VOLUME I. NO. 4G. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1879. S1.50 PER YEAR, 3. AlTLKGATK. IlENT.Y JJ. NtVICii. APPLEGATE & NEVIUS, SELLORS AT LAW, RED BANK, N. J. RO8T. ALLEN, Jr., ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT ' LAW, (Solicitor, Mister and KXIUMIUT Iif ciuini-ery, rom- mltuluuiT lor Noir Jt-ripy, inilo- and J'eimsjlviiiiJu. EED BANK, N. J. CHAS. H. THAFFOSD, COUNSELLOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, RED BA NK, N. J. Commksluncr for Nmv Yurk. JOHN E. SCHROEDER, ATTURXEY AT LAW, SOUCITOH, MASTKIl AMI UXAMINM l.\ ClIANCliltY. Cuuimlssiuui-r of I.Viiids for Niw Vors, New Jersey UllJ I'i.'llll;,ylVlimil. NOTAUY PUBLIC. FUONT STUEBT, UEU BANK, K. J. D. H. APPLECATE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR AND lUSnilt IN CIUNCHI1Y, Oflke lu J. A. Tiirurkiiiortun's HulliMiig—First Floor. 1'TiONT BTUISET, •11ED BANK, NEW JERSEY. JAMES STEEH. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Xotarj KuMie, mid imiiisiissJuaur 0/ Ui^t'Js fur Now V.iMi. KiTOKIOWN, N. J. DAVID HARVEY, ATTOUXEY AT LAW, As.'iriiv I>ARI. - , sv,vr JEKSEV. P. tVJoDERMOTT, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, FIlKl'.IIOI.l), N. J. DR. TH. E. RIDCWAY, UTK I'. S. X, if., FRONT AND U'.'.SIHNI.TU.X' STREETS, UED HAXU, SYMJl.USKV. Sjii'flal iitleiitinii lo cji', tar ai:il lliru;!t dl;;;'iisiM. Ako cliimiu- cases. DR. ALFRED F. TRAFFORD. PHYSICIAN AND SUHUEON, (lIoina.tip:itliisO ItKI) BANK, N. J. Ollli-iiovcr Si'l]i-w:(ii;r's Drill,' fcJIm't', IJnjiitt sheet. DR. CHARLES HUBBARD, Denial Surgeon, RED BANK, MO.VJIOUTH CO., K. J. All Ilipc.!.ml:':il illlj ilvnUll <tpnr.lllitl)!i [H'rliiriiieil lo till 1 best manner, riliil ut iirjt'L-.^ l<, MIII all. llwi<l-»|llurtri-s tor l,,m^ii:ii^ (,;is li'Lvr.s l:t ilaily us:.). Al.-i;». Klii.r.illl'l l'll}"i"l"iui'utliuw- l.l r,il wlu'li iii'cc.i^try. OFFICE ON FUONT Krniiw. Oi-r. TJU.XITY CIIVIUU. R. F. Music Hall Building, Kcd Bunk, N. J. Painless cxlmcllou <Alit : t'ilt by tjie lisa ol iiJl.'vw DR. H. a. VANOORN, I>I3\T1KT, >VHii llii. It. F, UoiiliRX, Slimic Hall Building. HUL) DANK, N. J. H. K. ALLSTRObl'S A € A O K MV O F Hl'SIC, B li 0 A D STBEEI, BED HANK. N. J. Music tmislit In u|] ils lnundies. A stud; of sliecl music cuii.-ii.imly «>n IIUIKI. AljKNT I'Olt rlA.MW AND OIUiANS. CEOHCE MoC. TAYLOR, SUUVEYOK, ClViL EXGIMililt AND CONVliVA.MJl.Ji, RED IUNK. KEIV JK11SFY. (Hllo) over Wliiti-'s (Jmc'ry, l'.nuil sta't-t. RSI "~f~.~~M Y, (SUfn'ssor to R. E. Stall wowl), "WATCHMAKER AND JEV.'ELEK, nillNT STIiEKT, <Opp. Ololie Hoii'1.1 r.1.11 UAXK. N. J. J. A. THROCItftlOHTOM, lii:.u.i:i; IN LUMBER, LATH. LIME, CEMENT, BItICK, NAILS, PAINTS, oil.. HTC, FRUST srilEKT, KKI) UAXK, .V. J. PARKER & CHAOWICK, 1IKAI.K11S IN LUMBEIt, LATU, LIME, BRICK, Cement, Calcined imil r.iiljfi I'IJWI^PC TlBrrhrsrer Taints and ulls, nml. lionitlust, (iiiauu, Hi. Also Dl'y lii;(jda null (jroufrlns. TRON'T STilllLT, RED BANK. CEO. McC. TAYLOR, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, No. 31 Brand Street, RED BANK, N. J. Agent for the Monmtmtli County Mutual Fire Insurance Co. R. R. MOUNT, FUKMISIHXW IU/MEKTAKEK CABIXBT MAKEK, FKONT STRBHT. Hour lllu Rallrnad Depot, ItliD HANK. N. J, Furniture repaired nr.ilvuniiylHid. Plclurcfnuncfl f.irruti!. S;iL'cial-uc:ciitio:i given to tlie tramluxot l COAL AMD WOOD I SCRANTON, LEIIIGII, CUMBERLAND A.NU W1L1CESBAHKE COAL nt tlio Lowest Markt-t Rules. OOifD iriJWJ, hUCV.sT AND CllliSTXUT 1'OHTS ASD CilESrXUT HAILS. JOHN A. WORTHLEY, Ofllra at-Wortlilcy'J Duck, ltlvB BANK. N. 1. W003 BY THE CORD OH CAE LOAD. CUr AXD SPLIT AT THE Red Bank Crist Mill, (Near Kali Road Eepot.) J. H. PARKER. GEOItGE A. WHITING, Cabinet Maker AND. FURH1SHINQ UNDERTAKER, Cojjlns, Caakela, and every requisite far Funeral* promptly funuHjicd,' UpliolstorliiR In ail Its Ernnclicg. ice niONT STBEBTT, l?iai» BASK, V. 3. RED BANK MUSIC STORE. 'HAROLD K. AtUTBOM, 30 Broad Stroct, Eiio BA.VK, N: J. PIANOS, ORIAMS, VIQLSHS, and oilier musk'nl liwlrumcnts. SHEET MUSEC. All flu 1 Intent Kintffs, cciuU 1 timi xeiiiiuwulul. Uurditi^'ti lu cent music fxutiro's 10 ci'iil Music",) 1 Journal. Old xUttit musical vrry low Uiitiik music \iA\ui\- nnil |)t us. tin sir ni! Is urn] folk,*. J. aiicciul diifjuid lo U'uchcm. Instruments repaired, neatly and promptly. THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC Is open dally fur lmilmrtluti In music lu all Ha braiK'iit'Ji Slum H A. ll. wtt I*. M. SO imOAD PTRKKT, RED HANK, N. ,T, ltELIABLE DUUUS, Standard Propriotarif Pro- parations and Toilet Articles E. DHOAD STREET RV.D BANK, M. E. BORBEfi, Milliner, FliONTSTRKKT, in ALI.EX'S BLOCK, I1KI) HANK. N. J. THE I.ATPST AND SloST HTYI.I!:ll HATS. liiiwirry AND Mnii!MNii IUTS. lWNNivrs TKIMXI:I) To sirr fi>'n;:ii:^s, ]Z.\tra Line H;.t<, Fine Trem 1 '.! ri:>v.\':.., Feather;, Luces, Kilkn, Kibbolls, Tie.s. iic. HATS CLKAXKD A.\D l'V.UMF.b. I.ADIKS- UNDKncuiTiyxfi i:; I.;:::AT V.MIIK.TV AT unv i-i:i• is. KSTABLIMILD IX UCO. THOMAS" DAVIS, AM) DFAI.KII IN THE VEIJY IfEST (iKADES OF NEW I'UOC'ICKS FAMILY FLOUR US AY, GRAIX, FEED, &C. LEKHITON IIAI.I. Iini.DiNO, FRONT STltEET. 1-IIiD BANK. N. J. RED BANK CARRI4GE FACTORY, COR. WHITE ST. & MAPLE AYE. J. W. Mount, &Bro PROPRIETORS. WVlwvo In ?u>r\\ n number of airliners of diffor- •nt styles wliii'li \vi» DiTt-r lor Kile nt low prices. Wralsn 1-itlUt cr.rriiip's lo crUtr tu suit Hie tustr if tin- ciUuiners. CARRIAGES PAINTED AM) FUT IN TIIOKOl'ull OUbEll Hnrsi'-^ioelr.g tiUrndcijl tu ty a fined mechanic :il : Imv rati 1 . .fall nnil examine or.r stoi'l; nt:il jiet our pr'< VM. SESARS ALL BBANDS AND ALL PRICES, AT Philip Stoffel's, BROAD STREET, IIADDON BLOCK, UED DANK, N .J. The Best 0 Cent Sognr In Town. An Extra Good Sogar for 10 cento. A Fine Flavored Segar for 3 Cants, Four for a Quarter. TOBACCO, PIPES, CIGARETTES, &c. CALL AND SKE. STATHOKERY, Books, Periodicals, AND FANCY GOODS, Finest QuaSily Confectionery, : KUTS, FRUITS, ETC., AT WILLIAM CHILD'S, 5 BROAD STREET, RED BANK. Humphrey's Rpecifo Homoftopalhy. IIIK • l'lnta nf irroimil on Rliriwslmry AVL'UIII'. nmir urn! [rtmllnj; thn Nnw.)crt«n; ueiitrnl Di'ptit, lloil Dank, wbwu ninlarla la unlinmvu. Mm u nutnlii'r vllhlii 10 mliuiii's' walk of HIL> ili-put, willi tlio right nl 11 Crysuil Bprluff tiinltlliiK ai,(ioti fnilltms dully. Ta.stclr.^1 nntl will.? cmiJ foi 1 a Klill-t Jlmm- [nctuitra nnil UiDWcni. Cnll nml acts HCliedulo mid nlup. Prlua low and tcrmB cany. Apply to C. LEIUHTON, Nowmnn Spring, Itutl Danlc> N. J. SUMMER RESORT. FOK SALE FlfU'on minutes of I»n(? Bmncli. Tim Mnmlfin 1 HniiHont Kill ll,lnt,. 5 mlniili'H'wnlk «t tli« IS'IAV Jersey I'milrnlI10|HI1 ; allunliil on tim Imnksof ilia Htrowsliury Illver \vluini niiitiirln Is unknown, with Iwmiliftil xtcpiriff lnwn; liuin! frortUm* biiin, car- rliiKC-limiso niul Klalilra; mill wntnr Iwllilng, ROOI) Billing uud bualhur lu Iront ol ihS niemtorai Apply Ho«to«a Borimn, Rod BuJi N. J. KKI) BANK AND VICIMXV. ITISREDIJ.-IXK! Freehold has a bonjod Jebt of $8,000. A full lino of celluloid ami other trus- .sr. 1 : at CijadwU.'ii'.'j. Mr. Tims. S. Fields has opened a yarj for (IK 1 yak* of bUic'stone. 'flu 1 juiblic parks at Ocean Grove arc lx'i'ny phinU'J with (lowers. Tin! i'Veihokl and New Yuri: Riiiln-iiy is to be extended (o KeyiKirt. Mr. J. Ti.ilTurd Allen is making iiii- pruvi'iiu'iit* uboiil his lunUjer ollice. ' Mr. Williiim MeC'lanc, of Swimming River, Ii:is planted aiuither peach orchard, Mr. C'lias. B. llcndrirkson is confined to his room with inllainmatury rheunia- ti.sin. The fooai'diiift-hoiuii* keepers of Little Silver are itrvyuriiig for tlieir Bliliniier glH'blfJ. A discount of len per cent, on nil pat- ent mid proprietary. ui'tiulis at Chad- wick's. Mr James ,S. Jluldoon, <il"\Vi.'!ai!uiili. wan ri'i'i'ntly a]ipuiuti.'il it ConiiniiiKioncr of Deeds. Kifty th(iU3iind pi'iich trees have lieen set out the pa-1 spring; hy the fanuers of Mojiiuaiit}) county. Two^ear-loailH of himlier <md throe car^(n'!= of bi'iek liave arri\ed for the St. Jv,iiiLS* schuol building. AYonn;; Feojile's CInMiaii Alliance liati Ijrcll l'ui'iniil illCiiJlmvli' II will) llle M. li. (luiivli i:t Keypiirt". A family of .seven persons are living in n cave near llie vilhige of lAirmiugdalc. They aiv utterly destitute. Mugful inn) .sail Jjoal.s u ill hcf/rohihiled fimn Ibe use of Weslry Lake, Ocoun G'roM'. llie c'lining s liinliu f. Tin- I'iMiri.! men c':d not v.,te fur Siil'L'U.-ijary ( 11v because (Ley were iiiV;.M ;l ^"uii!! i'jcri'a.s. 1 li,eir t.ixcs. Vt'l.t a llii 1 MU'.i'vuiit' 11 it1.11 ii Muialiij lust i«.;:.r..ii, ii..i./:.,.'.i « u i . i-i i)-, T".•«, li'i'.v MTV,i Hum W.-iv i LISI fur Sliivw.sluiry Cilv. I'loin the 1st of April to the 1st of Miiy [IHTC were .'i inniri;iKi'«. l(i liirll:s and 1~ ilealhs in the towik-bipof .SlueWfi- biny. Jewells' leail. raw and boiled oils, spirit:; turpeiiline. colnrs, vaniishrs. p'.illy, i!.c, fur s:ale al L'hadv.-iek's drug si' IV. Tli" .stcniiilioat Kitl.-Mil f-Uufklim "'i!l tun betwtih Tu^', ''I'OIU, I 'mii'v l.-.laiii!. i!iiv-kuv.ay a n d [!;<- Iligidi'iiilsthecuniii'L', .iniiini'i 1 . A numVr of running anil jinn] in;; lna!rl:e- ;;lid a sari; race wiil be cnilcslcil on linriil sLiecl on 1'ialay afternoon al two o'clock. Knapping turtles are 1 ninfr causlit liy llle colored peopie.and they lillil a ready niarki'l for tlteni at juices varying from "KJ cnits to fcl.riO. Mr. Train.-is ri.iitoii, u!io h,':s 1»<c:\ trav- eling in Ullrupc for tile past live years,has returned Lu his s-anuner rciiidence on the .Shrewsbury river. Messrs. JelTn-y & Scott will open a -h market at Oceanic llie coming Kum- ii'ier. Tlio I uililiug for the market is now being erecleil. TIM: I!I".IMSTEIJ will conliimi 1 t'l-he pul)' lislied in tin. tnwn of lied Bank as here- tnrore :it one dollar and a half a year. Single copies Innr cents. W. II. SMiles ft Him are having (lie D.nrow property on the Shrewsbury put in thorough repair, nnil ull'et the. tame for :>a]e or rent at a reasonable price. Til!- I!wl UinliiT ralili! duB-ll like n wult uli 111' full. Anil IIL' ii'jui)t:d in llii: voler.-,, iby ywunjj uutl llii* .\nj la- in;ulr s:n!i u |[ >, >:1, su-li im cxrell^Jl Il^tu Tii:,l Slin-uslnn-y cli.v was It'll mil uf slylil. Miss Xi'llii' llubbanl, a gradualcof the gradeil nchool rluss of '7D, will supply the vacancy caused l»y UIL' resignation of Ilmiiphieys until the end of the present school year. The warm Tveatlior. of the pa:it fsw days has induced l'rof. Worrell to rig up his root-beer and soiki fountains, and to commence the manufacture of hia supe- rior ira-crcam. The Fair Haven base ball club uc- coptcd a challenge from the Alpha base ball club of Long Branch. The game will he played in Long Branch on Satur- day, May 17lh. Mr. John B. (i rover has cuVi-lct the De Forrest ni.niiiion on" Locust avenue, to Mrs. 0. L. Richmond, of New York. Mrs. Clrover will manage a boarding- house at Ocean Grove. Mr. John Thompson, son of cx-sherifT Thompson, having routed his cottage nt Brunchport for the coming season, will take charge of his father's hold, the At- lantic Pavilion, at the Highlands. Messrs. Harry ami Robert \yoed are Imving tlji'lrynrhts, the '-Frolic" unil the "Beadier,' 1 put in thorough order for the coming Tlio work is being done by the Milton Brothers of Fair Haven. Mr. John E. Sehrociler baa opened n law clllcp at Eatt Long Brunch, where he may ho found on Thursday, Friday mid Siitiirdiiy of each woelt. On (he other \veokdnyn he will bo, in his ollluc at Eed Bank. Capt. Leonard Seeloy ettiton that he sailed tlio KeJiooncr Lawrence Price from Sandy Hook dock to Jersey City in one hour and fifty minutes. As the tide, was (igainst llio vessel, this is considered good Bailing. . . 'Mr, Jacob Muikstcln, of Philadelphia, lostftmemorandum book on Broad street, between Beach street and the Central railroad crosf.ijjg on Saturday afternoon. The book contained lottery and papers of no value to any one except the owner. A reward of ten dollars paid, to the poreon (hiding tlio Buino on leaving it at this offico. C= Some of the boys living in the western portion of the town engage in baseball playing every line Sunday nfU'rnwu. The Long Branch Ocean 1'ier Company has procured from Mr. John S. Apnle- gate, altuniey fur the Kipari;;n l.'ommi.s- sionors in this section of the Slate.-a lease for a strip of land where (he pii'r is now being "built, extending 01)3 by lOil feet into the nceau. Messrs. Parker & Chachvick have on hand a large, quantity of Hackonmick Kii-cr Works poudrette, wlilcli Iheyjiie selling nt a low price. This icrlili;X'r has been tented and proved to be one of llie most powerful and economical coiiccn- traled miium'cH. >Vc had seriously llii*ll;;lit of rhalitnn.'-' the nanui of our paper to the ttiHi!:\vs- Bfltv Oirv KKUIIJTKK, but after :\ liwg- conthiued and philosophical study of Monday's election returns, we have con. eluded to retain its present name lor nil iudctiuiiti perind. firci'ii's great liyspuplle ]iaiuii'i-a, "Au- gust llo^er," cures d\ ::;i"p,- :a in all its forms, such as diseases of the stuinarh. binvcl*. kidneys. coiiMipatiun. i,ii-k In ad- ache, &c. For sale in Red Bank...ouj_v a; thadwick'sdrug store, ne.\l dyor lo J. It. Dergen & .SOII'H slcie,, Smock & White h a w pnl in a:i unusu- ally large stock of gum Is for the biumner trade. They show a large us,m(men! of dress good of foreign and doini'slii- nian- iilacture, black silks, black and i'ulore<l ca^iini.'res, &C.. kid yluvi-t, parasols and sun umbrellas. Their aiiiiuuiicunt'iit will .ipijenr in our luhcrlj^iiig column? next week. Mi.-.s Humphreys has resigned her po- sition a:, teacher in the Primary Depart- ment of the Oakland ,t reel school. Alter Miss Humphreys had taught a w ei k and paid her board hill she li;id lei t the I:III;I: :• '•cut suwi of Ully i fills I'lt-sn In r .':i!.-:r.'. She has concluded lo tal.fll.v K la :ir.!il' ol (hi. 1 year in older to hiii.'.e a j:ti ce.ii:. investment of (lie fund .-.lie has aiTm.iii-' hited in this town. A colored mall wai dri'.ii;.^ a teilu <<i nilile-: ah'ii^ the shore nt i'lirl .\ioiu:im;l!i on .Moitda.v, when ;-ie! !;!i]y l!:e muf'- in:i.!e fur the bay and ur.ciw.k-.l iiigil- tingoul to where the water \v::ri thii'i- feet deep, when one of thi- I'.iiilaals di- libera'.elv laid diuvn. It was (inly ;::t"t' L:;real (•j.eiiion on the part of the ,Irin r That the mule.-, were broil,-lit In llie Ian 1. This i.s.lJlc.f'ldy klliv.n il:-!:n:ci.' o! ;; untie tr\ ilt;; to e.tlnlniL Mliekle. ' '• - \V. II. l-'iclJ'M&f.-n IIIIVP reiited !-i.i-.:i:i (''- ino'.er's hi ill-e on l-'rulit [ .eel lo .lallli Uaddon, of N.-n- Yorl,; the It.-v. Wi u . WilsnuV. farm in Middh-town lownihiji lo Webber Jones. »if llnlnidel; V,. .1. Hogi-rs'ivsideiii-i-on lirmiil sln-H lu Dr. li. J. Si-ward, of Miildlelown. (.Iraniv ("o.. New \'oi!i: E. J\ lioirers' .-.(ore on 1'.road sheet to Mrs. Lainb-r: t.'eorgc L). Allaire's villa on the livi-ranil 1,'cclor place to Thus. 11. Hall, of \"ev,- Yolk. To-i!:vy Mr. Win. II. Wnnvil !»-ia:, th" uiaiHir.-tclure of ici-.cre.iin. aii'l the j»-r- mam-ut opening of his saloon I'm- t h e summer season. This is the teiidi year that Mr. Worrell has Mipi'licd tin- people of lied iiuik with cr.'\im, an 1 with eaeh recarriag siimin.-r (he fa;ac of ITK' supe- rior exeelleace of hi:i cream has guue al»i»ad l!iri>iiglinut llie km.I. until now it extends from the green clad hilli of ?li-l- dleiown to (he wave-hlppcd shurcs of Manasnuan. The friends of Ihename of Rhrewsbtiry City issird a ]):ij>;r on Saturday r.i.^lit willi thr-title of Hhirinilmrjlfilii .li/ro- cri/r. It contained .voiora! eilitMiials niul a mi[nberof communicalioiiH;id\'(Haling llie change of name to .Shrewsbury i'iiy. Five hundred copies were printed and they wrri 1 scattered broadcast ovei (lie town. The paper created somewhat of e.\citenienl, hut did not sueeceil in win- ning suHicient votes to change tile name of our town to .Shrewsbury L'-rty. On Salimfiiy of last week Er. Edwin Field and Profesi.or Lawlon saik-d in a boat down the river. The wind wits blowing a very good breeze and the, boat spoil along rapidly and safely until oppo- site Fair Haven when a Haw struck it. upsetting it and precipitating its occu- |ian(3 into the wator. Dr. Field swam ashore and Prof. Lawlna crawled upon the bottom of the boat and wailed to be rescued, which wxs done, hy Mr. John Chadwick. They relurnc-d home in a carriage. The other morning a professional pe- destrian applied at the residence of one of our clergymen and asked for u break- fast, stating that liu was willing to pay for it in labor. The clergyman stated lhat there was some, sod he wanted car- ried into the yard and told the profes- sional pedestrian he might go at it. The p. p. wheeled one loiul, when lie vc;i;; called to a breakfast of beefsteak, hot rolls, coffee, etc. After lircakfnsl the 1). p. marched out, carted one more load of nod and then departed fur lields and pastures new. The pupils of the graded rrlmol will hold another reunion in the Mechanic street school hall on Friday ovcuinj;, May Oth. Tlio proceeds) are to be devot- ed to the replenishing of the school library. Beside the usual array of solos, recitations and choruses, Mr. Guilford will nuikesonie experiment!! with oxygen nnd-Dr. Charles Wliito will administer Im.igh.iug gas to two victims whom hu has .Mr. Knilncy Finch will'given guitar solo, mill Mim Ooll has preparedn pretty calislhenic oxerciso from the pri- mary department. The musical jmrt Is 'under the supervidion of Miss Sara Chihl, .while- tlio genenil management is en- trusted to Miss Emnia.Drlppn. The tick- ets jimy ho Kecnrwl ot Hie pupils.'of tlio scljoo], niul ate put'at tho l-cgulur.price of 15 cents. Exercises begin ut 8 o'clock, Doore open at 7 o'clock. . TJie l*<;i'( Mw.'imoulli fl^lyrmru ;m i meeting with K-vnt sui'co-tt i\\U bj*iiii^, in tin* raptuii! uf uios.Mj;mkL'rs. Tin* nidi visit the pounds ivr'u-v ;i d;iy ami ;it cai-li haul tlit-y svi.-inv from Hi,i lo WO IHHIH'IH uf li»h. T!u- ibh ;uv suM t;» tlif fanners In l)u i w d a s ITI:III^LLC-Xo" thtir <JO])S, ;unl lo the fiii'lo^-.-i JiU' tiie \n\r- [nvif of I'.Ntriictin;; oil (rum llu'in, On Tiu.':iJ:\y murnin 1 ; ail I'M mnn, aji- I'lUi'iitlv nlii'iit Oo yeai':* ut' ;i; r '-'i w;in (Hi Ms way i'r.ini F.liidw Mills tn Ncw.YmU, aiul at M;it:iv.'aii j!tm:liii:i, wliik' Innhin^ 1 al'lt'V his l);i;i^n'.',i'. liie train t-A:titt\t anU in In.-; ;i((cmi'tijji; to /.re*: on bivinl \w ini-.s."l hiH f.iotiu- ami it'll U-twivn tlu- car., .".n. 1 tin* [ii-itfunii (if lljo ul.ttifjii. Jit- wiiultl uii'li>;i!iti\Uy huvt 1 lnvii eni.-ilml Imli-alh. ha.l m»t UK* roiiihirtorj of th<- two trains hurried to tho spot u:u! rus- (-•iii'.l t h e m : ; i i from Win pirilmis pillion. A! ;(!»!)tit I u vivo uVlork <-H VV'CIIIH-SIIJIV nfla:,!. wivk Uu'.M-hii'tiH-f 1'iiUrr.inri IS.^li, iyin;^ at aucLi'i' nif Ki*\ pi'iti" wiiu tliai.-uv- <•;>•<! In lit 1 on lire, X\w vvvw inmtrdi- iitt-ly i-nKtli'd tin* wsM-l in ui'ilfi- to.>.\ liiij;iii:-ili tUf llaiiu'.*, liut the u'aliT was (•"I) lo alli>\v ihi.' \i'ssi.'l t'» sink. . % \i)n:it iv^fnty nn'ii J'rnnj th' 1 slmrr wt-nl TiTTL:*; a-r-!.-:ani'o of the ci\-w ;\;v\ rw- L'L-fi'c! i.i pEctti.'ij^ itut (!u ( lire. T h e !"• •> i:- < ,1 il :'.! ^-".ii't. Tin- M'lnnnrl' h:;il:i I'l'itm lito la.ili'vn t-h'uv o[' V'iy^inL'i. s\rI• [ hail ln-'.-.i-lil a l'i:i,l wf iiv^ry n> A n . h i - uoii tS: li..!'f u'i ]Cr>; n i r t . t)n TiN'iJ-iy I'vriii.i;,' a fii.-n.lly f-v>: ra'-i 1 t«» ' k pia-'i' nt li'im .<»n o n a inr,i.-iirf>l I c-imr.M'oi Ii.-.lf ji mill 1 . In-twr-n Julm r. ILiu ]•>'.,i-\, ;i].'.:it: i ur, ami I'liaiii-. 1 K. ?:iir- jiliy. pi'i-Ji' .siidiial. Murphy r u n i n nu athK-t'-'s suit Willi nntniii.T >tl N . a m i Hawkins in nnliiian tlullu--. ami thirl,'cji ,-Hn'Ii-iii,^.-.. Mr. I'riijahiiii J.i'i'ti- ar.l ;.i'ir.l .is sl.irlmt:; JIM'' 1 ;-'. Tin 1 rniir: r v. i , (•! 11,- ;;n\i<- '»',•'•!• MM'«'n 1:J»I.-;, MJ,I!J:)- a ,;. : :..-•-• c!" .ill-mi iln-.T aii.l a half i i.!,- -, Th<' liii!" r":..i!Uiii'tl \.'a.i t v . u ; l \ ''in 1 'ii;;nii'•--, ?'lii;'j>'iv \\ iiiiiiu.^ l:\ ;:ii ipl !'.! 1 \ frl'l. IM'I II HH'll f.aiu 1 in ii: ll. Tii'. 1 Jiiji'i'U'.iJjJUT 'I i:)niJi;r l 'hi ; t ' . i now h.-l'l iini.' I't'jpiLir :ilin-il.H ( ; inair! i f..i- (In' L,"«M li:ul;:.'. Tin- HCCCIHI trrnt. I. iv..jill,-iliii a ti\'hi-twri-u.Mr:»r.s. M.'if..!-,| •:i!il r.i|ii;>iii'il. :in 1. o.vmt* l«» : i inifauitliT- :,:aiul:ii;.I iiwidciit t" it.rt w n - ; n o l . l i s - l.n.f.1 o f i n t i n 1 l-r,;ill:ir llKlillHT, lull \vm i--ar-iili-n 1 ' 1 ! iulr.i'iV. The chili, tliwt_iori\ •r in;* t i I * nil hominy in itu ,:;.! thi- li'* ! Mil'i:;!* ^I-;I ,. tc Wn!l I'll' ' 1 taa-' it i- TJJO TI»VH Klirtluu. j comrjiunirations. 'Die uppUvatiomi were .tlm oloolion liL'hl in Commissioners'! disposed tif as fulloWaj jJall on Monday iift(>rnoon Lrou^Iitout a Jaipur vot-j than luid vver been polled at j,,!,,, r. itc^-iiuiti, Aruiifiya Uuk-l^rauiad.Ooai* any pU'viouH town cli-ctiuii. The pru- iM'udin.'jf-j at t!ii' JJJJTIIJ took a huinoruus -titi^fh'iuid llie gn'atur poiliun of the peo- ple trri.-iril to OOJISJLILT tliL 1 t'lrclion a -Vriirua" that lu;d U'On yutU-u up fur their ailiusfinclit* 'J'lit' i:!ijL'f mtc.'rwt was centered in tho nanic. ThfU; was no wrangling or ill-fu'Hnjj; exhibited by iho ijcoplo. ut Hsu | pit!is: all appeared to IK: in the utmost Ufitrn] htuiiut'. The leading advucatrK ot uui .ifiai. I(i'.ll I'll HlHHllil-nNUll. KliinliH^ Illllil^fltUVTQi CiiJirli'S \v. la-tnver. pruulell, tin'liliiiKdalc. J'iiin v. Ki.iii. I..1-.1 ii;.i|-ni!i-v.-i'fk, Umg Unmcli. ( ii: 1In It. Wlirrh:!-. prillliiHl. lultollloWlli Wiliiien K.i^i-ii liiiil ori-riuiL' wwk, 1/IHK Branchi IVi'ii. 1 \v. l):in;ricr, (.'itiiili-il, sliixwdbury. liivlu n lil.-j.ii. irninli'd. llov.ill. lhililiiir.1 n-iinic iiraiilwl.Tlntmi FiiHuj .Jii^ii-li M. Sti-iirn-. i.Tiiiilca, Niivcslnk. Jnliii S. l.!i!l.un-..\v, gi:uili.a. Kaloiilim-iu .lnsi'iili I.'Ihiimiisiin, vnimcd. lliKlilulul!k ll-iii-y limile. (rnmlijil, Oi:i::in luwn-tlilii. Iln'iuM Mi-:.-!i.r, uninl'iil, Allimtletouushlpj J.IMII ii. Til us. t'1-..nleil. U|iiHT fn iluilJ. l:l. 1: ,M IViini'll, i:i.ii!i..(l, VlU't-r rn-cluild. 'i'i,: n '.it hi;;. Oslierni'lliiiisii. Kninu-ll. Walh Uit-!i;.r'l Vi.alliai:. ciiiiucil. Sliiillnlllii. i [ II T t IlkUl 1 :i;.i A V::ti t'k'af, VnliTiA Stales Uutefi ernnicdt Mth,«. tt.,i.l,-p,Hl ti«' wilii ^^lin^nSKnSuMiuilS f!uii ( vol 1 »i.iiiH.'-{t<*llk']o;*iliri-mh»c;itr> • " - '"' ' " " " " " of IIK- ulkcr silk 1 . Rod M:mU was ihi i'avurili 1 nniuf of the uiaj"i'[iy nt' thr pt'o- pl< i , it i\ i n i iviiiK more tin* iliiijo-l'tauih: ol' tin- total nuiulji'i* of vott-s c:ist. JOaily HI Mojjrtny uioniin,^ Ihosr in favurof ll Vv'i l;:iai J., ^rmilrit. Ki-yport. I 1 i'-r !•'. s--iI«-JII.-;i, L-'nililuil. li.gliiiuuls, K. C. Kh l!;inUii|i, Kiniili'd. l'llTllul.J. c r..i..III-S. riiiiivii iiinoi,jri-mii(,ii, i^tntt Urnuctli I.. I'. M:.:i!iy, MgiainmUi II^UM.', grimlyl, Oceuu i'k, Kcyjiurt. if Ui-i-k. Matawan 1 1 1 I i " J . r £ J \ I . I ) 1 1 1 1 - ' ! l . H I ^ l i l i ' - i i l l l i . l t l / L l ' l l l i i t | p | l l y . llllnu- iifS]m'Wisliui-yl_'ll5' «-i-ri'riinviln.'yiiJ(J ]'• II. V.:nl, lli'.idi Uuiisc, KRIIIII-II, Wnll tou^i llial lln-y Wulllillii' bl'.'lli-ll 1.V II h u g e 1U:1- j' N.'JMIHIVUI. lahl mi .TIIIH' ' "" *"^ jurily. Tlii' l'lilluwinu is I lie clliriiil vulu; I;','.'.)];,/,,' 'will'!; l ','.'^' "" (•!iM.:i''i'O>i>i]>;iiiNr.i:. I .'^ Hiiiiiucl \V. Miirfunl 4ii'.' tl Iniiili ;;. |,ri.l.:r|. LllK 'i. 1 MKIIJ.-'M. :.l..liliil, Mil ;. l ASSISTANT <'l>MHWS]c>.\i:i::i. Thnui-iH II. Aji]ik'g;iti> .li'lm Suitnti Ti'iiliro"]; Ihvis Tln'inl'Tc ]•'. Wliitc T. J:is|«-l' Willi'll J. 1Vr.;l,-y t'lumlliT T. iv. N i'i.::r.:;. Filiminil T. Alli'ii I:;S:';.I'I ':;, vv iiuvri".:. .I,.!in l.i,n-.l I'.-lcr ii. Y.iMili'i! I' .IMMI•••. \V.,! I'.'l. r Aiiiu.i.l; KAMI; nr TOWN, Ili-d Hun!: Sl'.ii \\^!iin\ - I ilv lilauk .. ..'....'. ,,.„ ,, :,;., ,.;;„,„|. t ,,,,,,.,l, FlfWuld Jl -n Kimm. n-nnlii!. I'm; Muiumulli. M'.-Jli.iiii I. ! l M l M.Jli.iiii I. M>i|i!:iij. unM T. u •. A . y. HUM • ii.uii, \\ i II Ilijlli crantKl ( j.ii.1 l>:ivi^, Auutitaii llult'J, pmnu-U, Frue- i ' l | . iv.'inv»T, l;iul incrono \vcek, lloloifleti i 'I. JV'ii.rtt, t f r;mit'd, I^i'J.jvnic. .", IS'I.-.I.I. Kn.uii'1, 'fiiiliiu Falls. .' 1. M Ui iiii.i, hikl uvur unu wect, LouS . V.,|i T.ii». irninli'il. Fair Iliivcll. ii'l !'• II..i, ln.'l IAI.T uilo w^'ok, Mt'dinnlcs^ A k.n IVI'II.I ••.ri'.-nli'l. V,. -i. .v , i..,.'.i:..|. I!",niibiurt, •. >l •'.',. I.L'ni'ili'il. lilujlliUldK. 1 li.l A. >la!:i»li|I. 1 'I'I, i::.niiud, IU'il I.;n.k 111. llram-li, Ii r, hal if [ il.-nrv \. .i- tiie i-ii. wi!l !• lain i g.].er:il ir.-i'iages li was made. Mr. at;,', iill.l ::.. tllis enit-. imiliaUe he l. Mr, .I..I.11 1!. 1'. r;-.i 11 i:, (!-, only ineai!:er Ihai daii.e;-ii:is!..- ajipriiaiii- ) cil Mr. While, b u t il will nco;vsitalr hi, I wituiui;:; it in llr remaining euii!e..,t In j(ie hi'in. T'ti<- fulluu i n g i^ .Vdiiil.-iy's i>.eoiv: White. 1 I: il. II: R-l-gcn, HI: Wild. l:l: Mai--..l.'ii. I;l: .Morlonl. I:'.: ('.inipbi'll. I'. 1 : t'oleman, I 11 . T h e l i e l » - t'.veell i\le; Wiiili' and Mliuoll \\;is i.hiit oil", rcnltiiig in fiivor of Mr. While. On TIK- ilay i-veiii-ig o f 1.; t week n iniiolier uf VL IT iii;i-re..(iii;;aii-l (juite c\ citing raci'i to;il; jilaee at Uuins'iii, in M.lne of v.-hi-h \erv ';'.'-l ::iu d in lime was in-ide. '1 !u' evening wa.-: verv iiiit'avur.ilile for '.ti'-li ..;i.u-t, a s il mi,ie.1 Jiglilly: but. ii.ilwit.lisl.indi:ig. a lar;:e crowd had assembled to witn-.-in HIM e lade race v.-a.s atmoimcrd .(o l.J.c place there that evening. '1 h e wi-alhei lieing unproiiilioiis. us aforesaid, and tile moon being i-ovcrcl witli !,f:i\-%• :,!oini cloud; it Wns ^onchldeil l:i pi.rlp.'lle tl-.'- race as anllolllleeil, nnd to have other-; of shorter di.^lance. A one mile raee \v;e. ILcrefore gol ten 11 j 1 leln'-'en Thoni.-i.': J.iy- lor. faniiliail> known a', " Pat.;v," Harry Trairnrd. of Knmwui, aurl an unknown person finiii Tmvn Ne. k. The uiilitiinva. who was very lulln:id straight. anlsl:._:iit of person, tool; the lead fn 111 the start and maintained it lo the end. making (he distance in ii.','(), Tin lor was. bealen hul ten yards, and Harry Tralf-ird. sufft yinx from iii.cvorei-old, willnlrcw afler coin- jiK-tingone-half 11C the mile. The Uunisou boys being disappoinled v. ilii Un 1 une.'v- ]iected manner in which the race hud ter- minated. jM-oposed another one mile race and invited the i-tu-cessful "unknown" to enter, hut hi' declined. Taylor and Banie! Mulligan cnlered Die second race, and as the "unknown'" would not j;ive Taylor nil opportunity (o try his incrid, relatively r.n a runner, Taylor declared hifi in(entio:i, although it wan hi:; second mile, to complete llie 111 de in this race in less time than the "unknown 1 " hud in [he previous one. Muliie.'ui started nlim ex- traordinary pi-.i !• and maintained the lend for llie llr:,t, lull' w" llie'mile, hut bcin;; rather iiijiidieioiin in starting, and bein;; followed liy .1 m.ire cautious mid experi- enced lunmT, he was obliged to r.urron- di.'f thefoiemost position to Taylor. Tbii; was a very exciling race an the parties Were liin'rin;; uneoiumonb' good time under llie circiiuislunccR, uml neither al any tine was in advance of tin.' other over (e:i yards. True lo his v.-ordn, ;md in aci'fiidanci! with' liTS determiuntion, and to tiie gratification of Ihu Kutnson boys, Tii.vlorc.ovcTi'd Ihedistancuin eight- si cowls less than the unknown's previous lime, the mile being run in 5.12. Mulli- gan followed in D,13|. A 0110 hundred yiird wu.s then contc'slod between Harry Trnirord nnd Kobert Unrvcy, both of Kumson. TraflVml won by threr- feet. Ko tinu 1 taken. Thoi-o interested in foot racing ut Kumson liavo very good opin-, ions of Taylor na a runner, ami are quite oonildeiit lhal lie c-iui snccesflfally com- l«ito with any person in the vicinity. Momnoufli ('(nii'N, T!I-' ri ^iilar M : i y u i i n v] l!ic ^!.i:v I.IKIII.'I I i.iinly CiiinN In-," 'ii ;il I-'MI. ln.1.1 ..nTl,i".il:iy l;l,-l, .Tilil-.' !',ilu::i''l W. S"Mil I' r |ir.".lilill)f., /\S llnliril | | | | . | | | ( | | ( . I'-.-l i l ; i \ o t l'<nirt ;i \ I T V l;iri;.' cr.nil >v,i-; in !ilt>'lnl:lMi'O. Tl tli'luhniv is |II ilri|", V;,!V,,T on till' lir-t cl;iys nf 111.' May I ' - n n u i l .'ici'uunl nf tin' liijuur lii'i-iii-i.'s. vliirh nri* I'liii'-i'l-ri',! \>y tin-1 i'"uy!ul iliat. linn 1 . Tin-liii-.iiii-;ri nt this It^rm ivill In/ li^Iilcr IJtaii al uiiv [wai fin- a illlliihi'l 1 uf yi-ar:i. .Iml.-.i- All'rnl \\';il- liu^. Jr.. (In' in".vly-aii| i.iiiw Jll'l^f uf tiiu I'oanh , \\:\a upon tilt- .'. biiii-li. rpua U i i ' i i iin filing 'if t!,i-J I'uiirl (In- (irainl Jur.. v , . : i i i.-x-.Iiiil^i- i Jiilni \V. ill rl,irt a'; t'uri'UiiiM. \\;;s| 'I . v, IIrn i n . a mi ,liii]i;i' Si-inlili-r .l.-JJi <-r.-il a flinl'L rliar^'i' lo |III>III. ' l ' h i - . l i u l - i ' saiil !liat Jin L\'il w r y lallfli rt-lii-'/cil [Jrat IIIITI' w a s i u > inalli-i-nf very i:r:i\v pnh llr ciiTK-iTll upi'li whii-ll In I'liar^i' llu'in. Hi- cli.'jari'il, I M U T M T . IM fall llu-ir alti-n- tinii I n H i t - iKii'litial Iraluri' nf their nail::;, wliii-h itijnin•. 1 tin-in tu n l w n v snairy. Ilr . . a h l | i , . liail fi-.-t|tn-iitly l.'ili'rn (ifr.' t-> r.-i!l tin 1 atlriiMuji of tJiaiul Jurii'S lii this i.uliji'i't. This *•:• t l i "as f u r ( ho |ii'i,(i>i'(:'iin u f t l . c jqrurs, ami ii'iil-l In- iiii.,i'i-.-i-.|. Tin-y «-<-i- T.'.' •• '.' •l.:il.| \. - r.i.i i, , i . \i'i;i,ini itii'i. 1" -. ••• ry .'. ' laam : . I -..:i t . m I.'ill. -.T..I11" 1.1...111; 1 • ! . I ' l l Ii'.;.. . rv.1,,111. Tin ii , V.111 Aiii 11. IIM-I- mi ll I. ' i.anl.'i.I/.iu I I . 1 : i.'l 'ail. IIMIII, il. II - : | . \ I . M 1 r-i-r.•-•,', T.'.np llr.-iticii.' llullM 1 , ylamcl, L-JI . |."l:'U"d. Dlill. Ill, V,. si i:n.l IlriU'I, 1.. ji.' •' •''*.'!.n; |, II' :.-!. Kraali'il nil!"' Mi 111 uvir ti in- vv^ck, Lolig A. II" •1. II,-.-:II nl, ||;,lili'd. Il.irUbunt. v, M.iiul.iii Iljjsii, mli. .I.,IIII 1 r. s^li'v, C ui^ri..H:i Hall, l,ild nver onL- wi.i'lt, l."ii'. in ..I'll,' I ill.IT l!.nli'>', (rnmtiHl, W11II. u nu.i.ii 11 in ,s:.,i, •' ' " -' V.'lii.i 11 i . . M, 1. Bui.i-li. I; II. I 1 .1-.', rniiit. I. ri-nniirt' ll'iy. •I"- |1.( . 'Il,..l;:|-...||, i.'nillliil. .M1IW11IIO. .! . Mi \. IViM'. cr.niiMil, LMJI^'llnint'Ji, .Lu.,.-. M. V.U.N. irnuili'.!, K"i| lunik. .I"', 1 1. IE. niMMti, IIMIIIKI. rinisui't' Hity. Vi" "• l.'i * ii'i'. i.n.l IIMT inn 1 wi'i'k, lyjii^ Urauch, .'anl; 1 '..• l 11.11 !..ill, ;:raii11':I, Ki'v|mrt, ,s Ul'liN Hi Ir-i'l. l.,i'l ir. ,',',- I'm 11. "ii HIS I . , u l . Itl'l lini I l(..|i..,l'.. 1, lla:.. r. li-mi: llnim-h. mil, IJIII:: IIRIIII-II. « l<mi.- Itnuit-li. il "i.r." I, k!-?|'"tt. ,i!ii • I l l . •:!>•. iiv.'l', Ki'Vluirt. Diiih'l I -iv, 1.,r, |,ii,i nvrr, I^iiiirBninch. .l.'llli'r.l.,lii|'. i.T.'lllr.t, l'-ni-ll'lllll. Ni''lh'l;i- ( ii'Mi. laiil MVI'I'. ]*mu llranrh. ,l.ilwl"Tlls"i'i',n'tnsi.!i!'l"vi'h'i.lii!' f "' Wlilliim Hi'v,, L'laiili'tl. hajulisliliiu'n. l'in'll|i!«'liiii'lil"r, irraiiti'il. l-'iur iliivim. t ii all". II. WMII-IIII. irniiili'il. I'miliuld. Alllliuliv 1'I'V. t'l'llllliil, li-ri'lmlil. I!. V.V1..11. li'lil',1'11. IJ'IHK llmnrli. .Iiinn-. II. Iliiiii'k, liiM iiia-r. IJIIIK Itrnnrhi VI111. ^liiiiiiiTiiiini. i/r.inU'il, Miilnvviiti J..I111 Mrraitv, lulil nvr, l,iinir Unini'li, .luliti '0'itax, rt'fiinril. bmii ltntnt'h. -Vi'I!, l'iiini'l', Iniil iivi'r. IJIIIH Brancbi 1- II. Jlilii'iiiiu. ivfiisi'il, l,i,i)ir lliaiirli. l.niii.'., laaaililiLr. n : it.i'.t. l.uii; IlraiK'lli I.I'm '.I h'lYi-. rt'[n:vil l."lil; I'.nini'li. liVlmr-l IV. 1! v. liiuliiviT. Kasl« flnillrll, Wllliii'ii K. l.l'iul. im I. Kasi Lunij llnini'li. iiii.i:.'i' M.ii'li.i.,1'1. lull'i-. I*: 1st I-iiiiii Itnmrli. S.IIK S'liii I, liil-l i.\ir iimil liiilnj', Maylotli, Ixinrf liiiu litnil Ili.iisf, lulil over until Frliluy, Hay lOUn l,'.|ll! ill' II. ' l'rii-'i llnaai', lulu over until Friday, Mny lOtti. Lull;: l:i;::nli. Aflorlhi' [iccasi'ii lim.' U-un rlJKpnn-d uf, JuilKf SHnuMiT l-ctiil his dt'ciiiiiiii in llii.| ftiiluwin^; rant'. 1 ; tviod before him will-lint a jury, at llie last term of courtl Amanda WalruUH UKUiimt Lucy Con- ,.,--.1 i'i"|...,., ..? ( ,..,'..,.in . 1 ._. n\'t'i'. 1)11.4 was ail action of ^vusttJ .., lull'' li'il. |n'i'ha|n only (1110 ptTflon in j lirnn^lit In ncnvcr dnmapcu of the ik" iliaiK' 1 . It ua.s .lite tu tin- [lormti-t niin I I'oiuluiit. a (tiiaiit in dower, for cutting dun- itiln tin- cuualy ami inlilnl 1,0 | lic«;. T h e t nurt J;HVC the pluintift ,nne niui'li lo iln ui-altli that thi-r sliuulil iv- iiiinilriil tlullsirs diiniapi'S. Charles Hi iviM- the fu'.li'i.t pr.iliiliuii frmii tin' I Tni'.Tnril lur iihiintiiT, Win. Ill Vtedi-ri' law. lie tsiiil In- ftlt it hi.-, duty tu ui;;t' | hiirgh fur dt-ffi-djuit. ujiuii the (ii-iiml Jury I ho iiiwreiily uf 1 Jaenli 1. I.ahhi-r and knnc R. Huglies, fi-i-ivliiig (>i,( 11,,. iKi-pi'daturs nr that ! p,-iitiii.|-s, anaiiist Ch.-is. G. rrench. This t-riiiH" lu'iiij; tlii'in lo jti.'iliic. ii» • iriis 1111 iictimi in n-plevin torueorerof inatti'i- wlir.t tho i-xiioiidituro ot tinu- lliu (lofi-niliint the viilue of a horse nnd tusj'i'al; frt'i \y ainnil^ tlirlnsrlvt'., up >]\ all.vahji/rts. Thny uori; lint tu cnnlini' thiiii.i-h 1:1 tu (In- inattrr.s lirnti;',ht tu tliL-ir altciiliiiii liy the l'l-uai'i-iilui-, lint w ere tu uall t-at h iil!ioi':in\lciition tu any iiiattoj'rikfiun u tu (lionisi'lvfM, iind n'liii-li riijiiii'i il ili\i'Sti;;al iua. TIHTL 1 wore ulif ui'tuu ulliir inatli'is tuwiiich iic W(S;IK',I tn c-:'l| tlii-ir atli'litinn. Tho alariuin); ('linn' 1if hi Ltin^ I in: tu luiiltlin^H w a n 11110 (•l'tlniii. ^iii nini'0 Moriiitrt I'limo could In.- fiiiiuiKlli'il, Atoirtain soaMiir, vrry |irii|n'i-|y i.i lilt i-niiijuirativ'i'Jy aml muiii'y mi|;lit he. Tho Jiiil^'t' (lieu K'avo tl.o Jury timno wluilonnino ailvioi .. . tlio pruporty of plaintiffs, and r. •— —.- •••-. - , ...... , Koi/.od by the defendant tinder tile inn- about eiil'nn-ini; IIK- lawa im they utand kicpi'i's lion act, for the board of plaint" mi tlio statute hiiult, lie said men iiri(jlil j itTs while Btnppinj; at defendant's hotel differ in tlieir opinimiH an tn eiifori-in(r 1 in Hod B:uik« Tho court found for tile ' '""' '"""-• '- 1 ; " " ' '••'•• di-fi-ndmit. V. F. Temple for plaintiffs, and Aji|ilegtitv& Nevius for defendant. J«lii] E. Johik.on et. nls. iigainst A Clmllenge. I licjrchy cltnllcngo nnyono in Jron- niutttli county, not over Beventeon ycuru old, to jump"with niu n. ntiiiiding bni.-id jump, with wcightM, for five or ten dol- larx u side. Blim mid money to be found nt I'uc.l'i'a. " CUAKIJESI HORNIIH, Chtipipion 17 your old jtinipci- of Moti- inoutii oonnly, : RED B.UJK, K. J-, May. 7,1679. ' 1 - - ---n tortaiji laws, but it was llie eloai- duly of the (.'otii'ts t<i tin no. If they are ivniiigtlie iciui'tly is in (li.t iiaii'lsof the „. ^. „„,..,„„„ tl . ulo> ,, KU1UB, vjCU, 1 1'le. " We are not here tu legislate." 1 \V. Ltrowit, late tlieriff. This wns an At (hi-coiH'l'.uiotinrilie Jii'l^(.''iiehai;3a' notion lri'replevin'lTrmiEht against tilt) Ihi; app'.ii-'alKiriH for liutel liconsos wore ! «li..-rill fir seizing corfcun chattels Under 1 taken njj, and IK.UIJ- the whole day I o::.viitiuii, upon which tiie -plaintiff luul «lieiit i:i ilts])c>Sii!i;; of them. TV- Court j n chattel mui'tgii^c. The court livid tlint read Ihe folliiwln;; law, n last win- \ the iilierill could tell such interest as the l-r, .ml s.ii,] i!i.-,t it H-,,-ii!.l bo ilyillv vn- j inorlRagor bad in Hie chattels. The forced iu tiiis county: j sheriff, cliould not remove them, but ho cn.MTKit csxx. I could sell tho inurfgagor's interest and .\ firi'.n'r rr:i;i; i., HI in tin' ml ratai'-'I "A:i A •; I hib l'ight of retletniition. This principle. [ml;.-.,..\; l-.ail i,i... n .• ii|i|ili'a'i.'in lii tlm' iul fa- t;i;•.•<!. " A a Ai-: In r.'.'.-iilul.) (IR- sal'inr 11I.1, ~-:,i«i,r In rr, |,ip'i\ [I'lra-i'. v.'nie and nllinr mat: i|i|.n I-I ft] tin- liliili! lit Ni'W .It'W.V," III,|i|-nt*t:it Air 1 lutnili, line tliuiiaaml (tij'iiL ImuitluU UU'J aviia;.- 1. fir if riiiirli-it h|| Hn: .Vrllnli' ami (7."ilrnil .l»- iir/iiHjii.f (/icsfiiri, ,iC Jt'iwu, Tout in mlilt- tj.1,1 In llieilulltM iHiw ri-i|tili'cU to in- pi-rlMi-ini'it by Hi.- lU.-rlirt 'if mi' oiiirt of iiiiiinitili Jitfiu nl tliesi'v- I'rul i-'iutil,, s nf tliln Mtlite, liy tilt! K'lltl ii'Hs Iti wltli-li diM uet Is n Hillijlli'lnelll, (tie Haiti i-lcl'l;* Hliull ktr|i u rLiiiiil In liu- iiiimitt'.stil llmtiilil cuurtuf llie IMIIUL-.H nl nil |n:r.-.iiiiH Iti vvliuui nil- liy sum ciiiuts to liteji liiiwur tiivenw. nr t» suit nlc, *lnm% lii-pr, hyer, |tinie.r, winu nr ollmr liuilL linmn-H, Ui- i?;i!n!i- witli thu niitiiunt fuweHsi'd w eJioli iiewuu for tliu iMilliti, and tlm Uiiti.- ivb(!ll imtil. «. .-triif be it tmiclal; -Tina Hie s:itil elcrljp simll ^vlltiln ivn ilays, If lim*alttcunlt tK> tluni lu Ki-.sifnn, -anil If not In HcuMun, nt ttio iiext .--aiiioii tln-mii, I'lLlioi- f-.jM.'rJiil nr njKiilur, re-iiort to tiie mild cnun tlm tintncs «[ nil jii-rwim wlin MIIIII iicfrleit or refuse to ta'Kn nut th.jlr lli*uii»ivi, unit imy tliu rous IUKL usjes^- uicrilF tlioreffir; 111111, tliereujHin, tliti Kitiil i-uin-t <ihnll, iiiilB"Millleliiit ruiuu lu HIIUWII to tho cuu- tmry, ruvuku tiio «uld lleonao ur liiiinse.s. a. ^l»ii hrt ii eimrtal, Tlmt If utiy ot the said Clerks HRjfliict to iwrrurin imy ol lliu tliu dullc-a re- qulruiluf thorn by thUiie-l, itu sliiill fnrtelt roruniili (irfL-nco tho sum of uvuuty cluIlurHp to bo I'ceuvuivil In un ncttou nt tlolit lu nny t-miit hitvlui; JtirlHtllctlon nf tins Biitun, nny ptjrbun wlin ulmll HIM Uionilor, In Die nania of liio. board of V]ID.SI>I) ti-efilioJUum of mid county, imi>hnU nf wild pumiltv t(> Im paid to thu puriidn siting for thu niniu, mid lliu otiinr holt to tlio iijuniy collector of win cnuntr lor tlio usq tliua-of..' 4. AIM lie II rnadul, Tlint tills ut shall toko oflwt liuiui'dliiloly, /liixorol Huitdi IJ, 1BT0. 15 thn consideration of UiQimnlV- |, e . jn. » j-—«-tfillf KrrorH in the ease of Woodsido vevb' Ailaina, lltb.Vi'Oom, 417i Homy G. (. iayton for plaintiC'j Ri Allen, Jr<, f'cr Tlm court, then took up case No. 7 in the Supremo Court issues, Lockman vcr* BUS Milton Siiiock. COUM NOT£3i Mr."\Vm. II. Vredonburg, who ia re" col-iled one of tho nblestmen atthp WOIIJ nioulli bur •" nr^nirg ii fi««r rf grint' inff n certain siluou licenso oil l'tiemlay last, saiil tlint lit-vould hlcoto itrgo upon tho Court the itloption of the Dai wiman theory in nt ;artl to unloonB, tliiit 13 thu "Survival ol llie I ittist' Tlio Com t u us wmeulint ataitlod on Tueaday uiotntiip; by h.-utng an e\pnsfl' inan deposit at tho Uot of tho projidinjf judge a la rge bundle of what nppeureil to lie clothing Tho p tilcnga contained onu of Mr. Ncwus' oxbibita in t|iu c-ue of Colin vs Allen. An audible smilo ran tl)r««ffn the court room on Tuerd i y » ^ a Judge Soudtlef Applied to QonJtof'SM for information cei tain tavirn TbaJurlgii M l 9 Gon - Height bocauite . well informed uboat localities -n tire -Bounty, Uo suld furthei* tluit tlicro was nothing laufilmblo In h(s ink- for such informition from Ho Oc«eral.

