MV Assignment 02 2015 ProForma V2


Transcript of MV Assignment 02 2015 ProForma V2

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Music VideoAssignment 2Millie Casemore

TASK 1Idea Generation and Research

LA DevoteeCAMERA ANGLES Mainly medium close ups are used in this video to allow the audience to really focus on the two centre points of the video. The first main centre point is a boy who has been kidnapped by a cult, led by Brendon (lead singer), and being experimented on. Brendon is played a cult leader who resembles the devil to some extent.EDITING The editing is very face paced to represent the speed of the song, which is also very fast paced. It uses fast cut montage to portray its message to the viewer and to make them want to watch again.VISUALS The video features a boy who has been kidnapped by a cult which is run by Brendon Urie (lead in the band). The video uses heavy iconography to portray the cult and what it stands for.PERFORMANCE The main performer is Noah Schnapp who is also in Stranger Things which has become a very popular show on Netflix. He plays the child who has been kidnapped in the video and he has to act as if he is being tortured and experimented on. Brendon essentially represents the cult leader or Satan. PRODUCTION I would like to implement the use of close ups in this video, into my video. Close ups are used in this video to show something significant to the video/story and Id like to use them for the same thing.

Give me your love

CAMERA ANGLES The most used shots are wide and long shots of the dancers and singer. This allows the viewer to fully see the dancing which is the main point of the video to see the dancing.EDITING The editing for Give Me Your Love is fast cut montage which is edited to the beat of the music. The clips are usually very short on the faster parts of the song and the clips are slightly longer on the slower parts of the song.VISUALS The video mainly features young adults executing a routine which fits to the beat of the song. There are also lip sync shots of John Newman and in the end of the video the dancers and John are in the same shots.PERFORMANCE The main performers are the dancers which were used in the video. They are seen dancing the same choreographed routine PRODUCTION I would to use dancing in my video like they do in this video. They use it to portray a mood and to imply a message to the viewer, which is what Id like to use dancing for in my video

sweet lovin

CAMERA ANGLES Varying camera angles used throughout. The most common camera angle used is the mid shot and wide shot. These two shots are used a lot in this video because the main focus point is the lady dancing in roller blades.EDITING Most of the video features long length clips which are synchronised to the beat of the music. They are edited to switch to the next clip on a significant beat. In the chorus they clips change more frequently because they song becomes more upbeat. Also the video uses slow motion effects quite often throughout.VISUALS The most significant and captivating visual in this music video is the red smoke. The red smoke is used in this video to represent love which then goes on to affect people who seem unhappy. PERFORMANCE The main performer in this video is Candice Heiden, and she is a professional roller blader who is part of the LA Roller Girls. In the video she is dancing in roller blades, through LA with red smoke coming out of her roller skates she represents love. There are also nine other performers in the video. They begin to dance after they have been affected by love which is when Candice has passed by them hence the title Sweet Lovin.PRODUCTION I would like to implement the different uses of camera angles in this video, into my video. This is because there are lots of different angles used to represent and show different things.

Emperors New ClothesCAMERA ANGLES The camera in this video follows the focus of the video (Brendon) around and flows into each different angle. Mostly medium close ups and long shots are used.EDITING The video never actually cuts to a different clip, it flows into that clip and this gives the impression that the video was filmed in one take.VISUALS The visual effects in this video are diverse. Smoke machines, dirt and ash were used to give a grungy look. Brendon is turning into the devil throughout the video so visual effects were used to achieve this look.PERFORMANCE Brendon plays the role of a man who has died and fallen from heaven into hell. He was initially looking for love but now he wants wealth and power as he begins to turn into the devil. PRODUCTION I would like to implement the way in which this video was filmed into my video. This particular video was filmed at 12 frames per second whilst the soundtrack was playing at half the speed. This means the actor had to execute movements at a slower speed half the speed. The clips were sped up in post production.

