Myanmar Transport rief NEWS Issue 8 DATA 26 January 2017 · 2018-05-29 · U Aung Naing Oo said the...

Myanmar Transport Brief Issue 8 26 January 2017 Part of the Myanmar Transport Monitor IN THIS ISSUE Yangon minister seeks to bring in Uber with taxi shake-up Yangon Region chief minister U Phyo Min Thein has discussed bringing Uber to Yangon as part of efforts to streamline the citys taxi system Yangon-Dala bridge status moved to MOA Work is set to start on a Yangon to Dala bridge project in December this year, with preparaon now underway Analysis: FDI targeng transport and communicaons this year Transport and communicaons are the sectors with the most Myanmar Investment Commission investment approvals so far this fiscal year Chief minister promises late night bus services Tender planned for YBS electronic prepaid card system Myanma Railways announces plans to buy new rolling stock Vice president pledges 'stringent measures' on illegal overland trade Exports resume at Myanmar-Bangladesh border trade camp Yangon traffic control center to open soon Minister of Commerce stands by need to control car imports Upgrades planned for Kawthaung airport to boost tourism Himalaya Airlines to begin Kathmandu-Yangon flights Officials deny construcon has restarted on controversial Mandalay fuel port GPS devices to be installed on Yangon buses Pan Zinn Chaung bridge in Rakhine State to open soon Japan donates ferries for Rakhine State waters Hsenwi checkpoint reopening receives mixed reviews Highway considered from east Yangon to Kayin State Authories mull helicopter purchase for disaster response First inland vessels for Kaladan project depart Yangon Work planned to improve Ayeyarwady river navigaon near Mandalay Authories move to quash taxi reform rumors Controversial Malaysian aid flolla to land in Yangon Armed Kayin force takes Thai tourists hostage at border gate THIS WEEKS NEW TENDERS Reconstrucon of roads in Hlaing Thar Yar township Supplying and leasing materials for bridge construcons Development of concrete streets in Bago Region Supply of asphalt for Kachin State roads Supply of garbage trucks Supply of motorcycles and car tyres/baeries Supply of materials for riverbank maintenance Supply of diesel and premium diesel THIS WEEKS NEW DATA Weekly fuel retail and import prices, December and January NEWS ANALYSIS DATA TENDERS COMPANIES TRANSPORT NUMBER OF THE WEEK 53,000 There are officially 53,000 taxis on Yangons roads, according to a record of taxi registraon in Yangon since 1 October 2014. Authories are now conducng a survey into the number of official and unofficial taxis. Following this survey, the newly formed Yangon Region Transport Authority (YRTA) will strictly limit the number of taxis on the streets. CALENDAR Myanmar Oil and Gas Summit Third AAPG/EAGE/ MGS Myanmar Oil and Gas Conference 15th ASEAN Ports & Shipping 2017

Transcript of Myanmar Transport rief NEWS Issue 8 DATA 26 January 2017 · 2018-05-29 · U Aung Naing Oo said the...

Page 1: Myanmar Transport rief NEWS Issue 8 DATA 26 January 2017 · 2018-05-29 · U Aung Naing Oo said the goal is for investment approvals to reach $7bn this year. Total foreign direct

Myanmar Transport Brief Issue 8 26 January 2017

Part of the Myanmar Transport Monitor


Yangon minister seeks to bring in Uber with taxi shake-up Yangon Region chief minister U Phyo Min Thein has discussed bringing Uber to Yangon as part of efforts to streamline the city’s taxi system Yangon-Dala bridge status moved to MOA Work is set to start on a Yangon to Dala bridge project in December this

year, with preparation now underway

Analysis: FDI targeting transport and communications this year Transport and communications are the sectors with the most Myanmar

Investment Commission investment approvals so far this fiscal year

Chief minister promises late night bus services

Tender planned for YBS electronic prepaid card system

Myanma Railways announces plans to buy new rolling stock

Vice president pledges 'stringent measures' on illegal overland trade Exports resume at Myanmar-Bangladesh border trade camp

Yangon traffic control center to open soon Minister of Commerce stands by need to control car imports

Upgrades planned for Kawthaung airport to boost tourism

Himalaya Airlines to begin Kathmandu-Yangon flights

Officials deny construction has restarted on controversial Mandalay fuel port

GPS devices to be installed on Yangon buses Pan Zinn Chaung bridge in Rakhine State to open soon

Japan donates ferries for Rakhine State waters Hsenwi checkpoint reopening receives mixed reviews

Highway considered from east Yangon to Kayin State

Authorities mull helicopter purchase for disaster response

First inland vessels for Kaladan project depart Yangon Work planned to improve Ayeyarwady river navigation near Mandalay Authorities move to quash taxi reform rumors Controversial Malaysian aid flotilla to land in Yangon

Armed Kayin force takes Thai tourists hostage at border gate


Reconstruction of roads in Hlaing Thar Yar township

Supplying and leasing materials for bridge constructions Development of concrete streets in Bago Region

Supply of asphalt for Kachin State roads

Supply of garbage trucks

Supply of motorcycles and car tyres/batteries

Supply of materials for riverbank maintenance

Supply of diesel and premium diesel


Weekly fuel retail and import prices, December and January




There are officially 53,000 taxis on Yangon’s roads, according to a record of

taxi registration in Yangon since 1 October 2014.

Authorities are now

conducting a survey into the number of official and

unofficial taxis.

Following this survey, the newly formed Yangon

Region Transport Authority (YRTA) will

strictly limit the number of taxis on the streets.

CALENDAR Myanmar Oil and

Gas Summit Third AAPG/EAGE/

MGS Myanmar Oil and Gas


15th ASEAN Ports & Shipping 2017

Page 2: Myanmar Transport rief NEWS Issue 8 DATA 26 January 2017 · 2018-05-29 · U Aung Naing Oo said the goal is for investment approvals to reach $7bn this year. Total foreign direct

Road Yangon seeks to bring in Uber with taxi shake-up Yangon Region chief minister U Phyo Min Thein has discussed bringing Uber to Yangon as part of efforts to establish order among the city’s chaotic taxi system, according to a 23 January article in The Myanmar Times. The Yangon Region Transport Authority, which was formed on 15 January, is now conducting a survey into the number of official and unofficial taxis on Yangon roads, after which the authority will strictly limit their number, he said.

In addition to upgrading and better controlling the taxi system, U Phyo Min Thein has sought to bring American ride hailing mobile app Uber into Yangon, already meeting with officials from their Southeast Asia division. He reportedly said that it will be easier for the company to enter as there is no taxi association in Yangon at present, which has proven a hurdle in other international markets. U Phyo Min Thein added that an Uber system would make travel more convenient for passengers, and the article also said it may offer an alternative for drivers who are not allowed to drive taxis any more due to a lack of licenses. There are some taxi-hailing apps already in the market, including OwayRide, but their popularity is thought to be limited.

Reports have claimed the Road Transport Administration Department has registered about 53,000 taxis for Yangon’s roads at present, though the actual number of taxi drivers in the city is believed to be far higher with many unlicensed and incorrectly licensed taxis. Some personal car drivers have simply switched their vehicles to become taxis illegally, despite red licence plates denoting taxis in Yangon. According to U Phyo Min Thein, the YRTA will also regulate licensed taxis through a control centre that will process requests from passengers. Depending on the outcome of the survey, the number of taxis may then be reduced in an effort to reduce congestion. The coming shake-up to taxis follows the U Phyo Min Thein-led revamp of Yangon’s formerly convoluted bus network. While efforts to streamline some 300 bus lines into 60 lines and cut down on the number of companies has been controversial, it is aimed at ending chronic congestion on Yangon streets. Authorities have also become more rigid on the types of vehicles that may be imported into the country, partly in an effort to reduce congestion.