Transcript of MUSIC STORE. 'HAROLD K. AtUTBOM, HANK. N. J,...

Page 1: MUSIC STORE. 'HAROLD K. AtUTBOM, HANK. N. J, Furniture repaired nr.ilvuniiylHid. Plclurcfnuncfl f.irruti!. S;iL'cial-uc:ciitio:i





AT ' LAW,(Solicitor, Mister and KXIUMIUT Iif ciuini-ery, rom-mltuluuiT lor Noir Jt-ripy, inilo- and J'eimsjlviiiiJu.




Commksluncr for Nmv Yurk.


SOUCITOH, MASTKIl AMI UXAMINM l.\ ClIANCliltY.Cuuimlssiuui-r of I.Viiids for Niw Vors, New Jersey

UllJ I'i.'llll;,ylVlimil.




Oflke lu J. A. Tiirurkiiiortun's HulliMiig—First Floor.



Xotarj KuMie, mid imiiisiissJuaur 0/ Ui^t'Js fur Now




As.'iriiv I>ARI.-, sv,vr JEKSEV.


FIlKl'.IIOI.l), N. J.

DR. TH. E. RIDCWAY,UTK I'. S. X , if.,


Sjii'flal iitleiitinii lo cji', tar ai:il lliru;!t dl;;;'iisiM.Ako cliimiu- cases.


(lIoina.tip:itliisO ItKI) BANK, N. J.Ollli-iiovcr Si'l]i-w:(ii;r's Drill,' fcJIm't', IJnjiitt sheet.

DR. CHARLES HUBBARD,Denia l Surgeon,


All Ilipc.!.ml:':il illlj ilvnUll <tpnr.lllitl)!i [H'rliiriiieil lotill1 best manner, riliil ut iirjt'L-. l<, MIII all.

llwi<l-»|llurtri-s tor l,,m^ii:ii^ (,;is l i 'Lvr.s l:t ilailyus:.). Al.-i;». Klii.r.illl'l l'll}"i"l"iui'utliuw-

l.l r,il wlu'li iii'cc.i^try.OFFICE ON FUONT Krniiw. Oi-r. TJU.XITY


R. F.

Music Hall Building, Kcd Bunk, N. J.

Painless cxlmcllou <Alit:t'ilt by tjie lisa ol iiJl.'vw


>VHii llii. It. F, UoiiliRX, Slimic Hall Building.



A € A O K M V O F H l ' S I C ,B li 0 A D S T B E E I ,

BED HANK. N. J.Music tmislit In u|] ils lnundies. A stud; of sliecl

music cuii.-ii.imly «>n IIUIKI.




(Hllo) over Wliiti-'s (Jmc'ry, l'.nuil sta't-t.

RSI"~f~.~~M A ¥ Y,(SUfn'ssor to R. E. Stall wowl),


n i l l N T STIiEKT,<Opp. Ololie Hoii'1.1 r.1.11 UAXK. N. J.

J. A. THROCItftlOHTOM,lii:.u.i:i; IN





LUMBEIt, LATU, LIME, BRICK,Cement, Calcined imil r.iiljfi I'IJWI^PC TlBrrhrsrer

Taints and ulls, nml. lionitlust, (iiiauu, Hi.Also Dl'y lii;(jda null (jroufrlns.



No. 31 Brand Street,


Agent for the Monmtmtli County MutualFire Insurance Co.



CABIXBT MAKEK,FKONT STRBHT. Hour lllu Rallrnad Depot,

ItliD HANK. N. J,Furniture repaired nr.ilvuniiylHid. Plclurcfnuncfl

f.irruti!. S;iL'cial-uc:ciitio:i given to tlie tramluxotl


A.NU W1L1CESBAHKE COALnt tlio Lowest Markt-t Rules.


JOHN A. WORTHLEY,Ofllra at-Wortlilcy'J Duck, ltlvB BANK. N. 1.


Red Bank Crist Mill,(Near Kali Road Eepot.)



Cabinet MakerAND.


Cojjlns, Caakela, and every requisite far

Funeral* promptly funuHjicd,'

UpliolstorliiR In ail Its Ernnclicg.

ice niONT STBEBTT, l?iai» BASK, V. 3.



30 Broad Stroct,Eiio BA.VK, N: J.

PIANOS, O R I A M S , VIQLSHS,and oilier musk'nl liwlrumcnts.

SHEET MUSEC.All flu1 Intent Kintffs, cciuU1 timi xeiiiiuwulul.

Uurditi^'ti lu cent musicfxutiro's 10 ci'iil Music",) 1 Journal.

Old xUttit musical vrry low music \iA\ui\- nnil |)t us.

tin sir ni! Is urn] folk,*.J. aiicciul diifjuid lo U'uchcm.

Instruments repaired, neatly andpromptly.

THE ACADEMY OF MUSICIs open dally fur lmilmrtluti In music lu all Ha

braiK'iit'Ji Slum H A. ll. wtt I*. M.



Standard Propriotarif Pro-parations and

Toilet Articles



M. E. BORBEfi,



THE I.ATPST AND SloST HTYI.I!:ll HATS.l i i iwirry AND Mnii!MNii I U T S .

lWNNivrs TKIMXI:I) To s i r r fi>'n;:ii:^s,]Z.\tra Line H;.t<, Fine Trem1'.! ri:>v.\':..,

Feather;, Luces, Kilkn, Kibbolls,

Tie.s. iic.


AT unv i-i:i• is.











WVlwvo In ?u>r\\ n number of airliners of diffor-•nt styles wliii'li \vi» DiTt-r lor Kile nt low prices.

Wralsn 1-itlUt cr.rriiip's lo crUtr tu suit Hie tustrif tin- ciUuiners.


TIIOKOl'ull OUbEll

Hnrsi'-^ioelr.g tiUrndcijl tu ty a fined mechanic :il: Imv rati1..fall nnil examine or.r stoi'l; nt:il jiet our pr'< VM.



Philip Stoffel's,BROAD STREET,


The Best 0 Cent Sognr In Town.An Extra Good Sogar for 10 cento.

A Fine Flavored Segar for 3 Cants,Four for a Quarter.



Books, Periodicals,AND

FANCY GOODS,Finest QuaSily Confectionery,



Humphrey's Rpecifo Homoftopalhy.

IIIK • l'lnta nf irroimil on Rliriwslmry AVL'UIII'.nmir urn! [rtmllnj; thn Nnw .)crt«n; ueiitrnl Di'ptit,lloil Dank, wbwu ninlarla la unlinmvu. Mm unutnlii'r vllhlii 10 mliuiii's' walk of HIL> ili-put, willitlio right nl 11 Crysuil Bprluff tiinltlliiK ai,(ioti fnilltmsdully. Ta.stclr.^1 nntl will.? cmiJ foi1 a Klill-t Jlmm-[nctuitra nnil UiDWcni. Cnll nml acts HCliedulo midnlup. Prlua low and tcrmB cany. Apply to

C. LEIUHTON,Nowmnn Spring, Itutl Danlc> N. J.

SUMMER RESORT. FOK SALEFlfU'on minutes of I»n(? Bmncli. Tim Mnmlfin1

HniiHont Kill ll,lnt,. 5 mlniili'H'wnlk «t tli« IS'IAVJersey I'milrnlI10|HI1 ; allunliil on tim Imnksof iliaHtrowsliury Illver \vluini niiitiirln Is unknown, withIwmiliftil xtcpiriff lnwn; liuin! frortUm* biiin, car-rliiKC-limiso niul Klalilra; mill wntnr Iwllilng, ROOI)Billing uud bualhur lu Iront ol ihS niemtorai Apply

Ho«to«a Borimn, Rod BuJi N. J.



Freehold has a bonjod Jebt of $8,000.

A full lino of celluloid ami other trus-

.sr.1: at CijadwU.'ii'.'j.

Mr. Tims. S. Fields has opened a yarj

for (IK1 yak* of bUic'stone.

'flu1 juiblic parks at Ocean Grove arc

lx'i'ny phinU'J with (lowers.

Tin! i'Veihokl and New Yuri: Riiiln-iiy

is to be extended (o KeyiKirt.

Mr. J. Ti.ilTurd Allen is making iiii-

pruvi'iiu'iit* uboiil his lunUjer ollice. '

Mr. Williiim MeC'lanc, of Swimming

River, Ii:is planted aiuither peach orchard,

Mr. C'lias. B. llcndrirkson is confined

to his room with inllainmatury rheunia-


The fooai'diiift-hoiuii* keepers of Little

Silver are itrvyuriiig for tlieir Bliliniier


A discount of len per cent, on nil pat-

ent mid proprietary. ui'tiulis at Chad-


Mr James ,S. Jluldoon, <il"\Vi.'!ai!uiili.

wan ri'i'i'ntly a]ipuiuti.'il it ConiiniiiKioncr

of Deeds.

Kifty th(iU3iind pi'iich trees have lieen

set out the pa-1 spring; hy the fanuers of

Mojiiuaiit}) county.

Two^ear-loailH of himlier <md throe

car^(n'!= of bi'iek liave arri\ed for the St.

Jv,iiiLS* schuol building.

AYonn;; Feojile's CInMiaii Alliance

liati Ijrcll l'ui'iniil illCiiJlmvli' II will) llle

M. li. (luiivli i:t Keypiirt".

A family of .seven persons are living in

n cave near llie vilhige of lAirmiugdalc.

They aiv utterly destitute.

Mugful inn) .sail Jjoal.s u ill hcf/rohihiled

fimn Ibe use of Weslry Lake, Ocoun

G'roM'. l l ie c ' l i n i n g s l i in l iu f.

Tin- I ' iMir i . ! m e n c':d no t v . , t e fur

Siil'L'U.-ijary ( 11v b e c a u s e (Ley w e r e

iiiV;.M ;l ^"u i i ! ! i'jcri'a.s.1 l i , e i r t . i xc s .

Vt'l.t a llii1 MU' . i ' vu i i t ' 11 it1.11 ii Muia l i i j l u s t

i « . ; : . r . . i i , i i . . i . / : . , . ' . i « u i . i-i i)-,

T " . • « , li'i'.v M T V,i H u m

W.-iv i LISI fur Sl i ivw.s lui ry C i l v .

I'loin the 1st of April to the 1st of

Miiy [IHTC were .'i inniri;iKi'«. l(i liirll:s

and 1~ ilealhs in the towik-bipof .SlueWfi-


Jewells' leail. raw and boiled oils,

spirit:; turpeiiline. colnrs, vaniishrs.

p'.illy, i!.c, fur s:ale al L'hadv.-iek's drug

s i ' IV.

T l i " .stcniiil ioat Kitl .-Mil f-Uufklim "'i!l

t u n b e t w t i h Tu^', ' ' I ' O I U , I 'mii 'v l.-.laiii!.

i!iiv-kuv.ay a n d [!;<- I l i g i d i ' i i i l s t h e c u n i i i ' L ' ,

. in i i in i ' i 1 .

A numVr of running anil jinn] in;;

lna!rl:e- ;;lid a sari; race wiil be cnilcslcil

on linriil sLiecl on 1'ialay afternoon al

two o'clock. •

Knapping turtles are 1 ninfr causlit liy

llle colored peopie.and they lillil a ready

niarki'l for tlteni at juices varying from

"KJ cnits to fcl.riO.

Mr. Train.-is ri.iitoii, u!io h,':s 1»< c:\ trav-

eling in Ullrupc for tile past live years,has

returned Lu his s-anuner rciiidence on the

.Shrewsbury river.

Messrs. JelTn-y & Scott will open a

-h market at Oceanic llie coming Kum-

ii'ier. Tlio I uililiug for the market is

now being erecleil.

TIM: I!I".IMSTEIJ will conliimi1 t'l-he pul)'

lislied in tin. tnwn of lied Bank as here-

tnrore :it one dollar and a half a year.

Single copies Innr cents.

W. II. SMiles ft Him are having (lie

D.nrow property on the Shrewsbury put

in thorough repair, nnil ull'et the. tame

for :>a]e or rent at a reasonable price.

Til!- I!wl UinliiT ralili! duB-ll like n wult uli 111'' full.Anil IIL' ii'jui)t:d in llii: voler.-,, iby ywunjj uutl llii*

. \nj la- in;ulr s:n!i u |[ >, >:1, su-li im cxrell^Jl Il^tuTii:,l Slin-uslnn-y cli.v was It'll mil uf slylil.

Miss Xi'llii' llubbanl, a gradualcof the

gradeil nchool rluss of '7D, will supply the

vacancy caused l»y UIL' resignation of

Ilmiiphieys until the end of the present

school year.

The warm Tveatlior. of the pa:it fsw

days has induced l'rof. Worrell to rig up

his root-beer and soiki fountains, and to

commence the manufacture of hia supe-

rior ira-crcam.

The Fair Haven base ball club uc-

coptcd a challenge from the Alpha base

ball club of Long Branch. The game

will he played in Long Branch on Satur-

day, May 17lh.

Mr. John B. (i rover has cuVi-lct the

De Forrest ni.niiiion on" Locust avenue, to

Mrs. 0 . L. Richmond, of New York.

Mrs. Clrover will manage a boarding-

house at Ocean Grove.

Mr. John Thompson, son of cx-sherifT

Thompson, having routed his cottage nt

Brunchport for the coming season, will

take charge of his father's hold, the At-

lantic Pavilion, at the Highlands.

Messrs. Harry ami Robert \yoed are

Imving tlji'lrynrhts, the '-Frolic" unil the

"Beadier,'1 put in thorough order for the

coming Tlio work is being done

by the Milton Brothers of Fair Haven.

Mr. John E. Sehrociler baa opened n

law clllcp at Eatt Long Brunch, where

he may ho found on Thursday, Friday

mid Siitiirdiiy of each woelt. On (he

other \veokdnyn he will bo, in his olllucat Eed Bank.

Capt. Leonard Seeloy ettiton that hesailed tlio KeJiooncr Lawrence Price fromSandy Hook dock to Jersey City in onehour and fifty minutes. As the tide,was (igainst llio vessel, this is consideredgood Bailing. . .

