Mysql Wp Windows

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  • MySQL on Windows Why, Where and How?

    A MySQL Strategy Whitepaper

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


    Table of Contents

    Introduction .................................................................................................... 3

    1. MySQL on Windows Why? ..................................................................... 3 1.1 Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)................................................ 3 1.2 Broad Platform Support:...................................................................... 5 1.3 Reliability .............................................................................................. 5 1.4 Performance and Scalability: .............................................................. 6 1.5 Ease of Use and Administration: ........................................................ 7 1.6 Integration into the Windows Environment ....................................... 8

    2. MySQL on Windows Where? ................................................................. 9 2.1 Web-Based Applications ..................................................................... 9 2.2 Custom Enterprise Applications ....................................................... 10 2.3 Embedded Applications..................................................................... 11

    3. MySQL on Windows How? ................................................................... 11 3.1 MySQL Enterprise Edition: ................................................................ 12 3.2 MySQL High Availability Solutions ................................................... 16

    Conclusion ................................................................................................... 18

    Additional Resources .................................................................................. 18

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.



    While MySQL is famously known as the M of the popular LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python), Microsoft Windows consistently ranks as the #1 development platform for MySQL users in our surveys. As a matter of fact, Windows also ranks higher than any given Linux distribution as a deployment platform among the MySQL Community Edition users. Why is the worlds most popular open source database so popular on Windows? What are the applications for which one should consider MySQL on Microsofts platform? How should Windows shops relying on Microsoft databases get going with MySQL? Those are the questions we aim to answer in this guide MySQL on Windows Why, Where and How.

    1. MySQL on Windows Why?

    Overall, the popularity of MySQL on Microsoft Windows can be attributed to the following advantages:

    Lower Total Cost of Ownership

    Broad platform support

    Ease of use and administration


    Performance and scalability

    Integration into the Windows environment Lets now consider each point:

    1.1 Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

    In MySQLs annual surveys, lower cost is consistently shown to be the number one reason why users choose MySQL. Microsoft changed the SQL Server 2012 pricing from Per Processor to Per Core, resulting in a major price increase for customers who want to take advantage of the latest multi-core hardware.

    Below is a chart which compares the 3 year database TCO of MySQL Enterprise Edition vs. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition. In this configuration, Microsoft has doubled the license cost of SQL Server 2012 over SQL Server 2008.

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    Hardware Configuration: Intel x86_64 Servers: 4, CPUs/Server: 4, Cores/CPU: 8

    Microsoft Price Increases

    Microsoft increased prices of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 for customers who want to take advantage of the latest multi-core hardware. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is licensed Per Core.

    Microsoft SQL Server vs. MySQL: 3 Year Database TCO

    The table below presents a simple comparison of licensing costs between MySQL Enterprise Edition and Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition. Pricing is based on publicly available list price information:


    MySQL Enterprise Edition:

    Hardware Configuration:

    - Web application (Unlimited Users) - Windows - Intel x86_64 - CPUs/Server: 4 - Cores/CPU: 8 - Total Servers: 4 - Total CPUs: 16 - Total Core: 128










    MySQL Enterprise Edition

    Microsoft SQL ServerEnterprise Edition



    MySQL vs. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 3 Year TCO

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


    List Prices Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition

    License + 3 Year Support

    MySQL Enterprise Edition

    3 Year Subscription

    License List Price $6,874/Core N/A

    Support List Price 25% of List Price N/A

    Subscription List Price N/A $5,000/Server/Year

    Annual Savings SQL Server Enterprise Edition MySQL Enterprise Edition

    Annual Support $219,968 N/A

    Annual Subscriptions N/A $20,000

    Annual Savings ($) $199,968

    Annual Savings (%) 91%

    3 Year TCO Savings SQL Server Enterprise Edition License + 3 Year upport

    MySQL Enterprise Edition 3 Year Subscription

    Total License: $879,872 N/A

    Total Support (3 Yrs): $659,904 N/A

    Total Subscription (3 Yrs) N/A $60,000

    Total (3 Years) $1,539,766 $60,000

    Total Savings ($) $1,479,766

    Total Savings (%) 96%

    1.2 Broad Platform Support:

    Unlike Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL supports all major operating systems and platform combinations including Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Solaris and more. MySQL users are not locked-in to a single operating system or platform and have the flexibility to deploy MySQL in a heterogeneous computing environment. As we will see later in this document, a number of Windows shops are increasingly selecting the open source LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/Python/PHP) stack for web-based applications.

