My teaching journal- Kindergarten period

My journal Practicum period: Kindergarten Trainee’s name: Regina Moure Tutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón Date: May 11th, 2015 1st Observation- K5 group- Morning shift. Jardín de Infantes “Cardenal Spínola” Today, from 10:00 to 10:30, I met one of the groups I’m going to work with for the first time. Since I was a little bit anxious about this, I arrived almost at the same time the teachers and the headmistress did. It is great to know that they are very excited at the idea of offering their learners the chance to learn English. That was one of reasons (if not the main) to make the decision of working with both K5 groups, the one in the morning and the other, in the afternoon. After all, according to what I read in the file “Trabajos de Regularización”, I should provide a service to the school that agreed to my request of doing my practicum there, and I think this is the best way to do it. Moreover, it’ll allow me to perceive the main differences between these two groups. As regards the differences, the headmistress provided me with the “Diagnóstico Inicial” carried out by the teachers during March and April, on which they based the whole-year curriculum. I read both files last week, and this morning I came back to the one focused on the group I was going to observe. Let me tell you that everything was exactly as it was depicted there! The group behaved really well: they listened to each other as they moved to the board and wrote their names during an activity in which T aimed to integrate numbers and literacy. Next Wednesday I’ll be visiting this group again to see how they work on a very specific activity, other than the starting routine I witnessed this morning.. Date: May 13th INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015

Transcript of My teaching journal- Kindergarten period

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón

Date: May 11th, 2015

1st Observation- K5 group- Morning shift. Jardín de Infantes “Cardenal Spínola”

Today, from 10:00 to 10:30, I met one of the groups I’m going to work with for the first time. Since I was a little bit anxious about this, I arrived almost at the same time the teachers and the headmistress did. It is great to know that they are very excited at the idea of offering their learners the chance to learn English. That was one of reasons (if not the main) to make the decision of working with both K5 groups, the one in the morning and the other, in the afternoon. After all, according to what I read in the file “Trabajos de Regularización”, I should provide a service to the school that agreed to my request of doing my practicum there, and I think this is the best way to do it. Moreover, it’ll allow me to perceive the main differences between these two groups.As regards the differences, the headmistress provided me with the “Diagnóstico Inicial” carried out by the teachers during March and April, on which they based the whole-year curriculum. I read both files last week, and this morning I came back to the one focused on the group I was going to observe. Let me tell you that everything was exactly as it was depicted there! The group behaved really well: they listened to each other as they moved to the board and wrote their names during an activity in which T aimed to integrate numbers and literacy.Next Wednesday I’ll be visiting this group again to see how they work on a very specific activity, other than the starting routine I witnessed this morning..

Date: May 13th2nd Observation- K5 group- Morning shift. Jardín de Infantes “Cardenal Spínola”.

This morning I met this group for the second time. I came to their room right after they had breakfast.While I was waiting for the teachers and the children to clean up their tables, I took a look at the place. I visited the video-room, big enough so as to gather the 27 children there. The headmistress had already told me that I could use it anytime, only that I should tell her two or three days before, of course. It all has to do with the proper organization of this institution.As soon as I entered the room, the teacher in charge today, Silvia, provided me with the details on the activity they were about to carry out. The whole day would be devoted to literacy, from the very beginning of the lesson. During the “good morning” routine (circle-time), children had been working on their names, identifying the initial letters and sorting out their name tags by the alphabet (written on the white-board).That was quite a hint since, besides numbers, that is a topic (or should I say “skill”?) both teachers asked me to reinforce during my interventions in the first weeks of June (I hope!).



Graciela Manzur, 05/18/15,
Graciela Manzur, 05/18/15,
There are digital resources to practise letters and numbers in meaningful context. You can also look for songs and/or stories in which numbers and letters are taught.

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón

As regards the activity itself, Ss developed their fine-motor skills by working with plasticine, modelling their names with it. By asking Ss to do that, the teacher connected the first task of the morning with this one.The most exciting moment was when Miss Silvia asked me to help her distribute the name-tags. It was a great chance to start interacting with the children! I couldn’t help it and I started using the target language. Children were amazed, surprised at the oral exchange started and, even though they couldn’t reply to my “here you are!” when they received their name cards, some of them said “Gracias!”.Needless to say, Chomsky, the need of contextualised teaching and the connection between meaning and intonation came to my mind. Next Thursday, that is tomorrow, I’m visiting the other group…. It’s time to go over their Diagnosis report again.

