My future career


Transcript of My future career

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Choosing a career to follow is probably one of the most important decisions one ever makes. Everyone is an architect of his own fortune. Before you make a decision about your road in life you have to do a lot of thinking about who you are, about the things you like to do and the things you can do well. You should determine your abilities and inclinations.

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 It’s my strong belief, that every profession from teacher to mechanic, from gardener to cosmonaut, from artist to businessman demands certain personal qualities. It means that when choosing a future career you must be realistic about your interests and abilities.

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  If you want to choose medicine as your future profession, you must be good at science, be kind, caring, patient and attentive, have strong desire to serve people. The teachers work requires love for children, patience, diligence, responsibility, a profound knowledge and the ability to pass your knowledge to others. To be a good lawyer you should be practical, well organized, full of common sense and sympathy, responsible and truthful, be able to mix with all types of people.

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 Good education is also very important. School gives background knowledge. We get specialized knowledge at universities or other institutions of higher learning.

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 The next thing you should consider and which is no less important is job prospects. You should know whether the profession you’ve chosen will guarantee you steady wages, independence, security, good working conditions, a certain position in society, if there are chances for promotion. You should take into account your future employment, how to avoid unemployment and be able to apply your knowledge and skills in other fields of human activity. These factors are very important to learn the profession very well and establish yourself in life.

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 Is every profession honorable? There is the only answer - Yes! I suppose the main factor here is mans attitude to his work. But the prestige of some professions is so high that many young people seek to join them.

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Practically all of us dream of becoming a film actor, a pop singer or a banker. I should say the dreams are one thing and reality is another thing. Society needs not only actors, singers, bankers, writers, but also doctors, drivers, teachers, scientists, shop assistants, farmers - people to work in different spheres of life.

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 Since childhood kids have been trying to choose their way in life. There are too many wonderful professions around. As years pass their minds change. Fortunately there are lucky people who chose their profession in childhood and since that time they have been doing everything possible to acquire proficiency. But they are not too many.

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 Nowadays most people think that profession is good when it brings in money. There is no doubt that a person who has enough money has few worries because he can solve all life problems, he can travel a lot, enjoy a better life. To my mind have enough money for your work is quite normal but if you can’t find satisfaction, pleasure, delight, enjoyment, which is no less important, than a good pay and a high ranking position, money is nothing, it won’t make you happy.