Snap out of itCAMERA ANGLES The camera angles use are mainly close ups, mid shots and long shots. Close ups are used in the video to show significant items and to imply certain things relating to the lyrics. Mid shots are used to establish what the character is doing, and long shots are used for when she is dancing or she is needed to be fully scene.EDITING The editing is quite slow paced and includes lots of long shots which flow into another. The shots flip on the accented beats of the song, which means on the verses there are lots of quite lengthy shots.VISUALS There are not many visual effects used, theyre mainly used on the middle 8 of the song to create a sense of hypnotism. Iconography is used quite heavily to imply what the girl is feeling and what she has been up to.PERFORMANCE The female in the video is played by Stephanie Sigman and she is playing the role of an obsessed girl who is having a breakdown through watching grainy footage of the Arctic Monkeys.PRODUCTION I would like the take the use of close ups in this video and implement them into my production. This is because theyre used a lot to show significant objects to imply a feeling to the viewer which is something Id like to do.

Songs Snap Out Of It by Arctic Monkeys The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy Feeling Good cover by Muse Atomic Man by Portugal. The Man Dreaming by Smallpools Hello by Oasis LA Devotee by Panic! At The Disco

techniques Fast Cut Montage/Cut To The Beat Edit all of my clips in time with the beat in a fast pace. Jerky Clips Film at the speed and then speed up in post production. This gives the appearance that the world around the person is moving twice as fast as them. Dreamy Feeling Clips Film at double the speed and then slow down in post production. Camera Angles Use a range of camera angles such as Close Ups, Medium Close Ups, Long Shots and Wide Shots. This enables the viewer to fully understand what is happening. Slow Motion Some parts may be slow motion to enhance viewing.

conventions LITERAL INTERPRETATION I will be literally interpreting the lyrics in my music video. I will partly do this by having a narrator who lip syncs in the whole song he is telling the story. Then I will have the female actress who will be carrying out actions which represent the lyrics. INDIE CONVENTIONS A common theme to indie music videos is to have a music video with some artistic value to represent the meaning. My video has a dance section which adds artistic value and creativity to the video. The dance is used to represent emotion. NARRATIVE Another increasingly popular convention in indie music videos is to have a narrative to help tell the story of the lyrics. My music video will have a strong narrative and will even have a person lip syncing the song (they act as the narrator or the conscience of the female). BEAT CUTTING My music video will be cut to the beat of the song to help set the pace for the viewer. This is a typical convention of music video because most music videos are edited to the significant beats of the song.

Mind map of ideas [summary of ideas]


5 OPPORTUNITIES OF MY IDEA EFFECT Filming at half speed and then speeding it up in post production creates a nice effect for people to watch. DANCE Having dancing in my video will add more meaning to the video and will allow people watching to interpret my video in different ways. It also allows me to express meaning through dance. CONTINUITY Using a narrator to lip sync in my video will provide some continuity because the rest of my video will be quite busy. Hopefully this will mean that viewers wont get overwhelmed when watching the video. LOCATION All of the places I want to film are available free for me to use. This means I wont need to spend money hiring places or get permission to use them. TRAVEL My clips are all filmed in two locations which means me and my crew will not have to do a lot of travelling when filming.


5 RESTRICTIONS TO MY IDEA TIME It is very time consuming to film most of my clips at half speed so I can then speed it up in post production. ACTING I will not be hiring any professional actors, so that is a restriction to my idea. This may result in non believable scenes or non professional acting. BUDGET I dont have a large budget for my music video so I wont be able to hire places to film or buy certain props because theyre too expensive. This means I wont be able to do exactly what Id like to do for my music video. EFFECTS Id like to add some effects to my shots in post production, but I am not as advanced in using Adobe Premiere so this will also consume time and may mean I wont be able to add any effects due to my restricted skills in Adobe Premiere. DANCER I will be the dancer performing in the music video, so this may restrict what I can perform as oppose to using a professional dancer. The dance may not be executed as well.

Final idea artist/title/info NAME OF SONG/ARTIST Snap Out Of It by Arctic Monkeys BACKGROUND The Arctic Monkeys are a band from Sheffield that were formed in 2002. The band members are Alex Turner (lead singer, guitar), Matt Helder (drums, vocals) and Nick OMalley (bass, backing vocals). They have released five studio albums and have won seven Brit Awards. Alex Turners significant Sheffield accent and the way he quickly delivers intricate lyrics is something they are renowned for. LINKS Their fourth album, Suck It and See is influenced from 1960s rock bands and The Smiths. However, their fifth album, AM, Alex said that it is more influenced by hip hop. He said that he gave the songs a Dr. Dre beat and then used some influence from Ike Turner. The band can be linked to bands such as The Killers, Franz Ferdinand, The Strokes and Arcade Fire they are also indie rock bands. GENRE INFORMATION Arctic Monkeys genre is indie rock and garage rock band. Indie rock bands tend to dress in dark attire, with black skinny jeans, hats and leather jackets which Arctic Monkeys do, mainly Alex Turner. Settings are often urban and grungy which Arctic Monkeys also use commonly in their music videos.

