nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030430/1916-07-06/ed... ·...

JERSEYMAN HELD FOR $50,000 THEFT n. II. .Miillinrnt, Hncken-.iii'- k Lawyer, Arrostoil in Michigan. Mloli.. .tuly S. Alex- -. .1 ii Muniment, nil attorney !f 11,1' ki ncirk. N. J., wai nrrented at . ....... v. -- j ,ttli 550,000 from Mm. Julia Turn" wlio Ii.kI cntruMrrl to him the rrwrf'l' "f ri'"' ,,,:1", ,,p owned In !'(tffwiil, N J. !! Tnlor. a de-- .' t, omt'ltiyril by the prosecuting; a I torn of IKTK'-- cotinty, N. J trailed lMflm"1 t" thl" "lly nf,fr 11 ,urch throush tho middle Went. Ci.trrs'inr N. J.. July S. Arthur ty prosecuting; attorney of received word at III homa err Hint Maldmnit had been nrwt'd In K.ilamntoo and would be rromht to lliickcimack. JUIilnirnt'i4 I" a remarkable cane," ,,1,1 ' Asnew "llo was one tt the IMilIns lawcrK In the rrlmlnnl fcurif of till" county and enjoyed a large tr.ictl'""' "'' 'Ul' many friend and waa Inilucntlal In Democratic polities. Two uhiVuku he wan talked of for appoint-tnf- nt an prowcutlnir attorney of the feiinty "Tlirre or mur year ago ne was bj Mr". Turner, who o,vned real estate at Knglewood. In- - I'udiiiK the l'allade Hotel property, to lake ihar.e of her affair. Hhr trimted Mm Implicitly He handled large of ironcy for her. Until nine monlha ago "he did not nek for an Then, for some reaeon, he wjot ni'PlciotiK that her attaint were jet being handled honeetly and demanded an ''minting irom Jiaiomcni. no put her off f"1"1 II"10 ,0 time, occasionally .ilt.c orr to her a few hundred dollar. "Then "he retained James Knvln of Jersey city to forco an nrcoiintlng Kiwln had a conference with Maldment a' which .Maldment agreed to surrender Mm Turner property. He failed to ilrt o and Mri. Turner proceeded agalnxt l.im. An Indictment for embezzlement a handed down fix week aco and Maldment disappeared. The amount he a nccucd of embezzling wan 14. .000 anich. with Interest, hrought Mr. Turner' claim to about 150.000." Maldment had been living In New York iiy for more than a year subsequent m hi' dlvorte from hi II ret wlfo and his marriage to hi stenographer. He pretlced law In 173 Main street, Itaikencack. commuting from New York. Hi hereabouts of Mrs. Maldment lire iinknown to the Hersen county authorl- - '.rs. CHEAPER TAXIS PROMISED. I kleagn Promoters Lease fin rase With Idea In View. Riding about New York In a taxlcah may not be as great a luxury In the near future a It Is If the plana of a ( hlcjio concern to establish a taxlcah j)8tem here materialize. Lower rates than those now charged and with a single rate, be there one or several, are (futures of the Chicago plan. Details Ime gone so far the operating company u leased a great garage which William Hradley Is building on West Sixty-eight- h ttreet, near the North River, That nothlnc waa to have been said bout the new company until all was riiity nas the Idea of the promoters, so nobody In authority Is ready to give defi- nite facts about It. The Yellow Taxlcab I'mnpsny of Chicago, the Town Taxlcab of thli city will form a new corporation m he known as the Itrown Taxlcab Com- - QUEENS SUBWAY OPEN NOV. 1, ftlriMlon In Ilrldce Plus Kspeeted to Re Heady Then. The opening of the new rapid transit lines In Queens which terminate In As- toria and Crrona was discussed yester-la- y at a conference attended by the l'ubllc Service Commissioners. Mayor .iiunei, uorougn I'resmenta .Malhewion M I'ounds. Frank Hedlev of the Inter. through. Commissioner of Public Works Jimcn ,, Dayton of Queens, who reure "med the transit committee of the Board of and representative! cf th Chamber of Commerce of Queens. It was agreed that the extension of ths Queenrboro subway may be opened for iraiion 10 mo (jueensnoro Hrldge plaxa by November 1, and that by December 15 the operation may be extended from the plaza station over the new lines to As-1'i- and Corona. It was also stated ini the new connection between the tiueenfboro subway and tho Crand Cen. iral Terminal will be ready for use by ii r ira OI AllgUSt. WHITNEY BLAMES THE B. B. T. 'eye West Knd Traffic t'oncvstJon la .Vol III. Fault. Trails II. Whitney. Public Service f ommUhloiier, replied yesterday to criticism of the congestion on the West f.nd line in Hensonhurst and Oravesend, !) saying that It wat entirely the fault of the n. H, T. Ho also, he said, was the trouble with the old Ulmer Park line. Commissioner Whitney did not, how-ew- r, make uny comment on the fact that a demanding hla removal drafted and sent to Governor Whit- man at a meeting on Monday night of Ine oravesend Hoard of Trade. The ame meeting decided to send a delegat- ion to see Commli-slone- r Whitney and demand that the Went j;nrt trains be re- stored on tho New 1'trecht avenue route irom Klxty-secon- d street to Ulmer Tark. CONSOLIDATION COAL BOOMS. Heenril Output Mold More Than Fif- teen Months Ahead. HAtTiMomc, July 5 lleporta submit-le- d at th.. meeting of the Consolidation teal Company y Indicate that 191 111.- - u,"" Kre;i,et VMr in the com- - II,, .In... I . tMicted for more than fifteen months new n,B tonnage records N .arnlnirs will ha established. ..Brt ,l"rn,,"d I"' 'el producta " " European war began has taxed ,'m ,V!"a "f """ f:oni,olldatlon company, th. 1 1 , '';'r 11 wl" set tl,B b""" i , "hipped from its new mines In !i. ?ln ,a"r'd n' ,he Webtern iimnL i Ml,lroa'1' Kalrmont and now nearlng completion, "i the regular quar-'- f rl) dividend of 1 14 per cent. BUS STRIKE ENDsiM0BE PAY. L''or Tronble tost Company BO,. Olto In Loss of Fares. Th utrlke of the Fifth avenue bua "rivers, which started on June 28, ' fettled yesterday. All the men who PPIN for their old jobs were reinstated. Kftular service was soon In operation 0,1 U lines. 'o.t1r.V7t"lwt.hai;.0.,SP4ny m'0 Fifth.;4 w- - x'e,"e. president of the thny n offer to Increase the pay of .operating fore, from 10 to 10 per fferiV y1 ke Iu sPlln0 that the S ? .rno.n ,h ehufTeur. was due J, '1,1'1 that the wvee of the shop. ri r .11, t know then f me plnns for 4 " hi U ,1 kmj..., , e ., j COUNTRY PRODUCE. IIIIANR Attn PKAH.-Itece- lpts two dya, ...i77 Ings l.rn; 1.020 bags peas. Market iirn throughout, though ilemand loiitlmies rtitlaer xlark. except the buelneei on esit i count. Marrow, rholce. Its.. 11010 BO; in. K"0,,. 'O'dinOi mciiiiiii, cliohe. IP.TRm ,!., .choice. flOiilo.Mi poor to good. fj'tjjl """!'! white. California', choice, 'tOa i Kinney, rnnlce, .SOnll.SO; rair to good, K.Tsl.4iii red nirrow, choice, IUH wh He kidney, choke, tl0alQ.2Ss lm. perlHls. choice. I0.&0; yellow eys, choice. M; Mack turtle soup, cliolce, l(l.80lli pinks, iholce. T,:.hT.7! Hum, ir,c.; 'aTot ieaa, Hcotch, choice, .nilaS.76: Mark eye, California, It 50h3; "".Vhernitt-fiO"3'- ' "fi-ttwel- pts two days, J7.10H pack-tf,- . M"rkl Is weaker under heavy orrerlngs and quite aencral urgency to sell. Creamery, estras 10a score), per lb.. Mile.: ?i?r ""fin. 2a2iic.i firsts tM to 91 &??.L,372!'f:iJ,'rrt,m 'M to 7 score), J.''4c ; tlilrds. 24iihS.V-.- : creamery, un. !S i!iit, VrJ"". 'nl'nme'' higher scoring, 5WWe.: Jlrsts. S7h2sc i Htata dairy, tubs, finest, 2sa2gvT.i good to prime. SSS7l,c.; 2 "I"01!."'. '"IT! i renovated, estras, r nr"1"' 2Sa20c.; lower grades, 23a24c,; tmllatlon creamary, firsts, 35Wc I Isdela, cur- rent make, Brets. 24a2.V : seconds, saitCt lower grades. 22anc.; Ui king stock, current make, No. 1, S.Tn2tc . No. 2, 22l4a23c.j lower trades, 2ta22. Th.,IEE8?Tnfc,fu two days. 4.495 boxes, ihi. iife1 .' generally steady. Htate, IVi?:"lk K"h- - "sta. colored, specials, i",-He- ,i h,Jti "Pedals, 16V.. colered, t8'1' - wh'le, aversge fancy IwlSHc; twins, speclsls, lRHci fancy, lSHalBV,: Cheddars, speclsts, tCa Iv. average fancy. lHiaHr.i slnsls ttalsle, fancy InUal.: all styles, under. ""te WliHon.ln, whole milk, lJ?'"yi,.fr"n' '.w""' tlatOc.i double dairies. V:'.I,H,C ' ..".""i1.' daisies, li,c ; Young America., lf,17r.: state, skims, current make, "pectal. t2'4UV.; choice. tlaWci '"..,,,?,;0, "IHatnVe : lower grade., Sail. two days. 20,00a r.aea. Arrivals are moderate and advices Indicate strong Interior markets and rather light ship, nienta In tianslt General trade for average rather ouiet. ,nd mm.h of ,h, supply sell, around 2aao.. defective stock lower. ! reh gathered, ettra fine, per doten, a37e.: etra flrats. 2825c: flr.ta, 2a'a V.&it "'V.d"; third, and poorer. : rllrtlee. No. I, 22c : No. 2 and poorer anasiy i checks, good to choice, rtry, 20 4a21c : undergrsrtea. la2ili-.-i Klste, Penn' sylsnla and nearhv, hennery whites, fine to fancy, SOaSIc; ordinary to good, 2ns2Sc,i fathered whites, ordinary to fine, 2Sa2Sc,i Western and Southern, gathered whites, 24a 27Sc: Hlste. rcnii.ylv.nl. and nearby, heir nery browns. 2aaW4c. gathered brown end mixed colors, 2ita27c.; duck eggs, State and nearby, Indian liunner, 30c. HAY AND nTIIAW-mtuat- len continues dull and weak throughout. Irgs baled top quality timothy hay at ths principal terminal sheds holds barely steady, though all other qualities are decidedly weak. Clover and mixed not wanted at any price, lly straw 'arely steady. Hay. large haled, timothy, J'.U'-.'T- I ,on: No- to No. 2. M; shlprlng, lia.1T: fancy light ctor mixed. t24: No. l clover mixed. 111 Si: lower grade clover mixed, tlSal. Hye straw. No, 1, 15al. Small bales about II under targe. HOPrt-Trad- lng continues very quiet and the market little more than nominal, State. 1015. Choice, per th.. 1!.S1 Mmmnn fn prime, lluioc.; inu, 5ahv; Pacific roast. 1015 choice. 14al5c.: medium to prime. 11a I.V : 1914, T.lOr.j state and Pacific coast, UlUM, 40,- - E,'U!T'' "RKRM.-neee- lpt two days. l.WM barrels apples. Old apples In light supply and poor: few new arriving. Pears lightly firmer. Peaches In heavy supply and a trifle lower. Plums scarce Cherrtea nrmer fer fsncy Currants steady: supply larger. Strawberries slightly higher for near- by but r and weatern New York show. Ing no Improvement. lllackberrlea .tiling well. Ha.pberrtes Hearty. Huckleberrlea more plenty and lower Uooaehrrrles easier. Orangra and grapefruit dull s In lighter receipt from Cali- fornia and market higher for all klnda. Watermelon. In larger supply and lower APPI.KH-North- ern Spy. hbl.. tj.S; tutdwln. 13 50.5: Hen Davla. t2n: Russet, 12 SOas, V); southern new. handpleked, haa-kc- U3: wlnqfalls, 8na7.V. PKAIISKlor-Ida- , 1 Conle, bhl , $a7..1o. PKACIIKH Georgia carrier. SU2.50. PI.L'MH-Oeor- sls. Hurbank carrier. 2a2 SO. CIIKnniKH-R- ed and black, quart. SsHc; white, 5a inc.: aour. Ruse . red and hl.ck, In boxes, lb., s12c; baaket, WtaliOc, : white, :5a50c.: sour, .iVii-- ; red and black, 30 1b. basket. 75c a tl 5: sour. SOatKV. CCRnANTSCherry, quart. Sainc; small. ac. STItAWHUlt-KIK- S Weatern New York, quart. Asl3c.: upper stations, quart. eal2c ; loner station.. 5atOc.; fltaten latand, quart. AaMc ; lng Island. aiac.: Hilton and Irvlngton, flalBc: Jersey, Sage. DLACKPHftHICS Jereey. quart, Malic: Delaware and Mary- land, quart, XaVc.: North Carolina, Sake. KAHPUKRIttns-l!p-rlv- er. red. pint. 4s5o : Jereey red. pint. 5a5c.: Delaware and Mary- land, red. .1a4o, black cap., 4aHc. and Marland, quart, I5al5c.: Jrney and Priint) Ualila. 15alSc.; North Carolina, quart, 12al5c. riOOHKriKR-KIK- Large, green, quart, "alOc.: small, gren. 4a.V.: buahct basket, flal 50. ORANOES California, box. tl 5w4 50: Flor- ida. I2a5. OR APK FRUIT Horlita, aa to site and condition, box, la4 5U; Callfornln, bos. 2aS; Cuban, IX 5s. I.KIIONK C'.ll. rornla. box, $2n4. Imported, 3.50r:i.m. I. bbl.. s0. S Oeorgls standard, crats of 45. II. 50al.75; standard crate of 3(1. tl.25al 50: lony crate, fial.25; flat crate, 5nae5c.: pink meats, flat case, 5Ma75c,; l'lorlda. standard crate tl.al.5U; California Jurubo, crale, t3.75a4.2A: standard crate, t3 50a4: iony crate, t2.75a3.25: flat rrate. tlal.50. and Florida, per HID, 115.50; carload. ll&'a22S. PINKAPPLKH Porto Rico, red Spenlah, box, OOc.at3.00; Cuba. lla:.SO. FRUITS. I)RII!f Market for spot evapo- rated applsa continues vsry dull Futures stsady and unchanged at 5iaSSc: for prime, f, o. h State. California fruits steady so arm. AI'I'LES-Kvaporst- ed, fsncy, lb., 74a7Hc.i choke, 6a 61).-.