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Road Yangon-Dala bridge status moved to MOA Work is set to start on Yangon to Dala bridge project in December this year and to finish by 2021, with the status moved to memorandum of agreement (MOA) from a previous memorandum of understanding (MOU), said a 25 January article in Myanmar Times Myanmar Daily quoting an MP Dr Sein Mya Aye. Korean company Soosong is currently working with Ministry of Construction in Naypyitaw to kick off the project soon, with an agreement for detailed design and construction supervision signed on 18 December last year by a consultation committee. Dr Sein Mya Aye said that the Korean company's designs have now reached the level of MOA, though did not elaborate. The project will cost approximately $168.7m to build, with $137.8m coming from Korean loans and the remainder from the Myanmar government. On 16 November 2015 the two governments agreed to the $137.8m loan, with a 40-year term at a concessional 0.01% interest rate from Korea's Economic Development Corporation. Union minister of construction U Win Khaing previously told a publication that a route connecting Bo Minyaung Street in Dala township and Phonegyi Street on the Yangon side of the river has been chosen for the project as it posed the least impact to the environment. Dala residents have begun handing over their land to make way for the bridge, receiving Ks130m ($110,000) per acre in compensation. However, some local residents have claimed the value is actually closer to Ks200m for the land, according to media reports.

The bridge has been under discussion for several years, though an announcement in 2013 that the bridge was forthcoming was enough to set off a flurry of land speculation in Dala. Property prices subsequently shot up, but have since cooled as the bridge's progression from proposal to active project has been much slower than expected. Project timeline Consultation committee for detailed design was formed in December 2016. Compensation paid to land owners between 2016 and January 2017. From January to August 2017, a detailed detailed engineering design for the bridge is to be drawn. The constructing company will be selected over a period between October and November 2017. Construction timeline is from December 2017 to June 2021. Other Analysis: FDI targeting transport and communications this year Transport and communications are the sectors with the most Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) investment approvals so far this fiscal year, growing on a surge of interest in the area and declining approvals in the traditional leading category of oil and gas. A total of $1.6bn in FDI for the transport and communications sectors has been approved so far in 2016-17, nearly half the $3.5bn in all sectors approved for the year. With the fiscal year not over until 31 March, current transport and communications figures are on track to top previous statistics of $1.9bn in 2015-16 and $1.7bn in 2014-15.

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The MIC figures do not break out a difference between transport and communications projects, nor release values on a per-project basis. However, it is likely that the January approval of Myanmar National Tele & Communications, the fourth telco which is a joint venture of Vietnam’s Viettel and Myanmar companies, is the largest transport and communications project approved this year. While the telco investment is undoubtedly large, there is a diverse range of investment targeting the two sectors. Transport and communications has attracted a large share of investment by Myanmar companies as well. Some $282m in local investment for transport has been approved in the 2016-17 fiscal year to the end of December, more than half of the total $513m of local investment approved across all sectors, MIC statistics analysed by Myanmar Transport Monitor show. Reports by the MIC show that a number of foreign, local and JV companies have received permits this years in the transport and communications sectors. In addition, a number of transport and communications-related investments appear to have been counted as manufacturing-type investments, as official statistics show nine transport and communications investments, but Myanmar Transport Monitor has counted about 17 that fit in this category. Transport-related investment approvals from 2016-17 include: TYTC Services, a waste-disposal investment KMA-Suzue logistics, a logistics and

warehouse investment MCCL DIS Co, a distributor of Carlsberg

beer products

MSL Industries Company, cold and dry warehouses, and logistics and

distribution Maxxcare, specialised warehousing, logistics, distribution services and material handling services Aung Phyo Myat, construction and operation of wharf and fishery market Loscam Myanmar, providing pallet and

other supply chain equipment rental and pooling solutions services

In addition, Myanmar Motor Corporation which has been approved to manufacture buses. MIC secretary and Directorate of Investment and Company Administration secretary general U Aung Naing Oo said the goal is for investment approvals to reach $7bn this year. Total foreign direct investment approvals reached $9.5bn last fiscal year, and media reports have frequently said that with only $3.5bn approved so far in 2016-17, approvals this year are likely to be below last year’s. However, more than half of last years’ investment approvals were from the offshore oil and gas bidding rounds, and this year Myanmar is approving a more diverse mix of investments. Automobile Chief minister promises late night bus services Chief minister U Phyo Min Thein has instructed all Yangon Bus Service (YBS) operators to run their buses up until 10pm every night, according to bus line owner U Ta Yoke Lay, as reported in The Irrawaddy. The chief minister reportedly announced the move during a meeting on 24 January with the Yangon Region Transport Authority (YRTA), a group of 16 officials and bus company representatives.

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Originally the buses were scheduled to run from 5am to 9pm daily, however, their service hours will now be lengthened to 10pm to cope with late night demand. After ten days in operation, several problems have been encountered with the new bus system, and are yet to be solved. Riders have experienced long waits at bus stops, overcrowded buses, and many buses stopping service before their scheduled finishing time of 9pm. U Ta Yoke Lay estimates that only 30% of buses currently continue on the roads until 9pm.

This has forced some commuters with no other option but to take more expensive taxis home, with Hlaing Tharyar and South Dagon townships the most difficult to reach late at night, according to The Myanmar Times. Bus companies are likely to be unwilling to operate later at night due to lack of profitability. Bus companies wish to operate in a way which gets them the most money, according to U Phyo Min Thein. As less passengers travel at night, revenue collected is far less than peak periods, providing less incentive for bus operators to run the service. The regional government has been keen to stamp priorities passenger needs.

Previously, authorities announced disqualification if bus companies were found paying their drivers commission to complete more circuits of their route per day. Bus owners have also been told by chief minister U Phyo Min Thein that their performance will be closely monitored by the YRTA. If bus operators are found to be breaking YBS rules and regulations and failing to provide a good service for passengers, they will be disqualified and replaced, according to U Ta Yoke Lay. To further improve the system, the government has plans to introduce an electronic payment card as well as upgrading bus stops and introducing new buses in the system. Ks10bn ($7.4m) will be spent on upgrading terminals, while Ks60m ($44,000) will be spent on buying new buses, according to U Phyo Min Thein, as reported in The Myanmar Times. About 2.6m of Yangon's residents use bus services daily, according to a 2014 survey on public transportation conducted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Infrastructure Tender planned for YBS electronic prepaid card system Companies will be invited to bid to provide an electronic prepaid payment cards for trips on the Yangon Bus Service (YBS) buses, a source in the Yangon Region Transport Authority (YRTA) was reported as saying in a Union Daily article. The goal is for the electronic card payment system to reduce delays and problems caused by handling cash. An YRTA official was quoted as saying the number of cards to be allocated will be

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revealed at a later day. The prepaid cars may later be used not only on YBS buses, but also at local merchants, in a similar manner to Bangkok’s Rabbit card or Hong Kong’s Octopus card. Both foreign and local companies will be invited to bid. Previous media reports have said officials hope to have the project operational in three months, though the timeline is likely ambitious. Further details of the proposed tender have not been released so far. Previous attempts to install electronic payment cards on Yangon buses have largely been unsuccessful, though until the 16 January switch to the YBS system, it was possible to use Any Pay cards on BRT Lite buses and K-Cards on SRT bus lines. While the payment system is likely to assist buyers by being convenient, it is also aimed partly at ending the practice of unscrupulous drivers pocketing some ticket fares. The launch of the YBS and the reduction of 300 city bus lines to about 60 is an attempt to improve service and lessen traffic congestion. The switch also coincided with an official end to the previous practice of paying commissions to bus drivers instead of salaries. Rail Myanma Railways announces plans to buy new rolling stock Myanma Railways has announced it will buy new rolling stock for use on the Yangon Circular Train, according to Daily Eleven. A tender has invited the supply of eleven new six carriage trains manufactured from Japan, General Manager U Tun Aung Thin of Myanma Railways (Lower Myanmar) said at the opening ceremony of a rail safety campaign.