'Mr, Jacob Muikstcln, of Philadelphia,lost ft memorandum book on Broad street,between Beach street and the Centralrailroad crosf.ijjg on Saturday afternoon.The book contained lottery and papers ofno value to any one except the owner.A reward of ten dollars paid, tothe poreon (hiding tlio Buino on leavingit at this offico. • C=

Some of the boys l iv ing in the western

port ion of the town engage in baseball

p laying every line Sunday nfU'rnwu.

The Long Branch Ocean 1'ier Company

has procured from Mr. John S. Apnle-

gate, a l tun iey fur the Kipari;;n l.'ommi.s-

sionors in this section of the Slate.-a lease

for a s t r ip of land where (he pii'r is now

being "built, ex tending 01)3 by lOil feet

in to t he nceau.

Messrs. Pa rke r & Chachvick have on

hand a large, quant i ty of Hackonmick

Kii-cr Works poudret te , wlilcli Ihey j i i e

selling nt a low price. This icrlili;X'r has

been tented and proved to be one of llie

most powerful and economical coiiccn-

t ra led miium'cH.

>Vc had seriously llii*ll;;lit of rhalitnn.'-'

the nanui of our paper to the ttiHi!:\vs-

Bfltv Oi rv KKUIIJTKK, but after :\ l iwg-

conthiued and philosophical s tudy of

Monday's election re turns , we have con .

eluded to retain its present name lor nil

iudctiuiiti perind.

firci'ii's great liyspuplle ]iaiuii'i-a, "Au-

gust l l o ^ e r , " cures d\ ::;i"p,- :a in all its

forms, such as diseases of the s tu inarh .

binvcl*. kidneys. coiiMipatiun. i,ii-k In ad-

ache, &c. For sale in Red Bank...ouj_v a;

t h a d w i c k ' s d r u g store, ne.\l dyor lo J. It.

Dergen & .SOII'H slcie, ,

Smock & Whi te h a w pnl in a:i unusu-

ally large stock of gum Is for the biumner

t rade . They show a large us,m (men! of

dress good of foreign and doini'slii- nian-

i i lacture, black silks, black and i'ulore<l

ca^iini.'res, &C.. k id yluvi-t, parasols and

sun umbrellas. Their aiiiiuuiicunt'iit will

.ipijenr in our luhcrl j^i i ig column? next


Mi.-.s H u m p h r e y s has resigned her po-

sition a:, teacher in the Pr imary Depart-

ment of the Oakland ,t reel school. A l t e r

Miss H u m p h r e y s had taught a w ei k and

paid her board hill she li;id lei t the I:III;I: :•

'•cut suwi of Ully i fills I'lt-sn In r .':i!.-:r.'.

She has concluded lo tal.fll.v K la : ir .! i l '

ol (hi.1 year in older to hiii.'.e a j : t i ce.ii:.

investment of (lie fund .-.lie has aiTm.iii- '

hited in this town.

A colored mall wai dri'.ii;.^ a te i lu <<i

nilile-: ah'i i^ the shore nt i'lirl .\ioiu:im;l!i

on .Moitda.v, when ;-ie! !;!i]y l!:e muf'-

in:i.!e fur the bay and ur.ciw.k-.l i i i g i l -

t i n g o u l to where the water \v::ri thii'i-

feet deep, when one of thi- I'.iiilaals d i -

libera'.elv laid diuvn. It was (inly ;::t"t'

L:;real (•j.eiiion on the part of the , I r in r

Tha t the mule.-, were broil,-lit In llie Ian 1.

This i.s.lJlc.f'ldy kl l iv .n il:-!:n:ci.' o! ;;

untie tr\ ilt;; to e.tlnlniL Mliekle. ' '• -

\V. II. l-'iclJ'M&f.-n IIIIVP reiited !-i.i-.:i:i

(''- ino'.er's hi ill-e on l-'rulit • [ .eel lo .lallli •

Uaddon, of N.-n- Yorl,; the It.-v. W i u .

WilsnuV. farm in Middh-town lownihi j i

lo W e b b e r Jones . »if l lnlnidel; V,. .1.

Hogi-rs'ivsideiii-i-on lirmiil sln-H lu Dr.

li. J . Si-ward, of Miildlelown. (.Iraniv

("o.. New \ 'oi! i : E. J\ lioirers' .-.(ore on

1'.road s h e e t to Mrs. Lainb-r: t.'eorgc L).

Allaire's villa on the l iv i - ran i l 1,'cclor

place to Thus. 11. Hall, of \"ev,- Yolk.

To-i!:vy Mr. Win . II. Wnnvi l !»-ia: , t h "

uiaiHir.-tclure of ici-.cre.iin. aii'l the j»-r-

mam-ut opening of his saloon I'm- the

summer season. This is the teiidi year

that Mr. Worrell has Mipi'licd tin- people

of lied i iu ik with cr.'\im, an 1 wi th eaeh

recar r iag siimin.-r (he fa;ac of ITK' supe-

rior exeelleace of hi:i cream has guue

al»i»ad l!iri>iiglinut llie km.I. until now it

ex tends from the green clad hilli of ?li-l-

dleiown to (he wave-hlppcd shurcs of


The friends of Ihename of Rhrewsbtiry

City issird a ]):ij>;r on Saturday r.i.^lit

willi thr-title of Hhirinilmrjlfilii .li/ro-

cri/r. It contained .voiora! eilitMiials niul

a mi[nberof communicalioiiH;id\'(Haling

llie change of name to .Shrewsbury i'iiy.

Five hundred copies were printed and

they wrri1 scattered broadcast ovei (lie

town. The paper created somewhat of

e.\citenienl, hut did not sueeceil in win-

ning suHicient votes to change tile name

of our town to .Shrewsbury L'-rty.

On Salimfiiy of last week Er. Edwin

Field and Profesi.or Lawlon saik-d in

a boat down the river. The wind wits

blowing a very good breeze and the, boat

spoil along rapidly and safely until oppo-

site Fair Haven when a Haw struck it.

upsetting it and precipitating its occu-

|ian(3 into the wator. Dr. Field swam

ashore and Prof. Lawlna crawled upon

the bottom of the boat and wailed to be

rescued, which wxs done, hy Mr. John

Chadwick. They relurnc-d home in a


The other morning a professional pe-

destrian applied at the residence of one

of our clergymen and asked for u break-

fast, stating that liu was willing to pay

for it in labor. The clergyman stated

lhat there was some, sod he wanted car-

ried into the yard and told the profes-

sional pedestrian he might go at it. The

p. p. wheeled one loiul, when lie vc;i;;

called to a breakfast of beefsteak, hot

rolls, coffee, etc. After lircakfnsl the

1). p. marched out, carted one more load

of nod and then departed fur lields and

pastures new.

The pupils of the graded rrlmol will

hold another reunion in the Mechanic

street school hall on Friday ovcuinj;,

May Oth. Tlio proceeds) are to be devot-

ed to the replenishing of the school

library. Beside the usual array of solos,

recitations and choruses, Mr. Guilford

will nuikesonie experiment!! with oxygen

nnd-Dr. Charles Wliito will administer

Im.igh.iug gas to two victims whom hu has .Mr. Knilncy Finch will 'given

guitar solo, mill Mim Ooll has preparedn

pretty calislhenic oxerciso from the pri-

mary department. The musical jmrt Is

'under the supervidion of Miss Sara Chihl,

.while- tlio genenil management is en-

trusted to Miss Emnia.Drlppn. The tick-

ets jimy ho Kecnrwl ot Hie pupils.'of tlio

scljoo], niul ate pu t ' a t tho l-cgulur.price

of 15 cents. Exercises begin ut 8 o'clock,Doore open at 7 o'clock. .

TJie l*<;i'( Mw.'imoulli f l^ lyrmru ;m i

m e e t i n g w i t h K-vnt sui'co-tt i\\U bj*iiii^,

in tin* r ap tu i i ! uf uios.Mj;mkL'rs. Tin*

n i d i visit t h e pounds ivr'u-v ;i d;iy ami

;it cai-li haul tlit-y svi.-inv from Hi,i lo WO

IHHIH'IH uf li»h. T!u- i bh ;uv suM t;» tlif

f anner s In l)u i w d a s ITI:III^LLC-Xo" t h t i r

<JO])S, ;unl lo t he fiii'lo^-.-i JiU' tiie \n\r-

[nvif of I'.Ntriictin;; oil (rum llu'in,

On Tiu.':iJ:\y murnin 1 ; ail I'M mnn, aji-

I'lUi'iitlv nlii'iit Oo yeai':* ut' ;i;r'-'i w;in (Hi

Ms way i'r.ini F.liidw Mills tn Ncw.YmU,

aiul a t M;it:iv.'aii j!tm:liii:i, wliik' Innhin^1

al'lt'V his l);i;i^n'.',i'. liie t r a in t-A:titt\t anU

in In.-; ;i((cmi'tijji; t o /.re*: on bivinl \w

ini-.s."l hiH f . iot iu- ami it'll U-twivn tlu-

car., .".n. 1 tin* [ii-itfunii (if lljo ul.ttifjii. Jit-

wiiultl uii'li>;i!iti\Uy huvt1 lnvii eni.-ilml

Imli-alh. ha.l m»t UK* ro i i ih i r to r j of th<-

two trains hurried to tho spot u:u! rus-

(-•iii'.l t h e m : ; i i f r o m Win p i r i l m i s p i l l i o n .

A ! ;(!»!)ti t I u v i v o u V l o r k <-H V V ' C I I I H - S I I J I V

n f l a : , ! . w i v k U u ' . M - h i i ' t i H - f 1 ' i i U r r . i n r i I S . ^ l i ,

i y i n ; ^ a t a u c L i ' i ' n i f K i * \ p i ' i t i " w i i u t l i a i . - u v -

<•;>•<! I n lit1 o n l i r e , X\w vvvw i n m t r d i -

i i t t - l y i - n K t l i ' d t i n * w s M - l i n u i ' i l f i - t o . > . \

l i i i j ; i i i : - i l i t U f l l a i i u ' . * , l i u t t h e u ' a l i T w a s

(•"I) . - i l in . t l l o a l l i > \ v i h i . ' \ i ' s s i . ' l t ' » s i n k .

. % \ i ) n : i t i v ^ f n t y n n ' i i J ' r n n j t h ' 1 s l m r r w t - n l

TiTTL:*; a - r - ! . - : a n i ' o o f t h e ci\-w ;\;v\ rw-

L ' L - f i ' c ! i . i p E c t t i . ' i j ^ i t u t ( ! u ( lire. T h e !"• •>

i:- < ,1 i l l i . l t . i l :'.! ^-".ii't. T i n - M ' l n n n r l ' h : ; i l : i

I ' l ' i t m l i t o l a . i l i ' v n t - h ' u v o [ ' V ' i y ^ i n L ' i . s\rI• [

h a i l l n - ' . - . i - l i l a l ' i : i , l wf i i v ^ r y n> A n . h i -

u o i i tS: l i . . ! ' f u'i ]Cr>; n i r t .

t ) n T i N ' i J - i y I ' v r i i i . i ; , ' a f i i . - n . l l y f-v>:

r a ' - i 1 t«» ' k p i a - ' i ' n t l i ' i m .<»n o n a i n r , i . - i i r f > l

I c - i m r . M ' o i Ii .- . lf ji m i l l 1 . I n - t w r - n J u l m r .

I L i u ]•>'.,i-\, ; i ] . ' . : i t : i u r , a m i I ' l i a i i i - . 1 K . ? : i i r -

j i l i y . p i ' i - J i ' . s i i d i i a l . M u r p h y r u n i n n u

a t h K - t ' - ' s s u i t W i l l i n n t n i i i . T >tl N . a m i

H a w k i n s i n n n l i i i a n t l u l l u - - . a m i t h i r l ,

w . f i . ' c j i , -Hn'Ii- i i i ,^.- . . M r . I ' r i i j a h i i i i J . i ' i ' t i -

a r . l ; . i ' i r . l . i s s l . i r l m t : ; J I M ' ' 1 ; - ' . T i n 1 r n i i r : r

v. i , (•! 11,- ;;n\i<- '»',•'•!• MM'« 'n 1 : J » I . - ; , M J , I ! J : ) -

a , ; . : : . .-•-• c!" . i l l - m i i l n - . T a i i . l a h a l f

i i . ! , - -, T h < ' l i i i ! " r " : . . i ! U i i i ' t l \ . ' a . i t v . u ; l \

' ' i n 1 ' i i ; ; n i i ' • - - , ? ' l i i ; ' j > ' i v \ \ i i i i i i u . ^ l : \ ; : i i i p l

!'.! 1 \ f r l ' l . I M 'I II H H ' l l f . a i u 1 i n ii: l l .

T i i ' . 1 J i i j i ' i ' U ' . i J j J U T ' I i : ) n i J i ; r l ' h i ; t ' . i

n o w h . - l ' l i i n i . ' I ' t ' j p i L i r : i l i n - i l . H ( ; i n a i r ! i

f. . i- ( I n ' L , " « M l i : u l ; : . ' . T i n - H C C C I H I t r r n t . I.

i v . . j i l l , - i l i i i a t i \ ' h i - t w r i - u . M r : » r . s . M . ' i f . . ! - , |

• : i ! i l r . i | i i ; > i i i ' i l . : i n 1. o . v m t * l«» : i i n i f a u i t l i T -

: , : a i u l : i i ; . I i i w i d c i i t t " i t . r t w n - ; n o l . l i s -

l . n . f . 1 o f i n t i n 1 l - r , ; i l l : i r l l K l i l l H T , l u l l \ v m

i - - a r - i i l i - n 1 ' 1 ! i u l r . i ' i V . T h e c h i l i , t l i w t _ i o r i \

•r in ;* t i • I * n i l h o m i n y i n i t u

, : ; . ! t h i - l i '* !

M i l ' i : ; ! * ^ I - ; I ,.

t c W n ! l I ' l l ' '

1 t aa - ' it i -

TJJO TI»VH Klirtluu. j comrjiunirations. 'Die uppUvatiomi were

.tlm oloolion liL'hl in Commissioners'! disposed tif as fulloWaj

jJall on Monday iift(>rnoon Lrou^Iitout a

Jaipur vot-j than luid vver been polled at j , , ! , , , r. itc -iiuiti, Aruiifiya Uuk-l^rauiad.Ooai*

any pU'viouH town cli-ctiuii. The pru-

iM'udin.'jf-j at t!ii' JJJJTIIJ took a huinoruus

-titi^fh'iuid llie gn'atur poiliun of the peo-

ple trri.-iril to OOJISJLILT tliL1 t'lrclion a

-Vriirua" that lu;d U'On yutU-u up fur

their ailiusfinclit*

'J'lit' i:!ijL'f mtc.'rwt was centered in

tho nanic. ThfU; was no wrangling or

ill-fu'Hnjj; exhibited by iho ijcoplo. ut Hsu

| pit!is: all appeared to IK: in the utmost

Ufitrn] htuiiut'. The leading advucatrK ot

uui .ifiai.I(i'.ll I'll HlHHllil-nNUll. KliinliH^ Illllil fltUVTQiCiiJirli'S \v. la-tnver. pruulell, tin'liliiiKdalc.J'iiin v. Ki.iii. I..1-.1 ii;.i|-ni!i-v.-i'fk, Umg Unmcli.( ii: 1 I n It. Wlirrh:!-. prillliiHl. lultollloWlliWiliiien K.i^i-ii liiiil ori-riuiL' wwk, 1/IHK BranchiIVi'ii. 1 \v. l):in;ricr, (.'itiiili-il, sliixwdbury.liivlu n lil.-j.ii. irninli'd. llov.ill.lhililiiir.1 n-iinic iiraiilwl.Tlntmi FiiHuj.Jii ii-li M. Sti-iirn-. i.Tiiiilca, Niivcslnk.Jnliii S. l.!i!l.un-..\v, gi:uili.a. Kaloiilim-iu.lnsi'iili I.'Ihiimiisiin, vnimcd. lliKlilulul!kll-iii-y limile. (rnmlijil, Oi:i::in luwn-tlilii.Iln'iuM Mi-:.-!i.r, uninl'iil, AllimtletouushlpjJ.IMII ii. Til us. t'1-..nleil. U|iiHT fn iluilJ.l:l. 1: ,M IViini'll, i:i.ii!i..(l, VlU't-r rn-cluild.'i'i,: n '.it hi;;. Oslierni'lliiiisii. Kninu-ll. WalhUit-!i;.r'l Vi.alliai:. ciiiiucil. Sliiillnlllii.i [ II T t I l k U l

1 :i;.i A V::ti t'k'af, VnliTiA Stales Uutefi ernnicdt

Mth,«. tt.,i.l,-p,Hl ti«' wilii ^ ^ l i n ^ n S K n S u M i u i l S

f!uii(vol1»i.iiiH.'-{t<*llk']o;*iliri-mh»c;itr> • " - ' " ' ' " " " " "

of IIK- u lkcr silk1. Rod M:mU was ihi

i'avurili1 nniuf of the uiaj"i'[iy nt' t h r pt'o-

pl<i, it i\ in iiviiiK more tin* iliiijo-l'tauih:

ol' tin- total nuiulji'i* of vott-s c:ist. JOaily

HI Mojjrtny uioniin,^ Ihosr in favurof ll

Vv'i l;:iai J., ^rmilrit. Ki-yport.I1 i'-r !•'. s--iI«-JII.-;i, L-'nililuil. li.gliiiuuls,K. C. Kh l!;inUii|i, Kiniili'd. l'llTllul.J.c r..i..III-S. riiiiivii iiinoi,jri-mii(,ii, i^tntt UrnuctliI.. I'. M:.:i!iy, MgiainmUi II^UM.', grimlyl, Oceuu

i'k, Kcyjiurt.if Ui-i-k. Matawan

1 1 1 I i " J . r £ J \ I . I ) 1 1 1 1 - ' ! l . H I ^ l i l i ' - i i l l l i . l t l / L l ' l l l i i t | p | l l y . „

llllnu- iifS]m'Wisliui-yl_'ll5' «-i-ri'riinviln.'yiiJ(J ]'• II. V.:nl, lli'.idi Uuiisc, KRIIIII-II, Wnll tou^i

llial lln-y Wulllillii' bl'.'lli-ll 1..V II h u g e 1U:1- j ' N.'JMIHIVUI. lahl mi .TIIIH' ' "" *"^

j u r i ly . Tlii' l'lilluwinu is I lie clliriiil vulu; I;','.'.)];,/,,' 'will'!;l','.'^' " "

(•!iM.:i''i'O>i>i]>;iiiNr.i:. I .'^

Hiiiiiucl \V . Mi i r fun l 4ii'.'

t l I n i i i l i ;; . | , r i . l . : r | . LllK'i.1 M K I I J . - ' M . : . l . . l i l i i l , M i l

; . l

ASSISTANT <'l>MHWS]c>.\i:i::i.

Thnui-iH I I . Aji]ik'g;iti>

. l i ' lm S u i t n t iTi ' i i l i ro"] ; I h v i sT l n ' i n l ' T c ]•'. W l i i t cT. J:is |«-l ' Wi l l i ' l l

J. 1Vr.;l,-y t'lumlliT

T. iv. N i'i.::r.:;.

Filiminil T. Alli'ii

I:;S:';.I'I ' : ; , vv i iuvri". : .

.I,.!in l.i,n-.lI ' . - l c r i i . Y . i M i l i ' i ! I'

. I M M I • • • . \ V . , ! . . l i

I ' . ' l . r A i i i u . i . l ;


Ili-d Hun!:Sl'.ii \ \ ^ ! i i n \ - I i lvlilauk . . ..'....'.

, , .„ ,, : ,; . , ,.;;„,„|. t,,,,,,.,l, FlfWuldJ l - n Kimm. n-nnlii!. I'm; Muiumulli.M'.-Jli.iiii I. ! l M lM.Jli.iiii I. M>i|i!:iij. u n MT. u •. A . y. HUM • ii.uii, \\ i II Ilijlli crantKl(

j.ii.1 l>:ivi^, Auutitaii llult'J, pmnu-U, Frue-

i ' l | . iv.'inv»T, l;iul incrono \vcek, lloloifletii 'I. JV'ii.rtt, tfr;mit'd, I^i'J.jvnic.. " , IS 'I.-.I.I. Kn.uii'1, 'fiiiliiu Falls..' 1. M Ui iiii.i, hikl uvur unu wect, LouS

. V.,|i T.ii». irninli'il. Fair Iliivcll.• ii'l !'• II..i, ln.'l IAI.T uilo w 'ok, Mt'dinnlcs^

A k . nI V I ' I I . I

••.ri ' .-nli 'l . V,. -i..v , i..,.'.i:..|. I!",niibiurt,

•. >l • ' . ' , . I.L'ni'ili'il. lilujlliUldK.

1li.l A.

>la!:i»li|I.1 'I 'I, i::.niiud, IU'il I.;n.k

111. llram-li,

I i



i f [

i l . - n r v

\ . .i- t i i e i - i i .

w i ! l !• l a i n i

g . ] . e r : i l i r . - i ' i a g e s

li w a s m a d e . M r .

a t ; , ' , iill.l ::.. t l l i s

e n i t - . i m i l i a U e h e

l. M r , .I..I.11 1!. 1'. r;-.i 11 i:, (!-,

o n l y i n e a i ! : e r I h a i da i i . e ; - i i : i s ! . . - a j i p r i i a i i i -

) ci l M r . W h i l e , b u t il w i l l n c o ; v s i t a l r h i ,

I w i t u i u i ; : ; it i n l l r • r e m a i n i n g euii!e..,t In

j ( i e h i ' in . T'ti<- f u l l u u i n g i^ .Vdiiil .-iy's

i > . e o i v : W h i t e . 1 I: N l . h u i l . I I : R - l - g c n ,

HI: W i l d . l : l : Mai--. . l . ' i i . I ; l : . M o r l o n l . I:'.:

( ' . i n i p b i ' l l . I'.1: t ' o l e m a n , I11. T h e l i e l » -

t ' .veel l i \ l e ; : . i s . W i i i l i ' a n d M l i u o l l \ \ ; i s

i .hi i t oil", r c n l t i i i g i n f i i v o r of M r . W h i l e .

O n T I K - i l a y i -ve i i i - ig o f 1.; t w e e k n

i n i i o l i e r u f VL I T i i i ; i - r e . . ( i i i ; ; a i i - l ( j u i t e c \

c i t i n g f .mt r a c i ' i t o ; i l ; j i l a e e at U u i n s ' i i i ,

i n M. lne of v . -h i -h \ e r v ' ; ' . ' - l : : iu d in

l i m e w a s i n - i d e . '1 !u' e v e n i n g wa.-: v e r v

i i i i t ' a v u r . i l i l e f o r '.ti '-li ..;i.u-t, a s il m i , i e . 1

J i g l i l l y : b u t . i i . i l w i t . l i s l . i n d i : i g . a l a r ; : e

c r o w d h a d a s s e m b l e d t o w i t n - . - i n H I M e

l a d e r a c e t h . i t v.-a.s a t m o i m c r d . ( o l . J . c

p l a c e t h e r e t h a t e v e n i n g . '1 h e w i - a l h e i

l i e i n g u n p r o i i i l i o i i s . u s a f o r e s a i d , a n d t i l e

m o o n b e i n g i - o v c r c l w i t l i !,f:i\-%• : , ! o i n i

c l o u d ; it W n s ^ o n c h l d e i l l:i p i . r l p . ' l l e tl-.'-

r a c e a s a n l l o l l l l e e i l , n n d t o h a v e o t h e r - ; o f

shorter di.^lance. A one mile raee \v;e.

ILcrefore gol ten 11 j 1 leln'-'en Thoni.-i.': J.iy-

lor. faniiliail> known a', " Pat.;v," Harry

Trairnrd. of Knmwui, aurl an unknown

person finiii Tmvn Ne. k. The uiilitiinva.

who was very lulln:id straight. anlsl:._:iit

of person, tool; the lead fn 111 the start

and maintained it lo the end. making (he

distance in ii.','(), Tin lor was. bealen hul

ten yards, and Harry Tralf-ird. sufft yinx

from iii.cvorei-old, willnlrcw afler coin-

jiK-tingone-half 11C the mile. The Uunisou

boys being disappoinled v. ilii Un1 une.'v-

]iected manner in which the race hud ter-

minated. jM-oposed another one mile race

and invited the i-tu-cessful "unknown"

to enter, hut hi' declined. Taylor and

Banie! Mulligan cnlered Die second race,

and as the "unknown'" would not j;ive

Taylor nil opportunity (o try his incrid,

relatively r.n a runner, Taylor declared

hifi in(entio:i, although it wan hi:; second

mile, to complete llie 111 de in this race in

less time than the "unknown1" hud in [he

previous one. Muliie.'ui started nlim ex-

traordinary pi-.i !• and maintained the lend

for llie llr:,t, lull' w" llie'mile, hut bcin;;

rather iiijiidieioiin in starting, and bein;;

followed liy .1 m.ire cautious mid experi-

enced lunmT, he was obliged to r.urron-

di.'f thefoiemost position to Taylor. Tbii;

was a very exciling race an the parties

Were liin'rin;; uneoiumonb' good time

under llie circiiuislunccR, uml neither al

any t ine was in advance of tin.' other

over (e:i yards. True lo his v.-ordn, ;md

in aci'fiidanci! with' liTS determiuntion,

and to tiie gratification of Ihu Kutnson

boys, Tii.vlorc.ovcTi'd Ihedistancuin eight-

si cowls less than the unknown's previous

lime, the mile being run in 5.12. Mulli-

gan followed in D,13|. A 0110 hundred

yiird wu.s then contc'slod between

Harry Trnirord nnd Kobert Unrvcy, both

of Kumson. TraflVml won by threr- feet.

Ko tinu1 taken. Thoi-o interested in foot

racing ut Kumson liavo very good opin-,

ions of Taylor na a runner, ami are quite

oonildeiit lhal lie c-iui snccesflfally com-

l«ito with any person in the vicinity.

Momnoufli ('(nii'N,

T ! I - ' r i ^ i i l a r M : i y u i i n v] l ! i c ^ ! . i : v

I . I K I I I . ' I I i . i i n l y C i i i n N I n - , " ' i i ; i l I - ' M I .

l n . 1 . 1 . . n T l , i " . i l : i y l ; l , - l , . T i l i l - . ' ! ' , i l u : : i ' ' l W .

S " M i l I' r | i r . " . l i l i l l ) f . , / \ S l l n l i r i l | | | | . | | | ( | | ( .

I ' - . - l i l ; i \ o t l ' < n i r t ; i \ I T V l ; i r i ; . ' c r . n i l

>v , i - ; i n ! i l t > ' l n l : l M i ' O . T l t l i ' l u h n i v i s

| I I i l r i | " , V ; , ! V , , T o n t i l l ' l i r - t c l ; i y s n f 1 1 1 . '

M a y I ' - n n u i l . ' i c i ' u u n l n f t i n ' l i i j u u r

l i i ' i - i i i - i . ' s . v l i i r h n r i * I ' l i i i ' - i ' l - r i ' , ! \>y t i n - 1

i ' " u y ! u l i l i a t . l i n n 1 . T i n - l i i i - . i i i i - ; r i n t t h i s

I t ^ r m i v i l l I n / l i ^ I i l c r I J t a i i a l uiiv [ w a i fin-

a i l l l l i i h i ' l 1 u f y i - a r : i . . I m l . - . i - A l l ' r n l \ \ ' ; i l -

l i u ^ . J r . . ( I n ' i n " . v l y - a i i | n i i i i t . i l i . i i i w

J l l ' l ^ f u f t i i u I ' o a n h , \\:\a u p o n t i l t - .'.

b i i i i - l i . r p u a U i i ' i i i i n f i l i n g ' i f t ! , i - J

I ' u i i r l ( I n - ( i r a i n l J u r . . v , . : i i i . - x - . I i i i l ^ i - i

J i i l n i \ V . i l l r l , i r t a ' ; t ' u r i ' U i i i M . \ \ ; ; s | 'I

. v, I I r n i n . a m i , l i i i ] i ; i ' S i - i n l i l i - r . l . - J J i < - r . - i l

a f l i n l ' L r l i a r ^ ' i ' l o | I I I > I I I . ' l ' h i - . l i u l - i ' s a i i l

! l i a t J i n L\'il w r y l a l l f l i r t - l i i - ' / c i l [ J r a t

I I I I T I ' w a s i u > i n a l l i - i - n f v e r y i : r : i \ v p n h

l l r c i i T K - i T l l u p i ' l i w h i i - l l I n I ' l i a r ^ i ' l l u ' i n .

H i - c l i . ' j a r i ' i l , I M U T M T . I M f a l l l l u - i r a l t i - n -

t i n i i I n H i t - i K i i ' l i t i a l I r a l u r i ' n f t h e i r

n a i l : : ; , w l i i i - h i t i j n i n • . 1 t i n - i n t u n l w n v

s n a i r y . I l r . . a h l | i , . l i a i l f i - . - t | t n - i i t l y

l . ' i l i ' r n ( i f r . ' i s i . i n t-> r . - i ! l t i n 1 a t l r i i M u j i o f

t J i a i u l J u r i i ' S l i i t h i s i . u l i j i ' i ' t . T h i s *•:• t l i

" a s f u r ( h o | i i ' i , ( i > i ' ( : ' i i n u f t l . c j q r u r s , a m i

i i ' i i l - l I n - . . l i - k - l l y i i i i . , i ' i - . - i - . | . T i n - y « -<- i -

T . ' . ' ••' . ' • l . : i l . | \ . -

r . i . i i, , i .

\ i ' i ; i , i n i i t i i ' i .

1" -. — ••• r y .'.• ' l a a m : .

• I - . . : i t . m I . ' i l l . - . T . . I 1 1 " 1.1.. .111;1 • ! . I ' l l I i ' . ; . . . r v . 1 , , 1 1 1 . T i n

i i , • V.111 A i i i 11. I . . n l I I M - I - m i

l l I . ' i . a n l . ' i . I / . i u I I . 1 :

i . ' l ' a i l . I I M I I I , i l . II - : | . \

I . M 1

r-i-r.•-•,', T.'.np' llullM1, y l a m c l , L-JI

. |."l:'U"d. Dlill.Ill, V,. si i:n.l IlriU'I, 1.. ji.' •'


„ |,

II' :.-!. Kraali'il

nil!"' Mi111 uvir ti in- vv^ck, Lolig

A. I I "• 1 . II , - . - :II

nl,||;,lili'd. Il.irUbunt.v, M.iiul.iii Iljjsii,


. I . , I I I I 1 r. s^li'v, C ui^ri..H:i H a l l , l,ild n v e r onL- wi.i ' l t ,l . " i i ' . in . . I ' l l , '

I i l l . I T l!.nli'>', ( rnmtiHl , W11II.u nu . i . i i 11 in , s : . , i , •' ' " - 'V.'lii.i 11 i.. M , l . . l i

1. Bu i . i - l i .I; I I . I 1 . 1 - . ' , r n i i i t . I. r i - n n i i r t ' l l ' i y .• I " - |1.( . 'Il,..l;:|-...||, i. 'nil l l i i l . .M1IW11IIO..! . Mi \ . IViM'. cr.niiMil, LMJI^'llnint'Ji,.Lu.,.-. M. V . U . N . irnuili'.!, K"i| lunik..I"', 1 1. IE. niMMti, I IMII IKI . r inisui ' t ' Hity.

V i " "• l.'i * ii'i'. i.n.l IIMT inn1 wi'i'k, lyjii^ Urauch,.'anl; 1 '..• l 11.11 !..ill, ;:raii11':I, Ki'v|mrt,

,s U l ' l i N

Hi I r - i ' l . l . , i ' l i r .,',',- I'm 11. " i i

H I S I . , u l . I t l ' ll i n i I l ( . . | i . . , l ' . . 1 ,F r . i n . l . . l l a : . .

r. li-mi:, IJIII:: IIRIIII-II.« l<mi.- " i .r."

I, k!-?|'"tt., i!ii • I l l . •:!>•. iiv.'l ', Ki 'Vluirt .

D i i i h ' l I -iv, 1.,r, |,ii,i n v r r , I ^ i i i i r B n i n c h .

. l . ' l l l i ' r . l . , l i i | ' . i .T. ' l l l r . t , l'-ni-ll'lllll.Ni ' ' lh ' l ; i - ( i i 'Mi. laiil MVI'I ' . ]*mu l l r a n r h .

,l.ilwl"Tlls"i'i',n'tnsi.!i!'l"vi'h'i.lii!'f " 'Wlilliim Hi'v,, L'laiili'tl. hajulisliliiu'n.l'in'll|i!«'liiii'lil"r, irraiiti'il. l-'iur iliivim.t ii all". II. WMII-IIII. irniiili'il. I 'miliuld.Alllliuliv 1'I'V. t'l'llllliil, li-ri'lmlil.

I!. V.V1..11. li'lil',1'11. IJ'IHK l lmnrl i ..Iiinn-. II. Iliiiii'k, liiM iiia-r. IJIIIK ItrnnrhiVI111. ^liiiiiiiTiiiini. i/r.inU'il, MiilnvviitiJ..I111 Mrra i tv , lulil n v r , l,iinir Unini'li,.luliti '0 ' i tax, rt'fiinril. bmi i ltntnt'h.

-Vi'I!, l'iiini'l', Iniil iivi'r. IJIIIH Brancbi1- II. Jlilii'iiiiu. ivfiisi'il, l,i,i)ir lliaiirli.

l.niii. '., laaaililiLr. n : it.i'.t. l .uii; IlraiK'lliI.I'm '.I h'lYi-. rt'[n:vil l."lil; I'.nini'li.liVlmr-l IV. 1! v. liiuliiviT. Kasl« flnillrll,Wllliii'ii K. l.l 'iul. i m I. Kasi Lunij llnini'li.iiii.i:.'i' M.ii'li.i.,1'1. lull'i-. I*: 1st I-iiiiii I tnmrli .S.IIK S'liii I, liil-l i . \ i r iimil l i i i lnj ' , May lotli, Ixinrf

liiiu litnil Ili.iisf, lulil over until Frliluy, Hay lOUnl,'.|ll! ill' II. '

l'rii-'i llnaai', lulu over until Friday, Mny lOtti.Lull;: l:i;::nli.