- ; prime, SsS'lc; sun dried, quarters, In barrels, lb.. SVaV. AI'KICOTK-ltoy- at, 10al4c: Moorpsrk, Ha 15c, I'lUCItEH California, unpeeled, 5ia7c.i peeled. UstSc. PltCNKS-Catlfor-nia, ufis to JOs, 15 lb. boxes, 5Vi.Ho. POTATOKH.-nermu- da, No. 1. bbt .14; No. 2, t3; Jersey, No. 1, bbl,. t3 50al: Dela- ware and Maryland, No. 1, I2.25a2.75: sec- onds, llal.50: fUatern Shore. No. 1, hbl., I2.vi.i5; No. 3, tlsl.57; Virginia. No. 1. Mil., S2 50a3.7S: No. 3. flal.SS; North Carolina. No. 1, 12.3 75; No. 3, 11.1.25; Chill, red. North Carolina, No. 1. t2a3.2S; No. 2, tl; culla, all sections, bbl,, 75c, stl; sweets, Jer- sey, basket, 7.V- - all. 50 OTHKR VHnP.TABI.KS ASPAItAOCS Nesrby green, fsncy. dosen bunches. t2s3 50; extra, tl.50al.73; prime, tlal.25: culls. 75c a 11.00; whits, fancy, 1.75: extra. Il.35al.50; prims, 75o.sl; culls, 50a75c. nEANU-Jers- sy and Long Island, green. Iiag, 50t.atl: Jersey, win. banket, 5(lc atl .VI; ret-n- , 25; Delaware sod Marland. wax, 25c.sll.33; green. 23c. stl: Kattlmore, wax and green, 25c. all: Jersey, fielawars and Maryland, rava, : Iteglna, llal.23; Virginia, wax. basket, 50c.ntl fal; given, SOc.atl 23; 25a75c.: Virginia. Fava. 50h75c.; Virginia. Regime, tiaakct, 75c.sfl. RIIKTH Nesrby. ino bunches. tJa.1; topa off, bbl,. t2.2 50, CAR- ROTS Nesrby, 100 bunches. 1 2.3.50. CUCUMIIKItS Iiug Island, bushel basket, tl.50al.75; 51aryland. basket. Ml.i7.V,; Vir- ginia, bbl., tlal.25; Virginia, per banket, 25a 7.V. OAUIJA'II-'- Ncurb. ar list. f5S; J.r-se- crate. $1 75a3.23: Iang Island and Jer- sey, bbl., tl.25al.75; Delaware and Maryland, rrate, tl 25.2: bhl., tlal 50; Baltimore, crsta, tl.28al.70: bbl.. tlal.50; Uaalam Shore, crate, tlul.75) Ibl., 75c.Htl.23: Virginia, irate, 50c. all. 50; bbl.. red. crate, tlal.50: Florida, red. basket, tlal.25. CKI.ERY-St- ate and nearby, bum-h- . 16.40. ; Itermiida. large crats, t4: two-thir- rrate. I2.50a2.75: small crate. 7ao.atl.33. CORN Carolina, crate, TSc.atl.50; Florida. 75o..tl 25: laaulal-anta- . bbl., t!i!.50. CAUMFUrWERB-Nearl- iy. bbl,. tlal.50. KOOPI.ANTS-Vlr-gln- la. crsts, t3a2.50; 83 quart crate, tlal.25; Florida, box, 50c atl.35. UARI.IC Ixmlslnla. strings, lb.. 5a7c. LIMA PKAN8 North Carolina, bssket, 13.733 25: Florida, baaket, IU2.50: crsts. Ils2.35. I.F.TTUCE-Harr- el, 7V.atl.50; crste, S3oatl: basket, 60a T5c. I.EKKS-Nesr- by, 100 bunches, tl. MURHItODMpl-Four-iioii- nd basket, tla3.50. ONIONrt Jersey, while, basket. tl.50a3; yel-lo- tl.I3al.tH: red, basket. tl.S8al.50; l.oitl.lati.l t'MI li I iik. 2 75n3 25 : 75 h. bag. t2a2.50; crate, tl.23al.40. Texas, rrate, lis I 73: lleruiuda. tl 25al 73: i:itntlsu. bag, t3a4; Maryland and Virginia, basket, tla 1.35; North Carolina, basket, tlst 50. OKRA -- Carrier, tla3 50; basket. I2a3.50. PEAS Western New York. bag. tl 5fta3: Long Island and Jersey, hag, tlal.50; Jersey, large, bas- ket. Il.35al.75: smalt, tl.1.25. PEPPERH Jersey, box, It. 23.1.50; North Carolina, baa- ket. tl.50a3; South Carolina, carrier, llal.35; Klorliln. l,o $1 50a2 25, barket, tl,353. PARRLKY Nesrby, 100 bunches, Hal. 50; basket, tlal.26: rurly. bbl., tla 150: plain, 75o atl 5). PARHVIPKVew, 100 bunches, Ila2: old, bbl,. tlal. 23. RAD- ISHES Nearby, bbl.. Hal. 75; 100 bunches, SOc.atl. RHUI1ARI1 Nearby, 100 bunches, tlst. 23. ItOMAINK-Ncar- by. bbl.. SOo.nll; basket, 25sel0c.; berry crste. 25a50c, SPINACH Kearny, nni,, isc, at..-D- . huai.-LtON- Nearby, ton bunches. 75c.atl. 8QUAHII-Mitrro- w, bbl , tl.3tal.2! white. 25 s50e.: Yellow, crooked neck, hbl,. Ia3. TURNIPH-Butsba- ga, bbl.. tlst. 35; nearby, whits, 100 bunches, list. TOMATOES Texas, fist rase, SOaaSc: Louisiana, gflsg3c,; Mississippi, flat rase, 50a55i-.- ; carrier, T5c.a 11.28: Florida, carrier, T5c.all.35: Jersey prime, box. tl SOsJ: cull., tlsl.35: Maryland, 5 basket carrier, tl: basket crsts, tlal, 35; Virginia, 2 banket rrate. Hal. 15: Nortli Caro- lina, l basket crate. 11.25.1 50: hot houas, lh.. 4al0e. WATERCRK8S-1- 00 bunches, 1 1.21.1. 50. LIVE POUT.TllY-Boi- na 50 freight ears on tracks, of which 40 csrs were unloaded. Four rare were unloaded yesterday. There was fair trad, fer fowls and prlres gen- erally reported at 17'le. for both light and heavy. Broilers ara In liberal supply, largely Western and Southwestern, and moat sates reported at 33c, Weatern broilers nrs not plenty and wnlla e few small havs sold aa low ua 22c, larger have reached 34a2.'.e,, nltl! cxpictn lots brlnslns ibout same !lf tires, old roosters, 14c, Ducks, geese and turkey, unchanged. T DHE8HED POULTRY TURKEYS. Dry laieked, old hen, dry picked, lb., 25c; old tome, 35c.; old tome, scatded, 2fta24c. CIIICKKNB-Kie- ah boes, dry. Western milk-fed- , 17 lbs. and under to doten, 33c.: lbs., A2aft.1u,i lbs. to doten, SOX'.; coin fed, 17 lbs. and under to doten. 31c; Mil., 2ll.l31u,i 25 311 lbs., 2Sc UIIICKIINK Freah bbls., Iced, Phltsdelphla and lamg Isl- and. Iba. to pair, 33a.iac; Peiinsylanla, 53nS4c, Virginia and Tennessee, lullkfed, 3tsg2c,i nesrby squab, 1 l'i lbs. each, pair, ,3asV.i under 1 lh. each, 55a70c, : Western dry picked, mllkfed, lbs. to alr, :ma2c.i cornfed, 2sa30c.: other Western scnlded, 25a 3c. ; Michigan, scalded, 3 4 lbs. to pair, 2Sa 3ik;. KOWLS-- 12 to box. dry locked West, ern liotea, is 00 Iba. and over to doten. dry picked, 21 Vic; 50 47 the. In Via 22c: under 80 lbs., Isa31c. FOWLS bbls., Iced, Weatern northerly, dry picked, 45 lbs and over 20a2Hlc: Western northerly, dry picked, i'i lb., lc; dry picked or scalded, under 3 lbs., lac; Southern and Southwestern, 4 Iba. and over, lHalVjc: Southern and South- western, small, 15c: other Western, scslded, 4 lbs and over, luaiety.; Michigan, scalded, 3' ; old cocks, lh., 14Vo, Ducks, long Island, fresh, ducklings, lh., 10c. Squabs, prime, while, 0 lbs. and over to doten, t!.23a4.BO; culla, 50c. atl. LIVE STOCK MARKET. REEVER.-Kcccl- pU, 1.500 head: 31 cars on sale. Steers were quiet, demoralized and prices 35c. lower then Monday: bulls, slow to 15c. off: thin cows, 10c, to 15c, lower: others dull hut shout steady, The yards were not quite cleared. Common to prime steers sold at 17.23 to 110 23 per 100 lbs.: men at 17.39; bulls. tS to 17.4"; 1 extra bull. 8 25: cows, 1.1. .VI to IS Ml. Hreseed beef slow at 13V to Ifl,-- , for natle elites. 13i,,o. to 17c, for hinds and ribs: 12V-- to 14c. for chucks and plates. Hales. Kerns Commission Company. 11 Pennsylvania steers. 1 317 lb. acriie. fin 23 per lis) lbs ; an, 1.17". t,75. 2U Kentucky. I.I5U, 10.75; 20 Virginia. 1.227, In OH; 20. I, (Km. tSA5; ,1 enllalvanl.l lows, U3II, tO 60. Mcpherson A Co., 20 Pennsylvania steers, 1.3411. tlO: 17, Lilts. tlO: 20 Virginia. 1.S22, t9 S5i 1, 1.3a, III; 3 cows. KM), tH 35. S, Sanders, 18 Pennsylvania steers, 1.347, tlO.25: 18. 1.4K7. tlO 23. 15 Ohio. 1,245. til Mi 0 Vlrglnls, 1.32P, ID IS); 20, 1.254. tO ."; 20, 1.243, to 25: i bull, l.errn. t25: 3. 1,25, 7 PI; 2, 1,475. f7. 2. 1.315. .75: 3. I, Hal. t .Ml, 1", tlS. B.23i 2. 753. t. 2. t.OtSI. S5.75 Newton ft Co., 2 Virginia steers, l.HBi. tl: 20 Pennsylvania, 1,2I4. It) l"l, 2, 1.222. to so. Tobin He Shanncn, V bulls, 0S4, IS; H cows, 703. 45 50. H. Judd c Co., 2 bulla, 1,053, to IS; 3, 755, t.1.35 Andrew .Mullen. 3 Stale steera, 955, t7.25; 2 oxen, 1..HIK), $7,25; 2 Blockers, 23, 43.73: 2 hetfera, 75i, fn J U. Curds & Son. 2 hulls. 773. PI; 2 cowa, 755, t 23; 2. l"). 13 25; 2 bulla and cowa, tarloua weights. t4a 25. Jellirfee Wright & Co., 4 bulls, 502, tS.7S; 3. H3, f5 23. CALVES. Receipts, 2.450 calves; 3.070 on sale. Veals opened steady; closed slow snd weak: skimmed milk calves were unrhanged In prlres, Common to choirs veals sold at 59.12 50 per list lbs.: culls and throwouts at t7s.50; skimmed milk calves at f50,t7: a few yearlings and grasaers at tS 50.0. city dressed veals were slow at 14U,.i(ic; country dressed at 12Sal7V Salea.-Oo- rss e l M nillenb.rk, 22 veals, 157 Iba, average. 412 50 ix-- 100 Iba.: 4. 110. 412 25; S. 140. tIS; 10, 150, til. 75; 3. 153, 111 50; 3. 111). HI J O. Curtis & Son. 2US veals. 161. 112 50; 01. 151. 112.25; 3, 1.1 12. 112; 3. S.11. fit 50; 5 15S. til; 8. t0; 13. 134, all; l culla. 15. f: 4 skimmed milks. 1S5. 47 W It Hume, 44 veala. 171). 412.00 : 24, 150. 112; 4 . 250. Ill, V culls. 117, p; 2. 15. 47.50. Jellffe Wrlsht A Co.. 2 veala. lm, 12 50; 5. 13. til. 50; g cults, 176, It; 4 sktm milks, n Ii 3 1ICI, 45.50. Andrew Mullen, 7 veals. 155. 112 50 : 2. 120. "355Win,': K"" m"k" l,4 - grasaera, S. Judd & Co, 120 veals, 150, 113 (V); 25. 121, tl2 25 . 3. 200, HO; IS. 145. tl); a lulls, 150, ts5: ii, 131. ts: 5, ion, 1750. Kerns Commission C'ompanv. 220 e.la. 154, 112.50: 51). 13T, $12; 0. 173. 4U. 22 culla, 100, 15: 17 mined. 147 7 50. S. Sanders. 55 veala. 150. t!2 5H; 54, 155. I12S7!,; 41). 14S, 112.33: 53. 145. tt2: S3, lift. 411.73: 25 culla, 152. IS; 33 fed calvea and skim milks, inn, 17 Tobln A Shannon. 20 veala. 130, $12; 4, n.v 10: 10 Virginia. IBS. 11..V); 23 mixed, 313. 7.50; 35 .klui milks, 172, fl; 2 yearlings, 430. t: 5.SH4. 45 50. Newton A Co.. 70 Vest Virginia, vests, 157, tl2! 4 culls, 125, $5; 3. fed. 223, 47 73 , 5, 152. 47. , SHEEP AND I.AMIIS.-ltecel- pts. 10,750 head; 26 cars on sale. Demand fairly active and prtoea steady, quality considered, with Monday's sslea. The yards were very nearly cleared Common to prime sheep sold at t5 to 17 ber lis) Ihs.i a few at B7 ?. nlla at 43 to 44; ordinary to prime Ismbs at 410 40 iw su.ig; cuiis ni liressed mutton quiet at 11 to 15', tenia; dressed Ismbs at 16 to 10 leula. Sales Kerns Commission Company. 234 Vlritlnla lamba. Ti ll, averase, 411.62'i per na ; ,i.s, ell. ii. ..J, fVH, Sll 27,. 2,2;14, 7. til 23: 245. ft. Ill 111. 474 . $11, 221. 14, $11: 236. tHI. Ill; 2.241. 61. till 41); 227 Kentucky, 77. tit; 44 Virginia culla. 41), ts.5): 3 sheep, no, 7, 2.1, n?, 46, 4. 102, 15; 21) mixed. K6, 55; 2 culls, A5, 3; 4 bucks, 110. 45.50. Tobln A Shannon. 314 Kentucky lambs, 71, 411.73; 244, 07, 411 50; 215 Virginia, M, 111.50: 22U. 71, ttl .VI; 2S!. . 111.40; us, 67, til. 35: 633. f.1, $11) 75: 57. 65. $10.75 : 237 Ohio, 64. $1(1 S3: 2 yearlings, SO. $8; 12 sheep, 104. 17 25; IS. 111). tH 25 , 22, 10", IS; 3, M, 15: 3 bucks. 143. 46. McPlierson & Co., 250 Virginia lambs, T4, tit 55. Newton 4 Co.. 2.15 Kentucky lambs, W, 111. 240. 66, 411.511. J. Shainberg A Son, 167 Virginia lambs, 62, HI. 25; 7tl sheep. DM, $6 50. 8 Judd a Co., I) Pennsylvania lambs, 56, til. 25. J. 1. Curtis a Son. 0 State lambs, 71, 111.33. HfKlS. Reoelpts. 6,680 bead: shout s rsr-loa- d on ssle. Market steady with general sales at tm 25 per 100 It ; roughs at 8.75. Sales. Kerns Commission Company, 15 Htate hogs, , 410 25 r 100 lha.: is Pennsylvania, I DO. 110.23: 5 roughs, 303, tt 63 S. Judd 4 Co , 15 mate hogs. 155, 110 25; 16 Pennaylvanla. 204, 110 26 ; 4 roughs, 330, 16.75: 3. :m, ts 63. 8. Sanders. 3 Htate hoga, 326. 110.36; roughs, S16, 15.75. KANSAS CITY MARKET. KANSAS CITY, July !. Hogs Receipts. i:,ooo: 3c. lower. Hulk. Mta.5: heavy, H.HSalO; packers and butchers. It.aOalO; light. Ir.COail. pigs, .:5a.S0, Cattle Receipts. 10,000: steers steady; rows strong, Prims fed steers, !10.?1all: dressed beef steers, ID.SlatO: Southern atoera. li.:Ss9.Su; cowa, ISal.50: hetfera, $7.7walO, atocktra snd feeders, t6.7&aS.&u; bulls, H.7;a7: calves, tLtOsll. Sheep llecelpls, 6,600; steady I.amhs, 19,50.10.50; yearlings, $7 SOak.U; wethers, Il.i0a7.50; ewes, leal; atockers and feed-er- a, fiat. PITTSBURG MARKET. PITTSBUItri, July .'. Cattle steady, aupply light Cholre, $.754110.:, prime, lO.SO'u 10 7.'.. Sheep Steady. supply light Prime set her". 7.50fr7.75: cull snd common. 3.'.0rt.50; lambs, "(fll, veal calves, i: Hogs Steady, receipts. 