My Biography

hnical University of Am Department of Languages English language My Biography Iván Yauli



Transcript of My Biography

Technical University of Ambato

Department of Languages English language

My BiographyIván Yauli

I am Ivan Fabricio Yauli Sisalema, I am 20 years old.I was born in 1993, September, 25

My FamilyMy Parents

My Mother

My Mother her name is Carmen Sisalema, he is 45 years old

My Father

My Father died when I was six years old, his name was Geovany Yauli

My brothers and my sister

My first Sister Gabriela she has 26 years old

My Second Brother Diego He has 7 years old

And my Brother Ariel he has 4 yeras old

My studiesSchol


I studied in the Scholl Gonzales Suarez located in the Av Pichincha

HIGH Schol

I studied in two High Schols , My first High school was the Juan Montalvo Francisco where I studied up to 10 course , My second High school was Murialdo where I got my title Electrician


In the Actuallity I am studying social work career in their third semester at the Technical University of Ambato


I like play soccer, basketball and listen to music

My favorite food is soup os snoodle

memoriesWhen I was 5 years old I visited beatch of ATACAMES

When I was six I fell and broke my head

  I am very glad respectful partner among other things more