Aflorlhi' [iccasi'ii lim.' U-un rlJKpnn-d

uf, JuilKf SHnuMiT l-ctiil his dt'ciiiiiiii in

llii.| ftiiluwin^; rant'.1; tviod before him

will-lint a jury, at llie last term of courtl

Amanda WalruUH UKUiimt Lucy Con-

,.,--.1 i ' i " | . . . , . , ..? ( , . .,'..,.in . 1 ._. n\'t'i'. 1)11.4 was ail act ion of ^vusttJ

.., lull' ' li'il. |n ' i 'ha |n only (1110 ptTflon in j lirnn^lit In n c n v c r dnmapcu of t h e ik"

iliaiK'1. It ua.s .lite tu tin- [lormti-t n i i n I I'oiuluiit. a (t i iaii t in dower , for c u t t i n g

d u n - itiln tin- c u u a l y ami inlilnl 1,0 | l ic«; . T h e t nurt J;HVC t he pluintift ,nne

niui'li lo iln ui-altli t ha t thi-r sliuulil iv- iiiinilriil tlullsirs diiniapi'S. Char le s H i

iviM- the fu'.li'i.t pr . i l i i l iu i i frmii tin' I Tni'.Tnril lur iihiintiiT, W i n . I l l Vtedi-r i '

law. l i e tsiiil In- ftlt it hi.-, du ty tu ui;;t ' | hiirgh fur dt-ffi-djuit.

ujiuii the (ii-iiml J u r y I ho iiiwreiily uf 1 Jaenli 1. I.ahhi-r and k n n c R. Hugl i e s ,

fi-i-ivliiig (>i,( 11,,. iKi-pi 'daturs nr that ! p,-iitiii.|-s, anaiiist Ch.-is. G. r r e n c h . Th is

t-riiiH" lu'iiij; tlii'in lo jti.'iliic. ii» • iriis 1111 iictimi in n-plevin t o r u e o r e r o f

inatti'i- wlir.t tho i-xiioiidituro o t tinu- lliu (lofi-niliint the viilue of a horse nnd

t u s j ' i ' a l ; frt'i \y a i n n i l ^ t l i r l n s r lv t ' . , u p >]\

a l l . v a h j i / r t s . T h n y u o r i ; lint tu c n n l i n i '

t h i i i i . i - h 1:1 tu (In- i n a t t r r . s lirnti; ' ,ht t u

tliL-ir a l t c i i l i i i i i liy t h e l'l-uai'i-iilui-, l int

w e r e tu uall t-at h i i l ! i o i ' : i n \ l c i i t i on tu a n y

ii ia t toj ' r ikf iun u tu (lionisi 'lvfM, i ind n'liii-li

riijiiii 'i il i l i \ i 'St i ; ;al iua . T I H T L 1 w o r e u l i f

u i ' t u u u l l i i r i n a t l i ' i s t u w i i i c h iic W(S;IK',I

t n c-:'l| t l i i-ir a t l i ' l i t i n n . T h o a l a r i u i n ) ;

( ' l i nn ' 1 if hi Ltin^ I i n : tu luiil t l in^H wan 11110

( • l ' t l n i i i . ^iii nini'0 Moriiitrt I ' l imo c o u l d

In.- f i i i iuiKll i ' i l , A t o i r t a i n soaMiir, v r r y

| i r i i |n ' i - |y i.i l i l t i-niiijuirativ'i 'Jy

aml muiii'y mi|;lit he. Tho Jiiil^'t' (lieu

K'avo tl.o Jury timno wluilonnino ailvioi.. . tlio pruporty of plaintiffs, and

r. •— — . - •••-. - , . . . . . . , Koi/.od by the defendant tinder tile inn-

about eiil'nn-ini; IIK- lawa im they utand kicpi'i's lion act, for the board of plaint"

mi tlio statute hiiult, lie said men iiri(jlil j itTs while Btnppinj; at defendant's hotel

differ in tlieir opinimiH an tn eiifori-in(r 1 in Hod B:uik« Tho court found for tile

' ' " " ' '"""-• ' - 1 ; " " ' '••'•• di-fi-ndmit. V. F. Temple for plaintiffs,

and Aji|ilegtitv& Nevius for defendant.

J«lii] E. Johik.on et. nls. iigainst

A Clmllenge.

I licjrchy cltnllcngo nnyono in Jron-niutttli county, not over Beventeon ycuruold, to jump"with niu n. ntiiiiding bni.-idjump, with wcightM, for five or ten dol-larx u side. Blim mid money to be foundnt I'uc.l'i'a. " CUAKIJESI HORNIIH,Chtipipion 17 your old jtinipci- of Moti-

inoutii oonnly,: RED B.UJK, K. J-, May. 7,1679. '

1 - - ---n

tortaiji laws, but it was llie eloai- duly

of the (.'otii'ts t<i tin no. If they are

ivniiigtlie iciui'tly is in (li.t iiaii'lsof the „. ^ . „„,..,„„„ t l . u l o > , , K U 1 U B , vjCU,

1 1'le. " We are not here tu legislate." 1 \V. Ltrowit, late tlieriff. This wns an

At (hi-coiH'l'.uiotinrilie Jii'l^(.''iiehai;3a' notion lri'replevin'lTrmiEht against tilt)

Ihi; app'.ii-'alKiriH for liutel liconsos wore ! «li..-rill fir seizing corfcun chattels Under1

taken njj, and IK.UIJ- the whole day I o::.viitiuii, upon which tiie -plaintiff luul

«lieiit i:i ilts])c>Sii!i;; of them. TV- Court j n chattel mui'tgii^c. The court livid tlint

read Ihe folliiwln;; law, n last win- \ the iilierill could tell such interest as the

l-r, .ml s.ii,] i!i.-,t it H-,,-ii!.l bo ilyillv vn- j inorlRagor bad in Hie chattels. The

forced iu tiiis county: j sheriff, cliould not remove them, but ho

cn.MTKit csxx. I could sell tho inurfgagor's interest and

.\ firi'.n'r rr:i;i; i., HI in tin' ml ratai'-'I "A:i A •; I hib l'ight of retletniition. This principle.

[ml;.-.,..\; l-.ail i,i... n .• ii|i|ili'a'i.'in lii tlm' iul fa-t;i;•.•<!. "Aa Ai-: In r.'.'.-iilul.) (IR- sal'inr 11I.1, ~-:,i«i,rIn rr, |,ip'i\ [I'lra-i'. v.'nie and nllinr mat: i|i|.n I-Ift] tin- liliili! lit Ni'W .It'W.V," III,|i|-nt*t:it Air 1lutnili, line tliuiiaaml (tij'iiL ImuitluU UU'J avi ia ; . -

1. fir if riiiirli-it h|| Hn: .Vrllnli' ami (7."ilrnil .l»-iir/iiHjii.f (/icsfiiri, ,iC Jt ' iwu, Tout in mlilt-tj.1,1 In llieilulltM iHiw ri-i|tili'cU to in- pi-rlMi-ini'it byHi.- lU.-rlirt 'if mi' oiiirt of iiiiiinitili Jitfiu nl tliesi'v-I'rul i-'iutil,, s nf tliln Mtlite, liy tilt! K'lltl ii'Hs Iti wltli-lidiM uet Is n Hillijlli'lnelll, (tie Haiti i-lcl'l;* Hliull ktr|i urLiiiiil In liu- iiiimitt'.stil llmtiilil cuurtuf llie IMIIUL-.Hnl nil |n:r.-.iiiiH Iti vvliuui nil- liy sumciiiuts to liteji liiiwur tiivenw. nr t» suit nlc, *lnm%lii-pr, hyer , |tinie.r, winu nr ollmr liuilL linmn-H, Ui-i?;i!n!i- witli thu niitiiunt fuweHsi'd w eJioli iiewuu fortliu iMilliti, and tlm Uiiti.- ivb(!ll imtil.

«. .-triif be it tmiclal; -Tina Hie s:itil elcrljp simll^vlltiln ivn ilays, If lim*alttcunlt tK> tluni lu Ki-.sifnn,

-anil If not In HcuMun, nt ttio iiext .--aiiioii tln-mii,I'lLlioi- f-.jM.'rJiil nr njKiilur, re-iiort to tiie mild cnun tlmtintncs «[ nil jii-rwim wlin MIIIII iicfrleit or refuse tota'Kn nut th.jlr lli*uii»ivi, unit imy tliu rous IUKL usjes^-uicrilF tlioreffir; 111111, tliereujHin, tliti Kitiil i-uin-t<ihnll, iiiilB"Millleliiit ruiuu lu HIIUWII to tho cuu-tmry, ruvuku tiio «uld lleonao ur liiiinse.s.

a. ^l»ii hrt ii eimrtal, Tlmt If utiy ot the saidClerks HRjfliict to iwrrurin imy ol lliu tliu dullc-a re-qulruiluf thorn by thUiie-l, itu sliiill fnrtelt roruniili(irfL-nco tho sum of uvuuty cluIlurHp to bo I'ceuvuivilIn un ncttou nt tlolit lu nny t-miit hitvlui; JtirlHtllctlonnf tins Biitun, nny ptjrbun wlin ulmll HIM Uionilor, InDie nania of liio. board of V]ID.SI>I) ti-efilioJUum of midcounty, imi>hnU nf wild pumiltv t(> Im paid to thupuriidn siting for thu niniu, mid lliu otiinr holt to tlioiijuniy collector of win cnuntr lor tlio usq tliua-of..'

4. AIM lie II rnadul, Tlint tills u t shall tokooflwt liuiui'dliiloly,

/ l i i xo ro l Huitdi IJ , 1BT0.

15 thn consideration of UiQimnlV-|, e . jn. » j-—«-tfillf

KrrorH in the ease of Woodsido vevb'

Ailaina, lltb.Vi'Oom, 417i Homy G.

(. iayton for plaintiC'j Ri Allen, Jr<, f'cr

Tlm court, then took up case No. 7 in

the Supremo Court issues, Lockman vcr*

BUS Milton Siiiock.


Mr."\Vm. II. Vredonburg, who ia re"col-iled one of tho nblestmen atthp WOIIJnioulli bur •" nr^nirg i i fi««r rf g r in t 'inff n certain siluou licenso oil l'tiemlaylast, saiil tlint lit-vould hlcoto itrgo upontho Court the itloption of the Dai wimantheory in n t;artl to unloonB, tliiit 13 thu"Survival ol llie I i t t i s t '

Tlio Com t u us wmeulint ataitlod onTueaday uiotntiip; by h.-utng an e\pnsfl'inan deposit at tho Uot of tho projidinjfjudge a la rge bundle of what nppeureil tolie clothing Tho p tilcnga contained onuof Mr. Ncwus' oxbibita in t|iu c-ue ofColin vs Allen.

An audible smilo ran tl)r««ffn the courtroom on Tuerd i y » ^ a Judge SoudtlefApplied to QonJtof'SM for information

• cei tain tavirn TbaJurlgii• M l9 Gon- Height bocauite

. well informed uboat localities-n tire -Bounty, Uo suld furthei* tluittlicro was nothing laufilmblo In h(s ink-for such informition from Ho Oc«eral.

Page 2: MUSIC STORE. 'HAROLD K. AtUTBOM, HANK. N. J, Furniture repaired nr.ilvuniiylHid. Plclurcfnuncfl f.irruti!. S;iL'cial-uc:ciitio:i

tk* fvilighi.HY WltS. I.. 1'. SEIiOVEK.

1 am silting in the twilight, with my face

.A ad measuring the slmdowB with an achingheart und brain;

They are deepening slowly, swt ly , and Ihonight ia coming ou.

Will some hriglit star light earth's 'pathwaywhen the gleflm oi day h gone ?

How memory bears me buck ward to a brighter,*liiirer (Liy,

"When IIKMIIKUVI through it mostly wood to joinfisnut-hUilalpluyi

Our hearts were true and merry then, with ntiL11 shade ol' cure,

'fill the waning ol lire iluyliglit brought itshhildtnvs on tlie uir.

J remember then liuw lleully through llie teiilyginvu I sped,

Tlmt my eye might culeh the home-light civdny'p glimmering light lu«l tied;

And i miiulod not the slut'lows ti3, in uli its*]>k'iltlor bright,

Thrtiugli thu ditrliiiesM on myjuiliiwuy hlionc itmother's beacon light.

l'velieen ulensiirinj,' llie shallows nil ulung life'sninny years,

Till my I'yw lire iliin wilh Mciijiing awl myheart is drowned in le;u- ;

.My leel lire piereo.l nml McLtling by llm tliol lidin life's dark wity,

Anil l't'u fiuind my Mvcelnst lie:isure> in myL'Iii.s|.iiig tin-nod to day ,

I'm-III" lyhl ofli.i'tiuei'di] gl

I'lm Ililllil thin led my youthful Icclless in Ibe loinh—

'J'liu kindred one where .• inert\Y(il>!li|. inn> lint nivn,

j\if\ iiiniit it wort.I tit lju.-vlc.el 1 '

Life's ski


•Jhe bun


; 1 liiek iI in ol' h.

u e r u f i l . e

ig i,n tin- 1

I t h e l>:uu'.

iuilUUteUtra, DJx'i KiuLv knew c/--actly what I meant every time. It wasreally a capital idea, and we were theoriginators; arid the truth is, if it hadnot been for the publicity involved Iwould have taken" out a patent for theinvention.

In the same way she"would write tome:

111). O.D. IV (null I understood ••DeureHtoltl ditrling ducky," tit once)—" l'leithfi llndout if cprned beef is mort1 eotinoinicill whenhushed.' Ask vonr friend Smith, there's n 1).s. P."

Couhl nny one with ordinary intelli-gence fail to read " deiir,sweet precious"in those lust three letup's?

J'hen. again, what .eoultl be moretouching-ami tender tlinn tliis closingsentence: "Come up to dinner to-night,for I am rains; to make the apple dump-,lings, I'. 1). I '." Of course, that means" ui'i'iiou.s old pet."

lint enough. I Have, as I said be-fore, an objection to make public tiletender secrets uf two fund hearts. There-fore I ivill pass over tiu1 rest of ourcourtship, the wedding, with its^iceoin-panying buslle, nnd our trip to Niagara,antl conn1 at once to tlie time when webegan our housekeeping.

After much searching and many vexa-tious, disappointments, Kmily anil I hud'picked out a "Hat"—for n house w.e eon Idnut nll'onl. The agent said that this Hal<•<insistc.ll of live spurious ami clognnlrooms. My own impression was thaithere were one mom and four closets. liesaid Mint it was infinitely superior ioany house lie had overseen. t differedfrom this view also, hut I said nothing.Hut then there certainly wns a line bay-

s,:tdly.|ueiicliediiidui|. I ,yin<Iiiw in the parlor, ami a liesiutifiillV| tiled hearth in the dining-room: so welook the Hal without further discussion, j

liul when tlie refrigerator arrived mi !the lirst Iliad n n l tiny our troubles Ibegan. I iiiu.-l explain thai lids rofrig-(erator was mil aiming Miss Vanlelim- ifcl's jjifi-. It was a new line, nf thelalesl ami innsl popular style, which 1 Ihad iii-t liuiiglil. 1 hail hern naliiVally a IL'oii'l deal iiitlu-'llei-il in my selection of !lliat rolrigoraliir by tlic very agrcoahV Innd int.'lligi in salesman at Zinc & (.'<>.'s. |He had ciitci'i'd so heartily into my ;view-, he hail I n MI patient while 1*urvr\i'd tin-.cniirc stuck, ami lie had Ilaiigheil so apjirecialively at my criti-cisms, iliai-1 fell as if I could not do le

through.was LtJ

' And he's such an economist,too! Why, he has been teachingus thatnutliing need be wasted in a household,not even our old—But there! I vampvery new telling you my secret, and. Iwant to surprise you;some duty,"

That same morning I ran across myold college ehutil Jack Percival on niyway down town. He had just returnedfrom :i tlirw years'tour of the Continent,.so I had :i great deal to tell him.' lieseemed to be. much interested when helearned that I was married and keepinghouse, imil lie readily iic'uepU-' in-vitation to dine with us the next day.

When I went home nnd told Kmilyabdut it, she at onec proposed that weshould invite n young lndy to make theparty eit]ii]ileliJ.

" it would lie tnueh p]ea?anter foryour friend tu meet a young lady," shesaid.

" Hut then our dininu-room will In." socrowded with four at the table thatOttilia will never be able towait\ipuuus," said I.

Einily looked shocked..- "Ottilia!"she'exchiiuieil; "I hope you don't ex-pect Ottilia to wait mi the table whenstrangers are present! Why, I wouldn'tsu."};est such a tiling to hur.'1

"Then what is the use of keeping her?"1 asked.

"Oh, Charles, you never have nnysympathy for that puor tliinpr! We canhire asiiiaillioy to wait. Tlfe gi-oeerhas a very nice'hoy, and I think I canget'him cheap," said my wife.

Very well," I replied, " have it your.' h h l l h f d i

<;.i* »/J know t Jiw you we u umuaua <Aingratitude. Oo—00^-00!"

Let me draw a veil over this scene.Sutlice it that peace was finally restoredby a compromise. I Agreed to say noinure about the dinner, and Lmilypledged .herself to abandon ProfessorStoopann's methods forever. Perhaps,if no new cooking class is organized inour vicinity, 1 shall lie safe; but I amnot sure.—Harper's Bazar.


lk thcuiirlli

ng nndid lust,

••Very well." 1 rcplicit."own way ;but what shall we huvefurdin-ni'i' ? Jack is terribly particular about liisilimii-r, I can tell you, and I think I'llorder siuncthiii'g Ir'oiii Delmoiiieu's forthis time."

"Oh, nn, indeed! you mustn't do any-111i11ir <>T the Kind," said Kmily, dccidol-Iv. ' " I'mjlist jjoiiiK lii show you nowllie inestimable value of l'rofissurSlooiiann's insti'iiclions, and 1 know\ i ui*l 1 lie proud of your dinner. Leave ilall lo me, Charlie."'

" But what are you going to give u-VI insist,.,|. Emily made answer, cinili-deiitly:

". lust wait nnd see. I tell you. Thismuch you shall know, and no more.You're' to have ' r.ijngc St. Ilciive,siarui,' and a Russian tish p'u1. Oh. yes.I'm going to give you your favoritelamb chops with toinalo sauce, for onecourse., Now, don't ask any inure <|U,-.-

cliii.,:bi'itit a n d l in i in ;

n i l . spirit "t m y iu. . lht


Till I litive | i i -ovcl t h e

thnn take his advice, after all.Anil he made it pl-.iiu that the very , .

1 larirest refrigiratnr tun1 can get isalwavs i lions,' the rij-lil one to Imy. So 1 bmii-lil it, ! " hen I bnuiiilil.and tli.mgli I was c.-rtainly aslnumlcd I ! l f l"™""" r-nmy mat the price, still that salesman's bland | rurdhil welcome

i anil cordial assurance that I had done ! pleased. The gi

— /flis/o/ County .hiit'iiiil.


i w i s e l l i i n i ; , " a r e a l l y s e n s i b l e l l i i n i ; in

'. s i ' l c i ' l j i i ) ; t h a t r e f r i u e r i i t o r . " w a s a g r e a t

r o m l ' u r t , l i u ! w h e n t i n ' r e f r i t ; • • r a l o r u i -t e r l y I ' l f i i sed l o g t i i n t u o u r k i t , t e n . Im u s t c o n f e s s 1 h a d i i o u b i s a s m m y » i -d n i i i . th i iujzl i I d i d n o t e x p r e s s i l n i i i lu

' Kmilv." What shall we do?" asUI -he.

k home the 11. Mus with such a

liat I could see lie wa-cers boy was 111 ,11-

1 leiiihinee. Inokilig very well, t l i e t a: was pivtt ilv decorated w i t h fn i i t s an.d• llnwers, anil I felt intensely hospitabl . ' . ' is. i . , , . . . i i ' . • i • i . . . ; . . . i •

WomenIn 1S71 l'limbe Couzins and Sarah

ICilgore were admitted, the lirst fromi tin.1 law department of Washington Uni-versity, in St. Louis, and the last-frointin; law school'of Michigan University.At last accounts Sarah Kilgtire, who hadadded Westman to her name, was prac-ticing in Indianapolis, Ind.

In 187-i Georgiu Snow was admitted tothe Utah bar, and Mrs. Clara'A. Nash totlic bar ill Maine. In this year, or thefollowing, Mrs. llolva Lockwood be^anpractice in Washington, 1). 0. MissSnow for a lon^ time, did a large Wtarinlbusiness in Salt Laku City and is sup-posed to be similarly pnguged at present.Mrs. Nash is practicing in Portland, Me.,in an office with her husband. Mrs.l.ockwood's recent successes are fresh inllie minds of all. She does businesslargely in the Court of Claims, Wush-iiiicton.

In 1873 five ladifswcrc admitted—An-eictlp ami Florence Cronise, of Tiflin, O.;Alia M. Hulett, of Chicago; CharlotteK. Ray, of Washington, I) .C, and Missliapi'i1, of Ann Arbor, Mich. Annette.'mil Florence (..'remise were in partnershipin practice for three or four years, when.Miss Annette inarried. Both are still iipractice in Tiflin, tinwith 1latter by herself. Miss Ilulett's successand history are well known to ('hica<;opeople. Sfartiiijj; at the early ajie of nine-it'cn in liractici1, she had at the time ofher ileatlr at twenty-two—an age whenmost professional people are just begin-ning their work—achieved a liijili degree

| of success. She died in California inj 1877, of inherked consumption. MissKay has practiced in Washington, I*. C.She is a graduate of Harvard l.'niviTsity

i law School.. Miss Haper wns admitted! upon completing the law course in Miehi-| •run I'tlivmity. She does not practice,bill gives her entire attention to advo-

falini! temperance and woman sullrage.I lu 1 74 Lavinia ("oodell was admitti'ilI and has since practiced in .lani'sville,

\\ is. She li:us recently iLssociated withher jn pra<'ti<T Miss An;r,ie Ixini;, untlerthe firm name of (ioodell <t King.

In 1H75 M. Fredrjka. l'erry anil KllcnMartin were admitted from .Michigan

ice in Titlin, the lirst in an ollieher husband, Mr. Sutes, and thb l l i Mi I l l '

y p \ .M:irtin were admitted from MichiganI look my seat, and Emily began to ills- 1 rnivcrsity U w Schncil to the Miehiiran!• ens. the soup. The only drawback was , i,.ir jiiss 1'erry was admitted to the

1 don't suppose Emily nml 1 woui.llyive dreamed of marryingit h d b f l

if:„ last Mayit had not been for oht Miss Vimtel- spiniliiin.tuylel's legacy. Tlie old lady left all ln-r , lake downhousehold furniture, including licrchhi.i, i may |silver and table-linen, to Kmily, whowasher favorite niece as well as name-sake: ami, of course, thai made us thinkat once of setting up a houie of our mvn.We hat! been engaged two years a] read > •.there was no likelihood thai my salarywould be raised, and ultnia'lhcr we de-cided that we might as well make a be-ginning.

Kniiiy's papa and mamma—in fait.llie whole family—objected at lirst towhat they called our want of commonsense; but finding us unite unmoved bytheir forebodings, they yielded, and hc-gaa to make preparations for the wed-iling.

"Hilt now, Charles." said Ijuily lome, as sona as everything was amicablysell let!—" now, t liarles, we have a giv.-it"leal to le:irn. Suppose wr begin hvstudying domestic economy?"

"flow?" 1 a-keil. sonii'whal b.-wiltleri'dby tbi* propo-ition.

" In this way,"' was ||1(. prompi an-swer. She drew fl'nln l|.-i- jiockel asmall note-hook, and plareil it in m-,hand. "See liere,1' she added, promlu ."thai is ui) hi'v'iiiniii-;, and I inicmlti,

•follow il up. You must havr a Iniuktoo, Charles."

I glanced over tliM tii-.| page ami read:" I'scful infoiHnation. Iharil Mr.^niilhtell pupa that beef w:i • ;.,ld liv farnier-for .just half 111.- |.ri • hv eit\bllteiiers. .Mi'in.— Imutlon always of a farorder vejcl:ibles, milk

p n i i i vT h e m e n w h o h a d f o r c e d it u p t h e

l a i r - w i p e d t h e i r h o t faces a n d Lrfiiiip••!.I ' l l t e l l y o u . " s a i d I. w i l h s l l d i l . i i i l l-


m u s t !_"•! a cd n o r c a s i n g s

r].enter I.'ri j

^ e i a i i n c d n i v i v i f i .• a n n u l s t a y ' i n t h e

tlcrc will in- noid cha i r s -she added.

Hut. Charli-s," i" lllnt iviml ii.i. Itkiti 'hcii. because lliimoil) for the ki[• ll.Ii t ill!7io, iioi- for llie cook, c i lhe r :.lolcfllllv.

' ( )—l i ! ' ' -aid I. '• Wel l , t hen , mydear, we must i;et a mason, and knockmil l l c - e -iili. wal ls al o-i-e."

liul the resul t w a s that I had lo ::.,I.' k to my friend, the agreeable xiic>-111:111 at /.'me & Co. ' s , and ask him lo ox-.'IniiiL'.' mir largi; refr igerator f-ir a -imiil011.'. t he very smallest to be found.

I did not t l i 'nk he wns :i* nonial t b i -linn1. I supposed a f t i T w h a t I h a d s e . i lof him thai lie would have - h o w n prn-I'.iuinl syni | iatl iy al 1I111 recital of IIIV pi-r-[I'iexities. H u l T e d i d no t . I don ' t "thinkiliat In1 hear.! all I said in h im. and tlial I had been mistaken in my.••liiiiati 'of his charac te r . He was not•ii'-li an a^ivi-able and inlelliu'elit youiiL'man .t- 1 had iniaL'ineil, I l o t y - v r. 1picked out a see. nnl refrigcralnr. and l i n nI « as oliiiuid 10 buv several ar i ic les tomake up the dili'iTcncc in price. Si. Il.i.ik a sallsa^e-cliopper. an i .e-crcainlY'ivi'i', anil a s,.| of .-roquet.

•\ -'real part ofourfiii ' i i i i i i i 'et ' i iulil notb • a. coiiitniMlati'd iii our ruoins, antl wasih. l'.'fbre - torcd for ' II> by Kmily 's

annmi . So we had to do wi thou t

Iliat theyount; huly whom she had askedhad 1 n obliged to decline at the lastiiiuiiient, but as tln-re was barely roomfor t l i r c 1 pie in our dining-room, 1was mil so much disappointed at Ibis aswa-my wife. However, she and .lackapoeareil to he getting 1111 so well (hat 1

1 di'in'i think he regretted our. intended^ue>t either.

As I was saying, the soup was on MM1

lable. hut with IUV first view of it I be-Lran to bav*1 fearfvil misgivings. It wasall almost colorless fluid, with a slice ofleiiuin. a sprig of parsley, and several1 Im-cs Ibiatingin each plate, and it tasletllike hut water well salted. My resolu-tion was taken in an instant. I inaile up

1 my mind that I would cat that simp, and' 1 did. liul .lack never attempted a secoml

a diadem, of plaited garnet-colored vel-vet, with the drapery of "gorge-de-pigeon silk, and a large bow forming thecrown of the bonnet. The ribbon ofthis bow is taken down to form thestrings. On the leftside ia a bunch offlowers, and toward the middle is asmall garland of line flowers in the shadesof the taffetas:

Modes ofUrcialng the Hair.The ways of dressing the hair are very

varied: Young ladies dress their hairin light puffs aim crimps on the top, andtied in torsades, which fall in the- backof the neck. The hair is not worn asmuch over the face as. formerly, andthere are not as many bangs to bejseenin tin1 new coiffures. Several methodsDI dressing the-hair for different occa-sions are described as follows; For ayoung lady, the hair may be dressedvery high in the back of the neck. Itis crimped in front, a'nd slightly puffedin the back. A hand of narrow satinribbon is taken around the hail,-withloops in the center. Another style iscalled the coiffure caprice. It consistsof a small bandeau taken over the fore-head and up on the side. The hae'.c hairis taken from the neuk up to the top ofthe head and d i htwists, fastened yA coiffure for evening wear is arrangedby jiarting the hair on the side andtaking it across in a waved bandeifu.Then a piece of hair is tied on the top ofthe head. The remainder of the Imirforms 11 catogan in the back. The pieceon the lop of the head forms.a large gor-dian knot and loop. The back of the topof the head is arranged in hair, loops,placed in a variety of ways. Curls andsprays fall down the back, IUI indoorcoiffure consists jif two or three crimped

imil's on the back of the top of the head.11 the hack is a torsude, forming very

loose loops, falling down below the neck.In front of the pull's on the top ofthe headthe hair is taken over the forehead insmall curls. A suitable way of dressingthe hair for an elderly lady is to part iton the side, forming a ilat bandeau in themiddle of I lie head. On one side isplaced a ruby rose. A black lace veil istaken from the top ofthe back hairdown,and fastened low in the neck with arose

p parranged in heavyby bands of satin,i i d

11ml. •" What is this, my dear?" I n-lu-d with

iir.'at cheerfulness, pretending to be en-irelv at my ea-e, as the nexl ciuirsi'

appeared.Emily smiled sweetly a- she answered.

"That is Russian li<h-pie, prepared afterthe same 1 i].e ll-cd ill the empeiMi'skit'-hdi."

" Let u- see, then, whether our tastesin'iir with the emperor's," I said, fnci1-linu-lv. turninu' 1" Jack, ln:t lie didn't-eeiii disposed to talk much, I fancied.

Truth compels me t.> say that. nflVrtlmost careful dissidi.l nut a -iiee of h:ird-ln.iled eirg. s.Miiemore par-icy, and finally a sera) 11 if mc:it,l".il tint was all. I WHS getting nei-cuus now, when a new courserclii vnl me. " lien.1 conn'ssomethingiitla-1," I said to myself, as a dish of chops,each with a 'ringed white paper wrappeddaintily about the bone, and accoiii-

Illinois'bar, in tin* same year, and MisrMartin in January, 1S7U. They haveUoth been in practice in Chicago sinceadmission, are in partnership under ihelinn name of l'erry & Martin.

In Ihe summer of 1M75 Bessie Kagles-fii'ld, who had just linished Ihi1 junior\I'ar of the literary ctuirse in MichiganI'niverslty, was tu1*mitt<'il by c<mrtesy inTerre Haute, ami she was not preparedfor iiiiictice an.I the proposition for heradmission was a surprise to her. Shefinished her literary course and thenspent two years upon Ihe study of law,and began practice in I i ram! Kapids,Mich., in H7H.

In 187B Mrs. Mary K. Kiisi.-r. a gradu-ate from Michigan t'liiversiiy l.nwSchool, began to practice, and si!'I prac-

ANIlkTcsi. 0A writer, speaking of the various

kinds .of black silk, gives the followingdirections for detecting the spuriousfrom the genuine article: "Take tenlibers ofthe tilling in any silk, and if onbreaking they shiny a feathery, ihyanillack-luster condition, discoloring thelingers in handling, you may at once helure of the presence of dye and artifi-cial weighting. Or take a small por-sion of these libers between the thumband forefinger and gently roll them overand over and .you- will readily detect inthe one gum, mineral, soap and otheriuirredients, and the absence of them inthe other. A simple but cfl'ecthe testof purity is to burn a small quantity ofthe libers; pun1 silk will instantly crisp,

i l h l l i

In China, where the opium habitruins and destroys many men annually,the efforts of the government to abolishor diminish the use of opium have re-cently been more energetic than ever.All these efforts have.been in vain,us werethose of many years previous. The Pekingovernment have at last determined totake the final step in the business, andan edict has been issued, which goes intoeffect nexfyear, making the use or saleof opium punishable by death. It ishard to say now the edictwill be met bythe ten million opium eaters of the Ce-lestial Kmpire, or what proportion ofthem will eomelo this country to enjoytheir fascinating custom.

There was buried in the cemetery ofSI. James the Less, in Philadelphia, re-cently, tho man who was known as theManoflioots—not Greek roots, but na-ture's own. Joseph Smith was born inthe mining districts of England eighty-one years ago, and coming to this coun-try focnted at Ashland, Schuylkill coun-ty, l'a. Whjle he was living at Ashlandlie chanced to find a curious root inthe woods one day. He whittled aim-lessly on the root for a few minuteswhen, lo! it became JI perfect owl's head,Joseph's interest in roots was at onceexcited und he began to collect all thecurious ones he could find. Hesoonhadhis house filled with hundreds of shapesthat wore conjured out of laurel • root,pine knot or stone, his strange fancyglowing by what it fed on.

It is a sign of the growing interestamong women in regard to theways and means of industrial educationthat a petition is being circulated andnumerously signed by women in all theStates ofthe Union, which will be pre-sented to the next Congress, asking itsfavorable consideration of a plan for tli-cstablishinent of national schools of de-sign. A Washington paper thinks that-" thorough training in schools of art anddesign will make the women and menwho receive it sell-sustaining. Skilledlabor always commands its price, andtechnical education underlies the stir*cess of many branches' of industry, andwill help to solve the hiborijuestion. Itis in this belief that the petition has beencirculated and signed by professors, inschools throughout the country, and bya list of women's names from all theStates, including several hundred in thisdistrict, and also in the hope that Con-gress will uikesuch action in the matter

piano. a bullet, or a bureau Hut- then ! ll:'iiied by tomato sauce, made its appear-> and I a< Kmily cheerfully observed, small •""•"• M>' di-ooping spirits revived,inner. Mialit | looms have their advantages. | " ( 'I»M^ arc always chops was my ncMd fresh cgLrsat j •• For you couldn't poke the lire, raise I reliction. Alas! I dxln t know IVofes-

,„, . land lower the windoH'-sliatles ami rimr I sor Stoopann.'•"Iliere, Charles dear, what <lo ymi the bell fort Illilia without leavin>'y<nir I lie moment I attacked my chop I

think of that?" asked Kmily, iriuni- seat at llie breakfast lahlc. if u.u lived in f " l l m i ' ' ;- " ' laey. It was composed nfphantly. • --n't that economy:-' ,\,,,1 lari.11 rooms," she added : and certainly | something, I couhl not. tell what, carc-only think !..iw vou will enjoy a nicefresh-laid egg for your breakfa'st!"

"Hut, my dear girl." I said, trying tolook grave, "we couldn't buy :i wholesheep or a whole ox at once, you know.1'

"Hut if the whole animal didn't costas mueh.asji.alf an animal at the butch-er's price, what then?" persisted Emily,looking annoyed.

"Even then, my darling, I think itwould bi> cheaper to buy our chops anilcutlets from the Imbiber," said I., per-suiisively; "because, you see, we shouldget so tiled of a whole animal before wehad eaten it all."

" Well, we won't argue. You know Idon't approve of arguments, Charles,'replied Emily, feelingly, and so the sub-ject was dismissed.

However, I took Emily's advice, andbegan to study domestic economy. Iprovided myself with a note-boo"k; Iasked my married friends so many ques-tions about prices, values and iiunntitiesthut I became positively tiresome; I lostno opportunity of adding to my stock ofknowledge sis regarded fuel, provisions,wages and house rent. All the infnrnmtion thus gleaned was carried duly toEmily, an* carefully classified by herunder various he:idings.

The evenings we spent together wereno longer devoted to the "sweet noth-ngs " with which ordinary lovers nvewont to delight themselves. On thcontrary, we gave ourselves up to themost abtruse and perplexing calcula-tions, in which my slender siilnry wnsdivided nnd subdivided to suit our plans.I should have enjoyed these eveningsmuch more if 1 could have persuadedEmily to add up a column of figureswithout counting oil her fingers, but Icould not.

"Seventeen-and-six — let me see —eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one,twenty-two, twenty-three.." Bhe wouldsay, drumming each finger on the tableuntil BIIC reached the Bum total, whichshe gavo with triumphant emphasisalways.

However, finding that my remon-strances seemed to liurt the dear girl'sfeelings, I said no more.

About this time our correspondencelost much of its distinctly Tover-liko

. - character, and for the Bnrne reasons. Iused to send Emily so many scraps ofuseful information for her note-hook,and gel so many directions in return,

"/'that tho results were rather poculinr.. ^ 'For instance, I would write thus:.•;,'•* "MvO. D.P . D, L. V.—Lamb is always

, , , dourer than mutton, and does not go as fur. Ifind that croura oi tarUvr Is cortiunly cheaper

' by till! barrel, 0«t Jones' wife soya shonovor• .Ouj.bntIiabTapotindattttiino.

•I-1'.•'.','.•";•'•.•. •.'•"", ••'-'.. : " E v e f y o n r e , O B A R L I E . "* But porhapb-jnu miiy not Understnndw ' tho meaning of thoo. aixinitlnl letters at

O) t i i n g of my 1Oii beginn'' J , 'WAS » Vorj

thoo aof myjplo and cdu.,nip^'t ^gftvo time nnrt ipC, l n

" of having to wrift"Hy own dear


that was viry true.Antl, by-the-way, I haven't told you

about Ottilia yet." Most people wouldhave culled her our servant, but Kmilysaid she was our "assistant in house-keeping." She spoke of herself in answering our advertiscnicnl as"'a young person of culture and reline-nicnt who had met with reverses tnulhad had a ' blight.'"

