Music Magazine Double Page Spread Deconstruction

Music Magazine Double Page Spread Deconstruction

Transcript of Music Magazine Double Page Spread Deconstruction

Page 1: Music Magazine Double Page Spread Deconstruction

Music Magazine Double Page Spread


Page 2: Music Magazine Double Page Spread Deconstruction

Having Lana Del Ray, a well known artist that is recognised as being very attractive, winking can be represented as being provocative and sexual. This would bring in the straight male audience and encourage them to read the main article. In addition to this the image is B&w which can be viewed as more artistic than colour due to it’s

The masterhead is in block writing making it easy to read and in blue which is a calming and neutral colour. The typography of the image has to be the same or similar to the fonts in the rest of the magazine to create flow when reading the magazine as changing fonts drastically every page can put off readers. The drop texts are the same colour as one of the lines in the masterhead tying in the main

sharp contrasts between blacks and whites. Presenting her side on gives an sense of distance and mystery, but by having her head tilted towards the camera creates and inviting feel that can be considered a warm feeling to the article. The spread is fully separated into picture and article. This could mean that picture is not solely based upon what is pictured. Also by having the picture separate to the text it can allow the picture to be viewed without any clutter.

body of text to the masterhead. The way that the spread is composed is often related to the person in the picture. It can reflect their personality. If the person is bubbly the spread will be creative and colorful, but if the person is very serious or “edgy” the spread may

be very bland or simple. In this case The columns don’t spill over into the picture and text doesn’t interrupt the image, showing a sort of simplicity to the spread and a focus on the picture.

Page 3: Music Magazine Double Page Spread Deconstruction

The composition of this spread is different to the previous spread as the picture spills over both pages and text is placed on top of the image. This brings a mix of focus’s. The image is across both pages but information is also placed on both pages showing a mix. In addition to this the main subject, Ed and his guitar, is clearly presented but in addition to this the background is also very detailed bring attention to that also. This is giving a lot of information to the viewer which sometimes put someone off but in this photo, however the subject, Ed, is bigenough to not let the eye wonder. The picture can be considered a HDR photo(high dynamic range) showing detail in both the black and whites of the photo. In addition to this HDR the colours of the photo are visible desaturated. This can be used to represent the UK and it’s weather, as this is where it’s set, however in all the bland colours Ed’s hair stands out linking to thepull quote of “bringing ginger back”. Showing Ed as casual and comfortable dressed can reflect his personality as he is known for being very humble and laid back about his rapidly growing music career.

The typography of the spread is the same throughout the whole spread and is a block text. Block text is used often as it is easy to read by anyone. This spread contains a pull quote, unlike the previous example, this is used to bring interest to the article and draw readers in by giving them a sneak peek at what the article contains. The columns of this spread are

presented in a lifted box to separate the article from the picture and background. This can make the article feel distant from the whole spread, but if coloured and composed properly it can be used to flow from information around the page to lead to the main article. In my opinion I don’t like the composition of the article box, I think it is to far right and should be centered more.

Page 4: Music Magazine Double Page Spread Deconstruction

Ideas for my man SpreadingI think that my image is going to

be very dark and gritty. Using low key lighting with harsh contrasting light accompanied with some soft bounced light. I may include some on screen lighting to add effect and situational awareness. In addition I may include some haze, using a smoke machine or smoke bomb. This will diffuse any light around the band and create a smoky/faded effect. In addition to this I could use glass to refract light and create effects.

Using simple black text in a smaller size to fit more text in. In addition it also means that it looks more proffentional and simplistic. This would fit the theme of the magazine as I am using unsaturated colours with pastel colours.

I am using an overlapping box to text will be placed on top of.