    1.3 Reliability MySQL is highly reliable, as evidenced by the large number of Web properties, enterprises, and ISVs / OEMs whose businesses depend entirely on their applications and sites being up and available 24x7. The worlds most popular open source database, MySQL is battle-tested in a very wide variety of application scenarios by a huge number of users.

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


    1.4 Performance and Scalability:

    MySQL 5.5 had a few years ago delivered major improvements in performance & scalability on Windows: Up to 500% performance gains over MySQL 5.1 in Read Only operations. To achieve these performance and scalability gains, Oracles MySQL engineering team had added several Windows specific features & improvements to MySQL 5.5 including:

    Reworking the code to directly use higher performance native Windows APIs and primitives inside MySQL

    Adding the ability to build engines and other plugins as DLLs on Windows Providing Network support for auto-detecting the MAC address Improving Windows threading code.

    The latest GA release of MySQL, MySQL 5.6, delivers yet better performance and scalability. From an operational standpoint MySQL 5.6 provides better sustained linear performance and scale on systems supporting multi-processors and high CPU thread concurrency. Key to this are improvements to Oracle's InnoDB storage engine efficiency and concurrency that remove legacy thread contention and mutex locking within the InnoDB kernel. These improvements enable MySQL to fully exploit the advanced multi-threaded processing power of today's x86-based commodity-off-the-shelf hardware.

    Internal benchmarks for SysBench Read/Write and Read Only workloads show a marked improvement in sustained scale over the most current version of MySQL 5.5. The following shows that MySQL 5.6 provides "up and to the right" linear read/write transactions per second ("TPS") scale on systems that support upwards of 60 concurrent CPU threads.

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


    Read only TPS workload sustained scale is also improved as demonstrated here:

    More detailed information about MySQL 5.6 is available at:

    1.5 Ease of Use and Administration: Ease of use has been a design goal for MySQL since its inception. MySQL offers exceptional quick-start capability with an average time from software download to installation completion of less than fifteen minutes. Once installed, self-management features like automatic space expansion, auto-restart, and dynamic configuration changes take much of the burden off already overworked database administrators. MySQL also provides visual database design, development, administration and monitoring tools that make Windows database developers and DBAs feel at home. We cover those tools in the third section of this whitepaper. To make it even easier for Windows users to get going with MySQL, Oracle provides a unified, point and click MySQL Installer for Windows. This MySQL Installer radically simplifies the installation, update and configuration process for all MySQL users on the Windows platform. With the MySQL Installer, it takes only 3 minutes from downloading the MySQL database and supporting products to having a ready to use MySQL system up and running in your environment! An easy to use wizard based UI will guide you through the installation and configuration process. You can select which products you want to have installed on your machine, including the MySQL Database, MySQL Connectors, MySQL Workbench, sample databases and documentation. The Installer also enables you to quickly and easily configure your new database instances for use with the MySQL Enterprise Edition External Authentication plugin for Windows, allowing MySQL to integrate with existing security infrastructures built on Active Directory and other solutions. Once installed, MySQL instances can easily be monitored and managed using the new MySQL Notifier, which is available within the Windows application tray.

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


    The MySQL Installer also helps you to keep your system up-to-date by offering a simple Check for Updates feature. You can download the MySQL installer for Windows at:

    1.6 Integration into the Windows Environment A number of features exist to seamlessly integrate MySQL into the Windows environment:

    MySQL Connectors:

    ADO.NET Driver for MySQL (Connector/NET)

    ODBC Driver for MySQL (Connector/ODBC) MySQL Connectors provide connectivity to the MySQL server for a wide range of client programs. Microsoft Windows, .Net and C# are the flagship technologies for the Windows platform. MySQL Connector/NET is a fully managed ADO.NET driver written in 100% pure C# that enables developers to easily create .NET applications. It implements the required ADO.NET interfaces and integrates into ADO.NET aware tools.

