My friends've deserted me-JONATHAN

...towards a better life for the people N150 VOL. 25: NO. 62402 ONLINE | MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 ** Mr & Mrs COLUMNISTS: •P.19 •P.20 •P.44 Lawmakers must choose their leaders The worth of a Nigerian Says: I'm leaving office a happy, fulfilled man Hope my wife will not divorce me I'm ready to lay down my life for Nigeria My aides, ministers should be ready for persecution Continues on Page 5 My friends've deserted me — JONATHAN THANKSGIVING/FAREWELL SERVICE—President Goodluck Jonathan (M) flanked by the Primate of Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, His Grace, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh with his spouse, Mrs. Okoh (3l), First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan (2r) and others after a Special Thanksgiving and Farewell Service in honour of the First Family at the Cathedral Church of The Advent, Life Camp, Abuja, yesterday. Inset: Archbishop Okoh, with other clergy men praying for President Jonathan, the First Lady, and members of Jonathan's cabinet, during the service. Photos: Abayomi Adeshida. The oppressive folly of fuel subsidy By Ben Agande & Caleb Ayansina A BUJA—THE reality of life has dawned on out-going President Goodluck Jonathan as he lamented, yesterday, that his so-called friends have deserted him having lost the last presidential election to the opposition All progressives CongressAPC, candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari. Speaking at a thanksgiving and farewell service in his honour at the Cathedral Church of the Advent, Life Camp, Gwarinpa, Abuja, President Jonathan said, however that he expected more of his friends to leave him. The president 8 We're leaving behind solid economic legacies — OKONJO-IWEALA 9 CONSTITUTION AMENDMENT : Supreme Court can't stop NASS — SENATE 8 Foreign exchange dealers push for policy change



Transcript of My friends've deserted me-JONATHAN

...towards a better life for the people

N150VOL. 25: NO. 62402


MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015**

Mr & Mrs


•P.19 •P.20 •P.44

Lawmakers mustchoose theirleaders

The worth of aNigerian

•Says: I'm leaving office a happy, fulfilled man•Hope my wife will not divorce me•I'm ready to lay down my life for Nigeria•My aides, ministers should be ready for persecution

Continues on Page 5

My friends've desertedme — JONATHAN

THANKSGIVING/FAREWELL SERVICE—President Goodluck Jonathan (M) flanked by the Primate of Church ofNigeria, Anglican Communion, His Grace, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh with his spouse, Mrs. Okoh (3l), First Lady, Dame PatienceJonathan (2r) and others after a Special Thanksgiving and Farewell Service in honour of the First Family at the Cathedral Churchof The Advent, Life Camp, Abuja, yesterday. Inset: Archbishop Okoh, with other clergy men praying for President Jonathan, theFirst Lady, and members of Jonathan's cabinet, during the service. Photos: Abayomi Adeshida.

The oppressivefolly of fuelsubsidy

By Ben Agande &Caleb Ayansina

ABUJA—THE realityof life has dawned

on out-going PresidentGoodluck Jonathan as helamented, yesterday, thathis so-called friends havedeserted him having lostthe last presidentialelection to the oppositionAll progressivesCongressAPC, candidate,General MuhammaduBuhari.

Speaking at athanksgiving and farewellservice in his honour atthe Cathedral Church ofthe Advent, Life Camp,Gwarinpa, Abuja,President Jonathan said,however that he expectedmore of his friends toleave him. The president


We're leaving behind solid economiclegacies — OKONJO-IWEALA



Supreme Courtcan't stop NASS— SENATE


Foreignexchangedealerspush forpolicychange

2 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015


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POCKET CARTOONVanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 —5


IF life says ‘No’ to your request, remember that‘No’, could mean, just wait a little while, life is

going to bring something much better than you’reasking —Take Heart quotes

A mother was about to prepare lunch for her family,she took out a fresh mackerel from the freezer butnoticed her young toddler was watching her everymove. Suddenly, the two years girl started cryingand demanding for the raw fish. She tried to allavail to placate and explain through whatevermeans that the fish was not ready to eat, it has tobe spiced, and the bones taken out, then cookedbefore it will be ready for consumption but thetoddler wouldn’t agree and choose to cry the waylittle children do when they are not getting theirway, refusing to be comforted.

The mother decided to ignore her and went aheadto prepare the meal, and when it was ready, thechild relish it, and didn’t even remember the dramashe had put up during the preparation.

The lesson in the story reminds one how typicalmost people act like this child, when they are askingfor a change in their life’s circumstances. How manytimes have we cried that a blessing that we ask foris delayed, and just maybe this supposedly delay islife’s way of telling us that things are being spicedfor us, just like the mother getting the mackerelready, taking out the bones, so we have a bettermeal.

Just like the child, if we knew this, we would bepatient, instead of being anxious. Be still, be calmand know that things happen for us and neveragainst us. In the appointed time, a change willcome, an uplifting change for your life.

Continues from Page 1

My friends've deserted me—GEJ

MEETING—President Goodluck Jonathan (L) in a handshake withChairman, PDP Post Election Review Committee, Deputy Senate PresidentIke Ekweremadu, after a meeting with the committee at the State House,Abuja on Friday night. Photo: NAN.

declared that he was readyto pay the price for hisrefusal to interfere withthe electoral processwhich he ensured wascarried out to its logicalconclusion.

He also said hisdecision to concede defeatat the election did not godown well with some ofhis ministers and aidesand jokingly expressed

the hope that his wife,Patience will not follow theexample of the wife offormer South AfricanApartheid leader, F W DeKlerk, who divorced herhusband for his decisionto end the minority rule inthe Republic of SouthAfrica (RSA).

He then expressedappreciation to Nigeriaand Nigerians for givinghim the opportunity toserve in various

capacities, reiterating hiswillingness to make theultimate sacrifice in theinterest of the nation.

My costly decisionsHis words: “I believe

there are reasons foreverything. Some harddecisions have their owncost, no doubt about that.I ran the government insuch a way that stabilizedcertain things like theelectoral process andother things that broughtstability to this countryand took very costlydecisions which I must beready to pay for.

“Some people come tome and say 'look at thisperson or that person, ishe not your friend whobenefited from you, hasthis person not benefitedfrom your government ?Imagine what he issaying'? I often tell themthat worse statements willcome. If you take certaindecisions, you shouldknow that those close toyou will even abandon youat some point. And I tellthem that more of my so-called friends willdisappear. When FW DeKlerk took the decision toabolish minority rule inRSA, even his wifedivorced him. I hope mywife will not divorce me.But that is the onlydecision that has madeRSA to still remain aglobal player by this time.If we still had thatminority rule there, by thistime, nobody will betalking about RSA.

“If you take certaindecisions, it might begood for the generality of

the people but it mightaffect people differently.So for ministers and aideswho served with me, Isympathize with them,they will be persecuted.And they must be readyfor that persecution”.

While expressingappreciation for what Godhas done for him and hisfamily, PresidentJonathan said he had allthe reasons to thank God.

“Very few of those in myage bracket have been thatlucky. All through myeducation I was ongovernment scholarship. Ihave not suffered lack notbecause I worked harder,but it was by God’s grace.

Ready for thesupreme price

“When I look at thewhole picture of my life upto when I became thepresident of this country,I give glory to God. And Itell myself that if soldiersand police officers whonever received 0.5 percent of the benefits that Ihave received from thestate can lay down theirlives for this country, Ishould be ready to doanything in the interest ofNigeria including payingthe supreme price.

“As long as I live, I willcontinue to do my best forthe state because the statehas helped me as aperson.

“I have to thankNigerians especially mystate for giving me theopportunity to serve asdeputy governor and thewhole country for givingme the opportunity toserve as Vice Presidentand then president. Firstto complete the tenure ofthe late President (UmaruYar'Adua) and later serveas president from whichI am now exiting as avery happy and fulfilledman”.

Speaking on hisdecision to concededefeat which he said didnot go down well withsome of his ministersand associates, PresidentJonathan noted that themost important thing isthat “the ordinary peopleappreciate what we did.

“It is not what the eliteor the privileged few talkor say about you but it iswhat the majority of theNigerian public thinkabout your actions andinactions that matter. Wecame to Abuja peacefullyand we are returningpeacefully ”, heemphasised.

While thanking thechurch and Nigerians forstanding by him,President Jonathan wentphilosophical, sayingthat the outcome of theelections was the will ofGod.

“Even for the election,we had people whosupported us all over thecountry but things wentthe way they did becauseGod wanted it that wayfor a purpose. We will

continue to pray for thepeace of the country andfor the success of theincoming administration.

“When the country is ingood shape, peoplebenefit. When things aregoing well, people arehappy. You don’t need toknow Mr President orMr Governor. The issueis not about Jonathan orBuhari or any otherperson. The issue is howthe governmentfunctions. Stability,buoyant economy thatwill enable Nigeria tomove forward and livehappilly is our interestand that is my prayerpoint. All religiousgroups should pray forthe country”, he said.

ThanksgivingIn his sermon, Primate

of the AnglicanCommunion, NicholasOkoh, said thanks givingis for good things andnot bad situations.

Reading from 1 Thess5:18, the Primate saidthe will of God can meansome uncomfortablesituations.

“When Jesus wasgoing to the cross it wasnot a pleasantexperience but today wehave Good Friday. Togive thanks the christianmust be a strongbeliever, so a child ofGod’s role is to bow to thesituation. We are here tojoin the president to givethanks to God as herounds off his tenure.When he started he gavethanks to God.

“The first one is theprivilege to be Presidentof Nigeria. We are over170 million, and if thequalification was thetallest, wisest, strongest,he would not havequalified. Having beendeputy governor,governor, vice president,acting president andpresident, God has beengood to him. It is a rareprivilege which may notcome in many years”, hesaid.

Okoh commended thePresident for hiscontribution to thecountry’s developmentsaying that the legacy ofthe Jonathan presidencywill last for a long time.

“We also thank God foryour contribution to thegrowth of our country.

Some of the projects youinitiated have beencompleted, some atadvanced stage or atfoundation stage,whatever stage it maybe,generations yet unbornwill read about Jonathanthat he governed from soso time to so so time. Itwill be studied by ourchildren in history books,so we should thank God.

“Again, you are leavingthe Villa alive. Only Godknows what would havehappened; there isnothing greater thanlife."

He's a man offavour— Gana

In his comment, formerMinister of Information,Professor Jerry Ganadescribed PresidentJonathan as a “a man offavour, highly favouredby God.

“If you seek tounderstand this man youwill fail because he isanointed by God for sucha time as this. And,therefore, we want tothank God for thisopportunity, thank Godfor what He has done forNigeria through thisman. A man of honour, aman of character, a manthat is godly, a man thathas actually held most ofthe executive offices inthe Nigeria constitution.

"One of the things thatI have beentremendously impressedby this man, is that hishumility is awesome” hesaid.

In his remarks, theMinister of Power, Prof.Onyeabuchi Nebopraised presidentJonathan’s leadershipsaying that he “servedselflessly, altruitiscally,m a g n a n i m o u s l y ,c o m p a s s i o n a t e l y ,humbly, meekly and mostdiligently.

“Never have we hadsuch a humane, gentleand unassuming personas President Jonathan."

He had no deathsquad, no statutorypersecutors, noempowered witchhunters, no organisedretaliators, and nopenchant forvindictiveness."

6—Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

Gunmenshootpastorin Delta

By Perez Brisibe

A 27-year-old suspectedkidnapper, Rasheed

Adetunji, who was paradedalongside other suspects, hasconfessed that his two wivesknew he was a criminal and nota kidnapper.

He also revealed that he usedpart of the ransom moneycollected from victims to getmarried to them.

According to the Osun State-born Adetunji, his love forwomen is responsible for hishaving two wives at his age andhad hoped to marry more beforehe was arrested.

He told Vanguard that one ofhis wives had a premonition ofhis current travails and warnedhim to stay away from membersof his gang.

He regretted that he wouldmiss his wives and family who,he claimed, he was trying tomake happy.

On how he joined thekidnapping gang, he said itwas Niyi Omosola thatintroduced and placed him andother members of the gang onan oath administered by a

‘My wives know I'm a criminal’native doctor, known as Baba.

The other suspects are IfeanyiChukwuleta, 25, from Oguta inImo State, and Kolawale Alani,26, from Ekiti State.

The suspects were arrestedafter the kidnap of a 62-year-old woman, Kudirat Adeboye,along Eleko-Epe Expresswayby six armed men.

It was gathered that the gangcontacted the victim’s familyand demanded N50 million buteventually accepted N3 millionafter six days of keeping thevictim.

The kidnappers directed thevictim’s son to drop the moneyat a spot on Ijebu-Ode Road,where one of the kidnapperscame out from the bush to collectthe ransom.

Operatives of Special Anti-robbery Squad, SARS, whowere deployed to the areapursued the kidnappers andone of them, Niyi Omosola, wascaught.

He said it was Omosola thattook operatives to a forest alongEpe Road where the victim wasrescued. Omosola later diedfrom the gunshot injuries hesustained.

By Esther Onyegbula

The suspect, Rasheed Adetunji.

OSOGBO—A lecturer atObafemi Awolowo

University, OAU, Ile-Ife, Dr.Femi Omisore, was kidna-pped by unidentifiedpersons at the weekend.

It was gathered that thelecturer was kidnapped atAdo-Ekiti, while on his wayto Oye-Ekiti.

The lecturer, it waslearned, works atthe Department ofEnvironmental Design Ma-nagement of the institution.

According to a source, thekidnappers also killedOmisore's driver and burnthis vehicle to ashes.

The source added: “A carwas trailing him and hisdriver tried to escape but hewas caught. The driver triedso much to avoid beingovertaken by the unknownmen, but it is painful thathe did not succeed.

“They eventually killedhim. The kidnappers cameback to the area and shot atthe petrol tank of thevehicle, resulting in aninferno that burnt the car.”

Chairman, OAUAcademic Staff Union ofUniversities, Dr. CalebAborisade, confirmed theincident.

OAU lecturerkidnapped,driver killed,car burnt

By GbengaOlarinoye

OSOGBO—IT was wailingand weeping, yesterday, at

Ile-Olowola compound at Ilobu,Irepodun Local GovernmentArea of Osun State, as a 13-year-old girl was knocked downand killed by a vehicle.

It was gathered that the girlwas inside her mother’s shopwhen a gold coloured ToyotaCamry car with number plateJJJ 825DB, veered off the roadand hit the girl inside theshop.

The girl, it was gathered,

died on the spot.The incident which occurred

around 10.30a.m., has beenconfirmed by Osun StatePolice Command.

Consequently, a mob set thecar ablaze, while the driver ofthe car was rescued by thequick intervention of policemenfrom Ilobu.

An eyewitness said the driverof the car, Gbenga Ayangoke,28, of Ile Iyaloja compound,Erin-Osun, was on high speed,lost control, veered off the roadand knocked down the girlinside the shop.

The state Police PublicRelations Officer PPRO, DSPFolasade Odoro, confirmed theincident.

She explained that normalcyhad been restored to the area,adding that the driver of thecar was helping police in theirinvestigation.

She disclosed that theremains of the girl had beendeposited at General Hospitalmortuary, Ilobu, for autopsy.

Mrs. Odoro said further thatthe matter would be taken tocourt after the completion ofinvestigation.

Car kills 13-yr-old girl inside mother’s shop

By Gbenga Olarinoye

UGHELLI— A five-man robbery gang,

over the weekend atUghelli, Delta State, shotthe pastor and founder ofan Ughelli-based prayergroup while attempting tosteal his Jeep.

The pastor, identified asSteve Akpokomuaye, wassaid to be driving homefrom church along Oviri-Ogor Road where he hadgone for a prayer sessionwhen the gunmen, usinga car and two motorcycles,overtook his car.

According to anwitnesses, the pastor whowas alone in the car, wasasked to get down fromthe vehicle with theintention of stealing thecar.

The witness, who gavehis name as Efemena,said: “An argumentensued between thegunmen and the pastorleading to the shooting ofthe pastor on the leg.

“Though the banditsfailed to abscond with thecar, they fled the sceneimmediately they shottheir victim.”

Confirming the incidentto Vanguard, a seniormember of Ughellivigilante who spoke oncondition of anonymity,stated that a combinedteam of vigilante andpolice chased the gunmento Agbarha-Otor, wherethey abandoned their carand fled into the bush.

AREPO SHOOTING: Pregnant woman killed by stray bullet buried

By Evelyn Usman

Late Damilola Fajana.

THE remains of DamilolaFajana, the pregnant

woman who was hit by a straybullet during a cross firebetween members of Oodua

People’s Congress, OPC, andpipeline vandals two weeksago in Arepo area of OgunState, was interred weekend.

The deceased, who was sixmonths pregnant, wasreportedly on her way from the

hospital where her husband,Bukola Fajana, was admitted,when she was killed.

Late Fajana, a lawyer whowas said to be in her car whena stray bullet hit her in theneck, was planning to leavefor the United States ofAmerica, USA, this month tohave her first baby.

Following her husband’s ill-health, she was said to havepostponed her visit toimmigration office, for her datacapture, to the next day(Thursday, April 30), only forher life to end on arriving theentrance of her BeachlandEstate abode.

An eyewitness, who gave hisname as Onaja Michael, saidFajana was rushed to a privatehospital where she wasrejected, adding that she diedwhile being rushed to Lagos

State University TeachingHospital.

It would be recalled that thearmed vandals came out indroves penultimateWednesday, and firedindiscriminately, in protest ofthe alleged killing of one oftheir members by OPC, onApril 25.

Some residents hadreportedly fled their abodesdue to the gun battle betweenthe vandals and OPCmembers.

Efforts to reach BukolaFajana, the widower, on phonefailed as all calls werediverted.

A family source said thedemise of the Ekiti State-bornlawyer came as a shock to herwidower, as they had barelylived together as husband andwife for a year.

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 7

8—Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

We're leaving solid economic legaciesbehind — Okonjo-Iweala

Says sweeping, negative statements not in nation's interest

AGM: From left: Chairman, Transcorp Hotels Plc and APC governorship candidate forDelta State, Olorogun O'tega Emerhor; Canadian High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mr PercyCalderwood; Transcorp Plc Group President/CEO, Mr Emmanuel Nnorom and BoardChairman, Mr Tony Elumelu during Transcorp's 9th Annual General Meeting, in Abuja.

By Emma Ujah

ABUJA — THECoordinating Minister for

the Economy and Minister ofFinance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, said yesterday thatdespite the economicchallenges the country isfacing, the Jonathanadministration is leaving somesolid economic legacies for theincoming Buhari government.

Insisting that “the allegationsthat the economy is in ruins areabsolutely untrue,” theminister warned those sheclaimed were running theeconomy down for politicalgains, saying there could beunintended consequences ofloss of investor confidence inthe Nigerian economy.

According to her, “we cannottake away the fact that theJonathan administration, inspite of the challenges causedby 50 per cent decline in theprice of oil, has made a clearand measurable difference inmany important areas andanyone who says nothing hasbeen done and nothing isbeing left behind is being veryunfair to facts and to history.

“Attempts to rewrite historywill not stand. You cannot justwipe the slate clean for politicalreasons. We are not perfect butno one can take away the factthat we are leaving some goodlegacies behind.”

Sweeping, negativestatements not innation's interest

The minister also advisedpoliticians and opinion leadersnot to talk down the economybecause negative andunfactual comments on theeconomy can have negativeimpact on the economy, theexchange rate and the stockmarket and reduce investorconfidence.

Her words: “These negativeand unsubstantiated commentsare not wise because they canlead to what we do not wantfor the economy.

“There is nothing wrong withfactual assessments of theeconomy. I have always toldNigerians the truth about theeconomy. But sweeping andnegative statements are not inthe interest of the country. Thestatements being made bysome personalities about theeconomy collapsing are notonly incorrect they are alsopotentially dangerous.”

Sectors thatwitnessedgreat revolution

She identified theagricultural sector which hasseen the rise in food production

with attendant positiveeffect on food prices as onemajor legacy of theJonathan government.

She then listed othersectors that witnessed greatrevolution which include"the National IndustrialRevolution scheme and theAutomotive Policy whoseimplementation has led tothe opening of factories for

car manufacturing andassembly for the first time inthe country.

"The impressive rise in thecement production due topositive government policies.Nigeria is now a net exporterof cement

"The creation of about 1.4million jobs a year out of the1.8m needed.

"Various job creation and job

enhancement schemes suchas Youwin which has seen thecreation of over 27,000 jobsby young entrepreneurssponsored and trained bygovernment for other youths;the Graduate InternshipScheme.

"The creation of the NMRCwhich is helping to create amortgage market and ishelping to provide affordable

housing for Nigerians."The recently launched

Development Bank of Nigeriawhich will help to achievestrong growth of smallbusinesses by providingSMEs, for the first time inrecent memory, affordableinterest loans of up to 10years.

"The support for the creativeindustries which has helpedto strengthen the capacity ofscript writers, producers,directors and otherprofessionals in the motionpicture industry and led, inturn, to the production ofhigher quality films, andcreation of more jobs."

Foreign exchange dealers push for policy change

By Emeka Anaeto,Economy Editor

LAGOS — ANOTHERmajor shift in foreign

exchange market policy maybe underway after somemonths of controlled marketas authorized dealers beginmoves to redress a perceivedimperfection in the currentmarket structure and rules.

Banks through FinancialMarkets Dealers Associationare meeting with the CentralBank of Nigeria (CBN) tofine-tune the policy and makeit more liberal whilefashioning ways of managingfrivolous demands.

A proposal to this effectedhas already been made toCBN while the apex bank maybe holding talks with thedealers this week.

Some observers believedthat the push for a changewas necessary at this point tosecure acceptable policyenvironment before the in-coming administration reignsin political considerationswhich may be anti-market.

Banks have quietlybemoaned some measuresintroduced by the CBNtowards end of last yearwhich was aimed at curbingdemands consideredfrivolous by the apex bank butthe policy ended up creatingfurther distortions mainly inthe interbank/black marketinterface as well as in theacceptance of the overallcurrency market architectureinvolving foreign investors.

Consequently, the parallelmarket margin had grown toover 10 per cent whilearbitrage has heightened.

In the run-up to the currentpolicy, the concern of theapex bank was thatspeculative demands had putpressure on the stability ofboth the exchange rate andthe foreign reserves,apparently a situation whichhad forced the two intonegative trend in the past sixmonths.

Order-based systemIn addition to narrowing the

trading window in December2014, CBN had in February thisyear further restricted the marketby introducing the order-basedsystem in which banks can onlybuy foreign currency when theyhave matching orders from clientsthat need to import goods.

But many industry observerswere sceptical that the policies,obviously aimed at stemming thedepreciation of Naira amidstother fiscal challenges of theFederal Government, were alsodesigned to prevent furthererosion of the political capital ofthe incumbent president facingstiff electoral challenge.

Now the election is lost andwon, the market dealers areequally worried that thepronouncements of the winner,Muhammadu Buhari, regardingexchange rate may point to afurther control policies that wouldworsen the market environment.

Hence, they would rather wantCBN to demonstrate itsindependence by rolling outmarket policies independent of

political considerations orwhatever the in-cominggovernment perceives as whatthe exchange rate should be.

In the wake of an accusationof political influence in the rollout of the current foreignexchange policy, CBNGovernor, Godwin Emefielesaid: “The Central Bank remainsa very independent institution,just like it was under mypredecessor. We have neverbeen influenced by any politicalconsideration. No politiciantalks to us to try and influenceus.”

$5bn defendingexchange rate

CBN spent USD5 billiondefending the exchange rate inthe last three months of 2014,reducing reserves to a three-year low of USD34 billion, whiledevaluing the midpoint of theofficial exchange rate to 168 perdollar from 155 and raising thebenchmark borrowing cost to arecord 13 percent.

It was at this point that thecurrent foreign exchange policy

measures were introduced. Butconditions of these componentsof the forex market haveworsened leading to significantdecline in foreign reserves to a10-year low last month.

Trading restrictions introducedin December last year wereneeded to cut “spurious orspeculative demand” for dollars,Emefiele said. “Any investor thatwants to go out is able to do sofreely, without any hindrance.”

The local currency held steadyagainst the green back lastweek, hence the Naira closed flatat N199.10/USD1.00 at theinterbank market as the localcurrency traded within a tightrange throughout the week.Similarly, the CBN’s clearingrate steadied at N197.00/USD1.00 for the week.

However, the parallel marketmargin remains high and therewas significant instability. In theBDC segment of the forex marketlast Monday, the value of thenaira appreciated by 2.4 per centto N217.56/USD1.00 from theprevious week’s close of N223.10/USD1.00.

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015—9

CONFERENCE: From left: Chairman, International Media Committee, All AfricanMusic Award, AFRIMA, Steve Ayorinde; Director, Communications and Sponsorship, MatlouTsotsesi; winner, 2014 Album of the Year, Olamide Adedeji; (aka Olamide Nigeria), andmember, International Media Committee, Loye Hamzat, during a joint conference by AfricanUnion Commission, AUC, and AFRIMA, at the African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.

NASS leadership contest: N-East Govs-elect set to collidewith incoming legislators

By LevinusNwabughiogu

Desist fromcriminalisingcommercial,civil cases,IGP warnspolicemen

By Evelyn Usman

LAGOS — ACTINGInspector General of

Police, Mr Solomon Arase,weekend, warned policemento desist from criminalisingcivil and commercial cases,charging them to restrict theirintervention in any matter toAlternative DisputeResolution, ADR, pattern ofinvestigation.

This is just as he hasdirected the withdrawal ofpolicemen from unauthorisedpersons in the country.

Handing down the warningduring his maiden briefing ofofficers and men of the Lagosand Ogun States PoliceCommands at the Lagos StatePolice CommandHeadquarters, Ikeja, Arasereminded them of his zerotolerance for corruption,insisting that acts of arrestingand subsequent detention ofanyone must be done afterdiscreet investigation withsufficient evidence.

Urging the policemen toadopt human right drivenpolicing during investigation,Arase directed that abuse ofpolice power throughunauthorised detention, longtrial and incivility to membersof the public should stophenceforth, pointing out thatsuch would hamperintelligence gathering.

He said: “I am allergic tocorruption. I have a zerotolerance for it and I will nottolerate it. One area where Ihave had serious problem isin the area of criminalisingcivil and commercialtransactions. If a matter iscivil, then it should be treatedas such and if it is commercial,its commercial. If you cannotintervene and resolve bothparties, then advise them togo to court.

"This means that before youarrest anyone in your variousState Criminal InvestigationDepartments and divisionalcrime departments, you musthave sufficient evidence.Situation where you arrestsomebody before you golooking for evidence meansyou have bridged hisconstitutional right. Ourinvestigation has to beintelligence-driven."

Insisting that the ban onroad blocks across the countrywould be enforced to the latter,Arase lamented that roadblocks had become nuisanceand points of corruption where“the dignity of the averagepoliceman has been rubbish."

Constitution amendment: S-Courtcan’t stop N-Assembly —Senate

By JohnboscoAgbakwuru

ABUJA— THE Senate,yesterday, vowed to proceed

with the alteration of theConstitution, saying the SupremeCourt lacked the powers to stop itfrom conducting itsconstitutionally enshrinedlegislative duties.

Chairman, Senate Committeeon Information and Public Affairs,Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, saidthis while reacting to the ruling ofthe Supreme Court on the matterbrought before it by thePresidency challenging the recentamendments enacted by theNational Assembly which thePresident vetoed.

The Supreme Court had in theruling last Thursday directed thatthe National Assembly shouldmaintain the status quo in its bidto amend the Constitution.

The action of the Presidencychallenging the constitutionamendment in Supreme Courthad jolted members of the NationalAssembly, who had reasoned thatthe Presidency had enoughopportunity to point out areas itwas not satisfied with theamendment process during thepublic hearing.

Even before dragging theNational Assembly to the apexcourt, President GoodluckJonathan, while withholding hisassent, however, failed to returnthe original bill passed on to him,

including the signature page.Some lawmakers have allegedthat the president signed thebill but subsequently turnedaround to veto it.

While returning theconstitution, the President hadraised a number of issuesincluding the failure of thelawmakers to produce evidencethat it secured the mandatoryfour fifth majority in amendingSection 9 of the Constitution.

This action infuriated thefederal lawmakers who hadplanned to override thePresident’s veto after a review bythe Constitution AmendmentCommittees of the two chambers.

In its meeting last Wednesday,a source privy to the meeting bythe committee in charge of theamendment had hinted that theNational Assembly had plannedto override the president.

But the Senate spokesman,

yesterday said: “The SupremeCourt is wrong. The law does notallow one arm of the governmentto stop another arm ofgovernment from performing itsduties.

“The Supreme Court cannotstop us from legislating and ifthey say that the Supreme Courtis stopping us from making laws,it is misleading and it amountsto misreading the powers of theSupreme Court.”

ABUJA — SOMEincoming governors of the

All Progressives Congress,APC, from the North-East areset to battle the incominglegislators from the zone overtheir (governors) opposition toany of them taking the officeof Senate President or Speakerof the House ofRepresentatives.

The inclination of theincoming governors has,however, been rebuffed by thePresident-elect, Gen.Muhammadu Buhari (retd)who, it was learned, has givena cold shoulder to the movesas he is said to have insistedon the legislators being givena free rein to determine theirleaders.

Some of the North-Eastgovernors-elect, it was learnt,are canvassing the zoning ofthe two offices away from theregion on the fear that anyoneof their legislators occupyingthe office could lead to a powertussle with them.

That nonetheless, there were

indications in Abuja,weekend, that supporters ofa leading candidate forSpeaker, Yakubu Dogara,were pushing to re-enact thescenario that projectedAminu Tambuwal toovercome the challenge putforth by his party in the 2011leadership contest.

The governors-elect, it waslearnt, had almostsuccessfully penetrated afive-man committee of APCgovernors constituted toresolve the problem ofzoning of the differentpositions available.

That committee, it wasgathered, had zoned the twooffices away from theregion, a development thatserving and incominglawmakers backing Dogarawere said to have warnedwould be inimical to partycoherence during theleadership contest.

The decision of thecommittee has raised anxietyamong senators-elect andmembers-elect especiallyfrom the region who are

backing the aspiration ofDogara.

Buhari notinterested in zoning

Vanguard also gathered thatthe President-elect has stuckto his decision not to interfereon the issue.

It was learnt that one of thegovernors took the decision ofthe North-East governors-elect to Buhari who was saidto have pooh-poohed theidea.

Had Buhari signed thedecisions, it would have beenmade public last Friday. Butthe source said that thePresident-elect, as atyesterday, hasn’t touched thedocument and not likely to doso soon.

The sources said: “One ofthe governors took thegovernors’ decision to thePresident-elect on Thursdaythinking it would be signedfor him to announce it onFriday, but Buhari didn’t dothat. And he may not eventouch it.

“If for anything, Buhari

would even show moreinterest in the Speakership ofthe House than the Senatepresident. But the man hasconsistently said that themembers should be allowedto choose their leaders.”

A repeat ofTambuwal’s caseimminent

The development, it wasgathered, has fuelledsuggestions of the prospectof the incoming legislatorsdefying whatever zoningpermutation that is contraryto their liking.

According to the source, alot of old and incomingparliamentarians from thePeople’s Democratic Party,PDP, and APC have decidedto queue behind Dogara nomatter the level of pressurefrom any conceivablequarters.

“The size of Dogara’s campis increasing. And withBuhari’s position not tointerfere, he is most likely towin the speakership,” thesource told Vanguard.


10 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

CONFERENCE: From left; Mrs Dolapo Osinbajo, wife of the Vice President-elect; MrsPauline Tallen, former Deputy Governor of Plateau State and Princess Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, Lagos State Deputy Governor, at the 7th international conference of AfricanWomen in Leadership Organization held at Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos.

8,700 pupilsseek admissioninto 15 Lagosmodel colleges

Lagos starts distribution of PermanentResidents’ Cards

By Olasunkanmi Akoni

...Supplies 5mw solar power to schools, others

LAGOS—FOLLOWINGsuccessful registration of

over three million residents, theLagos State ResidentRegistration Agency, LASRRA,has concluded plans to distributePermanent Residents’ Cards,PRC, to those captured fromupper Friday.

Meantime, as part of effort tocurb the increasing cases ofkidnapping in the state, the state

government has chargedresidents to register withLASRRA to make the job oftracking criminals easy.

The General Manager,LASRRA, Ms. Olayinka Fasholamade the appeal after presentingawards of recognition to someregistered residents in line withthe customary recognition of everylandmark 100th registration.

While lamenting the low turn-out of residents for the registrationexercise, Fashola stated, “Of the

over 20 million residents of thestate, only three million havebeen captured since the exercisestarted two years ago.”

She noted, “Many residents ofthe state were so busy that wehad to sometimes visit them intheir offices to register them.”

Fashola said the agency hassophisticated infrastructure toassist the police and othersecurity agencies in the area ofcrime investigations.

She said, “We can actuallyidentify people with theinfrastructure we have inLASSRA. So with the kidnapping

incident that involved theOrekoya family in Lagos in whichtheir house maid kidnapped theirchildren, we could actually verifyif that lady is who she said shewas.

“We have facial recognitionapplication where if we have agood photograph of her we canquickly run through our systemand verify if that was her. Fromthere we can look at her address.From what we have gatheredmost people register withsomeone else, so we could havelooked at the registration beforeand after to see if the addressesare the same.

“We could give the police astarting point for theirinvestigations because we havethe information.”

Fashola explained that a by-product of LASRRA’s registrationprocess is the ability to identifyand locate specific individuals aslong as they reside in Lagos andare registered with the agency.

The LASRRA boss alsodisclosed that the agency hasalready deployed infrastructureand manpower to scale up to thenext stage of registering residentsby focusing on its social mediaand other online platforms.

Harping on the importance of

LAGOS—THE Lagos State Government on

Saturday conductedplacement test for 8,700primary schools’ pupilsseeking admission into its 15Junior Model and UpgradedSecondary Schools for 2015/2016 academic session.

Mrs Olayinka Oladunjoye,the State Commissioner forEducation, who monitored theexercise, said 18 out of thecandidates wrote theexamination on a pilotComputer-Based Test (CBT).

Oladunjoye said the CBTmode of examination hadcome to stay in the state.

“We do not want to be leftbehind. There is the need toprepare the children to becomputer literate.

“The last examination thatJAMB did was computer-based hence our childrenshould be conversant with it.

“That is why we thought thatat this stage of ourdevelopment, we shouldexperiment and see how itgoes.

“And we can see that thecandidates coped very well; Iam pleased with the conductof the examination and I amfulfilled because this is what Ihad always wanted.

“The pupils are serious-minded and I can see theenthusiasm in them,” thecommissioner told newsmen.

Oladunjoye commended theexamination board forimproving on the mode ofwriting examinations everyyear.

She said the stategovernment wouldaccommodate the increasingnumber of candidates infuture examinations. LAGOS—THE Lagos

State Government is

initiative to provide power forschools in rural areas.”

Also speaking the GeneralManager Lagos State ElectricityBoard Mrs. Damilola Ogunbiyisaid the vision behind the projectwas not only to address one ofthe state’s key agendas, but toachieve the goal with a projectthat offered far reaching socio-economic benefits to the peopleof the state.

She explained that the first taskthe board carried out was anenergy audit of all 655 publicjunior and secondary schoolsacross the six educational districtsand 260 PHCs within all 20 LocalGovernment Areas in the state.

“This audit was undertaken todetermine each school’s energyrequirement, actual consumption,power infrastructure as well as anassessment of how energy supplygaps are currently being met.

The interpretation of the resultsformed the basis of the systemdesign, costs, planning andselection of solar technologyrequired to provide sustainable,dependable, clean and cost-effective energy supply,” she said.

By Olasukanmi Akoni currently supplying fivemegawatts of electricity poweredby solar system to some publicschools and Primary HealthCentres, PHCs, in remote andriverine areas of the state.

Speaking at the launch of theLagos Solar Project in Ikeja,Governor Babatunde Fashola ofLagos State, described theproject as an attestation of thestate’s quest for groundbreakingachievements; expressing theoptimism that other states wouldkey into similar project.

According to Fashola, theproject would create a conduciveenvironment for learning inbenefitting schools and facilitatethe provision of 24-hour servicesin the PHCs affected.

The governor, who wasrepresented by his deputyPrincess Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, added that, “We havebeen consistent with the PATHagenda, which are Power,Agriculture, Transportation andHousing. There has never beenany government in Nigeria thatgenerates own power like LagosState did. This project is our

LAGOS—THE Solicitor-General of Lagos state, Mr

Lawal Pedro (SAN) yesterdaysaid the culture of impunity hasbecome the way of life of majorityof Nigerians, saying this may stopthe nation from achieving hergoals

Pedro, who chaired the AnnualLaw Week 2015 of the NigerianBar Association (NBA), Ikejabranch, added that; “Ourchallenge is the seemingacceptance of impunity as our wayof life. Our worry is the lack ofcondemnation of instances ofimpunity by the society. It appearsthat our society has ‘normalised’acts of impunity. We appear tohave accepted that impunity ispart and parcel of our society.”

According to Pedro, who spokeon the Bar programme in Ikeja,said there is no institution orperson that appears to beexempted from the culture ofimpunity.

“Rather than outrightcondemnation, we now appearto be glorifying disobedienceto law and order. We celebratecorruption and applaudperversion of law”, he added.

LagosSolicitor-Generalexpressesconcern overimpunity

LAGOS—THE NationalIndustrial Court sitting in

Lagos, has ordered the NationalDrug Law and EnforcementAgency, NDLEA, to reinstate thesuspended Borno State’s AssistantCommander, Prince BenjaminSaliu Ikani, who was suspendedfrom duty recently.

The trial judge, Justice O.Obaseki-Osaghe, also ordered theanti-narcotic agency to pay theAssistant Commander all hisremuneration till-date.

The court order was sequel to anex-parte application by theAssistant Commander, Ikani, whowas suspended for duty by theagency on February 16, 2015.

Defendants in the suit were thechairman of NDLEA, Mr. Giade,NDLEA and the agency’sDirector General/Secretary, Mrs.Roli Bode-George.

The court, meanwhile,adjourned till May 14, 2015, forhearing on the applicant’smotion on notice.

NDLEA had in letter datedFebruary 16, 2015,nformedPrince Ikani of his suspensionfrom duty.

Prince Ikani, had averred thatthe current administration of theagency under the chairmanshipof Mr. Giade had declared waron him following hisappointment by the Attorney-General of the Federation as theSecretary of a seven-manPresidential Committee forthe reform of NDLEA.

By Innocent Anaba

By Abdulwahab Abdulah

Court orders NDLEA to re-instatesuspended officer

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 11

By Leke Adeseri, SouthWest Regional Editor

APC, Fayose bicker over kidnappingsin Ekiti

BRIEFING: From left: National Secretary, Unity Party of Nigeria, Yusuf Alli; National Chairman ofUPN, Dr Fredrick Fasehun; DG, Nigeria Institute of International Affairs (NIIA), Prof. BolaAkinterinwa, and Eze Ndigbo, Shomolu, Eze Leonard Agha, at the first national post-electionsummit of the party tagged: Revolution through the ballot box, in Lagos, yesterday. Photo: NAN.

It's Fayose fault — APC

By Daud Olatunji

Police arrestman formurder inOsogbo

AS the wave of kidnapping in Ekiti State reaches a critical

level, the All ProgressivesCongress, APC, in the state andGovernor Ayodele Fayose arepointing accusing fingers at eachother.

Barely a week after a nurseworking with the Federal TeachingHospital, Ido Ekiti , Mrs MargaretAladeneka, was kidnapped byunknown gunmen, former ChiefMedical Director of the Ekiti StateTeaching Hospital, Dr PatrickAdegun, was last Thursdayabducted.

Adegun, who is a staff ofEKSUTH was kidnapped at about8.00pm alongside his wife,Kikelomo and taken to an unknowndestination. They were kidnappedfew metres from the gate of theirhouse located at Goshen Avenue,Oke Ila within Ado Ekiti, the statecapital.

