MySAP SCM Procurement 2005 Consultant Assessment Questions Week3

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  • 8/11/2019 MySAP SCM Procurement 2005 Consultant Assessment Questions Week3


    mySAP SCM - Procurement (2005) Consultant Assessment.

    For each statement or answer, please indicate if it is true or false.


    T or FMark

    1. In te !urcase or"er on w#c te $oo"s rece#!t #s %ase"& you

    "e'#ne" a !urcase or"er !r#ce un#t tat "#''ers 'rom te !urcaseor"er un#t. at #s te s#$n#'#cance o' te !urcase or"er !r#ce

    un#t an" wat soul" you take note o' #n te case o' a $oo"srece#!t

    The purchase order price unit is stored in the material

    master record or purchasing info record and defines theunit of measure in which the material is ordered.

    The system establishes the relationship between thepurchase order price unit and the purchase order unit by

    unit conversion in the purchase order.

    At the time of goods receipt, both the quantity in the

    purchase order unit and the quantity in the purchase orderprice unit have to be entered, however, the quantity in

    purchase order price unit is calculated by the system. Youhave to change it, when the calculated quantity differs

    from reality.

    Both at the time of goods receipt and invoice verification,

    the material is valuated on the basis of the purchase orderunit.

    2. *ou enter a $oo"s #ssue an" rece#+e te 'ollow#n$ messa$e,, n /current "ate& only 0.000 !#eces are a+a#la%le. at "o

    you conclu"e 'rom t#s

    No stocs of the material e!ist anywhere in the entire

    plant. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn

    "nly the specified storage location does not contain anystocs of the material. Therefore, nothing can be


    The material e!ists in the specified storage location on the

    current day, however, it is unavailable, because of otherreservations

    The message represents a warning which you can ignore

    by pressing the #NT#$ ey

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    AnswerT or F


    . At w#c le+el #s !ys#cal #n+entory carr#e" out #n In+entory


    At material level

    At materialstoc type level

    At materialplantstoc type level

    At materialplantstorage locationstoc type level

    . at o!t#ons "o you a+e a'ter enter#n$ a !ys#cal #n+entory

    count 'or a raw mater#al

    You can initiate a recount

    You can print a list of differences to determine the

    materials you have to recount

    You can post an inventory difference, whereby a material

    document and an accounting document are created in thebacground

    You can post the inventory difference, whereby only an

    accounting document is created in the bacground

    5. 3ow "o you re!l#cate a "el#+ery 'ree o' car$e #n 46sMater#als Mana$ement

    You enter a purchase order with the purchase order price.

    Then, however, you post the receipt with reference to the

    purchase order using a non/valuated movement type

    You enter a purchase order item, set its invoice indicator toblan and its purchase order price to 0ero, and then post

    the goods receipt

    You do not enter a purchase order, but post the deliveryfree of charge using a specific movement type in 1nventory


    You create the material with the material type 3NB4 and

    then post the goods receipt without reference to thepurchase order

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  • 8/11/2019 MySAP SCM Procurement 2005 Consultant Assessment Questions Week3


    AnswerT or F


    7. en "oes te system automat#cally create a stora$e locat#on

    +#ew #n te mater#al master recor"At the first goods receipt into special stocs the system

    creates a special stoc / storage location view with thenumber 5555

    Automatic creation of storage locations 6views7 must be

    permitted for the plant

    1n customi0ing, you can define for movement types

    whether at goods movement the system creates a storagelocation view automatically

    1f the first goods receipt of a material is posted to a cost

    center and you have set the automatic creation of storagelocation views for the plant and movement type, the

    system creates the storage location view automatically

    8. #c o' te 'ollow#n$ statements a%out mo+ement ty!es are


    The movement type influences the update of material stoc

    account and consumption account

    1n the standard 8A9 system, you can enter per materialdocument only goods movements of one movement type

    :oods movements, that are created from other applicationareas 6for e!ample a delivery in 8;7, are not described

    with movement types

    The movement type used controls field selection for thegoods movement transaction

    1f you use special stoc indicators, you can create diff stoc

    < value updates of a matl for one and the same mvt type

    8.In the R/3 system which of the following activities are covered byInventory Management?