    Integration with Visual Studio: The MySQL Connector/NET package also includes Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010 integration, enabling the developers to work seamlessly with MySQL Connector/NET in the familiar Visual Studio environment. Connector/NET includes support for Entity Framework, enabling developers to design EF model from scratch and use Visual Studio 2010 facilities to generate MySQL DDL. Connector/NET also includes a Visual Studio MySQL SQL editor enabling direct execution SQL statements. MySQL Connector/NET also provides coding intellisense so developers accustomed to working with SQL Server will have the same ease of use experience while coding their next generation Windows applications on MySQL.

    Using Microsoft Access and Excel as Front End to MySQL Many organizations have developed hundreds of small lightweight applications based on Microsoft Access. However, over time many of those applications have become business critical, outgrowing the capabilities of Access. MySQL provides a compelling alternative to Access for those organizations wanting to eliminate Access performance and scalability issues at a much lower cost than upgrading from Access to Microsoft SQL Server. A simple option transparent to end-users is to keep using Microsoft Access as a front end with a MySQL backend. Oracle also provides a new MySQL for Excel application plugin that enables Microsoft Office users and Data Analysts to work with MySQL as if it were Microsoft SQL Server. Users can easily import, export, and manipulate MySQL data within their existing Excel spreadsheets allowing them to focus on the business aspect of the data vs the source.

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


    Certification with Windows Server 2008 R2 Failover Clustering Certification of MySQL Enterprise Edition with Windows Server 2008 R2 Failover Clustering enables users to leverage:

    Automatic detection of MySQL or underlying server failures, allowing the MySQL instance to be restarted while applications accessing the database automatically reconnect to the new hot running MySQL instance.

    An expanded scope of MySQL high availability solutions on the Windows platform, including replication and MySQL Cluster (which we will review later in this document)

    Weve now reviewed why overall MySQL has become an extremely popular choice on Windows. Lets now try to better understand what kinds of MySQL applications users deploy on Microsofts platform.

    2. MySQL on Windows Where? MySQL is a popular choice to complement an existing database infrastructure. Over 50% of MySQL users also run Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition according to our internal surveys. An increasing number of customers migrate some of their applications from Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL, and many select to deploy new applications and projects on the worlds most popular open source database. Lets consider the three main categories of applications for which MySQL is typically deployed on Windows.

    2.1 Web-Based Applications MySQL powers more web-based applications than any other database in the world including such high profile web sites as Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo!, YouTube, and thousands of corporate web-based applications. This makes MySQL an excellent choice for any web-based application on Windows. However, another option has become increasingly popular among organizations that previously relied on Windows for all their applications. While they continue to be Windows shops, they also want to take advantage of the LAMP stack we discussed earlier as best of breed stack for web-based applications. LAMP is chosen by savvy IT leaders as a way to improve operational efficiency and reduce IT infrastructure costs. And, LAMP is the proven technology stack used by a large majority of popular Web sites around the world. Case Study: Promovacances Boosts its Performance with MySQL Promovacances is a brand of the Karavel group, the leading provider of vacation packages online in France.

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    Considering the increasing popularity of the online sales of vacation packages, Karavel concluded that the complexity of managing the replication of Microsoft SQL Server, the database on which their Web application was then based, was preventing them from handling their significant online traffic effectively. gets about 40 million individual visitors per year and 250,000 per day during the high season.

    To support the companys growth and to deliver a high quality service, the engineering team decided to completely rearchitect the web site using the LAMP stack. "Choosing MySQL was quite natural", remarked Guillaume Postaire, infrastructure manager at Karavel, "MySQL has become the preferred choice for the vast majority of the web companies". Aside from web-based applications, MySQL is used extensively on Windows for internal custom enterprise applications.

    2.2 Custom Enterprise Applications Organizations selecting MySQL for their internal applications running on Microsoft Windows particularly value the following advantages:

    The ability to deploy on Windows, while retaining the flexibility to deploy the same application on different platforms. This point can be very important for government agencies with various entities, or global companies with numerous subsidiaries having different technology requirements.