Also, a lecturer at ObafemiAwolowo University, OAU, Ile-Ife,Dr. Femi Omisore was at theweekend kidnapped byunidentified people in Ado Ekiti,while on his way to Oye Ekiti, wherea new Federal University is located.

The lecturer, it was learnt, worksat the Department ofEnvironmental DesignManagement of the institution.

According to a source, thekidnappers also killed Omisore’sdriver and burnt his vehicle.

It's Fayose’s faults – APCThe APC in Ekiti has alleged that

the failure of the governor to fulfilhis promises to his rough-necksafter using them for politicalviolence had exposed the state toall manner of characters that nowstalk the residents after thegovernor’s refusal to adequatelyfinance security agencies to protectthe people.

APC Publicity Secretary, TaiwoOlatubosun, said in statement thatso far, the governor had failed todeliver on all his campaignpromises, regretting that besideshouse-breaking and robberyincidents, six persons, includingmedical doctors, have beenkidnapped in the state in the lastfive months. According to him, thehorror of the kidnapping of medicaldoctors has forced medicalpractitioners in the state to downtools.

“We raised the alarm when thetrend started, calling the attentionof Ekiti people to the governor’srefusal to fund security agencies likehis predecessor, which wasresponsible for low crime ratebetween 2010 and 2014; eventhough Fayose increased hispersonal security vote to N200million per month

“What is happening now is aconfirmation of our earlier claim thatthe 19 APC lawmakers were targetsof kidnapping to reduce their

number in order to stall hisimpeachment. This wouldhave been done if they hadattended the meeting atABUAD where we werereliably informed that anambush had been laid forthem,” Olatunbosun said.

He added that the recentkidnap incidents could not bedetached from the earlier stateof siege and insecurity bycriminals after the governmentunleashed thugs, miscreantsand Ado Ekiti jail break escapeesto harass political opponents.

“The thugs, who are stillcurrently being lodged in theGovernment House, had in thepast unleashed terror onopposition members in everytown across Ekiti State. We haveevery reason to believe that it isthe same criminals and theircolleagues from neighbouring Ondo State that are responsiblefor the recent kidnapping in thestate,” Olatubosun said.

He added:”We raised thealarm about the state ofinsecurity in Ekiti in the last sixmonths that Fayose mounted thesaddle as governor. It was firstjailbreak, followed by the reignof armed robbers, next was thereign of thugs who maimedopponents in all towns in Ekitiand now it is kidnappers.

“We call on security agencies,especially the Acting IGP SolomonArase, to revisit our petitions on thethugs sheltered in the GovernmentHouse by Fayose who he has beenusing to harass APC members,including the 19 lawmakers. Theyshould be arrested and prosecutednow. Their details are with thesecurity agents already.

“We sympathise with Ekiti peoplewho were deceived by Fayose intobelieving he is the best for them. They now know better, as thedifference between a governmentthat really cared for the masses anda government of stunts and deceitis becoming clearer by the day.”

The APC vampires areback, Fayose alleges

According to the assertion bygovernor Fayose’s Media Aide onNew Media, Mr Lere Olayinka;‘’No doubt, Ekiti State is alwaysmade ungovernable whenever theAll Progressives Congresselements lose power in the state.

‘’When Engr Segun Oni of thePeoples Democratic Party (PDP)was governor, they made Ekitiungovernable, using organisedcrime – Kidnapping and armedrobbery.

‘’In just one year (2009 - 2010)that they invaded Ekiti State withthe Charles Ojo Ovie-led gang;here are a few of what they did;

January 3, 2009 - KehindeFasubaa was killed in Ado-Ekiti;August 2, 2009 - Three officers ofthe State Anti-Robbery Squad(SARS) - SP MohammedManua, CPL Wasiu Olatunbosunand CPL Simeon Obadero werekilled at Fajuyi Park area, AdoEkiti; August 3, 2008 - The thenTrade Union Congress (TUC)Chairman, Barrister R.K. Olaiyaand his wife, Barrister FrancaOlaiya, Chief Olayode Olusolaand two others were kidnappedat Ikole-Ekiti. The victims werecoming to Ado-Ekiti in a ToyotaCorolla car with registrationnumber EK 621 A01;

October 7, 2009 - One Rev Jeje,Sanusi and Odigie Harrisonwere killed at Ifaki-Ekiti duringan armed robbery; January 30,2010 - Attah of Aiyede, ObaAdeleye Orisagbemi, Provost ofthe College of Education, Ikere,Dr. Gabriel Olowoyo and twoothers were kidnapped andmurdered.

According to him; ‘’Now thattheir evil plot to impeachGovernor Ayodele Fayose hasfailed, they have resorted to theirold tactics - organised crimes!

‘’Kidnapping is now rampantin Ekiti as it was in 2009 whenthey desperately wanted tosnatch power from EngrSegun Oni of the PDP.’’

‘Ekiti always ungovernable whenever APC loses power'

A B E O K U T A — Amultinational cement

making company, Lafarge Africahas commenced relocation of nofewer than 1000 people anddeities in two communities in Oke-Oko.

Sekoni community in EwekoroLocal Government area of OgunState over environmentalhazards faced during

blasting of limestone.The Managing Director, Lafarge

Africa (WAPCO Operations),Adepeju Adebanjo disclosed thisat the inauguration of housingfacilities held at new Oke-Oko,Sekoni in Ewekoro at theweekend.

Adebanjo who was represented by Ewekoro plant manager,Thierry Terriere, noted that therelocation of the people and theirdeities was initiated by the

management to properly secureits host community from theenvironmental hazards oflimetone blasting and mining.

She said “Oke-Oko, Sekoni isone of the two communities wehave found genuine reasons tosupport in realizing theirpotentials by completelyrelocating them to safer locationsnewly-acquired by us as partof our community developmentprojects for this year.''

Cement firm relocates Ogun community away from pollutants

O S O G B O — T H EPolice Command in

Osun yesterday said it hadarrested one OlagbajuTajudeen, 45, in connectionwith the murder of one DareGeorge during the April 11governorship elections inIle-Ife.

The Police Public RelationOfficer, Mrs Folasade Odoro,disclosed this in a statementin Osogbo.

The statement saidTajudeen was arrested onApril 30, in Okerewe, Ile-Ife.

It said a pump action gun,six live cartridges, 29 newcutlasses and one forestguard contractor harmer wererecovered at the suspect’shouse.

Other items recoveredinclude a sword, a wrap ofweed suspected to beMarijuana, one unregisteredMercury villager bus andunregistered KIA Jeep.

It also said Tajudeen hadprovided useful informationthat would assist the policeto unravel the circumstancessurrounding the murder.

It said the suspect hadduring investigationconfessed that the singlebarrel gun and the 29cutlasses were being kept inhis car trunk for self defense.

The statement saidanyone found involved inthe case would face thewrath of the law.

AKURE—AS theElection Petition

Tribunal Akure, starts sitting inthe Ondo State capital today,17 petitions have been filed bycandidates of the PeoplesDemocratic Party PDP and theopposition All ProgressiveCongress APC who lost in thelast general elections.

Findings by Vanguard inAkure showed that the APCfiled 12 petitions while the PDPfiled five.

The APC is challenging thefour National Assembly seatswon by PDP and eight of theseats won in the state houseof Assembly.

Findings from the Secretaryof the tribunal, JemiluBako, over the weekendshowed that the tribunal willcommence sitting today.

Ondo ElectionPetition Tribunalbegins sitting inAkure today

By Dayo Johnson

12—Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

Uduaghan tasks leaders on valuere-orientation

INEC denies APC's allegation on April 11election documents in Rivers

Only 141,000 people pay taxes in Edo—STATE IRS

By Jimitota Onoyume

Group rejectsAssembly pollresult inNdokwa East

By Festus Ahon

By Gabriel Enogholase

We'recommitted topayingworkers'salaries—BAYELSAGOVT

By SamuelOyadongha

Ibori, Oru,others bagDelta Polyaward

PORT HARCOURT— THEIndependent National

Electoral Commission, INEC,in Rivers State, has dismissedas untrue, allegations by AllProgressives Congress, APC,in the state that it wasfrustrating the party's effort toaccess documents used for theApril 11 elections in the state.

Administrative secretary ofthe commission, Mr RoyObijuru, in a statement,weekend, said the party wasmerely standing the truth onits head, adding that the partyhad been given certified truecopies of forms ECBC 1 andEC4OG, for the governorshipand House of Assemblyelections in the 23 localgovernment areas of the state.

He said that INEC receivedapplication for the documentsfrom the APC and otherpolitical parties, adding that itgot the documents betweenApril 16 and 29.

He said the secondapplication for documents theAPC sent was received onApril 28, adding that thedocuments were already beingphotocopied to be forwardedto the party.

INEC in its statementyesterday attached the

application letters for thedocuments by the APC and itsstate Chairman, Mr. DaviesIkanya and how the mailsmoved within its office.

The electoral body alsoattached photocopies of otherdocuments including staffmovement chart to strengthen

its positions that there was noattempt to frustrate the APC.

It will be recalled that theAPC had alleged that theelectoral body had denied itaccess to documents itrequested to prosecute its caseat the tribunal.

ASABA—GOVERNOREmmanuel Uduaghan of

Delta State has charged thenation’s leaders to embark on avalue re-orientation in thecountry so as to unlock the vastpotentials of the country.

He also urged the PeoplesDemocratic Party, PDP, to learnfrom its defeat at thepresidential poll and reinventitself to provide a robustopposition in the country.

Speaking, weekend, at thesecond University of Ibadan

Alumni Association NationalPublic Lecture titled GoodGovernance as a Catalyst forDevelopment: The Delta StateExperience, Uduaghan said:“The leadership of Nigeria mustcollectively fashion a new valuesystem. This is because it is theresponsibility of leaders tomobilise the people towardseffecting the necessary changein attitude.

“It is the duty of leaders toimpart a sense of nationalismand patriotism in the people.The leaders have the sacredtask of ensuring that there is

sincere popular participation inconducting public affairs, ratherthan indifference, cynicism andapathy. I believe that the key tounlocking the great potentialsof Nigeria is to increase popularparticipation. The people mustbe involved.”

He called on the ruling classto take the developmentalyearnings of Nigerians asexpressed in the last generalelections seriously, observingthat the voting pattern of theelections has thrown achallenge of unification andhealing process on the rulingclass, especially the in-comingadministration.

BENIN—CHAIRMAN ofEdo State Internal

Revenue Service, Chief UseniElamah, has disclosed that only141,000 of the over four millionpeople in the state pay theirtaxes, adding that over 90percent of the dues, levies andtaxes collected from the citizenswere illegal.

Useni spoke at the launch ofa video album titled, I will

Expose Bad Market Leaders, byTraders’ Welfare Union ofNigeria in Benin.

Represented by Mr.Emmanuel Usoh, an ExecutiveDirector and member of theState Internal Revenue Service,he said that the stategovernment had set up acommittee involving the 18 localgovernment chairmen to clearall illegal and dubiouscollections of rates, levies andtaxes as well as the barricades

on highways where innocentNigerians are forced to part withtheir money throughintimidation thus giving thestate a bad name.

He said that the governmenthas made up its mind to ensurethat no Nigerian residing anddoing business in the state wasillegally deprived of his moneywithout due receipt, addingthat the greatest challengefacing traders in the state todaywas undue harassment byillegal tax collectors.

THE Ndokwa YouthCoalition, NYC,

has rejected the result ofthe April 11 House ofAssembly electiont inNdokwa East, DeltaState, over allegedmassive rigging andresult manipulation bythe ruling PeoplesDemocratic Party, PDP.

Briefing newsmen inAboh, spokesman to thegroup, Emeka Ifeanyi,alleged thatirregularities trailed theelection with theconnivance of ad hocstaff of the IndependentNational ElectoralCommission, INEC andmembers of the PDP inthe area.

Accordingly, to him,“We have beenwitnessing massiveelection rigging in DeltaState for the past 16years, but nothingcompares to whattranspired in the recentlyconcluded election.”

It added that CharlesOlise of the AllProgressives Congress,APC, and EmerhorO'tega, the party'sgovernorship candidate,were robbed of theirmandate in NdokwaEast. He called for therestoration of the allegedstolen mandate to therightful candidate.


Government, weekend,said it will not compromisethe payment of the salaryof its workers and willcontinue to give priority tothe welfare and wellbeingof its workforce despite theshortfall in allocation fromthe Federation Account.

The state government wasreacting to a comment byFinance Minister, MrsNgozi Okonjo-Iweala,blaming governors for theirinability to pay theirworkers’ salaries due ontheir alleged failure to heedthe advice to make the issueof wage a priority.

The state Information andOrientation Commissioner,Mr Dan Kikile and ChiefPress Secretary to theGovernor, Daniel Iworiso-Markson, said though thefederal allocation to thestate had droppeddrastically, “thegovernment is committed tothe payment of workers’salaries.”

By Perez Brisibe

O G H A R A —F O R M E R

governor of Delta State,Chief James Ibori andMinister of Niger DeltaAffairs, Chief Steve Oru,bagged fellowship awardsduring the first combinedconvocation of Delta StatePolytechnic, Otefe-Oghara,weekend.

Also bestowed withawards were the pioneerRector, pioneer Bursar andpioneer Registrar of theinstitution, Dr. StephenIjaha, Chief StanleySagboje and Dr. Y. M.Ovwigho, respectively.

In his remark, the stateGovernor, Dr. EmmanuelUduaghan who was theguest of honour, applaudedformer Governor Ibori forhis foresight in theestablishment of thepolytechnic and otherinstitutions of higherlearning in the state.

DINNER: From left: CEO Stanbic IBTC Bank, Yinka Sanni; Deputy Governor, Central Bankof Nigeria, Mrs. Sarah Alade; CBN Governor, Mr. Godwin Emefiele; CEO, Standard BankAfrica, Mr. Chris Newson; Head, Investor Services, Standard Bank, Mr. Mark Kerns andHead, Investor Services, West Africa, Standard Bank, Mr. Segun Sanni, at a dinner organisedby Standard Bank with international investors in London.

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015—13

HANDOVER: Rivers PDP tasks Amaechi on TransitionCommittee

Buhari'll be president of Nigeria not APCpresident —TAMBUWAL

I won't stayon as head ofAmnestyProgramme—KUKU

By Soni Daniel

Police kill sixarmed robberysuspects inDelta

By Emma Amaize

Group alerts Uduaghan on loomingOgbe-Ijoh, Aladja clash

By Simon Ebegbulem

BENIN—SPEAKER of theHouse of Representatives

and governor-elect of SokotoState, Alhaji Aminu Tambuwal,said yesterday that thePresident-elect, Gen.Muhammadu Buhari, will bethe president of Nigeria andnot the president of AllProgressives Congress, APC,adding that the President-elect will ensure justice to boththe people of the South Southand South East in the sharingof political positions.

Meanwhile, the DeputySpeaker of the House ofRepresentatives, Mr EmekaIhedioha, has blamed theexecutive arm of governmentfor failing to curb thewidespread corruption in thecountry.

Tambuwal added that theleadership of the party wasconsulting on how to zonepolitical offices across thecountry, noting that contraryto the belief that the APC istorn apart over sharing ofpolitical offices, “The party isconsulting and I am sure thatafter consultation, the partywill announce its decision.”

Tambuwal spoke shortly afterhe was confered with atraditional title, the Onosejile(God sent) of Opoji Kingdomby the Onojie of Opoji, HRHEhidiamen Aidonojie I,inEsan West LocalGovernment Area of Edo State.

The Speaker, in company ofGovernor Adams Oshiomholeof Edo State, had earlier paida condolence visit to theMinority Whip of the Houseof Representatives, MrSamson Osagie, at Urhokosa,Uhumnwonde LocalGovernment Area of Edo State.

Ihedioha, in Benin, when heled other members of theHouse to condole with MrOsagie, on the demise of hisfather and responding to

questions from newsmen, saidthat the 7th Assembly haddone its best to exposecorruption in the country.

“It is unfair for anybody toindicate that the Assembly didnothing about corruption.First, the leadership of theHouse and the entire 7thAssembly discharged itself asa House that leads byexample throughout.

“We led the Housetransparently and we kept our

books open for any group orindividual to appreciate howwe ran the affairs of theHouse. That is why, in the 7thAssembly, there are no bananapeels.

“We also did everything thatwe could to expose corruptpractices by any branch ofgovernment and by anymember of the society. Wehave done all we needed to doand we have asked theexecutive to do its own part.”

CHAIRMAN of RiversState Peoples

Democratic Party, PDP, MrFelix Obuah, has said thatGovernor Rotimi Amaechi’sadmission of readiness tohand over on May 29 shouldbe backed up by inaugurationof a Transition Committee tointerface with the TransitionCommittee inaugurated by thegovernor-elect, Mr. NyesomWike.

Obuah insisted that Amaechiwas obstructing the process bynot co-operating with Wike'sTransition Committee.

In a statement by his mediaaide, the state PDP chairman,regretted that just a few weeksto the swearing-in date,Amaechi was yet to set up acomplementary TransitionCommittee to ensure a smoothhandover.

According to him, GovernorAmaechi has no reason not tocomply with the rule of law bydoing the needful, which ishanding over to the governor-

elect, Wike, on the scheduleddate.

“It is a moral obligation andhe is duty bound to do so, asnot doing so is not only

undemocratic but alsofelonious.”

Obuah noted that thereason Amaechi had refusedto inaugurate his Transition

Committee to interface withthe governor-elect’s TransitionCommittee borders onfraudulent practices of hisgovernment.

WARRI—A GROUP,Concerned Citizens of

Ogbe-Ijoh, in Warri South-WestLocal Government Area, DeltaState, has alerted the governor,Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, of abrewing inter-communal crisisbetween Ogbe-Ijoh and theneighbouring Aladja, an Urhobotown.

In a Save Our Soul to thegovernor by Mr Friday Deinghanand two others, the group, said:“We, wish to draw the attentionof the governor of Delta State andchief security officer of the stateto the imminent inter- communalclash and possible breakdown of

law and order between Ogbe-Ijoh and Aladja communities asa result of consistent attacks onOgbe-Ijoh people.

“The governor of the state andmembers of the public are awarethat for some years now, thepeople of Aladja have beencarrying out persistent attacksand extortion on people carryingbuilding materials to Ogbe-Ijohthrough Aladja.

“Ogbe-Ijoh people had writtenseveral letters to securityagencies and even to thegovernor of Delta State andPresident Goodluck Jonathan. Asa result of these attacks, on theinvitation of the governor of DeltaState, there was a meeting

between leaders of Ogbe-Ijoh andAladja communities atGovernment House, Asaba andpresided over by DeputyGovernor, Prof Amos Utuama,with the Commissioner of Police,Department of State Services, theAttorney General andCommissioner for Justice, DeltaState and some othercommissioners in attendance.

“It was resolved that Aladjaindigenes should stop preventingthe movement of buildingmaterials to Ogbe-Ijoh throughAladja town which is the onlyaccess road to Ogbe-Ijoh townand also that no body should buildon the buffer zone between thetwo communities as identified bygovernment.”


Presidential AmnestyProgramme, Mr.Kingsley Kuku, has saidthat he was not plottingon staying on as thehead of the organisationafter May 29.

Kuku, who is theSpecial Adviser toPresident Jonathan onNiger Delta, wasreacting to calls by someinfluential Niger Deltaindividuals and groupson the incomingadministration of Gen.Muhammadu Buhari toscrap the programme.

Kuku, in a statement byHead of Media andCommunication in thePAO, Dan Alabrah, saidhe was returning to hisvillage in Ondo State,rather than plotting tocontinue under the newgovernment.

“The chairman wishesto disappoint the plottersas he is not interested incontinuing in that office,more so as his boss,President GoodluckJonathan, is leavingoffice on May 29, 2015,"he said.

U G H E L L I — S I Xsuspected armed

robbers have been shotdead by the police in theDelta State.

It was learned that threeof the suspects were killedin a gun duel with the policeFriday night in the Ughellimetropolis, Ughelli NorthLocal Government Area ofthe state.

Two suspected armedrobbers were killed inAfiesere community andanother in Iyede, IsokoNorth Local GovernmentArea.

Briefing newsmen on theFriday incident, AreaCommander in charge ofthe Ughelli Area command,Mr. Alali Pedro, said thepolice had engaged a gangof armed robbers operatingin the metropolis “andthree of them were gunneddown.”

By Festus Ahon,Perez Brisibe &

Ochuko Akuopha

…Hold Executive responsible forfailure to fight corruption—Ihedioha

INAUGURAL LECTURE: From left: Prof. Mashudu Davhana-Maselesele, Rector, North-West University, Mafikeng, South Africa; Professor Eno Ebenso, Vice-Rector, Research andPlanning; Professor Victor Ojakorotu, former Head, Department of Politics and InternationalRelations and Dr. Marilyn Setlalentoa, Dean, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, duringthe Inaugural Lecture of Professor Victor Ojakorotu, at the North-West University, Mafikeng,South Africa.

14—Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

PDP jittery over six arrested INEC staffin Abia —APGA

By Anayo Okoli &Akoma Chinweoke

THE ALL Progressives GrandAlliance, APGA, has alleged

that the ruling party in Abia Stateis working round the clock tocompromise the AssistantInspector-General, AIG, of Police,Zone 9, Umuahia, Mr. UsmanGwary, to release unconditionallythe six members of staff of

Independent National ElectoralCommission, INEC, arrested inUmuahia for allegedlyattempting to take away sevencard readers and result sheetsfrom the Commission’s office.

But the PDP in a quick reaction,dissociated itself from theactivities of the INEC staff.

Quoting an impeccable sourceat Zone 9, the party said the PDPhad offered irresistible and mouthwatering sum of money to the AIGto release the suspects and kill

the report.The party also noted that the

missing card readers and resultsheets were deployed in ObingwaLocal Government Area, where awhopping 82,240 votes werecredited to PDP against 1,952votes for APGA, even whenelections did not take place in thearea.

However, sources at INEC saidthat no card reader was used foraccreditation in Obingwa,Osisioma, Ugwunagbo and

Isialangwa North localgovernment areas during thegovernorship poll.

The list of arrested INEC staffincludes the Head of ICT Dept.,Engr. Herbert Ejiofor, Mr.Nnamdi Nwabuko, who wasdriving the materials out of INECoffice at the time of his arrest,Amauche Ebi Dike, Charles Mba,Nkem Ichita, Uche Enyioma,Innocent Dire, all members of staffof the ICT department and theSecretary to the Resident ElectoralCommissioner, Esther David.

Meanwhile, Abia State chapterof PDP has dissociated itself fromthe activities of some INEC staffwho were arrested with some cardreading machines illegallyremoved from the Commission’sstate headquarters in Umuahia.

Abia PDP said it roundlycondemned such an act andblamed it on the main oppositionparty in the state, APGA, whichhad earlier accused PDP of beingbehind the removal of the cardreaders, which it alleged weremeant to be used to rectify thecontroversial votes from ObingwaLocal Government Area.

But PDP said the report of theillegal removal of the card readersfrom Umuahia INEC was like athunder bolt for the PDP in thestate.

Speaking in a press briefing atthe party’s state headquarters inUmuahia, the party’s Secretary,Mr. Charles Eseonu, said it “musthave been a planned actorchestrated by enemies of freeand fair elections in the state."

Imo royalfatherschargeBuhari ongoodgovernance

By ChimaobiNwaiwu

N N E W I — T H ECouncil of

Traditional Chiefs ofAlaoma Owerri Ebiri inOrlu Local GovernmentArea of Imo State, has saidthat for the government ofP r e s i d e n t - e l e c t ,Muhammadu Buhari(retd), to succeed, it mustreduce the cost ofgovernance, strengthenthe judiciary, banunnecessary importation ofgoods, encourageindustrilaisation, fightcorruption and practise truefederalism.

Chairman of the council,Chief Cos Damian, whogave the charge whilespeaking with journalists,weekend, said: “If GeneralBuhari fails in this his lastbid to change the countryfor good, there may not beany hope again for thecountry because no othergood Nigerian will have thecourage, sincerity andpatriotic spirit like him toserve the country.

“Other areas of life of thecountry the incomingadministration has to payattention to are growingindiscipline in the country,refineries that have defiedrehabilitation, power sectorthat has refused to work,regulating the cost of majorcontracts in the country andsenseless party politicsaimed at amassing wealth,instead of service to thepeople.

“The cost of governancemust be drastically reducedif we must make headwayin Nigeria, legislative workshould be part time job withwork allowance only.

“It has been revealed thatNigeria runs the costliestgovernment in the wholeworld, where it is said thatthe remuneration of alegislator in Nigeria ishigher than that of thePresident of America.

Court issues warrant of arrest on Eze OdimegwuBy Chidi Nkwopara &

Chinonso Alozie

Foundation asks FG to position asthma as nationalpriority disease

By BartholomewMadukwe

OWERRI—AN Orsu ChiefMagistrate court,

presided over by Mr. G. C.Okoli, has issued a warrant ofarrest on the former ManagingDirector of Nigerian Breweries,Eze Festus Odimegwu, forallegedly refusing to appearbefore the court to answercharges bordering onconspiracy and stealing levelledagainst him.

Apart from Eze Odimegwu,

who was absent when the matterwas called up, the other personsnamed in the suit, MOS/35C/2014, were Moses Okafor,Ichie Peter ChukwumeroObidike, Innocent Edom andOrji Boniface.

Before issuing the warrant ofarrest, the presiding ChiefMagistrate expresseddissatisfaction over the refusalof Odumegwu to appear incourt to answer the charges.

The Chief Magistrate said: “Itis, hereby, ordered that awarrant of arrest be issued andis, hereby, issued for the arrest

of Eze Festus Odimegwu forhim to aid the police in theirfurther investigation of thiscase.

‘’It is also ordered that theoffice of the Inspector Generalof Police shall aid the men ofImo State Police Command tocarry out his arrest.”

Addressing the court earlier,counsel to the accused person,Mr. Vitalis Ekwem, told thecourt that the order forOdimegwu to appear before itshould have been servedpersonally and not bysubstituted means.

Ekwem also accused thepolice of “not being co-operative,” adding that theoffice of the State AttorneyGeneral requested for the casefile to make a legal opinion onthe matter but the policefrustrated and has continued tosit on the case file.

Responding, the prosecutorR.O. Ayogu Eze, denied seeingany such letter and asked thecourt to give him (Ayogu) ashort date to enable the policeconduct a completeinvestigation on the matter.

He also prayed the court toissue a warrant of arrest on EzeFestus Odimegwu, who he saidwas at large, stressing that EzeOdimegwu was one of theaccused persons, but hadconstantly refused to obey theorder of the court to appear forthe case.

The charge read: “That you,Moses Okafor, Ichie PeterChukwumero Obidike, InnocentEdom, Orji Boniface and EzeFestus Odimegwu now at large,on the 24th day of April, 2013, atOrie Amachi Orsu, in OrsuMagisterial District, did conspireto steal the following items: 15Ton Roller valued at N10million,Reversing Drum Concrete MixerN5million, Mercedes BenzTipper Lorry valued atN3.5million, Cat 966 Pay Loader5 valued at N60million, O&KMotor Grader N50million, 1.5Ton Roller N1million, CopcoCompressor valued N1.5million,and Tilting Drum Concrete Mixerto the tune of N1.5million.”

Meanwhile, the case has beenadjourned to May 22, 2015, forcontinuation of hearing in thematter.

CHAIRMAN OFOluwakemi Memorial

Foundation, Ms. OyindamolaJaiyesimi, has called on theFederal Government to increaseawareness of asthma and positionit as a national priority disease.

The call was made during an

Inter-School Drama, Art & PoetryCompetition in Lagos, organizedby the Foundation.

The event, entitled, 'You CanControl Your Asthma,' wasattended by children from variousschools across the country, asjudges were drawn fromprofessionals in the health andeducation sectors.

Speaking at the event,

Jaiyesimi pointed out that therewas need to educate Africancommunities of the under-estimated effects of Asthma, howto minimise it and emergencyprocedures during an attack.

Praise Oluwarinu, a pupil ofVivian Fowler MemorialCollege, told Vanguard thatthere was a lot to be done inNigeria concerning asthma.

INSTALLATION: Clan head of Okpokpo at Igede, Benue State, Chief John Okponyo (right),giving an item of office to the new Ad’Igede 111 in Anambra, Chief Matthew Omenka (left),installing him as the new head of Igede in Onitsha, weekend. With them are members ofIgede Development Association, Anambra chapter.

.We've no business with them —PDP

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 —15

ABA: Motorists accuse FRSC ofextortion

By Felix Ogbonna

MOTORISTS PLYINGEnugu- Port Harcourt

Expressway have accusedpersonnel of the Ab Unit of theFederal Road Safety Corps,FRSC, of extortion.

They insisted that if the activitiesof the Corps personnel were notchecked, their action wouldtarnish the image of the agency.

A cross section of motorists, whospoke to our correspondent, said:“It doesn’t matter if your vehiclepapers are complete or yourdriver's licence is genuine, theFRSC officials on the highwaymust find a way to intimidate andextort money from motorists."

The motorists called theauthorities of the agency to ensurethat they carried out surveillanceon their men on the highway inorder to curb their excesses.

Narrating his ordeal toVanguard, a commercial driverwho gave his name as ChidiebereNwadiuba, alleged that he wasdelayed for almost an hour evenbefore he was asked to continuewith his trip because he refusedto bribe some officers of theagency who stopped him on thehighway.

Another driver, Mr. EnemuoChika, also narrated an encounterbetween his friend and an FRSCofficer in front of their Aba UnitCommand headquarters whichnearly degenerated into fisticuffs.

“On my way to work atUmuahia, an official of FRSCsuddenly appeared on the

expressway to stop a motorist onspeed. The driver nearly hit himbut managed to stop, close to theFRSC van.

"They blocked him as if he wasrunning away from them andwhen the man stopped, the FRSCpersonnel became veryaggressive and pounced on the

guy’s front door, opened it andstarted fighting the driver tryingto forcibly take his car key.

“The official ruffled the man inthe presence of his wife seatedright in front with her husbandand later took the car key fromthe ignition, bending it in theprocess," he said.

By Gbenga Oke

SGF: Group drums support for Onu

A LEADERSHIP and goodgovernance group in the

All Progressives Congress, APC,Voice Forum, has called on thepeople of South-Eastgeopolitical zone to present astrong personality for theposition of Secretary to theGovernment of the Federation,SGF.

The group also said the zonehad eminently qualified leadersas Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu, whohad national acceptance andtechnical competence.

Rising from its general

meeting in Lagos, Coordinatorof the group in South-West,Chief Ajayi Adekunle, said theposition of the SGF was not toserve the South-Eastgeopolitical zone alone, butNigerians generally and as

such, should be occupied by aperson with competence, trustand integrity.

He said: “Consistency andloyalty should be the hallmarkand character of the person of thenew SGF, which Dr. Onu

A FEDERAL High Courtsitting in Umuahia, Abia

State, has reserved judgmenttill May 27 in a case ofunlawful exclusion fromelection instituted by factionalcandidate of All ProgressivesGrand Alliance, APGA, in theApril 11 governorship poll,Chief Regan Ufomba, againstthe Independent NationalElectoral Commission.

Also joined in the suit is theAPGA candidate for theelection, Dr. Alex Otti.

Ufomba, who claimed to

have been validly nominatedby his party but unlawfullyexcluded by INEC, hadinstituted a suit at the FederalHigh Court, seeking for thecancellation of the April 11governorship election in thestate and called for theconduct of a fresh one wherehe would be recognized asAPGA candidate.

When the matter came up lastThursday, the presiding Judgegave May 27 date forjudgment.

This was after counsels toboth plaintiff and defendantshad argued and adopted their

written addresses whichlasted for three hours.

Counsel for the plaintiff,Clement Onwuenweunor, hadtold the court that the NationalChairman of APGA, ChiefVictor Umeh, forfeited hisright to nominate any aspirant,being a candidate himself,just as he was restrained by acourt order.

However, counsel for therespondents, Awa Kalu (SAN),in a counter argument, saidthe court lacked thejurisdiction to entertain thesuit and should strike it out.

Govs owing workers' salaries should be impeached—Group

By BartholomewMadukwe

A GROUP, InternationalSociety for Civil Liberties

& the Rule of Law, has called

it was condemnable for thelikes of particularly GovernorOkorocha to blame the FederalGovernment for his failure topay those working for hisadministration, despitebudgeting and spending astaggering sum of N779.72billion or $3.9 billion in the lastfive years, 2011 to 2015.

“The governor should beheld wholly responsible toaccount for this or beimpeached without furtherdelays.

‘’It is an elementary knowledgeto every Tom, Dick and Harry inNigeria that the commonrevenues of the Federation ofNigeria are not kept in theAccount of the FederalGovernment of Nigeria, but in theFederation Account."

“The governors owing workers’salaries should be impeachedwithout further delays inaccordance with the grossmisconduct provisions in Section188 (11) of the Constitution of theFederal Republic of Nigeria 1999as amended in 2011.

Give usanotherleader, Awkacommunitybegs Obiano

AWKA—THE peopleof Awka have

appealed to the governor ofAnambra State, Chief WillieObiano, to approve a newleadership for thecommunity, pending theelection of anotherPresident-General, to avoida leadership vacuum in thearea.

The tenure of Mr. TonyOkechukwu as thePresident-Peneral of AwkaDevelopment UnionNigeria, ADUN, expired inMarch this year andbecause the formerleadership did not preparefor another election, thecommunity wrote the stategovernment complainingthat the people were notprepared to tolerate tenureelongation.

However, as Okechukwumoved to conduct theelection on March 7, 2015,which was 10 days to theexpiration of his tenure, hewas stopped by the stategovernment, in view of theapproaching generalelections.

By VincentUjumadu

By Francis Igata

Churchrefutes claimof PaulEmeka’ssack

E N U G U — T H EAssemblies of God

Church Nigeria, AGN, hasreiterated the position ofProf. Paul Emeka as itsG e n e r a lSuperintendent,GS, of thechurch.

This came as a dissidentgroup, led by ChidiOkorofor, alleged that thejudgment of an AppealCourt, Enugu, affirmed thesuspension of Paul Emekaas GS, even as it purportedEmeka’s removal as aTrustee of the AGN.

Reacting to thedevelopment, the PublicRelations Officer, PRO, ofAGN, Mr. Chinedu Kalu,said: “The report by theOkorofor group is false andmalicious. We urge thegeneral public todiscountenance suchantics.

“There is no judgmentorder that affirmed thesuspension,dismissal of theGS. The court set aside thejudgment of the High Courtin Enugu."

VISIT: From left, President-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari, Alhaji Maitama Sule, andSenator Joseph Waku, during the Northern Elders' visit to the President-elect, at the AllProgressives Party, APC, Campaign Office, in Abuja. Photo: Gbemiga Olamikan

possesses, having been the firstexecutive governor of Old AbiaState, former University lecturer,presidential candidate, formernational chairman of a politicalparty and national leader of theAPC.

ABIA GOV POLL: Court reserves May 27 for judgment inUfomba’s case against INEC

By Felix Ogbonna

for the immediateimpeachment of debtorgovernors over unpaidworkers salaries.

In a statement by its BoardChairman, EmekaUmeagbalasi, the group said

16 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015—17



From left— Mrs. Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, Lagos State Deputy Governor;Governor Babatunde Fashola and his wife, Abimbola, at Tafawa Balewa Square,during Lagos Carnival, weekend. PHOTOS: Bunmi Azeez.


18 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2014

By Godwin Etakibuebu

OPINIONBoko Haram: Jonathan's finest hourJonathan's finest hourJonathan's finest hourJonathan's finest hourJonathan's finest hour

•Mr. Etakibuebu, a commentator on currentaffairs , wrote from Lagos.

BOKO HARAM, interpreted to mean“Western education is evil”, did not

begin with President Goodluck Jonathan'sadministration. It did not even come intoexistence with late President ShehuYar’Adua [Jonathan's predecessor] tenure.It was the creation of Olusegun Obasanjo’sadministration – 1999 to 2007 - when one ofthe governors then, Ahmodu Sheriff of BornuState, rode to power through the formationand financial sustenance of this religioussect, which was to become deadly. LieutenantGeneral Jeremiah Useni, a one-timeChairman of the defunct All Nigerian PeopleParty [the political party that producedAhmodu Sheriff as governor of Bornu State]attested to the fact that “Ahmodu Sheriffcreated Boko Haram”.

It is however a statement of fact that thisorganisation [Boko Haram] was to growbeyond measure of control during the life ofthe present administration for many reasons.Some of the reasons, if properly evaluated,are internal while some are external. It maybe prudent, if only for purposes of historicaldocumentation, to put the reasons inperspective, as doing so will help inidentifying areas of blames whenever theneed would arise in the future.

First and major was the incident thatpreceded Jonathan’s coming to office asPresident during the “eve”, so to say ofYar’Adua’s tenure, when the leader of thesect; Abubakar, was arrested by the Military

in Maiduguri and properly handed him overto the Police for diligent investigation andprosecution but the Police turned around todo one of the things they know how to dobest – extra-judicial killing, as the man wassummarily executed without approachingthe judiciary. It came to pass, for that reason,that even before the death of PresidentYar’Adua, and before the assumption ofGoodluck Jonathan to office, through the“doctrine of necessity”, the Boko Haram secthad declare war against the Nigerian State.

This was followed by religious factor asthe sect quickly found a more dangerous allyin the most dreaded Al’ Qaeda movement,strongly rooted in the Middle East with itsstupendous financial empire. The NigerianGovernment under President Jonathan, waseither ignorant or entirely naïve, toacknowledge and understand the enormityof the enemy. This was to become its greatundoing for the government and people ofNigeria.

The events of 2011 general elections didnot help matters as far as Boko Haram wasconcerned. Some people believed, withmeasure of religious and tribal emotionthough, that the presidency must “return to

the North, at least to complete Yar’Adua’stenure”. For this group of people, GoodluckJonathan “dare not compete” and “if he didand wins”, this group warned, “We shallmake Nigeria ungovernable for him”. Ofcourse, Boko Haram “operational base” wasstrengthened by this declaration of “makingNigerian ungovernable”, more so whenBoko Haram is viewed from its Islamicreligious background. Jonathan made it tothe presidency of course, but not withoutpaying the price of the threat quoted above,which partly helped the escalation of theinsurgency with its total siege over threeStates of North/East Nigeria: Adamawa,Bornu and Yobe. The rest is now history.

The war began when Boko Haram hoistedits flag and set up administrative andgovernmental headquarter units around thatpart of the country and re-named it aCaliphate of sort. It was glaring at thebeginning that the Nigerian Military wasnot ready for the “ rule of operationalengagement” as our Armed Forces waslosing ground, men and equipment to theinsurgents daily . People could notcomprehend why the Nigerian Armed Forcesthey expected much from had become sucha rag- tag before Boko Haram until someappalling facts began to emerge.

One, the Nigerian Military, unknown tomany, has outlived its operational efficiencyin material equipment of modern warfare.It was to be proved later that more than 35years before Jonathan’s arrival to thePresidency, successive Nigerian leaders[either Military or civilian] refused to equipthe military with modern weapons of war.So, the Armed Forces President Jonathaninherited from his predecessors, was a bunch

of professionals without professionalequipment. And President Jonathan himselfdid not understand this dangerouslyintricate situation on time until, asCommander-in-Chief, he presided overdeployment of his troops for slaughter bythe more equipped Boko Haram insurgence.

This lack of modern fighting equipmentwas again compounded by lack ofprofessionalism in means and ways ofdeploying field commanders to the battlefields. How on earth the President’s ServiceChiefs would deploy, sometimes “relationof the enemy” [as reflected in deploying coreNortherners and die-hard Muslims asGeneral officers Commanding - GOC] to thewarfronts shall remain a big puzzle forstudents of combat warfare. Yet this is justone of the many blunders that bordered ondeployment of troops. What about the greatsabotage of some key service personnelwhich of course resulted into the multitudeof deserters and those for Military CourtMarshals, where conviction for death andimprisonment became easily secured? Withall these calamities the conclusion drawnby majority around the globe was that “aclueless President Goodluck Jonathan”could not defeat Boko Haram as he couldnot PENETRATE SAMBISA FOREST, thefortress and symbol of hostility.PresidentJonathan, at his exit point, is dancing avictorious dance in sambisa forest. THISVICTORY, MR PRESIDENT, IS YOURFINEST HOUR. We salute you on your wayout as we welcome Muhammadu Buhari tocontinue from where you stopped.