Final idea track summarySNAP OUT OF IT MEANING The meaning of the song is that a girl is under the spell of a guy. Alex Turner thinks she is dating the wrong guy who is not suitable forever and he wants her to leave the guy he implies he is the suitable guy. The title and the chorus, I want to grab both your shoulders and shake baby, snap out of it is Alex telling her to snap out of this love and come to the realisation that he is not right for her. CONTENT - The lyrics mainly contain Alex Turner trying to tell the girl that this man isnt right for her and that shes making a bad choice she essentially needs to snap out of it. He says how he feels that hes left it too late and that hes waiting ever so patiently for you to snap out of it. In the middle 8, he says how he thinks shes blind and hypnotised by this mans love, even though hes not right for her. DURATION AND PACE Snap Out Of It is exactly 3 minutes and13 seconds long. The overall pace of the song is fairly steady, its not too slow and its not too quick either; there is a steady drum beat. However at the chorus the pace picks up slightly. THEMES AND FEELINGS - Love - Isolation (trapped in relationship) - Freedom (once she has left the relationship) - Deluded STYLE/GENRE The overall style is quite relaxed with a solid beat, yet there is the element of drama. The main genres are: - Indie Rock - Garage Rock

Final idea your idea SYNOPSIS The main character for my music video is a female who is trapped in a marriage because she thinks he is the perfect man for her, except her conscience is telling her otherwise. She, at the back of her mind, is doubting her marriage and he conscience is telling her to snap out of it and end it (the conscience is played by a few different people). The video mainly features her debating over the problem and then running away from it contrasting between trapped and free. INTERPRETATION My interpretation of the lyrics is that a girl is falling for a guy, who Alex Turner (lead singer) doesnt think is right for her. He keeps telling her to snap out of this, shes acting like shes hypnotised by this other guys love. Alex thinks he is right for the girl, and wants her to fall for him instead of the other guy. NARRATIVE There will be a good strong narrative in my story which will tell the story of my music video. My story will be told through the use of mainly two actors. The first actor/s will be the narrator. They will represent the conscience by lip syncing the song. The second actor is the female who is the person who has this conscience telling her what is right and wrong. GENRE CONVENTIONS My video will be portraying the genre conventions of the indie genre. I will be using dance in my video to portray a message and to represent emotions. This adds artistic value to my music video which is something common to the indie genre.

TASK 2Pre-production Assessment

Guidance:Budget targetYou have provisionally given an outline target of 2000 to make your music videoThis target should include a 10% contingency [that means your budget should allow for 200 pounds within the budget so realistically you aim lower than 1800]Your budget should account for everything, except your own time and inputConsider more than one option to solve a requirement you may be able to balance your budget later, there will have to be a compromise somewhere

Title of production/production outline

LocationsYou need to identify locations and plan a recce. Market Weighton Railway Line The main reason for filming at this location is so I can, again, create a quiet and secluded background so I can film parts of the video. I chose also chose to film here because it is only a walk away from where I live, so its easy for me to get there. My House/Family Members House Some parts of my video will be filmed at either my house or a family members house this is because parts of my video require a house setting. A benefit to filming here is that my grandma has a large house with a lot of land which would make it easier to film, the only downside is I would need to transport my crew and pay for travel. York College I plan to use the studio at York college to film some parts of my song. I will be able to book out the studio which means I wont have to hire out a studio or pay travel costs for the crew.What are the limitations and risks, eg distance, access, cost, weather? How will you manage this? The main risk whilst filming at any location (excluding my house) is the weather. It is difficult to predict the weather so I will need to try to film on days when there is less chance of rain. This will result in me losing money if I have rented out equipment for the day but Im unable to use it because of the weather. I will need to make sure I have enough money left over just incase this happens. Another limitation is the distance that my crew will have to travel to each location. This will take out quite a bit of money from my budget, so I will need to make sure I allow enough money to transport my crew to each location.



