My Hollywood Moment With... Robin Williams.

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Transcript of My Hollywood Moment With... Robin Williams.

  • 7/21/2019 My Hollywood Moment With... Robin Williams.


    Iy Bgccywgg` Igimdt \etb... ^gned \ecceois.

    Ugu hod't cevm ed Cgs Odlmcms od` dgt bovm o igimdt wetb sgimgdm ga o

    hmcmnrety stotus. Pbm mdtmrtoedimdt ed`ustry es tgg pmrvosevm. @uredl iy dedm-pcus ymors

    cevedl ed tbm ormo, E bo` o amw rud-eds wetb tbm nel doims... wbehb `gd't rmoccy iottmr agr

    odytbedl, nut tbmy io`m agr sgim edtmrmstedl igimdts.

    Cejm wbot7 Lmttedl gd tbm mcmvotgr wetb tbm nel luy argi "Cgst." Xtod`edl

    nmbed` tbm wgiod wbg pcoys tbm bgusmjmmpmr gd "Pwg od` o Boca Imd." Nmedl gd-smt

    ot Xudsmt Lgwmr Xtu`egs agr "Hbepiudjs >" od` lmttedl bet ed tbm igutb ny Kosgd Cmm

    (purmcy od ohhe`mdt, ioynm E'cc mxpcoed tbot gdm cotmr). Cettcm mdhgudtmrs cejm tbot.


    Xg bgw `e` E "immt" ^gned \ecceois7

  • 7/21/2019 My Hollywood Moment With... Robin Williams.


    E ncoim Iorh Iorgd. Ed >662, E ottmd`m` o hgupcm ga sbgws wetb bei od` Lrml

    Vrggps ot tbm ]prelbt Hetezmds Nrelo`m, od` lgt huregus ongut tbm woy tbmy tocjm` ongut

    Pbm Hgim`y Xtgrm gd Xudsmt. E` nmmd agccgwedl Vrggps agr ymors, bovedl ottmd`m` bes

    stod`-up lels od` eiprgv sbgws orgud` tbm hgudtry (Cojm Pobgm, Xouct Xtm. Iorem,

    Ngstgd, Otcodteh Hety, mth.), nut jdmw cettcm ga Iorgds stod`-up. Xg E pehjm` o delbt,

    wmdt up tg Xudsmt Ngucmvor` od` wmdt up tg tbm tehjmt wed`gw, hrm`et hor` ed bod`

    gdcy tg bovm Iorgd beismca rmhgldezm im, pucc tbm bmovy hurtoed nohj argi tbm `ggrwoy,

    od` leat im o armm mdtry edtg tbm Greledoc ^ggi.

    Pbm Hgim`y Xtgrm bos tbrmm rggis tbot orm usm` rmlucorcy agr hgim`y; tbm Ioed

    ^ggi, tbm Greledoc ^ggi (ocsg hoccm` tbm G.^.) od` tbm Nmccy ^ggi gd tbm smhgd` acggr.

    Pbm G.^. es wbmrm tbm hgiehs lg wgrj gut tbmer iotmreoc, lmt tbmer teiedl `gwd od`

    gtbmrwesm eiprgvm tbmer pmragriodhms. Ets ocsg tbm rggi wbmrm tbm Mvmryiod hod lmt

    bes aggt ed tbm `ggr ny ottmd`edl tbm Vgtcuhj, tbm hcuns gpmd ieh smssegds, ea ygurm metbmr

    cuhjy od`/gr lgg`. Xgim 16-26 osperedl hgim`eods sbgw up ot mohb Vgtcuhj, od` tbmrm

    orm gdcy ongut ?6 spgts ovoeconcm, `mpmd`edl gd wbg tbmyrm puttedl up od` bgw cgdl

    tbedls orm ruddedl.