President Jonathan, athis exit point, is dancinga victorious dance insambisa forest

THE character of the PeoplesDemocratic Party, PDP, as a partyits key officials pleased them-selves, is playing out in the ran-courous management of the party’sloss of the 2015 elections. Neitherthe party, nor the polity anticipat-ed reactions of PDP members ifthey are the opposition. We mayonly be at the beginning of theimplosion that could be an explo-sion.

How could the party that predict-ed 60 years dominance of our poli-tics disintegrate so fast? PDP’s de-mise built up over its 17 years ofexistence. There was ample evi-dence of a party in trouble with its11 chairmen in 17 years-Only oneof whom was elected. For a demo-cratic party, the absence of inter-nal democracy was a major flaw.

It was not only in the party exec-utive that trouble brewed. In thefirst eight years of civil rule, the

PDP, which dominated the Senate,posted five Senate presidents. Itwas another ignored signal of thefractious tendencies of a party theattainment of power glued intoplace. If PDP did not know how tomanage power (success), it wouldnot be surprising that it is eatingitself up after losing the elections.

PDP is just being itself, the onlydifference is that its grip on powerhas slipped and the common de-nominator for all its interests hasgone with the loss of the elections.

PDP is a lesson on how Nigeria hasspent the past 16 years of democrat-ic rule. Leaders, followers, admir-ers and ordinary watchers all hadtheir eyes on power and its allure,not on serving the people. Doesanyone have to ask those associat-ed with the PDP loss to resign?

Everybody is denying responsi-bility for a trouncing that shouldbring the party to sobriety it re-quires to share a common woe. Itis obvious that the only thing com-mon to PDP – power – has gone.

Senate President David Bonaven-ture Alechenu Mark proudly stat-ed that PDP was comatose.

If PDP is comatose, in what stateare its members?

An over-dose of party indisciplinehas taken its toll on PDP. Calls areraging for the resignation of partychairman Alhaji Adamu Muazu,who has the unenviable record ofleading the party to its first defeatin 16 years. The loss is enough rea-son for Muazu to resign; after all,chairmen who led the party to itsfour earlier victories were still dis-graced out of office. Muazu is notready to resign.

What should worry Nigerians isthat with PDP prostrate, the AllProgressives Congress, APC, couldbe without strong opposition tostem temptations to abuse power.With a weak opposition, we couldend up with change we never im-agined.

PDP - Implosion To Explosion


Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 —19


•Dr. Nwaezeigwe is Acting Director,centre for Igbo Studies, UNN.

By Tony Nwaezeigwe

Obiano's infantile promenade andlessons to learn

The worth of a NigerianTHE world knows the worth of

an American citizen. TheUnited States (US) insists that itscitizens be ruled by American, notinternational laws. The US can useAfrican Americans and Latinos fortarget practice. But outside itsshores, the American State canstake all it has to defend anAmerican citizen of whatevercolour.

If its citizen were to commitserious crimes outside thecountry, the first Americanreaction is likely to be that suchcitizen be allowed to return hometo face justice. If this fails, then itprovides or ensures legal services.But in many instances, suchAmericans especially if they arein its services, go free. This hasbeen the case during the Vietnam,Cambodian and Afghan wars.

One of the few exceptionsinvolved four Blackwatermercenaries who, angry that theywere held up in traffic at the NisourSquare, Baghdad, Iraq, openedfire on passers by killing seventeenincluding nine-year old Ali Kinaniand injuring twenty. Americarefused to allow the mercenaries

face justice in Iraq. It was afterseven years of foot dragging andeventual court process they weretried and sent to prison in America

The argument here is not tojustify impunity, it is simply toillustrate how much value US putson its citizens. This is why if anAmerican were arrested abroad,his first insistence is to talk to hisembassy. In contrast, if a Nigerianwere arrested, his first reaction isto beg or make a plea. He knowseven if he has access to theEmbassy, the officials may nevershow up.

We can contrast the reaction ofNigeria and Australia to the recentexecution of their citizens inIndonesia for drug offences.Australia made very strongprotests, even threatening futureties with Indonesia. In contrast,Nigeria said it had in the pastmade a plea for clemency. Officialsblamed the Nigerians for drugtrafficking in a country which hascapital punishment for suchoffence. While Australian PrimeMinister Tony Abbot was activelytrying to stop the executions,Nigerians were asked to pray. The

implication is that in future,Indonesia will think twice beforeexecuting an Australian, but it willnot bat an eyelid before executingNigerians.

We can also analyze the on-goingbattle between two countries whoplace a high value on their citizens.Canadian, Omar Khadr 28, wasaccused of throwing a grenade inAfghanistan in 2002 which killedan American Army Sergeant. Hewas 15 at the time and theAmericans held him inGuantanamo Bay until 2012 whenunder the International Transferof offenders Act, he was moved toa Canadian prison where he isexpected to spend eight years. Buta Canadian judge has ruled thatKhadr be granted bail while heappeals his conviction. TheAmericans are shouting bluemurder, but Khadr is likely to walkout of prison tomorrow, May 12,2015. What is more, the Canadiancourts are likely to upturn hisconviction given the fact that hewas a minor, had been held for tenyears before sentencing, wasdetained and tried not in thecountry he allegedly committed theoffence and was likely to havebeen tortured or pressured to

confess.You can contrast this US-

Canada struggle with how Nigeriawillingly yields its citizens toforeign countries. There was evena case, we allowed the kidnap andtransfer of a Nigerian out of ourcountry. Today, there is the issue ofSenator-elect, Buruji Kashamuwho has told Nigerians he fearspowerful Nigerians are working toget him bundled to US for allegeddrug offences. If the reverse werethe case, America will not be keento have its citizen or Senatordeported to Nigeria over suchallegations.

We can also learn from Zambiawhich decided to call Multichoice/DSTV to order over arbitrary feeincreases and exploitation ofZambians. Here, where the DSTV isdoing same, Government does notappear to be interested in protectingthe consumer. That is why thecompany has the impunity todisregard court rulings.

Our foreign policy has not alwayslaid primacy on the protection ofNigerians; we tend more to bemoralistic. Malvinas or FalklandIslands is Argentine landpopulated by Britons. But when theformer tried to reclaim the place,the United Kingdom went to war.Today, Britons continue to live onthe islands which are 8,000 milesfrom Britain. Colonial France andBritain carved up Nigeria andCameroun and put Bakassi,populated by Nigerians inCameroun. Rather than defend theright of Nigerians, we opted to goto court, relying on the samecolonial documents. We lost andevacuated the Nigerians; off-loading them in Cross Rivers State.If our focus were the protection of

Nigerians, no internationalcommunity would have insistedwe move such huge populationout of Bakassi even if the territorywere Cameroonian. Our resolveseemed weakened by claims thatthe Gowon regime had ceded thearea to Cameroun.

Good boy diplomacy will notprotect Nigerians. Our foundingPrime Minister, Abubakar Tafawa-Balewa was humoured by theBritish as the ‘Golden Voice OfAfrica’ Having listened to some ofhis speeches, I discovered that it isnot literarily, his voice that wasgolden, but the pro-Britishmessage he was carrying aroundthe world. It was only during theMurtala-Obasanjo regime (1975-79) did we have a sound foreignpolicy. In contrast, the Shagariadministration went to theridiculous extent of attempting tobreak up the African Union andendanger African unity at theinstigation of the West. The Obasanjoadministration (1999-2007) playeda similar role by handing overCharles Taylor, who was in exile inNigeria based on African agreement,to the West.

The incoming Buhariadministration needs to put theNigerian and African at the centreof its foreign policy. Buhari’spromise to return Americanmilitary trainers who had beenkicked out of our barracks by theJonathan administration is not agood move. If our foreign policyis like the chaff blown around bythe wind, no country will take usserious, and we cannot defend theNigerian. My submission is thatif you sell your citizen for a cent,his value internationally, will be acent.

THE Igbo are a unique people in Nigeria. Often hated with a ferocious

clout of jealousy by their neighbours for thereason of their manifest industry andtrajectory adventurism, being the mostvulnerable to unpleasantness of any societythey have found themselves as sojourners.Yet, they have always held their heads highas a people with a culture of taciturnpersonality and reflective pride in theirethnic nationality. Mendicancy as a cultureis an abhorrence among the Igbo. When itactually occurs, it is only reflective of acrack at the nexus of a particular extendedfamily.

Otherwise what garb of pride will any Igboman wear before his peers if it is discoveredthat a member of his family, whether closeor extended is shamelessly involved in publicbegging? As a people inveterately excludedfrom most plum jobs at the Federal levelsince the end of the Nigeria civil War in1970, exception being the brief period ofPresident Goodluck Jonathan’s tenure, theIgbo have long learnt how to endure thehard nut of political exclusion in a nationthey have continued to sacrifice so much forher sustainable development. They remaintill date the least dependent on the economiclargesse of the Federal government for theireconomic and educational developments ofall Nigeria’s peoples. Yet, they haveremained foremost in these two major areasof national development by the single act ofhabitual enterprise.

The number one problem of the Igbo hasbeen their inability to urinate at one pointto generate solid and strong political foam,in line with the Igbo saying that “a yukonwammiri n’otu ebe o gbaa ufufu”. Theirsecond problem is their inability to courtthe confidence and support of theirimmediate neighbours of the South-Southregion. These two problems seem to have

evidently reached the point of virtualsolution with the recent re-election bid ofPresident Goodluck Jonathan. At least theIgbo can now beat their chests and say totheir South-South brothers look, we haveshown you the test of brotherhood and thuswe must now stand together as one peopleand work together no matter thecircumstances.

This is the stance every patriotic Igboexpect from the like of Governor WillyObiano of Anambra State at the presentcritical moment of Igbo sit-down-and-lookstrategy, and not to hastily rush to bow tothe very man he campaigned against fewmonths ago. Igbo leaders should learn thehard culture of holding their heads high byallowing their actions to be dictated by thepolitical vibrations of their people.Governor Obiano cannot say that his hastilyjumping into the bandwagon of GeneralBuhari’s victory was at the very behest of themajority of Anambra people.

The point has to be made here and nowthat the majority of the Igbo like the presentwriter who worked for the re-election bid ofPresident Jonathan did so for the sake of theIgbo question and chequered historicalexperience under the dominance of theHausa-Fulani oligarchy of which thePresident-elect is an archetypical player. IfGeneral Muhammadu Buhari decidestomorrow to revoke the contract for theconstruction of the second Niger Bridge, andif that was the reason for Governor Obiano’s

untypical desperate visit, because the Igbodid not vote for him, to God be the Glory.No Northern or South West governor of APCstoop so low to beg President Jonathan forfavour in what was considered hisinalienable right as a componentadministrator of the Federal Republic ofNigeria. The Igbo need not lobby forministerial and ambassadorial positions asif there are no prominent Igbo personalitiesin APC. The onus is on General Buhari underthe present democratic dispensation to courtIgbo support and not the other way round.Igbo leaders should desist from chasing wildpolitical goose in the name of soliciting forsupport for their people. Governor Obianowill soon learn that that desperate politicalpromenade to General Buhari while hispeople are still reeling in political mourningwill definitely generate a political backlashon the integrity and invincibility of his partyAPGA as a core Igbo political party..

What needs to be stated here is that GeneralBuhari’s victory has not in any way changedthe general Igbo view about him. The onlyfactor of change in this regard will only comeby way of his performance as President andCommander-in-Chief of the Federal Republicof Nigeria the next four years. Beyond thisnothing else can change it. If the people ofTaraba State could stand firm by theirconviction to have a Governor of their choicein the midst of the wild-wind of bandwagon inthe North, the Igbo can do even much better.Most importantly, the Igbo are anxiouslyawaiting the much orchestrated change comingparticularly to the NNPC and the Armed Forcesto ascertain the level of General Buhari’sinclination to equity in one united Nigerian.

For most of us, we stand convinced that ourdecision to work for President Jonathan re-election bid is eternal and ancestrallysanctioned by the blood of the Igbo peopleshed before, during, and after the 1966 pogrom.There is therefore no reason for any Igboleader to chaotically jostle for General Buhari’srecognition at this moment. The onus is on thePresident-elect to prove the many unsavorytales about him through the act ofgovernance. We are anxiously awaiting thismagical change of our time.

What the Igbo need at this moment areleaders who are ready to sacrifice theirwealth, time and brain, risk their personalinterests at the expense of commandingIgbo interests to bring up the Igbo as aformidable democratic political force inNigeria, not by boot-licking the APC rulingoligarchy, but by standing up to thechallenges of opposition as did the Yorubanation first under the NADECO, then AD,before the emergence of Bola Tinubu’s ACNto now dominant APC. Again, has the UpperNorth not stood firm with their traditionalAP, which later became APP, beforemetamorphosising to ACN to form APC?

It is striking to note that throughout thetwo years of Umaru Yar’Adua’s presidencyand subsequent six years of Jonathan’spresidency, no Yoruba occupied any of theeight highest positions at the Federal levelnamely------: President, Vice President,Senate President, Deputy Senate President,Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Houseof Representatives, Chief Justice of theFederation and Secretary of theGovernment of the Federation (SGF). Yet,neither did the opposition ACN led byAsiwaju Ahmed Tinubu nor the Yoruba inPDP go cap-in-hand begging PresidentJonathan to reconsider their apparentlydisadvantaged position. The Yorubaopposition rather than cry wolf resolved tosit down to do the necessary politicalmathematics and subsequently overturnedthe political table.

This is the lesson our Anambra StateGovernor should learn from the Yoruba. Tomost of us, Anambra State symbolises thegateway to Igbo nationalist spirit andmanifest destiny as an ethnic nation. Wepray that this spirit should not be desecratedby the single act of unwarranted politicalmendicancy. The people of Anambra Stateare admirably too politically conscious,intellectually sophisticated, patrioticallyself-willed, morally assertive andeconomically adroit to be so easilystampeded into the status of the politicalblack-sheep of emergent South East- SouthSouth regional political solidarity.

Send Opinions & Letters to:[email protected]

Mysubmission isthat if you sellyour citizenfor a cent, hisvalueinternationally,will be a cent

Anambra Statesymbolises the gatewayto Igbo nationalist spiritand manifest destiny asan ethnic nation

20—Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015


By Nwobodo Chidiebere

*Mr. Chidiebere, a social commentator, wrote from Abuja.

Cry not for the Igbos

“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Everystep toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering,and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concernof dedicated individuals.” —Martin Luther King, Jr.

THE 2015 general elections might be over but theindelible footprints it left on our political shore will

remain trans-generational in the annals of history.Historians will continue to make reference to 2015 as ayear that redefined Nigeria’s political voyage, when takeninto considerations landmark successes recorded duringthe course of this noble exercise and the entrenchment ofdemocratic principles in the polity, which ultimatelymade Nigeria the true winner of these elections.

It is no longer news that President Goodluck Jonathanof PDP, gallantly lost to Gen. Muhammadu Buhari of AllProgressives Congress, who is now President-Elect ofNigeria. Congratulations to the nation’s indefatigablePresident-Elect, Gen.Muhammadu Buhari, who defiledall the hurdles placed on his way to emerge as the nation’sdemocratically elected president, but a million

congratulations should go to President Jonathan, whomade it possible for the long-silenced voice of Nigeriansto be heard now by creating an enabling politicalenvironment that enabled our votes to count, by providingProf. Attahiru Jega’s led INEC adequate resources andtrue independence it required to deliver the much-neededfree and fair elections. President Jonathan transcendedinto heaven of statesmen and engraved his name in goldwhen he made that historic call to congratulate Gen.Buhari, which secured the much needed post-electionpeace in the country. This courageous step has not onlydeepened our democracy, but has set the pace for losers

of portraying Igbos as being politically naïve forthrowing their weight behind President Jonathan. Someof the so-called voodoo analysts described Igbos as arace wallowing in ‘political wildernesses’ because of theirmassive and formidable support for President Jonathan.Unfortunately, all these baseless and ignoble attacks onIgbo nation for making their choice were borne out ofsheer ignorance of what truly defines an Igbo man orwoman. These media tigers pouring venoms on Igborace are simply bereft of the reasons why Igbos voted forJonathan. Igbos voted for Justice, Equity and Freedomnot Jonathan, fortunately for him, he represented thethree main reasons why Igbos voted for PDP in bloc.President Jonathan did a lot to heal the wounds of civilwar which endeared him to the Igbos; he gave Igbos asense of belonging by integrating Igbos both politicallyand economicallyinto the nation’s centrifugal equationof governance. He made Igbos understood that thiscountry belongs to all of us, irrespective of our places ofbirth, tribe and religion.

I can say it authoritatively without mincing words thatIgbos will still vote for Jonathan a thousand times again

in the just concludedGovernorship and StateAssembly polls tocongratulate the winners.

The story of 2015 generalelections would not becomplete withoutmentioning the rolesplayed by Igbos indeepening Nigeria’sdemocracy. I was inspiredto write this piece when Icame across articleswritten for the sole purpose

THE taste of the pudding,they say, is in the eating.

The All Progressives Congress(APC) will do well to heed theadvice of their fallen People’sDemocratic Party (PDP) foes:”talkless and think more”. The timehas come for them to produce the“change” they campaigned for.

On May 29th 2015, the APCPresident, General MuhammaduBuhari, will collect the instrumentof authority from Dr. GoodluckJonathan. The Executive Branchwill be effectively installedpending the appointment of thecabinet. Thereafter, the nation willturn its attention to theinauguration of the APC-dominated National Assembly –the Senate and House ofRepresentatives. How theleadership of the LegislativeBranch takes shape will go a longway in showcasing the APCFederal Government’s democraticcredentials and seriousness toprovide good and stablegovernance.

Even though the APC FederalGovernment will have its ownshare of teething problems, it will,however, benefit from theexperience of Buhari as a former(albeit military) occupant of theseat of the Chief Executive ofNigeria. It might also fall back onthe experiences and chartedroutes established by the PDP inthe preceding sixteen years.Incidentally, many hands that willpilot the affairs of the APC FederalGovernment had been part of thePDP experience. It is now aquestion of whether they will havethe good sense and patriotism toapply the lessons of the PDP pastto ensure that they avoid miringthemselves and the nation in inneedless impasse due to thescreaming blind ambition ofindividuals and party leaders.

In constituting the leadership ofthe Senate and the House ofRepresentatives, it will beinteresting to see how the partyleadership will proceed. Will theyadopt the PDP zoning method ofensuring that all the sixgeopolitical regions are given achance to occupy elective andappointive offices in the NationalAssembly, such as President ofthe Senate, Deputy President,

Lawmakers must choose their leaders

Senate Leader, Minority Leader,Majority and Minority Whip; aswell as Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives, DeputySpeaker, House Leader, MinorityLeader, Majority and MinorityWhip? Or will they throw it opento the legislators to choose fromamong themselves the mostpopular, experienced andacceptable leaders to occupy thosepositions? Left to me, I will preferthat the APC does not merelytravel the road beaten by the PDPunless there are no two ways toan issue. Rather, they shouldcome up with innovations that areuniquely those of the Party. Wewant innovative and thinkinggovernance.

We have seen that whilezoning gives every geopoliticalregion the opportunity to producecandidates who will have a sliceof the “cake”, it also gives party

leaders the opportunity to flextheir political muscles andmanipulate affairs of theLegislative Branch. It thuscompromises the independenceof the Legislature andpredisposes it to instability andcorruption. Prolonged instabilitydue to manipulation in theNational Assembly eventuallyproduces an opposite reactionfrom the lawmakers: it turns themrebels. We saw how formerPresident Obasanjo’sinterferences led to theemergence of five SenatePresidents and three Speakers ofthe House of Reps in his eightyears in power. When thelawmakers started rebelling, theydefeated his third term, exposedhis bribe cash on the floor of theAssembly and nearly got himimpeached. In the same vein, anattempt by the PresidentJonathan regime to implement anunpopular zoning pattern in2011 led to a rebellion thatproduced Speaker AminuTambuwal, who played a leadingrole in the loss of power by thePDP Federal Government.

But whenever the Senate andHouse of Representatives chosetheir leaders in those PDP-ledturbulent years, the NationalAssembly was competently ledand there was stability. This wasevident when Senators PiusAnyim, Ken Nnamani and DavidMark were in charge at theSenate. The same thing wasobvious when Hon. Umar GhaliNa’Abba and Tambuwal presidedover the House of Reps.

It is, therefore, worrisome, tosee the unhealthy interest that aprincipal leader of the APC, ChiefBola Tinubu, has been showing

in who emerges as SenatePresident and Speaker, House ofRepresentatives. There are clearindications that Tinubu hadinitially wanted to push thecandidacy of Senator GeorgeAkume from Benue State for thepresidency of the Senate.Suddenly, Tinubu reportedlyshifted his interest to the NorthEast, where he is eyeing SenatorAhmed Lawan for SenatePresident to permit his homeboy,Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, toemerge as the Speaker, House ofReps. What goes round comesround. What makes Tinubu thinkthat the lawmakers will not payhim back in his own coin by goingagainst his candidate, in thesame manner that they wentagainst the PDP’s choice forSpeaker in 2011; a “coup” he(Tinubu) financed?

Is it not instructive that GeneralBuhari, who is set to assumepresidential power, has not beennamed as showing interest inthose that will lead theparliament? If Tinubu does nottake care, he might exhaust hisgoodwill among the APClegislators and leaders too earlyin the day.

Should the APC decide to gowith zoning of offices, it is obviousthat the Senate President mustcome from the North Central,where all six former PDP stateswent over to the APC, thusbecoming the second strongestbase of the Party after the NorthWest. The Speaker should comefrom the North East, which likethe SouthWest, gave the winningparty four states.

The North East is the mostpolitically marginalised of the six

If Dogara, aChristian is blocked,the main offices ofthe Federation suchas President, SenatePresident, SpeakerHouse of Reps andChief Justice ofNigeria will beoccupied byMuslims, withChristians relegatedto mere Deputies

Continues tomorrow on pg 18

PresidentJonathan did a lotto heal thewounds of civilwar whichendeared him tothe Igbos

geopolitical zones in ourrenascent democracy. In terms ofscale of influence in the pastsixteen years, North West isindisputably tops. It has producedtwo Presidents and three Speakersof the House of Reps. It isfollowed by the South West, whichhas produced a President, a VicePresident and two Speakers.Third is the South-South, whichproduced a President, VicePresident and two DeputySpeakers. Next is the South East,which has produced five SenatePresidents in eight years, oneDeputy Senate President and oneDeputy Speaker, while the NorthCentral has produced one SenatePresident for eight years and twoDeputy Senate Presidents. TheNorth East produced only oneVice President and two DeputySpeakers.

Time foraffirmative action

A time comes when you applyaffirmative action withoutnecessarily compromising qualityor competence. The North Eastrequires this affirmative supportdue to its poor take in the zoningof principal offices of theExecutive and Legislature since1999. Powerful political forcesoutside the legislature should nottry to prevent a candidate highlyfavoured by the members-elect,Hon. Yakubu Dogara from theNorth East, from emerging as thenext Speaker. If Dogara, aChristian is blocked, the mainoffices of the Federation such asPresident, Senate President,Speaker House of Reps and ChiefJustice of Nigeria will be occupiedby Muslims, with Christiansrelegated to mere Deputies. Itwill confirm the APC FederalGovernment as Muslim-dominated. This will be the caseif Tinubu imposes Lawan andGbajabiamila as Senate Presidentand Speaker of the Houserespectively.

The burden of sacrificialbalancing is one that the APC willalways have to carry with careuntil it can attract more adherentsfrom the South East and South-South.



MAY 11, 2015

Continues on page 22

The inability of prospectivehomeowners to readily comeup with the required equity

contribution on mortgages has beenidentified as one of the factors slowingdown the process of mortgageorigination in Nigeria, FinancialVanguard investigation has revealed.It also partly explains the nation'shuge housing deficit of more than 17million homes.

Equity contribution is the initialamount of money to be paid by apotential home owner towards thepurchase of a property.

Under the National Housing Fund(NHF) scheme, managed by theFederal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria(FMBN), a borrower is entitled to amaximum loan of N15,000,000, or asdetermined by the bank. Borrowers areexpected to make equity contributionbased on the loan amounts as follows:N15 million — 30 percent (N4.5million); N10 million — 20 percent (N2million); and N5 million — 10 percent(N500,000). No individual can begiven a loan in excess of 90 percentof the cost or value of the property tobe mortgaged under the scheme.

Financial Vanguard's findings showthat majority of applicants for theLagos State Home OwnershipMortgage Scheme (Lagos HOMS) didnot succeed in owning homes underthe scheme mainly due to theirinability to come up with the required30 percent equity contribution of thevalue of their desired properties.Under the scheme, applicants arerequired to make 30 percent downpayment (equity contribution). Thisamounts to a down payment of N1.5million for a N5 million house, whichis beyond the ability of an averagesalary earner.

According to the Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Lagos Mortgage Board, MrAkinola Kojo Sagoe, as at March2015, a total of 1,716 people haveapplied for the scheme, out of which1,348 (78.6 percent) have been pre-qualified and over 600 applicantshave emerged as beneficiaries. Thisshows that less than 45 percent ofthose pre-qualified for the scheme orabout 35 percent of total number ofapplicants, actually emerged as

Why Nigerians shunmortgage schemes


homeowners.This development has prompted the

state government to initiate the Rent-to-Own housing policy which willwaive the 30 percent equitycontributions largely for artisans,traders and non-salary earners in thestate. Governor Babatunde Fasholasaid the rent-to-own scheme wouldallow artisans and traders to accessLagos HOMS without having to pay

the 30 percent down payment beforethey move into their apartments.

“We are working on the newhousing policy. It simply means thatonce they are qualified for the scheme,they will be allowed to move in underthe rent-to-own scheme. Thebeneficiaries will be paying rent whichwill eventually lead to mortgage. Butin an instance where a beneficiaryloses his job and cannot continue with

the scheme after some years, such aperson will get back all he has paid.Already, another person will bewaiting to buy the apartment,” hestated.

Similarly, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala,Minister of Finance and CoordinatingMinister of the Economy, while givinga progress report on the 10,000

CONFERENCE - From left Chairman, Centre of Excellence, University of Lagos, Prof. Ralph Akinfeleye (left) DeputyChancellor, Management and Services, University of Lagos. Prof. Duro Oni and President, Nigerian Institute of PublicRelations, (NIPR) Lagos Chapter, Barrister Joseph Okonmah at the 2nd NIPR Lagos Stakeholders' Conference held atJulius Berger Hall, University of Lagos, Akoka, last Thursday in Lagos.

Prospective home owners can't pay required contributionNMRC, PenCom to the rescuePension fund can now be used as equity payment


22 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015


mortgages scheme launchedlast year by the federalgovernment under theNigeria Housing FinanceProgramme, noted thechallenge people face ingetting bulk money to pay offthe mortgage equity. Underthe scheme, an initialpayment of 20 percent oftotal cost of house ismandatory. She said thatonly 33 of the over 66,000applicants have been grantedmortgages after beingsuccessfully pre-qualified.“66,000 people applied forthe scheme. As at date,23,000 have been pre-qualified and 9,700 havebeen cleared as being eligibleto get it. And 33 people haveactually had money beingdisbursed to them to own ahome,” she said. Theminister also noted that thefederal government isconsidering the Rent-to-Ownmechanism to help peopleown their own houses. “Weare trying to work out downthe line, so that if you cannotput a down payment, youcan after years of renting, beable to own your own home,”she added.

NMRC reach-outProf. Charles Inyangete,

CEO, Nigeria MortgageRefinance Company (NMRC),also agreed that the slowtake-off of affordablemortgages scheme under theNational HousingProgramme is partly due tothe equity depositrequirement. He however

noted that concerted effortshave been made over thepast year to address theproblem. “A lot of the peopleactually found out that theproperties they want aremuch more expensive thanthey expected and so thedeposit is a bit of a challenge.However, with this newarrangement coming in, wewould see that becomingeasier. We are also reachingout to the insuranceindustry to bring in a newproduct that allows you topay through insurance foryour deposit.

“We are reaching out todevelopers as well, not onlyfor the purposes ofaffordability but for qualityalso, and to ensure that theydon’t just build, but theybuild something thatNigerians want. Somethingthat looks good and stillaffordable. We have draftedand completed a model

mortgage and foreclosurelaw which we are going toput as a pilot through the 21states that signed up, so thatprocess is also starting. Thatwill bring to bear morestandardized and morestreamlined mortgageprocess. We do not have togo through the NASS. Wedrafted it as a state law. So,each state will have to adoptit by itself, that way it willbe faster to pass into law,”he stated.

Pension fundMeanwhile, the coast is

now clear for pension fundto be used as equitycontribution on mortgages.In a chat with Vanguard,Prof. Charles Inyangete,CEO, Nigeria MortgageRefinance Company(NMRC), said the nation’spension fund regulator,Pension Commission(PenCom), has amended itsguidelines to accommodatethis. “If you do not have a20 percent down payment,you would not qualify to berefinanced. Remember weare not primary lenders, werefinance. But the primarylenders have to meet ourunderwriting standards. Sothere is a 20 percentrequirement, and so inorder to make sure that itdoes not become a burden,we have reached out toother industries. Now thepension industry will allowyou to use your pension aspart of paying your depositfor your home. That is

AWARD: Maurice Newa, Chief Commercial Officer, Airtel Nigeria (right) receiving the CEO’sBrand Personality of the Year Award on behalf of the Airtel CEO, Segun Ogunsanya, fromformer President, Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria (AAAN), Mrs. Bunmi Okeduring the prestigious Marketing Edge Awards, held at the Civic Centre, Victoria Island,Lagos.

Why Nigerians shun mortgage schemes

Continues on page 23

Continued from page 21 A lot of thepeople actuallyfound out that theproperties theywant are muchmore expensivethan theyexpected and sothe deposit is a bitof a challenge

Airlines record more flightdelays, cancellations in April

The country’s AviationIndustry recorded more

flight cancellations anddelays in the month of April2015, the airlines' performance report hasindicated. According to thereport, from the Aviation Pas-sengers Service Portal inAbuja, a total of eight airlineswere involved in operationsduring the month. The air-lines are First Nation, DanaAir, Arik Air, Air Peace, Over-land Airways, Aero Contrac-tors, Medview and Azman.

The report said a total of7,364 flight operations werecarried out in April, of which1,235 flights were on-time,3,699 delayed and 2,430cancelled.

A breakdown showed thatFirst Nation Airways had 229flights of which 80 flightswere on-time flights, 123delayed and 26 cancelledduring the period. It alsoshowed that Dana Air had 505

flights of which 146 were on-time, 313 delayed and 46 can-celled, while Arik Air had2,506 flights with 464 on-time,1,336 delayed and 706cancelled flights.

Air Peace, according to thereport, had 782 flights with122 on-time, 288 delayed and372 cancelled flights whileOverland had 490 flights with55 on-time, 213 delayed and222 cancelled. Aero had 1,844flights with 287 on-time,1,036 delayed and 521cancelled, while Medviewhad 465 flights with 58 on-time, 286 delayed and 121cancelled flights during theperiod. A further breakdownshowed that Azman Air hada total of 543 flights of which23 were on-time, 104 delayedand 416 cancelled. The reportalso indicated that theaverage airlines performancefor the month was 17.68 percent.

Stakeholders blame Apapagridlock on tank farms

Activities in theMaritime sector closed

for the week withstakeholders blaming theweek-long traffic gridlock inApapa and its environs onthe concentration of tankfarms in the area. Thegridlock which arose fromthe blockade of the highwaysleading to the Apapa depots,literally brought vehicularmovement to a standstill inLagos.

The traffic situation wasactually the point of focus forthe week as the situationworsened by the day sincethe beginning of the week. MrBolaji Akinola, theSpokesman for the SeaportTerminal OperatorsAssociation of Nigeria(STOAN), said that the tankfarms must be de-centralisedas a major solution to theproblem of traffic jams inApapa. He noted that theassociation had alwayssuggested that petroleumproducts could be pipedcloser to different geo-political zones, movedthrough rail wagons andbarges to avoid the extendedpressure on the road.

Mr Lucky Amiwero,President of the NationalCouncil of ManagingDirectors of LicensedCustoms Agents(NCMDLCA), said theconcentration of tank farmsin Apapa was not in theinterest of the maritimeindustry. He said the nation

should first consider criticalactions like building ofrefineries, rather thanremaining import-dependent for petroleumproducts.

Amiwero urged theministries of transport,finance, works andpetroleum resources toconvene a critical meetingwhere the issues should beaddressed in the interest ofthe nation’s economy. Heblamed the Nigerian PortsAuthority (NPA) for notworking with the provisionsof the NPA Law, Section 32A,which prescribes that theAuthority should regulatetraffic within particularradius of the port. Hestressed that if the NPA hadacted accordingly, the portswould not have beensubjected to what it wasexposed to for the whole ofthe week.

In the same vein, Mr NasirMohammed, the PortManager, Lagos PortComplex, Apapa, said thetraffic situation degeneratedbecause petrol tankers camefor loading simultaneouslyfrom across the country. Hesaid that the NPA hascontinued to work with thesecurity and traffic agencies,to resolve the imbroglio toenable trucks to have freeaccess to the ports. The portmanager, however,expressed fears thatactivities in the port may begreatly affected if thesituation persisted.

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 23



starting as we speak. TheNigeria Pension Commission(PenCom) has changed itsrules and guidelines to allowthat to happen,” he stated. Thepension fund has so far pooledunder the contributory pensionscheme is over N4.5 trillion.

Relevance of insuranceSpeaking to Vanguard on the

relevance of the insuranceindustry to the mortgagesector, Mr. Olorundare

Thomas, Director General ofthe Nigerian InsurersAssociation (NIA), said: “Theinsurance industry is quitecentral to sustainablity ofpolicy initiatives within thehousing sector. Much moreso, when you talk aboutmortgage. It’s a case of, rightfrom the beginning to the end;insurance becomes quiterelevant because the lenderis interested in recovering hisfacilities. So whateverhappens to the borrower, thelender is quite interested.And the insurance sector is

there to provide the securityand assurance that will re-establish the fact that what isbeing given out is not goingto be lost in the process.

“For example, mortgage lifeinsurance will guaranteerecovery in the event of death.Of course, there are riders,should in case there is anaccident or somethinghappens to the borrower andhe loses his job and cannotcontinue, the insurance canalso package a product thatwill take care of that. Wheneven the building is in the

course of construction, ifanything happens to it,insurance can also takeresponsibility, a product isalso available to take care ofthat. When the building isstanding, and somethinghappens like flood, fire and allof that, insurance takesresponsibility. So in thetotality, insurance is there tore-assure the lender that theinitiative is not misplaced, issustainable and that they arethere when the need arises.”

NMRC is a vehicle set up tobridge the funding cost of

residential mortgages andpromote the availability andaffordability of good housingto working Nigerians byproviding mortgage lendingbanks with increased accessto liquidity and longer termsfunds in the mortgage market.Its role is to providem o r t g a g e - l e n d i n ginstitutions with access tolong-term finance at anaffordable interest rate,thereby enabling mortgagesto be issued by theseinstitutions to Nigerians, atlonger tenors and affordablerates.

WhWhWhWhWhy Nigerians shun mory Nigerians shun mory Nigerians shun mory Nigerians shun mory Nigerians shun mortgage sctgage sctgage sctgage sctgage schemeshemeshemeshemeshemesContinued from page 22

Last week, President-elect, Major-GeneralMuhammadu Buhari

(retd) surprised Nigerianswhen he said that he iscurrently at a loss on how bestto tell Nigerians that hispromise of turning theeconomy around quickly uponassumption of office on May29 may not be feasible. Onewould have expected therenowned general to knowbetter. He was swept intooffice by the propaganda ofchange. Nigerians bought theslogan line, hook and sinkerand voted him to power.

Change, it is said, is the onlyconstant thing and does notcome by wishes. It is no newsthat whenever there isdownturn in oil prices, theeconomy experiencesfinancial stress. The economiccircumstance that broughtabout a military coup thatmade Buhari head of state in1983 has not changed. It wasthe fall in oil prices that madethe Shagari-led FederalGovernment to introduce thevery first austerity measure inthe country. Buhari knew whatfollowed during his 18 monthsin the saddle. It should not benews to him that the economyis down, almost on its kneesbecause there is no money toshare at the federal level.

APC and Buhari must notethat it is by dint of hard workthat change comes about. Ifthere was surplus money inthe treasury, I am sureNigerians would not havevoted for Buhari. They votedfor him to lead a team that willchange the political, as well asthe economic situation in thecountry. Whatever it will take,Nigerians expect Buhari andhis APC co-political travellersto find a winning formula torestore the economy and notgive lame excuses.

Buhari is already looking forexcuses to explain possiblefailure on his part and thoseof his governors and party inthe future.

Buhari premised his fear onthe perception that the

APC and Buhari, no excuse forfailure, change must be change

economy has been battered bythe out-going government ofthe People’s Democratic Party,PDP. This was even asgovernors elected on theplatform of the AllProgressives Congress, APC,

said empty treasuries may beawaiting them in theirrespective states. Thegovernors cried out that moststate governments had gonebankrupt and, therefore,cannot pay workers’ salaries.

According to them, it wasobvious that they were goingto inherit huge debts whichmay delay speedy progress intheir respective states.

The state governors thatwent to Buhari were sheddingcrocodile tears. Governors arethe major problem of the

economy. They failed in theirrespective states to build aviable economy, dependingtotally on proceeds from thefederation account shared onmonthly basis. How many ofthe 36 federating states wereable to attract direct foreigninvestment in their domain inthe last four years? How manynew factories and industrieswere established in the statesduring this period? How havethe governors built theeconomy of the various states?Those who went to Buhari did

not tell him that APC states likeLagos, Edo and Osun, arecurrently the most indebted inthe country.

They did not tell thePresident-elect that Lagoswhich was run by APC all thiswhile, had an economy whereits internally generatedrevenue has been on theincrease. In 2010, LagosState’s internally generatedrevenue was N149.966 billion.It rose to N202.761 billion in2011. It further went up to219.202 in 2012 and again rose

to N384.259 billion in 2013.Figures for 2014 are yet to bemade public. If the economyof Lagos was damaged, howcome its internally generatedrevenue had been on the rise?

In the same vein, Kano Stategoverned by APC hadinternally generated revenueof N6.618 billion in 2010; itwas the same for 2011 but roseto N11.051 billion in 2012 andfurther to N17.142 billion in2013. Rivers State that wasinitially PDP but later APC hadan internally generatedrevenue of N49.632 billion in2011, N52.711 billion in 2011,N66.275 in 2012 and N87.914in 2013. In Edo State, theinternally generated revenuestood at N10.651billion in2010, N14.764 billion in 2011,N18.88 billion in 2012 andN18.89 billion in 2013.

In all the states sampled, theinternally generated revenuewas rising rather than falling.It thus suggests that stateswhich took steps to boost theirrevenue sources hadincreased revenue profile.Curiously, the external debtprofile of states has shownthat Lagos State has thehighest with a profile of$1.087 billion, followed byKaduna State with a total of$234 million. Cross River Statefollowed closely with anexternal debt profile of$131.469 million. Other stateswith relatively large externaldebt are Edo - $123 million,Ogun - $109 million, Bauchi -$87million, Enugu - $62million, Katsina - $78 million,Osun - $67 million and OyoState - $72 million.

A breakdown of the debtshowed that $3.146 billion ofthe debt owed by states wereborrowed from multilateralinstitutions while $118.9million were bilateral loans.

Based on the rising debtprofiles of state governments,the Federal Government lastyear directed banks not togrant fresh loans to stategovernments until they gotthe relevant approval andclearance from the FederalMinistry of Finance. TheFederal Government haddefended its decision todissuade banks from grantingunsecured loans to stategovernments, saying it was toprotect the states fromexcessive accumulation ofdebts.