CANON EOS 5D MKIVThe Canon EOS 5D MKIII which I will need to use for one week filming. The main reason why I have considered this camera is because it is the cheapest out of the three I have looked at. This camera will shoot in full 1080p and is somewhat resistant to dust and rain this will be good incase it suddenly starts raining whilst filming so the camera wont get damaged. Also the camera is good for filming in low level lighting. I will cost 66 per day to hire this camera. The Canon EOS 5D MKIV is an improved version of the previous camera. This camera is capable of shooting in 4K which will really give my footage a professional look. Also, this camera has exceptional low light capture which is good because some of my shots may need to be shot in low lighting because of the time of day. This camera costs 88 to hire per day.



I need to hire a light panel so I could use it to provide studio lighting indoors for example in my house. I chose this light panel because it is small and easily portable. I wont need this light panel for a long period of time which is why I only chose a small one. It will cost 11.50 per day. THE CAMERA I CHOSECANON EOS 5D MKIV

I chose this camera mainly because it was the second cheapest camera to hire for the period of time I need to hire it for. Also this is a high performing camera which will record in full 4K. It is easily transportable and capable of what I need to use the camera for.It is able to shoot in low level lighting which I will need for my video.

FacilitiesEDITING STUDIOI will be hiring an editing studio in Leeds which will allow me to use high quality and sophisticated editing suites. The studio is called Brussels Street Studio and it comes with editing suites, filming studio, hair and make up areas, white walls and access to professional filming and editing equipment. This will allow me to film any extra shots which I may need and it will allow me to edit my video to a high quality.The prices for this studio vary depending on the day, equipment you need and how long youll need it for. I will be hiring the studio for three full days under dry hire so I can choose what Ill need and what I wont. To hire the studio for a full 8hr day it will cost 200 and for a 4hr half day it will cost 175. I wont be needing all the equipment in the studio so I wont need to pay 300 for a full day using this equipment.

FacilitiesSTUDIO SPACEI will also be booking out the studio at York College which is free to use for the period of time Id like it for. The studio has full, adjustable studio lighting and different back drops including green screen. I will also not need to pay travel to get here and neither will my crew because well already be coming to college for the day.STUDIO Alternatively I could hire a studio in Leeds called Studio B. This studio comes equipped with camera, adjustable lighting, green screen, backdrops, dressing room etc. This is available for a half day dry hire for 199. To transport my crew to this studio it will cost 13.40 for an open return which isnt too expensive. However, overall it is cheaper to hire the York College studio because it is free and I wont have to pay any travel costs for my cast and crew, so I am choosing to not hire a separate studio.

PersonnelCREW: I will have two crew members which includes myself and we will be filming together for one day. I will set aside 10 per person for food every day so this will cost 40 after the two days of filming.CAST: I have four cast members, one of which is me, and I will be feeding and paying them to be in my video. I am playing the part of the dancer and the main character. The other three cast members are the narrator, Ryan and Amelia who are lip syncing parts. I will also be paying 10 per person each day for food.TRANSPORT: I will need to transport my cast members and my actor to Hornsey beach at some point so I can film this will cost between 40 and 60 depending on the time of day. I will be setting aside 40p per mile for travel costs for any of my cast and crew travelling by car.

Props/Costume/etcCLOTHING I am going to be paying 25 per person for each actors clothing. I am buying their clothing ensure that they were the same outfit for each day of filming and to keep consistently throughout the video. I will also be paying for the dancers costume because I want this to be special. A dance costume will cost around 40 and I will need this to be fitted to the dancer. PROPS I will need to buy a bike for the second day of filming which will cost around 160 for the bike that I want for the video. A diary is needed for the second day of filming in order for me to film the truth part of the video. I will be setting aside 8-10 for this. Finally, I will need to get five photo frames so I can put wedding photo graphs into them for the second verse.

