programme with further h ttnrL*? ' , u t e t v a l M r J - Ingram N t o t h r ! , t h e t h a B k a o» the large t 0"' and .r* 1 0 1 ™^, the organiser, Mr I N th„ , i '"asorer, M r j . £ . j j e n t )

n?"1' Ui » d o n e t o m a k e the effort L ^ l f c f ^ e c t i o n at the Park gates P g f*°m 'ti ' ' w h i o h w ' t h £ 2 0 l i s . 2£d., LL^'Pta f„, 6 . l t r e e t collection, made the

***«*ltom*y £ 2 1 68-8d- T h i s

BEST KEPT ALLOTMENTS. T h e Barnard Castle and District Allotment

Holders' Association, instead of holding a show, have this year given prizes to the members for the best kept allotments with a view of encouraging tidiness and better cultivation of plots. The judges—Messrs C . W. Raushaw and J . Wearmouth, who had the assistance of the President (Mr T . Peacock)—have made their awards as follow :—

Town Head Field—equal 1, J . W. Hunter, Galgate, and W. Hewitt, Galgate, 51 points; reserve, J . L y n n , Montalbo Terrace, 37.

Charity Field—1, F . Walton, Ware Street, 74 ; 2, H . Wilson. Victoria Terrace E a s t , 67 ; 3, W. Greveson, Wilson Street, 51 ; 4, Miss Audas, Demesnes, 46 ; reserve, J . Andas, Galgate, 42.

Britton's Field—1, H . Dent, Horse Market, 86; 2, J . Simpson, Wood Street, 61; 8, P. Clift, E d w a r d Terrace, 37; reserve, A. Stoddart, Baliol Street, 34.

Intake—1, T . Thistlethwaite, Thorngate, 75; 2, J . Kearton, Thorngate, 61; 3, W. Waine, Thorngate, 54.

Allotments not under the Association—1, R. T . Tiplady, Startforth, 80; 2, W. Ascougb, Bank, 79; reserve, T . Robinson, Newgate, 62.


U P P E R T E E S D A L E . T h e Twelfth opened iu brilliant sunshine iu

Teesdale. Messrs Turner Bros, and party from Middleton House, shot over Monks L a w on Friday and at Pikelaw on Saturday, good sport being obtaiued on both days.

Lord Rochdale, who is again shooting the Wemmergill Moors, had two very good days on Friday and Saturday—the best for some time. A good opening was also made at Close House on Friday by Mr Levit t and party from Holwick Hal l .

On the whole the prospects of a successful shooting season are good in Teesdale.

Birkdale Moor was shot over ou the Twelfth by Sir Edmund Bushby, Mr W. W. Higgiu, Mr Paul Layton, Mr John Layton, Major Mostyn, Mr Williams, and Mr Gillie Scott, the bag for the day being 129 .S brace. Saturday's bag was 89 brace. Birds wero plentiful, but small.

On Moor House Shoot, adjoining Birkdale, shooting commenced on Monday by Mr J . G . Chapman, Mr R. W. Colling and party from Newmarket.

Hilton Moor, adjoining Birkdale Moor, was shot over by Mr Chapman aud party on the 12th and 13th, there being good bags both days.

Riggside Moors will be shot over by Captain Stanley Wilson and Mr Norman Field aud party on Fr iday .

B A R N I N G H A M M O O R . There was good sport ou Barniugham Moor,

where the day's bag amounted to 282 brace. Sir Frederick Milbank's party at Barningham Park, includiug himself, Colonel Sir Murrough J . Wilson, M.P., Major H . E . Morritt, Mr Dngdale (Craythorne), Mr Bougliton Knight, Mr M. V . Milbank, Mr J . Milbank, and Mr D . Milbank. T h e Barningham bag was the third best reported on the opcuing day.

Mr T . G . Dugdale and party, from (Slmonby Hall , began shooting at Gilmonby and High Scargill ou Monday and had a good bag.

