My Product Store review in detail and (FREE) $21400 bonus


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Transcript of My Product Store review in detail and (FREE) $21400 bonus

Page 1: My Product Store review in detail and (FREE) $21400 bonus

My Product Store – Set up a "Sales Ready" Digital

Product & Store in Minutes

My Product Store is the fastest and easiest way to sell digital products at 90% less

cost of other platforms. You can set up a “Sales Ready” digital product and store in


What Is My Product Store?

Most people badly over-think digital product creation. If you can make... a word

document, record some audio, use your phone to record a video, use a free piece of

software to record your screen... Then You can make a digital product.

Of course you can also buy ready made and white label products at very low cost

nowadays too. You can even re-brand any GPL product and sell it as your own for profit.

So the reality is... there is absolutely no excuse when you say you can't make a digital


Many top entrepreneurs have started and continue to sell digital products today. Why?

Think about it - you create a product once and you can sell it many times without

running out of stock.

Not to mention the profit of course... in most cases you make like 95%+ profit... which is

what most business owners dream of.

However, the reality is most people fail to sell a digital product. Why? Because they

needlessly over complicate stuff.

They buy glossy complicated solutions that promise the world of amazing features

without telling the user how complex the platform will be to use, so most people simply

get lost and confused. And of course most platforms get you to make all your required

pages from scratch - which is a huge time killer.

Fortunately, there is a much easier way to do this...

That's 10 times faster than any membership software.

Introducing: My Product Store

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My Product Store is the fastest and easiest way to sell digital products at 90% less

cost of other platforms. You can set up a “Sales Ready” digital product and store in


It takes just 60 seconds to set up a product with:

Instant Landing Pages / Members Areas

Easy Payment Integration

How Does My Product Store Work?

Special Features of My Product Store:

Up and running in under 1 minute

Lowest Start-up and Running Costs

Fully Responsive Mobile Ready Pages

A+ Page Load Speed Rating

Easy Integration with PP W+ CB and JvZoo

Instant Landing and Lead Pages

Instant Members Area Feature

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Super Easy Autoresponder Integration

Up to 1 Million Requests Per Second

Super Fast SAAS Platform

Fully Customizable Store and Products

List Unlimited Products

Ongoing Platform Updates

Full Product Support

Full Training Videos and Tool-tips

Super Stable Fully Launch Tested Platform

With over 12 months of development in November, they took a total product launch

newbie through the product launch process using My Product Store as the sales

platform and JvZoo as the affiliate network.

The result... as expected Zero customers reported any product delivery issues... Zero non

delivery support tickets were received. There Zero Downtime.

Instant List Building With Free Products

All Major Autoresponders Supported

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My Product Store has a built in function that allows you to give away free products or

free lessons to help you build your lists.

All you need to do is to set your product price to Zero and the customer will get the

product for free in return for their email address.

My Product Store supports 99% of Autoresponders including special fast integration to

Mailchimp, Aweber, Get Response and Sendlane.

So with My Product Store list building is a effortless.

Automated E-Course Building From Youtube

Builds Complete Members Areas From Youtube Video URLS

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One of the exclusive features they have in My Product Store is the ability to build a

complete E-course just by submitting Youtube URLS.

Doing things this way has major advantages such as: not having to any bandwidth fees

for video content delivery and of course there is the massive time saving that you get as

the members are is literally built for you.

Needless to say they have made it stupidly simple for E- course creation.

Your Own Fully Branded E-Store in Seconds

No Complex Membership Levels, No Complex Settings

Many store platforms don't allow you to brand your own site, they are more focused on

promoting their own brand instead.

This is the 2nd version of this best seller which has been extensively tested by both their

clients and 100's of customers.

The software is automatically updated any time a new WP update comes out - this

makes sure you are always running the very latest version.

Stupidly Simple Payment Integration

With Paypal, JvZoo, Clickbank and Warrior+

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Payment integration is another huge challenge.

It checks for pre existing installations and uses proven automated scripts execute all


Needless to say all the plugins and scripts used are secure and have little impact on your

site performance.

A+ Speed Rated Fully Responsive Pages

Using Super Clean Code and Rapid Scalable Cloud Servers

WP Master Control 2 has been written and tested across multiple popular hosting


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This is the 2nd version of this best seller which has been extensively tested by both their

clients and 100's of customers.

The software is automatically updated any time a new WP update comes out - this

makes sure you are always running the very latest version.

Who Should Use My Product Store?

Regardless if you’re a newbie to Internet and Offline marketing, a seasoned veteran or

anywhere in between, you will be given the RARE chance to use this new and truly

revolutionary software that NO ONE has used before today!

Why Should You Get My Product Store Now ?

There's no better time to start.

One of the regular tasks we all have to do when setting up our websites is installing

themes and plugins.

Now most of us use a combination of WP repository plugins/themes and our own

themes/plugins... so whichever way we do it, we end up doing work.

My Product Store allows you to install both your own themes/plugins as well as ones

from the repository.

As a result, webmasters don’t have to waste many hours needlessly doing these very


And one more thing, at the very least you should be running basic site security...

There are many ways hackers can take over your site but by far the easiest way is to

leave your site running old versions of Wordpress and out of date plugins.

Leaving a bare WP site running no WP security or Firewall allows hackers to snoop and

launch attacks.

So setting up security/regular updates is another task that webmasters can't ignore.

My Product Store lets you join their Facebook group for tips and tricks.

Remember, you are not alone, you can join their product creator community for more


And now after revealing all the features inside My Product Store, they are not about

to stop there. They are including a very valuable bonus, designed to enhance your result

with My Product Store.

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Exclusive Bonuses From My Product Store

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My Product Store is the fastest way to build your own digital product ecom empire at

a fraction of the cost and headaches of other platforms.

If you haven't picked it up, this is your second chance to grab it before the Earlybird

Offer Ends!

Yes... you haven't missed out yet!

But today is the LAST day before it's closed!

Page 11: My Product Store review in detail and (FREE) $21400 bonus

Remember, you won’t see the price keeps very low for long. You have to lock the massive

discount right away… Trust me… this is the best chance you’ll ever have!

Grab your copy now!!!

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