Codes of practice and regulationsDo you need clearance for copyrighted materials? [you will need to contact Mechanical Copyright Protection Society-Performing Rights Society Alliance (MCPS-PRS)]Do you have performers external to your group performing? They will need release forms that declare you can use footage of them in the production. This needs to be planned for. Do you have any actors under the age of 18? You will need parental permission forms.Are you filming on private property? You will need written consent PRIOR to filming. Plan in advance. This needs to be considered.Consider where you may need specific risk assessments and health and safety documentation

Finance/Production CostsUsing industry rates cards and researched costs of equipment [cameras], cast, crew, props and facilities [locations, edit rooms, etc] calculate the likely cost of your productionOutline details of financial considerations of project, this could be cost of props/costume/travel/food/etcExplain what your overall budget is [if applicable] and how this is to be metHow will you deal with any extra costs? Contingency fund? What percentage of your budget should this be? [hint: add 10% on to the final cost, this should cover it!]Do you foresee any problems? How will you manage this/over come them?

Final budget breakdown

Budget explanation and justificationEXPLANATION My budget is 2,000 with 200 of that being a contingency fund in case something doesnt go to plan. This budget will be used to hire cameras, editing suites and costumes for all of my cast members. It will also be used to provide food and travel for cast and crew. I will be putting aside 10 per person for food expenses and 100 for any travel costs which I will need to cover for cast and crew.FORESEEABLE PROBLEMS Any problems which I may come across, I have set aside 200 (10% of my budget) contingency fund to cover this. An example of a problem I may come across is the weather. If it rains on the day I plan to film, then I wont be able to film on that day and I will have to hire the camera for another day. If some of my cast members dont turn up, I will have to film again on another day which will also mean I will have to pay for camera hire, travel costs and food costs this will all come out of my contingency fund.

Task 3.1Visual Planning

Concept board

Lighting and colours

Key points in music video Contrast between busy and quiet Switching between male and female lip sync Using dance to create imagery She begins to doubt her conscience (male)


Structural breakdownTIMING Intro 0:00 0:05 (5 seconds) Verse One 0:05 0:34 (29 seconds) Chorus 0:34 1:04 (30 seconds) Verse Two 1:04 1:40 (36 seconds) Chorus 1:40 2:10 (30 seconds) Middle Eight 2:10 2:40 (30 seconds) Chorus 2:40 3:10 (30 seconds)

Structural breakdownVERSE ONE Female and male contrasting lip sync Shots of diary Close up of page saying truthSHOTS Close Ups of significant items Long shots of girl walking

What's been happening in your world?What have you been up to?I heard that you fell in loveOr near enoughI gotta tell you the truth


Structural breakdownCHORUS (FIRST TIME) Distressed woman Finger snaps Close up of watch Woman running Switching between man and woman singing towards end Man sat waiting (film slow and speed up)SHOTS Medium Close Up Wide shotI wanna grab both your shoulders and shake babySnap out of it (Snap out of it)I get the feeling I left it too late, but babySnap out of it (Snap out of it)If that watch don't continue to swing or the fat lady fancies having a singI'll be here waiting ever so patiently for you toSnap out of it


Structural breakdownVERSE TWO Close up of the word Forever with question mark Dance to represent lyrics Male using actions to represent lyricsSHOTS Wide Shot Medium Close Up

Forever isn't for everyoneIs forever for you?It sounds like settling down or giving upBut it don't sound much like you girl




Structural breakdownCHORUS (SECOND TIME) Somewhat similar to the first chorus Alternating between woman and male singing Dancing to represent freedom and isolation Fast editing on accented drum beats Switch between male and female walking Finger snapSHOTS Medium close up Mid shot Long shot

I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake babySnap out of it (Snap out of it)I get the feeling I left it too late, but babySnap out of it (Snap out of it)If that watch don't continue to swing or the fat lady fancies having a singI'll be here waiting ever so patiently for you toSnap out of it


Structural breakdownMIDDLE EIGHT Quick editing on the drum beats Visual effects to add a hazy/dreamy tone Slow motion dancing Film in a faster or slower pace and speed or slow down in postSHOTS Medium long shot Extreme close up Long shotUnder a spell you're hypnotizedDarling how could you be so blind?(Snap out of it)Under a spell you're hypnotizedDarling how could you be so blind?




Structural breakdownCHORUS (LAST TIME) Fast editing Switch on accented beats Accent the beats with body language More dramaticSHOTS Close shot Medium close up Wide shotI wanna grab both your shoulders and shake babySnap out of it (Snap out of it)I get the feeling I left it too late, but babySnap out of it (Snap out of it)If that watch don't continue to swing or the fat lady fancies having a singI'll be here waiting ever so patiently for you toSnap out of it




Male lip sync, and other lip syncs are introduced.