50 double decks. Prime heavlee 10.30; mediums and heavy vorkera, 10 206 10 2.,; light ynrkera. O.IOtf 10; pigs, 4SS,5. rougha, 9rl.lS. BUSINESS TROUBLES. rUnkruptcy Petitions, CHARLES l KAIITROWIT petition ha. been filed agalnat Charles I,. trading as thn Kautrnwits-7.Hen- - fleld Paper Companv, Jobber In paper in'i siaimn.ry ai in" v esc i waniy-aec-nn- d atrret. Llabllltlea 10,000, assets $3,500. SAM l.U'KOWITZ. grocer at 65 Eldrldge street, flled a petltlnn In bankruptcy, with liabilities 15.126 and assets 11.245. PHIL S. HILIs At a meeting of creditors of Phil S. Hill. inanuUcturer of dresses at 89 West Tu d ttreet. In the office of Maigrsne Cots, referee lu bank- ruptcy. In the Wnolworth Uulldlng, Msr-ci- ii Helfand was elected trustee, with 110.000 bond, Liabilities about I50.UOO. A strike cause,! the bankruptcy pro- ceedings. Composition Confirmed. JACOB O. SACHS Judge Hand confirmed a composition of Jacob O Sacha, manu- facturer of novelties at 1201) llroadwsy and 318 Esat Seventy, fifth street, as the Plsta Manufacturing Company, with credltora st 25 rents on ths dollar cash, Bankruptcy hchedulrs. M. COHEN SONS, manufacturer, of anew paui si jiu uieecser aireet, have flltd schedules showing liabilities 10,041 and assets 12,125, PKLINA II. KINil Trading ua the ,s. II. King Baking Co., at 3300 Jamaica ave. title. Queans. Uleil Hcheiluli-- ,hns!. n. bllltlea of 14,517 anil assets of Into. Discharges Prom Bankruptcy, J II DOE HAND granted dlschsrgrs to these bankrupts! Heth Walker, grocer, New. hurgh: Harry Klein, tailors' trimmings, 111 Eldrldge street: Henry 1). O'aulltvsn furs, 17 West Thlrty-nrt- h street: Walter llammrrtlouiih. salesman. New nochellr: Norman Oiiinblnner. 1073 Seventh ave. nuet Richard .1, Walea, nlaaterer, 703 Trsmont avenue: ilenige W, Lynn, 370 Park avenue: Jacob Meyrowlls, cleik. 313 Eaat Thirteenth aireet, Fred 11 Kahle. grocer, 774 Ellon avenue; Charles Kaufman, 30 Church street; Sidney I,.' Dsrrln, :tt Wesi Fiftieth street; Chris V. D. Carle, 510 Weal lMth street: Hark D' Andres, taller, lilt Eiat Twenty, third street: Morris Schulmsn. grocery ilerk, 1217 Stebhtna avenue, Orurge rj. Andrs. hoalery anil underwear, tot Og. den avenue, Samuel Harris Co., Inte. rler woodwork. SSJ B.st forty. sixth street, as a firm and funnel Harris THE SUN, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1916. 11 LUNCHEON GIVEN FOR STUllf. Snar Co.'a .Nevr Traflle Mstastrcr Rerelvea Present. A luncheon In honor of Ralph Bprlntle Htulihs, who recently resigned n general Kustern fright agent of the Southern Pacific lines to become traffic manager of the American Sugar Refining Com pany, was given In the Bankers Cluo yesterday with about 150 guests present. I'. M. Rlnlev. assistant to the vice- - president of the Kl Paso and South western system, was toastmaster, and the speakers were L- - J. Sprnce, director of traflle of the Southern Pacific lines J F. D. nabst. president of the American Sugar Tunning Company, and H. D. Caldwell, president of Wells Fargo at Co., the last named presenting studs of pearls nnd diamonds to Mr. Htubbi. Those present Included Robert C. Wright, traffic manager of the Pennsyl- vania; T. N. Jarvls. of the lhtgli Valley; Ralph Caples, gen- eral traflle manager of the Western Maryland ; Walt Talcott of Rockford, 111. ; n, I Woodrow, 01 the Old Dominion Steamship Company ; J. H. Young, president of th Norfolk and Southern; J, II. Crawford, freight traffic manager of the Delaware, Lacka- wanna and Western; H. L. Joyce, super- intendent of the marine department of the Jersey Central, and W, J. Love, oper-- , niing nepanment 01 international aitr- - cantlle Marine Company. I FOOD EXPORTS FALL OFF. llreadstnffa Lose In Valar( bat Meat flfaovra al. Wasiiinotom, JulyS. -- Heavy decreases of breadstuffs but mt.-ke- Lnrreatie In meat nnd dairy products featured the May foodstuffs export trade of the United States. Statistics Issued by the Department of Commerce showed hrrndstuffa exports had fallen off compared with May, 116, while meat and dairy products Increased 10,000,000 and mineral oils showed an Increase of 15,000,000. Total hreadstuffs and meat exports for May amounted to $1 17,7"o.t3, and for the eleven months ended with May thcete exports aggregated f 1,1:3,173,814. a decrease of 379,524, 121 from that period's aggregate last year. The falling off In this class of export trade waa due prin- cipally to n reduction of 1112,000,000 In the value of wheat, 312,000,000 In corn and J 0.000,000 In flour. (iaeolene, naphtha, residuum, fuel oil, luhrlcitlnx oil and other similar prod- ucts showed an Increase of $26,000,000, while fresh beef exports Increased ts, 000,000. bacon 132.000.000. hams and shoulders 1 14.000,000 and pickled pork 15.000,000. Lard showed a loss or 37,000.000. Shoe Machinery Co. Answers. St Locis. July r.. Denial that It has violated any of the provisions of tit Clayton anti-tru- law Is contained In the answer of the United Shoe Machinery Company to the suit flled by the Gov- ernment In the Federal District Court here CUSTOMS DECISIONS. FUATIIKRS Feathers Imported by S. Stern were the MUhJect of s ruling ren- dered yesterday by the Board of ileneral Apprslaera These feathers, classified aa "ornament tl feathers, manufactured," were taxed for duty st t'O per cent, ad valorem, under paragraph SI7 of the tariff set of 1913 Th Importer contended for clssst-ncatlo- n under the same paragraph, with duty st but 10 per cent, ad talorem. In sustaining this claim Judge McClelland writes: "The testimony submitted to- gether with an examination of the sain-ple- a la convincing lh.it the protest claims sre well founded The feathers have been sdvsnced In value or condition beyond the crude state, hut sre not such In their Imported condition as could be used fef milllnerv ornaments' Sl.AHIIF.lt FLANNEL The Issue r.l.a.l by aevrsl protests In the name of the Xtone & Downer Company of Boston, ad- justed yesterday, nas whether certain fabrlca known In the trade aa slssher flannel tere dutiable sa stool cloth, at tha rate of 33 net cent, ad valorem, under paragraph tin, set of 1911, or aa flannels, under parsgraph :, with duty at :S per cent, ad valorem. This merchandise a sold to cotton mills snd Is used chiefly on alilng machines In what la called the alaehtng machine. The board finds thst the fabrics are not "danntla'' and tha protests for the lower duty ars over, ruled ALPACA CLOTH Harris A Schulgaaset loat before the board In a decision rising duty at tha rsle of to per cent, ad talorem. under parsgraph 101, tariff set of 1913, on certain alpaca coat linlnga. The Imporiera claimed claaslflcatlon under paragraph C8H or 290 aa wool cloth or wool coat linlnga. ullh dull at 31 per cent, sd valorem. The board finds thst this correctly classified as cloth In chief value of the hair of the Angora goat, alpaci and like animals, under par- agraph 90s. Tha protcat for tha lower rlulv ts overruled. (Hj'K I.MATHCII. The entire glote trade of the country la Interfile,! in an opinion Just rendered involving ths clsaal-flcatlo- u of ctrtaln glove lesthsr Imported In the name of William II. Sllner A Son for John Naudln, dealers at wholesale in glote leather at Oloveravllle, N. V, The merchandise wai deacrlbed on the invoices aa glote lesthrra. nstursl dole and white dole. Duty waa assessed at It per rent sd valorem under paragraph 341 of the tariff act of 1913 as "chamois skins." The lm- - fiorters claimed classification sa "glove under snothsr provision of the same paragraph, Mill) duty at but 10 pet rent, ad snrem. After reviewing at great length much testimony bearing on the classification of thla inarrhandlae, ths Gen- eral Appraisers decided the issue In favor of the Importers. In summsrlslng ths opinion or me hoard, judge Mroeilancl writer: "Chamois aklna prepared from the flesh side of spill sheepskins, but submitted to processes sdditionsl to those to which rhsmola sklna sre submitted for ordinary comtnsrclsl purpoaea, and which not only specially nt them for uae aa glote leather but make them unsuitable practlcall) and rinmiu'p'lally for the ordinary uses of rhsmola sklna. are properly dutiable ss glotu lei i her at the rate of 10 per cent, ad valorem under the eo nomine provision therefor In paragraph 349 of the tariff art of 1913, that provision being narrower and more specific as spoiled to skins ao nre. pared than the eo nomine provision for cu.inuis sains in ine asme paragraph, rltrauss A Hedges, customs attorneys, rep resented the Imnnrtera before th. enstim, board, while Charles D. l.swrence, sptcgil I'nlteil Htate Attorney, appsarsd for the Government. HUMAN II AIR. General Appraiser Watts rendered a reapprslarmenl decision on the foreign msrkst values of human hulr Imported here from Momma Kami, of , iurm, iiai)-- , inn ruling reana: il 5Scm. Invoiced at 74; entered at SO lire per kilo. Ditto iOum, Imolred at M; entered st 40 tiro per kilo. Ditto ticm, Intolrrd st 31; entered at 44 lire r'T k. C,"V Ite.ppralaed as Thla merchandise was eigorted March 11 snd entered here June I, 1914. DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT. WASHINGTON, July t -- Ths ststement of the receipts and disbursements of Tress-ur- shows; Heeei it . . tMa.tu Disbursements . 4.4I4.4M Deficit LM7.447 Recelnta from customs hamc.,,. ,.er!,J.rev,Rue,onl",r'' !I" H': Inoom tig. HS7.MI; mtacrl sueoua. l.77o,4S. National bank notes received for reilnintitn asn-- u The current ststement of the United States GENKHAL FUND. v tow H7.;t,om Available ailver t United .Slates notes ,, 4 tta'Tv National bank notes and Federal Reserve nolea 27 131 417 Certified cliecka on banks io'm Huheldlary ailver, minor coin snd ailver bullion :t (Tl 474 llmliailfled (unassorted) currency 'tss'lit Deposits In bsnks and Philippine Treasury 171.000 til Avsllable currency In Treasury and banks tCi.Ml.SI4 " "!' wuiuiie. SI.SM.UO Net balance In leneral fund,,,.,,. ;, 714.014 RESKITVE FUND. Gold coin and bullion II6:,T,0 TRUST TUND. To redeem outstanding certificates l!,04!),M0.1H Grand total cash assets In Treat, ury :.MI.77.MJ NAVAL STORES MARKET. SAVANNAH, July t. Turpentine Firm, .19 H ft V.: sslea, S T 4 barrels: receipts, III; shipments. 3.74; stork, 11,430. Rosin Firm. Hslee. 1,040 barrels; ra. rrlpts, :.01J; shlpmsnts. 1,411; atoek, It.. 751: A, B, Ml: C, D, 15. 5.11: r, O, H, I, K, M, N, 5.45i W 0, I.Tlj WW, 1.28. CRUDE OH MARKET, nil. CITY Pa.. July I Credit balances. Jl i.o, runs dl.JJA barrels, average, i'J.JII; ehil'iiieule, VZ,3K, utcUft Jl.liL DALLY FINANCIAL CALENDAR. RX DIVIDEND. Company and Term. 8tk. Ami. Brooklyn City Ra Iroad, quar- - .terly 2 Delaware. Lackawanna and Weatern Railroad, quar. terly .... mr. International Paper, quarterly pfd H Lehigh Valley Coal Sales. , auarterly 3J4 whit Co., quarterly 87'j. t. 8. UOVr.RNMENT BONDS. Bid. A ked. . reg, 1110 ua'! is, coup., t10 !)' is. reg , I9U too 101 'a, roup., Ills 100 4a, reg., 125 10?', 4a, roup., 1jj no 3s. Pan., 11)4, reg i Is. Pan., lm, coup a ta. Pan.,' !tl, reg,.,,. too Is. Pan.. 1141. coup 100 WPMMKB HEaOTtTIS. NSW TOBR Calsklll Mountain. The Calskill Mountains a rsgtoa of ROMANTIC HCENKRT ALTITUDE tOOO TO 40OO FEET ATTRACTIVE HOTELS AND BOAKDIM1 HOL'HEn MANY TROUT STREAMS POPULAR WALKS AND DRIVER MOUNTAIN t'LIMBI.VO 4JAMriNl A WONMKHri'L CWVNTIIV OF VtlLimoittl LIIAHMft THE ULSTER 4 DELAWARE R.R. In connection with West Shore II. II.. operates through trains, Including Pullman service. The summer schedule la now In effect. Three thrcnigh solid fast eiprn trains In each direction betxeen Near York and the mountains. Steamer, of the Hudson River Dsv f .In, make direct connection, st King-to- n Putin with afternoon trains for all points in tlic mountains. The annual illustrated lnnk with retiut map of the Calsklll Mountain section, snd corrected Hat car over l.rssi hotels, snd boarding houses, win be sent free on receipt of A c tints postage. ,N. A, 8IM8, (Jenerst l'aaengar Agent, Kingston. X V COLUMBIAN "Her ef faUkllU." I Sulneur baths, springs, howling, pool, I neorlsg. Table uaracelWd. rsrmsttsrlit Booklet. O. T. IIOLMKS. Prop., Purling. Greene Co., X. T MOUNT MYLVAN IIOUHR, Haines Falls, I N, Y. I'leaeantlyaltUAleil. Hanlinri plumb-- Ing. electric lights Neai post orllce amine menta. all churches. Good table Terms SI, Up. Write for booklet. Mra. M. I.. Tracey. MOUNTAIN sIKtV FARM ItOCxK. Pleasantly situate t; healibful lesllen. nrodurts : telephone write fr terius an t iMiWlet rRBISMIICK NAXEl'sitklll. It. I'. D So. 1 Fair View Farm. Home comforts. Tabla supplied from fsrtn Amusements of all kinds 17 up Geo. Itoughtalllig A Don, Houth Cairo. New York. PINK GKOtK. HOl'MF.. In beautiful Csts. kills; Lino fl. eletatl- n all sniusemeats ; 14 up. Bik1ct. Kuireue L, Wolfe. Ied, N Y, Mineral Spring Farm. I'rltou. N Y High elevation. table. tSup. Wni T.iwndj l'r,,'. BELL'S t)Vi:itli()K. t'rlton N. Y lllgb eler.; So.h1 tsble:siunsein'ta:t6 up. Madlaen be'l.l'roti, OLKNM FALLS HOl'NK. Rou'd Top N. V it up. booklet. WM. V. SCHUStLEK. NEW YORK wtaten Island. MIDLAND BEACH STATEN ISUND lUfinaal Amuatmant Amid Rafinad Surrounding!. Reacbed ila Stalen Itlaml I'srrr. fnol rf Whitehall at.. tenr.!ni.s nf enlwa.r. elaled riaidsancl surfarr lines. SO minutes' lo'tior altae aatl tbtoiigh tlie I 'W.r tier an'! a short (raits? ride throMgu the tne.t plrlureue of Stales Island. Cleanest as I aafrsi Part on the Allsatlr Ceast. NEW YORK I'larld. ADIRONDACKS Grand View Hotel LAKE PLACID, N. Y. All ronrealenrm to roeel the requirement nt re. flneH people: Orrheatra: elevator: private hatha. CaHtaset rer Hent. Will Build Callage, n approved plana under term lease. All ouLof-doo- r diversions. Nrnd for circular M. B. MABMBALI. LAKE PI. At ID. N. Y. STEVENS HOUSE ADIRONDACK!!. I LAKE PLACID, N. Y. MOW orr.N. All Improvemente. Choice (urntahed cottaiea for rent aparb Location. Ulf and Tennl. on Unlet (iraaada. All forma of diversion. Orchestra, daedal, llo. garage. Booklet, . NKW YOBK Adirondack MouaUlaa acandaia. N.Y.. In turner Adirondack. ADIRONDACK INN Elevator; carafe rtll, nrrbixtra, danc- ing: boating; hathlng. tennis. Onlf a featura. Write foe booklet. C 8. C'baml.crlln. Mgr. NEW YORK flraeaiwood Ike. iV't BIEf LUtf UfllltF mmw m wrssssssv " " hwwm hean Begutlfull' elluats.1 en lake, ijris. bnmellke nmcna. Table auti'lle.1 hr cwn ilslrj ant gar. den. Terms IS up. J M. PAY. Athens, N. T. MEW YORE Cprwe Saranaa Lake, AARANAC INN Write Harrlnaton Wilis. Upper Faranae. N T, NEW VOHK. DA Lf laUm George and Lake f hamplaln uvu Ainerlca'a Hummer rurailfsa PENNSYLVANIA Delaware Walrr tiup. THE NEW KITTATINNY DELAWARE WA1ER liAP, lA Onlr blghi'lass inn.lern bolel In this famoua region. Capacity MV). Every iniMlfrn pquli-- , mvDI ; arriinni UM.,,f. r tnti, i, ii,.,., urrni.' . h flnlS lannl. rlshlnv utn t'mtm .. Oarage. Hpecial parly senMin rates, ilnokli 4nrl auto mapa mallorl. Coacht.. meet trains. JOHN I'UKIJY COI'E. Ion year, of Water i . ,, . Tha BaKlVHI Delanare Water Oan. pa. I CIH g minutes from ttatlon: can. Ire all attractions IIA1IVKY W. BI.AIK. The Forfait House, Slat eeaaon; booklet. Delaware Water Gap. Pa. A. 1.. MAIISH. 8trBtfsrd.Dl.Wtlerriat,Pa.Arc.J: mM. Imp. i eicellent tabl; llklt. Kugfns Sbelleoberrer. PENNSYLVANIA CanadonaU. SPRUCE CAIIN W-rrou'-,.0 VComN. an aulte with bath, t.uragr. f artills hor.ri Allamuaamenta. Ilkll iTo.co atntlon. I.aik. R. It. W. J A M. D, Trice, I'anudrnals, Pa, PENNSYLVANIA W'erneravlll a. GALEN HALL WMKr4RK4tVILL.lt. PA. outdoor aporu. good music. Very fins S. and massago dei arlment. Open all HOWARD M. tVlNU, Manager. PENNSYLVANIA Eaat Mruudaburg. BERWICK INN Zti&r ,t.nS& rhady lawaai trolley tn entranrei auto and aervliej garage; tennis court t I- llustrated booklet. r. C. DICKERSON, gai Birouaaiiurg, ra MICIIItlAN. MT. TLEMENK MINERAL BTll. For treatment of Rheumatism and Nervous and Rlood Diseases. Por full Information write nuitneas Men's As.oci.it Ion. no Chambsr of Commerce, lit. Clemens. Mich. MI8CELLANEOIH. I.ONO ISLAND REHORT BOOK Proa at ticket offices. 170 n'way and Mh Ave. Midg. Arcade .or sent unan receipt of lOc by m'tlo'o j'Y rennsylvanl MPKAWANNt HUMMER KKNORTS. TlrkeOt9eeaHroalway. for. Wall 81. j Tor. Park Place; Cur, SSIIi St., Cur. Ill St., .New York. TJMMRR RESORTS. White Mountains NEW HAMPSHIRE Forhealth,forrest,formagnificentscenery, for coolness, for splendid out-do- or recrea- tion, for delightful society, here is the Unrivalled Vacation Dozens of resorts vieing in beauty of scenery and FAMOUS HOTELS The Mailt New reoflle WaaUattM aat CalUvea arrrua woone. g. a rmiar.it ciruTTT ta CariCW ten Craarfaaral HasasM Saaaavt Hill catwmaa .area. a. a traia mix carauTT tm urtnTT ea Tt Baleeuee Pabvaa iitiuj pima . a euri. a aariarr Be etrtcm sea TIm tisMlasW Tha Maaasl iminia a. a faunoa ciraciri 0ir4OTT m Tha Ksanarn MaaetaJB Vtow 10 or.awaT. Heaa .inrra. a. a Haaaa a. a Hesaie a Hinaat waooa a a n f. a ciricrri in laleerale Heaaa iitiktik. a ciracirr im Flaaaa Heaa ra.arn'ii r.mtm. a a earacin i ArllartoB Holal tminita a caeanTT te einnnaa a. a oiraUTT ass Ualaasl Tarma mama, n OtFiCItT II Twla Mawlaia House tar in eorTT.ni. a CiMrlTT IM TOUR NEW ENGLAND Pa rfectnoads' Mainltlrent ficenery! Tlrae. Ini Air! hor HiuJ Map addrsia WM. M K1M1IA1.L. fli'y N. U. lintel A. so. Draper llultl, Nnrihaiupton. Masa NEW IIAMrSlllKE. TYie arlal 4t steenle Centre nf the WHITE MTS. MAri.i:wnoi. . ii. MAPLEW00D HOTEL COTTAVLH - CASINO INS III'E.N Jl.'LV I KiOC'T.-N-fi II AY PEVEIl i now on:s One Thousand Acre rarW. IH Hole n:f t'tmrae. Dnatirpaaseil. n.iWa Yards, fecooil Annual KealslerM Maplewo"jl Trap minotln Tcmrnanient. Julr 3rtl ti eth, Inclusive. Ds.ly t'onrerl. Uanrlng. LKON II. I.'II.LRY. Ur. BRETT0N WOODS Wllllf. AIOI'NI 4IN!. N. II. I lirMntinH'leasanl. Nn(lmii ('Inrmort s C J Dl'NI'llV. Mbt ' IheMnunlttnalilnitoti. OrH'tilulyntoOrt 1,. 1) J Till. IIKAI. Marr. For Information and UooLIrt addr.v,a Motels, j NEW HOTEL WEIRS' .Mountain Heeort Hotel. I'oothlDs uf lh Uhltv un Lake WliinlpesatiLrc. New KiitfUitds tinit lake. Houm. and wlthuut llh All amurtnrnt. f f.sci. Orcbrstra. Acrammodate i'.Mj. Kate m,l erate. Write for Indian Head llu.iklet. LA.SCAMKH H I.A.St;. I'rops.. Hvtn. .N , THE ASQUAM HOUSL CwiitnMiJitiK Hi mt4t brtutlful vie it, th While Mnunititiii. lunrlir unJ iunitf ara nohttii) eqUaileJ. frervlfe ol the b t Golf. Iiun kporta, boittlr and flihlnv. Or rhrxtr HookUt ICohrrt Kent .ln., Man grr, lkr, HoldrrntM, N. II. (NEW PROFILE MOUNTAINS HOUSE Hn.idns.- - onus, lintel Vcmloina. iloaton. Hotel Nev.castls.hy.tll Sm, Torta. Wenluorth. mouth. N. II Write tpr information KFARtRflK IIOTr.L. No. Tonnar, N. II. Booklet Kujmonrt.Miltioinlil'ii.,u:0 MhAT. KIIOIIK BLOCK ISLAND. R.I. I'hr lilstil Vaiatlon l.aml Ocean 4 lew Hotel llygela Hotel New National Nurf Hotel Hotel Manls.ra Crown tcttage Eureka Holrl Narragansrtt Hr.cbeo by Menlauk Hteambomt Co, leaving 1l. r ft. Slth St.. K. It., N, Y. Tuea. an1 Thura. at 4,10 P. M i Hat. and July rn, l'OO ! M Andreas any of above for booklat. CONNECTICUT. THE GRISWOLD 'astern Point, New London, Conn. NOW DPKN. t'noleat. Mw Mwlrrn Hotel on Atlantic "oj.t. ('niirtette. of fthena. roaaetl f'onntr) Club ritemlnj to All Ta.ia DuosLs; la.llolt. Crolf Cuur-o- . Alea Hmlttl. Pmfeaalonal. Varhtlnn. Iloatlng, Desp Sea Flshlm:, MntnrlnK and Tennis. II. It. .NAVrOV Manage;. NEW .lEHsKY Point Pleasant. THE LEIGHT0r:;;;!,:l,;? V"1' Tennis. (lo!f Ilouklrt. Also PINE BLUFF INN WXnt course. Tennis. Houttnc 11 II. CAItLlHl.K. NEW JEKhEV Long Dranch. bona Ilrunrh Hummer Capital of C. S, Illultrats.l hnJlFts. rubllclty Director, City Hall, Long Mrniich, N, J. NKW ,IKHM:y lllghlanila. THE WESTMINSTER 17th mdiinirfniPiit. inn umi BonkUt. I!. H VAN W'ICKLE. LE CHEVALIER Cor. Prntral ani Wehh ivs.! rentrallt Inraten t first rials service ; outaldi- - rooms. Ilooklvt, J, V. Duramus. ALASKA Directly on beach; rivets hatha. Mod. ern; musli rates tnocj!. rata. M. C Krnni OCEAN HOl'NK. 72 Main uv, Bitha. elec lights, private tennis murts and croauat grounds. Hooklet, 1, THE OAMHIUA. Near the sea. Capatlti Airy rooms. Hate to tjn M THOMAH. MAJESTIC Directly on tcai'ti s elsTatnr irrrlre, Cleuisnl A Cleoirat, SOUTH f NO HOUl ;jw";n".i ceolrallyisiee.n. nu,sui'lalogu.ta, Ilkll. A.Wsrd, NEW JKRMEY "tishury" Park.' " Sunset at,, A.d.irj Park, niock ta Beach. Kperlal rotes for June. Cap. 100. ve. Dlnorra. O. It. WEST. STRAND S1 ' hnl freiiiUaek. I'ornierly I""t'f'' l'1n. HIM, Monetia. PARK VIEW Mh ' ,,' n,'',n' E'eeit'or" Acc, joo, li.ovd kvans. SUMMER RESORTS OF Mountain, DUNCAN. attractive summer life. The vitalizing mountain air mnkes you eat, sleep, piny, dunce, ride, tramp. with a new enjoyment. Marvellous golf courses. The hotels have no superior in cuisine and comfort. Best cif hoarding houses at moderate rates. 10 Hours from New York Summer Train Schedule in Effect June 30 Through Pullman parlor and lesjping car traitu Send for booklet. White Mountains of New Hampshire." Address Vacation Bureau 171 Broadway, Room 227, New York City New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. Boston & Maine R. R. NEW KM, I.AMI. Ideal Tour Is the Ideal Way to the Most Famous Resorts of America A THOUSAND MILES THROUGH NEW ENGLAND'S SCENIC WONDERLAND FIRST CLASS HOTEL AT THE END OF EACH DAY'S RUN. - NKW .IKKl-- tslmrj I'ark. nt 1 1' IM. iS r.N I lilt. Ill ii. , lllllMTI.l O.WIII'.OCKAN I LOS NW OPEN, rapacity 640. AH nutaMe moms am! roll .alt atlir III all ba' imi Pei le,t ruiaine While ber . HEKMAN O. IIKNM1, M.uaari s Y ulti llepr""iit Ailvr In cha u inuiiiv m.u au v, i n rnnii,- Ilrya'ii i.) A MODERN HOTEL BY THE SEA. Hotel Columbia AND COTTA11ES. Aahury I'll. N J. Now Opsn. Running water In rooms. Capacity 01 Booklet. V HARVEY JONES. Owner ai. l M.nater, THE BERWIN Absolulsly first class, elsvator tn atrest t.vel: elei'trle llchte.t, running a.tsr In rooms; mites wtthVath. IIAUKIt BROOK PLAZA HOTEL The leading American and Kurniean plan Hotel In Asbury Park, DIRECTLY ON OCEAN AND LAKE. Headquarter, for auto tourists capicltv J00 Orcheslra, nonklat, J.r. KKLKKY Hotel Albion New. One of ttie mnst mo.Urn hois!, on ocean front. K. F, TOWNSEND. THE LAFAYETTE j Carlty 240. HorUI centra nf th rtiort. i nunnlnt watr In room. Tut, howfr and nidli baihroomi TUrhclor irt. mints. M U. KUObT NEW TEININEY. KOW OPKN. lOOMomnilnn'.tjrtr tn milt. wltb I nr wttlitiut bttht: t$ MKHjrrn mnrenieaer. SSertlre m1 ruliln iiDexiPllttl. t"ok.'t. 1UIMA K, TKNNKV, i. K. ST It A AT. HOTEL THEDFORD M;;,,, suites with bath: refln'd patronage, booklet, HAHltY PUPPIELD. Ownarand Proprlilor. THE FENIMORE Elf valor. Pilvats baths Booklet, ra. pailt) ".IV. TIIOS. NOUl.E THE MADINON, a high class family hotel, arsrlooklruT ocean anil boardwalk; facing park. Capacity 140. Booklet. J. K. Dodnian. A81IIKY PARK. N. .1. k Ol..n..l 17 a r . (n A i. ..I.. Booklet of Publicity lliredor, 100 llosrriwalk llTft D I A Oeesn end 3rd Aie VIVrf I I acc. 136. lUtealnitl.. IIS to 114. double ISO to 110, lt.A.Huttnn,l'ii'. , I VMPRflPT 4,1 Asbury Pari, I LTltlmUr I Hlnglv tn.13; AmhU tin Star Ocean; uneicellcl service, Mra. Itushtoo Linden Inn YM;. . Wfl.,'.'! ' - Ilflnhiff AH Cnttaim riran,t nr. Cmo. lutr. ARPRRPPN I'lork lo oceaD. Acc. NflRMANniF Ocean sntl 3d Av. Acn. IS 5 nooklel Meyers A Sklnnet. SIARI'LAND-PENTI'CKE- 4th av block oceam Acc. 1 60. D klel. F. B. Armatroiig. , RAI FIRM I Av, niock to ocean. nr,s..ljn Acc. 100, ta up. .1 llurton. 81'ltK IIOHMR, First sr, nrcrlonVf o.rar. Arc 150. iistis on iimMI. Hair; I.. iIIUmjii, M.- - SUMMER RESORTS "The MV P.M. I. AMI. A Illustrated Route Rcok or large Map in Color Free et 1 1 80 Broadway or by Mail from ALMON C. JUDD. Hotel Elton, Wntcrbury. Conn. NKW .lt;ili: Mlaiitlf City. arlbotouahBkhdd Ail antic City. N.J. HI OWNKKSIiH' MANAiiKMENT. I JOSIAH WHITE ft SONS COMPANY.l 1 gia!i!iung;i!iuiVgi3 liar, f fin imiipI Hen Ii Ihf vePilr fcf Irtii uitritn k Ht Hti1 Kouml of tlif f"nn I'athf rinniitik wu r urih'-4- , . fntur, tic t"il"iiti' .mA prii t,i wf ntir iti ali Itdtu", rrv ifHH'imli r Mm U t It ,1 O Vi t;J A.T 1. AXTir MTV Vvna set n ntv.' Mnnaivna lAUEtT riaWKWr RUCKI H0IU lYYHTCfU anwrirsnNm r.Lionaan ltmv YOHK lMKlMOir!CJ'aKTlM8 IklW asiss m&imijnt jwMox.jwa t: 10 t'P DAILY. IIS S" UP W'EKKI.T. HOTEL WESTM0NT Ocean I'ml, Kho.ts Island Av , Atlinilc City, Laiat ".i . .:i u.cn aisr baths, Table exrelli-n- l llooklet D P K WITKIt, Mr HOTEL NhW ENGLAND POUTH fAHOLl.N.V AV. AND 1IUACII. Prlvala hatlis, running uater In rooms, elevator, line porches, ate, ; cspaclty 310: special, ti.m uu dly,; siieclsl wkly, bioklst. It. II. WILLIAM HOTEL LELANDEtt.-r-M,- T private baths mnilrrata ratas. W H HAWK. ATUtNTIC CITY. N. 3. Amerku'a I'amous KsaorC NEW .ILIIMK1 spring Lake beach. THE SH0REHAM Zl tl.i1fru lioti'l. tni ate.l nn tin i.i.ua. Hoi.Hk trmt. thf Ocran irtMhlim tach ' ,N. THE ALLAIRE Fprlng l.ako llruch, N. J. Dlrsctlv on thi btaeh. MAUD COLUATK IIOLMUS. NEW JEIIMKV llelmar. HOTEL COI.I'liniA feeing dire. ty on the ocean, rooms with private jiuiiniiig wsier in evaiy room Dane nc. Orch.str.,. l''.,.,. ti T VOX, Msi 1 fM I