States have not doneenough to boost their revenueprofile. They have reliedmostly on federal allocation tosurvive.

If Buhari wants to make adifference, he should begin byimplementing true fiscalfederalism. The change thatbrought him to power shouldembolden him to change thefinancial anomaly thatimplements a unitary fiscalpolicy in a federation.Whatever line of action theAPC-led Federal Governmentwould want to take that is notbased on fiscal federalism, thehues and cries about damagedeconomy will continuewhenever there is no moneyto share.

So, APC and Buhari, noexcuse for failure, changemust be change.

Buhari is already lookingfor excuses to explainpossible failure on his partand those of his governorsand party in the future


24 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 25

Business & Economy

AUN set to enter GuinnessWorld Record


American Universityof Nigeria’s Officeof Sustainability is

set to place the institutionin the Guinness Book ofWorld Records (GWR) viaits unique waste-to-wealthmanagement programme.On Friday, April 24, anunprecedented 485 peopleended 20 minutes ofsimultaneous crocheting,using plastic yarn madefrom waste polythene.

The Most PeopleCrocheting Simultaneouslyrecord, was achieved fiveyears ago in New York Cityat a Stitch ‘N’ Pitch eventorganised by the NationalNeedlearts Association, atthe Citi Field stadium, NewYork during which 426people crocheted for 15minutes using yarn.

The unique thing aboutthis event is the ecologicaltwist where the crocheters’use plarn, the yarn madefrom used polythene bags.Members of YolaEcoSentials (YES), a groupof female socialentrepreneurs promoted byAUN, took participantsthrough the process beforethe kick-off of thesimultaneous crocheting.The event served toenlighten the communityabout the university ’swaste-to-wealth initiative.

The group needleworkwas sponsored by theStudent GovernmentAssociation of AUN, tosensitize residents of Yola,the Adamawa State capitalabout the hazards of non-biodegradable litter. It was

also aimed at surpassing thecurrent Guinness WorldRecord held by Americans.

“We have yet to receiveofficial notice from theGuinness World Recordadministrators who are basedin the USA,” according toJelena Zivkovic, the Directorof the AUN LearningResource Center andcoordinator of the GWRcommittee.

Ms. Zivkovic read out therules of the competition and

urged the participants toadhere strictly to rules toavoid the AUN attempt beingdisqualified. The activityended at exactly 20 minutes.There were external observersas witnesses.

“You can make money fromit,” says Jennifer Che, Co-ordinator of SustainabilityOutreach Programs andLaboratories.

Chief Information Officer,Mr. Julius Ayuk Tabe,representing the AUNPresident, Professor Margee

Ensign at the kick-off, said:“In the light of negative newscoming from the north-east,whenever the story of tenacityand togetherness is told, yourachievement today will be areference. This is what yoursense of togetherness,teamwork, and can-do-it spirithas made possible today.”

The GWR attempt was anillustration of AUN’ssustainability programs anddemonstrates commitment tochallenging the status quo -getting AUN studentsinvolved in world events bypromoting recycling andsustainability.

In Yola, the lack of aconventional waste collectionsystem and bins/dumpsites isone of the main reasonsresidents dump their waste(including grocery bags), andthen burn it, causing a majorhealth hazard for humans andanimals, including respiratoryillnesses, gastric problems,and shortened life expectancy.

The University began aprogram some years ago toaddress local unemploymentand this environmentalhazard. As a result, Yolawomen, under the auspices ofYES, have made waste plastic(plarn) into colourful, eco-friendly accessories.

“It is our hope,” says Ms.Che, “that this event will raiseawareness on how recyclingour products, in this case,plarn, can keep theenvironment clean andhealthy, and as well providean income for the needy in thecommunity.”

AWARD - From left: Benson Oraelosi, Regional Manager, Ikeja Region, Diamond Bank Plc;Ashaka Victory Thona, First-Prize Winner - painting category, Vision of the Child 4, FolukeGeorge, Festival Secretary, Lagos Black Heritage Festival and Nike Okundaye, ManagingDirector/Chief Executive Officer, Nike Centre for Art and Culture at the Award Dinner forVision of the Child 4 sponsored by Diamond Bank PLC in Lagos.

Appeal court sets aside orderwinding up Afribank


The Court of Appeal sittingin Lagos, has set aside thewinding-up of AfribankNigeria Plc by an order of aFederal High Court, Lagos.

The lower court hadfollowing a petition by theNigeria Deposit InsuranceCorporation, NDIC, wind-upthe bank.

The appellate court, set asidethe winding up of Afribankfollowing the appeal byshareholders of the bank, whohad appealed against thejudgment of the lower court.

The shareholders IgbrudeOke, Rasak Mumini,Akinsanya Sunday, SuleimanBabatunde, Igba Olatomide,for themselves and otherAfribank shareholders, had atthe lower court, challengedthe petition by NDIC, seekingto wind-up the bank, arguingthat there were other pendingcases against the take over ofthe bank that would be

prejudiced if the lower courtgoes ahead to wind-up thebank.

The shareholders had at thelower court, in challenge to thepetition, argued that it was anabuse of court process, asthere was a case pending incourt, challenging the powerof the Central Bank of Nigeria,CBN, in the way they did andwithout that being resolved,NDIC went ahea to file thepetition to wind-up the bank,claiming that since Afribanklicense had been revoked bythe CBN, the bank is dead andshould be wind-up.

The lower court on 07/02/2012 after being told that thereother pending applications inthe case, including apreliminary objection,challenging the petition,adjourned the matter formention. The lower court alsoon 02/04/2012 furtheradjourned the case formention. On 02/07/2012, thelower court, on the day thematter was fixed for mention,

and in the absence of theshareholders counsel, wentahead to hear NDIC counselargument on the petition andpreliminary objection,contrary to decided SupremeCourt judgments, that on theday a matter is adjourned formention, major applicationswould not be taken unless withthe agreement of counsel. Thelower court on the same daywent ahead to wind -up thebank. The shareholders hadasked the appellate court todetermine “Whether it is opento the lower court to proceed,on a day date in which the suitwas expressly and specificallyfixed for mention by the court,to strike out the appellanthearing’s notice ofpreliminary objection to thecompetency of the suit and/or to entertain the petitioncomprised in this suit withoutany prior notice to thecontrary and in the absence ofan order setting aside itsearlier ruling to wit: That thereare suits that may beprejudiced.”

High interestrate‘llpressurizeoperating costsin the economy–LCCI


The Lagos Chamber ofCommerce and

Industry, LCCI, has said thatthe implication of theMonetary Policy Committee(MPC) decision to sustain thetight monetary policy regimeis that interest rate wouldcontinue to remain high andcontinue to put pressure onoperating costs in theeconomy.

In a parley with pressmenin Lagos, the President ofLCCI, Alhaji Remi Bello, saidMPC at the end of its lastmeeting decided to sustainthe tight monetary policyregime and retainedMonetary Policy Rate (MPR)at 13per cent; CRR on PrivateSector deposits at 20 per cent;CRR on Public Sector depositsat 75 per cent; and liquidityratio at 30 per cent.

“The implication is thatinterest rate would continueto remain high and continueto put pressure on operatingcosts in the economy. Fornow, lending rate ofcommercial banks includingfees and charges rangebetween 22 and 34 per centdepending on the customerprofile, tenor and collateralquality. High interest rate isa concern we have expressedat every turn in our advocacyactivities engagements” hesaid.

According to him, with theapparent floating of the nairaexchange rate, it has becomenecessary for the CBN tocommence the gradualeasing of monetary conditionsto stimulate growth in thereal economy throughcheaper credit. Fiscaloperations of governmentneed to be better managed toreduce money supplypressures on macro-economicconditions to create room fora growth oriented monetarypolicy.

“High interest rate regimeis good for the attraction ofportfolio investments, but itpenalizes the real economyand impedes the capacity tocreate jobs. We call on theCBN to reduce charges onbank deposits, especially the0.5 per cent fee to NDIC, andanother 0.5 per cent forAMCON.

26 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

Banking & Finance

Citibankannounceswinner of the2015journalisticawards

Citibank Nigeriac o n c l u d e dthe 7th

edition of its prestigious CitiJournalistic ExcellenceAwards on May 6th 2015. Theprogram culminated with anawards ceremony to honourthis year ’s finalists. Thecompetition was open tobusiness journalists in allforms of media including theinternet, print, radio,television and wire services. Mr. Peter Dele Olowa ofBusinessDay has been namedwinner of the 2015competition in Nigeria. Mr.Olowa was selected as awinner for his article titled“The òmò-onilephenomenon” which waspublished in Business Day onDecember 12th 2014.Likewise, Mr. Francis Ezemof the National Mirror andMrs. Omobola Tolu-Kusimoof the Nation emerged as thefirst and second runner upsof the competitionrespectively. This year,Citibank Nigeria receivedtwenty-eight (28) entries frombusiness reporters acrossvarious media outlets,including Business Day, DailyIndependent, Global MediaMirror, Guardian,Leadership, Nation, NewTelegraph, Punch, Thisday,TVC and Vanguard.

In Nigeria, the threefinalists were selected by adistinguished panel of judgeswhich included Mrs. BettyIrabor, Chief ExecutiveOfficer of GenevieveMagazine, Mr. JamesPlasman, Economic Officer ofthe US Consulate General inLagos and Mr. RichardIkiebe, Director and SeniorFellow of the Pan-AtlanticUniversity’s School of Mediaand Communications.

The Citi JournalisticExcellence Awardscompetition sends winningjournalists to an elite seminarat Columbia University inNew York. The internationaljournalist’s conference is aspecial program sponsored byCiti and administered byColumbia’s Graduate Schoolof Journalism. For over thirtyyears, the program has servedto improve the quality ofbusiness journalism in thedeveloping world byexposing leading localjournalists to the issues andpeople that drive the globaleconomy.

AWARD - (L) Managing Director and CEO, Citibank Nigeria Limited, Mr. Omar Hafeez andthe Deputy Editor Business Day ,Mr. Agomuo Zebulon (R) presenting a plaque to the winner ofthe 2015 Citi Journalistic Excellence Awards Competition, Mr. Peter Dele Olowa of BusinessDay at the recently concluded competition in Lagos.


A study on the impactof exchangerate on

domestic prices hasrecommended a floatingexchange rate for the naira.

This, according to the studyis because the impact ofexchange rate on domesticprices is low, incomplete, andit takes about two years. “.In other words, the fear offloating that the authoritiesexhibit in Nigeria may beunfounded”, the studyasserted.

Published by the CentralBank of Nigeria (CBN) inEconomic and FinancialReview, the study titled,“Exchange Rate Pass-Throughto Domestic Prices in Nigeria:An Empirical Investigation”,was conducted by threeeconomic experts Abdulrasheed Zubair, GeorgeOkorie and Aliyu R. Sanusi.

The study stated, “The majorfinding is that, in line withAliyu et al., (2009), exchangerate pass-through in Nigeriais incomplete and low. This isin contrast with the findingsof Essien (2005) who foundthat the pass- through iscomplete in the long run.Secondly, the total impact isattained after eight quarters,suggesting that it is quietslow.

“This is consistent with theliterature on African countries,for example Ghana as found

Study recommends floatingexchange rate for Naira

in Sanusi (2010). Oneinterpretation of this low andslow exchange rate pass-through is that exporters toNigeria practice a substantialdegree of pricing-to-marketstrategy. Instead of allowingthe naira price of theirproducts to vary wheneverthere are changes in theexchange rate, these firms

allow their mark-ups to varyas they change their localcurrency prices in theopposite direction of thechange in exchange rate.

“We argue that this isplausible in Nigeria being alarge market for fairly all itsimported commodities. Firmswould therefore strive to keeptheir competitive advantage

in the domestic market asexchange rate changes. Thisexplains the low pass-through observed.

“One implication of thisfinding is that the cost of truefloat may not be as large as itwould under complete pass-through. There is therefore agood potential for de factofloat, since only a smallfraction of the excessivevariations in the exchangerate that such a regime wouldentail will be passed ontoinflation. In other words, thefear of floating that theauthorities exhibit in Nigeriamay be unfounded.”

MSME: Heritage Bank building network ofentrepreneurial leadership

Heritage Bank Limited is committed to building anetwork of Entrepreneurial Leaders necessaryto drive the growth of Micro Small and

Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Nigeria Managing Director/Chief Executive of Heritage Bank, Mr.

Ifie Sekibo stated this adding that the bank has developedand introduced wide range of services which address thecapacity and financing needs of MSME businesses.

“The goal of Heritage Bank’s MSME offerings is to build anetwork of entrepreneurial leaders that will drive the growthof the sector. This would enhance the ability of the MSMEsector to effectively play its role as the engine growth of theeconomy”, he said.

Heritage Bank’s commitment to leadership building in theMSME sector is reflected in the bank’s SME Clinic. “TheHeritage Bank SME Clinic is designed to enhance theentrepreneurial capacity of our SME customers. Through theClinic, Heritage Bank understands the different aspects of thecustomer’s business in order to identify areas where it canadd value. As a result we are able to develop customisedproducts and services based on the identified needs of eachSME customer,” Sekibo added

This is complemented with Heritage Governance Model,through which the Bank introduces Corporate Governance

Framework to its MSME customers. The Phase one of theScheme focuses on issues around statutory and regulatoryobligations and incorporates the following four services: Company Secretary Services; Auditing & Assurance;Accounting Services; And Tax Consultancy. These servicesare rendered to SME customers of the bank at subsidisedfees by network of consultants.

To further demonstrate its commitment to the growth of theMSMEs, the Heritage Bank developed the Paris Club Schemein partnership with RSL Derivatives Limited. This is a creditenhancement scheme specially designed for SME’s tocollectively help each other create a platform that willaccelerate growth and give SME’s easy access to funding.The solution provides a platform for SMEs to adopt bestpractices in managing their businesses and also enable themto access loans from Heritage Bank without any hard corecollateral.

In addition to these, Heritage Bank is using the mass mediato help MSME businesses across the country. This is donethrough the Enterprise Stories, a radio programme inpartnership with Enterprise Development Centre of Pan AfricanUniversity. The Enterprise Stories is aired on Classic 97.3FMevery Sunday at 7pm and on Inspiration 92.3FM at 3:00pm every Tuesday.

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 27

Banking & Finance

Chief Financial Officer( C F O ) /E x e c u t i v e

Director , Sterling Bank, Mr.Abubakar Suleiman saidthat it the bank’s expansionplans unveiled in 2013 is oncourse and it would soonproceed with the next phaseof its growth strategy.

Suleiman disclosed this at aninteractive session withBusiness Editors in Lagosrecently.

According to him, the bankcurrently has 1.5 millioncustomers and has been ableto achieve over three per centmarket share from 1 per centa few years ago. He revealedthat from 84 branches in 2006,the lender’s branch networkshould hit the 200 mark by theend of the year adding that itwould increase the number ofits Automated Teller Machines(ATMs) to 1000 by the end ofthis year. He also stated

AGM - From left: Oluwole Ajimisinmi, Company Secretary, Wema Bank PLC; AdeyinkaAsekun, Chairman and Segun Oloketuyi, Managing Director during the Wema Bank 2014Annual General Meeting held in Lagos. Photo Lamidi Bamidele.

Fidelity Bank raises N30bn toboost lending to SME


Fidelity Bank Plc hascommenced measuresto raise N30 billion for

the purpose of increasinglending to small and mediumenterprises (SMEs).

This week the bank will offerto the investing public a N30billion, seven years bond atinterest rate of 16.48 percent.The application for the bond, which would mature in2022, will open and close onThursday May 13th 2015.

Speaking at the completionboard meeting for the bondoffer, Chairman of FidelityBank, Chief Christopher Ezehsaid that the purpose of thebond is to fund the long termand financial activities of thebank, especially in the Smalland Medium (SME) sectorof the economy. He addedthat the bond is fully and firmlyunderwritten, and it qualifiesfor investment by pensionassets.

The prospectus for the bond show that 80 percent of the net

proceeds of the offer, whichamounts to N23 billion woulddevoted to SME lending,while 15 percent or N4.3billion would be devoted toretail lending. The balance offive (5) percent which amountsto N1.43 billion would bedevoted to enhancing theretail infrastructure.

Eze said that in terms ofSME lending, the bank wouldprovide loans to the SMEs inmanufacturing, educationalinstitutions, agriculture, healthand general commerce.

The N4.3 billion devoted toretail lending would be use toprovide loans to retails andindividual customers in theform of automobile loans,home loans, cash advanceloans and general loans.

He said that the N1.43billion devoted to retailinfrastructure would be usedto purchase retail lendinginfrastructure technology. Theretail lending infrastructuretechnology are processingplatforms that will be used forloan application, loan scoring,loan approval, loanmonitoring, loan collections,and consumer analytics.

Fidelity Bank Plc recorded 72percent increase in its profitbefore tax for the year endingDecember 31st 2014. Thefinancial statement showedthat the bank recorded 21percent increase in Interestincome to N104.3bn fromN86.3bn in 2013, whileOperating Income increasedby 15 percent to N72.6 billionfrom N63.3 billion in 2013. Total expenses increased byfive percent to N57.1 billion from N54.3 billion, while Profitafter Tax increased by 79percent to N13.8 billion fromN7.7 billion in 2013.

During the year, CustomerDeposits increased by twopercent to N820.0 billion from N806.3 billion while Net Loans and Advancesincreased by 27 percent toN541.7 billion from N426.1billion. The Bank’s TotalEquity increased by sixpercent to N173.1 billion from N163.5 billion while Total Assets increased by 10percent to N1.187 trillionfrom N1.081 trillion in 2013.

FBN Capitalwins ‘AfricanDeal of theYear’

FBN Capital Limitedhas been awarded theAfrica Deal of the Year

at this year’s edition of theM&A Atlas Awards for its rolein the Acquisition of OasisInsurance by FBN Insurance.The awards were organizedby the Global M&A Network in London , UK on the 30thof April 2015.

FBN Capital’s Head ofEnergy and NaturalResources, Ms. RolakeAkinkugbe has also beenrecognized by Energy &Corporate Africa as the BestAfrican Oil & Gas Analyst ofthe Year, as well as the MostValuable Player on the OilPatch for her commitment tothe oil & gas industry throughher display of knowledge, theprovision of industry insightsand analysis which hashelped governments andorganizations maximizeinvestment opportunities andmanage risk. The awardswere presented at the eighthedition of the Annual Sub-Saharan Africa Oil and GasConference 2015 which tookplace in Houston, Texas.

Receiving the M&A Atlasaward, the Head of FinancialAdvisory at FBN Capital, Mr.Afolabi Olorode stated, “Thisrecognition is a reflection ofthe dedication and hard workthe team, the client, and allparties to the transaction putinto making this deal a reality.We are honored to receive iton behalf of the entire team.”

Speaking on her awards,Rolake said, “It is indeed anhonor to receive thisrecognition from a prestigiousbody such as E&C Africa. Itsimply serves as anencouragement to build onmy current efforts, and I lookforward to seeing my passionand contributions continue toadd value.” She also made apresentation during the evententitled ‘Sub-Saharan Africa’sRe-shaped Oil and GasFuture’ which took a criticallook at the current globaldynamics on the Sub-SaharanAfrican oil and gas industry.

Speaking on the awards, theManaging Director of FBNCapital Limited, Mr. KayodeAkinkugbe, expressed hispleasure saying, “We aredelighted to have beenrecognized for our M&A trackrecord among other playersacross the continent.

Sterling Bank’s expansion plans on track, says CFOthat the bank will soon deploya new core banking applicationwhich would significantlyboost the quality of itsoperations and servicedelivery.

The Executive Director saidthat the bank’s goal was to beamong the top five lenders inthe industry not in terms ofbalance sheet size but in theareas of quality servicedelivery and compliance toregulations.

He pointed out that therewere banks with much biggerbalance sheets which were notmeeting customers’expectations in key areas,stressing that as Sterling Bankexpands and becomes a biggerfinancial institution, it willcontinue to outperform its peergroup.

As he put it, “We haveconsistently outperformed ourpeer group and we will

outperform the next group. Wewant to be there when it comesto service delivery, in terms ofcompliance to regulations andhow we are perceived as goodcorporate citizens.”

He disclosed that the lenderwould raise between$100million (N20billion) and$150millon (N30bilion) in Tier2 capital this year to fund itsexpansion plans.

The CFO noted thatregulatory headwinds,especially the hike in CashReserve Requirements (CRR)on public sector deposits hadimpacted banks’ profitabilityand restricted their lendingcapacity to finance economicgrowth.

He argued that the amountof bank deposits that the CBNhad sterilized as a result of the75 per cent CRR on publicsector deposits and 20percent CRR on private sectordeposit was “unprecedented”

and had constrained banks’capacity to lend.

He pointed out that thedeposit with the CBN werenon-earning adding that notonly does this impact banks’bottom line but it also preventslenders from fundingbusinesses.

He however emphasizedthat despite the toughoperating environmentSterling Bank was stillcommitted to meeting itsexpansion targets.

Abubakar Suleimandismissed suggestions byanalysts in some quarters thatthe Bank would not be able toachieve its capital raisingtargets this year due toregulatory headwinds,recalling that such skepticismswere similarly expressed in2013 when the bankannounced that it plans toraise additional capital viaequity issues.

28 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

Corporate Finance

FBN Capital Limited hassaid that strong

corporate governancestructures are critical toattracting funding for Oil andGas development in theprevailing low-priceenvironment.

Rolake Akinkugbe, Head ofEnergy and NaturalResources at FBN Capital,disclosed this at the eighthedition of the annual sub-Saharan African Oil and GasConference 2015 themed,‘Optimising innovation andinvestment opportunities inthe upstream, downstreamand service sectors’organizedby Energy and CorporateAfrica which took place inHouston Texas.

Speaking on the topic ‘Sub-Saharan Africa’s Re-shapedOil and Gas Future,’ took acritical look at the currentglobal dynamics on the Sub-Saharan African oil and gasindustry, and said: “In thecurrent low-priceenvironment, it will even bemore critical for firms to focuson implementing strongcorporate governancestructures, and be flexibleand willing to explorefunding options that may bemore dilutive from an equityperspective, than would havebeen preferred”.

The presentation alsohighlighted the inherentchallenges in the currentscenario stating that “Localcompanies in SSA, could beparticularly vulnerablewithout the right technicaland financial capacity toquickly monetise reserves. Itis at this juncture, that thesearch for valuablepartnerships withexperienced E&P firms andIOCs should quickly yieldfruit.” She further noted thatthough oil prices wouldeventually recover, it wasunlikely that the regionwould see the triple digithighs recorded prior to June2014.

“From a macro-perspective,there’s been a structural shiftfor many of SSA’s crude oilexporting economies, as theycope with the significant fallin export revenues from oil –in some cases revenues havefallen by as much as 40%.

Access Bank shareholders okay N5.7bndividend, laud cost reductionSTORIESBY PETER EGWUATU

Access Bank Plcshareholders haveu n a n i m o u s l y

approved the N5.7billiondividend proposed by itsBoard of Directors for thefinancial year endedDecember 31, 2014, just asthey commended themanagement of the bank forits prudent management ofcost of operations.

The shareholders at thebank’s Annual GeneralMeeting, AGM held in Lagosappreciated the Board ofDirectors for the proposeddividend which translates to60 kobo per share, includingthe 25 kobo interim dividend.

According to theshareholders “It is better thatyou gave us this dividendknowing the tight businessenvironment you operatedupon during the periodunder review. But we stillhope you will pay us higherdividend come next year.”

In his comment, theChairman of Access Bank Plc,Mr. Gbenga Oyebode said “In

2014, there was a significantchange in the bank’soperating climateprecipitated by changes inkey economic variables-the

oil price shock, currencydepreciation and anincreasingly bearish market.Our bank remained resilientas it improved its business

performance whilst managingthese macroeconomicchallenges.”

In his own remark, GroupManaging Director, AccessBank Plc, Mr. Herbert Wigwecommended the shareholdersfor their loyalty to the bank,saying “In 2015, we remainfocus on lifting our customerexperience in line with ourmantra of speed, service andsecurity. This effort, part of aninitiative called TakeTomorrow, represents ourcommitment to our customersto join hands with them tohelp build their successfultomorrow.

In looking ahead of thefuture, Wigwe said “We willcontinue to ensure that ourbusiness ethos is focused onenhanced customersatisfaction across allbusiness lines, maximizingshareholder returns as aresult. While, we approach2015, with great optimism,there are macro economicrealities that we cannotignore. We are aware of thechallenges ahead and aredetermined to face thesechallenges from a position ofstrength and stability.”

The financial position for2014 shows that the bankincreased its revenuegeneration as gross earningsrose to N245 billion, up 18.5per cent from the previousyear 2013. Similarly, ProfitBefore Tax grew by 21 per centform N43 billion in 2013 toN52 billion in 2014. The costto income improved more than10 percentage points to 62 percent from 73 per cent in 2013.

Diamond Bank to leverage technologyfor growth, profitability

Diamond Bank Plc hasdisclosed its readiness

to leverage on technology toboost its services to customersand make higher returns toits shareholders.

Addressing Journalists at apress briefing in Lagosrecently, the GroupManaging Director of theBank, Mr. Pascal Dozie, whoexpressed optimism that thebank would emerge the bestretail bank in Nigeria in anear future, said the bank hasrolled out new technologysolutions that would sustainit in its new market.

According to him “There isoptimism that Diamond Bankwould emerge the best retailbank in Nigeria in a nearfuture. We have rolled outnew technology solutions thatwould sustain the newmarket.

He pledged the bank’scommitment to continuallyoffer value-added solutionsthat conveniently fit into thelifestyle of its customers as aninnovative andtechnologically drivenfinancial institution, addingthat the bank has introducedseveral novel solutions thathave transformed the

Nigerian banking space.Speaking on the Diamond

Mobile App solution, Dozieexplained that the solutionwas recently upgraded with a‘Touch ID’ feature whichallows users seamless log onto their accounts by simplyidentifying their fingerprintsas an alternative to enteringa User ID and password.

The feature, available on thedevice, according to him,marked the introduction of theservice in Nigeria and alsopositioned Diamond Bank asan innovative institution thatis progressively changing theface of banking in Nigeriawith best-in-class customer-focused solutions.

“It is safe, easy to use andspecifically developed for thesuccess minded individualwho are focused onmaximizing all life’s momentswhenever or wherever theyare.”

Other features of theDiamond Mobile App includefunds transfer, bills payment,events ticket purchase, movietickets purchase, onlineshopping, wallet top-up aswell as searching, bookingand making payment for both

local and international flights. “We have one of the lowest

cost of fund in the industry.We are rated number 37 interms of credit card issuing inAfrica and Middle East. Whenyou create an enablingenvironment, more peoplewill be financially includedinto the system and that iswhat we are doing” heexplained .

It is safe, easyto use andspecificallydeveloped forthe successmindedindividual whoare focused onmaximizing alllife’s momentswhenever orwherever theyare


Strong corporategovernancecritical to currentlow-priceenvironment– FBN capital

CEREMONY - From left: Executive Director, Business Development, Nigerian Stock Exchange, NSE, Mr.Haruna Jalo-Waziri; Managing Director/CEO, Wema Bank Plc, Mr. Segun Oloketuyi and ExecutiveDirector, Market Operations and Technology, NSE, Mr. Ade Bajomo at the Closing Gong Ceremony incommemoration of Wema Bank’s 70th anniversary at the exchange, in Lagos.

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 29


Corporate Finance

FBN Holdingsdismisses planto raise Tier 1Capital in2015

FBN Holdings Plc hasexplained that it hasno plan to raise Tier I

capital this year, 2015 due tosome unfavourable marketconditions.

The Chief Executive Officer,FBN Holdings, Mallam BelloMaccido told capital marketcommunity during thecompany’s 2015 facts behindthe figures presentation on theLagos floor of the NigerianStock Exchange, NSE that “FBN Holdings has noimmediate plans to raise Tier1capital within the next 12months given the low marketliquidity, depressed valuationlevels, and significant dilutionrisk for existing shareholders.”

He explained that thecompany’s capital position isbeing enhanced throughincreased profit retention,interim capitalisation ofprofits, more efficient balancesheet management and moreconservative loan growth.

On its efficiency drive, hesaid “We are rationalizingunprofitable branches andminimal branch expansion. Weare also restructuring theprocurement processes andstreamlining operations aswell as cutting back on cost.We are centralizing processesacross the Group to reducetransaction const andprocessing cycles. Thecompany is leveragingtransaction banking toincrease the share of walletthereby optimizing revenue.”

On its financial position,Maccido said “FBN Holdingsremains resilient across keyfinancial metrics despite theongoing challenges faced. Ourbalance sheet remains strongas we are still the largest bankin Nigeria in terms of assetsand deposits. We recorded 21.3per cent year on year growthin gross earnings toN480.6billion in 2014 asagainst N396.2 billion in 2013.This was largely attributable togrowth in interest income fromloans and advances tocustomers which grew by 14.2per cent and for banks 10.3 percent, with a strong NonInterest Revenue, NIR growthof 66.1 per cent. Also ouroperating income grew by 19.8per cent year on year to N355.1billion in 2014. It was drivenby an increase in non interestrevenue growth of 66.1 percent.


Standard CharteredBank has forecast thatNigeria is likely to

raise capital from theinternational debt market bythe second half of the year,2015 to meet some of itsobligations.

It also stated that Nigeria’sweakening fiscal buffers as aresult of the sustained low oilprice may result to a currentaccount deficit in thecountry ’s balance ofpayments this year.

The Managing Director/Head, Africa Research,Standard Chartered Bank,Razia Khan made theprediction during aninteractive session with selectjournalists in Lagos recently.

The economic analystsstressed that policy makers inthe country failed to effectivelyutilise the opportunity createdby the high crude oil pricesin the past years, saying thatit would be difficult for thecountry to rebuild fiscalbuffers in a low oil priceenvironment.

Khan, however, predictedthat crude oil price wouldaverage at $76 per barrel bythe second half of the year.

“We are going to see oilprices moving higher andthere is going to be someovershooting in the secondhalf of the year. We see oilprices averaging $76 perbarrel over the course of thisyear and we think that thismeans that by the second halfof the year, there is a likelyhold that oil prices would be$80 to $90 per barrel.

‘Nigeria'll borrow by mid-yearto meet obligations’

“But that would be onlyshort-lived. We shouldn’tdiscount the fact that thesevery deliberate strategy onthe part of Saudi Arabia inparticular, to move away fromthe price targeting. So, forcountries like Nigeria, theimportant take away is that ithas moved away from thatworld of triple digit oil prices

and what we would see goingforward, is more like a doubledigits oil prices scenario. “Weknow about the extent towhich Nigeria failed tocapitalise properly in theboom years in terms of oilproduction when the oil priceswere high. So, it is not goingto be that easy necessarilygiven the demands from the

fiscal side, to rebuild fiscalbuffers in a low oil priceenvironment,” she explained.

According to Khan, giventhe willingness by the federalgovernment not to crowd outthe domestic market so muchwith excessive domesticborrowing, the country mightborrow from the internationaldebt market before the end ofthe year.


Shareholders ofN i g e r i a nB r e w e r i e s ,

NB Plc are expected toapprove N27.7 billiondividend that would beproposed by the Board ofDirectors of the company atthe forth coming 69th AnnualGeneral Meeting, AGM of thecompany.

The Managing Director/CEO, Nigerian Breweries Plc,Mr. Nicolaas Vervelde at apre AGM Press briefing inLagos disclosed that the Boardof Directors of the companywould propose N27 billiondividend ( (translating toN3.50 per share ) to theshareholder at the company’s69th AGM that would holdnext week Wednesday inLagos.

According to him “ Havingearlier paid an interimdividend of approximatelyN9.5 billion that is N1.25 pershare which was declared in

NB shareholders to approve N27.7 bn dividendOctober 2014, the totaldividend will now be N37.2billion, representing N4.75per share.”

Speaking, Verveldeexplained that the operatingenvironment witnessed in2014 was very challenging asthe country witnessedinsurgency in the North East,lower revenue arising fromdrop in oil revenue anddevaluation of naira. Allthese factors and moreaffected the activities of ourcustomers as the purchasingpower of the people dropped

which affected our operations.However, our cost leadershipagenda enabled us to becomemore efficient in all area ofour operations Also, our 2015innovation agenda has kickedoff with Ace Roots .

While explaining thecompany’s merged positionwith Consolidated BreweriesPlc, he said “During the yearunder review, we commencedand concluded the mergerprocess resulting in ourenlarged company. At the endof 2014 and arising from thebusiness combination, we had

eleven brewery locations aswell as nineteen products inour portfolio of brands. We arealso the second mostcapitalised company on theNigerian Stock Exchange,NSE. Our enlarged companyexecuted the biggestinnovation agenda ever inone year.”

On the financial position ofthe company, he said “Revenue declined by 0.8 percent for the 2014 financialyear from N266.8 billion in2013 to N266.4 billion.;Revenue resulting fromoperating activities declinedby 3.3 per cent to N66.861billion from N69.2 billion,while net profit dropped by1.3 per cent to N42.5 billionfrom N43.1 billion in 2013.

Looking at the future, hesaid “We are confident aboutthe future and we will be ableto return good results even inthe face of the expectedchallenging operatingenvironment in 2015.”

VISIT - From left : Mrs. TelemaObi, Head of Admin NIWA, CSP Austine Gbaraba, Commander,Niwa PoliceCommand Lagos Area Office, Mr. Richard Nta, Mr Tarzan Balogun, Mr.MuazuSambo (GM NIWA), Engr. Sarat Sulaimon, Head of Marine, NIWA and Mr. JaphetMaisaje – Accountant NIWA during a fact finding visit by the management of Lagos areaoffice of National Inlandwaterways Authorityn NIWA, to Tarzan boats jetty in Badore, Lagosrecently.

We are confident aboutthe future and we will beable to return goodresults even in the face ofthe expected challengingoperating environment in2015

— Khan, Standard Chartered's Africa research head

30 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015


Homes & Housing


In line with its mandateof bringing liquidity intothe mortgage market, the

Nigeria Mortgage RefinanceCompany (NMRC) hasconcluded plans to refinanceN10 billion mortgages in themarket this month.

Prof. Charles Inyangete,CEO, NMRC, disclosed thisat a Public Awareness andCapacity Building Workshoporganised by the company inLagos. Participants at theworkshop includedrepresentatives ofInternational DevelopmentFinance agencies, primarymortgage banks (PMBs), localand international capitalmarket operators, industryregulators, and policyexperts. According to him, acritical objective of theworkshop was to prepare,educate, and positionmortgage operators andstakeholders for theconstructive boom inmortgage refinances, andinvestment vista from themuch anticipated successfulissuance of the NMRC Bondin the Capital Market.

Inyangete remarked that thefirst refinancing of existingmortgages in the market, alsoknown as legacy loans, byNMRC involves about 600loans that are already in themarket, adding that 8mortgage firms areparticipating in thetransaction. “We are startingthis month with the firstrefinancing of existingmortgages in the market,which we call the legacyloans. That is N10 billiontransaction and we are aboutto conclude that. And itinvolves close to 600 loansthat are already in the market,and that’s the first of the kick-off of our refinancing. Thereare 8 mortgage firms that arepart of this first transaction,but we have 20 primarymortgage lenders as part ofthe NMRC market as wespeak, and there are manymore waiting to join themarket,” he stated.

The NMRC boss assertedthat the company has madesignificant impact in the lastone year. “NMRC has broughtin uniform underwritingstandards into the market.And so for the first time inNigeria, we now haveunderwriting standards thatreally determine how loansare originated and evaluatedfor the purpose of being givena facility. So that levels theplaying field for everybody,”he declared. Inyangete notedthat NMRC is a private

NMRC set to refinance N10bn mortgagescompany with a publicmission which has themandate to facilitate theavailability of affordablehousing, through theprovision of long termmortgage refinance to primarymortgage lenders. “Thesuccessful delivery by NMRCon its mandate will unlockquantum opportunities indeepening and expandingNigeria’s mortgage industry,the capital market, andpivoting Nigeria’s GDP tonew heights,” he stated.

NMRC’s mode of operation(refinancing cycle) involvesan initial step by a borrowerto take out a mortgage loanfrom a participating mortgagelender based on the uniformunderwriting criteria set by

NMRC; in return the borrowerwill provide regularrepayments of the loanprincipal plus interest. Theborrower will also providecollateral in the form of amortgage over the property tobe purchased. Secondly, theparticipating mortgagelenders will refinance theloans with NMRC, which will

We now have underwritingstandards that really determinehow loans are originated andevaluated for the purpose of beinggiven a facility

refinance the mortgage loansof banks with recourse to thefinancial institutions. Theparticipating mortgage lenderwill in turn, provide securityover its mortgage portfolio infavour of NMRC. The thirdstep is for NMRC to raise itsown funding by accessing thecapital markets and issuingbonds.

All over the world, theability to own a homewithout financial

assistance is beyond theability of most people.Mortgage schemes haveevolved with the purpose ofproviding financial support toprospective home owners,providing a loan facility tosecure a property and pay theoutstanding amount (theprincipal) back over time,typically with interest on theloan.

In Nigeria, mortgageschemes are still very muchat an infancy stage in theiradoption. Prospectivehomeowners around thecountry typically save up topurchase property in cash orbuy land with the intention ofbuilding a home in phasesaccording to the availability offunds. Typical mortgages bydeposit money banks are

Owning a house under Lagosmortgage scheme

available for up to 20 years at20 percent to 25 percentinterest.

The Lagos Home OwnershipMortgage Scheme (LagosHOMS) is unique in beingone of the few existingmortgage schemes able toprovide interest rates belowdouble digits. The stategovernment has deliveredhousing units across the statespecifically for this purpose.

Lagos HOMS was establishedto provide first time propertybuyers in Lagos with theopportunity to becomehomeowners. Specifically, thegovernment is providingsubsidized mortgages forordinary citizens of Lagos, anda pool of houses in whichwinners can set up their newresidence. Winners of thesubsidized mortgages aredrawn out of a lottery on amonthly basis. In order to be

eligible you must fulfill thefollowing criteria: an applicantmust reside in Lagos State;must be able to provide proofof a job and regular income.He/she must be over 21 yearsold; must have a clean credithistory; and must have beenworking for your currentemployer for a minimum of 6months.

In order for the applicationto be processed, the followingmust be provided by theapplicant: Two passport-sizedphotographs with applicant’sname and signature on theback; Evidence of tax paymentcovering the last 5 years;Personal Bank Statement forthe previous 6 months; Payslips covering the previous 6months; and Letter ofreference from your currentemployer, which shouldcontain affirmation of your jobtitle, annual salary,obligations and status withinthe company.

Typical mass housing estate

GoldmanSachs to face$120mmortgage suit

New York Court ofAppeals has revived a

bond insurer’s $120 millionlawsuit claiming GoldmanSachs Group Inc lied about apool of securities backed bysubprime mortgages duringthe period leading up thefinancial crisis.

The court in a 5-2 decisionsaid the suit by ACA FinancialGuaranty Corp should moveforward because the insurerhad raised issues about therole of billionaire JohnPaulson’s hedge fund in acollateralized debt obligationcalled Abacus. ACA Financialsaid Goldman had deceived itinto believing hedge fundPaulson & Co was a longinvestor in Abacus when itknew Paulson was betting theunderlying mortgages wouldfail. ACA said it lostapproximately $900 million onthe deal when the subprimemortgage market collapsed.

Under state law, a fraud casemay only proceed if theplaintiff can show it “justifiablyrelied” on representationsmade by the defendant.

Lagos builds10,000 houses

The Lagos StateGovernment said it had

built over 10,000 housingunits as parts of efforts totackle housing deficit in thestate.

Commissioner for Housing,Mr. Bosun Jeje, who disclosedthis, said the numberrepresented the houses thatthe state government hadconstructed since theinception of the GovernorBabatunde Fashola-ledadministration in 2007. Hesaid the administration hadbeen determined to reducehousing deficit in the state,adding that the houses arebeing handed over to theresidents of the state throughseveral strategies. “One of thestrategies is the Lagos HomeOwnership MortgageScheme, popularly calledLagos HOMS. By this month,we will start the Rent-To-Ownhome ownership scheme,” hesaid.