The rolling stock will hopefully be ready in 2018-2019 fiscal year and will be diesel electric. One advantage of such trains, according to U Tun Aung Thin, is that they can also be used as electric trains to run in a future electrification of the line. However, previous efforts to electrify the Yangon Circle Train line stalled last month as the project was reportedly declared unfeasible. Changing from the current diesel engines to an electrified system caused many difficulties including a lack of sufficient electricity needed to power trains as well as the central control system. Much of Myanmar’s rolling stock is aging, with some used carriages from Japan, China and India now 50 years old. Buying the new carriages is a key first step in improving the Yangon Circle Line, a 46km route which runs to the north of downtown at its southern-most point and through to the southern end of Shwe Pyi Thar township at its most northerly point. In addition, the tracks are planned to be improved and replaced, along with the signaling system. The improvements, which are scheduled for completion by 2020 and are projected to cost $212m, are designed to modernise the railway and increase its efficiency and capacity to

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transport passengers, while improving safety and comfort. Journey times to complete the circuit will be reduced from three hours to two hours and train services will run at intervals between 10 and 12 minutes (as opposed to between 12 and 45 minutes currently). New train carriages will also be bought as part of the Yangon-Mandalay railway upgrade with an agreement signed on 18 January to obtain loans of $400m from Japan for the project. Trade Vice president pledges 'stringent measures' on illegal overland trade Vice President U Myint Swe has warned the government will enforce "stringent measures" on illegal overland border trade, according to The Myanmar Times. The remarks came on 20 January at a meeting with local businessmen at the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI), which was attended by the Minister of Planning and Finance U Kyaw Win. During the meeting, U Myint Swe expressed his hope that the private sector would work alongside the government in curtailing rampant illegal struggling, which has caused significant losses in tax revenue every year. Plans have been made by the Ministry of Commerce to introduce new technology to check restricted goods, and to increase the salaries of border gate staff, though no further details were provided in The Myanmar Times article. This is not the first time the government has expressed a new plan to tackle the long standing issue. Authorities have made numerous attempts over the years to halt illegal trade, though with

minimal success. In August 2016, commerce minister U Than Myint outlined measures including construction of more border-area customs facilities, vehicle inspection posts, as well as the installation of more X-ray screen devices. Previously, in December, 2012, the Illegal Trade Prevention and Supervision Control Committee was formed and mobile teams were deployed to crack down on smuggling along the route between Yangon and Myawady on the Thai border, and between Mandalay, Lashio and Muse on the Chinese border. However, on 30 December 2016, the President’s Office issued an order abolishing the mobile task forces, a key component of the previous government's attempts to check illegal overland trade. Though it is hard to estimate the value of illegal border trade between Myanmar and China, the country's most important overland border, the illegal smuggling industry is seen as a lucrative one. According to data from the Customs Department, authorities seized Ks4.6bn ($3.4m) worth of contraband (excluding illegal goods seized at industrial ports and airports) during the first few months of the NLD-led government. In spite of Myanmar's lengthy borders with neighbouring countries, the it has only 15 border trade gates through which to transport goods. This leaves large swathes of border unmonitored and prime targets for illegal smugglers.

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Trade Exports resume at Myanmar-Bangladesh border trade camp Authorities say the export of products to Bangladesh through the Maungdaw border trade gate have resumed, with the export value reaching $0.5m this month, according to The Global New Light of Myanmar. The trading portal, which was closed for more than two months following a spate of violence which began in the area on 9 October, re-opened on 1 January. Security in northern Rakhine was reportedly tightened ahead of the trade camp's re-opening in a bid to bring normality, according to senior officials. It is noteworthy that the report appeared in state-owned The Global New Light of Myanmar, which is government-owned and has sought to downplay problems in the area. Accounts differ on the nature of the violence in the Maungdaw area. While most sources agree a police station was stormed by attackers thought to be of a Rohingya / Bengali background in October 2016, with other attacks also taking place, the degree of the Myanmar army’s response is disputed. Some Rohingya and human rights groups claim there is a significant amount of violence directed at the Rohingya / Bengali people, though the claims are generally denied by the Myanmar government. Nevertheless, the reopened border gate has seen commodities including dried fish, foodstuff and products for beauty salons passing through. Last year, the volume of salt water prawn along the Maungtaw border trade route reached 286 tonnes, worth about $2m,

according to The Global New Light of Myanmar. For years Bangladesh has bought most of the prawn and shrimp farmed in Maungtaw and regions nearby. In addition, the sale of crabs, saltwater fish and various kind of dried fish netted about $4.3m, according to the District Fishery Department. In spite of the encouraging signs for exports, imports from Bangladesh to Maungtaw have not yet resumed, with the price of key imported commodities such as electronics, clothing and household utensils rising at Maungtaw Market. Previously exporters had been trading through Sittwe, however, the export of some products such as bamboo came to a complete halt. Road Yangon traffic control center to open soon A much anticipated traffic control center allowing traffic monitoring with the aim of easing Yangon congestion will be operational soon, according to Yangon Region government, as quoted in The New Watch Weekly Journal. The traffic control center has already been fully constructed at Pyidaungsu road near the Thai Embassy, and is ready to use. It will be able to oversee and manage all major traffic flows in Yangon through the use of cameras installed on poles next to traffic lights. The cameras will monitor the traffic build-up at each traffic light and control the changing of the lights to regulate the flow of vehicles. They will also be able to spot illegal turns, speeding and drivers who run red lights. Expected to already be in use this month, its

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opening has been delayed because some traffic lights have yet to be installed with CCTV cameras which will allow experts to monitor and improve traffic flow from the central control unit. The process of installing 600 CCTV camera at 150 traffic lights remains unfinished more than nine months after an initial completion date, according to a report in 7 Days Daily. A joint venture between China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (CRCC) and local Shwe Yinn company was expected to have the project finished in March 2016, though has reportedly run into technical problems. In response, the Yangon region government has fined the venture Ks100,000 ($73) per day until the project is finished Automobile Minister of Commerce stands by need to control car imports Union Minister for Commerce Dr Than Myint has pledged to continue to attempt to control vehicle imports, despite criticism on the new policies from those in the car industry. Dr Than Myint made comments at the 1/2017 meeting of the Supervisory Committee for Motor Vehicle Importing held on 20 January that the committee will also look at the model year restriction rules, adding that the rules must be proactive, according to a 22 January article in The Global New Light of Myanmar. A number of new rules put in place late in 2016 limit vehicle imports to left-hand drive and those manufactured in recent years, which generated frustration among importers. Dr Than Myint also pointed to inspection teams under the Ministry as assisting with the process. Inspection teams from the Ministry of