    Performance and scalability

    Low TCO with savings up to 90% over Microsoft SQL Server

    The capacity to quickly develop and deploy applications, thanks to MySQLs ease of use

    The low maintenance & administration requirements of the worlds most popular open source database, along with the MySQL Enterprise Edition advanced features, management tools and world-class 24x7 MySQL technical support delivered by Oracle.

    Custom-built enterprise business applications frequently implemented by MySQL customers include:

    Call Center applications such as a catalog of products and services that help telesales representatives sell additional products and services

    Research, documentation & testing such as medical research applications or documentation of manufacturing processes

    Human Resources applications including absence management and vacation tracking applications

    Helpdesk applications such as trouble ticket management applications

    Financial applications including automation of loan applications, asset management and financial reporting

    Front-end applications to legacy systems such as order management or Customer Relationship Management systems.

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    2.3 Embedded Applications The third category of highly popular applications for MySQL on Windows is embedded applications. MySQL is the database of choice for a wide range of ISV/OEM software applications and hardware appliances running on Windows, such as:

    Network Management applications

    Point of Sales systems & Retail Kiosks

    Surveillance & Monitoring solutions

    Security appliances

    Healthcare & Practice Management applications

    Telecom applications

    Educational applications

    and more Why is MySQL so valued for embedded applications on Windows?

    Low Cost, up to 90% less than Microsoft SQL Server with features that ensure Costs of Goods Sold (COGS) remain low throughout an application's life cycle. Lower database costs allow vendors to offer their products at a fraction of the cost of competing solutions and the flexibility to appeal to more price-sensitive customers.

    Cross Platform Flexibility providing the freedom to ship products on multiple hardware and operating system combinations and into more markets. ISVs can provide applications running on pervasive Windows desktops, while allowing their customers to choose another platform if they elect to do so.

    High Performance, Reliability and Scalability to meet the requirements of the most demanding applications, such as Telecom and Network management, 24x7. Including a full-featured RDBMS helps to make products more competitive initially and over time as customers data needs inevitably increase.

    Ease-of-use with fast installation, configuration and integration so developers can focus on application development, reducing costs and time to market.

    Zero-administration, eliminating the need for customers to hire a dedicated DBA or spend any cycles on database administration, and reducing or eliminating costly database-related support calls.

    3. MySQL on Windows How? Oracle provides a suite of tools required by IT professionals for developing, maintaining, and managing MySQL based business critical applications. These tools are developed by the MySQL Engineering team, and are fully tested and supported by MySQL Engineers. As a result, MySQL users get a high quality experience from design and development, to management and monitoring. MySQL Enterprise Edition includes the most comprehensive set of advanced features, management tools and technical support to help you achieve the highest levels of MySQL scalability, reliability, security and uptime.

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


    3.1 MySQL Enterprise Edition: MySQL Enterprise Edition reduces the risk, cost and time required in developing, deploying and managing business-critical MySQL applications. In addition to the MySQL Database, MySQL Enterprise includes:

    The MySQL Enterprise Monitor: The MySQL Enterprise Monitor provides at-a-glance views of the health of your MySQL databases. It continuously monitors your MySQL servers and alerts you to potential problems before they impact your system. Its like having a virtual DBA assistant at your side to recommend best practices and eliminate security vulnerabilities, improve replication, and optimize performance. As a result, DBAs and system administrators can manage more servers in less time.

    MySQL Replication Monitor The MySQL Replication Monitor provides real-time replication health and status checks on master/slave performance and latency issues. MySQL Advisors The MySQL Enterprise Monitor includes more than 160 MySQL advisor rules and more than 60 time series graphs that monitor over 600 MySQL and operating system specific variables to help you automatically enforce MySQL recommended database best practices. The MySQL Advisors deliver expert advice and alerts that come straight from the database professionals who build the MySQL database. The advisor alerts can be configured for SMTP and SNMP notifications and provide tailored step-by-step instructions to solve specific problems. The MySQL Enterprise Monitor includes the following Advisors:

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    MySQL Enterprise Backup Advisor Monitors and advises on backup processes and notifies DBA of servers in need of backup.

