My Second Partners Paper

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  • 8/2/2019 My Second Partners Paper


    Caroline Jolley

    Ms. Caruso

    English 1102

    5 April 2012


    A Fight For Freedom is about how a family of slaves becomes separated when their

    owner auctions off the three children but decides to keep their mother, Justice. This cruel act

    leads to the rebellion of the slaves making this book a heart-felt suspense. Although, there are

    many books and movies out there about slavery, none seem to be relatable. In A Fight For

    Freedom the family aspect immediately intrigues the reader because the situation of children

    being taken from their mother often arouses peoples emotions with anger and sorrow. This book

    will be popular among a variety of people, but more so with teachers and the education system.

    It will not only be a wrenching suspense of an escaping slave family but also an informative

    piece on how slaves were treated and the specific time period.

    In addition, this book has meaning; it is derived from the mistreating of our own human

    beings. Even though the concept developed from a period in history that does no longer exist it

    still should not go unrecognized. It is well known that in the late 1700s slaves were abused for

    petty acts. African Americans had it hard enough being owned and having to do the white

    peoples dirty work all day long. On top of that they had to live in fear. No one ever knew if

    and when they could be sold from their loved ones, get beaten, or even be killed. If seeing this

    kind of cruel act among our own people does not get one worked up, nothing should. This book

    will touch the hearts of many because it is not just a story being told. Instead, it is a real life

    Jenna Price 4/10/12 10:31 AM

    Comment [1]: ReviewedbyJennaPri




    Jenna Price 4/10/12 10:40 AM

    Comment [2]: Elaboratemoreonwh



    Jenna Price 4/10/12 10:41 AM

    Comment [3]: Whenisthetimeperio




  • 8/2/2019 My Second Partners Paper


    event being retold. This issue is not one that is sugarcoated; it is blunt and somewhat disturbing.

    This being said, it is just what readers want, a true story straight to the point.

    A Fight For Freedom will begin at a slave auction where a slave mother, Justice, has to

    watch her three children be auctioned away from her. While undergoing the traumatic experience

    of watching her kids being taken away from her, Justice becomes raged and runs out, screaming,

    begging for her owner not to sale them without her. A whole lot blood and tears will be shed

    during this part of the story. Having this at the very start of the book immediately grabs the

    reader allowing them to become lost in the story early off. After the auction Justice decides that

    she will not bow down to the white people anymore and starts scheming a plan to be with her

    children once again. Justice acts immediately and tries to escape. Of course, she gets caught

    and receives the usually punishment of thirty lashes to the back. During the time it takes her to

    recover from the punishment of trying to escape she has had enough time to develop a plan that

    will be successful. Slaves are not usually allowed to talk to one another from different

    plantations. Therefore, Justice had to learn how to communicate with her kids through quilts.

    This is no easy task for anyone, much less a woman who has to work all day long. The struggle

    of communication shows just how smart slaves were and how much the white people

    underestimated them. Now that Justice has explained the whole escape route to her children

    through quilts it is finally time to escape. This will be the scariest part for Justice and her

    children. They will have to escape and spend 3 nights and 4 days out on the run not knowing if

    they will be caught or not. In order to do this they will need the help of others. Now the

    Underground Railroad comes into play. The Underground Railroad is a secret escape route

    developed to help runaway slaves just like Justice and her family. Justice and her children will

    use this program to help them find their way to each other and even after they are together to stay

    Jenna Price 4/10/12 10:39 PM

    Comment [4]: Takethisout.

    Jenna Price 4/10/12 10:41 PM

    Comment [5]: Elaboratemoreonhow



  • 8/2/2019 My Second Partners Paper


    in hiding for a while longer. Once they have made it to the end of their journey they will be

    living together in a free state where know one can ever separate them again.

    These characters are very unique characters. The story does not talk about many people,

    therefore, Justice and the children have to be above and beyond the ordinary. Justice is the main

    character. Being a single mother of three, she will exemplify independence, strength, and

    courage. She has a strong love for her family and is not willing to let anything or anyone get in

    the way of that. Isaiah is Justices oldest son. The thirteen-year-old boy plays the role of his

    mothers sidekick and somewhat of the father figure in the family. Since Isaiah has grown up in

    this way of life he has had to mature much faster than the other kids his age. Isaiah carries the

    same ambition that his mother does and is a great help when escaping.

    Jenna Price 4/10/12 10:42 PM

    Comment [6]: Wherewilltheybelivi

    Jenna Price 4/10/12 10:38 AM

    Comment [7]: Givesomeinformation




    Jenna Price 4/10/12 10:28 AM

    Comment [8]: Whereistheactualfat

    Jenna Price 4/10/12 10:42 PM

    Comment [9]: Inconclusion,Iwould