Commerce were formed in February 2016 to carry out site examinations of car showrooms and sales centers to ensure that car importing companies comply with rules and regulations, an article in Myanma Ahlin said. The article also said that the government has allowed import of 350,852 vehicles as of 30 December 2016. However, statistics from the Road Transport Administration Department show that 521,075 passenger cars were registered with the department as of the end of 2016, along with 238,632 trucks and 25,397 buses. The reasons for the discrepancy between imports and registered vehicles is not immediately clear. About 100,000 cars were imported in 2015-2016 fiscal year, the total value of which was about $800m, according to previous press reports. This compares with a total of over $1.2bn worth of cars imported in the 2014-15 fiscal year. In the current fiscal year, it is expected that there will be about $580m worth of cars imported as the import rate is unlikely to rise this year, with new government regulations announced in November specifying that right hand drive cars are no longer allowed to be imported.

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Air Upgrades planned for Kawthaung airport to boost tourism Authorities are planning to upgrade the Kawthaung airport near the Myeik archipelago to accommodate international fights, with the aim of boosting tourism in the area. Union Tourism Minister U Ohn Maung has told The Myanmar Times that the Tanintharyi regional government and the Ministry of Hotel and Tourism have already held discussions with the Ministry of Finance over the planned upgrade, which is likely to include extending the runways. Currently the runway is 1,800m long, which authorities say is not long enough to accommodate international jets. The terminal building also has no gates and limited facilities for travellers. The news follows ambitions from the Tourism Ministry and the Tanintharyi Region Tourism Committee to actively promote tourism in the archipelago area. Initially, plans seem to be to be directed at Thai tourists, with visitors from nearby Phuket and Ranong able to fly direct to the airport in future. Kawthaung is at the southernmost point of Myanmar, and is a short fifteen minute trip from the Thai city of Ranong by boat. Permanent Secretary of the Thai Ministry of Tourism and Sports (MOTS) Pongpanu Svetarundra, along with the Governor of Phuket, Chokchai Dejamornthan, recently met with Myanmar’s Minister of Hotels and Tourism U Ohn Maung for a conference held at the Naka Phuket hotel. Representatives of the two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning tourism promotion and

information exchange between the two countries. During the conference, Myanmar also proposed to upgrade the connectivity between the two countries, including transportation by land, sea, and air, especially with the debut of air routes connecting Kawthaung-Myeik with Bangkok, as well as Myeik-Dawei and Bangkok The Myeik archipelago, a cluster of more than 800 relatively untouched islands, has significant tourism potential, offering swimming, scuba diving and snorkeling. Yet a lack of accessibility has meant the area has received relatively few visitors and little attention. In the past, Union Minister for Hotels and Tourism U Ohn Maung has said that the government intends to apply for UNESCO world heritage status for the archipelago, which would help draw more tourists and limit the number of islands that can be developed. However, some government officials have also promoted the possibility of significant hotel builds on the islands. Air Himalaya Airlines to begin Kathmandu-Yangon flights Himalaya Airlines plans to begin Kathmandu-Yangon flights on 24 February after acquiring a new Airbus 320 aircraft, according to The Kathmandu Post.

The Airbus was delivered on 20 January, and will be used for twice weekly flights to Yangon, as well as Kathmandu-Kuala Lumpur. To operate the route, Himalaya Airlines will use its brand new Airbus 320, delivered on 20 January, which will fly twice weekly to Yangon.

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Fares for Kathmandu-Yangon-Kathmandu start at 29,600 Nepalese rupee ($272), while Yangon-Kathmandu-Yangon flights are to start at $320.

Himalaya Airlines has appointed My Golden Lion Aviation as its General Sales Agents (GSA) for Myanmar, the article said. The Airbus 320 is the second aircraft to operate in the company's short history, following the first Airbus A320 it received in March last year, according to the airline's website. The aircraft, which has a capacity of 158 seats (including 8 business), will be allowed to operate in Myanmar under an air service agreement Nepal signed with Myanmar in April 2006. Union of Burma Airways previously operated flights between Yangon and Kathmandu, though there are no directly flights between the two countries at present. In opening up the new route, Himalaya Airlines hopes to connect Nepal with emerging markets, boosting tourism as well as trade opportunities, according to Vijay Shrestha, vice president of Himalaya Airlines, as quoted in the article. Based out of Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, the airline was founded in 2014 as a joint venture between Himalayan Infrastructure Fund Aviation Investment and Yeti World Investment (holding a 51% stake in the company) as well as Tibet Airlines (49%).

Water Officials deny construction has restarted on controversial Mandalay fuel port Construction has not yet been allowed to continue on a controversial fuel port in Mandalay Region, though permission has been given to clean up the site, according to a 22 January article in The Voice. While the project is now frozen as a study is conducted, locals had seen activity at the site and expressed concern that work on the project had restarted. U Taing Aung Lin, official with the Mandalay Region Department of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems, was quoted as saying that new construction work has not been permitted, but the company has been allowed to undertake repairs and clean up the site. Some construction work had been conducted before the freeze was instituted in August 2016, and there are currently metal storage tanks that have been installed which require cleaning. The port is to be located on the Ayeyarwady river near the confluence of the Myitnge river. It was one of at least three prominent Mandalay projects frozen by the National League for Democracy government last year. Concerns had been expressed that the project would cause environmental and social damage, though company officials have repudiated this concern. The project is now frozen while an EIA is conducted. The project is being developed by Myanmar Energy Sector Development Public Co (MESDP). It was reportedly approved by the previous government.

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MESDP project director U Than Htun said that company currently only has permission for cleaning and construction of cleaning-related buildings at the site, as concerns with the EIA are still being addressed. The project is slated for 35 acres of land between the Ayeyarwady and the Myitnge (Dottawady) rivers. Plans call for the installation of 32 fuel reservoirs able to hold 2m gallons of fuel, as well as a port facility. The MESDP project appears to be separate from the nearby Semeikhon Port project, which is also on the Ayeyarwady River. Automobile GPS devices to be installed on Yangon buses The Yangon Region government hopes to install GPS navigation devices to better manage and control bus drivers operating Yangon's Bus Service (YBS), according to the Yangon Region Transport Authority, as reported in The Global New Light of Myanmar. The move aims to prevent bus drivers from veering off their designated routes. It will be implemented in collaboration with the police. Bus drivers as well as bus companies have already been notified of the planned installation of GPS devices, according to the article. It is reported that the cost will be about Ks250,000 ($184) each, paid for by the regional government. The number of buses it will be installed on is not stated. The YBS, a new bus transport network system for Yangon, began operations on 16 January of this year. Among the main changes to the old system

was the abolishment of the all bus line supervisory committee, generally known by its Myanmar acronym Ma Hta Tha. In addition, bus numbers were consolidated from 300 down to about 61 (60) bus lines, as well as a reduction in the number of companies able to operate. Such changes were intended as a means of bringing order to the previously chaotic system, reducing competition among the many bus drivers who competed for passengers on sometimes duplicated routes. The installation of GPS on buses will hopefully support these existing measures. Currently, passengers are able to use a mobile application for the new bus routes which can be downloaded for free from Play Store and shows users their location on a bus route. Road Pan Zinn Chaung bridge in Rakhine State to open soon The Pan Zinn Chaung bridge which will connect Buthidaung town and Yathay Taung town in Rakhine State, will open soon, according to the Bridge Construction Group (8), as reported in Myanma Alinn. Construction work is 97% complete and only minor work is still needed, engineer Daw Su Su Mar from the Bridge Construction Group (8) has said. The Ministry of Construction hopes to have the bridge up and running by Union Day this coming 12 February. The reinforced concrete type bridge has been developed by the Bridge Construction Group (8), Department of Bridge under the Ministry of Construction since April, 2015, with a budget of about Ks4bn ($2.9m). The bridge is 60ft by 30ft, and is 19.5ft high