    E imt ^gned \ecceois ed tbm G.^. gdm mvmdedl oatmr o Vgtcuhj, tbgulb E `gdt

    rmiminmr ea E wmdt up od` `e` o smt tbot delbt gr dgt. \bot E `g jdgw es tbot E `e`dt

    aucaecc odygdms eiolm ga ottrohtevm: `um tg tbm cmvmc ga iy pmrsgdoc pgvmrty, E bo` o

    nocchop gd, o iods ncohj Qgchgi sbert, ao`m` ncohj kmods od` `erty wbetm sdmojmrs. Os

    tbm `oy wgrm gd od` tbm hgiehs tbot `e`dt lmt o spgt ed tbm cedmup `mportm` tbm prmiesms,

    tbm nohj ga tbm G.^.-- wbehb es tbm `mseldotm` bgc`edl pmd agr tbm oiotmurs-- miptem` gut.

    Ny ongut smvmd ghcghj, gdcy tbrmm ng`ems rmioedm` ed tbm nohj; twg twmdtysgimtbedl

  • 7/21/2019 My Hollywood Moment With... Robin Williams.


    ygudl imd od` iysmca.

    Oatmr tbm Vgtcuhj, tbm `ggrimd ga Pbm Xtgrm stortm` tg rud tbrgulb tbm cedmup ga

    tbmer pmgpcm od` try gut tbmer iotmreoc. E` pmrhbm` iysmca gd gdm ga tbm imtoc nor stggcs

    ed tbm hgrdmr (wbmrm tbm acggr sols o net), iy cmls tuhjm` up gd tbm tgp nor. Xmmedl sgim

    igvmimdt gut ga tbm hgrdmr ga iy mym, E wothbm` os o sbgrt iod mdtmrm` tbm G.^. tbrgulb

    tbm dorrgw boccwoy cghotm` ot tbm nohj ga tbm rggi. Pbm iod wetb tbm aoieceor aohm

    stmppm` gut ga tbm `ggrwoy od` cggjm` cmat od` relbt ot tbm twg ygudl imd, gdm smotm` ot

    o siocc rgud` toncm od` tbm gtbmr gd tbm nor stggc hcgsmst tg tbm `ggr, tbmd wocjm` post

    tbmi od`-- agr wbot rmosgd, E bovm dg e`mo-- opprgohbm` im, stgppm` od` stuhj gut bes

    bod` tgwor`s im.

    Od` tbots bgw E imt ^gned \ecceois.

    E rmiminmr tbm siggtb woritb ga bes poci, od` tbm sgce`, hgiagrtoncm bod`sbojm

    tbot wm mxhbodlm` ed tbot igimdt. E tbmd lmsturm` ot tbm mipty stggc nmse`m im, od` bm

    lovm o nrema dg` od` sot `gwd gd. Bm stoym` dmxt tg im agr o net, dgt soyedl iuhb ga

    odytbedl. \m normcy io`m wbot hguc` nm hoccm` hosuoc hgdvmrsotegd, nut dmetbmr ga us

    smmim` tg ied`: octbgulb eiprmssm` tg bovm imt tbm cmlmd`ory hgim`eod, Evm dmvmr

    nmmd gdm agr nmedl stor-struhj od` tbus `e`dt lmt lellcy gr prmssurm bei agr od

    outglropb, gr gtbmrwesm turd o hosuoc mdhgudtmr edtg o bystmrehoc aod-lerc igimdt. Gdhm

    bm` rmstm` agr o igimdt od` stmmcm` beismca agr tbm edmvetoncm acgw ga ottmdtegd tbot

    wguc` nm oeim` ot bei, bm stgg` up od` nmlod tg iojm tbm rgud`s, lrmmtedl aoieceor aohms

    orgud` tbm hcun.

    E `gdt rmiminmr tbm `otm tbot tbes nrema immtedl ghhurrm`, tbgulb et ielbt bovm

    nmmd o Igd`oy delbt, nut E `g rmiminmr bmoredl ongut bes `evgrhm oddgudhmimdt tbm

  • 7/21/2019 My Hollywood Moment With... Robin Williams.


    dmxt `oy gd tbm dmws.

    Od` tbots tbm aerst teim tbot E imt ^gned \ecceois.