A S C H E M E T H A T W E N T " A G L E Y . " Two bags of grouse intended for the early

London market bad their arrival unexpectedly delayed by au accident to the aeroplane in which they were being carried. T h e birds had been shot in the early morning on Cotberstone Low Moor, which belongs to Sir Emanuel Hoyle, Huddersfield, and for tbeir transport an aeroplane had been engaged. Al l went well until the pilot began to rise near Lartingtou village when the aeroplane struck a stone wall, breaking one of the guides of the steering apparatus and the plane being unable to rise further dashed iuto a thick set hedge on the other side of a field belongiug to Mr P. Sayer and stuck there. All the propeller blades were smashed and the left wing of the machine was torn. Many people weut to look at the disabled machine ou Friday and Saturday. Of course, it had to be dismantled before it could be removed.


Miss Inez Howard's company is announced to give " White Cargoes " at T h e Victoria Hal l , Barnard Castle, on September 2nd and 3rd.

W E D N E S D A Y . — B e f o r e Mr I I . L . Fife (Chairmau), L o r d Barnard, Mrs H . C . Watson, Mr C. J . Smith, and Mr J . G . Hal l .

Rates Excused. Mr J . Iugram Dawson, Clerk to the Barnard

Castle Urban District Council, making his first appearance before the court as Rating Officer for the Urban District, applied for an order of the bench to excuse four persons from the pay­ment of the poor rate on the grounds of poverty, the cases having being considered by the Rating Committee. He explained that the " appoiuted day " under the new Ratiug Act was April 1st, 1929, and until then it would be necessary to obtaiu the justices' sanction for the relief of poor persons who could not pay their rates.— T h e magistrates granted the application.

Poultry Dealers' Offences. James Beadle, farmer, Newbiggin, was

summoned for cruelty to poultry at Baruard Castle market on July 27th, contrary to the L i v e Poultry Order. He pleaded guilty.

Mr J . Ingram Dawson, who prosecuted on behalf of the R . S . P . C . A . , said the society thought it was time that proceedings should be taken to make people who had poultry for sale understand that they could not be conveyed under certain conditions. T h e L i v e Poultry Order had bean iu force since 1919, and yet there were people who apparently had never heard of it, or, if they had, did not think it would be enforced. According to the Order poultry could only be conveyed in a certain way iu order to prevent unnecessary suffering. I n this case the charge was that the defend­ant tied the legs of six hens before placing them in baskets. T h e Order enacted that fowls' legs should not be tied. T h e Inspector of the R . S P .C.A. , found defendant in the market with two baskets containing hens. I n the larger basket four hens were lying on their sides with their legs tied, and in the 3econd basket, covered by a waterproof sheet, two hens with their legs tied, were lying on tbeir sides. For two years, said Mr Dawson, the Inspector had been warning people iu Barnard Castle market against this practice.

Inspector Chaney, of the R . S . P . C . A . , Darlington District, proved having seen the hens in the basket as stated, and said that when spoken to defendant declared that he knew nothing about the L i v e Poultry Order.

T h e Chairman : I f a man wants to take poultry to market, how should he do so ?

T h e Inspector : He must have a basket propealy constructed so that the birds can never get their heads through, and if their legs are tied there must be nothing over the top of the basket. I f there is a cover on it is not necessary to tie the fowls' legs.

Defendant said they were healthy chickens and he sold them to a Darlington man.

T h e Chairman : Were they bought for killing purposes ?

Defendant: I could not tell you. They were all right when they were loose. I kn aw uothing about the Act. I am sorry. I would not have brought them that way if I had known. I will not do so any more. T h i s is my first offence.

In fining the defendant 5s., the Chairman told him to be more careful in the future.

Mrs El izabeth Jones, farmer's wife, Windy H i l l , Eggleston, was summoned for cruelty to six cockerels by conveying them in a receptacle of insufficient size. She pleaded guilty.

Mr Dawson, for the R . S . P . C . A . , said the birds were standing on each other in a basket and some bad tbeir heads through the net covering i t . ' Mrs Jones' excuse was that the poultry had been kept in the basket longer than was intended owing to the late arrival of the purchaser.