    Goods issues

    Goods receipts




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    AnswerT or F


    7. en "oes te system automat#cally create a stora$e locat#on

    +#ew #n te mater#al master recor"

    At the first goods receipt into special stocs the system

    creates a special stoc / storage location view with thenumber 5555

    Automatic creation of storage locations 6views7 must be

    permitted for the plant

    9. #c o' te 'ollow#n$ stock trans'erstrans'er !ost#n$s arerele+ant to +aluat#on

    8toc transfer from storage location to storage location

    within the same plant

    8toc transfer from consignment stores of vendor =Y to our

    unrestricted/use stoc in storage location >>>?Transfer posting from stoc in quality inspection in storagelocation >>? to stoc in quality inspection in storage

    location >>>% within the same plant

    8toc transfer of a material from storage location >>>?

    from plant >>>? to plant >>>%. The plants belong to thesame company, however the valuation areas are different

    6valuation level is plant7

    10. A delivery arrives at yor warehose for which no !rchase ordere"ists. In the R/3 system# which of the following o!tions areavailable to yo?

    Depending on the movement type, the system can generate apurchase order.

    The item can only be received if the goods are non-valuated.

    You have to return the goods as a ! must be referenced"ith a goods receipt.

    Receive the goods to bloc#ed stoc# if the value is indicated onthe delivery note.

    The goods are received into GR bloc#ed stoc#.

    11.$nce a goods movement has been entered on the system#docments are atomatically created to record the movement.%hich of the following statements is tre&

    $ material document "ill only be created for goods receipts.

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  • 8/11/2019 MySAP SCM Procurement 2005 Consultant Assessment Questions Week3


    AnswerT or F


    7. en "oes te system automat#cally create a stora$e locat#on

    +#ew #n te mater#al master recor"

    At the first goods receipt into special stocs the system

    creates a special stoc / storage location view with thenumber 5555

    Automatic creation of storage locations 6views7 must be

    permitted for the plant

    $ material and accounting document is al"ays created.

    $n accounting document "ill al"ays be created for a goodsissue.

    !nce a document has been created it cannot be changed.

    %one of the above.

    1'. %hen stoc( is being transferred from one storage location toanother&

    &f the storage locations are in the same plant no change inmaterial value occurs.

    Reservations can be used to assist planning in the t"o stepprocedure.

    'ith the (-step procedure, the stoc# is valued against theissuing plant)S*!C.

    The stoc# overvie" "ill detail stoc# in transit "ith the singlestep procedure.

    %one of the above

    1. at #s te s#$n#'#cance o' te :Mo+ement Allowe"6 #n"#cator #na reser+at#on

    1f selected, the reservation can be used as a reference fora material movement.

    1f selected, movements will be triggered automatically.

    1f not selected, movements using the reservation will be


    $eservations for movement types which allow updating ofstoc accounts will have their movements allowed.

    1). %hen !rocessing goods recei!ts and goods isses for vendor

    consignment stoc(&

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    AnswerT or F


    7. en "oes te system automat#cally create a stora$e locat#on

    +#ew #n te mater#al master recor"

    At the first goods receipt into special stocs the system

    creates a special stoc / storage location view with thenumber 5555

    Automatic creation of storage locations 6views7 must be

    permitted for the plant

    Receipts can only be processed "ith reference to a purchaseorder.

    $lthough the vendor still o"ns it, the +uantity of your valuatedstoc# increases.

    Stoc# can be received into & but issues can only be madefrom unrestricted.

    Your liability to the vendor is raised on receipt into unrestrictedconsignment.

    $ll of the above.