    MySQL Cluster Advisor Monitors the performance and availability of MySQL Cluster data nodes and advises on Cluster memory, redo/undo buffers and log space.

    Upgrade Advisor - Monitors and advises you on using the most up-to-date version of MySQL.

    Administration Advisor - Enforces DBA best practices to prevent costly outages.

    Security Advisor - Minimizes exposure to security vulnerabilities.

    Replication Advisor - Recommends solutions for replication setup and performance improvements.

    Schema Advisor - Assists in uncovering database design issues that reduce performance.

    Performance Advisor - Recommends changes to boost database performance.

    Memory Usage Advisor - Monitors dynamic memory-related server metrics and recommends configuration changes to improve performance.

    Custom Advisor - Enables you to create custom best practice rules tailored to your needs.

    MySQL Query Analyzer

    The MySQL Query Analyzer helps developers and DBAs improve application performance by monitoring queries and accurately pinpointing SQL code that is causing a slow down. With the new MySQL Connector Plug-ins, performance of Java, Microsoft .NET, and PHP applications can be optimized more efficiently by communicating directly with the MySQL Query Analyzer. Queries are presented in an aggregated view across all MySQL servers so DBAs and developers can filter for specific query problems, analyze their most expensive code, and drill down to find where the query was called within the application source. With the MySQL Query Analyzer, DBAs can improve the SQL code during active development and continuously monitor and tune the queries in production.

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


    MySQL Workbench MySQL Workbench is a unified visual tool that enables developers, DBAs, and data architects to design, develop and administer MySQL databases. MySQL Workbench provides advanced data modeling, a flexible SQL editor, and comprehensive administrative tools.

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    MySQL Workbench allows you to:

    Design: MySQL Workbench includes everything a data modeler needs for creating complex ER models, forward and reverse engineering, and also delivers key features for performing difficult change management and documentation tasks that normally require much time and effort.

    Develop: MySQL Workbench delivers visual tools for creating, executing, and optimizing SQL queries. The SQL Editor provides color syntax highlighting, reuse of SQL snippets, and execution history of SQL. The Database Connections Panel enables developers to easily manage database connections. The Object Browser provides instant access to database schema and objects.

    Administer: MySQL Workbench provides a visual console to easily administer MySQL environments and gain better visibility into databases. Developers and DBAs can use the visual tools for configuring servers, administering users, and viewing database health.

    Migrate: MySQL Workbench now provides a complete, easy to use solution for migrating Microsoft SQL Server database tables and data to MySQL. Developers and DBAs can quickly and easily convert existing applications to run on MySQL on Windows, or any of the other operating systems supported by MySQL.

    MySQL Enterprise Backup MySQL Enterprise Backup performs online, non-blocking Hot backups of your MySQL databases. You get a consistent backup copy of your database to recover your data to a precise point in time. In addition, MySQL Enterprise Backup supports creating compressed backup files, and performing backups of subsets of InnoDB tables. Compression typically reduces backup size up to 90% when compared with the size of actual database files, helping to reduce storage costs. In conjunction with the MySQL binlog, users can perform point in time recovery.

    MySQL Enterprise Scalability MySQL Enterprise Scalability enables you to meet the sustained performance and scalability requirements of ever increasing user, query and data loads. The MySQL Thread Pool provides an efficient, thread-handling model designed to reduce overhead in managing client connections, and statement execution threads.

    MySQL Enterprise Security MySQL Enterprise Security provides ready to use external authentication modules to easily integrate MySQL with existing security infrastructures including PAM and Windows Active Directory. MySQL users can be authenticated using Pluggable Authentication Modules ("PAM") or native Windows OS services.

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


    MySQL Enterprise High Availability MySQL Enterprise High Availability enables you to make your database infrastructure highly available. MySQL provides you with certified and supported solutions, including MySQL Replication, Oracle VM Templates for MySQL and Windows Failover Clustering for MySQL.