Inspector Chaney said defendant had a small basket containing six cockerels, its dimensions being 18 inches long and six inches deep, with a net of wide mesh over the top. I t was impossible to see more than four birds unless the basket was turned over. Witness watched the basket from 11 a.m. to 1-30 p.m. before he found the defendant. She said she had brought the birds to market for a man to buy, and as he* did not come they were in the basket longer than she expected them to be. Witness added that the fowls were gasping for breath.

Defendant, who expressed her sorrow and said she would not offend again, was fined 5s.

B A R N A R D C A S T L E S H O W S C E N E S .

Here are three scenes at the Baruard

Castle Agricultural Society's 121st

auuual show at Spring Lodge, on

Thursday. T h e upper view shows the

President, Sir Frederick Milbank, Bart.,

judging iu one of tho ridiug classes.

The lower picture gives a general view

of the show field, with some of the

competitors aud ou the right Mr T . B .

Forster, J . P . , Chairmau of the Barnard

Castle Urban District Council, aud au

enthusiastic supporter of the show for

many years. T h e view on the left of

this column shows tho three cups

competed for. (Photographs by Mr E .

Holdsworth, Baruard Castle.)


A severe thunderstorm broke over Teesdalo last week, four cattle, tho property of Mr T . Blacklock, Bowbauk, being killed. Two more belongiug to Mr H . Lee , L a n e Head, Middleton, were killed, and a third injured.

The sports day at Egglestou iu aid of hospital funds realised £ 2 8 . Teu pounds were sent to Greenbank Hospital, Darlington, £6 to Newcastle Infirmary, and £2 to Sunderland E y e and E a r Hospital, X'lu beiug kept iu reserve toward a further effort next year.

T h e death took place on Saturday of Mr Joseph Colliusou, of West Field, Mickletou. Deceased was taken very ill on Friday aud removed to Greenbauk Hospital, Darliugtou, where he died a few hours after being admitted. T h e greatest sympathy is extended to his wife and three daughters who mourn their loss. Mr Colliusou was of quiet disposition, and greatly respected throughout the dale.

Mr J . Burney, Middleton, last week lauded a fine salmon weighing fourteen pounds.

T h e Tees was iu big flood on Mouday, aud High Force, which presented a scene of the utmost grandeur, was visited by a very large number of spectators. Above the falls aud below them the roads were flooded aud travel­ling was accomplished with difficulty, some of the highways being nearly impassable. Many of the fields were flooded, and huge quautities of hay were washed away.

M I D D L E T O N F A R M E R S ' M A R T . Mr J . W. Dent, chairman, preeided at the

third annual meeting of shareholders of the Middleton• in• Teesdale Farmers' Mart, L t d . , held at the Temperance Hotel ou Saturday. There was a good gathering of shareholders, including the directors, Messrs John Brown (vice-chairman), P. Beadle, T . Collinsou, J . Collinson, J . G . Deut, J . Gargate, J . Smith, J . Thompson, M. Wearmouth, J . G . Walton, and the Secretary, Mr M. Pinkney.

T h e report of the directors ou tho year's transactions was as follows: Stock sold :—

1925-26. 1926 7. Cattle .. . 1,405 . . . 1,229 Sheep ... 11,401 . . . 10,124 Pigs 61 . . . 64 Horses . . . 21 ... 6

T h e value of stock sold was j£32,574 16s. 6d., against £85,082 Is . 9d. io the previous year, a decrease of £2,507 5s. 3d. T h e sale commission was £ 5 6 8 l i s . od., against £ 6 2 6 17s., a decrease of £ 5 8 5s.9d. T h e expenses were £587 12s. 8d., against £ 6 5 3 13s. 8d., a decrease of £ 6 6 I s . T h e revenue accouut shows a net profit of £ 8 2 5s. od. T h e directors recommended this should be carried to capital account.

Colonel H . C . Watson moved the adoption of the report and balance sheet. Mr J . W. Robinson seconded.—Agreed to.