Date: May 14th1st Observation- K5 group- Afternoon shift. Jardín de Infantes “Cardenal Spínola”.

This afternoon I met the second K5 group. Since I had already read the regular teacher’s diagnostic report I really expected to find a very noisy group, but that was not exactly what happened.Among the 25 children (although today there were only 24) there are four special cases: two of them dealing with disruptive behaviour, a third one with a sort of cognitive disorder (they’re all followed by a pedagogue), and finally there’s Benjamin, a boy diagnosed with Autism. I had the chance to talk with his companion teacher, Fernanda, who gave me an insight into Benji’s current situation and the improvements he made in the last year.To tell the truth, having a student with this kind of features is challenging and scary at the same time. I’ve started searching for more information in order to know more about this disorder as well as the possibility for these individuals to learn/acquire a foreign language, considering that they’re still struggling to communicate in their mother tongue.So far, my research led me to the following sites:

I must keep on reading because, contrary to my initial assumptions, these articles/ papers do not discourage L2 learning. What is more, Fernanda herself told me that Benji could name



Graciela Manzur, 05/18/15,
Right! We are all capable of learning, according to our individual characteristics. This is what makes teaching and learning meaningful.
Graciela Manzur, 05/18/15,
Excellent! Looking for information, exploring about these special cases, as you've called them, is the first step to follow. You can also rely on the teachers and psychopedagogue.Your sensitiveness will help you learn from these kids and will also allow students to benefit from your teaching.
Graciela Manzur, 05/18/15,
You'll certainly have an enriching experience working with these kids with special abilities. Don't forget to share your experience with your classmates in forum discussions. We'll certainly learn from your experience.
Graciela Manzur, 05/18/15,
Wise way of defining the situation.
Graciela Manzur, 05/18/15,
You are aware of the theoretical principles underlying your observations and pedagogical decisions.
Graciela Manzur, 05/18/15,

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantónthe primary colours in English, which he learned by watching Doki in Discovery Kids. Something to bear in mind at the time of selecting videos!Returning to the big group and their starting routine, it was quite similar to the one carried out by the morning group, only that these children required more support from the teachers and resorted to their name-tags to write their names on the board. But, they still seemed to have problems to recognise number figures.

You have provided insightful reflections upon the groups you are about to teach. It will be a challenging and thus enriching teaching experience, which may help you develop personally and professionally.

V. Good work!

Date: May 18th2nd Observation- K5 group- Afternoon shift. Jardín de Infantes “Cardenal Spínola”.

This afternoon was very quiet since five Ss were absent, among those there were Benji and Franco, two of the most complicated cases so to speak.Maybe it was for that reason that the topic lesson designed for today went so well. It was all devoted to national history, focusing mainly on this “Semana de mayo”which started today, May 18th celebrating “Día de la escarapela”.Miss Silvia drew on storytelling to tell her Ss about the situation back in 1810 “when the Spanish King’s very very good friend lived in a very very big house (with many many windows) and never let anyone do what they wanted to do. People were very very sad and decided to get together to tell this man, the Spanish King’s very very good friend (whose name was Virrey Cisneros), that they didn’t want to follow his orders anymore. So these people gathered at the city’s main square and, to help others know they were part of a group, they wore light-blue and white ribbon. That was the very first time people wore an “escarapela”.Miss Silvia made use of all the strategies we have been taught about storytelling here at Lenguas: She made eye-contact with her Ss. The seating arrangement she employed consisted in having children sit in front of her, not in a circle (as she usually does when working on the carpet). She also promoted eliciting by starting a phrase and waiting for Ss to finish it. Gestures were also very important.As soon as the story ended, she asked Ss for their help to make the invitations for next Friday’s festival. She showed Ss an “escarapela” blank template and told them they would have to paint it (they used tempera). After Ss agreed both on the colours and the pattern for colouring the template, they were told to move to their work stations where two assistant teachers had placed everything they might need on the tables.Ss worked on their own. Since the activity took less time than expected, children were allowed to play with the toys and games available for them in the room.