My own impression of her was thatshe was calculated to blight any one whomight IKS doomed to her daily compan-ionship. She had an unpleasant way of.becoming suddenly abslraeted while intin1 performance of her daily duties, andthen raising herself with a prodigiousstart antl n succession of hollow sighs.On one of these occasions she informedKmily tonlidontinlly.tlial "the Vision ofthe Loved and Lost had glided on theecu'.''As a number of mishaps, including

inich broken china, had resulted fromhese inopportune appearances of " the

loved mid I».«t," we did. not look amia-bly upon them. -Jiut when I advisedEmily to change her handmaid, «ho re-fused, on the ground of raiim is.ion.

"-Why. Charles-, she i- -in-li „ wcll-'ilueated and refined young woman tlmtshe could not endure tho annoyances ofordinary service," said my wife.earnestly."She tells me every day that she is sohappy with us, and she looks up to meas if I u-as her mother."

" Very nU'eetini;, certainly," was mycomment, "considering that you aretwenty, and she will never see fortyagain."

" Oh, Charles! why, she is only thirty;she told me. ao; nnd you know she. saysthat slieis 11 blighted being," concludedmy wife, solemnly; "so you ought notto be impatient w'ith.the poor thing."

Of course Ottilia remained, nnd I badto, reconcile myself to her woe-begonoways. But her cooking wns our great-est trial, and beforo many days Lmilynnnouneed to me her intention of joining11 cooking clnsB.'"

"It 's such nn opportunity, mydear!" she told >me ono evening. "Pro-fessor Stoopann is a very accomplishedman, who has thp most charming ideasabout cooking. Ho considers it a finonrt, nnd ho can make nny one a perfectcook in ten lessons. We begin to-mor-row."

"Don't you thinkit would bo wiser toteach Ottilia something," I observed," and let her rlo tho cooking, instead ofuttemnting to do it yoursoliP"

"No, indeed," saitl Emily, promptly." I must take the lessons, nail thenjn-struct Ottilia by example rather thanprfMopt. Besides "—in nwhispor—" I'mnfrnirt tho poor-thing -doesn't learn voryeasily: she's had 80 much trouble, youknow." . .

So my ivifo locnmo a mcmliorof thoIllustrious Stoonann'fl olnss, nnd growmoro cnthusinstlo over his teachings''•"'hy dny.: 1•^liow mfflsdorAil—pclfootly.- womlnrfitl

"•'•• — 'V»iiW».ln-8ll0 <K-

tices, iii Ann Arbor. Mich.In 1877 Martha Angle Hdrscti was ad-

mitted in Minnesota. She was probablvadmitted in Iowa, where she attendedlaw school the vear previous.

In 1H78 Agnes Scott, of Tillin. ()., andMisj Merrill, of Chicago, were ad-mitted in theiivrcspcctivo Stales. Mi«Merrill graduated from the law school in('hicago.

In 1H78 two cadets were1 admitted fromthe law school in Iowa, and arc nowpatiently learniim thu-4i4;tils of practice111 a law oiliee. ' Him names arc not al

lion of that hsb-pic. I | | ] :m,|.•my lish. I found an '[,, 'IH7<J ihcrc have been «„ far three

wuincn admitted—Mi^s Angie Kini;and Miss Kane, of Janesville, andMrs. Clara S. Koltz. of California. Mi*sKing is Miss (itiodeirs partner. Mi-*Kane has locaf ed in Milwaukee and Mr-,l-'ortz in San Francisco.

Mrs. ,1. I'.lh'n Foster practiro in Clin-ton, Ia. The writer has no data to fixthe t'liu1 of her admission, but under-slands that she 'has been several vcarsadmitted. Ucsides. those referred to,there arc are at least two more who havent some time been admitttd in Iowa,whose names arc not known to the,"liter. These are in addition to the twomentioned us admitted in IH78.

Thus it will be seen that at leastfully shaped, and then tied f:tst to--nothing more or le-s than a tooth-brushhandle, beautifully scrapi'dand polished.

This was tuo much. I looked :itJack. I saw the expression of dismayon his face. I glanced across at Kmily.serenely unconscious of my feelings; andyielding to an uncontrollable impulse, Iordered the boy in a voice of thunder toremove that dish. ^

As to the rest of tlmt dinner I can onlysay it w:w worthy of the beginning.Kwn what appeared to be a magnificenttint or pudding collapsed like a soap-bubble at the lirst touch of the spoon,and left nothing hut a little sweetenedfroth behind, too scanty to he divided.

I was not at all surprised when Jackpleaded an engagement, and hastenedaway, without waiting to smoke a cigarwith me. He was going to dine, I knew.

Having seen him down stjiirs, I rc-uirneil to my wife, who was both as-tonished and indignant at my somewhatwarmly expressed opinions about thedinner.

"That soup!" she exclaimed ; "youdidn't like tliat'soup? Why, it's one ofProfessor Stoopann's own inventions.He taught us to make it ofthe water inwhich the potatoes have been boiled,and it is very nourishing as well iiseconomical. The professor lias lived onit for years."

" And that lish-pie," I interrupted," whnt whs that made of?—for therewas no fish there."

Emily looked disappointed. "Why,"how did you find that out so so'unP" sheasked; "for 1 thought the deception winperfect. Professor Stoopann said no onecould toll the difference. That's won-derful. Hut. since you've guessed somuch I'll tell you the rest. Thatjfish-pie was'made entirely of sonic scraps ofcold roast beef, and is even more eco-nomical than tlie soup."

"And how about those nhops? (Janyou tell me, my dear, what they weremado of, or why you placed such an un-palatable joko 011 our tablcF" was mynext question.

But just hero Emily burst into tears."I—I—think you're—too—cruel," shesobbed., "Aftorl'd taken such pains—and burned my face and my poo—or fm-gers—and tried all the professor's bestdishes—just to bo scolded —it's toomuch!"

"liut, Kmily, don't you sec—"I be-gun. She interrupted me..

"1 cut nil those handles off our oldbrushes, and I polished them nil myselfwith sand-paper, and fled them on, nndeverything, and then you find fault. Itis cruel! Oo—00—ool"

"Still, my dear, it is a pity that youhud not chosen some other occasion fortlmtyet

tivenly-six women hnye be<'n admittedto the bar in the l.'nitecl States, not lessthan seventeen nf whom are in activepractice. Others have studied law andcompleted courses in law schools, butbeing unconnected with practice anil un-admitted, their names are not given.—C/iicai/o Jntcr-Occan.

, display of ingenuity," said I, notvanquished. "You must have

noticed that Jack ate nothing.""Oh, Charles, you are too unkind !

't l i t h t ff d d i ? d

FiMhlou IVoteM.

Surplice plniting is used on the waistsof .some of the summer dresses.

IJnen costumes embroidered all overare shown by some dn^sinakers.

Black-thread stockings, embroideredin pale tints, are new this season.-

Shirred trimmings will be found every-where and on all gowns this year.

Some new sleeves are so ti.ght thatthey are buttoned from the elbow.

Dotted veils are in fashion again. Theeye doctors are/ull of enthusiasm.

I'onimuluur necks are now cut with anupward point across the lower edge.

Ladies are going into the pointedshoe-toe business, possibly with the viewto being sharper than ever.

Monsquetaire hats will be worn forsummer with plumes three-quarters of ayard in length hanging down to theshoulder.

Corduroy purses, to correspond withthe colAr of your dress are new. Wobelieve there is no change in the eolnr ofthe money.

Thi! " Copcau" or shaving fringe isnow superseding grass fringe; it re-sembles a narrow tape crimped, antl i.«sometimes curleil atshavings.

ipe crimpthe edgesJges like wood

judgment is the ground, the memory isthe recorder anil this passion is longretained.

Quit brooding over your troubles,misfortunes nnd losses. A bravo man,with a soul in him worth anything, getsout of such pitiful ruts and laughs tit dis-couragements— rolls up liia sleeves,whistles and sings, and makes tho bestof life. The earth is not Paradise—youare only on the road there, if you tnkethe right direction.

New hosiery for summer wear is multof lino Sea Island cotton in cream andmiustii! tints, embroidered on the instepsand up tho sides with colored embroid-ery in jardiniere effects.

Tho new out-door garments, mostlyof camel's hair, nro lntulo up as mantil-las, short behind and vory long in front,either square, rounded or pointed. Thetrimmings are of fringe, plaited laceand passementerie ornaments.

Galloons nnd embroideries for Bum-mer suitsarc in nil colors. The galloonsare of cotton in al. colors, such as blue,brown, or red, on'eoru or white ground-ings. They aro altogether in very finoopen work. Other galloons are of beads,in designs of leaves nnrl flowers, nnd areused to trim faillo . and foulard suits.Some galloons are of cotton embroideredin the shape of flowers, and also in openwork resembling velvet or ohenillo.

Old-fashioned scarfs^ like those wornabout fifteen years ago, nro ngnin in use. i l l u ,,„.„._,,_. „ „-—„,.„They nro now mado of black satin, trim-1 The monk's Miss-Salined with frlngo or lnce. "XjQrge-de-; Tho soldier's Mis9-Ue

„.., „ .„, j „ pigeon "silkflnrcngain in vogue. VFholo Father Time's ...Misa-SpontDidn't lie praise that puff pudding? ami toilets hnvo not yet been mudn of this Kveryhody's... Miss-ljortunewasn't it really lovely P nnd all miule colored' silk, but tlio first step-has been Santa-Cliuis v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M BS-L-TOOout of 0110 egg und two spoonAils of !tak<?n l)y making out. of this material Perhaps tins is nil a Miss-Take.—Das-sugar! Wasn't that «. success,;I .should some vory pretty bonnets: One of those ton Commercial Bulletin.

pleaving only pure charcoal: lieavirlyed silk will smolder, leaving a yel-low, greasy ash. If on the contrary youcan never , ' o r h a r d l y ever , ' break t he I • , • v * ."",'.'" ' V - 1 1 1.1ten s t r a n d s and they are of a n a t u r a l Ills- » b u b o m e . l i s e a . s e w h i c h p r e c e d e d t h e r e

, J , f . , . 1, , 1 rent". m i t h r p J i L - rlt tli(> n IL'"I1C ill A s t i':ic 1:1

Uie importancemands." *

of the subject de-

t.-r and brilliancy, anil fail to discolortbe lingers at poin1 of contact, you maybe well assured that you have a puresilk, that is honest in its make, durablein its wear.'1

While no new cases ofthe plague anreported in Russia, European nied'icajournals show that there exists-, and notwithout reason, the greatest fears thatwith the return of warm weather il wjibreak out again with unabated virulenceand that its ravages will theji not be con-lined to one distant district, but spreadall over the empire as wel'adjoining countries. There is nowknown to exist in St. l'etersburg, VitefskOdessa, Warsaw and in other districts iiHussia u bubonic iifl'ection, with whielHussian.physiclans are unfamiliar, whidis very similar to, if not identical with

nt outbreak of tlm plague in Astntinml previous onos in Persia and Miwpotaniia. Hy s»mo, indcnl, tliis dis

! caSL* is I'onsidorod H mild fcirm nf tin*! ptaguo itself. While cacli new caso of; tin* phifnu' causes the greatest :il;irniunions the people, HA tlie probable fore-runner <if renewed devastations, the

j medical fnitcrnity see in this scerain.nlyI trivial bubonic nfTt'ftioa cause for theirravest approliension tn the near future.


The Fakirs of Iiiiliu.Tip' religion of the lTimlotK toaches

llii'in that men become saints, disfiguringtln'ir bodies, and living in nakedness:md filth. Theso Hindoo saints aro call- i At anv rate, dan.JP'i* ofrofurrenee will notd fakirs (pronounced fah-keers). They;

form a class of people by themselves, jgenerally wandering abnut from plaro toplace, having no fixed home. Theydeem it n virtue to be filthy and almostnaked. They neither cut their hair norcomb it, twisting it about their heads orlettingit li.-iiiit loosely. They paint theirnaked bodies nr rub ashes over them, so.• to make themselves as. repulsive aspiw-ihlc A few years ai;o there weresjii.l to be I wo niilliiins o! these fakirs inIndia. The people greatly reverencetl - . . -

be passed for more than a year.

Newspaper readers will remember thetrial of Kngland's criminal phenomenon,Charles Peace, who lfgnred so much intype and on tongue, a few months ago.Just before his execution this notoriousoutlaw made it known that he had mur-dered Cock, a Manchester policeman,for which crime William llabron, ayoung Irishman, was soon to be hung.A clever dodge on the part of Peace, thepublic thought, to provoke investiga-

What does Vicksburg, Mies. PThe scavenger is an offal fellow.Lost at sea—The contents of the

stomach.A motto for a policeman—Let us club

together.How to get rid of your fatr-Sell it to

;he soap-grease man.You wouldn't think it, but a bed-

cover is like a blister. It's a counter-pain.

The careful husbandman is having alittle trimming put on his trees, and niseconomical spouse is having her bonnetput througli a similar process.

Thn won who him a Bulking wifeCan't please her with a sonnet;

There's just ono way to end tho Btrife—Buy her a summer bonnet.

— Waterloo Observer.A six-year-old boy, who had been im-

prisoned up_ stairs for some mischief," raise.l" a line brood of chickens by fish-ing with a hook and line from his prisonwindow. .

J. P. Sanderson, chief elephant catcherin India, has caught ninety-four ele-phants since his arrival at Mysore in De-cember. Four men of the elephant-catching force have been killed.

" I have read the papers!" was the replyof a simple appearing old gentleman fromthe country, who was asked to take ahand in a game of cards on an Erie train.P. S.—Now is the time to subscribe.

To HE TittiSTKD.—One grocer, asksanother: "Is Mr. , a man to betrusted?" " I think you'd find him so,"was the reply. "If you trust him onceyou'll trust him forever. Ho never pays."

An old bachelor, who particularlyhated literary women, asked 1111 author-ess if she could throw any light on kiss-ing. " I could," said she, looking archlyat him, but I think it's better in thedark." . '

The New York Commercial Adrcrliscrhas heard from the war in South Ameri-ca. It says: "A terrific engagementtook place on the 5th lilt, between theChilians and Bolivians. One brigadier-

•neral lost his hat."A most interesting sight to see is that

of a young lady with " lips like rubies,"with "teeth of pearly whiteness," andwith cheeks thatliavestolen the "deepcarnation of the deathless rose," wit'iher mouth full of gingerbread!

An Illinois man sleeps every night ona spot of ground left bare for tlie purposein his house, and lias an attendantshovel clean earth over him to take theplace of bedclothes. He believes that111 this wiiy he guards against disease.

It is our good nature and not our finefurniture that makes home attractive.—.Veio York Kur.i. liut when allthe bed slats fall out of place, andwaken you up with a crash about mid-night, what becomes of your good na-ture?— New Harm Register.

Every young man in the Sioux nationcarries a pocket-mirror, either of glass,hacked with quicksilver, or of someshining metal; but an Indian maid isnot permitted to look at « rellection ofher tai'c, even in 11 brook, for this is themasculine privilege.

A boy ten years old, son of \ \ \ A. Al-bert, while playing in a corn bin in theelevator at I'enlicld, 111.,was drawn down

• a spout which was discharging into aj car. and was drowned in the corn, XoI cllurts could rescue him, although forI some lime hi* gasping could be heard.j It is entertaining to Hole the variety ofI opinion that prevails regarding perfectj happiness. '1 he printer, for instance,imagines that the millennium means atime when he will get fifty cents per

' thousand ems, and bedstead slats will beused instead of leads.—SI. Louis 'Hint*.

lietii. seeking their Messing and dread- j tion and thus gain respite. So Peaeewiusng their curse.. They are great beggars, hung. Sbortiv afterward ibc Cock 111 ur-1111I 1111 one dares refuse them a gift, der was again looked into in accordanceThe proudest Brahmin will bow down

der was again looked into in accordancewith thesuggestionof Peace. It was foundi l . . L j . 1 . . . 1 . . . 1 T . . 1 - . . 1 . I . . 1 . 1 _ ! 1 T , . . 1 i 1 . ~ - . 1 ? . .before one of these wretched creatures I that the buffet which killed.the poli

whom !i :..i,-,> 11- .,. .i: t upon thestreet.

There is a class of these fakirs whogive themselves up to -01111! special formof self-torture, and it is astonishingwhat sull'erings they will endure. Oc-casionally one will make a vow to fastenhis eyes on an object and never takethem off while waking. He will standfnr days with lixed gaze, as if he weresin:: Some of th' devotees wi1'stand on one foot until their legs shrivel,and it becomes impossible for them towalk. Others will tie an arm over thehead, and keep it there until it becomesrigid and useless. A missionary tells ofa fakir whom he once met who wasmaking a pilgrimage to Benares, a dis-tance of 2.10 miles, by measuring thewhole distance with his body. Hewould throw himself at full length uponthe ground, and then placing his feetwhere his head struck, repeat the pro-cess all the day long. '

._ Words of Wisdom.Fear naturally quickens the flight of

guilt.Knowledge is more than equivalent to

force.Tears are the gift which love bestows

upon the memory of theabsen and theywill avail to keep the heart from sullbcn'-tion.

How many useful hints are obtainedby chance,' and how often the mind,hurried by her own ardor to distantviews, neglects the truths that lie openbefore her.

Don't you wish sometimes that theworld would slop talking and let youthink? And have you never been exas-perated to hear some one utter the verythought which you had cherished asall your own, and which you were justgoing to utter?

Beware of him who is slow to anger.Anger, when it is long in coming,'is thestronger when it comes and the longer,kept. Abused patience turns to fury.When fancy is the ground of passion,that understanding which composes thofancy qualifies the passion; but when

an fitted the executed man's revolver,and that it did not lit young Hnhron'sweapon. Other points were revived andllabron was released from the Portlandprison. He was not informed of thepardon, hut supposed he was soon to beliung. His neck had been measured afew days before. At last it dawned uponhim gradually that he was not to die.The relief affected his nervous system.

''.! under good treatment he rallied andis now a happy man. Thus after an im-prisonment of three years and whenwithin astepof the gallows an innocentmm is saved from martyrtloni to law.

SHOULDN'T HE MIS3-E1).The antiquarian's bride Miss-TerryThe tailor's Miss-Fitts_Tho bllliiirdiat's :.' .Miss-CueThe eynie's Mias-Ann-ThropeTho atheist's Miss-Bell-LiefTlie editor's Miss-L-LnncousThe boy's. Miss-ChiofTlie politician's '••.•• .Miss-Count

At the fifth anniversary of the Wo-man's Christian Temperance Union,..ofNew York city, Hon. William E. Podgepresided, and in an address he told tliestory of a lady, belonging to one of thebest families in New York, whose hus-band—a leading citizen—was so muchthe slave of intoxication that he wouldleave his business often and remain athome on Yi drunken'debauch for weeks.The wife withdrew from society, ofwhich she was a bright ornament, andexerted herself to redeem her husbandif possible, or to prevent his vice frombecoming known. At length, when thetruth could no longer be concealed, sheconfided in the speaker and his wife,and-through their efforts the husbandwas induced to sign the pledge, whichhe kept for se.Vetul years. "This day,"said Mr. Dodge, " he is1 occupying a veryhigh position in this city, though I fearhe is- not entirely temperate. Whilenone suffer more, none can labor moreeffectually than women; and I rejoice inthe work which the ladies of this Chris-tian Union are doing for the cause oftemperance."

Tho Exorcise of the Veto Powor.Since the foundation of the United

States government the vetp power hasbeen exercised by tho President of thiiUnited States ninety-three times. Wash-ington sent two veto messages to Con-gress—pno returning a bill fop the appor-tionment of members of Congress, thoother returning a bill to reduce the army.The reason assigned for not approvingthe bill first named was that its provis-ions were impracticable. Ho vetoedthe bill to reduce the army because itwas injudicious and unjust. Madisonsent six veto messages to Congress.Among the bills disapproved by himwas ono conferring naturalization privi-leges, which the President thought was"liable to abuse- bv aliens," and one'toestablish tho United States Bank, whichwns not approved, because the Presidentthought it "did not moot public require-ments." Moriroo votded only one billto extend aid to tho Cumberland road.Jackson vetoed twelve bills, Tyler nino,Polk three, Pierco nine, Buchanan four,Lincoln one, Johnson seventeen, Grant,twenty-six, and Hayes three, namely,the Silver bill, a bill authorizing aspecial term of the Circuit Court inMississippi and tho Cliinnso bill. Thoriver nnd harbor appropriation wasvfitoed, by .Taokson twice, and by Tyler,Polk and Plorce each once. The seven-teen bills vetoed by Johnson were of apolitical diameter, nnd nil wore passedover the veto excopt ono, namoly, a billto admit tho Territory of Colorado intotho Union. ; ... . . - •;


IVllilllMiii Rampant ami the (iovrrilineiilAlmost Powci'!eSH--.Ntlr|.lnt? KcrlieN InNt. PeterMburt;.

The Xew York (Imphir -ays: Fewpersons have yet begun lo realize whatmartial law in Kussia actually means—that is, how the honeyed phrases nf the"ukase" will be carried out in practice.

That military force should be re-sorted to openly in a depotism like Rus-sia means that the civil authori|[cs—theinnumerable polico agents—have failedto cope with the disorganizing elementsin society. It is simply incredible tlmtwere the Nihilists but a small band, anilwere they without support in society atlarge, that the police could not success-fully nut them down. The fact is, werenot llie Russian people dissatisfied withthe despotism under which they havebeen ground down and from which theyhave Tost :rll hope of escaping by peacea-ble means, Nihilism would cease to bedangerous. Its real strength lies in theapathy if not in the sympathy of thebulk of the population.

A St. Petersburg letter to the C'ol-ogne (liizetlc gives a terrible picture ofthe condition ofthe Russian capital un-der the military terrorism. No one ispermitted out of his house afternine o'clock at night without 11 certifi-cate or pass. Arrests are numerous—every place is watched, and yet grenadesare exploded in the street every day."The Nihilists keep the police and thetroops in a constant state ot excitement,hoping to weary them out in time andlull them into a false security, fromwhich agiand attack will rudely awakenthem. The letter proceeds:

"In the night between Friday andSaturday seditious placards were foundstuck up in the vicinity of the theatersand at cornci-s of the busiest streets, andalthough the city police and the detec-tives at once hurried up and tore downtho manifestoes, they nevertheless ap-peared anew, ns though conjured forthfrom the walls by enchantment. Pas-sers-by stopped to read tho bills, and inone night the police arrested upward of150 persons. Among all'those taken thepolice failed to find in a single cose nsmuch as a scrap of paper which ap-peared to have anything to do with theproclamation, 'ihc secret bill-sticker,on the other band, went on with hiswork indefatiijably. and the police couldnot succeed in discovering him. Thealarm at last became so great that twocompanies, under command of Colonelde Berg, marched out and were postedat tho entrances to a number of nousesand in the,street, but when the guardhad its attention called to the right billswere posted up on the left, and after theyhad been torn down on tho left them onthe right again appeared the manifes-toes of tho men of tho revolution."

An International Postal Card.The Postoffice Department at Wash-

ington, has approved-a design for a newinternational two-cent postal for by the Universal Postal Union,and tho recent act of Congress. On theupper left, corner nro tho words " Uni-versal Postal Union, United States ofAmerica," in English and French, thePostal Union requiring that such in-scription shall bo in the Innguago of thecountry from whioh the card is sent nndin French; and on tho right upper cor-ner is tho stamp consisting of 11 liead ofLiberty, copied from tho gold doubleeagle, surrounded by a ribbon border,with a monogram "U..S." iit tho topand n buckle at the bottom, with thofigure " 2 " in octagon blocks on eitherside. In tho upper Iinlf-of the circle arotho words "Postal Card," and in thelower half, "Two Cents,"- Tho cardhas a neat border around the edge on theaddrosa sldq,, Tho plates will he pre-pared as soon ns possible, and forwardedto.tho manufacturer of tho cards.

Page 3: MUSIC STORE. 'HAROLD K. AtUTBOM, HANK. N. J, Furniture repaired nr.ilvuniiylHid. Plclurcfnuncfl f.irruti!. S;iL'cial-uc:ciitio:i


- Setting Out Trcea.The following practical directions for

transplanting fruit trees are famished byP. Barry, of the Mount Hope Nurseriesto the KAdiester Democrat :

T H E SOIL OK FRUITTUEES.—The aver-age soil to be found in the garden of anypart' of our city is good enough in itsnatural state. All It needs isagooddeepplowing or spading, to fit it for trees. I tmust be free from stagnant water. Noone would think of permitting the gar-den which surrounds his dwelling to re-main a swamp. For health's sate thedrainagi; must l>u perfect. The health offruit trees requires this too.

How TO PLANT.—Inexperienced per-sons arc very apt to make a great fussover the planting of a tree, qr they willrun to the other extreme and cram it intothe ground as they would a bean pole.Very common errors are planting toodeeply and applying manure around theroots. No manure .is needed at time ofplanting—wnit till the tree gets to grow-ing and then applythe manure, if need-ed, on tliesurface of tlie ground over theroots. Dig a hole large enough and deepenough to receive the roots, spread outin their natural way, and so that thetree will stand no deeper in the groundthan it did in the nursery; then till ingood surface earth among the roots care-fully, filling every space. When thespaces lire all tilled ,and the roots cov-ered, then begin to pack the earth as itgoes iii, and keep pocking firmly till thework is complete. To the errors I havealready mentioned—deep planting andmanure at the roots—I will add theother—loose planting, which is very

. general and very fatal. Don't be afraidof making tho- earth too firm about theroots.

T H E USE OF WATER IN PLANTING.—Itis very common to pour water aroundtho roots of a tree at planting, withoutstopping to/inquire why. Unless thesoil lsextreniely dry, in the apring, umlthe tree has already commenced to grow,water doesmore harm than good. Anilright here it may :is well be said, if dryweather ensues after planting so as to('fleet the tree, do not sprinklcevery day,but remove two inches of the surface overtilt roots mill pour water enough to goclear down to tho lowest roots—replacetho Hirth amiji]ii)c)i with n little hay, orgriuss, or straw, or tanbark, or some-thing to pri'vent rapid evaporation.Seldom will any more water be nerded.

W H A T KIND OK TREES TO PLANT —Most people want large trees, must haveInrgn tri'iv; when the planting humorconn's patience seems to be lost—musthave trees that will beur right away,i/ookini,' at trees just of the proper sizethev will exclaim, " Who could wait forsucn whips to bear?11 "'We may all bein our graves bofore that time.1' Trueenougli. There may be exceptional caseswhen a1 few large, trees, removed andplanted with extraordinary rare, may bea success, but in a general way thetrees Uiat plant most successfully andthrive best after phinting, anil ultimate-ly make tin1 most healthy, productiveand lonii-livi d trees, are those trans-planted youn£—say apples three or fouryears, pcavs :md plums two to fouryears, cherries two years, peaches onevcar. The an;c means the growth of thebud or graft, and has no reference to thea^e of the stock grafted or budded upon.

• Theoldcr (In1 tree the greater (lie checkin transplanting, and why theyiiung tn'i's will overtake and puss theolder and larger tree in the race ofxroivth. But whatever may be the age,size or character of your tree, look well1o its roots. Have them all, or as mamnf them in-niay lie .possible, preservedfrom mutilation or injury of any kindand iirntivt. them from the air. so thatthey will not he dried to death before

_you i i't them in the ground. I sec ]ieo-~l>]e every year handling trees as if theywere ilrv brush, and it should be an in-dirtilbleotVenrc.

W H A T AUDIT Purxixi; AT THE TIMI.<>K TiiAXSi'i.AXTixii?—Thiais a mootedilucMion, but long experience showsthat whatever theory may teach, il issafe to shorten hack *the branches atlime of planting: lliis by reducing thenumber of leaf-buds, and consequentlyleaves, reduces th'-'ir evaporating powerswhileihe tree is forming new roots andgetting used lo its now home. A rnoilrule, as far as we can make a rule, is tocut bark tlin young shoots to two orIhrce buds at the IIMSO, and where shootsare too close cut out some of them alto-gether.

IloW 1A11 Al'AHT Sllori.ll TliKF.S HEI'l.AM'EO?—Tin1 average distances mayhe given as follows: Standard trees—Apples, thirly feet, pears and cherries,twenty feet, tile smaller e!a>s of cherrieswill (to very well at fifteen to eighteenfeet; plums, peaches, apricots ami n» <•-tarines, sixteen to eighteen feet, i|iiimes.tentotwelve feet. Uwurf'trpcs—Appleson paradise slock, six feet apart, aminothing in the whole range of fruit cul-ture is mure interesting than these min-iature apple trees, three or four feet inheight anil the .samiMndiami'ter.whi'tlierin blossom or fruit. Pears, cherries andplums, ten to twelve feet. Currants,gooseberries and raspberries, three tofour feet. These distances can of coursehe varied to suit circumstances.

ll.nltli Ilium.Turpentine spread on leather will

draw out splinters and thorns from thellesh.

A poultice of boiled hyssop will set toright a blood-shot eye, and remove theunpleasant color from a "black eye."

Sick headache can generally be re-lieved by soaking (lie feet ill warmwater, in which a spoonful of powderedmustard has been stirre:!. Soak as longas possible, or till the water gets cool; itdraws the blood from the head.

Horseradish will aflbrd instantaneousrelief in most, obstinate, cases oi hoarse-ness. The root, of course, possesses themost virtue, though the leaves are goodtill dry, when they lost? their strength.The root is best wlicn it is green. Theprson who will use it freely just be-fore beginning lo speak, will not betroubled with hoarseness.

If a tish bone or a portion of foodsticks in llu; throat and threatens toproduce suffocation, first give a smartblow between the shoulders. This willmost likely dislodge the substance. Ifthe patient can make any attempt toswallow, put a large lump of butter inhis mouth. This will help the offend-ing substance to puss down the throatmore easily. If he cannot swallow,put the linger as far down the throat aspossible, and endeavor to pull the honeor meat out, or tickle the throat toproduce immediate vomiting. Unlessthere is prompt action, iife may he lost.—Western Iturnl.

iMiua of Life tells bow rashes differ, asfollows:'' Measles appear as anumber otdull red spots, in many places runninginto each other, and is usually first seenabout the face and on tho forehead, nearthoiroots of tlio hair, and is often pre-ceded by running of the eyes and. nose,and all the signs of a Bcvoro cold.Scarlet fever appears first nbout thoneck and chest, hut not unfrequently nttho bend of the elbow or under the knee,and is usually preceded by sore, throat.It can be distinguised from roseola, nmild disease which is BolnotimeB"mis-taken for it,v by tho bright red color oftlio skin, which appears not unlike aboiled lobster. In chiekenrpox, thosymptom is attended by lover, tho spotsnre small separate pimples, nnd comaout generally over the-wholo body.1'

noiMbhoM IUlita. .'• STAIR Uoos;—To o'leim stair rods', usowoolen cloth wet with water nnd dipped


iii soflf-d JJJO.1 iisLes; nitertyurd ru'o wilL ia dry cloth.

REPELLING MOTHS.—If fine cut tobaccobe sprinkled under thp 'edge of carpets,and under those places where bureaus,bookcases nnd the like make it dark, theluotlis will lie preveii toil from laying tlieiregns in them, as it will drive them away.

l o KEEI- BEDS FUOM HAVING BUGS.—A liolcl keepiT snys: My plan is, nt thisseason, to liuve all ray beds.taken topieces, to sciub all the joints and endswith water and soap, and then to use anyhard varnish for the ends, flats, etc. Iknow of no other method as easy or asthorough. I have used this in Georgiaand Florida.

IIAIU-EHL'SIILS;—A few drops of harts-horn put in" 11 little vruter will clean alisiir-hnish better than ;mj tiling else, itmlduos the brush no harm. If vi'ry dirtyrub n little soap on the brush. Aftercleaning, rinse in clear water, nnd hungthu brush up by tho window to dry. Donot let tho bristles on ntfy hard substancewhile wet. It is better to tie a stringround the handle and hang up.

AGot>i>"("—In buklng buck-wheat and other griddle cakes, n, piece offat bacon as a "greaser" is by manythought to be almost indispensable.Those who are of this opinion will, pntrial, soon lcara that a turnip, divided intwo, answers the same oi1 a better pur-pose, ax the odor—the most unpleasantpart of cnkii baking—comes from thegreaser in contact with the hot iron,whereas with the turnip very little ofthis is percept!bit1.

About Verhenai.Do not attempt to save tho lariz:)' roots.

T:ikt; new slips of the young runnerswhich have rooted, and plant them in abox of nice light earth. Sprinkle umlplace in a shaded, moderately cool placefor a iveok. Thun kike, to ivintcr-uiinr-ti-i's, which must be a light, airy place,nilJier cool than otherwise. Fumigateevery week or two with tobacco, and wettin' soil with weak tobacco tea once eachweek. Treated thus, your plants willbloom all winter. Watch closely fnriii-M'cts, anil do not kuep too warm. TakeIlie old plants (first cutting oil'the youngshoots remaining still in the bcri), packthem one after another into a keg or lioxuntil it is well filled ; then shake sand ordry earth into tho receptacle until it. isfilled. Cut oil'all old blossoms or biuls,and loose, straggling branches. I'lacetlic keg in it place secure from frost, nndif tlit- place is a dry one, sprinkle a vervlittle occasionally. But a cellar willkeep them iii about the propor state. InIII!1 spring, if set nut they will shoot outand make early and line plants.—Fruit1/avrttcr.


A Nocfor lias a Kemurltalile JVfeurai VlHlan—The ^lui 'dertr and lilx victim.

The San Francisuo CUwnich publishesan interview with n noted physician of'that city ivho is the possussor uf a pecu-liar order of mental power, in which herelates the following experience:

" It was in the1 fall ot 1HM, in the days>f primitive morality and laxerjustice

in San Francisco. I had been but a fewmonths in the city, and hud becomemoderately established in my practice,Karly one morning I was called to at-tend a man who had attained someprominence as it speculator and operatorin real estate. He had been iliscovercd1> ing upon [lie lluor nf bis lodgings in adying condition from half a dozen knifewounds the horrible instrument of hisleatli still remaining where it had lastI'een thrust into Ms body to the hilt,penetrating through the ri^rht hnii:.r.'tnv were evidences of a desperateMrungle having occurred befure Ilie un-fortunate man yielded to his fk'.e. Hewas entirely unconscious in the spas-modic gasps of death, and b(! breathedhis last in a very few moments after [cached the spot. As his last breath

went out I bernmo conscious of a newnil mysterious presrurc. and my juind

seemed to pass under the control of a jsuperior mental power. I \ielded a p;us- jsive obedience to th ' inlluetiee, ami ioi- jmediately the scene of a death strugglepassed before my mental view. It seem-ed for an instant as if 1 was myself en-deavoring to ward oil' a murderous at-tack. With one hand niy assailant helda suffocating grip upon my throat, while,ivitli tlif other, hi* plunged the deadlyknife again and again into my body. Isaw 'his clenched tet'tli, iind liis fierce,cruel eyes gleaming into mine with themalignity of a demon. Such were tlie jforce and horror of tlii* impression that Islagirered and fell, as if in a faint. Thebystanders, who were inured to saiiguin-ry scenes, supposed that I had beeniverrome by the spectacle of tliemurder-

ed man, and their comments were any-thing but complimentary to my nerveand experience as a physician. But thecool ami eereful manner in which I sub-sequently performed tin1 autopsy dissi-pated what might have been a fatal sus-picion cast upon my professional capaci-ty. I found the marks of clenched fin-gers upon tlie throat of the murderedman. I knew that I bad beheld and ex-perienced the incidents of his death-struggle precisely as they were impress-ed upon my own mind. The stout,burly man of my vision, full whiskered,with a. red shirt, slouched hat, and :ihlack kerchief tied loosely about hisneck, and that fierce, fiendish glow ofcountenance, I coulil never forget. HulI dill not recognize the num., ami in thosedays suspicion was not safe, based evenupon better foundation than the preten-sions of a soothsayer. I did not care tohazard either mylife. or my professionalreputation in a manner that could ac-somplish no good purpose.