    Oracle Premier Support for MySQL MySQL Enterprise Edition provides 24x7x365 access to Oracles MySQL Support team, staffed by seasoned database experts ready to help with the most complex technical issues, and backed by the MySQL developers. Oracles Premier support for MySQL provides you with:

    24x7x365 phone and online support

    Rapid diagnosis and solution to complex issues

    Unlimited incidents

    Emergency hot fix builds forward compatible with future MySQL releases Access to Oracles MySQL Knowledge Base Consultative support services

    The ability to get MySQL support in 29 languages

    3.2 MySQL High Availability Solutions Databases are the center of modern enterprise applications, storing and protecting an organizations most valuable assets including customer information, product information, order information and historical data. Plus, organizations rely on databases to run their business-critical applications. Hours or even minutes of downtime often result in significant amounts of lost revenue and unsatisfied customers. Making database applications highly available is a top priority for all organizations. MySQL provides a number of options to make a database infrastructure highly available. Selecting which high availability solution is right for you largely depends on how many nines of availability you require and the type of application you are deploying.

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


    MySQL provides you with the following options on Windows:

    MySQL Replication Using MySQL Replication, organizations can cost-effectively deliver a high availability solution. Master/Slave replication enables operations to quickly fail-over to another server in the event of a hardware or software problem. In addition, with MySQL replication, organizations can incrementally scale out their infrastructure to accommodate exponentially growing capacity demands. MySQL Replication ships out of the box and is used extensively by some of the worlds most highly trafficked Web sites. MySQL 5.6 delivers Improved Scale-Out and High Availability, with new features in MySQL replication including:

    Self-Healing Replication Clusters: the addition of Global Transaction Identifiers and Utilities makes it simple to automatically detect and recover from failures. Crash-Safe Replication enables the binary log and slaves to automatically recover correct positions in the replication stream in case of a crash, and resume replication without administrator intervention. Checksums maintain data integrity across the cluster by automatically detecting and alerting on errors.

    High Performance Replication Clusters: up to 5x faster replication through Multi-Threaded Slaves(3), Binlog Group Commit and Optimized Row-Based Replication enable users to maximize the performance and efficiency of replication as they scale-out their workloads across commodity systems.

    Time-delayed Replication: provides protection against operational errors made on the master, for example accidentally dropping tables.

    MySQL Cluster

    MySQL Cluster is a write-scalable, real-time, ACID-compliant transactional database, combining 99.999% availability with the low TCO of an open source solution. Designed around a distributed, multi-master architecture with no single point of failure, MySQL Cluster scales horizontally on commodity hardware with auto-sharding to serve read and write intensive workloads, accessed via SQL and NoSQL interfaces. MySQL Cluster's real-time design delivers predictable, millisecond response times with the ability to service millions of operations per second. Support for in-memory and disk-based data, automatic data partitioning (sharding) with load balancing and the ability to add nodes to a running cluster with zero downtime allows linear database scalability to handle the most unpredictable web-based workloads. Alcatel-Lucent, BT Plusnet, Cisco, Docudesk, Neckermann, Shopatron, Telenor, and many more deploy MySQL Cluster in highly demanding web, broadband and mobile communications environments for the types of high-scale, mission-critical services.

  • Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


    Windows Server 2008 R2 Failover Clustering As mentioned earlier in this document, MySQL Enterprise Edition is certified with Windows Server 2008 R2 Failover Clustering. Users benefit from automatic detection of MySQL or underlying server failures, allowing the MySQL instance to be restarted while applications accessing the database automatically reconnect to the new hot running MySQL instance.

    Conclusion In this whitepaper, weve explored why MySQL has become hugely popular on Windows, the type of applications MySQL users commonly deploy on Microsoft platforms, and the tools at your disposal for developing and running business critical applications based on the worlds most popular open source database. With MySQL on Windows you can:

    Achieve Huge Database TCO Savings, while relying on World-Class 24/7 technical support from Oracle.

    Quickly Deploy New Applications, leveraging a database reknown for it ease of use and performance.

    Save Time with the MySQL Visual Management Tools, enabling you for example to be up and running in only 3 minutes!

    Additional Resources MySQL on Windows Resource Center: MySQL on Windows Customer References MySQL Enterprise Edition Trial: To contact an Oracle MySQL Representative: