N 1 S 1M>+ ] H1 - Manifesting Coach Blondie


Transcript of N 1 S 1M>+ ] H1 - Manifesting Coach Blondie

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The journey toSELF DISCOVERY


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What’s missing is you: YOU are the missing link to the 

•Business of your dreams and purpose

•The money flow

•All the love In your life

•The Lifestyle you live 

•Your health and wellbeing•

This isn’t self image either, that’s another program to expand you even further.

Things don’t fully expand for you until you find YOU.

My Story

I was always insecure from a young girl, I remember this from primary school.

I had major fear of judgement, ALWAYS felt unworthy, never good enough, ugly and like Iwas never doing this right.

I'm a gentle soul deep down, so being around nasty kids and young adults during education

made me create a big front to protect myself. I hated the competition, the nastiness and Iwas from a poorish family at the time, as my Dad had just had a near fatal car accident, so Iwas fragile anyway, but in survival mode. I bunked off all the time and I never went back for

my results.

I was headstrong as a kid, if I didn't like it, I wasn't doing it, so I had that in my favour..  

I 'failed' at all my jobs. I left school at 17 and went to work in a Hilton Hotel, I left 2 years laterstill a trainee, that knocked my self esteem hugely. I just couldn't grasp the reporting we

had to do.

I then went into Recruitment, later logistics, both were sales... in all 5 jobs, I failed miserablyat my targets. I was always moved around because I was likeable but I always knew that's

what was happening.

From my teenager years I had built a massive front of fake confidence. I looked like I had itall together but it was a massive shield and underneath I was so lost.

I had cheating boyfriends, a party lifestyle and I was just winging my way through life

pretending everything was ok. At times it was, I had a great group of girlfriends, I travelledthe world, I loved London, it wasn't all bad but I always felt a let down and huge fake, I knew

something was missing. Life couldn't be this hard, surely!

I had horrendous self talk and this was with me all my life into my 30's!

At 33, I just couldn't take it anymore, it was too much, I knew 'there must be more to life, toME, than this'..

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What was actually going on

It's taken me a long time to realise I was never a failure, I was just living in a worldthat wasn't for me.

I have ADHD (I found out at 30 years old), so school to me was horrendous, hence

why I would be one of the 'naughty' kids. I always told my parents, I'll besuccessful one day but it won't be from Education. I have great focus and ability

but NOT on things that don't interest me. ADHD is a blessing when used properly.

The jobs I was in were against everything I am. I had sales jobs because adminwas definitely off limits but I hated targets and deadlines, I'm not really money

motivated at all, I've recently found out.

I'm not naughty or unruly (as I was always called), what I am is extremely freespirited. I have great instinct and intuition and if I don't like something, I know I'm

not meant to be there, so employment for me was massively challenging,although I stayed in employment and earned well, I hated groundhog day, this

was NOT for me.

On further inspection

My numerology master number is 8, which means i'm meant to be a dreamer andgreat visionary and likely a business owner. I was always told off for this.

I am a Taurean, I like to be chilled and lazy surrounded by lush things. This doesn'tmatch with a busy, stressful, career or lifestyle, i'm 100% a chillpreneur, lol.

I'm empathic, I feel off people, I can sense peoples energy and can feel anger,sadness etc, so I have to choose my company and surroundings wisely. After large

events or gatherings you will find me either in checked into a spa or in mybedroom recharging!

The turning point

NOW I know the above I can very clearly see HOW I want to live my life with no apologies toanyone. NO FUCKS GIVEN! lol.

Finally, I can be ME. I can drop the guilt for chilling, for loving spas, for hating employment, for

resigning from jobs, for saying no to things I don't like. I can see why I don't like socialsituations, I can see why I am so passionate to help people, I understand why I always felt a

failure but I never was.

I embrace my ADHD. I adore EVERYTHING WOOWOO!!! Give me crystals, sage clearing, stargazing, walks in nature, spiritual connections, angels and feathers, universal guidance,

journaling, visualising and meditations all day every day. THAT floats my freaking boat man,so I have built a life around ALL things I truly am and LOVE.

Every day I speak with women with the same things in common as me.

I've built a business from something I am completely and utterly lit up about, my passion,

that I discovered, embraced and followed which led me to here!

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What you do next

Start to discover yourself!!

Self discovery is calm and quiet. It's not forceful, needy, manic or pressurised.Breathe, it will come, listen for it.

Learn / Discover

When you are busy rushing around all muggle, you miss the signs, the impulses and inspirations.They don't come as a thunder bolt to interrupt you as you're rushing around, it's usually in your

FAVE PLACES (sacred spaces if you want to be all woowoo about it), or when you're relaxed anddoing something you like.

They come as;

Loves - What you love is what you should have, be doing or getting. Pay attention to anythingand everything you LOVE; pictures, photos, holiday destinations, travel, spas, massages, cars,

drinks, shoes, houses, clothes, crystals, books, teachers, fresh flowers, walks, meditation,ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING is a sign, be aware.

Impulses - Ever get a random feeling to just go somewhere or call someone, post something,

look something up, buy something, eat something.... DO IT. Practice not questioning it, just DO IT!

Inspiration - Ahhh, sweet inspiration, when the feeling comes up, drop everything and just rollwith whatever it is. Write something, journal, paint, create something.

When you pay attention to what you love and experience, then you acknowledge them, you feelgood, then you notice more things you love, then surround yourself with more of what you love...Then, follow the impulses and the inspiration and THAT my dear is how you live in ease and flow

on the journey to self discovery,

Bit by bit you are surrounding yourself with YOUR loves and you're following inner guidance.Sometimes it makes no freaking sense why you're being guided to go there, have it or do it but

TRUST it, practice not questioning just following and I guarantee you, it leads you to people,places and circumstances that will give you everything you want.

Make Time and MINDSET for it

I speak to so many women who 'don't have time' to work on themselves and they really and trulybelieve that. Truth is, we ALL have the same time, it's what you do with it, how consciously aware

of it you are and how you prioritise things in your life, that sets us apart.

I gained 20 hours extra a month in the beginning by getting up at 5am. Yep, killer but once I gotused to it, I felt 'changed' and connected. I also used to record my visualisations on my phone

and listen to them on the way to work, cooking dinner and in the bath. In my lunch hours I wouldwatch LOA videos, go for a walk and journal and what happened? My awareness was bang on,opportunities, people and circumstances were EVERYWHERE, not to mention white feathers,

robins and inspiration overload. That's being connected, universal guidance and being mentallystrong to focus on creating your dreams. Tell yourself you HAVE time and how lucky you are,

and you'll feel amazing.


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Do you know how long I hid the woowoo side of me for fear of judgement?


If I can step out, with all the fears and blocks I've had to release (in other programs in here),then you sure as hell can.

There comes a time when your desires and interests become far greater than your fears.

You just have make sure you've found your desires!!

BTW- My fella isn't into any of this. He is blissfully unaware of my woowoo and guess what,that's ok. It doesn't have to be for everyone around us, just for us is enough. He reaps the

rewards of having a happy, successful and massively relaxed girlfriend.. (althoughsometimes I put crystals in his pillow! hah).

Transformation starts with the smallest, tiniest breadcrumbs and if you are living a total muggle lifeat the moment, this part of the program is going to be huge for you. 

It’s the daily awareness, the end of day reflection.

Each day you hear more, see more, become aware of more.

Everything in this site links, its all different pieces of the same puzzle.