Jeje explained that the LagosHOMS draw by thegovernment had producedover 603 winners.

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Kenyaregulatoropenstakafulmarket toconventionalinsurers

Kenya’s regulatorh a s

introduced new takaful(Islamic insurance) ruleswhich will allow the entryof conventional playersinto the sector, part ofefforts to boost capitalmarkets in East Africa’sbiggest economy.

Takaful is seen as abellwether of consumerappetite for Islamicfinance products. It isbased on the concept ofmutuality; the takafulcompany oversees a poolof funds contributed by allpolicy holders.

Islamic finance, whichfollows religiousprinciples such as bans oninterest payments,accounts for roughly 2percent of total bankingbusiness in Kenya, whereMuslims make up about15 percent of thepopulation of 40 million.

The rules will come intoeffect in June with firmsrequired to adhere to therequirements byDecember, according to adocument from Kenya’sInsurance RegulatoryAuthority. This would seeKenya join the countriessuch as Pakistan andIndonesia in allowingtakaful windows, whichenable firms to offersharia-compliant andconventional productsside by side.

The rules requireseparate financialreporting requirements fortakaful windows from theirparent firm, and theiroperating model must beapproved by a board ofreligious scholars.

Operators must alsomaintain separate takafulfunds for their general andlife businesses.

Kenya’s first full-fledgedtakaful firm was launchedin 2011, Takaful Insuranceof Africa. Islamic lenderFirst Community Bankalso operates a takafulscheme while KenyaReinsurance Corp hasdeveloped a sharia-compliant reinsuranceproduct of its own.

Royal ExchangePrudentialL i f e

Assurance (REPLA) has beenurged to focus on customerservice excellence, amongother major initiatives, todrive its quest for marketleadership and enhance thecompany ’s status as adominant player in the lifeinsurance industry in thenext three years.

Speaking at a nationalretreat for management staffof the company, GroupManaging Director of RoyalExchange Plc, Mr. ChikeMokwunye, encouraged staffof Royal ExchangePrudential Life, especiallythose in customer-facingdepartments, to make serviceexcellence their guidingprinciple and watchword intheir interactions anddealings with clients of thecompany.

Mokwunye said, “Thecustomer is at the heart andsoul of every organisation’sgrowth and success and it isvery important to keep themsatisfied if one wants toremain in operation. If thecustomer is treated well, he/she stays with you, but if theyreceive shabby andunsatisfactory treatment, they(customers) will take theirbusiness elsewhere.

“The future of insurance inNigeria is the life business,which has not been fullytapped into, and for RoyalExchange Prudential to seekmarket leadership, aneffective and efficient policyof customer service, loyalty

Royal Exchange Prudential Lifetargets market leadership

and retention must be in placein the organisation”,Mokwunye added.

In his remarks, Mr. WaleBanmore, Managing Directorof the company said inaddition to service excellence,his company’s focus is also onthe deployment of a robustretail marketing strategy totake insurance to thegrassroots, as well as training/upgrading of its marketingpersonnel, in line with currentrealities.

“The attainment of thesegoals, amongst others in the

current financial year, willimpact positively on thefortunes of the company,(profitability), improve servicedelivery to our clientele andboost our premium income”,Banmore added.

He further added,“Management believesstrongly in the RoyalExchange brand and itspeople, it’s most importantresource, are more thancapable of deliveringoutstanding service to existingand potential clients,nationwide”.

Banmore furthercommended all staff of RoyalExchange Prudential, for theirdrive and resourcefulness,which has resulted in‘ winning ways’ for thecompany. He furtherchallenged them to “ workeven harder in the yearsahead, in order to achieve ourobjective of becoming a worldclass company by 2016”.

Royal Exchange PrudentialLife Assurance Company is awholly owned subsidiary ofRoyal Exchange Plc, licensedby the National InsuranceCommission to offer the fullrange of life and endowmentinsurance products. Withyears of experience in theNigerian insurance market,Royal Exchange PrudentialLife Assurance has an enviablereputation for reliability,integrity, professionalism,technical competence andfinancial strength.


NEM Insurance Plc has emergedthe 2014 BusinesstodayOnline insurance company

of the year.NEM was named winner at the second

edition of Businesstoday Online Insuranceand Pension Industry award 2014.

The award which is in nine categories had20 nominees of which nine emergedwinners.

This year’s award also recognised theGovernor of Lagos State, Mr. BabatundeRaji Fashola, (SAN), being the firstgovernor in Nigeria to enforce theContributory Pension Scheme (CPS).

Other winners are Stanbic IBTC PensionManagers Limited, pension company of theyear; Group Managing Director of MutualBenefits Insurance Plc, Mr Akin Ogunbiyiwon insurance man of the year; ManagingDirector Premium Pension Limited, Mr.

NEM, Stanbic IBTC, othersemerge winners in onlineaward

Wilson Ideva was named pension man ofthe year; Prestige Insurance Brokers,broker of the year and Mutual BenefitsInsurance Plc, micro insurance companyof the year.

Guinea Insurance Plc emerged CSRinsurance company of the year andGoldlink Insurance Plc won the mostinnovative insurance company of the year.

With over N56billion in its joint pensioncontribution fund the Lagos State PensionCommission (LASPEC) clinched the mostpension compliant state of the year award.

The event also featured the unveiling ofBusinesstoday Online weekly programmetitled: “Insurance & Pension Today” whichis expected to commence on one of thetelevision stations in the country soon.

The programme will focus on educatingNigerians on the need for insurance andplan for their retirement.

DRAW - From left: Odili Ogwu, Customer Experience Executive, Diamond Bank PLC; DavidOtukpe, Product Manager, DiamondXtra; Ikechukwu Monye, Winner, FiftyThousand Nairaprize reward; Echezona Okelue, Brand Executive, Diamond Bank PLC during the DiamondXtraMonth-end Draw held at the Ladipo Spare Parts Market in Lagos

32 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015




Mrs. KatyenJackden, Nigeria’sAmbassador to

Senegal and Mauritania, spokerecently with Vanguard at theEmbassy in Dakar. In thisinterview, she disclosed thatthere are lots of businessopportunities Nigerians can tapinto in Senegal, especially inagriculture, tourism and housingsector. Excerpts:

Tell us about Nigeria and Senegal

relationship since the time you havebeen here; what businessopportunities exist for Nigerianindustries?

Thank you very much and let me saygood afternoon and welcome to NigeriaHouse, your House in Dakar, Senegal. Byway of introduction, I am KatyenJackden. I am Nigeria’s Ambassador toSenegal and Mauritania. I coverMauritania from here. You asked aboutthe relationship between Nigeria andSenegal. I want to believe those

Nigerians have not discoveredthe Senegalese market–Ambassador Jackden

relationships are very strong. It has beenvery cordial, very brotherly and it is waxingvery stronger. I served here as an officer

in the Embassy before I wasappointed Ambassador, sothe relationship has beenwaxing very strong.

Our bilateral relationship is verygood at political level, and it is also verygood at economic level.

What is the percentage of Nigeriansliving in the 14 million populationand the attitudes of Senegalesetoward Nigerians?

We are a little bit more than ten

thousand Nigerians but we have only fivethousand registered in the Embassy. TheSenegalese are very hospitable toforeigners. You know in every community,there are bad eggs, but generally, I wouldsay the Senegalese are very hospitabletoward Nigerians. There are mixedmarriages between Nigerians andSenegalese; so I think the relationship isgood.

What is the trade volume between

Nigeria and Senegal? In terms of trade volume between the

two countries, I have always said that itis mostly done at the informal level.Although, we are not able to quantify thetrade figure, I would say it is in favour ofSenegal because Nigerians come here tobuy Senegalese products, especially textile

When I was herein the Embassy asan officer,Nigerian textilesand plasticproducts used tosell here a lot.When I came backin 2012, I foundout that otherpeople have takenthat market fromus

•Amb. Katyen Jackden

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 33


and fashion products. A lot ofNigerians every week come hereto buy items and take them homeand apart from that, the mainthing that we sell to Senegal is oilbut now that Senegal has

discovered its own oil, I wonderwhat is going to happen

next. Therefore, I cansay that trade is

mostly at informallevel. We are tryingto see how theb u s i n e s s

community cancome together

and formNigeria-SenegalChamberso fCommercet o

f u r t h e ri m p r o v e

trade ties.

Do you think the discoveryof oil by Senegal will affectthe relationships?

In fact, the discovery of oil is a

welcome development; what wewant is for our region to grow.The oil they have discovered willbe used to the benefit of theirpeople; it is going to be ahealthy competition. Don’tforget that we also importrefined crude oil fromsome of these neigbouringcountries. So I don’tthink it is going to affectthe relationship,negatively.

What are thechallenges you face

in marketingN i g e r i a n

products tot h eSenegalese? I believeN i g e r i a n s

have notdiscoveredt h eSenegalese

m a r k e t .That was

why last year, because of ourengagement with Senegalgovernment, Nigeria wasdesignated special honor at theDakar International Trade fair.The aim of that was to comehere and showcase made –in-Nigeria products to theSenegalese market. When I washere in the Embassy as anofficer, Nigerian textiles andplastic products used to sell herea lot. When I came back in 2012,I found out that other peoplehave taken that market from us.So, it is for Nigerians to be veryaggressive in marketing theirproducts to this market. We aretrying to see how we can workwith the traders and industries tocome and showcase theirproducts to the Senegalese. That is part of the plans we areputting in place, to promotetrade and investment forum; weare also going to organize roadshows to make sure that Nigerianproducts come to the Senegal

The currentgovernment ofPresidentMacky Sall hasdevelopmentagenda whichNigerians cankey into. Thereareopportunitiesfor investmentin agriculturesector, tourismand housingsector

market. Senegal is importeconomy and there are lots ofthings Nigerians can bring intoSenegal.

What is your take on the

attitude of Nigerians here? We estimate there are about

10,000 Nigerians here.Generally, Nigerians are verytolerant and are going abouttheir businesses. That is not tosay there are no bad eggs amongthem. Some Nigerians thatcome here find themselves indetention because they defaultin immigration laws. The reasonis because Nigerians believeECOWAS is free movement, sopeople come here to stay; theydon’t bother to regularize theirstay after three months. It isgood to know that right fromhome, when you come here, youare allowed to stay for threemonths and after the threemonths, you are expected toregularize your residence in termsof showing that you have ameans of livelihood and not tolive on the society. Those aresome of the challenges we have,otherwise, Nigerians aregenerally well-behaved.

What do you think

government can do to makeyour job easier?

Let me say that my work can

be made easier if I am assistedto make Nigeria much visible inSenegal. Before, we used tohave publications to share withpeople who come here to enquireabout this and that in Nigeria.This day, we don’t havepublications to share. We dowrite to the Ministry of Tourismand Nigeria Export PromotionCouncil, NEPC, but we don’t getfeedback. There is limit to whatyou can do once you are outsidethe country. Again, our ownmedia is too critical of ourcountry, and we forget that thesethings are actually read outsidethe country. If we paint ourselvesas good people, people will seeus as good people; if we paintourselves bad, people will see usas bad people.

What is your take on

Dangote’s investment in thiscountry?

In terms of single foreign direct

investment, I think Dangote isthe biggest African foreign directinvestor in Senegal. All theAfrican countries put together,Danagote is the biggest investorfrom Africa. I think whatDangote is doing in terms ofcement is helping to promoteregional integration. Of course,there are a lot of opportunitiesfor Nigerian industries. Thecurrent government of PresidentMacky Sall has developmentagenda which Nigerians can keyinto. There are opportunities forinvestment in agriculture sector,tourism and housing sector.

LAPO bossearnsdoctorate inMicrofinance


M a n a g i n gDirector ofL A P O

Microfinance Bank, Mr.Godwin Ehigiamusoe, hasearned a Doctor ofPhilosophy degree fromAmbrose Alli University,Ekpoma.

His thesis with the topic:Policy Instruments andFinancial Inclusion: AComparative Study of theEthiopian and NigerianMicrofinance Policy andRegulatory Frameworksearned a distinction and isconsidered as relevant tothe improvement ofmicrofinance policyenvironment in Africa.

Ehigiamusoe is one of theleading lights formicrofinance in Africa. Inthe late 1980s, he foundedLAPO (Lift Above PovertyOrganization) a successfulpro-poor developmentorganization withmicrofinance operations inNigeria and Sierra Leone.

He had earlier earned aBachelor of Science degreein Sociology andAnthropology and Master’sdegree in DevelopmentStudies from the Universityof Benin, Benin City. Hehas attended severalcapacity enhancing coursesat local and internationalinstitutions, includingHarvard Kennedy School;Lagos Business School;IESE Business School,Barcelona, and INSEADBusiness School (SingaporeCampus).

Dr Ehigiamusoe won theFATE Foundation’s ModelEntrepreneur Award –Nigeria in 2008; the SchwabFoundation’s OutstandingSocial Entrepreneur inAfrica Award in 2010; andLagos Business School’sDistinguished AlumniAward in 2014.

He has authoredUnderstanding NGOs(1998); Poverty andMicrofinance in Nigeria(2000); Issues inMicrofinance: EnhancingFinancial Inclusion (2011).

He is currently theManaging Director, LAPOMfB, a regulated nationalmicrofinance bank.

Katyen Jackden


34 —Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

Since it’s all about reducing therisks, it is quintessential we allknow the facts pension entails

whether as a business person or anindividual. These facts can and willserve as a guideline for everyone tounderstand their place and row. In thisanalytical insight by OLUBUSOLAMAKINDE, Relationship Manager,Leadway Assurance CompanyLimited, we present these as factsabout the pension reform act 2014.

First, effective July 01, 2014, the Actgoverns and regulates theadministration of the contributorypension scheme for both the publicand private sectors in Nigeria.

The Act encourages participation inthe contributory pension schemewhich applies to two categories ofemployees. These categories compriseof all employees in the public sectorand those in private Organizationswith employees numbering 15 andabove.

There is a provision for PrivateOrganizations with less than threeemployees based on guidelines issuedby the National Pension Commission(PenCom).

Under the Act, both employer andemployee are required to make aminimum of 10% and 8% respectivelyof the employees monthlyemoluments.

There is a review of the definition of

‘monthly emoluments” to mean thetotal emolument defined in theemployees’ contract of employmentprovided it is not less than the total ofthe employee’s basic salary, housingand transport allowance.

Pension funds can be invested andthis includes specialist investmentfunds and other financial instrumentsas approved by the Commission.

There are penalties for offences ofmisappropriation of funds,reimbursement or payment by aPension Fund Administrator (PFA) orPension Fund Custodian (PFC) to astaff, officer or director.

In situations where the PFC fails tohold funds to the exclusive preserveof the PFA and PenCom or where itapplies the funds to meet its ownfinancial obligations, the Act willsanction such appropriately.

Jurisdiction resides in the HighCourts of the Federal, State ,FederalCapital Territory and NationalIndustrial courts respectively.

A fund known as the pensionprotection fund is created to protectthe benefit of contributors. Proceedsfrom this fund are paid to contributorsin the form of minimum guaranteedpension. The National PensionCommission (PenCom) determineshow compensations will be madewhere shortfall in payments arise.

Key facts about the PensionReform Act 2014


Continues on page 35

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Stories byEMEKA ANAETO,Economy Editor

Emerging economies ofNigeria, Indonesia andMexico could push the

UK and France out of the topten economies of the world by2050 provided they are able tobuild their institutions to globalstandards, diversify theireconomies and sustain growthfriendly policies.

This is one of the key findingsof the global report fromPricewaterhouseCoopers’(PwC) economists titled ‘‘TheWorld in 2050: Will the shift inglobal economic powercontinue?’’ This presents long-term projections of potentialGDP growth up to 2050 for 32of the largest economies in theworld, covering 84 per cent oftotal global GDP.

According to the report, thecurrent global economic powershift away from the establishedadvanced economies in NorthAmerica, Western Europe andJapan will continue over thenext 35 years, despite aprojected slowdown in Chinesegrowth after around 2020.

The world economy isprojected to grow at an averageof just over 3 per cent perannum from 2014-50, doublingin size by 2037 and nearlytripling by 2050.

But there’s likely to be aslowdown in global growth after2020, as the rate of expansionin China and some other majoremerging economies moderatesto a more sustainable long-termrate, and as working agepopulation growth slows inmany large economies.

Nigeria, Vietnam and thePhilippines are notable risers inthe global GDP rankings in thelong term, reflecting relativelyhigh projected average growthrates of around 4.5-5.5 per centper annum over the period to2050.

According to Mr Andrew S.Nevin, PwC Nigeria’s ChiefEconomist and co-author of thereport, “Over the past decade,Nigeria has boasted superioreconomic growth and, with theright reforms and investments,Nigeria could become one ofthe world’s leading economiesby 2030, with further progressby 2050. Nigeria’s potentialadvantages for future growth

Nigeria, Indonesia, Mexico todisplace UK, France out of top10 largest economiesinclude a large consumermarket, a strategic geographiclocation, and a young andhighly entrepreneurialpopulation’’.

He continued, ‘‘however, atthe same time, we are all awareof the significant headwinds(adverse trends) created by therapid drop in the oil price,putting pressure on the fiscaland monetary systems, as wellas reducing economic growthin the short term.To achieve itsl o n g - t e r me c o n o m i cp o t e n t i a l ,Nigeria willneed tomanage theoil priced e c l i n eeffectively atall levels ofgovernmentand create as u s t a i n a b l eplatform fordiversification

into the sectors that we knowwill drive the economy in thefuture – including power,agriculture, manufacturing,telecoms, hospitality and realestate’’.

Nevin concludes, “accordingto our long term projections,Nigeria could sustain averagegrowth of around 5-6 per centper annum in the long run,following projected growth of

around 6-7per cent inthe rest oft h i sd e c a d e ,assumingb r o a d l ygrowth-friendly

p o l i c i e sare pursued.W h i l ef o r e i g ninvestmenthas ina b s o l u t eterms longbeen focused

on the oil sector, portfolios arebecoming increasinglydiversified, moving towardsthe power, agriculture andmining areas of the economythat have demonstrated acomparative advantage inemerging markets vis-à-vis theWest’’.

Recent experience hashowever underlined thatrelatively rapid growth is notguaranteed for emergingeconomies, as indicated byrecent problems in Russia andBrazil. It requires sustainedand effective investment ininfrastructure and improvingpolitical, economic, legal andsocial institutions.

Overdependence on naturalresources, according to theanalyst, could impede long-term growth in countries suchas Nigeria, Russia, and SaudiArabia unless they candiversify their economies overtime.

Nevin further concludes that‘‘while our analysis confirmsthat emerging markets havehuge potential, they can also

be an institutionalminefield – bothmanagers and investorsneed to tread carefully.Overall, Nigeriacontinues to be anattractive place to invest

not because it is an oilproducer, but because of theimmense size of its domesticmarket and the extraordinarycommercial energy of itspeople, which remains largelyuntapped.”

Beyond Nigeria, the PwCReport projects that China willbe the largest economy by 2030on any measure. However, italso expects its growth rate toslow markedly after around2020 as its population ages, itshigh investment rate runs intodiminishing marginal returnsand it needs to rely more oninnovation than copying toboost productivity. Eventualreversion to the global averagehas been common for past highgrowth economies such asJapan and South Korea and weexpect China to follow suit.”

The report also containsprojections based on GDP atmarket exchange rates, withoutthis relative price adjustment.On that basis, China isprojected to overtake the US inaround 2028, while Indiawould clearly be the thirdlargest economy in the worldin 2050, but still some waybehind the US.

Other highlights from PwC’sprojections are: India has thepotential to sustain its highergrowth rate for longer andbecome a $10 trillion economyby around 2020 in purchasingpower (PPP) terms, or around2035 at market exchange rates.But this relies on India makingsustained progress oninfrastructure investment,institutional reforms andboosting education levelsacross the whole population.

An employee who disengages from employment before theage of 50 and is unable to secure employment within fourmonths of disengagement is allowed to make withdrawalsfrom the account although not exceeding 25% of the totalamount credited to the retirement savings account.

To be appointed to the office of the Director General, thepossession of relevant and professional qualification inpension matters and at least 15years cognate experience isrequired.

Any member of board, employee or agent, officer engagedby a PFA or PFC is expected to maintain confidentiality withrespect to information obtained in the course of their duties.Failure to comply will be sanctioned.

No action can be taken against an officer or employee of theNational Pension Commission (PenCom) for any act done inexecution of the Act or any other law if not commenced withinthree months of the act or in the case of a continuous act,

within 6 months after the act ceases.There is tax exemption on any interests, profits, dividends,

investments and other income accruable to pension funds orassets.

Any Company that is set up by the Nigeria Social InsuranceTrust Fund (NSITF) under the Pension Reform Act No.2 of2004 shall continue to operate as a PFA.

Funds Contributed to PFA’s shall be computed and creditedinto the respective retirement savings account opened underthe Act.

Any individual who has retired before the commencementof the Act shall be entitled to make withdrawals from the accountalthough not exceeding 25% of the total amount credited tothe retirement savings account.

Any employee aggrieved with his employer or PFA isobligated to approach the Commission for a redress beforeexploring arbitration or commencing an action at the NationalIndustrial Court.

Key facts about the Pension Reform Act 2014Continues from page 34


36 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

“Forensic audit report preparedwithout Bank Statement, says PwC.”

THE NATION, April 29, 2015, p 4.

The report written by NdukaChiejina revealed thefollowing. “The forensic audit

report on the Nigerian NationalPetroleum Corporation, NNPC,compiled by PricewaterHouse Coopers(Pwc) was done without bankstatements, the report said.

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN),according to the report, shunned theauditors’ request for the bankstatements.”

PricewaterHouseCoopers should beashamed of itself that theinternationally highly regardedauditing firm ever got itself into thismess – at any price. No local auditingfirm in any country in the world wouldever conduct what it calls a forensicaudit report without obtaining bankstatements in respect of theorganizations it has been called uponto audit. Even, a freshly minted ICANChartered Accountant anywhere inthe world knows that most everythingin audit ends in the bank accounts.

Certainly, PwC must have assignedthis monumental task to some of itsmost experienced national andinternational auditors – given themagnitude of the amount in dispute.PwC, and the auditors assigned to thisparticular audit have done thecompany’s reputation a great deal ofdamage with this self-made confessionand its implications. To be sure, PwC

PwC’S audit report orcover up?had accomplices in what can only beregarded as deliberate cover up.Among them is the Central Bank ofNigeria, CBN, where the wholepalaver about missing funds startedin the first place.

It was the former Governor of theCBN who raised alarm in late 2013that $47bn had not been remitted tothe Federation Account by NNPC.Later, under interrogation, theamount outstanding to the FederationAccount was reduced to $20bn.Meanwhile, for blowing the whistle,Sanusi Lamido Sanusi was houndedout of office by the Jonathanadministration, which under publicpressure promised a “forensic audit”.What PwC eventually produced lastmonth, again under duress, musthave been the longest delayed auditon a matter of urgent nationalimportance.

Ordinarily, one would haveexpected PwC, with its internationalreputation at stake, and Nigeria’s vitalinterest involved, to conduct andrelease a report on which everybodyfrom the Chief Executive Officer, CEO,would be prepared to stake his life forits veracity. Unfortunately, that was notthe case. PwC, for whatever reasons

known to its managers and theauditors assigned to this project, hasnow become part of the problem andnot the solution. Let me point out someof the problems the staff assigned havecreated for the auditing firm – startingfrom the first.

PwC’s first problem is one ofcredibility – allied with integrity.Unfortunately, for the company,integrity is a 100% issue for anauditing firm. Even 95% is not goodenough. An auditing firm whichissues a “forensic report” withoutcopies of the bank statements hasalready violated one of the primaryprofessional requirements of an audit.Hoe, on earth would the auditors knowthat funds that were supposed to betransferred to bank accounts actuallygot there? Even student of BusinessAdministration, who only obtainedtheoretical lessons in auditing knowthat it was totally unprofessional forPwC to continue with the assignmentonce it was made clear that bankstatements were not forthcoming. So,the report lacks credibility because itwas professionally flawed.

The possibility of deliberate collusionto cover up several frauds by PwC’sstaff arises from what was writtenbefore. If, non-professionals knew thatan audit, forensic or routine, is not

complete without bank statements,how could the well experiencedauditors of PwC, on this assignmentfail to see that they were about to issuea report which, at best, is fit only forthe dust bin? Surely, all those involvedmust be aware that they were issuinga report which fell far short of thehighest professional standards; at atime when only the very best wasrequired of them. That they probablyknew they were being unprofessional,yet going forward and risking theircompany’s reputation, as well as theirown, naturally leads to the next set ofquestions.

The first one is: who engaged them?Was it the Ministry of Petroleum? Orthe NNPC? Or the Ministry ofFinance? Or the Auditor General’sOffice? Or the Secretary to the FederalGovernment of Nigeria? Or thePresidency? Irrespective of who paidthem for this, obviously shoddy job,Nigerians, and, indeed, the entireworld wants to know the Terms ofReference, TOR, for the audit. Werethey specifically forbidden to requestfor and obtain bank statements? And,if not, why was there no demand forthose documents, through theirprincipal for them? And, why did PwCfail to honourably resign when it wasclear that a credible “forensic audit”was not possible under thecircumstances?

Finally, if they were told to back offfrom obtaining bank balances, theyneed to tell the whole world who didit.


Most confident women entrepreneurs are from Sub-SaharanAfrica —WEConnect


Women in Sub-S a h a r a nAfrica, has been

identified as most confidententrepreneurs in the area ofdoing businesses byWEConnect International.

WEConnect International isa Non -profit Organisationconnecting women-ownedbusinesses with multinationalcorporate purchasingorganisations outside of theUnited States, whileweconnect international inNigeria identifies, educates,register and certifies womenbusiness enterprises that areat least 51 percent ownedmanaged and controlled byone or more women.

In a media chart at the justconcluded WEConnectInternational Exhibition andMatchmaker, held in Nigeria,Executive Director,WEConnect International,Nigeria, Ms. Comfort

Sakoma, said that thenumber of Nigerian womenowned businesses that joinedthe group has grown to over600 from zero at which itstarted.

To join, she said its freeregistration on it website toget sense of the business anda certification process beginswith facilities tour to know thestrength of the business.

Sakoma highlighted thatwomen entrepreneurs facethe of having a mind set thatinnovation is not a priorityand a mind set that theycannot do businesses withmultinational operations.

According to her, “Onebenefit of Wecoonect is thatthe Nigerian womanentrepreneur gets access tomarket. Sub-Saharan Africahas the most confidentwomen entrepreneurs, what

that means is that the womenentrepreneurs in this part ofthe world feels mostconfidence of their ability tobe successful as businessowners.”

In the same vein, CEO/ Co-Founder WEConnectInternational, Mrs. ElizabethVazquez, added that womenentrepreneurs must learn tothink big and about its role inthe society, saying, “mencannot be the only one

creating jobs, we must thinkhow to translate our dreamsinto a business andidentifying the hugeopportunity available to buyand sell.”

However, the exhibition wasCo-Chaired by Ernest andYoung, Accenture andExxonMobile while the Goldspensors include: EtisalatNigeria, Dana Air, NigeriaBottling Company (NBC)among others

ITF challenges trainees on entrepreneurship,skills acquisition

Director General ofIndustrial Training

Fund, ITF, Dr. Mrs JulietChukkas-Onaeko haschallenged Trainees to braceup and live up to highacademic standards expectedof them, in order for them tocontribute their quota towardsnational development.

The ITF said it remainscommitted towards itsobjectives of producingmiddle and high level skilled

manpower that will drive thenation’s economy forward,through the provision ofglobal standards technicaland vocational education thatwill eradicate unemployment,particularly amongst youths.

Highlighting how the fundis initiating proactivemeasures to achieve itsmandate, Chukkas-Onaeko, said students under itstraining programmes arechallenged to impart

knowledge provided by thefund, and take charge ofleading the nation and thecontinent into an era ofsustainable economicdevelopment.

She said the vision ofeconomic leadership on thecontinent by the country canonly be achieved whenadequate attention andcommitment is shown by allstakeholders in the quest toimbibe the nation’s youthswith continuous trainingvocational and technicaltraining knowledge that can

create jobs andentrepreneurial opportunitiesfor them and other citizens.

The ITF DG noted whileNigerian students hasexcelled in various technicaland vocational opportunitiesaround the world, that it wasimportant for those getting thebenefits of the world classtraining that the Fundprovides in Nigeria to makethe most of it, becomeentrepreneurs and contributeto the development of theeconomy.


Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 37


FORUM - From left: Sales Manager, AFP Furniture Production, Mr. Uche Uzoewulu; SalesOfficer, Abuja, Hope Amadi; Lagos Project Coordinator, Frank Joos and Media Relation Officer,Julius Berger, Susan Obi at the Architects Forum at Eko Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos


Founder/CEO, LanreAkinlagun has

identified payment ondelivery, prevalent amongonline retailers in Nigeria, asone of the greatest impedimentto the growth of the sector.

He disclosed this at a newsconference to announce theacquisition of a 200Sqr ftwarehouse in Lagos, in astrategic move to integrateoffline platform into the onlinedrinks seller to drive visibilitywhile boosting distribution.

He said, “Payment ondelivery is a bad idea and it isbad for businesses in Nigeria.In a country where you areintroducing new concept, it isvery bad to introduce new badhabit at the same time.”

Akinlagun said payment ondelivery is a bad idea becauseconsumers are as indecisive asthey are choosy thereby raisingbusinesses’ operational costwhen they reject delivereditems.

“Generally as a people, weare very indecisive, but we arealso very choosy. So when adelivery person arrives yourhouse and you don’t like theitem, you send it back at thecost of the company that istrying to deliver. So I just thinkthat because of the indecisionof the consumers, payment ondelivery is not a good idea.Also there is high cost oflogistics. And there is also theissue of inconsistency in fueldelivery, including lack oftime keeping by consumers,”he added.

On the integration of theoffline platform, Akinlaguntold the newsmen that themove was basically to connectwith more consumers through

How payment on delivery threatense-commerce growth in Nigeria

effective offline distributionsystem

He said, “We haveintegrated offline into ourplatform for two reasons. Thefirst is to improve ourdistribution. Nigeria is a veryunique country. A lot of thingshappen differently here. Sodrinks are one of the thingsthat as much you can get them

anywhere, it still relies muchon impulse purchases. Forinstance, people know theywant to drink but they don’tnecessarily plan for it. Thismakes it very difficult forpeople to purchase drinksonline. But there is a trend wenoticed with other onlineventures which we arebuilding on. We have realised

that a lot of people researchonline and purchase offline.So people are able to go to ourwebsite, see our stock and theprices we offer, and then bookit and tell us to keep it at thestore and then come by thestore later and pick it up.

“It is that physical elementthat is prevalent in Nigeria’sbusiness environment that weare trying to key into. Peoplewill not impulsive buy and payfor drinks online, they want tosee it first and that is why Ithink the Iroko style wherepeople research online andbuy offline is what is mostsuitable for products like ours”

He added: “The reason whywe have moved offline is notto become big player in theoffline world but to merge ouronline visibility with ouroffline distribution. And alsoto give people more reason totrust with our physicalpresence. It’s also for anextension of our marketingtool because it is easy for us toget referrals through word ofmouth, if we have offlinepresence. But the main pointis to increase our distribution.There are people who comeinto our stores and makeorders now because withcertain products, there has tobe a physical element.”

Akinlagun said this businessmodel will also help thebusiness reduce operationalcost and improve logistics.

Online real estatemarketplace, hasreleased an updated versionof its Android app to make iteasier for house-hunters inemerging markets to buy orrent property on the go.

Version 2.0 of the app,Lamudi: Property for Sale &Rent, offers overall betterspeed and performance,making it easier to browsethrough Lamudi’s globalcatalogue of more than900,000 property listingsusing an Android device.

The app has been optimizedfor devices with lower storagespace and the overallapplication size has beenreduced, ensuringdownloading the app is alsomuch faster. Pushnotifications that lead usersdirectly to newly publishedlistings have also beenintroduced.

Contacting agents via emailhas been simplified, withusers’ existing contact detailssaved for future use. The apphas a new product detail pageand a fresh design for savedsearches. It also now supportsthe Android Lollipopoperating system. The app isalso available on iOS.

Lamudi’s Co-founder andManaging Director, Kian

Lamudi releases updated Android AppMoin, said: “Anyone whoworks in the real estatebusiness knows just howimportant mobile has become.This is particularly true of theemerging markets in which weoperate, where the smartphonepenetration rate is soaring anddemand for mobile Internetservices is ever increasing.This is why we are focusingour efforts on mobile - toensure Lamudi is delivering ahigh-quality app that meets

the changing demands ofhouse-hunters in emergingcountries.”

The app has customisedsearch functions, allowingusers to easily filter results bycountry. A key feature is thematch alerts, which notifyusers as soon as a property thatsuits their needs hits themarket. Users can also createa list of favourite properties,which can be accessed at anytime and on any device.

Nigeria’s mobile money operator, eTranzactInternational has given a boostto its financial inclusion drivewith the introduction of theNewPocketMoni, an updatedversion of the PocketMoniapp.The NewPocketMoni appcomes with several featuresincluding the ability for directdeposit of salary through theapp, withdrawal of cash viaany ATMs without the use ofcards and institution of bank-like standing orders. Also,features like money transfer,airtime purchase and billpayments have also beensimplified, thereby giving

eTranzact boosts financial inclusionwith NewPocketMoni

more financial control toconsumers without relying ontraditional banking processes.Speaking at the demo event inLagos, eTranzact’s ExecutiveDircetor, Strategy andCorporate Development, Mr.Ike Eze said the new featuresis part of a strategic move touse mobile money to drive thegrowth of businesses inNigeria.He stated that eTranzact hasdone a retake of what mobilemoney can be with a recreatedgame changing mobileexperience, and that the newfeatures will truly lead the nextgeneration of mobile paymentsplatforms in Nigeria.

Details about howAmazon’s proposed

delivery drones may workhave been published by theUS Patent Office.

According to the patent, thedrones will be able to trackthe location of the person itis delivering to by pullingdata from their smartphone.

The unmanned vehicleswill also be able to talk toeach other about weather andtraffic conditions. Amazonfaces many regulatoryhurdles before its plans canbe turned into reality.

Amazon submitted its dronepatent in September 2014, butthe details are only now beingpublished by the US Patentand Trademark Office, after itapproved the ideas.

For many, Amazon’s idea ofdelivery via drone was seenas pie-in-the-sky, but thedetails it provides in itspatent application suggestthat the firm is taking the ideaseriously and working hardto overcome a variety oftechnical obstacles.

According to the plans,Amazon’s drones will be ableto update their routes in real-time. A mock-up deliveryscreen suggests that peoplewill be able to choose from avariety of delivery options -from “bring it to me” tonominating their home, placeof work or even “my boat” asplaces for packages to bedropped.

Amazon unveilsdrone deliveryplans

EU launchescross-border e-commerceinvestigationEuropean Union

antitrust regulatorsopened an investigation intocross-border e-commerce lastweek in a move aimed atremoving borders to onlinesales as part of a broad strategyto overhaul the bloc’s digitalmarket.

European CompetitionCommissioner, MargretheVestager had announced herintention in March to open thesector inquiry

The European Commissionsaid the probe would focus onbarriers to online sales inelectronics, clothing andshoes, as well as digitalcontent.

While U.S. online retailerssuch as Amazon and e-Baydominate the e-commerceindustry, traditionalcompanies are boosting theirpresence as well.

38 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

People in Business

M r. Jude Okpala is the Managing Director/ChiefExecutive Officer of Lagos-based ClichéLimited, a metal component manufacturing

company engaged in precision engineering, metal stampingand finishing. He has a first degree in Civil Engineering fromWest Virginia University, USA and a second degree inManagement and Business Administration from the Universityof Lagos. In this chat with Financial Vanguard, Okpalaspeaks on his business which he describes as unique, thechallenges and hopes the business model has come to stay inNigeria as it will help develop the economy. Excerpts:

Metal component manufacturing is a uniquearea of manufacturing — JUDE OKPALA


According to Okpala, metalcomponent manufacturing isa unique area ofmanufacturing that issupportive to biggerorganisations “in the sensethat we produce componentsout of metals used by othermanufacturers as inputs. Weare designed to take up anysort of component that comesout of flat sheets, design it,make prototype, send it to thecustomer and once it isapproved, we mass produce.The business is modelledafter what obtains in South-East Asia.”

South-East Asia model:“Manufacturing today, ismostly about assembly. Youdesign a product, tear itapart, out-source theproduction of the componentsto different companies, thenyou gather those componentsand reassemble them. Thistakes place in every aspect ofthe production cycle. Thetrend in the western world isthat when you do suchdesigns, you out-source thecomponents to South-EastAsian companies. That iswhy you see manufacturersof vehicles, aircraft,computers and householdproducts, out-sourcing theproduction of componentsto smaller organisations inChina, Taiwan, Indonesia,Malaysia etc., and when theyproduce the prototype, theygive it to the organisationand when it is approved,they sign a long-termagreement for materialsupply for final production.That is why if you open acomputer made in the US,you will see that thecomponents are made indifferent countries. That isthe trend in manufacturingnow. So Cliché Limited ismodelled after such, wherewe can set up a metalcomponent manufacturingcompany in Nigeria and getbigger organisations to dothe same with us – out-source part of their metal-based production to us andwe can design and producefor them and have a long-term supply agreement.

“We are at the early stagewhere we are developing thebusiness and trying to seehow that model can catch upin Nigeria. Our products arequite extensive depending onwhat the customer brings. Itis what he brings that we aregoing to design andproduce,” he stated.

Scope of operation: “We cutacross almost all the sectorsof the economy – householdproducts, packaging, justname it. It is a matter ofdiscovering what and whatwe can do in a given industry.So our marketing strategy isto look for our type of activityin every productive line. Forexample, we go to Mr. A whomanufactures mosquito coiland say ‘ok, there is this metalyou use in your production,let us go and do a sample andsend to you.’ If he approvesit and signs a delivery order

with us, we produce andsupply to him and he uses itto finish his product. We dothe same with othercompanies. We can makemetal components used tosecure currency by the CBN,Nigerian Security Printingand Minting Company andcompanies that do notesorting. We make seals usedto secure ammunition; metalseal used to secure gradedproduce, uniform accessories

like buttons, ranks etc., for thearmed forces, small containersused for canned foods,accessories used in producing

electrical appliances and somany others. Once weproduce the prototype andsend to them and theyapprove it, then we have anagreement with them to startproducing and supplyingthem. Unfortunately, inNigeria, we have notdeveloped the habit of havinga structured inventorymanagement where you cansign a long-term agreementwith suppliers. Everything is

short-term so we are hopingthat someday, that model willcompletely catch up withNigeria where we can sign a

two, three-year supplyarrangement with biggerorganisations. Abroad, bigorganisations outsourcingcomponents manufacturing tosmaller organisations in Asia,actually invest in building upthe smaller companies inorder to ensure that thesupply chain is not broken,”he said.

Our workflow:“Enquiries come in form of

either samples or designsand sometimes concepts.When we receive enquiries,we first go through thecomputer and do theelectronic design, we thensimulate the mould of thatdesign and transfer thatdesign to some othermachines that produce thedifferent components of themould and when thosemachines produce thedifferent components, we putthem together and simulatethem and if they suit what weneed them for, we do metaltreatment where we hardenthe mould components afterwhich we assemble the parts.We now have a completemetal contraption calledmould. We then put themould into hydraulic press or

mechanical press, feed metalcoils through that mould andthen the press will punch outthe shapes needed,” heexplained.

Raw materials: He said theysource their raw materialsboth locally andinternationally. “The majorcomponent of our activities ismetal sheets and metal coils.We do not have rolling millsin Nigeria to produce metalcoils, especially steel coils. Sowe import them. There areother inputs that we getlocally. For example, we cansource for the metal blockslocally to make moulds. Weactually scavenge to usediscarded materials to be ableto produce our moulds. Otherinputs, especially theconsumables used in the toolsshop such as quenching oiland drill beads, we getlocally.”

