My ABC book of U.S History



My ABC book of U.S History. Rebecca Anderson 4 th May 12, 2011. A. Antifederalists- Individuals who opposed ratification of the constitution. . Abolitionist- A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery. Adams, John- 2 nd president of the United States. B. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of My ABC book of U.S History

Page 1: My  ABC  book of U.S  History





MAY 12, 2011

Page 2: My  ABC  book of U.S  History

AAbolitionist- A person who strongly favors doing away with slavery.

Adams, John- 2nd president of the United States.

Antifederalists- Individuals who opposed ratification of the constitution.

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BBorder states- The states between the North and the South that were divided over whether to stay in the Union or join the Confederacy.

Boycott- To refuse to buy items from a particular country.

Burgesses- Elected representatives to an assembly.

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CCabinet- A group of adviser to the president.

Civil War- Conflict between opposing groups of citizens of the same country.

Constitution- A formal plan of government

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DDouglas, Fredrick- Is an African American leader who was born into slavery.

Declaration Of Independence- Was written in 1776 .

Domestic Tranquility- Maintain peace within the nation.

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EEmancipate- To free from slavery.

Embargo- An other prohibiting trade with another country.

Executive Branch- The branch of government, headed by the president that carries our the nations laws and policies.

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FFamine- An extreme shortage of food.

Federalism- The sharing of power between federal and state government.

Federalists- Supporters of the constitution.

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GGarrison, William Lloyd- Stimulated the growth of the antislavery movement. Global

Warming- A steady increase average world temperatures.

Greenback- A peace of U.S paper money first issued by the North during the civil ear.

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HHancock, John-Sign the Declaration Of Independence.

Henry, Patrick- “Give me liberty or give me death”.

Homestead Act- Which gave 160 free acres of land to any settler who paid a filling free and lived on the land for spears.

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IImport- To buy goods from foreign markets. Impressments-

Forcing people into service, as in the Navy.

Industrial Revolution- the transformation in the 18th and 19th centuries of first Britain and then other W European countries and the US into industrial nations

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JJefferson, Thomas- The 3rd president.

Judicial Branch- The branch of the United States government responsible for the administration of justice

Judicial Review- the power of a court to adjudicate the constitutionality of the laws of a government or the acts of a government official.

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LLegislative Branch- The branch of government that makes the nations laws.

Lincoln, Abraham- The 16th president.

Loyalists- American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence.

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MMajority- More than half

Mayflower Compact- A formal document, written in 1820 that provided law and other to the Plymouth colony.

Militia- A group of citizens trained to fight in emergencies.

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NNaturalization Act- To grant full citizenship to a foreigner.

Neutral- Faking no side in a conflict.

Nullify- To cancel or make ineffective.

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OOffensive- Position of attacking.

Ordinance- A law or regulation.

Override- To overturn or defeat, as a bill proposed in congress.

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PPartisan- Favoring one side of an issue.

Patriots- American colonists who were determined to fight the British until American independence was won.

Petition- A formal request.

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QQuakers- Slavery movement.

Quebec, Battle- The capital of New France.

Quechua- Incan language.

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RRatify- To give official approval to.

Revenue- Incoming money.

Revival- A series of meetings conducted by a preacher to arouse religious emotions.

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XXYZ Affair- The incident.

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YYankee- Union solider.

Yellow Journalism- A type of sensational, based and often false reporting.

Yeoman- Southern owner of a small farm who did not have enslaved people

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ZZenger, John Peter- He chargers of libel for printing a critical report about the royal governor.

Zuni, The- Adobe