" Yenrs after tho occurrence, in thetarly part of the 'COs, I was returningfrom a trip to the East, when I met agentleman on the steamer on the wayup from Panama. He came aboard atone of the. Mexican ports, accompaniedliy one or two others. Acquaintanceswere speedily* made, and the usual so-ciulty on shipboard was cultivated.One evening wo were seated at a gameof whist, and the gentleman I speciallyrefer to had taken a hand as my partner.I was leading out a suit, and incidental-ly looked across tho table to catch an in-spiration from the countenance of mypartner. Instantly a spell came uponme. The features of the gentleman as-sumed a malignant expression; his fullgray beard was restored to a sable hue;lie had on a slouch hat, a black handker-chief, 11 red shirt—it was the horrible in-carnation of my vision, standing beside'the murdered man. The shock overcameme, and I reeled limp and helpless frommy chair. A glas3 of water revived mo,nnd a disposition to sudden attacks ofvertigo was the explanation I gave tothe sympathizing group, Tho followingmorning the gentleman approached, mowhile leaning upon the Tail and accostedme with a corilial unlutution. 'Havewe not met before?' lie inquired. j Justus you wero taken 111 liist evening Isemed to catch it sudden glimpsoof fn-millarit" In your countenance.' ' I donot know,'"I replied-; ' were you in SanFrancisco in 'SIP' ' Yes—not as I recol-lect,' lio again stammered. I wns look-ing In his face ngaln; his features seemedagain to gather that horrible, distortionof malignity; it liohVmo as tho fascina-tion of a .serpent, arid with a desperateeffort I turned away nnd hurried fromhis presence. No explanation was askedor mado on either side. I have, mot thegentleman .often Blnco—a wealthy anilrespeetqrt person—but there seonis to bea repulsive forco between us, nnd of murluiil accord wo keep aloof. Do wo knoweac.h others mindsP . I cannot tell,"

N^WS SUMMARY.Eastern and Middle Slates.

Twenty-one steamship manugon iu NewYork having given uotico that herwii'ter ihwywould not pay lor luujin^aiul distal turning veij-fleis more tiiun tw'tmiy-tfvt1 ctiuis nn hour, day'IUIII night alike,8evei-uItli(iiia!iiiJstruck ugaiiuit the riiluciioii, v.lii^u tmiuuntbto ubout one-sixth ot tltuir wiijfes,

Mrs. Sarah J. It. Ilule, who for fllly yourswas the editor of Gwiey's Lady1* Book, died in1'hilu.Lk'lpliiu a lew iluyg ago, a 'ed ninety years.

Tlie PounsyU'tiuia Stute Fair will be hold utriiiludeipliiu from September Uth to 20th.

Ou 11 uy I tiic reduction of tho tax ou to-bacco irom twenty-four cento lo .^ixtcutl ccmtda ])ound went into force, For eome time provions tu that duto Western wholesulu tobaccodctUers hud allowed tlieir stock to run do ivn HOus tu obtain tlio boiletit ol tlic* Mix reduction,in order to K*'t atieud oi their rtvulu a largoNew York lobueoo linn bought tliirty-cightthousand dollars' worth of revenue atanipa atinidtiiglit ot April 30, loaded up 11 va bugguge01117* ut Jorhcy City with tulincco uiul epfll uiipeoiul titdu on ita wny wostwurd. The tripIroui Now York to Chicago was mudo in u lowmiuutes over twenty-four hours—tho uhoiLesttimefor u freiglit Uuin on record.

A ,hostler, known us " itoatoii Jack," andfifty hordes wore bnrnod to death durjn^ a lirein th'o stubles of Jnmefl Colvin, Newport, K I.I***, about #20,000. . '

Broiiie, u Now York nowisboy, was the victorin u six duys' podcKtriiin content in rhtlm.el-plna, covering 1190 miles in the time specillud.

At Xow 1'reston Hill, it tnilo north of KowJ'l-t'Mton, (Joim., Kfjlmrt Oo#«wcll, iiyed fifty,nliol witli u gtm und ii.Mta.ntlj* killed his wito,nf od lorty-llve. He then cut lua own throatwith u k'nite, expiring almost inmiediirtcly.Cogswell viia an hiibitiuil drunkurd, and wancntznd with ruin ut the liitie flic deed wjiscoiii-iniltvil.

Western and Southern States.Tlio Governor (it TennoHsee hna ismied a

pindimuitimi ('filling an election, to lie JtoklAugust 7, for the purpose ol iiflbrdinj; tho peo-ple of thu State an opportunity to oxprusHtheir approval or disapproval ol the bctUoiuontof tin: iitiite'H indebtednesB nt fifty ceutM ou (hodollar and tour por cent. intercut,

Theodore II. Weber, ut umber ol a promi-nent (,'hicngo boot and HIIOG IIOUSO, was nhotund liitiilly wounded wliihi in lii.s luwyw'H ol-fivv. by Mra. Ada Huberts, who allfges Unit~"ehur hud led hur jiMmy.

Dr. l,nk(! J'. Ulueklmrn \vun uniiniinniiHlytiominutud' for (iuvernoi liy the lviintuckyDt'inocmts at their convention in KninUfnrt.

Kzekiith ItruiIIcy, colored, wits hangrM atJlryiin, Texiw, lor the murder ol' a coloredman niiincd I'ollock on Clirialmius, 1K7H.

(,'n)]i rnjiurtH trom Ohio und Indiana showtluit tjieneroiige ol wheat is from ten to twunty-tlvt* por cent, greater than lunt year. C i tnureloiiking woll, nnd there will lie. I lie IIHIIIIIuniotmt of corn planted..

Tho villaee ol Hills'dak'; Mich., hna beenpaVlly destroyed fiy tire.

.). T. Young und .lolin liiloy, who limd been..mimed in jail for drunktainfins ut Ove.rluii,i'l-xa-s, utti!tik{)U'd to cscnpt; by netting tlrv tothe li'iilding. Thu tlaineH Hjireud rajiidly, und,liein^ unahle lo extinguinh iJiuni, thu menwere both Imrni'd to death.

•iuinuel I'uvey and his won, Tayloi I'avey,v-LeiiMive dealers in live stork, were hhut andinsiutitly killed tiwir /^ttesburg, Ohio, by JulmLink, I'uvey'tf stcpHon. Link, wlic>niirreinl('redto ilif uiiushnl, Htutt'H that ho was (engaged incun vurtitit ion' with hia mot lieu- nt the gutts nllicr r.'.Hidetmr. when the I'avuytt ciutio up midiill.ei- some words, nffnckeil him with t;ltih^,when, tn Buve liis Hie, lit- druw n revolver nndt>ht)t t>olh. The ciuiyo ot the tnmhle was ilt-treiitiucni by .Suitinel I'avey ol' hi.- seonnd wile,who is Liiik'ti niniher.

(iiui-irf! (.'. Ilirding, editor ol lhr> Indian-, . , . " I H ( h i d ) HtrnlJ, 4;i.ti»n-<l Hie n^idenee ol( :ih in A. Light, editor ol ihu lif.norrut, umlulleiupied to shunt thu hitler oli-ttrlain1'itlfiii-illinns in Ihij J)rmurrut. Mr. Light

'1 the [listol, getting his linger under theii:iiiniit!i-, preventing an explosion, and htdd-in^; on until ass i Mini ice cm in-. Mr. 1 [anlin^

Te.sted and ruinuiiieil in eiishnly mill!_\i tn<»niing, whttn he g:tve IKJ'I. A!

H-.-Ui -•Vloel; tlm uiin uiiirnliig In- .•ulci-.-d Mr.II'K irtlh-c and llred al liiin seveml tiim>,IUJ^ Mr. Light, but hitting mi (-mpluyiieed (.ieiluinl Li/inn, inllictiirg a sniionsri-l. AiKKlier empJoyee oi' Mr. Light,eil Kielmnl Wnltnnt, jmnpctl out of tl o

MM'und hlury windnw dnriii" till! ilriug, break-i^ li'ttliiuiUU'H. Mr. (lanling W»H nri-erite«l.

From Washington.T!i»* ihiiinciul stuieuient lor April r-liown nn

Dirp-iwt- i.1" debt sine*'.June ;i0. 1»7«, i'.S.iKllj,-lil is . ; , ioiid cniOi in the TruiL-siiry, Sj IIS.H.T.-lj!!.ML Ut'lit, less cits It in Iho Treiifaury, Mjiy1. l«7!», jp»,0U7,1 '20,217-9'J. Of Hied, btbearingno interest there iHUiitalundiu^; Oi.l driuiuiilnwi li-jjiil-tiMider niileb, tyUVt.lVI.Kil; eertid-cutes oUctqiosit. ^l,(K)5,0()0; fmetiunal cur-vvnry,$\.li,UVitiK\lJ.5'2i ^old nnd Hi'lvnr certill-catrs. $17,749,6*20; total, $412,010,2(10.h'l. The....I'tBVrfkL.lyi .**rt«l«k l'». . aki t l«n ' I

1 I.ilj* (I..1.B. 111. U > i l F . ! n i l l l ltmde fi'oin thnTrejiHiiry by wnnjinis,

nriiig lust innnth wero: Ou account tif niineellaneoiir4, $5,121,*2!i'2.65; ou aecouiiLot war, $3,92(1,054.11G; on wcmint ot nuvy,$f)!)3,068.21; on m-eount nf intvrior (Imliiin

ml penniuus), jji'l^Ki^S'J.i)/; total, %\\y$51,-

A j'ccent WiwJnjiglon di^paleh snys: " T h e<*tion of the Secretnrj of the Treasury in re-

lu-inj; lo will the lour per cent, refunding cor-tiliculew to the banks fur hpiMMitutimi lnw hudu tendency to stir up tho pustnuistors, who HUP.a pmflt in e/Tecting Jieuvy anle«. I'rjor toWcdiicytLiy last therti wus onu ponttnaHtorwhose bond was #'20,0(K), the otlmrb rangingfrom 91.U0O to #5,01)0, nnd a low IUI high \\n<fl0,000 to #15.000. On thut d:iy the Italli-inoro post in aster gave n liond tin- §'2<5,UOO,und to-day this Chiciigu |iuHluiaslor Hied abond fnr 50,000, llurrisburg. PH., iacrwi«e«irom S.1,000 lo 'Jo.OttO, and Treutun, N. J.,from $1*2,000 to jjpll'J.OOO. Ottiiwii, 111., Miit-uion, 111., KuHton, I'a., SUvmUird, Conn., and1'ort Henry, N. V., are nitty udded tu the liatot designated dppotiiUiries."

Tlit; PosUiffiet* Depart menl IIUM advertisedlor mail carriage mi certain roulcn in all theStates mul Terril"tries. Tliereure 1,274 rcmtta,being mostly tliono esLtblishcd by the last postroute bill. . A large prnpurtiun of the routesaro Ukuted in the Northwest, although theruaro quilt* a large number ii) tlio South. In thesix>ii'\v Kiitfluud and live Middle States theremo Duly 104 new routes advertised. I'rujin-HUIH will be. received until .July 10. The de.-

will ho announced on or belore July -'Jl,and Kdri'icicM will hi'gin October 1.

The receipts from intenuxl re.venue for th«ten mouthh ot' the preaent fiscal year, endingApril 30, wore .^89,024,H8;i.51. Uutl year lortho Biune period they wero §:8[),585,I15i.50,showing a decrease of #5G0,47LO8.

A circular has been iasued in relation to tho'gunixtil ion ol' tho eennus servieo, which stjitas

thut the ecnsiiH ol 18H0 m to bo Uikon umloi- theiliretftiim ol ofllovrs to bo styled " Snporvworsof Census"—one or morn for each Slate nrTerritory, not exceeding 150 in till, to be ap-pointed by tho President. Applications torappointment iu pupervmor muy ho addrosswlto tlio Secretary ot ilio Jmorior, bill noiiiiriti-timis will not bo inmlo before December noxt.Tho nctmil work of oirn.roomtion will bo por-lbrmttd by finnmomloiH, who will bo dttiignntortto tho Supcrintemlent (»f CCIIHUH, ut Wiwhing-ton, tiy tha supervisors. Application for »p-pointmont as omnnemtnr should bo uddressodto tho fliiporvisor of tho district in which lluiapplionnt reaideB. *

foreign News.More Berious floods nt Szcgcdin aiul othor

purtB oi Ilungnry tiro reported.Tho ruco lor tho " Firat Spring Two-ycwr-

old Stakes " at tho Newmarket mccs woa wonby Jitr. Lorillnrd's Amoricau chostuut illlyPapoose, u eistor of Parole.

Tho Gorinun InduBtrial Exhibition in Horlinhns been lortnally opouod.

About ono tlioaaitnrl building , wero do-stroyed at tho tiro in Orenburg, ltusHin.j About forty heads wore broken by tho polie-uami ii policoman's skull •wan fmotured (luring ntwo clnya* riot in Cork, Iralnnd. iiriwlng out ofa did'nroni'O botwotn rlvnl bands.

A-London TimtiC dhpntcii irom Ciilcutln,India, mya that nearly ti million pilgrims, us-HOmblod nt llnldwar Fair, carried tho choleraIn.various directions,'»n<l thai 25,000riuithiliuvoi alroiuly occurred.' Adviees from Panama * stuto that thoro witsu revolt against tlio govornmunt^ liiHt inontli,which was promptly chocked, 'Thu rovoltaroto uut'ot an attempt to upsottho Btato gov-nmmont. Afterfl^htlngin thu Btrcel.H fouruum;houra, [luring which.ttnio thirty-llvu oAluursuiul nioh on -buth Bides, wero killed und mnuy

uiiO'* lt< wycuidwi, flit iov.rX'A>rs huiyoncero<3uconditionttlly to Uie goverument -tt-oojti.Iwuic IJutf, the loader of tlw Irish homo rule

movomeat, u luwyer ot great repute and uliicmbcr of the ltritish Pniinunent, id duad iuhis sixty-Iourth yenr. tt

Kdivtird lliinlua, *»!' Turonto, easily won thethrui'-uiile b:iiit-mce u^tinst John linwdmi, titNcwcastk'-oiuTynt', Jiii^laiul. A mulch lie-twfen Hitnhiu und Ellioti, the l-ii^lieh cbatn-phui, has been iirnuiKei.1, tu hike pluc^-ui'MlniMith.

An cAjiloHion ol dynamite, on u car ludoiiwith thut iuutoriid iu the Grand Trunk tVoi^ht-yurd, ut StniUonl, Outurlo, blew lour men intofnitfiueutu, Huriously injured Kevural o'thorB,utterly (lciimli«Ji6d about/ifty twight cinti midwrecked sever/ul fmuif building*. Tim neuterol the town, ulthougli u mile disumt t wasslinky a as il by an earthquake.

A grntleniiiu who bus jnat rctiinicd Vi'NVwYork irom Uuvtum slates, tliat he wan an eye-witness to a st-riea ol tlivs in Cul>a. liwt inontli,w.liich d(Htroy«d nixty-ui^ht large .«upir plan-Uilion^ valuctt at more than one hundred mil-lion dollars ' The cxii!iit>n*hi]» ol-lho govuru-nient over the press *i L'uhn wiw rig«irouslyentori-eil to prevent a true account oi tluwoheavy lossea from being giveu to tho world.

Sena te . .Mr. Wallace introduced n bill to authorize

thu payment uf corUiiu elajnis for a r imrs ulpay and bounty which was relerred to thuMilitary (.'ouiiui'tee. Il providi1^ "that widow**uiul minors, heirs ot dnceaxed Unitiij Holdiera,who Ituvo ligtm delmuduil.ot (he bounty andarrears of pay due them by law-by moans offoi-gorii'-i purputnitwl by their attorneys, uliiill,when such lorgeriuu bavo been thu rnsull ot tinianlt or ne^liyeuee on tho part of the chum-auts, b(! jiaid tlie amuuntw eimitably due them."[There is'no incana ot knowing tho amountinvolved iii thu bill, us tho pur»om to WIJOUI itapplies genemlly live at reinoto pointn in thertiml districts, hut it in behoved to be huj;e.Thetbrgories wero mostly perpetrated hotwounthu ywire IHGCund 1869, and tho forgers g'"'-evully cuiRnpoil DiiiiiHlmitsiit liy keeping'' llmclainmnU in ignoiunce ol tlie t'uet that thoclaims wore tlimlly Hotlleil until the. statute ofliniitatioiiB ticcurud thctui iiuiiiiuiity' Iroiu

Mr. l'*erry prtwenLed ii po.ition of (he 'JVni-penniee Union oi Miehipin [irolestiii^ againstany aineadniont of tho Internal Iteveiuiit netliic the huiu^llt of importers and dealers iuspiriluoiH liquors. . . . Mr. Vourheetn intruiliieitd

hill In aiiiund (lertain medians of llm l ev iedstatutes in iti^niiil lo i',oiiui^o and coin undbullion certillcates, and Mr. Katon intnHlueiula hill (Himihir to that iu (he House) iu pmlnhumilitary iiiterlVireueciit flectioiif). Kelerred l<>thi! coinmitte.0 on iho jndieiary • . .The Sen-n\r. rcMHiH'il r.oiisidenitiouof tlie bill loprevi'iitthe, inli'tulaction of rout acinus or inleCtinuHdUunses inlo tlii! I'aited Statt'S. The pendingijiit'Hliim was on the nmiimi ol Mr. llmiilin lo••omiiiil Ibehill to the; SIMV| roiniuiitee, withinst nu't ionw to report a code ot rnUjs and re^u-liiiions lo eai'ry the not into ellei-l. Mr. IliuiisMubinilted itu aiueudiiieiit [iroviilin^ ihul nuth-

in this net shall liosocDDKlrut'tl as lo super-I-III' inipmr IHI\' sanitary oi' <illaraninic law

ol any Stale. The niolinn to ivi-nintni! wiib i-ait-ii'd b>- n vole ol .')0 tu Ml. Adjourned alter |an evinulivu ness inn. !

I l u u a e . 'Mr. Spurku innrcd to proceed to the, ronni-

aidenitiun ot thu Army Appropriation bill, andHi,- rniiMdrnLlimi (•( Hie veto iiu-swi^e nf tlit:I'riiHdent, in uceoidanee wilh tho unler inndepreviously. There wits no diseussion, and the

•nW'T lUHHuiuefHl tl'f! r|iHw'ion to hi-: "Shullthe House, on reconsideration, ]mnn the lull,:-.t)t witlistaadintj Ilie objeetions uf iho Presi-dent'?*1 Tlm question wan decided intl iom^ii-livei—ywiM, 120; nays, 110—nut tlie neeest-iu-y 'two-thinlH in the; nlllmmtive. Three (iretm- 1hiii-ke's volet in thu lUIlrnmtivt; mu\ ni^bt in .'he iiuj^ativp. With thuir flxcepliun the volo t•.viwii Htrielly jiiirty one. Adjourned. •

I'nder the cull of stat ic , Mr. Lmhl iulro- ;ilnrcil it I.ill lo (H-event inilihiry inUirl'erciicc ,,l |•'li.'ti. >IH. Ut'l'i'i-n-.l to tho ciuimiillcc »>u Hi. jjudiciary. The l.illowin^ i-, lh«- n>\t iil'tlirhill: ;

" \VJM.i(l.\«, Tin* | inwi i rc nf trod].- nt I lie •pnlla i. (*i;uirar> to tlm spirit •>!' our instil it- !tioiH atiH llic tradition* of our pcoplr. nml \tend- to de>ti[<> Ihc Irecdoin i>| t-hi-ltni^ : |tlirrciure,

• Hf ii fttfirM.rh:.Thnt ii N I H I I I mti b « - l » t n - ;

fill t u i n ii ii^ n r I n e m p l o y tit • a n V p l a e i ! w l i e r i 1 ti '•

S t i i t ' - a n y p a r l o f l l i c a r m y <»r n u v y n l t i n - I

' n i t i - r l ^ t a h - i , i i n l i " - > s u c h I ' n r e e l i e i i c i ' f r - i ( r \ I

t.> n - f i ' l I ' f a n i i e . l n i n n i r at ( l i e liiiU-l '

S l n t i s o r t o c n l i . r r i ' H c e t i n u 1. a r t i c l e I. ( i f t h e ]

i H i l u l i o n >>l t h e I ' l i i K - d M i i t «-s, u n , l t h e lnv , > j

i lc in p u r r - i i i n i c i ' t h e r e o f , n n u | i p l i c a ( i n n n l '.

t h e li-L'i^li 'lurc-or I h c e x . - c u l i v e <»t t h e S l a l c . .v r l i c i v H i i ' t i f . i i v c h l o l i c i w i ; a m i MI m u c h •

dl lawsi tH i> i i i c .u s i^ |< . i i i l i r n ' w i l l i ^ s !„. . . . 'I,, n y i M h ' i l ^

A Subterranean Hull. |A Nevada it.'iin'i' ilescriln's n (jui'i-r h;ill

,.v*pn atOoli l I l l l l , in llml State, sin fol-lows : A hull was j^ivt'it liv ('upttiiiiMutt. CnniTiui at tlm New York iniiic,

old Hill, <»fwhich iniru1 lie is Miprrin- i•ndent. Tin1 bull took phieo ut tin* new

•jlution d]it>nr[l ut tin1 ilrjith (if 1,0-10 feetlii'low tin1 HurfaiM*. This stniinn is oneof tli/1 finest n)}(\ roiNninilJ'Mi.s nn

\v Comstork. It is nuitt* us larjje as anonlinary hnll-nmin, is \voll-!lounM,Walled in wilh substant ial ti in burn, ami

•i ijuiu* :i lofty rail ing. Tin* stationis cool and comfortable, nnd was appro-priately ileenraU'i. for the occasion, amiwas liirhti'd with lamps susprnik'il from

icci'iliiifj.TIH1 l«ditjs wvvv (]}T.wt] hi vnYu'o :m<l

the ^entlcnien in forrespimolin^ly in*»x-tsire raimi'iU. Tho luriiiture was in'ping with the place, and while then1

\v:us furnished everything nfcessary totrmfurl nothing very cxtravn^jint

seen.XPVH* before in tin1 I'nit^d Stutes-—if

anywhere in the world— has (hero herngiven a ball at fh<? depth of nearly uHimrlPr of a mile honeaLh the surface oftheearth. The music of the* band musthave been a surprise to the. gnomes oftlic lower ri'inons. It wan a weird sei'iie.Had iiny of tiie miners of the lower levelshappened in from distant drifts, withouthaving knowledge of what WAS going on,ll]« scene would doubtless have causedthe hair to stttntl on their heat's. Theywould have supposed that they belieh, a.lunt'e. of witclit»S"or of beings of a lowerind no better world than that which vftiinhabit.

There was no trouble about personsdipping'into tho bull-room withouttickets. It was a queer way, too, of go-ing to a ball, this stepping Upon, a c»^einstead of into rf carriage, and beingdarted straight down toward the. ('(interof tin1 earth instead of rolling oft' hori-zontally in the usual wny.

Introduction of Wlicnt into Americn.Prior to the discovery of this unntinunt

by Coluinbut?, UNTO was no IMTCUI inAmerica approaching in nut tiro thewheat plant. It was not until 1530 thatwheat found its way into Mexico, iimlthen only by chance. A slave of Cortes?found a lew grains of wheat in a parcelofrico and showed them to his master,who ordered them to be planted. Theresult showed that wheat would tlirivowell on Mexican soil, and to-day ono ofthe finest -wheat valleys in tho world isnear the Mexican capital. Front Mexi-co this nnval found its way to Peru.Maria D'Kstsobar, wife- of Diego, do.Clmuvres, carried a few grains to Limit,which wore planted, the entire productbeing used for need for several Bueeos-sivn crops. At Quito, in Ecuador, amonk of tlm Order of St. Krnncls, by thename of Fray Iodnsi Rixi, introducedtbenuw cereal, nnd it is said that thejar which containoiUlio Heeds planted isHtill preserved by tho monks of Quito.Wheat was introduced -into tho presentlimits of the United States contempo-raneously witli tho settlement of thecountry b tho English and tho Dutch.

Instructor in German, nftor nstonish-ing the divinion by tho announcemonttluit tlie German words for "honvon11

mul ".shirt" havo tho aamn root—"3\lr.X.. can you see any rivseinblanco betweenJiFpven and ftCcluttn^liirt.foHnfitflnceP"•Mr. X.t liesUiitirtfi—"Woll, sir, they arcboth trood thing-4 for a man to getinU>\"-rtilcMceord; ; : , , •

hi tuMkiou W iU tome ftud v j u jeitivs, Hostttttjr'B Stomach BitLure oxtrgwoa'abunt-flciat in(luunc« upon Ui« kidney a undbladder, when they me iuuetive, by sliu'mluliiigthem Iu renewed t>xcrtiu», llius reopmiin^ UHit were, » t-luicn tin* tlie -uscflpp of iinpurititviwliose iv^nliii* tliminul ol «xit is th Mir^uis nl'uriiuitiOii. Ainony Uii-scun- errtuiit ulmonmtluuil intiiunnuilory cluuionta. pioductivo ol' ii--ii'piimtiln injury to 1 lit* syntem il not eui'.n.'lyu.T|>uil<ul. Tin.1 ki(l(it>yKiLiid bladder tliotiist'lvtid-tiru uUo b<'iiul\t<ul by this stimulus, us Uiciriiuictivity is usuully u prt'liiniimry t,o 1 lu*ir din-j;tihiuuia (tisorguniziitioii. They ulsu (>xpori-isiHiv., iii'ciinunun witli other portiniw ot ihosyetoni,' th« putunt invl^omiivc ulfrule ot thoUittont, which lurtJiiinnoro corrucU dHDi-derdcotnUtiuiis ct the stouuu-li. bowela uiul liver.

Tlk« <u l t l vn t lou oritoNi-M." Kosed uro licr cheeks,

And u rose lior lipa."

'J'Jio best wny tor Jiulics lo cultivate this nirospLiok'x tJl''H in by aluclyin^ mid pniutiuingtin; rulusol hygtt<ii(% HM luiight in thu I'coph-'MCoiiiiiion Moilieiil AilviMt'r, only ^.l.fiO..-V(U!i'ej»s tlm nulhor. It. V. I'ieivn, M.' 1>.,(imml Imnlids1 llolvl HutYnlo, N. V. l('Hiif-fering li-4iin IIIOMO painful wiuikuunsus iiK-iiU-ntto tlio titimilu orgimisiii, neu Dr. Pii-ree's l-'u-voritu IVuKuription—a. nuvur-tiitling reniudy torLllL'Htt COIIIptlUlltK,

L'liielully uvoid the uso oiniflpm^ luitliurtitin.They weakun tlio Ixtwt'la mul ktavo tluiu \v(irs*oil* limn liulort*. Use, itlsLuud, tlmt n.iluUiry,non-irritutitiB .upcrienl ami miti-bili'u-K niodi-fino, ]>r. Mutt'H VtiKuttthlu I.iver PIIIN, wliieliwill not only nchievu the tlt^aireil objuct, rclux-utinii ol tho howolfl, without cuuning puin nr

cakoniiij^ lluun, but prmuotu di^cHtiun midHiniiitUion ami (lejmruio the Llooil. TholU mo sold by nil drug^istn.l-'ur I'imglis, culds und tlirout disordersi " Hrown'ti llroncliiiil Troclios,

|iroved Iluiir I'flluIruving

H'y liy u tout ol niiviiy yeni'B.

Mutton A Ihunlin t'iibiiu'1 ()r<;iiii« Uro cer-tainly tin; hrM of thin OIHSH of iiiHtriimmils* in1h(! world, and at Iho prices id which thry-iuu

old, which itro only a liltl« lii^-littr than tlms*ii very poor organs, they urn also oiieiipcsl.

UlfiCWThu Cululniitod


NdW York, IloMton,iind Chiciijio,lio Mirndnlasohn I'iniiu (Jo., No. 21 l'Jiwt

I.jlii Stii'«!t, N. V., .sell riainiB at KuctoryI'riecH. Write for diilalut;iH'.

Uhow .IimkHoa'b liiiat, Swiml Navy Toliucco.


II. ff Ottttli'—M««l. NutlvtH, l i v e w t . . . . lK»^,rt r IP(litlvca- Hlatti M i l k , , . , . . 0 inl OV'i

l!il«H— I.IVi' \I'.\\A»\ f.\',I>WM-A (ir.v.i*

Fluur— K>. Hlalr, ituml tu riiutirn.. . :i li'i <,r ti fluWi-sli-ni, K«iiiil !•) J:tlicy :t '.HI („ 0 '.fl

Wi.nil Nn, I 11.'il . H ' I U [ Ml.,WDitt 'Stulf I I I 1 1 II1 .

Ityc — suit, ;.H (,, t ipH.irlr\ - T w o U.iivcil Hint)' ft i t.ft III1'i-ni -Hii^riuli it WI 'HIITII . M i s r d . . . . -It i,fl 4. IV

Kuiith'Tti Yi-llmv 41i (,i\ finOitiH wiii i ."stf . i! ' . . :iiv.<< :t

Mii i 'd WfMi-pii ;:iM,i- ii-jHoy—Hi'tnilHmdrH till ,.r, 111

llopn -Ht'utc, t H - w ' r r o j ' . . . . . . . '.'.'.".'. m irf I'J

l-ird—City Htitiiii , ' " * ! .i'.t.-Jti.irt . •',.' .I' !riilrm.i--iiiii>li- nT^ .Lin H.-'iim-1 • !iw.ini -s! . . i i ' . i i ]- t r .-ui!. x . \ :IM ut .uliiiltcr— Hun* ilrt-nnifry Hi i.c :•'>

Id i i ry , , . " Ill ,,, l.i

Kit lory lift („ III'itn'B.' -Stale Fat ' lory IM ut \>r,

SK..-I" IU ,„ IUWt"li-rii l-'iictory <)'.» <,< t''> \

IVx>- S U U M I I I l I 'mnKvlvai i ia I'2 ,.(i U ' .

l-i.nir—IVnn. cliowc ntul Fancy :• (III u> f> III'WIJIMI- IVnn. It<il I | J i .M |:i

Aiiilii-r i l l MI 1 H' , ,l!yi >(iil r.7 (.r f»l'-'(iru Yrllinv U ,„• 4-1Oit.n - M i i f d wi i,r, n:ill.iitrr -r-rini-L-> KtLra '.'ft ,,a -JHi;ii, (•«!• -N«-w Vni'lt Kurloi-y (Ri I,I. tr.i' .l ' . - l : i . |c l i C . i : !•• Urt'-.^rl lK'! lU-t i r ib. l , D'J1.,

n»>if.—lijt .• tirnvntt. Sti'. ) rtpnji^ . T, u*> ..i ;> 7,r,aii.'hi -lii-d VniiliT •'•::::•;;••<]• »7 • m"] imr n . : -N"iv Wwli-rn -Hi',,,,, -t ' ," i i - s tun- ;iu ,,t, a-jI! .I-1 >i -Two-ltuucil S t a l l - , . . . , . fi(j t,c (i'J (IlltllC -I.IU' WfiuUI l M ' r ^ (PC,

H'JH. - . . " I '<.'.'. ' M ' jI . . IN ~\V]Ht'»iiHM ii ml Minn. 1'ivl fi :>(l i.r H -'HI ' . ' r i i - M U n l u i i i l Vollow *1 ut -M

ih'H- M i l m W I n l c -Jl i.t 4HIIM* -Sltiti* il'i . t IIW..n! - U V l i - r l ,; H D.lallM'.. US „« ill!

I'liWiiHticd. " •• •}?, ia\ >ih'.t; , ; ; n ; i n < > N ( r . n s i . . ) ex r r i . r J I > i

•* •( iVHt ln- L i v e Wi- lRl i l . " I" -Hi I I S ' ,

l . v i . ! i - ,".'. .',..', ii . * im'tlot>n I.I ut <H\


- . „-._ — _ „ - n» y o u c a n ,Unit'* rl]i'Uiti:itiMii: IHW turn nion-, thatV ^ont," In aI'iiniiiiiii ilt-aiTi|'|lt)ii i»r tlit'i**1 twn ill.iriLsi'ii, T.IUUKII encliliiay'iiii'l (|>u'S ulliU'k lUll'R'iit piirls nf'Hie BVHtrin. thurnu.Vis lieltfVi'il t.i IK- I. I'liUntioiw .iciil 111 tlit lUvnll'llillv this liy tlir list- uf

TUITJIHI'S Seltzer .Aperient,II will <l» UD work hpii-tllly UIKI tlmKnuiily. It a HitCrcul rrini 'l of il..> siilt<Ti'r In,in ihi'iiiivitlMi'i nnJ ^uiit.

S d i . n i iv A U , i)KiT(i<iisrs.


Illustrated Monthly Magazine.Niil>tic.rll>ei-H f o v 1N71I will In- |m^ . ,n r . [ with ttu

followlliu bt;iliilnrilil)UliH'1«tlt>HH M it invtilluiii:

, MMK. DKHOItKST'SWluit (<» Wear , M-ml-ii 111111 nl.

Poillnllt . ol Tiislilon, H.nil-Hlinuul.I)liiMtr:il«!tl Jo 11 rnil l , q u a r t e r l y .

AH It"' ''""• iiiilillnillniw, Oup Year, for ThreeI>(illuriti liidinllnu pnslupc.

W. JKN"NIM.S DKMOURST,1 7 KtiMl 1 Illi Strt'i't, New York.

Srinl lifiim1 on 1'ftKliil for full jiurtli:il]iirti._ _

THE NEW YORK SUN.K A I I . V , I I» I ,T« . n i t i i s . 1 in.irilli; SU.5O n yiurNIU\I>A V, N UI«I>«. SI .SO 11 >Tur.W I I K H I . V , H iinti-s. 81 a >™r.T i l l ! (Jl'iV lias IIH" lilrnrat rlrrnlatlnn nml Is Uir

ilH-nHrst anil most liiltri>ltni: |in|»tr ITI lln> I'nltt-il

• i ' l i r . W E l i l l l . V NI'IV I. .•ln|iluUI,-ally llic !«•.•|ilr'K taiully IIIIIIIT.

I. W. KNIil.ANI). I'lllillslicr, N, V. City.

HOMES IN THE WEST!Excursions to Lincoln, Ncliriiskn,

l . n . v . IV v w Y o r k uml A. -v l i m l u n . l lh<Tli lr i l 'I'tU'Mliiy In 1 v. r y M o n t h u i i l i l 1>. -I'mw.liiy, Itiuy IU, 'T1>. Viu.' nhnut hnlf nKiilnir.iti-K. I'uhl tralhrt inn llrhl-tlaHS ac tiin<i<latliitiS|{>ianii|.IITII. Fur .l.srrilillli' IJIIIII fin l.liiltt. lnli.rliliitlMli JII".HI

! , . t lT llriii i i lu'i iy. IVt'iv Vnr l i .