Cecilia Zemborain, 07/13/15,
Timing must also be planned.
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/13/15,
Excellent! Having live models to follow is a great advantage!
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/13/15,
Graciela Manzur, 05/18/15,
Wonderful! This shows us, we learn in different contexts, not just at school, and from different sources, Teachers should be aware of this fact and relate these contexts and resources to their lessons.

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón

Date: June 15th1st Lesson: K-5. Morning ShiftJardín de infantes “Cardenal Spínola”

Well, I had my first lesson with this 27-children group and, although some of them were absent, 22 is a good number to start, isn’t it?On the overall, I had to introduce small changes as the lesson moved on. For instance, it was my original idea to work with a chant in order to help Ss arrange themselves on the floor following the boy-girl-boy pattern the main teachers had suggested doing. It seems (actually, I’m sure) I didn’t take into consideration that these Ss are used to being asked to re-arrange themselves when they work in the Circle-Time spot. Therefore, singing the chant wasn’t necessary, at least not today. I may try to teach it/use it next Monday, since it is the only day of the week when I’m the first teacher to work with them.How did they know they should have to exchange positions? I used two images, one for Boy and another one for girl (you have both at the end of this entry. They are cute!) and making use of a lot of gestures, I mentioned that Miss Regi and Miss Silvia had told me to ask them to sit in a specific way. They knew exactly what I was talking about as soon as I took out the pictures from my pocket, heheh! As we all were checking that everybody was sitting in the right way, I engaged them in some sort of chant: I touched one child and asked the rest to tell me whether that mate was a boy or a girl! It was fantastic, really!!It also was great when I had to check attendance (one of the mandatory duties for the T who starts the day). I took advantage of the situation to introduce and work with questions such “Who’s…?”. The main teachers were of great help here! They helped me to model the oral exchange:

Me: -Who’s Regi?Regina Arroyo:-I am!Me: Hey, Hello, Miss Regi!

Then I started the practice with the children. Some of them answered in the requested way, some didn’t, but it was ok anyway because they were all taking part, paying attention to what was going on in front of them.When the lesson was almost over, I taught them the goodbye song. They liked it! not all of them sang it but they made all the gestures.Again, I feel it was a nice start!

Oh! I forgot! The other teachers (k-4) asked me to teach them and the children a song for the routine in the main hall, right after “they say hello to the flag”. Since it has to be a song for the moment they’re entering their rooms, I thought about the following one:



Cecilia Zemborain, 07/13/15,
Of course... as they get used to it, they may.
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/13/15,
Great strategy! You made use of a real and communicative situation to teach the target language.
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/13/15,
Good decision!
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/13/15,
It is! ;)

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón

I’ll be working on it this week!

Date: June 16th1st Lesson: K-5. Afternoon ShiftJardín de infantes “Cardenal Spínola”

Well, this lesson was not as wonderful as the one I delivered yesterday. I somehow knew it wasn’t to be the same for several reasons:

a. Groups are different. What the morning group seemed to enjoy wasn’t exactly what this group would rather do. These children, for instance, were not very eager to engage themselves in oral exchanges. Even though I had taken this into consideration at the time of planning my lesson, I didn’t do it properly. I think this group, this K-5 group, requires me to go easy on them and provide them with activities that allow them to move a bit more.

b. The contextual aspect: This lesson was delivered from 3:30 to 4:00 PM, their P.E. teacher was absent today and, besides that, they knew that, as soon as the English lesson was over, they will have some time to play with dough (one of the girls asked me “Cuánto falta para jugar con la masa?”. I really felt like killing myself…)

Date: June 17th2nd Lesson: K-5. Morning ShiftJardín de infantes “Cardenal Spínola”

I forgot to write down my reflections about this 2nd lesson with the group of early-birds kindergarteners...Thanks God, it is everything recorded in my purple notebook.Well, it seems that using a puppet as a teaching resource is not so easy after all… Even though I watched a few videos on youtube, I need to keep on practising...maybe attending a workshop or something like that, so I can learn some tips and techniques…

As regards the plan in itself, Eugenia told me the lesson was rather short, but I considered it would be ok for this group of 27 students. But what I didn’t bear in mind was the fact that that day, June 17th, teachers took the first hour of the day to comply with a few administrative



Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
You will also develop this strategy as you experience more lessons implementing it.
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Don't worry at all, Gina! They may react this way in one lesson, and then get engaged in the following one...
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/13/15,
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/13/15,
Very good observation! Being sensitive of what learners need is an essential teacher trait...
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/13/15,
Every lesson is unique...
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/13/15,

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantónrequirements (Reports would be delivered on the next day). Therefore, children arrived at half past ten, exactly the time I was supposed to start my lesson and, instead of having my lesson, they started the day with the snack (breakfast, as they call it)However, that was not the worst part. This group usually arrive late (especially on Monday mornings), sometimes after their mates have come into the classroom and started with the morning routine (taking attendance, for instance). That was what happened that morning: Not only there was latecomers, but many children were absent!My activity, designed to be carried out with 27 children, only had 18 participants. Summing up, I had a lot of extra time which I would have to fill up with something. And I did!The previous class, I had taught this group the “Goodbye song”, a capella, without any audio accompanying me. Since they hadn’t engaged too much with my singing performance, I took my portable speaker and my cell phone with the song loaded as an mp3.This time not only did they enjoy the song, but also sang it!! That was a relief! Even though my second lesson wasn’t as good as I would have wished; I’m fully aware that it could have been worse.

What did I learn with this experience? Well…I) Consider each and every aspect of your group of Ss. Many a time, you get so in love with an activity, that you forget if it would cater for your Ss’s needs and work as you like it. This is something any teacher should know and put into practice.II) Among your group’s features, pay attention to those related to the context. The only way to know exactly what the day has to offer you and your Ss is by keeping up with the latest news in your institution. Do not wait for others to tell you what is going on, reach them and ask yourself!III) Always have an ace under your sleeve. In this case, an extra activity for your Ss to carry out in case one of the main tasks you’ve designed does not appeal to them that day.

Date: June 19th2nd Lesson: K-5. Afternoon ShiftJardín de infantes “Cardenal Spínola”

Today I took the children to the video room to watch a video I created to teach them the different parts in a kindergarten.My original idea was to make it using pictures of their kindergarten I had taken right before I started my practicum, but I couldn’t do that.I Am not good at taking photographs.



Regina Moure, 07/16/15,
Puppeteer and photographer...noted down! <3
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/16/15,
Another skill to develop then...:)
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Of course!
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Good thinking!
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Well, that is always the case. However, be it better or worse, we can always benefit from every teaching-learning experience if we take a reflexive attitude...
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Wise decision!!
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
It is always advisable to plan some extra acitivities or a contingency plan...

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión CantónThe first part of the lesson was, as usual, devoted to greeting the children and getting to know how many of them were in the room that day. In spite of a few absences, the class developed smoothly, it seems to least to my eyes.This time I didn’t take the puppet with me, I used a picture of Tiggy instead. I took advantage of the weather (it was very cold!) and I told children he had stayed at home, yet he had prepared something for them: A video!! so they could see his kindergarten.Then I pre-taught the word “Kindergarten” and showed kids a picture. I finally took the kids to the video-room, which is right in front of our classroom (I didn’t do this on my own! Miss Silvia and Miss Sole were with me all the time!). There we watched the video together. It is a video without sound, since my idea was to tell the story myself, pausing it from time to time to allow children to repeat phrases, ask and answer questions on each scene.

Image retrieved from

You can watch the video as a presentation here:

During the ten minutes (or less) the video lasted, two children somehow misbehaved: Darian and Franco. While Darian followed my suggestion and joined the rest of his mates, Franco didn’t. Miss Sole took him out of the video room. Later she told me that they usually do that with him since he is constantly demanding attention. Teachers ask him to help them to lay the tables for the snack or to arrange the materials for him and his mates to work later. Benjamín, the boy diagnosed with Autism, stayed with us only for a few minutes...His teacher, Miss Fernanda, also took him away for a walk. I knew this could happen because she (Fernanda) had already told me about that during our first interviews.The rest of the group enjoyed and engaged very well with both the video and the flashcards activity designed to practice the vocabulary by means of Choral Drilling. During this stage, I



Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Being informed is a must. :)
Regina Moure, 07/16/15,
You will watch Darian on my right in the upcoming videos. He's so sweet!
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/16/15,
He is an attention seeker. Therefore, assignming him that type of tasks will make him feel necessary and cared about...
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Lovely work!!
Regina Moure, 07/16/15,
The entire story were told in L2, following the script I wrote in my lesson plan.
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/16/15,
Fantastic! Did you say this in L2? What strategies did you implement?