On the proposition of Mr'R. W. Raiue, J . P , seconded by Colonel Watson, all the retiring directors were reelected—Messrs J . W. Deut, T . Collinson, M. Wearmouth and J . G . Walton, as also was the auditor, Mr W. G . Brown, on the motion of Mr J . W. Robinson, seconded by Mr R, Collinson.

Colonel Watson moved a vote of thanks to the directors for the efficient way in which the mart had been conducted, remarking they were the right sort of men to fill such positions and it could scarcely be other than successful. Mr R . T . Atkinson seconded.

Mr J . W. Deut responded ou behalf of the directors, and thanked the shareholders for the confidence they had placed iu them.


A U C K L A N D . The return bowling match between teams renie-

preaeotiug the Barnard Castle and Bishop Auckland Police divisions was played on Friday at Bishop Auckland, the result being a wiu for the Baruard Castle team by 69 poiuts to 60. Scores :

B A R N A R D C A S T L E . PC's Falp, T G Pallace, H Pedtler, SeigtGlover (s) 21 PC's I Harrison, R T Carradice, F J Tyrrell,

R G Camerou (s) 21 PC's M D Smith, J Swan, F E Colley, R

Heudersou (s) 26

69 BtSHor A U C K L A N D .

PC Bell, Insp. Smith, PC Watts, Inap Moore (s) 16 PC's Lydoii, Thompson, Shapliu, Dixon (s) ... 21 PC's Mould, Christie, Sergt Armstrong, PC

Jackson (s) '23


C O - O P E R A T I V E . Barnard Castle Bowling Club went to Darlington

on Tuesday to play the Darlington Co-operative Society team. They returned wiunera by 119 to 41. Scores:

B A R N A R D C A S T L I . R B Morton, R G Cameron, J Franklin (s)... 25 H Bennett, J Thompson, H Hobson (s) ... 30 H Bainbridge, J Appleby, F C Dalgarno (s) 34

. G Craig, J W Bewick, J Glover (s) ... 30 —119

DARLINGTON. H Crowe, J Thwaites, H Carlton (s) . 1 1 J Peacock, H Bell, W Wailes (s) 8 F Farrow, J Robiuson, J Madden (s) ... 16 J Daley, A Johnson, T Hunter (s) 6

—41 BARNARD C A S T L E v. C H I L T O N I U .

At Barnard Castle on Saturday. Scores : B A R N A R D C A S T L E .

R Wood, H Brown, J Appleby (s) 25 J Bainbridge, J W Bewick, T Gowland (s)... 25 ft Pratt, J G Hall, F Welford (a) 19 J Shield, W Emerson, H-Hobson (s) ... 8

- 7 7 C H I L T O N R.A.

T Hardy, W Hailes, G Bullet- (s) 19 W Rundle, VV Headley, A Winter (s) ... 5 A Burt, W P Trees, F Knox (s) 14 J Dale, J Ratclilfe, W McDouald (s) ... 33

—71 To-night the Barnard Castle club play Darlington

Central iu a league encounter, and to-morrow they will entertain the Appleby team in a return match. Both games will be played on the Bowes Museum Park Green.

G O L F . The " August" Cup of the Teesdale Golf Club,

presented by Mr H. M. Liugford, was played for over 36 holes. Mr J . A. S. Steele made the best return, 138 uett, and becomes the holder for the ensuing year. Mr Lingford himself was second with nett 146.

Mr R. Graham, a former resident at Barnard Castle, was the captain of the Welsh bowling team which took part in the International Games between the four countries at South­ampton last month.

Infants attending the Barnard Castle Church Sunday School were entertained to tea in the Mission Hal l on Thursday evening, aud after­ward^ they were entertained with games. T h e children had a very happy time under the superiutendeuce of Miss Hartley and other workers, aud at the conclusion each child was presented with a bag of sweets by Mrs Bircham. Had the weather been fine the gathering would have been held in the Vicarage. T h e Late M r William Wheatle?.