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over the river level with its approach on Buu Thee Taung side 565 ft and that on Yathay Taung side 875 ft. Located on Maung Taw to Ponna Kyun road, it is one of 12 bridges slated for construction on that road. Six bridges out of twelve, including Pan Zinn Chaung, are planned for completion this year. Among them, Pan Zinn Chaung bridge is the largest one. Previously, people in Maungdaw area of Rakhine state have mainly been using water transportation. Water Japan donates ferries for Rakhine State waters Two ferries donated by Japan will arrive in Myanmar in March and April, for use in water transportation in Rakhine State, according to an article in The Myawaddy. Residents of Rakhine State’s coastal areas are particularly dependent on water transport, given the large number of islands in the area and poor transport infrastructure. Government-owned watercraft reportedly ceased running in 2015 due to age, as well as the sinking of the Aung Dagon ferry. Private fleets under the operating names Shwe Pyi Tan, Malika and Mya Khan are currently running in the state, though the number of boats is currently insufficient. Most Rakhine ferries are based in Sittwe, and run to various ports including Kyaukpyu, Yathetaung, Buthidaung, Minpya, Manaung and Taungkoat. Fares are Ks500 to Ks3,000 for government-owned ferries, and rise to Ks8,000 to Ks21,000 for privately-owned ferries.

The article said that there is demand for more government-owned ferries due to high transportation fees. Also noteworthy is state and government media such as The Myawaddy has recently attempted to paint an optimistic picture of the development situation in Rakhine State, given recent violence and complaints from some observers that Myanmar security forces are violating the human rights of the area's Muslim residents. Trade Hsenwi checkpoint reopening receives mixed reviews The Hsenwi checkpoint on the Mandalay-Lashio-Muse highway has reopened after five years, according to an article in The Global New Light of Myanmar. The Nam Oon Gate, located between Lashio and Hsenwi townships in northern Shan State, was closed down in January 2012 by the Ministry of Planning and Finance, apparently because locals claimed they had been threatened by checkpoints guards and forced to pay bribes. The reopening of the checkpoint has caused concern among the local community who insist that an "education period" and "awareness promotion" should have been carried out first. Furthermore, representatives of the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) have petitioned the central government to reconsider the status of the checkpoint, citing concerns about corruption, according to Burma News International. Meanwhile, the government hopes that the reopening of the checkpoint will boost trade and prevent illegal smuggling which has risen up the agenda to become a key government priority. Also this week, a border gate at Muse (Yebu

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gate) was re-opened, with the intension of cutting down on illegal trade. However, its reopening caused serious traffic congestion, according to a 19 January article in The Myanmar Times. Unlike Hsenwi checkpoint, Yebu gate will have a two week educational period beginning on 16 January, with the aim of informing traders and officials about the dangerous of illegal trade. Both reopenings have received mix reviews, with critics advocating that the checkpoints should only be opened once preparations are complete. Hsenwi is located at the last main fork in the Mandalay-Lashio-Muse road. The western branch, Highway 3, continues to Muse, while the eastern branch, Highway 34, goes to the less-popular Chinshwehaw border gate. Both are connected with China. Road Highway considered from east Yangon to Kayin State A road connecting eastern Yangon with the Thai border is to be built by 2020 using a $165m loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), according to an unconfirmed report in Myanmar Times Myanmar Version Daily. The road is to run from Yangon through the Khayan and Thone Khwa townships to the east of the city, before connecting with the current route of Asia Highway 1. The road is reportedly to end at Kawkareik in Kayin State, though it is not clear why this was reported as the terminus. Asia Highway 1 itself runs from Yangon to Vi-etnam, while the Myanmar city of Myawaddy, 60km east of Kawkareik, is the last stop on the road before it enters Thailand.

Of note, the article appears to be the only one reporting on the road, which at present it has not been confirmed by other media articles or statements from the ADB. The article said a bridge over the Sittaung river is also to be included in the project. It is unclear from the report as to the route the road will follow. However, Khayan and Thone Khwa are located east of Yangon city, meaning the road may make it easier to ship goods from the Thilawa area to Mon and Kayin State, and later to Thailand. Last year, in an apparently separate project, a tender was awarded for upgrading the Kawkareik to Eindu stretch of the Asia Highway, one of the last significant portions of the road requiring funding. The funds originally came from an ADB loan of $100m. Air Authorities mull helicopter purchase for disaster response The Union government is considering purchase of rescue helicopters for use in the event of earthquakes, according to an article in The Myanmar Times quoting Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Win Myat Aye. The comments came at a Naypyitaw seminar, and reportedly follow a discussion in parliament last month about whether firefighting funding from Poland should be used to buy helicopters. The proposal to buy firefighting helicopters was reportedly turned down by the military-controlled Ministry of Home Affairs. Authorities are interested in helicopters due to their ability to reach disaster areas at a faster

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rate than road vehicles. U Win Myat Aye reportedly added that about 60 sets of communication devices have been installed around the country for use in emergency situations, particularly in Chin and Rakhine States and Ayeyarwady Region.

Concern has been growing about Myanmar’s potential for earthquakes and its ability to withstand a major disaster. A 6.8 magnitude earthquake centred near Bagan in Mandalay Region damaged about 400 buildings out of a total of 3,252 pagodas and temples when it struck in August 2016. Water First inland vessels for Kaladan project depart Yangon The first two vessels intended for the Kaladan Multi-Modal Transport Project are to arrive in Sittwe on 27 January, according to officials from state-owned Inland Water Transport, as reported in The Myawaddy Daily. The vessels reportedly left Yangon on 21 January, and will be under the supervision of the Rakhine State Department of Inland Water Transport when they arrive in Sittwe. The ships were built at the Yangon-Dala shipyard. They are 144ft long and 30ft wide, with a capacity of 350 tonnes. While six vessels are planned, only two left Yangon on 21 January, called Kaladan 1 and Kaladan 2. The remaining four vessels are to depart Yangon in February.

