Music Therapy in Dementia Care

Creativity and Partnership Working to Improve Peoples’ Lives

Transcript of Music Therapy in Dementia Care

1. Creativity and Partnership Working to Improve Peoples Lives 2. Kelly Henderson Team Leader, Carlingwark House Cath Murray-Howard Director of Business Development and Partnerships & Deputy CEO Meet our award winning hosts Supports 30 people in Carlingwark (D&G), many of whom have Dementia. Part of National Dementia Care Award winning team, and Scotland's Carer of the Year. Developed ambitious strategy that champions personalisation and sees people supported drive our organisation. 2015 Social Care Entrepreneur of the Year. 3. Community Integrated Care We are one of the UKs largest health and social care charities, with 26 years experience. Specialist dementia care Support 5,000 people Employ 5,000 staff Turnover 102m Learning disabilities, autism, mental health concerns and age-related needs. Large organisation with ambitions to match 4. Today we will describe two key things 1. Our approach to shaping care; how we are responding to how care is changing in Scotland 2. Explain fully one incredible initiative that demonstrates how peoples lives can be improved 5. Were a changing organisation responding to the ambitions of the Public Bodies Act 6. Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 flies the flag for the Customer! 7. For the customer and families it can sometimes feel a little like this 8. The act aims to simplify some of this complexity as a care provider we intend to do our bit 9. The Scottish Government says Integration will ensure that health and social care provision across Scotland is joined-up and seamless 10. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! 11. The Act Requires councils and the NHS to work together to provide more streamlined services. Co-ordinating care can have a significant effect on the quality of life of frail older people and people with long-term conditions. We know this to be true. Integrated is our middle name! We deliver it and see it work - NHS IDEAS Team, NHS Research project, partnership with CCGs. 12. Key Elements of the Act Merging of social care and health budgets Care and Health are integrated from the point of view of people who use services Promotes rights and dignity Improves quality and safety of service Services are locally led and engage with the community Anticipating needs and prevening them arising 13. What does all this mean for Community Integrated Care? 14. Based on these themes Traditional approaches more preventative support. Messaging for commissioners need to be able to demonstrate with real life examples how integration. Co-operation more than ever a duty on LAs to work with providers Key Account Management more important than ever working in close collaboration with LAs, NHS and housing providers honest and constructive discussions. Recognise the constraints and pressures LAs are under and working with them to address these issues. Including proactive re-design of services retain/ramp up quality but remove costs. Workforce planning the quality of our staff is critical to our success. 15. Improving the lives of the people who are supported by us will be the thread that binds us. Innovation in dementia services Matching staff with people supported Knowing person + life history, and using this in active support Feelings and values based recruitment Recognising that people want to stay independent Supporting people to be active and lead a full, normal life Ensuring they remain part of community and a valued member of society. Creatively using One-Page Profiles - every person in our community 16. So, to achieve the Act we want to focus on outcomes, think differently, and collaborate with partners... 17. Heres an example that will be music to your ears... 18. The Vision: That every person with dementia has access to a unique playlist of their life to help unlock who they are 19. We all have those songs that take us back to a special place.. right? 20. Family Holidays in the 70s Growing up in Chester my fave decade! 21. Happy times on caravan holidays! Special memories of people who are no longer with us Takes me back to when I was 10 Dad always telling me to have respect! 22. This isnt just the case for us, either 23. Kelly is leading an exciting project 2013 & 2014 National Dementia Award winning care home, Carlingwark House Using life story research, weve developed playlists based on important events and emotions In essence, the soundtrack to their lives Allows for self-expression that has often been lost in peoples lives People reconnect with parts of themselves that they may have thought were gone 24. And the impact..? Were not ones to brag but nothing short of incredible! People who have been previously withdrawn have become animated Even people who havent communicated verbally have began to sing! And its not just the residents, too! Playlists have benefitted staff too helped them to connect on a more personal level Inspired more person-centred relationships 25. And everyone has a great time, too! 26. But enough from me, Kelly is our real expert 27. We are told that Playlist for Life improves Mood Awareness Ability to understand Helps retain sense of identity and independence 28. and it works, too! 29. Any questions? 30. Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. Plato 31. Thank You Dont forget to visit us! or