My Name is Gabirela

• Accepted • Express • Taught • Grand • Pretend • Prize • Wonder • Flutteri ng

Transcript of My Name is Gabirela

• Accepted• Express• Taught• Grand• Pretend• Prize• Wonder• Fluttering

The coach accepted us in the team after watching us play.

Accepted Accepted (v)(v)

The coach accepted us in the team after watching us play.

The girl is trying to express her feelings to her mother.

Express Express (v)(v)

The girl is trying to express her feelings to her mother.

My friend taught me how to play a game on the tablet.

Taught Taught (v)(v)

My friend taught me how to play a game on the tablet.

My cousins sent me a picture from their visit to the Grand Canyon.

Grand Grand (adj)(adj)

My cousins sent me a picture from their visit to the Grand Canyon.

Group 1 are pretend engineers and group 2 pretend firefighters.

Pretend Pretend (adj)(adj)

Group 1 are pretend engineers and group 2 pretend firefighters.

Three women who fought injustice accepted the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.

Prize Prize (n)(n)

Three women who fought injustice accepted the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.

He wonders when the vacations will come.

Wonder Wonder (v)(v)

He wonders when the vacations will come.

The hummingbird is fluttering its wings. It flies really fast.

Fluttering Fluttering (v)(v)

The hummingbird is fluttering its wings. It flies really fast.