' 'WHIrt'lix^'OSITIOlfT11

H E GOSPEL OF JOT!!The Gospel of Joy

It, ii nrw bin^liii,' Uotjk of unusual beaut/ for O04MIMti'tin^, <;iini[t Mutiny's, OevottomU Kaetlogi uril

Jstinijay-b'-isi-ola. . -

lly Itfv, SAML-EL A\.Hxy nml S. H. Srrci. HconWn»»Ur^e "f new uml very superior Hymui BDATunes. Tlit- c.iii-rnl Btylc In very cJipcrful aEd brighi • •bflltsn Liiltiuticti lliutiiQBso naicb to any and atngatKiiil

•'UbilTliliiiKSof Ureit Jpy." '

Itntli nonlK uml tuublc are or nn elevated cbanbteifnitnrn-iKllii); tlRiiiii'lvcb to pcrbonsof rellned taite, aa«HIP •••UiirinK tiii'UBiirc" 6ii prevalrnt In many recenttuiitiiiisittfiis lint Lti.'ii nirvniljy avtiliU-d.

Vr'Jr :ir, us. for whlclito ;m>' itiatTr*:.

will be mail**

im Day Musk In tlie MUSICAL HECOBD.O c t l .

GOOD NEWS!i :15 rlK"-tins genial Suutlny-scliool 8ong Book, b u Ihon-Miuidb if frli-iiilu. Uu not fall to examine and t r r ti-Tlitrf urc 27U SOIUH, in the compoBltlon or selection oXvvlikli (ir,;it taste und aWlity butt been displayed. E i -innln.' IIIH<. "Slilulny Illver" ami "Tlio lUfer of Ufa,"twu bCiiiKtnrd hnuka at t;rtat beauty.

OLIVEIt DIXSON & CO., Boston.<•. II. K1TSOIV Si, CO.,

843 Broxd war12f«irj . E. UITSOIV &, co.,

039 Cherinut 8

If you areInterested

In tlm inquiry—Which is tliobast Linimo/it for JJI;»i anilllcast!—this h tlio answer, nt-tested by I wo generations: theMEXICAN MUSIANU UNI-11 KM'. Thu reason is sira-pie. It pcaiitrates every soro,wound, or ImiiriiCHH, to thevery lioiic, mul drives out nil!iiilaiiii)ia(oi-yaii(l morbid mat-tor. I t " ROW to tlio root" olIho trouble, :IIKI uover fails tocure i'i (loubio quick timv.

"WARNRR BRO8»'S5I BroRdwav, N. V.

" Il.M'fi f'inm thv ,H«ITW otI . . , w ! u ' l u 4 I M - I - I I "

"Him- it ml #''«/! t'f'tltr IJ

" Sunlit 11 ffin Ktstt S*. .1. ttmt 1*. /.*'1 M i - l i m - c l . n . - t i l i ' M I I I K I l - i ' - i • f i l i n g I ' t i i t k m i i t l . A K C II ^ .1! ..«!< i u l t !!,.•-.. I U I n M i v i u v l i i - r . . I l i .H t i i T

n i 11. A ' l ' l r t - s s T i n A V I . I H • \ . . \ M K l t K M \ I ' l t M . I S H I II I'll.. H.nir.n I.Ct.: (

D M . I H I I I I I . U \ I I I I A N T C I I \i n t i i • ' 1 , i r i - ! • > " i i : , * > n i - . . r r i i . i ; * -i n - ! . 1 . . . I . 1 . . . M i . 1 . . . . I ! . . . . . . • .

I .•

i i i ' ^ f t V ^ I S t S i i l ••" ' IKi ' l l . i . - l . se i lnn l..\.

In tin «lil Itflluljle Colicviilrutc

FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING.Din-i iircniitiiniiyltij: I'udi cnu fur making Ht fd

tinU Hint 'liillrt .S'.-an ( | u h - k l y .IV !S FULL WKKlltT AND XTHKXOTII.

Tlir .Mnrki't IN HIHKIM with (wwalkvl) Donct-ntrtteI.M-, v.liti Ii it inltilU't-iitiM with salt uml resin, und won



1'iMiiisylviuiIii Suit Munurg Co.,raii.Ani'.UMiiA.

IVHI. II. I'OIVI.I-.. IlD.inn.


iMin-. T'n.ri.-nind'il i l i fbtut hy Hi"iiiith.nUliM in tin* wni'lil. (livi'ii I

W l ' K l i l Ii.l i i i l k m t i i i i t h . n U l i M i n t i n w n i l i l . ( l i v i i i IHKliif l

Jvwm h i t I'i Wni l i l ' i i Kx i - tmi l imih . u m l a t I ' u r m , l n >b o l . l l . j r D H I K I - ' I M H . W . l l . H r l i l i ' H e l l n Si ( o . , N . V


l ' l t l i l l lM:"—il•il.-rri UII 1 Siilf l l

| | | Il c l | . i I l l i ' I l i l i - f i - * l i I'f 1'i ' l l . tXHltTS, Nulu i u l l l u - l r I I C I T K ; i i ' h ' i r c l i l . i l i t r . l i t t ' i i c h t l U

1 A p m i i c r b l a n k l o r d l l . - r t a i n m i n t <\wv m n l e r t i r w An*iir.yn*. n r l ' l•^ '^lo^ H I M . , r t i r n k h i - l - i J i lnUi . i in ly , i n r r i i u l u isniinrrllMTH.mly, iin.l I , IMI I-UIIIUM ill. .1 in I't-iihloil Ollk'n

! wMlnnit i luii^r. .hinii.iiy iniiiii.'-r us Kiit-i-lini'iit-uity free,1 S e m i for I t . l . K u i n i i : !•:. I, KM U N & (;<)


A l.iw ii{ipliciltioiiu ct Ihiy I'rcpumLidn wilruinovi]

FIIBCKI.ES, TAN, SrsEiius, l'lHi'i.ns, onHl.orc iri:.s ox THE FACE, A.VII



For Soflciilnt' anil Ilonutlfyiiig the SkinIt Has No Eijual.

l'riec, 50 ventn. Sent by mail, postpaid,for 75 cents. Address

JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAH & CO.,Xo. 0 Vollri/e Plavc, Sew I «<•/.•.


A rhdlcro from over l.iun nrron lo^vn MMn»\n, Antwi'Bt (ruin Chknjjo, ut from SB to BH per acre, In farmlotA mill on 1'iiny toniiH. Low frfigiitu ami remfy niarkeli.No wlliU'nirsfi—no BKtiL— no Imlltins. Ijnul-fxplorlni;tlcki'la Tmiii CIIK-HCO, free to imyorB. For Mnph, l'nm-ptiU'ttf uml full Itifcirtiiutlou iipply to

IOWA HAir,UOAl> JiAIVD COMPANY,Cellar itaplilH.Jowii, or 1)3 itaiitltilph Btrcct.JJtilcnso

LOOK K K K E I ! "A full-hizvd (.'(Miulnc Ainci'lcait Wntch

lit Nlrkel limiting Vw, MAW, Coin Sllvvr,9MHI: Imtli Ayiitnuiti'il for live yearn. AnyoUihr Wnlch nf>tinlf tlic rcmilnr rrtnll iiricc,0.1). I), witli privilege tn cxniiiltic.

:. IV. J . WATNONtaO'J KvcrurcvivAvfiniu!, llrpoltlyn.N. Y.

.. io $5O(M» juatclousl.v tHVCHtf'i. In Wnll Streetlnj» Din ffiunilnttnn for ntihstantiftl fonunen uvery

week, nml ylfil'tn an immciiiw tier cuntapw ut nrontii tiytlm New LVinStnllzutlnti Syfttein of omTntln^ Hi StocltR.Full finlnnntldii on minllfatloii ta ADAMH, KUOU'JS' &CO.. lliir.krr*. 3 « t flN.HnMiJStrert, S. V.f.'lty. '


pose iiuimr, plvcn tuoro Infonnatlon rcKnnlliig fliln BtatoMill IU rcitdiirrrs tlmn n.ny pnper niU)ll»licil.

UIIIXOTUV k S0DVKL, Kill tort nml Proprietors,l.nnil, VoUislnCn., Kin.

OPIUMl l n l i l t A. H k l n IMicnntn. ThoullamiBcnrod. lowest Prlcea. Dountfalto write Dr. P. K. Mnrah. Qitlnuy. Mich

Fy\VEltFlrt7TErEP]l0J«IRjlAUNmS, 35o. tacliTjDlnplinigiDH.JOc.TKt.. UiOJUfh, Hcrcliniilvllle.NUj

A YRAKttmleiitiirtiiintiiafiraU. OutfllFrec.t Aililrru 1*. (». VWKKIlY.-AtfitHfta, MnlnP.

-VltMK—HH» i)«l»wara Khilt A Uralu PnriilHOiUitoK«« free. A.P.OIUJPP™" D

l riiif..(jn. u ' l f . i . 1 I'.inii | , .r,, inh.t»< l.y .T|. t\ MUff/Ailo.,iit, ul.i... .^>i,t/'ji I ncc Luta.

Firemen'i Capi, Belli, ind Shirts.


.IIIIIJIC nml iini'^rcllcil Hcnicdy fro

**A f r v r l i t i i i l e " of myTr.T.i i i a t t u l

^ ' I l l l.i. l | iy Kllll-Tt'lmi' in;. 1'. u, nml Ki-

| lIpn.~)l. i>. JtOOI, 1NII l'''.irl iMT

RiiiSMother, If in.ililc I-. inrsi- y..iir U-MH\ \,,i\,r \\ ,,i uti«-i miIlldge'a P o o l . ' .Miiiiiifaitun-.l liv Wuui . l iK ' l l .V ('(>„I 'ahntr , Mass

JltiMttit A- HnmUii i'ttblitvt Oi'f/ttiiMl)'!HiimK"tratMl ).#>( l.r VUHIKST llO.VoJt.S AT ALLWORLD'S KM'DSITUiNH l-'iilt Ttt'KI.VH VKAItS. viz.;ut Ir i t is . isr,7; Vir.NM. l"7:i: SA.STUIIII, 1^,1; I'IIILADKL-HUH, K/li; 1'AIIIN, l TH, an | (> HtVKnnn (IOI.H MKIIAIH!H;H. (inly Ann-rliau (HAHII* i-vvr tiWiinli-it' blizlit-wl: lmn-orHii! niiyHUi-li. Si'lil fur mnh nr ln>titlliiicnl-i. II.LUS-TIUTCI) CAIAUHiUt* Illnl (111 (IlliUH With III'W htvlrA n 11*1p r i m , wtit frri-. JIMWLV A 11AMUN OtttiAN VO.lldhl'Di, Ni'W Vnrk or <!|iii-(iK».

Valuable GRIST 3Dd FLOURING I L L TO LETVi"V I'ht'np: rnrtM-luniL-i1; tlinv- run of Mom*: stnoiK midiDtist.'iiit livi- strnuii; on tin- Ccnlrtil llullnuil uf Xcw.k-rsiv ut O i i i i c l l t ' i i , IV. J .

(ji;oit(iK i ; o r n . i'n.prictor.nnpuiu'.

I .Ti.Kti^M' ituiiKS i'in-;i; " iwi i MiV.B.-tir«ih"i<i~ni'iiJ (Avniiinia: Tniin M., I\ weekly IICTnry ami hcifi«'

pin.r.will n a i v e n i-»|ij nf clllicr I jreliim'K.l.nWvli1*,Hlniki^iii-iin-'s. U'liiltlciV, nr M 'H i'mtital Wurkn. In.•k^.llt til.-Hli]-, full HH r Jtii't''. (.r.Mtn.l mi'l ln-nltlil.Tcvi>r iniuh-. For full inrtlnilur* ml.lrch.s I), (illtn-rtD.-xli-i. Maii.iKcr. Trti'iinc 1'uli. Co., (!iiinlirltli;f. Slasn.

Dk . tnxui's i i i / » i ; v CVUK, "«•"H K l l )

NBV DISKAHKH. A sum Hpinuily: fulluri's unViHtwn'. Sriiil Tor liirnilnr. Ncyw Hron*. Jt Cuttur, SI.Paul; l.oni.StmlHinr).' k Ou , CliU-ji^ti; A . Sinltli. l.nn-tloin W.'y.Ohlii; K. Cury, l)en<Mulnc«i FStcnrns. Ditniit. Tin.1 ni'n*t poimlar IIICI11C1IIL< pt tli<Ml:>y

i W V i i "C i i V t m i r U w B-l-arncht (.'oniii-iny In Auierlrji—SUiplu

I E b t n l nrl luh'- l ' l i ' i iKs ^ ' v r y h i n l y - T n u l e cuu-tlunnHy Incrt-iisliiu—AKi'iilM wnnlnl iM-t'ry\vlicri*-Ilt'blii ihiri ' i i"ii tn-i>oirtwiiHtc liniG-Si'ini for Cinulnr .IIOII'T WKI.1.S, .i:i_Vfm-y a t , S. Y. V.Xt. liox 1 9 H 7 .

AGENTS READ THIS.,Wo will pnjr Agents a tialnry of tlm per mouth nntl

eipcnfli'i, or nlloiralargo cominlnalun, to BL*11 otirin-nftixl wonderful fuvuntfona, Jt'o mtttn what ut tny, Buni-I>lo freu. A.Urcn.1 ^lIKf.MAN ft CO., Murnlull, Slkii.

atoiks makes

St NAjMreMl^jCTraj^

YOUNG MEN>»p• month. Kvcrynraduato KUftrantoi'd 4 puylup RIIUH*

tlon. Atlilrcas IU Valcntinp, Mnnnper, JflncByllle,_)ris._


m/ir-nAMOJVTII—AtrenUWantcil—UUbcitarfaUBCllltiKartlclcBtntlio world: ono sample fret1.

AildreM JAY IIKONSON. l)Dtroit._Mlth.M O D A FOUNTAINS— $M» H^. STrtTtltlii $80. •^ Sliippcdrvaily forusc. For caUlppuc,Ac,address**W Chiipmnu & Co.,Miiillsti!i1Iiiil.5|'Hi VX.11O."T>()tni^Tl>l<iTH>JVAHYf:H»,mH>WonlB.iitnX l l r . Vooto 'Nl teal th Mon t l i l y . one year, BOo.llDitiur IIiu Pm.ClOL.laO IS.aStltalrNewYnrl;.

Chcnp, cosily nude,BABY'S _flccnl|il, 81 , JOHN'MUNIU),H»Hnmit Village, Canada.— ~ — I 'AV.-Wltti Stencil Oiltilu. IVIint emu 'I

cts. BI-UB rapidly for 0 0 ctA. O«talouu« free.U. M; aiTSLT«. 1 l a Wasli'll St., ltoMun, «.!*.

Monlh «na «iitiiK» cimranlcca to ADO n•"" " M. BlUlf tCo., Atooiu, 1UIKI

TEE MM D E I CD.FlraC Ji8lablinheil I M m t SncceuluX I

THEIll INSTIll'JIENTS Have o, Stanilnrd Valte In an


Leading MarketsOf the World!

Kvprj»lior.' rcrowuicil as tilt FINEST IN TOKB.

OVER 80,000ftfnile m i d In Hue, New Dculgna conatantlj1. HeelWorh nml Lowest Prices.

tS" Send Tor a Catalogue.

Treionl SI., opp. W a l t a St., BostOD, Mass.

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Dumblllty nml CticupncsaJJncqtiakd.


HOW TO aETTKCM 1° f>. t e l t t l f t ot tfi« '''">• 0.009*009

.tcuil,"idilni,»••>.UUmorc, L.aJ Com'r.^illii., U n a ,


Tlic very best goods direct from the Importerl at Ealtho UHual cost. ltcHt iilan ever olTereil to-Olub Agent .anil laiKO lltiyeft. ALL KXPllKSS UUAJIGE3 PAlDiNewtcnnnHKEB.

The Grcnt American Ten Company,31 nn.l 33 Vesey Strcot, IVeiv Vo^*

p. o. 'iox 'i»as.



Tlm uroat liilprt'BtIn tlm UirHUnB hlHtiiry 01 olirconn-trvniaieii tills tlic fMtcit-KllllwTiMk ever puWluBfd.l'ilic'st.'iliuc.mperiTpl. Itlntlic rooit completeH»-tory of tin' V. S. uver riililislicd. Bend for extra terms toAiii'tilB, and sen why fl BCIIB flo very f«t . -ArtilreM

NATIIHAL PIIBI.I8IIH0 Co., Philadelphia, P». .

1 * I« ruiUllm'd. lir Unjny, KlilnBjHlwliler or L'rltiarr" OomplalniHriiihl"nl>lBi!asc, jTavel octienerel,Ilclilllty. take ' j _ ' . '

H u n t ' . B e m c i l y . „ .Jletenllonuf unnej DltDetcBtTaln

in tlieSlde.II&clcaiKirLolQi, Excew*ca and Intemperance, are cn»d bf

IlyB.Ji;WObUBy,Atlant«,«a. 8"U•We evidence elvfn, and nfcnuu ti

Page 4: MUSIC STORE. 'HAROLD K. AtUTBOM, HANK. N. J, Furniture repaired nr.ilvuniiylHid. Plclurcfnuncfl f.irruti!. S;iL'cial-uc:ciitio:i


U E > * R Y C L A Y ' . i t C O . ,

A T ; •


, SUBSCIUPTIOX HATES.One Year, . • J t SOSir Months, ; . . . -' i ''1'iuvt-Mi.lilll.i, •)..fitu^lofopy, Cf

ADVERTISING IiATKB.\\2\v. . ' J iv. l 111. w i n . :; t n . c I . I . i v r .

"A 1.2:1 i . T . v - . ' . ; : , . - ) . ' . . .i..-.-> r. •.-• I M . I . Il . r . i , 2.2.". 3.0.1. :;:,:. :•::' r, ; : • ] . . . ' • . i ' . . '


1 I n i - l l . .


Tiio Viiielain.l bank w;is on Ti:esd>4-' <f

lai.t \Vyi-k entei't'il in tin- pre.setK-e. o( tlie

c;ijhiei' mid rubbed <»f S'I.)').

The zinc- uiiner.i a! Ojj'k-nsbui'f;. Sussex

ctmnty, have had their wa i.-a inc-roa^-d

from S7 cciils to..*l JUT day.

Tivo iiK-n ivfif Jailed id W'e.-il IIn!:uI:cii,

a few dayiiago, by the breaking nf itlad-

dcrron which they weae working. I

Seven persons at Ji-iyi-v Cil.v liavo been

lu-ld to bail in (be -sum of i<l.,UUO r:uy\\.

Uli'.lrr indiellli.-llL fur helilli;; luti; i\'

TIM.- D'-nrd of E'Hu-:ilio:i nf Xv\var!i h;:--

..1 tliei-abni-s ...f tin


Merchant Tailor,E'8EO\T STKBKT,


nor on u' and nvl! KUW'KI S ! « * it!


'••' '-ni-ir-,!' m'.ii s^r.aii'T tri-li1. v.lilcli \v' li lire-'iaiiftL-i:j'la i:u; d s:;.ie ;;ii(J ill reiisuisalilc1

l . ! l lT A CALL ANT! IXUI'DTIDN 01 ' JIY

IL M. .H

. ii:: g g g; & & §^ ^• Z i S t £ Z«« :< ] Decorations in Oiland Fresco.

•v..vj ;*.t> i

5.51 H.lll Ill.iH |J.r, i Ko4fcl.:>.'

Lni-al nntl.-iotiltuiiry no

A d l a

( ' . 1 ' i t l e l " , J r . , e ; L u . , l l i i n u i f a r l u : - . - r ; i

i - i ' I ' . i t t e r I ' l i l ' l i n . ' : p i ' . .-.-( • i . i i i L ' i -nl i

H t N l t V . ! .'. i •' ' l •'••i i . - i i . - . n i . , : ; . J .

RED BANK. N. .!.. M \V :-". r

j p!.-'. »liiri:!r;.-.'iiii-:ii..i-ri,!iiM!:);!in-ii-la'- • All d e s c r i p t i o n : ) of O r n a m e n t a l

! iuiy li Ui.i-.!.-l.-hij'iil i.,l i:ii::;ie!d. j Work.

i.(; lii \

T h o e l e e t i o n I n - M n n M m i i V i y a f i . T v > - . - :

d e e i d e i l t h e f u t u r e n a : n - " I 1 I ' 1 1 I i r : ! : .

I t c l o d d e d i n f u v n r , i f ] ; . - . ] ; ; . i , i ) i . ' i ' N -

I r f ' g i s l a t u i T . i n l e a v i n g i b . ; , l . - i . i . - n I N a '. « i » - n

p o p u l a r v o t e o f I h e e ' i l i / e i v - o l t h ^ l . i w i i . ! \* m l .

p u r s u e d t h e o n l y l i i . i i i o r . i b l . - e . i i r .- <);.<• i i i ' - r i

t o t h e l i i . T o h a v e i - h a : i :•••! I h e I I S I : : - 1 l o ; T h .

K l i r e w . s b u r y C i t y i f a i : i i j - - r . l y - I ' i h e | \ . i i , i

c i t i z e n s v . ' e r e i n f a v o r - . 1 ' l . - I . o i i i i . ^ i n - - , | ] ; ( . i .

<oi(] l l . - n i l e , w m j l i ] i i . - j v r l n v . ' i : ; j i j j j j t j - l ; . v ; ' ; , , • ,

o n l y i - i i u a l l e i l b y t b r i n j n .i i n - . I' l e a ' . . : : ; : . ] V ! n . -

t h e - n a m e n n e l w u i ^ e i l i i a i n ; . j . . i i l y ».i l h <

c i t i z e n s w e r e i n f a v o r o f l ! ; . - n e w n ; m - i • .

T o l e a v e t h e e l i a n y . - o f n a m e t o ' a n . i r

n f t h e c i t i z e n s w a s U i e o n l y f : . i r w a y ••!'

d e c i d i n g ; t l i e m a t k r . T h e ; i • i[*ri-<-.-<-'«'11fi•-1

n u m b e r o f v o t e s e a > t ~ ! i . . u , i t i a l ;i . ! < - i ; .

i n t e r e s t h a d b e i - n a r o n L . 1 m I ; . . 1 m : . - . i

o f t h e p e o p l e , a m i w e h a v - n o i l - . i b t i . i !

w l m t t l i e r e s u l t o f t l i e e h - - . - t i i . - i i : : a l . : o

i - x p r e s s i i m o f t i i . - i i ' . . j ; ' n . . > i i . ' i ; . - • a . u e l i -

v e x e d i i u e s t i o n o f l i n n , . - 1 ; ; . M ! • - , , • ; i . . . n

l l e l i n i t e l y M ' t t h d . A l l - ! \ \ h : | . ; l i . l ' l . i ; -

H T K l t h a s w i t h i n ; ; t ' n i \ L T ; i : i t h • • • • • in •<•

i t p u r s u e d i n a d v u e a i in-.-; a < - ] i : u i - . - . \ u i-

c h e e r f u l l y b o w t o t h e v e n l i e t n f i l . " p e o -

p l e a s e x p r e s s e d a t t h e p o l l s u a M o n o a y .

i n L ' . - n . "u n o n W ' . i ! . . : . . - h i \ i-l !.-. I v . . . ! : .

I V : . - o r I ' o n " ; . H:.:U; C i - i . l . ' v ' - 1 . h . - -

j v ' l i i r i ; i - . : f r •• ! , , i i l i - ; ; i l . i [ / . . M I ( a l . i - - n ; i . l .

« i l . - i v h e i . . -, : - ; : . - l , t i h - 1 :. I l i l - i i l t l l s o l

w i i H i - r , a : : . l b e n - | " > H l i n t I h e l l i e n i i i u i i -


Par t icular a t tent ion given to Har-mony in Colors.

i Tin: I;I:G::;TI:U

. - . - l e i i i p a n . - I S i : - i - \ n i i i ! : l y .

' i ' l i ' - I N -.-.• - i n - . . - : ) . . .11 i . f J ' P - I " . l . . i y n f . , , :

I ' l - m . - . : . . n i . . . ' • • • : • - . I . I : : K - : h i - ]•< h i ' . :•• • l a r -

t l i i i r . ; n v i r ].',< o I1;-, i h i ; . h . .

" W i l l i a m C " . . i n - . v a l ! ! ' - - . j . - . r . , i i d < n : i o f ' l / . r i l •

( . ' . . n . w a l l . •• \ ' . : . ; i n r i ' d i n t h e I ' r i - n . U '

I . , o ' . i i , - 1 ; I 1 n i i ' ! a ; V : : . . i. ! . [ . . \ \ n . I ' . n i l i i ! ; -

l .11 e o i i i . t ' - . . : . l l ! . i - i : ; ; •! e . , f t h e | , , u . i -

K. S.


IiijtlfliclotiM EY

: " . . - ! ; . . ! ! • - . ! . n . w . i i d i t i n i l . — : i > : i t i - - : i .

l l e e e : . ! i - i j . - . r l , f r : i n \",r. . ' . a n 1 .-ii-.'- I "

111.- i l i ' e r l l i i - . l I h . ' i ' : - u ; t J . ,1 . . . -! l < n f l ' . . : : l

I m - a l i i y a n - o f i h e l i e . 1 i - i n . - . . n t : ' : : : ' l v i - l i : i r -

a r i . r , I J a i - . l ! . - r , . r l . a v . - i h - - ; - . , - a n i

\ i r . n . 1 . c i i : : ;.. m o r e ; . n | > n e n l !_v l . i i i i i l i y

e . . i . i ! i i i . . n . i ' , . . . l i ( r . t . j a r e a I n - . - l y i : i

1.1 I f t h e r e ; i r e i m I . I " I r .- K . 111 * •

- f r n i l ] l a L • ^ e . ^ t i i r o l n i . - e . - i t j h e a IK.JL1 : I t i l ' u l

i . n e t h i ~ r e a r .

Fair Haven, N. J.

R I S T SESaveii, r«. .5.

.V 1',-nrlitlilr J'hnils.

i-i!!. i . . i e : I : . . \ . I - ! ' S n i n i l • . . • : is . .ns.: I v i ! . - s I l i h M " ! .'.I IMliI Illli-il.

. i n - . - - . A ' . , in l . i i -fc i-I' Sllii.ll-,:,- •! ; .! l ! n - \ i l y l - .we>l n i l t - s .

KLVi YORX AKD RED BANK,l . ' i . i i i i . . i v i^ . I ' l - r i M i 1 . I .o i r s r 1 ' I U N T ,

Iii'.'UVN'.S l h . c l i AM) l 'Al I : l l .WE.V.

TIi;•: I-TI-.AM

EA l a b e i i l :; n ' i l i . , - 1 ; o n T m - M l a y n f i i - v -

T l i i > y m i i i K m e n o f J h i s v i e i n i i v . a r e a t n . . . . n M r s . C ' ^ i - i t o f l ' . . r t M . m m . . i n ! i . « - -

I > r e s e i ) t v e r y m l i e b i n l . - r i - t e . l i n l . : n - - u n - i i u v r i f i n ^ ) » r i n n u t - r v n f M r i n - i i i l . v

l a r f e a t s a n d e x j i l . i i l h r e i | i i : u n ^ u i ! ' . i - - i r : l i . - i t i , : ^ . ' r n l . l . i v h . w l i . - n t ! n - f a r r . e i ' . i . , ••

m - t i v i t y . W l i i l e i ' X e i ' . - i M ' i n f i ! T e l . a r n - - r , 1 V l . r i n : ; t h e l . i i i ! . l i : e : ' t . . . k '. i e . - - . . . i n i ! . - -

l e r a r e v e r y l u i i e l i i - i a l w l i . - n c o a l i m 1 - . i " r , ; > i ; i i : i i : m , i b u r n i i i A i i p - . n i e \ . i l , i . , ! . ! . -

w i t h i n p r o p e r I i i u i l s . l l k i r i: j u i i - . i : - . i f ' p , , u l t r y . T h e d w e l l i n g w a . - w i t h i n .-. I . w

f e e t , w h e n c a r r i e d t o c - x n - r . - . e i n i i i v ! U- j iv- t - t n f t h e ! i e n - l m u . e a n d u a . - i n i i n u - . i - | ••

( i v e i - - e s t i m i i t « l . T h e l u i m a t i s y s t e n i c a n | n i . m , | ; , , . ^ , . r . ! i n , i « . , n l d i n . d m i l . t h a w •!.;•"

rnstnin b u t a c e r t a i n a m o u n t n f e x . T I V H I . ] i , , . , , , , | ) U n l , , l f,, l t f , , r D i e i i m i t - i n - e l l m l . - , [.;;;

n n d w h e n a c o n t i n u e i l s l r a i n ir. p u t n | . . . i i | ( ) j ^ i v j U . j . . ' | , | M f ] - s . ;

t l u ^ m u s e l p s a r e a e t i o n m u s t e n . - . u e . 'J~ 1 I i — j • . — ^ — j ' ' ] ' _

i s f o r c i b l y s l l o w u b y t h e f a c t t h a t a l r e r i T h e M a l n ' . s - p i a n SI\I Siilr > - . u \ s l l i a t a !

a riix-days'trial o f s j w . - d t i n - . - . . n t - ' ^ l a i U ^ • f . -v . ' i j a y s a . : n t t n i e v . - a - i_\ i n . ^ i n l h "

r « ] u i r i " m i i i i t l i s o f r e s t t o i v i ' i i p i - i - i i d 1 . ' i i n - • l n - i ^ a i h - . > ~ - m s . a I ; j j t a : . : : v . • 1 l i v . -

K t r a i n o n t h e n u w l e n i n a ^ h . n t r . i . - e . o r . u a l : p l a n ! : o f t h e h i t n : ; f i l - . t n - e l i d } \ , i-

i n j u n i j i i n ^ , w h i l e , l e s s f a t i ^ u i a ; ; i .i l u u i - - r i n i a e l : . t . . ! , - . n f f . - m ! ; . - r h u l l n . - . i r N > . r -

i u t c i i s p , i i m l t h e n r o b a l i i l i l ; - . M J ; i n i - l i - i u - l a l k , V a . . b y i V | . l . T i I ' . r n v n . s i x -

: i r e g r e a t e r . A b r n k i - t w h u v n j . , ' < . / . . . ' . y i . ' i.-. l . - . - n \ e . u - s h . ; - , , . • . ' . ! ] j - . •! • i n e e > I n • ;_• : « i i

f r e q u e n t l y t i l e r e s u l t " l " t i n e m i i i l i n . . i a ; ' a n d . . i t i i !c t h e I r i - . - . l - - : t ' a m i . : - r ! a ! i 1 a n . I '

e f f o r t a n d w n n t o f ( s l e e p e o i i - e i j t i e i i t o n a \ t ' o i i M t i u ' i t i i . t i . ' i n d h : . d h f r n i e i : i . . r a ! ! c .

B i x - d a y s ' w a l k , w h i l e v a r i e . . - . j \ e i i : ; . ' r , t n u . v l e i - . - i l h i l i i - M i . i i i i . n - i a I ! . : : ! . ; ! . . n (

t h e b u r s t i n e ; o f a h l o o i l - v e s . , . 1 i . f n - n a..-- I l n a d : 1 . a n d : : l t h . . u ^ h u n d e r u a l . r i . i . - . i i - . ]

i'i\i;i. Va'. '£'. T n n l l r i i i i l ,

-,rr. .i. n. im:r.rv, :i:..i oiiniv saii-.nir-

..'..i 1:-. I lisii-1:. !:.

l ;-.\Vi: M . - V l ' l a : .

. . - . i i - . -•' I : ' e ; i . .

::i>. I " l ii!.iy, J.'-IN


. I ' i - r - . ' T . f.-i.: "f I-iu-ki A l l : . i n - < l > . » k . iw

l . ' : \ ^ i. i u : n I I . \ M : .

I ? ; . . : - . l - i " . .VI . . | - . ' " l M\ \ . - . l \ I . e . r i l i . 1 II.I a . m .

I ! - | : . l ; iv . ' i l l i - i . 'H ":, l . . l i i l i iy , l . ' i l i . : n « "•iViil 's i l l lV. l l t l l I - ' " "

I r n . l . - n . l . i lli . ' . . » ' "M. .n . i i i v . r . u i i I .LW ••

t i l i n i i j- i t i . l l u H i e r e u i r n <>t i - n i l ' t i r s .t . V w Yi . l -k i i l l ' t H i " ! I k m k I . '

S^OCK & WHITE,Eed Bank,

Op;»:jilt(j lilt1 MvlliudL.L Clmrcli,







: SIlEETINfjS.:: 8IlEETlN<i.S.:

IVc tiiivcSecured Slav-

Those C«and










PRSMTi lMQ M O U S E ,HENRY CLAY & CO., Proprietors,

Front Street, Red Bank, N. J.




Clothing" to Orderat Hit? Elicirli'st Posslt

A Perfect Fit Guaranteedorim wilt'.

c o m p a n y these veree . s . - r . i - -o f , Imr t IT- ,

a n d feaUof asiuiilai- eliarai I I r. In t 'e

la t t e r efforts t he m u s e h s a r e inur . ,11 ' 1

tn thei r exlr..-ni- p.-\v. i. iln-

i i en ' c s a r e s t r u n g (o tin ir !. . ' . . . . ; ! n-

binn, a n d the brain nl.ix-.-d I > , ; - u t m . - t .

Nu ine rous neeid.-ut:. nii;;ht 1..- eiie.l IHii!-

t r a t i n ^ the in jur inus and taLal eifei-N i f

f x t r e m e iim.-iiiilar ur-1 i \ ir v i <>niljui.\l

w i th ^ rea l nervousexi - i lem -n'.. , \ :n <:: ;

t h e mos t noted of these u n - J a m - . K •:;

fur th , s tn i l fp iwr of the r l iuj i ; ; : .-; i'.,:n-

t>f Ru t l and , whn dii I wil ie:i a f. w ii mr ,

tu'ter a race n»r tii.Mi,.oiij.!Ni.-i.i;i. .' ih.-

wor ld , and J o h n lh'Mvard. t!i- in :u w ...

covered 211 feet and 7 inch.-.. and \. !„ ,

fell dead in his tra.-k--.

Grea t muscular e x e n i n a :;] -nl.a-i;. ;e:-t.

clency tos lun ' t t i ) life, ll i?.ii'ldnjj) lii.i!

profesBiimal a th le tes a t t a in llie a,'.- of

for ty yenrs, while for ty- l i \e -.ear- i-. re-

g a r d e d as e x t r e m e old :i.--.e. C.i i Ltinji-

t ion , h e m o r r h a g e of t he limu , and hear t

disease a re the resul ts of the e.-:;*'-.ure.

ove rwork , nnd s t ra ined UIILSCIL-S V.I.i-!I

t h e y a r c compelled to undergo , l l a t iy

d i e before l e ach ing the i r tliirly-Iii'i-i


Among amateurs the lb'/diiy to n.--oi-

dente is greater tiianamun^piufc.isioi:al>.

The latter have been, by re;;ular*exo!vi---.-

aiida careful attention to tlie diet, train- j

ttl nnd prepared to undergo the exertion

of the proposed contest. This tendency

to accidents should make amateurs rau-

tious in regard to undertaking any pro-

longed or severe physical test without

careful and judicious training.

' The Pioneer Nowspaiicr of Sen Jersey.

•The oldestriicwspnper printed in tin

\ i - a r s i h i - i p l a n ! : ^ a - . - . - i n d : : n d l . i . : , ' n

i ' i . - ; n - . i i n i ! i r : : , ! i p l . a i i i ^ - i h e : . . . - . . • i . . : , r l .

• r e ! :" , . ( • , l i a r , . | .

