Music video survey results

Music video survey results I have created a survey with 10 different questions about music videos to gain an understanding of what people like to see. I have asked a range of different questions and uploaded my survey to Facebook where I posted the link, allowing people to access the link and fill in the questions depending on their personal taste. 1. For question 1, my results have told me that 85% of the people who answered my survey were female. This means that I should aim my music video mostly at females, with elements aimed at males as 15% of the opinions in my results come from them. This means that I will take into consideration what the majority of my audience want as the result is unbalanced. 2. Question 2 has told me that over 70% of people who took my survey were between the ages of 13 to 19. Over 20% of people were over the age of 36 and fewer than 10% were between the ages of 20 and 35. This will persuade me to aim my music video mostly at a teenage audience, with a few elements being aimed at an older age. I will pay more attention to the opinions of the younger generation as the majority of results in my survey come from them.

Transcript of Music video survey results

Page 1: Music video survey results

Music video survey results

I have created a survey with 10 different questions about music videos to gain an understanding of what people like to see. I have asked a range of different questions and

uploaded my survey to Facebook where I posted the link, allowing people to access the link and fill in the questions depending on their personal taste.

1. For question 1, my results have told me that 85% of the people who answered my survey were female. This means that I should aim my music video mostly at females, with elements aimed at males as 15% of the opinions in my results come from them. This means that I will take into consideration what the majority of my audience want

as the result is unbalanced.

2. Question 2 has told me that over 70% of people who took my survey were between the ages of 13 to 19. Over 20% of people were over the age of 36 and fewer than 10% were between the ages of 20 and 35. This will persuade me to aim my music video mostly at a teenage audience, with a few elements being aimed at an older age. I will pay more attention to the opinions of the younger generation as the majority of results in my survey come from them.

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3. Question 3 has told me that the majority of people, who listen to music, enjoy watching the music videos that go with them. Around 63% of people strongly agreed that they enjoy watching music videos with only 8% saying that do not. This tells me that music videos are very important and people enjoy watching them. This will persuade me to put a lot of effort into my video in order to make it as successful and enjoyable as possible.

4. For question 4, I have received a very mixed response as the majority of people who took my survey have a very mixed response. 35% of people stated that their favourite genre of music is indie; this is something that I will be able to take into consideration when creating my music video and choosing the song that I will be using. On the other hand, fewer than 10% of people said that their favourite genre is RnB and rock; this means that I am likely to avoid this genre as it is unpopular amongst my target audience.

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5. Question 5 has given me quite a mixed response as there is not much difference in the percentages. 35% of people stated that their favourite style of music video is one which tells a story/has a narrative and one which is performance based. This may persuade me to create a music video with these two styles in. I may also decide to include elements of the metaphorical/abstraction style as around 29% of my audience stated that this is something that they enjoy.

6. Over half of my target audience have stated that they watch music channels on the television at least once a week, whether it be daily(14%), 1-2 times a week(29%) and once a week (21%). This tells me that many people enjoy listening to music as well as watching the music videos that go with them. On the other hand, 35% of people chose the option of ‘Other’, this could allude to the fact that many people may not watch music channels on the television at all and are not particularly interested in watching the music videos, or prefer to watch them on other websites such as YouTube, which I will find out later in my survey.

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7. Over 70% of people agreed that music videos play an important role in the success of music. This tells me that a successful music video is very important and can have an effect on the sales of a song. This persuades me to put a vast amount of effort into my music video as people feel that it is an important factor. Different to this only 14% of people disagreed that music videos are not important concerning the success of music, the people that chose this option could be the ones that stated earlier that they do not watch/enjoy watching music videos which means that they would not think they are important as they can enjoy music without them.

8. 85% of people who took my survey watch music videos on YouTube. This tells me that the internet plays a large role in the success of music over the past few years as there is now more ways that they can be accessed. It also tells me that a large percentage of people search for music on YouTube which shows they want to look at the music video as well as listen to the song. This is important as it tells me that people are interested in watching the music videos to music.

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9. For this question I asked what people would most like to see in a music video. I have got mixed results here and am going to take some of them into consideration when creating my own music video. I am particularly going to take into account these comments: ‘The artist’, ‘to feel some emotion’ and ‘something that relates to the lyrics’ due to the narrative of my music video. The narrative follows quite an emotional storyline concerning love and relationships. My narrative also mirrors the lyrics to the song and involves performance shots of the artist singing. Taking these results into consideration is important to the success of my music video as I will have included the things that my target audiences wanted.

10. For the final question, I asked my target audience what their favourite music video is. I have asked this question so I can get an idea of the types of music videos people enjoy watching. This will help me when creating my own music video as I will be aware of the types of things to include. I was also interested to find out what style and genre of music people like the best and which style of music video is the most popular.

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