Challenges: On thechallenges, Okpalamentioned power as numberone, saying: “The size ofCliché is such that any littleincrease in cost of productiontells a lot on our bottom line.Power is the major channelthrough which our profitmargin is eroded. Second isfunding. It is difficult tosecure long-term funding forSMEs here so a business likethis is hugely funded throughsavings by the owners. It getsto a point where savings canno longer drive growth soyou keep looking for externalfunding which never comesbecause it is difficult to getlong-term funding.Acceptability and policysomersault is anotherchallenge. An organisationlike ours is expected to havesome sort of protectionthrough government policies;that is how it is done inSouth-East Asia and that ishow small businesses grow.They are given long-termprotection in form of policiesthat ensure they are notexposed to unnecessaryexternal competition. Oureconomy is more like adumping ground for foreignproducers so it is difficult forus to compete with similarproducts that come fromabroad because of high costof production. Then also thisidea that nothing produced inNigeria can be better thanwhat comes from abroad. Thatis what I mean byacceptability. It is taking ustime to make our peoplerealise that we can producebetter quality products thanwhat comes from abroad if weare given the conduciveenvironment. So when yougo to governmentestablishments or individualsor even bigger organizationsto offer your services, they willask if yours will be better andcheaper than what they aregetting from China? That is

Jude Okpala

Manufacturing today, is mostlyabout assembly. You design aproduct, tear it apart, out-sourcethe production of the componentsto different companies, then yougather those components andreassemble them

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 39

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Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 41



Airlinesoperators lackknowledge,experience tooperate PBN—Experts

Experts in the aviationsector have decried

the inability of most airlinesoperators to effectively usethe Performance BasedNavigation (PBN) due to lackof adequate experiences andknowledge on the part of theoperators.

They however argued thateven though the PBN was anew phase in the aviationindustry, that for it to beeffective and fullyoperational in the aviationindustry, it was expected thatoperators should be wellgrounded in it with a lot ofexperiences.

Speaking on the topic,Presentation on PBNimplementation: ApprovalProcess at the NCAA annex,Murtala MuhammedInternational Airport,(MMIA) Lagos, GeneralManager, Flights OperatorInspector, Nigerian CivilAviation Authority (NCAA),Captain Sunday Arome saidthat the PBN was adequatelyanalysed in the InternationalCivil AviationOrganisation’s, ICAOdocument 9613.

Captain Arome pointed outthat Nigeria had not fullystarted using the PBNbecause of lack of adequateknowledge and experiencesstressing that, that was thekey factors that should beconsidered before the PBNcould be fully operational inthe aviation industry.

According to him, theapproval process of the PBNconsists of five phasesincluding what theoperators need to do, theapplication been submittedto the regulatory agency, theacceptance of the applicationby the regulatory agency,demonstration of flight andthe approval stage.

He emphasised that PBNrequired an approval from theregulatory authority beforeany operator can use it statingthat there were threeconditions to be satisfied bythe airlines operators beforethey can fully use the PBN.

Captain Arome said that theoperator must be cleared forairworthiness element, flightoperator element and all othernecessary process that wouldhelp the operators toeffectively use the PBN.


The Federal Government,through the Federal

Airports Authority of Nigeria,FAAN, weekendexplained the recentcontroversy surrounding theappointment of the FederalAirports Authority of Nigeria,FAAN, Director of Finance, Mr. Tochuku Bede Uchendu.It was reported by a section ofthe media that he was

FAAN’s Director of Finance appointmentnot terminated — FG

sacked by the AviationMinister, Chief OsitaChidoka because hegranted an unauthourisedwaivers worth over N1 billion.

Explaining the FederalGovernment's position tonewsmen, General ManagerCorporate Affairs, FAAN, Mr.Yakubu Dati said that Mr.Uchendu was only asked towait for the conclusion of allformalities regarding hisappointment as Director in

FAAN.This misinformation from

the Federal Ministry ofAviation may have resulted tothe recent redeployment of theformer Permanent Secretary ofthe Ministry, Mr MohammedAbbas, to the Federal CivilService Commission and hisreplacement with Hajia BintaBello, who is the currentPermanent Secretary of theAviation Ministry.

Dati said “On hisappointment, Mr. Uchenduwas only asked to wait for theconclusion of all formalities(due process). That process isstill on-going”. He also debunked the story in themedia alleging that the Minister of Aviation hadsacked Mr. Tochuku Uchendu over irregularitiesin his appointment and thegranting of unauthourisedwaivers worth over one billionnaira by him.

According to him “TheAuthority hereby wishes tostate that the story in questionwas not only false but alsomalicious as Mr. Uchendu’sappointment was neitherirregular nor did he evergrant waiver to any FAANcustomer, not to talk of waiveramounting to over one billionnaira” “The Director ofFinance of the Authority doesnot have the power to grantwaiver to any customer. Onhis appointment, Mr.Uchendu was only asked towait for the conclusion of allformalities (due process).That process is still on-going. We therefore urge membersof the public todiscountenance the saidstory” he added.

It would be recalled that


Aviation Minister, ChiefOsita Chidoka has said

that most domestic airlines inthe country lacked effectivepassengers service deliverymechanism as most of themtreat passengers poorly.

Speaking at the Eightanniversary celebration of Bi-Courtney Aviation Services,operators of the MurtalaMuhammed Domestic Terminal2 ,MMA2 , and the launch ofCommon User PassengerProcessing System (CUPPS) and upgrade of facilities at theterminal building of MurtalaMuhammed Domestic Terminal2 (MMA2), Lagos, Chidokanoted that in dealing with issuesin the aviation industry, thepassengers, processes andtechnology were key factors tomake travel seamless for thepassengers.

The Minister who alsocommissioned the Self check-inKiosk, Screening point and

Domestic airlines lack service deliverymechanism, says Chidoka

Babalakin pointed out that thecompany would continue toimprove the terminal withadequate facilities to ensureseamless travel experiences forthe passengers.

Babalakin affirmed that hefeels impressed that the ministeracknowledged the fact that BiCourtney operated terminal wasthe best airport terminal in thecountry. According to him,aviation is global and Nigeria willstrive to compete favourably inthe international scene addingthat the airport terminal wasattaining such height and featbecause of the strategy thecompany put in place andfacilitated with money to makethings work effectively.

“We thanked the minister ofaviation for his sincerity foracknowledging that MMA2 wasthe best airport terminal inNigeria. Aviation is international,we must seek to comply withinternational standard and evenexceed it” he said.

Meanwhile, Chief ExecutiveOfficer (CEO) of Bi Courney, Mr.

Airport passengersgroan as FAANintroduces newshuttle bus rules

Airport passengers havebeen groaning as they

are left stranded at variousbus-stops along the Ikeja-Airport road due to shortageof airport shuttle busesbecause of the new rulesintroduced by Federal AirportAuthority of Nigerian, FAAN.

FAAN had instructed thedrivers to replace their oldbuses with new ones and theoperators have been findingit difficult to purchase newbuses. Vanguardinvestigation revealed thatthe shortage of the airportshuttle buses was as a resultof the phase out of the oldshuttle buses and thereplacement of new oneswhich began on Monday,May 4th 2015.

One of the passengerscontacted, Mr. James Onyikesaid that the new rule byFAAN was the reason why thebuses that ply the road werefew just as he affirmed thatwith the development onground, the drivers havepegged a fix price fortransport at N100 irrespectiveof any bus stop that thepassenger will alight.

Another passenger, Mrs.Juliet Oghene said that thesituation was becomingunbearable and called onFAAN to ensure that the buseswere deployed in due time toalleviate the sufferings of thepassengers.

When contacted on phone,General Manager, Public

INAUGURATION - From left Mr Christophe Pennick, Chief Executive Officer, Bi-CourtneyAviation Services Ltd; Mr Wale Babalakin, Chairman; Chief Osita Chidoka, Minister ofAviation and Mr Kayode Odukoya, MD, First Nation Airways during the Inauguration ofCommon User Passenger Processing System (CUPPS) at the Murtala Muhammed Airport 2(MMA2), Ikeja Lagos . Photo Lamidi Bamidele.

check in counters at the Terminalpointed out that domesticairlines do not have goodpassenger services mechanism,citing an incident where AeroContractors airline had toabandon its passengers at theNnamdi Azikiwe InternationalAirport, Abuja and Lagos Airportinstead of activate theirhospitality partnership with thehotels in Abuja and Lagos.

According to Chidoka, with thedeployment of facilities that aideasy travel experiences by BiCourtney Aviation Limited, MM2terminal was maintaining itsstatus as the best airportterminal in the country.

“MMA2 has offered a templateto the Nigerian government toimprove our airport. Apart frompassengers rating the MMA2 asone of the best airport terminalsin Nigeria, ground handlers,pilots and other operators alsosaid that MMA2 is a befittingairport terminal” he said.

While expressing his gratitude,Chairman of Bi CourtneyAviation Limited, Dr. Wale

42 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

Administration of withholdingTax (11)The organizations

making thepayments are

required to withhold taxfrom such payments andpay over the withheldamounts to their respectiverelevant Tax Authoritieswithin 30days of receipt ofpayment or credit by theperson or entity suffering

the Tax.The relevant tax

authorities to receive theWHT tax transactions madeby companies is FIRS andfor individuals andunincorporated bodiessubject to Rules ofResidence is SIRS or FIRS.

Person liable to deductwithholding Tax

The payer of withholdingtax in respect of any of the

activities covered under thewithholding tax regimeshall include company(Corporate or non-corporate), GovernmentMinistries and Department,Parastatals, Statutorybodies, Institutions andother establishedorganization approved for

the operations of Pay As youEarn System.

Who is Taxable*All Persons, Companies

etc. who’s Incomes areliable to income tax, aresubject to Withholding Tax.

*However, exempt entitieslike EducationalInstitutions, GovernmentMinistries, Parastatals andother Agencies ofGovernment, are Agents for

the collection of WHT. Theyare required to deduct WHTon any payment made to ataxable body and remit sameto the relevant tax authority.

Withholding Taximplication on foreigntransactions

Non Resident Companies/Enterprises

The Revenue practice isthat non-resident companiesare not empowered todeduct any type of WHT.These categories ofenterprises are practicallyoutside the regulatorymonitoring and control ofthe FIRS. It will beimpracticable for Revenueoffice to inspect theaccounting books of thesecompanies in order toconfirm due deduction andremittance of WHT.

Double TaxationAgreement (DTA)

Transactions that areordinarily not liable to tax inNigeria are not liable toWHT in Nigeria. Thuscontracts and supplies ofgoods and servicesperformed entirely outsideNigeria by non-residentindividuals are not liable toWHT. Nigeria has treatyagreements with about eight

(8) countries and thesecountries are granted areduced rate of WHTdeduction, usually at 75% ofthe generally applicableWHT rate. 7.5%. Thesecountries include UK,Northern Ireland, Canada,France, Belgium, theNetherlands, Pakistan, andRomania.

Permanent Establishment(PE) principle exists undernigeria taxation

The rules construe a PEwhere:

*The company has a “fixedbase” in Nigeria.

*The company operates inNigeria through adependent agent authorizedto conclude contracts ordeliver goods on its behalf,

*The company is executinga turnkey project in Nigeria,or

*The operation betweenthe company and its Nigeriaaffiliate does not appear tobe at arm’s length.

*“Fixed base” implies somedegree of permanence andwill include:

*Facilities, such as afactory, office, branch, mine,oil or gas well

*Activities, such asbuilding, construction,assembly or installation.

The relevant tax authorities toreceive the WHT taxtransactions made by companiesis FIRS and for individuals andunincorporated bodies subjectto Rules of Residence is SIRS orFIRS

Lagos State Governmenthas assured to use

Medium Term SectorStrategies (MTSS) to deliveron the Lagos StateDevelopment Plan (LSDP) inthe medium term, while theimpact assessment reportingwould be used to review theplan on a regular basis offive years intervals asdocumented.

The LSDP 2012 - 2025 wasformally launched andpresented to the public byGovernor BababtundeFashola, on December 2014,to provide overall directionfor long term growth anddevelopment of the state.

Speaking at aStakeholders’ Sensitisationon the LSDP 2012 – 2025 inLagos, Commissioner,Ministry of EconomicPlanning and budget, Mr.Ben Akabueze, said that theplan will set overarchinglong term framework forgovernment’s planning andbudgeting system, stating:“It is important to note thata plan will however notachieve anything by itselfexcept it is executed.Therefore the planningteams have developed animplementation programmeto identify those actions andresponsibilities which willensure that the plan isimplemented and becomes amechanism for realising thevision for Lagos by the year2025.”

Akabueze who wasrepresented by SpecialAdviser to the Governor onEconomic Planning andBudget, Mrs. IyabowaleAluko, said that thepreparation of the LSDPbegan by looking at the mainissues and challenges facingthe state, drawing uponprevious state reports,current statistics, especiallythose published by the LagosBureau of Statistics andother relevant documents/reports made available byMinistries Departments andAgencies (MDAs), adding “Our vision for LSDP by 2025is to become “Africa’s ModelMega-city and GlobalEconomic and FinancialHub that is Safe, Secure,Functional and Productive”by 2025.

According to him, “Lagosas the fastest growing mega-city state is geographicallywell placed to serve all themajor markets of the world.

LSDP: we’ll usemedium termsectorstrategies todeliver - LASG


Tax Matters


Advertising & Promotions

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 43



Is Legend makingreward system apolicy?

All around Nigeria,Legend extrastout is going about

rewarding loyal consumers ina campaign it dubbed“Legend Taste and Tell’contest.

The brand which hastraversed parts of Lagos,Enugu, Owerri, Ibadan andnow Abeokuta, the OgunState capital, precisely atHalmond Entertainment bar,a popular hangout at theMKO Abiola Stadium,rewarded consumers whoengaged in the blind tastegame, ‘Taste and Tell.’ Whilstrewarding winners of thegame who were able todistinguish the brand fromfilled cups marked ‘A’ to ‘C’,eventually carted homeprizes ranging fromgenerating sets to LEDtelevisions and refrigerators.

The star of the night wasIyanu Ogunrinde, a 26 yearold Abeokuta basedbusinessman who emergedwinner of a brand newgenerator in the ‘Taste andTell’ contest. Ogunrinderevealed that it was the firsttime he would ever tasteLegend Extra Stout that night,yet he was able to correctlyidentify the drink from thearray of stout brands duringthe blind taste test.

An elated Ogunrinde alsoadded that he attended theevent after he reluctantlyaccepted a friend’s invitationto hang out at the bar. Hestated: “I am so happy that Iwon this generator. ThankGod that I agreed toaccompany my friend here.Legend is truly a unique stoutbrand and that is why I didnot find it difficult to pick outthe brand from others duringthe blind taste challenge”.

Other winners of the nightwere Adekunle Gafar, astudent and Jamiu Lawal, atechnician, both based inAbeokuta. Gafar, a 25 year-oldHND 1 student of MoshoodAbiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta,won a refrigerator during theblind taste contest, said hecame well prepared to win. Inhis words: “I am not surprisedI won because I came hereprepared to win. I have beendrinking Legend for the pastfive years and today I amexcited about winning thisfridge. To me it shows thatLegend is not just looking foravenues to make money fromconsumers. It is also lookingat ways to reward loyalty. Iam so happy today and I willkeep drinking Legend. To meLegend is the best.”

On his part, Jamiu Lawal,the winner of a brand new 32"flat screen television on thenight expressed his joy atwinning the feat. He stated:

“I am very happy to have wonthis TV. I did not expect to winbut I am happy I won all thesame. My favorite drink isLegend and I feel rewarded,winning this night.”

The event also featured acultural display by the OgunState Performing Troupe with

live music by Lagos-basedPlatinum Blazers.

Speaking, Key AccountExecutive, NigerianBreweries Plc., Abeokuta, Mr.Adeyanju Babatunde statedthat Legend is the leadingstout brand in Abeokuta, thatthe brand owns its risingprofile to its unmatchedquality as well as itswillingness to rewardcustomers through events

such as the ‘Taste and Tell’challenge.

The trip to Ibadan for thetaste and tell contest was notdifferent from what waswitnessed in Abeokuta. InIbadan, Solution Oguniyi,Adekunle Adeyinka, whereall consumers who wenthome with refrigerator andgenerating set respectively,but Moshood. S. Abiola, 39-year, a native of Oyo Statehad decided to end a threeyears self-employed imposedbreak from drinking LegendExtra Stout, that night he waslucky to go home with 32-inchLED flat screen Television.

According to Abiola, he wasa regular consumer ofLegend Extra Stout untilthree years ago when hedecided to quit alcohol.

CSR - From Left: Onilogbo of Ilogbo, Oba Samuel Ojugbele, Managing Director,Intercontinental Distillers Limited, Engr Patrick Anegbe, and a Chief inside one of theclassrooms built by Intercontinental Distillers Limited for Ilogbo Community High School,Ilogbo, Ota, in Ogun State.

Magic Mirror, new OOH ad mediumenters Nigeria

A new vista has beenopened in the

Nigerian out-of-home, OOHadvertising industry with theintroduction of Magic Mirroradvertising option by Soundz& Meknitz Limited.

The product, world’s latestOOH advertisingtechnologies, is the first inentire Sub-Saharan Africa.

Classed under theemerging media and belowthe line/indoor advertisingcategory, works by interfacinga specially designed mirrorwith an in-built LCD videoand audio programme thatalso doubles as a viewingmirror. The televisioncommercial, TVC is seenplaying on the mirror, with aninbuilt sensor that squeezesthe advert message to a corneron approach of a user topresent a full mirror andreturns after use.

Speaking on the newinnovation, ManagingDirector of Soundz & Meknitz

Limited, Mr Felix Ugbechie,said already his company hasbeen granted exclusivepermit to install the newgeneration advertisingtechnology in all the restrooms in all airport loungesin Nigeria, a factor he is surewill give maximum value toNigerian advertisers.

Ugbechie said theadvertising medium is uniquebecause it offers theadvertiser the opportunity tohave something close topersonal conversations withindividuals who come incontact with it.

“The mirror, as simple as itis, is a very important tool formanaging personalrelationships. We mustalways go to the mirror toappreciate ourselves anddetermine if we are lookinggood enough for that allimportant meeting. It is apersonal tool that enables usto have a conversation withourselves before we go out to

meet other people. What weare doing is take thisconversation even further byenabling brands to talk to theirtargets in their most intimateperiods. This is a period whenconversations are bestappreciated and ensure longlasting retention,” he stated.

Ugbechie explained that theMagic Mirror advertising hasthe distinguishing capabilityto pass the messagepersonally and withoutinterruptions and alsoovercomes the challenges ofno tune out, trashing orflipping pages that have beenthe disadvantages ofelectronic and print mediaadvertising in recent time.

“The Magic Mirror is like awelcome companion to theoften disconcerting privacy ofthe rest rooms. That is whywe say it holds personalconversations becauseadvertisers have the privilegeof talking to individuals inthis secluded privacy and beable to arrest their attentionthroughout their stay.

Analysts hailChivita 100%,Man Upartnership

In today’s busy world ofbrand marketing,

utilizing the strength ofpartnership brandmarketing to gainincremental marketingexposure is not only smart,but an essential tool forbrands to remain morecompetitive in today ’sconstantly changingmarketplace. Brandpartnerships such as the onebetween Nigeria’s fruit juiceflagship brand Chivita 100%and English Premiershipside Manchester United FChas continued to generatemassive interest within thesporting community andconsumers of the brand.

According to AdewaleOkoya, a marketingcommunication consultantand former Editor withMarketing Edge Magazinein Lagos, “seven monthsafter the partnership wassigned, the management ofChi Limited seems to bedoing an excellent job ofprojecting the partnershipand the benefits to itsnumerous consumers. Thecommunication tacticsdeployed to create awarenessfor the Chivita 100% fruitjuice and ManchesterUnited partnership has beenso effective that both brandshave become synonymouswith each other in theconsciousness of Nigerianconsumers”

In a renewed bid toreposition Africa’s

image within and outsidethe continent, African PublicRelations Association,APRA is set to hold itsannual conference.

The conference’s 27th

edition which is billed tohold in Cameroon betweenMay 12 through 14, 2015,aims to analyse and projectto the world the true imageof Africa.

Addressing the press inLagos at the Pre-APRAYaounde 2015, theSecretary General of theAssociation, Mr. YomiBadejo-Okusanya said thatthe programme is pertinentconsidering the image crisisplaguing Africa continent onfrequent occasion.

“For instance, theoutbreak of the deadly EbolaVirus Disease and therecent Xenophobic attackon foreigners of Africandescent in South Africa.

APRA set toproject Africato the world

Business & Economy

Email:[email protected], [email protected] www.lesleba.comTel:0805 220 1997

44 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015


Omoh Gabriel - Group Business EditorBabajide Komolafe - Deputy Business EditorClara Nwachukwu - Energy EditorPeter Egwuatu - Asst. Business EditorYinka Kolawole - Snr Bus. CorrespondentFavour Nnabugwu - Insurance CorrespondentGodwin Oritse - Maritime CorrespondentGodfrey Bivbere - Maritime CorrespondentMichael Eboh - Energy ReporterFranklin Alli - Industry/Agric. ReporterIfeyinwa Obi - Maritime ReporterRosemary Onuoha - Insurance ReporterNkiruka Nnorom - Capital Market Reporter

CONTRIBUTORSPrincewill Ekwujuru - Media/MarketingJonah Nwokpoku - E-CommerceNaomi Uzor - IndustryProvidence Obuh - Micro FinanceLAYOUT - Graphics Department

The data released on fuelsubsidy outlays fromresponsible Agencies ofgovernment have, overtime,regrettably remaineddivergent, such that, it hasbecome a challenge to obtaindefinitive estimates.Nevertheless, the FinanceMinister, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala recently explained thatthe inconsistent figures oftenquoted were unavoidablebecause subsidy payments isa continuous, rolling process,therefore, relevantgovernment agencies couldonly provide specific datarelating to approved claimsthat have passed through eachdepartment at any point intime.

The above notwithstanding,what is clear however, is thatwe are spending adisproportionate amount ofour Federal budget to fundsubsidy payments, which addup to about N500bn, or anaverage of about 10% ofannual Federal budgets since2011. Incidentally, despite theobvious severe socialdeprivations caused by ourdismal infrastructural deficit,critical sectors such asEducation and Health, werenever so favoured.

Well, if you are alreadyconcerned at the apparentmisplacement of priorities,then you may be alarmed, thatactual subsidy values mayhave exceeded 20% of totalFederal budgets in recentyears. This is because, inaddition to the N500bn or soaverage actual subsidypayments annually, the valueof unsettled bills mayapproach or indeed exceedanother N500bn annually.

Infact, according to the Co-ordinating Minister, subsidyvalues, which were never

The oppressive folly of fuel subsidycaptured in annualappropriation bills, havenevertheless been settledultimately by her Ministrywithout recourse toLegislative approval asconstitutionally required.Why the National Assemblycondoned this blatantviolation of annual fiscal Acts,despite the unathourisedmonstrous outflows involved,is not clear.

This tradition of impunity hasobviously been stepped upwith possibly, over N200bnadditional commitment whichwas recklessly incurred thisyear without Legislativeconsent as penalty for bankinterest on delayed paymentsand exchange rate differentialson a ‘core’ subsidy bill ofN40bn according to ThomasOlawore, the ExecutiveSecretary of the MajorPetroleum Marketers (seereport titled: Daily Subsidy onPMS rises to N1.7bn on Pg. 38on Punch newspaper editionof 30th of April, 2015).

Clearly, if this bizarre fiscaltrajectory continues,cumulative fuel subsidy valuesmay ultimately exceed 50% ofannual budgets, particularly ifcrude oil prices remain above$60/barrel and or the Nairaexchange rate depreciatesabove the current N197=$;eventually, the oppressivefolly of government’s subsidystrategy may become soembarrassingly glaring whenwe become constrained toobtain high priced loans tofund our debilitating subsidyhabit.

Conversely, however, ifsubsidy is abolished under theprevailing crude oil price andNaira exchange rate, fuel pricewill rapidly shoot up to aboutN150/litre, and ultimatelypush the average price index

for goods and services closerto 10%. Consequently, unlessall wages and salaries rise by10% annually, income earnersmay lose 50% of thepurchasing value of their Nairaincomes every five years;thus, more Nigerians will needto cut down on their families’standard shopping list, asincomes increasingly losepurchasing power and deepenpoverty, particularly for thosefamilies who depend on theexisting minimum wage ofN18000/month.

CBN may consider easing naira rules this weekThe central Bank of Nigeria

has started talks withbanks and currency dealerson how to loosen foreign-exchange trading restrictionswhile still maintainingstability in the naira. TheFinancial Markets DealersAssociation, a Lagos-basedindustry body, met last weekto put a proposal together thatmay be presented to CBN thisweek.The FMDA will recommendways to increase trading andliquidity in the foreign-exchange market, while at thesame time avoidingspeculative demand thatmight significantly weakenthe naira.

Recall that the CBN hasimplemented severalmeasures since December tobolster the naira, which hasweakened 19 per cent againstthe dollar since the end ofJune, by limiting the buyingof dollars in the interbankmarket. The central bankhasn’t made any decision tochange the trading rulescurrently in place, IbrahimMu’azu, CBN spokesmantold Reuters by e-mail.David Adepoju, the Lagos-based president of the FMDA,said by phone that he was onholiday and referred requestsfor comment to AdebayoAdeyemo, the vice president,who didn’t immediately

respond to an e-mail.The CBN probably won’t makeany changes to the foreignexchange regime until afterthe new government is swornin on May 29, two of thepeople who spoke to Reuterssaid.Head of Africa economicresearch at StandardChartered Plc, Razia Khan hadtold reporters in Lagos lastweek: “The central bank willprobably have to let marketforces have a greater say overthe exchange rate if Nigeriais to preserve its reserves. Itmakes sense to assume thatthere will be some adjustmentin the regime to allow forgreater flexibility.

Furthermore, consumerdemand will contract ifinflation spirals to createadverse consequences formanufacturers and otheremployers of labour who willbecome compelled to scaledown on their workforce;clearly, this will furtherworsen the already sociallydisturbing rate ofunemployment.

Thus, government may seemto be caught between the deviland the blue sea, on this matterof subsidy. Indeed, ifgovernment’s response to thispersistent dilemma remainspedestrian as usual, theincoming administrationwould predictably seek a trucewith Organised Labour to onceagain share the burden of

subsidy, by raising the currentfuel price of N87 to aboutN120/litre instead of a subsidyfree actual market price ofabout N150/litre.

Regrettably, however, thisarrangement will collapse assoon as crude oil prices riseabove the current $60/barreland, or the Naira exchange raterises above N197/$, as suchprice movements will pushderegulated petrol price wellbeyond N150/litre to create awider margin of subsidy thanthe N30/litre earlierprojected.

Furthermore, if CBN’srapidly depleting reservesincrease pressure on dollardemand, Naira exchange ratewould simultaneously spiralcloser to or above the currentblack market rate of N220=$.In such event, fuel prices willrise and related subsidy valueswill again increase toprecipitate the usual train ofinadequate funding, delayedpayments, etc, etc, until abrokered resolution betweengovernment and Labour onceagain sets in motion anothercycle of folly with anagreement for partial subsidyin fuel pricing.

Sadly, it is not generallyknown that almost 50% of ourforex earnings are currentlyrepatriated abroad aspayment for imports for the40m litres of fuel consumeddaily.

Conversely, a hugereduction in externalpayments, may be possible, ifmore refineries are built or ifat least existing government’srefineries become fullyoperational. Nonetheless, thereality is that even at fullcapacity, existing refineriesmay provide barely 20% ofnational requirement; besides,Turn Around Maintenance for

these refineries maycharacteristically still takeforever to complete.However, even if refineriesoperate at optimal capacity,the ex-refinery cost of fuel willnot be significantly differentfrom the f.o.b. prices invoicedby the overseas suppliers;clearly, the price gain fromdeduction of freight and localcharges may not exceed 10%off the domestic pump price ina fully deregulated market,unless crude oil is allocated torefineries at a heavy discount(another subsidy through theback door)!

Consequently, if crude oilprices rise significantly orNaira exchange rate furtherdepreciates, fuel pump pricewill faithfully spiraluncomfortably to make theaccommodation of subsidyinevitable. Besides, until priceimposition is abolished,investors will continue to stayaway from establishing newdomestic refineries because ofthe clear challenges related tothe payments system of thepresent subsidy scheme.However, savvy investors,such as Dangote, who establishnew refineries, would hedgetheir investments by sellingtheir products strictly indollars ex-refinery gate tomarketers who would stillneed to source the requiredforex for their purchases. Insuch event, the forex outlayfor fuel will still remainsubstantial despite the newprivate refineries established.

Conversely, however,owners of domestic refinerieswould readily price their fuelin Naira if the Naira re-establishes a reputation as asafe store of value, rather thana currency that is perenniallybeleaguered and remains onlife support.

Until priceimposition isabolished,investors willcontinue to stayaway fromestablishing newdomesticrefineries

Vanguard,Vanguard,Vanguard,Vanguard,Vanguard, MONDAY, MONDAY, MONDAY, MONDAY, MONDAY, MAY 11, MAY 11, MAY 11, MAY 11, MAY 11, 2015— 2015— 2015— 2015— 2015—4545454545

WITH over 80 percent of Nigerian cancer patients pay-

ing out of pocket, the need for theincoming administration of Gen-eral Mohammadu Buhari to in-clude cancer care under the Na-tional Health Insurance Scheme,NHIS, has been stressed.

Making a passionate call to thePresident-elect last week in Lagosduring the media flag-off ofSebeccly Cancer Care and Sup-port Centre's 2105 Light LagosPink, Consultant, Clinical andRadiation oncologist, Dr. OmololaSalako, said many Nigerianshave died of cancer due to lack ofmoney to pay for their treatment.

Salako who is Executive Direc-tor of the Support Centre, said theonly way more Nigerians willsurvive cancer, particularly theindigent, is for the new govern-ment to implement cancer careunder the NHIS.

She argued that if cancer careis accommodated by the NHIS,Nigeria would increase cancersurvival rates as well as reduceout of pocket payment by 30- 40percent.

"We are not saying governmentshould take care of the entire billbut they should take care of thechunk of the cost of treatment. Ifthe patient pays for surgery, gov-ernment can pay for radiotherapy.If the patients pay for chemo-therapy, government can pay fortarget therapy. There should be ashared formula. That way morewomen will access care and they

Oncologists urge Buhari to prioritise cancercare under NHIS

• L-R: Mrs Laduna Ogunbanwo, who represented the Lagos State First Lady; Chioma –Apotha,Sebeccly Care Ambassador; Dr Omolola Salako, Executive Director, Sebeccly Cancer Care andSupport Centre; Adetoro Omojole, Board Member during the flag-off of Sebeccly Light LagosPink recently.

state-wide collaborative campaignseeks to promote breast aware-ness, initiate action amongwomen as well as raise funds forindigent cancer patients.

Launched in 2014, the cam-paign is targeting to support 400breast cancer patients as well asbuilding the first ever cancer sur-vivorship centre in Nigeria whererecently diagnosed women cango and access information on howto cope with the disease. Thecentre will promote survivorshipinformation and access to cancercare.

A Patron of Sebeccly, Prof.Josbert Duncan, dismissed the in-sinuation that breast cancer is adeath sentence saying, "It is onlya death sentence when a patientpronounces it to be."

“Cancer is not a death sentence;early diagnosis of cancer saveslife. What is a death sentence isover drinking. Over eating is adeath sentence. Lack of exerciseis a death sentence."

Lamenting that cancer care inNigeria was not good enough, hesaid the problem is not becauseNigeria or the professionals areincapable but the whole systemhas been engulfed in corruption."I am a trustee of African cancercentre. Tinubu and his groupgave us land 14 years ago. Gov-ernment gave us N400 millionthree or four years ago, a particu-lar minister of health diverted it."

On her part, Nollywood actress,Chioma- Apotha who is the Am-bassador, Light Lagos Pink,urged more breast cancer survi-vors to speak out as part of effortsto give hope to others.

She explained that the cam-paign will raise N250 million tobuild cancer survivorship centreas well support treatments of in-digent breast cancer patients.

will have a better chance of sur-viving," she added.

Salako identified challenges ofcancer care in Nigeria to include;lack of a comprehensive cancercentre, late presentation by pa-tients, diagnosis and cost of care.

"Cost of cancer care is outra-geous. Government needs to stepin if we want our patients to sur-vive. We need a comprehensivecancer centre. Cancer is killingmore people in the developingworld than HIV/AIDS, tubercu-losis, and malaria combined.”

Stating that 70 percent of allcancer deaths occur in low- andmiddle-income countries, she

added that cancer has alreadysurpassed infectious disease asthe leading cause of death inmany of these countries.

"One-third of these cancers arepreventable, and an additionalone-third of cancers can be de-tected and treated while there isstill hope. Breast cancer is themost common cancer and princi-pal cause of cancer deaths Breastcancer accounts for 27,304 newcases and 13,960 deaths annu-ally. Over 80 percent of breast can-cer patients present in stage IIIand IV.”

Speaking on Sebeccly 2015Light Lagos Pink, Salako said the

I’ll pay every HIV-positive South African N0.84mto wear a tatoo — ZUMA

If cancer care isaccommodated bythe NHIS, Nigeriawould increasecancer survivalrates as well asreduce out ofpocket payment by30- 40 percent

CONFIRMED HIV positive SouthAfricans that volunteer to be marked

near their genital area with a tatoodepicting their status, will in addition tofree counselling and medication. be paidan equivalent of N840, 000 (50 000 Rands)each, according to a bill newly signed byPresident Jacob Zuma.

The bill, according to a report by RadioCity, a local South African radio station, iswidely regarded as one of the greatest stepsin the history of combating the HIV/AIDSepidemic in the country which has thehighest HIV prevalence in Africa.

Zuma who is reported to to havevolunteered to be the first South Africancitizen to get hisHIV status tatted near hisgenitals, however announced that onlythe first 10 million people (who alreadytested positive) to volunteer to have theirHIV statuses tatted on their genitals wouldbe given the money in form of a funeralexpense voucher.

After signing the bill, Zuma was quotedas saying: “The mark is to protect thosewho can't say no to sex. I mean if you can'tread between the lines you should readbetween the legs because that's where thestatus would be tatted.

“The choice to be HIV positive is now inyour hands or your genitals for thatmatter…. We also encourage those whohad been living with the virus to go to thenearest public hospitals to get their statustatted in,” he noted.

South Africa has the world's highest HIVcaseload and premature deaths of 300,000people. The government is distributinglife-prolonging anti-retroviral drugs topeople infected with the virus.

Particularly, HIV-positive infants andchildren under one year obtain free ARVs,while pregnant women and patients withtuberculosis and HIV/AIDS with CD4 cellcounts below 350 are treated free.

In 2006, Zuma faced charges of rapingan HIV-positive family friend, and wasridiculed for testifying that he took ashower after sex to lower the risk of

By Sola Ogundipe

By Chioma Obinna

• President Jacob Zuma.

infection with HIV. His determination tohelp millions South Africans infected withHIV and around 60,000 babies born HIVinfected each year.

"Let there be no more shame, no moreblame, no more discrimination and no morestigm. Let the politicisation and endlessdebates about HIV and AIDS stop," Zumanoted.

Many factors contribute to the widespread of HIV in the country. Theseinclude: poverty; inequality and socialinstability; high levels of sexuallytransmitted infections; the low status ofwomen; sexual violence; high mobility(particularly migrant labour); limited anduneven access to quality medical care; anda history of poor leadership in the responseto the epidemic.

HIV and AIDS estimates by UNAIDS(2013), show that the number of peopleliving with HIV in South Africa averages6.3 million. Adults aged 15 to 49 haveaverage prevalence rate of 19.1 percentwhile youths aged 15 and above livingwith HIV number 5.9 million.

Women aged 15 and above living withHIV number 3. 5 million while childrenaged 0 to 14 living with the virus are 3.6million in number.

Total deaths due to AIDS range between170,000 - 220,000, while an estimated 2.4million orphans aged 0 to 17 months dueto AIDS are on record.



Continues on page 48

I am yearningfor an Africathat is open tothe rest of theworld so thatwe can begloballycompetitive

WHY are you interested inpresiding over the

affairs of the AfricanDevelopment Bank at a timewhen the continent is besetwith serious economic anddevelopmental woes?

I want to say that I have whatit takes to run a successful AfDBin the midst of the economicsituation in which it has founditself. Before delving into thatlet me first and foremost, thankPresident Goodluck EbeleJonathan for giving me the

opportunity to serve Nigeria asa minister of Agriculture. Ineverything in life, one needs aplatform to showcase what hecan do before he can excel orfail. I have been working inmany parts of Africa and theworld for over 25 years beforePresident Jonathan invited meto join his administration.

Before then, I had never metor discussed with him. Henever knew me apart from whathe was told about my capabilityand high level of exposure. SoI am grateful to him for thatopportunity to serve my countrybecause there is nothing more

President Jonathan has put meforward as Nigeria’s candidatefor that job. I am humbledbecause it is a mark ofconfidence that he andNigerians have in me.

That is why I am grateful tothe president and thepresident-elect for throwingtheir weight behind me in thiscontest. It is a Nigerian projectand as you know a Nigerianhas never won this positionsince the bank was set up in1964 and so it is a greatopportunity for Nigeria to headthe bank. So I don’t look at itas a personal thing at all; I lookat it as something that I amcoming in to serve.

I am not looking for a job butI am putting myself at theservice of Africa to put thewhole of my experience whichis vast. I have lived in morethan 15 African countries inWest Africa, Central Africa, EastAfrica, and Southern Africa.

I have lived and worked formore than 10 years inFrancophone countries, I amtotally fluent in French. I havelived and worked in NigerRepublic, Mali and BurkinaFaso.

Huge amountsof experience

I worked in Ivory Coast forfive years during which Isupervised 10 PhD studentsfrom the Faculty of SocialSciences in the University ofAbidjan’s Ivorian Centre forResearch in Social Sciences.Almost nine of my 10 studentsgot excellent; they were alltaught in French. I am totallyfluent in French.

I lived and worked inCameroon and as such, Ibelieve I bring a huge amountof experience that cuts acrossAfrica. I was the RegionalDirector of the RockefellerFoundation New York for

Southern Africa where I was incharge of all the countries inSouthern Africa from Malawi toZambia to South Africa itself toMozambique to Botswana toNamibia.

When I was Vice President ofAlliance for Green Revolutionin Africa, working with theformer United NationsSecretary General, Kofi Anan,I was in charge of all of Africain terms of policy.

So all I am saying is that Ibring vast amount ofknowledge on the ground onwhat the challenges are fromsmall countries to largecountries to fragile states. I amcomfortable in every part ofAfrica. So I see myself as a PanAfrican candidate and so Ibring to this thing whatmotivates me.

Beyond my experience on thejob, I have an unassailablepassion to eradicate povertybecause I am a product ofpoverty. I have seen andexperienced poverty in its rawform before becoming what Iam today.

So, at all times, I want to dosomething to bring hope andsuccour to those who are poorand to lift them out of povertyto good life because poverty isan abnormality and should notbe made to remain in oursociety as a normal way or life.

You see I grew out of povertyand having lived and grownout of poverty, I know what itis to be poor. That is why in allmy life, I have devoted tohelping the poor.

Vision forAfrica

My vision for Africa is to havean Africa where you have a lotof significant and inclusivegrowth. A growth that you cancall a shared prosperity by all,an Africa where each countryis linked to the other so thatyou have good regionalintegration.

I am yearning for an Africathat is open to the rest of theworld so that we can be globallycompetitive. An Africa whereyou have a lot of peace, hope,security and stability, an Africawhere our young people arenot moving out in masses,running here and there but anAfrica where we are proud tocall home.

But given what you havemarshalled out, do you thinkthe AfDB has really the kindof funding that can help toachieve these laudable targets?