    AnswerT or F


    15. It #s !oss#%le to create more tan one ;4 l#ne #tem 'or te

    same P l#ne #tem. en m#$t you w#s to "o t#s

    1f it is being receipted into different storage locations.

    1f more than one batch is being received.

    1f more than one stoc type is being used.

    1f more than one material is being receipted.

    1*. A !rchase order e"ists on the system for 100 nits. +o nder or

    over delivery tolerances are allowed. A delivery of ,0 !ieces hasbeen made and delivery com!leted indicator is set in the -$. %hichof the following statements are tre?

    %o more deliveries "ill be accepted by the system against this!.

    The system "ill still suggest an open +uantity of units.

    $nother delivery of / units arrives. The system "ill acceptthis "ith a "arning.

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  • 8/11/2019 MySAP SCM Procurement 2005 Consultant Assessment Questions Week3


    AnswerT or F


    7. en "oes te system automat#cally create a stora$e locat#on

    +#ew #n te mater#al master recor"

    At the first goods receipt into special stocs the system

    creates a special stoc / storage location view with thenumber 5555

    Automatic creation of storage locations 6views7 must be

    permitted for the plant

    The open +uantity "ill be 0ero although additional deliveriesare possible.

    The vendor "ill be penali0ed for short delivery in vendor evaluation.

    1. 100 nits of a material are delivered to yor warehose. he!ac(aging is damaged and the condition of the contents is n(nownand ntil sch time as the condition can be verified yo do not wishto ta(e financial res!onsibility for the material. %hat wold be thebest o!tion available to the warehose storeman?

    Receive the material into bloc#ed stoc#.

    Receive the material into +uality inspection.

    Receive the material into unrestricted but ta#e a sample for testing.

    Refuse to accept the delivery and return it to the vendor.

    Receive the material into GR bloc#ed stoc#.

    AnswerT or F


    18. A delivery of 00 nits is received at yor !remises and the materialis !laced in the warehose. +egative stoc(s are managed by yorcom!any# bt the recei!t is not !rocessed on the system ntil theend of the wor(ing day. If 30 nits are issed to !rodction whichof the following scenarios will occr?

    The physical stoc# cannot be ad1usted until the boo# entry is made.

    The physical stoc# "ill sho" / units and the boo# entry units.

    The physical stoc# "ill sho" / units and the boo# entry 2/ units.

    The physical stoc# "ill sho" / units and the boo# entry 32/units.

    The physical stoc# "ill sho" / units and the boo# entry 3/units.

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    AnswerT or F


    7. en "oes te system automat#cally create a stora$e locat#on

    +#ew #n te mater#al master recor"

    At the first goods receipt into special stocs the system

    creates a special stoc / storage location view with thenumber 5555

    Automatic creation of storage locations 6views7 must be

    permitted for the plant

    19. #c o' te statements %elow #sare true 'or !urcase or"ersw#t !art#al an" !er#o"#c #n+o#c#n$ !lans

    1tems with a partial invoicing plan will have the total item

    amount spread over several dates

    1tems with a periodic invoicing plan will have the total item

    amount spread over several dates.An account assignment category of - cannot be used.

    A framewor order is often used because the valid from

    and to dates can be used to determine the start and end

    date for the periodic invoicing plan.

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    AnswerT or F


    20. at are te !rere

  • 8/11/2019 MySAP SCM Procurement 2005 Consultant Assessment Questions Week3


    AnswerT or F


    20. at are te !rere

  • 8/11/2019 MySAP SCM Procurement 2005 Consultant Assessment Questions Week3


    AnswerT or F


    20. at are te !rere

  • 8/11/2019 MySAP SCM Procurement 2005 Consultant Assessment Questions Week3


    AnswerT or F


    20. at are te !rere

  • 8/11/2019 MySAP SCM Procurement 2005 Consultant Assessment Questions Week3


    AnswerT or F


    20. at are te !rere