The vessels are intended for the inland portion of the Kaladan transport project. The project is largely funded by India, and is intended to open up India’s remote northeast through three main stages. Stage 1 is ocean shipping from Kolkata in India to Sittwe in Rakhine State Stage 2 is river transport up the Kaladan river to Paletwa in Chin State, which is where the vessels will be used Stage 3 is overland transport to India from Paletwa The article said that qualified staff as well as retired government staff will be assigned to duty on the vessels. Water Work planned to improve Ayeyarwady river navigation near Mandalay Work will be carried out to control water levels and widen the channel between the Sagaing and Mandalay ports along the vital Ayeyarwady river, according to Mandalay Region minister of electricity and industry U Zarni Aung, as reported in The Voice. Though specific details of the project are yet to be released, authorities plan to build embankments and dams near Mandalay, Inwa, Mingun and Sagaing to remove sandbanks and widen the navigable portion of the river, the Minister was quoted as saying. Although it is not clear from the article exactly what construction work will be involved, it appears it will include work on the tributaries that join the main river in the area. The work is aimed at enabling boats to run in the area year-round. ISAM Corporation from South Korea is currently conducting and funding a two-year

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study for the development of the project. The study will terminate in 2017 and the construction of measures to protect embankments and widen the river channel is expected to start in 2018, with an estimated budget of about $106.3m coming from a World Bank or Korean government loan, according to the Mandalay Region government. The Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) River is the country's largest river and most important commercial waterway. In summer, sandbanks ranging from 10km to 26km in length have appeared around the Ayeyarwady river leading to a narrowing of the water route and preventing ships from passing, according to Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems (Mandalay). A government budget of about Ks3bn ($2.2m) is annually set aside for water route maintenance and embankment retaining works across the country. Automobile Authorities move to quash taxi reform rumors A Yangon Region Minister for Electricity, Industry and Transportation Daw Nolar Kyaw has attempted to dispel "false news" spread on Facebook listing new requirements for taxi drivers, according to The Myanmar Times. A 22 January post on Facebook announced apparent new regulations for taxi drivers from Mingalar Taung Nyunt township to register with their ward administration office, and submit a long list of paperwork for the vehicle. The required paperwork included two copies of the vehicle licence, the contract of vehicle purchase, owner’s citizen identity card and family identity document. The news quickly circulated with taxi drivers in

other townships assuming the measures might be a city-wide requirement. Mingalar Taung Nyunt is also one of Yangon's most populated townships, with a large number of taxi drivers living in the area. However, the news was subsequently rejected by the minister who called it "fake" and stated that official new requirements for taxis have yet to be announced, in a post on her Facebook page on 23 January and seen by Myanmar Transport Monitor. She added that any formal announcements from the government would be made through state media, and any news on Facebook without a government seal should not be trusted and instead reported to authorities. It remains unclear who was responsible for the false message, however. It is not unusual for various government branches to announce important new rules and decisions on Facebook. The government has previously made it clear that it is planning a city-wide reform of the taxi system. Yangon Region Transport Authority (YRTA) has announced ambitions to reduce the number of taxis after conducting a survey into solving problems of traffic congestion in the city, according to authority secretary Dr Maung Aung. Yangon Region chief minister U Phyo Min Thein has also discussed bringing Uber to Yangon as part of efforts to establish order among the city’s chaotic taxi system, according to a 23 January article in The Myanmar Times. According to a record of taxi registration in Yangon since 1 October 2014 by All Bus Lines Advisory Committee (Ma Hta Tha), under Yangon City Development Committee, there are 53,500 registered taxis in Yangon.

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However, authorities have been concerned that most of the taxis running on Yangon roads are not licensed or have incorrect licences. Water Controversial Malaysian aid flotilla to land in Yangon A controversial flotilla intended to deliver aid to northern Rakhine State will dock at Yangon rather than its preferred destination of Sittwe in Rakhine State, according to media reports. The decision by the organisers of the so-called Food Flotilla came in response to Myanmar’s decision to limit the flotilla to Yangon. The flotilla was organised following reports of significant amounts of violence directed against the so-called Rohingya/ Bengalis of northern Rakhine State, after a purported attack by Islamic militants on a police outpost in October 2016. Myanmar government authorities have generally denied claims of attacks on Muslim residents of northern Rakhine State by security forces, though the situation has generated sympathy in neighbouring countries, particularly Muslim-majority Malaysia. The mission is organised by the Malaysian Consultative Council of Islam Organisations (Mapim), Kelab Putra 1Malaysia (KP1M), Turkey Diyanet Vakfi (TDV) and a coalition of NGOs from the region, according to Malaysia’s The Star newspaper. One sticking point in discussions is on how the aid will be delivered. There is limited humanitarian access to northern Rakhine State, and flotilla organisers are still discussing how to make sure the aid reaches its intended targets. Mapim president Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid reportedly said that negotiations will be carried out in Yangon on the distribution of the

aid, with the flotilla members asking to be able to witness the distribution. Mohd Azmi also said the flotilla will go to the Bangladesh town of Teknaf on the border with Myanmar. It was originally to set sail from Port Klang in Malaysia on 10 January, though this was later postponed. It is to deliver goods such as rice and medical aid. Other Armed Kayin force takes Thai tourists hostage at border gate The Thais have been warned to avoid the Myanmar border area near Kanchanburi in Thailand (southern Kayin State and northern Tanintharyi Region in Myanmar), after 37 tourists were briefly taken hostage by an ethnic Kayin armed force, according to a 23 January article in Malaysia’s The Star. The tourists reportedly crossed into Myanmar at Payanthonzu in Kayin State. Payanthonzu is a seldom-used border gate near the Three Pagodas Pass in the sparsely inhabited south of Kayin State, near Thailand’s Khao Laem national park. Thai media said the tourist group was held captive due to Kayin frustration with Thai authorities over arrests for human trafficking on 18 January, and demanded release of the arrested people. The Bangkok Post reported that police from the Anti-Human Trafficking Division had posed as customers and offered to buy sex from six potentially underage sex workers in Payathonzu for 8,000 baht ($225). The six women were arrested, though two were released as they were over 20 years old. It is unclear from reports who else was arrested in the sting, though The Nation says one man was arrested as well.

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The Bangkok Post reported that all hostages were released after a half-hour of talks on 21 January, and that the border pass is now reopened. It is not clear what the armed group received in return for releasing the hostages. The Kayin group reportedly responsible for the incident is an element of a Border Guard Force made up of former fighters in the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army. The Border Guard Forces are generally ethnic armed forces that have been induced to enter the fold of the Myanmar government, though there is no suggestion that the Myanmar government or military was involved in the hostage situation directly.

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Organisation Description Deadline Contact

Department of Urban and Housing Development Ministry of Construction

The Department of Urban and Housing Development under the Ministry of Construction invites bidders to reconstruct damaged roads (22 ft width, 12 inches thickness) using plain concrete with dowel bar retrofit (DBR) in Bo Aung Kyaw road, Hlaing Thar Yar township, Yangon. Opening date of selling tender application form: 21 January 2017 Closing date of selling tender application form: 31 January 2017, 15:00 Place of selling the tender application form: Sub-department of Urban and Housing Department, Department of Urban and Housing Department, Office no. (40), Naypyitaw

31/1/17 Ph - 067-407698, 067-407629

Bridge Construction Group (3), Department of Bridge under Ministry of Construction

Bridge Construction Group (3), Department of Bridge under Ministry of Construction invites bidders to supply bridge construction materials and electronic materials, to lease vehicles and machines, and to operate transportation works for bridge constructions in the Yangon Region.

Payment will be made in Myanmar Kyat.