The bank’s total capitalizationis $100 billion, the amount ofmoney that is paid out by thebank every year is over $80billion so it is not small butgiven the size of the problemin Africa we can’t reduce

By Soni Daniel, RegionalEditor, North

DR. Akinwumi Adesina, Nigeria’s celebrated Agriculture Minister has used his vastexperience to revolutionise the nation’s agricultural sector and is now vying to bethe first Nigerian president of the African Development Bank. Adesina, who enjoysthe support of both President Goodluck Jonathan and President-Elect, MuhammaduBuhari for the top continental job, stands tall among other contestants, havingworked in all regions of the continent before taking up the agriculture portfolio inNigeria. In this interview, Adesina speaks on his bid, his service to Nigeria andunfolds his agenda for transforming Africa’s economic development to give succourto the people of the continent. Excerpts:

Why there have been no foodriots in Nigeria— Adesina, Agric Minister•How I rejected car bribe

important than serving yourcountry.

I am also very grateful for thefact that Nigerians have alsosupported me here in what Ihave done; all the stategovernors, the private sector,the bankers and otherstakeholders have beenenormously supportive.

So it is not just my success onwhat we see in agriculturetoday but a national successthat so many people played alot of roles and as we looktowards the AfricanDevelopment Bank, I am sograteful and humbled that

•Adesina: I want to say that I have what it takes to run a successful AfDB



YOU lost the recentgovernorship election in

Delta State although yourparty, APC, won at the nationallevel, what is your perspectiveon the outcome and your nextline of action?

We did not truly lose thegubernatorial election in Delta,PDP stole the election. Electionsare only lost if they areconducted according to therules and a winner emerges. Inthe election in Delta as was alsothe case in Rivers and AkwaIbom, the card readers werediscarded, result sheetsconfiscated and fabricatedresults announced inconnivance with compromisedINEC staff. A smokescreen ofviolence and intimidation andballot boxes snatching wasunleashed to provide cover forresults manipulation. As youmay be aware, we have filed ourpetition at the tribunal to cancelthe purported elections.

So you believe APC can winin a rerun election?

After the Buhari win, Deltawas set and ready for APC.Delta did not want to remain inopposition. Even stalwarts ofPDP were with us on this andare still are.

Free and fairelection

PDP knew they would not wina proper free and fair electionand that was why they did notallow an election on the fieldbut resorted to snatching it inthe air, so to speak.

Under a Buhari government,a rerun election, I believe, willbe free and fair and in anenvironment of neutrality byINEC and the security forces,if Deltans are truly for onceallowed a free hand to choosebetween the 16 years of PDPmisrule and APC wind ofpositive change, they willdefinitely choose APC.

What is the position of ChiefGreat Ogboru and LabourParty in all these? It is allegedthat he is already in touch withAPC leaders?

You are aware we had an uglyand rancorous election strugglewith Ogboru/Labour. Ogboruinvested all his political capitalin President Jonathan’s re-election bid which failed.

He partnered with PDP to tryto kill APC in Delta state andwas rewarded with a secondplace position by PDP inallocating the April 11gubernatorial election results.There exists a bitter andantagonistic divide betweenAPC and Labour faithful in thestate.

Be that as it may, we must not

Ogboru is welcome to APC, but... — EmerhorNOTWITHSTANDING that the APC lost the April 11 governorship election in Delta State, itspolitical relevance has shot up because of the materialization of General MuhammaduBuhari (retd) as President-Elect and unexpectedly, there are loads of intrigues by politicians,both from PDP and LP , including two former governorship candidates who want to defect tothe party. TAPC's governorship candidate in the last election, Olorogun O’tega Emerhor, whomaintained that PDP stage-managed the election, spoke to Vanguard on his plan to overturnthe result, the growing influence of the party in the state and underground moves to terminatePDP’s domination in the South-South region.

By Egufe Yafugborhi

forget that both parties comemainly from the same stock ofopposition that has alwaysbefore now wanted PDP oustedfrom the state. So Ogborushould be free, if it is now hisdesire to join forces.

Does this mean you areready to work with Ogboru?

There is strength in unity ofnumbers and purpose! But thishas to go through a process! Forexample, after the elections, thefirst place I ran into Ogboruwas at the house of one of myleaders in Abuja. As I did notknow his mission, I did notmake it my business.

Eventually, the said leaderinvited both of us to a meeting,which turned out to be ameeting to get both of us tocooperate to cancel thegovernorship election at thetribunal.

But I get the impression fromOgboru that he continues torate himself as the mostpopular candidate and appearto suggest to our leadershipthat he/Labour be admitted tosupplant the current APC,which some assume not to beon ground.

In Delta, such approachaimed at going over our heads

and discounting us, I can saydefinitely will be unhelpful.

Apart from the fallacy of it, wein APC , Delta, not onlyinvested in building a strongparty but also took the risk ofgoing against the PDP and asitting president who is aNiger Delta son.


Ogboru ran from this risk andpitched his tent with Jonathan.He cannot, therefore, becoming after the failure ofJonathan, with a mindset.

So what are your leaderstelling him?

Like I said, as a commonobjective, there is sense incooperating to cancel therigged election. The questionthen is after that, what next?

We, as a party, have an objectiveto regroup, cancel the electionand bring Delta into the APCfold.

Any defector that will furtherthis objective is welcomed. Ournational leaders share in thisobjective and would notencourage any group,whetherOgboru or PDP, to come tosupplant the APC in Delta.

In fact, they are quitesupportive of liberating andbringing into the APC fold, therest of the South South.

It is believed that yourministerial ambition, afteryour loss of the governorshipis at the heart of the emergingcrisis in your party in DeltaState. Is it true?

I believe the APC nationalleadership is putting a specialdispensation in place in otherto bring the three South -Southstates of Delta, Rivers and

Akwa Ibom into the APC fold.This is why the threecandidates in these stateswhere the outrageous daylightelection robbery took place arebeing encouraged andsupported to go cancel theseelections at the tribunal.

Now, it is my belief that apartfrom competence and otherqualifications, the otheryardstick that may be appliedto these South-South stateswould be how the potentialminister can use his position tofoster the party’s objective ofwinning these states to the APCfold.

Do not forget that the PDPalso held on to these states forstrategic reasons with a plan touse these resource rich statesas a launch pad for their 2019renaissance.

Under these circumstances,not to talk of my sacrifices andcontributions in building theAPC in Delta state, startingfrom my senatorial bye electionin 2013 to my governorshipcandidacy and elections in2015, I wonder whatdisqualifies me from aministerial appointment suchthat it will create a crisis as youalluded.


A few ambitious people whomay seek to reap withoutsowing will always be there, butI do not think I am the sourceof any crisis.

Is that a confirmation ofyour interest in the ministerialslot for Delta state?

I am confirming my interestto be of continuous service tomy party and people of Deltastate. Ministerial appointmentis the prerogative of thePresident- elect through theinstrumentality of the party.

How do you think the zoningof key positions in the APCwill play out?

Of course zoning is designedto ensure a fair and balancedspread of key political officesacross the nation reflecting ourfederal character.

The APC being a partychampioning change willensure this is done quite well.Nonetheless, few hiccups arevisible.

As you must now know,because of the massive riggingthat took place in the SouthSouth and South East by thePDP with the active toleranceof people from these zones,these zones are consequentlyshort of APC NASS members.This is already reflecting on thezoning of offices. By andlarge, however, the leadershipof APC will in no time resolveon this crucial issue.

•Emerhor: Ogboru continues to rate himself as the mostpopular candidate

I am confirmingmy interest to beof continuousservice to myparty and peopleof Delta state.Ministerialappointment isthe prerogative ofthe President-elect through theinstrumentalityof the party


One of thecompanieseven tried tobribe me with acar and Irejected itoutright. I can’tbe corruptedand I can’t beinfluenced

How I rejected car bribe — Adesina

•Adesina: I am a public servant and not a boss as some people do

Continued from page 46

solution of the problems ofAfrica to the balance sheet ofthe African development bank.

The bank needs a presidentthat can articulate Africa’sagenda, that can workeffectively with Africangovernments, that can workeffectively with donors, that canput Africa’s issue constantly onthe centre of global dialogueand that is where myexperience comes in and thisis really where I believe I bringa whole set of skills to help thisbank to lift itself globally forrelevance.

From what you have done inNigeria in the last four years,carving a niche for yourselfand Nigeria in the Agriculturesector of the economy, is thereany lesson you can replicatefor Africa using the AfDB, ifyou eventually get the job?

Let me speak on the issue ofagriculture sector. When wecame here I said that we mustchange how we look atagriculture. I told Nigeriansnot to see agriculture as adevelopmental activity or assome way of life.

I told Nigerians to look at itas a serious business that canbring in money and support forfamilies. I insisted that wemust change our attitudetowards agriculture and makeit the centre of ourdevelopment.

Domesticfood supply

We worked very hard andwith the President’s big supportto deliver. In four years, weadded an additional 21 millionmetric tonnes of food to ourdomestic food supply. Wecreated 3.5 million non-farmjobs in Nigeria, all the peoplethat used to come from thenorth to go to Lagos to go Abujato work as night guards, whereare they today?

They are not there anymorebut happily working in the farmand earning real money. As aresult of our strategies, our foodimport bill declined from N 3.1trillion in 2011 all time peakdown to N35 billion at the endof 2014, according to theNigeria Bureau of Statistics.

Again, look at what hashappened today, despite thedepreciation of the Naira andthe falling oil price; you canhardly notice any significantincrease in the prices of food. The International MonetaryFund, IMF, and others havecontinued to congratulate us onthe effective management ofour resources to produceabundant food to cope with the


crisis arising from oilcrisis. An IMF teamcame to us the other dayand said that they werecoming from Venezuelaand that they saw thatthey were food riotseverywhere but not inNigeria and wonderedhow we did it.

So the amount of foodwe produced createdfiscal buffers for us tosave us in these hardtimes and we can saywith pride thatagriculture savedNigeria from food crisis. The other thing thatwe did was that we alsogot the banks to lend tothe agriculture sector.So, I want to say that Iwill take what I did inNigeria to other Africancountries to increasefood production andcreate wealth forfarmers. I cannot forgetthe impact of theelectronic wallet systemto agriculture in Nigeriaand it is somethingworth extending to allpart of the world.

With the introductionof the e-wallet, weended corruption of over40 years in the nation’sagric sector in just 90

the government gaveallocations for people to bringin rice and that some of thecompanies have refused to paygovernment and I said theamount they owe is N36 billion.I am the one who called a pressconference in Lagos andreleased all the data for all thecompanies.

I wrote to the President that

the Nigeria Customs Servicemust be made to collect everysingle dime from the importers.I published the list of thecompanies but you know whenyou fight corruption, corruptionfights back and in this case Ifind it very funny andridiculous that the hunter isbeing hunted.

The fact of this matter is a verysimple one; the NCS mustcollect from everybody whatthey owe, my job is to set thepolicy direction and I havedone that already. I was thewhistle blower and I publishedall the names of the companies.

It is funny that thesecompanies now go roundmedia houses trying to spoilmy name. Look, these peoplemust realise that Nigeria is nota banana republic, everybodythat owes must pay.

Now in this particular casewhat was even quite funnyabout it was that companieswent ahead and imported riceabove their allocated quota.They all signed an agreementwith the NCS that if theallocation they get is lower thanthe amount of rice are bringingin -which custom allowed themto bring in- that they would paythe cost.

Now, when the allocation wasdone and they didn’t get whatthey wanted and they bluntly

refused to pay for what they hadalready imported. My onlyoffence is that I insist thateverybody that owes must pay.It is as simple as that. I did notapprove any waiver for anyimporter as claimed by mytraducers.

I insist that there must be ruleof law and accountabilitywherever I operate. Thesepeople are just trying toconfuse a clear andstraightforward issue: Theyowe money and they must payup and nothing more. I didn’tgive waivers to anybodybecause it is only the Presidentthat can give waivers.

The former Attorney Generalof the Federation, Chief MikeAndooaka, who is a rice miller,testified at the public hearingin the House ofRepresentatives in Abuja thatit was under my leadership inthe Ministry of Agriculture thatallocations had been given outtransparently. He said that henever believed that he couldget allocations without knowinganybody in the ministry andlobbying to be given one as wasthe practice before I came onboard.


At the public hearing, Iopenly challenged thosemaking noise over waivers tosay if I have at any time askedfor anything from them in orderto get any allocation from myministry and everyone wasquiet and I challenged them tosay if I have ever collected abiro pen from anyone in thecourse of doing my duties, yetnobody could face me.

You see for me as a minister Iam known for this, you don’thave to beg me for anything,you don’t have to plead withme for anything, you don’thave to lobby for anything.

I am a public servant and nota boss as some people do. Iasked the importers if any ofthem had ever given me a koboin the course of their interactionwith me or any of my staff, andthat they should expose methere before the world or keepshut forever but yet none wasforthcoming. So, where did thewaiver approval come from?Some people are just out totarnish my name for nothing.

One of the companies eventried to bribe me with a carand I rejected it outright. Ican’t be corrupted and I can’tbe influenced. I am in apublic office and I serveNigeria with all of what Ihave and they attempt to spoilme for being a whistleblower.

days. Through the samescheme, we are giving ourfamers seeds and fertilizers bymobile phone therebyeliminating middlemen,corruption and ensuringtransparency andaccountability in the sector.

In spite of the transparencymeasures you haveintroduced into the Ministry ofAgriculture, you are beingaccused of approving waiversfor rice importers therebymaking the FederalGovernment to lose revenueto the tune of N36 billion? Whydid you do that?

Look let me tell you the truth.I am the one who blew the lidon the scam. I have neverapproved a dime for anyimporter because in the firstplace I don’t have the power toapprove any waiver in Nigeria.

Proceeds ofcorruption

What is happening now isthat the people I stopped fromcorrupting the system andrejecting their bribe money areusing the proceeds ofcorruption to dent my image.It is all mischief; it is allmisinformation; it is allmischaracterization.

I was the one that alerted thenation in January this year that


Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015—49

HOMELESS: Internally displaced persons, IPDs, from the North-East at their camp in Sokoto. NAN PHOTO.

Man jailed5 years overemploymentscam

By GbengaOlarinoye

OSOGBO—A FederalHigh Court sitting in

Osogbo, Osun State, hassentenced a middle-agedman, Eboh Meschach, toa five years imprisonmentwith hard labour forconspiring to dupeunsuspecting job seekers.

He was arraigned beforethe court on a four-countcharge of conspiracyimpersonation, stealingand advanced fee fraudby the Nigeria Securityand Civil Defence Corps,NSCDC, Osun StateCommand.

According to the chargesheet, Meschachcommitted the crime inOsogbo between January30 and May 7, 2013, withInnocent Uwadiale andUrieto Omomene Franca,now at large.

He was said to haveobtained N5,000 from IssaMusa under the falsepretence of securingemployment for him in theNSCDC, therebycommitting an offencecontrary to andpunishable under Section8 (a), (b) and (c) of theAdvanced Fee FraudRelated Offences Act 2006Laws of the Federation ofNigeria.

The accused person wasalso said to haveimpersonated as an officerof NSCDC, therebycommitting an offencecontrary to andpunishable under Section484 of the Criminal codeCap 138 Vol. 4 Laws of theFederation of Nigeria.

He was further accusedof stealing, an offencecontrary to Section 383 (1)of the Criminal Code Cap138 Vol. 4 and punishableunder section 390 (9) ofthe Criminal Code Cap138 Vol 4 Laws of theFederation of Nigeria.

Woman, 70, kidnaps 3-yr-old-girl in Kwara; use her for begging

NO fewer than sevenpersons sustained

injuries when armed hoodlumsattacked residents of GiwaStreet, Adeniyi Street and ColeStreet along tollgate in Mushinarea of Lagos State.

It was learned that thehoodlums, numbering about 20,stormed the streets, beginningfrom Fadeyi Bus Stop,attacking motorcyclists, tradersand vandalizing vehiclesparked on the streets.

The incident saw residentsscampering for safety, while thehoodlums robbed passers-by oftheir belongings andvaluables at gunpoint.

When Vanguard visited thestreets, damaged vehicleslittered everywhere.

One of the victims, Mrs.Biola Omotosho, a residentwhose son, identified simplyas Muiz, was attacked by thehoodlums, said: “My son wascoming from Ijora, when the

hoodlums attacked him, beathim and stole his phone andwallet.

”I was at home when somepeople, who knew him, cameto tell me that my son hadbeen attacked by thehoodlums. When I got thereand tried to stop them, one ofthem hit me on my head witha plank.

“I ran back home to informmy family members who couldhelp rescue my son.

“Before I got home I faintedon the road due to the blood Ihad lost.

SOS to Lagos govt“My son is an easy-going

person; the hoodlums haveturned our peaceful communi-ty to a battled field. We call onLagos State government tocome to our aid.”

Johnson Omobolaji, acommercial motocyclist, whowas not spared by thehoodlums, said: “My friend,Emmanuel Ojo, and I were

coming from Fadeyi Bus Stop,when we suddenly heard thecry of a woman shouting forhelp and I persuaded myfriend to help the woman.

“When we got to the spotwhere the woman and his sonwere being beaten by thehoodlums, we approached themand begged them to allow hergo. One of the boys cut myfriend and I on the shoulder.”

Loot shopMrs. Kudirat Olushola, who

sell groceries at Giwa Street,had her shop looted by thehoodlums and her moneystolen.

She said: “I was inside myshop attending to customerswhen suddenly I heard agunshots. Immediately mycustomers and I fled.

“When I came back fromhiding, they had looted myshop and stolen N300,000 cash

kept in the shop.“I am tired of this hoodlum’s

harassment; we want theLagos State Police Commandto come to our rescue, becausewe do not have another placeto run to.”

A commercial motorcyclist,who identified himself asTunde Azeez, told Vanguard:“About 10 of my friends'motorcycles parked at amechanic workshop weretaken away by the hoodlumsand they told us to come andbail them with N10,000 eachor forfeit them.”

He lamented that innocentresidents, who were caught inthe crossfire, were arrested bypolicemen from Alakara PoliceStation.

He said: “I wonder the kindof police we have in Nigeria.They left the hoodlums andarrested my boys who wereworking in the bakery.”

7 injured, vehicles vandalized ashoodlums go on rampage in Lagos

By Esther Onyegbula

ILORIN—IT was drama inIlorin, yesterday, as Kwara

State Police Command arrested a 70-year-old woman(names withheld) for allegedlykidnapping a three-year-oldgirl (names withheld).

Speaking in an interview withjournalists, a relative of thegirl’s mother, Mrs. MaryamAbdulganiyu, said the girl was

found in a worship place,popularly called Ori-Oke atBasin area of Ilorin, being usedby the suspect for begging.

She added that the suspecthad claimed that she used theproceeds from the almsbegging to feed and clothe thegirl.

Vanguard gathered that thegirl was declared missing onMarch 25 by her parents, whoreside at Old Shao Garage,

Ilorin.Father of the girl was said to

have approached a cleric atOri-Oke. While the search forthe girl was on, her grandfather,Mallam Isa, went to the sameOri-Oke to worship and saw theseptuagenarian with themissing girl.

He was said to have alertedthe man of God in charge ofthe centre that he had seen hismissing grandchild with

an unknown person.They accosted the woman,

who claimed the child was hergrandchild. An argumentfollowed and t he matter wasreported to the police atBasin Divisional Police Station,Ilorin.

Police reportedly detainedthe two persons laying claimto the child and anothersuspect, while investigationýinto the matter was still

ongoing.However, relations of the

victim requested the police toprobe the suspect thoroughly,saying the girl appeared to bepsychologically imbalancedand could hardly rememberher name.

Contacted, the Command’sPublic Relations Officer, Mr.Ajayi Okasanmi, who confirmedthe arrest, said the victim hadbeen released to her parents.

By Demola Akinyemi

Police arrest bakery workers

50 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 51

52 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 53

54—Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

Don’t be northern Nigeria's president, Maitama Sulecharges Buhari

By LevinusNwabughiogu

BURIAL: Chief Magistrate Martina Iluobe, Chief MagistrateOjobo Mabel (1st &2nd right); former Minister of PoliceAffairs, Alaowei Broderick Bozimo, his wife, Joyce Bozimo,and Chief Magistrtae Eshieshi Stella, during the burialceremony of Late Chief Ezekiel Ukodie, at Erhowa communityin Isoko South Local Government Area, Delta State.

From right: Chief Gideon Ubiebor; Mr. Isaiah Bozimo;Justice Roseline Bozimo (rtd.); Alaowei Broderick Bozimo;Mrs. Joyce Bozimo and Sen. Emmanuel EdesiriAguariavwodo, at the occasion.

Settle our fees, Amnestytrainees beg FG

Transcorp raises Ughelli Power Plantcapacity to 610 MW

A M N E S T Yd e l e g a t e s

deployed in GlassfaContinental Limited andJimco Global ConceptLimited’s training centres inWarri, Delta State, fortraining in pipeline weldingand fabrication, haveappealed to the FederalGovernment to settle theirfees to enable them toreceive their certificates.

The delegates said in astatement by the groupleader, Ariri John, that thosetrained at GlassfaContinental Limited'straining centre werethrough with their training,but noted that due to non-payment of their fees andhotel bills, the vendor hasrefused to issue them withcertificates.

John added: “We wereposted via BradamaTraining Centre on August28, 2013 and October 14,2013. During the first three

months of our training, wewere promptly paid ourweekly feeding/hotelallowances as promised bythe Federal GovernmentAmnesty Office. Thereafter,the office resorted tomonthly payment, andthen, stopped paymentabout few months to the endof our 12 months training.

“We were then asked togo on Christmas break, andthat we would be called toresume trainingimmediately after the NewYear celebration. We arenow five months into theyear 2015, but we have notheard anything from theAmnesty Office even aftermany pleas from us.”

John noted that this wasa breach of terms ofagreement on the part ofthe Amnesty Office.

He said the group wasissuing one weekultimatum to the AmnestyOffice to pay theiroutstanding arrears.

A B U J A — E L D E RStatesman and former

Nigeria’s PermanentRepresentatives to the UnitedNations, UN, Maitama Sule,has charged President-elect,General Mohammadu Buhari,to see himself as a NigerianPresident and not onlyPresident of Northern Nigeriawhen sworn in on May 29.Referring to Buhari's electionas an act of God, Sule alsoasked him to use theopportunity to correct thesocial ills of the past.

Maitama Sule spokeyesterday, when he led adelegation of northern elders,including Professor AngoAbudalhi, to pay acongratulatory visit to Buhariin Abuja.

According to him, Godgranted Nigeria a peacefulelection against scarypredictions that the countrywould disintegrate in 2015.

Extolling the virtues ofdiscipline anduprightness in Buhari,the elder states man alsourged him to relentlesslypursue justice and maketruth his watch wordthroughout his tenure.

He said: “You are thepresident of Nigeria, youare not the president ofNorthern Nigeria by thegrace of God. Yourexcellency, we havecome to congratulateyou.

‘’We first of all thankGod. What has recentlyhappened to Nigeria isan act of God. Nobodycan claim credit for it.Allah has done it for us.Allah has listened to ourprayers and our pleas tobring about this change,a change for thebetterment of all.

“Nobody expected thatthe elections would bepeaceful, nobodyexpected that theelections would not leadto the disintegration ofthe country. By the graceof God, the electionswere held peacefully.

‘’We are living in peacewith one another. By thegrace of God, power willalso be handed over toyou (Buhari) and we’llbe living peacefullythereafter by the grace ofGod.

“On many occasions,I’ve called for arevolution but I made itquite clear that I was notcalling for a violent orbloody revolution.

"I wanted a kind ofrevolution led by

Mahatma Gandhi, non-violent, bloodless revolutionwith the philosophy of SathiaGria. A revolution is a changeof attitude.

“Glory be to God, havinglistened to our prayers, he

gave us somebody who has agood record of being a man ofGod, a truthful man, a man ofintegrity, a man of discipline.

‘’Yes, you (Buhari) were amilitary leader. I’ve alwayssaid it that when you were a

military leader, you instilleddiscipline into our society. You fought corruption and yougave Nigeria a sense ofdirection.

“I am sure you will notcompromise your principle but

you’ll bring justice, wisdomand diplomacy. I’m sure you’llnot compromise yourprincipline. Let it be the sameBuhari that gave the countrya sense of direction when hewas a military leader."

By Emma Ujah,Abuja Bureau Chief


Nigeria, Transcorp, Plchas raised Ughelli PowerPlant’s capacity from 160Mega Watts, MW, to 610MW, chairman of thegroup, Mr. TonyElumelu, told itsshareholders at the 2014Annual General Meetingin Abuja at the weekend.

According to him, theplant which Transcorpacquired in 2012 at thecost of $300 million, isbeing positioned to be aleader in the Nigerianpower industry, with amedium term plan ofgenerating two 500 MWin the next three years.

His words: “Ourambition of generating atleast a quarter ofNigeria’s powerconsumption remainsfirmly on course as wecontinue to consolidatethe gains made at theUghelli Power Plant.

“Power output at theplant increased from 342MW in December 2013 to610 MW by December2014, as we diligentlyexecuted ourr e h a b i l i t a t i o nprogramme.

“Our goal is to increaseoutput at the plant to 850MW by December 2015.

TUPL’s medium termplan is to increasegenerating capacity atthe plant to over 2, 500MW in the next threeyears.”

Mr. Elumelu told theowners of Trasncorp thatmembers of Board and

management were al-ready exploring a coalalternative to feed theplant rather than gas,which had beensubjected to supplydisruptions due toattacks of saboteurs whoblew up the pipelines.

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 55

ALL FOR DOGARA: Arewa Youth and Women Coalition for Good Governance rooting forHon. Yakubu Dogara as Speaker, House of Representatives in Kaduna. Photo by Olu Ajayi.

EBOLA: HowLiberia ended7 months ofnightmare

By Sola Ogundipe &Gabriel Olawale

SENATE PRESIDENCY: Akume in shuttlediplomacy, meets OBJ, Tinubu, Atiku, Kwankwaso

AS the leadership of the All Progressives Congress, APC,

continues to brainstorm on the zoningof offices in the executive andlegislative arms of government, topcontender for the senate presidency,Senator George Akume, at theweekend intensified his consultations.

The Senate Minority Leader, whohas adopted a quiet, discreet andunobtrusive approach in his quest forthe exalted position since he was listedas a potential holder, hit the road onwhat a close confidant described as a‘strategic cross-country diplomaticshuttle.’

Akume, who was in the South-Westlast week, met prominent nationalfigures and respected politicalbulwarks. Notable among them wereFormer President, Chief OlusegunObasanjo, APC National Leader, BolaTinubu and former Osun Stategovernor, Prince OlagunsoyeOyinlola.

The former Benue State governorwho is returning to the Senate for thethird time, met the leaders in theirrespective domains in Abeokuta,Lagos and Okuku, respectively.

Akume served as Benue StateGovernor, concurrently whenObasanjo was President and both menmaintained a good relationship untilthe end of their tenures in 2007,despite Obasanjo’s brushes withAkume’s kinsmen like Dr IyorchiaAyu, who was Minister in theObasanjo government and SenatorBarnabas Gemade, who succeededthe late Chief Solomon Lar as PDPNational Chairman.

And while Akume served in Benue,,Tinubu was Governor of Lagos, bothof them belonging to the ‘Governors’Class of 1999 to 2007.’

Oyinlola succeeded Chief BisiAkande, former Interim Chairman ofthe APC as Osun State governor onthe platform of the PDP in 2003, butall three men have since foundcommon grounds in the progressives’camp.

While there was no officialcommunication after each of themeetings, the interactions may not beunconnected with the topical issue ofthe Senate Presidency.

Akume has also had severalengagements with former Vice-President, Atiku Abubakar, who maylikely emerge as Chairman of the APCBoard of Trustees. Akume wasgovernor when the highest Tivhonorary traditional title, ‘Zege MuleU’Tiv’ was conferred on Atiku.

Akume’s backstage consultationshave also taken him to see Kano StateGovernor, Rabiu Kwankwaso, who hasalso been elected Senator to representKano State, Prof Ango Abdullahi,Vice-Chancellor Emeritus of theAhmadu Bello University, ABU,former Inspector-General of Police,Ibrahim Coomasie and former KogiState Governor, Abubakar Audu.

Sources in Akume’s camp will notreadily draw a link between his recenttravels and the issue of the SenatePresidency. As one of his aidesvolunteered, however, ''SenatorAkume is a very highly regardedstatesman in his own right.

Consultations with like-mindedleaders on issues bothering onour socio-politics should be aroutine affair.''

Pressed further, the sourcesaid: ‘If the APC is truly aboutchange, that change should

reflect in the way we do things,so we send a very strongmessage to all Nigerians thatthey can be assured of a senseof belonging irrespective ofwhere they come from. We haveproduced a President-Elect from

a majority ethnicity, we haveproduced a Vice-President-Electfrom another majority ethnicgroup, APC must be sensitive tothe sensitivities of the minorities,across both divides of the Niger.’

Continuing, he said: ‘Come to THE campaign toeliminate the Ebola

virus marked a significantmilestone on Saturday 9 ofMay, as the World HealthOrganisation, WHO, declaredLiberia free of the Eboladisease.

At the time theannouncement came, 42 daysafter the safe burial of the lastconfirmed Liberian victim ofthe Ebola, a period equal totwice the virus’ incubationperiod, Liberia was the first ofthe three worst affectedcountries to be rid of Ebola.

To date, Liberia recorded themost deaths with 4,716,followed by Sierra Leone with3,903 and Guinea where2,386 have died.

The success, which wasdescribed by WHO as a“monumental achievement fora country that reported thehighest number of deaths inthe largest, longest, and mostcomplex outbreak since Ebolafirst emerged in 1976.”

“At the peak of transmission,which occurred during Augustand September 2014, thecountry was reporting from300 to 400 new cases everyweek. During those 2 months,the capital city Monrovia wasthe setting for some of the mosttragic scenes from WestAfrica’s outbreak: gates lockedat overflowing treatmentcentres, patients dying on thehospital grounds, and bodiesthat were sometimes notcollected for days.

Reacting to this, Liberia’spresident, Ellen JohnsonSirleaf urges caution andvigilance, saying “Let uscelebrate, but stay mindfuland vigilant.”

COALITION of OoduaSelf-Determination

Group COSEG has warnedthat all Nigerians would beadversely affected if thetremendous goodwill enjoyedby President-electMuhammadu. Buhari issacrificed on the altar ofethnicity.

COSEG said in a statementissued weekend that it wasdisturbed by commentscredited to northern leaderssuch as Kano State governor,Dr Rabiu Kwankwaso andJustice Mamman Nasirinsinuating that the Northsingle-handedly gave victory tothe president-elect.

Reminding the leaders thatthe North had voted massivelyfor Buhari in earlier election butcould not make him win, COSEGstated that it was the alliancebetween the Hausa-Fulani andthe Yoruba that produced theremarkable victory.

“Let us begin by stating someincontrovertible facts. Firstly,Gen. Buhari had tried andfailed at three previousattempts to become thePresident of Nigeria. Secondly,on his fourth try, he has nowemerged as President-elect.Thirdly, Buhari is president-elect today by the grace of Godand the political sagacity of theBola Tinubu machinery. Noamount of noise and hyping ofthe so-called almajiri vote bysome people can change thisfact. The almajiris did not juststart voting for Gen. Buhari. Sowhat made the difference

between Buhari’s past serialfailures and his success this timearound? The only credibleexplanation, in our view, is theintervening variable of theinvolvement of Asiwaju BolaAhmed Tinubu and the Yorubanation on the side of Gen. Buharifor the 2015 election.”

It expressed surprise that thearrowhead of the alliance,Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubuis being criticized for seekingto ensure that the South- Westand its allies are adequatelycompensated for its efforts inmaking victory possible.

According to COSEG: “Sincethe elections, however, and asthe euphoria of victory has set

in, some curious causes forconcern have arisen. Manynew faces that were nowhere tobe found on the hustings havesuddenly emerged to claimspace in the emerging Buharipresidency. Their objectivesseem clear enough. Firstly, theywish to reap where they did notsow. Secondly, and moreworrisome, they seek to denythose who labored valiantly inthe wilderness of opposition ofthe fruits of their labour.

Signed by its chairman itschairman, Dayo Ogunlanaand Secretary, RazaqOlokooba, the group urgedthe Yoruba not to forget itsstructures of protest as it may

Yoruba rights group tasks Buhari on appointments

Emerhor faults Uduaghan, says South-south, South-eastdid not vote PDP

ALL Progressive Congress,APC, governorship

candidate for Delta State in theApril 11 election, OlorogunOtega Emerhor, has faultedGovernor EmmanuelUduaghan's recent claim thatthe South-South and South-Eastgeo-political zones voted 90percent for the PeoplesDemocratic Party, PDP, while therest of Nigeria voted for theAPC.

Governor Uduaghan, at alecture delivered at TrenchardHall, University of Ibadan a fewdays ago, was reported in anational newspaper (notVanguard) as claiming that the

elections of March 28 and April11 had revealed a deep divisionin the nation, which in hisopinion had placed a hugeburden on the President-elect,General Muhammadu Buhari,and his team to begin aunification and healing processof the entire country.

In vehemently disagreeingwith Uduaghan’s submissions,Emerhor pointed out that thepeople of the two zones werenot even allowed to vote in thefirst place, having beencriminally prevented fromexpressing their electoralpreferences even though theyhad all along been yearning forthe wind of change representedby APC and were poised to votefor the party but for the

subjugation of their voting rightsby PDP governments in thezones.

Insisting that far from votingPDP, the party systematicallyrigged both the national and stateelections by confiscating resultsheets while fabricating andarbitrarily writing results in itsown favour.

Accusing the out-going DeltaState governor of merely tryingto rationalize electoral fraud,Emerhor accused Uduaghan ofcarefully avoiding theembarrassing fact that while thecombined card reader records forDelta, Rivers and Akwa Ibomamounted to about 1.3 millionvotes, the PDP miraculouslyreceived a total of over 3 millionvotes in the three states.

56 — VANGUARD, MONDAY, MAY 11 , 2015

Nigerians hail victory of compatriots in UK pollBy Hugo Odiogor,Foreign Affairs Editor,

with Agency feed.

NIGERIANS yesterday hailed the vic-

tory of five Nigerians inthe Biritsh general elec-tion, as Prime MinisterDavid Cameron faces thechallenge of uniting hiscountry.

A Senior research Fel-low at Nigerian Instituteof International AffairsDr. Fred Aja Agwu saidthis is a big lesson forNigeria where some of itscitizens are being de-scribed as immigrants intheir own country.

Dr. Agwu said Nigeri-ans in UK have been ac-cepted and accommodat-ed in the UK to the ex-tent that they could standfor elections on the plat-form of the two leadingparties and won re-elec-tions or win for the firsttime. He said this is anindictment on the Mon-arch and the socio cultur-al groups that werethreatening the Igbosduring the recent elec-tions in Nigeria.

Dr. Lawrence Fejokusaid this is a great les-son for emerging democ-racies as Nigerians whohave been accepted, as-similated, empoweredhave been give the rightand platform to expressthemselves in the Britishsociety. He said Nigeri-an Women should imbibethe culture and value ofpublic service. Dr. Fejokusaid politics is not show-manship and Nigerianwomen should stop lin-ing up behind men tohand over power to them.

British Prime MisterDavid Cameron is adjust-ing to a new politicallandscape arising fromthe shock election victo-ry for a second term

which bolstered seces-sionists in Scotland anddecapitated the opposi-tion parties.

This came against thereport that a fifth Nige-rian Mazi Victor Eni whohailed from Aro in AbiaState won the BoroughCouncil seat in last gen-eral election. He wonunder the conservativeparty The other Nigeri-ans who won are Mr.Chuka Umunna, KateOsamor, Chi Onuorahand Helen Grant in thevictory train.

Chief Ken Iwelunor,the Alibor of OnichaUgbo said it is “fantasticto have Nigerian gotelected into the BritishParliament but we mustrecognise that these areBritish citizens with Ni-gerian blood, but theiraffinity with Nigeria islimited”.

He said Nigeriashould feel proud oftheir feat but in realitythey cannot influenceany thing for Nigerianuntil they rise in the hi-erarchy of their partiesand occupy positions ofinfluence.

According to the in-vestment Banker, it willtake some of them three

to four re-elections be-fore they could rise intheir party positions. Ni-gerians have been upbeat in their appraisal ofthe British electionwhere some of its nation-als performed well.

Cameron spent theweekend drawing up hisnew team of ministers,the Scottish National Par-ty (SNP) was celebratingits bold gains, insistingit would not be sidelinedin the new parliament.

Despite pollsters pre-dicting that Cameron’sConservatives wouldlose ground in Thurs-day’s vote, they won 331of the 650 seats in par-liament, giving theprime minister a secondterm in office — this timewith a majority for hiscentre-right party.

While there were dra-matic gains for the Con-servatives and the Scot-tish National Party(SNP), the oppositionwas left in disarray after

the Labour and LiberalDemocrat leaders quitover their parties’ drub-bings.

The victory gives theConservatives a freehand than in Cameron’sprevious government —a coalition with the Lib-eral Democrats — but theslender majority leavesthem prey to rebellionfrom within their ownranks. Cameron had al-ready agreed to hold anin-out referendum onBritain’s European Un-ion membership by 2017due to pressure from the

Conservative right wingand a rising UKIP, andhe was quick to confirmhis pledge on Friday.

The SNP’s dynamicleader, Nicola Sturgeon,was the unexpected starof the U.K. election cam-paign, arguing that theparty would work withLabour in Parliament todeliver progressive pol-icies distinct from Cam-eron’s budget-cuttingConservatives.

Both the SNP and theConservatives used na-tionalist arguments towinning effect in the

Russia snubs West, stages victory parade

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and GermanChancellor Angela Merkel yesterday

GERMAN ChancellorAngela Merkel

yesterday paid tribute toSoviet soldiers killed inWWII as she called for

cooperation with Russiaamid tensions overUkraine.

Merkel flew to Moscowto lay a wreath at the grave

of the Unknown Soldiernear the Kremlin walls, inan apparent compromisegesture after she skippedRussia’s main festivities onSaturday.

Meeting her hostVladimir Putin for talks atthe Kremlin, she stressedthe importance ofcooperation. “It’snecessary for us to work, tocooperate including overcomplicated situations —the way the situation is now— and try to finddiplomatic solutions,”Merkel said at the start ofthe talks after the wreath-laying ceremony.

The two leaders were setto discuss the Ukrainecrisis over and addressreporters afterwards.Russia at the weekend

staged a huge parade tomark the 70th anniversaryof victory over NaziGermany but most Westerncountries boycotted thefestivities over Russia’sannexation of Crimea andsupport for separatists ineastern Ukraine. It showedoff new machines of war,including a highlysophisticated tank, in theannual Victory Day militaryparade through RedSquare that marks thesurrender of NaziGermany and the RedArmy’s key role in thedefeat. The Armata tankdrew a round of strongapplause as it rumbledthrough the square, part ofa long convoy that rangedfrom the World War II erato the most modern.

*David Cameron and his wife, Samanta

Hellen Grant Kate Osamoi Chi Onwurah

Chuka UmunnaVictor Eni

election. Sturgeongained more than half ofScottish votes for her par-ty by saying the SNPwould make Scotland’svoice heard in London.The four regions of theU.K. — England, Scot-land, Wales and North-ern Ireland — have al-ways had distinct iden-tities, but for a long timemost citizens also consid-ered themselves British.In recent years, though,rising regional identityhas undermined the“united” in United King-dom.

Hollande visits Cuba today

FRANCOIS Hollande will become

the first French presidentto visit Cuba in morethan a century on Mon-day, cementing Paris’sleading role in the Eu-ropean Union’s rap-prochement with thecommunist island.