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantóncalled up individual Ss to stick the pictures on the board. Then, we played a game, “Disappearing Pictures” .By that moment, time was almost over, so I did as usual: I glanced at my watch and, without having to say anything else, Children exclaimed: Good bye! Te tenés que ir...cantemos la canción. I took out my portable speaker, plugged it into my cell phone and then we all started singing and dancing the “Good bye song”.The only aspect I don’t like about my lessons is that there are times I need to turn to L1 to avoid losing momentum. Perhaps I’m too anxious, and I don’t want to take more minutes than those that were originally given...I don’t know. Anyway, when I use L1 to clarify something, I make use of the sandwich technique, you know, English-Spanish-English.I hope this gets better as I advance with my practicum here.Next Monday, the morning group will watch the video.

Date: June 22nd3rd Lesson: K-5. Morning ShiftJardín de infantes “Cardenal Spínola”

These children also enjoyed the video. But, unlike the other group, their participation was more homogenous, that is to say...the Ss taking part in the oral exchanges I started were not always the same; children who barely say “hello” when we met in the main hall, felt like playing the flashcards game or taking part into the drilling activity when I introduced the language items. That was very encouraging, not only for them but for myself also.It seems that I finally was able to design activities for Ss this age. Besides, one of my biggest concerns has always been the timing of the tasks. In this opportunity, everything seemed to flow. As regards behaviour, there was not any incident. Maybe that had to do with the fact that there were only 18 children ( 10 minutes after the lesson started, arrived a 19th kid).Let’s see how things work next Wednesday!

Date: June 23rd3rd Lesson: K-5. Afternoon ShiftJardín de infantes “Cardenal Spínola”

Lesson not delivered since children were attending an event organised by Escuela Especial n° 2, aimed at integrating ss from regular kindergartens and that school.The headmistress also informed me that this group wouldn’t be available on Friday 26th: They’ll be attending a play: Las aventuras de Pepa, la cerdita. Therefore, my practicum here will extend for another week…



Regina Moure, 07/16/15,
It's one of the aspects I care the most, I guess, especially after having started this course of study. I used to be a very shy girl at school and I know exactly what it feels to want to contribute something but being scared to do it wrong at the same time.
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/16/15,
You managed to establish rapport..Another essential class component...
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
I will watch the videos and share my comments with you...As this is the first time learners are exposed to the L2 some degree of anxiety may be present, especially if this is so in the teacher..
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Once SS get to learn the routine, they react positively. They feel secure as they know what comes next...

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón

Date: June 24th4th Lesson: K-5. Morning ShiftJardín de infantes “Cardenal Spínola”

This lesson was delivered on my birthday!! Let me tell you that the children and their teachers were so sweet with me that day! They sang “Feliz cumpleaños” to me and also took the time to count up to 41 as they pulled my earlobes… Then we moved to the classroom and the lesson started as planned:

● New circle - time song: ✔

● TPR activity:

Well, it didn’t work as I expected. I thought it would be some fun for the children but I don’t think like that now. Maybe I was too ambitious at trying to get all the Ss to participate in it, I don’t know. What I know now, thanks to the commentaries made by the main teachers, is that I shouldn’t distribute the flashcards (signalling the place where Ss should have to go) so far from the circle time area where we were all together and from which they moved. I had somehow foreseen something of this could happen but the strategies I applied weren’t as effective as I wished.



Regina Moure, 07/16/15,
I made use of gestures to signal the places Ss should stick the images, and even accompanied them to the right spot and pointed at it.Poor children, some of them stared at me as if they were saying: For God's sake, what do you want from me?!
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/16/15,
Which ones did you implement?
Regina Moure, 07/16/15,
They were of great help!!
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/16/15,
It is good to know that the course teachers were also caring and made suggestions that contributed to your development.
Regina Moure, 07/16/15,
Emilia on the left and Renata ( It was love at first sight with her!) on the right.
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/16/15,

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón

Language was an issue as well.. I had to make use of L1 and I felt very bad about it. Actually, I feel like I did something terrible. Then I remember what two Teachers of English told me in March, when I sat for the Suitability Test. They asked the candidates to write a short essay giving our opinion about the use of L1 in the English classroom. In my essay, I wrote about the importance of the teacher speaking English as much as possible since s/he is, most of the times, the only source of exposure to the language for Ss.