Opening date to obtain tender application form – 20 January 2017, 09:00

Closing date to submit tender application form– 2 February 2017, 16:00

Tender opening date – 3 February 2017, 10:00

Tender opening place - Associate Manager (Civil) Office, Special Bridge Construction Group (11), Thaketa township, Yangon Region

Detailed information of the tender and tender application form can be obtained at Associate Manager (civil) Office, Special Bridge Construction Group (11), Thaketa township, Yangon

2/2/17 Ph- 09-254020532, 01-555773


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Organisation Description Deadline Contact

Bago Region Development Committee

Bago Region Development Committee invites road construction companies for the following construction work at Bago industrial zone. (1) To develop 11 concrete streets (15000’ x 18’ x 8’’) (2) To amend the foundation ground of those streets (3) To dig the drains along those 11 streets (15000’ x 3’ x 2’) Date to obtain tender application form: 19 January 2017 (within office hours) Closing date to submit tender application form: 2 February 2017, 16:30 Place to submit tender application form: Bago Region Development Committee Tender application forms submitted after the closing date will not be considered.


Bago Region Development Committee

Ph – 052-2200076, 052-2200093

The Road Department of Kachin State

The Road Department of Kachin State invites bidders to supply asphalt for the development of roads in Kachin State.

Opening date to obtain the tender application form: 23 January 2017

Place to obtain the application form: Director Office, Road Department, Kachin State (within office hours)

Closing date to submit tender application form – 7 February 2017, 12:00

Place to submit tender application form: Director Office, Road Department, Kachin State


Director Office, Electricity, Industry and Transportation Department, Kachin State,

Ph – 074-29514, 074-22332


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Organisation Description Deadline Contact

Pyay Township Development Committee

Pyay Township Development Committee invites a tender to supply the following garbage trucks: (1) FORLAND dump truck 4102 QB (2) Longhead swing-arm garbage truck (7.5 T) Payment will be made in Myanmar Kyat Tender application form and detailed information can be obtained at Pyay Township Development Committee starting from 23 January 2017 Tender closing date: 30 January 2017, 15:30


Tender Selection Committee, Pyay Township Development Committee,

Ph- 053-24301

Naypyitaw City Development Committee

Naypyitaw City Development Committee invites bidders to supply 1207 tyres (all sizes) and 342 items of batteries (all sizes) to use for cars and motorcycles of the committee.

Bidders with sufficient stock are encouraged to apply. Payment will be made in Myanmar Kyat.

Starting date to obtain tender application form: 23 January 2017

Date to submit application form: 31 January 2017


Vehicle Department, Tender Selection Committee, Naypyitaw City Development Committee,

Ph - 067-432081, 067-432083


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Organisation Description Deadline Contact

Region(1), Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems under the Ministry of Transport and Communications

Region(1), Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems under the Ministry of Transport and Communications, invites bidders to supply materials used for riverbank maintaining work (Ayeyarwady river) in Taik Kyi township, Yangon. Place to obtain tender application form: Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems, Yangon Region Office, No (549), Thidar Seik street, (3) Quarter, Pazuntaung township, Yangon. Place to submit tender: Yangon Region Government Office Starting date for sales of tender application form: 26 January 2017 Closing date to submit tender application form: 31 January 2017, 16:00 Tender opening date: 1 February 2017, 13:00


Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems, Yangon Region Office,

Ph – 01-202171, 01-9000912

Myanmar Port Authority

Myanmar Port Authority invites bids to supply the diesel H.S.D and premium diesel P.H.S.D, with applications accepted until 13:00 on 31 January 2017.

Tender application forms and tender rules can be obtained at Myanmar Port Authority, Central Stock Maintenance Department, Kannar (Strand) Road (western part of Botahtaung pagoda, near Toll Gate), Seikkan township within office hours starting on 23 January 2017.

31/1/17 01-8610229, 01-8610232.


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Organisation Description Deadline Contact

Pyinma Pin Industrial Zone in Mingalardon township

Pyinma Pin Industrial Zone in Mingalardon township invites bids to purchase cars which are no longer used by the Pyinma Pin Industrial Zone. A tender application form can be obtained from 17 January to 31 January (10:00 to 16:00).


No. (45), No. (3) Road, Pyinma Pin Industrial Zone, Mingalardon Township, Yangon,

Ph - 09-73113420, 09-73113413, 09-8637247

Bridge Construc-tion Group (3), Department of Bridge under the Ministry of Construction

Bridge Construction Group (3), Department of Bridge under the Ministry of Construction invites bids to supply cement (1000 tonnes) for the construction of Chindwin Bridge (Khan Tee) on KhanTee-Sin Thay-Lahel road.

Payment will be made in Myanmar Kyat.

Closing date for submitting tender application form – 31 January 2017

Tender opening date - 1 February 2017, 13:00

Tender opening place – Chindwin bridge (Khan Tee), Office at Construction site

Tender application form and a detailed information book can be obtained at the Bridge Construction Group (3), Department of Bridge, Manager (Civil) Office, South Okkalapa township (Myin Thar), Yangon starting on 23 January 2017.

31/1/17 01-8500758, 09-448539671, 09-401556233


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Organisation Description Deadline Contact

Road Department, Ministry of Construction

The Road Department under the Ministry of Construction invites bidders to supply (5,000 +25%) metric tonnes of 80/100 type asphalt for road construction. Payment must be in Myanmar Kyat. The tender officially opens on 11 January and closes on 30 January at 16:00. Interested parties must provide samples of six pounds of asphalt on 24 January.


Tender Selecting Committee, Road Department,

Ph – 067-407588

Highway Road Maintenance and Administration Committee, Ministry of Construction’s Road Department

The Highway Road Maintenance and Administration Committee under the Ministry of Construction’s Road Department invites bids for the installation of electronic tolls at six toll gates and eleven mini-gates along the Yangon-Mandalay highway.

Interested parties must submit the following applications forms outlining the technology abilities and overall capabilities of the company.

(1) Company Certificate and Company profile (2) Technical and Operation Proposal

Interested parties can obtain application forms at Ministry of Construction, Road Department, Highway Road Maintenance and Administration Committee, Manager (civil) office, Naypyitaw (C junction) within office hours.

Tender forms will go on sale beginning on 9 January 2017

The tender will close on 20 January 2017, 12:00pm

Forms must be submitted at the following address – Manager (civil) office, Highway Road Maintenance and Administration Committee (C Junction)

Date to explain about the proposal – meeting room, office number (11), Ministry of Construction

20/1/17 Ph- 067-8100146,09-448536282


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Organisation Description Deadline Contact

Road Department, Ministry of Construction

The Road Department under the Ministry of Construction invites a tender to supply materials for the construction of roads and bridges in Mrauk-Oo district, Rakhine State.

Payment will be made in Myanmar Kyat.

The detailed list of construction materials and the tender application form can be obtained from Deputy Manager (Civil) Office, Road Department, Mrauk-Oo District from 23 January 2017 to 30 January 2017.

Closing date for submitting application form – 7 February 2017, 10:00

Tender opening date: 7 February 2017, 12:00

Place to select tender – Deputy Manager (Civil) Office, Road Department, Mrauk-Oo District, Ph – 043-50283


Deputy Manager (Civil) Office, Road Department, Mrauk-Oo District

Ph – 043-50283

Yangon Region Government

The Yangon Region Government invites ethnic companies to bid for the following construction projects:

Tender documents can be bought and submitted at the Engineering Department (Road and Bridge), YCDC, City Hall, Yangon before 26 January 2017.