T h e funeral took place at the Church Cemetery, Barnard Castle, yesterday week, of Mr William Wheatley, who, until comparatively recently, was a resident in the town. After farming for many years at Pecknall, he became secretary to the Barnard Castle Farmers' Auction Mart, subsequently living in retirement in Vane Road. On his wife's death he went to live at Bridlington with his daughter, who married Mr Melviu, the Town Clerk there. T h e funeral was conducted by the Rev. H . W. H . Bircham, Vicar, and was attended by deceased's daughter and son-in-law and a number of old friends.

C R I C K E T . O L D I 1 A R N A R D I A N S ' C R I C K E T T O U R . The match against Morpeth arranged for

Monday, August 8th, was rained off. O L D B A R N A R D I A N S v. B E L S A Y .

At Belsay, Tuesday,August 9th, Scores: Old liarnardians.

F Haswell c Atkinson b Dudds . . . 18 W R Davies run out 30 W R Wilson lbw b Best 8 R Arrowsmith b Dudds . . . . . . 2 M Adlard st Wood b Dodds 2 T A Southern b Best . . . . . . . . . 8 J Carse b Best 4 J Swann b Best 8

• W S Willis c Pye b Dodds 17 H Brewis lbw b Dodds 2 A Davidson not out 10

Extras . . . 8 Total . . . —117

13 18 13 12 11 14 —81

Belsay. F T Richardson b Wilson W G Dodds c and b Swann . . . T W Atkinson c Willis b Brewis E Wood b Brewis S Wood not out

Extras Total (for 4 wkts)

Rain stopped play. O L D B A R N A R D I A N S v. C O L M I L V A I N ' S

X I . At Eglingham, Wednesday, Aug. 10th. Scores :

Col Milvain's X L J Taylor b Atkinson 9 S Anderson lbw b Arrowsmith ... I I Sir Archibald White b Arrowsmith ... 18 Captain Heath b Wilson 19 Rev H White b Wilson 2 H Macdonald c Adlard b Wilson ... 26 J Johnson st Willis b Atkinson ... 4 R White c Adlard b Wilson 10 • J White not out 0 Col Milvain run out 0 T Morley b Atkinson 0

Extras . . . 2 Total . . . —101

Old Barnardians. E Carse c R White b Rev White ... 10 T A Southern lbw b Rev White . . . 36 J Swann b Heath 4 J Carse b Rev White 23 R Arrowsmith lbw b Heath 4 W R Wilson b Rev White 16 M Adlard st Milvain b Rev White ... 11 F Stamp not out 7 J M Edney b Johnson 2

Extras . . . 12 Total (for 8 wkts) . . . —125

W S Willis and J Atkinson did not bat. O L D B A R N A R D I A N S v. T Y N E M O U T H .

At Tynemouth on Thursday. Scores : Old Barnardians

T A Southern b Lee 3 F Coulson lbw b Purvis . . . . . . 1 W R Wilson b Purvis 9 ' R Arrowsmith c TurnbuU b Lee . . . 3 M Adlard not out 21 W R Davics c H Lee b Purvis ... 2 Dr Anderson c Coldwell b Lee . . . 13 J R Swann b Lee 1 F Stamp b Lee 0 W S Willis b C W Rhind 20 A Davidson run out 2

Extras ... 8 Total . . . - 8 3

Tynemouth. C W Rhind retired . . . • 50 A Scott b Coulson . . . 31 H C Lee b Wilson 9 J Much c Wilson b Arrowsmith ... 13 L Purvis c Willis b Anderson 9 W A Chart c Wilson b Anderson . . . 18 H Coldwell c Swann b Coulson . . . 15 H Lee c Davies b Anderson 2 J Turnbu 11 c Wilson b Coulson . . . 2 G Hebron not out 10

Extras . . . 17 Total (for 9 wkts) .. . —176

F Haswell did not bat. B A R N A R D C A S T L E 2nd X I . v. G A I N F O R D .

Played at Gainford on Saturday. Scores : Baruard Castle. - A Waine lbw b Wainford 9,

J Johnson lbw b Wainford 15, J S Parkinson c Charge b Watson I , H Thistleth waite b Watson 13, R Watson b Ivcson 15, J C Swinhoe c Wood b Watson 4, F Wilkinson c and b Iveson 1, W D Douglass b Iveson 0, A Wright not out 9, J W Layrield c Brown b Iveson 4, C D Jackson c Watson b Wainford 4, extras 13 ; total- 88.