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Page 1: nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030430/1916-07-06/ed... · 2019-02-11 · JERSEYMAN HELD FOR $50,000 THEFT n. II. .Miillinrnt, Hncken-.iii'-k Lawyer, Arrostoil


FOR $50,000 THEFT

n. II. .Miillinrnt, Hncken-.iii'- k

Lawyer, Arrostoil in


Mloli.. .tuly S. Alex- -.

.1 ii Muniment, nil attorney!f 11,1' ki ncirk. N. J., wai nrrented at

. ....... v. -- j,ttli 550,000 from Mm. JuliaTurn" wlio Ii.kI cntruMrrl to him therrwrf'l' "f ri'"' ,,,:1", ,,p owned In!'(tffwiil, N J. !! Tnlor. a de-- .'

t, omt'ltiyril by the prosecuting; a I

torn of IKTK'-- cotinty, N. J trailedlMflm"1 t" thl" "lly nf,fr 11

,urch throush tho middle Went.

Ci.trrs'inr N. J.. July S. Arthur ty

prosecuting; attorney ofreceived word at III homa

err Hint Maldmnit had beennrwt'd In K.ilamntoo and would berromht to lliickcimack.

JUIilnirnt'i4 I" a remarkable cane,",,1,1 ' Asnew "llo was onett the IMilIns lawcrK In the rrlmlnnlfcurif of till" county and enjoyed a largetr.ictl'""' "'' 'Ul' many friend and waaInilucntlal In Democratic polities. TwouhiVuku he wan talked of for appoint-tnf- nt

an prowcutlnir attorney of thefeiinty

"Tlirre or mur year ago ne wasbj Mr". Turner, who o,vned

real estate at Knglewood. In- -

I'udiiiK the l'allade Hotel property, tolake ihar.e of her affair. Hhr trimtedMm Implicitly He handled large

of ironcy for her. Until ninemonlha ago "he did not nek for an

Then, for some reaeon, hewjot ni'PlciotiK that her attaint werejet being handled honeetly and demandedan ''minting irom Jiaiomcni. no puther off f"1"1 II"10 ,0 time, occasionally.ilt.c orr to her a few hundred dollar."Then "he retained James Knvln of

Jersey city to forco an nrcoiintlngKiwln had a conference with Maldmenta' which .Maldment agreed to surrenderMm Turner property. He failed toilrt o and Mri. Turner proceeded agalnxtl.im. An Indictment for embezzlement

a handed down fix week aco andMaldment disappeared. The amount he

a nccucd of embezzling wan 14. .000anich. with Interest, hrought Mr.Turner' claim to about 150.000."

Maldment had been living In New Yorkiiy for more than a year subsequent

m hi' dlvorte from hi II ret wlfo andhis marriage to hi stenographer. Hepretlced law In 173 Main street,Itaikencack. commuting from New York.Hi hereabouts of Mrs. Maldment lireiinknown to the Hersen county authorl- -



I kleagn Promoters Lease fin raseWith Idea In View.

Riding about New York In a taxlcahmay not be as great a luxury In the nearfuture a It Is If the plana of a( hlcjio concern to establish a taxlcahj)8tem here materialize. Lower ratesthan those now charged and with asingle rate, be there one or several, are(futures of the Chicago plan. DetailsIme gone so far the operating companyu leased a great garage which WilliamHradley Is building on West Sixty-eight- h

ttreet, near the North River,That nothlnc waa to have been said

bout the new company until all wasriiity nas the Idea of the promoters, sonobody In authority Is ready to give defi-nite facts about It. The Yellow TaxlcabI'mnpsny of Chicago, the Town Taxlcab

of thli city will form a new corporationm he known as the Itrown Taxlcab Com- -


ftlriMlon In Ilrldce Plus Kspeetedto Re Heady Then.

The opening of the new rapid transitlines In Queens which terminate In As-toria and Crrona was discussed yester-la- y

at a conference attended by thel'ubllc Service Commissioners. Mayor.iiunei, uorougn I'resmenta .Malhewion

M I'ounds. Frank Hedlev of the Inter.through. Commissioner of Public WorksJimcn ,, Dayton of Queens, who reure"med the transit committee of theBoard of and representative!cf th Chamber of Commerce of Queens.

It was agreed that the extension of thsQueenrboro subway may be opened foriraiion 10 mo (jueensnoro Hrldge plaxa

by November 1, and that by December 15the operation may be extended from theplaza station over the new lines to As-1'i-

and Corona. It was also statedini the new connection between thetiueenfboro subway and tho Crand Cen.iral Terminal will be ready for use byii r ira OI AllgUSt.


'eye West Knd Traffic t'oncvstJonla .Vol III. Fault.

Trails II. Whitney. Public Servicef ommUhloiier, replied yesterday tocriticism of the congestion on the Westf.nd line in Hensonhurst and Oravesend,!) saying that It wat entirely the faultof the n. H, T. Ho also, he said, wasthe trouble with the old Ulmer Park line.

Commissioner Whitney did not, how-ew- r,

make uny comment on the factthat a demanding hla removal

drafted and sent to Governor Whit-man at a meeting on Monday night ofIne oravesend Hoard of Trade. Theame meeting decided to send a delegat-ion to see Commli-slone- r Whitney anddemand that the Went j;nrt trains be re-stored on tho New 1'trecht avenue routeirom Klxty-secon- d street to Ulmer Tark.


Heenril Output Mold More Than Fif-teen Months Ahead.

HAtTiMomc, July 5 lleporta submit-le- dat th.. meeting of the Consolidationteal Company y Indicate that 191

111.- - u,"" Kre;i,et VMr in the com- -II,, .In... I .

tMicted for more than fifteen monthsnew n,B tonnage recordsN .arnlnirs will ha established.

..Brt ,l"rn,,"d I"' 'el producta" " European war began has taxed,'m ,V!"a "f """ f:oni,olldatlon company,

th. 1 1, '';'r 11 wl" set tl,B b""" i, "hipped from its new mines In

!i. ?ln ,a"r'd n' ,he WebterniimnL i Ml,lroa'1' Kalrmont and

now nearlng completion,"i the regular quar-'- frl) dividend of 1 14 per cent.


L''or Tronble tost Company BO,.Olto In Loss of Fares.

Th utrlke of the Fifth avenue bua"rivers, which started on June 28,

' fettled yesterday. All the men whoPPIN for their old jobs were reinstated.

Kftular service was soon In operation0,1 U lines.

'o.t1r.V7t"lwt.hai;.0.,SP4ny m'0Fifth.;4 w-- x'e,"e. president of the

thny n offer to Increase the pay of.operating fore, from 10 to 10 per

fferiV y1 ke Iu sPlln0 that theS ? .rno.n ,h ehufTeur. was dueJ, '1,1'1 that the wvee of the shop.

ri r .11, t know then f me plnns for4 " hi U ,1 kmj..., , e ., j


IIIIANR Attn PKAH.-Itece- lpts two dya,...i77 Ings l.rn; 1.020 bags peas. Marketiirn throughout, though ilemand loiitlmiesrtitlaer xlark. except the buelneei on esiti count. Marrow, rholce. Its.. 11010 BO;

in. K"0,,. 'O'dinOi mciiiiiii, cliohe. IP.TRm,!., .choice. flOiilo.Mi poor to good.

fj'tjjl """!'! white. California', choice, 'tOai Kinney, rnnlce, .SOnll.SO; rair togood, K.Tsl.4iii red nirrow, choice, IUH

wh He kidney, choke, tl0alQ.2Ss lm.perlHls. choice. I0.&0; yellow eys, choice. M;Mack turtle soup, cliolce, l(l.80lli pinks,

iholce. T,:.hT.7! Hum,ir,c.; 'aTot ieaa, Hcotch, choice,

.nilaS.76: Mark eye, California, It 50h3;"".Vhernitt-fiO"3'- '

"fi-ttwel- pts two days, J7.10H pack-tf,- .M"rkl Is weaker under heavyorrerlngs and quite aencral urgency to sell.Creamery, estras 10a score), per lb.. Mile.:?i?r ""fin. 2a2iic.i firsts tM to 91

&??.L,372!'f:iJ,'rrt,m 'M to 7 score),J.''4c ; tlilrds. 24iihS.V-.- : creamery, un.

!S i!iit, VrJ"". 'nl'nme'' higher scoring,5WWe.: Jlrsts. S7h2sc i Htata dairy, tubs,finest, 2sa2gvT.i good to prime. SSS7l,c.;

2 "I"01!."'. '"IT! i renovated, estras,r nr"1"' 2Sa20c.; lower grades, 23a24c,;tmllatlon creamary, firsts, 35Wc I Isdela, cur-rent make, Brets. 24a2.V : seconds, saitCtlower grades. 22anc.; Ui king stock, currentmake, No. 1, S.Tn2tc . No. 2, 22l4a23c.jlower trades, 2ta22.Th.,IEE8?Tnfc,fu two days. 4.495 boxes,ihi. iife1 .' generally steady. Htate,IVi?:"lk K"h- - "sta. colored, specials,i",-He-

,i h,Jti "Pedals, 16V.. colered,t8'1' - wh'le, aversge fancyIwlSHc; twins, speclsls, lRHcifancy, lSHalBV,: Cheddars, speclsts, tCaIv. average fancy. lHiaHr.i slnslsttalsle, fancy InUal.: all styles, under.""te WliHon.ln, whole milk,

lJ?'"yi,.fr"n' '.w""' tlatOc.i double dairies.V:'.I,H,C ' ..".""i1.' daisies, li,c ; YoungAmerica., lf,17r.: state, skims, currentmake, "pectal. t2'4UV.; choice. tlaWci'"..,,,?,;0, "IHatnVe : lower grade., Sail.two days. 20,00a r.aea.Arrivals are moderate and advices Indicatestrong Interior markets and rather light ship,nienta In tianslt General trade for average

rather ouiet. ,nd mm.h of ,h,supply sell, around 2aao.. defective stocklower. ! reh gathered, ettra fine, per doten,a37e.: etra flrats. 2825c: flr.ta, 2a'aV.&it "'V.d"; third, and poorer.

: rllrtlee. No. I, 22c : No. 2 andpoorer anasiy i checks, good to choice, rtry,20 4a21c : undergrsrtea. la2ili-.-i Klste, Penn'sylsnla and nearhv, hennery whites, fine tofancy, SOaSIc; ordinary to good, 2ns2Sc,ifathered whites, ordinary to fine, 2Sa2Sc,iWestern and Southern, gathered whites, 24a27Sc: Hlste. rcnii.ylv.nl. and nearby, heirnery browns. 2aaW4c. gathered brown endmixed colors, 2ita27c.; duck eggs, State andnearby, Indian liunner, 30c.

HAY AND nTIIAW-mtuat- len continuesdull and weak throughout. Irgs baled topquality timothy hay at ths principal terminalsheds holds barely steady, though all otherqualities are decidedly weak. Clover andmixed not wanted at any price, lly straw'arely steady. Hay. large haled, timothy,J'.U'-.'T- I ,on: No- to No. 2.

M; shlprlng, lia.1T: fancy lightctor mixed. t24: No. l clover mixed. 111Si: lower grade clover mixed, tlSal. Hyestraw. No, 1, 15al. Small bales about IIunder targe.

HOPrt-Trad- lng continues very quiet andthe market little more than nominal, State.1015. Choice, per th.. 1!.S1 Mmmnn fnprime, lluioc.; inu, 5ahv; Pacific roast.1015 choice. 14al5c.: medium to prime. 11aI.V : 1914, T.lOr.j state and Pacific coast,UlUM, 40,--

E,'U!T'' "RKRM.-neee- lpt two days.l.WM barrels apples. Old apples In lightsupply and poor: few new arriving. Pearslightly firmer. Peaches In heavy supply anda trifle lower. Plums scarce Cherrteanrmer fer fsncy Currants steady: supplylarger. Strawberries slightly higher for near-by but r and weatern New York show.Ing no Improvement. lllackberrlea .tilingwell. Ha.pberrtes Hearty. Huckleberrleamore plenty and lower Uooaehrrrles easier.Orangra and grapefruit dull s

In lighter receipt from Cali-fornia and market higher for allklnda. Watermelon. In larger supply andlower APPI.KH-North- ern Spy. hbl.. tj.S;tutdwln. 13 50.5: Hen Davla. t2n: Russet,12 SOas,V); southern new. handpleked, haa-kc-

U3: wlnqfalls, 8na7.V. PKAIISKlor-Ida- ,1 Conle, bhl , $a7..1o. PKACIIKH

Georgia carrier. SU2.50. PI.L'MH-Oeor- sls.

Hurbank carrier. 2a2 SO. CIIKnniKH-R- edand black, quart. SsHc; white, 5a inc.: aour.Ruse . red and hl.ck, In boxes, lb., s12c;baaket, WtaliOc, : white, :5a50c.: sour,.iVii-- ; red and black, 30 1b. basket. 75c atl 5: sour. SOatKV. CCRnANTSCherry,quart. Sainc; small. ac. STItAWHUlt-KIK- S

Weatern New York, quart. Asl3c.:upper stations, quart. eal2c ; loner

station.. 5atOc.; fltaten latand, quart. AaMc ;lng Island. aiac.: Hilton and Irvlngton,flalBc: Jersey, Sage. DLACKPHftHICSJereey. quart, Malic: Delaware and Mary-land, quart, XaVc.: North Carolina, Sake.KAHPUKRIttns-l!p-rlv- er. red. pint. 4s5o :Jereey red. pint. 5a5c.: Delaware and Mary-land, red. .1a4o, black cap., 4aHc.

and Marland, quart,I5al5c.: Jrney and Priint) Ualila. 15alSc.;North Carolina, quart, 12al5c. riOOHKriKR-KIK-

Large, green, quart, "alOc.: small,gren. 4a.V.: buahct basket, flal 50.ORANOES California, box. tl 5w4 50: Flor-ida. I2a5. OR APK FRUIT Horlita, aa tosite and condition, box, la4 5U; Callfornln,bos. 2aS; Cuban, IX 5s. I.KIIONK C'.ll.rornla. box, $2n4. Imported, 3.50r:i.m.I. bbl.. s0. S

Oeorgls standard, crats of 45.II. 50al.75; standard crate of 3(1. tl.25al 50:lony crate, fial.25; flat crate, 5nae5c.: pinkmeats, flat case, 5Ma75c,; l'lorlda. standardcrate tl.al.5U; California Jurubo, crale,t3.75a4.2A: standard crate, t3 50a4: ionycrate, t2.75a3.25: flat rrate. tlal.50.

and Florida, per HID,115.50; carload. ll&'a22S. PINKAPPLKHPorto Rico, red Spenlah, box, OOc.at3.00;Cuba. lla:.SO.

FRUITS. I)RII!f Market for spot evapo-rated applsa continues vsry dull Futuresstsady and unchanged at 5iaSSc: for

prime, f, o. h State.California fruits steady so arm. AI'I'LES-Kvaporst- ed,

fsncy, lb., 74a7Hc.i choke, 6a61).-.- ; prime, SsS'lc; sun dried, quarters,In barrels, lb.. SVaV. AI'KICOTK-ltoy- at,

10al4c: Moorpsrk, Ha 15c, I'lUCItEHCalifornia, unpeeled, 5ia7c.i peeled. UstSc.PltCNKS-Catlfor-nia, ufis to JOs, 15 lb. boxes,5Vi.Ho.