Questioning whether her current partner is right for her.

Running away from her fears and problems. Clearing the air.

Fallen in love with a guy, but hes not right for her.

Dancer represents her freedom when she is not with this guy.Male lip sync says the guy isnt right for her and shes hypnotised.

Realises she is wrong. Feelings of sadness are portrayed.

Male lip sync, who plays conscience is angry at the girl.


Shot List

Shot List

Shot List

Task 3.2Organisational Planning

Production Group InfoNameRoleContact NumberMillieDirector/Actor07715876320SydneyCamera Operator07923942239 SjonActor07557308740 AmeliaActor07903766038 RyanActor07470368059

Location informationInformation and images of your location[s] for filmingYou should have address details, clearance/permissions for filming, recce photos and floorplans [including camera, equipment and cast/crew layouts]Where possible, have a plan B fallback location optionAssess each location for any issues and suggest solutions

locationsYORK COLLEGE STUDIO ADDRESS Sim Balk Ln, Bishopthorpe, York YO23 2BB FAMILY MEMBERS HOUSE - Bedroom ADDRESS 49 Field House, Kilnwick, Driffield YO25 9JD

LOCAL PUBLIC FIELDS/PATHWAYS ADDRESS Kilnwick, East Yorkshire FLOOR PLANS Below are screenshots from Google maps of the village that I will be filming in, including the public footpaths. I have marked where I will be filming.






Risk AssessmentRisk Assess each separate filming location using the table in the camera H&S PP on Bb as a staring pointCompleting a generic filming assessment would be a start, then you can add specialist/site specific risks as you progress your productionRemember, a Risk Assessment is an ongoing document, you should evaluate if anything changes in production and when you put control measures in placeYou should add the table to each call sheet for each location


RiskControl MeasureINJURYEnsure there is no food or drink being consumed in the studioKeep the floor area you are working in clear TRIPPINGCover all cables on floorRemove an objects which are in inconvenient placesBRIGHT LIGHTSDont stare directly into the lightsTake breaks if neededUSE OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPTMENTDont touch any faulty equipment and report any equipment to the technician if it seems to be faultyHEATDo not touch the lamb bulbsOnly move lights if necessary using the PPE gloves provided

Risk assessmentGRANDMAS HOUSE

RiskControl MeasureINJURY Ensure there is no spilled food or drink, to reduce the chance of slippingAvoid placing actors in situations where they could hurt themselvesTRIPSRemove any objects from the area which are hazardousKeep the area clear and free from unnecessary clutterUSE OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPTMENTDont touch any faulty equipment and report any equipment to the technician if it seems to be faulty


RiskControl MeasureINJURY Assess and clear the area where you will be working to reduce the chance of injuryWear appropriate outdoor shoes for walking in fields and woodsSUN EXPOSUREAllow actors and crew to have frequent breaks in the shadeApply sunscreen and provide waterFATIGUEHave seating areas for cast & crewAllow crew to take frequent breaksProvide food and water for crew

Contingency plan

Schedule - FilmingFILMING Friday 17th March

FILMING Sunday 26th March

Schedule - editingEDITING Monday 27th MarchEDITING Tuesday 28th March

EDITING Thursday 30th March

Permissions forms

Task 4.1Production Record/Log

Production Record/LogKeep track your filming and production work with the camera hereYou could add stills of your work with annotationsYou should include any specific details about how your filming went and what you did on set to enable you to complete the workYou should include Call Sheets and relevant production documents here

Call sheets

17th March Call Sheet

Call sheets26th March Call Sheet

Task 4.2Footage log


Time inActivityLocation











13.30-14.00Filming for Sydneys video (full lip sync & close up)York College Studio

14.00-14.30Filming for Millies video (male and female lip sync & close ups)York College Studio

14.30-15.00Filming for Sjons video (Lip sync, solo & dancing)York College Studio

15.00-16.00Filming extras for each others videosYork College Studio




Time inActivityLocation










12.30-13.30Setting up and assessing location for filming49 Field House

13.30-14.00Filming first half of the music video49 Field House

14.00-14.30Filming the indoor parts for the video49 Field House

14.30-15.00Filming outdoor parts of the music video, the second halfKilnwick

15.00-16.00Filming any remaining outdoor parts and the dance sequence Kilnwick