Gainford. T Wood c Jackson b Watson 0, Wainford b Swinhoe 1. F Wood c Waine b L a y -field 22, R Iveson b Watson 5 Watson c Layfield b Watson 2, Johnson lbw b Swinhoe 2, Ron Iveson c Thistlethwaitc b Layfield 8, Robinson c Swinhoe b Johnson 0, Brown c Wilkinson b Johnson 0, Charge not out 1, Harness b Johnson 1, extras 7; total—49.

T E N N I S . BARNARD C A S T L E C L U B TOURNAMENT. The winners of the tennis tournament held on

Saturday iu connection with the Barnaul Castle Cricket and Tennis Club were Miss Norah Robinson aud Mr R. A. Pounder, who won 61 games out of 72; the next pair being Miss Phyllis Holdsworth and Mr G . V. Taru, who wou 55 games out of 72.

M A R K E T S . DARLINGTON PRODUCE, Monday.- Butter,

Is. 7d. to Is. Sd. per lb. ; eggs, Is. 9d. per dozen. M I D D L E T O N PROVISIONS, Yesterday—Butter,

Is. 8d. per lb. ; eggs, 2e. lOd. per score. K I R K B Y S T E P H E N PROVISIONS, Monday.—

Butter, Is. id. per lb. wholesale, Is. 8d. to Is. 9d. retail; eggs, 2s. 6d. per score wholesale, 2s. lOd. retail,

BARNARD C A S T L E C A T T L E , Wednesday! August 10.—There were forward 43 dairy cows and a few store cattle. Calved cows—S. Allison, Mar-wood, £17 10s.; M. Coltinau, Middleton-in-Teesdale, £ 3 6 ; G. H. Littlefair, Raby, £ 3 6 ; H. Hall, Bar-ford, £ 3 5 and £31 ; W. Gibson, Newbiggin, £ 3 3 ; J . W. Raine, Barnard Castle, £ 3 3 ; R Close, Hazel-gill, £ 3 2 5s.; G . Atkinson tc Sons, West Shaws, £ 3 2 ; T . Metcalfe, Caldwell. £ 3 1 ; T . W. Crisp, Evenwood, £ 3 0 5s. In-calvers—S. Moore, Eggleston, £ 2 8 ; J . R. Robsou, Gowan House, £37 . Average prices for store cattle.

BARNARD C A S T L E C A T T L E , Mouday, August August 15.—There were eutered 51 fat cattle, 313 sheep and lambs, aud three pigs. Beef made from 48s. to 54s. 6d. per cwt. live weight. Shearling sheep to 66s., lambs 59s., H.B. sheep 52s., and Scots ewes 31s. 6d. Pork pigs to £ 3 10s. each.

M I D D L E T O N - I N - T E E S D A L E C A T T L E MART, Yesterday.—Au excellent show of lambs, the numbers lieing in excess of last year's. Chief prices : H.B. lambs—John Taru, Rosel«rry, 45s.; William Watson, Newbiggin, 45s. 6d.; Joseph Foster, Bow Bank, 42s. 6d ; J . Clarkson, Cotherstone, 40». 9d. li.V. lambs : Thomas Dejt, Rigg, Lunedale, 33s.; Thomas Addisou, Hayberries, 24».; Albert Walton, Forest, 31s 3d.; Joseph Allison, Egglesburn, 33s. 6d.; others to 30s. each. A total clearance.

Births, Marriages and Deaths. I N M E M O R I A M .

HIGG1NBOTHAM. — In proud and ever loving memory of dear Gordon, only son of Captain Ernest aud Ada Higginbotham, killed in action, 22nd August, 1917, aged 19 years.—Ever remem­bered by his father, mother, and sister.

A P R U D E N T P U R C H A S E F O R P R A C T I C A L P E O P L E :


Baking Powder