POTATOKH.-nermu- da, No. 1. bbt .14;No. 2, t3; Jersey, No. 1, bbl,. t3 50al: Dela-ware and Maryland, No. 1, I2.25a2.75: sec-onds, llal.50: fUatern Shore. No. 1, hbl.,I2.vi.i5; No. 3, tlsl.57; Virginia. No. 1. Mil.,S2 50a3.7S: No. 3. flal.SS; North Carolina.No. 1, 12.3 75; No. 3, 11.1.25; Chill, red.North Carolina, No. 1. t2a3.2S; No. 2, tl;culla, all sections, bbl,, 75c, stl; sweets, Jer-sey, basket, 7.V- - all. 50

OTHKR VHnP.TABI.KS ASPAItAOCSNesrby green, fsncy. dosen bunches. t2s3 50;extra, tl.50al.73; prime, tlal.25: culls. 75c a11.00; whits, fancy, 1.75: extra. Il.35al.50;prims, 75o.sl; culls, 50a75c. nEANU-Jers- sy

and Long Island, green. Iiag, 50t.atl: Jersey,win. banket, 5(lc atl .VI; ret-n- , 25;Delaware sod Marland. wax, 25c.sll.33;green. 23c. stl: Kattlmore, wax and green,25c. all: Jersey, fielawars and Maryland,rava, : Iteglna, llal.23; Virginia,wax. basket, 50c.ntl fal; given, SOc.atl 23;25a75c.: Virginia. Fava. 50h75c.; Virginia.Regime, tiaakct, 75c.sfl. RIIKTH Nesrby. inobunches. tJa.1; topa off, bbl,. t2.2 50, CAR-ROTS Nesrby, 100 bunches. 1 2.3.50.CUCUMIIKItS Iiug Island, bushel basket,tl.50al.75; 51aryland. basket. Ml.i7.V,; Vir-ginia, bbl., tlal.25; Virginia, per banket, 25a7.V. OAUIJA'II-'- Ncurb. ar list. f5S; J.r-se-

crate. $1 75a3.23: Iang Island and Jer-sey, bbl., tl.25al.75; Delaware and Maryland,rrate, tl 25.2: bhl., tlal 50; Baltimore, crsta,tl.28al.70: bbl.. tlal.50; Uaalam Shore, crate,tlul.75) Ibl., 75c.Htl.23: Virginia, irate, 50c.all. 50; bbl.. red. crate, tlal.50:Florida, red. basket, tlal.25. CKI.ERY-St- ate

and nearby, bum-h- . 16.40. ; Itermiida.large crats, t4: two-thir- rrate. I2.50a2.75:small crate. 7ao.atl.33. CORN Carolina,crate, TSc.atl.50; Florida. 75o..tl 25: laaulal-anta- .

bbl., t!i!.50. CAUMFUrWERB-Nearl- iy.

bbl,. tlal.50. KOOPI.ANTS-Vlr-gln- la.crsts, t3a2.50; 83 quart crate,

tlal.25; Florida, box, 50c atl.35. UARI.ICIxmlslnla. strings, lb.. 5a7c. LIMA PKAN8

North Carolina, bssket, 13.733 25: Florida,baaket, IU2.50: crsts. Ils2.35. I.F.TTUCE-Harr- el,

7V.atl.50; crste, S3oatl: basket, 60aT5c. I.EKKS-Nesr- by, 100 bunches, tl.MURHItODMpl-Four-iioii- nd basket, tla3.50.ONIONrt Jersey, while, basket. tl.50a3; yel-lo-

tl.I3al.tH: red, basket. tl.S8al.50;l.oitl.lati.l t'MI li I iik. 2 75n3 25 : 75 h. bag.t2a2.50; crate, tl.23al.40. Texas, rrate, lisI 73: lleruiuda. tl 25al 73: i:itntlsu. bag,t3a4; Maryland and Virginia, basket, tla1.35; North Carolina, basket, tlst 50. OKRA--Carrier, tla3 50; basket. I2a3.50. PEASWestern New York. bag. tl 5fta3: Long Islandand Jersey, hag, tlal.50; Jersey, large, bas-ket. Il.35al.75: smalt, tl.1.25. PEPPERHJersey, box, It. 23.1.50; North Carolina, baa-

ket. tl.50a3; South Carolina, carrier, llal.35;Klorliln. l,o $1 50a2 25, barket, tl,353.PARRLKY Nesrby, 100 bunches, Hal. 50;basket, tlal.26: rurly. bbl., tla150: plain, 75o atl 5). PARHVIPKVew,100 bunches, Ila2: old, bbl,. tlal. 23. RAD-ISHES Nearby, bbl.. Hal. 75; 100 bunches,SOc.atl. RHUI1ARI1 Nearby, 100 bunches,tlst. 23. ItOMAINK-Ncar- by. bbl.. SOo.nll;basket, 25sel0c.; berry crste. 25a50c,SPINACH Kearny, nni,, isc, at..-D- .


Nearby, ton bunches. 75c.atl.8QUAHII-Mitrro- w, bbl , tl.3tal.2! white. 25s50e.: Yellow, crooked neck, hbl,. Ia3.TURNIPH-Butsba- ga, bbl.. tlst.35; nearby,whits, 100 bunches, list. TOMATOESTexas, fist rase, SOaaSc: Louisiana, gflsg3c,;Mississippi, flat rase, 50a55i-.- ; carrier, T5c.a11.28: Florida, carrier, T5c.all.35: Jerseyprime, box. tl SOsJ: cull., tlsl.35: Maryland,5 basket carrier, tl: basket crsts, tlal, 35;Virginia, 2 banket rrate. Hal. 15: Nortli Caro-lina, l basket crate. 11.25.1 50: hot houas,lh.. 4al0e. WATERCRK8S-1- 00 bunches,1 1.21.1. 50.

LIVE POUT.TllY-Boi- na 50 freight ears ontracks, of which 40 csrs were unloaded. Fourrare were unloaded yesterday. There wasfair trad, fer fowls and prlres gen-erally reported at 17'le. for both light andheavy. Broilers ara In liberal supply, largelyWestern and Southwestern, and moat satesreported at 33c, Weatern broilers nrs notplenty and wnlla e few small havs sold aalow ua 22c, larger have reached 34a2.'.e,,nltl! cxpictn lots brlnslns ibout same !lf

tires, old roosters, 14c, Ducks, geese andturkey, unchanged. T

DHE8HED POULTRY TURKEYS. Drylaieked, old hen, dry picked, lb., 25c;old tome, 35c.; old tome, scatded, 2fta24c.CIIICKKNB-Kie- ah boes, dry. Western milk-fed- ,

17 lbs. and under to doten, 33c.:lbs., A2aft.1u,i lbs. to doten, SOX'.; coinfed, 17 lbs. and under to doten. 31c;Mil., 2ll.l31u,i 25 311 lbs., 2Sc UIIICKIINKFreah bbls., Iced, Phltsdelphla and lamg Isl-and. Iba. to pair, 33a.iac; Peiinsylanla,53nS4c, Virginia and Tennessee, lullkfed,3tsg2c,i nesrby squab, 1 l'i lbs. each, pair,,3asV.i under 1 lh. each, 55a70c, : Westerndry picked, mllkfed, lbs. to alr, :ma2c.icornfed, 2sa30c.: other Western scnlded, 25a3c. ; Michigan, scalded, 3 4 lbs. to pair, 2Sa3ik;. KOWLS-- 12 to box. dry locked West,ern liotea, is 00 Iba. and over to doten. drypicked, 21 Vic; 50 47 the. In Via 22c: under 80lbs., Isa31c. FOWLS bbls., Iced, Weaternnortherly, dry picked, 45 lbs and over20a2Hlc: Western northerly, dry picked,i'i lb., lc; dry picked or scalded, under3 lbs., lac; Southern and Southwestern, 4Iba. and over, lHalVjc: Southern and South-western, small, 15c: other Western, scslded,4 lbs and over, luaiety.; Michigan, scalded,3' ; old cocks, lh., 14Vo, Ducks, longIsland, fresh, ducklings, lh., 10c. Squabs,prime, while, 0 lbs. and over to doten,t!.23a4.BO; culla, 50c. atl.


REEVER.-Kcccl- pU, 1.500 head: 31 cars onsale. Steers were quiet, demoralized andprices 35c. lower then Monday: bulls, slow to15c. off: thin cows, 10c, to 15c, lower: othersdull hut shout steady, The yards were notquite cleared. Common to prime steers soldat 17.23 to 110 23 per 100 lbs.: men at 17.39;bulls. tS to 17.4"; 1 extra bull. 8 25: cows,1.1. .VI to IS Ml. Hreseed beef slow at 13Vto Ifl,-- , for natle elites. 13i,,o. to 17c, forhinds and ribs: 12V-- to 14c. for chucks andplates.

Hales. Kerns Commission Company. 11Pennsylvania steers. 1 317 lb. acriie. fin 23per lis) lbs ; an, 1.17". t,75. 2U Kentucky.I.I5U, 10.75; 20 Virginia. 1.227, In OH; 20.I, (Km. tSA5; ,1 enllalvanl.l lows, U3II, tO 60.

Mcpherson A Co., 20 Pennsylvania steers,1.3411. tlO: 17, Lilts. tlO: 20 Virginia. 1.S22,t9 S5i 1, 1.3a, III; 3 cows. KM), tH 35.

S, Sanders, 18 Pennsylvania steers, 1.347,tlO.25: 18. 1.4K7. tlO 23. 15 Ohio. 1,245. til Mi

0 Vlrglnls, 1.32P, ID IS); 20, 1.254. tO ."; 20,1.243, to 25: i bull, l.errn. t25: 3. 1,25,

7 PI; 2, 1,475. f7. 2. 1.315. .75: 3. I, Hal.t .Ml, 1", tlS. B.23i 2. 753. t. 2. t.OtSI. S5.75Newton ft Co., 2 Virginia steers, l.HBi. tl:20 Pennsylvania, 1,2I4. It) l"l, 2, 1.222. to so.Tobin He Shanncn, V bulls, 0S4, IS; H cows,

703. 45 50.H. Judd c Co., 2 bulla, 1,053, to IS; 3, 755,

t.1.35Andrew .Mullen. 3 Stale steera, 955, t7.25;

2 oxen, 1..HIK), $7,25; 2 Blockers, 23, 43.73:2 hetfera, 75i, fn

J U. Curds & Son. 2 hulls. 773. PI; 2cowa, 755, t 23; 2. l"). 13 25; 2 bulla andcowa, tarloua weights. t4a 25.

Jellirfee Wright & Co., 4 bulls, 502, tS.7S;3. H3, f5 23.

CALVES. Receipts, 2.450 calves; 3.070 onsale. Veals opened steady; closed slow sndweak: skimmed milk calves were unrhangedIn prlres, Common to choirs veals sold at59.12 50 per list lbs.: culls and throwouts att7s.50; skimmed milk calves at f50,t7: afew yearlings and grasaers at tS 50.0. citydressed veals were slow at 14U,.i(ic; countrydressed at 12Sal7V

Salea.-Oo- rss e l M nillenb.rk, 22veals, 157 Iba, average. 412 50 ix-- 100 Iba.:4. 110. 412 25; S. 140. tIS; 10, 150, til. 75; 3.153, 111 50; 3. 111). HI

J O. Curtis & Son. 2US veals. 161. 112 50;01. 151. 112.25; 3, 1.1 12. 112; 3. S.11. fit 50; 515S. til; 8. t0; 13. 134, all; l culla.15. f: 4 skimmed milks. 1S5. 47

W It Hume, 44 veala. 171). 412.00 : 24, 150.112; 4 . 250. Ill, V culls. 117, p; 2. 15. 47.50.

Jellffe Wrlsht A Co.. 2 veala. lm, 12 50;5. 13. til. 50; g cults, 176, It; 4 sktm milks,n Ii 3 1ICI, 45.50.

Andrew Mullen, 7 veals. 155. 112 50 : 2. 120."355Win,': K"" m"k" l,4 - grasaera,

S. Judd & Co, 120 veals, 150, 113 (V); 25.121, tl2 25 . 3. 200, HO; IS. 145. tl); a lulls,150, ts5: ii, 131. ts: 5, ion, 1750.

Kerns Commission C'ompanv. 220 e.la. 154,112.50: 51). 13T, $12; 0. 173. 4U. 22 culla, 100,15: 17 mined. 147 7 50.

S. Sanders. 55 veala. 150. t!2 5H; 54, 155.I12S7!,; 41). 14S, 112.33: 53. 145. tt2: S3, lift.411.73: 25 culla, 152. IS; 33 fed calvea andskim milks, inn, 17

Tobln A Shannon. 20 veala. 130, $12; 4, n.v10: 10 Virginia. IBS. 11..V); 23 mixed, 313.7.50; 35 .klui milks, 172, fl; 2 yearlings,

430. t: 5.SH4. 45 50.Newton A Co.. 70 Vest Virginia, vests,

157, tl2! 4 culls, 125, $5; 3. fed. 223, 47 73 , 5,152. 47. ,

SHEEP AND I.AMIIS.-ltecel- pts. 10,750head; 26 cars on sale. Demand fairly activeand prtoea steady, quality considered, withMonday's sslea. The yards were very nearlycleared Common to prime sheep sold at t5to 17 ber lis) Ihs.i a few at B7 ?. nlla at43 to 44; ordinary to prime Ismbs at 410 40iw su.ig; cuiis ni liressed muttonquiet at 11 to 15', tenia; dressed Ismbs at16 to 10 leula.

Sales Kerns Commission Company. 234Vlritlnla lamba. Ti ll, averase, 411.62'i per

na ; ,i.s, ell. ii. ..J, fVH, Sll 27,. 2,2;14,7. til 23: 245. ft. Ill 111. 474 . $11, 221.

14, $11: 236. tHI. Ill; 2.241. 61. till 41); 227Kentucky, 77. tit; 44 Virginia culla. 41),ts.5): 3 sheep, no, 7, 2.1, n?, 46, 4. 102,15; 21) mixed. K6, 55; 2 culls, A5, 3; 4 bucks,110. 45.50.

Tobln A Shannon. 314 Kentucky lambs, 71,411.73; 244, 07, 411 50; 215 Virginia, M,111.50: 22U. 71, ttl .VI; 2S!. . 111.40; us,67, til. 35: 633. f.1, $11) 75: 57. 65. $10.75 : 237Ohio, 64. $1(1 S3: 2 yearlings, SO. $8; 12 sheep,104. 17 25; IS. 111). tH 25 , 22, 10", IS; 3, M,15: 3 bucks. 143. 46.

McPlierson & Co., 250 Virginia lambs, T4,tit 55.

Newton 4 Co.. 2.15 Kentucky lambs, W,111. 240. 66, 411.511.

J. Shainberg A Son, 167 Virginia lambs, 62,HI. 25; 7tl sheep. DM, $6 50.

8 Judd a Co., I) Pennsylvania lambs, 56,til. 25.

J. 1. Curtis a Son. 0 State lambs, 71,111.33.

HfKlS. Reoelpts. 6,680 bead: shout s rsr-loa- d

on ssle. Market steady with generalsales at tm 25 per 100 It ; roughs at8.75.

Sales. Kerns Commission Company, 15Htate hogs, , 410 25 r 100 lha.: isPennsylvania, I DO. 110.23: 5 roughs, 303,tt 63

S. Judd 4 Co , 15 mate hogs. 155, 110 25;16 Pennaylvanla. 204, 110 26 ; 4 roughs, 330,16.75: 3. :m, ts 63.

8. Sanders. 3 Htate hoga, 326. 110.36;roughs, S16, 15.75.


KANSAS CITY, July !. Hogs Receipts.i:,ooo: 3c. lower. Hulk. Mta.5: heavy,H.HSalO; packers and butchers. It.aOalO;light. Ir.COail. pigs, .:5a.S0,

Cattle Receipts. 10,000: steers steady;rows strong, Prims fed steers, !10.?1all:dressed beef steers, ID.SlatO: Southernatoera. li.:Ss9.Su; cowa, ISal.50: hetfera,$7.7walO, atocktra snd feeders, t6.7&aS.&u;bulls, H.7;a7: calves, tLtOsll.Sheep llecelpls, 6,600; steady I.amhs,19,50.10.50; yearlings, $7 SOak.U; wethers,Il.i0a7.50; ewes, leal; atockers and feed-er- a,



PITTSBUItri, July .'. Cattle steady,aupply light Cholre, $.754110.:, prime,lO.SO'u 10 7.'..