During the feedback stage, right after having a short interview, these teachers told me that, even though speaking English is one of the ways we teachers and prospective teachers have at hand to provide our learners with the exposure they need, we also have to think about how our Ss feel when they’re not able to grasp anything we say. I remember I told them that “we are supposed to make use of other strategies (such as making gestures, using our body language) to help our Ss get our message”. Although that was correct, they were more of the idea of considering our target students’ prior experience to the language and avoid making them feel uneasy about their performance. So if they need us to use L1 to reassure them that they’re doing just fine as they get the learning strategies required, then L1 use in the language classroom is not a crime (We read a paper or an article with that phrase as its title).

The kids’ teachers told me something similar when I shared my concern about speaking in our mother tongue from time to time. They told me to bear in mind that these children had never been exposed to English before, not in a formal environment as a classroom, and they (the teachers) were amazed at the way the children follow my instructions and take part in the activities.“Not so bad, then” I said to myself….so far.

● Puzzle:The idea was brilliant, but the way I cut the pictures….mmmmm!

“Try to make them simpler” said Miss Silvia as soon as the lesson ended, “especially if you want to use this activity with the other group next week”. I’ll take her advice….

● Timing:



Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
On the contrary! Very good, I would say....
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
In my opinion, this dependes to a great extent on the teacher's attitude and awareness as well as on the use of the strategies you mentioned. Perhaps, this may be the case at the beginning of the year, but once SS got to know the routine, and got used to the exposure to the L2, the use of L1 should be minimised.Of course, instructions and exchanges should be kept as simple as possible... Otherwise, SS won't understand anything and get aprehensive (as they would if we did the same in L1)...
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Gina, the use of L1 is not forbidden. What must be taken into account is the reason why we use it. It should not be systematic strategy (as in the grammar translation method, for instance), but in some cases, if other strategies have failed, the use of L1 will contribute to the L2 learning.

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón

The activities took longer than expected, precisely because they were a bit complex for Ss. Another aspect to reflect upon.

I’ll make those adjustment and see how it works next Tuesday.

Date: June 29th5th Lesson: K-5. Morning ShiftJardín de infantes “Cardenal Spínola”

Topic of the lesson: School objects

It was my last encounter with these kids today and they did really well!! I’m so glad to see that children who, at the very beginning of my practicum, barely smiled at me now are able to greet me in English. It’s amazing how, even though they may not understand every single word I say, they manage to get the gist of my message and react in consequence. After all, that is our aim as teachers of English, isn’t it? To help our learners to communicate...I love it!But, let’s go over my lesson plan for this 5th lesson.

My tutor, Cecilia Z., made some suggestions on one of the activities I had designed for the controlled practice stage and I took her advice. Believe me, it worked perfectly.In my original lesson plan, I had thought of an activity (vanishing flashcards) in which Ss chant the names of the school items. As they do so, the last card from the series is removed from the board. Therefore, every time they start the chant over, they have to remember not only the order in which the cards were placed, but also the items. So far, there were no problem at all with a task like that. But my initial idea consisted in handing out the removed flashcards to a different kid each time; all with a further purpose to be fulfilled during the following stage (a listening discrimination activity). In her commentary, Cecilia pointed out the fact that a procedure like that might make Ss feel bad: only eight cards...only eight chosen ones. In fact, not receiving one of the cards would have made kids feel discouraged. Children this age are very sensitive and not being chosen, nominated to perform something special, may affect their self-esteem seriously. After all, they are building their self-image, so we must be careful with what we do and say, also with the way we proceed. To make a long story short, no feelings were harmed during the development of this task. Everybody enjoyed it, and it was easy for them to recall the items. One reason for that to happen was the inclusion of a sort of “memory peg” plus a “kinaesthetic reinforcement” aid. I took the idea from Celce-Murcia’s “Teaching pronunciation - a course book and reference guide” (2010). In the ninth chapter of her book, this author explains several techniques to help learners remember sounds. Although in my case I was not working with sounds but



Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Excellent Gina!!! That is why Psychology is a subject to revisit every now and then...
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Rewarding for me to learn that my suggestion helped. :)
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
and to learn about themselves and others through the communicative exchanges...
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
The right attitude!

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantónwords, I still made use of the technique, making hand movement as I introduced each school object.For instance (here I copy from the lesson plan):

Controlled practice: (10’)Aim: To help Ss develop their listening comprehension by means of a TPR activity.Activity 1: Vanishing flashcards (drilling + memory enhancement)This activity has the purpose of having Ss naming and remembering the school items in a pre-set order.Ss’ memory will be helped by adding a gesture to each item, for instance:Pencil: T moves her hand as if she is writing.School-bag: T makes a movement as if she is putting on her school-bag on her back.Rubber: T simulates erasing something out.Pencil-case: T makes a movement as if she is unzipping a pencil-case (the pencil-case from the image has a zip)Book: T moves her hands as if she is holding a book and proceeds to open it and read.Crayon: T colours something in the air.Sharpener: sharpening a pencil movement.

That way, if Ss happened to forget the name of one of the items, they could easily remember it thanks to the association made with the movement.

Apart from that, there is more I should have considered and modified, and that is the number of objects to teach. Eight is (as Cecilia also told me) too many items for kids to retain. Miss Silvia, the teacher in charge of the afternoon group pointed that out too. She asked me to limit the items to no more than five. Thus, I’ll have to change that part of the lesson and edit the school word rap to better suit the afternoon-group needs and features.

Date: July 3rd3rd Lesson: K-5. Afternoon ShiftJardín de infantes “Cardenal Spínola”

This was my 3rd lesson with this group of Ss. I should have already finished my practicum with them, but due to some events (teachers on strike, Children taking part in activities organised by other schools and plays) my schedule will extend over a week or more ( 4th lesson will be on Friday 10th and the last one on Tuesday 14th).Today’s lesson was aimed at helping Ss recall the different places in the kindergarten which they had learned two weeks ago with the help of a video.



Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
The ideal number, with lower levels or young children...:)
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
Fantasctic integration, Gina! I may say you have benefitted from each module you did in this course of studies...

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión CantónEven though this lesson was similar to the one I gave on June 24th in the morning, I had to introduce some changes. On the one hand, I followed Miss Silvia’s suggestions as regards the size of the flashcards (the original ones were printed on A4 paper, the ones I used this afternoon were A3) and the cardboard paper for Ss to solve and stick the puzzles and, on the other hand, considering there had been a while since our last encounter, children could benefit from a little revision.When it comes to the puzzles, this time I cut the images in no more than four pieces, employing straight lines:



Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón



My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón



My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón

(Those are two of the puzzles kids received)

This modification of the original puzzles made the task of arranging the pieces much easier for Ss.Look at the puzzles children from the morning group solved and notice the differences:



My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón

Anyway, although the new version of the puzzles made them easier to solve, it didn’t prevent children from struggling as they decided who was in charge of doing what.My intervention was required at that moment, assigning roles and giving instructions, to the whole group first (modelling the activity in front of them as I taught them how to use the glue-stick since they usually employ regular glue), and later within the groups.“Giving instructions” was also one of the aims of the lesson today. Children were expected to take part in a TPR activity in which they should go to one of the places in Tiggy’s kindergarten (you can watch the video as a presentation on ).During the first stage of the activity, I was in charge of telling individual Ss where they should go. Later, it was expected that Ss ask one of their mates to move to a particular place of their choice (the child giving the command would have to choose a place for his/her mate to go).For instance:

Darian, go to the toilet!

The language wasn’t a problem at all, but the fact to choose a place made the task almost impossible. Miss Silvia told me that I should remember that children this age (and particularly THIS group) need controlled activities all the time. Even when they are allowed to play in the playing -area, T should remind them about the proper behaviour as well as the importance of taking care of the materials, toys in this case.



