My digital life Ashley M


Transcript of My digital life Ashley M

Page 1: My digital life Ashley M
Page 3: My digital life Ashley M : I use Face book to keep in touch with my family and friends that I rarely get to see and friends I get to see often. Face book helps you connect with anyone anywhere around the world. :This our web page for our class and all the students in Humanities. I use this site to stay in contact with my class mates, teacher and up to date with assignments and what our future assignments will be. : I use Google for my school work at home, at school, where ever I am. Google is useful for anyone at any age. :YouTube is a simple and fast way to preview up coming movies, watch music videos, and just watch people do dumb stuff for a good laugh . :Photo bucket is a rather simple way to connect to millions of digital images. This site is useful for gathering pictures for projects.

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Page 5: My digital life Ashley M

In my opinion Digital Citizenship is using our technology to communicate with others. Through social networking sites, the media, or any other various types of technology that show the unique parts of what makes you , who you are today and develops the idea of “Digital Citizenship.”

5 things I will continue/ start doing to improve my Digital Citizenship :1 : I will continue to use my social networking sites ( Face book, Msn, ect) to stay in contact with my family and friends. 2: I plan on becoming more involved with the Ning website this year, to stay in touch with my classmates and teacher, and to keep up to date with my work. 3: I will use the internet to become more involved in global events, as I am an individual and effect globalization.4: I will continue to use my cell phone to communicate with the important people in my life. 5: Use the television to watch TV, get involved in what is going on globally, in the world today, and to play video games.

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In a class room where technology was used a lot , I see everything becoming very efficient. Students would never lose their assignments and there work would be neatly typed and organized. The time it took to take notes would be greatly reduced. Instead of wasting a bunch of paper to print out assignments , the students could just email their assignments to the teacher, which would also prevent the assignments from being lost, and unorganized.

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The dark side of this concept: Some students can not afford the price of a laptop .Solution : if every student was required to have the use of a laptop, would the government provide funding? That way every student can afford a laptop. Another problem I see developing is students become more reliant on technology than each other.Solution: I think a solution would be to let students use computers at the school but not have their own laptops to avoid these problems. On problem that crossed my mind is I see school becoming more like a competition with who has better technology. There are so many types of laptops and the students without them will be left out and miss out on education. A problem I can see occurring would be the students using the use of a laptop as a way to waste time , not participate in class activities and use them as a distraction. A solution would be to only use the technology as a trail basis, and if the students abuse the privilege the use of a laptop will be revoked.