Sheep Steady. supply light Primeset her". 7.50fr7.75: cull snd common.3.'.0rt.50; lambs, "(fll, veal calves, i:

Hogs Steady, receipts. 50 double decks.Prime heavlee 10.30; mediums and heavyvorkera, 10 206 10 2.,; light ynrkera. O.IOtf10; pigs, 4SS,5. rougha, 9rl.lS.


rUnkruptcy Petitions,CHARLES l KAIITROWIT petition

ha. been filed agalnat Charles I,.trading as thn Kautrnwits-7.Hen- -

fleld Paper Companv, Jobber In paperin'i siaimn.ry ai in" v esc i waniy-aec-nn- d

atrret. Llabllltlea 10,000, assets$3,500.

SAM l.U'KOWITZ. grocer at 65 Eldrldgestreet, flled a petltlnn In bankruptcy,with liabilities 15.126 and assets 11.245.

PHIL S. HILIs At a meeting of creditorsof Phil S. Hill. inanuUcturer of dressesat 89 West Tu d ttreet. In theoffice of Maigrsne Cots, referee lu bank-ruptcy. In the Wnolworth Uulldlng, Msr-ci- ii

Helfand was elected trustee, with110.000 bond, Liabilities about I50.UOO.A strike cause,! the bankruptcy pro-ceedings.

Composition Confirmed.JACOB O. SACHS Judge Hand confirmed

a composition of Jacob O Sacha, manu-facturer of novelties at 1201) llroadwsyand 318 Esat Seventy, fifth street, asthe Plsta Manufacturing Company, withcredltora st 25 rents on ths dollar cash,

Bankruptcy hchedulrs.M. COHEN SONS, manufacturer, of

anew paui si jiu uieecser aireet, haveflltd schedules showing liabilities 10,041and assets 12,125,

PKLINA II. KINil Trading ua the ,s. II.King Baking Co., at 3300 Jamaica ave.title. Queans. Uleil Hcheiluli-- ,hns!. n.bllltlea of 14,517 anil assets of Into.

Discharges Prom Bankruptcy,J II DOE HAND granted dlschsrgrs to thesebankrupts! Heth Walker, grocer, New.hurgh: Harry Klein, tailors' trimmings,

111 Eldrldge street: Henry 1). O'aulltvsnfurs, 17 West Thlrty-nrt- h street: Walterllammrrtlouiih. salesman. New nochellr:Norman Oiiinblnner. 1073 Seventh ave.nuet Richard .1, Walea, nlaaterer, 703Trsmont avenue: ilenige W, Lynn, 370Park avenue: Jacob Meyrowlls, cleik.313 Eaat Thirteenth aireet, Fred 11Kahle. grocer, 774 Ellon avenue; CharlesKaufman, 30 Church street; Sidney I,.'Dsrrln, :tt Wesi Fiftieth street; ChrisV. D. Carle, 510 Weal lMth street:Hark D' Andres, taller, lilt Eiat Twenty,third street: Morris Schulmsn. groceryilerk, 1217 Stebhtna avenue, Orurge rj.Andrs. hoalery anil underwear, tot Og.den avenue, Samuel Harris Co., Inte.rler woodwork. SSJ B.st forty. sixthstreet, as a firm and funnel Harris



Snar Co.'a .Nevr Traflle MstastrcrRerelvea Present.

A luncheon In honor of Ralph BprlntleHtulihs, who recently resigned n generalKustern fright agent of the SouthernPacific lines to become traffic managerof the American Sugar Refining Company, was given In the Bankers Cluoyesterday with about 150 guests present.

I'. M. Rlnlev. assistant to the vice- -president of the Kl Paso and Southwestern system, was toastmaster, andthe speakers were L- - J. Sprnce, directorof traflle of the Southern Pacific lines J

F. D. nabst. president of the AmericanSugar Tunning Company, and H. D.Caldwell, president of Wells Fargo atCo., the last named presenting studs ofpearls nnd diamonds to Mr. Htubbi.

Those present Included Robert C.Wright, traffic manager of the Pennsyl-vania; T. N. Jarvls. ofthe lhtgli Valley; Ralph Caples, gen-eral traflle manager of the WesternMaryland ; Walt Talcott of Rockford,111. ; n, I Woodrow, 01the Old Dominion Steamship Company ;

J. H. Young, president of th Norfolkand Southern; J, II. Crawford, freighttraffic manager of the Delaware, Lacka-wanna and Western; H. L. Joyce, super-intendent of the marine department ofthe Jersey Central, and W, J. Love, oper-- ,

niing nepanment 01 international aitr--cantlle Marine Company. I


llreadstnffa Lose In Valar( batMeat flfaovra al.

Wasiiinotom, JulyS. -- Heavy decreasesof breadstuffs but mt.-ke- Lnrreatie Inmeat nnd dairy products featured theMay foodstuffs export trade of theUnited States. Statistics Issuedby the Department of Commerce showedhrrndstuffa exports had fallen off

compared with May, 116, whilemeat and dairy products Increased10,000,000 and mineral oils showed anIncrease of 15,000,000.

Total hreadstuffs and meat exportsfor May amounted to $1 17,7"o.t3, andfor the eleven months ended with Maythcete exports aggregated f 1,1:3,173,814. adecrease of 379,524, 121 from that period'saggregate last year. The falling off Inthis class of export trade waa due prin-cipally to n reduction of 1112,000,000 Inthe value of wheat, 312,000,000 In cornand J 0.000,000 In flour.

(iaeolene, naphtha, residuum, fuel oil,luhrlcitlnx oil and other similar prod-ucts showed an Increase of $26,000,000,while fresh beef exports Increasedts, 000,000. bacon 132.000.000. hams andshoulders 1 14.000,000 and pickled pork15.000,000. Lard showed a loss or37,000.000.

Shoe Machinery Co. Answers.St Locis. July r.. Denial that It has

violated any of the provisions of titClayton anti-tru- law Is contained Inthe answer of the United Shoe MachineryCompany to the suit flled by the Gov-ernment In the Federal District Courthere


FUATIIKRS Feathers Imported by S.Stern were the MUhJect of s ruling ren-dered yesterday by the Board of ileneralApprslaera These feathers, classified aa"ornament tl feathers, manufactured," weretaxed for duty st t'O per cent, ad valorem,under paragraph SI7 of the tariff set of1913 Th Importer contended for clssst-ncatlo- n

under the same paragraph, withduty st but 10 per cent, ad talorem. Insustaining this claim Judge McClellandwrites: "The testimony submitted to-gether with an examination of the sain-ple- a

la convincing lh.it the protest claimssre well founded The feathers have beensdvsnced In value or condition beyond thecrude state, hut sre not such In theirImported condition as could be used fefmilllnerv ornaments'

Sl.AHIIF.lt FLANNEL The Issue r.l.a.lby aevrsl protests In the name of theXtone & Downer Company of Boston, ad-justed yesterday, nas whether certainfabrlca known In the trade aa slssherflannel tere dutiable sa stool cloth, at tharate of 33 net cent, ad valorem, underparagraph tin, set of 1911, or aa flannels,under parsgraph :, with duty at :Sper cent, ad valorem. This merchandisea sold to cotton mills snd Is used chiefly

on alilng machines In what la called thealaehtng machine. The board finds thstthe fabrics are not "danntla'' and thaprotests for the lower duty ars over,ruled

ALPACA CLOTH Harris A Schulgaasetloat before the board In a decision risingduty at tha rsle of to per cent, adtalorem. under parsgraph 101, tariff setof 1913, on certain alpaca coat linlnga. TheImporiera claimed claaslflcatlon underparagraph C8H or 290 aa wool cloth or woolcoat linlnga. ullh dull at 31 per cent, sdvalorem. The board finds thst this

correctly classified as clothIn chief value of the hair of the Angoragoat, alpaci and like animals, under par-agraph 90s. Tha protcat for tha lowerrlulv ts overruled.(Hj'K I.MATHCII. The entire glotetrade of the country la Interfile,! in anopinion Just rendered involving ths clsaal-flcatlo- u

of ctrtaln glove lesthsr ImportedIn the name of William II. Sllner A Sonfor John Naudln, dealers at wholesale inglote leather at Oloveravllle, N. V, Themerchandise wai deacrlbed on the invoicesaa glote lesthrra. nstursl dole and whitedole. Duty waa assessed at It per rent sdvalorem under paragraph 341 of the tariffact of 1913 as "chamois skins." The lm- -

fiorters claimed classification sa "gloveunder snothsr provision of the

same paragraph, Mill) duty at but 10 petrent, ad snrem. After reviewing at greatlength much testimony bearing on theclassification of thla inarrhandlae, ths Gen-eral Appraisers decided the issue In favorof the Importers. In summsrlslng thsopinion or me hoard, judge Mroeilanclwriter: "Chamois aklna prepared from theflesh side of spill sheepskins, but submittedto processes sdditionsl to those to whichrhsmola sklna sre submitted for ordinarycomtnsrclsl purpoaea, and which not onlyspecially nt them for uae aa glote leatherbut make them unsuitable practlcall) andrinmiu'p'lally for the ordinary uses ofrhsmola sklna. are properly dutiable ssglotu lei i her at the rate of 10 per cent,ad valorem under the eo nomine provisiontherefor In paragraph 349 of the tariff artof 1913, that provision being narrower andmore specific as spoiled to skins ao nre.pared than the eo nomine provision forcu.inuis sains in ine asme paragraph,rltrauss A Hedges, customs attorneys, represented the Imnnrtera before th. enstim,board, while Charles D. l.swrence, sptcgilI'nlteil Htate Attorney, appsarsd for theGovernment.

HUMAN II AIR. General AppraiserWatts rendered a reapprslarmenl decisionon the foreign msrkst values of humanhulr Imported here from Momma Kami, of, iurm, iiai)-- , inn ruling reana: il

5Scm. Invoiced at 74; entered atSO lire per kilo. Ditto iOum, Imolred atM; entered st 40 tiro per kilo. Dittoticm, Intolrrd st 31; entered at 44 lirer'T k. C,"V Ite.ppralaed asThla merchandise was eigortedMarch 11 snd entered here June I, 1914.


WASHINGTON, July t --Ths ststement ofthe receipts and disbursements of Tress-ur-shows;

Heeei it .. tMa.tuDisbursements . 4.4I4.4M

Deficit LM7.447Recelnta from customs hamc.,,.

,.er!,J.rev,Rue,onl",r'' !I" H': Inoom tig.HS7.MI; mtacrl sueoua. l.77o,4S. Nationalbank notes received for reilnintitn asn-- u

The current ststement of the United StatesGENKHAL FUND.

v tow H7.;t,omAvailable ailver tUnited .Slates notes ,, 4 tta'TvNational bank notes and Federal

Reserve nolea 27 131 417Certified cliecka on banks io'mHuheldlary ailver, minor coin snd

ailver bullion :t (Tl 474llmliailfled (unassorted) currency 'tss'litDeposits In bsnks and Philippine

Treasury 171.000 tilAvsllable currency In Treasuryand banks tCi.Ml.SI4

" "!' wuiuiie. SI.SM.UONet balance In leneral fund,,,.,,. ;,714.014

RESKITVE FUND.Gold coin and bullion II6:,T,0

TRUST TUND.To redeem outstanding certificates l!,04!),M0.1HGrand total cash assets In Treat,

ury :.MI.77.MJ


SAVANNAH, July t. Turpentine Firm,.19 H ft V.: sslea, S T 4 barrels: receipts, III;shipments. 3.74; stork, 11,430.

Rosin Firm. Hslee. 1,040 barrels; ra.rrlpts, :.01J; shlpmsnts. 1,411; atoek, It..751: A, B, Ml: C, D, 15. 5.11: r, O, H, I,K, M, N, 5.45i W 0, I.Tlj WW, 1.28.


nil. CITY Pa.. July I Credit balances.Jl i.o, runs dl.JJA barrels, average, i'J.JII;ehil'iiieule, VZ,3K, utcUft Jl.liL


RX DIVIDEND.Company and Term. 8tk. Ami.

Brooklyn City Ra Iroad, quar- -.terly 2Delaware. Lackawanna and

Weatern Railroad, quar.terly .... mr.

International Paper, quarterly pfd HLehigh Valley Coal Sales. ,auarterly 3J4whit Co., quarterly 87'j.

t. 8. UOVr.RNMENT BONDS.Bid. A ked.

. reg, 1110 ua'!is, coup., t10 !)'is. reg , I9U too 101'a, roup., Ills 1004a, reg., 125 10?',4a, roup., 1jj no3s. Pan., 11)4, reg iIs. Pan., lm, coup ata. Pan.,' !tl, reg,.,,. tooIs. Pan.. 1141. coup 100


NSW TOBR Calsklll Mountain.

The Calskill Mountainsa rsgtoa of





OF VtlLimoittl LIIAHMft


In connection with West Shore II. II..operates through trains, Including Pullmanservice. The summer schedule la now Ineffect. Three thrcnigh solid fast eiprntrains In each direction betxeen Near Yorkand the mountains.

Steamer, of the Hudson River Dsv f .In,make direct connection, st King-to- n Putinwith afternoon trains for all points in tlicmountains.

The annual illustrated lnnk with retiutmap of the Calsklll Mountain section, sndcorrected Hat car over l.rssi hotels, sndboarding houses, win be sent free on receiptof A c tints postage.

,N. A, 8IM8, (Jenerst l'aaengar Agent,Kingston. X V

COLUMBIAN"Her ef faUkllU."I Sulneur baths, springs, howling, pool, Ineorlsg. Table uaracelWd. rsrmsttsrlit

Booklet. O. T. IIOLMKS. Prop.,Purling. Greene Co., X. T


N, Y. I'leaeantlyaltUAleil. Hanlinri plumb--Ing. electric lights Neai post orllce aminementa. all churches. Good table Terms SI,Up. Write for booklet. Mra. M. I.. Tracey.

MOUNTAIN sIKtV FARM ItOCxK.Pleasantly situate t ; healibful lesllen.nrodurts : telephone write fr terius an t iMiWletrRBISMIICK NAXEl'sitklll. It. I'. D So. 1

Fair View Farm. Home comforts. Tablasupplied from fsrtn Amusements of all

kinds 17 up Geo. Itoughtalllig A Don,Houth Cairo. New York.PINK GKOtK. HOl'MF.. In beautiful Csts.

kills; Lino fl. eletatl- n all sniusemeats ; 14up. Bik1ct. Kuireue L, Wolfe. Ied, N Y,

Mineral Spring Farm. I'rltou. N Y Highelevation. table. tSup. Wni T.iwndj l'r,,'.

BELL'S t)Vi:itli()K. t'rlton N. Y lllgb eler.;So.h1 tsble:siunsein'ta:t6 up. Madlaen be'l.l'roti,OLKNM FALLS HOl'NK. Rou'd Top N. V

it up. booklet. WM. V. SCHUStLEK.

NEW YORK wtaten Island.


lUfinaal Amuatmant Amid RafinadSurrounding!.

Reacbed ila Stalen Itlaml I'srrr. fnol rfWhitehall at.. tenr.!ni.s nf enlwa.r. elaledriaidsancl surfarr lines. SO minutes' lo'tioraltae aatl tbtoiigh tlie I 'W.r tier an'! a short(raits? ride throMgu the tne.t plrlureue

of Stales Island. Cleanest as I aafrsiPart on the Allsatlr Ceast.

NEW YORK I'larld.


Grand View HotelLAKE PLACID, N. Y.

