My Evaluation On My Creative Media Process_Media Production

Declan Tyldesley My Evaluation In my evaluation I will be explaining my full creative media process within my time completing the unit, IG2 Music Video Production. Firstly I will talk about the first task I completed in this unit. And in this task we had to analyse a total amount of five music videos to give us some brief ideas that we could use when creating our music video. After this still in task 1 we had to complete two purposes sheets about two of our chosen music videos out of the five. In my opinion I think I did well on this task for I completed it before the deadline date and I also successfully filled in all the boxes thoroughly, so on the other hand I think I ended up giving a lot of relevant information about the music artist etc. Also I found this task very helpful because I got a chance to understand how music videos are made by cutting fading in and out etc. From this task I think I took some ideas off of some of the five music videos to improve my music video and in the end I think my music video worked very well. Secondly I am going to talk about the second task I completed within my time studying my Music Video Production unit. Within my second task I had to complete these few things, an Ideas Generation Mind Map and a Mood Board. I didn’t find these few tasks hard to complete for it was mainly just me putting all of my ideas onto this task so I can successfully create the music video by looking back on these ideas. I also completed this task before the deadline date, I wanted to complete this task early to make sure I didn’t fall behind on any work and by doing this it gave me a bit more time to complete the longer times. So in my opinion I made the right choice by completing this task early. Thirdly I am going to talk about the third task I completed on my Music Video Production unit. In my opinion I found this task the second hardest one because I had to do something I have never done before. And the things I had to complete in this task were a Kit Budget Sheet and a word document on the job roles and responsibilities. I found this task quite hard because it was fairly confusing at first to me but eventually I got the hang of it and then I successfully completed the Kit Budget. On the other hand I saw this task as kind of a learning curve and now I know how to successfully complete a Kit Budget. However despite my bit of confusion I managed to complete this task on time so again I think I

Transcript of My Evaluation On My Creative Media Process_Media Production

Declan Tyldesley

My Evaluation

In my evaluation I will be explaining my full creative media process within my time completing the unit, IG2 Music Video Production. Firstly I will talk about the first task I completed in this unit. And in this task we had to analyse a total amount of five music videos to give us some brief ideas that we could use when creating our music video. After this still in task 1 we had to complete two purposes sheets about two of our chosen music videos out of the five. In my opinion I think I did well on this task for I completed it

before the deadline date and I also successfully filled in all the boxes thoroughly, so on the other hand I think I ended up giving a lot of relevant information about the music artist etc. Also I found this task very helpful because I got a chance to understand how music videos are made by cutting fading in and out etc. From this task I think I took some ideas off of some of the five music videos to improve my music video and in the end I think my music video worked very well. Secondly I am going to talk about the second task I completed within my time studying my Music Video Production unit. Within my second task I had to complete these few things, an Ideas Generation Mind Map and a Mood Board. I didn’t find these few tasks hard to complete for it was mainly just me putting all of my ideas onto this task so I can successfully create the music video by looking back on these ideas. I also completed this task before the deadline date, I wanted to complete this task early to make sure I didn’t fall behind on any work and by doing this it gave me a bit more time to complete the longer times. So in my opinion I made the right choice by completing this task early.

Thirdly I am going to talk about the third task I completed on my Music Video Production unit. In my opinion I found this task the second hardest one because I had to do something I have never done before. And the things I had to complete in this task were a Kit Budget Sheet and a word document on the job roles and responsibilities. I found this task quite hard because it was fairly confusing at first to me but eventually I got the hang of it and then I successfully completed the Kit Budget. On the other hand I saw this task as kind of a learning curve and now I know how to successfully complete a Kit Budget. However despite my bit of confusion I managed to complete this task on time so again I think I did make the right choice by completing task two fairly early. Fourthly I am going to talk about the fourth task I completed on my Music Video Production unit. This task was the biggest task on the unit because we had to complete all of our Pre-Production parts such as a script, storyboards, equipment list etc. However we had to work in a team on this unit so on the other hand this did raise my team working skills, so I found this task very helpful towards me as well as enjoyable. Despite the good side of things I did struggle on some parts of the Pre-Production because I haven’t done a lot of Pre-Production in the past despite my Film Opening Title Sequence Production. This task took the longest amount of time for there was a lot of work to be done, we couldn’t back down from this because we needed to complete this in order to film and edit our music video. So we tried our very best to get it done quickly and thoroughly so we can get the highest grade possible and so we could get out and film out music video. Fifthly I am going to talk about the shortest task on the unit and in this task I had to complete a photo diary, in the photo diary I had to talk about what we filmed at a specific set going off of the photos we took while setting up our camera equipment etc. I found this task fairly easy for I was just explaining what we did at a certain set and what camera equipment we used.

Lastly I am going to talk about the last task I completed on my Music Video Production unit. In this

Declan Tyldesley

task I had to use two different types of software and they were Adobe Premier and Adobe After Effects. In my opinion while I was working on this task I gained a good understanding on how each individual piece of software worked, that I worked on. I found this task very helpful because I now know how to use the software efficiently so I can get more work done and make it into a good standard Music Video. At first I did find the software a bit confusing for I hadn’t used this specific software in a while; so on the other hand it took a bit of time to get used to the software and then I was able to use it efficiently as I could before but as I said I have improved my skill on these two types of software by using it again. Therefore in my opinion this task was fairly difficult when editing my music video. Also within my time completing this task I had to write a short statement below my rough edit to explain how I would improve my Music Video after watching and reviewing my first edit. By doing this it made me understand that I need to do some colour correction in order to make my Music Video look a lot better. However when I was making my footage look better on After Effects at first I found it difficult because I was having difficulties with controlling the contrast of the video. On the other hand at the end of this video I managed to complete the task before my deadline so from this I can see that I made near enough all the right choice’s to get my unit completed on time. Therefore if I was to make a another music video I will probably take a lot more time shooting all of the shots so I have an even bigger variety shots to mix into parts of the song “Read All About It” as an example. If I had a wider range of shots I will be able to speed up the pace of the video a lot more so it matches the song a lot better. On the other hand if I was to shoot a very slow passed music video the shots will move very calmly to match the song to either make a relaxed, intense scene etc. Some of the things that went well in the Final Edit of my Music Video though were the lip-syncing on Adobe Premier. I improved this massively because as I said on my evaluation of my Music Video Rough Edit some of the lyrics was out of sync with the singer and I said I would improve that and as a result… I ended up perfecting every aspect of the lyrics to make my music video look a lot better.

In my conclusion I did find some aspects of this assignment fairly difficult, so this on the other hand would have slowed me down but in the end I managed to get all of my tasks completed on time so I can pass the unit. In all honesty I worked to the best of my ability to try and achieve the best grade possible in the Music Video Production unit. Also within my time completing this unit I had a fair amount of fun with filming, editing, producing etc. And I truly believe this has raised my production skills to the next level. To conclude this if I was to tackle another unit like this I will know exactly what to do if I do another unit like this such as the filming process, producing process etc. I think if I was to do another project it will be at an even better standard such as professional because on what I have learnt on the past two unit’s will just combine and I will make it a lot better due to my experience on working on projects such as a Music Video and a Film Opening Title Sequence. And if I was to choose another video project to create in my next unit I will probably try and create a Film Trailer because I really like film production and making specific aspects inside film production.