Broad Street,Adjoir.hii: \'.u- Tirsi National lianl;-,

I:I:I.) I:ANK. N. J.

if!-:;-!--- - ' . ! ' ! H i : . A: I-. • I:

M . a n : . . . . I. , i a ' l M • . . ' . . . • I .

. \ : v a . . ' . | - : ' : . . - . : . . l : . . . !!• r a full : s s :i-:ii.i-nt u t


Dress Good«

11 "•'. ': , H

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I ) ' . : - . : i t 1 . .

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Public Sale.

! I"ASIIML:I;I-:S! f.\sii.i!i:i:i:s.1 ("Al'HMKlil-'.S. CASll.MKUKS.


S t'AMLl.S" 11A1U CLOTH.

"'TNV:-!. (!I!FNAT)INKS.iiNr-i. ( ;! :I- :N.\1)!NI- ' .S.

TLA IN :r.\ F'-jni'.s.r i .AiN M : A si ! ) i : s .TLA1N ;ii:.\ SIDiOS.

lirNTlNli 's! UUNTINlis!liL'N'lTNtin. liUNTlNUH.


Moiirning Fabrics

A si'rr.r.iuii ASSUUTMENT OF



i!!- i-.l:...-i»-..e l;.| | I.,. •Millll I I ." I - : - | . . l 'I . . . . . nl | ; . , l l i j

naAY 22. s fci.0,r i t - ? ( . - . ; . . . ' c I-. :.'.. vf;-..: t .-:ir:-v.i ' l w n . 1 «.-' e fl : . iu . . . . - ' l l ' . : - . - !. .n i l <••-. 1 | M 1 . , ' . .| p ' r ' l .n. .sj | .- r , ,-J iI a l i a I n r k i - i s , -,* j j , i ln l p u i l s : i :vl 1 I n l i t . . - e i . .

l l l A y l i . r i l K V 1 ! .

Choice Groceries.

SslO REWASD.m e o m e s r i i e w s p a p e r pr in ted in t he T OKT.—rvt s:uiir.:iv1-.-.ii.-ni..i.n. >inv :i. .,n u.., ;,i

S t a t e of New Je r sey is in -the hands of ,,.', |" : | ' . ' ' | ' . ' 'M'I'IVI"" Iriiii'r r'"'1-'"^''-' ' '. ' •"". ' : ' "Mr. W i l l i a m R. JIeUon; ' : t l l , one of tlie i i :;. .•...a;.|iiii;,;Ki.-i-isui.iii.;.iiii;ou ni ' i 'nuvl 'a-

o ldes t res idents of C h a t h a m , Moi-r-s j !.i ,7,p!'u ..'•V^"- -'.UV;-.w?r'![.! '"'ViiV"I!'"'i':TV-r'i T,:^county. Its date, reaches had; as Ijr as

August 8, 1781, and bears the name of

New Jersey Journal, edited by Sir. tfbep-

nrd Kollock; and printed in Chatham.

It measures 10} inches wido by 1"5 inches

long, and hits but three columns cm a

page, it having but four paces. Tlie

history of this pnper is siin])lv this: When

the British army entered Elizabetbtown

(then called) on June 22,17SU, it drove the

editor with his paper as far north as

Chatham, where he located his apparatus

and again started hiu pnper. Ho remained

there some nine or ten mouths, issuing

his pAper weekly, until peace was'ngain

restored in his former place, -whero he

again removed, continuing liis paper

with renewed energy. The. papei* can

- now t o soon by any 6no who has a curj.-

oaity toseo the style of its,heading, its

advertisements nnd reading matter. The

Journal; ig.BtlU printed in Elizabeth.

Mr. Footo, tho late editor, was very anx-

Jous to secure this copy, as it is tho only

. one that can bo found, but Iir. SIcDou-

goll refused all offera of nny kind for it.

E e inten^u to frame- it for safe keeping

at Washington'uIIeudquaUcirsin Morris-

town. * ' •

Lota are Bold at Asbnry Park, Kew Jer-sey, on wlmt is equivalent to a perpetual

-mortgogo—ope hundred years; the pur-* M r h « r * p e r reserving the right to

rlnoliml nt any tiniti; or, ten perbo allowed for cash.—.-Wi-. |

' j l i

!!•' UlC 1,1,•i u n t i l \ . , ; l I.I ; • . . . ( ! 1-) ; ; i iv



Hnvlnc rcinovc.l down town tn Dir ccinnTdf

BROAD AHD WHITE STIiEETS,S-.tlroMl,,r-l,vrll--n I'n-.:,-,, -,, ,„,,«,- n! , T V TT \ D D 0 X B L O C K

tin- M,i l:lli.iil.-:-ii.f tin- I,..!.,; Ui-aii.-l IS..U.IH i > - > l l i l - l s l ' y J ^ A J i j V ^ ^ l \ ,l I 'miijiaity i.i <-!,..-i i l i l i i ..i -rvi- fur Hi*1 y i ' i i r 'ncNt i-n::uiii.j, wil l lie l-.elil .it I :K.<nlhvu{ t l ie ('<.i:!ti.ifiv In ,1ei-.;r,- n i r . i.:--.iei-ri flicluilll-a lit 11 A . M . nil.) U M. I'III Tli . i :- ,diiy. M i v r J . IHL-.Vt. SA.MLKL h S l l . X .

Jtnr.nv TITV, April rn. 1STn.Bei-K-lliry.

MOTiCE!Nntli-" h liCTrtiy t'lv-cn Hint a inni ' t initnl theSKvl ; -

hojili-is ii! till! Xi.»- i;.;y|il mill KIII-IUIIKIIHII. linlliiniilCiiiniumy lo i-li-ct si-vi-ii itli-i-ciiii-.H-i'o .si-rve ' ( i r i ln 'yiiil- next uiLsninir will lii! l- .m in liic nillce nt iiu>eeiiipuny In Jui-sey c l ly . I-elv.-r-cii ttii- lunirs of nc'cliiek A. SI. luiil l'J u'i-iiiL-1; M. nil Tlltn-siliiy, Miiya t n e x t . BAMUEL KMiX,

biHTi-tury.JCIISKV TITV, A[nU SO. 1S70.

NOTICE INollrn li liorcliy nU-ou Hint n inectlnff of me. Stnpk-

nnliiiM-!! til liiu Nuw York nnd I/IUK nnincli itniliniiiiOiliipany Idi'lLtt nlm¥ dlrei-tora fur I no yeiir nextrjlsiiliw, w-llj 1H> liiflil nt Ilii! (iHU-o nf tlio f'oiiijiiiny JnJerwy City iKiwrcn tlie lmun (it'll A.M. unil K M.nn Tlnu-Mliiy, Mny 'Al m-xl. Tliu Transfer limrtsM-ill l«ic!oawj fi-oinilalo tn tjatlinlny Il.n24lli prox.

BAMUHL KNIIX.Mntnu-nn [\ml Vprth Anilmy, Ken'tary.iNmr Yonic. /tin-ll :J0vlwli.

DISSOLUTION.Tim ro-pnrtUL'rfihlp liorctoforo oxlstln;r under tho

firmnanwof CLAYTON i BPEAIl It'this iluy-ais-

solrctl liy mutual consent. . •.. • ' • ' . • fi. W. fl.AYTON,

• . CI. Bl'IiAlU*' RCDJBAXX, April 1,1870, ; ,

. 0.W.Claytonw!Uc-/)titlirii(i tlmliuslttciH is per•dvorUwioi'iit la HUOUKT ojlowu. > ,


S'.ic M-|sii03lnliit(irm lioi- latrran (Tint slio liuelidsi-uiiliiiutliK IUL- liusiUL-sa u[ u


Fancy Goods Store•TVIwro will bo kept a full lino ol



S Trimmings and Fringed.


'A BUTT0t.i:D KIDGLOVES, TScts. pcrpnlr,

CORSETS, •'.and a full llnonf gsifen Roods required liyluillos.

pi1"" Do not forget the nunip and jiluco,


Cor. Bruucl nud-AVhitc Ktyeotfl,


WiMvill clso tccp ('(HisLnmiy on hand a [nil as-sorimwit ol

BEADY-HADE CLOTHINGfur nil ii.-i-s. Tills Kloi-Ic n( t-l.ithlir,' Is oil ncnanil ul

Our Own Manufacture,niui wi- liiiov; v.'lii-ri'Oi we tulii. Our u.-.* iilim-::! of

GENT'S KECK AND DNDEBWEARr i . n i i i l c t i ' . V.*.- . ] i : . ! l i r v s a l . ! lii-i-ji a i l Hn- N. -v- ILi - . iII- . . M-UM- II ill IliolMlL-."

CALL AND i'.K (tlN'VJXl'F.D.

y.u Tui.ivi'.i.r. TO MI low c;oons.

New More o|i|i. .Spinning k I'nlU'rson.


N. I I . -T l i ' i «t"rc li-M hi-.-Ti fr.-.'.:yp:il!iii-ill.vtl-.i-r.-l.-lir.rrd nril-l. I). \'.'. ( 1.-.:.i[•:..:• i.

Carriage Making,Painting,

HORSE "SHOEINGAt the u'.d i-sialilii-l-.cil -tilli'l In

Mechanic Street,nr.1) IIA.'.K. N. J.

^oots & Shoes


Spring and Summer Trade





C'ustr-m "Work at Fair Prices.

KepiiiriiiK pnnnptlv nttendeil to.


KORSE SKOEiKCly attciuU'il in liy ><\i uuj c\i«Titi:in.itI v/c:*'.;- !


i.-it \t\ irirk J;;JLJ Jf.-iiSujj,- i.i nil kj/].ls at TL-

Watts &. Diiboiso,1:1.0 HANK, N. J.



RflAY, 1379.


I.OCLST POINT, ULOWN S rori ; , r.\!li iuvi . s AND



Cujst. J. S. Tiirorkinorton.PETER fi. VAXDEmtd l i r , Mcu^onSiT,

Will run Iw-twi-en New Vnrl; (fi^it i'f Fninl,'!lnS:rprt,l"ii-|-3.".l lillil lli-ll IMillk, UK fi.liu-.vs;

Tlunsilnv. 1st .10, A l ; . . . . l l . : / » -

Mi.iiilii'y''.r)i!i'.V..-V()t) ; 'Tufstlav, Olli-. .«(M "Wi-il'stiiiv, Till.Jill-) "Tlmrsi1.iv. Hili .:i.iH) "Stiunhiy, 10rh..1,n.) "TiH'wlity, i:J:li .H,:;np.t!i.Wi'il'siliiy. ll'li.!',:.i) "Tjj)ir;;tl.iv. 1."J11I. 10.00 "I'ritlay. Kiti\ ..ll.M) "S:itui'(lny, li!li..;i.0(lii.m,Miwlny, i!uli...:).ou "'n»'s<l:'V.^):li...:i.')0 "

Tlim-s'liiV, is t . . .^ . : : t | ) .m.l'l'lrii-y, Sil :i.:0 '•M>»nil:iv. •" h . . . c . ! ;o n.i: i .Tut- t ' i i iv , i ; i ! i , . c..;;n ••MV-.IVUiy, T;ii..H.-'J> "

I T!iui-sil;iy* S l l i . J i ."/I "IYIil.iy, '.l''t . . .T . 'M '»Mniiilny. i*Jih. . . i if t> "Tjii-Ml-iy. i : iL)i. . l .U'>ii . i».W i t l ' s ' l u y , K i l l ^ J " "

l'riil»y,'ifith....'ii.W "Mtmility, VM\\., li.iiU a.m.

yTlnirsilay. i*1..0I'riiliiy. ail 11


Wiil*liiy,al<t.JI.Oi)Tlinr.-alny. UW..D.00Iil i lav, i n . . .:).K0S.iliuilay, 2ltli.-l.iKi

N. II.—XU MIMIIEIl CAI tmnD on tills bout utterJinn- l i t .

1ST I 'iislllvnlynnrrel|. 'in will lid rerMirrt on tillsIlnaf unlcfuint tlif! tliit-li tlilrfy utlmites jirevlolJi* l(iUiu tluiu Hit' lloal la iiilveitlacd in loiivi>,



Wherf mnlnrln In unknown. Tile Newman Ppi'lnpi])i-i)]ici'ty, lii-nulltally Kltuulcil (in tlu> ImnkH (ir lln>HliniWHtniry Ilivi-r/a niHi! from tliu Ni!W Jcrsi-y(SMITITII l)('I»)t at llcil Hunk \ 15 minutes tiy rail fnniiIxmi,' limiii'li: IJKTO "re sliiuly walks, nwilc iirtio™,lauiiit Toi- rriiiilicl, n limvltntr Kri!<!n< lillllnnl ruma,innri Btnlilliw nnd uiillnilhllnipi. HIIII wtiiw ImlliliiR,IISIIIHK mill liiinilliK. On tliu IM-UHIIUL-S IM a crystalsnrlniJ einlttluii BU.OOO inillima diiljy. Apply in

. " o n liiu Pj-einJ-si's.

BC B T himlmwa you enn UIIRSRV In. S3 to ?!0C o I |»-r itoy iniiclu liy u'ny winter "i (ilu.ur&ex, rlf,pht In tlielrown Idcitlltlos. l'arllculurd•uiil salli|ili!» Mirtli 8.1 friH!.' Impnivii your

npure nine at thin bualiiuss.' AilUiuss STiwiox i Co.,PortlluiU, Mnlim. '.

flftftnwH'liliiyoiirownlown. S-r'()iitllt(ree. Ku0 " . " risk, llciulnri Hyeii want u liiwlmw nt wlililiIK!Rioin nreillKTiRXoan iiwlfo irrral imynll tliu Mumthey wurlt, wrltn Tor nnrtlc-iilurs to

II. llAU.KTT'& CO., riirtlalHl,;lIlllllB.

y rim mnKo innncv lowtcr nt work tor im Hum innnyllilitffnlw. "OiplUil not ren.uirr<l; wo. willHlnrl ymi. SIS pur iliiy nl liumn mncm Ii)-11«> In-(luatrloii.1. ilen, women, buys nndVlrb wnnti'il

rvorywluro to wnr'rf Tor us. Now la tlio ilmo. coatlyoutllt anil tcnii.i fiw. . . •

- AdilroH TBCE & eo.i Auguata

Asbury Park,KEW JERSEY.





Aslinry rnrk Is loratert rtlrortiy Dppo- \mm\

ll c l-wii (iliitv*"1. I'nur i i n l r t l n l ' i w ( i r u - f * ."•['ill ( i f . i ' t t ' a I'l'tlilfTd Ill Ltiiiff l t nu i i ' l l , {. JNt-w Jt-rwy. (»MT c((.1it lumilmt n n - ^ ^nip ' s limn IM.TU Imlli at AsUury IMrkutiil (t.iiin (I'I'IHV wiiliiu six yrurs,i"ti!iia

ilifTuMT »)ir IHiPiuU ibilltti.: A-tlitli-y1'iir!; iMtnis illri 'ttly on ihc (KIMH. 'Iti.i:«'s iini ft t i i t on ii hiiy, u 1 smuiil. nrrt\( ;\ iiul nil lilt* bi'iiiiil AlliiiiLlr.sla'lcli-liW i iu . i ^ fo r (liuiiriiilifci or mill's. As- 1 11'iirv r;ir!i -.Vii« ussi'su'il in UW.) (it |™»!J>l"».i1H]; Un> iissiVoIUL'lit for WiS WHS ^lutlt ii inilliuii lUriliini. Str.Tts running / " Sin ilitlit iiiiclw IDIIIL! w;;i iirii fiinn' nne V ^tn tv. n iMUnht't] Trd wide—.in mlvun-liifi'jMj-isrssi'd )iy im IIIIKT sca-slilc \'w |^_jSJfl Ull till! Nt'W JUI'SL'J- 1'Wl.Sl. " - I

Asbury PiirV, opp'isitn Cfonn firovc, ^JArun w h'iii-ljril dirci't li,v HIM CKNTKAI,llAti.i'.iiAii OK N'i;w .IntsKv, from iliofm tt. nf I.iluTty stici't, New York, vfu.Jersey ('liy. anil nl-wi l»y stfamlxmt fnun L .fw»l of llci'i'H' ^tlv 't N. Y., l» Suiuly l ^llimk, nlTiinHii).'» tliu! view uf tlw Nur- r

mw.1, liitrlmr fnrtlilintldtvi, etc., tliciuu | _ Jl<y tin- New Jersey s<mtlieni It. II.'to £ Q

ltnuuli),nn<l co'iiiicctini; tlieru with (.'uu- I—Jtntl UiilIniEitl nf Nd\v Jersuy. Hu timro P"Jim11wo IIIU'H of (•oimmmfi'iitlnn. l'mmrhl]iulfl]ilti;i, tlie vnva rim to Aslmry1'itr'n tlfrcct. ItiiflriKHl thin* fnun NuwYork to Aslmry l'urk, 3 hrjursM'xpnirta rg\in Mimniir, itlmut i j j hours: amt fnun \J1l*lilliul*l|ililH to Ahbiiry Turk, 2 hoursmut !J5 mlnutea, H

Tlte terms ot silo nf lots in Aabury • irsirl; niv its follows: First. Wltcu pi»r- r ^ties Inly nnd tit) mil (mini, <imt-tlilnl th<! *•jnuvlm^' nioiii'y WIIIIH; ri'<jiiiri'<l down, UvJlinlnnci' lu live yi»an*. Smnnl. Wliore ^ Jpim-J»!.scr itiiflil.H, nu money will Im rc-qulnd down, but u nun't^nge nin IK!fiivcn, paytibli! in ten yeiu>, witii thopihllciii' of ten llliii renewals, inuUing •*tlit- prl!ii>I|)iit stun ftut! dim hnudnilyrara ^ Hliriii'f, tliu [luri'liascr, h(fWt!V)!r,.x»'r*f!i'V-luu ihc riiihi U> pii.v oil tho uumfyixunt fa4niiytlmo. Third, Tnii per ei*nl; irfT fur •—i-iensli nt time uf purulinsu. Fur prlc€ ol " 'luta, uOiircAj, LjJ

' JAJIEfl A. nilAW.EY, or ISAACBi;ALK,!.T<{ iv'ail SI., Now York, PTJ

• ° r • MALLEN R'. COOK, 'Anbury Tort, H

Now -Jorsey. •

Asbury, • NEW JERSEY.


' Anbury Park Is a village on the Atlan-tic toast, furty-flve milt^ fruiu KowYork city, it li:is nJtvaily obtuiued

• cdebrily us u biuninvr rvsurt.

Ttii.' place has doubled In «Ize since1874, ittul iw tin* uritiitml prupriL'tur uftliL'1'ark owns u Uirjje tract lying wtatuf tins old tunipilx1, tlircu-tiuurlt.'tii (ifu mile tram the m-a, Uf dtyfrerj to railtl.u iittoiitioii of MiiuufiicturLTK, clllmrIn a. hinull wny or on ii lu iw snili!. toHit* fiii-t Hint \vt; Ii;iv(? iiiU'iiipliu'viliiilHirlu re in tin1 full, winter ;uui KIU'II^,wlili-h would Im lx>n(!l.i.Hl bytlitM-smlt-IJ.tirnifdf afa»)un' iji'iiiiiUirfiit tvurJ.', u Ullu«t the S.IUHJ ITIIK; MainiracttiRM's wouldIH1 IHIU Ilii^l tlnimi!-!u.'.-i,iiH: ijLiiil.H lyln^flininrtUulely SI!UI:K the ( uliiiut lUiln-mlt n u t v.<»ii!tl be sold itt u uuiniiuil prlcot.i Miuuifui'iKi-crs. I'rif-i' uf Imul tu hoWiMiftit iiiv.'in\tiui{ lo tliy i iuuiUr of lumtise i l y e l

As'uiry I'ark Is imiiOHltcOiTnnfinjve,mill tan IM' ic iuhul tlireit liy tin* Vvs-TIIAI; HAIMKIAII or Hy.w JKiih-i-;v, fnniitin- fo-it of I.slicrty airu.t, NVw Yufk,vi>i. J i . w y City, nnd HIMI l.-y sttmnijositfrom fi»i[ (if Hci-lin- M i n i , N. Y., toSiintlv liotil;. IIITHMMIIC:] Ilim vli'-.V of IhoNurnnv.s tun" or fiii-tj||<titlniiK. vu-., liv Hit'Ni'W Jir:.ry Smitlii'l'll Uilil-)>!aOto nnusiiijiori (lit. tiiilc^ fr I.uiij^]tr;Mii'iil. lilllli'fillMtM'lJlJ^thrrt1 With ( ftl-lri:l ltiiilniiitl «>r Nt*vi jctvii-y. tnr ilu-i"i!iirt'iu'') lini'.s of ciiainiiiiiifiiliiui. i 'mtuI'1iil:-Lc!clp1iji, tin- i-iiis run hi A^uiryI'ai'li dir.i-t, Itallnmd time fnni NuwYuri, tn Asbury Park. ~ linurs : cxi-iissIn sumii'iT. iili.iih l}<i Iiiiiu>;nii!l fftmiriiilmlflliliiii tu Asbury Park, 2 injureUlul 'i~> lulliliUrs.

Wv liiiri* tJjn-p riiurcljc-'Ji fi DayBellini!, {•ost!ii(r filO.diH). with n dully a t -tciuliiiictt <if t'.vo btuulrt'it ami llftysfliolars; a \vcol;]> itf-waimprr—AsuntYl'AI'.iC JliriiVAI.; tUT. i'Ul.Ul- MtillH. Ullliciiiiiitu 1..'*<R1; Ki'ihltti? Jlui'm. MiisimiuS u c i c i v . ljiUiu>i>flit:i».] Ti'Djpliir.H. 1.M)}II*ol KiiltrMii uf l'htliltis, Inhiiiiu.' riub,llliii-ksiiiUlis' ami Vi*lircl\vi-ifilith' simps,I.IUIIIHT Ytircls, Mtfiini Kuu-itiilt, Tci:t-pt'iTiiicc I'oh1 Is (suli1 of lii|iinrs in'ti-liiliiii"!), im^r »\<nv. 1'bwtinn*. Dry(.•(irrftiSfdd's, Il(tJ;iTlcrf. lifs'idcH sioivs ulviirinus oilier lifr.tls.

If ihe ai'ovi' sluml'l lnttTcst nny of therenders of tlila pain r, pluiisi' mlclress

.. AI.LE.V li. COOK, Sui't-rina-uJcnt.



THE CLOTHIER.33x>osicL S"bx-eet


A Ijcniiriftil H.ssnrfrtifiil ut Sy.w SFiasa fi'oons t<irour ITSTOM T11ADE. i-omlsllniriif lll»i»nuib, Wor-slcils. (lii-vl.ils, TlillH'ls, Hiiiilii-ls. f'Urtllir with tin-U-:i(llii styk-a In Hlrtiiw mill uitxHlR-d.

H E A D Y - ^ A D E OLQTHENG!HI" ull (rriit'.cs r.:nl prk-cs.


r. AXU lllYEHTlUATE. .£%



Station in Nuw York, [out ol Liberty Etrtel.

Time-Table commencing November £5lh, 1878.

Trains k-avo New York, (""t "< LUx-rtf Ptrtet:For MATAWAN, ut «.15,11.JS a- m., J.(K>, j . . in.>-or UOLMUKL, at a. in., 4.K, 5.15 |i. m.l\j|-MU)l)LKTinVN.,,ll.-10u. in., 4.U0,5.1ft |i. m.For UKI) BANK, Bt H.15, 11.43 a. 111., J.OO, G.15 \,. ui.For LirtLK S1I.VEU, ut ti.IO, 11.45 a. in., -t.UU, 5.15

1'o'r LUNG BBAN'CII, at 8.15, 11.45 a. in., 4.00,5.10it. m.

ntTUKNlNG. .1/esa-e LONG BRANCH,at ti. a. m., 4.30

u K ' U T T L E BILVElt,at0.53,7.58,11.53a.m., 4.38

teu'iv M'.D HANK, ut 0.5S, 8.0:), Jl.rjju. u )., .)..J3 [>, m .!.i-avi! MIUIil.K'ioH'N, sit ".%, b.ll u. in., l-'.CKj, 4.11

Ici'iv "ilOI.MDKL. nt 7.13, B.IS ». m., 12.13, 4.M) |,: m.Li.'UVC MATAWAN. lit i.lU, H. 4u. 111., l^.lil, li.Cl J], lu.RJIt liltUUKLYX AM) KltlK DEPOT, JKRSEY

(1TY.Comiet-tlnn Is nmdt' nt Jt-r.scy City million to nnd

fluln l!nttiklvn nnd Kriir Duliij't, Jtrsey City, byboat;* o[ tliu JliHtulJyn umi Kriu Atmi-x.

HEII 1IANK AND I.1JXG bllANCH.^•.-ti-c lh-ii Uuitk tw Lm;u lumwli i:l 1U5 ii. lu., 1.21f"i, 11,51 p. in.UIIIL- UIIIK Umm.-li [or Iteil UiinU at 0.45, 7.50, U.45

n. in., -l. n li. m ,JIE1) HANK AND IJCT.AN GltOVE AND.SQUAN.U-nvt- Hml llr.n^ lur tJn-iiu tiluve 01- Ahburj I'urk at

u;..")n. in., i.ii,, ii.1111. III.IJSIVKUUI Hank lurbui (Jilt at 0.55u. in., 1.21, 5.057

(i..rjl p. in.Lt-iivt: ot-uan (inivt- or Asbury Turk [or Hed llnnk at

Ml). "A"), 11 .XI II. in.. UL'i p. in.Luivi-sen (ilrnit iuo, ".ai, 11.15a.m.. 4.00p.m.

FOH NKWAHK.U'iivi- I/ms nraneli (or Nt-nuik>, 7.r.0, 11.45

II. 111., 4.!;U p. III.U-iivc itwl Uuuk tur Newark ut C.58, 8.0.1,11.58 a. m..

Up. in.U-iivi- .Vi-vnirk (or Itiil liniik «nd LOCIJ Urancli ol

H.£>, ll.'Kiu. in., -l.oU, 5.a,"i p. m.Snip's tn mi.I hum hLVl'OllT tolinei-l nl Mntuiton

SttitUm wtlll nil tn.lns.l-dlt 1'IMI.ADKl.rillA VIA. KI.IZAIllvTIII'OnT.

Ij-nvi- Ued Dunk at (J..V, H.OJ, 1 l.r»H ll. in.. 4 43 p. in.1-OR 11UUNU IIIIUDK, Tlir.SIOJ) AND l'HILA-

III:II'IIIAIII:I.IIIIA.Ixyivu, Lung Branch, al_. 0.45, 7.50, 11.45 u. m., 4.S0

Uwe'nwl nnnk nt O.M. S.OH. 11.08 n. in., 4. l.'l p. m.AiTlvt- Hi Tn-imui ».w. lD.jiJn. in., 'J.Vi, 7.15 |>. in.Alrivu lu I'liiliiiu-il.lilii 1J.15, l l . i i a. in., 4.00, B.OO

ui'i'v'.'i'iiiiiiiU'iiiiiiii ui a. in. .1.15. a.-:o p. in.LUIVUTIVMIIU ill 10.i0 u. in., a.i.'0, 4.1JJ p. m.

- - FUlt lMIILADKLl'llIA VIA. MJL'AN.Train kavlui; Itc-d Hunk ut 1.S1 p. m. ronurets [ol

I'liiliiili'lliliiu MIL biiliun.FlirLlllJLl) AND NEW YIIKK KA1I.HOAI) COK-

MilTUiNM.Trains U-nHni! Ki'il Hunk ui n.o-'l. 11.5B a. in.. 4.1S

\i. tn., roliiii (I Jit MiiimKll] JlfJl' IJt'lt Jur Flvi-liolil.Trains li-imuK ti i i l i ihl nl T..'.O, U.:ir) a. in.,

tj.tO p. in., i-iiuiK-il ill MaUivau Junitlun lor lttilHank.For lurtlier iiiirlluuhii:* t?ec t:ini~l:ib!i- at Minions.

Uf 1'. ISAl.lrtUN,<icn. lJ;is.i. A^ent.




Stoves, Ranges

Heaters, &c.

Coinracnclni: April 2Im, 1879.

I.EAVi: NKff YOHIC.Frnm PlrrS, Kurtli lliwr ([imt o[ Ili-ctor Street), at

I 00 p. in.Anv, i' in r,'i-\v Yurie. IU5 n. in.

l.r.AVE I'lllLADELl'lIIAFrom loot cit Market Mn-i-i l'-r Uiil Hank B.CO a. m.

AltlllVE IN l'lMI.ADILrillAFwm Ili'd llaiik 1 .05. Mi'i am! IU."i p. in.

LEAVE llKll BANK.7.10 A. M., [or Nr.v York vln Siuidy Hook, also

[nr l'liiludi'lpliia, Mt. Holly. Ineki-rloii,Timi.i Uhx-i, ltrli-kybuit,', Frei-biild anilTivnlun.

0.S7 A.M., [in-llrliksluirc. Tuma River nml Ware-town.

1J.K) M. [or l'orl Moninonlli.l.ia I1. M., [or I'lilluili-lplilu. Urlrkbliiii-R. Mnnrl-.c-s-

t«-r, Toins lllvi-r. Vlnslnw Junrllon,Vliii'lnnil, lli'lilmHon. Atluiitk i:i(),Fn-i-li"lil and Tivlitnu.

5.CC P.M., for 1-lnlink-liilmi, Mt. Holly, lJni-m-jrat.Turi.i-itoii,TonihKl\i'r, lirkksbnlRaiiil

(\V.;r.-liiun.0C0 I'. >!., im- Mi.ltllt-iuwn. l!»i-ir|i:ir cud Purt Jfou.


li Ki A.M., Port Mnmroull i . {.r.h.W \ . M., l l i ' ln ' r i l l l s H l l i r . If r. 111 Wiilitr.wn Mon-> 1. lirii ksi.urj:. l:ah ntuwn. Ac.I K S A.M. , [nun I'liiliiili-lplilu. H'un-niu-n, Toms

Hlvir , Hni l . s lmiy , Vint-liinil, llritl^i-luii11ml Tiu-k.-rt'-n Uiillrniiil. Also I10111S:iinly lloi-k. i:cnliriL'h: unil Umir l l r a n d l

1.1S 1'. M., [pun'l'i'l-l Mi'liniKlltli, *.-.I :il r . NI.. [rniii \V;u,-li.^iu Ti'liis ltivi-r, Ar.ti.l.' r. M., lioui NV» Vt.rh viii S.;ii«ly l lock.

{»".'• l'lisd-iwi-ri (or S.-:ilirli:l!i, l l 'chfcnils iv l l >.k 1v.11 ulsot; 'l:i- C. II. 11. of N. J . In . -nsl,-.i>liii. Kid ul U.'u A .M. . l.-.M unil 5.10 1-. M. .anil iijiiiii'i-liiik' \i;i r.iiiiiili| '.-rl Jnni-lli 11.

IVJI, S, s.NEIiEN. ( i i 'm'ralMonm. 'vr .




"Excursion Tieluls to 1'rcchold amiltd urn, Sjl.OO.





I Trains lime via. feiitiiil Kiil' o( New Ji-ra-v [w? I l'ri-i'l.olil. Xarllio.-o, HillM.i.le, Morfinnvilic, to.

I as l».|.m- :I.EA\ i: HEII I!A.\'K

At B.03L nnd ,11.5K 11. m.. -l.-lo p. in.LEAVE LITTLE tll.Vl.R

At 7.r.S mid II.--' a.m.. l."i p.m.Lr.Avi; Minm.r.TnwN

At f!.U a .m . . l-.l1"' i;o'l 1.^- P-in.K K T n i N i M i , 1.EA11; i i : i : i : n n j D

for P.oil Hank, Ai-.. i r . . 11 U.Oiiul 11.15 n. m., 4.D0and tl.l'O p. 111.

J . E. H A I . n i , Treasurer .

d Best In 33urSiCt.

Till Roofing and Heater work a Specialty.

Jobbing promptly attended to.

Front Street,Neil- Maple Avenue. RED PANIC.

0 N RULE TO I U I I CI!I-:iHT!)P.y.

Er.C'UKir'a Nutlet1.Fonii;in Smilli, f .v« t th i r ol J.;m*n»nfe rnr?M_'M/ir,

(ilici-liscil, by nr.lcr nf Itn* SlinMr.Mlr »f Hit' ruill'.ly nrMotmiDiiili. )in-t-!»y (.'ivi's imflif tn tlie e n dltiti-s <•! Uicsiilfl i l eeusn I in liriny in Until- duhis, itcitianils niulcluims iiLiti 1.11 Uu' tvintf ul s.Uil (ILTI ili'iii, unde ritiiilmr uiiii'iiiittimi. wnt i ln nini! nnniHis Inmi tho1st day «[ Apri l , 1«S7:>, cir tlicy will hit ftni'vttr Uanmlot any nctiou therefor iiKuInst til*1 s;iltl executor .


MUNMUUTU I ' l i t l 'U lT COL'ltT.

CALI.MAN HOUSE IVM. > In cftno. Atbichtnent.

C'HAItLKb JACOBS. )Nutlri1 Is lii'i-ijliy glvi-n Hint ii wr i t nf »ttin-hmcnj

ill tlie milt <>[ cidlituin Unn^i- u^iilnst t he rii,'lits anilrlTdflH, ini>ni.'yH uud i-irt'it»,i;itiii!K((r!(lrIicittt;i^, l;tll<l»and teni-inrntrt u( Clmrli-H .Im-olis, 11 iinn-ir-sldi-ntdi-litor. fi'ir t h« mini of t w o llionsnntl dnllnrs, liwtindnut of Hit- C'ii'i-ull Cnnrl nt tin; Cnunly nf Muntnonlhnn liiu suvi-ntiiiiiitli ilay u[ DiTuinliiT, A. l> . 1S78.lli ' turnabli1 mid n;tiirni-il Into Conn ilnly rxiTUtedliy tin- slmrllT u[ t!iu Comity of ?fi.iinn.u(li on tliutlllrtlutli dnv ol DiTinnluT, A. I>. 1BW.

TIIOS. V. ARIKIWSM1TII, Clerk.DKKKMAS A Mfitriiv, Att'ys lor rialiuin.

"Dated January 7,1BTU.

TO IJ3T.A liouto near Ihc Blirowsbury Dspol. Emiiilrc ol

E. T. WILLIAMS,Slll'l VHblll'y, N. J.

TO IET.Ahii»lnw»m»nilonllraiU8trcrt,Ite(lIlanli. Sult-

nblu [ur uuy kinil uf tamlnCH.1. Anplv loHENUY CLAY,-

Ural Knnk. N.-,l.

FORA tnvf flno liullillnfr sites iirt offcrnil nn tlin Kortli

RliiTwsliurJ- Hlvnrt n [tuv niliiiitus walk [mm Ht!dBniik. Dlngniin can bi* sacil nt


. lliuntl Sttcut, Hcd Birak,

WOW. SALE.' A tiiifliiiosa properly nn Itruutl Street, ]

' " • • DUNItY or,A7.• HeaBanli,N,J.



Printing House,


(Over "Worrell's St.-.tionciy Store),


IlnvincJust nttert lip nn nllre -ivtlh new mnlrrlfltliroutli'.nl. wi; i.ffi'r tun- stnlcia tn Ibc pcni-nlimblli-tn I'l-oinptly t'xrriillnu plain anil [ani-j prlLl-lng in lil'at-rlass stylt- and ut low ink is;















AnEHKiirF.crFii.n- IXVITFD TO GIVE in A c m


Front Street, Red Bunk, N. J.