All ronrealenrm to roeel the requirement nt re.flneH people: Orrheatra: elevator: private hatha.

CaHtaset rer Hent. Will Build Callage,n approved plana under term lease.

All ouLof-doo- r diversions. Nrnd for circularM. B. MABMBALI. LAKE PI. At ID. N. Y.


LAKE PLACID, N. Y.MOW orr.N. All Improvemente.

Choice (urntahed cottaiea for rentaparb Location. Ulf and Tennl. on Unlet

(iraaada. All forma of diversion. Orchestra,daedal, llo. garage. Booklet, .

NKW YOBK Adirondack MouaUlaa

acandaia. N.Y.. In turner Adirondack.ADIRONDACK INN

Elevator; carafe rtll, nrrbixtra, danc-ing: boating; hathlng. tennis. Onlf a featura.Write foe booklet. C 8. C'baml.crlln. Mgr.

NEW YORK flraeaiwood Ike.iV't BIEf LUtf UfllltFmmw m wrssssssv "" hwwm heanBegutlfull' elluats.1 en lake, ijris. bnmellke

nmcna. Table auti'lle.1 hr cwn ilslrj ant gar.den. Terms IS up. J M. PAY. Athens, N. T.

MEW YORE Cprwe Saranaa Lake,

AARANAC INNWrite Harrlnaton Wilis. Upper Faranae. N T,


DA Lf laUm George and Lake fhamplalnuvu Ainerlca'a Hummer rurailfsa

PENNSYLVANIA Delaware Walrr tiup.


Onlr blghi'lass inn.lern bolel In this famouaregion. Capacity MV). Every iniMlfrn pquli--

,mvDI ; arriinni UM.,,f. r tnti, i, ii,.,., urrni.'. h flnlS lannl. rlshlnv utn t'mtm ..Oarage. Hpecial parly senMin rates, ilnokli4nrl auto mapa mallorl. Coacht.. meet trains.JOHN I'UKIJY COI'E. Ion year, of Water

i . ,, .

Tha BaKlVHI Delanare Water Oan. pa.I CIH g minutes from ttatlon: can.Ire all attractions IIA1IVKY W. BI.AIK.

The Forfait House, Slat eeaaon; booklet.Delaware Water Gap. Pa. A. 1.. MAIISH.

8trBtfsrd.Dl.Wtlerriat,Pa.Arc.J: mM. Imp. ieicellent tabl; llklt. Kugfns Sbelleoberrer.


SPRUCE CAIIN W-rrou'-,.0 VComN.an aulte with bath, t.uragr. fartills hor.riAllamuaamenta. Ilkll iTo.co atntlon. I.aik.R. It. W. J A M. D, Trice, I'anudrnals, Pa,

PENNSYLVANIA W'erneravlll a.

GALEN HALLWMKr4RK4tVILL.lt. PA.outdoor aporu. good music. Very finsS. and massago dei arlment. Open all

HOWARD M. tVlNU, Manager.

PENNSYLVANIA Eaat Mruudaburg.

BERWICK INN Zti&r ,t.nS&rhady lawaai trolley tn entranrei auto andaervliej garage; tennis court t I-llustrated booklet. r. C. DICKERSON,gai Birouaaiiurg, ra


MT. TLEMENK MINERAL BTll.For treatment of Rheumatism and Nervousand Rlood Diseases. Por full Informationwrite nuitneas Men's As.oci.it Ion. noChambsr of Commerce, lit. Clemens. Mich.


I.ONO ISLAND REHORT BOOKProa at ticket offices. 170 n'way and Mh Ave.Midg. Arcade .or sent unan receipt of lOc bym'tlo'o j'Y rennsylvanl

MPKAWANNt HUMMER KKNORTS.TlrkeOt9eeaHroalway. for. Wall 81. j Tor. ParkPlace; Cur, SSIIi St., Cur. Ill St., .New York.


White MountainsNEW HAMPSHIRE

Forhealth,forrest,formagnificentscenery,for coolness, for splendid out-do- or recrea-tion, for delightful society, here is the

Unrivalled VacationDozens of resorts vieing in beauty of scenery and

FAMOUS HOTELSThe Mailt New reoflleWaaUattM aat CalUveaarrrua woone. g. a rmiar.itciruTTT ta CariCW ten

Craarfaaral HasasM Saaaavt Hillcatwmaa .area. a. a traia mixcarauTT tm urtnTT eaTt Baleeuee Pabvaaiitiuj pima . a euri. a

aariarr Be etrtcm sea

TIm tisMlasW Tha Maaasl

iminia a. a faunoaciraciri0ir4OTT m Tha KsanarnMaaetaJB Vtow 10 or.awaT.

Heaa.inrra. a. a

Haaaaa. a


Hinaatwaooa a a


f. aciricrri inlaleerale Heaaaiitiktik. aciracirr imFlaaaa Heaara.arn'ii r.mtm. a aearacin i

ArllartoB Holaltminita a

caeanTT te

einnnaa a. aoiraUTT ass

Ualaasl Tarmamama, nOtFiCItT II

Twla MawlaiaHousetar in eorTT.ni. aCiMrlTT IM

TOUR NEW ENGLANDPa rfectnoads' Mainltlrent ficenery! Tlrae.Ini Air! hor HiuJ Map addrsia WM. MK1M1IA1.L. fli'y N. U. lintel A. so.Draper llultl, Nnrihaiupton. Masa


TYie arlal 4t steenle Centre nf the

WHITE MTS.MAri.i:wnoi. . ii.


i now on:sOne Thousand Acre rarW. IH Hole n:ft'tmrae. Dnatirpaaseil. n.iWa Yards,fecooil Annual KealslerM Maplewo"jlTrap minotln Tcmrnanient. Julr 3rtl tieth, Inclusive. Ds.ly t'onrerl. Uanrlng.



I lirMntinH'leasanl. Nn(lmii ('Inrmort sC J Dl'NI'llV. Mbt '

IheMnunlttnalilnitoti. OrH'tilulyntoOrt 1,.1) J Till. IIKAI. Marr.

For Information and UooLIrt addr.v,a Motels, j

NEW HOTEL WEIRS'.Mountain Heeort Hotel.

I'oothlDs uf lh Uhltvun Lake WliinlpesatiLrc.

New KiitfUitds tinit lake. Houm.and wlthuut llh All amurtnrnt. f f.sci.Orcbrstra. Acrammodate i'.Mj. Kate m,lerate. Write for Indian Head llu.iklet.LA.SCAMKH H I.A.St;. I'rops.. Hvtn. .N ,

THE ASQUAM HOUSLCwiitnMiJitiK Hi mt4t brtutlful vie it,

th While Mnunititiii. lunrlir unJ iunitfara nohttii) eqUaileJ. frervlfe ol the b tGolf. Iiun kporta, boittlr and flihlnv. Orrhrxtr HookUt ICohrrt Kent .ln., Mangrr, lkr, HoldrrntM, N. II.


HOUSEHn.idns.- - onus, lintel Vcmloina. iloaton.

Hotel Nev.castls.hy.tll Sm, Torta.Wenluorth. mouth. N. II Write tpr information

KFARtRflK IIOTr.L. No. Tonnar, N. II.Booklet Kujmonrt.Miltioinlil'ii.,u:0 MhAT.


BLOCK ISLAND. R.I.I'hr lilstil Vaiatlon l.aml

Ocean 4 lew Hotel llygela HotelNew National Nurf HotelHotel Manls.ra Crown tcttageEureka Holrl Narragansrtt

Hr.cbeo by Menlauk Hteambomt Co,leaving 1l. r ft. Slth St.. K. It., N, Y.Tuea. an1 Thura. at 4,10 P. M i Hat. andJuly rn, l'OO ! M

Andreas any of above for booklat.


THE GRISWOLD'astern Point, New London, Conn.

NOW DPKN. t'noleat. Mw Mwlrrn Hotelon Atlantic "oj.t. ('niirtette. of fthena.roaaetl f'onntr) Club ritemlnj to All Ta.iaDuosLs; la.llolt. Crolf Cuur-o- . Alea Hmlttl.Pmfeaalonal. Varhtlnn. Iloatlng, Desp SeaFlshlm:, MntnrlnK and Tennis.

II. It. .NAVrOV Manage;.

NEW .lEHsKY Point Pleasant.

THE LEIGHT0r:;;;!,:l,;? V"1'Tennis. (lo!f Ilouklrt. Also

PINE BLUFF INN WXntcourse. Tennis. Houttnc 11 II. CAItLlHl.K.

NEW JEKhEV Long Dranch.

bona Ilrunrh Hummer Capital of C. S,Illultrats.l hnJlFts. rubllclty Director,City Hall, Long Mrniich, N, J.

NKW ,IKHM:y lllghlanila.

THE WESTMINSTER 17thmdiinirfniPiit.

inn umiBonkUt. I!. H VAN W'ICKLE.

LE CHEVALIER Cor. Prntral ani Wehh ivs.!rentrallt Inraten t first rials

service ; outaldi-- rooms. Ilooklvt, J, V. Duramus.

ALASKA Directly on beach;rivets hatha. Mod.

ern; musli rates tnocj!. rata. M. C KrnniOCEAN HOl'NK. 72 Main uv, Bitha. eleclights, private tennis murts and croauatgrounds. Hooklet, 1,

THE OAMHIUA.Near the sea. Capatlti Airy rooms.Hate to tjn M THOMAH.

MAJESTIC Directly on tcai'ti s elsTatnrirrrlre, Cleuisnl A Cleoirat,

SOUTH f NO HOUl ;jw";n".i ceolrallyisiee.n.nu,sui'lalogu.ta, Ilkll. A.Wsrd,

NEW JKRMEY "tishury" Park.'"

Sunset at,, A.d.irj Park, niock taBeach. Kperlal rotes for June. Cap.100. ve. Dlnorra. O. It. WEST.

STRAND S1 ' hnl freiiiUaek. I'ornierlyI""t'f'' l'1n. HIM, Monetia.

PARK VIEW Mh ' ,,' n,'',n' E'eeit'or"Acc, joo, li.ovd kvans.





attractive summer life.The vitalizing mountain air mnkes

you eat, sleep, piny, dunce, ride, tramp.with a new enjoyment. Marvellousgolf courses.

The hotels have no superior in cuisineand comfort. Best cif hoarding housesat moderate rates.

10 Hours from New YorkSummer Train Schedule in Effect June 30

Through Pullman parlor andlesjping car traitu

Send for booklet. White Mountains of NewHampshire." Address

Vacation Bureau171 Broadway, Room 227, New York City

New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R.

Boston & Maine R. R.


Ideal TourIs the Ideal Way to the MostFamous Resorts of America




NKW .IKKl-- tslmrj I'ark.

nt 1 1' IM. iS r.N I lilt. Ill ii. ,


rapacity 640. AH nutaMe momsam! roll .alt atlir III all ba'

imi Pei le,t ruiaine While ber .HEKMAN O. IIKNM1, M.uaaris Y ulti llepr""iit Ailvr In cha

u inuiiiv m.u au v, i nrnnii,- Ilrya'ii i.)


Hotel ColumbiaAND COTTA11ES.

Aahury I'll. N J. Now Opsn.Running water In rooms. Capacity 01

Booklet. V HARVEY JONES. Owner ai. l


THE BERWINAbsolulsly first class, elsvator tn atrest

t.vel: elei'trle llchte.t, running a.tsr Inrooms; mites wtthVath. IIAUKIt BROOK

PLAZA HOTELThe leading American and Kurniean

plan Hotel In Asbury Park,DIRECTLY ON OCEAN AND LAKE.

Headquarter, for auto tourists capicltv J00Orcheslra, nonklat, J.r. KKLKKY

Hotel AlbionNew. One of ttie mnst mo.Urn hois!, on

ocean front. K. F, TOWNSEND.


Carlty 240. HorUI centra nf th rtiort. i

nunnlnt watr In room. Tut, howfrand nidli baihroomi TUrhclor irt.mints. M U. KUObT

NEW TEININEY.KOW OPKN. lOOMomnilnn'.tjrtr tn milt. wltb I

nr wttlitiut bttht: t$ MKHjrrn mnrenieaer.SSertlre m1 ruliln iiDexiPllttl. t"ok.'t.


HOTEL THEDFORD M;;,,,suites with bath: refln'd patronage, booklet,HAHltY PUPPIELD. Ownarand Proprlilor.

THE FENIMOREElf valor. Pilvats baths Booklet, ra.

pailt) ".IV. TIIOS. NOUl.E

THE MADINON, a high class family hotel,arsrlooklruT ocean anil boardwalk; facingpark. Capacity 140. Booklet. J. K. Dodnian.

A81IIKY PARK. N. .1.k Ol..n..l 17 a r . (n A i. ..I..

Booklet of Publicity lliredor, 100 llosrriwalk

llTft D I A Oeesn end 3rd AieVIVrf I I acc. 136. lUtealnitl..IIS to 114. double ISO to 110, lt.A.Huttnn,l'ii'.


I VMPRflPT 4,1 Asbury Pari, I

LTltlmUr I Hlnglv tn.13; AmhU tinStar Ocean; uneicellcl service, Mra. Itushtoo

Linden Inn YM;. . Wfl.,'.'! '

-Ilflnhiff AH Cnttaim riran,t nr. Cmo. lutr.

ARPRRPPN I'lork lo oceaD. Acc.

NflRMANniF Ocean sntl 3d Av. Acn. IS 5nooklel Meyers A Sklnnet.

SIARI'LAND-PENTI'CKE- 4th av blockoceam Acc. 1 60. D klel. F. B. Armatroiig. ,

RAI FIRM I Av, niock to ocean.nr,s..ljn Acc. 100, ta up. .1 llurton.81'ltK IIOHMR, First sr, nrcrlonVf o.rar. Arc

150. iistis on iimMI. Hair; I.. iIIUmjii, M.--





Illustrated Route Rcok or large Mapin Color Free et 1 1 80 Broadway or byMail from

ALMON C. JUDD.Hotel Elton, Wntcrbury. Conn.

NKW .lt;ili: Mlaiitlf City.

arlbotouahBkhddAil antic City. N.J. HI



liar, f fin imiipI Hen Ii Ihf vePilrfcf Irtii uitritn k Ht Hti1 Kouml of tlif f"nnI'athf rinniitik wu r urih'-4- , . fntur, tict"il"iiti' .mA prii t,i wf ntir iti ali Itdtu",rrv ifHH'imli r Mm U t It ,1 O Vi t;J

A.T 1. AXTir MTV

Vvna set n ntv.' Mnnaivna

lAUEtT riaWKWr RUCKI H0IU lYYHTCfUanwrirsnNm r.Lionaan ltmv

YOHK lMKlMOir!CJ'aKTlM8IklW asiss m&imijnt jwMox.jwa

t: 10 t'P DAILY. IIS S" UP W'EKKI.T.

HOTEL WESTM0NTOcean I'ml, Kho.ts Island Av , Atlinilc City,Laiat ".i . .:i u.cn aisr baths,Table exrelli-n- l llooklet D P K WITKIt, Mr

HOTEL NhW ENGLANDPOUTH fAHOLl.N.V AV. AND 1IUACII.Prlvala hatlis, running uater In rooms,

elevator, line porches, ate, ; cspaclty 310:special, ti.m uu dly,; siieclsl wkly, bioklst.



private baths mnilrrata ratas. W H HAWK.

ATUtNTIC CITY. N. 3.Amerku'a I'amous KsaorC

NEW .ILIIMK1 spring Lake beach.

THE SH0REHAM Zltl.i1fru lioti'l. tni ate.l nn tin i.i.ua.Hoi.Hk trmt. thf Ocran irtMhlim tach '


THE ALLAIREFprlng l.ako llruch, N. J. Dlrsctlv on thibtaeh. MAUD COLUATK IIOLMUS.

NEW JEIIMKV llelmar.HOTEL COI.I'liniAfeeing dire. ty on the ocean, rooms withprivate jiuiiniiig wsier in evaiyroom Dane nc. Orch.str.,. l''.,.,. ti

T VOX, Msi1

fM I