The EU suspended re-lations with Cuba in2003 over a crackdownon journalists and activ-ists, but it began talks torestore them in April2014, aiming to per-suade Havana to im-prove its human rightsrecord. It was under the

French presidency of theEU in 2008 that politicaldialogue was first re-sumed between Brusselsand Havana. Raul Cas-tro had just assumedpower from his brotherFidel and announced aseries of economic re-forms. “France has al-ways been a leader in theEuropean Union. Thefact that the French pres-ident is coming showsFrance’s very importantrole in the dialogue be-tween Cuba and the Eu-ropean Union,” EduardoPerera from the Univer-sity of Havana told AFP.

VANGUARD, MONDAY, MAY 11 , 2015 — 57

Djibouti President warns Yemen

D J I B O U T I ’ spresident has

warned that Yemen’s civ-il war and a resurgentAl-Qaeda pose a threat tothe Middle East, butpledged continuingsupport to refugeesfleeing the conflict, hetold AFP in an interview.

Ismail Omar Guellehsaid the war in Yemen, onthe other side of a narrowsea channel from theHorn of African nation ofDjibouti, was stokingdangerous rivalriesbetween Shiite and SunniMuslims, bolstering Al-Qaeda’s franchise in thecountry and posing widerrisks for the region.

Guelleh also warnedthe violence could allowthe Yemen-based Al-Qaeda in the ArabianPeninsula (AQAP)franchise to expand itspower and control.

AQAP “is takingadvantage of theserenewed tensions

between Sunnis andShiites... this may createa big gap betweenYemeni people, who hadnever felt the differencebetween the twocommunities,” Guellehsaid in an interview atthe presidential palacein Djibouti.

In late March, aSaudi-led coalitionbegan air strikes againstShiite Huthi rebels, afterthe insurgents, who arebacked by ex-soldiersloyal to former presidentAli Abdullah Saleh,seized control of largeparts of Yemen.

Guelleh said theSaudi-led military actionwas necessary, butworried the war wouldsplit communities, withShiites becoming atarget for both Saudiairstrikes and Al-Qaeda’s Sunniextremists.

The fighting in Yemenhas already sent

thousands fleeing acrossthe sea to Djibouti, withmany more expected.

“Our borders remainopen, they have alwaysbeen,” said Guelleh,president since 1999 ofthe strategic formerFrench colony, whoseport guards the entranceto the Red Sea and SuezCanal. At its narrowestpoint, there are onlysome 30 kilometres (20miles) between Djiboutiand Yemen, across theBab al-Mandeb strait,the key shippingchannel that separatesAfrica from Arabia.

China negotiate military base in Horn of Africa

CHINA is negotiating a military base in

the strategic port ofDjibouti, the president toldAFP, raising the prospectof US and Chinese basesside-by-side in the tinyHorn of Africa nation.

“Discussions are

ongoing,” President IsmailOmar Guelleh told AFP inan interview in Djibouti,saying Beijing’s presencewould be “welcome”.

Djibouti is already hometo Camp Lemonnier, theUS military headquarterson the continent, used for

covert, anti-terror andother operations inYemen, Somalia andelsewhere across Africa.

France and Japan alsohave bases in the port, aformer French colony thatguards the entrance to the

Red Sea and the SuezCanal, and which hasbeen used by Europeanand other internationalnavies as a base in thefight against piracy fromneighbouring Somalia.

China is alreadyfinancing several majorinfrastructure projectsestimated to total morethan $9 billion (8 billioneuros), includingimproved ports, airportsand railway lines tolandlocked Ethiopia, forwhom Djibouti is a lifelineport.

“France’s presence isold, and the Americansfound that the position ofDjibouti could help in thefight against terrorism inthe region,” Guelleh said.

“The Japanese want toprotect themselves frompiracy - and now theChinese also want toprotect their interests, andthey are welcome,” hesaid.

South Africa’s opposition elects first Black leader

SOUTH Africa’smain opposition

group yesterday chose itsfirst black leader at a partycongress, seeking to ex-pand its appeal in a coun-try whose ruling partyhas dominated since thefirst all-race elections in

1994.Mmusi Maimane was

elected by delegates ofthe Democratic Allianceparty who convened inthe city of Port Elizabeth.He replaces HellenZille, a white who is thepremier of Western Cape

province, the only one ofnine South African prov-inces that is controlled bythe opposition.

In a speech, Maimanesaid many South Africansare struggling under theburden of poverty, unem-ployment and economic

inequality and that moremust be done to createjobs and promote smallbusinesses more than twodecades after the end ofwhite racist rule.

“Freedom means noth-ing without opportuni-ties,” Maimane told par-ty members. Maimanehad been head of his par-ty’s caucus in parliament,where he sharply criti-cized President JacobZuma over a spendingscandal at his privatehome. Despite the scan-dal, Zuma led the rulingAfrican National Con-gress to another victory inelections last year.

The Democratic Alli-ance has its roots in whiteliberal opposition toapartheid decades agoand has struggled toshed perceptions amongsome South Africans thatit primarily representsthe interests of South Af-rica’s white minority.

Burundi’s opposition leader set to contest presidential poll amid row

BURUNDI’s leading opposition figure

on Saturday registered torun in a coming presiden-tial election againstPierre Nkurunziza,whose quest for a thirdterm has sparked twoweeks of protests.

Nineteen people havedied in the demonstra-tions against Nkurunzi-za’s bid for another term,

which opponents say vi-olates the constitutionand a peace deal thatended an ethnically-charged civil war in2005.

“I presented my candi-dacy to respect Burun-di’s constitution and thecountry’s electoral law,”Agathon Rwasa, wholike Nkurunziza led aHutu militia in the war,

told reporters.“I want to clarify that I

have not filed my candi-dacy to endorse the un-constitutionality of Pres-ident Nkurunziza. It is away to block his path ashe is obviously forcing tobe the single candidate.”

Rwasa has asked theelectoral commission topostpone the parliamen-tary election in May and

the June presidentialvote, saying it is not pos-sible to hold peaceful andfree elections. Nkurunzi-za formally registered hiscandidacy on Friday, pro-voking a fresh round ofprotests in Bujumburathat left two people dead.Opposition leaders re-sponded to the deaths bycalling for a day-longpause in protests.

There were no signs ofunrest in the capital onSaturday, and longqueues formed outsideshops and banks as peo-ple took advantage of thecalm to stock up on foodand cash.

“We asked protesters tosuspend demonstratingfor one day before re-suming the movementon Sunday,” protestleader Pacifique Ninina-hazwe said.

Nkurunziza’s bid for athird term has plungedBurundi into its worstunrest since the war,

CAR peace forumrecommends election delay

A FORUM aimed at helping resolve

Central African Repub-lic’s two-year-old conflicthas called for transition-al authorities to delayplanned elections amidconcerns the country willbe unable to prepare forthem on time.

The country descendedinto chaos in March 2013when the predominant-ly Muslim Seleka rebelsseized power, sparkingreprisals by “anti-bala-ka” Christian militia,who drove out tens ofthousands of Muslimsfrom the south in a defacto partition.

A transitional govern-ment is currently inplace charged with or-ganising elections andrestoring democraticrule, but polls initiallyscheduled for Februaryhave already beenpushed back to June orJuly.

A report from the na-tional elections authori-ty presented to a forumof armed groups, politi-cal parties, civil societyand the religious com-munities meeting in thecapital, Bangui, said thatelections even duringthat period were nowimpossible.

*Djibouti’s president Ismail Omar Guelleh

*South Africa’s main opposition party, Democratic Alliance new leaders MmusiMaimane who replaces Helen Zille.


KAPTAIN AFRIKA in “Pretty Lunatic’ By Andy Akman

[email protected]

TERROR MUDA in “Never say goodbye” By Lanre Kehinde

HOME & ABROAD By Lawrence Akapa

ASTROLOGICAL COUNSELLINGASTROLOGICAL COUNSELLINGASTROLOGICAL COUNSELLINGASTROLOGICAL COUNSELLINGASTROLOGICAL COUNSELLINGSend ySend ySend ySend ySend your datour datour datour datour date and place of bire and place of bire and place of bire and place of bire and place of bir th tth tth tth tth to the Aso the Aso the Aso the Aso the Astrtrtrtrtrologicalologicalologicalologicalological

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By Joshua Adeyemo Phone 08056180139

58 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015


By Richard EromoseleCANCER; You will be in good position to consolidateon progress made yesterday. However you will needto watch your mood from 9.46am to 12.43pm.

LEO; It is important you don’t take things for grantedaround mid-morning and early afternoon period sothat you will not run into avoidable disappointments.

VIRGO; If you are in position to control your actionsyou would fare better if you can wait till after 12,43pmbefore you make an important move. Be familyminded.

LIBRA; Your being receptive can enhance yourprospects but that is not to say you have to be naïve,especially during mid-morning and early afternoonperiods.

SCORPIO; Success is boldly printed on your cardsand like yesterday if priority attention is given tomoney the scope of your success will be wider.

SGITTARIUS; Although things may be happeningaround you, you are the right person to make thingshappen and give others opportunities.. Be wise.

CAPRICORN; Take note that others may breakpromises made before early afternoon period; that isto say you should not take anybody for granted before12.43pm

AQUARIUS; Although friends are willing to assistyou circumstances may not allow complete help asexpected. 9.46am to 12.43pm can be a bit sensitive.

PISCES; Emphasis will continue to be on careerrelated issues. However you will not be wrong if youtake matters-of-the-heart more seriously now. Be moreloving.

ARIES; Mid-morning till early afternoon periodmay bring more promises than it can actually deliver;your being clever will see you through. Be verypractical.

TAURUS; Continue to attach necessary importanceto your family values. Here is a day when jointventures can bring you under pressure between9.46am and 12.43pm.

GEMINI; Other people will continue to feature inyour activities; that is to say you will need to be as co-operative as reason permits. Watch it between9.46am&12.43pm

Who is me?

Dear Joshua,I don’t want my data published but tell me

everything I should know about myself. SometimesI am confused the type of a person I am, especiallywhen others misunderstand me. Thus I am askingyou who is actually in me- Astrologically.

Segun, Ogun.

Dear Segun,At face value one may be tempted to wrongly take

you for a very soft person but, with the preponderanceof fixed quality and fire element in your Astrologicalmake ups here is a determined and ambitious Soulwith stronger will-power (actually once your mindis made up on any important issue you rarelychange). Saturn as the only planet at home whenyou were born pointed to a person who will alwaystake important decision when and if his career willnot be put in danger; meaning my career first.

Although, the Sun is the Centre of the Solar systemand wherever is placed in any given horoscope isthe heart of that horoscope, by implication placementof the mighty Sun in Cancer here means that you aremainly a Cancer born person, with more than two(there were actually four) heavenly bodies placed inKingly Leo when you were born, you are equally aLeo born person as Leo was serving as the stelliumduring your birth hour.

Equally it is important to point out prominence ofbold Aries in your chart as it hosted your natal Moon.Anyway equal distribution of planetary placementin push-full and non-push-full positions will ensurebalanced personality with powerful LEADERSHIPskill in you. Your natal Sun, Moon and Stellium inCancer, Aries and Leo respectively are indicationsof your being mainly a Cancer born person and partlyAries/Leo; meaning that basic characteristics of thethree Star signs mentioned (namely Cancer, Ariesand Leo) are highly pronounced in your inner-self.

The Change FactorTHERE is only one

thing that humansdon’t want in life andthat is change. Butwhether we like it ornot, change will come.It either comes on itsown or is provoked. Ofall the things in life,change is the onlyconstant. It is

senseless to workagainst change. Foreveryone that worksagainst change eitherends up consumed ordestroyed by change.For change to beeffective, we must act

the change asindividuals and as acollective. If ourattitude, our lifestyle,our values, our ethicsand etiquettes remainessentially the waythey have been, then

we are not sincere.Change means new

ways, new things. If ichange and youchange, then Nigeriawill change. Do youdeserve a change?Then be the changeyou desire.

Think about it!


U D O N E M E — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissUkamaka MaryannUdoneme, now wishto be known andaddressed as Mrs.Ukamaka-SylvesterMaryann Ekenobi. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please take note.

ADETULA—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss AdetulaAtolani Olufisayo, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs.Akanbi AtolaniOlufisayo. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

A D E K O Y E — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissAdekoye SusanA d e w u n m iOluwadamilola, nowwish to be known and addressed asMrs. OluwadamilolaSusan Ajayi. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please takenote.

AREMU—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Aremu SurajuOladipo, now wish tobe known andaddressed as OlufemiOdeyemi Oladipo. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please take note.

O K W A R A — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissLauretta NnennaOkwara, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Lauretta NnennaAnyagwa. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

U K A N W A — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissUkanwa ChidiadiChiamaka, now wishto be known andaddressed as Mrs.U g o - N w a k a n m aChidiadi Chiamaka.All former documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please take note.

OKPE—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Vivian NkiruOkpe, now wish to beknown and addressedas Mrs. Vivian NkiruOkpara. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

I B E N E G B U — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissIbenegbu IfeomaChiamaka, now wishto be known andaddressed as Mrs.Ohazurume IfeomaChiamaka. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

E Z I U K W U — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissEziukwu KelechiUrsula, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Ndoh Kelechi Ursula.All former documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please takenote.

Correction of NameWe refer to the PublicNotice published on page11 of Vanguardnewspaper of Friday,April 10, 2015. The namegiven as late Mrs.Florinda ChinyereUdebiuwa is incorrect.The correct name is lateMrs. Florinda NnennaUdebiuwa. Generalpublic please take note.

C H U K W U R E — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissChukwure ClaraAdaku, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Egeo lu -Obimez ieClara Adaku. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please takenote.

D O R C O O K E Y -GAM—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Rita NnenaDorcookey-Gam, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Rita SunnyEmagurehor EshonOmowera. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

OSEH—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss KatherineOzozoma Oseh, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Katherine OzozomaNwaka. All formerdocuments remainvalid. UNIABUJA,National Youth ServiceCorps (NYSC) and thegeneral public pleasetake note.

O G W U C H E — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissPatience A. Ogwuche, now wish to be knownand addressed as Mrs.Patience A. Ibeneme.All former documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please take note.

O N A K P O YA — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissFreda OkeOnakpoya, now wishto be known andaddressed as Mrs.Freda Oke Okafor. Allformer documentsremain valid. BellsUniversity, Ota, OgunState, CrownfiledUniversity Bedford,United Kingdom andthe general publicplease take note.

AY O - B A N J O — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MrsMobola Afolake Ayo-Banjo, now wish to beknown and addressedas Miss MobolaAfolake Akintola. Allformer documentsremain valid. Thegeneral public pleasetake note.

E N E M A L I — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissEnemali Mary-anneChizoba, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Onyedinma Mary-anne Chizoba. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please takenote.

O G B O N N A — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissOgbonna NnekaMary, now wish to beknown and addressedas Mrs. LebechukwuNneka Mary. Allformer documentsremain valid. NYSCand general publicplease take note.

OYOVWIKIGHO—I,formerly known andaddressed as MissOyovwikigho JulianaAmrevweatevwerhe,now wish to be knownand addressed as Mrs.Juliana Abudu AaronAruna. All formerdocuments remainvalid. Niger DeltaUniversity, NYSC andgeneral public pleasetake note.

O G H U M U — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissOghumu Clara Elohorand Miss John ClaraElohor, now wish to beknown and addressedas Mrs. Clara ElohorOboro. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

GOIN—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Goin Miebi,now wish to be knownand addressed as Mrs.Ineife Miebi Wose-Ebi. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

IKOLOMI—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Helen Ikolomi,now wish to be knownand addressed as Mrs.Helen NnamdiUchegbule. All formerdocuments remainvalid. Niger DeltaUniversity and generalpublic please take note.

Correction of NameMy correct name isLasiru Momoh Rabiu,but it was wronglyspelt on my IBTCPension Form asWasiru Momoh Rabiu.All former documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please takenote.

BRAIDE—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss BesideEnenimibo-Ofori, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Efere Enenimibo-OforiEderekumo. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

EMELE—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss JessicaChidinma Emele, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Chidinma ChielozonaJessica Abuah. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please take note.

OKOYE—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Okoye MaryJoy Ngozichukwu, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Mary JoyNgozichukwu Emordi-Daniels. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

A K P O T U R I — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissAkpoturi Stella, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Collins-Odili Stella.All former documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please takenote.

OFOR—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Ofor VivianChioma, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Ajala Vivian Chioma.All former documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please take note.

U W U S E B A — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissUsiwo OluwalekeUwuseba, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Usiwo OluwalekeAkegwure. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

I H E N E B I R I — I ,formerly known andaddressed as IhenebiriOgonna Karin, nowwish to be known andaddressed asDlibugunaya OgonnaKarin. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

NWORIE—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Nworie SylviaAmangurie, now wishto be known andaddressed a Mrs.Oyiborhoro SylviaA m a n g u r i eAkpomiemie. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please take note.

OGEGE—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss OgegeMargaret, now wish tobe known andaddressed as MrsOthegbudu O.Margaret. All formerdocuments remainvalid. Post primaryEducation Board,Asaba and generalpublic please takenote.

OKPAN—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss JessicaOkpan, now wish to beknown and addressedas Mrs. JecintaJessica Ukperi. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please takenote.

YUSUF—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Fadhilat TemitopeYusuf, now wish to beknown and addressedas Falilat TemitopeSanusi. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

JIKANTOR-YUSUF—I, formerly known andaddressed asAbdulkadir Jikantoro-Yusuf, now wish to beknown and addressedas AbdulkadirO l u w a d a m i l a r eJikantoro. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

JIKANTOR-YUSUF—I, formerly known andaddressed as MariamJikantoro-Yusuf, nowwish to be known andaddressed as MariamJikantoro. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

M B A N E F O — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissDoris ChibuogwuMbanefo, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Doris ChibuogwuAzegba. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

E Z E M E N I K E — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissCynthia ChinweEzemenike, now wishto be known andaddressed as Mrs.Cynthia ChinweNsude. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.




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Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 59

60 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

Mon Page 60 10/05/2015


Defusing theOkagbare timebomb


I LOVE track and field. Truly I do. I regret the football madness and infection that prevents us

from paying more attention to this sport that hasthe potential of wiping away our sports tears.

As a Consultant to Mobil for the AKS/NNPC/MPNSchools Athletics Championships for the past four-teen years, I have been exposed to the AFN bigguns who have always kept faith with the champi-onship, always sending a strong delegation to thefinals in Akwa Ibom.

The last time I checked, I was a member of theMarketing sub committee of the AFN, yet I standaccused of not helping the sport enough in the areaof publicity and exposure. Last week in this col-umn, I was happy to write about the botched trip ofour youth to Mauritius and prayed for the guard-ing against a re occurrence. In that piece I postu-lated that we were stacking all our athletics eggs inthe basket of Blessing Okagbare.

Two days later I stayed awake with my wife to watchthe World Athletics relays in Bahamas as Blessingled out our 200 metres relay quartet. When my wifesaw the Americans and Jamaican and the Bahamasteams she lost hope and prayed for a bronze.

I told her that you never can tell. That one of thefavourites may just be involved in a faulty batonchange drama and pronto, we could land with asilver. How prophetic.

The next morning the newspapers went to town,celebrating the prestigious gold, some of them ontheir front pages. Less than twenty four hours later,the bubble burst when Blessing took to the socialmedia criticizing the AFN and claiming glory forselecting the quartet themselves, that if the officialshad done so, they would not have won.

I smelt the proverbial rat. Something was defi-nitely amiss. Was Solomon Ogba no more the Pres-ident of AFN? Was it not the same Blessing that theDelta State Government courtesy Ogba had milkedto stardom? I started making calls.

While I was at it, Blessing released another bomb,accusing the AFN of sacrificing grass roots devel-opment of the sport, of neglecting Nigerians andfielding “ foreigners” in their places, foreigners whowere not better than the Nigerians they had dis-placed especially as regards age and potentials.

When did the romance between Chief Ogba andBlessing end?

My first reaction was that it was an act of indisci-pline for Blessing to go to town with the news thatthe athletes chose the team themselves ( CoachGabriel Okon has since come out to debunk the

claim)Secondly, if Blessing felt so bad about the “for-

eigners” why did she “pick” Duncan ………to runalongside her. Her sight offended me. Green lip-stick, tattoo all over her body….very un -Nigerianand nobody’s role model. ( Again I was told thatshe may not have had a choice, not forgetting thatshe had even threatened to drop the baton beforethe race)

Meanwhile the AFN has threatened disciplinaryaction against her. Softly…..softly……

Depending on who you talk to, the AFN-Okag-bare story has a twist. Of passports, sports festi-vals, adopted Nigerian names etc. What is howeverevident is that we have to tread carefully, very care-fully as this issue is capable of blowing the Federa-tion to smithereens.

My happiness this morning is that the Sports lov-ing governor of Delta State His Excellency Dr.Emmanuel Uduaghan has decided to step into thematter. If there is anybody Blessing will listen to it

is Dr. Uduaghan. Thank you sir.On behalf of Davidson Owunmi and the Warri

Wolves team I am also thanking your Excellency forthe timely release of funds to get the Wolves on theirway to Congo for their crucial Confederation Cuptie against A.C. Leopards.

That Mayweather victoryLast week I came out here screaming blue mur-

der, accusing the American judges and referees ofconniving to rob Manny Pacquiao………my phonenever stopped buzzing. Readers for and againsttransferred the debate to my ears and we debatedheatedly.

However when I listened to Dr Rafiu Ladipo andTrigo Egbegi, masters in the “noble art of self de-fence” I have come to the total agreement that May-weather won the fight. Another look at the matchunder a relaxed atmosphere has heightened mycurrent decision.

Recent happenings have also made me to rebukeManny. If you knew you had a bad shoulder, whydid you fight? Those who paid millions to watch areasking for their money back. I wish I can ask him torefund the cost of the diesel I used to fuel my gen-erator throughout the duration of the fight.

Linus Mba on Cloud 9The NFF Consultant on refereeing and FIFA Ref-

erees Advisor Mr Linus Mba is on cloud Nine.The press has been awash with news of good ref-

ereeing by referees and Linus Mba is a happy man.Mba as member of the NFF Referees committeespends his life grading and training referees andthe icing on the cake for him was the sending ofreferees on human capacity training to Britain andthe decision to institute the Referees Assessors pro-gramme.

At the Sports Veterans Association, Nigeria annu-al get together on Sunday, Mr Mba seized the mi-crophone to thank the Pinnick Amaju led NFF forthe innovation even as he attributed the commend-able showing of the referees on the hard work be-ing done by the Alhaji Fresh led Refereees Com-mittee and the new leadership of the NRA with TadeAzeez in command.

He promised that all the stakeholders will not re-lent in flushing out the bad eggs in refereeing andcalled on them to be of good behavior henceforth.Can we shout Hallelujah.

See you next week.

My happiness this morn-ing is that the Sports lovinggovernor of Delta State HisExcellency Dr. EmmanuelUduaghan has decided to

step into the matter

THE Cross RiverState chapter of the

Sports-writers Associa-tion of Nigeria SWANhas congratulated thestate Governor elect,Professor Ben Ayade,Senator elect for CrossRiver Central Mr JohnOwan Enoh and all oth-er elected political officeholders, on their victoryat the recently conclud-ed general elections.

In a statement, theCRS SWAN Chairman,Comrade Eddie Bekom,equally felicitated withthe President elect, Al-haji Muhammadu Bi-hari on his endorsementby majority off Nigeri-ans as their new Presi-dent, come May 29.

Comrade Bekom laud-ed the visionary deci-sion of President Good-luck Jonathan in approv-ing the appointment ofAlhassan Yakmut as theActing Director Generalof the National SportsCommission, describingYakmut as a round peg

CRS SWANsalutesAyade*commends

Jonathan overYakmutin a round hole. He ex-pressed confidence inthe ability of Yakmut tosteer the NSC to greaterheight. The CRS SWANChairman prayed thenew NSC helmsman tocollaborate with the in-coming Professor BenAyade administration to-wards a memorable 19thNational Sports Festivalcode named ParadiseGames.

Comrade Bekom saidAlhassan Yakmut as aformer athlete as well asa former director, grass-roots and elite athletes,has the requisite pedi-gree to turn thingsaround in the NSC, es-pecially in overseeingthe organization of theNational Sports Festival.

NIGERIA strikerKalu Uche scored

his fifth goal for Levan-te on Sunday in a 2-2draw at home withAtletico Madrid in theSpanish La Liga.

Levante are 15th onthe league table with 36points from 36 games.The former Espanyol hitman gave his side a 2-1lead with a 63rd minutestrike, before FernandoTorres made it 2-2 10minutes to the end of thegame. Uche joined Le-vante in January.

Kalu Uche nets fifthLevante goal

RELEGATED English Championship

side Millwall haveshown ex-Nigeria inter-national Danny Shittuthe exit door as he won’tbe offered a new con-tract when it expires thissummer.

The London club wererelegated at the end ofthe 2014/2015 Champi-onship to League Oneand the former QPR de-

Millwall sack Shittufender has been de-clared surplus to re-quirements.

However, his compatri-ot Fred Onyedinma hasbeen retained.

This season, the 34-year-old Shittu scored agoal in in eight gamesfor Millwall.

Onyedinma played onloan at Wycombe Wan-der-ers, where he nettedeight goals in 26 games.

NIGERIA international Bright Dike

was the match winner forhis USA NASL team SanAntonio Scorpions whenthey beat Carolina RailHawks 1-0 on Saturday.

The FC Toronto strikerwho is on loan at theclub gave his team theirfirst victory of the seasonin his second game forthe side and he told Af-

rican he islooking forward to moregoals.

San Antonio Scorpionshave four points fromfive games now.

Dike has endured atorrid time at Toronto af-ter a long-term injuryand the move to SanAntonio is expected toget him more playingtime at least.

Dike gives San AntonioScorpions first win



Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 61

BAYERN Munichface a mammoth

task in their UEFAChampions Leaguesemi-final second legagainst Barcelona, andKarl-Heinz Rummenig-ge is praying for a “oncein a century” display.

In last week’s openingleg at Camp Nou, Bay-ern matched Barca for 75minutes until LionelMessi inspired Luis En-rique’s side to a com-manding 3-0 lead.

The Argentine maestroscored the opening twogoals before setting upNeymar for the third instoppage time as theCatalan giants moved tothe brink of their fourthfinal in the past 10 sea-sons.

Bayern’s preparationfor this clash has beenless than ideal, withPepe Reina - who start-ed in goal in place of therested Manuel Neuer onSaturday- lasting just 13minutes before beingsent off in their 1-0 homedefeat to Augsburg.

However, alreadycrowned Bundesligachampions, the defeat isof little consequence toBayern, and chief exec-utive Rummenigge ishoping his club canachieve what is seem-ingly an impossible taskat the Allianz Arena onTuesday. “It is going tobe very hard,” he said.“Barcelona were the fa-vourites in the first placeand after the game thatstatus grew. This is nor-mal when you get thissort of result. “But none-theless, it is the duty ofBayern Munich to put ontheir best performanceon Tuesday. We will seeif it will be enough. Ourchances are very, verysmall, but in footballthere is always one gamein a century where youcan turn the tides.

“They are rare, I know,but it is our responsibil-ity to give all we can. Ifit is not enough youcan’t change it but youat least have to try.”

Bayern’s build-up tothe game has also beendisrupted by rumoursthat head coach andformer Barca boss PepGuardiola has signed apre-contract agreementto move to ManchesterCity at the end of thisseason.

The opening leg of the2012-13 semi againstBarca, they won 4-0 ontheir way to a 7-0 aggre-gate success, but againsta frontline of Messi,Neymar and Luis Sua-rez such a repeat seemsunlikely.

Champions League: Rummenigge expects miracle from Bayern

We will suffer in Munich—EnriqueB A R C E L O N A

coach Luis En-rique said he is still pre-paring for a tough 90minutes, despite hisside’s significant lead intheir UEFA ChampionsLeague semi-final withBayern Munich.

The Bavarian giantsare in a rut, going score-less in their past threefixtures - all losses -heading into their sec-ond leg against Barca atthe Allianz Arena, a tiein which they trail 3-0.

Bayern lost 1-0 at hometo Augsburg in the Bun-

desliga on Saturday, butLuis Enrique said - de-spite not watching thematch - the Germanchampions still showedtheir qualities after los-ing Pepe Reina to anearly red card.

“They played morethan 70 minutes of thegame with one playerfewer, but they had the80 per cent of the pos-session. Finally theylost, but I didn’t see thegame,” the Barca bosssaid, after seeing hisside go four points clearin La Liga. Luis Enrique

said Bayern’s significantdeficit does not ensureTuesday’s fixture will bestress-free for the Cata-lan club. “I know wewill suffer in Munich,”he said. “I have nodoubt about that andneither do my players,because they are astrong rival. “It looks likeit is difficult for them towin the semi-finals, butthey could do it againstPorto in the quarters.

“So we cannot think itwill be easy to progressthrough. “It is a gamewe want to win, we willcompete, we will have todefend and it will be dif-ficult against Bayern.”

tively before Timothy Ikeof Ultimate FC scoredthe game’s first 20-point-er, moving his team deepinto Five Star FC’s terri-tory. James Samuel andCollins Ugwu thenmissed questions forFive Star and Ultimatebefore Kelechi Ohaju ofFive Star replied with acorrectly answered 20-pointer. Ultimate’sChukwuma Oragui then

missed his question andTrust Monday Andah ofFive Star scored a 10-pointer to end a tensefirst half delicatelypoised with the scores atnil-nil.

The second half fol-lowed in the same pat-tern as the first, withboth teams missing alltheir questions until Ul-timate FC scored a 10-pointer.

Star Football Super Fans: Arsenal fans stun Chelsea fansSTAR SuperFans,

the popular gameshow, witnessed an ex-plosive matchup in thefifth episodeat the week-end. Featuring twoevenly-matched teams,Ultimate FC made up offive Chelsea fans andFive Star FC made up offive Arsenal supporters,the episode became thefirst to go to penaltiessince the inception of

the game show, and itsaw tension and excite-ment reach an unprece-dented level.

Ultimate FC’s PatrickOti kicked off proceed-ings with a 20-pointer,which he missed, andFive Star FC’s ChineduMmadu did likewise.Babatunde Clement andEjike Madueke bothmissed for Ultimate FCand Five Star FC respec-


*MAGICAL: Barcelona forward, Lionel Messi scores his second goal in the first leg



62 — Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015

FLYING Eaglescoach Manu Gar-

ba has disclosed that hehas a clear idea of the 21players he will take tothe U20 World Cup inNew Zealand later thismonth. “I am fully clearon my final squad forthe World Cup, but thatis not to say there could

I‘ve got my W/Cup squad –Manunot be one or two gatecrashers,” said Manu

Nigeria will submit afinal 21-man squad onFriday, May 15, to FIFA.

Genk defender WilfredNdidi is expected to joinup with the rest of thesquad on Monday, whilethree other Europe-based stars – Isaac Suc-

cess, Kelechi Iheanachoand Moses Simon – arestill being awaited.

The Flying Eagleshave been training inNurnberg, Germany, fora week now. They willplay their first test matchin Germany against Hof-fenheim U23 team to-morrow afternoon.

NFF rejects Bassey’s resignationBy Tony Ubani

THE Nigeria Football Federation,

NFF, has rejected PaulBassey ’s resignationfrom the Technical andDevelopment Commit-tee of the NFF.

Bassey, a veteranSports Journalist andmember of CAF andFIFA Media committeeshad said he would re-sign from the Commit-tees if Stephen Keshiwas hired to coach theEagles after Nigeriafailed to qualify for theEquatorial Guinea Afri-can Cup of Nationswhich was won by Coted’Ivoire.

‘’I feel pained that weare still talking aboutwhether to hire or not tohire Keshi. As for me,I”ve decided that theday they announce Kes-hi as coach, I’ll relin-quish my job as a mem-ber of the Technical Com-mittee”, Bassey hadthreatened. At the week-end during the annualget-together of SportsVeterans, Bassey reiter-ated that he would notattend any meeting ofthe Technical Committeewith Stephen Keshi asCoach of the Eagles. Hesaid that he knew whathe went through withwhen Keshi was boss ofthe Eagles and the sac-rifices he made. ‘’I wishhim well. It is nothingpersonal but I’ve said itbefore he was hired andwill not go back on it’’.But Vice President of theNFF, Seyi Akinwunmisaid that the Federationhad the last say onwhether to accept or re-ject his resignation as amember of the Technicaland Development Com-mittee of the NFF. ‘’Onething is for an employeeto resign his positionand another thing is forthe employer(s) to acceptit. We’re not acceptingBassey ’s resignationand there is nothingmore to talk about it’’, heruled as rapturous ap-plause followed.

AFN ‘ll not close doors to any Nigerian based abroad


WHEN the endgame arrived

QPR politely usheredthemselves out withbarely a flicker of resist-ance. There was no ar-guing at the door, no re-criminations or any realsense that they expect-ed anything else. Theworst team in the Pre-mier League fetchedtheir coat, left thepremises and it was notparticularly easy to im-agine they might be backany time soon.

QPR look a good fit forthe Championship ifthey can fold this meek-ly and did anyone real-ly believe that Clint Hill,Bobby Zamora and KarlHenry were the men tokeep them in the top di-vision?

“He was here whenwe were shit,” the homefans sang about RichardDunne, one-time Man-chester City captain andprolific own-goal con-noisseur. They meant itaffectionately but, in an-other sense, it sayssomething that the man

assigned to subduingSergio Agüero once wentby the nickname of Hon-ey Monster on thispatch, back in the dayswhen the wind howledand the curtains trem-bled.

That particular battlewas predictably one-sid-ed as the Argentinian’shat-trick moved him to31 goals for the season,his best total at City de-spite his recurring inju-ry issues. QPR’s wagebill in the last few yearshas been higher at timesthan that of Atlético Ma-drid and Borussia Dort-mund, both recentChampions League fi-nalists – and not far offthe entire total of MajorLeague Soccer.

Gebrselassie retiresHAILE Gebrselas

sie has announ-ced his retirement fromcompetitive running.

The 42-year-old Ethi-opian confirmed his de-cision after finishing16th in the Great Man-chester Run yesterday.

It brings to an end a25-year career in whichhe claimed two Olympicgold medals, eight worldchampionship victoriesand set 27 worldrecords. “I’m retiringfrom competitive run-ning, not from running.You cannot stop running,

this is my life,” he toldBBC Sport. Gebrselassieremains the worldrecord holder at 20,000mand the one-hour race.

He had announced hisintention to retire fiveyears ago after injuryproblems, before return-ing to racing months lat-er.

Gebrselassie failed toqualify for the London2012 Olympics but wonthe Great Scottish Run inGlasgow a year later, aswell as his third consec-utive Vienna City halfmarathon.

SURE BET: Taiwo Awoniyi (r) sure to make Manu's squad for the U-20 W/Cup



THE President of theAthletics Federa-

tion of Nigeria (AFN),Evangelist SolomonOgba, has described asincorrect, accusationsand media reports thatthe federation is neglect-ing athletes based in Ni-geria and supportingathletes based abroad.

Ogba, who led TeamNigeria track and fieldathletes to win a goldmedal at the IAAF WorldRelay in Bahamas pe-nultimate week, said theboard of AFN, since itsinauguration in May2013, has done more forathletes based in Niger-ia than any other feder-ation.

“This season alone, wehave had three camps forathletes that participat-ed in the African youthand junior champion-ships and those thatwent for invitational re-lay in Kenya. We havealso organized two com-petitions, the All Comersin Abuja and Lagos,apart from the Olukoyajunior championships”.

Ogba revealed thatthough it is the respon-sibility of states athleticsassociations and athlet-ics clubs to organize con-ditioning camps andprepare athletes for anew season, yet the AFNhas taken up the respon-sibility to ensure our

home based athletes arein good shape for thestart of each season.

Despite zero subven-tion from the NationalSports Commission(NSC) and lack of sup-port from corporate bod-ies, Ogba revealed thatAFN still organizes aleague,

“We don’t get any sup-port either from the gov-ernment or corporateNigeria, yet we haveconsistently organized aGolden League, thanksto great sacrifice from myboard members and staffof AFN. We give cashincentives to home basedathletes with prospect ofdoing well in major

championships”.The president also said

that many of the homebased athletes, especial-ly those with very goodprospect have enjoyedgenerous assistancefrom the federation.

*We’ve been fair to home-based athletes —Ogba“For our home based

athletes to get the need-ed international expo-sure, we arranged forthem to participate inabout five internationalcompetitions this yearalone.

*Okagbare *Ogba

Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 — 63


Printed and Published by VANGUARD MEDIA LIMITED, Vanguard Avenue, Kirikiri Canal, P.M.B.1007, Apapa. Phone: Newsroom: 018773962. Deputy Editor: 01-4548355. Advert Dept Hotline: 01-4544821; Abuja: 09-2341102, 09-2342704. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Advert:[email protected]

Website: (ISSN 0794-652X) Editor: MIDENO BAYAGBON. Phone: 01-7742861, All correspondence to P.M.B. 1007, Apapa Lagos.

How to Play Sudoku

Place a number (1-9) in each blank cell. (No line canhave two of the same number).

Each row (nine lines from left to right), column, (alsonine lines from top to bottom) and 3 X 3 block within abold block (nine blocks) contains number from 1through 9. This means that no number can appear twicein any block, column or row.

No mathematics is involved – no adding, subtraction,division or multiplication, just plain logic and yourimagination.


Vanguard, MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015


QUICK CROSSWORDQUICK CROSSWORDQUICK CROSSWORDQUICK CROSSWORDQUICK CROSSWORDAcross1, Convince (6)5, Knife (4)8, Paramour (5)9, Sick (3)10, Unite (4)11 Ballot (4)12 Heron (5)13 Affix (6)16 Throw (4)18 Paradise (4)20 Lettuce (3)22 Groove (3)23 Lair (3)24 Gasp (4)25 Rush (4)28 Submissive (6)30 Vessel (5)32 Warmth (4)33 Jot (4)34 Wrath (3)35 Skirmish (5)36 Expired (4)37 Proper (6)

Down1 Beast (6)2 Answer (8)3 Spurn (6)4 Clogged (9)5 Cut (7)6 Jog (4)7 Ale (4)8 Untruth (3)14 Appalled (9)15 Chicken (3)17 Prosecute (3)19 Decided (8)20 Tin (3)21 Began (7)26 Give (6)27 Soften (6)29 Hut (4)30 Arrived (4)31 Foot-digit (3)

Across: 3, Essay 9, Afloat 10, Gentle 11,Taken 12, Edam 15, Nice 17, Manager 20,Rot 21, Denim 23, Aver 25, Ring 26, Rival28, Bet 30, Literal 33, Edit 35, Dale 36,Heath 38, Toilet 39, Legion 40, Renew.

Down: 1, Harem 2, Clean 3, Eat 4, Stated5, Aged 6, Yen 7, Stair 8, Beret 13, Damaged14, Maker 16, Congeal 18, Regal 19, Fir 22,Mined 24, Rip 27, Little 28, Berth 29, Timid31, Rabid 32, Leant 34, Fete 36, Her 38, Hew.

CHELSEA 1-1 LIVERPOOL - MATT BARLOW AT STAMFORD BRIDGE: For Brendan Rodgers and his team, the awkwardnesswent beyond the guard of honour they formed to welcome champions Chelsea before kick-off. Only a win would have changedthat, and Liverpool’s inability to find one at Stamford Bridge means they require a miracle to return to the Champions Leaguenext season. John Terry headed Chelsea into a fifth-minute lead and Steven Gerrard levelled before he was warmly applaudedfrom the pitch by all sides of the ground.

Rangers relegatedafter Aguerohat-trick — Pg 62 Taraba 3 Gabros 3

Enyimba 0 Giwa 0Bayelsa 2 Dolphins2Lobi0El-Kanemi 0Wolves 4 Nasarawa 1Rangers 1 Heartland 0Akwa Utd 0 Wikki 0Sunshine2 3SC 0Pillars 2 Sharks 0Ab/Warriors 2Kwara 0

EPLMan City 6 QPR 0Chelsea 1 Liverpool 1


Gebrselassieretires! —Pg 62


I’ve got my W/Cup squad –ManuNFF rejects



— Pg 62


AFN ‘ll not close doors toany Nigerian based abroad

— Pg 62

— Pg 62