26/1/17 (+95) 973 083 986


Myanmar Transport Brief | 20 January - 26 January 2017 25

.No. Tender No. Type of Work

1. DERB/01/2016- 2017

Two-lane bridge spanning Ngamoeyeik Creek, connecting Thitsar Road in South Okkapala Township and Ngarmanaung Pagoda road in North Dagon township

2. DERB/02/2016-2017

An overpass near Sanpya Market, Ledaungkan road, Thingangyun township

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Organisation Description Deadline Contact

Ministry of Construction, Department of Highways

The Ministry of Construction, Department of Highways ('the Purchaser') invites sealed bids from eligible bidders to supply laboratory and field testing equipment for soil, concrete and asphalt to equip the National Road Research Laboratory under the Ministry of Construction (MOC) in Yangon.

The equipment includes standard test equipment, as well as advanced, automatic equipment for triaxial testing, marshall mix testing, and Hamburg wheel tracking test. Equipment must be products of internationally renowned manufacturers, with proven reputation for quality and service. The bidding will be in lots:

Lot 1 laboratory equipment for concrete testing

Lot 2 laboratory equipment for soil testing

Lot 3 laboratory equipment for asphalt testing

Lot 4 Equipment for field testing

Bidders may bid for a single lot or any combination of lots.

Other eligible Bidders with the following key qualifications should participate:

Successful completion as main supplier within the last 5 years, of at least 1 contract for supply of similar goods with a value matching the following:

Lot 1—$60,000

Lot 2—$100,000

Lot 3—$40,000

Lot 4—$40,000

"Similar goods" are defined as any laboratory or field testing equipment, scientific instruments, or information technology or telecommunications equipment.

National Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB's Single-Stage: One-Envelope procedure and is open to all bidders from eligible countries.


Director, PMU, Maubin-Pyapon Road

Rehabilitation Project

Room 502, Building 2B, Bagan Housing, 334/344 Anawrahta Road, Yangon, Myanmar

Tel: +95 9 861 5172, +95 9 5058066

Fax : +95 1 222 361

E-mail : [email protected]


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Organisation Description Deadline Contact

Myanma Railways, Ministry of Transportation and Communications

The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has received a loan from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) towards the cost of the Yangon-Mandalay Railway Improvement Project Phase I. It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for Package CP 104: Rolling Stock.

Bidding will be conducted through procedures in accordance with the applicable Guidelines for Procurement under Japanese ODA Loads, and is open to all Bidders from eligible source countries, as defined in the Loan Agreement. The Eligible Nationality of the bidders shall be Japan in the case of the prime contractor. In cases where the prime contractor is a joint venture, such joint venture will be eligible provided that the nationality of the leader partner is Japanese.

Myanmar Railways, Ministry of Transport and Communications now invites sealed Bids from interested eligible Bidders for the design, execution and completion of Rolling Stock (Diesel Electric Multiple Unit).

International Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with JICA"s Single-Stage Bidding Procedure.

Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding documents at the head office of Myanmar Railways at the address shown, during office hours from 09.30 to 16:30 - Monday-Friday.


Tender Office Myanma Railways Head Office Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station Compound, Pobba Thiri Township Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

Ministry of Construction, Department of Bridge

The Ministry of Construction, Department of Bridges, Bridge Construction Group (4) invites bids for to supply iron rods (all sizes) for construction of Dothtawady bridge (Shwe Sar Yan) in Mandalay region, Nant Paw bridge (3/66) on Mandalay-Moe gok-Moe Mate-Mabain-Si Oo-Bhamaw road in Shan state, Shwe Pann Kone bridge (1/39) and Bridge No. (1/43) on Monywa-Ayardaw-Shwe Bo road in Sagaing region.

The Ministry also invites bids for the transportation of a 120 inch Steel Plate Girder used for Kyu Taw bridge (2/6) on Taung Maw-Kaw Linn-Win Gyi road in Kaw Linn township, Kathar.

Payment will be made in Myanmar Kyats.

Opening date for collection of application form: 20 December 2016

Closing date for collection of application form: 3 January 2017, 09:00

Tender opening date: 3 January 2017, 10:00

Place to submit application form - Deputy Manager (Civil) Office, Bridge Construction Group (4), Mandalay Region


Tender Selection Committee, Bridge Construction Group (4),

Ph. 02-39117, 09-781300409, 09-73130731,09-5139353, 09-442088330


Myanmar Transport Brief | 20 January - 26 January 2017 27

Page 28: Myanmar Transport rief NEWS Issue 8 DATA 26 January 2017 · 2018-05-29 · U Aung Naing Oo said the goal is for investment approvals to reach $7bn this year. Total foreign direct

Organisation Description Deadline Contact

Yangon City Development Committee

Yangon City Development Committee invites bids to supply the following vehicles needed for township work. (1) Garbage truck (Lifan Tipper) 17 trucks (2) Water vacuum truck (Hyundai) 11 trucks (3) Excavator (5 tons) (Komatsu) 11 trucks Bids must be in Myanmar kyats. Interested parties may submit complete application forms to Yangon City Development Committee, 61 ward, Dagon Myo Thi (Seikkan) township, by 31 January.

31/1/17 Ph - 09-2011581, 09-2042759, 09-250062884


Myanmar Transport Brief | 20 January - 26 January 2017 28

Page 29: Myanmar Transport rief NEWS Issue 8 DATA 26 January 2017 · 2018-05-29 · U Aung Naing Oo said the goal is for investment approvals to reach $7bn this year. Total foreign direct

Source: Myanmar Petroleum Trade Association. Myanmar Ks per litre Note: The original source refers to the figures as "fuel prices". According to our surveys of petrol stations, they are largely in line with retail prices in Yangon. The source notes that retail prices may vary from location to location due to transportation costs.


Myanmar Transport Brief | 20 January - 26 January 2017 29

Retail fuel prices by week, November –December 2016

W/E 30 Nov W/E 10 Jan W/E 17 Jan W/E 24 Jan

Diesel Ks. 707 Ks. 700 Ks.700 Ks. 700

Octane 95 Ks. 750 Ks. 750 Ks. 750 Ks. 750

Octane 92 Ks. 710 Ks. 705 Ks. 710 Ks. 710












Octane 95

Octane 92

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Myanmar Transport Brief | 20 January - 26 January 2017 30


Myanmar Oil and Gas Summit 26-27 January 2017, Sedona Hotel, Yangon, Myanmar

15th ASEAN Ports & Shipping 2017 6-7 July 2017 - 26 February, Sule Shangri-La, Yangon, Myanmar

Third AAPG/EAGE/MGS Myanmar Oil and Gas Conference 22-24 February 2017, Yangon, Myanmar

Page 31: Myanmar Transport rief NEWS Issue 8 DATA 26 January 2017 · 2018-05-29 · U Aung Naing Oo said the goal is for investment approvals to reach $7bn this year. Total foreign direct

The Myanmar Transport Brief and the Myanmar Transport Monitor are produced by Frontier Myanmar Research Ltd.

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Office 12, Building 27

Shwe Ohn Pin Yan Shin Street

Yankin Township Yangon, Myanmar

London address (Frontier MEA Ltd)

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Early bird offer available until 31 March Rates are subject to 5% Myanmar sales tax where applicable

Myanmar Transport Brief | 20 January - 26 January 2017 31