My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión CantónAn aspect of this lesson that Miss Silvia considered interesting was related to cooperative work. According to her, this group of learners had never worked this way before and she was pleased to see that they had done quite well.All in all, I dare say that the activities that better suited both morning and afternoon groups so far were those involving music, body movement and image (they loved watching Tiggy on TV, even more than having him live as a puppet!)I have two more lessons to deliver to this group: Friday 10th and Tuesday 14th. That final lesson should be entirely musical..

Here, some notes I took right after finishing my lesson, based on Miss Sylvia’s feedback:



Regina Moure, 07/16/15,
Thanks a lot, C!
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/16/15,
How enriching these lessons have been for you and for the learners Gina!!!Remember that there is a file containing guidelins for journal writing you may benefit from as you write your next entries.A pleasure to read your anecdotes and reflections!!!Way to go!Cecilia
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/14/15,
:) - SS may also surprise us.
Regina Moure, 07/16/15,
I was, but I thought they would like to be in charge of something, so I had to try it (at least once). Maybe it was too early for them: I mean, they were getting acquainted with the activity and I asked them to guide it. Yes, it was definitely too much for a single lesson.
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/16/15,
Were you acquainted with this fact before teaching this lesson?
Regina Moure, 07/16/15,
It was because they are egocentric by nature. Nonetheless, one of the goals of Kindergarten as the first formal educational experience is to prepare individuals (children) to be part of a larger community than their own families. Not easy, but a step they have to take.
Cecilia Zemborain, 07/16/15,
Why was it difficult for the learners to work in groups? Can they naturally do so at this age?

My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón



My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón



My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón



My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón

Date: July 14th4th Lesson: K-5. Afternoon ShiftJardín de infantes “Cardenal Spínola”

I finally was able to deliver my fourth lesson. And even though I followed the same lesson plan I used with the morning group (as regards contents and skills), I had to make some adjustments in order to cater for these Ss’ features and needs.This group is markedly heterogeneous and there are 3 kids who require special attention, either from the affective aspect and the pedagogical one. Thus, during this class I focused my attention on them: Darian, Dylan and Franco. As Cecilia Z. had told me, these children are attention-seekers, and they’re used to being told to behave. Instead of doing that, I encouraged them to take part in the activities or to help me to do something.Apart from that, I also followed the course teachers’ advice of reducing the number of lexical items to introduce to five, as well as modifying the activities for Ss to carry out. Therefore, we did a lot of oral practice in a sort of contextualized choral- drilling.

T: Tiggy is going to visit Mr. Brown’s classroom and needs our help to get his school-bag ready. Let’s check….

Does he need this?



My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión Cantón

Ss: yes!T: What’s this?

Ss: (School-bag)(T elicited the answer by means of the same gestures she employed during the

presentation stage)T: Ok, (Franco), come here please, and put this into Tiggy’s school-bag

(T had previously drawn an empty school-bag on the board)

T: Now, look at this/these…Does Tiggy need (a frog/a pair of shorts/ a sandwich)?

Shall we put (these shorts) into his school-bag?Ss: no!

T: No, of course.

T continued that way with the remaining items: pencil, crayon, book, rubber, as well as the distractors: frog, shorts, sandwich.

After that, and once all the school items Tiggy needed were displayed on the board, we played a game Ss enjoyed a lot during their 2nd lesson: Vanishing flashcards.Finally, a memory game integrating numbers provided Ss with more oral practice.What aspects of this lesson do I consider successful?Well, the group is not an easy one, but I can say that, in spite of the noise they made and their short span of attention, they learned the lexical items, they made their best effort to pronounce and recall the names as well as to follow the story I created to teach them the new vocabulary.

However that, what I treasure the most is the fact that, during the goodbye song stage, Benji (the kid diagnosed with autism) joined us. You can listen to him singing in the third video of this lesson.



My journalPracticum period: KindergartenTrainee’s name: Regina MoureTutors: Cecilia Zemborain - Eugenia Carrión CantónAll the same, I checked if what I thought was right with Fernanda, his personal teacher. She confirmed my suspicion! There was something familiar in the song that caught Benji’s attention.It’s really a pity that I’ll be delivering my last lesson next Friday, but the good thing is that I’m going to meet these kids next year, when they start their primary education.

Date: July 17th5th Lesson: K-5. Afternoon ShiftJardín de infantes “Cardenal Spínola”